Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 25, 1879, SUPPLEMENTARY, Image 6

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    PLATTSMOUTH. SEPT. 25, 1879.
Eight Mile Grove Notes.
Ed. Herald -.Hay-making done. Thresh
ing la just commencing in our neighborhood,
hat yielding from 12 to 15 bushels per acre,
I out 20 to 26 bushels, very little barley raised.
;Corn will not be near so good aa anticipated,
'and it already looks ripe enough to crib. Ear-
ly potatoes are tolerably fair crop, but late cnes
From Steel Citj. iare going to be very scarce on account of the
JEFFERSON Co.. Sept. 15, 1879. 'dry weather.
MR. EDITOR: -Allow toe to say a! Considerable sickness prevails in our vicinity
,.. . . !at PBBUU
ic nBius.siiacciuiimug, im ir- .Mrs. John Pool is convalescent. Mr. Hall's
ference to the Otoe Reservation, on new house is just looming up. and already be
which I am a settler. !K'ns to make a grand appearance. Heisbuild-
. . . . ... ing a very large two story house, which, when
The country is settling up fast with :COInpIeted, will be the largest and bet b.nse
a most energetic race of people. jin Eight Mile Grove.
Sod corn will average about thirtv! Mr- Wm- KinS- tne Shenandoah Nursery
KiicKaId nor r r ' r
r meeting for fall and winter cauvasBinir
average crop, being damaged by chintzistated he would make good all the old stoek he
bugs and drought.
I firmlv believe the soil here . to be!andTe? u'" ."TSf. of ,th? pople ain
.uiM iiuaic own wiiu iaica ijuiu aumiu
cog wneei. Accident jn . three cam
to him in a runaway between here and
Weeping Water Falls, mules ran away;
broke the buggy tongue aid cut one of
the mule's feet. Xo serious damage to
Some Doctors have got into the
neighborhood, consequently quite a
number are sick. Fevers and chills
seem to be the main evils. Xll are
getting along fairly.
This dry weather is playing fun
with wagon wheels.
Fall plowing is adjourned sine die.
I notice that several are going to test
Winter Wheat. None has corn up
ue and none will come up.
iuim as piwuucuve as 111 ;iss o. e,t,eeu out to the Grove visiting
have a nice variety of timber and good'K' mard-on
water, we have jrood markets for the!
Savcral ara lnsinrr im1voi man1
, delivered last spring that died this .ummer. !liere. TheT seem a litrlo lam ami
Hotels are doing a thriving busing
one has eighteen regular boarders.
Dave Woodard hat moved to LouiJ
yille with his livery. This makes thf
nrrnA ..x.n.. 1.- A 1 - . . - A
tuuu aixiuiianuienis 01 tins Kina ali
doing fast business. Buggy rid?;
cheap, girls scarce, come on girls if yd'
want a ride.
Baz. Ramsey has suspended practid
ia the higher courts, a few days, acj
has become a carpenter and joiner, bi
he don't join worth a cent. Selah.
m -
x ue snow nas come ana gone ai
there is another ne coming. The buf
can't go to school show days, too uu
business carying water to get into t
Avoca Katchcm.
Florence; Henry Wolfe rejoices huielv in be-
iniy "daddv " tia m tin irl Al A l
Mr. Joseph Skilee has been over in Iowa vis- , . . i, .
iilimr Mhitlvoa iml frian.1. H. 1UUU11U1I, x OUT. 1.111,3 TIBQI
disposal or OUf products, Steele City .Mr. Geo. Clines has gone out t Hastings oai1'3
uemg ouij six in lies soutn, wmcn is a
thriving tawn; we have also Fairbury
twelve miles west and Beatrice sixteen
mil PI south R-pct :ind aoiroral fcf lior
-.n . - ,.... I.,- L.ium.n brooms t the srut F:r' ,,,., jour paper that I deem it aavisable
oiiivwu ivniis nillllil lOdlAQLaUlO la- I o ' ' , , . ,
anceg fal1- iiood for i-harley. to take my pen iu hand. .
Mr. s.M.iavis is the proud father of a fine t Where is Louisville ? In the
Eight Mile Grove better look a leetle! -
for one of these days she may tee Kings-! 1 m m3Z BJ lnac It 13 Situated 111 the
ville ou wheels. We understand they have not' north central Dart of thfl Statn nf
Mr. Lewis I 'nlkinx lini a hrjt.H now mm J TO 111- Ljllistille
buggy, and says he lias not much to do but to j ED. HERALD: It has been SO long
bu'gy rice. since we h:tve seen anything from here
.-xi. kj. ix. loi-j Hd xw ai ueu i lie urst pi e- i
show. Business before pleasure y(,
you know.
Tf Ti;i.iot...n.i i... ..i i
settled here. 4
i.sner ooiey wno nas oeen a can
didate for matrimony so long, was
elected Sept. ISth by acclamation
and readers of the llKRALDin old Cass.
Vours very truly.
D. W. FoLKEHf.
Tkis Time from Seward County.
ever three hundred names on their petition
and we have no one to thank for his trouble
i.Ktre than Dr. Root. Long may he live.
From Rock Creek.
Still the dry weather continues with
not much pm.spect of rain.
The order of the day seems to be
the preparing of corn cribs, feed yards
I will try and give you a few items
as we have tiuie to-day.
Corn is getting dry, and is good,
wheat is running from ten to twenty
bu. per acre.
The new Rail Road that is goingnd other places to put away that im
through this county, is graded west of ,mense croP o corn that is almost ready
Ulysses. They are now laying theto crib- Some of the farmers have
track. Farmers are greatly t.iicour-theircattl8 in the yard and are rolling
aged, they are holding their wheat. jthe corn int them.
Some of the farmers are selling out We thank the Three Groves reporter
and' going into business at Ulysses. 'for leaving the Rock Creek Sunday
There is a good opening for all kinds School picnic for us to write about,
of business there except Shoemaker,:1 hve not much to say about it, ex
of whom there are four there at pres-.P tnat il was verJ weI attended for
ent ; there is room for a Doctor, they 80 busy a time. There was speaking,
have no grave yard. It is quite a city singing, swinging, croquet and eating,
and would be bigger if there were aud everybody went home haupy.
more housas. j A festival at Mr. A. M. Holmes last
It seems this country is noted fori Friday evening, was an entire success,
fighting; one week ago to day one manjthere keing forty dollars raised for the
met a couple of threshers, took them Kev- Mr' Uonistnorpe. I here were one
from their wagon, whipped them and, hundred persons present. Xotwiih
went on. Dobson is not through withl9taninT there was; an abundance of
j i, jULlOIII
Via mnyann ia ' n.if .w." SO linn U:. all KllldS ffif POO(1 thiniTi! In Ojt r.ll ...
" uk vm !,jjj ijhii , :ii3, - o " - . yjovei'. Navies 13
victim nas quite a scar irom tne top v,l"J v,"""" i fujji t"ei";!t 1 vvsstaiid with a ha
l - 1 1 . . I , . m . JTIll )l1VD ! rVAAil I 1 Mill 1
01 dis neau to iro iowr part or nis t.- iSucct-ss to him
jaw. The blacksmith that did the J. limkins
Rock Bluff Items.
Mr. Editor: This is a vrv drv
- - j
time, the ground is so dry that we
cannot nlnn-li e.irlv pnrn
, B..,
ready to be picked, late potatoes are
dry they have failed to grow, the grass 1
and weeds have dried up and died,)
the tires hav to be re-set or else lied
Plattfcmouth on the B. & M. R. R. on with fence wire, cobs are dry and
By the way Mr. Editor, we RepuMi-jbuin r.icly, some of our pockets urtt,
cans in this division of the herd, think;dry for the want of some ixf neyjtn.
inat tuo (jiivchliou irwaieu i iaus-1 we hib (mte urj lor me want oi sonv
mouth rather shabbily. She shouldjnews items, but our Greenback cln!
have had eight out of the nine cat4di-;has dried out entirely.sodry that then
dates nominated instead of seven. It 'is not even a dust to be seen from them.
may bo however that Flattsmeuth pol- The threshing of grain is all done in
iticiam are makintr a saci iSce now in this vicinity aud sorghum making i
order to found a basis for a more equit- bow in order for tho. e who have sudi
able showing next fall. Please start, work to do, and nearly all the faruieis
out a few lawyers and au editor or havo a patch of sorghum.
two, soon, to explain things. Enough Jack dr ives' baby died one day last
on this score or 1 sUall be dubbed "sore 'week.
head," so to the items we go. We saw the Miiiiitig face of M. o.
The Lewis Brothers were boUi i"ht-: Wee1 uf B"' viflt l"'. 111 streetn
Hasemeiers skillful treatment they ;district the coining winter.
seenj likplv tn rump nut vitiii-irnu N"f:irlv ;ill nf tlif f;irm.r mi.l l."r
Grain is moving lively and our h'e'Shbors in this lo.-alitr, are going to
r,,.,r i ..ii i...... .....:.. !fled steers this winter, and the most
... fe..x. xx.D .x.x UUOJ. ,.t... w, them ,iave comtliel!(V(J ;tIlt!ii4jv.
laavesus but money takes its place Doctor Brad ford i.itfmls to If Vv,.
ana maKes limes ueLler. in a lew U.iv, he is moving to OmaLa
J. V. Glover has moved into liis which leaves us without any doctor.
. gooo en nice now lor some youn
ph:sicia:i to sel up an ollice.
Tho necktie festival at A t
Ecliols & Saylcs nave dissolved part-; Holmes lst Fiiday niglit was ouit.- a
' ...... 1. ; . . .....1 ..Ixi-.. i . r .,,nnna R , . . , i 1 I tw ..l.A..X f x I ! .
ixiciaiiip sjm lilteii SIOCK lo J. V . sul'l''M uununniij, muut iuiiv Uul.Ulb
now store, a new stock of'goods aud;
the I'ost Office follows him. i
occupying the old
ery and restauraut.
hooting the lay of the hanging is still:
in his cell; has tried every man around!
to go his bail," all are afraid to risk1 Ed-
him; his man is well also.
Mr. Editor I would like to tell you hopes very
Avoca Notes.
Herald: Xews scarce and drv.
was raised, and everybody seemed to
be happy, really noisy happy.
Limber Jim has quit spelling and 4
goue to ciphering; he savs that nine is 1
Can't you lend us one of your Jailsjne third more than six, and he prove.- 7
an u 1 a i: i u il IvCI ieaS U.l Hie' . ..-.i iu
. , ... !ot hers.
Mieets for our lair name. fn m r1!!,-',,,, r , r i i
an te r it; iong or whom we spoke
"Ul otiiwoi i.- jm .n-.-iiij; uneiy Mil- o: Miiaitilim lif-i
y 1 1 - , 'itninr l.ii- it,L .. ;.. ...I :i
.Threshing well alonir and lariiirs ,t.r ...x. r w .- ;,.;.,; .... i,.....i.....i. :..
I .xix .11 iiiainigClU' I VI 17. . '111 ItaS. iimi'ji -.'ij .',; n, ,, 11,1,11 .
low. Wheat yields very iToo inanv little fellows for one teach !':l,k without the use of onsfchr.
something of this county but must little, in this neighborhood will not er, is the only trouble, we need a "rad-i , U1V ,s !r:,rl','!ts'"lf m,t '
- nil . Iiai I'l . I I J.o.lll.
mO r t T h 1 J I Mi II .Iaq A W . t h nmlrtrir OVA.x rru nl. ...... I .1.1. i t , . .... .
, .. . . ...... .. . o w - v. - - Mujuria 1'ci ni i c , ro 9tiiuui Aim mil ll.lir II i Hie !:' ; I ; 'l."''t I'lM'!1':' t l. '.V: V o "
all you that have no homes to come Many from this neighborhood are offjfutuie. Our new uepo. ia , n.t so liaad- M.. ar.- visiting 1 rieiids h.
away to Seward county, where they to work on the R. R. at Plattsmouth. some as the old one, but it beats -,i Everything is so dry we
burn brick and lime with hay, don't! Hadlock has very bad lu-k with hiJhawl car house ali hollow and will Leito c,,t thj? lHt,'r sh,,,t"
( i ,. r-o m;u. i. i i i ... . . i loais
urx.ii, v.xuc jhh, no uas ihokwu me mmnjreai.y soon
i o
want wood.
i'MI LAN H ;: i; Ii. i i.:,-j 1 1 ;c s.