f V . PROF. HARRIS' HAD! CAL 10?. EPESHATTOIinGL l!?.E UK UK HA LI) CD f -' - " - V r , .. I t All Sorts. IMi ir.i -iti-nj is rrc'j'i"iit!y llio iv.-Jtslt of :!! owi-J i! i-i ; in oilier "';;!-, I !. t :i'.l,: j.; in:'. p.;;iriii:r I '.till c.!c-n ins.M'vs t; l"-s : i i I :.r t- i n- Dw.n'.ut'Hi, Kn; !ui-l, v.iih :t m.m I it i; 1V ,f'-'7.7J., In- l,":)')li.Il V;l.-.lllt, iiii'l oitU" 1 (;-. !M' !i '.'isf.l ;i! tln'ir.Jii vv..ik.s "in lend oi' IJ "-, ;is lot ni'-rly. not sc'.'U t I'i i a: i-.iio-.l wilJi Vd'.ir IVicii.Vs .seen!, i-,r m matter liovv ifitli fully you nitty !.rt;i it, you liny lis? li.ib'i: iu n l!i;iui-l -,iiliii.;':i''i-- to tlie tusiicion oi' inj; ly.-tntyal it. . L'rAn" -y i.ov U.-tof lvlYain. i' in ;i-k d in !i;ifl;,'t M-ho! whit tin isu' tnin.r' !' 'Scliili," 1,( nplii-:l t!i it it was tmei-'iit lor -Wlioil, Kill!!!.!." An Kn.'rli.-!i '; stntrs that abstc-m'K-'ts ih ius an' tin: ;iiiy two Wdi'.ls in tin? F.nulUli l'Uivri!:m'c v here in tin? five vov Is i'lovv each other Iji their iiry;i(r oiler. A:i ambitious yotii' v. iiier hnvin;.' n !!. I, "What lnnpiziiii' will jrivt' ine tin- hiyiiot !n:-iti"!i j 1 1 i he-tV" was t . 1 i : "A pov.Iler m t z iinc, ifyou con tiii'Vtte ix llery artL-ie." Victor II'.ito s'y.. th il. in tb; twrn ti; t!i tvntury, v,r.r,r.itii;.i! iuiiU!;nn-iit, r.i..:rin-ly, (W;-;iii:'s niid fr tit iers v.ouhl '.U --liijea;-. There. voi:).l le f .rail u;e Yeat r.mulry, the tart'i ; jtiii one ;Tc;t hope, heaven. "Prisoner, tmw i.M an- you?'' "T.ven-ty-iwn, your Honor." "Tvventy-t wo? Your iaj)c :s i;iak'-out that you were, born twenty-three years air." S- I v.; but I spent oik; year in iirixui, r.nii I don't count that it was lost time. On the- front oft! c !i"U- wli.-r 'Lin coln iti'-.i, when he w:i i a tried across the stive., from lh" thi-i!--r. has !e:ai jd. ;-ed a nttrblc ttli!el jjivini' lit-n mi" ;oid tii date of his dva'th. The h- t;o is n v o;-c;i ji;-d a l!ie ot'icc of the Y':iIiiiut'jii - ei.tihel. Mrs. i;. M. l'ikr- 5j -.M to be the fir.-t woman v. Iio ev r .-t i! t ed a laiiy j.a'jK'i- in Kierl.ind. rhe i the p'lbli-h- r:::id j.r m-"n to:- of tl;e I J.-rby Daily 'iV!:'ripIi. It i- an rxeelh'iit e !iii:; .er, and the ih'-t daily pabii-hvd in lh-.' town if I Jorby. 3Ir. Mitr lu ll. a hrotla r of -Ik Mar vel," lias an old f.rm-hou-e at New 1 ndoii, wit h w 'aih he h:is pnKbieed :v fu:i(jue eifeet by iiaintin; it and ihe l-'in-es and otilbiliiins in India mland b.:viii-ra yellow hitliec-workalouir the jdazza. A row of mim 11 jwers adorns the river i.-ai:k. "When we re m' of a mar. fia sakin his wife and ehildn n, oi:r lirst thought is of the sujx-rlat ivc- lueajmess of the 1' Mow ; but seeond tliouu'hfs !iow IioS ri'ieh w:-r he i than en re. lb-er-t;:iidy eo'.dd 1 u laoie le and irei. Ciuiii act thaa relievo his family o'' t:Kh a burden ol eus- -dnv-..". 1V.!;: It's fnuny! but a ft-p aimed woai in e in pa-- a plato of hot ehiekf i i in ; to lier ii' i iih! ;. v I t lie !l'':d oi" t h t:dle, wit't a .-n;i!i- a- .sweet as di-tilled lmir-y while a man wit h a hand n horny as a a o -odiie's bat k will drop it to the lloor and howl around like a ioux In uJau at a sealp daiii-e. Jeorrn 15. S -ott, mi F.m:!bhm in eon 3K'ted w ith the In linn Survey Depart ment. i the lir-t Ilmopean who has scaled the peak of Sikaram. 1 ".(',( feet; the highest jioint in the luteal Keh ranve. The la-t -t." '. let t of the as e:it iKtd io be made by euiiimr Ieps ia the tnow with an Afghan knife. A Yankee auetionei'r lately in hilired i ii the follow i nil- little bit of tin pathe tic : '(u'lithna-n. if my father 'and riother stosl where you do. and didn't lay the-; boot-; t!te- eleirtnt boots when they were troin:r for I hoithl iiA it my duty as ;i .n to tell both of 'em that they were fa!.. to them-elrcs. an I falo to their country." ''That's where the bovs fit f.M-college." said the profess, ,r 'to Mr.. Tart iiiu'ton, peiiitin' to a svhuo!-houe. "Did they'r" said the oi l h-.dy withau iiiiatioii. "Then if they lit, i'or o!!eio liefore they went, they didn't tiht af tcrward?" "Ye-." said he, smi ' inland ILvorin the conceit, "but the lihl was with the head, not with, the hands.". "Jiutted, did the ?" a.-ked theold lady. An exch:i;ma of r rtiind, tells of ai. old farmer who. having eaten an oysier itewf.irtlie first time, said : "l" like tlie so!! pn.'tty well, but I don't like them polly-wos." This n calls the story of the ll-jo-ier who h:iie!ied with (Jeiieral Jackson, and had amon other things champai;ne :u I o fives, "(ieii-?i-al," he said, si .ippinj tin; old hero on the back, "I like uur eider, but your iduni-.' A devoted mother.crndinir'her 7-yoar son for the lir-t time to the di-tiict school, was considerably suriris-d to observe when he came back a look of utter dbirn-a; and mortification. "What's tlie mat ter. darling?" siie said ; 'Don't you like to jj:o to sihool?" 'Yes," he an -worn, "I do, but all the boys have p't patches on their pant-, i? is; 1 they lauj.h at me: and and (sob binjr) ifyou lon't pt;t sume on mine, I won't jfo aL-ain." T'll-s Ada (iiimin. the popular ?m-t York a -tress i- the i:e of ,. 1 ). Ili.-h-ardsoii ("I:i;urieJ"). tlie. AveM-kiK.wn COl Tespelsi halt. AV ho -,as supposed to haA'e !; ai killed and sdped by bliMnly minded Indians .-ome years a;. At the time of their mar; i me lie was but 17 and she Not ht via the neces sary capital to K'-t up lu-usekeepiiur ae-i-onliiir to their l sin-. they wisely con "hided to c.ui'iniie work in their i-e -pei i i A'e s p h (".'(. v. The Capital, Washington, T). 0..says "The Avoin-iii of th" futuit' nai-i !.; irnbodi'sl A'.'it'i all the b'vmtiei of the pa-.-t, but invesied With tin." lieee-silies of the pre-eiit, to i to d.m -e, to jviint. to tell the truth when advisi 1le should be continued studies; but there is a A-a-tlv ;Teater ii:el for s-edy in the life belVu-e th-m. They shouid be tau;:l;t from childhood, as boys are tauiiht, that they nai-.t, in the eji I he K'lt-n-lLnit and .-if-up porting. l"n coutlt as it titay seem t- many, ;;!ill, when reasoned down to sober cal -ul;i-latioi!, the value an-1 necessity of tin? edu- atioti of von:e;j j-ractically not in the theoritical Miss Xiney style in art, science, trade anl professions, is rminently p'ltcnt. aj.l it is written in the experience of the world, that it has i,vown to Ikj actually c-.scniial." STOVES ! AXI U.V. Mathews, On Main St., of-.i. Hattft Valley House. arbtaare, Stcbts & Cintaart. A :rw awrt mont t SHELF IIA1ID WAUK, J:;st n-f-civeil auj will b! soUl low. WOOD STOCK AND TItOX,PU3rr8, FIELD AN G A HD EN SEEDS. Ammunition, lTails,-Lov, .j-AXD A S TEC I A LTV. llenieiiilier. we keeji a trnort TIXNEK, and lire n'iared to ito all Kirts ot Tin-work. ISrown'a Corn I'l inter, and all kind of Farm TU. IVat'siiiouih. Neb. Catarrh of the Nasal Cavities, Acuie, Chronic and Ulcerative, Hay Fever, or Rose Catarrh, Catarrh of the Eya and Ear, and Catarrh of the Throat. SCCCESSFCTXY TREATED WTTU SAiIFOHD'S RADICAL CURE. CIATARRH Is i d!siuHS of the mocons membrane. J Temperaments nl constitutions vary its ver ity In ladlvlilual case. Catarrh may arloe frcm a cold or a sacct8lon of colils, from BUddon chafk'O of atmosphere, wertrlng wet clothtTiK, or eipc-f-uro to jr.riement weather, and beeomiDK tborouuMy c'iPlc'4 whtn the diKCEtive organa are la raci Oiii t r in ctive condition, and the &trcogth and vital i rcn -xlianstel. The diea?n may arie from a I rofulu eindi'.lon of tho blood, from Scarlet I'tvcr. Mf ariea, aud Dlphtlierla, tn which case tho iri nu-i ear riro frenerally involved und diitcliartja c;u.i:i;itici of m.nttr. Tim dis'-liart'es frctu the !:., the dintlnctive featurolnall catarrlnil casca from vjurvcr cu:sa they cric. may be tbla aud v ntorv, and so acid R4 to c.iuae reduce and exco Ttitiofi of the tkin With which they coma In coo taef.or thick ad yollowish, emittscit a fjulodor, r clear aud hite like the white of an epx. Tliera ti-.y tin a:i entire lack of pecrction, the furfaccs be rij( dry and luverlsh,tlie face, front and upju r purf of i U: h-ad feellnir uncomrortablp. aud as if It was m-.iicicd Ly a llk'ht, unyicltiinif band. This latter I-.h.." Ai-alied l.iry Catarrh. The Iree mattery d char? f .iiwi tho pansnsrcs to swell and b;can ti.ick. r.ed, renderi:ir breathlnit throoph the njns dili':ult or lLipossilile. and the sufferer find It nee irv t3 breathe throuph the Mouth, thereby r-Tniiuiii(f cobl ir try pass directly to tin: broncliial -.h -s :i:id luiitri. The ciiticr pa!-i'!!r down t'. e t ront crji a roro-tart de" ire to hawk and ex t ctrat'i to throw it olf: but when the mernliraae 1 !;' n i-J f-v. rtih. lr.bii ud cf possiutf freely down, fr. ui l':c r.-e- nna throat, the mucua becomes Lard a:i i lmia Into 6cu!;3, iiicr-j-statlor.s, pnd hrrl l.:.-p", l.u li m'.ht rc so flriuly tothe uasal pvitayi.3 a tl.ro it m to r -quir-t very p.rsister.t eilans to rtisio-' t:ie2i. Tiid -ye In sympathy becomes in fi r; -J, w;?.k, an J wa't ry, or la the nornii-jf t -j.! Ii iiTi iy be f;mnd pljed together, aad matter !s f:-r't;-.l in more rr li .t e,ur.ntity. Iho ear tlo b- p--i:i s rtoii!iy aifeele.l. disrhr.riflnir qn:uitit! cf 'r.p.tter, i.( sides helri ilteit by the mot lole .t T.cTr.l-.'ic jaris, cnUir-K trcqurr.tly In l;iil:inna tir."i, nlrer-ui u, and 3:ral!y deafifn. The tlir.-at, I f ' cl.i. l t i:!ca, and l-i-isarc In nany c.:---s uJ"-; t ed ? y r.it::rrh, and wtun prostration of the ner voiiarrtcut is superadded, euli acctioi.s bi cot;.o A t.ru f B-jrr-y of tili r.iotycrijai tiloease r.rris all .vlii tr. ill! it:!e J w nh ;r t i.i.i'jeRpeedy pr; p.ira t t--.it t -r i!4 iri.-'.in-tit before it b-cct:ic ctii-onir. 1!;e r. ; i.i-a r- oif.jr.-d by h-ASForo's l:MK r. ( t v.-1 cr miil'-ntJy belle e pre to bo found !u n J t.e.-r r-':ne-ly. . very r'.ep ii its preparation. every i:..;1 1:; t i.: it if -rtioni, ::iark i t ej a "K-nt i ::c n uiedy, en! .ted to: i-et every p!-a5B cftlio dwase. Tha r:!-.".i r t ;-s-.i-Trj!.!'ii-l ft on l!ie I et peoi 1 j ia the t'r.i- : 1 5-t:i-s ntte-t the est-'cni in which It is hell I y tii i v f:o h ive b --n freed frcm tl.e r.ivxt de f!"Hiive anl d.meroia Uiavesc wtttt wtitwU lAna ;:i:. l is :-.;.:y a'Silcl-ii JUST PUELISEED. A rrr: Tn'.'iy rpr'.c-l Treatise on Ctrrh. wit't fill r.-'. i.-a e det.nption of symptoms ndavtnpathetic v -e.'.-r s.t o.-ct'.HT i'h minute d'reetioiiHf.jr etfect n I: i roiti-'s 1Li.ica t, ( in a . cdy anl rir.n.-r:t c-rc. AKoohSTvitioniOadii'tHn'l tho p - ;vr..i h ::'.i. Of tv't l:iiporf:if to all atlieted w.!. c- :nr ... i'. ,s wrnpi..-d ah nt evh boi tie c! t:.-: t;v. tc.&:. C.jf, or .ll Lo oa:led free ou re cvi; i o! t.aiij. Tn-.h p-rkf.T pf SAFOTtr's Tl aTitca l Cms ron- t-.i..- ' r. Sa:.t.r-'.'s I n.rovpd Iiihal'nir Tube, v ilh f -in (! rer! iocs for usi la a'l cxak. I'rire.jl. Sold b- i -1 in. h r:.'." ft r tail drntirists t!iroi!L;!i-t- '.-i" l'::i'. d t t:il. o-.J 'a:ia.i.i. WKKKS & luVi!:':. t.ei.er.l AeL. tud Vinoksalti LrtijJ- - - j , - - - m MKffl lis CwTc:i Pains nnt! Ac5io3. It rT!"t!z the Clrmlatlon. i ', : .. ;.iu -I I .r.:iin:n itory Aetloa. 1-c.iresi llup'.ure u::J Strati;. ltr"nova l'a:n and Sor.-ncad. ItctrL-a Kidney Co npluinu ltf-rLi.k.'!h.:n4 the Muscles. Itt Jii-s iieuniatlia aud Kenralgla. 3t r. iax.-s stiii'-iud Cc.r.ii. It car N -rvouH thoeks. It u invaluable In l'kraly!i. It c.irs Inti imntatlon of the Liver. Ii n :nove NVrvrin la! It cure Split.. I ffrakai c,i. It is ' irat-'l-il and Pootii.;. 1 1 -TH F.pllepy or Kit . It I af-, lt-lianle, and Eponomlctl It is pr. -M-nbed r-v Iliy-!ci ::u. It i idorted by K.kcrieliuis. FRIC 25 CENTS. Ipparpf-itto cbt.i'n Collins Voltatt PtATrm, combination of Klectne or Voltaic Plates with a bichly lledicnTf-d i'laiter, as Seen inliie above cut. f.i Id y a-l Whi.-iesalpand Katatl firupifllsthronih cut th" I'ito.I rttstrs and Canada, and by WHEELS 4i 1'OTTi.K. I'ropri.-t.jr-i. I'.onr.n. Mas. si. Cry fcr Pitchor'a Cas ori.i. Ti-.y7i:e is became it is swe?t ; Li-jthevH IiL.o Castoria because it pivoj Lcr.ltli to f e cliild; a -id Pliy,ician-!, tccattse it oontaiiik no mor-Lliie cr mineral. -rr. f3 p' Is Rittnre's romocTy ir asi.3:.TviIatIig the foci. It cults Vv'ini Coiic, tho raising of Soar Ccrtl asiJ Xtiarrboca, allays Fei-t-rislnevs n.n Kills Worms. Titus tl.o Chill Las Lealt'a and tho Motlipr o'btair. vest, rieas- so The most effective Pala-rclievias acenls for ltlA.11 and BEAST tixe world L.as ever kno-wn.. OTer 1,000,000 Koltlos Bold last j c.tr! The reasons for tbis unpreectlcntcJ popu larity, are evi.kr.t; tlia Centaur Lini ments r.rc in i.l-; to deserve confidence tbey are absorbed into tho Ftructure; they always euro on! never cl:sapy.<. 2to putioa nccJ loader tufTir with PAI La ibo EACK, njictimatlsm or .Stiff Joints, for t'.to GETAOFa Liniment i will surely exterminate tbopaLtt. There is no Strain, Sprain, Cut, Scald, Burn, Bruise, Sting, Gall or Lameness to which. Manliiii;! cr Dumb Erntes ore nubject, that tlcc3 not respond to this Soothing halza. Xho Centaur LIMIMEMTS not o:;!y rolieve pain, but they incite healthy notion, s-iTidno inZamniation, ami enre, whet'-it-r tho fj-nirtoni3 proceed from wounds of the Cesh, or Neuralgia of the Ncrvon frora contractel Cords or n ccn.ldcd Land; from a sprained anklo era cashed foot ; whether from disu.-ting PIMPLES on a LADY'S TA.CH or a i. trained joint oa a Horse's Leg. The arjony prmiuccl by a 13ura cr calrl; mortlUcation from TroEt-bites; -wrl'-ings from Strain?; the tortures of Uheu matism; Crippled for life, by oine nctclcttv-.l acci.ltot: a valuable torso or a lioc i.crj IIaI may all be taved fioiu Ono Uottlo cf Contac? Liniincnt. Ix ) Housekeeper, Farmer, riantcr,Tcam?ter, or Liver? Tn-tn. can aiTord to be without thc?o vaa lf rfnl Li-lcrsats. Thy can be iroeureJ in any part cf tho noo f"r TjO cts. and 31.00 a bottle. Trial botUes 23 cts. C2 A. G, HATT JL'ST OPENED AGAIN'. Ntw, Clean, First Class Jfeat Sffrp, on Main Street Tornor of fitll. llattstiiotitlt Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat. f, S. '"eludings Ciiootlns Outfit. ?1 II fl Every Gun Warranted A l i 3 U Vu.!ulk, MiA.re iiruukt SL Jun si ' zr z GH Usti l2j Li as. j in'i" i' 1 T THE Hllii R MILLER riAXO-FOKTE. Arc rut only fir-it--!,!-s Ii:'nitii'!'.t. Intt tliis Establishment tii:iy ! justly iva:irlt-il . as one of tlie li':iiiiiiir l'i; i:-l"oi ie Maliilf.ti'tol ies if tin Woii. I. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. During tho Season (if IsT.VlsTii Ihn llenty F. M!;liT I'i.tnos were ttseil in lli.stim atnl ieinity in tiion t list ii l'-Z t'oin-'its. Reason of lt?T-l?7. ('imports. Si-usoii of 1S7-W: Miintli (it Oi-tnlior. 33 C'oiiei-fts ; Montii of Nov einl.er, -3 3 (.'oik.pi ts 2'nie hut firt rhi .s I'm mm onrf f.7i't ttr7i ini- ..'tllllK l! I 'I'i mini Hit. THESE Vl.lXO.-i U A I S IltX El I ED The Hiahesl Praise From the Fslost Eminent Musicians, Of !atc 1 liavt had many oiiiiortiinitii's of nsinii your Pianos mill e:'!i say wit'.t lK;tnr'. l!i'-y liavi- n.i si;-riir in Ann-rii-a. ttr.il my lon e pi't icuce aluuai! instilie- nu- in I 1 : i-l i: tlit-tn aheaU oi auv foieign nisi laments il" their kind. t il ts. K. AI'AM?. Madame Koze and tlio other :iitists of my poii!i;tiiy at'- di lii;l!i-d vit h I Ito " Miller"' Piano, fur its rii-li ptiriiy -jf lotto, and tlie wonderful matiiicr iu uliieit it Mti-tains the voieo. ii. M.WI.KSON'. Ill behalf of tho llartiaboo Concert Company, and liait i'-nlai ly m M-lf as the l'iaiii't of said company. I wish to express many thanks for tin lieaiitifitl i Sitttid Planus of yoar mauiifae tnte, Willi whii-h you ha i-f nrnislied lis so far t his sea-on. Wit li your line instruments onn e t t (!vi!iy beeomi-s a posi: i vo pletisure and le lir'ht, "ru ay c itll of ns "' JllllVARll M I consider no other "ttiake" with which 1 ant acquainted. c:tn eM-el it in any of tlie qualities that coiii-titttte a -lfect instriiint-nt. As an accompaniment for the voice, I know of none I .votild prefer to yours. Mrs. I'. E. II. t'AKTKU. T take rroat pleasure in rocommoiidin tho llenty F. .Miller Pianos on all oettsioiis where a fiist-elass iiiano is liesireii. Mis. II. M. Smith. 1 have known the Pianos manufactured by Mr. Ileiiiy F. Miller for many years tind I do not liesitate t say that they take hiuil rank anions the litit-c-'.aos instruments of any of tlie best makers. C.Xitt. ZKliitAHN I consider tho Miller Piano snpeiior to all ot hers iu t hat mellow and cini lit unality mi ae-tcplablv.- for voice acc -mpauinici ts. Mi'. K. Al.I.N'K Os.jooti. V"e were delighted v. iAt th Pianos tif your maiiiifacttiro wiiieh we used during our recent tour in the t'nitcd St:!tes tl'.eir charmiiifr sim; in inaiitios rend rini; tliein especially ilosira lile tor aeconipan vinu the human voice. "if IK Ultl'ilNAI, SWKIilsn I. A I) I KS H: A KT KTT K. World's Interflaticaal EiMliition"1876. This establishment was the only ono out of more than forty Piano-forte exhibitors, which wa- decreed rwn avai:is for its sii ;;le exhibit of Pianos at t he Centeiini.tl Exhibition. Tlii ico.s uij'j ExUilillxhinriit that lit t't''f u t-'jminl .1 mint for a Xcic Inriiitiaii Tlie 1'alcnl PcmIhI U ? i r i x 1 1 1 P i a 1 1 ( - F o r ( o . Tlie Henry F. HiDsr Piasos nave it e.-ivci! the vto'ot sem-. i.t if thu- State of Massachusetts CITY ,,t-BOSTOlsT. Tlfy urt EEADEi:. aiimnj the FOREMOST VIAXOS uf THE WORLD. HENRY F. MILLER Boston, MassM.U. S. A. JAMS PETTEE, Ag't. Plattsinouth, Neb. r.2i- James Pettee DKaLEU in Musical Instruments, Sole Appointiny Ayc-nt for Tlie t.'n rivalled Maon Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. Also, the Stock, Henry F. Miller, ami Hallet Cuinston Pianos for Cass ami Sarpy counties, 'eh. Cill and see S A M VI At I XSTIi UM EXTS at ofilce. Sixth, ono door .south of Main St. PI.ATTSMOL TH. XEH. Will do weil to examine our New 3Ijisoji & Hamlin OZRG-VJNr IUSTBTJCTOE IW1H.4IJV - V U.Lri It i H.k -r'.;;is Ltvi: InviookatobS .'D.t. f it: ii. i i T .: I F vv.V.v l --ay fur ,F .' Liver, S:.j;a:t-y.i p ;:i.ilic!:t.-It is P.uvlv -1 ' mi ... . v Ul. i . I. Ij I . i X r O.il 13. MD FOt? CIRCULAR .J I t ' v. m ; J n w ii u .N V L UK CITS ii "Hit .eisr w nx Ttt t. vnr t is n: rt tatios. 2 i'sKfo-OSfeVVy 'S" ;W:r -f- v -r y is- t-'A F:-' 1 -X,rS7-- -rr-iJ!--"" -s V-t v.-r. 1 ii'-i i&&s-t'.A?l-2 5 1? V 41 f oil-- s : ,-t o , o 'r -; , -s t -4 h -1 11 - f ' r c ' '" l- '-i 1 L i t e r3 i? l ,0r:-: M h hlnvigoratorj "t " ,! i.'i.'v' l;i3 tit't-n usctlS , , 'c : i ". ' ' v' in ,nJ' rraricc5 j h c'j '-"" ,,J-"1 ''J tho pulilic.j ! if r "s Vfifr incro t!m:i S3 yf-:trt,5 1 -i New Im ikrl jf jn tr i .-2 1 Hi C, t; c-T.T!rtl and !: ir.-t r hi Cure Ci '.7 T,lda ' I Imiotcncy bv tin oriy ' trua w.'j, v:r: tircct Aj iilicauc: t" irjii c'pol Brat f f the licac, alii: Vv Ab or I lifii. vi.it mr I !u ii t.;.iie tt itti.'iiri- o.i t t ruiinal p cits rjie- ul .tor? D:it.ti, i i'j t a'.t; fJ ai.aund ir- tr.ra Lie e t:!: IVi-i'! ib utcui d ir i: ii :ia pain r i-rirvr:i f v.rc. it it r:i'Uy (li-t. -I ih-orK!, pi r'wt i.K u ii7iraJi3:.e otiii!K ciJt r?s:irii r rti'i lipu the uul and iicrvuu tr- ai'iu'i'.i t rrrVJ tr-nx nu!-:.(.u a u flrfiif. U;P' t ItTM Tl 1rv-i.i t cr w tv It t Ii-irr- 1 1 t i" rvnl to i.aith n o-.?.d m-inrry. imhj !J Li:-Vi cf :i".i.r. Ncrv -c 1 . Corfvioi n c f li 3. Aversion U ".c l e.L t-.a f h 1 -''- tt.-.- . t" prtrna.uro o:l r ca r-t. . f.n,p;i vice t!i I - -Tiii -, m:i'i r.'"t-triii- pf ; i f ii 1 V .vor, ti ita b en t 'tiu:i 4 ir v : . 'I .ui i- . ot tn n(u. mi hn ;i-.l 111 l -t t til V.-'V m fr- j Ct"'.r:'t tc I...H" pr.n fiilTi l to : . r-"Tl 73 ft"-1 -O I !i M4.-rr i!.t-ti :i- t'n-f.- ir.'i;H:c, i it n iv can ! vtznr ti, 'Ai:1! hot lr" if muy l-'t:i' "v f .ui. i - i t .t u-r ulr-tit t'.. -h l'lin" t;:i, r'-r'.-rf! i -r-. r. m i m I i p ;.; v xicrr.n t-3 riit ii v.-'.l r:r-snriCsii t on. Di-rin; t!ic cu;!:t r . ars ''-.ut it iuHfn m tC'-i:i; t 1::v tlo..otiS ct t'iiii-ni-il t !:" ittinr, 1 1 1 r I tow loirrd- I ly i n- Mo!i-:! IV. f. - i ! j the H i 't Tati-.:iai r'-'tii-1 vt (i;ro v.-j r - t n-n- i'-'t '"'1 --r in t i 1 rrr p;.-T- ;it tr:u!i.c till '.i v.! I K t't. m I be lliw fittr rt i:;co'.f m'MTvt J? tit in-, c i l 'wm ' - m CTi rekp prrv wii!i th i :.o''t i: f r. I : - f- c .TV Jti-ir. i - put u ii: n i - 1 t. v j - ln: n --! '. H"! f rt i j.mi; wTir-f-r If f--r f' 3 T.- U-Tr. ( icti.-v t tc r-- ; a -- -ir-.nci T I'I i'i vt.t rar i 5 T-:i t'i - I:. i J i'i: 1 :i.l titr.- v i I t. it r4 -rf i-rc-r, in 1 c wor! c:: ri T.-i ul niiC'-lGIiS ior t tv i 1 n"f fipnr.y tCA J OX. ff I"ustrnfii:t, wliich wii r-' i-iif ifiv ni'it ii,i.t;l i-. t'.it Hrrmitf nrf'r-cl t p iiWt rin'uMM!. ftr t ct-t a'ltllV'r itr.'t'pts any t - a vVj V. uio- c:ii;iiii', n idi litany .J' c-"ti ercnt V.'omar.'Hm-l, f.fctinTi ot . .1. p - v " ." v- r.viufiia irnii' v. i phi f f t j "4 r ? " ; tosm' foinpai b'.o le1 inrcmp:i---'I.iir,-Vi'- Jt'fili'.v in vciiH-n, cflUit anj :. . i. .7 - t' ;Itir"witi, Aiiice to hiisbatnii, A : t-p to v:,i. I iit t:i. i.u- p. V Sney n4 j r- r : c'l:.ji:. " 'i. Cci'u(.'i ft . C,'mi. pt i"t, Cn It . 'it, u-. t t i'ur;Ji!, Ji; ;tmnt t Marri in rt..t' r.-vt i -n . S"ifncc Jv. (v-siiu't!.'ii. Sir-if .1, I.:. t j.i.-n , I j v d I itvori'f, J rt:hU -r t,v,i - i.- !i, f.t i;"..;tw-i2 X-iee fwr-jlihr to V.V . nit, th ir cith.m fliit !ri".ti.cyt. A Kim1: f-T pronto km J r'-.:ft r-Ut? r'.a-it r G'JO p. s vua futi i lata "Vh Privet-- Ave-' rr:v"." ot i-r: :u v .tct, c 1; i. tur VarlooTla, t 1- on?- pc nnnr: cr'acca, Ef-niil IKbiiity. and Jni-t---;4- f '.trt .t I- Iiie ai.a n, riin--i.i: 8fininui :i;- . N- i"Uni-t, ATrrin to Kot'iv, Confusion ot a . 1 . r rn ! -v, iyiin :ios f b;U:, lrictix Memory, 4! 4x.iii l-r, r-c. :u9 i.;r f.iarriwj'c improper or v'h3:", t---'.!!:1-- t, a f-t irxvny 3i.:.t ever iJ; .! s, fc J a ie.-t"T- fi "tiit'O.'.'c.ia V e.-irXlicnft, T rt: rr 'i tl m .i l;:.v-:r IwMni v.!-;i:h, 51. : :-ry t.-:niu C jr in t f- r i '."i 1 : il.c in. t ac:r k enry-t'.:iz- c: .' c .-! i ? -:lm1 :.t or.:i Wau tr.J riii h tji'.t i i -t p o.-'i J ;t "y f!ifr ork. '' -.erpn -if 1 vctuine tI pjii ! tiif hi ' ' pi;lar tc'icil Rv-ok p j: h d, a. ! "ie d:-- ?..iv.t ;.,t cf.::u: it t an hair ;:!-,r?'iti.."f I i?iiJ l. T:-"A':tbtri r i c rricr.t-.ctd I .-.v;it of tr.-.'.y lift prr.t l; i v ..-'1 I an J dr lva ? v-it,"r."'-l ilu -s f r t-,f-,,ir:it 1. "i f!nirn, will l.-f-i:r. -f t -.i.'io tjf"'f':.rf': f ii;!in. i;-- it'iiip"- -J,!.; T -orv" -t i ' :, or, or v t t.v im:::-r- in t-"'-.-..--: c r tl:j h-n i f p-ivate" cr v'ifv.'it:''''j:'.f l; .t :n . - v-.-jnir. cr cn.:) :c :, 7 T : '; irt Mn.f , h.'.vt n r f it rt . C;:5u!- ir. c t 'in::;3!, a- i .-. tt r -i r p v an t-.n;. 7 C"r"' i or r:- l-y t.-v.- S. -i'--r!.. I i ir.iiii. j- :-r r.t r -r f.-! r-..iiTi r.-.fp-in? r-Ti t r. :TL to t h -.i t ..-.r i-jiv 1 ta.t i-J - . t"j y 1. S VfT ' V .-.'3 t -t;i ih:t t.-v w'i tP'ri 3 TP A r'W work, prio VO S C lark t..rhif-p. III. C r-BriecialtT. ell n-8 of Na'ur. i'htri. olrcy of fclarnaiT, t)r of iJ n rr at ion, I)i of Yuutl) aotl a(aiiho'il ; a wr-atth of ctieice anl vnl ial'W io furniMi'.ti. 'f lttt-rct to bfih :. Nnthitu ntretitve tn f vn1 tml &:nl rkncntf&t. In for matt'in n e r betor ftihii-hM. N fimily b)iuitl Ttittumt iu r- i - - i- t n f rivate. L brontc kiii C ahu1 Jou fret I.a.lis and 0ntl C5 fnr sample of bi b s- - rubber rMs, and l I TllUaill IBililltmilUM tr cuirwi. i(f llu blr K mar fill. I pf r b. . FrlTateH home ati'l uune lr rf M f.a-lifii dun ac con- ti 2 I rtni?niTit. and MORPHlr bMt -o-Inlcty a;.d t t-ediljr curc4. Vrjo KfM. No puhliciijr. 5nJ trtuup for full parTicu'ar. Ir C aritoo, 8. Clwa St., Cbieo. LL DYKE'BEARD ELI X ! ft l' wl.M..ld 1m.v por- - r !. Jw lybvtlll'IM llM.llliUR.ip'U'lM'f'l'tL J.SrA ! -i W i n e s, Liquors AND ?.rain Slri'cl, (ii;Miiiti tni-Court Iione. T'.iis hu- is jtit opcni-d. ii. ir, giiml piKiiis of ;i!l kiniis. WV tv;uit to !;fi?ii a gou-.l linit--e unti I!e;i.-e our ciii-toim-i'. ItEJlEMfiEIl THIS. O.y. i latte Valley Herd of POLAND-CHINA V"KKriN- WATElf, ... :i:n .t7ltej;itt-rftl Stock for stilf. JOIIX SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED . m i. til y r?!r"3 Ci Biia a&sIa liw.- Carriages always en Kaiid AND HEARSE FUNERALS. TAKE UOTICE I T wiitit till of in y iicronnts oct'U'il to d:ite. iin'l i shall io no niore t-rt-ti i t tminoss. All oM aci'innitt must lie si-ttlftl tip. titiil no n;w oni-s will In- made 1'nk-ss sin-li arcuimtn arc ft ttli'J sli-rtly tlify will 1- miimI. 1 wi'sli to'tlo astik-t'.y t-ash lnisinrss in future. JOHN SHANNON. 4;ly l'lattsmoutli, Nt-li, W. D. JONE' Aatn tttkes tlio . Brick Livery Slablet n.ATTSM(5UTII, XEDKASKA Tlio old r.onni-r Stalilc. in riattsmout h, are nmv lp;iM'ii liy V,'M. 1 . .It ).N FS, anil In; has on liand new ami liainlouic accoiuinndatiotis, in tli sliaiic oX II Oil ES, CA III: i AGES, EUGGIES, ninl SADDLE HOUSES. I am pic;iared to keep HOUSES FOR SALE TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On lteasonaldo Terms. ALSO KEMKMIJI-C, That with plenty or room (that every one kno'vw 1 have! in my ttaliie. 1 ean net Fanner' i-lork and wagons, loads ot h iy, &c, niidt-r eov er. hetf tliev will keep drv. Tliankin -.. W my old pal r.nts for tlieir li! u-rnl-ifv. 1 solicit their'traile forthe future, fiitislie! that I ean iiecomniodate them better and do better by them titan everlicfore. 3yl WM. T. JONES. ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACK3I1T11 SHOP. Wagon, linjijii, J!a Ju'uc on-1 Itp re patriii'j, and ynu ral jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of ivpaiiijig Dl farm ;mu! ot hrr iu:i,-.iii.i-i v. liiero i a trood lathe in my .sli..p. PETER RAUEN, Tiie old Reliable Wagon Maker lta.4 taken charge of the w:ti,on k'iop. . He is well known sis a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Xcw tVr.ons k! Itiissle made to Order. . SATISFACTION G U A RA N T F K D. S'top on sixthstref ojposite.SJ.tei.lit'9 Stably (IJI9 tIR'. Tt t tx CO v. IT! 30) B Q t - 5hQ CO 3I0XKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS FOR FIE YEARS TIME. TEX PIJIl CrCXT IXTLRKST. NO COMMISSIONS. Enquire of 1). II. WIIEELEU & CO. Phittsmouth; or li. E. MOORE, Lin coln, Xebraskn. 2ttf " ki:j:nan .s: uisac-e. or.a UlilUJ LU i CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. I'LATTSMOUTII - - XEiJ. IJilltard Ila'.l ami Saloon oh Main street, four doors from JN.xth ;it Neville's old place. VEST Ii RANDS OF CIGARS, A LES, WINES, cf-C. Itcmriul;rr TIte X'tittio si:s! I'lttre. 24ly Keenan & Grace. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, HOUSE CHOKING, AMI WAGON RKI'AIRINd" All kinds of FARM I.Mri.KMKNTS nundeJ N mth; ti- Pro)nj p. :0: Horse, 3iiile& OxSIjoeintc. In short, wSU shoe anything that liar lour feet, from a Zebra to a (Jim.'Te. Come and :tn os. JTJT77' SHOP, ' tt Fi th S l'i-t v.i'i-n M i;:: a-f Vim- S.- v.-iv u.t iicriisi e i-oiiu r li;. in th I.K.w HFiZAi'-OKK-CX. iuv Raloi Timimi Hon liuiuii uiquui uuuiuiu Ill 3 S 1 I DRY GOODS & CLOTHING A few of the articles you can buy to the best advantage at the live progressive- DRY GOODS and CLOTHING HOLSE OIF" SOLOMON & NATHAN. For SI 00 you can Imy 21 yards strndard prints. " pound good till wool yarn. " 10 " cotton batting. " SX3 per yard domestic gingham. 8la' " ' cheviot shirting, very good. 7 " " brown and bleached muslin, can't be beat. " 7 " " Canton ilannel, superb. 8.V " " ticking, no better. " 1 00 ti good comfortable. " 1 25 per ),-ir u, splendid blankets. 15, IS and 20c per v'd, alpaca lustres, all colors, best ever offered. 2.2c up, black ami colored alpacas, double width, best in the city. " 45c per vard up. black and colored cashmeres, great bargains. Si to 10 and 12.; to 13c per yard up, suitings in endless varieties. 20c per yard up, afl wool flannels, best ever offered. 30c " " waterproof, an excellent quality. " 20c " " " cassimeres, (well worth double.) 3 75 up. Ladies cloaks, the finest assortment iu the city. 1 75 up, Misses and children's cloaks " ' " 20c per yanLup, hand made zephyr fascinators. " 75c nr. a great variety of shawls. " 23c up, perfect fitting corsets. " 50c up, two button kid gloves, line. A full line of Ladies and Children's underwear, (very cheap..) The finest assortment of Ladies. Children's and Infants hand-made hoods, sacks and shawls, zephyr, ever known in Plattsinouth. UvT I L L I ILST IE3 IR, For 75c, up. Ladies' trimmed hats, nice. (5e, up. Children's hats. Jewelry and notions at prices that defy competition. S 2 S , O O O "W O JRj T HI Of Glens', Youths and childrens clotlting. regardless of cost. We are go ing t close this branch of our business. So look out for bargains. For S3 00 and up, Mens overcoats, hard to beat. " . 4 00 and up, Mens suits. " 1 DO and up, Hoys' suits. FURNISHING GOOFS IX PROPORTION. For SI 75, up. Mens' boots. Mens' shoes, SI 25 up. 1 00, up, Rovs' boots. Roys' shoes. c up. 1 00, up, Ladies shoes. Childrens' shoes, 2.c up. - The largest and most elegant stock of mens' ai-.d boys' felt and stiff ciow n 1,lll8'r!!ke aiJVantage of the great inducements we offer in zephyrs all color, 12i.; crllt3 j,(.r onnee. Full line of Cermantown and high colored .wn er low".- - Fine ass't in Java Honey Comb and plaid canvass at leduced l.gures. FINK DRESSING CLOVES, GLOVES FOR FARMERS, GLOVES FOR RAILROAD MEN, " " BRIDGE MEA, GLOVES FOR LIVERY MEN. In fact we show the greatest variety of gloves, for special use, to be found, and we call special attention to them. The above list covers only a small portion of tlie many .articles, which we offer as BARGAINS. We guarantee the public the retailing of als Roods wholesale prices, and we defy anyone above figures. SOLOMON & NATHAN CD H k) - CD S3 O. F. JOHN BON, L;:.t.K:; in Druas? AND All Paper Trimmed Fiee of Charge. ALSO DEALER IX Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest ruhlicjitioiis. PreMcript ioi:M Carefully Coir jctintle by an Kxiiei-inc--.' rrs:cit. ri:m::m;u:r Tin: i-i-aci:. Gth ST., I DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN I'l.xTTSMon'JI. NK!1. ADA 31 S WIND MILL. AtJKNT, V'e. pi::- Water, Nel.. ?I:itiiif::e:::iv-.l Ly r:a 'i':.-.s Vt'Vii i . oi .-tr.- !!-. IU. : ii:iV pf.t iip St V. I I ill ('.i.-is t o. A iiioii. r !;("( !';ni-!i;i-!ii:: ai.- J. M ): ai d-liv. i; V'. I'i i u-. ; ii.."i S. YaiiM'i : -lid .1. II. Vl'i nu. i-i i.h- ( o.. a!l f w iiii. n i :iii t ;st ;.ry l i t 1 ' i-ir a j.i-rior i-?v-ii!-i-t". 'i'Iin-'' iSI:lii!r tc--;i:i c!i:ie e.'.;i a-Idren f . . nt.-r : s.'t : - f ii "TT Vs. ixfiielioti t.-ivir.ii:t-e.. f 'v v.ir.v-.V -,--- m ,!.-..S.!i..tit ptttnpscr in me uusiness to u""!" - WALL PAPER. rrrh'J 'Great Reduction 20 to 25 Sletis' rrinre Allu-rt l.astin.L' r.ucklc ' " Coiiirri'-iiJ " l?ase r.iill si'kh's " 'I'wo-Uuckli' riow Sinn's ' (lonuiiu- ll.mtl Sewed Ties " ll;tmt So woil Alt-xis Ladies' Slipper 1 1 ill f Slioi s " 1'i lible (Joat, rule I.iu'e Kip. " " " Trench r.utton EVERYTHING ELSE -rn Sehluntz & Dewey, Cedar Greek? Cam County, JWeb, DKALKllS IN Hardware, Highest market price paid for all kinds of Grain, m Cash, or will take produce in exchange for goods. Having now got our Stock fairly opened, we invite ami no. r a "xj facto jR; f: j; r T'1 7 o if II R CO t irr: jr c 2 2 wi !?0:iV'-';'--' Shervood Keeps the Biggest Lino cf Eo:ts Shoes In Cars County. :.,iy -, ' : ." " ' ..l' 'I Tie Improvement trer untile on the common POROUS PLASTER. It f Oiit. litis (ireut'-r ttii'l More l'.)werf:il Pain-Relisving, Strengtlisning, anil Curative Properties tlttia tlie coiifjiiiii I'.notts rioter, and is f ir stiptrio.- t) liniu.e :t" an 1 tlie m-eii'.U-d (Ici.-tiiea .11 plianefs. l'ltlC?:. 'ent. THEDZST S150Q.CQ FOR PARTICULARS W"fcW3RC ADDRESS: : , r W HI I h ZMr W Nit IV A I ,H 1 IN K. Iw. lir.iiwrrn.iiin kiAAafikir-ri BEST IS CHEAPEST THOUGH IT KAY COST A LITTLE iilOEE! -s LEWIS' COPJDER3SSD r Hate frea RsM Grape Gffl of Tartar. Recommended by tho Broc.ilyn Y Ilonnl of Heullii, ta l by tho Crst mm TTc will pay $1000.00 for .; or ocr ftfiii-iteration four.tZ in titij 3u:il' THE EKST AND STUOXOKST lAUJJ. MAM KACTL'KLU Blf 1 t'-B CEO. T. LSV753 & FaSr-'ZSES CO, -ForSilol-y E.C I.OYKV i V.. a:ii:MAN & WtCKUACH. uttJ i--.s.wniTf. tot "J u;v.ccs ---i-iuliy r:,j m d in Boots & Shoes Per Cent. AST TEAB . ..$1 ) L:iit Year, f 1.21 . .. 1.-. " - 1.7.. ... 1 - " 1.75 ... I-J". " " 1.7-. ... l.im ' " l.m . . . 'J.i " y ... !..') . . s .'j -s 1 " " 'l,K". ... I -' " " '.Ml . 1-". " - 'J..MI ... :.' " " f..i:.l ..111 t It - IN PROPORTION MEBG-ES. Stoneware, frr '? 3 o ail to call and r 1 rirr a r r'Miii ljLC. CL'.niM w. C ..:yrv...;j -4 " "i i , 'V 'i'X''vV:';-' -1'."- '. ". ? - ;i.V' " fe-vv ..'vi-'-.-t'.": y, f " 1 r-t-.r.-.-'-. -,: H-y..-', --, ,J f -. 1 -.jb-'f. ti : . ' i -. . s - 1 1 - 1 1 PHILADELPHIA, t'A. y j: I A 4T i i '; 1 1