Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 16, 1879, SUPPLEMENTARY, Image 5

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CO 1 1 1 ; CS L0 XDEXC E.
Fr,i;i lilr.ff,
lii'K Ktfff. Xr.r... Oct. 13. I?s7!.
The following is the Precinct ticket
1 ominatid ly the 1 i r-p i.I I icans of Keck
Hluff l'r t iin-t, ai .he l'riir:ry meetinp
i e'd on tli' ab ve d il: f it- .Justice
f the Peace, Jackson Graves and
INss Morrow ; fur Assessor, Ander
son for .Judges of election.
Mei-k Davis, Win. Lloyd ami Win.
Morrow: for chrks. G. Eeraer ami
Mephen LI d. M. Skahi..
Secretai v.
a number of pigs were lost in the &c, which are always in good order
spring ami tally summer. jam! rapidly disposed ef.
Several car-loads of steers will bej Geo. Seigler runs the "Weeping "Wa-
fatted in Tipton this winter; ex-Com.'ter House," and Uncle Sam's mail.
W. 15. Arnold and others feeding. Geo. hauls merchandise from Louis
Messrs. Wood, Oorley, Bet, Ester-iville with a four librae team, and keeps
seme good teams and buggies for pitas
Iraui AfiiMi.
)('T. T, '?.).
A goo 1 In avy rain Sep. iUtli ba
started t!i irrass up, green and fresh,
although ll.e light of iiitani fires, seen
at night, wai ns ns to eotnplete our tin
In crossing the Platte river bridge at
North Fl itte, lately, I looked in vain
for a droit of watt-r in T he channel. dr j
sand, everywhere. Traded some a; j
the stores, and convinced myself tlialj
our lively town Arapahoe, is very
much the better place of 1 he two, for
buying, or selling; was down the; eyes
lerdav, find two of the three lioU'i: i
I....... I l.. ...iv .. . . i...- ,-,..,!!
1 1 l 7 'v t-j l lint i i u n itij i
1 1 ii a k e
ii i i. -
estate anu nusniess nouses cnanging
i .... 1 . t ...i. r . t .. t . , ..n'
iia!it.;s, iioicif him in ln.-st.t, Mijis mi
busy. jieopiC wide awake.
.it liome here, we have steady im
provements going on, house building,
fencing, well digging, $:., Ac.
A few days .-go a valuable horse be
longing to one of Cass count 'sold res
idents (Mr. G. W. Thorndike,) was se
verely bitten by a rattlesnake, the bite
w as on the nose, and having been done
a half day or more, was very badly
swollen, the faithful application of a
strong solution of common soda and
water removed the swelling in a few
hours, horse now all right.
Health good, As ever,
E. s. Child.
brook, Kodofry and others have fenced
in pas' ares. Increasing herds require
it. 15 abed wire is mainly used. The
fatter gentleman has the "'Cattle
(ward rence, i.e., one wire and an
chors to stock, giving good satisfaction
lie says.
The citizens of District "! hare re
cently completed a tine school house
21..'3'2. The new seats, costing abuut
8C"0, vyill soon bo put down, making
rrady for th winter term.
The District is under manv obliga
tions to JiaLe Wolph for his able man
agement of her finances. They have
received over $'M interest on Di trie!
lunds. I he Jii.l' turned v-r to t.i'
incoming trees. in r, II. I'ost, Esq..
cJjC. When completed il will cost
j about ?SO'i, ieav;iig an mdei ti i.ues
of perhaps tf-IO. Tney may well con
gratulate themseh s on il.e snc-i ss ef
i .
the management.
We'', as to politics, the " mud
sills " are thinkiug and ;li-v will vctt
Ii. C. Yeomans, Constable, runs a
temperance billiard hall, which does
uot pay very largely in this towu.
"Up in dat back room boys" will be
found "Oat." Wilson, tonsorial artist,
who shaves and ciips the boys from
early morn' till late at night.
Mr. Thorngate has a very neat stock
of furniture,
lar reason, further than that we pay
oetter prices lor grain, and our mer-
cnanis can uo uetter with mem tha..
the Flattsmouth business men d."
E- And we haven't any bridge here
Mr. II. "No, and a bridge won't buy
wheat and barley, nor cut down the
price of goods. Farmers, like all ether
sensible people, will go where they
can do the best. Aslongasowr folks
keep on the way they are goinjj we
shall get the greater part of the trade
of the lower part of Cass county,
bridge or no bridge. JSeb. City Sun.
Frew the L'te Country.
I " ' dt . . - i a i
liier sn ru i.n. MPrrirr. ronen. ?
iml seems to be wl hvr i V "o"
ing the Indians. The savages seen
patronized, determined to keep the treops from
Sam Kipiey sells the iresli steats,;reacinng the agency and have forti
Ac, to each and every hungry man,
Weepiny Hater Motes.
1 En. iri:i;.i.n: Weening Water was
! flourishing on Satimhiy ; ;reenlitke:r
met in some kind of session, but the
nrato;- of thf day, L. ('. Face failed it?
his appearance as auuounci'd.
J. S. Foste r from the lower part t f tlo
count' was here, and J. Ii. Fieeniaii
their nominee for Treasurer ii
sinte of those present, the Hep. tkkei
was talked up on every corner, ami
straight ticket will without doubt '
carried in this precinct.
Heed Eros, are doing a line business,
and t heir conveniences for the sann
are metropolitan too. Their force ot
clerks aie kept from idleness in at
tending to their many customers.
Fleming & IJace. are a!-o loomi?.,
up with about the same line uf goods.
Tipton Items.
Editok Hekald : We can almost
tell what " Harvest shall be," and the
energetic Nebraska farmer will get
very well paid for his labor. Wheat
will pay fifty per cent, price of average
farm. Corn, if fed ty stock, wr sold at
highest price during the coming ship
ping season A'ill pay for land. Oats a
fair crop ; but we only raise them to
feed. Earley a small yield, and dam
aged by rain. Fotatoes, plenty to do
of a good quality.
Corn gathering has commenced.
Hands are getting about two cents per
Hogs at present aro healthy. Quite
There are two blacksmith shops and a
wagon shop here; the latter kept by
.dr. Kussell and one of the former kept
' Mr. .J fnes. A harness shop too,
i Hest am ai.t, and two millinery shops.
Whether V. W. is' growing can be
imagined by listening to the sound of
the hummer.
ueu inemseivt-s on a commanding: p
sition. They have constructed a lit
of fortifications out of rocks, and an
continually at work strengthening
their position, and to dislodire theiJ
will require additional force. MoiY
troops have been sent for.
An Old Nebraskan (Jone.
Hon. Edward W. Arnold, senate.
If i'nn tliu Tl i i rr t Ii t it rifr m
Fred Cluiton carries flaur on l:isj;rall(l Island. Oct. lUb? He'was bu.
clothes trom a Grist Mill heie in townijed Sunday, at 10 a. in. Deceased wa'
Wave Allen frim the one about a mile "iib of Nebraska's oldest settlers an
oelow. and J. S. Tewksberrv about ;forniry resided at Columbus. Nebr
l .. ......... . . . . ka
mi ie auove ; maiii ng prciiy gooo use
)I the '. W. K'tver for one "city."
Hain has been rather pleutiful for a
tew d.vs. .u more is neeutd. i teas.
Skvkral parties made a fruitk
search for the I Iatte. last Sunda
They succeedf d in finding where tl
. ..: . .. i i i ., ... : i. i i i l . f
-..rognoslica.e" for a little less of the,"TrV""u
. imoiMuie simicieni lo exiingllisil
sparkling water, which however is yli:hteii Lucifer match, but not enoup'
all they drink here, except "Hop Eit-to sustain the life of the smallest ml-
teis." Occasionall v. inows; and countless numbers of thes
2 ;have peiished. For mi'es and mik
jtiiere ate no evidences oi a river, ex
:cept the drvs and bads. The oldest in-
Thai !!arley Deal. jhabitant does not remember when the
The F.attsmouth Enterprise, thelver has been so dry as at prtsent.
o.her dav. publ.she.l a long cock-and- Jinatsi Herald.
ai l s.ory, in which it re ated the par-1 If the above is true it represents a
i It-nl ars of a little job alleged to have state of affairs that we have henro
.il...n f.T till 1 MM .ri; t j i-l ... yt ra nf ,
, v ',' . 1 ,ine o;u ireignters ten ot vears ago;
braskai itv. It was stated that the' ..... , " - , '
buy. is down iwrehadbe-n dealing in "t Inch has not been seen of late
bailey and got thfair lingers burned, years.
And i he talented liar vf t he Enterprise . ,
ev en gors so i r as 10 say urn i ne ueai ;
ers in FlaMsmouth unloaded their bar
ley fa to Nebraska City buyers at fa-'
u.d are busily engaged at present injbwlous pi ices and w axed wealthy ovei
opening and maiking their enormous
fall and winter stock.
Chase & Co. have a neat stock of
hard ware and stoves, and are turning
wut some very fair job printing, at rattt,
that would astonish the natives.
Woods Eros, also have a good stock
of hardware which they are fast dis
posing of and they do job printing too.
Marshall & Son with their doubb
store are doing well. A. L. Marshall
with his stock of Drugs and Station
ery, together with the news-stand is
building up a nice trade. On the op
posite side is to be seen the smiling
countenance of Tom Marshall, who is
always ready to measure for a new
boot, home-made, or fit you with one
already made.
P. is. Earnes and Mr. Parkins have a
large and well selected stock of Drugs,
T31J R,3D"W"-A.mj.
A reporter for The Sun dropped in-'
hi the office tf Tomliu, Duff & Co., ys-j
terday afternoon for the sake of get
ting the facts of the story. 1
His chest swelled out to (!0 inches as J
ho announced himself as connected f"T T J . rp I7pl
with The Sun establishment, and tack-; U . V . 1VJ A I i.:.?liVVbl
led t he senior partner of the firm : j j
"Yes, I read that story," said Mr.i on Main St., . Platte Valley House,
romlin, "It's one of Connor's; Connor -. . , , j
is agram-uMver up mere ana starteu ZjilUUUarC, D3 U VUlllUarf
the yarn to get even with me for a k "
joke I played on him in Lincoln. I, A lar.e aorinn-nt of siiklf n,vi:n
is a fact, that w ith all the noise thev ( Wakk, just i.c. ive.t ami wi;i
make up there in Plattsmonth. we iav! be sol1 low-
more for grain here than they da there.'-; WOOD .STOCK AND IRON, rUJfl't.
11. "Then that's where the shoe r IrJJ,D AND (J AIIUJJN SEEDS
pinches V"
Mr. T. "Exactly. We get the butt
end of the Cass county trade here in
.NenrasKa uy. t h(
II. "Why should the farmers f ar.
f:i;s rnnifi lifie. instead of L'oincr to llnnni C.-;t rutnU rs. mt.l oil kin, is i,f 1
Plattsmonth? 'T""'"' ........ I
- mm c r-, m
Mr. T.
'Don't know of anyparticu-i 2s;y
Ammunition, Nails, -Low,
emeinlT. we keep ;i iroml TIN'NKIJ. X
'repnied to do all coi t- nl '1 in - work.
Srmni'K Cr:t VUxnU rs, mt.l nil kimls i.f far A
I'lattMiiu ilii, Net).