i T Ii K U IS i( A L 1) . LOCAL NEWS. Vrv-h Chestnuts at the P.O. X'u wg Pcpot. The Kpiscnpal Convocation is now in session. Head Solomon and XaMirtn'si new advertise tnent. Mr. J. Mai this has an addition to i his family its a gul. Younn Fellow (s) Rush home, quick. You're watitod tew onc't. Fresh Chestnuts just received at 'the P. O. Xev.s Depot. It GiMhtuan &. Weckl-ach have had ."heir i.elivi ry wagon painted ;'or'; Caldcr has gone to work in the lb M. 11. H. cilice at this place. L'j.V.i out for the Catholic festival and fins next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. A i -aiuljoT spanned t!ie sky yes terday, how is that for the middle of October? Go and s-'fi Flmins& 1 1 -.re, if yon want bargain in Clothing and JJoots tun. shots. Itcv. C. Harris of Lincoln will oflk-i Ue for th-i Us v. II. 15. Jbiress at .St. Luke 3 Church on Sunday next. Penieui.Vr that for bonis and shoes ltix.l.v t II cannot be bent in price. He has a large assortment. 2,tf. If yv? want a nice Dress, Shawl or Clak. call on Fieiiiing Sc Race or send tn tliem fur sample, aa I they will re-Fp-jr.d t heerfully. Vii.Thos. Poliock returned from Om.L.i Monday morning, where she had been attending the State Temper ance .'invention. '!'!;' recepaon of the Visho; and visiting clergy ami laity of the Episco jul CLi'iieh. is at Major Y."iie'.. r's this t veiling, between S an 1 11. '.. L. li'-ed, 15. C. Ycomans and oth'.rs, of V.Vepiiig Water, will accept our thanks i'or ser rices rendered our agent while nt that place. I). A. Young brouu.it some inag niric -nt apples into our o.ho last week. They were of the "'Jen Davis" and " Xoi t!:ern spy " vari ties. Fleming Ilaeu have just receiv ed the largest and best selected stock of goodi ever brought to Weeping Water, and th?y arc going to .sell them tlirt cheap. Tl'eio were no services in the Pie b tei ian and Methodist churches last Sun lay. Ilevs. DeLaM.i'yr and l.tbd b.-iiig abvn. u at conference the other a', synod. A I '. ly !n town, who fas had the ague for tl'-- ilr.it time in yeais, thro t ei to seed hj,r doetoi's bill to the bo:i:d ot h.-.iith to -"t:b as she l.i s ii to that dirty, stinking creek. We call the attention of oar read ers to lb- vei t i ;":i.- : I of Clark's s,-! cof. :i in aonther coiumn. This is becoming lie tinea is sold bv all i -ar t;i!xha;its. Y'Ui on get tl." bnst Pocket K lives at la ? P. (). Xew.; Depot, for thev arc fully wan an' . -d. Wt: call special attention to the - Will Wisr especially the -J . ... ... . r ;civs in :;r. i 'i.:is;ir.T, coin oversight Mr. Wise's "Ad." was left o:it last week. The funeral of Mrs. X. ITrtlrces was very largely at tended, and the Il!:r..M.i ir.os' deeply sympathizes with thn bereaved husband and family. Just as everything seemed brightest and brppit'st for Mr. and Mrs. Ilahncs the band cf death appeared. Phil Young sells German School Kooks besides a full lim of all kinds of other School Hook?. Don't fail to give him a rail. Char. Wilcox, formerly of Ohio, is the name of the young man who so gallantly waits on the ladies and does the honors at Phil. Young's lately. "We wt Iror.i.? Glial ley to PI a'.tsmouth, and, 1 eing an Ohio boy, shouldn't wdii-b-r if he would run for an o;!ice next year and pet elected if ho behaves hisFe'.f. Mr. Jno. Gnpp, of Mt. Pleasant precinct, has gone bak to his old home in Sheiburn, lad., for a few weeks' vis it. Mr. G. left his relatives there in 1S11 and has seen none of them since. The pleasure of meeting those left will v.a don! t, fully repay him for go ing, lie i? a stanch Republican, and has been successful in tM-s home here as far as worldly goods goes. The following is going the rounds of the press each nun acknowledging li.-stole it from som? other fe'Iow. We never steal nn l put it in as origi i.itl with the man who wrote il : " Gaily the candidate Seeketh the bar, Where the dry citizen Gomes from afar. Singing : I've sought thee. And found thee, vntthinks ; Candidate, candidate. Set up liij drinks.' " Farmers should renumber that they ran save taoney by subscribing with Phil. Young for any newspaper or mngazind they wish. Phil. s taV.Uhed a Newspaper Subscription Ag"ncy last year, since which time he has taken over ."5?0 subscription, dincwuls are coming in which show that subscribers are satisfied with the terms they get from Phi!. It A full line of new Novelties at the P. O. News Depot. Don't fail to call while in the city. It will cost you nothing to price the goods. The le-ture f.f P.ev. DeLaMatyr at tin1 m. J-:, church was" only fairly at tended. Thrio ought to have been m r;'. 1 1 v.-as an able and original view of Danie'.'o career and of Vbb'e faa- many Personal. Mr. A. 15. Fox, of Louisville, called tie first of the week. Gen. Cunningham was in town Sun day on his way to Xew York. Judge Maxwell made Plattsmouth a short visit the first of the week. Mr. J. I'.ridejistinc made the IIi;n- AlA a very pleasant call last week. Mr. G. W. Iloldrege, Sup't of the 15. & M. II. It., was in the city Tuesday. 3 r. Satchell of South 5cnd sends the IIinAi: greeting for another year. Mr. "Win. Poole called upon the IIi.k aii and gave it substantial assurances of good will and friendship. Mrs. Pollock, Mrs. McLaughlin and Mrs. Wise went to Omaha on Friday last to attend the Presbyterian Wom an's Hoard of Missions for Xobraska. Mr. W. Ii. Thomas, machinist in the I. Sc M. shops started for Pennsylva nia last Tuesday afternoon, where he will visit friends and relations for a month. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLaughlin, Mrs. Jno. It. Clark, Mrs. Chas. Yates, Mrs. C. II. Panned, Mrs. II. li. Living ston and Miss Anna started for Chica go last Monday afternoon whero they will remain a couple of weeks. New Fail Goods. Mr. Fleming, of the firm of Fleming & liace, Weeping Water, returned from Chicago oh Tuesday morning lastf where he lias been laying in a large stock of goods for their fall trade.com-pri.-'ing the largest display of dress and fancy goods ever brought to that mar ket. Haunt Is. repeilants, ladies', gents' and childien's underwear, fringes, trim mings. Si J., Sic. Also a full stock of general merchandise. They invite all their customers to call and inspect their goods. 21)12 Catholic Festival. The Catholics will give a festival at Fitzgerald Hall Tuesday and Wednes day evenings of next week. Prepara tions are being made for a grand time Crowded Out. Owing to absence of printeis and sickness, it is impossible to get all the matter requested of u in the paper this week. We have not the space nor can we get the printers to set it, and our friends must wait patiently. The bridge celebration at S. IJ. and Mr. DeLaMatyr's appearance here, n:atteri that must be noticed, now or never, have occupied all the sp ice we have. 1- itrlher mention of our candi dates .-iu'.l some facts about our oppo nents must wait until next week. New Play Mi be in here on the '.' 1 1 1 their new i i. e.; ti.em bv "M. O i ana ;a ot i ni l '.", wi itt m for tie- Detroit Free Press. So I'hii o-.-.;ig TVrsln:, big house U expected. KTI" iud a ;a1 (' n veiitl.ni at I.itV.iTilb'. The democracy of Ca.-s county met at Loiii.svil'e on Saturdiy 1 .: -I in sol emn C'-"i.lavc tosave the country and they saved her by swailwi:ig t o Greenbar koutfK. almost entirely shuw ing a sleek Democratic- coi porosity with smooth front and isage outsidt of the. por Greenbacker ti.ey had jut engulfed, to give place to a Dernoc: alic candidate. The clans nsscinb'ed early and such a Lwzzing and striving and working was never before seen at a Democratic convention in this county. The great i nation was, fu .i jn cr anti-fusion ; and the faction.--, were very equally di vided. Ouite a st inner body of Demo crats were opposed to a mixed ticket of Greenback and Democrat and de sired to run Young Frank White for Clerk. In fact. White could have split the-convent ion wide open if he had a mind to, but he declined to ba a candi dateonany terms. Thoe representing the Greenback element claimed that they had met first and nominated a good ticket, and if the honest object of the Democrats was to beat the Repub licans the way was to endorse the G. 15. men in full and thus make a strong ticket. Still the third, and generally the stiongest, party of conservatives came up and said, no. An all Greenback ticket w ill lose Democratic votes and an all Democratic ticket will disgast the G. H., therefore we must put up a fusion ticket, that is : " You tickle me and I'll tickle you," boys. Thompson stood -p like a little man and said nine-tenths of the G. H.'s would vote the ticket made that day, (though the Lord only knows how he got bis information) and the fusion wing of the Democracy shouted, we'll all via e htr so the fusion was made. Thu Central Committee of the G. 15. and the leaders of the Democracy in Cass, have fused there is no question about thai, but whether they can carry the voters, the real backbone of each party with them remains to be seen. Card of Thanks. I desire to thank all my neighbors and friends for their kindness to me during my wife's lato illness, and also to state that I feel very grateful for the kindness universally shown me and mine, during our entire residence here, and that it will always be re membered. Hoping to bo able to re turn kindness for kindness and that I may retain and merit the good wishes and aid of my many lriends in the fu ture, as in the past, in health or in sickness, I rc-main Ever Gratefully, Nicholas IIalmes. Hani MfBey 3Ian. Call at Merges' Shoe Store, where you w ill get the most and best Boots and Shoes, for that kind of stuff in town. SOtf. Tllll IIUIUIAII AT SOUTH BEM). tiif sew mwnv. ox the platte OPENED HUM APPKOPKIATE AM) IMPOSING CEKtMO MES. A Very Large Crowd f Enthnslnstic People from Do lit Coantie3 pres ent. A Hig Band of .Music, Speeches atnl General Jubilation. On Tuesday last, a big thing for Cass and S:rpy counties took place at Sauth Bend. The opening of the new wagon bridge across the Platte at that place was duly celebrated bv a large concourse of people from both coun ties. It is impossible for us to do jus tice to the occasion, within the space we can possibly give this week. Tin: fi Kit A LP, better half and all the family, were on hand at as early an hour as the train would bring us (about 11 a.m.) and found a large gathering. The pro cession of teams from both counties, with the band from Louisville, were just crossing the bridge on an inspect ing tour. It was a long string we tell you. T"p in town a platform was erect ed on the north of Hoyt's restaurant and rough seats for the crowd. After tho band had blowed and beat a wel come, the lion. Geo. S. Smith, on be half of Cass Co., a Idressed the audi ence in an opening speech of welcome and congratulation to the citizens present. He was followed by Mr. Rab bins, of Sarpy County. There was a lull and some more music and then the C'ANIXG commenced. Dr. Cassell, formerly of S. 11., but now of Ashland presented fonr gold headed canes to the follow ing gentleman, who were supposed to have taken an active part in causing this bridge to be built. The recipients were T. W. Fountain, C. II. Pinkh'am, C. IL Dill, and W. D. Hill. Geo. S.Smith returned thanks for the same. Mr. Martindala was then called for and spoke a few appropriate words from his seat in the audience. It being about 12:3J an adjournment for dinner was taken, and social chat and interchange of personal congratu lations anl friendly recognitions were the order fur an hour. During this interval many visited and crossed the bridge, who were ab sent at the morning procession, also to th magnificent quarries, beyond whero Mr. Stout is getting out the best stone west of the M'ssissippi, to build our I ridge here at Plattsmouth. A FTKIl DIXXItR short speeches again followed by Messrs. Chapman, of Cass; Davidson and Kennedy of ;arjy; and Mr. Mac Murphy .f Cass. Mr. Robb-ns pro posed three cheeis for the biidge which v. ,i;.':i with a will and the crowd di.-pci.-e : to witness a match game of b i.-. - ball between a Sarpy 0, and a South 15 u ! in which we are i.b'iged to record the fa.H that Sarpy u;i by a sc. ;e of T to 12. a j;a i.l in South h n.'I in the evening, com pleted the l.ubih; festivites of the day, a day long to be I ememi ered by the people of South IJ' iid.as it inaugurates a new t ra of industry, prosperity and future bu-i:i. ss for that handsome and enterprising burg. . We should be -glad to give the speech es made, but cm not; they were all eu lgi tic, and worthily so, of the grit and pluck of the South Renders in achieving this enterprise, without state or county aid. It is a grand woi k, deserving of all praise and wo sincerely hope they may reap the rich est reward for their good judgment and the money they have invested. Tin: nmixii; has been ''.escribed in this paper before. It is a wooden pile bridge 1 (510 ft long with oS spans, stout and substantial, and not many years will elapse, ere we see South He:. d shall largir than she now is, and much of her growth will bo due to the foundation laid last Tuesdav. Tin: Nebraska ltepnblican Conven tion, al Omaha, adopted a l infill.', stal wart platform, and added a plank wel coming ilcneiitl (Jrant home again. At every mention of his name the enthu siasm was unbounded. I. O. The Cincinnati Gazette says there are three tilings which no fellow can rind out: Who wrote the Junius let ters, who was the man in the iron mask, and how Sam Tilden has man aged to live to his age without getting into jail. Will some medical man explain why it is that thu negro is never known to sneeze? It may appvar a very singu lar fact, but it is none the less true. -Ex. We went down town and asked "Cal" about that, and be said it was a blast ed dogoned white man's lie. Give a nigger snuff enough and he'll sneeze his bead off, same as any other fool white man. A. J p s J ' - J ' 1 V t -1 .1 SCI. w - . J ..... i. i-- a. - - ' . v - , Tor bv E. O. Dovev & Son, Solomon & Nathan. Win Herald. V. It. UuKer & Co.. L. REPUBLICAN SPEAKING. Central Committee Appointments. K' m k Bi.rrrs. Rorjr'r Kc'ii ol li'miw October 20 li, 7 p. in. J. H. i liornion, K, ... J ovcy, lion. i:. l'. Wiial hnm. lfc-ck School IIonM November lft. 7 p. in S 51. ll.uimiun, A. X. Sullivan. 1.1KKKTY. Foldi-nV School Hoiift Oo'oticr 21st, 7 p. m. E. L. i:;tl. s. M. Kiifcp ili-.rk. J. . T hor ton. r.nck'.f ch'.ol llon-c October 27' h, 7 p. m. IS !. hovi v. U. M. Hm-Ii t il. T:e.ior fhool IIoi:$' OcioV.T t!8' h, 7 p. n. J. li.'s ro.lt , b. .M. Cl!:ipm:ei. MT. PI F.AiST. Uiltnnrc'i" School llnst.-c October 21. 7:30 p. m. Ueo. b. Smiili, II. 1). I-.oot, A.X. bullivau. AVI A. Ilatcliins" School Ifo.i-e October 2CJ, 7 p. m. K. 1.. I'. v.l na.I. li. Xhorvton. lie 'ii r s Sch(Kl Iluiiye- Oftober 21; h, 7.30 P- m. E. (j. j-'o'.cy ai.il tain. M. 1 hiipiiiaii CKM1IB. (iranit I'r iirie School House -October 27ih, 7.M p. iu. J. 11. Thornton and (ion. . biuitli. WEKrtsi; WATER. Krock'ns School lloue October 25 h ":30 p. in. K. II. WojU-y ami II M. r..i-!nieil C it t :i'e Seh,Ki House Oet.ibir :J'irh,7p. 1 . E. S. (.iil.ert, lion. It. U. Wiuuhum ;uil J. K. 5!oniMii. t-TO'i B CliCF.K. S:ovo C're. k Srhcml Ho-w Octol cr 20 h, 7 p. in. ; bin. M . C I ; i: J ii a :i. 1) I.. Chipp. Ceuir' ciuxl IJotifj October Gist, 7 p.m. E. S. Gilbert, h. U. Wco'.ey uiul J.. A. Lirkp.it rick. nrroN. Tipir.n School H3f- r:o1er 2:st,7.31 p to. S.ini. 51. :.ipin:in ;iikI M. t. iiUer:. Arr.oia'a lu:oI llouso Ociob- r".t!i,7 30 p. m. A. lh'oon, II I. Imo; uiiil Imi iv .-lone. ta.'! Scbjl House -( Viii'.vr : li, 7 ;. in. I K. 5iorri.-ou, Jutle Wu!l';ilal J. A. Ken ;s:on OBEKNWWOX). Ilainey School House Oetobcr 2.M, 7 pin. I). L.. ia:ipp, . M Cliiipmau ::!ia lion. isj:i- b:one llr.UjhlOIl's School flo.ise l'e!(( l r ? h, 7 ! in. K. il. W o : , J. A. AI.'.cM o pby uud It. li. Vt inl!iuix . Mcr.ii','V S ho l Uouro October 23 I, 7 30 p. m. s. M. h:i;:niin, i.. S. Gi'.l.ei i iai l t. A. Kirk- p it rick. l;i inmitt'- School Ho-isc October -S h, 7:00 p m. Geo. 3 hi-.mii, Jtuli nl :ai.l l 1.. Cliijip. FAIT Clil KK. Sh.Vcr's School l'loiise- -October 2 It II , 7.30 p. in. lion. O '1 eta .oiil m M . h ipiii.iti. liiwiiwikl Oc'.ober J. li. 'i'liorntou ana (t.ti. b;ni'. h. fiii'T't r,:.n. South l)einl October 'Sj h, 7 .-j0 p. m. S. M. Chiipin.'in and lion. O Teiit. t':ii'-h!na . hoi i!ou-e-October rWh. p m. J li. Mroiic. 11. 51. iai-liueU .n:ol 1. li. Tiioru loll. l.ot!SVii.r.:-. Kikl.oT Sc!:o;iI Hons Ociob rr 2,! l, 7 p. m lion. '. I'eli: an I J. A. M:i.-.! u. phy. Louisvilic October 31i, 7:J i'. in. Geo. S. Siui:h mul S. !. l'n:i.iu:i:i. i aarr-.MiLK ii "(ivr. Shnner.s S'chool Hon OCT) er 53th, 7;30 H. tn. Geo. siiiiih ami J. H. Mroiie. Concord Schmil Ho is.; ? c:ob. r :X h, 7.3'"' p in. -I'o i K. li. Wiu:!!.:o:i ;i; il U. M. !'..;: hncil. KiiiL'sviile -November I t.. 7.:l!i p. in. II. 1. Itoot, t. G. Dovev a:nl linn. i:. li. U 1 uii.uu. Why suffer with a bad ooM if one bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Svrup will cure a cough of the worst kind? Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup is sold for twenty five cents per bottle, or five bottles for one dollar in every respee'.nble drug stoic in the United Sta'cs. Carried. FOX -WIM.SON At th" S.i hi- House. riattsiii iiali. WVanesiiav. October l.MIi. 1 T'.l. bv the ITev. !r I :- r:l . Mi:. A. !i. F' to 'iss Jkxxik A. u.lsjn, bia!j of Cas County. Mr. Glover. Juil? Sallivan, Ye Kuiu-r :ir.l lady friends of I lie bri.ie and gnu ui v itaeSNud th aniline; of the youn cou;.le ycsUrdiy aften.oon, and wire delighted to how neat ly, e.isily and gracefully two most excellent cit ii'iii of Ca-s County became one. Our newly nun l it d friends have oar heart test coaratula tions and good wUh.-s for their c.ic:e-s in life. Hit.!. l'ii.l:iy. October in. tit 1 o'clock p.m., Ocorce Kessi-ll. iiir;ii:t s f Oi'oiv anl .Mary Ann Howard. Aed 1 j i-i'iiittis and L'3 days. ANXI1' tIKACK. Aif d T C. Campbell, died of ceir-iimo! ion. : t 'iie re-b'.ei;ce of .ftusc Campbell. i.Vteeu City. M-.. Ci l. P. 179. She wa-. tl.e (iai:i;h; r of Ni' hohis and Mar tha lies, and V.-..S bom iu Coviuafeii, Uy.. !.H!-li 31, is4. She v.;;s the mother of I h k e eiiildreii, two now living.) w a - a devoi d ii.emi'Cr oi t :ie I'.ai'tist chuieii frota her t l.irli-eath year to la r i?a! !i, :t::d ii;ed in full i.tipe of that blessed iuiMiui ta'tty th.it awai:-? the righteous. Siie w;:s -h't; one y, :ir, saTeia.s ail the paus of si i.v ceiisumptiiai wi'.hout a marinur. Ji;is i .vrtiiivixteti. It is no vile drugged stuff, jretend ing to be made of wonderful fort ign loots, barks, ic, and puffed up by long bogus tvrtilicates of pretended mirac ulous cures, but a simple, pure effec tive medicine, -made of well known valuable remedies, that furnishes its own certificates by its cures. We re fer to Hop jlilters, tile purest and best of medicines. Exchange. See anoth er column. FOB SAX a,000,000 ACHES OF I'E.YAS LAX1) UX THE WESTERN LAND COMPANY. Section Latnl Warrants for $12-3 00, mul rATEXTKn J.AXDS FOIt SALE AT SoO FEU SECTION. NO X -T A X A Ii 1, V. LANDS l'OU SALIC AT Jtio i.-f nasKCTKi:;. Tue Sckip coiitrullfd by this com pany is such tii;st w;V3 issued bj' the State of Texas to the vaiiosis railroads of Texas, to aid in their ca:istruclion. Each one cf these Scrip is a land war rant for (ii ) aeros of laa 1, can he loca ted w:i any of the unoccupied domain of the State, of which there remains 67,000,000 acres. Think of it! A section of Land for 813. Wo deal only in the best lands, and parties ordering laud from us can rely n getting just what they order and THE BEST THERE IU to be had, and just as good as if they were on the ground themselves. We control a choice lot of Patent ed Lands in iterlh-wesS Texas in what is known as tho Pan Handle re gion, that we Sell at 8320 per section. Immigration to Xort'u-West Texas is very large, mostly from the Northern States. lt'.is a well-watered region, the lands are rich and will grow grain and fruits ot khuis. mere nvj lour raiiroais projected throuali this re;.. ion, which will soon be built. Thtse lands will be worth from five to TEX DOLLARS AX ACHE in a few years. The Country of North-YV est Texas would remind ens very much of Illi nois or Iowa. Tlaere are many Colonies, Farmers, Trading Stores, .Stock P.uyers, ranches, ic, all over these north-western coun ties. Texas has increased in wealth and population with greater rapidity dur ing the last ten year.? than any otheri State in the Union. Population in lsTOStS.OOO while in lTJ, it is be lieved to bo FULLY 2,000,000, And the tide of Immigration into the State this year is immense. Now, if you want to mako money, if you want a home, if you want lauds for investment, buy these lands. A Map of Texas can bd seen by calling t the ofllce in Plattsmouth. For particulars call on, or Address with postage stamj) enclosed, K. li. WINDHAM, Agnt. IL E. Koy.'er. Plattsmouth, Neb. Land Commissioner. 30ai3 "E. Rosenbaum lia3 on hand fresh Milwaukee beer on draught, daily, ;cool and nice. 14tf." FRANK Eead, and don't Tmy a Dollar's Worth of Goods until yon have Examined Isis SOGIS 22a sill its Many SFSLBIS3S2SS GOODS NEVER SO CHEAP BEFORE, FOR CASH : You can get a good Watch, silver case, anil .American movement, from 10 to $35, warranted for or:c year and a good time keeper. Clocks from 1.50 to 85, each. Cu(f Pins, Neck Chains and Jewelry, from 50c to $2.50 per pair and set. A lare assortment of Silver ami Plated Ware ; good Cast ors for 2 each. Knives, Forks and Vtt - 1 rf ..i and the celebrated Pocket Knives from iOc to 3 each. Razors, Strops, Slc. S (fkiitifl SWr ZlXint for 84, and a 7 shooting Revolver for $1.75; ail kinds of w-vvh 4iv for 3 per hundred." And in the Phivfiwinlr fTlonnr'nnnvt von can uet One Dozen fine Retouched Cards, for IJlOlOgUipUtf gipaHmCm, "82J50b Cabinet cards, $4 per dozen. Gems, 50c to 82 nor dozen. terns, IVom 50c to 1.50 ",;'p0 nc UU ml witli glass, compi to Velvet Pnspartoots, and Card F rames, bom 5 to 75 cents. (ILrtely Heaipnweal.) IS EBesI mo mlv&iiteim& hut & trkih as til &cepntafiIosg ih& mit&zUnme exceeds alii A We win not to A good Feeond-hand mower for sale cheap for cash, or to tiade, by nf r. s. White. ;n ttlb.ai -lie i s lll I sell you the best Hoots and Shoes for the smallest amount of Greenbacks in town. 29 tf. Peteh Mehoe?. Caution to ";:io'iers. From ni.d after the 1st day of May. 187S all boxes containing cigars of my manufacane will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. Thi is to j re vent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality cf cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plaiulv labeled: ,i r l i rs i k ppek i ju kg , M. N tr I" At.'T l' I! Kit, rii'.ttsmouth. - - Nebraska. For Sale. A line Imported 15oar, Essex, about one year old. Also three of bis Hoar pigs, at fair prices. Enquire of 2nf James Pettee. 3Ioiiey to Loan On Cass County farms at lowest rates and most favorable terms. Parties de siring to negotiate loans, please address for terms :ind infoi mation, . Lo.MBAliD, .Til. 2St3 Lincoln, Nebraska. Merchant Tailors. llasKorshek liros., Main Street, one door east of Dovey's, are getting on a fine assortment of domestic and im ported clotiis, wbicli tbey invite every one to call and examine. Tbey guar antee gcod work and fit, and will en deavor to give satisfaction to all their iictn:n,.iv 'Pli.iir lu-ii!T tli( nnlv nv. - elusive Merchant Tailoring Establish- ........ . . ment m the city, they are aole to give their undivided attention to tbtir work, and their patrons may rest as - 1 J . t fV .! 1 i su tea mat every euort win ue maue 10 ' 1 1 iO V CHllO ti-lIVi .n I I 1 1 V jr.iVA4VO It the latest styles and the best of work. Call and see them. 23in2. 1 .- V.1H .i-.il cn.rvi) rfirnuii' 1 c in Don't be Deceived. Many persons say "I haven't got the Consumption" when asked to cure their Cough with Shiloh's Consumption Cure. Do they not know that Coughs lead to Consumption and a remedy that will cure Consumption will cer tainly and surely cure a cough or any lung or throat trouble. We know it will cure when all others fail and our faith in it is so positive that we will refund the pi ice paid if you receive no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi tion. Price 10 c:s. 50 cts. and 81.00 per bottle. For lame chest, Uack or side, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by Chapman & Smith, Drusrixists. "Wliy wiil you suiter with lyspepsia and liver complaint, constipation, and general debility when you can et nt our store shiloh-s System Vitalizer which we sell on a )o?itive guarantee to cure ou. l'rice l'i cts. and T. cts. For sale by Chapman & Smith, Iru ists. -IIACKMilTACX'"' a popular and fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists, Plattsmouth, Xeb. ollv eow. 15W 1 1L& CARRUTH'S Spoons, cheaper than ever. 1. inlinii A- A larsc Silver Steel Strings. Harmonicas from r,,.., alHi r Frames of nil T Z7 .1 . Unders:Id In anv Line cf Sri:CIAT,NOTICES. People's Couvciiliois. At Merges' Shoe Store where they will get the niot and best goods for their money. Schlitz'Mil waukee beer on draught always, at E. llosenbauin's saloon. Platlsmer.th, Neb. 141 f. Tairopean Hotel, is a new 1 otel, j)posite the This Academy of Music, O street, Line In, Nebraska. U is lirst class in every respect. Good sample rooms for com mercial men. Terms, per day. . Si ENci;ii & IJkooks, 41lv ' Proprietors. Louisville White and Fire Brick Works. Capt. J. T. A. Hoove'-, Prop. Ibick of every kind Wall, ornamental; fire brick especially for Uakers, )i ewers, Foundry men. Sec. Write to J. T. A Hoover, Louisville, Neb. ICtf ebra.-ka I5eer, at Antelope Urewery, Lincoln, Neb., orders received and promptly filled. Agents li 'ie, Keenan iv. Grace. tf. T ;-'i'ii A XK II, or $ tn :2i a il:iy in your own locality. No risk. Wo- t.i: il.i fis w-i-ll ;is nli-Ti "ilniiv lit:-ti' V -I V UU.., t ii;,n t !ic alil.UJI.t st:i: u' aii'.vc. No o:ic can t:'.il to la.ikc inou.-y last. Any one can ilo tiie work. Voii can make from r;j c-:its to SJ an lionr 1 y devoting your evniiijis ami sjiarc time to tin- Inisincss. 1; co-ts noiliin to trv tl.c liiisiiit-ss. Notliii!; like it for money n:;iki::;r i v -r I'lfi-n-il before. 1'iisiio-ss j!e;s.;t!t an-.I stncilv Iioiiorab!e. K'-aili-r. i yon want to know uil ah.nil Cue best a if.s luiaiaess before tlu imblie send i:s yonr a l;!i"ss aci! ' will semi yon lu'i i';;rt leufars a :nl n ivate'ti i ins fi ; paini-le- ml 11 :-j also free ; you can t 1ms- make up voiir mi'u! for Viur--eH. A lilr wss (.i !'. i; J i". sTiNiON & CO., roitlau'l. Muine. l ii y -)nt- lit .- imp ii 1 1 lor a new Horse !;. It i.e.-; si I i i!:se;i-e. siMOil.s T.-M! .11- s. ;i lar'i? i ! ;;est rnb-n fur 'an ci:"rn vinv li::- . line et-'i.v : vpiirs s-iov. ii:sr i s. a l: !.'.e of O ' n oi Viu.i ibb' re. of a Inn -e. rit li ! ji;isi i.-i-i 'I ' ti llMlir the a '.- t s'nov ii!-4 teet it oi 'each year, and a lare amouiit ' i'f other valuable horse information. Dr. Win. I H. Ibitl savs, "1 have beuuht books whl.-h I , i,ae paid 5 and i for v. inch i do m.t liu.- as veil . s I do yoeis.' Send lor a i n :!'.!; r. Audit s wanteii. 11. . Ji.t ". did!. 1. 1'., l.no-.- , - tjt" VI. . ' v i i.:s V .".-; 'Ill's i etu;::k:ib'-- tm-iliei.r-Sn.i in , Soi-.iit. Curb. ( aiious. i. - . t . " I an v etilai cement , .i:id wiil remove the i : o h ' wiihoiii i-iisterini; or eaieb::? si sor". Norime- SA V S .- dv ever diseov '-eiS e-jii i's ir mr irrtainiv 1 iii'il ii, :n st ii io-' i ii.:.. ss and removing the liaiit li. i'riee .:'l.'n. S,-mi t'I'ltr. for circular sivin.z positive pro. if. Sold bv ' i:: ;Nt s or sent bv tin- i,i viuor. I ;. .1. Ken dill!. M. 1 ., r.no-b'.ir.!i i i'.iis. t. C. 1". Oo.ct ina:i agent, Omaha, Nebi.-.sk.i. I5;ttklens Arnica Salve. The .Jest Salve iu the world for Cuts Uruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt l.rieuin Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains Corns, ami all Kinds of skin eruptions This Sah e is cruaranteed to jrive per fect satisfaction i:i ev i y ease or iimn ev refunded, l'rice 25 cents per box. For sale bv Smbh A: Placlc, Wholesale and Ilelail, PlattHtiouth, Xeb. 2-1 ly. f-fTT?- j T 's-i V, '- T. lif -s. i V. e u iii pay Auenus .. .i; j oi .1 i per I'l'.iii. i and x;-as-'. i'T -i . pii-v 1 :il ci.r n-i'.sKiri, l't s- i ! u..r Tkif f I woii-li-rfnl iiiTen: . r-: . I. 'i i?. .... i-icil14 fi -n. -..! ii r-ifck.iAS : .'a.. irfx.b.il. jftlic-. jec;ai xotici Probate Notice. Tn the ir..!ttef of tl ivin. d-ceased. Estate of IV,-; Jh i a- Nori.-e i- her-.'hv f'vi-ti, f nil p- t'oi ir'.vbi ('aims :v;!:nst t tie K.si ii te of Jiavbi 1. '.:. i.i ft. ceius-i-d. to !ib the ;. -one on or befor-' t'.:e r iay ot Mai-eli at .m- o'clock I". M. A. D. iss1. i t no o'iice t ii a i'outitv Jude. t.t l'P.C.sniotitl Cass 'j., Nebraska. a. N. SUM-IVAN, Co. .IikIl'o. rUdt -nHii h. Oi l . o;h. is7:i. -j i-ot. .3 kt h rNa JEWELRY STORE Arrordeons from assortment of Violin .,mmiIIr,tion: Shells S 7 S-ltrrl Six' t i . & ' AM&elmGnts far Goods. Watch Work Tcne, Probato Notice. In the iiKittrr of Hie eslate of Jniin s II. Ti:ek- IT. (lvCtMs. ,1. N' lii'i' is lien 1" u'ivfi'. to prisons li.tvin cl.iiiiis a-iins! Ilii- i-stM I .l.o:i-s II. 'I m f .j...r isi-.l f till' I hi- s:'. I.' (Ill or lll'flll I ! ! J-M lu oi ' lnVciii'.K-r. A. D. at .njf u'rlix-K !. in., in tlif" oliii-i' of tlii- i nai-i.v .'ui;..'!', ;u i iimutli, Cass Comity. Ni lr;is:::i. A. N. Sl l.l.l VAN", (.'j. Jllll' O. l'itt-mmuli, Oci, !. !sto. L'nii Attachment Notice. Luke r:i!M;il-v vs C!;;il"s W. II. Kiii. In Justici-"s ('in::!. In !ni- .Ju-('tli 15;ir:--:t, l.-n-. .1. P. iu ;i;nl lor Cass Couiay. Neb. Tilutil II. II. K it'll, iion-v ft ;it !u n'unit. Yt!i lii-n-t'V nntilU -1 Hint 1 !if al'OV'- r.ain-i-il .lust ice issl:'.-. an onh-r of at I ai-li ! 1 1 : : t att.'.inst J!i tor s: l.-io an.l oo :s of this sua. " t-1 1 1 j r' , (jili, ls7:i. 2..i:j I.v k k Con.m:ai.::v. I'Iaint:!T. Legal Notice. To Chin fev l'i'n'f, wii-rcvif.; t fi it f'iitt: Von are ben by natilieil lliat on tho 23d dav day of September. A. D . lsTM. Alniira M. ia!l. t iii- i.ndi r-imied pbtiul ill. filed her petition in tlie Clerk's oMice of the Disiricl, Court, of the Second .lulleial District of . cln ask a, within and for Ca. I'lHinty. niriint yon. I lie oliject anil pravi r ot said petition is to obtain a decrct of divoi'-e. dissolving and !ii!tiullili.c tin- inar liane contrai l exi.-lin.u; between yourself am! said plaiiitiil. ami also for the care and custodj of tw o minor hildren. 1h -Iruit of sm-li nr,r i i;ie. uiom 'lie n'oiiiuls of .-n! ul I cry and aban donment. Von are required to I I --; i or an swer to said peiitiou on or before the. ii da; of November. A. I ., ih::j. Ai.miha M. VIA IX, riaialiii. (!ko. S Smith, Lit Attorney. "'t Sheriffs Sale. V..V virt n" :f an exec at ion i-sued by A. N. Sul livaii. vvlt'oii and for iht-s County. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on t;ic l;;m day ; O 'toiler, A. 1. i sr-.i. at 1 o'i lock p. in., nt said dav. at the faun of Oeoive Suili, in Ki ;lit M!b ( ; ri a e l"i ccinc . ii. said ciiiih! y, .ell :u pi.hii. auelioniie' todo-in;,', to-wil: One ilj roai man; eitiht years old. one (1 pair of ninle.-, t o (' i lumber v auiMis. oi.e 1 1 1 Joiiiison mow er a:i one 1 1 .lohnsoii reaier. 1 lie same bein lev iei up in ami ia'.,ea iis the prop.-rty ol i-eori Nvv ift . deie-.i'laiit. : to satisfy a j'tiiuineul of c if sai-l '.'-in; t re-c;ed by ill-' ilome Nationa Hank of Cbie,,:;i;. I'd., p! linti;';. l liittsnu uil., Nub., e-ii. .trh. A. D. !-.:. . t It. W. Hi Kits'. Shell IT. Sheriffs tfalc. T.y v :t i re of an erd.-l-, of sale issu-'d by Wm. I.. Wr ils. '. !. : :. i.f t Ie District o l. v. ii bin ami ! i I Ca-sfo.-i.iv. Nebraska, itud to i,;,- dire t i'.i ' w ii! on the :. ! d;-. , et t.ov ember, A. D. H.M.iitl" j o'clock. A. M.. oi siiid day. at the South d. -n ol the Court IJ-ei-e in s.dd in'y. m ii s-.i pt;!.;:e aiielioii tbe fohou ins; Kei.l l.'.-i.ite to-wil; ti.e ! s.):;;il il. i. s '.lot the south ll.'df (s J)ot ; t ,i - south cast i i.iner i s e ' ,) of scci iei. four! I; : id I in- t.' "! t: ' -i ''U iitTiii e , .iisi-!i'ii! I tl 1 1 : e t ' - i. i i in to Si ,s! i ! i I 'A e i e ' 1 j j i : ii : li d l.:ee t Iimici a t u iiil cast .; ; i-.e C- :; f. M . t lie 1. 1 ;;;. y a! i t!ii-ivlMii.i ' I c blou ;'it i;.i out i to . ! a, pin- i i.i a--eoi .1 ; ce v. itli p.,.: ;lv oi levy. Tile siliue l-e!!l' icVie-t ilii e; a'ol I t s.i n as I ue pi i;:- e: : v ol I i-.ii y ! i. Ji ; ; , , 1'. a 1.. l'e: ; : t and .b. im I'M ffei.iM lielc-nd.iiiTs ; i.s.itis;y ii j ;,(!- mei.t of sale, t on. r, reei. v -i. 1 I v ibii i i; .s. Doom, as-ii.ei! to '1 . i;. Cordon. 11 .intiii'. riatlsm-julil, Nei. Se.ileli.bei iHth. A. ll.tsTj. U. W. Iivi.es. S'.ii-rill.Cius Coindy. Neb. Legal Notice. Ellen A. Steele, of tb Stat'? of lo-v v- ill t a'ie notice that S.unt: -I M. Chapm. !, of i a.- C - ly ol Cass and SliC.e ot Ni-l;ia-ka. did vn tl.e dav of October. IsT'j. tile hi petition in tin' Dis tr.i t ttotirt of Ca- s C'ouaty and State of Ni ! i.is l.;i. against tin; -ilid Klleu A. Steele, detend.ui! . ;iiid setti.!- forth that s d;l defendanl isimb bl ed to l:i:-i. tlie said p'.aailih. iu tins Mini of s'll-i.":' a:i 1 int'-re-t on t'o- s nne at tin rate of Pt per eeui. p-.-r ami. iei. ti.)in ti:;; L 'th day of Dec-inner. 17.". lor leual services r Iidei,-d ;:nd lice-.--.,; : j expeo.-i-s paid out forth-; Use of the the sai 1 neli-ii.iaut, at the uistare-e :ui i i'-ijin-st ot tin? snid del- iidaol. ami praviu jei-manl for the s.,:d nun of i l-i.o ', to.n tun i i! u i.it-'i -est thereon at tne r.'.t-.; oi ten p ; ceiiS. per Mi lium, it om 1 he :d h day ol i leeetlll er, Isr.'i. to- i c ei der v. ii Ii tin; : of siai.ati.. t:iesald td;in ti.; fu; t in r caused an at taeniae; it to be iss.,.d iiiiin-I the s;i:d dele'ioat - fuoii. t y '. sa' ; .ly vi hatev er .' .ibmeut .slnepd 1-e I ve .-vei l- i U s.iid ai ti. i a r .t st t lie rani e --Ie, iin-l in pursuance o( said altiichmcnt. the si ei i:! of ; m'.! (iiiiulv lias lev jo, i the s..:ne Ho--a I he :o!!.cv5iu r.'ul s;ate, beii to - a1. I i;.-Ii-i-n- i'lit. t -va o : Lots 2 ioi'l 1J iu bioe', s, lot ' in block IJ. bus 11 and ! in block :", hd 7 in b'-.e;. (2. lot 7 ill biock ;;;. lot j in i !..-:. : .". 1 i'i bh.ri- '.-.;. lot 7 i.i block :. lot - 1 a al 4 ia Mi-k V. ;is d.JsU:;:U.d oa tlie lCCDlii-a! ph.t i.f C o City oi I'ia. t e.ou! :i. ia s.iii eoitnfy. Am! tl.e .si.il l-.'"a A. S! eeie j - no', liied 111 il " is re ipiil'eii t -' ii 'iei'.r iifo ai's -V iUj l.r be . Ui' i he 1,'th da of Novendu-r. Is7e. or judgment vviiihe l'i ll !e:i d H';;ti!ir !n r by defi-.iot. oi.-tohv-r 1st l5;o. rt. M. CHAPMAN", ; 'S'I- . bv vVlLI.KYT POTTEJfur.lt, Ids Aft'y to '10 each. & Guitar Strings, 5c t o $2,50 each lor shot nms loaded i iiivriiinw lino sill M&eIiii5Be9 sbsu! and Warranted. Sheriffs Sale. Iv V ! it no of an order of sale, issued bv Win. I . iis. Cl-ll. of the llj.'liet t. 'u.llii.'l iind for ;u-s Count y, N'eln ask.i, and torn.1 ili l'i etc.!. I ill on Ibe :;d day ol Nine lin-i. A . I - . 1 - T i. at I o'clock a. m., of V.iid ibi . iit I !. sort !i door of I lie Coin t Hons", iu .said mini y , .-. II at. public anei i.-n t ne follo-.t imr real , -t aie. i,i-w it : 1 he m,; 1 1 1 -ca-t pi:i! ter i ne ;.j i of s. ct imi ruin bcr nine iim nm nsli ip unlabel t vvch e i'j ' n i I li ol iiii,i;i- tliilt- t II ( l il east of the I III 1". M . . and t be i-out h ball ( - ' . ) . I t h e sent Ii hulf ( s; . i ol I ho soiit b - as' ipia: t' r si ' , ol section lour (4) Iimi-!mi.m-!hm1.'i iii. rill of -ane tldlteeu ( 1 -;i si it t be it li i". M.. to ;e;ln-r w it'.l t'n!t- . purten .nces, the su. phis, if any, to Iks bi'oiiL'ii; into C ii. i f . i 1:,' s:,nie bH'ie I'M icd pp. i:;. ioi.t taken ;-.s l ;ie p, o,..-rly of II. II. IVit:i, iind l.li'ii i'ettit defendants ; lona:ii-fy i j'l'i;: m -nt of s : i I Court, recovered bv John I'lii ai l. pl.tiat ill. Platt sm-mi II. N. b. Si !. i' : ', . A. D. 1 7 . '..st;, li, . llv n:s, S.iet tr. Notice of Attachme:.t. J. .1. Ker'ae, 1'h.i! !es O. Sle,ai t and J -sepli Calm, d.'in : biisi ne-.s in l!,e name -f lb emc. Sic v;u l i'v Cal. ii. lion - re-i. I ii its. will ta'e noii ' I hiit on t he 2-'i liv of S. t-nder. Is. i. A. N. Suiliv iin. 'ouni y .1 in':;e id ' 'a- s I 'mini , i-i "ie M ite of Nebrasi. i. iss-n-d :in older oi atlaeb ment for I -ie sum I - .:'',, i i an ad ion ponding lie lore him v lei eiu v illei t Pol lenj'er i- plaint -ill. ai.d t h' sa id l!-irni'-.Mi w:iil A; Cal n in e le I. -in I.i 1. 1 s. ::i'd 111 it me folio. i inu' ei s , ,;iS. n sj -dents of -aid count V . have been ' il li i iced , t -wit : l.ebldioll A; llol.s ill the su'n of .-"' Ml. .1. il. Ihlltery in t1!'' s'l'ii ol shi.imi, an I Oeote K-Urertou in t lie sum of .-7."..'"1, as money due. troiu the sai-'. !ardisbees to the sa'd lb fi in!;; "Ik attached under said older. Sin. c.n.-e was ronliniiei! to the 11th day of Noven t r, 1.'.. at Id o'clock a. in. VVlLLKI i r-il'l l.Mil'l.. riatt-inouili. October 1st , is7;. '-'d i Legal Notice. A ndrevv IhMiner of - in the Slat of will take mil ice that M 1 1 V l.'-lmei, of Cs. rourity, in the State of Ni bi.i-l-.a. del on In; .;d day f rseptcinbor. A. D., DP', lib- her pel -ti-.ui in the Dist'ict t'oiiit ol Ibe Si nid .Iud -eiiil District, ot Cue Stale of Ncbia-Kii, vith i ti. d lot Cass 'oi;r ty, Nebraska, a-iinst tbu said A miie w iti.-nu r, l--:id int. sei i n. for' 'i i hal t he said An di i lh-i r, di lii.ihi.d, h;. I for more than two veins last pa d a b,.nd in d lis w lie, t he said .Mary lC-i.ner i.iid Wilhal i .b-iiner, tin ir ml Hit son. and v. holly laded, icidccted end fcfuseil to ci.-n t rib-it e to th- suo ooit ol bi'!- ;i am! i'lfal.t s ei, V itliam Kenner, iii-i ;i- li II: 'i 1 hut the bo;,' iis of Mid II uony he) -nifore sib'si-t ill i bet l el, said p. I! t i-s llli'T I I iis-.olved. t h;it she i plaintl!' ) In;. be lestore.i lo her maiden name, that sin: i plaint ill i ma have the Hire : nd custody ol Cue lui int son, liiiiili i.i:' . . i'i '1 for Ali'u'"!,. Ai'd the -..id Andrea Uei.ie r. ih lei dan r , i- i -lifii -1 thai he is rcpiU'ed to appear and . n-'.i r sain net it ioll on or be tol 4 t he 171 b d:.y U ; iv i nibi .' is. i M.vtiV Iti'.M i i:, I'hiintili. - t -, bv S v : ."u. . l' -i A -. her Atl'J Legal Kotice. Se'id- n N. M.riti-.m of I '.'.' St.:- of -ih'.o vIJI take notice lliat (b-or.'e W. I Iai - iniiiii. o a-s co i. a i v .li.-i Si iite i I ;. - !n -i !. I, d.;: i ii I !n- Jxtlj dav ' I .!..:.- I-."-. ! : - p- t:;io:i :.. t::e Ditlie(. Court ol i ii-s ( ' 'ir.il . .; -1 .t : Neb -a. .-. -ai.i-t I ." siid m lib-ti N. M't, la-te-i- i.i ! I, - t.iil'-' I'lit.t t!.:.l i'.e Slbi ' .' 11 N. !cr- i-iiiai v. roi!2f;t.:y ;-roe-.:i- d ! n.i i '. Vni iniiis. tin u ! i ."' - .1 er ot -.' i "o i a: y oi i 'a - s t j eei U'e ;,;:.! lb i.M r t' ti " s lid Dl'fellib.lii. plet -ilded t.X lb .!, p!' tetidla" l' col,V V lo t!;.' sa d Si loeii Meii -mi, Defen d int l lie follow in 'i ib-ci i ned ::..! i.-'.:t to-w it : i h - out h east ipiaiter isi;il ol section No. t .i eat v-si V l.i.i t -.'. iis'uip N o. t'-u il'O North of !'..!'-l' Nil. twelve 1 11 1 ) e . . s t I I t ' lilii". ?d. tub- tn -li!'.ii laud i-el.d:.,, d bv I .. s ., ! j I , it: iind tiiii! tin' s.!i l fax sale i-'e.- l v.!:i. ;i I. s.ti 1 'i--' eiioed 'l"ed v.is e ecu-,, d ii ii.l d"li . er c.l u a s oi I. ." ml I h.. I said pit .-mi -i e't"l is void : ;:mi piiiVin : D id il l t:. sa.e iiial said l '!. ed I'i.-iv I..-declared bv ti e said Court to I -tt i and o.d. ami til'.t iillc'.i, ids I'a-t .iplol til.' ti. of Ibe said i'l:n;: itf. ! i: V lie i-iuove and the titl- of tlisaid I lailiti.f may be cniilii m c-i iii l-.i to the said I rcmi-e--. ;e tie? Hi 'l ' Sei leu N .v'l i riam i-t liend y no; ih- -! t b -1 be i rc juiii i! to appear and a: swei s aid pi-idiou oi. or belore Hie llth ilav of Novmbef. I T '. -V, CKOliUK V. li.ViisilM N'. I J'.y lit. iM. N .'. i'i'! 1 1-N'-ll:. I 1 Attor; ; y . Estray Not?c Tat.en tt;. Sept. '. ''' Ih ' v-riber. living eilis mil.- south ;' I'i.-it -'iioiith. Cai Cou:.t v. N en.. m,e bnn :i in ire, but ! i i: ' el f '' t and riiit fore foot v.bi'.'r :-.nd iiniii vvi.i-.- spot on foj d, ;i!-o".t I'A'i iv; ye.r oid. -.,-, - if. I". C'-t.i:. ' . Notice lor riiOii-jaticu. . L.v.vk (. '. : ' i: AT !.:.' ; v. .,' .-..p'.ein! . is; ,i. : ; i. v V-tieeU loivly ttiven ': f inp. ' 1 ii!H -.1 t'iel- ll.is f. . d tio'iee -f ' is i':' -i.tioli i.i r.r;!-'-" J:i-i! pe-t -. me. po-t ei ! s i . i it, tr i s.'. nit- !il:.ll e'.trv !: "i'i-. I a! ' -v irdioli I ; nil TV i':;v s tw m" the 'ii! - In I:.;- I. 'Ti.e. V i.'. . - A 'ire Vuli'V i !" t. ..i.i- in- Ci's: o.ii-r'cv (-!'- . I :el t Oil .-. ,t tow ! sp.ip tVii tl- i ran. e i.iiu- e - . i.n-l I. ones in' ; ..,o,.i!u ...; ' : ' iii-k.o! i'.i.si i ii.-.,'-'. N-.r.;sKa. ana ?..' Ca.peut. r" of C:i -s Co..:. iv. Ni i..s--b n. - - 7;-) ' I'- -1- i". -.i i i.. ::''': 1 (1 t