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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1879)
The Herald, The Herald. 7i AftVr,KTIHIti n A r PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. M-ack i Tv. i 2 w". ffvr. ; r m. a in., 1 sqr .. 2 sqr. . 3 sjrs. . H col . . Col.. 1 col... Si ooj$j rio!?2K)i$j:'6.,ioo1.- v- a iwi 2w: 2 75! ami i.V) iixmj p:-... 2P.ll 2 7.V 4l1i 4 7". Hon :(., -i-.t .'((! K . Inini 12 mi nmm 2- ;i ?', K !K;! MM IfiOflJ 1IH ,''.l -i" ' '.'; 15Wi l0!)i ! 2-Hlj U f,'W-J! J'HMI-J OFFICE: Or Vine St.. One Bloo-lc North of Main, Cor. of F'ftli Street. tXT" All Advert.'slng 3il's Due 2n.u!ei:y. t-ST1 Transient AUvcrtNnicntr- murt - Pt'M In Advance. f7 Extra Copies or the Hfru.t) for sl by J. T. Ydumi, ut the Fost-Offlcc New Depii, Main Street. JNO. A. MAGMURPHY, Editor. PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS." TERMS: $2.00 a Year. Terms in Advance: One copy, one yea One copy, six months One copy, three months, l.oo M VOLUME XV. V PLATTSMOUTH, tfEBR ASK A THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1879. NUMBER 35. It i , i V 1 i n n - - t HENRY BCFCK DEALER IS SAFES, CHAIRS, " ETC., ETC., ETC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES "WOOIDEN" COFFIN'S Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash, MY FINE HEARSE IS NOW READY FOR SERVICE. ORGANS & PIANOS Of Every Description, CHEAP FOE CASH. Tl.e Celebrated Whittlesey Patent WINDOW SHADE FIXTURES, Complete with Roller, for 2.-cts. Lambrequin Window Shades. And a Larger variety of Cheaper Shades, of all varieties'. With many thanks for past patronage. I Invite all to eall and examine my LARGE STOCK OF I3tf. I'l'ISXTr'lK AM COI'FIXM DRIC A'! BRICK! If j on want any Fire or Ornamental Brick, Call on J. T. A. HOOVER, Louisville, - - Nebraska. "hotel, city hotel FLATTSMOITTH, NER-. I'irvt cla. Lodging Poonis. First Class Hoarding. (juod San: pie Rooms Ever thing and every comfort A Good Hotel can Furnish Also. Good v;nc, Good llecr, ;;od Liquors (ionl Lemonade, Good Cigar , Kept at tho City Kotel. Mly FKED. COOS. Proprietor. SIGN, CARRIAGE and ORNA MENTAL PAINTER, .A.. ASHLEY. Sh' p over the Brick Block lex'. to II Boeck'f?. FLATTSMOUIH, .... NEB 441 y. rKOVEUBS. KOVEKnS. Tor !r' TiT rwt!. '.V)0wi::borid for a ca that lioj) Bit ter i will not euro or llti!.: flta, ttizuut-Mi, puijnta tirn ami low n n it, rely ou Hop Bitters." Tkd of, Trortire and kho lltn Mitu-rs, and Touwiilbertrf'ng tin, btirullnus ai.d ? rurTH eotuiniiBiij Xroin tbo first dose." "Kidncr an.1 Urt ytr.iy conjplainttf of all kinds ptrii'nncntJT cured by Ilop Bittera." Ttop CoroH Cras Is axulbikt. Ask chlldreo. Tho Hop Po for Pt'marh, Llv-r aiiil Kiciiu-yH, is aiirlar to all others. Cures by ateorption. D. I. C. Is ai aTisolatfl "tailien, do yon vaut lo bo litrunjr, ti a: thy and Ix-antiiull The" luo Hop lUtU-rs. "The oreatt npv- tfzor, hUUUMl4, t'lHXl ntul Iivit rvcujiitor Hop ifttters.'' "Clcnrymen, yrra, toito: liaiik ri anil Laiiion nxl Hop BiUun daily." "'Hop Ttitter has r "torrd to wbrmty tni ticilth, jwrfwrt rei-ks ( ivin iniempci-aucc." "Sour rrtomnch, wVk and IrrcsirtiMe cu:o for dnrnk'Tincwi. uio of ophini,toLoocoaad narcotic j. bcadacho and iizzi- ntiis il p in i Mi" eti rta r lux a lew tuxes.' Ayer's M'air Vigor, FOH RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most agreeable dressing, which rs at once harmless and effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts Titality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Yiook cleanses the scalp, cures and p. events the formation of dandruff; and, l'y its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of tho humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and Lair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair, The Vicon is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet It is economical and unsurpassed hx Us excellence. rr.EPABEB BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. OU BY ALL DRUGGISTS KVESTWHERI. i narcotic.!. a H All aoorn aoifi ey g B "AV.""' H Marif.omr,rvrT Co; H m tj uocnestor, . x. H I Eead forv CL-cular. 9 A MONTH! A3S1JT3 7 S bcUlair ArUrl. fa the World x m pie fr. AdJ A Y BR0NS0.Y, Dstnit, lSich Ml I lITCfl ,0'000 rfrsBELS BtCKSYES, of which I If Hll I L U Bueky Pile OLntmtut.'Wamioted to cur. filu. AJJr.M with itiap, Dr. i. N. Tabl.r, SL Lsuia, Ma. GAOFEnTEB SAIVS Or any ofhsr kind, yon ran file MONrsrwith onr A'etv JUatfMno so that it will cut Jititter than Kmr. 't'ha i-th will all remain of equal ize and snap. rej of $t.&0 to any part of the United blates. Illustrated Circular V-ee. CMxilreNfManfevf Inctenreaunfuatid ritu. AtLlresa jE. HUTU A3 JJJiO., Arte Ojc- We hare hnndrmts of lpttr from men rising our Machine who say they would not take ?5 fur It. WIRTS fc SCHOLLE, MO. S22 W ABASH ATZXUI. CHICAGO, TT T Fine, Medium, and Common ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE and price list of oierSOO new design MAILED FUEB vpon application. LSend for Annn A MONTH guaranteed. 512 a day at v illi I ,lol"e made by the industrious. Cap II I ital not reipiired ; we will start you. VyUUL.-n. women, boys and girln make mon ey fafter at work ior us tlian at anything else. The work in litrht and tleaant, ami sueli as any one ean ro riuht at. Those who are wine who fee this notice will end u their addresses ut once and fee for themselves. Costly mitlit and terms tree. Now is the time. Tlnse already at work are l:tvin Hi large eums of money Address TKUrf A CO., Aunusta. .Maine. loly TTTT8 INVIIMCIBLE" the best base burn" for hanl coal. 11 ea and aizos. witli ments than any other stoves. Ask your deal, er for them, or tend lor froe illustrated cir cu'rtr. C:-.ic?o Ct Ens Glove Co. (Limited, ntfee 171 t 173 Thrice SL, CUUmqo. At nnnTl) 1.0x10 A YEAU, or?'itoSL,oa!ay V ' I u I ji I in yoe.rown locality. No risk. V i I .IJIII men tin ;is well as men. Many make X "nioie than the amount stated above. o one e:tn fail to make money fast. Any one ean do the work. You ean make from 50 cents to $2 an hour by devoting your evenii:cs and fiiare time to the business". It coftw nothing to . . v 1:1 1. r 1 1 y ine uusmfw. ."vinuiii imu it Kir limiiey m'akinir ever offered before. Business pleasant and ftrietlv hoii4raii!e. Keader. ii you want to know all about the best, paying business before the niihlie siid us vour ail dress and we will send von fell particulars and private terms free ; cainplef worth also free ; you ean then make 11:1 vonr mind for vourself. Address GKOUUE STI'X:ON" & CO.. i'ortlaud. Maine. I3)y CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK. The Great Fngllih TRADEMARK. 5a Remedy; An ; - s araiuoc ears for sen, Spermator JTH rhea, Impetency, and all diieaMS v that follow aa a ss- tisi -V Dunn of Self-' Before TaVInjr. Abu: as Lou of After Taking. tlemory. Cniverial IHud.. Pain In the Back, Dimneis of Vlaton, Premstnre OU Ago, and many other Dheas that lead to Insanity or Coaiomption, and a Premature Orave. Full particular, ia our pamphlet, which we dnire te cad tree by mil to every one. CC'TL. Specific Medicine I. sold by .11 drufiaUt. at $1 rcr picket, or six package, for f:, or will be sent free by mail on reenpt ef the money by addres&iug THE CKAT Jirn.TISE CO., llacnAKtc's Blck, Dbtsoit, Micw. resold la riattsin t:tli and everywhere, by all l)ri''cri-ts. Onr astri DescrlptlTe Illne trated l'rlco List for FaU of 1S7U will be sent to any ad Uresis upon receipt of NINK CENTS. It contains price of over lO.OOO articles) witli over" l.OOO Illustrations. NO rtKSON who contemplates for personal or family- use. 5 II o u l u Iiait IU Wliu avm copy. "We sell most every cJaMS of croods known to the ciTilizeU world. We sell all onr sroods tat wholesale price direct to the coo- tinier no middle men). The only house in America who make this their special buainessi. One of thsae valu able Price Lits and Refer ence Books is indispensable. Address Montgomery " 6 Co., il7 nif29 frba Avenue, Chicago, lllluvb. AGE1NTB WANTED Re:l 'WSHINE kU SHADOW n Tofi.' I.v 31 A T 1 1 K Y 1 1 A K V. ri Ml T II . 1 1? urleigli.' jr wesYO'tJ WISH TO KN .IW How fortune S few aie made and lot iii a day : hew shrewd 9 H nen are ruined In Wa'l Street ; how Am. cuintrvii'.en" are sw indlcd by sharp ers : how ministers and iKerchants are black mailed ; how Vanderbilt made eiRhtv millions of dollars ; how cimlilini; houses and lotteries are conducted ; how to make and spend money in New York ; how millions are fed daily ; how., the rich and poor live. Kcnd and learn about New Turk bankers, merchants, brokers, efiit swindlers. i;aniblers, r.owerv. Tombs, elrvated railroads, lirooklvn briilirel Centr.-i. I'ark. with biotrraphieal sketch es ot A.T.Stewart, .lame llordon Hennett. llobert lioiii ev. tl.e Astors. Vanderbilt. Drew. Oreelcy, Keeeher. Talmage ami his Tabernaele. Kisk. J", (ioiild and many others. In s-hnrt all about the wealth and poverty, the mysteries ai.d miseries of New York. Complete mirror of the iietrniois as it is to-day. Overnoo octavo pasres, with full-prise encrrav infjs. Now is t he l ime for t-nersetic men a-d women to make monev Agonts are averaging from ao to 6i orders per week. For terms ad dress The j. rc. nntic ii'r.iwii ix '0.. 304 llAUTl'OKD, CVJ., or CltlCAUO, ILL. SOLE AGENT. The BEST T.ZCi'.T rC7L'LAR For sale, bv 7". ('. Di vt v Nathan. Wm Herold, W. l! Kaiisky& Son. 'i Son, Solr-mon & faker & Co., L. ADA31S WIN II 31 ILL. 31 I. SIIII'M.W, AGENT. Veeping Water, Neb. Manufactured by J'arseilles MTsr Co., oi Marseilles, ill. i h;'ve put i-psever-'l iu Cass Co. Amoii-rthce i n: chasing are J. M n-wrdfley. B. W. rri.rjrs. and S. Yansen : lid J. II.;, of (iUik Co. . nil of whom ean testify to t heir tit prinr excellence. Ttioe wtshinp to 1 urciiase can address me at W. Water ; sat-, faction guaranteed. Trices from 55 tr.Kj. Mills without pumps cr pumps wit hout mills. im3 X. JL Etijaas. A DAY CUABAMTrPn re TlCkb HUUtK AMU .1 DRILL ia ETiod terrttorr. HIGH EST -IlTrrriMoiriALs fbom governors B U OF IOWA, ARK AlfS AS ADD DAKOTA. Calaloijue. free. W. CIXXS, St. LouU. llo. $350 I 1 1 1 H i m I 1 If I cr 111 I B . I II I.StYl iv js. a ts mm "O" Jiia 0EOR1 I IE, S T National Bank OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, SUCCESSOR TO TOOTLE, IIAXXA A. CLARK lOHX Fitzcerald President, E. O. Dovky Vice President. A. V. McljiiKiiiLls Cashier. JojtH O Koueeb Assistant Cashier. This Bank is now open for business at their new room, corner ."iaiii ami 011111 succu, hhu is prepareu to transact, a Hcneitu . BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds. Gold, Government and Local Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD. UojfOifits Received and Interest Allott ed on Time Certificates. DBAFTS available in any part of the United States aud In all the rrinci pal Towns and Cities of F.nrope. AGEXTSFOR THE CELEBRATED nman Line and Allan Line OP ST KA ME It. Person wishing to bring out their friends from Europe can rUKCHA&K TICKKTS FBOM C8 Throush to PUttsmenth. J. F. BAUMEISTER Furnishes Fresh, Ture Milk, Special calls attended to. and Fresh Milk from same cow furnished when wanted, tiy Excelsior Barber Shop. J. C. BOONE, Vain Street, opposite Saunders House. SHAVING AND SHAMPOOING Especial attention given to CUTTING CHILDREN'S AND LA DIES' HAIR. 0AL.I- AND SEE DOOXE, GENTS, And set a hoon in a A. Sctilegel & Bro., Manufacturers of UUTS OIG-ABS, And dealers In FANCY SMOKERS ARTICLE'S, SMOKING and CHEWING TOBACCOS. special BRANDS and sizes of CIGARS made to order, and s.-.tisfaction jrnara-tecd. Clfjar clippings sold for smoking tobacco. Main St. three doois west of. Saunders House. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. 101y HEW HARDWARE STOEE. J. S. DUKE Has just opened an entire new stock of hard ware, on TB T SJ XT WZTX TB-lI Bl ' Next door west of Chapman & Smith's Drus Store. A Full Line of SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, RAKES. SPADES and ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS. NAILS, by the Keg or Pound ROPE, POWDER, SHOT, GRIND STONES, WHEEL-BARROWS. A FullfLine of Cl'TLKRY. Spcr-ialjlates to Builders and Con ti artors. All oods sold as low as they possibly can be and live. 4ly WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHS. PLANKETS. FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOODS. :o :- GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stock of BOOTS and SHOES to ho CLOSED OUT AT COST Notions, Queensware, and In fact everything you can call for ia the line of General Merchandise. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND FUKS. All kinds of country nrodnce taken in ex change for goods. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in S T O "V E S, ETC., ETC., ETC. ;ae Door East of the Post-Ofliee, riattsmouth, Nebraska. -: o :- Practical Workers in S1EET IRON, ZINC, TIN, BRA ZIERY,dcdc Large assortment of Hard ana roft Pumps, Gass Pipes and Fittings. CTO-AJL, STOYE3, Wood and Coal Stoves for HEATING OR COOKING, Always on Hand. Yry Variety of T!n, Sheet Iron, and Zinc Work, kept in Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on SSrt Notice. WEYERTTHIXO WARRANTED ! !SX PRICES LOW DOWX. SAGE 3EOS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1K. J. Ij. MeCItEA, HOMCEPATHIC PHYSICIAN, at Factory, vllle, Cass county, Nebraska. 24ly T. B- WIISO.V, ATTORNEY' AT LAW. Practices In Saun ders and Cass Counties. Ashland, Nebraska. 35ni . IX. It. MTIHIAJI, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Plattsmouth. Neh. Of fice Front Koom over Chapman & Sinlth'8 Drug Store. 43ly JI.A. HAKTIGAX, ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOK. Will Prac tice in the State and Federal Courts. Resi dence, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 3ily. K. IL LIVIXiSTOX, 51. !-, FnTSICIAN & SUKOEOJT. OFriCE HOURS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. ni. Exaroiniiig Surgeon for U. S. Pension. lIt. W. II. NC'HIIilK.ECHT, PRACTISING PHYSICIAN, will attend calls at all hours, night or day. Plattsmouth, Ne braska. Office in Chapman & Smith's Drug Store. y J. II. HALL. 31. I. PHYSICIAN-AND SURGEON. OFFICE with Dr. Livingston South Side of Main Street, between 6tk and 7th streets. Will attend calls promptly. 49yl WILL !. WISE. COLL ECTIO.YS H S PJSCZA L TT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agencv. Office in Fitz cerald's bloek. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. 52m3 ,i:o. H. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Real Estate Bro ker. Special attention uiven to Collections and all matters affecting the title to real estate. Office on 'Jd floor, over l'ost Office. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 40JL I. II. WII EELEK & VO. LAW OFFICE, Iteal Estate, Fire and Life In surance Asreuts. I'lattsniouin, reor:iKa. col lectors, tux-payer. Have a complete abstract of titles. Buy and sell real eotf-.ts, negotiate loans, &c. iJ'1 JAMES E. MOnitlSOX, W. L. r.ROWNE. Notary I'ublic. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In Cass and adjoinitig Couuties ; gives sjiecial attention to collections and abstracts of title. Office in Fitzgerald Bloek. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. nvi . HAM. M. CHAI'JIASi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery. O.llce iu Fitzger ald Block, l'.ivt rLATTSMOCTH, NEB. W. 4' L UTTER. DEHTIST. Office on Main SUeet over Solomon V Xa- 1 D 7llu than's Store. . MUM. . E. YOl;S, H0MO3PATHIC PHYSICIAN, treats all dis eases of women ami children. Chronic diseases a Specialit v. Office hours from 9 to 11 a. in. and livin 3"to 5-p. in. Jffice iu residence, en Seventh and Oak Streets, opposite Mr. Oovey's residence. 3t' PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. rLATTS MOUTH, NEB. C. I..:iSZ:S-., - Iropilctor. Flour, Corn Meal & Feed Alwavs on hand and fors:ile at lowest cash p ices. The main st prices paid lor Wheat and Com. Particular attention given custom work. c i3:;i.i:s '.v t;ui::. Tonsorial Artist. PIiATTSHOl'TH XEK It ASK A. Place of business on Main St.. between 4th ai:dtn streets. Shani)iooing, Shating, chil dren's hair cutting, etc. etc. I9iy C03l31EiaClAL HOTEL, LINCOLN, NEIJ., J.J.IMHOFF, - - - Proprietor. The best known and most popular Landlord in the State. Always stop at the Commercial. LENHOFF ct- BONNS, Horning Dew Saloon ! One door east of the Saunders House. We keep the best oi Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. 3.1m9 Constantly on Hand. SAUNDERS HOUSE. J. S. GREGORY, - - - Proprietor. Location Central. Good Sample Room.. Every attention paid t gnests. 43m3 PLATTSMOt'TH, - NER MACHINE SHOPS! l'LATTSMOUTM, NEB., Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Mill UAAM) STEAM FITTtjSS. brought Iron Pipe. I-"",rce and Lift riies,Steam Gauges. Safety-Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, repaired ou short notice. FARM MACHINEK J. G- CHAMBERS, Manufacturer ot and Deal, r in SADDLES. COLLARS, HALTERS. WHIPS ETC.. ETC.. ETC. REPAIRING Done with Noatnesal Dispatch. e onlv place in town where" "Turley's pat ent self adjustable horse collarsa' e told." O cm so r-3 P 3 4 o si ; U 2 pa re re " ! r- 'J. CD o o 3 5s s 8 5 M 2 C2 r I n o rr- - t. 5 X 2 S" S 3 rs " ma --co z:. r rs 2 CO CD ' 3 Z Co ' o 2 1 t 5 "3 BATES L K0H1TKE. New Carpenter shop on Main Street, Corner of 7th. Bates &Kohnkc, Builders, Contractors, and general workman in the Carpenter line. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Slat Tireeioryt A. S. PADDOCK. V. 8. Senator; Beatrice". a f I'TV tJ a I'VllPDU lt d tin stv if ninrirt E. R. VALENTINE, Kepresentat'e. VesT Point ALBIJIUM SA.M'R, t.overnor, Lincoln. 8. J. ALEXANDER, Secretary ef State. F. W.-LEIDTKE, Auditor. Lincoln, G. M. BA KTLETT, Treasurer, Lincoln. -S. R. THOMPSON, SuDt. Public InstrnctloiD. F. M. DAVIS, Land Commissioner. C. .T. OIL WORTH. Attorney General. REV. C. v. HARRIS. Chanlaln ot Penitentiary DR. II. P. MATTHEWSON, Supt. Hospital fer the Insane. o Supreme Court. S. MAXWELL. Chief Justice, Fremont. GEO. B. LAKE, Omaha. A MAS A COBB, Lincoln. o Second Judicial District. S. B. POUND, Judge. Lincoln. .r C. WATSON. Prosecutine-Att'v. Neb. Citv. W. L. WELLS. Clerk Dist. Court, Plattsmouth. County Directory. A. N. SULLIVAN, County Judge. J. O. TUTT. County Clerk. J. M. PATTERSON, County Treasurer. R. W. HYEKS. Sheriff. G. "W. FAIRFIELD. Surveyor. G. HILDEBRAND, Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. HENRY WOLFE. Liberty Precinct. JAMES CRAWFORD. South Bend Precinct. SAMX RICHARDSON. Mt. Pleasant Precinct City fJirertory, J. W. JOHNSON, Mavor. J. M. PATTERSON, Treasurer. J. D. SIMPSON. City Clerk. RICHARD VIVIAN. Police Judge. P. B. MURPHY. Citv Marshal. WM. L. W FLLS. Chief of Fire Dept. COl'NCII.MEN. 1st Ward.!. PEPPERBERG, V.V.LEONARD. 2d Ward-G. W. FAIRFIELD, J. V. WECK- (.BACn. 3d Ward R. C. GUSHING. THOS. POLLOCK. 4th Ward P. McCALLAN, E. S. SHARP. Ttlmntter -iO. W. MARSHALL. B. & M. R. R.Time Table. Taking Effect May 4, 1879. FOR OMAHA FROM PLATTSMOUTH. Leaves 7 :tx a. in. Arrives 8 '45 a. m. " 3 p. in. " 4 -J5 p. m. FEOM OMAHA FOR PLaTTSMODTH. Leaves 0 :10 a. ni; Arrives 1 :40 a. in. " 6 :00 p. m. 7 :jo p. ui. FOR THE WEST. leaves Plattsmouth 9 :43 a. m. Anives Lin coin, 12 -43 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney. r5 p. in. Freight leaves u :00 a. in. Ar. Lincoln 2 :55 p.m. FROM THE WEST. Leaves Kearney. 6 :.r0 a.' in. leaves Lincoln, 1 .30 p. in. Arrives Plattsmouth. 4 :20 p. in Freight leaves Lincoln 11 :40 a. m. Arrives PlattsiHouth, 4 :55 p. ni. GOING EAST. Exnress. 6 :1S a. in. Passenger, (train each day) 4 :2C p. in., except Saturday. Every third Saturday a train con nects at the usual time. U. V. II. U. Time Table Taking Effect Sunday. March 23, 1879. sorTir. 5 :r.".piii fi :27 6 :iX 7 :2j 7 :55 8 :20 8 Uio 9 :10 9 :25lrn STATIONS. HASTINGS. AYR. BLUE II ILL. COWLES. RED ill'l'D. IN AVAI.E. KlvEWTON. FBAKKLIN. BLOOM IN GTON. NORTH . 8 :35am 8 :0Z 7 :4) 7 :05 6 :35 6 no S :S5 5 :25 5 :10am C. EI, & (I. II, 11. T3MC TABLE WESTWARD Exnress Mail. .0 ,iani 1 10 oopin 1 i.'opm ! 1 4.5am 4' 5 35am 7 4iiitn i 8 10am Loav., riiicaeo.. MrD'I'iU .. Jalcstiurf? -. " Burlington Ottumwa Chariton " Creston Red Oak '10 r0iin I it 3Sam 1 45am 2 15pm 4 2:aio, 5 15pm 7 iPam! 8 00pm 9 20am j Arr. I'latUniouth . EASTWARD. Express . . ! 3 .vtpm .. ; 8 00pm . . i lo 30pm '19 RR:m Mail. S 30am 8 55am 11 15am Leave Plattsmouth Red Oak " Creston " Charitou Ottumwa Burlington , " Galesburg Meudota Arrlv Chicago 2 I5nm ... ! 3 " I A oniim 6 30am j 8 40pm 8 5oam 11 06pm 1-2 15pm 3 loam 3 3()pm I 7 00am ONLY 27 IIO'TRS TO St. LOUIS by the new ROUTE just opened via MON MOUTfL PULL MAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS run from Burlington to St. Louis without change. BY LEAVING PLATTSMOUTH AT 3 :50 P. M.. yon arrive in St. LOUIS thenextevenmgat R :2o. and leaving St. Louis at 8 :20 a. in., you ar rive in Plattsmouth 9 :20 the next morninir. Coupon Tickets for sale for all points North, South, East and West. SAMUEL POWELL, D. W. HITCHCOCK, Ticket Agent. Gen. Western Pass. Agent. J. M. Bechtal, Agent, Flaltsmouth. THE FRIEND OF ALL!! HOLIiOWAY'S PILLS. "I had no appetite ; Holloway's Tills gave me a hearty fine." "Your Pills are marvellous." 'I send for another box and keep them in the house." "Dr. Holloway has cured my headache that was chronic." "I gave one of your Pills to my babe for chol era morbus. Hie littie dear got well in a day. "My uauxea of a morning is now cured. 'Your box of Holloway's Ointment cured me of noises in the head I rubbed seme of vour Ointment behind the ears, and the noise' has left." "Send me two boxes ; I want one for a poor family." "1 enclose a :lol!ar ; your price is25 cents but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." "Send me five boxes of your Pills." "Let me have three boxes of your Pills by re turn mail, for Chills and Fever.1' I have over 20 such testimonials as these but w ant of space compels me to conclude. For Cutaneous Disorders, And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment i9 most invaluable. , It does not heal externally alone, but penetrates with the most searching effects to the very root of the evil. HOLLO W AY'SOINTMENT Possessed of this REMEDY, Every Man may be his own Doctor. It may be rubbed into the system, so as to reach any internal complaint : by these means it cures Sores or Ulcers in the THROAT, STOMACH, LIVER. SPIxE. or oth er parts. It is an Infallible Remedy for BAD LEGS. BAI BREASTS, Contracted or Stilt Joints, GOUT, ItHEUMATISM, aud ail Skin Diseases. Important Caution. None are genuine unless the signature of J. Havdock, as Hjicnt for the United States, surrounds each box of nils and Ointment. Boxes at 26 cents, 62 cents, and $1 each. t. There Is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. Holloway & Co., New Yerk. Mly PAPER HANGING AND 1YL McEiwain, 5-Shop ovef BOXXElt STABLES.on PINE STREET. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sm6 STltElGHT & MILLEK, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on hand. FRUIT, CON FECTlONEYf AND GROCERY STORE, NUTS,, . CANDIES, TEAS COFFEES, BUG A ICS, TOBACCOES, FLOUR, Remember the place opposite E. G. Dovey's on Lower Main Street. STREIGHT & MILLER. Tfee tTedrtV Wen. BT WILLIAM XIZXSB. On? wean's the aioet wonderfu' weft'n eer 2 It woutif tafc' r?e a lang summer day to tell a His pranks, frae tho morning tilt night shut his e'e, When ho sleeps like a peeri 'tween father nndmc; For in his quiet turns siccan questions keif epeir; How the moon ean stick up In the eky that's; eae clear? What grars the winds blow? and whar frao comes the rain? He's a perfect divert, he's a wonderfu' wean Or whn was the first bodie's father? and whs Made the very first snaw-shower that over did fa'? ' And wba made the first uird that sang on a tree? And the water that swims a' the ships In Hie sea? But after I've told him, as weel as I ken, Again he begins wi' his wha? and bis when? Ami he looks aye sae watchfn' the while I explain He's as au Id as the hills he's an aald fsrraat wean. And folks wha lino 6klll o the lumps on the head, Hint there's mae ways than toiling o winning ane's bread ; How he'll be a rich man, and hse men to work for him. Wi'a kyte like a bailla's, shug.shugglng afore him; Wi'a face like the moon, sober, sonsy, and douce. And a back, for its breadth, like the side of a house. T weel I'm unco ta'en up wi't, they mnk' a' plain: ilc's just a town's talk a by-ordinar wean. I ne'er can forget sic a laugh as I gat. To see him put on father's waistcoat and hat; Theu the laug-lcggit boots gaed saa far ower his knees, The tap loops wP his fingers he gripplt wi' ease. Then he marrli'd thro' the bonse, no niarch'd but, he inarch'd ben, Like ower uiony mae o' our great little men. That I laugh clean outright, for I couldca contain. He w as sic a conceit sic an ancient-like wean. But 'mid a' his daflln' sic kindness he shows. That he's dear to my heart as the dew to the rose ; And the unclouded hlnbie-beam aye in his e'e Mak's him every day dearer and dearer tome! Though fortune be saucy and dorty and dour. And gloom through her fingers like hills through a shower. When bodies hae got ae bit bairn o their aba. How be cheers up their hearts he's the woem- derfu wean! THE HIRED GIRL. "White and glistening like a mam moth bridal vail, the December eun lay over nil the New Hampshire hills: dark and delicate, like tho tracery of lace-work, the leafless woods liekl up their boughs against the dazzling win ter sky and Rev. Peter Palmleaf, utiidying over the embryo sermon in liia own special sanctum, glanced up where a Mack-bird was whistling in the casement, and thought to himself what a lovely world tho Lord had made. When, all of a sudden, a shrill voice called through the entry : "l'eter, the horse is read v. "What horse?" asked Mr. Palmleaf. "Our horse", to bo sure," said Miss Paulina, his sister, "What forf" demanded tho parson, staring through his near-sighted spec- Liclcs at tlio tloor. "To take you to Mr. Da prow's." "Why am I going to Mr. Dar row's?" "Well, I never!" said Miss Paulina, bouncing into the study, with a yellow (ocket handkerchief tied around her icad, and her sleeves rolled, in a business-like fashion, up to her elbows. 'ltor vftll iri-rnv TTiiiin Tiirwtimv mwl abj-r-nt-niinded every day of your life! Have you forgotten our discussion at the breakfast table? "Why, you were rrnlnir in Afi- l")"iviTwa ftor a r5il fr be sure." "A girl!" repealed the voting min ister, dreamily, rubbing his forehead. k,h, I do recall, something of the con versation. A hired girl!" "Yes," nodded the lady, briskly. "sho's going to leave Mr. Darrow's this morning, because the family is so large and work so heavy. She can't find that fault with ourestablishment, I ruess. Ask her how much Avages she wants, and how old she is, and ask her whether she has anv followers a follower is the one thing I can't toler ate, tell her, and be sure you bring her back, and her bundle. I must have a girl to help me before Cousin Philin da's folks come from the city." "But suppose she won't come?" said the voting minister, dubiously, fitting on the fiugers of his gloves. "Then you must make her come. said Miss Paulina, hurriedly retreat ing to look alter a certain kettle which was noi.silv boiling over atthe backof the house. And thus charged with his mission, Rev. Peter Palmleaf got into the ono horse cutter and jingled merrily away." Lr. Darrow s larni-house nest Jed un der a hill, in the protecting shadow of a cluster of evergreens, with a great tence in trout ot it, a red barn at the rear, aud a perfect colony of dove houses at the sunny southern angle! ar.d Mr. Darrow himself, a ruddy- taceu elderly man, with a fringe of white whiskers around his chin, was shoveling away tho nearly masses of snow in front of the door. "Eh!" said Mr. Darrow leaning on the handle of his spade, as the bells jingled up in front of the gate, and then stopped, "llowl Why, it's the miu lsteii tiood morning, .Mr. lalmlear good morning. That there Sunday sermon of your was a mastcrpiece.i Me and Squire Senncx " "es, said Mr. Palmleaf, leisurely flighting and tying the horse to the post. "But I have Called on business this morning." For Mr. Palmleaf was emphatically a man of one idea and for the time be mg the "hired girl" had chased all the theology out of his head4 "hur said Mr. Darrow "bu sines?" "I've Come after A Young, woman," said the minister." Mr. Darrow dropped his spado in the middle of a snow-drift, "Do you mean Dolly?" he said. "If that's her name yes," answered the minister solemnly. "lou Uon t mean that its to be an engagement," cried Mr. Darrow. " W ell, yes that is, if we suit each other," said Mr. Palmleaf, mildly. "Jerusalem!" said Mn Darrow, wno had always heard that Mr. Palmleaf like most men of genius, wa rrt "ec centric," but had never fenlized it be fore. "Have you spoke to her?" "Certainty not!" answered Mr. Palm leaf. "Of course 1 shouldn't think of such a thing without seeing you first," "V cry oi yeu. Phi sure," said the fainter. "But, of course I can hare no objection if Delly herself is suited. Though and he smote one red-mittcd hand upon his knee "now 1 come to think of it, you've never seen Dolly." "No!" said the minister. "TJut that need make no difference." "Jc-rusalcm!" again cried the farm er. "It was't the way I looked at things when I was young." "Tastes diller," said Mr. ralmlcaf, a little impatient at the long discussion. Can I tee tho young woman?" "Oh, of course yon can see her," said Mr. Darrow. "She is in the dairy skimming milk. Dolly! DollyP'rais ing his voice to a bellow, here's the llcv. Mr. Palmleaf wants to see you! There's the door, just to the left, sir." And, in his near-sighted way, the minister stumbled into Farmer Dar row's dairv, where a rosv-cheeked girl, witli jet-black hair, brushed away ironi a low, olive-dark brow, and eyoa like pools of sherry wine, was skim ming tho cream from lntrltitudinous milk-pans into a huge stone pot. "Young woman," said Mr. Palmleaf, turning his spectacles upon her amazea face, "do vou want to engage your self?" "Sir?" said Dolly, her spoon coming to an abruut standstill, nnud the wrinkled and leather-like folds of tho cream ou a particular pan. "In other words," explained Mr. Palmleaf, "do you want a good home?" "Indeed, sir, I never thought oi'such a thing!" said Dolly, in a flurry. "How old are you.'"' questioned Mr. Palmleaf. "I am eighteen," said Dolly, in some confusion. "Have you anv followers?" "Sir?" srtid Dolly. "Beaux, 1 .Tiean," elaborately ex plained the clergyman. "Of course I haven't," said Dolly, half inclined to be angry. "Then I think you'll suit me," said Mr. Palmleaf; "or rather my sister. Our family isn't large J the wash ia light, and Pauline is a most consider ate mistress. Get vour bundle." "Mv what?" said Dolly, in bewil derment. "Your clothes. I am to take 5rou back with nie immediately," said Mr. Pal m leaf. "Pn u 1 i i ic ex i ec ts com i n n y . It is essential that we have help at once." Dollv Darrow looked up with cheeks crimsoned like any rose, eyes full of deep, brown sparkles, and around which danced perfect galivxy of dimples. "Wait a minute," said she. "Certainly," said Mi', ralmlcaf. And he sat down on a wooden stool at the corner, and fell to meditating on the "thirdly" of his uncompleted ser mon, while Dolly sped up tho stairs, three steps at a tune. "Father," cried she, nvinjf into the presence of hei parents, "the minister has mistaken me for Bridget," "Eli?" said Mr. Darrow. "You don't tell said Mrs. Darrow. "And he wants to hire me," said Dollv, with eyes gleaming with fun. "And I'm going! Quick -Where's my hat, and my shawl, and mufflers?" Mrs. Darrow rose up and in all the majesty of black silk gown aud gold watch chain "Dorothy Darrow," said she, "vou're never going to hire out as a servant?" "Yes, I am," said Dolly. "It's, bet ter than private theatricals. He's so nice and absent-minded, and Miss Pau lina is a jewel! Oh, do itiako haste, or he'll be tired of waiting." And Dolly succeeded incarryingher point. Fifteen minutes later she got into the sleigh with a big bundle, which Mr. Palmleaf stowed snugly under the seat, and the minister drove home with secret exultation.; Miss Paulina was iuthckitc'nen,fry ing sausage for dinner, when Dorothy Darrcw walked in, with checks of car nation, hair blown over her faccf and the bundle under her arm, "Hero I am Miss Palmleaf,' -said she. "The hiit-d help at your service." Miss Palmleaf started. "Why, it's Doiithy," said slid; "and I sent Peter for Bridget;" " i os, I know," said Dolly, brightly. "But Bridget was giK, and he mis took ine for her, and he has engaged u:c to work here. Aud. oh. Miss Pail. Una, don't undeceive him, because i am a smart little housekeeper, aud 1 can help you just as much as anjr girl could. Just givo me a trial, that's all." Miss Fauliua had a Bhrcwd appre ciation of a joke; her hard features relaxed with a smile, asshe stood look ing down at the radiant little bru nette. "Well," said she, "I don't mind if 1 do." For end month Dorothy Darrow of ficiated as hired girl at the parsonage. Theu she came to the clergymen one day : "Mr, Palmleaf," said she, "I'm going to leave the place." Mr. Palmleaf looked up in amaze ment and dismay. "I hope, Dolly," said he, "neither 1 nor my sister have unwittingly offend ed you?" "No," Raid Dolly, patting her little foot on the' staring green leaves in the study carpet; "but, oh Mr. Palmleaf, I have done so wrong and I earnestly beg your pardon' Dolly!" cried out tho Reverend Peter in surprise, "Because von are ootl and true' sobbed the girl ; "and I'm lot a hired girl, and I only came for a joke, and 1 can't bear' to think I'm dc-lccciving you!" And Dolly began to cry piteously behind the corner of her dprou. "You came here for a jokc, eh?" said thie minister. "Y'yc," confessed Dolly behind her apron. "Well, then, said the minister gent ly drawing her toward himy "suppose you stay in earnest. "Sirl" faltered Dclly, . "My dear," said Mr. Palmleaf, "I have got used to having you around, and I should miss yon terribly if you should leave us. Do you think I am too old to think of a blooming young wile like yonj1" "Not a bit!" cried Dolh", indiTiont ly. "Old you!" "Do you like me a liltlo bit?" "A great deal;" said Dolly, lat h'-ii; and blushing. "Then you will stay with i;:-; r '. ways?" And Dolly promised that shew';M. E very botly wondered lio. r po i ful a man as 1ICV. Mr. J aimloat c mustered courase for a proposal Wit nobody knew that the "e., ag m r:t began for a joke and turned out i:i !. earnest. TlIE WORLlVs IK) 1)1 L MAUAfcl.NZJ. A Combination of the Entertain the Useful and the BeautiTuI, witU Pine Art Engraving and OH Pictures in each 'nniler Demoresfs Illustrated Monthly Th". Model Parlor Magazine of the World, Contains the essentials of all others. Including Original Poetry, Sketches and Stories, by ti.o best wrrtcrs in every branch of entertau inp ar.ri Asef ul Literature. It is enriched with Engrav ings and Beautiful Illustrations worth rtioro than Its cost : also. Floriculture. Architecture Household Matters, Reliable Fashion and l-'nli-slze 1'atterns, with other rare and beinit'l'. l novelt le calculated to elevate the taste ai.d make home attractive and happy. 'I he American Bookseller says: "There nr none of onr monthlies iu which the be;'.i!'i!ul and the useful, pleasure and prcfit, fashion anrt literature, are so fully pre-c-ied as lu Dcivo rest's." In Remitting, small amounts can be sent in Postage Stamps, but sums of one dollar or inn: o a post-nfllee order is undoubtedly the most re cure and convenient ; or money may be sent a registered letter, or by a draft made- pay.'.i'.'-i to our trder. Add res VY. JENNINGr? DEMOREST. 17 East 14th St.. Nw Yo SeniTyo;ir address on p istal card f.r CI. . : aud Term:. Goby's Lady's IM for Deceife Closes the year 1879 with flying colors. 1. publishers have more than fulfilled their p-om-ises made in .January, anil each nun. her i f ti-; years as it has succeeded has exreftd the i;it. in the December number we have an ex lir iin steel plate, from Darley's original design, m:U able to the season, renrlndfflg us to whom v.-e should render hemage atthe cheerful Cfii i mas gatherings, in addition Is a beautiful ; -ored winter scene, and a double page of d i i.iy trifles for Christmas presents, at ouc beai tif-il and suggestive. Tlie Mammoth Colored t . .sa lon Plate is very line, and the costumes oT iar. taste and beauty. Resides this, jue a ci;.i pages of fashion patterns of articles to help -i lady in making a tasteful an! becoming t, i: t. The pages of literary matter are very ciini' C two Christmas tales and poems, a i?;i of the series of "Representative Women," and sevcrel pages of the Interesting novel. "A Ko -bud Gaftien of Girls.." The receipts foraCh. ;-:-mas Dinner make the mouth water,:nil in evry department is shown the beauty and flush li .it characterizes every issue ol Godcv's I-- ij Rook. Tire publishers promise a Mill totter book for lfvv). It Is a mystery how they ;m make one. but if they say so, they will an it. We will furnish Godey's Lady's Hook and th Nebraska Hkiui.d for 180 for $3.25 on appli cation at this oflicc. THE SUN FOR I88O. The Sun will deal with the events of tho year 1RS0 lu its own fashion, now pretty well under stood by everybody. Prom January 1 vruil December 31 it will "be conducted as a newt-paper, written in the English language, and pi nn ed ior the people. As a newspaper. The Sun believes in gettlni' all the news of the world promptly, and pre.if-nt-ing it in the most intelligible sliape the k'i.ipo that wjII enable its readeri to keep well aluvtisl of theage with the least unproductive eipenJi tura of time. The greatest Interest to the greatest number that Is the Iiv controlling its daily make-up. It now has a circulation very much larger tli i:i that of any other Amer'can newspaper, and cu joys an income which it Is at all times pre- -' , etl to spend liberally forthe benefit of li i - I ers. People of all conditions of lifcand alt .- y, of thinning buy and read The iSun ; and t . -v all derive satisfaction of some sort troin it - . -A-umns, for they keep on buying and rei.-j -.i-i; it. In its comments on men and affairs, 'fin Sun believes that tho onl guide of p : y, Inspired by j;-"ii!ii. American principles aud backed bv honestj of purpose. For this reason it is, and w ill vu ' -Miiiie to be, absolutely independent of pai'y. class, clique, organization or iuterst. It Is i t all, but oi none. It will continue is good and reprobate what is evil, taking c .-. that its language is to the point sad plain. 1 : yond the possibility of being lulHiindcrstoor. ! -is uninfluenced by motives that do not apj .ii on the snrf;ice : it has ns opinions to sell, ki v those which may be had by any purchaser wtvn two cents. It hates injustice and rascality e v- i more than It hates unnecessary words. It Sioi-s frauds, pities fools, and deplore ninetv. poops of every species. It w ill continue throng !i out the year 180 to chastise the first class, in struct the second, and discountenance t:-" tnirVi. All honest men, with holiest eonvictii i -i whether sound or mistaken, are its frleo!s. And the Hun makes no bones of telling tho truth to its friends and about its friends s:ui whenever occasion arises for plain speaking. These are the princoples upon which The fc uii will be ci ndiioted during the year to corne. The year 1S?0 will be one in which no patri otic American can afford to close his eyes to public affairs. It is impo-sible to xaeger:i the importance of the political events which z has in store, or the necessity ol resolute y'i lance on the part of every eitizen who desl- ' s to preserve the Government that the found"-: gave us. The debates ami act of Congress, th utterances of the press, the exclilng contests i-." the Republican and Deinocrati.; parties, nw nearly equal In strength throughout the cc -iti -try. the varying drift of public sentiment. ''.Ii all beardirectly and effectively upon the mt.i -ty-fourth Presidential election to be held in November. Feur years ago next NovetrVcr the will of the nation, as expressed r.t the p - . was thwarted by an ahomniable eonsplracy. i ' a promoters and beneficiaries, ol which still : '. the offices they stoI. Will the crime of 187 U -. repeated in 10? The past decade of y -s opened with a corrupt, extravagant, and in , Hit Administration intrenched at Washing'!.!!. The Sun did something toward dislodging gang ami breaking its power. The ftame uku are now intriguing to restore their leader i.r-.t themselves to places from which they wen driven bv the indizuatton of the people. W.:l they succeed? The coming year will bring t , answers to these momentous questions. 1 u -Sun will be on hand to chronicle the facp they are developed, aha to exhibit them eleiin-,' and fearless! J-in their relations to expedit r.'-;' and right. Thus, with a habit of philosophical gAod J; mor in looking at the minor affairs of lif, i.-. In great things a steadfast purpose to mai v -.' the rights of the people and the prlnetple ." the Constitution against all aggressers. T'-i Sun is prepared to wrte a truthful, fDstruct w.. and at the same time eutertaiBing histoty ci 1W40. . Our rates of subscription remain uncharj ;f-t. For the Daily Sun, a four-page sheet of tweidy Cight columns, the price by mail, post-pait.. is 55cents a month, or tO.M a year ; or. Incluon- the Sunday paper, an eight-page sheet of u; -ty-six columns, the price is 65 cents a month, or $7.70 a year, postage paid. The Sitndav edition of the Sun Is also funmn ed separately at S1.2 a year, postage paid. The price of tho Weekly Sun. oighl pages, fifty-six columns, is $1 a year, postage paid. For clubs of ten sending S10 w e will send an exti;t CIy Address I. W. ENGLAND. 36t6 Publisher of The Sun, New Nork City. Positive Results. Tl ere a.e nu merous remedies that cure sometimes and become trusted as useful, but none have ever proved effectual . eured so many and such remarkable cases as Dr. Ayer's niedecines. The Cherry Pectoral has res tore-'. I great numbers of patients who wera believed to be hopelessly affect'" witli consumption. Ague Cure breaks up chills and ver quickly and surely. Ayer's Compound Extract of Sar saparilla eradicates scrofula and i:n purities of the blood, cleanses tho 8jTstem and restores it to vigorous health. lly its timely use mnuy troublesome disorders that cause : decline of health are expelled or cur ed. Ayer's Pills and their effects r .f too well known everywhere to require any commendation from us here. Scranton (Pa.) Time-?,