Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 30, 1879, Image 2

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    The Herald.
jIno. ft. JAhcfAvRFHY, fZoiTon.
PL ATTSMOUTH. OCT. 30. 1879.
. State Ticket-
Fr Judge of the Supreme Conrt,
or Lancaster County.
Tor Regents of tlie University.
. of Nemaha County,
of Douglas County.
For JudgeSeeo4 Judicial District,
of Lancaster Couuty.
County Ofieers.
For Treasurer,
of Rock Bluff.
For Clerk,
of Elm wood.
Fr Sheriff.
of Weeping Water.
For County Judge.
ol Mt. I'leasant.
For District Clerk, ...,
of South Bend.
For County Superintendent.
t. 11. WOOLET.
of Flattsmoutll-
For County Commissioner. 1st Ut.,
of l'Uttainouth Viecioct.
For Coroner,
r. I GASS,
of riattsinouth.
For County Surveyor,
of riattfinouth.
5ow who are the "hish-kickers?"
Do tell U3.
The body of young Burr, who went
witk Wise in the ballooa Patkfider,
baa at last been found.
2iow don't go inte White's coramis
aioaer recerd, JUinsar, for many of
your friends acknowledge that one
mere Democratic commissiener like
ye mae would ruin the county and
the party.
Don't miscalculate your strength;
doa't think yor neighbor is going to
do the veting, bnt do it yourself. Be
ip eaily election day, and help open
ike polls, oee that your neighbors are
at, and that every vete in yeur pre
cinct is cast.
Ramsey is editing the Sentinel now
and speaking through the county.
Basil is quite moderate, though, we
nderstand; having mere experience
than Thompson, he don't nsake rash
charges only to bring retorts from Re-
pablicaoi that can't be got around.
A "d-d Republican" came in nere
yesterday from the country, and gave
ns an idea. Said he: "I don't want
to vote for a man who says anything
to beat the ' d d Republicans.' I was
one of these d d Republicans last
time, but I won't be next Tuesday."
The Reputlican speakers, that wor
ry Thompson so, say the figures used
in charges against Mr. Patterson en
the registered warrants on the general
fund, are taken from information fur
nished by Depnty Wise to the ceunty
commissioners. That's all we know
about it.
The fusion outfit wuld not let Mr.
Clemmona speak at all at Reck Bluffs.
The prettiest Greenbackers we ever
jaw. Mr, Cleraniona is a respectable
gtntleman, and honest in his convic
tions en money matters, and he ought
to have been allowed at least to speak
his mind.
We call attention to this ft ct that
in all the bash produced in the Thomp
son-Patterson paper, there is not one
line of square, honest denial of the
facts set forth, as they say, by Repub
lican speakers. One line of denial
9igd by J. M. Patterson would beat
whole pages ef Thompson gas.
Alf Sorekson, city editor of the
Bee for some years back, is the Re
publican nominee for district clerk in
Douglas ceanty. llr.Sorenson studied
law earlier in lite, has been one of the
brightest and best local editors in
Omaha, and is in every way compe
tent to fill the office. lie is almost
aure to be elected next Tut-sd iy.
Mr. B. F. Allen, the Greenback
candidate for connty judge, renomi
nated at Louisville on the fusien tick
et,, trithdratcs from the Thompsoa-
attensou ticket absolutely, and issues
an address to- the Greenbackers to
stand by thoir ticket. This is positive,
sure, as Mr. Allen told us so himself
and publishs his withdrawal in the
William Heins, the present in
cumbent, was re-nominated by accla
mation for county treasurer at Otna
aa. Mr. Ileins is a Germau-Ameri-can,
was a brave soldier boy, is a very
competent accountant, and a very
promising young man, besides being a
Irsonal friend of The Herald, and
wo- nee he'll win sure. He has a
fierman to run against, but we think
William will get there first.
TnE Sontinol or Ramsey, we forget
which, wanti to know about Chap
man's fee in the railroad bond case.
We are ashamed te tell vrhat Sam did
get for his share;, because Judge
Wakeley, the present Democratic can
didate for supreme judge, whom some
smart Alec" called in (same as Ram
sey did Co veil), got the 1. a's share ef
that fee. Somehow. wheLever there
is a big fee or a big contract, or a biz
steal from the people's money it finally
lands in the hands of a Iernocrat.
Now watch and see if this- is not the
case from Tweed to Ramsey. Who
uys county warrants en 8110 worth
of personal property. Come Ramsey,
tell us about those warrants. Where
did the money eome from? Ain't
lawyers fees, we know that. Xow
where'd you get it? and echo answers
county funds."
Vot so.
We stop the Press to answer just
this much of the Sentinel's lingo. This
paper never said aught derogatory to
the eonduct of Mr. Patterson in the
Treasurers oiUco until the Sentinel
dragged Hobbs in, and began to talk
about 13 years of Republican corrup
tion. &.c; nor would we. if they had let
that alone. "The first" onslaught was
made by their paper akd their speakers.
No Bpeaker, that we know of, made any
charges on Patterson before that, they
may have since. VTe are not respons
ible for what speakers m:iy say, only
for what we say and do ourself.
Those $10,000 Bonds.
The commissioners hae asked for
810,000 bonds at this election. We
have gone over the grounds befor.
but shall allude to them again as we
understand there is some prejudice
about4the matter, and that it is claimed
to be a job put up here, etc.
We want t- say that it is all bosh.
This plan was determined on after
careful consultation with good, tax
paying citizens, legal advice was had,
and every precaution taken to be right
before they went ahead. It is not
only officers' salaries, the pay for every
kind of work done, but every farmer
every juryman, every witness in
court, from the west end as well as
the east, must wait until July next
for bis money or sell his certificate for
85 cents. The county now pays 10
per cent on all her outstanding indebt
edness. If these bonds are voted, she
will pay 7. It is for your interest,
farmers and tax-payers, and no one
else, to vote these bonds. Lancaster
is doins; the same,, and other counties
in the State.
The BuSTale Express of October 24th.
The receipts of grain were again
very large yesterday, the foetings be
ing wheat, bashels, 884,289; com. bush
els, 297,218; barley, bushels, 66,704;
rye, bushels. 57,285; grand total bush
els, 1,u05,s6G. The average receipts
for the past three days have been up
wards of 1,000,000 bushels per day, the
amounts received being as follows:
Wheat, bushels, 1,768.053; corn, bush
els, 1.592,853; barley, bushels. 134,8G;
rye, bushels. 80,253, forming a grand
total of 3,500,845 bushels of grain. We
are undoubtedly safe in saying that
within the time specified, this is the
largest amount of grain ever received
at any one port in the world.
The Grant Reception at Chicago.
The committee of arrangornents of
the najsteiieasly-sunnioned Gmnt
meeting in this city has taken action
which, it is expected, will result in an
imposing demonstration in this city in
honor of the General. Business men
have been invited to turn out their
wagons for the procession, and all the
fire companies of the city and suburbs,
all the military organizations and all
the civic societies of the neighborhood
have been likewise requested to parti
cipate: People living and doing busi
ness along the line of march wi l be in
vited to decorate their houses and
buildings as gorgeously as their means
and inclination will permit. Commit
tees and sub-committees to at ten 1 to
the details of the affair have been
named, and the preparations for the
great ovation may be fairly said to
have commenced in earnest. For the
purpose of avoiding further jealousies,
of which not a few alsea'v exist, it
was decided to ask General Sheridan
to command the procession, an honor
which it is understood he will accept.
This will bo cheering information to
the many generals and colonels of the
volunteer and militia service, who
were fearful that some inexperienced
man would be selected to attend to the
grand march around. Chicago Times,
Oct. 24.
Political Notes.
En. Herald: As your paper is the
medium, through which we have tried
to present some political notes, we fur
ther ask yonr indulgence.
We were at the Republican meeting
at Buck's school house Monday even
ing and heard Republican speeches
from Tefft, Bushnell, and Newell,
Greenback speeches from Todi and
Fester, and a Democrat speech from
We shall not attempt to enter into
the details of their speeches, but will
state a few points.
Tho Republicans spoke at some
length on National matters, but
brought their charges to local Affairs,
which charges were fully sustained by
documents taken from official records.
As Patterson and Co. have tried to
explain a certain one away, (where
they had no opponents t meet them)
wo will give it as taken from the rec
ords. Sept. 1873, Patterson had collected
between 0 and 7000 dollars which was
applied to registered warrants on G. F.
Am't of warrants registered, $8699,00.
Am't collected not applied between 6
and 7000 dollars, which was paid on
order of C. Commissioners the latter
part of Sept. Last warrants paid was
in the latter part of March.
The peiuts are these: 1st. There was
none of the S8C99.00 registered war
rants, on which the county pays 10 per
cent interest, paid off from the last of
March till the last of Sept., (6 months),
and then only on direct orders of the
Co. Commissioners.
2. The law says as fast as the fund is
collected it shall be applied to the
payment of registered warrants, in the
order of their priority.
3. There had accumulated between
G and 7000 dollars in the treasurer's
hands, which should have been applied
to the payment of these warrants and
stopped the interest.
The Greenbackers charged the Dem
ocrats with trying to force Tutt and
Patterson upon them in their conven
tion, and for lying now, saying Free
man had withdrawn.
The Democrat speaker charged the
Greonbaefcers with the hard times,
with the strike, and riots and the
great loss of property incident there
to. We may b occupying- raore space
in your paper than our share but as a
tru Republican, we cannot look on
and be silent., when, unscrupulous men
overleap all principle and honesty to
carry this county election for their
aggrandizement. S. M.
Our Temperance Column.
"For God, and I ome. and Native Land."
1Jl.ATTSMOt.TII LODOK SO. ii. I. O ti. T.
KejruUr meetings ut Good Temirtaxs' Hall
every Wednesday evening. .
K. II. Wooijcy, W. C. T.
Viola V. Barnes, sec'y.
Tkmi'KKAXCe, No. i.. Itrgular meeting.
Saturday evening in Hall In Fitzgerald's block.
1 V. Uass, W. V. T.
J. F. Johnson, Sec'y.
IJlatthmwuth Kki HirvBON Club. Regular
meeting on Moudav evening f each week.
K. H. Uovev, l'resident.
II. M. Bukhnell, Sec'y.
1lati.smouth W. C T. I", will meet every
alternate Thursday at 3 o'clock, in the
Beading lioolil, unless other notice is given in
this column. Mrs. II. M. Wise, l'resident.
Mrs. 11. I Di'KK, Secretary.
IJlattsmouth Loimjk of Juvenile Temp
lars will meet every alternate Friday even
ing ut 8 o'clock lu (iood Templars' Hall.
Mrs. A. Schle;kl. Superintendent.
The English writer on temperance,
Sir Walter Trevelyan, left his fine cel
lar of wines, worth 820,000, to Dr. B.
W. Richardson, V. R. for "scientific
purposes." Tho wines will be sold and
the proceeds devoted to building a mo
del hospital.
Gov. Gear, of Iowa, was lately asked
to pardon a convicted ram-seller, and
replied: "While I have great sympathy
for Mr. Newton, I also have great sym
pathy for the wives and children who
have been raadv sufferers by the sale
of whisky to the fathers and husbands
by Mr. Newton. The petition cannot
be granted.
A powerful tsraperancerevival is
now shaking all Scotland. A plan is
under way for the celebration of this
year as a Jubilee of the Temperance
Reformation in Scotland. A day has
been set for tho general discussions of
the temperance question from tho
pulpit throughout tho land. From tho
announcement in one ef the foreign
journals we discover that on the day
appointed, May 4, some thirty-four ser
mons wore to be preached in Glasgow
and about half that number in Edin
burgh, alone. The two foundation
principles of the movement are, tho
reforming power of tho gospel and the
necessity of total abstinence.
In a recentletter Congressman Frye,
of Maine, thus speaks of the practical
workings of the Prohibitory Liquor
law in his State after a struggle of
about 25 years: "To-day it is as easily
and as thoroughly enforced as any oth
er law for tho punishment of crime.
It was for years a party issue the
Democrats against, the Republicans
for but so strong has it become that
the Democratic party has been com
pelled to cease from any public mani
festation of opposition. At their last
convention, a resolution was ""offered
against it, and was promptly voted
down by a largely increased majority
with considerable enthusiasm. It is a
mistake to wait for public opinion to
demand the law. Our experieace clear
ly shows that the law enforced will
create public opinion. The people ef
Maine would not consent to any repeal
or modification of the law.
It is estimated that there are now
about four thousand "Bauds of Hope"
in Great Britain, with an average mem
bership of 125.
Ireland is experiencing so much
benefit from tho closing of the dram
shops on Sunday, that the good people
in Wales are anxious for the same re
form. The London Christian Signal says:
"One ef the most gratifying signs of
the times is the rapid increase of cof
fee tavernspublic house without
the drink. There are more than 2,000
of these establishments now open in
Great Britain, and almost every week
witnesses additions to tho number."
A Sunday liquor law is being en
forced in the country parishes of Lou
isiana, by which the villages are freed
from crowds of drunken laborers from
the plantations.
The Churcli of England Temperance
Society held two meetiugs recently m
Exeter Hall, presided over by tho Bish
op of Gloucester, the first of which
was principally addressed by ladies.
Rev. Frank C. Brnner, of the Illi
nois Conference, writes that the tem
perance work on Lima Circuit has ac
complished great good and still moves
forward. Already 400 have signed the
The Illinois Prohibitionists held a
convention in Decatur last week and
nominated J. R. Govin, of Decatur, for
State Treasurer, aud Rev. W. S. Post,
of Belleville, for Superintendent of
Public Instruction.
The Indiana Woman's' Temperance
Union adopted this sentiment: ''That
since women have an interest in the
sobriety and good order of the commu
nity in which their homes are situated
and their children reared and trained,
it is but reasonable that they be al
lowed a voice on the question whether
intoxicating liquors shall be sold in
that locality."
One of the latest publications of tho
National Temperance Society is a pam
phlet of thirty-five pages on "Temper
ance, and Republican Institutions,"
an address, by Joseph Cook. It is a
forcible presentation of the public in
jury arising from the liquor traffic. It
may be had of Hitchcock & Walden,
St. Louis. Price ten cents single copy;
per dozen one dollar.
We didn't forget "the State in our
weekly, Geo. P. as you do in yours.
Have the tax-payers of Cass coun
ty, ever risen in mass to hang any of
the Greenback or Democratic county
officers, as they did when the people
were getting swindled by the Republi
can ring? That's what L. G. Todd
wants to know Sentinel.
Don't say anything about that or
we'll tell the facts. "Hang" that
sounds like Mississippi. The tax-payers
never did wr.nt to hang anybody,
but some fellows who never pay taxes
for what they are worth d:d talk about
hangiDg M. L. Whito and .this Editor
' and backed down whtn the inch came.
; Don't call it up, Thompson. Its. too
Now Mac, to save yourself, just give
us the names of those Greenback men
of this county, who told you that Mr.
Freeman assured them he would not
withdraw. AVe have the strongest
and lxt reasons for disbelieving it,
and if yon have got such information
as you say, you must out with it, or
we will show onr hand at once. So
save your confidants. Sentinel.
"Show onr hand" why, you sap
head! do you know us? any acquaint
ance with MacMurphy you blow so
glibly about? If you have, you know
he never makes foolish .assertions,
never blows, never exceeds his author
ity, in fact keeps n little within
bounds all the time, so that he has
some npace to go on. Think we have
no authority, eh?
look here!
The Genuine OreenbacJc County Ticket
as Nominated at Weeping Water,
on Sept. 20th, 1879.
For Treasurer.
of Liberty.
For Clerk.
of Salt Creek.
For Sheriff,
of Greenwood.
For County Judge,
of Elinwod.
For County Commissioner,
Of Rock Blurt's.
For County Superintendent,
of Louisville.
For Dist. Clerk.
of Greenwood.
We fhe undersigned candidates on
the original and true greenback ticket,
nominated as above, hereby declare
that we have not withdrawn from this
canvass until the 4th of November,
but are and intend to remain candi
dates. J.R. Freeman, Treasurer.
M. V. Woods, Clerk.
N. Clemmons, Com'r.
How does that suit you, my boy;
want any more? Why we've just wak
ed up, we're just beginning. You
don't know anything about a campaign
when the Herald fairly wakes up.
We know we're lazy but when we do
get going, all small fry want to stand
from under.
Mayor Chase writes Mayor John
son that Gen. Grant will be through
Omaha about Monday, November 1st,
and if Plattsmouth wants to see the
greatest military leader of the day,
that's the time and place.
What has Sam. Chapman to do with
this campaign? He isn't a candidate;
he isn't the Republican party. Let
Sam alone and turn your attention to
facts. Tell us why Democratic treas
urers all get rich and Republicans
"Don't liuuwliairtliclr Value."
"They cured me of Ague. Billiotis
ness and Kidney Complaint, as recom
mended. . I had a half bottle left
which I used for my two little girls,
who the doctor and neighbors said
could not be cured. I would have lost
both of them one nisht if I had not
j'iven them Hop Bitters. They did
them so much good I continued their
use until they were cured. That is
why I say you do not know half the
value of Hop Bitters, and do not re
commend them high enough." B.,
Rochester, N. Y, See other column.
Between 3.600 Offices of this Co. In New
England, Middle and Western States; also
to offices Of nearly all Connecting Lines.
TocVagos not exceeding S 20, I Sc.
" 5 40f 20c.
5 SO, 25c.
Larye rvmt In inwh mutller proportion.
Lcweat m Illcknt Chargr, rcordlnj I. DMuc.
Packages not exceeding
UK 2Re. I 4l.2StOc.
2llw.25to30c. 5 "t
3 29 to 45c. I 7
25 to 75c.
2 a vo 9 1.
BOOKS, and o'her matter, wholly inyrint, or
dered from, orncnt by.dealern, &c, PRE-PAID I
2 lpaScTl 31baT20C. I 4. lbs. 25c.
Left with any Agent of this Co. will be promptly
executed, without expense, other than the ordinary
charge for carrying the goods.
Send your Money and Parcels by Express;
chea pest aud quickest, wit h positive secu rlty .
W. G. HUGO, Pre't.
32U12 1- 1. I5K.NNKTT. A7nt
Estray Notice.
Taken up bv the subscriber on hi" premises
In Weeping Water precinct. Sept. 30th, ISTtf,
tine red heifer c:ilf. supposed to be about ix
month old. Some while on bellv, and branded
-A"oul.:Ithip. J. M. Bkakdsi.kv.
Wkemxc Watfr, Xkk., Oct. &th. 1379.
Legal Notice.
To Samuel H. Oreeu, nou-reeident defendant.
You are hereby notified that on tits 23d day
of October. A. L. 179. Geneva C (ireen. the
undersigned plaintiff, filed her petition in the
clerk's oflice of the District Court of the Secon-t
Judicial District of .Nebraska, within and for
the county of Cass, against you. The object
aud prayer of said petition is to obtain a decree
vetttuir aside and wholly annulling the marriage
contract existing between yourself aud said
plaint iff. Also lor the custody and care of one
minor child, the fruit of such marriage, upon
tin grounds 0( neglect anil refusal to support
tho said plaintiff and her said child. You are
required to plead or answer to xaid petition oa
or before the fifteenth day of December, 179.
Uenkva C. Okkrne,
By Morrison & Krown,
32U ller Attorneys.
Probate Notice.
Notice is hereby (;ivcn that James Paling has
filed an iustrumeut in writing purporting to be
the la.t will and testament of Elizabeth Paling,
deceased, late of said County and asks to have
the same admitted to probate. whereupon I have
appointed W'ednes lay the ljth day of Novem
ber. A. D. 1879. at one o'clock, p. in. at my oflice
In Piatt mouth. Cas Co . Neb., as the tinie aud
place for proving said will, at which time and
place all concerned may appear and contest
the probate of t he sani'1. In testimonv where
of I have hereunto t-ttt inv hand aud official seal
this 2d day of October. A. D. 1879.
3U3 A. N. Sl Lt.IVAii. Co. Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
P.y virtue of an order of sale i-sued by Wni. I.
Well. Clerk of the District Court within and
lor Cass Couuty. Nebraska, and to me directed.
I will on the T-il day of November, A. !., 187,
at In o'clock, a. ni. of waid dav, at the south
door of the Court House in said" County, sell, at
Public Auction the following Keal Kstate ti
wit: The n.uth half (n't) of the out"1- weft
iuarter (sw'4) of souta wet fjuarter (svrt) o
Section No. thirty-foi.r i:4 in Townshiy Xo.
twelve 12' north of Hang No nine (;) e;ist of
fitta P. M. The same bein levied upon and tak
en as the pro-rry .t Kdwin Ar.gell. Wary E.
Angell. George W . C.idy and Georne A. lloa
land. Defendants: t' satisfy a judgment of said
Court recovered by Afelissa I-. Patrick. Plaint
iff. K. W. Hvkks.
Sheriff, t as County. Neb.
riattf mouth. Neb, October il'L 1579 3U5.
Probate Notica
In the matter of the estate ef Chas. F. W. Ras
ter Iihede. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given, to 1) iersoiis having
claims against tje Estate of Chas. F. W. Raster
I,ohede deceased, to file the same on or before
the22d day of May, A. P., ISso. in the Olllce
of the County Judge, at Plattsmouth, Case C-o.,
A. X. Sut-I.IVAX. Co. Judge.
Plattsmouth, Oct., 22d,l79. 31t3
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Kstate of Samuel May. de
ceased. In the Couuty Court of Cass Co.. Ne
braska. Xot.ce is hereby given. That W. II. II. Van
Epps. administrator, with the will annexed. Of
the estate of Samuel May deceased, has made
application for final settlement aud that said
cause is set for hearing at my office at Platts
mouth, on the llth day of November, A. P.
179. at 10 o'clock, a. in., on raid day ; at whi)i
time and place, all persons Interested may be
Dreaeut aud examine said accounts.
A. X Sl'l.LIVAX, Co. Judee.
Plattsmouth, October 2 1st. 1879. 31t3
Legal Notice.
In County Court of Cass Count v. Xebraska, in
the matter of application for the adoption, by
Mary C. Velio, of Frank Wesley Howell, a
minor son of James .Mid Jennie Howell.
Notice is hereby given that application has
been made to me for the adoption, by Marv C.
Velie, of Frank Wesley Howell, a minor child,
son of James and Jennie Howell, and that a
hearing of the said matter will be had before
me at 1 o'clock p. m., on the llth day of Xo
veinber, A. P. 1S79, at my office i I'laltsmouth.
Cass Cuuuty, Nebraska, where all parties iuter
eetd may attend, and they shall le heard.
October 21st, 1.S79. A. X. Slluvan.
3 3t County JuUl-c
Administrator's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that I will sell at pub
lic vendue at my residence in Kiht Mile Grove
Precinct, on the fith day of November. A. P.
179, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp on
said day, the following goods and chattels be
longing to the estate of Charles F. W. Kaster
Lohede. deceased, to-wit : Four (4) good
horses, one (1) colt, one (I) net double harness
and fly nets, two (2) wagons, two (2) breaking
plows, harrow, cultivator, header boxes,
twelve (12) tons of hay. shovel, forks, double
barrel shot-gun, etc.,' aud various other arti
cles too numerous to mention. Terms all
Kales of Sio.00 and lens, c;ish ; all cums over
510.00, six months time with approved security.
John Rai ku,
3U2 Administrator.
Legal Notice.
The State of yrhrarkii, Ous. Count. Pixtrict
Court of the 2d Juriivial Ointrict oj StUraaUn,
in and for Cans County.
George K. Finley, Plaintiff jigninM l;; liel E.
Finley, Defendant.
Kachel E. Finley non resident. Defendant, wi'l
take notice, that'ui Frid.iv llu llth dav of No
vember. A. I). 1879. the Plaintiff abo' name ,
will take the Impositions o( Samuel If. Kmails
and Elizabeth Siuails, witnesses, to be used as
Evidence on the trial of the above cause, at the
office of William McDonald, Justice of the
Peace in New Moscow in the couuty of Coshoc
ton iu the State of Ohio, between the hours of
eight o'clock, A. M., and -ix o'clock I'. M., of
said day. ami that the takiun of the same will
be adjourned frt ui day to day, betweon the
same hours until they arc completed.
Sam. M. CiiAl'UAN. Attornev for.
3U3 - George E. Finley.
Sheriffs Sale.
ltv virtue of an onl.-r, of sale Issued by Wm. L.
Wells. Clerk of the District Court, within and for
CassCounty. Nebraska, aud to me directed, I
will on the 3d day of noveinber, A. P. 1879, at 10
o'clock. A. M.. or said day, at the South door of
the Court Houe in Couuty, sell at public
auction the following Ileal Estate to-wit: the
south half (s Viol the south half ( ',)of
the south east quarter (a e ' of section four(4)
and the north east quarter u e ) of fection
nine 9i ail in township twelve ( 12) north of range
thirteen (n 13) east of the fith P. M , the money
arising therefrom to be brought into Court to be
applied in accordance with priority of levy. The
same being lev ed iipin and taken" as the pro
erty of Henry H. Pettit, Eliza I.. Pettit and John
Fitzgerald Defendants; to satisfy a judgment
of said Court, recovered by liobert S. Doom,
assigned toT. 15. Cordon. Plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Xeb, September 30th. A. P. 1S79.
K. W. II VEits,
2Si5 Sheriff, Cais County. Xeb.
Legal Notice.
Andrew J. Swarfs, non-resident, defendant,
will take notice that on the 2"Jd day of October.
A. P. 1879. Nelson Jean, plaintiff, filed his peti
tion in the District Court of the Second Judi
cial District of Nebraska, within aud for Ca-s
County; the object and prayer of which peti
tion is' to obtain judgment against you (Andrew
J. Swarts) for ti c sum of jM3-'.tto and interest
thereon at the rate of ten (In) percent, per an
num from Oct. 1S79. on an account for uia.n
tainance. care ami education of (ieori? E.
Swarts aud Orace E. Swarts. infant children of
said defendant, furnished and provide! forsa'd
infant children iit the rate of 4 oo per ws-ek for
two (2) years and four .4) months last oast before
October L'lst. ls?9. And the fai.l plain! ill has
caused the following described real estate, as
the property of said Andrew .. Srl. defen
dant, to be attached in said cause, to-u it ; The
north half (n'i)of the southeast quarter (se'.j,)
ol 'sect ion No. twenty four CJ4). l. township No.
ten (io, north of range No. ten 1') . ca-d of the
eith P. M. in Cass Com. ty. Nebraska. You are
required to answer said petition on or before
the eighth day of December. ls7;i, or jmlgnu-nt
will be taken against you for said sum of 4:;2.0()
with interest thereon. Nn.sN Jkan.
Sam. M. Chapman.
3Ut Attornev.
Legal Notice.
To Charles Vi-ill, wm-resideiit rinnlaut:
Yoa are hereby notified that on the ?od day
day of September. A. P.. 179, Almira M. Viall.
the uudrr-igued plaintiff, filed iicr petition in
the Clerk's otliee of the District Court, of the
Second Judicial District of Nebraska, within
and for Cass County, against you. The object
and prayer of said petition is to obtain a decree
of divorce, dissolving and annulling the mar
riaue contract existing between yourself and
said plaint i.'f. and also for the care and custody
of two minor -hildien, the fruit of such mar
riage, uiion the grounds of adultery and aban
donment. You are required to pluad or an
swer to said petition on or before the 20th day
of November. P.. IS79.
A i.M i rt A M. VlAl.l-, Plaintiff.
Gko. S. Smith, her Attorney. x:U
Legal Notice.
Andrew Rentier of -
in the State of-
will take notice that Mary lteimer, of Cass
County, in the State of Nebraska, did on the
;td day of September, A. P., 1S79. file her peti
tion hi the msti let i otiri oi ine jseconu ,111111
cial District, of the State of Nebraska, within
and for Cass County, Nebraska, against the
said Andrew Homier, defendant, setting forth
that the said Andrew Kenner, defendant, had
for more than two vears last past abandoned
his wife, the said Mary Kenner and William
Kenner. their infant son, and wholly failed,
neglected and refused to contribute to the sup
port of hcirelf and infant son, William Kenner,
and asking that the bonds of matrimony here
tofore subsisting between said parties may be
dissolved, that she (plaiutitl) may be restored
to her maiden name, that she (plaintiff) may
have the care and custody of the infant son.
William Kcniter, and for Alimony. And the
saiil Andrew Kenner. defendant, U notified
that iie is required to appear and answer said
petitiou 011 or before the 17th day of November
179 Mary Kennku, Plaintiff.
2815 by Sam M. Chapman, her Att'y.
Legal Notice.
Selden X. Merriam of the State of Ohio will
take notice that Oeorge W. Harshman. of C;vss
county and State of Nebraska, did on the lsih
day of June 187s. file his petition in the District
Court of Cass County and State of Nebraska,
against the said Seidell X. Merriaui, Defen
dt nt, settinir forth that he said Selden X. Mer
raim wrongfully procured one John C. Cum
mins, then Treasurer of said County f Cass to
execute and deliver to the said Defendant s
pretended tax deed, pretending to convey
to the said Selden X. Merriam, Defen
dant. the following decribed Keal Estate to-wit -.
The eouth east quarter (soip of section Xo.
tweutv-six tow nship No. ten (10) North of
range No. twelve (n U) east of the Cth P. M. tho
title to which land is claimed by the said plaint
iff and that the said tax sale under which the
said pretended deed was executed and deliver
ed was void, and that said pretended deed is
void ; and praying that said tax sale and said
tax deed may be declared by the said Court to
be null and void, and that all clouds cast upon
the title of the said Plaintiff, may be removed
and the title of the said Plaintiff may be confirm
ed in and to the said iiremises. and the said
Seidell X Merriam is hereby notiiied that he is
required to appear and answer said ietition on
or before the 17th dav of November. ts79.
28t5 oeokokw. haksiimax.
lty Chapman &, his Attorneys.
Legal Notice.
Ellen A. Steele, of the State of Iowa, will take
notice that Samuel M. Chapman, of the Coun
ty of Cass and State of Xebrat-ka. did on the 1st
day of October, isrti. file his petition in the Dis
trict Court of Can County aud State of Xebras
ka. against the said Klleu A. Steele, defendant,
and settiuR forth that said defendant is indebt
ed to him, the said plaiutitl in the uui of
S14). and iuterest on the same at I he rat of
10 per cent, per annum, from the' 20th day of
December, l75, for legal services rendered and
necessary expenses paid out for the use of the
the said defendant, at the instance and request
or the said defendant, and prayinji Judgment
for the paid uin of $I4.0!I, together with inter
est thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per an
num, from the 20th day id December, ih;.. to
gether with the costs of suit.jind thesaid plain
tiff further caused an attachment to be issued
af-'aii)ft the said defendant property to catisfy
whatever judgment should be recovered in said
action the said tlleu A Steele, and in
pursuance of said attachment, the sheriff of
said Cass Comity has levied the same uion the
following real estate, belou-iinie to said defend
ant. t-it: Ixds 2 and 12 in block JS, lot 2 in
block 12, lots II and 12 iu block lot 7 in block
62. lot 7 in bliK'k 63. lot 8 in block 65-.. lot 2 in
block 96. lot 7 iii block lt!. lot" 1 and 4 in block
"s. as designated on the recorded at of the
Citv of Plattsmouth. iu said county. And the
said Klleu A. Steele is notified that she U re
quired to appear and answer on or before the
17th day November. 1S70. or judgment will be
rendered aKaihst her by default.
October lt 1870.
S. M. Ch rM::.
UStj by, rs Alt r
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale, issued by Win.
L. Wells, CItI; of the District Court, within
aud for Cass County, Nebraska', and to me. di
rected, I will on the ."Hi day of November, A. D.
1879, at II o'clock 1.- r., of naid day. at the south
door of the Court l!Tine, hi sai-J t'ountv, sell at
public auction the following real estate! to-wit :
l"he north-east qtturter n-4) of section num
ber nine (9) township iniiiilx i ineivc i!2 north
of rauge thirteen (u' --isf f Hie i.tli P. M.. and
the Houth half (-!) of the south half vs',i,f thu
couth-east .quarter (seK,) of seclio-- lour (4)
township twelve (12J north of nuiue thiitcen
(13) east of the tth P. M.. together with the ap
purtenances, the surplus, if anv. to be
brought into Court. The same being levied up
Oh and taken as the property of H. II. Petlit
and Eliza Pettit defendants : to n;itisfv a judg
ment of said Court, recovered by John Fitzger
ald, plaintiff.
Plattsmouth, Xeb. Sept. Wh. A. D. 1879.
2815 It. W. 11 Kits, Sheriff.
f Q T O 13 Ptops. 3 et rreds.S knee
I I I I LX l Nwells, slool and biot;.on!y
vHUriH wJj.js. 7 oct. Pianos, stojl.coy.
& book, only ?1 13.75. Illustrated neuspnpei s nt
free. Address Daniel V. Ii:atty, Washing
ton, N. J 2814
D 1 f)Cf returns in 30 davs on gino invested!
giauUoMiil Ite ports and information
free. Like profits weeklv on Stock options of
;?I0 to SaO. Address T." Potter, Wight & Co.
Bankers. 3S Wall St.jN.Y.
TO tinhn I Invested in Wail Street
1AJ i.U$lUUU stocks makes fortunes
every month. P.ook sent free explaining eery
thintr. Address,
P. A XT E 1 & J.'0, Haxkkrs, 1 7 Wall St. , NY.
J FQ00 PLAN. rnHninnlowr.e"n'r.--l
fTi i-i ii VMRt im lt.u ,vry' of r..itl. ,1 I
,Ullltul"-t.l. c. r.fl'. olrlileu .u rat.. . 1
" I i.jiini. tita ol J ftfiouoo. I -iniar. with fu:!'i
plab.tion. it... nil ran au'..fl in auwlr .irni.nrm tn-l.! fr.ta.
I. .v.' II vr J c ... 1 t I : S Vu: k.
It oon will be. The rise of more than half in
the price of Iron is more than we can stand.
For a very short time only we will veccive or
ders at old prices.viz : 5 Ton Wagon Scale 50.
All Iron and Steel. Sold on trial freight paid
by us no money askd till 'tested and found
satisfactory. All sizes.
.1 o . i:s o 1 1 1 1 r; 1 1 a f to v .
IHiUlhtttntnn, A 1".
!."" prl'crcr known
'ii Itwn-la-OinderK,
KifleM, ii ICe vol vera.
at prenlly reduced price.
Send Htanip for our Kc
1 1 1 iivrruterl futTllntMlA.
P. fO WELL. A KON, S38 Main ftreet, CIXCINXATI.O.
A WKE! in your own town, and no cap
ital risked. You can give thf business a
Dial without expense. The best oppor
tuuitv ever offered for those williiur to
work. You should try r.othin e se until you
see for yourself what you can do at the business
we otter. No room to explain here. You can
devote all your time or only your spare time to
the business, ami make great pay for every
hour you work. Women make as niucli as men".
'end for special private terms and particulars,
which we mail free. S5 Outfit free. Pon't com
plain of hard times while you have such a'
chance. Address II. 11AL.LKI & CO., Portland,
Maine. I31y
Tb Strongest Sleigh In existence. Fln
finish, light, cheaper and moro durabla than
other Sleighs. Also,
AIM'S Patent Runner Attachments,
Tor whwll vehicles of every description. Per
fectly practical; fita any axle: track It country
roada. 0er fonr thonaand in use. "dcud lor
circular aud learn your neir. st aeent.
300 YVbal Ave., Chicago.
The Johnson Revolyiks Book-Case.
Late-jcrr, Clergymen, 1'hyairian,
ICditnrt, Hanker; Teaelters,
Xrrrhant; Student,
a:.J nil who read books.
Holds moro 1 00k.? in 1 sk space than r.r.7 other
device Kolatcs nt n. filler's touch Shelves ad
justable at heights desiivd Each shelf is lii inches
equate, holding a pet of Appleton's Cyclopaedia.
I ado or iron, it cannot warp or wear out. rseauu
r.i"v ornamented, luukintr a handsome and novel
pi 'ce of furniture. Siz-s for table bold 1 or 2
titirs of books ; Bizes for floor bold 2, 8. or 4 tiers of
books, as denred. heml i.r deocriptive price list.
'.nrl ii cents forolir NEW iLLfSTBATKD CATAI.OGIT-.
with over 300 Illustrations of Educational and
useful articles.
BAKER, Pit A XX & CO.,
School rnrnishera, and Dealers in everjlhia in the
Book and Stationery line,
143 3t 144 Grand St., New York.
New Carpenter shop on Main Street,
Corner of 7tli.
Bates & Kohnke,
aiul general workman in the
Carpenter line.
Clothing House!
C. G. HER0LD, - Proprietor.
Keeps a geaeral large stock of
Men's, Youth's Alloy's
an! has just received the finei-t lot of
French and English Silk
His different stjles of
i2as Gaps,
are suirrising, and Yd stock of
Furnishing Goods I
Show Case Goods
Isflarge enough to supply aDy demand.
Call and Examine the
as CG.HK0LD.
. S-:A--if'ptn;i -k r-i'irVls?
.i-". 3. -v. v'.-.r ??.'."--. !. ivt i
SV 4.'..-;. .jr-rKC; -31 ,-v3S
xLh j cJzU U Li
WaiM ff
gttiiliiiiim' $
(Pk! hV
Domestics, Underwear,
Furnishing Goods !
Also .'l'till Line of
Wooden ware
Ami all Kinds of
encraf 2ncrchaiit)i!sc.
Which we will sell at vorv low liirures.
IJNoJt'xlG 1 1 ON ij
yhicl ulc ate. aLmatjs ft leased la.
Si OTi Our Goods !
- w
Las once more " come back' to
Guthman & Weckbach,
who are, on and after this tlate sole proprietors.
We are In almost
asad KU8DEDSlliB,
which we offer our friends and the public at
at prices t
Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, &c.
Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00.
Muslins, from 6 cts. a yard upward
The finest stock of White Hedsprekd ever brought to the Citv.
Buell's Cassimeres, Tweeds,
full Stock.
BBottts and Iae
Ca'oceHes and Provlslsa
Country Produce taken
We desire to see all our old patrons back and want to hold as .nanyof the
present ones aa we can (iUTIIMAX & WJiCKUACH.
daily receipt of
ainsS MetaSI,
suit the times.
Jeans, and Cottonades iL
Mats and .(Daps.
in exchange for Goods.