i 1- H E HERALD Excellent Interest Kales. l'r liinlin tho interest on any pi in - eip-il for any miinher of days, the an swer in each ca. beinsr in rents, sepa rate the two rifrht-hamt figures to ex press it in dollars and rents : Tour lVr Cent. Multiply the prin cipal by the numlx;!- of days to nin ; m pamtc t!ic ri'lit-hnnd Inirc from tho pr - l'n.-t. !uid divide hv '.. l'ive l'er Cent. Multiply ly mmi ler of d:iyis, and divide, by 72. bix Vv'v Cent. Multiply by number of il iys: separate riht-hand figure, aitd divide, by v Eijrlit l'er Cent. Multiply by num Ik.t of davs and divide bv 45. Nine l'er Cent. Multiply by mini, ber of d-.i vs ; sepanite riht-hand fig ure, and divide bv 4. Ten l'er Cent. Multiply by number of davs. and divide by D". Twelve l'er Cent'. Multiply by number of days ; separate liht-haml ti;run and divide bv 3. 1'ifleeii l'er Cent. Multiply by number of davs and divide by 21. Eighteen l'er Con L Multiply by number of days ; separate rijrht-hand lijriire and divitle by 2. Twenty Per Cent. Multiply by liu.iibcr of days, and divide by 13. J. Tii vr.e of the primary school of Si . M i''., a le.ielm" wn en leivoriii f toasrert tin the extent of her children's 4K"1novh"dgr of iiuiiiIHm's. Tiic question ' l-tinir asked. "Would you rather have (fliree l-is with two oranges in each, ,'Tor two 1 ! with three oningcs in ca-hV" all b:itiie little Jcllow expros M. ei't lIieuiM-I ves as without prelerem-e. The te scIiit a-ki'd this pupil for his f( i-i;ii,-aiHl he was per.-iient in his liking for thn-e b igs with two oranges ::i ei Ii, his rc isoii. when tin illy given be hi'. j 1 uouhl have moi'i bags to bust." llovv an Actress Got Her Scream. Ml!e. Antonine is famed for a pecu liar shriek. The way she acquired it i'- ij;iite an anecdote. It was iluring a rhears:il of Saiinicl Urohl" at the l'aris Ol hu. In one part of the picee -htj I. ad to utter a piercing cry, but af ter successive trials could not do it. The nriinirer, the actor and the author acre equally discontented with her lieoil:int utterance; wor-t of all. the i-efple en. ployed in stage work mis-! their hands to their ears as if they suf fered agonies u henevcr Mle. Antoniue up her unnatural yells. Then; was ill-will in her; she would rest for r. quarter of an hour and then try again but shriek iu a proper way she could At len'rth, one n-li.-irs-il d iy,asabve : plai:ied, an aetor by the name of iarias, in order to divert hisattention : -inn th( IVii iul wails .set up by the !: :iuteons AutMiiine, commenced a lit- Se biKiily exeivise. It consisted ot p imping on and oil a light lcal table. All of a sudden he came down oi it . ith such jrreat weight that the iop .ard fell through, and the actor like wise. Mile. Auto;:ine, fmeyiug that he ha I broken all his limbs, give f.i ih a shriek a crv of iul I'muMe terror. 'T!:eiv! vim hive iid Marii-. 'o:d:ing up from the midst ot shai Icred ieers of wood. "!ich a shriek as t'r't , ill hi ;ng the Iioiim- down and put li e . :i lny again." No limbs were . ken. Mile. A:itoniii"s shriek is so :lin r that it ru:i through theOdeou. ; .m: Senate, not far distant, ami down i.'ie Luxembourg (r;mlcu. A Sleepinj-Car Incident. ImlUnpolU Journal. An amusing atTair oecuretl on the ll'-e-line tmin. The train passed through Union City about 3 o clock, when the passengers were arou-ed by :i ien-ing shriek of a p issing locomo tive. At the same time a woman's scre;Mii echoed through the sleeping, rar. The llrt c-re::in sounded like :m ho, and the second and third admit ted of no doubt. The sleeping-car r fuctor and porter started from dif ''!. it ends of the car almost siinul ; .i vMisly, running toward etieli other id the sound w hich came from one ihe iniildle birth. A woman was MMnd sitting on the edge of her birth, .-.'f-cryiisg and half-x-reamiiig, not I. . . :ng yet fully awakened. As soon -ho eoiild cidlcct her senses she in lo: ,ned the conductor that a lo in had tried to get into her apartment. ly the voire she know him to 1h a fellow w ho had got on at Cleveland. and who h id been tryinrtoin:ike himself agrce-:.'l-- to her in the evening', with indif ferent success. The man iu question was dragged from his quarters by the indignant passengers, v. by this time ' ad taken in the situation, lie ex ;l:iined that he had been up after a ' rink, and that on returning the mo on of the car had pitched him into . berth, The passengers thought e . plan ition rather thin, and the ".ng Ir.dy was evidently of the same :huon, for she reached back under .. r pillow ami drew a silver-mounted ..'voivcr. which she cocked and leveled i,'! i at his head. "Now," she said,"get !o .:i o'i you. knec-i and lcg my par !'!. or 1 will blow your brains out. I this revolver for such dirty, cow . i . I !y dogs as you. Down!'' That fel i .v couldn't get down on his knees i;- quick, ami right there iu the aisle ' e i.i..dc ::n abject apology for his at tpti'd outrage, -r.niising to write - t o I nly?, father in St. Ijoiiis as nd- ...ii ."iiMT. Ti e picture of the ; g woman jintii:g a revidver at t '.--- l..a ling figure in a night-shirt, iu i r :.!';' i.er, nervously lingering the t; l.g. v.'itleti dozen 'pe -ti-al ligtii-es ' 'i. around, and as unny l;e::d flu-.;-, from adjacent berths, would li.x ve all'oiiled a study for an artist. Y..e pnictical coudiu tr fearing the ;.i; ! ould shoot, seized her arm ami ; - 'lied the we-ipon up. The apology till went on, however, an I the low 'ich was kept on his kuees for full : niiir.itcs. lie then made-hasle to . :i L .lf, hx-ss Mid i.UiVe inio a for 1 c?r as quickly as he could. The . i x lady proved to Ik the daughter : vealtliy St. L '.! :s.an, and the man . V ught to In- a resident of Cleve 'i The Journal reporter found it s-ible to learn the nime of either. ; n- lady took break ft. -t hcn, and the .. vetch" sneaked o ut of sight in the .vd at the Union dej ot. STOVES! ;h:.a:r.:d"wa.:r,:e. AXI Tin-Shop U.V. Mathews, u taln St.,oj.p. rintte Vnlley IIousp, larire assortment of SHEI.K HARD " WAKE. J"st wfived and will be sold low. ,nn STOCK AND IROX,PUMPH, FIULD AND GARDEN HEEDS. . ..munition, lTails,-Low, AND A SPECIALTY. .:M.,br.we keep a eood TINNEB. and c erci.ared to do ll ort ot Tin-worn. ,Wi Or, n Planter, ami all hin.H of Farm r. V. IHATHRW!. ,., piattJmouth. New. (DATARRj Catarrh of the Nasil Cavities, Acute, Chronic and Ulcerative, Hay Fever, or Rote Catarrh, Catarrh of the Eye and Ear, and Catarrh of tho Throat. SUCCESSFULLY TREATED WITH SAHFORD'S RADICAL CURE. "IATARRH ts dlseMa of the maeoai membrane. Kj Temperaments and constitutions rmrj Itaaever tty In Individual eases. Catarrb may arise from a poli or a snccessioa of colds, from sadden ehamro of atmosphere, wearing' wet clothing, or exposure to inclement weather, and becoming thoroughly rhiilrd when the rfig-estlve organs are In morbid or inactive condition, and the strength and vital fores exhausted. The disease mar arise frara a ar roiulons condition of the blood, from Scarlet F-Ter. Measles, and Diphtheria, la which cases the eye and ear are general Involved and disctisrue quantities of matter. The discharges from the Dose, the dixtlnctira feature In all catarrhal ease from whatever canae the arise, mar be this and waterr, and so acid as to caose redness and exco riation of the skin with which they come Ineon tact,nr thick a- d yellowish, emitting a foul odor, srelcarand white like the white of an egg. There mT be su entire lack of secretion, the surfaces he in drr a. in ierTnu,f lie lace, iront ana upper pan of ihe head fueling uncomfortable, and as if It was encircled or a tight, unyielding band. This tatter pln.se trailed lry Catarrh. The free mattery die. cbargtV cause the passages to swell and become thickened, rendering breathing through the nose OiUicutt or Impossible, and the aafferer nods It necwrsrr tt breathe throogn the mouth, thereby perniiuingcold air to pamdlrectly to the bronchial tunes and lung. The matter passing down the t ro.it creates a conotant detlre to hawk and ex p rtorate to throw It off; but when the membrane U dry a. id fovmsh. Instead of poking freely down, frr ui tho njS- and throat, the mucus becomes hard aad forms Into scabs. locruMttiona, and bard luraps, which adhere so firmly tothe nasal pasasgrs inl thro it as to r quire very persistent etTjris to AUIO'lge them. The rye In sympathy becomes ln Pauicd. red, weak, snd watery, or In tho morning the 11 -S m-iy be fonnd glued together, and matter Is secreted In more or less qusctity. The ear sjso t- com-s srriou'ly Effected, discharging quantities t f miner, besides being vi-ilted by the most violent neuralgic pains, ending Ireqaeutly in Inflarnma ticn. nlccrati'n, and finally efenfm ss. The throat, trincliial tulies,and lunt are : i many cases allcrl ed ly cat.irrh, and when pror'retion of the ner vous sysuia Usuiieradatd.sach sJecUous IicCjluo :.ir:n: ig. A brief snrrey of tils motscrloas dlsene vnrai 11 mhoarealHicted with Itlomskerpevdy pre par. i tion for I'.s tri attneut before It becomes chronic. The adva-.itaires offered by Ssront's Radical I i i. we eo:idUcmy believe are to be found in no other rcrae-ly. Kvery step n Hsprcparadon. every line In the directions, mark it aa.-enti!ic remedy, calcul itcrd t-J rneetevry phase of the disease. Tlie n'im rous test I nonlals from t'ie best people in the Vni'ed Stairs attest the eit'rin In which it is held ty tKs w!io have been freed from the Most de f tractive and (1 ing'rous dUcase Willi wbtcu Liaa klua is to-day aSxted JUST PUE LISHED. A earefnlly revised Treatise on ratsrrh. wlt?i an eceura e description of symptoms stnlayuiraihctlc diascs. together with minuia direct Ions for effect ing with P vxroRD'i Kaiucal Cie a speedy and pi rm.me-t enre. Alsoobs-TvMlonsondietandtha g-ecr:.l h"-lth, of v t Importa-ic t t all sWicle l wil l c itiir h. It is wrapp d ahuiit e' h bo;tlool th -i T::l. Cl'c. or will baciJled free ou re- Cvit bf L-1-i-.p. Fnch pactrse of Sawfokd's TImrAL rr ron ttu r. Sanicrd's I:nproved Inhsllng Tube, with full directions for nsn in al rases. Price, $1. Sold by r-'l whcltsale s-'d r tail rlrncgists through o.it l'ia United Stat - aid ( naU. A I'OTTKTt, (.ei.ernl Ajfi uls a.:d Wholesale Unn fbu, llotitoa, ila. COLUDS'S VOLTAIC PLASTER Cures Pains and Achos. It eiTiallz-s the Circulation. Itsunila- s l iilammiioi y Action. l:curu Kunlures hu1 Mra.n. It r niovi't Vaiu and Soreness. It cures Kidney Co nplalnt. It strengthens the Muwlc. It run s 1 Jie,imatlra and Netirsjgl. It relax stiffened Cc.ru. It ear s Nervous Shocks. It is i.iv.iluable In I'arulysla. ltcur-s InCimmatlon of tiicUrer. It removes Nrrvons Tai:;. llrui es Spin : Weaknrsi. It 1 iirsteinl aid Soo'lih-.. ltcir' S Kpilepsy or Kits. " It is Safe, Reliable,! and Economical It is prescribed bv ri:v? Icians. It is indorsed by Eli ctriclaui. FRICE 25 CFNTS. Becarefnl to obtain Colli xh Volt to Pl a combination of Klectric it Voltaic 1'lates with blghle Medicate J Plaster, as seen In the above cut. S. Id l.y a I M holesaleand Hetall Irugiriisthrnngt out Ihe I nitert .states and Csnadas. and by WKKSJ POTTtR. Proprietor, ftosmn. M ass. Millions of Mothers express their de light over Castoria. It is nature's remedy for assimilating the food. Unlike Cas tor Oil, it if pleasant to take, and unlike Morphine Syrups, it is harmless. Castoria regulates the Bowels, destroys Worms, Cnres Sour Curd and Wind Colic, and allays I'everiahness. What gives health to the Child, promotes rest for the Mother. Children Cry for Pitch er's Castoria. It is the most reliable, effective and popular article dispensed by Drug-gists. Since Healing remedies have been used by SUFFERING MAN has there been known such absolute Pain relieving agents as the CNTAUR IiINIMZNTS. They soothe, heal, and cure. They HEAL. Cuts. Wounds. Galls, Old-Sores, Broken-breasts and Sore Nipples; Cl'RK Pain in the L'ack, Rheumatism, Scia tica, Lumbago, Neuralgia. Ear-Ache. Tetter, Pimples. Itch. Salt Rheum, and &il Flesh, Bone and Muscle ailments of Animals : SrilUrK Inflammation and Swellings; KELI EVE Boils, Felons.Ulcers. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Croup and Quinpy ; EXTRACT Pain from Burns. Scalds, Stings, Frost-bites, Sprains and Bruises. The experience of centuries has made the CENTAUR Liniments, the most speedy and effective curative agents for . HAN and BEAST the world has ever known. The Centaur LINIMENTS have relieved more bed-ridden Crip ples t healed more frightful wounds, and saved more valuable animals than all other linimenta, ointments, oils, extracts, plasters and so-called "pain killers" and "skin cures" combined. Physicians and Veterinary Surgeons en dorse the Centaur Linimenta t millions of men, women and children in all countries use them, and Housekeepers, Farmers, Planters, Travelers, Liverymen, Teamsters and Stock-growers, are their patrons. They are clean, they are handy, they are cheap, and they are reliable. There is no ache, pain, or swelling which they will not alle viate, subdue, or cure. Sold throughout THE HABITABLE GLOBE for 50 cts. and 1.00 a bottle. Trial bottles, 25 cts. A. G. HATT JUST OPENED AC1AI-V. New, Clean, First Clans Meat Shop, on Main Street Comer of Sth. l'latt.mouth Eferybody on hand for fresh, tender meat. mi.06 KM ICS QUHSSi ncludlre C hoot I nx Outfit. Cvery Can Warranted 7 n? y. r:F-.vy THE HENRY R MILLER PIAO-FOItTi: Are not only firt-class In'trnments. but this Estahli-Hlimeut may be justly regarded as one of Win leading Piano-Forte Manufactories of the worm. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. During the Season of 1875-1S76 the Henry F. Miller I'ianoM were used in Boston and vicinity in more than 1SC3 Concerts. Season of 1S77-187. 17i5 Concert. Sea.ii ii of 178-17: Month of October. 35 Concerts ; Month of November, 43 Concerts- A'one hut firvt cla Pin no enuhl gain euch un fjuextiimed poptdarity. THESE PIAXOS HA VE RECEIVED The Highest Praise From the Most Eminent Musicians. Of late I have had many opportunities of iisiiic your I'iaiios and can say with pleasure, they have no siiierior in America, and my long exiierieiice abroad Justifies me in plaeiujr them ahead ot any foreign instruments of their kind. Chaw. It. Adams. Madame Koire and the other artists of my company are delighted with the"Miller" I'iauo. for its rich purity 'f tone, and the wonderful manner in which it custaius tlie voice. Ji. Maplesom. In behalf of tlie Baniabee Concert Comiiany, and particularly mvelf as the pianist of said company. I wish to express many thanks for the beautiful (Iran J 1'iauos of your manufac ture, with which you have furnished us so far this season. With" your Hue instruments con cert gi vinj; becomes a jiosilive pleasure and de light, "tto fay we all of us." Howard M I consider no other "make" vi ith w hich 1 am acquaiuted, can excel it in any of the ijualities that constitute a perfect instrument. As an accompaniment for the voice, I know of none 1 would prefer to your. Mrs. H. E. II. Cautkr. I take srreat pleasure in recommeiidini; the Henry K. Miller IManos on all occasions where a first -class piano is desired. Mrs. n. M. Smith. I have known the llanos manufactured by Mr. Henry F. Miller for many years and I do not hesitate to say that they take high rank unions the first -elaoS instruments of any of the best makers. Caul Zf.ukah.n I consider the Miller Piano superior to all others in that mellow and sinuin quality eo ac ceptable for voice acc.-mpaniinccts. Mrs. K. A LINK OiOOD. We were delighted with the Fianos of your manufacture hicli we uaed tlurini; our recent tour in the United States their cliannmp: siiix inu qualities rend, ring them especially desira ble for accompany in!.' the human voice. THE OKIOIXAL. SWKIMStT LADIKS' tjl'AKTKTTK. World's Interuational EiMMtion 1876. This establishment was the inly one out of more than forty 1'iano-forte exhibitors, wnich was decreed two awakhs for its sii'plc' exhibit of l'ianos at the Centennial Exliihitioii. Thin wait the only Et(tliliithment that Received a tjHcidl Award for a Sew Invention The Patent Pedal Upright Piano-Forte. Tie Henry Tiller Piaios nave received the endorsement of the State of Massachusetts and the CITY of BOSTOU. They are LEADERS automj the F(JREM(JST PIAXOS of THE WORLD. HENRY F. MILLER Boston, Mass., U. S. A. JAMES PETTEE, Ag't. Plattsmouth, Neb. 521y James Pettee DEaLEK is Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing Agent for The I'nrl vullcd Mason . Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. Also, the Stock. Hrnry F. Millor. and Uallet Sc Cumston Pianos for Cass and Sarpy counties, ei. c iii uihi see SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at office. Sixth, one door south of Main St. rLATTSMOUTH, XEB. Music Scholars Will do well to examine our New Mason & Hamlin OBO-AH IITSTETJCTOE JDn. Saxfoki's Livcb Lxvioou..tor 3 r u r 1 O . P.'' LirerS InvigoratorJ . ,ua L7 tho public,; f'- t Tvior mere than 35 years, '' ' ' with urproceJerited rrsults-J s:kd for circulao.; t w c:r'"jn ft n 03 sroadwh,, " arv " - :t:isT HIUTELl ITS QKrtTATIO.V. TfMTi Drugs. W WALK PAPER. el'' -x " 1, 1 w---? if JfiavM Sis a St ialirl Faruilj lt-jaiojy for fc5 ills v.s-'s of tlie Liver, Stum.vcu t ud Boyrela. It is P.irely t8 Wcftable. It never av rTll Yi JDbilitntes It is Vf l J fl 5 Fl Li err 1 1 V E Wi PROF. HARRIS' RADICAL CURE 103 BPESMATTOSHffiA. Tin: "SEfVHNAL PASTILLE7 A Va'ttal.V Xisrovcr s:ir Nrw JjiftariLirit! Mit if ftl 4S.irnrr, aw rntinl Nf and oiiivt1y ff!c- t ivc Uemedy lor ihr fp- rtl snd urinrt Cur o: temiral mia sons ft Xxu potency bv the nlw true W. y . tz: irct ArDJicAtion li ihr luin- t ft .'ii 09 a aji .vntti ripal tvt of the LiieaM, acting by Ab orption. err tmt itf p-if ic itiflucuc on uc fccminal es de EJae ulatorT Iucta, 1 ro t- at it :nd bmI TJr. thra The uae M?h Iinreiy a:lc 'lr4 vub nu pain c r iffiwfpt, it if juirklr .itlvtd ufid .borH,-d. pw t'mr ig aa immediate oo:iuii; and rtorafiv eiTrct uon thr rx uml undi itcrruui or i.iratni; wrrckrH lrm vclf-sbu ad ire, atopfiin drain trit tUea.tm, revtor iffl'ic min;l l tfalta nt'd nour.d mrmr'rv rrovtnff the Diniacta of Sir,iir.. Nerr-,u Tcbilay. Cottfuaion Of I ices, Avrra:Ot toSoe rty. E.c.t'c. ai the arr-r-a nee of premature oi4 ?0 u; t arcmpar jtc tliia tr-Mih'.-, atid rrtrins pe - t Fsu.-l V;f or. where il ha lien dormant lvr T'ir. 'I'.iiat nio:r ot trrarnteal haa tiod the ('t in rerr iv-.r ei'-. and ta now a proi ounred uoc. Jruc aret-o tmrh p.e?er;bed iu thre eroub.es, an l, a mTy cjn h- r wi:hri ta. wirb hut It tic if any pe:n!ftvt gvod, T.t- e n Nonaence abl t!m rrepara' liwn, I'ract.ea! t Srva"in enahlrt u i ptivelv j?aar an te that it mill pre aatiafact:en. Puriny the eijjht y aratliat it hat t.f i t -ncrai r Umr- t:unai;(lk ot t-fiinmia1a t i talite, sr v it row eonced ed tjr the Medical Profe;n !t be the hut rational mean vet discovered ol reacting tml rnrrne thi v-j prrv. atem trouble, fiat is wf'l known I be lha nun- cl un'nd mi cry t ao iiuir, s::d r.n-t whvm Quaeka prry whh thtiruc a nofruMis and t iff fsi-.The Jcu; dy i-'put hp in a neat h x, rr'utir t mt a tnnS. and acul ir a plain wr-ypfHT by mail s -aled fr Two brtsei. f -Uaalr-cnt tc eflfr la prmaue- tcvrr nk iti eTere re) $ 5 Tiire boi Ut;i (f ihe.i f-. I MAiith y i ! .t.-f. m :;r-. tea ere vifor.in t!e wwraf eea. f 7. Full DI&ECilOHS for naintr will accxipany EACIi I OX. (Send for a Deaanptire Pamphlet efving Anaforn'ralV iMuilrmtions, whica wW eonyim-c th most scfpiical that they eaa be ret'ofd to perfect manhood, and H fitted fort He duties of lt rari t a ii nere affected. W Fcrt Scad for stamp t any on. Bold OXLT by t.'ie " HARRIS REMEDY CO. MF-GXHEMtrrs Market and 81 h. SU. ST. L0U13. MO A larce, new a.id e triplet Quid to Wedlock containing, wttft many ot-ucr. t.ie foiittwinie chapter! A rotnovtei't WtmanhoHt, Vc.eclinn Wife, A.videio- tt Vifpiuiiy. Tem jeraMnt. eompat.b'e ana incompati--.cm Sterility ut women. caue aiid .;hi i.i, auv.u t nr Ui-jfrwm, Aaice to nuMMs. Uwe to wives, J rosi;ntiofi, its rr, Celebsry ana .Ma!r;muiT cou per- d, Crnftieul ltit.e. Coiif ptiiti", Cun 'tirnwrt, Lov aid Omnaiiip. latpctimenu tt Marriere, ' n run.e and t-mi'e. S:i-nce Krruiuctivn. Single lit r-ttlaetl, 1 of aMa-riae, 1 ji w cl livoree. Ieyal rihta rf mirated woi.xen.ee, iiu-lMiVnjf JjiaeMm peculiar to Wontn, thir causes and treatment. A book for private r "d mm.dcrftre rcciin j i CJO pace a, xiux tuA iiaia avaf.. br M.ttl, aeaiei tor 60 cent. Jh9 Private Mod tea I ArMser." rnl?TIiuia,t;oa.Tiaup. t.iret, btnture.V arleoe1v l., a so o-.i Ppermatr or hoc. Sexual D,bility,aid zn otTScy, f tm V tlUM aiil fcxcea a, easine Seminal ! :!i:a- .4, N- roine, ArrrMon to Society, Canfution of T Iea. I .irs;-a1 d'cav, lintnessof strht. Ietc(tv JUeanory, !a s rual I'oitt, ce. attak'.iiir niarnare inkproper cr vwriajo't. p""inff V-ealmcnt. a-1 many rn .f a.l private dw 1 aaiiai sJa ocr tJi-.s'.-t, cr-.. a iecTiT rn anhood atid Wem&niionSt t eerN j or all liie im ' - nicy botind Twlum, (1. Tbry cittaia CrOpa-ea ar;4 o-r HX Jlluatratirns, cmbra'inr every Cains en the jr:nera t- rysteu thit fa worth kavwinjr, and much that ia iwt puh.ih d in a-y other work. T- cons bi'fd eoJuni Is positiTfy t'i b.-t I'opular Aledieal Bok pul;.sheJ. aud ( wdiff:rid after gcutujr U can hae liinrmmrT vrtiindrd. Th Author ! $ . experienced 1 -tciao f many years practice, im is vtll kuoww.) and the advice rvrn, r-d lU:les f-r trentiuent In id down, will t; found cf crcatva.w to tho auUerit.f; f om imparitie cf Uie ry rar'y r-rors. at jor, tr any c f the niirotr raj trnui!t- c:itins; cdT l.a head r ' Private or " Chronic diaeawa.- Sntlv unr. vT'uTne.or complat in 0'ie, for Price in btamr. tsUvcr r Cnrrcny. (Consui t:ioa cotiCtltftit.al, eii i'Utt-rs a p -mp'iy and trankly ji?iweed without ehe - ) Adrrai Butts' Diapf: tary, 12.bihSt.,fruLotai,j:a. (ZstabUslid 1817 ) jhor vale News Caslrs. AUNTS wanted. CPT i'iw 1 i a iTT rra in p-so?a irr"ig Trrnn ij.r. 10 sc a a;-ii t:ieir icmr aa aK.-r ti nernr a-ce t-iens inar. w: 1 m Privat Hoap.tat. 103 S.Clark St..Chtcarv !ll.C8teiaity.aU Private. CfarMie and F c as a I Dtaamaea. Cewsaltaiioa fra. Ladtaa aad Cental asea, aaed aa deliar nr sample f beat r a b b a r rtiada, and valuable inlorwtatieB hv xpeeaa. Rell ble F saate PiiU. S per box. Private hoene ami aurse far Ladies during coa ftoertenl. A new wark. prVw V4 cents bj ataH. atjsta ries f Nature. Paval. alory mt Marriaaw. Or raaa mt Gmrratlan. IHaaaae f Yuuta a4 Mas hood : a wealth T ohoW aat valuable la foriatin. f latereet to boih araea. Moian; fhrnsive ta (tod tat and reflaeweau lafoe natioD a a v r before pa bit bed. No family should be witaoul iu Gy4d4reaa. Dr. A. O. OLIK 9)3 Clark St. C9 ..4 unnpniNrbiMi l.lrlf anil ipdilf cure. mia ln. N. ptiblMHT. Stad r rail p.r!K-u'r. Dr f.riloo, S. Ciwk Ckicaca, IU. DYKES BEARD ELIXIR nir).Tuai. Itrwa.ni Hi.aMa.ttar .W4t.MMafWaMrVwlKilM..Taaw frwa. m. kawbiaifMaaMrai. K 1 haaaf arT HI . aiharl aal awr at im 'at. Pk( aM aMDMlfWlUaa U L. SI1T M a. It A,' ay PtWua. la, iJdavnaiialMM. Hatto Valley Herd of POLAND-CHINA O?. CLAB KZ. WEEI'INt! W.VTKK. tietistorpl Stock lur XEIi 131110 O. F. JOHNSON, DEaT.KU in Medicines? AND All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by an Kxperlenred Irn jurist. EEMEMBKK THE TI.aCK. dth ST i DOORS SOUTH OF JfAIN PLATTSMOUTH. neb. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLJiCKSJIITU HORSE MIOKIMJ, AND WAGON KEPAIRING All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly & Promplj. :0: Horse, Mulc& OxShocin?. In short, we'll shoe anything thut har four feet, from t Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JSTETW" SHOP, n Fifth S between Main a-d Vine Streets, ust across e comer from the nkw HEKAI okf c.. ioy ROBERT DONNELLY'S Wjca-oisr AND I5LACKMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine ami Plow re pairing, ami general jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of fann and other machinery, a there i? a good lathe in my siiop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Was on Maker has taken charge of the wai;ou whop. He Is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Xfw Waeoni anil Ilnsien made Co Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. liop on SUthstreet opposite Speight's Stable f avBtaMcaBBBB Laaaaaaaaai PITY f nTCJiU. -t or. USu, -S. Sa JP vimmtoH&ml SITUATED IN Opera IIouk, Uiu.cr. loL li.i f -3 g1 EVERY OTHEIM IP3 f l3 V f WARRANTEE LOT AB30LUTE- O " &Z1 tfei S 1 DEED WITHOUT LYFREH5! j -u-juU RESERVE. Iienver now h:is a pfpilntirn cf IfvtW. Great cities are tl;p ojjtprowih of great countries. Twenty years atro Ik-ii ver w.s:i sm.ill t r -(linx M on Ihe finiier. now it is n larye city, with numermiH Churches, ilotot. Tiie:ve;-8, Si ivet-milroatis. (ms-w in ks, Waler-vorks. tioltl and Silver tSineltinawnl Ki-tiiiin tt'tirki, v.Itii a I'nuttl states Mint, anrt is tlictcrc"' liailroad Center f the I. Tiiere -ire su-.-eit First-cl uss K.tilro.uls now n:r.nine nl coniiectiiiB with nil Ihe Principnl :iml ll .ii .'i R:'.flr-:nls f:om Maine to Cniifornuu It is theCapital if Colorado, iiiiturally tli riene -t Stale in the Union, and lH-a,te! tn silxnit Ihe get 'graphical center of tne United StaLe-t Tiie clim ie i c.iarniinjr, v itli'tlu- Ikm water nr.d purest air In the world, and the ncenery is unexcelled fur beauty end gr. iint.r. It is Miiiomided by the richest (iold, Silver, l.'opper, iron, Ieud, and Coal Mii.e ni : Apricull oral I nixls in America. It is now the he u!qnarte:-s for Colorado, Kartsa.-. Nebraka, New Mexico. Wy. omlns;, Nevada, Arirotiit, and Norihern Texas. The ncii iuiiieral rtml m;i ir-nli'iinl re. oumes ot this vajt coamry will make Ieuvcr the largest uia! wcltbiot ciij in tLe West. WHY LOTS ARE CIVEPJ AWAY. As the tide of Immigration is now In this dlreeli'-n, it Is the CompnnyV Interest to hav penide locrae in lienverand .:i their property. Toeiit-ouni&ermiirraiioti here, tl.e Com pans will uive to any one seiKlini; their luuno smd n!die a warrantee deed, in fee simple, foi one or more lot In North iKruver, situirel in Weld t omiiy. Stale of Colorado, in immediate view of this b- iiuiful cit v. the on'y ciiarga Iteini; orie dollar lo pay the Notary Public fees for acknowlol n deed ami conveyance. The Company does not Rive every' lot away, but each alternate one, and does not cvt that every person who Rets a lot in North Denver will come here, but :i irrc.il m-xny will, anil they will induce their friends to follow. The in creased fp"latio!i will soon m-ikethU proerty very valuable, and this Company retain each alternate lot, which they ho:d at pri-es varying from ii to f'M, according to location. For this reason thenlKtve propt-ition is made. The deeis are unconilitiinal, not requiring any one to. set tie or improve, but Willi f:ll wir 10 transfer nnl !eel U others. The limit to any one person taking advm-f3o of this ofTer isfielots. This properly i nol hill, aide, moo it I'll ii, or rrt:in. but i level, fertile. Mid has advantages for building npon too numerous to mention. Fil l and frati.-d'aciory iuforiuation, wiih llulorsements from our bcot citizeus, w;li be f.irnl.died. CERTIFICATS Cr 7i7LE. Tt TT. C. FAsnr, Co'intr Cler'i nnd Piwlr within and f'r im.l c r.nr.lr and Ftste, do rierebr rertifr to lliu aNnre an l lorejn nti lo W ir'n, nnd t.tle cmiii.Ii If I" il.i- land l!-roin descrilx-d according lo Hit rcfrd in mjr o:?i'. I l.irlhr cnrr.I'v iIht n-i no 'ahfra'-!- i-r trinripli of judgments, tnxfA or other lfin claiiriiii' nui.nst f-i !.::.'!. I i U::..o.. v liciuof I h.i 1.. r. u:.t. f 1 1 tuj hand ami aitixvd luy orbcial acal lbu 2J d.iy i f Augnt, A. D. l-'-j. ""i ..u...y .i 3GT ructions. Tills Company wi'I send by re:urn miil, to A c:riTe ji i.;is paier iite:r llamas, p. huui County and Sta'e, plainly w: itfeii in full, n clear warranToe deed lo a lot '2't feet front by lJ'i feet deep in North llonver. Colorado, clear of all taxes. a AoDlicat'on-s lorciiv lots .jli wi" Ii one dollar for each lot to pay co.-t of making -HvTnniI acknowldlgin-r ieel. jwsi;'ue, etc. The lots then can he sold and transferred at yenr iwe-isnie. I't all imnmve this ottion the richest Male in the world. t t-i-' V. . find .itiMftn. DENVER LAND lliJCb School. 1-cuvrr. C oL 419 LA'.VUt.VtX CCC HERE! $5 ia HODS for 50 Al ULInalklM,n ir"l'. DOS T ISt, tab Caaare. - iiii 10 talunble atoorraiikin( beereU ; 10 Rxb li. turn; I Magte fniintjiia fen: 2 Slcel Ftai : I Silver-plitetl Hiar: I H. HnMrr; I Kul.btr tip Pcci( ; 12 tmt Catel. pes; 12 ihHU nse Paper; I $1.0 Weea y Ikat f mdbt Poeaa, ani Chinese Secret tor rltssmc linen, tbiir Bwner scllint; -rrt All asnt for Fifty Cent a. stasias tskca. aiiress, (Ctub. I0T6 j IMM HMO CO, lortnUCT, leietnrr. 2 5' a S3 D3 Cl- o o r! a s t3 CO CD 3 O Ui ts gffl HO CD ' HQ e 3 cr CD 5 H Q o o o C5 S M P i i f a.: DRY GOODS & CLOTHING A few of the articles you can buy lo the best advantage at the live progressive DRY GOODS and CLOTHING HOUSE OIF1 SOLOMON &NATH AN. For 81 00 you can buy 22 yarda strndard prints. " 47jC pound good all wool yarn. 10 " cotton batting. & S Per yard domestic eingTlam. 8.V " " cheviot shirting, very ffcoil. 7 " brown and bleached muslin, can't be beat. 7 " Canton flannel, superb. 8li " " tickine, no better. 1 00 a good comfortable. " 1 25 per pair up, splendid blankets. " 2i, 15, IS and 20c per y'd, alpaca lustirs, all colors, best ever offered. " 22iec up, black and colored alpacas, double width, best in the city. 45c per vaid Hp, black and colored cashmeres, great bargains. 8.V to 10 and 12,4 to 15c per yard up. suitings iu endless varieties. 20c per yard up, all wool flannels, best ever offered. 50c " " " " waterproof, an excellent qualit;. 20c " ' " cassi meres, 'well worth double.) " 3 75 up. Ladies cloaks, the finest assortment in the city. 1 75 ui. Misses and children's cloaks 44 44 " " ,4 20c per yard up, hand made zephyr fascinators. 44 75c u,r. a great variety of shawls. 44 25c up, perfect fitting corsets. 50c up, two button kid gloves, fine. A full line of Ladies' and Children's underwear, (very cheap.) The finest assortment of Ladie's. Children'sandlnfantshand-madehoods. sacks and shawls, zephyr, ever known in Plattsmouth. MILLIITEBY. For 75c, up. Ladies' trimmed hats, nice. . C5c, up. Children's ha'.s. Jewelry and notions at prices that defy competition. $25,000 W O IR, T EC Of Mens. Youths' and childrens clothing, regardless of cost. We are go ing t close this branch of our business. So look out for bargains. For S3 00 and up, Mens' overcoats, hard to beat. 44 4 00 and up, Mens' suits. 44 1 50 and up, JJovs' suits. FURNISHING GOODS IN PROPORTION. For $1 75, up. Mens boots. Mens' shoes, SI 25 up. 1 00. up. Bovs' boots. Roys shoes. Soc up. 1 00, up. Ladies' shoes. Childrens' shoe. 25 up. The largest and most elegant stock of mens' and boyselt and stiff crow n hats in the west. . t n i Take advantage of the great inducements we offer in zephyrs, all color. 12U cents per ounce. Full line of Germantown and high colored yam very low. Fine ass't in Java Honey Comb and plaid canvass at reduced figures. FINE DRESSING GLOVES. GLOVES FOR FARMERS, GLOVES FOR RAILROAD MEN. " " BRIDGE MEN, GLOVES FOR LIVERY MEN. In fart we show the greatest variety of gloves, for special use, to be found, ami we call special aitention to them. The above list covers only a small portion of the many articles which we offer as BARGAINS. We guarantee the public the retailing of all goods i at wholesale prices, and we defy anyone in the business to compete witn tne above figures. SOLOMON & NATHAN. fsst nil : NORTH DENVER, fr'T S. Mot. Denver. Col. any one sending within fixty days from the must lie i.ccompanieu unit v to scent e a home in Deeds sent lo liny jKirt A'inn'ss ;n I'-tters u COMPANY, SC? ST., BI.X'i iK. CtJi. Out oi th miny rhore!. 3I0XEY TO LOAN ON IM PROVE I) FARMS FOR FIE YEARS TIME. TEX IK5t C'EVT IX r I? REST. NO COMMISSIONS. Enquire of I). II. WIIEELEK & CO. Plattsmouth; or 11. E. MOORE, Lin coln, Nebraska. 21tf 3 p1 0 - CD bj T cJ1 el O zr: t ii va i is L. I I a 'K.SOB II r I (tii all it; iu .... , i i-- n ,H H I do CD 3 W ft CD Great Reduction in Boots & Shoes 20 to 25 Per Cent. LOWER TECiZST - LAST TEAR: Mena'Prlnoe Albert lasting Buckle " " Congress . Base Bull Shoos Twn-Hnckle How Shoes Genuine Hand Sewed Ties ' Hand Sewed Alexis Ladies' Slipper Hall Shoes " l'ehble Uoat, Side Lace " Kip. " " French Button ' tloat, Button, (worked button-hole) EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. PETER MERGES. Sehluntz & Dewey, Cedar Creek, Cam County, Meh, PKALKI1S IX Hardware, Stoneware, Queensware S GlasswarCi IHIaii5 Dap5 JBoots Iae Highest market price paid for all kinds of Grain, in Cash, or will take produce in exchange for goods. Having now got our Stock fairly opened, we invite all to rail and ex- amine. MA1TUFACTORY c: 1-3 -3 Km o o o 2- ?5 0 Is 0 . CD o x in II l PO CD C3 CD CD B II S3 W C f5 rr. 0 E3 51 -j- Sherwood Keeps the Biggest Line of Boots & Shoes In Ci ss CctDiy. :4y yiHlMi lS fejfesw rAe Only Improvement ever made on the common POROUS PLASTER. It contains (iret'T and More Powerful Pain-Relieving, Strengthening, and Curative Properties than the common I'orous Piaster, and is f.ir superior to liniine.it and the so-called rlectriva ari'li:i"ces. I'llICK. 25 Ontx. THEBCST THEW0KL SOLD BY ifU!Nr i,, ., . Ik f; rrAri- aai mi I'VJa' a"v. 'Vk FOR PARTICULARS """"""" " ADDRESS: WhiteSewing Machine Co. Cleveland, omo. THE READY FA3OT.Y SOAP MAKJER: PllFliili Lf I a 98 Per Cent Pure. STRONGEST AMD PUREST LYE MADE. m LYE is a FINE POWDER. - Any portion of contents of ran mar bo used witliout nni!injj tuslanrt), K pound, of IcrTiiiiil, Haiti ;-oap made in twi-iity liniiiitvs with out boiling, and your va-1?!! will Ik; sweet and clean to the whm", without thut nasty aniell produced when Uiiiig rcady-inade fc-ou) ox tojj uiadis froin other Lye. One trupaanfal will aoftrn five gsxllona of hard water. LEWIS' I.YK la 'AH per cent, ttroogtr tiuui .hy other Lye or o-caUed Kock or Ball rotanlica. MA.NLKArLEy:u o.nlv by GEO. T. LEWIS & MEflZIES COMPM. PHILADELPHIA, PA. tJ For Sale by E. U. DOVEY & SOV.. cnrVAN : V EC KUAl H, si l 1. S. WHITE. " 1 1 H ( ! ) At 1 I .111 lilt' $1 oo.... 1 .23. .. 1.-3 l.i'i.... I.in).... 2.30..., 4.W $ .23.... I.M3. .. . 3.3".. . 2.oo. .. ..I.at Year. 1.25 . " " 1.73 .. " 1.75 .. " 44 1.75 . . ' " 1.40 .. " " 3.50 f .33 1.83 2.40 2.30 6 (H) 2.75 IMtf SIMPLE ''LOc A WAHMHTtO ... chUi1'' T'y-Jj-.wrtsyi.i, '.w.'.'j'iaaw. m X 1 I : 1 a atv MM W 4 ) 1 I n V Ik 3 i An A BartU Mcr a Broc)ii )H.