Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 23, 1879, Image 2

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The Herald.
no. .yvAcVluRPHY, - Editor.
rLATTSMOUTir,OCT. 23, 1871).
. KEPLBLICaN ticket.
State Ticket.
Forjudge of the Supreme Court.
of I-ancater County.
Tor Regent! of the University,
f Nemaha County.
of Douglas Coanty.
Coanty Offlcen.
For Treasurer,
of Rock Bluffs.
For CltrV,
of Elm wood.
For Sheriff.
11. W. IITER8,
of Weeping; Water.
For County Judge,
of Mt. I'leasant.
For District Clerk.
of South Bend.
For County Superintendent,
of I'lattsiuoulb.
For Cemol? Commissioner. 1st ditt..
f riattsmoutk Precinct.
For Coroner,
r. p. ;ass,
of riattsinouth.
For County Survayor.
of riattsinouth.
Rkad "Political Nttes" ea the ut
side f paper this week.
Remember, wi oiler the Herald
from new until the first f Jan., 1881,
fer 82.00!
We'll never say another word about
these Ohio men getting all the offices.
They deserve them after this.
Coming- to Meet Grant.
Instead of taking their caniping-out
pree, the University boys will go to
Omaha and assist in receiving General
Grant. Lincoln Journal.
"We have devoted this wekly issue
largely to the State ticket. It is
right, it is needful, it mast not be for
gotten. In our Saturday's issue we
shall again turn to county affairs. Re
member both, and do your duty to bth.
"We Ah plicate a few articles from
the Tri-Weekly in our Weekly such as
notices of candidates, notices by spe
cial request, &c, as there are a few of
our subscribers that get the Weekly
nd will not le able to get the tri
weekly very speedily on account of
their mail facilities.
While we aro all so- busy about our
County affairs, please do not forget
that Judge Pound is our district Judge
and that his re-nomination is of im
portance to the welfare of the party
and an honor due him for his univer
sally fair and impartial conducton the
bench. We hope to see Cass County
rell up a handsome majority forjudge
We are assured over and over again
by Greenback men in the County, that
Mr. Freeman the Greenback Candi
date for Treasurer has not withdrawn,
and is, and will be a candidate for that
otfice until the fourth of November
next. Mr. Wood, the candidate lor
Clerk also proposes to be and remain
in the field. We state this at the re
quest of several greenback men from
the County, and it may be relied upon
as authoritative.
The Omnia Tfei vld and other opp
virion papers are growling about Mar-
ff for services rendered tw
the state. When it is considered thai
Mr. Marquette served for four years
as assistant attorney general, saved
the state $10,000 that would have been ;
actually paid out and 8110,000 mere '
Ihat would have but for his services.!
we think the fee is moderate enough. I
Resideithe fee was recommended by
Mr. Ratty, the most pronounced demor
erat in the Legislature, aud endnrsed ;
by the average democrat who ha-d any
say about it last winter. Guess you'd
better let Marquette alone and turn to
some democratic cities and towns in
this country for municipal and legal
We find the following good words
in an Ohio paper about one of our
can JMates, Mr. Newell:
"We are glad to learn that Mr.
Newell, a former resident of this Co.,
is the Republican nominee for treas
urer of Cass County. Nebraska, with
the chances of election- decidedly in
his favor. Mr. Newell formerly resid
ed at Iiioom tation, in this county,
and was regarded by all who knew
him s au honest man, and a geutle
man, in the strictest sense of the
term. lie was a good soldier during
the war, and Lis merits would have
been rr cognized by his party here,
had be ever desired oflK-e. but be
moved to Nebraska &hrtly afttr the
.r, and bus there, we are happy to, received the recognition he
fully deserves. Thepepi- of Cass
Ouiiity trut Tlrnry with tliC-ir
xT:u ?(i:-.vt;:nv.lli Tribe:. e.
"..: :.: i .' " . : ;,.- n;:ii .,
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We acknowledge the receipt or an
invitation to attendee celebration f
the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J,
Sterling Morton, which takes place at
Nebraska City, Thursday evening, Oct
30th. Mr. and Mrs. Morton have been
rendering their beautiful heme, Arbor
Lodge, even more beautiful by numer
ous additions and renevatieas, and
now at one of the pleasant epochs of
life, surrounded by their children and
friends, they pause and plant a white
tone of pleasant recollection for the
future, and looking back upon the
past recall many an incident of the
five and twenty years they have, trod
den the path of life together.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton are among the
oldest of Nebraska settlers and have
held a leading place in the events of
her history. They have many friends
to extead them congratulations and
rood wishes, in which the Herald
The Regents of the University rep
resent the are rare sentiment of the
Republican party, and they must not
be forgotten in this canvass. They
are honorable gentlemen, square, level
headed men, in whom we have the ut
most confidence, and we hope they
will settle the differences, whatever
they may be. in our University to the
best advantage, aad to the honor and
credit or the .Mate, aaa in such a way
as will do honor and reflect credit on
the party and the people who nomi
ated them. The Herald believes
they will, that they aro just the men
for the place, and we ask and request
ef Republicans in this county, that
they do not slight this portion of our
ticket and let it go by default, or let
our State ticket be beaten, as it was
last fall, by sheer negligence. Re
member we have really the best men
for these places, the ratn who repre
sent the people, men selected after an
aagry and heated debate on both sides.
The Democratic caudidates do not and
cannot represent the will of the peo
ple as understanding!' as the Republi
can candidates do, aim Ihe iiebald
feels so much faith in the wisdom o
the convention, that we ask personally
that our Republican friends in the
county will not neglect this portion of
the ticket, or place it second in
the excitement and ardour of a county
canvass, winch, aowever important,
cannot excel or exceed the value aad
importance of oar whole State ticket.
Jt'DfiK Cobb, 'the nominee for Su
preme Jage on the Republican ticket,
is a gentleman , an honest man, an up
right judge, and no Republican can
with honor to himself er justice to the
party slight JudgeJCcbb's claim to re
election. The IIehald wants to say
that we know by personal ki.owledge
Judge Cobb's career in Wisconsin as a
Congressman, bis standing as a man of
integrity aud uublemished character,
was so high that the breath of calumny
has never touched him. Rv friend and
foe he was theie considered the honest
man, par excellence in a legislature
not noted for its purity.
Said an old friend to us in Wiscon
sin, two years ago: (and before Gen.
Cobb was thought of far Judge; -You
have one uouest man out there, from
Wisconsin, Genttial Cobb. He is a man
whom they cannot corrupt; when in
our legislature some years ago a pro
position was brought to him to vote
for of which he did not approve, ac
companied by an intimation that it
might be to bis personal or pecuniary
advantage to vote for the same,
Mr. Cobb who was walking at the time
answered in substance, though the
temptations and the emoluments offer
ed me were as plentiful as the leaves
that here fall before me, I could not
and would not do this thing." That's
the kind oi man Cobb is.
The Editor of this paper has known
Judge Wakely too, for years, ever
since the old territorial days, and
there is no spot nor blemish on his
character to our knowledge. He, too,
is a man among many. Democrat
Though he is, his life and character
-tand out pure and clear. He is an
able lawyer, an invaluable citizen, a
friend of The IIehald, we hope, as
we are, personally, a friend of his; but
he does not represent principles we
can support, uor can any Republican.
Judge Cobb is just as good a man for
this position, as honest a man. He has
been tried and not found wanting, and
we ask all Republicans to vote for
their ticket straight, elean, pure, front
honest, patriotic mot'ves, and the re
sult will justify the selection.
A COUNTRY correspondent of the
Omaha Republicaa says this, and it is
true, too:
The Iloosier congressman, De La
Matyr, has been here and spoken his
piece, and gone to more congenial
fields, lie has been at work in Seward,
Richardsen. Rurt and Cass counties.
Last week he was advertised at Wa
hoo, and Judge Mason fent down
there to meet him, but the reverend
doctor of tiat money learned at Ash
land that Mason was on hand to ex
plode his fallacies, and lie was sudden
ly taken with a sore throat aud went h, abandoning bis appointment.
Why do our senators and congressmen
in silence permit tbis fiat fanatic to
filter their Lailiv.ick and preach his
Greenback gosel to their constituents
and they rot say a word in reply?
Tkey don't do it that way in Maine,
OLio, and Iowa. Jadge Mason says he
is out of iolitics, bet if I)e La Martyr,
Rarbanan, or l'aoe war.t to discuss
'Iiti6 ai.d finances, be will met
ibem anywhere oa Nebraska soil, if
tfcey appoint a meeting.
-Don't Lnoiv half tticlr Value.
"They cure! me of Ague. Billions
sa ad Kidi.ev CniaiiUis rccorn-xi-eTsJed.
I til a balf loXUe left
l-.v-fc ; r,r my two l:tt:e girla. j
' m 4. . Mr:.lhV1l lAIi 1
or -4 " ccred. ! wo'.d have lo-t j
v:it : n. m e aikt if I Lad'ret
f v a
Leta Hcr l;.;:e:. TLev t! i
tnircrb rl I cyntimced tieir '
w K-.iil 'rey were e:e-J. Ikit is ,
i I vj not kr.ew h!f the :.
'.i...f 2p D.lltr. t!.i rt re-
-r.o ja."
t!.r c:raru
A M 1 r 1 iirk m;i itrr ln
- -Tl ! f- . ' I 1- d ! Ht Wflt
U1 itt Im-.m Lt t."
Our Temperance Column,
"For fiod, and 1 ome, and Native Land."
1) LATTSMOUT1I LoOfile NO. '
lingular meeiiii: at GRd
!. I. O O. T.
Templars' Hall
every Wednesday evening.
Wednesday evening.
r.. 11. iiiiiM-Ki, .
Viola V. Babnks. St-c'y.
C. T.
If i. a tts mouth Temple of IIonob and
Tkmpkkani'E, No. 1ft. Kepular meeting,
Saturday evening in Hall in Fitzjcerald'e bl.H.-k.
r. r. tiAss, w. c. t.
J. F. JoHNSor, Sec'y.
1I.ATTSM-JUTH Kki Kikkon Ci.ub. Kepular
meeting on Mouday evening of eaeh week.
c. u. jjovey, i resiuem.
M. Rush nell, Sec'y.
1i..tls.mouth W. C. T. I". will meet every
alternate Thursday at 3 o'clock, in the
Heading ICooni, tiniest other notice is itiven in
tins column. Mies. 11. M. Wisk, Fieuideut.
Mrs. It. 1 Duke, Secretary.
la uh will meet every alternate r rid;
intr at 8 o'clock in OoodT Templars' Hall
K.t will meet every alternate Friday even-
ilars Hall.
Mks. A. Schlkokl. Suierinteiidei)t.
Delivered by Mrs. Dr. Dinsmoor Before
the Convention of the fT. C T. U.
Ladies of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union of OmaJia: The
lot has been assigned rae to respond to
the address of welcome so warmly
given us y our dear sister in such
touching, earnest words. This cordial
greeting is no misnomer, we take it,
but the outward expression of the
warmth of the hearts and homes that
joyfully awaited our coming. And
were I to act in unison with the senti
ment of my soul, and thus vibrate the
emotion of gratitude and thanksgiving
that wells up in the hearts of my sister
delegates, I would verify the truism
that silence is golden in an hour like
this. Yet I must, in the name of my
isteis from abroad, return to the
Women's Christian Temperance Union
of Omaha, our thanks unutterable, for
tha warn welcome given us in the
name of the glorious work we repre
sent, and with you render thanksgiv
ing to our dear Father who hath
watched between us for another year,
and drought us to this glad hour. Aud
as iron sharpeneth iron, we may expect
to go forth from this convention re
vivified and strengthed for the conflict
that must ensue ere the enemy be van
quished. We know too well you occu
pied no enviable position when you
championed the cause of temperance
in the city where the rum power
boasts of its supremacy, sending its
thousands to bribe and barter with
men in legislative authority, that they
may rule lejully, though it bring death
to every interest that is sacred and
divine. We know you have stood
alone battling for the right, whilst'all
about you could be heard the din and
clash of the enemy's arms, and clear
above all could be heard their bugle
notes of victory. Aud we know also
that you have stood firm amid this tu
multuous surge of the enemy, because
your feet were on the Rock and your
faith anchored to the Divine. Thus
moored among the breakers, you havo
been'able to stand till we came to join
you in the glad reveille that the ran
somed of the Lord have been man v.
though yon be weary aad worn in the
conflict. And I doubt not but that
there are some among those who come
to you to-day who are as valorous as
.Mary Dyer, who gave her life that she
might meet with her Quaker friends
a Jiostcn, to encourage thein to stand
by their faith. And though you have
often been defeated, you must say, as
leter the Great, of the Swedes, "they
will teach us at length how to bat
them." Neither would we compromise
your beautiful city by a local option
law, which will leave you to grapple
a!one with the monster, but would as
sist vou, who are so fettered and bound
that yea cannot extricate yourself by
a prohibitory law. And surely the end
draweth nigh when this image must be
beaten to ashes. His gold head, monev
nterests, its ruling power; his'silver
arms, social driHking; his loins of
brass, professing Christians and clergy
men espousing the cause of Christ.
who left the throne to hunger and
thirst with the fallen, yet refuse to
give an encouraging word to those
trying to succor the drankard; his
legs of iron, the appetite for strong
dring, which holds in chains its vic
tims; his feet of iron mixed with clay,
the law plasticly assisting this super
structure to stand, which will first be
removed, then down comes the image.
Then let us take courage and stand in
our allotted places till the times, times,
and a half times be faliilled; when
this stone, hewn from the Mountain of
Divine Love, finisheth the mighty
work. The philosophy of history
leaches us that the world is making
rapid strides towards the completion
of these things and the ushering in of
that reign of righteousness, and of this
kingdom there will be no end. And
the agents are legion, woman being in
the van-guard. Woman stands to-day
on the platform not a whit behind
her brother in all this stupendous
work, pre-eminently above any position
yet occupied by her in any preceding
age. We are breathless whUn we be
hold her altitude! Mighty heralds of
the gospel in all lands; the champion
at the legal bar; philanthropists like
Miss Rice, of England, who hath thir
ty three times crossed the briny deep
with England's waifs; scholarly, she is
occupying the leading positions in our
best institutions of learning. And of
this grand temperance movement it
will be said of her. ahe was first in
war, first in peac, and first in the
hearts of her countrymen. Surely j
knowledge and truth shall be ia-
ereased. and
ajl these things shall be
Fi?ht 3Iil Grere Items.
j Mr. A lie Beaver, wife f Mason Ileav- j
r of the Rlck Hi'd is here on a visit. ,
Mra, IIrry Md'ler returned from j
Terit Co, Illinois, last Thurday, '.
where bo ha ln vUitiag. j
A two -ear old gul or I'hibp Tntsh.
died on Friday last, of diptheria. after t
an i
!Iie- rsf thire ilavs.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Chas. F. W. Kas
ter Ltiherie. Deceased.
Notice is hereby given, to all persons having
claims against the Estate of Chas. F. W. Kaster
ixuieue oeceaen. to nio wie same on or ueiore
they'd day of May, A. I).. 188o, in 'the Office
of tlie County Judgo, at FlatUmouth, Cass Co.,
A. N. Scllivaw, Co. Judge,
riattsmouth, Oct., 22d. 187a. 3U3
Notice is hereby given that James Paling has
filed an instrumvnt in writing purporting to be
the lact will and testament of Elizabeth Paling,
deceased, late of said County and asks to have
thesame admitted to probate, wher eupon I have
appointed WednesJay the 12th day of Novem
ber, A. J. 1379, at one o'clock, p. iii.fatniy office
in I'lattaraouth. Cas Co . Neb., as the time and
place for proving said will, at which time and
place all concerned may appear and content
the probate of the same. In testimony where -f
I have hereunto nt my band aud official seal
this 22d day or October. A. L. t879.
31 LI A. N. SuLLivan, Co. Judge.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of Samuel May. de
ceased. Ia the County Court of Cass Co., Ne
braska. Not.ce is hereby given. That W. H. II. Van
Epps, administrator, with the will annexed, ef
the estate of Samuel May deceased, has made
application for final settlement and that said
cause is set for hearing at my office at I'latts
mouth, on, the llth day of November, A. D.
187. at in 'clock, a. in., on said day ; at which
time and place, all persons interested mav be
present and examine said accounts.
A. N Sullivan. Co. Judge.
riattsmouth. October 2 1st. 1879. 31 IS
Legal Notice.
In County Court of Cass Countv, Nebraska, In
the matter of application for the adoptien, by
Mary C. Velie. of Frank Weley Howell, a
minor sou of James and Jennie Howell.
Notice is hereby given that application has
beeu made to nie for the adoption, by Mary C.
Velie. of Frank Wesley Howell, a minor child,
son of James and Jennie Howell, and that a
hearing of the said matter will be had before
me at 1 o'clock p. m..en the nth day of No
vember. A. l. 1879. at my office in Platlsraouth.
Cass Couuty. Nebraska, where all parties inter
ested may attend, and they shall be heard.
October 2ist, U79. A. N. Sullivan.
County Judire
Administrator's Sale.
Netlce is hereby given that I will sell at pub
lic vendue at my residence in Eight Mile Grove
Preciuct. on the Mh day of November, A. 1).
1879. commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., sharp on
said day. the following goods and ehattels be
longing to the estate f Charles T. W. Kaster
Loherie. deceased, to-wit : Four (4) good
horses, one (1) colt, ene (1) ret deuble harnass
and tiy nets, two (2) wagonn, two (2) breaking
plows, harrow, cultivator, header boxes,
twelve (12) tons of hay, shovels, forks, double
barrel shot-gun, etc., and various other arti
cle too numerous to mention. Terms all
ales of f 10.00 and less, cash ; all sums over
10.00, six mouths time with approved security.
Johx lUl'KR.
3H2 Administrator.
Sheriff's vSale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by Wni. L.
Well. Clerk of the District Court within and
for Cass County, Nebraska, and tome directed,
I will tin the22d day of November, A. D.. 187.
at lo o'clock, a. m. of said day. at the south
door of the Court in said County, sell at
Public Auction the following Heal Etate to
wit : The north half (.n't) the south west
quarter (swiof south wet quarter (swi of
Section No. thirty-four 3t) in Township No.
twelve ti2 north of Kahge No nine (')) east of
61 U P. M. The same being levied upon and tak
en as the property ot Kdwin Angell, Mary E.
Angell. tleorge W. Cady and George A. Hoag
land. Defendants : to satiefv a judgment ofsaid
Court recovered by .Melissa L. Patrick, Plaint
iff. R. W. Hvers,
Sheriff , Cass County. Neb.
riattsmouth. Neb, October ff-'d. 1879 3115
Legal Notice.
The State of yrhraska, rVw. Count, Ointriet
Court of the 2d Judicial IMttrict of Vebranhn,
in ami for Can County.
George E. Finley, Plain tiff against Kache! E.
Finley. Defendant.
Kachel E. t iulev 11011 resident. Defendant, will
take notice, that n Frid.iv the nth day of No
vember. A. D. 1879. the Plaintiff above name I,
will take the Depositions of Samuel H. Emails
and Elizabeth Sinails, witnesses, to be used as
Evidence on the trial of the above cause, at the
office of William McDonald. Justice of the
I'eace in New Moscow in the county of Coshoc
ton in the State of Ohio, bet ween the hours of
eight o'clock. A. M., and fix o'clock P. M.. of
said day. and that the taking of thrt same will
be adjourned frt.m day to day. betwei u the
same hours until they are completed.
Sam. M. Cii Apmax. Attornev for.
3U3 Ge.rge E. Finley.
Legal Notice.
Andrew J. Swarts. nnn-rehident, defndnt,
will take notice that on the 22d day of October.
A. D. I87P. Nelson Jean, plaintiff, lilea bis peti
tion in the District Court of tl.e Second Judi
cial District of Nebraska, within and for Cass
County ; the object and prayer of which , peti
tion is to obtain judgment against vou (Andrew
J. Swarts) for tlie sum of $4.?'.oo "and interest
thereon at the rate of ten (10) per C""n. per an
num from Oct. 21, l7!J. on an account for main
tainauce. care and education of George E.
Swarts and Grace E. Swart, infant children of
said defendant, furnished and provided forsad
infant children at the rate of $4.00 pr week for
two(2 years and four i4 months last past before
October 21st, 1879. And the naid plaintiff bus
caused the following described real estate, as
the property of said Andrew J. Swart, defen
dant, to be attached in said cause, to-wit ; The
north half inVi of tho southeast quarter cl4)
of r -tion No. twenty four (24). in towunhip No.
ten (I0, north of range No. ten (loi, east of the
sixth P. M. in C:iss County. Nebraska. You are
r quired to answer said petition 011 or before
fh lrhlh it w t neimlitr 1STQ nr 1'tflrfi..n
will be taken ag-iiast you for Haid sunt of 4:i2.0O
with interest tnereon. Nelson Jkxn.
8am. M. Chapma.
31 t Ilis A ttoruey.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the Estate of David Benja
min, deceased.
Notice Ik hereby given, to all persons bavins;
claims against the Estate of David Benjamin
deceased, to tile the same on or before the 3rd
day of March at one o'clock P. M. A. D. 1K80. in
the office of tho County judge, at Plattsmouth,
uass w., xseurasxa.
A. N. SULLIVAN, Co. Judge.
Plattsmnuth, Oct. 9th. 1879. 29-3t.
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of James II. Tuck
er, deceased.
Notice in hereby given, to all persons having
claims against the estate, of Jauie H. Tucker,
deceased, to file the same on or before the 22d
day of December. A. D. l7!, at one o'clock p.
m.. in the office of the County Judge, at Platts
moutta, Cass Countv. NebrasKa.
A. N. Sri. li van, Co. Judge.
I'lattsinnuth. Oct, it, 1879. 2t3
Attachment Notice.
Luke Connealey vs Charlex W. II. King. In
Justice's Cwurt. before Joseph Barrett, Esq.,
J. 1". in and for Cass Couuty, Neb.
To f'hurlc W. II, King, non-retitlcnl ilrfemlatiL
You are hereby notified that the above nam
ed Justice issued an order of attachment
against yuu for $31.00 and costs of this suit.
October Cth, 1879.
29t3 Lukk Conxf.alkv. riaintiff.
Notice for Publication.
Laxd OKKirR at Lincoln-, Nf.b., (
September 18th, 1879.
Not Ice is hereby given that the following
namd settler has Died notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
cccure final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty das from the date of this notice, viz:
Alfred S. Cooley for the west half (w'i) south
east quarter (sel section eight (see K) town
ship ten tin) range nine (9. east, and names the
following as his witnces, viz : C. 11. Kirk pat
rick, of Cass County, Nebraska, and Henry
Carpenter of Cass County. Nebraska.
2713 J. B. McDowell, Kegister.
Sheriffs Sale.
Pr virtue of an order of sale, issued by Wm.
1 Wells, Clerk of the Histrict Court, within
and for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the 3d day of November. A. I).
1ST'.), at 11 o'clock a. m.. of said thesouth
door of the Court House, iu said County, sell at
l.ublic auction the following real estate, to-wit :
Tlie north-east quarter (lie1) of section num
ber nine () township number twelve (12) north
of rang- thirteen ( I3 east of the cth f M.. and
the couth half (') of the south half (s' J)of the
south-east quarter (sel! of section lour (4)
township twelve tli'i north of range thirteen
(13 east ot the th 1'. M.. together with the ap
purtenances, the surplus, if any, to tie
brought into Court. The same being levied up
or aud taken as the properly of H. 11. l'ettit
and Eliza l'ettit defendants ; to satisfy a Judg
ment of said Court, recovered by Johu Fitzger
ald, plaiulilf.
riattsinouth. Neb. Sept. .mth. A. I. 1RT9.
ssti K. W. IIvkks, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Itv virtue of an or!.-r, ofsale issued by Wm. L.
Well". Clerk of the I'isirict Court, within ami for
CasCoiiiily. Nebraska, and to me dire tel. I
will on the 3d dav of noveinler. A. 1. Is7:. at 10
o'clock. A. M f said day, at the South door of
Ihet'ourt lliiu-f in s-iil oinily. sell at public
auction the Keal Ksl'ate to-it : the
south h.ill s 'iiof tho kotiih half ( 't'"'
the Mi!h eat quarter i e V) of ection fount)
and I he north -t quarter tn e ) of rection
. t :".ul iu townsiiip twelve i U'l tiortli of range
thirteen id l.ti e:il of the fit h 1. M , the luouey
arir-ins I lierrtroot I be biusht into Court d le
ail-iieU iu a-rxrdsaer with priority of ley. 1 be
amr htuc lev rd ut"! and t.tki-n as tiie pnt
rrty ! Heury H. l'ettit. Eha U I'fcllit attd John
KiUtrrxld Iefpndjutt ; In tlufy ;u.ljliM-nt
vl rii t't. trniri ri-.l bv i:4 rt 1 kkxh,
:rtM-d UiT. B. (;.rdn. I'taJnlin.
ritlmuth. NrH. September .nth. A. 1. Is7f.
It. W. II !'!:.
. herifr.f"a- I cimlr. fh.
Estray Notice.
Taken up Sept. 2d, lS7t, by the Subscriber,
living eight mile south of rlattfinouth. Casx
County, Neb., one brown mare, both hind feet
aud right fore foot white and small white spot
on forehead, about twelve years old.
2bt5 J. F. COLK.
Legal Notice.
To Charles Vialltion-rexident tteftndant:
You are hereby notified that on the 33d day
day of September. A. I.. 1S7, Almira M. Vial I.
the undersigned plaint iff. filed her petition in
the Clerk's office of the Oistrict Court, of the
Second Judicial District of Nebraska, within
and for t.'ast County, againut you. The object
and prayer of said petition is to obtain a decree
of divorce, dissolving and anuuHing the mar
riage contract existing between yourself and
said plaintiff, and also for the care and custody
of two minor children, the fruit of such mar
riage, upon the grounds of adultery and aban
donment. You are required to plead or an
swer to naid petition on or before the 20t h day
of November. A. I'., 1879.
Ai.mika M. Viai.l. riaiutifT.
Gko. 8. Smith, her Attorney. 2Dt4
Legal Notice.
Andrew Renner of-
In the State of-
will take notice that Mary Kenner, ef Cass
Couuty, in the State of Nebraska, did on the
23d day of September, A. I)., 187S). file her peti
tion in the llistiict Court of the Second Judi
cial District, of the State of Nebraska, within
and far Cass County, Nebraska, ugaiast the
said Andrew Kenner. defendant, felting forth
that the said Andrew Kenner, defendant, had
for more than two years last past abandoned
his wife, tiie said Mary Kenner and W illiam
Kenner, their infant son, and wholly failed,
neglected and refused to contribute to the sup
port of her'elf and infant son. William Kenner,
and asking that the bonds of matrimony here
tofore subsiding between said parties may be
dissolved, that she (plaintilT) may be restored
to her maiden name, that she "plaint ill) may
have the care and custody of the infant soii.
William Kenner, and for Alimony. Aud the
said Andrew Kenner, defendant, is notified
that he is required to apMar and anewer said
petition on or before the 17th day of November
1H79. Makv Krnnkk, Plaintiff.
28t5 by Sam M. Chapman, her Att'y.
Legal Notice.
Selden N. Merriam of the State of Ohio will
take notice that George W. Harshman. of Cass
countv and State of Nebraska, did 011 the 18th
lv tit .lime 1k7k. file his netition in the District
Coiirt of Cais County and Slate of Nebraska.
against the said Seidell N. Merriam, Defeu
dent, settine forth that he said Selden N. Mer
raim wrongfully procured one Joint C. Cum
mins, then Treasurer of said County of Cass to
execute and deliver to the said Defendant a
pretended tax deed, pretending to convi y
to the said Selden N. Merriam. Defen
dant, the following decribed Beat Estate to-wit :
The south east quarter (seq)of section No.
twentv-six (2t) township o. ten (10) ortn 01
ramre'No. twelve (11 12) east of the 6th P. M. the
title to which land is claimed by the said plaint
iff and that the said tax nale under which the
said pre ten dud deed was executed aud deliver
ed was void, and that said pretended deed is
void : and nraving that said tax sale and said
tax deed may be declared by the said Court to
be null and void, and that all clouds cast upon
the title of the said Plaintiff, may be removed
and the title of tha said Plaintiff may be confirm
ed in and to the said premises, and the said
Selden N. Merriam is hereby notified that he is
required to appear and answer said petition on
or before the 17th dav of November. 179,
By Chapman A Pott en t jkb, his Attorneys.
Legal Notice.
Ellen A. Steele, of the State of Iowa, will take
notice that Samuel M. Chapman, of the Coun
ty of ('ass aud State of Nebraska, tlid 011 tiie 1st
day of October. 1879. file his petition in the Dis
trict Court of Cacs Count' and State of Nebras
ka, against the said Ellen A. Steele, defendant,
and setting forth that said defendant is indebt
ed to him. the said plaintiff, in the sum of
140.09 and interest on the same at the rate of
10 per cent, per annum, from the 21th day of
December, ls75, for legal services rendered aud
necessary expenses paid out for the use of the
the saiii defendant, at the instance and request
01 the said defendant, and praying judgment
for the said sum of ?14o.09. together itli inter
est thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per an
num, f nun the 2oth day of December. I87.'i. to
gether with the costs of suit, and the said plain
tiff further caused au attachment to be issued
against the said defendants property to satisfy
whatever judgment, should be recovered in said
action the said Ellen A. Steele, and in
pursuance of said attachment, the sheriff of
said Cass County lias levied the same upon the
following real estate, belonging to said defend
ant. tJ-wit : Lots 2 and 12 in block s. lot 2 ill
block 12, lots 11 and 12 in block .v. lot 7 in block
C2. lot 7 111 block '.i. lot x in block :r. lot 2 iu
block 'Jti. lot 7 in block 1;'.), lots 1 and 4 in block
rrt. as designated on the recorded plat of the
Citv of Plattsmouth. in salt! county. And the
said Ellen A. Steele is notified tliat she is re
quired to appear and answer on or before the
17th day of November. 170. or judgment will be
rendered agaihst her by default.
October 1st 1S79.
S. M. Chapman.
215 liv W11.1.ETT PoTTK.N;r.rt, his Att'y
the best base burn
for hard coal. 14
.yles and sizes, with
more patent improve
ments than any other stoves. Ask tout deal,
er for them, or send for free illustrated cir
c 11 l.t r.
Chicago & Erie Stove Co. (Limited),
Qic 171 & 173 Lake L. Chicago.
Oar 5th Doeerlptlro Til 0.0
trmtod Prieo List for Fall ot
1879 will bo Bent to any a.d
dross bsod rocelpt of MSB
JE'TS. It contains prices
of oTr lO.PUO articles witn,
over l.OCS Illustrations. NO
PJlRSOX who contemplate
the purchase of any article
for personal or family use
should fait to send for a
copy. We sell most every
class of -roods known to tho
civiUzed world. We sell all
oar coods mt wholesale
prices direct to the eon
auuaer (no middle amen).
The only honns in America
who make this their speeiat
hnslnMi. One of these valo.
able Price Lists and KsTer
once Books is indispensable.
Address Montroinonr Ward
Co.. S 7 aod2a Wabaa
venae, Chicago, llUoois. ,
A MONTH guaranteed. $12 a dav at
home made by the industrious. Cap
ital not required : we will start you.
Men. women, hovs and pirls make mon
ey faster at work for us than at anything else.
The work i light and pleasant, and such as any
one can go right at. Those who are wise who
see this notice will send us their addresses at
once and see for themselves. Costly outfit aud
terms free. Now is the time. Those already
at work are laying tip large sums of money
Address TKCE & CO., Augusta. Maine. I3ly
Real "SUNSHINE Ana SHADOW in Nw Yorf
Bv 31 ATIIF.W HALF.milTII.'Hurleigb.
asVOU WISH TO KN JW How fortunes
1 are made and lost in a dav : hew shrewd
BP men are ruined In Wall Street ; how
A a. "countrvmen" are swindled by sharp
ers : how ministers and merchants arc black
mailed ; how Vauderbilt made eighty millions
of dollars ; how eambling houses and lotteries
are conducted : how lo make and spend money
lu New York ; how millions are fed daily ; how
the rich and poor live.
Kead and learn about New York bankers,
merchants, brokers, gift swindlers, gamblers,
tiowery. Tombs, elevated railroads. ISrooklvn
bridge! Centra. I'ark.with biographical sketch
es of A. T. Stewart, James Oordon Itennett,
Itobert Bonner, the Astors, VanderblH, Drew,
tircelev, Beecher, Talmage and his Tabernacle.
Fisk, J. Could aud many others. In short all
about the wealth and poverty, the mystories
aud miseries of New York. Complete mirror of
the metropolis as it is to-day.
over UCO octavo pages, wiin lull-page engrav
ings. Now is the time for enercetic men and
women to make money. Agents are averaging
from 40 to 60 orders per week. For terms ad
d rrss
TheJ.B. IU RR PI BI.1HI(; O..
304 Hartfokp, Cohs or Chicago, III.
To me EBB QUE.
Will opeu on or about the 1st of October a large
Stock of
Dry Goods. Clothing,
(Ecnts gabies' Jfnrrasjjing
GOODS, cf-C, &C,
JVercr Before Heard of in l'latts
mouth! Ba Store pgjj griefs!
The Most and Best Goods for the l-east Money,
aud Satist'actiaa (Guaranteed in Ever-
Instance. 4
ul 5 P iO (genl (gcuiiely
Where you get more than elsewhere for 25 aad
.vj Cents.
Safe if imf tdlatuijo
until we opn. and give us a trial. No trouble
to show (rood. We oeu in the
Foot of Stain St., which has beeu newly refitted
for us.
Sign cf ths Large Flag !
All ewrdially Invited lo look through our .roods.
L. TCnlfsky & Son,
.;tf ri.iMimuth. Neb.
1 11 im is
I II H T. a er
f r m TRJ fM.i stops. 3et reeds.Sknee
I I K I 11 I M N swelW, stool and book.only
vUVJ JTX 11 J$iw. 7oct. Pianos, stool.cov.
A book, only f 143.75. Illustrated newspaper sent
free. Address Da.mkl F. Ukattv, Washing
ton, N. J. 2Kt4
Q 1 Ortrt returns in 30 davs on 9100 invested.
S14JJ official Keports and information
free. Like profits weekly on Stock options of
$10 to $so. Address T. Totter, Wight & Co.
Bankers. 35 Wall St., N. Y.
10 TO $1000 !
Invested in Wall Street
Stocks makes fortunes
very month. Book sent free explaining every
thing. Address,
BAXTER & CO.. Bamkehw. 17 Wall St..N. Y.
t'A ietiVl rtAU 0"mblnt'Cn le r'i. ,'iii'ivoi
' t. otto. Tut a-'n t?vry -vvn if ru.-.t. w 1 t
kilnfil fimntntift. L-wire' rfiii't.te i nfrtt
litvofltm nia i.l (! in f u(Xl, ti-u. . wittt fu.l 1 1
plaUtlloli ImiV ;t fM I In atrwlt t. ;;t-9 Diil-.l:rH.
I. . -"! ; " . 1 j t ... ' . v - '
It soon will be. The rise of more 'than half In
the price of Iron is more than we can stand.
For a very short time only we will veceive or
ders at old pricen,viz : 5 Ton Wagon Sca'e 9 SO.
All Iron and Steel. Sold on tria'l freight paid
by us nn money asked till tested and fouud
satisfactory. All sizes.
JO.VUS orillXfillAJTTOY.
liinghamton, N. Y.
LowMt prices prer known
I -n Kr4rli-I.ondni.
Klfle. & Uetoltrra.
at prentlT reduced price.
Srui fctamp for our New
IllnttrsiLawi "Rtlmn.
T. rOWILL ft 60S, S38 Wain Mret. CISC1S 21 ATI.O.
A WEEK in your own town, and no cap
ital risked. Vou can give th business a
trial without expense. The best oppor
tunity ever oflered lor those willing to
You should trv nothinir else until vou
see for yourself what you can do at the busiuess
we oner. io room 10 explain nere. ion can
devote all your time or only your spare time to
the business, and make great pay for every
hour you work. Women make as much as men.
Send for special private terms and particulars,
which we mail free. $5 Outfit free. Don't com
plain of hard times while vou have such a
chance. Address H. HaLLET & CO., Portland,
Maine, 13ly
Jfo. as Wabash atkvvb. Chicago, lu.
Tine, Medium, d Conmoi
Mot of over 600 now designs MAILED TSKJB
y application. (Jsnd ftr 1L)
The rEHT ar.A SIOST Pflri'UR
H.wln Thr.nd of Modern Tim..
For sal" bv E. O. Dnvcv
Nathan. Win llerold, W. II.
Kaliskv & Sou.
it Son. Solomon &
Daker & Co.. L.
QZZ HERE! $5 .3 GOOES to 59 cii.
y3 3 Stlhforltuai .Uiirwrili-.l. f)) VT M IS ihU
2T " altnw n.uitt-tofH. Srcrctt, 10 Hi.-li lie-
tufr; I Mi.':C TcuitaiR Irti : 2 Met I lent: I itver-pUtrl
H v lrr; I M. n H-I.!rr; I Ht brr ip l encif ; 1 2 fint? F.nel-
-rrs; it '(vt-t tinr I'arrr; I Hmk that Iuldt JJ'fm
C'hiie Nrcrrl for t'"oiir Im n, (Urc OKinfy icflm -
r.t AH BCUt for Fifty Ctnrs. Mnmpt taken. AlJrra.
l.a.0. t-i l t .tiu.i mills ihiriwiiuiHnf nrw rm .
Bsaiedy; An
sntklllng mra (or
sets, Bpcrnstor
rhss, Impauoej,
ut all oImu
euract of elP.
Before Taking.
Abut; u Lou or After Taking;.
Memory, Catvem! Iuituda. Palo In lh Rock. CimDass of
Vloloa, Premotore Old Age. mod m&oy otbor DIbooom tsM
load t6 Inaanit orCoaaumptlon, aad a Prcma tare Grave.
frj- Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we deairs as
aond free bj mail to evcrr one. CT'Tb. Speeilc Mediclaels
old y aU drugzi.u at St per package, or U package for
fa, or wm bo sent free mail oa receipt of too mono by
Mminc'i Buoe, Daraore, Ksra,
t."Sold in riattsinouth and everywhere, by
all Kruggists. 18ly.
Acrostic Motto
Use "Western Remedies for western
Science demonstrates the wisdom of
tbis course.
Experience of every western family
proves it.
Where Brown's Family Medicines arc
Eureka Ague Tills never fail to cure
the chills.
Salve, like Brown's Arnica, cures cuts,
burns, &c.
Tar Troches cure sore throat and clear
the voice.
Blackberry and" (linger is a safe
Ext. reliable
Ilemedy for diarrhea, dysentery, and
No family is safe without it. It saves
Belief follows the use of German Ca
tarrh Cure.
Everv trial confirms the wisdom of
the peonle in
Making Brown's Liver Pills the Fam
ily rill.
Each day gives praise to Brown's Cough
Doctors and druggists unite in faying
Invigorate your Liver and Blood by
Ext. Sarsaparilla, Dandelion and led.
See formula on each bottle.
For sale by Dr. V. 11. Donelan, Chan-
man & Smith, J. II. Buttery and U. t
.T 27tf riattsinouth, Xeb.
Clothing House!
C. G. HER0LD, - Proprietor.
Keeps a general large stock of
Men's, Youth's & Boy's
and tias just received the finoft lot of
French and English Silk
His different stlr of
Hats Caps,
are surprising, and his stork of
Furnishing Goods I
Showcase Goods enough to supply any demand.
Call and Examine the
nKritnr, vvki hasisi: elsewhere.
31 1
"O .S S3
01 atH
Dress -
Domestics, Underwear,
Famishing Goods I
Also a Full Line of
Wooden ware
Ami all
i (eucra( UTicrchanbioc.
Which wc will sell.
fhid me. ale aluiajl fdea6pcl ia
SIloiv Out Goods !
has once nurc " come back" to " -(-
Guthman & Weckbach,
who aro, on and aftfr this date sole proprietors.
We are In almost daily reeefpt of
anal (DESBflJBS,
which tre offer our friends and the iuhllc at
WIaIcaIe and SSciaffl,
at prires to suit the time.
Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, &c.
CaUcos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00.
Muslins, from 6 cts. a yard upward
The finest stock of White Bedspreads nver brouitlit to the Cltv.
Buell's Cassimeres, Tweeds,
full Stock.
BBoot aiwl lioe
Dsceric and Prv3ins
Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
WV desire to se all our old patrons back and want to h'.M a .nny of tht
present ones a- we ran
1 r
Goods !
kinds of
at verr low fiiirines.
Jeans, and Cottonades ii.
i 1
of B
Mats and (Das!t
lil T1IMA v hi.imi.ii.