Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 13, 1879, Image 1
TheHeralix a i v r. it tin.: x j i: .. t s: k . ss". i v. . j v, . , a x. i j.i. , ; in. ; i v7! 1 - t jT .. 00 - l ."0 ..! .-.l.-tt j tl S.W r,t) I;-'J-III...I I ."II 2ml 7 " . ' I l .r n 1I ! p.lal ::.. j ; i' t.'. 4n'i- t (.n: in (i ; tie 1 . . ! .'' S ll l!f, 1 VII ii I 'who : , ll. i j i'iiI. , 1 i ii : 1 ; im 1 1 ii l (I.. "n ' im ii 1 eii .. 1 i ir is .1,1 '.ii in :", mi 'i mi :;-i mi, if. i :.' All A;fili;i;iiiJ Ed's Duo i.;:ulily. . T liiusieut AJvi'Mi-'iurnt !iiit lie 1'iikl in Adv.iuce. The Herald. TT5 runui!!'.i f.v fry Thursday, -,T iLniii-iibuiil x it jJ n ii IV r;i- J&JLM). SCl o jp nci:: Or. Vina St , Cna D'ork "N..,ctli of" Mfttn, Cor. of F'fUi Sii-cet, Larjat Crtii'itica o! ai; Piper ia 2 JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. "PERSEVERANCE CONiJIT EIIS. (TERMS: $2.00 a Year. Terms in Advance: f??-Extra Coplos of tlie Tir.HAT.r) for sa":c 0.7 J. P. Yuus-'i, at Hie l'oit-Otr.fu Xc,v8 Depot, Jiaiu Stivi't. Cue copy, one yux $1X0 One ropy, six uion;.! One copy, three months, M VOLUME XY. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1879. NUMBER 31. fait gift fr-fl . - .feS HENRY BCFCK DEAI.KK IN SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., ETC., KTC, Of All Dejtrijytionfi. METALLIC BURIAL CASES Of all ready made ami sold cheap for cash. ;F FINE HE AllS E r-.V-':l3 IS NOW REAOY FOU REUVICK. ORGANS & PIANOS Of Every Description, CHEAP FOE CASH. The Celebrated Whittlesey Patent WINDOW SHADE FIXTURES, Complete Uh Roller, for arx-ts. Lambrequin Window Shades. Ami it Larger variety of Cheaper Shades, of all varieties. With many thanks for fast patronage. 1 invite all to call and examine my LAUUK STOCK OF I3tf. 1 TliXTI 'tK AM COFFIXM JUIICK! BRICK! If j im want any Firo or Ornamenta,! Brick, Call 011 j. T. A. HOOVER, LOUISVILLE, - - NEBRASKA. IM.A'VTMiOl'Tn, N E!J. first clas I.otlitiit Rooms. l-' Class JUi:ii ilh;2. Omul S:iinjil Rooia K et tUiriy :n;l fveiy roiufin-t AGooilKoiel can Furnisli AUo. (Ijiod Wi:us, ( !(.nl Bin r. (loiut I.iijuors Ooii'l Lemonade. Oood Ciiir. Kept at the Cit hotel. lily Fhkl. (iOHS. riupiirtor. SIGN, CARRIAGE and ORXA ME NT A LEA INTER, A. ASI-ILS3T Sh' over the 15 rick Block iTuliti to II Bocck's. T.. v I xai ijaa J it, ----- iiKi 4y. V ALTABLiEniTRUTIIS. Ifr --f" iCrr'nirt nmiponr lu-alth, or lnnguiili- ;: IauTfPv.-ill C.'uro Von. Jf v - ' . i. liilnWer.fand hove overtaxed yonr fell' v.: ;; . :-j .v? iraldii Eric::; or a u.ot'ut-r, worn Oiltv.'..... ' y .'.i.v.i,; a.nrr 11 im iuu iiuiijr n,uiui V ZJn; ililirn 'willVItrsloi-. A on IfT'i"-"" a mr.n of T n.r;nc?, wcakeneil by the r.:r. 11 i"LSriiiilhrn Vou. If Tir: rr.-, itiTcrlnrr f:tm any India. I H.iajt,i-.;.,.oiU:iime case. ;$::;!- v, illjjUflirvc Von. T y -- :; i'l tfc-.-if.ih-flrtiop, tzi t 10 f.inn, at the c- .i..V- , :-.-.; 1 ' 'l '-.lwt j r r wnttm needs . : : 1 el- rfun-uUtii.f vilUjt lmoxl- :io; IMfti in IrgWIiat Vou N-d. T'vj-i r-i- 1 '.r.-.-. l j-mirrvlio fi-Me, your ji .-. .. . ,t. ;J yiui ji. acuities waning, Ho? twitter tlvc yon Siw Life ul TIr. Hop tU'." '. i I pwrctost, safest and best. I Cnn Fc P V r r f .'oi'-.-v Ti.LIvcr ami KliTneysi.1. "r- j r.or .j. . -i . .:uiJj iibKorpUun. It is perfect I P. 1. :'. i ; ..a : ".: ; f n.l i rniit i'llo rare for erun k v - j, .. . tolxxeco oud uurcotica. Alv ( 1 ! ...u.' : - v .'..Ttril!. K. hesir( X. Y. I Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principles in iiitHlieine, in irotortins accurately ad jasteii to sisurt; activity, certainty, ami uniformity of effect. They are tho result of vcars of cartful study ami practical ex. jieriinetit, ntut are tin "most clVecfnal rem etly yet discovered for tliscases, cattsetl by ilcraiieinetit of tlie stonnuli, liver, and howcls, whicli require pronqit and effect ital treatment. Avr.u' 1'n.i.s are specially ap jdit able to this class of diseases. They act directly oh the digestive and r.ssimilativo jirocesses, and restore rep:n!r healthy ac tion. Their extensive ttse by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, is one of the manv proofs of their value as a Rate, snre. and jK-rlectly reliable purgative medicine.. Ihin coin pounded of the con reutratcd virtues tif tuely vegetable fail ftances, they are positively free from calo mel, or any injurious yroerties, and can le ailimmsterevl to cliihlrcn with jicrieci siiiety AvKit's Pim.s are an effectual cure for Constipation or Costiveiiess. Iiitllffes tion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach hii1 Ureath, Dizziness, lleaduelie, Icss of Memory, Numbness, Itiliousncss, .laitntlice, ltlieuniatism, i. nipt ions anil rsktit Iiseases, Dropsy, Tumors, AYorms, Neuralgia, Colic, Jiripes, Diarrlura, Dysentery, Cont, ,'-vles, Disorders of the Liver, ami all other diseases resnltiti!; froni a disordered utate f t the tlientive apparatus. As a Dinner rill they have no equal. Yfhilo gentle in their action, these rtLLS are tho most thorough and searching cathar. tic that can le employed, and never give pain unless the bowels are inflamed, and then their influence is healing. They stimu late the appetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify and enrich thf blood, and impart renev.-ed health and vigor to tha whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY Alt SHU4UISTC ErSATWITOMb I A MONTH! 73 botbvlllnc Arll.lHlDllictTorMi atnm- 1 piefrw. AdJAf BR0.NSCN,2etrt,iii5i Wf f IT r f 10,000 HI SIIf LS 1IH KI VIS, of which I IVHm I CUmKcBucksyI'lcOin''"t,Varrautedto cure 1 iit. AJar withttunp. Dr. J. N. Tabler, 2u Louis, Mo. GAHFEriTER SAIVS Or any othpr kind, you can file yovrftrtf with rar At 3Inrhin ao thut it Kill cut Urttfr than Krrtr. 11m le-lh will ail remain of final mzb and hniie. Sent on rfftft Of 02.SO to any frt of the I' iiited tar. Illuairated Circular, frw. Uoutl Agent turantetl in evmt rountuantt fit If. AiXirena JS. BOTH S UltO., Aew Ojc. fnrt, MH. tCti'We har liundrodj of letters from mon nsinff our Machine whoaa; lliy would not tnke f j for It. WIRTS & SCHOIIE. So. 222 Wabash Atucb. Chicago, Iuu Fine, aiedium, sad Common IL.L1TJSTRATKD CATALOGUE and prica list of over 500 new designs MAILED FKKJS pon ppliction. Send fur U.) A MONTH u:ii.i:i:.-o.i. sun ii.iy at j lioiiio m;ut.: : t!ir m:l 11 1 in .i Milalliot iviiiiivcl ; n iil ri: "Mfii. wiiiiuii. boys and siri" ma' is. iHin- :irt vou. :ki' iiiou- t'v faster : t won; ni r,s iiimii :a anyiiini: t-isf. Tlii- work in li.aht and p!';;u:r. ami siti-li as any one can po nlit sit. Those who are wise who m-c l hi-; nut ice w i!l semi us tln-ir addivsos at oiK-o anil e for tlK'insi lves. t'i-t!y mit!it and tenn lieo. Now is the tinn. Those alreaily at work are laving ii) larjie Minis i,r mon y Address TKL'E & CO., Augusta. Maine. 131y TRW INVINCIBLE" Is the best base burn er for hard coal. H styles and sizes, with more patent improve ments than anyother stoves. Ask your deal er for them, or bend tor free lUustratod cir ruiar. CSiioofjo (? E.M3 Stove Co. (Limited), o.i.Vwe 171 H 17J LiVi SL, Chicago. $t nnn 'r ''f,0" A YEAR, or ." t ?20 a day I LM 111 in yourown locality. No risk. Wo- , I meti do as well as men. Many make J.UUU,,,,,,,, than tiie amount stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one cau do the work. Vou can make from r.O cents to $2 an hour by devoting your ovenintrs and npare time to tlie busiiii-s. "it costs nothing to trv the business. Nothing like it for money making; ever offered before. Jiiis'mess pleasant and strietlv hnnorab'e. Reader, it you want to know ail aliont Hip best paying business before the j.ulilie send lis your address and we will semi vou fi.Il particulars and private terms free ; samples worth also free ; you can then make mi vimr oiirul for ronrseif. Address CKOKtiE ST1NSOX & CO.. Portland. Maine. liy CRAY'S TRADE MARK. SPECIFIC MEDICINE TIm Great FngHah TRADEMARK. 5! Itemed y; An aofkiling cure tor Samloal TTla. Dm, Spcruaior. rbM, Impotency, and all dluaati that follow utie ouenco of lf- ItsroreTsLiBs. iiinc; ii.ui,f After Ta lunar. Mrmnrr, rnlwul Iilu.. Tain la the ancle. Dlmow or Vi.lon, Prraiatura Old Age. an 't mauy olhur DWsc that lead to Iusaaity or Coucnmptioa. and a Premature Crar. QT 'uU particula in our i uniphU-t. wbieh we rteir to send fret by itail lo ccry on. C'' ti"5 Siritl V.rdic'.uc U old by all drugijWu ai 1 1 ior prka?t. or ill pacates for J5. or be icut free t mail on receipt of tiie nma.-y by Bddrca.inf the cuat wrnrnxK ro.. ilsciiAKic'ic riLVCK, OKraniT. Mica. ia'-'-Sohl in r!ai;s:u;-iitli ;u.l every where, by .11 Priii-t! i Is. Oar 3th BeserlptlTe Illaw tratfld Price IAst for Fall of 187U will ue sent to auy ad clreos ripen receipt of NINE t'KNTS. It containw prlcs of over 1O.O0O urticlet witli over l.OOO Illustrations. '0 l'LUSON wlio roiitem plates the purchase of any artlclo for pergonal or family use, sltoulfl fall to end for copy. AVe sell most every rla of goods known to the civilized world. AVe sell all our troods et wholesale prices direct to the ton- timer t no middle men). The only house in America who make this their special huainess. One of these valu able .Price lit and Itefer mce Hooks is indipns:jble. Addreso MontgomerT Ward & Co., a7 and JVabasJi Avenue, Cbacaso, llllnoisv. AGLI4T3 WANTED Rem Ani zyv)W n m Yxi: liy AT!5.V SJ J.I m ST'-.T.nrleiph.' TrJ40,; ViS;l It) lv J Mow tolttilKis ure aiaiie antl lost maiiay : nowsnrewo in. mi !i!-. riiined in Wall Strct : how 'eotintrvnieu' are . s'.vindietl iy sharp- eis : how ininisters Hiid ierchaats uro blaek- maile l ; how VaiiderhLt ):i;:.le eighty millions of dollars ; how srambliii' houses and lotteries are eondm-ieil : 'now to ni:i';e and spend money til New York ; how millions arc. led daily ; how the rich ami poor live. Rend and learn ahunt New York bankfis, niereliarts, breKers. pi t -w ind'.or-". gamblers, liowt-rv. Toiiilis. elev.-.tcd railroads, ilrooklyn trid'j.ei Ce-iira. RjirU, -.villi b ti'rapliieal sketeh e of A . T. S;evart. .lame tiordon llelin.nt, Robert Poi.i er. the Astors. Vantlerbilt. Pfi-w. ;reelev. needier. Tahiiape and his T;:bi'rn-n:!e. Eiik. '. tiould and many miners. In Hhurt ail about t tie weitlt Ii and poverty, the -.uysteries and miseries of New York. Complete mirror of the metropolis as it is to-day. Over :' octavo pat;es, with fiill-paj;e enrav intfs. Now is t P. c time for eneruei ie men and women to make money Agents are averagins from 40 to P0 orders jm-V week. For terms ad dress The J. It. Ii lTtI ft ITBUSHIXt; Vit.. 3(11 JlAKTrUltn, CONN., or CHICAGO, ILL. hum, SOLE AG NT. Tlia liriWT end j:o;t POPrLlR Kewins Thrill of 3Iodm Times. For sala bv E. !. Povev & Son. Solomon .1 Nathan. Viu1Ierohl, W. it. Lukcr & Co.. L. Ka!tskv& Son. ADAMS WIND HILL. 71. M. HIIIPJIAX, AfJKXT. Yi'eepijig Water, Neb. Manufactured by Mai-seilles AITg Co. m 111. 1 have put up several ia Cass Co. Among those pnreiiasin r an. j. m re:irrs!ey. H. W. i:ii.:.'g. una s. Yansen Mid J. II. VoillliT, of Otoe Co"., all of whom can testify to their u- liei lor excellence. loose wisliiii to purchase can address im at W. Water ; sat isfaction guaranteed. rices irnm Sj5 loss.,. Mills wit bout pumiiscr pitiups witsiout mills. 21 ma X Ji. CLir-.ia. A DAY GUARANTEED ntinncrir WELL AUGER AND RILLln Rood territory. U TO BEST 1'tSTIMOKlALS FROM CKTVKRXOrtS OF IOWA. ASJC VNs a 43s jj DAKOTA. UMaliiea frao. W. GIUC3, St. Luuia. Mo. $30 STOVES. JU m rw w-rz Ft f y rf chr m C""iv. PIIiST National Bank )F PLATTSMOUTTf. NEBRASKA, SUCCESSOR TO TGOTLK, 1IAXXA & CLAItIC lOH.V FirZCEBALD.. K. ti. POVKV K. V. McLalt.hlin. jONH O ROUKKK President. Vice President. .Cashier. .Assistant Cashier. This Rank Is now open for business at their new room, corner Alain and Sixth streets, and is prepared to transact a yeueral BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Government and Local Securities ROUOIIT AND SOLD. Vci'osits Received and Interest AUoic ed on Time Certificates. DBAPTS jDE.J"WIsr, Wailable in any part of the United States and m all the Principal Towns and Cities ol Kurope. 4GEXTS I'Oll TIIK CELF.RRATRD nman Line and Allan Line OF STKAMLItS. Terson wishing to bring out their friends from Europe can FUKCHASR TICKETS FROM U8 Tlirongli to Platts mouth. T IT JLCa J. F. BAU'MEISTER Fumlshee rresh, ruve Milk, DELIVERED DAILY. Special calls attended to. and Fresh Milk from same cow furnished when wanted, 41 y Excelsior Barber Shop. J. O. BOONE, Main Street, opposite Saunders House. S II A V I N i A N 1 SHAMTOOl N C. Especial attention given to 'JUTTING CHILDREN'S AND LA DIES' HAIR. CALL. AXD SEE BOONE, GENTS, And get a boon in a A. b'ehlcgel & Bro Manisfactnrers of n T--Tv-r--rn - t" .J-J-NI all ' lvr Atnl dealers in FANCY SMOCKS ARTICLtAS. SMOKING and CHEWIXO T 0 B A CC0S. tprcial I1RANPS and izcs of CIOARS made to order, i1-!".; .s.Misf action guaranteed. Cigar clippings sold for smoking tobacco. Main St. t!:rec dome west of Sai'.ndt rs House. J'LATT.SMOVTII, Nl-IB. IOIv l"f HAi'DWME' STORE. J. S. DUKE Has opened an entire new stock of hard ware, on Ner.t door west of Chapman & Smith's Ding More. A Full Lino of SHELF HARDWARE, SHOVELS, HAKES. SIifES and ALL GARDEN TOOLS. NAILS, NAILS, NAILS, ly the Keg or Pouud- ROPE, POWDER, SHOT, GRIND STONES, WHEEL-BARROWS. A Fu'.I.Line of (TTM:ilY. Sjtev.iullRutes to Builders and Con tractors. AH noods sold as lew as they po ibly can be and live. . 41y WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer in DliY GOODS, CLOTHS, BLANKETS. FEANNELS, FURNISHING GOO DA :o : GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stock of BOOTS and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST :o: Notions, Queensware, and iu fact everything yon can call for in the line of General Merchandise. CASH rAID FOR HIDES AND FURS. All kinds of country nioduce taken in ex change for goods. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in STOVES, KTC, ETC., F.TO. Owe Door East of the Post-Oflice, riattsmouth, Nebraska. i O ;- Practical Workers in SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN, BRA ZIERY,&v.,&c Large assortment of Hard ana Soft Pumps, Gass Pipes and Fittings. GOAL STOTES, Wood and Coal Stoves for HEATING Oil C00K1XG, Always on Hand. evry variety of Tin. Sheet Iron, and Zinc Work, kept in Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, ' Done on Short Notice. &-ErERTTHWQ WARRANTED ! PRICKS LOW IOWX. SAGE BOS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1K. J. Li. MrCltKA, HOMtEPATHIC PHYSICIAN, at Factory ville, Cass county, Nebraska. 2-lly T. It. AVILSOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice- in Saun ders and Cass Counties. Ashland, Nebraska. 35in6 K. It. AVIXIHIAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, riaf tsmotith. Neb. Of fice Front Room over Chapman & Smith's Drug Store. 4-tly M.A. H AKTHi AX, ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR. "Will Prac tice in the State and Federal Courts. Resi dence, Flattsinoutu, Nebraska. 3lly It. It. LIVIXtiSTOX, PHT8ICIAX & PCROKOX. OFFICE nOURS, from in a. m.. t 2 p. m. Examining Surgeon for U. S. Pensien. IU. TV. II. SC II I L l IX KCIIT. PRACTISING PHYSICIAN, will attend calls at all hours, night or day. I'lattsuumth, Ne braska. OMlce iu Chapman & Smith's Drug Store. - 3. II. HALL. 51. I. rHYSICIAJT AND SCUOKON. OFFICE w ith Dr. Livingston South Side of Main Street, between CtH and 7th streets. Will attend calls promptly. 4!'yl WILL S. WWII. COLZ. ECTIOA'3 H S TCIrt. Z. TV. ATTORNEY" AT LAW. Real Est-ite. Fire In aurauce nd Collection Agency. Oiiice in Fitz gerald's block. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ?2n3 UVAt. !S. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Real Estate Bro ker. Special attention given to Collections and all matters affecting the title to real estate, t Xiiee on 2d floor, over Post Office. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 40 I. I. II. WHF.KLKH & CO. - LAW OFFICE, Real Estate. Fire and Life In surance Agents, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -paver. Have a complete abstract of titles. JUiy "and sell real estate, negotiate loans, &e. !" JAMES E. MOHH1SOX. W. L.. 1IKOWNK. Notary Public. MOSKIKOX aV HKOWXR. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in Cass and adjoining Counties ; gives special attention to collections and abstracts of title. Office in Fitzgerald lllot k, Plattsmouth. Nebraska. I7yl - . SAM. 5. (.'KAPHA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Solicitor in Chancery. Office lu Fitzger ald P.lock, lfiyl PLATTSMOCTH, NElt. ii M . CMTI KIt. ZD E1 3T T 1ST. Pint txtjtonth. XehrasUa. OiTlce on Main' Street over Solomon ."t Na than's Store. 34ly HOMGCPATIIIC PHYSICIAN, treats all dis eases of women unit cliiklren. Chrou'.c diseases aSpecialitv. tlfiice hours from v to It a. in. and lroni .1to 5 p. m. ia :v-idence. tn Seventh and O.tli Streets, opposite Mr. Dovey's 33tl PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. PLATrSMOCTII, NER. C. Ui:iSS:L, - IiopIctor. Flour, Corn Meal & Feed A'wavs on band ant. for sale at lowest cash p ii es. The login st pnes paid for Wheat and C.irn. Particular attention given custom work CES AI12. US XV A K II US . Tonsorial Artist. n.ATT.i ojt:: xkbiuska. Place of business on Main St.. between -It I: and rtn strevts. Sh;:inpi o;ng, Shaving, chil dren's hair cutting, etc.ete. Rj'y "C0;;IM I::ilCl AL HOTEL LINCOLN, NEI3., J.J. IJIIOFF, - - Proprietor. The best known ami wet popular Landlord i i the State. Alw ays stop at the Commercial. L ENIi OFF d- BON NS, -Morning Dew Saloon ! One door east of the Saunders House." Wc keep the best of Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars. 3:;mJ Constantly on Hand. SAUNDERS HOUSE. J.S.GREGORY, - - ProprUtor. Location Central. Good Sample Room.. Every attention paid to gHusts. 43m3 Pl.ATTS.MOCTII. ----- N'Efl MA CHI xV S II O P S ! I'LATTSMOUTII, 'KR.. Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and Grist Jlillf A AXD SSTEA3I I'ITTlr.-S, t'rought Iron Pipe, Force and Lift Pipes.Steani Ganges, Safety-Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, repaired tin short noik-e. FARM MACHINE K J. G- CHAfflBERS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in t4 l-Kri, Eti iimmir Eta 4 SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS. WHIPS ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. e onlv place in town w here "Turley's pat ent self adjustable horse eoI!arsae fold." 49 .in trJ CD fB T r. - -T t is - -11 3 2 CD 1 w o o 5 CO Of; 0l x s- . -5 S ' - rs C tn w is i-i ; . 3 - n 'S. 5 ua CO s: CD CO 5; ? t? 5 t " zr. rji i BATES & KOHUKE. New Carpenter sliop on Main Street, Corner of 7th. Bates & Kohnke, Builders,-' Contractors, and general workman in the Carpenter lino. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. State Directory. A. S. PADDOCK. V. S. Senator. Beatrice. ALVJX S A FN HERS. I". S. Senator, Omaha. E. R. VALENTIN E, Representat'e. West Point. ALP.IXl'S NANCE. Governor, Lincoln. S. J. ALEXANDER. Seeretary of State. F. W. LEI DTK E. Auditor, Lincoln. G. M. RAKTLETT, Treasurer. Lincoln. S. R. THOMPSON, Sunt. Public Instruction. F M. DA VIS; Land Commissioner. O. .1. DILWORTH. Attorney General. REV. C. C. HA R It is. Chaplain of Penitentiary. DR. H. P. MATTHEW SON, Supt. Hospital for the I nsane. Suprem Court . MAXWELL. Chief Ju. ice, Fremont. GEO. 1$. LAKE, ('mall. AM ASA COBB, Lincoln. --n Second Jttdicia District. S. B. roUNI), Judge, Line In. .1. c. WATSON, Prosecutin t-Att'y. Neb. City. W. h. WELLS. Clerk Dit. 'ourt, Plattsmouth. Couttiy ZJir titory. SULLIVAN, Count: ,'udge. TUTT. County Clerk. PATTERSON, County Treasurer. , . HYERS. Sheriff. A. N. J. D. J. M. R. W. O. W. FAIRFIELD. Surveyor. G. HILDEBRAND, Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. HENRY WOLFE. Liberty Precinct. JAMES CRAWFORD. South Bend Precinct. SAM E RICHARDSON. Mt. Pleasant Ptecinet. Cily'Wirectory, J. W. JOHNSON, Mavor. J. M. PATTERSON, Treasurer. J. 1). SIMPSON. City Clerk. RICHARD VIVIAN, Police Judge. P. B. Ml'RPHY, Citv Marshal. WM. L. V ELLS. Chief of Fire Dept. COCXCll.MKN. 1st Ward-.!. PEPPERRERG, V. V. LEONARD. 2d Ward G. W. FAIRFIELD, J. V. YVECK- 3d Ward-R. C. CrSHINO. THOS. POLLOCK." 4th Ward P. McCALLAN, E. S. SHARP. 3"ottmaxter3SO. W. MARSHALL. B. & M. R. KJTime Table. Taking Effect May 4, 1879. FOR OMAHA fIFomTpL ATTS M O UTH. Leaves 7 :no a. m. Arrives 8 -45 a. in. " 3 :59 p. in. " 4 :55 p. m. FROM OMAHA FOU rLATTSMOUTH. Leaves 9 :10 it. in. . Arrives in :40 a. m. C :U0 p. in. - 7 :55 p. m. FOR THE WEST, leaves Plattsmouth 9 :45 a. n. Arrives Lin coln, 12 -45 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney. 7: 5"i p. in. Freight leaves! :H) a. in. Ar. Lincoln 2 :55 p.m. FROM THE WEST. Leaves Kearney. 6 :50 a. m. Leaves Lincoln, 1 .:k p. m. Arrives Pl:ttsmontli. 4 :20 l. m Freight leaves Lincoln 11:40 a. m. Arrives Plaltsinouth, 4 :5T, p. in. GOING EAST. Express. 6 :15 a. m. Passenger, (train each day) 4 p. ui., except Saturday Every third Saturday a train con nects at the usual time. It. V. II. 51. Time Tnllte. Tahina Eject Sunday, March 23, 1S70. SOUTH. 5 :.Vpni C :27 6 :4S 7 : 20 7 :o5 8 :2t) 8 :3" 0 :P M r.Tipm STATIONS. HASTINGS. AYR. P.LCE DILI- TOW EES. RED Cl.t'l'D. IN.VJ'ALK. RIvERTON. FRANKLIN. B LOO M I N G TO V. NO UTH. 8 :3.ram 5 :0J 7 : 10 7 :t'5 0 :; 6 :10 5 :10am IJ. 25, &. IS. ES. TI53E TABLE WESTWARD. Express Mail. Leav thicngo ..' o 'am . 10 ooiun Me n iota ! 1 2"piH 1 4."am Gaiesiuns. ! 4 r..r;pm ; 5 :i5am " Bi'.riirgton 7 40iti R loam " otinmwa io .vipnij tl aiam t 'h:.i 1 4-"am 2 15pm " Ctestou : 4 2"am f 15im Red Oak 7 10am 8 0'pm Mr. I'liiUsniouth , 0 2.'a:ii EASTWARD. Express ;t .-icpiii ' 8 ('i;n : in :c,iiu 12 5."ani. 3 2tiam ti :50am Mail. .",-am 5oam loam I'lpm (iiijini Letve n.ittstiioiith. Red )ak.. .. Crei-ton " Charit'iii Ottuniwa. . . . , Burlington. Guleshurg ... . ' Mendota Airiv Chicago 40pm 8 ,Vam 11 ori)tn 1 12 l.jpin 3 Plain . 1 3 3"pm : 7 flOam t)NLY 27 HO'TRS TO St. LOCIS bv the new Mi H'TE just opened via MONMOl'TH. I'ULL MAN PALACE SLEEPI N(i CARS run Buriinglon to St. liii without change. BY LEAVING PLATTSMOtTTlI AT 3 M P. M.. you arrive in St. LOCIS the next eveningat 8 :2o'. and leaving St. Louis at 8 :20 a. in., you ar rive in Plattsmouth ;'2'i the next morning. Coupon Tickets for sale for all points North, South, East and West. SAMUEL POWELL, D. W. HITCHCOCK. Ticket Agent. Gen. Western Pass. Apent. J. M. Bechtal. Agent. Plattsmouth. TUT. Fill UN i OF ALL!! HOLLOWAY'S PILES. "I had no appetite ; Hollovvay's Pills gave me a hearty one ' "Your Pills are marvellous." "I send for another box and keep them in the house." Dr. Holloway has cured my headache that was chronic." "I gave one of your Pills to my babe for chol era morbus. '1 he little tleargot well in h day. "My nausea of a morning is now cured. "Your box of llollowav's Ointment cured me of noises in the head- 1 rubbed smnie of your Ointment behind Hie care, and the noise has left." "Send me two boxes ; 1 'want one for a poor family. " "l enclose A dollar ; your price is 25 cent but the medicine to ine is worth a dollar." "Send ine five bwxes of your Pills." "Let me have three boxes of your Pills by re turn mail, for Chills anil Fever'- I have over 21K1 such testimonials a these but want of space compels ine to conclude. For Cutaneous Disorders, And all eruptions of the skin. thi Ointment is most invaluable. It does not rfral externally alone, but penetrates with the most, searching effects to the very root of the evil. HOLLOW AYSOINTMENT Possessed of this REMEDY, Every Man may he his own Doctor, it may be rubbed into 'the cystfin. fo as to reach any internal complaint : bv these means it cures Sores or Ulcers in the THROAT, STOMACH, LIVER. SITnE. or oth er parts. It is an Infallible Remedy for BAD LEGS. BAD BREASTS, Contracted or Stilt Joints. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, and all Skin Diseases. iMPottTANT Caution. None are genuine unless the signature of J. Hayoouk, as agent for the United States, surrounds each box of Pills and Ointment. Boxes at 26 cents, 62 cents, and 1 each. isf There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. Holloway & Co., New York. Elly PAPER HANGING AND M. McEIwain, tSShop over HONXER STABLER, on PINE STREET. Satisfaction Guaranteed. OmG STBE1GHT A 31ILLE!, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all khids of harness stock, constantly on hand. FRUIT, CONFECTIONEY, GROCERY STORE, NUTS, CANDIES, TEAS COFFEES, SUGARS, TOBACCO ES, FLOUR, Remember the place opposite E. G.- Dovey's on Lower Main Street, 21-ly ST HEIGHT & MILLER, The Married Alan. Adown the street the married man Starts off with hurried tread. Bat from the door a wifely voico CalU, "Dou't fyrget the bread." lie smiles and noils, and turns to go. That careless married man. When loud the eervaut call him, "Oh! You haven't got tha caul" He nods again in fretful style. . Hut pulleth down hij hat, And lo, his sister, with a smile, Cries, "Won't you bring luy hat?" "Oh, yes," he shouts, and truth to tell, He need not shout so loud ; But shrill his son, with stunning yell, "Theater tickets for tho crowd!" His daughter from the window high, Estops him with her call, Sue wants a fall, a pair of gloves, And a uevv pink paradol. Uo hears no more for down the street, His echoing footsteps fly; And all day long, in measures fleet, He minis, "Sweet buy and buy." But when the evening respite "ji ings, . And his day's toil is done, Though told to get a hundred things, He hasn't got a one. Hawkeye. From Rock Creek. Nov. 3, 1879. Weather rather cool at present, eve ryone gathering corn, souie most done, some just commenced. Mrs. Blair ami Mrs. Terry of New York, sisters to J. J$. ami A. M. Holmes, who have been visiting in the vicini ty a few weeks, returned last week. The fall term of school closed Fri day; ia the evening the scholars enter tained a large audience with declama tions, dialogues, songs, essays and the reading of their paper, a small journal, edited entirely by the scholars. Tiile, "The Prairie Hull." "Tha Census Ta ker," a comic dialogue was well acted. and caused roars -of laughter, also When I was Young', another dialogue that brought down the house. The Sabbath School is still nourish ing. The Rev. Mr. Ewe',1, the 116W Preacher delivered his first sermon Sunday. Some of the Rock Creekers went to see Grant. Sam Slick, suppose you give us a rest on Jimson and mustard, enough of auy thing is enough. V. J. Ilesser and Ike Wiles are the happiest men in the neighborhood, bot h bojs. Frank Young has dug a new well. Joshua Gappen has put up a new wind mill. -----Politics quiet. Knowing you will be crowded with election news, we close for the present. Yours, truly, J. Sliaikins. Colonel Moore of the Second Illi nois Cavalry, in an address at Urban a the other day, told the following story regarding the Louisiana 'campaign : This was the last tight of the expe dition, and you returned to New Or leans, where you arrived about the 10. h of June, the dirtiest, raggedest set of soldiers I ever saw. Every thing you had on earth, except what was on your backs, was captured tt the 9th of April at Mansfield, and dur ing the two months you were on the retreat you were unable to get sup plies of any kind. We passed a fine plantation on the lower part of the river owned by an old gentleman 'nam ed Thompson. He came out with his daughter as we passed, and invited us to dine. Marsh sat bestride his horse ami declined with the air of a stoic, although fie had not had a squat e meal for ninety days, to the great disgust of the planter and daughter, who thought him awfully stuck up. Can you ima gine the cause for such self-abnegation? Well I will tell you; lie had n more seat in his pants than there is in the palm of my hand, and that was what was the matter. The Dane-die Monthly for November. Always liberally and tastefully illu strated, the Domestic Monthly for No vember is, if anything, more replete with valuable information regarding the beautiful prevailing styles of fasl -ions than usual. Never has thtrj been a more charming variety of ma terials and patterns from which to make a judicious selection. Tiie hand somely colored frontispiece, represent ing stylish fall costumes, is a highly effective presentation of tho prevail ing taste in dress. The context in the Fashion Department, written in a sprightly and entertaining vein, de scribes the accompanying woodcuts, so that they are made intelligible to everyone. Indeed, there are few la dies who attempt to keep up with the doings of the fashionable world who would not read this review with interest, even if it were unaccom panied by any illustrations whatever. Every department of ladies dress will be found comprehensively and judici ously treated in the current number of this excellent magazine. The Literary Department includes a new story from the pen of Mrs. Annie E. Preston, entitled "Miss Melinda's lilacJt Bonnet;" the conclusion of "Miss Harrington's Prediction;" one of Eben F. Kexford's admit able "Flower Talks." and a touchingly pathetic poem from his versaile pen, entitle! "Set Free." Mrs. Merighi treats of interi or decoration in the mediaeval and Lou is Quinze styles, and the editorial de partments, -Miscellany," "Small Talk," Household, "Uecent literature, etc., etc., are full of suggestions and com ments wl ich will prove "aluable and entertaining to every reader. The Domestic Monthly Is published by Blake Sc. Company, S53 and 55 Broadway, New York, at 81.50 per year, inclusive of pattern premium. Specimen copies, lo cents. Charlotte Cushnian's villa, at Now- port, is full of curious an tii up furni ture, which he collected in Europe, ... i i . 1.1 . , i 1 . iiiu. v ii ii-ii was never tiiiiiacKt-tt lit America until lon niter her death It is beautiful and quaint, but itisnm iimtany iatnng to pieces-, and it civahs and cracks as if a thousand glioses vvere iii it. iVorthy of Attcati'ju. , We advise all our readers, whether titty own a foot f laud or not, to sup ply themselves with that treasure of useful, practical, reliable information, tlij Ami ri'-an Agriculturist, so named because started '63 years ago as a ruial journal, but now eularged to embrace it great varitty of most useful reading for the Household,' children included, for the Garden, as well as the Farm for all classes. , Each volume gives some 800 originrj Engravings, with descriptions of lafior-saving and labor helping contrivances, f plants, fruit?, llowers, aniaials, etc., including nutriy large and pleasing, as well as instruc tive, pictures for young and old. The constant systematic exposures of Hum bugs and Swindling Schemes by tho Agriculturist are of great value, to every one, and will save to most per sons many times its cost. Altogether, it is oue of the. most valuable, as well as cheapest, Joun.a's anywhere to bs found. The cost is only $1.50 a year, or 4 copies for S3. Sitiglo numlisi? 15 cents. Subsciibe at once for 18S0, and receive the rest of the year free, or send 3-cent stamp for postage on a spe cimen copy. Address, Orange Judd Company, Publisheis, 245 Uroadway, New York. THE BEST PAPER. TRY IT Heantifully Illustrated 35th Year The Scientific American. The Scientific American h a large first-class Weekly Newspayer. of Sixteen Pages, printed in themoxt beautiful style, profusely illn.-tiated with splendid ngrnving, representing the Newest Inventions and the mont recent Ad vances in the Al'f nd Sciences : including new and Interesting facts iu Agriculture, Hor ticulture, the Home, Health, Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, As tronomy. The most valuable practical papers by eminent writers in all departments of science, will be found in the Sclent fl j Ameri ca i : Terms, S3.20. 1.60 half year, which includes pontage. Discount to agents. Single copic. ten cents. Sold by all Newsdealers. Remit by Postal Order to Ml'NN & CO.. Publisheis, 37 Park Row, New Xork. PATENTS. In connection with the Scientific American Mkssk.h. Mrxs 1- Co. are Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents, have had 35 years ex perience, and now have the largest establish ment in the world. Patents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the Scientific American ol all inventions patented t lining this Agency, Willi the name and resi dence of the patentee. By the immense circu lation thus given, public. 'attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, ami salts or introduction (ft 'it easily effected. Any person who has made a new discovery, or invention, can ascertain, tree of charge, whether a patent can probably bo obtained, b w riling to Mt'NN & Co. We also si ml trie our hand book al out tiie Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats. Trade Marks, their costs, and lit w i:r cun d.witli hints for procuring advances on invniiotis. Address for paper, or co uceriiing patents, MUNN tf- CO., 37 Park Row, New York. Branch Offlce, corner F and 7tli Sts., Washing ton. D. C. The Weekly Nebraska State Journal. Campaign of 1SS0. During the coming year the political affairs of t lie Nation, and the 'liscusin.i growing out of them, will assume tin importance rarely ct u .'e '. iu our history. THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN Will I e a memorable contest, second, perhaps, in magnitude and bitterness, to none tltat have preceded it. The CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES Will be taken, including the reapportionment of Congressional Representatives, and the shift ing of the baljnce ot power, and the readjust ment of the iiiliuencc of sect ions. THE NATIONAL CONVENTIONS Of all parties will precede the Presidential Elec tion, ami the Platforms will determine tlie course of Legislation and the Policy ol the Gov ernment for another four years. OUR STATE ELECTIONS For members of both tranches of tlie legisla ture, involvi g tlie election of an U. S. Senator and fur a full txecntive 'Picket will occur. CONOItESi CONVENES Itt DCfcmliefi for " long session," and questions of vital importance to the people, including The iiiiiiin h:i-1 the .lloiiiion problems, and the new attempt" to nssert the sovereignty of tho States as superior to tlie power of the Nation, in the matter of j.roteeting the fran chise, and providing for the purity of National Elections, vv ill be and debute. I bv the leading spirits of tho Country. Tuk Whkki.v Nkrkaska Statu Journal will bi- a fail lititl epitome ol these events, and will fully present the iner.s of the discussions provoked thereby while at the same time It will give, concisely and fully, all the Current. For eign, ami Domestic new, full and latest Mar ket Reports, local as well ai from Eastern ccii- mercialt outlines, lull reports of tlie proceed ing of all Li i F.liAKY.Son Rki.igjoi s, and f.OUCATION At. t ONVKSTIllNK.aiKi STATS SO- eiKTiKs, and or the Statu Lkoisi.atui.b TELEdRA PIIW SUMMA R 1' Of Congressional Proceedings, and will be in tact, a woeUlv Instorv of the word In treneraL and of the Nation, and the State iu particular. i nr. It li.lLlvl.V . s.r H ASK MATK .loijtXAL. is not only th largest Weekly published in the west, nut it contains imicn more reading mat ter, in proportion to it siz?, than c m be found in any of its contemporaries on this side of tlie Missouri, and commends itself to every Nebras kan as (fie St'ilc paper, to bo taken in addition to the local pa tier of the several counties, for its general and state News. Republican in politics, it discusses public af fairs, not from a partisan, but from a broad, na tional iann-poiur. criticising niii,c ine-i and measnie mum their merits, independent of factionalism 01 prejudice. .to neiier memum 01 ine news mat is wr.ntcd in Nebraska for theonlitrhtment of the head of the family, or for a liberal education of the rising generation, can he found than t'i St.Vtk Joii!.nl. T-:st jif: fwln-jie Copy, per year S 2 OO r tve t otites. at one time H 7. Ten Copies. " 13 M t-f""The money (registered letter or money- order) must invariably be sent with the names. Address, STATU J t4 "0., l.l.rijL.. A csLSIlASHA. rotj ye: in OF Gofiey's Lady's Boot The Oldest and liest Fashion Xarazine iu America. SUBSCRlITION PRICE Reduced to $S.CO per Year. Subscriptions will be received at this office in Clubs icitlt this Paper. Tlie Herald an4 'odejr"N I,ady-H Uoolc for One Year at S3.10. See what Godey's Lady's Book will Contain in 18S0. Nearly 1200 pages of Crst-ehus Literary matter. 12 Steel Plate Beautiful Original Engravings. 12 Large nd Elegantly Colored Fashion Plates. 24 Pages l Vocal and Instrumental Mnsic. sort Engravings on Art. Setenc and l'a-iiion. Ii l.are Diagram Patterns of Ladies,' and Chil dren Dresses. P Achitectunil Deslgnn for Beautiful Homes. 2oO or more Original liecipes for Family Use. And the usual Original Department matter-. The January number of the New Y'ear will De issued December first, and w ill contain the opening chapters of one of tlie Best Serial .stories ever printed lu an American Maga zine. bv Christian Reld. the author of " A Gentle Belie," Valerie Ayl- mer, ivioi ton nouse." etc., entitled KOSLYN'S FORTUNE. We have eugagedaFuII Corps of Dia tinsuished Writers, contributions tho year. Scnri in your Club ct once. . You ean add rut; nomts afU'rireirfa at f.nK ricc uj ' t "se Grftf.'nul Cltt. TERMS Cash in Advance. i-rar.voE r-RErAiD. One copy. 0110 yt ar, - $ 2 0o 3 71 t sr. ; oo TWO copies, one year - - -'i'uit e copies, one year -Fi.urcopies, one year. -Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the Club, making six copies Eight copies, one rear, and an extra 60 copy to ine person getting up ine club, making nine copies - 14 00 Xow Isthrtlmc to make upyorifr ClttJiS. How to Rt.vtT. Oct a Fosr-Ofi'ce Money Order cn Philadelphia, or a ! ft on Phtladel--phia ol-New York. If yeu csnn t get eitin roi thei-e, send bunk-notes', and in the latter case register your letter. - To parties intending to get Hp Clubs, a. speci men copy w ill lie sent on application. Address, , dODEY'S LADI'S BOOK PUB. CO,; . (LimitcJ.) lOOG Chentnut Kt.., Philadelphia., Pa. How They Turned Black. r Chambers Journal. - III the island of Ceylon a small force of native gunnors is maintained to dor the drudgery work of tho royal artil lery. The men are called C! un Lascars, and, except that they arc not intrusted with the soli; man tuciiKMit of the ord nance, are disciplincl and drvetl pre cisely tho same as the royal artillery y indeed, they are counterfeit present incut of corps', bar their hi id: lace. A battery of artillery fresh from England was being landed at. Colombo and a few of tho Lascars, wove on the wharf. The European ar rivals, unaware of the existence of their copper-colored "slaveys," were anxi ously iinnuring who jind what the. 'niiruers" iu blue and gold were'.' imj?- . erfTin uniform, so liko themselves.. "Sergeant," says one in in. addressing; a vctrran. "who is that bombirder him with tho Chridy-ininstiel-i'-burnt, cork-fact V" llini?" Why, d.ui't you know him? Tommy Atkins, .f thu A b.Uterv. Smv, vott'reii'ciiibiM' him at Woohvich?" "Tommv! That T. mi-' my? Why, sorge int, he's blaek!" "Of eiitn-so he's black," re pints the sei-o int. "It's lh; hot sun as does it all. First it brown, then it reddens, an I then if you stay here long enough it black ens you, just as you see bread toasting afore the liie. Atkins h t b"on in Co lombo more? than twelve yctrs; and if veil an; ii-t in '15 til -v's g.vdowns. (AiPi'Iico. tlie gravc-yard) by ill t snno tunc, to Tommy s complexion you u come, and a h.nle ov two blacker or haiis. Write that to vour sweetheart' by the next ovcrl-ind mail." Hoovcii. A few words on hoove, hoven, or bloating in cattle may be uful toonr readers, says the Western Advertiser. This complaint is most apt to seize, weak, ailing, or under-fed stock when put on rich, luxuriant food, especially given food in spring. Clover, green food, wot witli dew, or covered with hoar frost; disca-ed or frozen potatoes or turnipsynncured grain, antl the like, innv cruise the eoniiiaint. O verloudiujr tho stomach with dry fodder wili. sometimes occasion it. Fever, choking parasites in the gullet, or tnbercu! sis, inav bring it on. The symptom-, aro swelling of the left Fide of the belly,' difficult of breathing, distended nos trils, bloodshot eyes, open mouth,' drivelling of saliva, twreasioirvl noisy belching of gas, and frequent j-i's-ago of dung and urine. To relieve it, gag ging is said to be often successful. l).-hlnga bucket of cold water on the. body will givr temporary relief. But in urgent cases the paunch must, be punc tured. The vcleriuary ins!riiin-nt, know as a cannular and troehar, is ix.-st for the purpose; but in tho ab-ence of this, a pocket knife may be u-d. Tho incision is. made to :t depth of about six inches in the left side, in a down ward and inward direction, fndii a point pqiii-dist mt from the hip-bone, the last rib, and the lattcntl processes of the back-bone. The object of the incision is to let. out the gas. Tlie knife' should be kept in the, wofitd until a large quill can 1m inserted. This should be f is.cnetl in nn I left for some, hours,, or even days if necessary, A do e of phy.-h; is recommended to clear oil" the oll'eu -ive food. The LiAicct o: Colorado. Denver Tribune. 't tho least important thing is to. N familiarise oneself with tho dialects of the Slate, which arc getting to bo, w idc I y n s 'd , a i id a kn w 1 edge o f wh ich is eential to understand. an tt.litorial in a Colorado newspaper. A friend ac costed me one day as follow s : -I say, Tom, are you omg to the 'round-up' atMaj. B.'s -going to have a 'way-tip' time. The pretty 31is 11 will be there, but they say Jim I) has "got her 'corn lied, fo that there's' no tt -e of your trying to do r.ny j imp iier' there." If you w ish to express the demise of a friend, vou would say, in Southern Colorado", that ''He'd' gone over the; raiie ;" it would be more elegpnt to' say that "He'd )as?ed in his chipp, wiii'Je in Northern Colorado nothing Avouhl be so expressive as "He's struck' bed-rock at last." Cowpmu her, mule-' skinner, and bull-whacker each ex presses an honorable calling, while pot-slingor, hash-driver, and grub choker refer to the cJufi de cuiiine in the more retired parts of the State. If vou trv to sell a horse the iir-t ques tion will be, "Die:j he buck'r'- A prospector Stirling out will "pack his burro." i. e , load his provisions ami tools on a small species of donkey. Positive Hksclts. Tt ere are nu merous remedies tuatcure sometimes ami become trusted as useful, bub none have ever proved so tiivctual cured so many ami such reniarkablo eases :as Dr. Ayer's nicdecines. The Cherry Pectoral has restored gteat numbers of patients v, ho were believed to be hopelessly aircctetl with consumption. Ague Cure breaks up chilis and fo vcr tiuiiklv and purely. Aver s Compound Extract 01 ?ar' sanarilla eradicates s-.-rofuIa ami mi- purities of the biood, tu-aiises the system and restores it to vigorous' health. Ky its timely use mauv tioii' lesome disorders tliat cause it tlecliue of health arc expelled or cur ed. . Ayer's Pills ami their effects are too well known everywhere to require any commendation from us here.-. Stiaulu (I-) Times.- 4 - -a will enrich Cr.idey's Lady's Boole durlnjj