Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 25, 1879, Image 3

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    The Herald.
Ti hi ,ii-:t. ?.! - a !:!. Ib'v,u!:ir :i lvrrt!s-
o n'nli p- r line . Mo udYfl li.icmuiit iii.scit-
1 in less i" ciiiH.
I notice at Statu!' r..te..
A li'-ucys and officers f the Li'.v ivH lie neM
i sponsible i-r .ill n'.tir- they h.ti.d in,
-f,it ii I . -:t' t'i s 'li if "t.;:ii a proof ot pli'.i'.i'.-.i-i'
iii; H"i he v. :'l l;c ,-tla for the im.ilic.a
"aoo let ol aiicii notice.
A m; ;i in is liinitcl, all i ii::n:!i:!rr,'fns
it.; t I.c l.n f an 1 to tii j -int. wan no wasie
ct voni.i.
Th:i:'KTH responsible for the rurrectncss
jtcccriliii:: to copy of paid Matter and p.'iid Le
vels, oi ly.
1. Avy person v.h fakes the paper re-.-ul.-irly
f.l.ill H i- os'-ot!Ve. -w hi ther dire"."-.! to his
i.:r-tc. ..r w n.-f.'iiT h" is :i subS'-rioer or Hot IS
ri-spoasil.b lor the pay.
It .-civ pcr-o,i orders Lis pp"r discontin
ued h- i.-iy nil .n r.-;ii or the Milnisli
t r i :v uniii.'i" to win! it linnl i:iymejit Is
m; .le'itn l collect the wlio amount, whether
t!o liiliHT is t .i'i::u liom the ol'.lee or Hot.
3 I he courts have decided that refusing: to
ttvV iu-sr:ii.-rs HtiI periodicals from tlx ost
n!. , or rcmovini; ami l-:iv!ii'4 them limalltt
I'T, is rrilitl ill u. evident'- of. I.M KNTIONAL
1 Ms cl ing Crae Social, at flood Templar'-
Fililay evening, 2C Concert ty M. K. Cbir.
onday " :" -Join Dillon "Our Next
VVi cn-dy vemn , Oct. 1, (ieoigla Min-
Ft- f Is.
Saniiday. Off. !h. at 1 and 7 p. ni. Selis
I'.roMi r' 7 hlephant Circe.
JuLn Dillon.
Ceorgi.i Hirtsttel?-
John Dillon next Momlay night.
See I'hil Young's new "Kill File."
John Dillon NicxT Monday
f;iia Miii'trels next Wctlnes
diy evc iiiiig.
A new stork of Carpets at W. II.
?-kr Coi 27t2
r.Hiig'n an l grov. fat, at tlm Geor
gia rliristrel.s.
-See Hon. Shiii barker's notice ttf
stork sfrers to irll.
Orrjia ilitifitrels, Welnosdayt
rt. 1. Urine mVer.
Co an. i look at, the new g(idH Rt
"W. H. Uakf-r Co.'s. 'Tt2
L'iiii Voting gives us a neat "uiera."
tout. f!i) ad get one, too.
A r.rn' I'ngiin started on its tt
trip last week, from the hliops.
--Jstock Sioeis fer feeding, for sale.
Arply tc .Sauiurl 13;irker; Piatlsmoulli
or a, farm.
"Little C-nudia" t!i da isy re:it
-igar. for sala by I'Uil Young. Joe
itfuls 'via out.
J. 15. ?.f:jrr.iy, adv&nre agent for
t!i Jo'.n Din n Comedy Co., billed the
l:jva V(-str:d iy.
J as. Moi-rir-o-, Y.m , n hiiiMing n
very nif homo o:i thv AveiMKi heyond
The 1 1 :-:r a r.i is crammed so f nil
'.is v.-, k it h.:s to issue a su,lrjent
.i i ! t!ifii I'Hii't enougli rwoni.
Two iu'v f.rms open thii week, Ti.
Kalisky, c.-ival goods in the old
J'i;kr Stori and Levi in Clothing.
A fi;;l line of ivw eiia!;s and ni'.n
ths in n'l tI s ami slian'-?, and at all
j.i . at W. II. Il.ikrr & Co.'s. 27.2
We omitted to mention a vek or
two ago the receipt of some extra fine
.srveet potato's from Air. K. I J. .S.uup-
L'o'jtor Livingston lias got another
tl oi ough hi ed c"sg. This time it is a
r ti :ever. and as black as the nee of
7e il:e:r an examination of our
("etlii'ii and low pi ice bfure pur
'S;;s:ng Isewheie, Wtseott & IVnvell.
n of the "iJoss." 1
T!i sidewalks in front of most of
the tors are covered with boxes of
gowd.s w'aich the proprietor an busy
i;:i-vickig. Big trade this fall.
John' Dii.i.ox with tho lllaisdell
Comedy Co. will appear at Fitzgerald
Hall next Monday night in "Our next
President, or The Dark Horse."
The steamer den. Custer left
I'hi'.t Mnouth going below on Sunday
!, and took do wn a large quantity
of wheat ami corn, for our grain men.
An addition of L'astlakc an I oth
er styii-s of motto frames '0 to 71 rents
tilted wiili glass eoiuplete at Frank
Cariuth's. See big Ad this week for
this and other particulars.
Wescrtt o: Powell are daily re
reiving goods in largo quantities. Call
and examine their lines of full and win
tar overcoats. Everything new and
l ist-class, sign of "The Hoss." 27tl
The concert at the M. Ik Church
Friday evening for the benefit of Iter.
DLaMatyr, ii for a very worthy
man, ami we hope -will be well attend
ed. See programme elsewhere.
A large drove of calves went
through Wednesday morning, driven
by W. 15. Porter, who bought them
i;p ia Wisconsin and shipped them
through, aot losing a single head.
Underwear, for ladies, gentlemen
and Children, new stock of yarns and
zephyrs, new yarieties of canvas, a full
line f hosiery of tho best styles, col
ors and oMulitie at W. II. Baker &
Co.'a. 27ri
MacDonagh calls the eight Coun
cil uu-u in Omaha whJ have got Nolly
Water works cm the brain and the
hr.o Newspapers who take Holly in
theirs the "Eleven Judases." We sup
pose he means
W. II. H;iker & Co. are constantly
unpacking new goods, and have on hand
the finest line of dres goods, and every
thing in the Dry rjJ(;,ls line ever brouht
to tov
ivn; ifomie Chubs, the late-t !
t..- i. . I
n .lie,M. ,ind ( as amere. iu all j
i i go for
lii fas'i:ou i''!e sh-h's, Crnd'arme blue.
iviw bin:, div and rayrtla green,
.ucssh.iuucis. reache s. m ew j
-... .. (..j .it-.t i.-e tfv i.i. ..U' ,
(Jen. Cunningham was.
last week.
in the city
I). C. Fleming of W. W. went east
for goods Monday. Look out for bu
siness when he returns.
A. H. .fackman.- of the Louisville
flooring mills, called on the Hki.ald
last week, and a most welcome caller
lie va9, too.
Mr. F. D. Lehnhoff started yester
day for his old Wisconsin home, and
will on his retnrn bring with him his
aged parents.
Mrs. MrCracken, of Leavenworth,
Kansas, and Mrs. Woods,-of Smith Co.,
Kansas, sisters of Capt. Marshall, ar
rived in Plattsmouth on Tuesday last,
and will spend a week with their
friends here.
C. A. Baldwin, of Omaha, is nomi
nated for Judge of the 3d Judicial
District. He was nominated ia two
minutes by acclamation and the Re
publicans of Omaha and the district
ftl ve'y sanguine of electing him.
The Nebraska Sunday School As
sociation set apart and designate the
2th of Sep., (next Sunday) as "Ne
braska's Sunday School day," and ask
all clergymen "to luake the Sunday
Saltool the theme fwr their sermons
on that day."
Smith & Black have this fall the
largest stock of School Books and
everything pertaining to the school
line, than any where else in the city,
both for City and County schools; bear
this in mind and send your orders to
Smith & Black. 27tl
On our road to Weeping Water
the other da-, vre observed that our
old friend Jas. Hall is building him
self a very cosy, substantial farm
hoM.e and home. With a nico Aven
ue of trees by and by leading to the
house, James will have one of the pret
tiest places in Cass County.
Copies of the B'oomington Guard
and tho Harlan Co. Standard come
from Mr. Wm. Stadelniann containing
the advertisements of; Stadelniann Sc
Bodien, one firs and the other three
columns. If they do business in pro
portion to their advertising, nud wo
rind that is generally the case, our old
friends are just making lots of meuey.
We call the attention of our read
er to liie advertisement or a new
hook. "A treatise n the Horse and
his Diseases," published by B. .1. Kch
dall, M. I), Fnosburgh Fall, Vt. The
book is full of valuable information,
and as the price is only 25 cent?, no
horse owner can afford to go without
it. Tho book can be had of the author
as above or at this 'lice.
Tin: sidewalks are ckowded,
and th". hovsi: is kcll Tnt: pko
plk A Kit rxriTKi) at the great, grand
new s!o.-k Solomon & Natkan have
gut in. Call l ilit away and see it, buy
and go Lome happv. Our Goods arcs
purchased direi?' from Importers in
No-York, from whence Mr. Xa;i;m
has just returned and the prices can
not be lower anywhere.
Our fiiend who U ro tern in
charge of the Enterprise is worried
over Ihtiso old side-walks on Waist St.
He don't like !? have strangers Strode
oier 'em and stub their toes. Go it
brother, if y-u can make any impress
ion there, you beat the IIeiiald: we've
been working six years on it. We
will prav for you every night pray
that your patience and yoar lifo r.i.iy
hold out until you see those new side
walk. Owiug to the crowded state of our
columns for the last twa weeks, we
omitted to notice our view of the new
residence of Mr. Jno. Fitzgerald, at
Lincoln, which w took during our
trip to the State Fair. It is situated
in thesouthwestern part of town, the
grounds surrounding it coaiprisj
ing some twelve or fourteen acres,
which have been finely laid out and
will eventually be very handsome. A
little po. id cemented and ornamented
with plants is on of tbe features of
the groands. The hou-e is large
enough to contain all Air. Fitzgerald's
friend?, and thev are many. Mr. and
Mrs. Fitgerald being absent wo did
nt go inside, so of tha interior deco
rations we shall have to speak anoth
er time, but the heart of tnaa could
scarcely wish a handsomer or more
commodious home, and we wish them
much pleasure in it.
w Department.
has added a News nd Stationery
Department to his Drug Store, and
will soon have a complete stock which
he invites all his customers to exam
ine. In addition he still carries a good
and well assarted stock of Drugs. A
complete line of Papeteries, writing
paper, envelopes, inks, pens, pencils,
c-hool books, slates and all the latest
publications on hand. Call and ex
The Georgia.
"A large audience greeted the Geor
gia Minstrels at the Academy of Music
last evening, and the troupe gave a
rollicking entertainment. The first
part was especially fine and the olio
revived in the ruiud of the writer
many plantation scenes of times gone
by and never to return. The Geor
gias make a specialty of genuine
negro minstrels and plantation charac
teristics, which are rendered in a man
ner that places them iu the ran of
minstrelsy. The troupe is a strong
cue, gives a good enteitainment and is
worthv of the largest patronage. Sag
inaw Enterprise. (Mich.) April 14, '78.
Kind's California Golden Com
pound. Is a strictly vejretab'.a preparation.
and wiil positively cure Dyspepsia,
Sick Headache, Acidity of Stomach, j
comin-, cf F"'.PailJ,.ll U f '
Stomach, Low Spirits, Biliousness, ;
rOIlstip;ition. .Tatindice. Liver Com
plaint or any affection of the Stomach
or Liver, in the shortest time possible.
You aro not asked to bnr tmtil yon
Y - n a tir tri- I. o f in va rva 4 1 intV HTVl A
fwr4 as y9tl 4u yonr existence, do
not. fail to icoto yi.ttr Th ticgist. L'TeOwly
The Greatest Skovr Conies Crowded
With Conipliuients.
Of the wonderfully immense and rc'rcly at
tractive ;rot Enropeau Kven Elephant Knil
road Menagerie and ciiTius of the princely Sells
Brother?, which will reach riattMuout fc hy ii.i
own superb special trains. on Saturday. Oft. -nil,
las Cincinnati Daily Enquirer cinphut'cnlly
r.f'-lairs that IfexceeCa In both fire, rcvrlty
j !:' expen-e, anythitis of the kind l;rrot-f rc
! utfmnli.a ara Iro'lmtf u imint'tr ntlier notlre-
itble feature, sereni lephant. thelarjrest uu ru
ber ever exhibited by anyone menagerie." No
other tent entertainment ever received such au
I unreserved indorsement from the Knq'.mer,
I and the key-nole tf compliment it thin cin
i .phatioally struck is echoed by t lie pre-:s through
out the lenijt It aid breadth of the laud, w ith
out the discord or a singe harsh or condemna
tory criticism. From this unparallellcd. bu tiu:
ipiestionably fully deserved. Kraml chorus ef
praises, we -tlect the following notes:
The shown the best now on the roaiV
Loi-isviily IKy. Daily New.
Every feature emphasized is presented, and
all or tliem are exceeaiuiy rare ulu inierei
lnsr. Pitt-burg Daily Leader.
It wan found necesHpry to nlop the sale of
tickets and close the door upon trie ciowin
wiuiout. Cleveland (o.) Daily lieraui.
In fact the whole i-liow mirpa-seJ tbe ex-pei-t:itK!is
of the niot critical. liay City
(Mich.) Daily Tribune.-
Justice coinnels tnj to sav that it was an hon
est show in every particular. Danville (111.)
Arnon the oevea elephant, the nui-sing
twin-babies rt::tct mucii aitcnuon, and their
jap-bottls were most ludlcroii". Pittsburg
uauy t oiiuuuiL-iai.
Extra seats had to be provided for the ac
commodation of Hi; vut tbroni: of visitor
w hn-if conliuuouf storm of applause aud roars
of laulilei sounded line the tnunuers oi oin
Erie when lashed by the storm. Cleveland (U,
Daily Plain Dealer.
E.pecial mention was mado of the "Willis
Cobb Miinatuiu t ireus, wlneli is witlioul a
doubt worth double the price of admission.
Elkhart ilnd.) Xaily Mwi.
T!ie animals exhibited are unusually fine. ai:d
are found us represented in the pres-s and on
t'ie bills. Youugriown (O.) Daily JJeister and
In addition to the rare and wonderful mirs
in,; tw in baby Elephants. prop;tiou tiatuie has
recently added to the maaagerie a baby Camel
ii baby llonWey, and alilterof baby Lions , con
stituting a very ""'I'l a'"' interesting "baby
miiio" Zoological Kindergarten, aud the only
one on the contiuent.
Program a e'
Of the Convert to be pi veu by the M. G. Cboir.
for the benefit of Kev. tl. V. DeLaMatyr at the
M. E. Church, l'riday oveuiug, September i'otii.
Opening Piece, (Greetin- Glse) Full Chorus.
Praver. by lie v. ti. W. l)el-i.Mat r.
'Hail Silent Nilit." (Male Quartette) Wind
bam. Crow, Cox and Mutz.
Music by the String P.aud.
-;ive the liey a chance," Mr. and Mrs Oito
Mutz fud Mr. (ireei:.
"Soldiers Dream Sonjr," (Solo with a vocal ac
companiment and full chorus.)
hiase. solo. 11. 11. Windham, and Otto and
Allert Mut. and Eussel oil chums.
Music by the baud.
Hunters' Chorus, full chorut uecompatiied by
Stnu Hand.
Molly Jonathan," G. W., Otie and Albert
Mnlz and Itussei.
Music by the Isand.
Keiiialo'Trio, iliv-un Dennison, Shryeck xnd
Profundo Passo. Otto and Albert Mat., Mrs.
Kulz aud Miss luyock.
Muhic by liie Paud.
-Itrir.g me the Bowl," G. W. Mutz and Miss
Male Duett. Albert Mutz and Uussel.
"C 'rossinji the Grar.d Sierras." Duett 1
Juisse? Dais and Cox. i'uil chorus accor.i-iiui-.'ii'ilbv
rttriu'K Band.
Star ui De-cejiitiiri Niubt." R. B. Windhr.m.
Ot'.o and Albert Muizaud II. liussei.
Music by tu- i; tnd.
"Him t.entiy i)u." imeir. m:hso MiryocK and
Mull is: Malz'and Wimlhain mi I'Iioiim.
Male Quartette. Allien and Otto Mutz, II.
nfis-i-l. I.. A. Moore..
Muic bv the Baud.
iU-.-:iai !.on. Mil. .1. V". M.irshsll,
Sorrnade. .Mist., itUfSt 1 and Cox. Missps Shi y
ocic ;i'.:d i 'ciiiissoli, accolapaiiicil by Mjijj
- We r.i e all Nodding." G. W . Mii'z. leader ;
Miss Flora Wise piesidin ut ttte orrtii.
Doors open at T :00 P. M. Concert CiHiitncncs
at 7 :MC P.M. Admission, Aiiulrs, L'Si-ents. Chil
dren. l." ee.its. Ticket1 can be purc:i;:seri at
liie i". O. T-iews liepot.
Vt anted!
Some potatoes and winter vegeta
bles on ttibsci iption. Bring "cm on.
Also some apples. tf
For Jale.
A tina lot of Slock Steers Will be
sold as cheap as any man can sell them
on the markot. Apply to
Sam Barker.
A red morocco pocket-book, nsar
Louisville, n tho 22d, containing
about 3'i J. By returning the same to
Flra Ktnaston, El in wood, Cas Co.,
Neb., the finder will be suitably re
warded. Slurried.
COOLEY CANADAY At Stddelinaitu's Pal
lors. Sept. Utti. 1ST. by A. N. Sullivan. Cou;;
tv Judy. Mn. Amikii and Mts
ALPHA I'ANAHAV; all of Couuly. Neli.
It doesn't eeui exactly appropriate for a fcl
lew tlsalV a lilt'.e Cooliyi to for Canadi(y.
rut her the oilier way. but we beir leave to
Asbure him that after he g.-ts p,tt Ihe Alpha
of married life, the climate may moderate ex
tremely. 1!:c Herald wi-!ies tbe happy
couple health and hapuiucs.
McNl'ltLIX SMITH In Plattsmoulli, Sept.
20tli. by A. N. Sullivan, at his o,Vi::e. ItOBKH f
ItcNi'Ki.ixrand Miss Mary e Smith ;
All of Cas Coiii-.ty, Neb.
Bleu ulilierS.
Ladies you cannot make fair skin,
rosy cheeks and sparkliiifj eyes witli
all the cosmetics ot France, or heautiii
ers of the world, while ia poor health,
ami nothing will f;ive yon such good
health, strength, buoyant spirits and
beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is cer
tain proof, bee another column!
"otice to Teachers.
I will be in fJreenwood ou Friday
and Saturday, Sept. 2Gth and
27th for the purpose of examining all
who may apP-y for teachers' certifi
cates. Also at Stove Creek School
house Monday aud Tuesday,, Sept. 29th,
an I .'JOth. D. L. Mautixdalk.
County Supt.
Acrostic Motto
Use "Western Iietaedies for western
Science demonstrates the wisdom of
this course.
Experience of every western family
"Where Brown's Family Medicines are
Buieka Ague Fills never fail to cure
the chills.
Salve, like Brown's Arnica, cures cuts,
burns, &c.
Tar Troches cure sore throat and clear'
the voice.
Ext. Blackberry and Ginger is a safo
Remedy for diarrhtea, dysantery, and
No family ia safe without it. It save3
Relief follows the use of German Ca
tarrh Cure.
Every trial confirms tho wisdom of
the people in
Making Brown's Liver Fills the Fam
ily Fill.
Each day gives praise to Brown's Cough
Doctors and druggists unite in saying
Invigorate your Liver and Blood by
Ext. Sarsaparilla, Dandelion and Iod.
Se formula on each bottle.
For sale by Dr.-W. E. Douelan, Chap
man ifc Smith, J. II. Buttery and O. 1
27tf riattsmouth, Xeb.
I'apcr is uow siuo--,tita'i.i-d for wcod ia
Gcruiuuy iu thu lnaiAiiucture of lca.l-j:eu-cils.
It is sttreped La i.a adhesive lituiJ,
uu i robed aiouud th core of lead to tbii
1 L-.Uiiti- tilicl.U
Election Notice-
Notice is hereby civen that on It. a 4th day of
November. A. D. li-T'. At t he usual places of
bold in eireiious in 1 lie various Pieejur's. ari
election be lield forthe iMirjioseof etcctin :
One Supreme Judge.
Two Ib-cenls of the Cui versify of Nebraska.
One Di-tricr-JuCLC.
One County Clerk.
f m I'onnty Treasurer.
One Ci'i:i;fy Sliei ift.
' One County .fudge.
One County .Superintendent cf Public In
struction. One Clerk of the District Couit.
One Countv Coroner.
One County Commissioner. First District..
One a s-c.n:o:
'.rue Supervisor for each I:oad District.
'1 wo .!:;.!: -es of tbe IViite.
Two Constables.
T bree ,Ii;i!es of Eiccllon.
Two l 'lei ks cf Elect ion.
I' is fuitlier orilered that the following prop
osition lie fubmittcd :
'Shall the Cot. my Commissioner l?ue Corpon
Bonds to the amount of Ten Thousand Doi
lais (S10.000 for the payment of Registered
warrants and outstanding iiirlebtedness
at:ainit the County General Fund: paid
bonds to be in sums of On llundied Dollars
each, to bear interest af the rate of seven per
cent, per annum, aud to run fiv? years."
"Shall the County Commissioners levy tax of
one quarter of a Miil on the Dollar for tho
payment of t lie annual interest on said Coup
on'Bonds until the same are paid.
The form in which said propositions sbo'.l be
taken shall be by ballot, ou ea.-li of which thall
be written or printed :
"For Coupon Bonds and Levy of Tax to Pay
AiiDii-al Interest." Or
'Against Coupon Bonds aud Levy of Tax to
Fav Annual Interest."
The Judges and Clerks of the regular elec
tion will receive liie ballots on issuat-ce of Cou
pon It nds and Levy of Tax. and deposit them
in a separate ballot box kept for that purpose,
they shall be counted and returned the name
asb'.llots iu General Election.
Whi'-h Election will be opened aj R o'clock a.
in., and w ill continue open ii'ii il 6 o'clock p. m.
of the same dav. Bv order of the County Com
missioners this l!l'(!aT of Sept.. 1S79.
J. D. Ti'TT, County Clerk.
Notice for Publication.
Lani Office at Lincoln, Nkb., I
September ISili, lsTu. f
Notice Is berebv given that tha fo!!owin
n;inid settler lias filed uoti.-e of his intention
to make final f.roof in mippoit oi his claim, and
secure final entrv thereof at the expiration of
thirty davs from'the date ofinis noiie, viz:
Alfrvd S. Cooley for tbe west baif south
eaisi iiuarterise') section eight (see 8) town
ship ten (10) range nine i9),east. and names the
following as his witnefiSHS viz : C. H. Kirkpat
nck.of Cass County. Nebraska, and Iienry
Carpenter of Cass Couuly, Nebraska.
Tt5 J. B. McDowki.i., Keitter.
liO ttHli .end 15 c. u in ntauips or currency
for a new Horse Book. It treats ail diseases,
has :t5 Cue eugiaviiurs showing positions a"um
e. bv ;ck horses, a table t f doses, a large col
IJOOK. lection of valuable recipes, rulee for
telling the aye of a horse, witfi au engraving
showing teeth of each year, and a large amount
of other valuable horse information. Dr. Win.
H. IIa-1 f ay. "I have bought books which I
have paid S.r and 10 for which 1 do not like as
well as I do yours." Send for a circular.
Agents wanted. B. J. RenJall, M. D., Fnos
burgh Fail;. Vt. '.'"Iy
KMKUAIilN This remarkable medicine
will cure Spavins, Splint. Curb, Callous, .c, or
ativ enlargement, and will remove the bunch
without blistering or causins a sore. No reiue
wl'AVIX dv ever ciicivcrea eipials it for
certainly of aciioii in stopping tlie lameness
iin.I removing Hie buiicli. Price Send
( I UK for eircn!r giving positive proof. Sold
hv ili uucists or sent bv tlit Inventor. B. J. Ken
dall, M. D., EiiosPin gh Falls, Vt. C. F. Good
man agent. Omaha. Nebiaska.
Boots and Shoes made to order and
warranted at M t rees'. 21lf
A good s-'cond-liand mower f.r
sale cheap for cash, or to ttade, by
20tf F. S. "White.
E. Rosenbaum has oi hand fresh
Milwaukee beer o:i draught, daily,
cool and nice. 14lf .
Scl. lit.' Milwaukee beer on draught
alwavs, at E. Rosenbaum's saloon,
l'lattsiiiouth. Neb. 14;f.
Some Bankrupt Boots and Shoes at
Merges. below wholesale prices. 1 1 f
Nebraska Peer,
at Antelopo Brewerv. Liticolu, Xcb.,
orders received and promptly
Agents here, Keenun &, Grace.
Aflfl A WKKK in vnur nn tow u. and no enp
ir:' ri-iked. You can e tin lei-iiie-s a
f fj 1 1 1 1 trial wiihont exnense. The best ojipoi
t p.iwit v ever ort r"d ! r tin-- vvil'iiu; to
work. Yoiis'io'il l trv nothitar c '' until von
sec for voi-.r-clf w ha! you c.:n do at the business
v.e o'fef. No room to cxplati! Iierc. You can
ilcvoie :ill vour time or o'.'.y your sp;iiv li'i.e to
t he busiiii -Vs. soul make pl eat pay for every
hour you work. Women make as much -.isiaeu.
.semi for special piivan- t-'ims and eailictiiars.
v. lii h we mail free. .?:. or.tiit fin'. Doli'i coiu
iilain of bard times while you have such a
chance. Address ii. H.vI.LKT &. CO., lVriiaiid,
Maine. 1;:
Tls!rf v f tlie be-sf ma!-:ers of the
World ci e coriipeiilo-" at t !':n is Kxposiiion.
a cabl dispatch to the A -s u vt'. ;l Pres-s says
t ao highest uold medals have l ecu awarded lo
the Aineii.-an makers. Mason ,; Hamlin.
AntcIoT'e Brewery,
Lincoln, Neb. Fresh good Beer on
k ind all the time. Order at once of
tho CouiDinv. or Keenaii it Grace,
Backh n's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum
Tetter, ('happed Hands. Chilblains
Corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions
This Salve is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction in every case or mon
ey refunded. Frice 2 ten is per box.
For sale by Smith & Black, Wholesale
and Relaii, Flattsmouth, Neb. 3-1 ly.
Merchant Tailors.
Uasgorshek Bros., Main Street, one
door east of Dovey's, are getting on a
fine assortment of domestic and im
ported cloths, which tiny invite every
one to call and examine. They guar
antee good work and fit, and will en
deavor to give satisfaction to all their
customers. Theirs being the only ex
clusive Merchant Tailoring Establish
ment in the city, they are able to give
their undivided attention to their
work, and their patrons may rest as
sured that every effort will be made to
please. Suits and single garments in
the latest stylos and the best of work.
Call :;nd see them. 2Cm2.
is hereby given to my many customers, J
that I have moved .my family and
household effects over my shop, on
lower Mai n Slrect, where I may be
found from now on, night oi day, rea
dy to attend to all orders promptly.
IIknky" JJokck.
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1878 all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plain! v labeled:
Flattsmouth, - - Nebraska.
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, -will be at the
following limes mid places:
At Flattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day iu March,. Tune and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice, of
other examinations will be given.
I). D. Maktixdale.
-ttrn Superintendent.
V.VJ (
rs ywg mm
You can get a good Watch, silver case, and American movement, fro-i
$10 to 35, warranted ("or one year and a good time keeper. Clocks Iror.i
1.50 to 85, each,
Cliff Pins, Neck Chains and Jewelry, from 50c to $2.50 per pair and set,
A large assortment of Silver and Seated Ware; good Castors for 2
Knives, Forks and
and the celebrated
Pocket Knives
4 V
for $3 per hundred. A
poloraMf icpnrtmcni "
j . O f
to B2 per dozen.
is, f
V 4
! "i
'A5 M
au y
'I M r. "
We will net "be
Estray Notice.
Taken up S.'pt. 'Jd. T7., by the Siilxcn'ter, I
1i iM-4 ei-Lt mile. .Mui!i of Piatti-iuo'.uh. t'assj
(. our.r y , Neli., one brow n l.inve, bol h hii:d feet j
and riLht f"re foot whir and smail white tj-.ot !
on lo.i-ucait, about t et e years i..;;
liiitc .1. I". Com;
Clerc Yi u cat! eia'ie nioney
V. J i:r J-t -ri i i iir I".. - il Wicks N
tr.n.'aitii XoMiiok or s i ell iiics
by selliiiL;
ver li"; il
ts each, a
fori'wet,ts. Scud si.uiitt f-irea'alf-'i 't Wen-
i!ei f :.l ! ii v:i:l ini's. i.i n!e :o:d l ii;c -mds. Par-
mils, Custer X Co., li". Clark St.. Chicago. I1116
a nnri A MONTH tnar:;uieel. Si.' a dav at
OOnn borne made, bv the indusi 1 Cap.
tS.lM iialnot required: we will .-tail you.
Vj Uy J.j. women, b..v- mid uirl- make inoii-
ev Lirter t ivurli for ns fhan at r.tivtiii.ui else.
'I he ork is li'-'ht !iud 'e.i-.i:r, a: d sue'i as any
one c:ii ;o risiil at. '1 hose w lio ar wist- who
t-ee this not ice w ili i-end us their addresses at
once and see for themselves. Co-tly outiit and
term-- tree. Mow i-, ilie time. Those alreadj
at work an laviiijr tip lar;;e sums f inoiiev
Addles-TUITC S; CO., Augut-ta. Maine. 131 y
Fiinipean liotel.
This is a new 1 otel, opposite the
Academy of Music, O street, Einccl::,
Nebiaska. 1. is iirst class in every
respect. Good sample rooms for com
mercial men. Terms, r?2 per day.
apiixcm: Bkooks,
441y Fiopiittors.
We win fmy Aa-:l:Wn'.ry ot I Urn per inuii'.li
tln.l exri'ii-, ,r n ; iovv r tin : corn.a-siou, to el I our
usw mnl wouHpr fill inTeni i.s. mrai vhat . sw.
btunolc r. Aaai ei3.-i;imxa ico. Uicb.
-Yl .tf;;.S f rc-ideuts v.arted. Cor?"
iiatii." atid i" cents we will sn-I
' you a l:ne ,si,.-c iiandkeriuiiei, err
thread silk. i;ei;oiar i n-,-, i.iui, . rosier.
X Co.. ij:Cl;:ik
: ivet. t luca;o.
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He
has v. large assortment. 2Stf.
A nTTl i '-'') A YKATJ. or S" to SJ0 a day
v' Ul ( I iii y'Hirow n locality. Norisk. AV'o
f" n. ill men ito as well ;is 'men. Many make
J i!iinv than t 'ie am uii! stated above.
No one can fail lo make money fa -t. Any one
can do tli. work. You can make from 50 cents
to Si an hour by d; vet ini; your evenines and
spare t ime to tlie businesn. "it costs noting to
try the luisiness. Notion:: like it for m uey
makin.r ever if!crd before. P.usines pl-'as int
aud .-1 . : ft y lioiioralile. Iteiider. if you v i-it to
know all about the b.-.f paying busiaess before
the public S"t:d us yr'ir address and we will
send ou full particulars and private terms f:re :
iampls worlh " ;i!so fret ; you can then mate
up vour mind for yourself. Address OKOlMK
bTlN-SON & CO., Portland. Maine. Uly
You JIusi Cure that Cotirh.
Y Ull .-Mllioll S consumption cure, you
-- . i t s- i .t
ean cure yourself. It litis t-staVdishod
the fact that Consumption can be
t .. i.:t. r ,, ,i . i.. .,i.;i;. on iiccoun i i-i :: a.i i ; i i. i uai a cei a ai it nioii
cllled, W lllle lor I ollghs, JJloliC.lltlS, ..,..,. :li, ,:;e.i i,v ,it pariim.oi
WllOOJiillg Cougl), Asthma, tllld all dis- throuch ids pretended Ati-uaey l.vr.iaa Krosi
.KW1 f Tlic.i it- -iinl I iinira it U -ilu',1. ! tt -aid Ausclnio P.. Saittli on or ai o':t ctobcr
eases or liao.lT, .Hid I.UIlgS, It Is ai)MJ- u,1)t j,s7,- -..i.-imiberiuK said premi bed.-eliir-i!
lutely without an equ;il, Two tloses
will relieve your child of ( is
pleasant to take and perfectly harmless
to the youngest child, and no mother
can affoid to be without it. You can
Hit two thirds of a bottle and if what
we say is not true we will refund the
price paid. Friee 10 els. oO els, and
$1,00 per bottle. If your Lungs are
sore or ( best or back lame use Shiloh's
Forous Fluster. Sold by Chapman &
Smith, Dnigjists ..,,..,
Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti
pated, have you a Yellow skin, Loss
if Apptite. ile;id Ache, if so don't fail
ZLH. It is guaranteed to relieve you.
and will you continue to suiter when
you can be cured on such teims as
these. Frico 10 cts. and To cts. Sold by
Chapman cc Smit 1 1 . Dm Lru'i sis.
Weil 'cTuuilTi I nine "TTa CKMK
TACIv" is rid. and fragrant, try it
Sold by Chapman Smith, Druggists
Flattsmouth Neb. 3;)iyeov
Louisville White aud Fira Kt-ick Vi'orks.
Capt. J. T. A. Hoover, Frop. Drick
of every kind "Wall, ornamental ; fire
brick especially for Lakers, Li ewers,
Foundry men. Sic. Write to J. T. A
Hoaver, Louio il'e, Neb. 16tf
rrm m km IV...MH.I 1
f-f sl K ') J-v,amm-t
Spoons, cheaper than ever.
3 iolion
A Inrop
Silver Steel Sd inirs. Harmonicas from 5c to ftli50
from 10c to 3 each. Razors, Strops, Ax.
for 84, and a 7
m .ill i eiij'i--.' nun
in (lie
FT3J21QS of all Kinds
Paspartools, and Card Frames, from 5c to 75 cents.
f3 l,,f M f-l W S-4 A
gj y
-CT V -i- .
we&imimm ef ZMz
Undersold in any Lino of
Probate Notice.
Iu the matter
te of Charles V. W.
'!. in t ii Couuty
Kasier l.ohc-iie. dei
ft V.l'l of .HSl'iPM'V.
1 joii read lie: am1, iilinu I In- il ul v vcriHed pe-
, tit ion of .1 1 hit i;a n.-r iiiav : lie t hat a dm inisi rat Ion
t '-r ' :,.e it.ti e o: i ' liaries P. y. isf - l.olo-di..
! Oe-i ea.-cil. Ii- LCi-i:it-tl to liie f-'lM .lo!:n l.a'.'.er.
Ordered that not ice of : lie j e-'di-rcy of taid
i cause Ii- published i:i tiie Xcbra-ka IIkrai i, a
! w i e!;!y lie r. spajie; , i i!i!. d. published and in
j r"i:i 1 :;1 cii cul it ion in s.-.M couiil y f i three eon-
necuiive weeks. sml that the beciir.if ot said
i j'-')' ','1 :",r li e Jtl, day f ortoher. A D. .
'"'"I' V K' at . ' '"''"V' ,,f ,."''
oi.n. y .! a.ii-.-, :ll Plattsmouth at winch time
and i.'.ace, all per-oie inteieKted may appear
I -' .":'"". .""'"'. if, ' , ; have, why
a'i::iii;tsir uion i i said estate. Hniniil not tie
Cranled to the said .lelin llaner. accordiiig to
the prayer of said iieiitioii.
a. sri.i.ivAX.
Coieity Jade.
Plattsnioutii. September nth, tsT-ii :.
Chattel Mcrtiraffe Sale.
ii!ii'. i l:el;-l-:V l.iven l-v :;-Tlle of :l '
Chatt! Moitja'.re in ide by M. IJ." Chevroiit in
favor or til e niiders -.i ul. "dated A p: il is: h. IsTa
a ;. v of which ahl ii:.t;.'i M'e wastlh-d
in tin- ieik's oftiee o t'.i.s l Neliraska.
iin t he L'd day of May. is,9. u.i.ia w inch said
ii;.-t! .-.'.-;- then ;s due t i i - l-'.tii day of S-ptem-lier,
!.-7:i, one I: :!'.! i ed el-t'it y -two and fourteen
oi:.- liiui.lieilll.-: doiiills 1 I sj. 1 i . I
w ill .11 ;it piihhe Miction in the l-uii liair now
o -cuiiieil by r-aid irooilv, in the tov 'i of (livi'ii
v.iua!. County and xtaie .if 're-aid o:i the tun
lay o! October. ls7J. at one o'clock P. M.. liie
property described in said :,i e er lire to-wit:
one stuck of j'oodsand inerchatidi'-o eonsistin;;
of staple and faucv jrrocer'es. .:; i's ;i:id lobac
eiis. at j recti w e.oif. Ni'brast-.a. to pay t he amount
due a aforsaid on tle Cel l seemed bv said
pioi tirade ai'.d the costs of Taking, keeping ad-
, tisin; and S'-lliu? said pr ijcrtv.
S. W. PA YN K,
l:y Kkkson Srr.wART, Mort-,:igee.
l-,i.j Ins Attorney.
Legal Notice.
In tb District Court within and for the county
of Cass and State o! Nebraska.
Clamoie 1 n'i-f.l hi i -toplier i.ilii- i ,,,.,:t ,(
bridsie and Adolpli Suau-e, )" 1 'U1U'11
I.v.n in Fro-.!. L tur.i A. Frist. p,y- j
rn li. Parliimn iind A list lino it. -De fen Vs.
Mini', it.
The ab ve ii:'::ied Detecdiiii: s and particular
ly I'jiv.n K. Far!:'ati of the Si.iie d Coknailit
will t" i.' notie- th it th ab.ive i i at- t ptaiuti'Is
itid on or about the 2:5d day ui .laly ls7:t fii
' hi ir pet i! ion ia tho D strict Court w ithin and
for ii.v comity of.t'.i-.- aiid sia:.- of Ncbrask i.
I'-ramsl tin-saal I.vii'.au 1-ro-t. Laura A. Frost.
i'.vnei IC. Parliman iin-l Aiiselmo 11. Smith. Dc
1 fen laiits, s -t!ii i: foMli lht said i.yi'iau Fro-t
: waitlie re;.l;.u I I o.iali'le ow in r of the south
; ea-t iptai tt-r is e ' i of section thirty one C;ii
tow nsl.i ji t v. el ve 1 12 -ran.;;: nine C.n cast, Cass
( '-.'.:it y. N'ei.'--.i- .tyinji tnat the same
niiuiit'be erdei'ei! and decreed to sold and slib
; jerie,! to I lit payment and sa.!.if;ictioa of -r-tiiiii
jvil rnu-.ii s v. Tiicil lie said Plaiutil'ts had
! eaea irntiv i luat'.v '.!. .";;a:nst the
I s. oil I. ;. lan Frost in I .:t!ie.;s!'r county. Nebras
! Ka. ami pmviii;: also that a certain nee. I mad .-
' l- I t i i i 1 1 1. i-.if !..'! I i i t i- i . . . t ...iiioVliiir 1
; v. - 7,,:'"',; , ' rV' ', .-',,,: ;
lv lAi.iau Kriist and Laur;i A. Kinl, e
I'l-iii on or at om tii" 1st day of May. IsTii. be set j
aside, t aac'.lled an 1 decreed to be null and void
on i'.ecouiM ol tra.i t ; : i i. mat a ceiiain mori-
nu'd. voul aad fraud:. lent, au-l canceled ol re
cord . toii'-ther with oilier relief id w!l:.'",l p--tition
the "aid Defendants are referred for
further particulars. And liie said Ityrou K
Parliman i-not iheil that lie is ret-uired to ap
pe tr and u:is-1 r said pet it e 01 on or before the
second Mondav in N leveei!-!-. 1 ! ', 1 'in- t!:ti
1'itii ay o saidmonth. T. M. M Al.gCI.'lT
At-irney for l iaincifs.
Dated September fth. ls7;i. vt 1
"Dr n;l Tv nl ii:n
xwuiu. xwLivjv,.
T nil irht'in it limy i ' , a:
TNotiee is hel-b "ive.l thct n"pl!"ilion ha.'"
been made tor the opeuini; of a it a i ue-c.:i:e'i
follow s : Coiiilaei.i !-; at tii.- soui ii ;' cor-
ner ot the noi ill wes. i;ii irtcr ui ' ,. of the
nortli west ipiarter i li w '4mi sf-rtin thirteen
Ca town twelve tt.'i r:t :-.-- Si.'.t leen (:!'
imrtli one mile an.l o::.- .je. '.rier and ea.lii::' ;.!
i he coi iier to sect iors l. , ii ami u tow n '.2
ra.iie pi : el.iiiiis for damage-must be ii! d iii
I lie Coii:d t i-i k "s oliii'e. by i.ooii n ti e t.H
day of Noveiiiin'i', A. O. !s;:i, ..- Mich road vol
bf opened without refert nc- ttiereto.
Jit") .1. I 1 1 tt, Co'inty Clerk.
Siieriirs Sale.
P.v virtue of an o'-ilor ol sa'e issued bv V-'i.i.
I.. V. i ils. Clerk of tin- District ' ourt wiihiii
and for .'ii-a County. Nebraska, and to i:ir ili
rceled. I iii on liie i!: .': of October, A. l.
ls7H. at 10 (i'e'iock. A. M.. of - aid it.iy. ar the
Sm it h door of t he Court I louse ia s.dd County,
soli at public atletioa the foilowiii'i real I"."
to-wit: 'liie noi : h w ;. ou. liter in. w. '.o of
section thirtv-liv.- ::,, lo-.vnshiji thirteen fin
north of r inee .ve've i t-jt eas' of the P. M.
i'l Cass Co::,iv. Ncbr:t-i::i. Tie same being
levied upon a .;! pike?" as ! he pro: a-; : y of Cat -
ei in lie-Lli.-.rt. Piainti'.f : to satisfy i:el .'iioa.t
i f said 1 uii. t
c.'ivcr.-i i.v.l. an !, i ie.
" M. v. . ll VCIts.
Siicibr. Cass Co. Neb.
'.- UA
1 laltiiaoarli, .jt.i. A. H. 1- . '.
m m m
Drti. of Goods until jow have
Accordeons from 81.50 to $10 each.
assortment oi Violin
shooting Revolver for
i in inn ;i i i, 111:1 i iiviiii ji
o,,e lw.
Cabinet cards, ft4 per
lit. 'ed
y lip
1 L-a
. r -
R f! H J3
r- v s uii
V. J
iliiVe5' Cut! "J v
Qi mJ 4X. sj .. U . M.1
Goods. Watch Work Bone,
Cedar Creole. Cass,
LZ .", T.r-i TT".l ""'.Ti
eT"! -r?ir7 ert'-o
Slsis Crss.i iBSs
Highest market
kinds of Grain, n Cash, or will
produce in exchange for goods.
Having now iot our Stock
opened, we invite all to call and
Le.2:al Notice.
To Moses W. Sargent, uoii-resj ;(
'oii aro i!cr"ay not iia-d ! h..t Oil
A'.t'i.-'. . 1'. ts7i, I".
-i -1 1 1 i'i; intirt. d.d file her r
nt Dr-fci-i'ant.
t he i i'.l . ot
i. r the u ,-!.-; -
tlii'ai ir, II'.:'
I.':-t:ic C.-urt f the J l .!aliri
Slate of Nci-ra-ka 1 el.l :n and
of Cass in (aitl Slate of N"ebia'-.. -i
J tic objection of said in t il ion and aeiion
e-i al'lisli said plain i ill 's absoi ut o- 'i -i -1
Mid to the Norlli oae half iii ' . i i f 111.' in.", i
v. -'.-it om;;: tr r ( n w ;-.) of s - ;-i : -n t!i:rty ' ia
township eleven ill north ia n !'- id je i:n-::-!
!' the Oi ii Pi incipa! Me rid I a u iu ihe cm, a' v of
Cass in the State m Nebraska : Sat! pet l c.t
alleges that ytt have i!ivestd sit. I Pi tialii's
iin ney t ) the atii-iaiit of sl.'Ji ii.'j!) iii said r-a!
esi a'.e,i!iid iiave taken t!:e b-vral l. tie I la it i f ;i
vour ow n name without the e-eietit o! sail
Plaint ill. and t lie prayer of said pet :! ion is : aat
said plaint ill be decreed to ha the ..I -olate : r
f r of said re il estate a:.d that you tin: sai l ! :
fere. laid be forever i cl i I. ji and 1 li iad tioui
aay il'teie: or i !a iiii io or to -.-.i 1 leal e ta:.-.
i,t are reeivreu aa-vver i:i -aid :n !:; oil nv
belore the - ilh .lav of A I
Ll 0
Ml DDI.ll.
Hi'NTFR & S.w. v.n. A'torneys for
Dated Septemii rfi:h, IS. a.
Notice of Incorporation.
Not ice is hereby ei veil that the South I'erd
!!i idire Co. have tiled with Secretary of -i ,:t.
and in t In count i-js oft ass j,,i.i s 'ip y, a i . ieies
of Ine.'irporation. I lie pi i: i-: (irt I place of bus-:-liessof
said Coui)i o.y s1::!!! be at Sm 1 1: l!e:al,
Cass Cotinty. Nei r. -l.a.. The objes t if said
' in pan y i- lo hit: Id aad maiutaia a :i;uii toll
br:d: e across fbr Pla'Te riv r, at -r I." ir s. i;;i;
Ileaii. i he aueuat .( Capita! --tuck : ::..:i
ed is ;(..(i -o w liii li is o be paid ia o-il.,
Jtr-c f sfoeU. Tin I hue t coiiHiO-ra'.-i.iei. I of
busiae.s Vuv s:ii. !s7:. l i.i.tiiata.a t.i
j li:-ne-t amoaa: -. I;.ib-'.e.liie,s t.
n , i.i ! :.. oi p,o ; ;oa i.-. at aay t ::i.e lo si.l
1 sel: is .-:'. .'.no.- a.
j 1 le-otta'. s i-f sail! .t.:p-:ny t-iiall .-o
I a iio.iid of saven liii e.-l ns. Iron', v. honi
elected a Ptx-ji.lont. r-.--!-t:;ry a::-! 'i
'V. W. K)i ' r At N ;. Pi
! i . '. I'M.!., ! rea-i: ir.
i 2 It." C ! ' . I I v t ': . sc.-re!
w !ia I:
el it-
: -i d f
I, a 1 be
Legal Notice.
To Abstoii L. I'.i.l KC. 'inll-O viii-nt. I Icfell'' :o.T.
Yoii are ber.-bv not tie-.i liial ti! I lie i d:f
Al'a-'U-t. A. D. l7't. V i: "1 K. iiu.-k, t he d" .-r -siiiei.
PI -ti i; t : fi ttid ilie her pe'ifoa in ti:; Dis
trict Court of the 'Jd .Indicia! P, -.'. r oi tl.
State of Ncl raslat held in aad f -.r :i:i- Cn-irity
ef Chs- ill the Si e. of N e brash a. a: I a-1 on :
The object of --i:d p ti' ion ::"1 ac. aei .- . n!..
tain a dei K-e oldiViiee. ei-si. v a ii'i. .1-t- l ,'
t lie Ma 1 1 la..'- o i ii j:-.' .; ei-;;::; t,.!i-. a -stif
aint I'ii-.llltiil'. Sttld to obtai'l He: - :
::s:d c.s.v.'y i,..' - 'id i lal-llfl of t'.e IT !:.:
i:re:i if .-ac'li laaf i i';-. nj on the ...,..!
on b-;::,; ol flaili-v to ;i nii-M;ii-
I ati!
iaii-n nice !! saal l-.-ia-i:.: a-d la-r
j lour ailii "a, i.oi a t.T h- r
I 'on ha e ; ; y . : .v . j e -a la
wa.iton'v Sl'ld cft.-;; I ; i' i-d :
i tod". Vo.i nr" re: :';i ii to ais
rn.i.;. v , ,-.
I .
el ;.
n or be
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