oiuv.'iuc rr ti b-.-rih - Ui Fall and Winter clothing. New goods arriving daily. Every thing fresh and new. O'Hourke, the boss cutter, is on hand and guarantees satisfaction. Sign of the D-os:. W. : i The Kera:.:;. a it v i; i: t i s r v j n a t r. m . The Herald. i u lishld every thcesday. .m. r i" i K ! .. . 2 v. i , I hi. ( 3 in. ., i; . 't , " AT PLATTSMOUTR, NEBRASKA. .' )!.. i .'' : t 3 4'v r. tV i. i j., , :t ";r - C ' 2 . -I us 4 7.. i - ; . ' ! , il . ,'m' ' "!' 1'Mhi Urn 2niii .'ji.i ( co .' M (' I J i I ,11:1 Isiio 20" iv) i I c"i . . . ! 1.1 ea Niiii ! mi ''iiiii 4'llxi' i-' '"l ,i !i Or Vin.n St.. One KIok J-'ortli of Main, Cor. of I ':f?li Street. t?- Ml Adv.-nUng !4.i4.: Hue J-n: ;.:. Transient oi Sinctit. imi'.t ' Pact hi A1 vimce. JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS, (TERMS: $2.00 a Year. Terms in Advance: J47 Eti a Copi"- of lh Ilffl M.o f-- sn'.c 'it J. I'.Yui N'i, at the Post-onice Nci U.- .it, M;:in Street. On ropy, one y:ir. "lie ropv, ! 1 l'i'i'i 'i-.. . Oi.i; Copy, tnii'i: mouths. .?2.o0 . .50 VOLUME XV. V PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 'J, 1870. XUMBKR 28. -n jOl 12i jj REVOLUTION! the arwlorVI Sinirov c420 Uitvs thi St UP. . . :; nt-s wanted i" every tvn. Sample I on application. t- bt Ifr. as a K':a' at "f . Six. to le pai'l :if:c-r live : mai-liine w anaiiteil, and a "veil itli ac-W lr.r.i'liinu t f.v.i veari. Two liiaellllK-, i '-.r - . i. 1 i,"i"ii'' 1 1, j;.. i id- I" V- ! ill IT II-.- ,. i -. v: ; : three inirliiiicc. ?: i'iir ; i live in.crlniie', iietil z" or.lers. i;v)XS. KOSTKR&r.. U". .v 1.7 i laik St., likafn, Iil. ii' 4 :i 1 J I I, f : HENRY BCSCK IEALKli IN IT 12. H 3L X 12. 2? S, SAFES, CHAIRS, i- re. ftc, Kir., Of All Tc$rrtptins. HETALLiC BURIAL CASES 'f size, i. a.ly maue ami soM cheap for c-a-i'.i. I,TY FINE HEAKXE is n'iw i v:.MY rou si:i:yict:. ORGANS & PIANOS O; I'.vi. rv Iiecriptioii. CHEAP FOR CASH. TV- Cilehiatoi! Whittlesey Patent WINDOW SHAPE rIA'i'U HEX, ( ,iiili;. -. wilh Holler, for 2.",ets. LamLreouia Window Shades. At!'! :i I.:.;; -.'!- variety of Cheaper Shade., of all v ai iL-i te-c. V'i !i rii !- :'.Mi.:v-i for .;s patronage. 1 !i :ie a'.; to i;.'.' ami examine my i,m:i;k stock of .Hi. n'I?TS'lK AMI ( (HT!M r.r.KJK'. r.uicK'. 1 1 mi want any lit o or Ornanontdl Brick, Call on J. T. A. HOOVER, i.'trisYILl.E, - - XEI'.UASXA. of sl7c it y hotel- ri.A rrsMor rn, m:p.. I'i-yt i.". I.oc'uins iiciciiin. i'n st C'l.ns Uonfilii:. Ciooil SMii:i'.e i;.j in '. . ! !l'.:r and every r unfort A fioojl Hotel can Furnish A"s-3. Coo l Yiue.. ".ood Deer, Cood !.iiinirs ;... il l.einoir.nle. C.ooil Ciai", Kept at the City Hotel. H.J TK!.I. CiHlS, l iopiietor. -0 vA;.i AUir.3T:a:T:i. I." v" - in..- ".. . ir.rfrofiiTiKvir TiaMh, or Lunii ; a-ii.'.-i.'.. ;ake cli. cr, lor ;;,'. l.iili-iV!-.! ill Care Yon. If r.. . - . a i'iiT:i-tr.p;nn 1 havo ir.rtaxpilymir. r.;-.. - '-.i-.il'lu t" icr . or ft inotht r, vnm ,.uf v. .ii.-.'i ";.i',i;."rif Tu are s'mply ailint If i .. 1 f.i-i ud .ntcd, wi'.uuut KitMlf ifcji.iiv.r., l !!: 51.ii.TH willi 5ieti-f You .: vt'ryl.'ivjiiiit u: or a liiaa of let-t-.-i s. 1- . vcr yum riuidiiirflil work, , I" r- i1-;' :ct ii;..Sli -!isilieii You. X' v..; pii-l r.'Vi!rnr f;-. m any India crv7"i, I . ..i,c l.w'-i--.t, u--. l- o.lcll the Cus.', Iio; iriri i!l(l!i'!ii'Vi. Y'oii. T' -.-. - i. vnrk-"J-h.-, on t'i? fn-Tn, at th. ,: ; . a r t! f' -' i n-t y.Kr -': :'-:n nee.l. 1 1. : : or buii-juiulii. vilthunt iutoxl l-ty r.lrien lf.fi Vhnt Von Need. Jfvvin .1 !. ri.j vom iv -t Is fi-Ho, your Ii r. l.l clvc you Nnr U:o unit Vigor. il I Vo. . i 'i ?. 0: r'U-r.t, iafet and Irtrrft. Aii im.i.vii. fir, T "T " f.r S'..'.in. h,T :ver BTi.t Ki;nc.yslnp- P. I. ' ':,' 'anj i-nvi-;:! 1,- curt? for drunk- , .-i t.-.'J'.i'L.j .'iml I'&reotica. A. w :r-v-'. '' ! I Vf.-. C . !l!..-U-r, N. Y. rwr,ri'-SSJr.-KB,J Cathartic Pills Comliino the rlioiecst, rnthartii rrinc-ipletc in iniJicine. in proportions accurately ad justed to secure activity, certaititv, ancj unifonntty of effect. Tlic y nre the'" result of yi.'irs cf c arcfnl stmiy and prac-tical ex-per.n.i-nt, and sire tin; most iTwtual rem edy yi t dNooveic (1 for diseases, caused l)T cleinn-iu-t:t .of the stoma-!;, liver, anl I'O'.veU, v hich rcjuire I'rorupt and effectual tr-attiieit. Avru' In i s are spcririlly ap pii. aMe, to this class of diseases. They act iir.-c! 1" f'ti llie ciiestive and assimilative processes, and restore r.oular healthy ac tion. Tlic ir extensive us,; hy physicians in t'icir practice, am! hy a!! civilized nations. Is ( in: of the many proofs of their value as n safe, sure, and js-rfectly n liable purgative Tin (lioine. Ilcinjr rciiimnndcd ol the ctn it i.iratel ilt s .f purely vegetable sub RTam es, they are TKsuively free from calo n.el. or any injurious properties, and can be administer, d to children n ith s-rfe t .safety. Awn's 1'ii.i.cj ari an eiT-c ttial euro for Constipation or C'ostivomss, Indiges tion, Lysiep.ia, Iiss of Appetite, Foul iStomach ancl IJreatli, liv.Iness, llemlaclie, loss of Memory, Xuiiibness, ltilioiiMtess, ,laiinIie-, Klieiiriiatisin, I ruptioiis ancl sitiu Iisease, lropsy, Tnmors, Worms, Neitiali:t, Colic, '.rips, Iinrrliijej, Oysentery, Cout, I'iles, Disorders of Hip. Uver. and all other diseus,. resnitiirfr front a disordered .i tae of the cliestiie apparatus. As a linner 1'iH they have no ecpr.al. While Kf-ntl-. iti their action, theso Tills nre the most Hiorouph and searching cathar tic that can he employed, and ntver pivfl pa:u unless the bowels ;.re infl itoed. and then their intluenee is lalincr. Tliey stiniu l.vre the appetite, rnd dijjestive orcans; tbey rperate. to j.nriry and nri. h the blood, and '.mpart renewed b-ulth and vi-or to tha Thole sysfeii). Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical nml Analytical :hruit, Lowell, M?s5. OT.O ST ill. lK,"C;'i-r tlRTTHsr. FIRST National Bank )F TLATTSMOUJir. NEI1KASKA, PCcrF.ssoR to TOOrtd; HAWA & CI.AIIIk John FirnKHALii President. K.C 1'dvkv Yice 1'resideiit. A. W. M I.Al c;m.lN... .Cashier. JomiO UotHKE Assista Cashier. This r.ank i now open for 1-uslnes at their aew room, coiner Mam ami Sixth st eets, and piepuit d to transact a neiiera.! BANKING BUSINESS. Stock, Bond. Gold. Government and Local Securities l'.OUGIIT AND SOLD. De20!ts Iii'ceiced and Interest AUotc ert on Time CtrtiJi-.-ates. DRAFTS DBAVH, Vvuilahle in any part of the United States and lu all the rrlneipul Towns and Cities of Kurcipe. ; s:ts ron tiik cki.!:iuiati:i) NTiiAN Lute Alio Allan Line or stj;a?i iiijs. Person v.ilimg to bring out their friends from ti.rope can I V. KCIIASK TICKETS FHOM CS Thronjh to IMattsraotith. nr. F 'Ca IPC - J. F, BAUMEISTER Furnisiiea FreU, I'urc Milk, Special call attended to. and Fresh Milk from same cow furnished when wanted. iiy Excelsior Barber Shop. j. c. BOONE, Main St ntt, opposite Saunders House. S II A V I X C. AM) SHAMTOOIX tt Especial attention piven to 'JUTTIXtJ ('HIT, DEED'S AX I) LA DIES' HAIR. 'JAI.L A -TP Si:n UOONfi, C.KXTS, A nd '"t : boon in a CLE A. XT I A. Sclilcscl & Bro., Man ':1a..'; arcrs of ! "I I'.e.-b-rs in FANCY PMOKKl 's AKTICLFS. KMOKINO ..-..I ciiuWiNi; T 0 B A C C 0 S . Kpfri: 1 l'.KANDS and sizes of CICAKS tnaile to order, urn! s.Misfact ion Ktiai ui.tced. Cigur clippings s-old for smoking tobacco. Main St. three doois west of Sai'lidcr House. l'LATTSMOlTTH, Nf-R. lOly nmiriinr omnDi 1 m n ii n I I I ; ti i i ti J. S. DUKE Has just opened an entire new stock of hard ware, on Ner.t door west of Chapman Zu Smith's inui; Store. SHELF HARD WARE, SHOVELS, HAKES. SI' APES and ALL (J A HP EX TOOLS. XAILS, NAILS. XAILS, ly the Kcj or Eon if I -HOPE, roWDEli. SHOT, GRIND syOXES, WHEEL-BARROWS. A FulliLine of CI'TLF.KY. Sj(::iilllii'.tcs to JluihUrs and Con tra:t tfo. All ood sold as low as they puf'ijly can be and live. 4ly dealer in DUY GOODS, CLOTHS. BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOODS. - :o: GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Lar;;e stock of BOOTS and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST Notions, Queensware, and in fact everything you can call for in the line of General Merchandise. CASH FAII) FOU HIDES AND FCK3. All kim'-i of country produce taken in ex change for goods. SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in S T O "ST IE S , iw ci cbc mm., m- 9 KTC, KTC, ETC. Oue DiHr East of the 1'ost-OIfice, I'lattsrnouth, Nt braska, Practical Worken in SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN, J7RA ZIEKr,dr.,dn. Lare assortment of Hard ann Soft Pinup?, Gass Pipes ancl Fittings. OO-AJLl, STOVES, Wood and Coal Stoves for HEATING OR COOKING, Always on nand. 2vry variety of Tin, Sheet Iron, r.nd Zinc Work, kept in Stock. WAKING AND REPAIRING, lone on Short Notice. &EVEnrTMXU IV A li HA X TE D .' .'3 PRICES I.OW lOWX. SAGB ROS. PROFESSIONAL. CARDS T. St. UTI.SOV, ATTORXKY' AT LAW. rr;w:tiee in Saun ders and Cavs Counties. Ashland, Nebraska. 3".int K. It. WIMill tM, ATTOllNKY' AT LV, l'lattsmoiitli. Neb. Of fice Front Kooni over Chapniau & Smitli's Irim Store. 4 ly WILL H. 1VHE. COLLECTIONS .-i S?XCTALTr. ATTORNKY AT LAW. Keal Est ite. Fire in surance mull 'ol lection Asrenev. mien in Fitz gerald's block, l'lattsinutilli, Nebraska. ?Jm3 GKO. ?. MMIT1I. ATTOP.NK Y AT LAAV and Ileal Fstat bro ker. SptKial attention iziven to Collections and a'l matters aftectiinr the title to real estate. 1 nfice on ad tloor, over IVst O:!ioe. l'l.itl.iinoiit b, Nebraska. 'i JAM KS K. MOKHISOV. W. I.. ISI50WNK. Notary Fub'.ie. MOUStmOX A BKOW'XK. ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. Will practice in Cass and adjoining Counties ; pives special attention t collections and abstracts of title. Oillee in Fitzstfi-ald Dlock, riattmouih, Nebraska. 17vl I. II. WIIKKLKIi i CO. LAW OFFICE, Keal Estate, Fire and Life In surance Agents, lialtsiiicuth, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax-payers. Have u complete abstract of titles, p.uy and sell real estate, uejiotiate loans. &c. liJ1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Solicitor la Chancery. Offlce m Fitzger aid Block, 10VJ n.ATTSMOLTH. NEB. IH. J. 1. 3lfCKKA, HOMCEfATHIC THYSICIAX. at Factory ville, (.'ass county, Nebraska. Sib- It. It. MVIXiiisTOX. M. R.. PltYStCIAX & SLKCiEON. OFFICE HOL'KS. from 10 a. ni.. to 2 p. tn. Examining Surgeon for V. S. l'ensiou. iit. Y. ii. KCiiiiattNE:iiT. Tit CTISIX ITIYSICTAN. "id attend calls at all hours, niiilit or day. IMattsmoiitli. Ne braska. Office ia Chapman & Smith s Drug Store. J. II. IIAL.Ii. 31. I. rilYPIC IAW AKII Sl'BGEOJt. OFFICE with Dr. Livingston South Side of Main Street, between Ml and 7th streets. Will attend calls promptly. '' i ViXV. :i,rTTKB. DBKTIST. I'lattMniouth. Xebrnskn. fiffiee on Main Street over Solomon Na than's Store. S"V cs7 Ain.es iv. is n i:.v. Tonsorial Artist. PLATTSMOl'TH SEBKASKA. I'lacc of business on Main St.. between 4th auditti streets. Shamoomg. Shaving, chil dren's hair cultiiiK, etc. etc. 19ly C03I3IKUC1AL HOTEL, LINCOLN, NEI5., J.J. IJIHOEF, - - - Proprietor. The best known and most nopular l.aml'ord ill the State. Always .stop at liiu Commercial. LEX II off r- noxxs, Moriiiiiir 5?c;v S;)Iosi ! ()::e dooi eu-t of fie Samit',"l ii..uf. Y.e keep t lie best of Beer, Wines, Liquors Cigars. 3:;m9 Constantly en H.-o.d. All N 1) E ilS i To Us E. J.S.GREGORY, - - - Proprietor. Location Central. ;od Sample Koom.. Every attention paid to gnosts. 4:;m3 Pl.ATTSMnrTH, ----- N'Kll PLATTSF?10UTH T.ilLLS. T L ATTS MO L'T 1 1 , NEB. V. 32II5Si:L., - Front ic tor. Flour, Com Meal A- Feed Alwavs on band and for sale at lowest cash in iees. The highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn, rarticuiar attention tiveu custom work. jMACIIINE SHOPS! WAYMA1T PLATTSMOL'TII, XKll., Repairer of Steam Engines, DoiUrss, Saw and Grist Jlillr UAK AI STEAM FITTlntiS, fro'iRht Iron ripe. Force and Lift Vipes.Steam (Jaujres. Safety-Valve (lovenmrs. and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, repaired on short notiwe. FARM MACHINERY J. G- CHAMBERS,"-" Manufacturer of and Dealer in 22 J3l SS. SSI S3 S S, SADDLES, COL LA HALTERS, WHIPS ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. . e only place in tow 11 where "Turley's pat ent self adjustable horse collarsare sold." 49 Cm f 1 - S ' . 2 e-t- 3 o Z-T -! I-I -0 O 3 3 o 3 in o s 3 - tr- 3 ? m. 5 CO c -s ; - CD CO c "5 05 I- H. A. WATERMAN & SON. Wholesale and Uetail Dealers ia PINE LUMBER, LATIT. SHINGLES, SASK, Doans, BLINDS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Main street. Corner of Fifth. PLATTSMOUTII, - - - - XEB. Still Better Kates for Lumber OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. ,Slal directory. A. S. r.ADI'.'K'K, V: S. Senator. Heat rice. AI.VIX SACXDEUS. V. S. Senator, Omaha. TIIS. .1. M .HiiS, Kepresentative. I'eru. I.l;lNl'S NANCE. Governor, Lincoln. S. .1. ALEXANDER. Secretary of State. F, W. LKI DTK E. Auditor. I.lneOl.i. .. i. M. I. liTLE I T. Treasurer, Lincoln. S. It. THOMPSON, Sntit. Public Instruction. V. M. DAVIS, l.al.cl Commi-sioner. C. .1. DILWOItTH. Attorney Oeneral. REV. C. C. IIAII1!IS. Chaplain of Penitentiary. Dlt. 11. P. MAiTHEWSON, Supt. Uosjital lor t he Insane. o Sttpre$ne Court. S. MAXWELL. Chief Justice, Fremont. OEO. P.. LAKE, Omaha. A MAS A COl'.l'., Lincoln. Seroii't Judicial T)itrict. S. E. rOt'ND. .Tud-e. Lincoln. .1. C. WATSON, in-oseeutinsr-Att'v. Neb. Cltv. V.'. L. WELLS, Clerk Di.-t. Court, l'lattsuiouih. County TJircrtory. A. X. SFLLIVAX, Couiitv .Tudsc. .1. D. I I' TT. County Clerk. .1. M PAT I'EksoN", County Treasurer. K. W. I! YI KS. Siieri'T. li. AV. KA IK FIELD. Surveyor. i. HILDKKUAND, Coroner. c-cn- rv roMMissiOfKRa. HEXIJY WOLFE. Liberty Precinct. .IAMES CKAWFOKD. South Ilend Precinct. SAM'L KICHAKDsOX. Mt. Pleasant Pieciuet. City 'Directory, J. W. JOHNSON. M.-.vor. .?. M. PATTEKSON. Treasmer. .1. D. SIMPSON. City Clerk. KICIIAKD VIVIAN. Police Judf. 1. P.. Ml'Ul'HY, Citv Marshal. WM. L. FLLS. Chief of Fire Dept. rotNci i.m e-. Ixt Ward .1. PEPPEKl'.K'.M, V. V. LEONARD. ild Ward ti. W. FAIRFIELD, J. V. YVECK- l BACH. 3d Ward K. C. OUSHIXO, THOS. POLLOCK. 4th Ward P. McC ALLAN. E. S. SHAdiP. J'oilmatler-JXO. W. MARSHALL. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Taking Effect May 4, 1870. FOR OMAHA FROM PLATTSMOUTII. Leaves 7 :K) a. m. Arrives 8 -YS a. m. " 3 :.? p. ni. " 4 -Jio p. ni. FROM OMAHA FOU rLATTSMOL'TTI. Leaves 9 (s a. iu. Arrives 10 :40 a. m. 6 :u) p. m. . . T :0j p. m. FOR TIIE WEST. Leaves riattsmoutb D :45 a. ni. Arrives Lin coln. 12 -45 p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, 7: .r5 p. in. Freight leaves 9 :00 a. 111. Ar. Lincoln -l :5j p.m. FROM THE WEST. Leaves Kearney. 6 :.'-0 a. 111. Leaves Lincoln, 1 ..'mi p. in. Arrives I'lattsmoath. 4 :'-!0 p. m Freight leaves Lincoln It :40 a. 111. Arrives PlaltsiHouth, 4 :.V p. ui. OOINO EAST. Express, C :1S a. m. Passenger, (train eneh day) 4 :2C p. m., except Saturday. Every third Saturday a train con nects at "the usual time. It. V. II. U. Time Tabic. ; Takinu Effect Sunday, March 2.1, 18TD. SOl'TH. 6 :"rpm f. :.'7 6 :48 7 :i'5 7 :55 8 : J0 f -.:r 9 :I0 9 :.".pni STATIONS. HASTINGS. AYR. Bl.l'K HILL. COWI.ES. . RED CI.' L'D. INAVALK. KIvEKTON. FKAXKLIX. LLOOMINOTOX. NORTH. tt am 8 :02 7 :40 7 :(I3 6 ;jr 6 :I0 5 :.r 5 5 5 :10am C. IS, & J. Jl. K. TDEL TABLE WESTWARD. Exnress Mail. '.rave Chiejieo... .. ".I' ll lot 1 1 alrsimr; . . . Burlii-eton 'ItlllllM.l Ix-rit ni ( 'rest on Ri d Oak Plattsmouth . . .(' 1. 'am in cmpm . . ' 1 L'.'pin ' I 4.".ain .. j 4 SSpru 5 .t5aiil ..I 7 4cim 8 Mam . . : 10 TiOpin 1 1 s.'am . . : I 4...'illl 2 I'ipni . . 4 2 mill . I."ptn .. ! 7 tOani ' 8 oopm i 9 ioamj Air. EASTWARD. Express Mail. Leave riattMiiouth : SiVpni' a "sani ld Oak snojim' sijin " Creftou in :'.'.pni 11 laain " Ciiarlt'in : 12 5raiii ' 2 l"pin Otiiiniwa ."5 "jctut-.i " iOui " r.ai '.in jioii ; aoar.i S 40;im " Csiestei! ' s ,V.am 11 (-Spin " Mfnlota : l'J l.'pm , 3 P'am Ar: ;v Chica;:o ri ;;o;.;n ; 7 OOam ONLY 2: Ho'" RS TO St. I.oi'IS bv the new '"V il-; j-t-t opened via MONMOI-TIL PCLL M A N PALACE SLELi'l Ni i CARS run from Bill iir.toii tost. Louis wit limit chaliije. BY LIC A VI N(l I'LA 'ITS MO FT H AT 3 :.n P. M..yon arrive 111 Sr. LOT IS t iie net evening at h :m'. and leaving St. Louis at s a. m . you ar rive in Plattsmoiit Ii U :'i) the next morniiiir. Coupon Tickets for sale for all points North, South, East und West. SAMUEL POWELL. D. W. HITCHCOCK. Ticket Agwut. Gen. Western Pass. Aent. J. M. BEi-riTA-. Agent, Plaitsnioulh. THE FKIL'NI) OF ALL!! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. 'I had no atipetitc ; Holloway's Pills gave mc a hearty one.1' "Your Pills are marvellous." "I semi for another box and keep them in the house.'" "Dr. Hollowayhas cured my headache that was chronic." "I pave one of your Pills to my babe for chol era morbus. The little dear got well in a day. "My nausea of a luornitiK is now cured. "Y'our box of Hollo-.vay's Ointment cured tne of aoines in the liead" 1 rubbed come of your Ointment behind ihe ears, and the noise has left." "Send me tun boxes ; I want one for a poor family." "1 enclose a dollar ; your price is 25 cents but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." "Send me five boxes of your Pills." "Let me have three boxes of vour Fills by re turn mail, for Chills and Fever."1' I have over 2i0 such testimonials nn these but want of space compels me to conclude. For Cutaneous Disorders, And all eruptions of the kin. this Ointment l most, invaluable. It does not heal externally alone, but penetrates with the most settrchiug effects to the very root of the evil. HOLLOW AYSOINTMENT Possessed of this REMEDY. Every Man may be his own Doctor. It may be rubbud into the fvum, o as to reach any internal complaint : bv these means it cures Sores or Fleers in the THROAT. STOMACH. LIVER. SITnK. or oth er parts. It is an Infallible Remedy for BAD LEGS, BAD BRE STS, Contracted or Stiff Joints. GOUT, LHEUMATISM, and all Skin Diseases. Important Caution. None pre genuine unless the siirnature of J. Ha vnocK, as agent for the United States, surrounds each box of Pills ami ( Hutment. Ilexes at 20 cents, 62 cents, and 1 ench. ffi There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. Hoi.lowav & CO., New Yrk. 51 1 y PAPER HANGING AND IVI- Mc El wain, jL?-Shop over IiOXXEIl ST ABEES.on PINE STREET. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SmS STHE1GHT & UILLEK, Harness Man ttfacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of .harness stock, constantly on hand. FR UIT, CON FECTIONE Y, AND GKOOERY STOKE, NUTS, CANDIES, TEAS COFFEES, SUGARS, TORACC'OEri. FLO UK, Lemember the place opposite E. G. Doyey's on Lower Main Street. 0 1 -1 ST RE I GUT & MILLER. Call for Republican State ConYcntion The Republican electors of the Stat nf Ne braska are hereby called to itend delegates from the several counties, to meet in State Conven tion at Omaha on Wednesday. October 1. 1S79, at 7 o'clock, p. 111. for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the foilov-lng named otlicer, viz : One Jndtje of the Suprerrte.Coirrt ' Two Regents of the State University, And to trTsn'-t such other business as may properly come before the Convention. The several counties are entitled to represen tation ia the State Convention as follows, based upon the vote cast for K. C. Cams. Lieutenant Governor, for 1ST8. (except Madison, whose re presentation is based iihmi the vote cast for Governor in Ists.) (r")"tiK one delegate each I.'jO votes and one for each-fraction of 75 votes ; al so one delegate at lart;e to each organized coun ty : A'o. I Ao. Cftnnht Adams Ant-dope. . Bocae Buffalo. .. Burt Butler Cass Cedar Cheyenne. Clav Colfax Cuming ... Custer Dakota Dawson Dixou Dodge Douglas... Fillmore.. Fi anklin . . Frontier. . . Finn as Gage Greeley Gosper Hall Hamilton.. Harlan. .. Hitchcock. Holt Howard . . . Jefferson.. Johnson... Vole JXl. Cmmty Vofc J, ; ; Kearney.. . 2! Keith 3! Knox 5 Lancaster. 4 1 Lincoln. .. . 4 Madison . X Merrick.... 2 Nemaha... 2 Nuckolls . 71 Nance. ... ..2t;n ...22 ..249 .lKSO ..2.10 ..545 ..'.HIS ..2U5 .l.vi .. ..2C4 . . . .5Tl ....4(14 4!4 ....!s7 . ...12s l:4 ....MS 4r.9 ...378 22 ..!'.1I2 ...151 349 ....945 . . .-22 ...TS79 . ..3U 40 ...17tf 012 74 'J . . . 755 ....4.V5 ... 400 20 71 ....292 . -.471 599 Otoe Paw nee.. Phelps.. . Pierce. . . Platte... ...1213 5".4 176 24 viO Polk... .523 Red Willow 59 Richardson 1073 7 Saline 3 Sarpy 1 . Saunders. 2 Seward... 5; Sherman. II Stanton... 1 j Thayer. . . ..9. ..S47 . .821 ..818 ...fi9 ..122 . 41G ..171 6' Valley.. 4; Washington 946 4iWavu s 1 li Webster 4 4 1 1 York 607 5 3 4! Total 257 o1 It is recommended. FirW That no proxies be admitted to the Convention, except such as are held bv per sona residing in the counties from which the proxies are given. Second That no delegate shall represent an absent member of his delegation, unless he be clothed with authority from t he County Conven tion, or is in possession of proxies from recular lv elected delegates thereof. ' By order of the Republican "State Central Committee. , JAMES VV DAWES, Chairman. II. M. WLL! S, Sec-clary. Lin;olm, July 30, 1S79. Call for a Republican District ConTe:i tiuu. The Republican electors of the second Judi cial district of Nebraska are hereby called te send delegates from the several counties in the district to meet at the Court-house in Nebaska City on the 8ih day of October. A. D. 1S79, at 7 o'clock p. ni. for tlie purpose ef placing in nom ination One candidate for District Judge, and the transact ion of unch other business as may properly come before it. The several counties are eutitled to represen tation in said convention as follows, to-wit : Cass 9, Lancaster 14, Otoe 9. Nemaha 9 J. W. PEA KM AN. Gko. S. Smith. Chairman. Secretary. TIIE U. S. CENSUS FOU 1SS0. Ntes I'pou l!ie OSIcs of Enumerator L! tiller the Census Law. Tlie prescribed duties of an ctiumir atr of the Tenth Census, under tlie Act of March bl, will, in the main, be identical with those of assist ant marshals at the iSerenth, Eighth and -Ninth Censuses, under the Act of May 2.5, 1S30; but the provisions of tha law regarding the time for which the enumeration shall csntinue and the size of enumeration districts are such as to make the oflice of enum erator differ rery widely from that of assistant marshal under the law recent ly repealed. " Sec. 7. No enumerror shall be deemed qualified to enter upon his du ties until he has received from the su pervisor of census of the district to which he belongs a commission, under his hand, authorizing him to perform the t.uties of an enumerator, and st 1 ing forth tUe boundaries of the sub division within which such duties are te be pei formed by him. Ho shall, moreover, take and subscribe the fol lowing oath or affirmation: I, . , an enumerator for taking the cenus of the United States, do solemnly swear, (or ailirm) that 1 will make a true and exact enumeration of all the inhabitants within the subdivision assigned to me, and will alsn faithfully collect all oth er statistics therein, as provided for in the act for taking the census, aid in conformity with all lawful in structions which I may receive, and will make due returns thereof as re quired by said act, and will not disclose any information contained in the sched ules, lists, or statements obtained by mo to any persoa or persons, except to my superior officers. (Signed) Which said oath or affirmation may be administered by any judge of a court f record, or any justice of the peace empowered to administer oaths; and a copy thereof, duly authenticated, shall be forwarded to tho supervisor of census before the date fixed herein for the commencement of the enumera tion. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of each enumerator, after being qualfied in the manner aforesaid, to visit person ally each dwelling-house in his subdi vision, and each family therein, and each individual liviBg out of a family in any placo of abode, and by inquiry made of the head of such family, or of the member thereof deemed most cred ible and worty of trust, or of such in dividual living out of a family, to ob tain each and every item of informa tion and all the part'culars required by ihis act, as of date Juue first, eight een hundred and eighty. And in case no person shall bo found at the usual place cf abode of such family or indi vidual living out of a family compe tent to answer the inquiries made in compliance with the requirements of this act, then it shall be lawfal for the enumerator to obtain the required in formation, as nearly as may be practi cable, from the family or families or person or persons living nearest to such place of abode. Sec. U. And it shall be further the duty of each enumerator to forward the original schedules, duly certified, to the supervisor of census of his destrier, as his returns under tho provisions of this act. Sec. 10. -The compensation of enum erators shall be ascertained and lived as follows: In subdivisions where the Superintendent of Census shall deem such an allowance sufficient, an allow ance not exceeding two cents for each liviug inhabitant, two cents for each death reported, ten cents for each farm, and fifteen cents for each establish ment of productive industry euument ted and returned, may bo given iu full ceaipensation for all services; and no claim for milag or taveling expenses shall be allowed in such subdivisions: Provided, That the subdivisions to wbioji the aWve rate of compensation shall apply must be designated by tlie Superintendent of Census at least one month in advance of the enumertlon ; and no account of the time occupied in enumeration shall be required for the purpose of ascertaining and determin ing the compensation of enumerators in such subdivisions. For all other subdivisions, rates of compensation shall be fixed in advanee Sf the enum eration by the Superintendent of Cen sus, with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, according to the ditJi cultj er enumeration, having refer ence to the nature of tho region to be canvassed and the density of sparse ness of settlement, or other considera tions pertinent thereto; bat the com pensation allowed to any enumerator iu any district east of the one hun dredth meridian shall not exceed an average of four dollars per day of ten hours aetfi34 field-work each and the eompensatien allowed to any enumer ator in any district west of the one hundredth meridian shall not exceed six dollars per working day of equal length. And tlie Superintendent of Census may prescribe a uniform meth od and suitable forms for keeping ac count of the time occupied in field work, for the purpose of ascertaining tho amounts due to enumerators, severally, under the provisions of this act. Sec. 11. The subdivision assigned to any enumerator shall not exceed four thousand inhabitants, according to the census of eighteen hundred and seventy. The boun daries of all subdivisions shall be clear ly described by civil divisions, rivers, roads, public surveys, or other easily distinguished lines. Sec. 12. That any supervisor or enumerator, who, having taken and subscribed the oath reqnired by this act, shall without justifiable cause, neglect or refuse to perform the duties enjoined upon him by this act, or shall, without the authority of the Superin tendent, communicate to any person not authorized to receive the same.any statistics of property or business in cluded in his return, shall ba deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon con viction shall forfeit asuin net exceed ing five hundred dollars; er, if he shall willfully and knowingly swear or af firm falsely, he shall be deemed guilty f perjury, and on conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned not exceeding three yeaas or by fine not exceeding eight hundren dollars; or, if he shall willfully and knowingly make false certificates or ficticious returns, he shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and, upon conviction of either of tho last-named offenses, he shall forfeit and pay a snm not exceeding five thousand dollars and be imprison ed not exceeding two years. Sec. 13. That if any person shall receive or secure to himself any fee reward, or compensation as a consider ation for the employment of any per son as enumerator or clerk, or shall in any way receive or secure to himself any part of the ceiupension provided in this act fer the services of any enumerator or clerk, he shall be deem ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall bo fined not less that five hundred dollars nor more than threo thousand dollars, in the dis cretion of the eourt. Sec. 16. That the Superintendent, his chief clerk, supervisors and enum erators are hereby authorized to trans mit through the post-ollice any paper or document relating to the census, by writing thereon "Official business Census," and subscribing the same, with the addition to his name of his official title. But this privilege shall extend to nothing but documents and papers relating to tlie census, which shall pass free. And any superinten dent, supervisor, enumerator or clerk who shall use or exercise this privi lege for any purpose other than the le gitimate discharge of the duties of hi3 oflice shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and upon conviction -shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall forfeit for each offianse a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. Sec. IS. Each enumerator in his subdivision shall be charged with the collection of tho facts and statistics re quired by each aHd all the several schedules, with the following excep tions, to-wit: In cities where an offi cial registration of deaths is maintain ed, the Superintendent of Census may, in his discretion, withdraw the mor tality schedule from thesoveral enum erators within such cities, and may ob tain the statistics required by this act through official records, paying there for such snm as may be fonnd neces sary, not exceeding the amoant which i3 by this act authorized to be paid to enumerators for a similar service, namely, two cents for each death thus returned. "Whenever be shall deem it expedient, the Superintendent of cen sus may withdraw the schedules for manufacturing and social statistics from the enumerators of the several subdivisions, and may charge the col lection of these statistics upon experts and special agents, to be employed without respect to locality. The Enchanted Tin. Sonic tricks iu -'Parlor Magic'' printed in juvenile publications are very amus ing, as well us very simple, says the 2or ristown Herald. "The Enchanted riii," for instance. To pciforju this trick you take a common brass pin, sucli as u man Sometimes uses to fasten his shirt-collar when a rear button flies oil. To satisfy your audience that the pi u doesn't con tain a lalso Irotli.-ni, let them have it in their hands to inspect. This will con vince them that tiiero ia no deception about it- "Now, beud tho pin iu two places, first, about oue-tiiird from the head, and second, tho same distance from the point, so that the business cud will project upward. Again show tiie pin to vour aii'iience, iti order to satisfy them that it is the same piu, only bent bentou mischief. Now, place the piu on a hard bottomed chair, and, when a I.Uo visitor enters, hivile him to tit on the chair. The effect will be magical. If tlie ceiling la not more than tea feet from the Uor, the probabilities arc that tlie man will arise so spontaneously that his head will make a tlent iu it. This innocent little trick never fails to amuse an audience, and if such amusements received more eucour agemeut in the domestic circle there would be fewer poems written, akiag "Where is my boy to-uighti" Miuistcr Stoughton has recently added laigciy to tlie collection of the Stoughton Pathological Museum at Dartmouth Col lege, which was founded and endowed by hiin. List of Premiums of Cass Co. Fair. The following is an alphabetically arranged list of the rreiuiunis awarded at the Cans Co. Fail, held Sept. 17, Is, & 19, 1879 ; taken from the Secretary's books : Allison. Lee, best driving hor $ e on Burnett, Win. bent pair mares 6 CO Reins, Aug. bet col. apples 1 ; Carruth, 1-. best sewing machine . ..Dip. Clai K, T. best boar 1 year old C 0 " " uuder 1 vear. CCS. " " sow 1 yaar and over lino underl year Am. A. " Dip. and 6 00 " boar, d'p and. e 00 Cummins, Charley, brand mare & 3 colts... I Co " mare any age or breed... 11 25 l lapp. Mrs. '. 1".. 2a prettiest baby, car Eikcnbary, W colt under 1 year 3 7.1 riage, valued at 7 ) Felkeig. D. fastest running race 3 CO Gordel, r , uorse raK In " walking cultivator ' " riding and walking cultivator. . " display of machinery clip and.. 3 75 uonaiea 10 society. Gonler, spring wagon 2 horse plow " 2 " iron boam plow " ' 3 horse plow " 2 horse plow " " sulky pl?.' " " barbed fence wire " " mower Gilmore, J C, H hu spring wheat CCS " ' bu barley 73 Donated to society. Gramlicb. A. 3 watermelons... t: Giltiiore, Miss M. lady eniestrienne over 14 G 00 Gramlich, A, bull, any age or breed, dipi. 7 id herd of cattle, any ags 7 m grade cattle 7 .- " ' bell, 2 years od and over 112.1 " " cow over 3 yeais old 1; 00 ' ' buil, 1 vear and under 2 7 .V) " " heifer, -J years old ' N.K 1 " " N.if. Gramlich, A, heifer calf 7,, " cow over 3 years 3 75 .. .. .. CCS " " heifer, 2 years . .. ..'375 4 1 " old... 1 7 heifer calf Am. A Goodwin, Mrs E E. 2d heft cheese 1 i Goodwin, Mrs E E, lb woolen yarn 19 " " woolen coverlet 19 Gilmore, Mrs C. cotton stockings 7e Hunter, C- ii, lest sow with litter 6 00 " bushed rye 73 oats 75 " " " potatoes N'.F. " " boar nutUr 1 year ccs " ow under 1 year Am A " " bale broom corn 37 ' " 3 citron 37 " botanical specimens dip. ' " geological " .hp.. " " ou early potatoes N.F. " " sample cnstor beans ;!7 " " millet seed .17 " bucku heat ;:7 Holmes, C M, fastest trotting Co. horse.. ..20 00 Ilcsser, W J, apple jelly 75 " ' It bu carrots 37 " " peck tomatoes ;;7 " ' col. greenhouse plants 3 7ft roses 75 " " " verbenas 75 " " " tO'.'jato preserves 75 " ""at. -up 7i ' " cannrdchOl'ies 7.1 " black hOT'-iei) 7.1 Haskell. M M stallion 3 (0 stallion over 3 yrs 3 00 Holmes. A M stallion four years :.. 3 do " tailion any age or breed li "-1 Hogebooin, V F gelding three years C C " mare three yeais NT-' Horn. .1 P. draft horses p lnsti. Birdie, specimen penmanship N.I 1. Riser. Mrs. Harriet, woolen coverlet 7; " display of quills .-.7 Korasky. Frank, plowing match 4 &o Leesley, dosepli, best 5 sipiaf lies 1,7 " " largest col. applns f 25 . " best col. apples 8 75 " " best needling apples dip. " " best ass't grapes 2 2:' Long. K. L. best family carriaee tesui 3 to Levings, Miss Laa 1, ius Eo,ntr.tue un der It 4 0 Livingston, Miss Annie, second best eques trienne.' under It 2 2.1 Levings, Miss Lena, best loaf bread 7S doormat :7 4 tiuv ;(7 Mrs. Geo., sweet rusks 3- Louisville pottery, twelve pieces of pot'r'y 3 75 " specimens (ire -In ick "5 Leesley, Joeeph. best five sqinuhes 37 " " " specimen crabappies. 75 MacMurphy. J. A., fastest trotting, best 2 in 3. mile heats, ( Luella) 25 CO Mertens, Win., best sow under I year 3 75 " ' " spceiin bu. ouions. ..COs ' fdaiks rliuberb 37 Mahoney, Jaa. best kingle horse mare or gelding 3 75 Murray, W. K., best bu. corn N.F. Metteer. F. J., best pair draft horsey 6 00 Myers, Chas., bbit ! , doz. brooms 75 Metteer. Robert, best peck white beans... 7.1 Mrs. Robt. " woolen quilt 37 " cotton " 37 woolen socks S7 4 " stockings.... J7 " " ' cotion socks 37 shirt made bv lady.. 75 ' " " 44 ladies undar wear.. . 75 Orr St Thomas, best bull one vear and under two 3 75 Orr & Thomas best cow under three years. 11 25 ' over " " . 6 00 " " " " heifer two years 11 2.1 6 00 ' 44 4' 1 year and under 2 6 00 Tickens, W II best washing machine 1 f.0 PattersoB, S C sow one year old 300 ' 44 4' boar one year old 2 00 44 44 44 best four horse driving 4 Mi rarmele, E K best pair rnaras N & N H 44 Mrs K be;U woolen qnilt 75 Pollard, iliss L bst ten Iba butter 1 50 live lbs 44 jewelry.. 00 Page, Miss Id equestrian over It...,. , 3 no 44 Chas bull two years and over 6 CO calf A A heifer calf N F 44 44 44 one year oV3 3 00 Quinn -Mrs. M. J., best lo yds rag carpet. 1 60 KedflUd. V., best stallion fs DO 4 years and over (draft) 0 00 Rhodes, J., beet stallion, 3 yrs. and over. . . 8 go Kobbins. Miss Katie. beit leaf wheat bread gold ring, valued at 5 00 Sireight. O. M., best spaa trotting horses, 2 best in 3 20 00 Saunders, L. W., best carriage horses ft 25 44 44 pair mules, any age. .CCS Scott, W W, best tri dark brahmas 71 4 44 luitT cochins 7i 44 plvmoiiih rocks 75 44 44 44 pair ducks 37 44 44 44 coop black cochins 75 44 " 44 44 partridge cochins.. 75 trio polands 75 Streizht, Mrs O M. beil specimen worsted work 37 Shoemaker, Mrs Flora, prettiest baby un der li inon-thic, baby carriage valued at.. 1.1 CO Sage. Mrs Harvey. 3d prettiest baby, golf! necklace, valued at . . 5 On Schellbaeiier, J. M , best wagon. Neb mT'g 5 25 Stohlman. A. best mare 6 00 Scott. W W, bent boar. 1 year 3 75 Sampson. E B, best ass't potatoes Nil 44 44 ' spes. sweet potatoes... NK Streight. Thad. best glass ball siiooting 10 CO Sireight, O M. 2d fastest trotting U'rouchojla 00 Thomas, S L, best cheese press 2 2-1 44 44 10 lbs cheese 75 44 44 44 cheese, 20 lbs or over 3 75 44 44 variety daily products . 3 73 Thoma, Thomas, best family team. c; cm, 44 wheelbarrow 1 &o 44 4 4 4 4 4 horse driving 3( 0 44 44 44 pair matched horses 4 .10 " 44 44 plow team 2 25 44 44 pair doubletrees 2 21 Todd. L G, best cow aiiy age or breed 7 SO 44 bull, 2 years and over 6 no bull calf 4 50 heifer. 1 year old 00 ' heifer calf 3 '11 44 Harry N K 44 Louin O best heifer, 1 r old Am A & C C S Thomas. Susanna, best otton 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 W M. boys' plowing match 10 yrs. 3 71 VaiS-y, J. Sr, best bu yellow corn Ml 44 44 6 heads of cabbage 37 44 J R.best mare, 2 year and under 3. 3 en Vandervenfer. Chas. faMeet running race. . 6 co Wiles, Stephen, best 3 ewe- CCS 44 44 44 buck. 2 years 3 On Wheeler. Frank, best 'i doz beets 37 Wise. Mr J N. best and most tasteiully ranged b'njiiet T5 Wise, Mrs P L. greatest variety of jiillies.. 2 25 44 4 4 4 4 bet grape jellv 71 44 44 44 rhubarb jidly. 73 currant Jelly. 7.1 44 44 44 goosebwl l v jully 75 44 44 44 grape pickles 75 44 44 44 44 Jar raspberries 75 Wise, Mrs .T N, bet specimen table cover. f tjdv Japanese :j7 Wise, Mrs P L, best bla-k cap rasp, jally . 7.1 white 71 " crab apple jelly 71 apricot jelly 75 4 ' peach jelly 7.1 ' .biitLilo berry jelly 7r? 44 44 44 pear Jelly 75 tomato Jally 71 Wiles, Stephen, best bull. 1 yr and uuder 2 3 75 44 calf 4 50 44 44 44 NF&.NH Says tfie Louisville Courier-Journal : "We could walk seven miles bare-footed over a turnpike t thj funeral of a fool who would try to make a cork-screw of a mule's tail, but we never can shed a tear for the idiot who bad u better seuse than to kill himself drinking whiskey. Eery time a drunkard ' hands in his checks'r he makes more room in this world for sober men who are tryiDg to keep soul and body togethvi." TVe received some time since, a copy of "The. Worker," a monthly publica tion in the interest of the Co-operati v Colony Aid Association, which associ ation has for its objects: "To promote the better distribution of labor in oar country, and relieve our over-crowded cities by stipulating and guiding a return to agricultural life, To this end the Association shall gather1 aud verify, and place conven iently before the working classo", in formation concerning available lau.H in all parts oT the Union; shall by p&r sonal intercourse with workiw'ineti. meetings, lectures and tho prcs. ctl c -cato a seutiment in favor of emigr&t ion to tho country; shall in every wy feasible, except direct money aid, in sist individuals or proups ia seeking country homos; and shall especially devise plans and solicit financial aid to plant, from time to' time, c-jlonie:-, in which capital duly guarded aud rt numerated, shall artist labor to fi '.i homes upon the soil, and in which t!,e principle of associated life shall b coi ned out as far as consistent with the saciedness of the family and tho fore, of the individual." Ths paiter is published by Mrs. I"'ii: aLrlh Thompson, a noted philanthro pist of New York, and is cdilcd by Rev. II. Ileber Newton. A number of prominent men are members, of the Association and their addrees is Co operative Colony Aid Association, Uoem 23 Cooper Union, New Y0rk. GoJey's Lady's Doek for Oftb"er will be received with pleasure by it subscribers, being an unusually beanti ful number of this ever popular magazine. The steel plate by l)ar ley, represents a inerry making at the time honored festival of AH Hallowe'en. The Autumn faehio'ns are sh'iwn in a mammoth highly colored steel plate, and numerouipagf ; of additional illustrations, which have full description in the fashion depart ment, !odi:Y's fashions hive been unsurpassed for nearly half a ceutufv. Tho literary matter i.4 of Urn 1 test, com prising the continuation of "The Hose-' bud Garden of ("iris," which increases in interest with every number; the conclusion of "A entle Eelle," one of the best novels of the day; and short KtoT;''.' and poe:i!. by popular authors. The usuiil pages of music, amuse ment, household matter, architecture, home adornment-. tiuu-y work ar given, and tho entire i fiumber is a proof that the editors keep their promise, in offering to the public tho bC?t 9n magazine iu the country. The fann ers will send to any address, post-paiu; on receipt of 50 rents, the remaining three numbers of the present year, or for SI will send tlie full current vol ume. Address (Jodey's Lady's Hook, Philadelphia. Horsemen should road the advertise ment in another column of Kendall'4 Spavin Cure. A remedy which does what this is claimed to do (which many prominent horsemen have testified to) shonld be investigated', for it is of great importance to every horse owner It seems to be winning for itself an unprecedental reputation by its merits. Habits of "Wild Animals at "Sight. A repoi ter of the New York Sun hnrl an opportunity recently of visiiipejnincn flgcrie lit night, and he thus tells what ho saw and what the auim.'ils cbd on bcinj disturbed of their night's red. lie com mences by describing the monk r-y.-i, which he; says, were clustered together 011 the tloor in the corners of the cage. The at tendant, who bho wed thu icpcrter about in the dim light of a couple, id gas burn-' pis, scratched the cage with his enne, unci instantly a tlocu whitish sputa appeared on the surfaces of each of tin: clusters. Thesj were the fares of the monkey44. They were held perfectly still for a t-liort time,- but when (mother gas jet was light ed nearer tlie cage several monkeys broke away from tin ir coiiipmilon to hap from IKjrch to perc h fiu l srjiK'Hl like bats. Dr. Starr, the attendant, said that the mon keys sometimes roosted like thickens 011 their perches, but bitch a cculiarity wan not oliservejd iu any ot the enges. ilr. McCiean, a very trustworthy keeper, says they often indulge- their propensity lor fun by pulling each other's tails and pinching t-ach other at dead of night, when the whole cage will set up a chat ter. Monkeys never snore, but there ia always heard a MiilUing sour J, the pre monitory symptom of consumption, of which they gciierally die on nccoVibt of the coldness and changes of a northern climalc. In separating into (liifcrent clus ters to sleep each species seeks lo keep by itself as muc h as possible. Dr. Stair said Die peiienn u-ually Fquat tcd oil the floor ol Ins cage like a duck in i:s coop, but it was f jmihI too-ting on tho edges ot u water tank in its cac. Its big we o bed toe.-are furnished with io:;', sharp cutving cl iws, nint clutched tie: metal covered edge with a linn hold." lbs b .-ak, nearly a loot in Icno.tii, re. ted nlo.ig il buc k. NS'lc n a ku -p. t'h, h.t:i'i ;.3 thi list wanly lietwccn the oats, tij ion-l,i :.k, as it eceiiied, wii.ii 11 mii;,Ij ni ; ion, moved vie iou-iy fio;n it- l-ac.v 11:1 I -tni k a bar of thy tags again.-t whicii L.o liaud had rc-ste l. After that it -!o. ir, on guard, show pig in bg b o.mi eg . .v.la-.vivwar ' ly biauxishiiig its b. -;l,. 'J i.e. MiuUea lay molio,i.e.--; m.j.it oi mu.a bcoig in a tluo ter. The Empf nr of Austria's fipartmcoU at Ischl, his summer leune, aie very him plo two lar.rc, plain rooms, covered v. i;h India matting, and simply luinMicd in dark, sober looking walnut: 1'y Lis bed side stand t, b'.'l'ofi; a tri--iie-ur, a sliver crucifix with iv.ry t'nii.-lu-. the gift of his father, the l ite A tele !i;!v.4 1'i an Karl, on his first connir.inion. as t! " inscription at its bfrM tells yon, and which always4 accompanies him n his travi n hi writing table lie some eo.u so- Viigiuia. cigats for h-4 is an jn-.-etera4,j i-mokcr- and on his shell above is a well-worn mil itary cap and a lew Loi.ks iu several lan guages. Among them arc s.'veinl Eng lish aud American, for his Majesty i ai accomplished linguist. The Russian Court, invitcl Ir Ayer and his family to the Arch clilke's wedding in the" K.-val Palnfe, This distinction wus auard.-d hinr not only because he was an Aim ri--can,-biit also becaush hi4- .n.'iiic- as n plvysician had become favofably known in Russia di its i.;:.:.;'1 r.i.i:i't thej world. Fuor:. ( Cel. ) TV...;;".4