THE HERALD, LOCAL NEWS. Personal. Etlwin Jeary was in town Tuesday. Mr.Lewis.of Louisrille, was in town Tuesday, on business. Truman Hall of Louisville, called .i.i;i VdIps- rives tome hard i vesteidaT. Tho IIekai.d was clad to Apples! Ari1s' Ht r. s. wmtk's. knocks to Uro. Kanisey. Grant meeting at Court House n.ljoMrnetl until to-night. Fest made and cheapest clothing in town at the Gueat Rkd Store. Apple! No trouble to show poods. Come and (. us. Great Kei Store. Hon. Geo. Smith and Hon. Geo H. Kolfitsnrp tilled at Ashland this wf-ek. The fanner's and poor man's friends. Great Red Store, I,. Kalisky & Sox. Which "t" of the Enterprise is it that is poinj? to challenge White. Is it Rush or Mont. A car lond f apples just received at White's. All varieties for cooking and eatiag. 3't2 Msney positively refunded foi all goods not found as represented at the Great Red Stoke. The steam ferry " Luella," the beat Capt. ously. has got for this place, left Nebraska City yesterday, and may he expected I. ere to-day. - Republicans can't afford to stand b.ick and rmnnia o.uUr the sligmu that there are not ;n ! R-prtbli-rau te till tha Tre.ntirer's rli e a tkreaie le;nr.its. W. II. Xe.vell must be elected. When you come to town go right to the Great Red Red Mag eu the huue. L. Kalisky & Sox. As will be seen in another column, Rev. Mr. Stainhart leaves his charge here next weekend gos to San Fran cisco for his health. II is stay of a year and a half seems to have been most acceptable to his people, who all regret th necessity for his departure. Kalisky & Son are just more than coming out. The IIkkali likes to see liberal advertisers, aud hopes the great Red Store (Duke's old htand) will become famous for bargains and good jtods. The Grant XCeetingwa3 postponed until to-aigut at 7 p. m., Court House. Lists are left at the P.O. and ia stores fwr those to sign who desire t go, and our people must attend to tins as the R. R. want to knew before hand about feow many are going, in order to pro vide coaches. It used to be an old adage that a woman was ;it the bottom of all trouble ai:.d the tpjery MVueiVs lh; woitiih?"' has passed into a proverb. Xu.vaw y whenever you hear of a bi fee, a grmd job or any s."ul!duggery yj.i c in s ift-ly ask : "Whore is the "f ashmMl" thi.'s : t the bottom of it ?" Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup should be kept in every famiiy. A sli-zlu ruig!i, if unchecked, is often tin; forerunner of Consumption, and a timely tlsi of this wonderful medicine has rvscuej many from an untimely grave. 1 Where is -John Tatt? That's what we want to know. When (! n. Grant went out te see hi farm at L g Branch or to visit his bull pup the democratic press hon lei tint ho was Vviug his pot of business and let tins the Government run itself. Hr Greenback Dcmjcr-tic m?n b-ave the whole thiugto wiggle aloae. We have receive I cards of invita tion to attend the celebration of the 40th anaiversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J. I Huck. at Three Grove, next week Wednusda.. This is getting pretty well along in the anni versaries, and to celebrate it seems most fitting. The 1Iekali folks will certainly bo there if possible. -The Annual Meeting f the Cass County Bible Society will bs held ia the Presbyterrian church a next Sab bath Evening. (Nov. 21.) The Rev'd Wm. McCanJlish, Dist. Supt. of A. 15. S. will be present, an I interesting ad dresses are expected from him and others. All are cordially invited to attend. Wasted. A good girl to do general house wrk iu a family of three. Inquire of 32tf Mrs. J r lics rF.rrEiri.ERii. see Truman. Geo. LaRue, of Union Mills, :i good Republican and Postmaster at Union Mills called yesterday. Thomas Jefferson Thomas bas 40 head of the cattle brought innately to ff ed, by the Todd3 aud Thomases. II. J. Stieight, and Son Eddie, of South Rend called on the Herald yes terdsy. "Hank" is s-SHnd on the goose, yet. Hon. E A. Kiikpatrick, re publican candidate forCounty Clerk was in town ye sUrday feeling confident of his elec tion by a handsome majority. We are sorry to lean that Mr. Wm. Jtn es has been very sick lately, cot being able to take any part in the dem ocrat ic campaigs even, which the said William would very much like to do. Save money by buying goods at the Great Red Store, where they have strictly one price, and the only house that sells goods st Chicago prices. Great Red Store, L. Kai.IsKT & Son. Testimonial. We. the uiidwi. signed, members of the German Presbyterian Church of PI .ittsmont'ii, testily hereby that our brl ved minister. Rev. Joseph A. Sleinh ard has prc-achfd to us the g'.spel for ouo year and six months, piuo an 1 true, and has performed his du:ies as a minister faithfully and with great kind ties He has also conducted himself as a true Christian, and has won the respect and love ef every truth-loving member, and we hope the grace of the Lord may bo with him wherever he goes. In the name of the members, Freu.Goerder, (Flllpr, Jacob Vallkky, f mers. A. Reins, 1 Jonx Houl.schch, j Frei. St I'll. ',-Trustees. George Frank, II . C. Schmidt, J Platjismol-th, Neil, Oct. 29th, 1S70. Concert. Oar city schools, under Prof. J. R. Ferguson, will give a concert on this Friday evening in Titzgerald Hall. Reserved ansa's 2 cents, general ad mission 15 cents, children 10 cents. To commence at 7:30 sharp. New Millinery for Fall and Winter. New fall geods at Miss Sages' Millin ery Establishment, Ashland. Neb. Reantiful hats, ties, laces, etc., etc. Also canvass, zephyrs, and cardboard. 32t4 1 hree For One. The Chicago, Burlington A Quincy R. R. will sell round trip tickets to Chicago from all stations in Iwa. at one fare and a third, on Nov. 10, 11 and 12. good t retarn on Nov. 17. All these who take advantage of this can witness the Fat Stock Show, the Reunion of the Arasy of the Tennes see and the Gen. Grant Reception. We pay more for country produce than any house in town. L. Kaliskt & Son, Great Red Store. Estrayed. From the residence of tho under signed. Sixth street, on Saturday night, October 25th. a dark brown, medium sized mare, white on bottom of three hoofs, heavy mane and tail, accompanied by bay spriag mare colt, with halter on. A liberal reward will 1 naid'for recov-ry f mar, or infor T i -a le .i: .' trri. . ) f' .. r- Political Notes. El. Hkrald : Since our last notes we have had the privilege or attending a I km o -co ' fusion- muetins at Brer' School IIust where petvhes were mailt? by Thompson, Kauney, Todd ami ShowaUer. As Mr. Todd's speech was very lengthy, and on a subject we think settled, and as Mr. Suow a!ter p-nnMiiJu'rci, .shortly after ha had com menced to speak, that lie could not make a speech and retired. e shall let them pass: but e propose to review Mr. Thonips'.'-i's and Mr. Ham-ey's sp eehe. Mr. Tliom;s-ja ix'i; m tv lying lie had not come to :u ike a ;v.-li, vv? iciii-wi aim, and hen he s;a;ed he ha 1 eu to e:::e::it Pat-terso-i. wl aisu liilii-v.-d lii.n, for Thompson n.-vt r lii's. lie .ilih i uli i.e was not very .i-'.l ac.ii.t! lied ivitli M . J';ii-r'o.i ae had the cheeek to ;o ':iio his 1 1 "a i t-i ;ui"s, inliee uii.l ex .1 iii.i.: i.i l.ea 01, ei b.ijl.s. t c believed h n. for we know i i : 1 1 1 ; r make" a lio:i tam. aid. ali lioa'i It' had no money, he would give 510U to ;:iiyoae who voi:!d come into his ofllcanil tiul anything Incorrect in theaeeouiit o: .dr. I'attcisoii, which l.e had copied ; ol e.ia s we believed him. for he can pet ?ll sit th pie-eat tim .', .viirr; he pol cio a .short line a ;.. He sa d lie with the Dcm icr.its ha I in.ulc u,i a ticket of fienlackrrs and Democrats. ; heiieve.l liini, tor c knew the Democratu had no L, f electing; to any office ec-pt those for which Democrats were nominated. He said he had done nmri fur the ireadaek party than any o.licr tireeiibaeer in the county, having sunk SI .3 'Hi in ruiiiiirii: the Sentinel in the inter s.. of tne Creeiiliai-k p irty. We believe. 1 him li.nvmii" kk knew n K iitor can advoe.ite iwd nar:iei. having i;ile; views, at the same time. He said he nmki.i oiae money now, having rj -eived 1:1 ne w sul'si-iiiier in the last week, niae d which were (ireeishnckrrs. We i.e!ie-cd him for out of every 12't things he says, nine arc for the jreenbai-kers and the rest for . lie said many tilings in fa vor of Mi . l'attei-son. which we liehevd : and we further believe if Mr. Frc.m.i!i had had i?51 at one time which he wished to risk in t! is campaign. Mr. Thomp-on would have said many thin ;s hi f.ivor of Mr. l'lveuian instead of Mr. 1'atterson. Mr. K.nnsey bi-;.iii by statia this was a local eleeiton. an I we shenld not dwell on National allairs Y nu are very sjigacious Mr. I'amsey, for yoa well kno th De.nacrais' record in National matters would lie very detrimental to yoiirc.iu-e lid fall. lVat to your dissatisfac tion a Nation il debt eile out against Demo crats. Thousands of n ido-.vs and orphans stand a' g lide iMi.nds. lwiiiitio to their past deeds. Id'obv. Dai vil e ind AmlernoiiviUe stand as mon-tiinent-i of t heir a! ro -ions crimes. 5ir, th blood wf thousands of ne-roes hlaughtereil by their hands is not was ted away yet. The murder of Jndje Chisholm and family, and tlicir exoner ating the murderer, also the ISrigxdicr's record in Con;i'eis last winter is too fresh in people's mind to be forgotten, because jnu say so. Mr. Kanisey next arraigned the nepublicau party of this county for the dishonesty of aCom-aiis-.ioner and incompetency of a treasurer, who fille I these offices soiiu years aj;o. If the nep'.iblican party is so dishonest, why did you (Mr. Ramsey) go all the way from Louis ville to Liberty precinct to see if Henry Wolfe, a ICepublican, would not consent to run on your Democrat ticket? It is very consistent for ynt to preach honesty when accused by Mr. Todd of misappropriating 50 of the county's money as Coinin issioner, aud neither you nor any one else dared deny it, one r.uewill defend another. We expected to hear yoi. say Mr. ratterson was honest ; but if he is honest, he is like "Old Dog Tray," found in bail company. Sir. we fail to ee why we should vote for Mr. Tatterson if he is honest, for there are other men who are honest and have shown themselvescompetent, and who left all to ko and fight, to save their country, while Mr. Patterson remained at home. In conclusion, we would say if Republicans wish togiveupthe principles for which they fought, and a claim to the glorious record of the Republican party, vote the Democrat ticket. If you wish to vote for men who will ue their money, their influence and the influence of their office to defeat the Republican party next fail, vote the Democratic ticket, titled by that most dthuivc navtie "People's Ticket. 51. S. Squibs. A large Bank account is of more value than a delinquent tax-list to any treasurer, but the treasurer's bank account is of no value to the poor farmer. Hobbs was incompetent and didn't see it. " People's Ticket " before election ; after wards, if successful. Democratic. W hy is this? we ask Thompson and Johu Wise. County Commissioner Richardson called on the Sentinel last week, but has not been back since. Sentinel. Just as we expected ; one call will satify any honest mail. In Mr. Thompson's speech at Berger's school house, we were put in mind of a boy wc knew in Ohio. This boy had no education whatever, but be was as full of big words as a pic; after it bad bad all the butter-milk it wanted . When there was a big political campaign, tins boy would at tend the meetings of either party, and when the speakers were speaking, eoiue reckless fellows of the opposite party would make up a collection and hue the boy to make an opposition speech. He could hold out very well while one speaker was speaking, but when there were several speakers, he would become weary and want to ?!p.V:t t':ose wSofcsrl pionev tpvjpil in him wulX sUe thc-;r l-'Cai? stJ '" .il U : on -,v.-.!fc., V.s paV. s. Rock Bluff Items. Octorer 28, 1879. Ed. Herald Our mustard has taken a second growth, aud we fear we shall have no seed loft for next year. Rock Bluffs loomed up last Saturday night. Strce Gfeenbackers and Demo crats camo down or the purpose of making stump speeches. Mr. Ilutcne Ron was chosen chairman of the meet ing R.S. Ramsey was called for, and made quite a lengthy speech, enlight ening us on many points. Mr. Thomp son, the Sentinel man, next took the floor, and made a speech. Mr. Showal ter followed with a few remarks. Way man came next and made some sport for the audience. (A few words from Noah.) Fry followed Wayman with a short speech. When Try con cluded, the words tHtt! tutt! passed around the room, and- sure enough Tott was there, but did not speak. (Xoah rises again.) A motion was made to adjourn, (Noah up again) and everybody did so bat Noah, the Green back candidate for commissioner. I suppose we get it again next Sat urday night from Republicans. For want of news I will have to close. Yours, as ever, Sam Slick, Jr. Mr. Tefft was also at Eikeffs and in Liberty precinct. The meeting at Salt Creek is post poned until Saturday. November 1st, when there will be a joint discussion. Messrs. Chapman and Tefft spoke at Greenwood and Harney's school house last week and had good meet ings. Wanted A good frirl to do gen eral heusewerk. Good wagea. En-" quire at this office. A fine three year old colt for sale Enquire at this office or of tf James Tetter. Varieties in fancy goods at Mrs. Johnson & Miss Sweeney's. Some thing new every day. Cl-12 The Great Red Store Is the only place in town where you get your full moneys' worth, Kalisky & Sox, Prop. For Sale. A large brown mare colt three years old, weight about ten hundred and fif ty, sound and well built. Enquire at this office or of tf James Pettee. New ha'.s in all tho late styles, smooth and handsome, rough and hand somer, trimmed and handsomest, turned up brims, turned down I rims, pointed crowns, round crowns, and square crowns at Y rs. Johnson & Miss Sweenev's. A Wise Ueacuu. "Deacou Wilder, I want you to tell me how you kept yourself and family well the past season, when all the rest of uh have been sick so much, and have had the doctors visiting us so oft en." Uro. Taylor, the answer is very easy. I used Hop Bitters in. time; kept my family well and saved the doctor bills. Three dollars' worth of it kept H3 well and able to work all the time. I'll warrant it has cost you and the neigh bors one to two hundred dollars apiece to keep sick the same time." "Deacon, I'll use your medecine hereafter." TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. Strayed or Stolea. One small dappled grey mare mule, on Sunday night, Oct. 19th, from my place near the round house in South Plattsmouth. She has two collar marks on the right shoulder and one on the left. Had head stall one shoe on left front foot. The above reward will be paid fr her recovery, and any information ca be left with Charley Holmes or at my place. St J. II. Criswell. Merchant Tailors. ltasgorshek Bros., Main Street, one door east of Dovey's, are getting on a fine assortment of domestic and im ported cloths, which they invite every one to ca'.l and examine. They guar antee good work and fit, and will en deavor to give satisfaction to all their customers. Theirs being the only ex clusive Merchant Tailoring Establish ment in the city, they are able to give their undivided attention to their work, and their patrons may rest as sured that every effort will be made to please. Suits and single garments in the latest styles and the best of work. Call and see them. 26m2. SPECIAL NOTICES. E. Itosenbaum Milwaukee beer cool and nice. has on hand fresh on draught, daily, 14tf. A good second-hand mewer for sale cheap for cash, or to tiade, by 20t F.S. White. Schlitz'Milwaukee beer on draught always, at E. Uosenbaum's saloon. Plattsmouth, Neb. 14tf. Thirty of the brfit owin makers of the World are competitor at the I'aris Exposition, a cable dispatch to t lie AssDciated l'ress says two highest gold medals have been awarded to the American makers. Mason & Hamlin. We will pay Agenu a salary oi kluo per mouth, fcnd expnaw, or allow a lare vommiMMoii, to sell our D and wonderful inrentif.n. W , mok hat w fTv. fcaniBla Cr. AddiMaSiinjua A U Maimaail. Mick. People's Convention. At Merges Shoe Store where they will get the most and best goods for their money. Louisville White and Fire Brick Works. Capt. J. T. A. Hoove, Prop. Brick of every kind Wall, ornamental ; fire brick especially for Bakers, Brewers, Foundry men, &c. Write to J. T. A Hoover, Louisville, Neb. 16tf Nebraska I$?er, at Antelope Brewery, Lincoln, Neb., orders received P.nd promptly filled. Agents here, Keenan & Grace. tf. Green back era Ho! I sell you the best Boots and Shoes for the smallest amount of Greenbacks in town. 2t)tf. Peter Merges. For Sale. A fine Imported Boar, Essex, about one year old. Also three of . his Boar pigs, at fair prices. Enquire of 23 if James Pettee. IiWI3 BflWM 11 WM j d i;j h mis liwii F.riropean Hotel. This is a new bote!, opposite the Academy of Music, O street, Lincoln, Nebraska. It is first class in every respect. Good sample rooms for com mercial men. Terras, per day. Spencer & Brooks, 441y Proprietors. Farm for Sale I Consisting of Eighty two acres under cultivation, with a good dwelling house and substantial outbuildings, on Section 36, Town 12, Range 11, Louis ville Precinct. Enquire of 3U11 J. Schlater, Plattsmouth. Wanted ! Some potatoes and winter Vegeta- bl$ .'. rubscripti-;:;. ?rirg "e-m en. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, L'lcers, Salt Rheum Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions This Salve is guaranteed to give per fect satisf .action in every case or mon ey refunded. Price 2 cents per box. For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale and Retail, Plattsmouth, Neb. 241)'. Notice to Teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach in Cjvss county, will bo at the following times and places: At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat urday in January, February, May, Au gust, October and November. At Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur day in March, June and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in April, July and December. Notice of other examinations will be given. -I). D. Martixdale. 41m6 Superintendent. This is Your Case. You have headache, aching pain in the side aud under the shoulder, are bilious, constipated and dizzy; have bad breath, voracious appetite and then no appetite; ate despondent ami gloomy. The trouble is with your liver.and Brown's Vegetable Liver Pills are piepared to cure just such cases, and will cure vou. Give them trial. For sale by J. II. Buttery, Smith & Black, and O.F.Johnson. 32tf Plattsmouth, Neb. Diseases of the Skin. It is in the blood, and you have blotches and eruptions, pimples, ring worms, boils, tumors, letter, salt rheum, chronic rheumatism, scrofula, or you may be suffering from tha ef fects of Mercury. Ext. Sarsaparilla, Dandelion and Iodide of Potassium will purify yoor blood, iuvig rate your liver and cure you. All physicians recommend it. For sale by J. 14. Buttorv, Smith & Bl-ck, and O. F. Johnson, Plattsmouth. 32tf For Sale. A fine lot of Stock Steers Will be sold as cheap as any man can sell them on the aiarket. Apply to Sam Barker. Caution to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May, 1ST8 all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainlv labeled: JULIUS PEPPERBURG, Manufacturer, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. iIokmi St iiiTlouTTii-ntiiisoTtHiTicy for a new Horse Rook. It treats all diseases, has 35 line enjiravinus showing positions assum ed hv Mck hoi sos, a table of doses, a large co ItOOIi. lection of valuable recipes, rules for telling the age of a hive, with an engraving showing teeth of each year, and a large amount information. lr. Wm. H. Hall says, "1 have bought boo.'ts which I have laid $0 and 10 for w hich 1 do not like ns well as 1 do yours." Send for a circular. Agents wanted. It. J. Kendall, M. Kims burgh Falls. Vt. ily MHWH.WBMHWBMWMWBWWlKHMMaHMMHBKHMB KKMIALL'M Tin remarkable medicine will cure spavins. Splint. Curb. Callous, &c, or any enlargement, aud will remove the bunch without blistering or causing a sore. No rcine Ml'AVIX dy ever discovered equals it for certainty of action jn stopping the lameness and removing the bunch. Trice Sl.oo. Send Cl'itK fur circular giving poj-itive proof. Sold by druggists or sent bv the inventor. B. J. Ken dall, M. I., Eno-burgii Kails. Vt. C. K. Good man agent. Omaha, Nt biaska. Hard Money Man. Call at Merges' Shoe Store, where you will get the most and best Boots and Shoes, for that kind of stuff in town. 2rJtf. Remember that for boots and shoes Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He has a large assortment. 28tf. Don't be Deceived. Many persons say "I haven't got the Consumption" when asked to cure their Cough with Shiloh's Consumption Cure. Do they not know that Coughs lead to Consumption and a reuiedy that will cure Consumption will cer tainly and surely cure a cough or any lung or throat trouble. We know it will cure when all othtrs fail and our faith in it is so positive that we will refund the price paid if you receive no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi tion. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and 81.00 per bottle. For lame chest, Back or side, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by Chapman & Smith. Druggists. Why will you sutter with Dyspepsia and liver complaint, constipation, and general debility when you can get at our store Shiloh's System Vitalizer which we sell on a positive guarantee tocurejou. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts. For sale by Chapman & Smith, Drug ists. "IIACKMEI ACK" a popular and fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb. 341y sow. Stop That Cough. If you are suffering with a Cough, Cold Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever. Consumption, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, or any affection f the Throat or Lungs, use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. This is the great remedy that is causing so much excitement by its wonderful cures, curing thousands of hopeless ca ses. Over one million bottles of Dr. King's New Discovert have been used within the last year, and have given perfect satisfaction in every in stance. We can unhesitatingly say that this is really the only sure cure for throat and lung' affections, and can cheerfully recommend it to all. Call aud got a trial bottle free of cost or a regular size for S1.00. Smith & Black, Wh?!e,.,i!? Retail,- P!tt?rr',ith, Neb, 26e?-.7ly. l llli FRANK CARRUTH'S JEWELRY STORE, Read and don't buy a Dollar's Worth of Goods until you have Esamined Eds STOGIE in all its SSasi SKiLEICSSIS! GOODS NEVER SO CHEAP BEFORE, FOR CASH : You can get a good Watch, silver case, and American movement, from 10 to $35, warranted for one year and a good time keeper. Clocks from $1.50 to $5, each. Cuff Pins, Neck Chains and Jewelry, from 50c to $2.50 per pair and set, A large assortment of Silver and Plated Ware; good Castors for $2 each Knives, Forks and Spoons, cheaper than ever. , iolion ifc Accordeons from $1.50 to $10 each. A larae assortment of Violin ifc Guitar Strings, and the celebrated Silver Steel Strings. Harmonicas from 5c to $2,50 each. fthimrnl IJnstruJucnliS 65 c3 Pocket Knives from 10c to $3 each. Razors, Strops, &lc. Slltll (jsMYY for 84, and a 7-sIicioting Revolver for $ 1 .75 ; all kinds of 4 y Cartridges and ammunition; Shells for shot gun? loaded for $3 per hundred. And in the vmlnr !i3innvtmtnrt y can Se Gne Dozen fine Retouched Cards, for IJJHUWUU, 2.50. Cabinet cards, $4 per dozen. Gems, 50c to $2 per dozen. FraiUQSj of all Kinds ; Good 8x10 Frames, fine pat terns, from 50c to $1.50 AST I Atr tjod with glass, compl te Velvet Paspartoots, and Card Frames, from 5c to 75 cents. nr. 4 . . . mill H ti U w -a r J ti M k3 El K i BPP J. iWliJk. mm L9 Aseufi fibr tlae -La vi SO iU k 0 nil ?HaeEaincq a! Eft si 9 (ILaiely IiBipi9velo) It neel mo aalveriisiBag9 hwt a frial, as tho reputation of th machine exceeds alP. others SEall and ee them. We will not Is Undersold in any Line of Goods. Watch Work Done, and Warranted. ease aesad tfcMs. AdflvefftffisefiMeBBt Everything for MENS' and BOYS' Wear. t aiaal rwbber gofl ; Cltlas fiba suits 5 "IPiece gosi'9 f the filsiest fabrics ebb the iaiBcl, usable up at a'eaiBabi rates mul Tfamaiirfe-fed1 a no sale. Wc iaTe a large toel 01 good5 ley are goofl gooaS9 and latest styles "e-i S 0 o S3 o CO 1) . . o 1- c V) o r I O Ns) so 30 W fcrli - n v) GJ i rfl 73 W C5 i- o o -ac IN 0 so 5 -' 5 .-jiwu'm'.im : sm .n WESCOTT & POWELL, D O 3 PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. HH O CO P D- CO rt) 3 Q o 3 c n CD 2 t-n . C 3 " S5 t ar O O on rt rt o 0 O C o C) SS v -3 M .JX to r3 v i 2 P TTi'- nml we hrmmht them here to sell. We are in that hnslness 5 0mf litisissess i to "STonrs is to liny theni, and to huj tlaens at the best place yon caiiu We thiaBls.' our ifirntf ; is the best place to buy thena5 and don't.. forget it We have a Irajg StcitM of Ready Made GocKrb . . . ... . . - ? OUR NAME IS WESCOTT & POWELL, j -ko so?i'9 apji'.e?, (f