1 I ; f ii ) "i i t THE HERALD. CORRESPONDENCE. I'lcasant Hill INcicm. Kd. Herald: rarracrs are finish ing haying. Some are pelting ready to gather corn. Corn is ripening rapidly, but with ho doubt that the crop will be extra. 2ioxor. :;nd Garison bavt bought a threshing machine, and are doing i.ear j r.ll tb thrf-.sliing in our vicinity. Yi'heat is f l etter quality than l first supposed. Our six mouths term of fcIiooI, ccn ducted by C. W. Showallei comtntnctil Sept. 1. Vfiu. Ncltir.g Lris coiv.uienctd build ing a barn 40x4i. A few farniirs arc leaving our vi cinity, to go west ana tal:e hoi.u-stca.l.s. Miss May field is quite ill. Mr. T.J. Todd h:is returned from bis visit to Ohitf, and lool.s as healthy us fever. Edward Todd ha.s couiiucitCid mak Sorghum; he says c.vie is of better quality thi year than for the hist few years. 2-,'ic Holmes who was injured some time ago by falling out of the waon, is getting about again. J. C. Ward, (the bachelor) who weut to Ohio some time ngo, Iirs become heir to an estate of S-1'.-oo.OO and mar ried one of the finest damsels in Ohio. MtMBUK OF TIIU E. W. Greenwood I. sea!;. Where is Nubbins? Greenwood is growing fast. The threshing machine is heard ou every hand, and farmers are bringing in their grain. Pour firms dealing in grain here. A board of trade is the Utct. sensa tion here, t'-ie members thereof are a jovial set. Quackenbush biros, sell lots of lum ber. Oar enterpising liveryman Hackney Las enlarged and bcsutiCeel hb resi dence lately. "V ilium Kimberly is building a fine residence in North Greenwood. Jame3 S. Teland is also building a handsorao residence in South Green wood. Kev. Mr. Mullis of the Christian church, preached to thj people here last Saturday night, Sunday morning, and Sunday night. We would jude him to be a well educated and talented Ulill. Tho Greenwood school commenced a week ago to-day, Principal, A. E. Russell. The Iiepablican voters of Salt Creek precinct are requested to meet t.l the Greenwood school house, ou Saturday eveaiag, Sept. 13th, l'-K at 7 u'clock, p. Li., fwr the purposo cf tlectii.g tWI' patts to attend ti e County Coneiitio:i sit Weeping Water, Saturday, Septem ber 20th, 137i, and such other Uiiiiu.i may come before tho meeLiug. Aueirs. II: gltt Mile Grove Nots. Very dry. llayianking in f till e;in (St. Tlucshi;i" 1'ari.ly tlano, v.iieat runninz from 10 to 1j 1 u. rer "ro, cats 20 to 2, barley about 1-1 bu. Com will bo some li-Ller tlian expected, but v.-ill ir.:ike i fcoud croi lit-vfirtLoless. Qaite a jiumbtr of the be.si of Fbttts r.iouthians, fen 1 of sport, were tbro;:h this iieiglibcibu.nl, slay in- chickens; tber were in ehure cf tbe sheriff. Too much beer of late iu this neigh bor. Oa the l.Uht of Auj. 30, tht 10 was free beer at Cedar Creek, to intro duce the new s:o'.c, beer at a roi.'ial uauca at. T. Ti.L-iolfs, r.i beer at Jlei iinger's caru.-inj ground; at the Inst placa tbe crowd v. ar! too small, sa they filled themselves with beer, and inada for Tliieioif's to break: up the dante, which rcsaltrd ia a few blows, and if tho l arty at the dance had been of the earae nature, a general fight would 1 ive been the tr.d. The sudden death of Mr. Wni. I.oh- t ider must be nssigued to too much leer. Mr. Loheider lived with Jolin Jiucr for several years, and was oue of the best of the young meu in this neighborhood. He farmed for himself, and wm wbll respected; he was uot evert what is c tiled a moderate drink tr, but would take a gla3 of beer at rare occasions, and death was the re sult. The flood Templars have partly fin ished their hall, upstairs in t he school house t Pleasant ltidge, where they will meet regularly. tleorce Vttter. from Tekin, Ills., is Jure visiting fiiends and viewing the country; he ii well j a.cd with both, uud speaks favorably for 1'IatUmouth. Hoke Anon. Frank Leslie's Suaday JlPfarlud For C-clJer. Is one of the most intcresiiag jet is sued of this brilliant periodical, llve rj stylo of literature is found in its pages, and it is of the very highest standard. The present number is even more crowded than usual with such reading as canr.ut fail to entertain and instruct, and to exercise a beneficial effect ea the reader. Ths editor has reproduced, hi eoi.r.r-cliott "with ppo biU illustrations. M.i-aulay's tl iboi a ed biographical aai critical iith:l on rtiH Pilgrim's Prdgr.:ss,' which is hcI ruitttHl I y critic! as the best tiling whie.h has ever been written concern ing Uunyan. Another admirable ar ticle is enli.ied "llecollections of Auld Keekie," in which the Kev. Kebert Ir vine gives pleasant reminiscences of Chalmers. JeiTrey, Wil.on aud others who made Edinburgh famous s.-me fifty vears aga. Go.lirey A. Jl'iJfn. in tlie paper "An African Ihshcp, rives a sketch of the career of a native African who was sold as a slave when a mere boy, captured from a slave ship and sent U Sierra Leon. where be was educated, received the degree of I). J.. and finally became llishop of Xigtr, ia Africa. The department cf tictnn wmontains excellent stories by popular "fritcrs. The illustrated papers, de picting tho manners, eustems and ! aspec'.s cf various countries, are re idte with interest and information. "Whittington "Without His Cat," giv-s autbentic and carious details of the Mfe -yi the celebrated Mayor of I,odc?.' There are poruis ef great merit by Alice Carey. Mamie Uacoi:, Edwin Ar- nold, the editor, etc., etc.; a very abun dant miscellany, tke 1'opular Exegesis, siud t h editor in "At Heme and Abroad"' presents a condensed survey os w hat is goikg wn in the religious world, and speaks of several topics of current interest. The number con tains 12 quarto pages and over 100 il lustrations. The price of a bingle nu ruber is 2? cents, and the Btibscrip tioa a year, piepaid. Frank Leslie's 1'nblishing House, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, Xew York. APJFORD9 KADIOAL. OURE For CATARRH Fr?TTTY r-licres and p?rrrfmentl7 enr thfa loathsome Clvivii a ull iu varying ;;. rs (nA.H g tuo aoc-lincg tuvl liea.ir.tf irorertle of luit(. lierbj and bark l:i tiieir cnee.it iil fori, frpa rum hi TV filji'ou roiitaxi:iiitli,ii, au4 i-i tUls ro l.cot ciC ra froLi ev.-rjr ot.i.jr haoir reniedr. la one iticrt year it lia foan.U' way fi urn tuo Atlantio to tlio I'w Ucrus(, tail V b-rc.-cr known tan tx corao til stj'Jjri truij ! it Uio fi-at-nTit cf C tarrti. TUo rrt-rrlelji'B Uva ,con itte.l cpoa by p.titioni n cf ni-.ttor.&l pctnr!m li.) havu b.a urd t- t!.: rcirej. j-. ami :ave,at cocsiji--r-eti exf.-c' esul t.-rncrel t.-nible, irrl tn pood ix th-onh.!:t tin c'r ;k- la ulilca tbey rnnvf. Tt?n jon hear a wrait'.y jrentleman f In t ililror.iie an I r-Lnrm-nt e-".r, I owe my Ufa t f-'anlvrd's Iuwilr-.l Cor"," y ii r.r.y lAtl nM-in-.l tiiat It U n ar-.K'T" cf trsi vis.. tlod wortfc to br.)e.nltiuija toataailarj x:KilicLm; vX Ui day. f 'tis bficft I dtrrlTo tea Ms dCr nsa b to iao Ui.X WXIXG, cf Wtli, Fakoo i Co. IT has enroll ins af.er twclro rear cf cnloti ru;t! Bur-n?. j Cto. W. iioCGHTO, TTAXTfiAX, Mam. IrOLLOWKHttf !!n-c ti.r!i to tTie letter and sm Lpy fia I t'ntf ha1 1 j-rmaiiiit euro. 1). V. CiAV, M. V., ili-acATLSs, Iowa. IITAVE rwwiTU)CT1'1 It to (jilti (i PnTrber of my fiisri'ie, ell cf wUoru ha') cxprfracd to tnlr tilt.li wllsata of ii t1bi tad t'd tffocta WUlI Uieci. "M- bowe. ics ri.Ti et Er. Lena. ATTTR qxIb? Xvo t.c'.tlea I fnd rerelf prm. i-cct':y r.urfl. I liav lai:o rcommaad?t OTertM kiuJrpd bottloa wti' tti ere&toat auo aoa. , - Wil. w. AllIbriiOXfi, lii UiEiijso At:., Dostojt. if r.early una year ar.d cen a.-.y candidly tbat trc never tcl a F.rmlar rr,ftrl'-.u th-t ave pacfc universal BatHlactljo, Vr a liavay jt tj lcaro of Uuj tXJt rcrr:pb.:rt. . L. LADVn:? & C0.,T7AJSi.ic-T0, lira. THK car prr-ctoi in r. y c i-'f Arr onTi-a ILtrrs. caL ( s ue v- viso rci:iarka:.lo tlrat It aeeute4 o tnoau v i j o liad a jurrcl u-2:.oi;t relief from 2 oi ar usual rfiiicditrtQnt could r.tjt ta frua tbcrvfore inJa aldavit ta li be.'nre Seta Vboma. Fu . J-vs; ici cf this FaH. Hottnn. Fach parlcajri cf S ASroxrn Hathcat, Ccrs civ talr.a Ir. Pai.IorJ'R Isit-rovr-i I nUalliiif Tob. and P U itr'C.iuiu f .r lis ur in oil case j. Ttico. Il ea irl'? by u.l vhcjlnkul-: ti i n-till riromlsu ij f -ilcnijronj-hc:' rue Ct'.t.od Stit.a RudCaidaa. V Et'KS i 1 01 Ti.il. Gnril Au.ril3 aad Tv'liol UOLTI i Pi An Xlectr(v022van!a T3rtirry combined with a hfsUly Hilctct Gj-eottienJnj Flastcr, forcJ:f tiia lct Planter for put Cnr?-r-?;. 1 cnt for ono or COIXIX'S VOt TAIC IT. ?Ti;:Sd, and it beta of prat baoelTS In raduclng- aawalilai la njy l.-rt aids Ibat twopijy Iciaua pronounced l.n'.arjrjairct cf tbe bplMoi one pro jooucad ii u ovria.-i 1 nracr. I.. A. LXiTEK. Ctkhiuu, Ltd, ITarrh 10. HT?. lEHEY AESTES E23T. ufT,-m Encloeol yon will enfl I wlan yea oull B.iul ri i ;i.-'er Uozca of your COLLlNo VOA.TA1C FLASi tHS. l y tbo aCov Eo will bmwj Ca I cn dJBCii;c'JiiD(ttij helpntuera i aorac vtt ven If I aro o -t blo t j be np uod round. 'I aere txe a ocaihtr a bo havn tried your plaatara who bad grlv-a oit thfct ail piasters waro rood fjrcothlnc.ani now Join with mo that tlwy era the bt liiry biv erert-lod. I bavo arot alonir tela vlcter better than I bava before in tbrea fear. Yi BiKd 1 evil J bars Leurd of your olaatoia feWure. lour. c, LOtETTA M. C20S3. rAXiSTOS S?A, K. YMirca 27. 1ST.. Trioo, 135 Ccnt. Eeeartfol ta call for COLLINS' VOLTAIC IT. A ? ,."ly"n woni.lwa Imitation. 8okl fcy all WTiolric and retail L'rur?1tta Wir..uhooC JSe I nlted Butt and Canadua, and by "WKyU A. tOTltii. ProprtclorB.BotoB7Maia. Millions cf Motiiora esinvts their tie light over Castfrin. It is calure's remedy f jr assiiuilatiac tho food. Unlike Cas tor Oil, it jj j,!crsfiiit o tato, nn.l unlike Eicrpiiiao Syrup.', it ii bariu'.eis. Cast;r:;i regulates tlie Bowels, destroys Vorms, Cures Sour Curd and W ind Coi'C' and allays Feverishness. V,'hnt cives health to tho Child, rroinotes rest for the Mother. Chilurea Cry f jt Pitch er's Castoria. It is the most reliable effective and popular article di?ieneJ by Druggists. Since llealins remedies liave been used by SUFFERING MAN has there been known such absolute Fain relieving agents as the 0ENTATJR INIMENTS. They soothe, lieal, end cure. They IIKAL. Cuts, Wounds. Galls, Old-Sores, Broken-breasts and Soro Nipples; Cl'KE Pain in the Eack, Rheumatism, Scia tica, Lumbago, Neuralgia., L'ar-Ache, Tetter, rimples. Itch. Salt llheuin, end all Flesh, Cone and Muscle ailments of Animals : SVKIJl'K Inflammation and Swcllinps; I1KLI EVE Boils, Felccy.ricers. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Croup and Quiney ; KXTKACT-Pain from Burns. Scalds, Stines, Frost-bites, Sprains and Bruises. Tho experience of ccuturics has made the CENTAUR Liniments , ttie most speedy and effective curative agents for MAN and BEAST the world ha3 erer known. The Centaur LINISV1ENTS hare relieved more hed-ridden Crip ples t healed more frightful wonnds, and saved more valuable animals than all other liniments, ointments, oils, extracts, llasters and s.j-callcd "pain killers" and 'skin cures" combined. Physicians end Veterinary Surgeons en-duri-e the Centanr Liniment.; millions of men. women and children in all countries xi s a them, and Housekeepers, Fanners, Planters, Travelers. Liverymen, Teamsters and Stock-growers, are their patrons. They arc clean, they arc handy, they are cheap, and they aro reliable. There is r.o ache, pain, or swelling which they will not alle Tiate. subdue, or cure. Sold throughout THE HABITABLE GLOBE for 50 cts. and Sl.OO a bottle. Trial bottles, 23 cts. tra rr1 a.-. U w St7T, Ci 11 11 AGE awl ORNA MENTAL I'AlNTEli, 1. JS Sliop over the Jirielc liock next to II Iloecfc'p. ri.ATTSy.Ol.TH, -- - - - KB IMMUlta liiw iin OLD m HELIADLE. S fD.T. JjAxror.is L.:v7T3 Ixviooratos fia a Staad.inl Paraily V. unedv for jj-lisjars of the Liver, Jluaia Sti t!'(:-rr$ ana lowe:s. It is 1'ureir -j:.T f . .ab, aC e. H . Pi vn .,v- 5 1 J : 0V1V-3 M ' :" .: "Invi-orator. WAA..;p r, r. : e for g i r c ular LOUISVILLE MILLS, A. H. Jackman & Sons. I'RO r It I KTO US. ilanufacturcrs cf Flour eai, ETC, AND Shippers of Grain. if:leeiul attatio:i given to all khi.ls t Cus to:n (ainding. LOUISVILLE. CASS C'OfXTY, 5tt NKKUASKA G. HATT i. .a- .?r.-;r ori-:Ni:: acaix, Yf?-", Clam, first Chtss Meat Shop, oil Main Street in Trod Kinrhl. t'h M.uu! Kvcia boiiv en hand ir.v fres!:, tondi-r tuvnt. FiattTValley Herd of POLAND-CHINA .3 7-."-"c CLAIoK wki.i-im; water. ... :;r.n. J.JrKOIst'rf U Stock for sale. I3mn ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND 1JLACKM1TII SHOP. Yfagon, Jiuj:jy, Sfaohhir awl Plow re- pairing, anil ytnerul jobbing I ain now i,i'ei'.'.ri,:l to do all kinds nf re!iiiii::i; of f:kl in an,i 01 ln r nui-iiint-ry, ;.s U,i;ic i a good Itiilie in n:y s.ii'i'. VET Eli HAD EN, The old Reliable Wason Maker ba5t:ikea charge of the wagon sliop. lie is well knu.ii as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. K:w AVasons anil I! tijfiei made to Onler. SAT 1 S FA CTI t)N G V A B A X T f EP. Shop on SixtliStreet tiyposite 9:rei-lit's Stable rVcgehdjle. It never W 1 713 j Dbbilitatcs-Itia gF.M H Cathartic anJ P,f 5 jTonic.VH j H -l- S U Vrf ' m "mO? ! - iar.-.-n.a..t tcu-t ....-! o.. 6 1 ..r ? f V v S S ! Vc' .t r? :-u f.i ktnp i.- c.... mjc bv c;..-' 2 fjgKJ I biUDShiLLjO tii,-.v . & w" u p .-j K .1-5 ft, 4 d -n .3 u2 n pq ci ex r r 0 0 g 1 H R? ' -a U u t 0 s s 5 P7.0F. HARRIS' RADICAL CURE 103, S?IR?JATTOEE(EA. nib: j and Nfw ei luir ii ! Nc ami 't4;tvp'y ( C t f ?i.U iin.aneit l ure tt hemtnai fjiiistion & Ixnpoter.oy tf oilw true ,wy. viz: Lireo't At plication tu liit irut- 9he 1 5 f f 3 tti-rl. Ttltl c!ral -et cf tlic Iira'o, nrting I v Ab' crrt:on. art! r nt-r-t t;x it p:Jic jufu -nre on fcf-niinp i t le EjaP nl.ttorv laLs,irttct to Uind luui Urf tira. Tiiew- ! t l;e lirtuly it a tc!(i.-i Willi ro paii; r inrciivt-n cn e. r is q-iirkly i'ivl and on nhorLil, pn iiHr r)(an in; media: a srf:ihi::X pi rtrtie rftori ..po. the uai and hcrvuiis t: n:ua:i'.ii wrrrkr trcm .ll-.Lu i i kcei, t?cfpi? liie drjAt. truin tl-p t tni, rt-tr. 1 'irtVriiMdl't 'i.'ii tu a(i pou.:d iriomrry. ri'w ttvinj t.' Diraaosi of Hthr.. Kcrv us tvbtltty. Cot,f'ioa 6f Id, is, AvrT3.o:i t5Soe:c ty. I"-io.I c. ami the art tcr- rr-; oi prenu'-uro oi'l r uwr.' y art-iiiar iw- thia I ou'.t f, n;t ri t)ri vz pr- -t Pfyu .i Vior, ttcrv it hm U-'i drHiai!t tr yi3 '1 hit it - 'r tt tr'-ntinent hat ttU trirstin vcit i cfije i, ii.id it ni prot'ourc.-'l niit-n. Dru-;s ur;.)n r-n-A ii--TtivO in i txonb!f, ii .'. ii i 1-. i i m !.r v. .,t . t", v .'i; !im- ii t- ii - f l-- 14- r1, i.-d. "1 - i I :-" l T..- ..: f , .rf JTS f,a;a t m. t-n rI '.')- i n -.-. . i. ; t i t ; v t.-e tl:nt i vill r.i nM.f t ou. Vtf.ti t..- eU'ivt rST!.t tt '..rf1 fcrv 1 !1 i.rC. V ii'lM- t .1. .;;t!' t-n;l... ;:... nt ! ': xile, t : 1 i: : r t co.-t-U-a I y MM:n;1 !.-. f . to t c n (-T rj:i -ni.t r !" '.ii iv-: f I ( t i .-ut-r ; t".! 1 1. 1 rr 1 i i vi-r ) r'v- i.: :l t--.fj; ic. t t is v -1 h t.i I v tj. c t H't!" 4 v tti n b'.i-n-. i. i v ' i ii r i rf v tA : . .a ! Tit .r .I-. '-8 Pe-t'. : .s : :i 1 "' Z 1r- J e i t lip -raK-iit. r.niiat.b c &ni itiro:.p to v .vi, T i'j ti"i--., ''!'-ivi!f Jim - ? r..r - !. 'V!i'-''V:"::' Ci b- , T 'V i i.v 1 "it ; : .f, I .-. 'j-t:.:iur t M ir.".;-. : I Ti :vtit'c ct J. '-.. i ut ti-: Si-", f i. I.i? t : i rr:u', Li i-. i !nvor., 1.:- ;n 1 r:hi i- - f' ? , i. ; X, r i .iV.tr t ".. t!.--lr rr.- I-'-l'..;e.T A b-r-1; t" '." pr vw . s-.n. -I l' i. J i Ti Privet 3 Wf:-!:"c:if .,ylr r .i ' . . '-yo'li.: i . k i. .c -'. : i. Tt - -, fcrlc ,c, , i -.ir u. - rviAiGt'crliCA"". iiTuai JJ'.l iy. o. 1 ;'r:':v. f i . i -?jh a. it fr.xet.'' s. -.ir.;, t - l if.i V v .: ..?" : vii,c f. A vrrs4 ii ! N' -' , wi,f a-r: i-i' '.i5' J. 1 a!ci: y Mi mory. it tt, .c. rr-r.rr:-' ii;mjr rr i-, f .. K-it s.. t A '-".t n-rT Vi.-ii:. f i " t r l"" 5 c.'c vf fc.I j fcj tr-V;-.j T ' j. v. .-'; J u-. d v'o.T.:.ut"fI, j ? r r : ti-ivi :n - ii:--, r f-t-.Tt v-un.iv, a. i tni C i i fl MT ? 3 -1'f '. rp.r i' i.r, 'il' :.t c. ci -t:- r L-'iru '; fvg- t tl-ut i". .t.:U: h.;'.: -.ai i i.r : .'.,'..'... i-i -,.:;?.- v t: . T -e cik- h. . -J v..::i.e :s i !:. v.;y f;ij' p r XvVxf.l i. i ', -'., i. :-i I tli'tis.'-'l i i":r-r p. r.lii;; i; can havj . Jirr- '.'t ?! t. 1H, TAv.ihf-ri i -j t;r:;n-rd V r i. it. if" s'iV r-n-4 prtot1'-'', r,3 i r - '.' r. -ium'.) A.:d t. - , r.; 1 ii !r tr i"--; -i..1 ilitv. p. vi'i t ; ."i r, i r ; ; . t v fit t t-' ' n.-c:.: i f i . ,Tt i;-.rui it-ra rr" .-.t: ? . v : -j'i-.t T:-,1r,rra if i": w r ci !i . i'-:-' ,t'"J-ri t..- h'-a-i r f ?vi:m." " i:'f-i jit t,:rs.f.-. - "'wTr. or coTap'tre i -!ir, 1-r T i .i - ti-f r t;iirrf. y. (C -i; ju. k..i c-' rrinLt.i.;, a 1 ir s r. -.!.' y t-.iiAi t arer r-r0 vt .r."ut chc j i.'-a: C r. T u'i;' L'rs.v r ii y, I N. tit.i S.., .. l.iav-, (7 1 ai-l:tHl ) - a: s Ti.-r i 1 B-'l t. r "3 1 t'rt-r-. llr.o.tta.1 S a I 4 A rum w.r r.i tJ J lib C y-Sj.fciai-v, all K I J n rf .i,r !h. I Female I'Uajrii. 3 4 cp r tinrri'ioD :'insu!.Mtfuo free. 8iinc- of Yobtti &od Hnri...jJ; a irenlUi of Lv.ii.-4 ni f,-n-.li- CD SI j mm. Br.n 1 oc LAJ f'tr tnu:':tri -f tn-i S CT3 for rubber e-w-i., 'm! G g t rhnrr m ! viiav id- D.aii -n, t f Ith'. hr fir-pi. Kelin- 5 and ruliDrraruU luf.- i a': hoc)' iiufm ir j' J imt'l-1 wtitr.ul iu 1 p i.taif aurius con u '-i- u l; ir. a. u. "r f ii -r- . r ' nyr , DVKES'SEARD ELIXIR r 9- jV r-.'Ji, nU'ik .h-Tora' Jaayt.w.tM 4; S Aw-'a-A. I ag awl l!WV. L. L. fc. ; ff rT'- Tti)-.! Tl V "TT T T"(T. Ari cot op.ly !r.t Faliililiiims rt as i. -f t'ii cl.is-s In-tit.mo-.it?. l-v.t tu's ivy !! !!i'.;!y if ii! it-d '.."i" iii'; !'i n-i ' 'i.i ! e '...ttirifs vi the V. . .i-M. THE FAVORITES IN THE CONCERT HALL. T v-t ii-u tl ie r;is!n of I7V :.7fi liie Henry 1". Mliier 1'iatti" wiT" um-1 in Ronton au.l vicif.uy in n 1 1." iv than f' 'tti-vt 4. Seaxon .f 1?T7-lSTs, t 7 fr.iieertt. Si-usim f 1 --7i--l-T-" Mii-.tl of OoU Ikt. 3. t'oneerts ; Montii f No-, eintiur. lonfrits- Xae tut fi.rt '!. Pi-nmt rtmlt fi.Hn turh i: :.-! ri: ( j . i;'.;n'.',. THESE 1'IA.XOS HA I E RECEIVED The Highest Praise l'roia the Fost Emineni Musicians. ' l.ite T liavi li;,ii many opporiiiuiiies of iisiup yui- 1'ianos initl c-aii ay wiili ilt;iMire, Uicv have h i .superiur in Aiiienea. and my ions :ii.i ieii.-e ain ,il jiivtiti'1'-nu- in plai-ins tliein aiicatl ot anv f.,ri it":i iasuu:n,-iH of 1 1 1 1 1 kind. t'HAS. U. Al'AHS. .r.id.,iiii' Vr.c and tlie oilier artists of my cunu'.-iii v are h i'rIi i- d wit h t lie "Miller-' riaim. for iis ra il nmiiy 'if torn-, a'.i-l tin- iMiiideiful manner ia w'Mea it a-.itiaus tlie voieo. 11. MAi'i.tSvN. In belia'f of I lie r.amal'i-o Concei t Compiiny. :ind pai ti. nlaiiy m elf as tlie pianist of sr.i,l eon ;.HiV. 1 i-n t express many thanks for tlie Too'ii . ir.iii I Pianos of yon,- iiialnifae t iir, ii'n v,iii,-!i yon liav e l :ii ais::i . i:s so far tliis season. Wil li your lint ir,I l noi' m.s eon eert t;ic:n:i l.ecoiii'.-s" a J.osiiive pleasure tiiul iie-li-iht, "mi v ail of r.s" Mow Attn II I e,,;isi1or no ot lier --nuike"' vitli wl.irh 1 am a-,iuaitited. ran ei wl H in any of the ijwaliivs that coKhtitnte a pelted instrument. As an i!e-i.ii!ia.n inn-lit for I he oi'-, 1 know of none I A'Cual prefer to yours. .Vis. ir. K. II. Cinrn:. I t.-.ke prat plea-lire in recommending the Tlenvy K. Jl.ller Piano- oa all oecasions where a fh-.xt-i-la-s piano is dtsiif d. Mrs. II. M. S-YiTii. 1 have known the riano- inaiiiifactured by Mi. ilenry V. Killer for many years and I do not hesitate to s:y that they take hi-h rank ainonu thf lir-t-cla.s iiitrumenls of any of the best makers. L'Aiii. itr.KAHS I eon'-iiUr the Miller piano superior to ail oihri in tliat mellojv uud r 1 1; vr i i; ft iuality so ae tt'pilii; for voice aecinpaniinei ts. .Mr-?, f.. Ai.ise Oscooo. We rr.-re ilell-jliti-.-l wirli the I'ianos of your mai.ufiiotuio hiel, we --sell n it.;; our reeciit tour in I he I'nUed States- t heir ehai niinir Mmr iua .lalitiesi nd. rii, I twin e.peei;ii!y lie.sua bie fur aecompanviin; the human voire. THE OHl'ilNAI. SWKDIR i,ADlK' yiAU'iETTS. Worlds InleruatiQual Exinhition 1876. Thi.-: establishment was the only one out of mure than forty Piano-torte evhil itors, wuieh w a- decreed two aw AKhs for its silicic exhibit of 1'iauos at the Centennial Lxlohiiioii. Ti utx t!ie on')! I''''hUyhnc,it Unit Received a Kpfrf.if Atrtrl fr a .rir I uraitiou Tlie E'aie:.! lei2i;S Upright Piano-Forte. Tlie nenry R Miller Pianos nave rerelveil the etidor.semer.t c f t'.ia State of Massachusslts and the CIT.Y -k BOSTON. JUrj arc LEAKER (iwwtf .V roKEMoST 7'M.V'As- of THE WOULD. HENRY F. MILLER Boston, Ilass., U. S. A. JAMS PETTEE, Ag't. Plattsmoutb, Neb. lsi men'hlr, lu-pa'et-jrap i:iH!tof thcwiunof tli" Wor.d s Literature. .Single cit. JK.. or ft pe j-ar. Aa Oil Curomo 04x'J inches' of - osmito Valley." price. J: " Black Shei." a 1.S0 l.oij. in pap-r biiMimc: -Chriniian Oakley's Muk." a 1 !'. in pan.-r bimliriK. and a fcuii1 copy oi " 00.I a llouMhia AiB2iuo' ail post-jxiid. for only S0cn; ia money, or in oiif-eM)t Ktae- atampn. Ae-ct M.nUil 7l1f.-jt lilkarHl tr,n hnt r.OtLiDCfiCnt tl. I AJiireS.S.VAJ V'riban BaU.lios. ' YorkCtt-s. FIRST CLASS Clothing House! C. G. HEPvOLD, - Proprietor. FIRST ESTABLU) IX 156. Keeps a general larjje stock cf Hen's, Toutli's Alloy's CLOTHING! and hns just received the finest lot of French and English Silk WORSTED SUITS, r;j.ir eveti crossed the mo. river. Iii-s Uilferent styles of I-Sa cS Gaps, are si'.ri.rising, and bis stock of Furnishing Goods ! FANCY GOODS, AND b-l L?- ii Hsft S fe?' IF' f tl K. IsUtrge cnoi'sli to supply any di-n.:iud. Call and Examine the ZNTZSW" STYLES, liEVORE PUIiCHASiyU ELSEWHERE. C. G. IIEIiOLi). w 1 1 r H ADAMS AViM) mLL, 01. .11. StUPS.VX, AliENT, Weeping Water, Neb. Manufactured by Marseilles M-ff t'o., oi Maiei!ies. fi!. I have put up s.-v, i-m in l 'a-s 'o. A iiii ia: thus ).ui lir. are J . M P.-ardsiey. It. W. i'.ri.L's, s. Ya::e:i mill .!. II. oiilr;'. of ( ito" Co . ail of :;,uc c .".a tes; y ;.. tiieir J.er'or i xeelc'uce. i ilos-- u i;ci:t t P'.;rcl:a" ;Wii:t-n me a! W. Watrr : sat -isf-:'-: !.:! :;i:.'i-:'.ii!ecu. Pl-:-..s ':! m j." t 4.s,". '! ii's - i; ii pMitiTxa r;i::!is v mills. 4 m fT la. .1-1 i ThtVLar-est and met Complete STOCK of Dry Goods, Millinery and Clothing ever placed before tha lnminons orbs of our man v Patrons. "We introduce all tho LATEST FABRICS of the season. Our 10, 15 IS, 20. 22 and '2 cent Drrss (loods are well wotthv of vour inspection. Also, a full line of WHITE WOODS. DRESS LINENS, TWO-TONED RI J HONS, LACES, RUCHE, CASHMERES, ZEPHYR aid SPRING SHAWLS, and countless articles impossible to mention in dcttuil. Our Millinery Einbtaces all the Latest Xovelti- in LEGHORN FLAT. FRENCn CHIP and STRAW WOODS. Our SILK TURBANS and PATTERN HATS are the admiration of ovorj o.ic. We also show 1.0J0 trimmed hats from -51 up. AND iL t! r, AND FURNISHING WOODS. The only houso in th city that carries a clean Fresh sHock of (Joods of latest siyles and fabrics known cf the season. 52Rcla2a3Zal Will find here displayed a fine line of Furnishing poods tna-t ran not fail to command their atlentiou anil palrouage. Suits from 86.00 up We liave tho best assortment of To be found. 5"CaIl and com pare our Goods r.nJ I'r ices, and you "vv ill riTv-ive the Leii&lits derived therefroui. SOLOMON-& NATHAN.-. ALVA DREW, LIVERY, SALE & FEED STABLE. (AT TUB OLD PAliMELE BARN.) AVhere as !ood rates niav be found as at anv viable in tow ii. Itifjs of all kinds'. Double and Single, and S.iddie Horses. Horses boarded by the day or week. Kl'Cl.li ItATKS TO F.iRnr.R8. A teani ttp.d man kept for general work, (haiil Inir, moving, S c.) Horses bought, sold or trad ud. Several good houses for sale. Applv to A. Drew at Stable. iomtf. BATES & KOHUKE. Xew Carpenter sho ou Main Street, Corner of 7th. Bates & Jvohnke, 15uihlcrs?, Contractors, and general workman in tho Carpenter lino. jtiONEY TOiLOAX ON HIL'ROYED FARMS FOR FIE YEARS TIME. TEI CEST I.TEiiEST. NO COMMISSIONS. Enquire of D. U. V.'IIEELKU & CO. PUttsmouth; or II. 11. MOORE, Lin coln, Xebraska. ltf OKOKGEEDG EIITOX. Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS. Main Street, opposite the Com! House. 1 his place is just opened, iiciv, good j;ooJs of all kinds. We want to keep a good house and please our ciutomers. REMEMRER THIS. Dly. mikSschnellbacher HOUSE thIIOKIM;, A X D VCAC.OS IIKTAIKING ;. All kinds of l. yj l'AKM IMrLEMKXTJ mended Neatly f- I'rnmjilp. : 0 : Morse. 31nlc& Ox Shooing. In short, we'll shoe anything that har lour feet, from a Zebra to a (Jira.Te. Come and see u:s. InTJUW si-iop, n Fi'th St between Main ar.d ine Streets, list across e corner from ths xkw iiKKAI f Oi-ni'K. , my" LAMI jr. li k fT.t BEST FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA. roi: SALE BY mi- m Xa JtsklClmsJ m ti I XKHR.VMKA. Great Advantages to Buyers IX 1877. Ten Wars Cralit at $ pr cent Intercut. Six Yairs Lrtilit at G prr rent Inttn-st, uud 20 per rent DiwohiJ. Iflier I.litvral ItNoonnts Kr "i-!i I-f iial ctj r.-ircs ami S'i--iiri-. -. :i;i.-t I'l-rniiwrii lor Iu;rve Lieuts I'a:iii!'.!-t.J and r j s. conf i, i full partic ulars u ill he mailed free to any part of t!i ciid on ap;' ie'! i !. i i LAND COM5!Ss.!NFH. P. & M. .:. II. I.IM Ol.N .mi:AHA. Department ML &HT4& 4&?XiV-5a -:-r, - W:i,; : . -.; TV jtt-ziiZ-' i-'---.f r, - r--: .1 '. -'- t ' i'.-.C.-; . ; -.'.,.'-. -i I.-. V" 1 it . t. - - -1 r; ! :. vJv? v . isf- VJvy T- - I ' - a:-:i 1. . I . l--3..:i r n) f ' t - -! ' r .'S. " '-v V. C " .!V.-. . ' . 1 1 : - i .. - Great Reduction in Boots & Shoes 20 to 25 IV r Cent. LOWER THAlT LAST 3I37LR: Moris' rrini'f Albei t I.utlii r.ucklf " " Col m n-ss " l'ast- I.;ill M, him " "I o-l!ncl:l- Clow Slio.-'s ' M-iitiiiii' H:ilnl Si''l 1 1.,-s liuna Sewed Ak'is I.aios' rsiippcis Unit Sliiies " I't-lililt; liii;it. SiilO I.tll't' " Kii. " " " "it-ii.-'i r.n! ton " Gout, Iiiitiou, (wurki'd ljiillon- Ihi'.o). EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. PETER MERGrSS. Agri cUuzal Imp! em a 21 tz, From a Threshing Machine to a Hoe AND WAY DVNO CHEAP. a .The King of Plow Sellers, Corner 3d and Main Streets, plattsmoutb:, jstjip.. IS HEADY TO TALK TO Till- FA11M F.r.S TJLKT'PIjO Shovels, Hoes, Spado s 11 lutl-r.ik'j; Buggies and gpiziz(? Wagons Tj;K-"nr ThpflCOPC NICHOLS & SUI-IMWIJO-S. uiDiaior iniesnerSj thk him-MAut A 3T XT U - y. y; til 1 0 II CO N E H c o c o 4 GO CD y r ET 8 ri H C2j 5 2 c: CJ & i CD Ct5 rr 05 rri" v' - Sherw A ccd Keeps the Biggest Line of B::ts & Shoes In Cass County. wv FOR PARTICULARS - ivit Trrj? ur. Hirutur en V r 1 1 a. w ; II V IMMtll I 11 L. "WW EEST 13 CKKFtST THOUGH IT -2 LEWIS' liP u B A m m mm m mm of m. Eeccmtuti.ac.1 tjr Uo T- '.H-n fV. Y.x. "cr.rl rf IIuiV.'u, t:id ty C-.o Cat J7 7?7? S1GC0.O0 ftr amj ALUZf or ctlccr adulteration k LEVSS FLAVORING EITF!ACT3!- THK itjEvr Axo Tr,tixr.t:sr tiAut:. KAMl'Al.Ti'f.U) UY liiB GSO. T- LEV S3 & E7iftZISS GO,. r r . f 1 .iii 1 . . i.ini .' -T.'s-j . Last V.-ur. C :" . 1 . , , . " " l-Vl 1..-.'. I..S". l.s I 'J.l.ll 1 .! '. 2 11 II 1 2. ; J .?3 T-M A G T O S . v. ,;::.' 1,. j iij -i-tt.cXi-. ,r-'i - - :;" -- y:--L;7.-x' "'-y f.i - - - - ADDRESS: V V 1:1 rur t in. nuin V t. -a w.i.w KAY COST A LITTLE BORE! rDSIUSSD il jouii'l in this l'oivd'-r. lV -':.''"',,-f'''.r--yt ' V ' ' ' '-"3 - ... - .-j ftoteii".?. r-t' - - -i. r e rHILADZLPrllA, PA. I ii I . i J t