Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 18, 1879, Image 1

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    "Wcscott ti l'owell arc still rushing business. Their assortment of Clothing and piece cloths are A Xo. 1, and they defy the best Judges to iind any shoddy Woods in their house. Sign oi the "liOSS.'U-Sd:;
The Herald.
The Herald,
a i v It TIKI X J II A TDK.
K!'A k. , l . . w. .) w. j 1 hi. ;i III., I. Hi. ! rT
t jr... i -t ' j ' ."i . f 'i 4i i'2(ni
2 '1'M I i '.' V.'i ::'.:" (i vi liiu.i Mm
r. s-irs.. j :.'' ." I t. r 4 t.'i b im I:imi' i)
li nil.. I fill, . i'. 1 Hii-ir l-'-n viiixi . -jhiiii' on
' ""I., j B'HI I'.'l I l.l'll l-IWI 'J, II. 4'U0 ()! (lO
lfl'i... 1." .1 ' '."' '.ffll "J " 4 X I tin, l.illi'i. IIDIMI
"A'il A'lvei t'.-iii'T f'i'N Due t.V':uteily. -
iTruii:i i;vi:i:y tiiuesday,
O.V Vir.e St., Ori iy,u North of Main,
Cor. of f- 'i'.it i.;:c;-t.
TERM&: $2.00 a Year.
t A t. 1 1 i-iii' iil tiiiiit Le Tail'
lr: r-r:.: :
1.1 A(lv;i!:ee.
- o
Term", in Advan-n:
; " Txtr.i C .ti of tln llFitr.r f r nz'u; ,j
. 1 Ynl"N-:, at I'.io li 1 (;:'u o NeH lT(.-io;,
lain Mil et.
Onf c-i: v. f veer
ae . . . . . v, i hi::T 'is.
Olll't'OV, t illTC IISull1. i
XUMBEJl 120.
Standard Singer.
;i Bays this Stjle.
i -1 i:i :ry towii. Seir..'-:
.ii :,i ii'.. i.i ion. 1 t.i le
, ;-. .1 L U.H.liitt nf K'xi-l
sis. to ! l-iii'l :i f : ' r liv
I. :if1. il.'- s . i rant eil . si iel ;i
. i in it t; :.. Ii l : . : l -i 1 1 " ' to
i -.v ii vr:iT Tv.O lil !.: OS.
I'll'-!, I. if
f.T . - 1 '
.! -' I i:
v. i . : i! f
f f , i -
I. , i
. 'r" f
-s I I 1 lO-tlltl" .. : l-'lli
. .1. 1-.
i:',nN-;. io-; : i: ( .
A. E:: ":t:k t..O;ic: 1:1.
HEImRY ecfcj
i t r
j . 1-: A I.I" u IN
rjn ri (H-
r r- . 1.: :.. 1 r.-.,
( .1 iV Ii--rj !r;ns.
fr' . -..V"
1 .v i". :" a ; v ;' :::-!:::', ii:.
j f i :
Vlnttle33y Patent
.AVwir sir.i;: fiatu .:.
-:Miiu Yiiitlcv.
.j. v ,,j,.iV 1. 1 ci,f:i;i
1 r Sl-ifl.,
.-; !!
I. ,.
. - 7
t - .-. f. ' . if
V. it v,
t ; - "' -
lt , .. .. . , , ,
. .. . .1 : t . of
.---v.-v ? - r,
.- v.-:r Ti-t-'rJ .- i
' i i - mi i :
M s
s. v- .
r v- i v . i fr rv. a It. 1
, -Ss ...Mj :-, t.
A V - w
. 4. MVi". ZJ
.-I t -, . ..;.',.',:. I
. . ? - f :. . ;KA !.mti
'-' - -. rx ' -s -t-. Sr". sr
. i. ;1 1 ; t. -
It liiejvsi toirrurl.
"... M-
V . T
v ! 1
1. -l
.1 rri. r t , all
Tliiitdj1 Ci LO
fft rri T.Tin ors.
Dis f.-'.si-s r f tl.e .iilmo
i; .; v i.;.- i:,snre so rev-;i!-
..1 a. id Pit il, a
: i' i reliaiile remedy
f-r tl.i-ni is invalnp.nlu
t every oiiHiuinity.
ill 11 ii L k
TT f J
v-i LiJi. i....ifc. a. . .v -
? T"ir.L is .s'.i li a remedy,
r. i no i ther so t-uii-
VV: ', IP nt'.V merit A the COllii-
-. t .;..i..-i. of the liu'.'iie. It ;
s a scientille ecTii'.iiia-
;i.,Ti of t:n: lTieda inal I
I : im :.i'n s a:i.l curative i
:, ir'tn s ' th.' ti':--st j
.IrT" it. he mi' a:! y 1 1 : 1 i t j
!, to M' ti.e l at- j
. . ( -.t I rS 'iloe el.u ifliey
1 Jr.-si i..;is in . t il os iuvi.'i ,1s t., n o it with (
:.! ridftii-.'. It is t!:e m-'s't r; ii.-.PP n-Tuedy
f.-r .!:-" :.-. s i f t'. thpv.t : 1. 1 iai: 's that
as roiLi.-i.!. i. ttr
; of i:;i I'Try :
t ::;:-t 1 rt.tiii r iivf, ;
its of f.ny or ci
rahc 1'." lii t oi:i:.f-i
o ; ;.t the fonn
, 1.1 s, r .Ti.r.'.in
. 1 is i-lajiTfT t,
. r SfX. Ih il:
t cliildreii toko
tie i:t !i.:i--t:!
1 :-.- 'o.! ;iis
In to., t : . ::t tip lit of
iis. Vol A i, '".? iliroat,
1 iiiliio n.'.u !t?: man's
A-it!n:i:i. t'roup, u:i'l ':i-
t -H'.-fs ..f Avi i:'s Ciui:l:v l'J-.r-!:;.'
::. :;!. i ,:iii:o. -s i,r.' fttl
- r.o.l ;r.f:i . n ..s -Pr,. Pv its
! r. ; ; 1 : i i ! us.-, n nM i. k. pt
11 exf-y Jiiis, ; i.i.':. P r iro
a' u is ia .s.;.i ;!.-'' lr
-i'otJit :::.i C'oi;-:"'?,' ?::ja
i:o o;': r r-ioi-1'." io - .; .: -: :v)-.'
' M.
I !'
1 ir..;
i.i !:.
m.-irv-Eoas -Tir.'
1 Pi - l i. : :. ('
are .1 mi;:i. i.-uT. -j:;
v io "1 . vi l: 3
1 t ,1 :i!l .vi r tin?
il:tV tiiiit it will
i--i ri sni' An
il.a.v 1,, orodii.-,. C,,.
sir! 1 ! 1 1 ; 1' v. ill 01: in
most s,.,.j,ti-
' .' 1 '' li p ric.l , urative jiw i rs, as v. ell
1 its .o. .ri u-iry ovrr all'othcr i-repara-
:i.ii:;ry Jnlnl lailits.
. 1.,-niii. lit imysa-ians in a'.! vrts of the
1- initry, knowing its -onitH.Kition,
lii'. A Vf.s's Cltntttv 1'k-Tihi. t' 1 i n valids,
. ; i j n -sf rl'o.s it. i.i their j raftice. The test
01 li.i'f a century lias iirove.1 its 1 l.solute
'."; "iTity to euro a'l pulmonary complaints
...; a'.ru.i '.y Im- voiiiI the reach of lnimin aid.
Prtpred by Dr. J. C.Aycr Z; Co.,
I'r.-t icnl uii.i Aoiilil.-al :.ii:i:, 1-,
Lev,'" fi?SS....
ii .- .- j'i ' n , mrntce.
I T- t
a L I U ir ti i J U 11 iv
st' rns.-oi: to
I'Mt.v J'rrziih ..
Vice rri'i'lit.
...Arista Cashier.
li. ..
. v. :i Lai ont.lN
I'iMI ) EoCKiiK
T! l-iii!; i nv. ' ii fur V'im:'.i s :it tln ir
3i-v nn.rn. to: i:ir Main S;tli 61 ttts, a.;d
i: paif 1 to tr;i!:-i.;ft a
Stocks, Scr.di, Geld. Government and Local
i;i'(jirr and i.Di.i).
iK-ntsiti lliceirtd nii'T Interest Alloic
il on Time Ctrtijb atc-i.
Vvai!al.lf in any -f the Vi:ifeil St:i!cs :inj
lii all l'..c r:::!' i;' il Tiiwns ami Cities
il i'limpc.
Ax:xY.i"i;osi ti:i:
t i:!.i::.i:ATi::
:;:ian Like and Allan Like
OF MTSlAMF.ftri.
ivr-oii wiVani!; to l ri'! out their fiieruls from
I-l.'Bi'fl ASE TWKI.TS Fl:o.M IS
7hronu'li to IMattnmoutli.
it .Am S
riTniii:u- "i l'uic Mi'k,
e:1. ' ! -
,. cuff :
n it v. in n antel.
ExGohior Carber Shop.
it nil dci a H-jiisi'.
jTk. XXi- C TJ 'jT Til
I :: 1, A N ! ' S. I A M
IT- , '.:::; f. -. 1 ! -i ' rive;:
I - Ti
1! H
i i t.
in :
V '.i:s.(l
'!- IP
r? f : !71 n
iv U :
iiiiliisiAiiil blUlill.
ilij li
J. S, i ) U IC
. :.i:re i.ev st.xvc
T . -.:.'. ' f ii;.T niiiii Sl.ittll'j ln:u
A t .;.
"f , 1 ' "1" T77" TT
J ! J f
siinvr:i.s, a' ;..'. si'Afr:s ami
-ti, i;ai:d!:x tools.
" t 7 T V - ( r s- V I ( f .- 1.,, fl,n 7.' (
iiori:, rov.'j'Fi;. shot, a hind-
A Pail.!.:: - "!' t I "I' S. I-.ii V.
,v .; i.'iiftv r ll iilLrs and Con-
! All fn. i i- - '1.1 as low j I !: p'-iidy can Pe
i ar.i Inc. 4iV
dealer in
to 1.3
- :o: -
to, Si,,U.UC7iAii VV CLX V,
nd in fa-. t everyth::: you can call for in
tiie i 1 : 1 e of
vJ-llCi. CAi
cas 11 ea:i foe hides and fees.
Al! kinds of ( :: try ru ci ie ti l eli in ex
chiiULre lor 1:111 c'.s.
C, A. .-
:-i E ! 1 i-1 H.ii S
is l!l
2? O V
' C3 S.Vri. SV EJ tn I t - ml,
1.1 I T'.'., KiO.
One J-
r East of iv-t-i ,";':
Wei kel'S in
I.cre assort Liient c.I IIur.l ana Soft
I'tiaii'S, Gas Pipes r.'ltl Fillings.
COAL fBu"0V:3,
Y00J ar.i-rCt'it -." -T
IiLATlN(i Oi: tu'OKIXG,
Always n Ha!iJ.
Evry variety of Tin, Sheet Iron, zad ii-".
Woik, kept in ,lock.
Done on Short Notice.
t-EF Eft YTIi IX G ItllA XTED !
T. 15- IV 1 1 'iOX
I'raetice in S:i')ll- j
11U Cass C'ouulies. Avlilatitl, tti".i..Ka.
1:. is. avi mus a 3?
ATTt )1!NKY AT LAW. I'lat Isi-iniit !i. "Xob
f,,.,.Kr.iit Kiioiii over Chal-inail & Mint lis
Iriii Store. !
w 1 1.1. s. wis::.
nuraliCe ;:t:il ol!t-i tion Aem-V. ),iii-e in I'it7.
Kerahrs bloek. 1V::U uinutl:. N't-braska. Tli.i
;i:. . H'lITJI.
ATTOKNKY AT LAW anil Ileal F'-taO I'.ro
kr. Speeial attention uiven ' Colleet :011s
and all matters afieetin-.- ti:e title to rtal etate.
i mti-e on -tl floor, over 1'oi.t Oi'.iee. l'lattniaiMi,
.Nelnaska. '!
"v. 1.. j:;:oY Ni:.
otxry l'liune.
?k:u?ox a Kitovxr;.
ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. WiP viHetiee :r. C:i4
ii-i.l :nl ioinlii ( oanties ; s;ives special atU utiait
to eolliM-tioii-: and ahstraets of till-'. Oliit-e m
Tit4cratd I'.iock. I'lattsiuoiith, j;ulj:";Lska.
17V 1
i. n. v. ur.Ki.r.:: a co.
LAW ori-TCK. Heal l--tate. Tiro and Life In
surance Agents. Platt-'nioiilli, Nebraska. Col
ieetois. tax-payerr'. Have afonii:ete altract
oftnles. liny and sell real e-tate, negotiate
loaii". &e. 1 1
S A iTsTrrilA 13 A X.
Ai.d Solicitor in Chancery. Office ia Fitz-cr-"'riy00
IR. J. I.. JlffKKA,
ville. Cai county. Neliraska. '-'"y
II. II. IiH IXI.ST'JY. 51. E.,
fllVSUIAN & SlU'iF.OS.
OF1-TCF. liOL'ilS. from 10 a. iu.. to 2 p. 1:1.
Examining Surgeon fsir I. S. IVnsion.
Yk"."v7 ii7susi.iii x s;c i;t.
Vi: ( riSINO rilYSI-.'IAN. '-vili atur. l c-.Mt!
:it -t!'. hour, l'i-lil or day. I'latfuoiiiili Ne
li.vka. Otiiee iu U smith IJrug
.7. li. MALI.. 31. I.
I'liv-ii iax A'l st Ki.r.nv.
"I" 1 '"li iM 1 'r. 1.1 i'l-'s" n &'ont!t Sid of
".t ! : i i-f t. l"-i w ii'ii flt h aaU iln suvei. viii
:V.Ui.d l aiis J'iosaptiy. 4J1
flut ti::iotii. H;.r:tilva.
it,'.' i ?:;.i:t Street over Solomon & Na
t?ii"s Store. '!
TonsOiial Artist.
Tii x:-:;jKArA.
i.;: Mai l SI.. K-tv.ecn -IMi
i " (oi ,
, i i
i"! i i i!ir r'f
I , i .alo.t.l J
I .... jMaorr. - - -
V '
:.'.'!:-.r I.:-!
;-';)L()ii !
i 1 i . i -',
V f.f".i -1.
- ' . I
i. . . ; . .
v . tt 11.::-..
r ' '
. tS
t J t i -
i top) i: I'jf.
, Iioom..
L-ic-Ui-.a r.-ni.--:!. (.1 od S.'.;
l'.i ry TiUentij;: l-:.:.l to ji
I. AT I S'u'.L'l !T. - - -
ri.ATTs::.ti'rn. nkp..
Fluiir, Com Heal F
a 1
Always ':
J-,;,! asid f-'r :'t Pfve-' CT'.h
oill.esi pi a-.-s p . ! i n- Yp.- i! ai.d
!; if is. i
1-i.i ' ii-; .ir :. I i fir, 1. lii ill i .1 cu-toi.i v. oik.
nijxiiitr ' tStt'.un Fu'jinif, Loiters,
Sain and (irit IfilU
ti. AX! STKAM FITT1sj;h.
I'roujrM Ii'"a Fioe. Force am! Lift Pipes. Steam
tla'JK' " Saf-t v-Valve toivern.s-s. and all
kimHof Paass I'n'.iin'I itupfS.
u ia!I(,J 011 short notwo.
Succeiisor to
rilOUTY k 31 A USUAL L.
rvnvi'M i:nih soaps.- toilet ap.ti-
f'T.y.S. '4 EYES' .V Oir.S. LAMPS tui-l
I. 1 V' : ois. s ia 7 Vei v. ().r::r-
XlOXI-:ill KS, T OliACt 'O, ( i'iA US, Ac.
Ii;rt! Wisu's ami E.iJiMors,
For ."!'.' Uvinnl Purffsi :.,
I f. Fresciiptiotis Carefullv Comoiinded day or
iiifht. Penii-mher the idacr, Marshall
"F.oot vS. slme" iw Lruj? Stoie.
lVeepii:a VI ater, - .elii nsUa. Vu
s 2 CD
1 1 Pi
" - 4.
7 ? '-'
' f 1
Wholesale and Ectuil Dealeri iu
rixi: lu:.ii;i:i;.
Maiu street. Corner of EUth.
1'I.ATTSlfOUTII, . - - - XED.
ti IT Better Rates for Lumber
Xiula TJt'rfc'ory.
A. S. V A !!" 'K. I. S. Senator, r.eatriee.
a I. VI N S V I" " I M'KS. I'. S. Sit, a tin-, '!iKi!i;l.
, ..'s ;, l-"' Un crinir.'.'.n.
S. .1. AI.KN A N" !::U. Sr-:-re!ary 01 state.
'. W. I.l-'t 1 I l I". An-iitor. liin-flp.
;. M. r.AK 1 IK r T. Treasaier. I.iiiiu!:i.
S. lr. Tin )M 1 N. Sntt- 1'iiiilie 1 11-ti uetion.
i 1 1 'I S 1 -iml ( Vtiunii'siotipr.
.1 1 . Oi: I 1 1 . At 1 01 i"'V 1
RKV. 1 1 A K K ! s. Iniilain of ivniti't iary .
;;. II. I . - iAl, Miju. i:a: iui
the Insane.
Sii'mric Court
S 'I XV.TI.T.. Clii-f .lastiee, I'iemot:t.
;i:o. 1'.. l.AKi:. onialia.
AMASA COj;it, Lincoln.
&econ't Judicial fJitlrict
S T. rOCNli. .linlu-e. T.ini-ohi.
J C W ' S( IN, l'rosei-iiiin-Att'y. "Neh. City.
Y. L. l-.LI.S, Clerk I i - t . Court, J'latt.skionth.
County 7)irrclory.
A. "n". SITI.T.TVAN, County Judge.
.1. I. TI 'I T. Count v Clerk.
. m. l'A i Ti:i N. County Treasurer.
K. W. II Kits. SlieplT.
:. YV. 1- AIi:ril"I.l. surveyor.
(;. HlLDiilM: AND. Coroner.
cm-NTV ruMMiT'siDvns.
IIF.NKY WO.l"l'.. l.ilielt V rre-Uii-t.
.IAMFS Cl: A W l' KI . SoTilli lu'lid Pref-inet.
SA.M'J. l;iCHAi;i)ON. -Ml. l'lcatsaiil l'reciiict.
Cily '. rfory.
J. "W. JOHNSON. Mavor.
J. M. VATTKUSON. Tn aairer.
J. 1). MMl'SON. i'v Clerk.
K1CIIAK1) VIVIAN, roliee Jiulge.
1". 1!. MIT.VIIY, Citv M ii -hal.
W .M. L. T.LLS. Chief of l ire Drit.
rnrM 'l.V K.y.
i-t wani-.i. TM:ri'K:r,Ki:;. v. v. LroN.ui.
2il Want (i. V.". KA 1 ICKiLLD, J. V. WKt li-
3.1 Ward IT. C. CI'SIII NO. THOS. I'OI.L CK. '
4tii Ward-i'. M. CALLAN, K. S. SI1A1U'.
Woilittaflei JNO. W. M A USi I ALL.
B. & M. R. R.Time Table.
Tckinj Fjh'-t May 4, 1373.
roil OMAHA l'KOM I ' I. A TT S M O I T 1 1 .
Leaves 7 :(i a. in. Arrives S a. in.
'i :.V l. in. " ' P-
Leaves y :li) a. in. Arrives In :iit a. in.
0 :oo li. in. 7 p. in.
i on thi: Yvi:.;r.
Ix ::ves Vlattsnuuith : :4" a. m. Arrive Lin
colii, 1l' -4."i . in. ; AliiveM Kearney, ,: .V, o. in.
Freight k .m s 'j ::) :'. m. Ar. I.incolu 2 :.V. ji.ti).
l lioll TilK WEST.
Leaves Keal nev. li :"i a. in. Li-av s Lincoln,
1 i. l i. An;vi s Flat i;nt rt'.i. 4 :-'o 1. n"
Fre ight leaves l ir.eoiu 11:10 a. in. Arrives
rii.ii-iiiuiith, 4 :"", ii. in.
I-:;-rcss. i :"!." a. r:-.
l';.-seiii,-( r. 1 1 lain e:.ell day" 4 p. III., eX'-ej-t
Satunlay. Lery third Saturday a train con
necls at 'the usual lime.
. V. LI.
.'.oi? E "
!:iic 'i'nlJlt
'firm, i
'. if.'jiai
li a- :
I": i : i
p: o i. "i i.
I N A Alii,
ill iii.'l ) ".
r ,-. p. Lin.
l.l.v. :' ..MlMi I'oN.
. :! r.:.1
'1 f
WES'i .
F..i:s V:.d.
I.eae ,;. icro ; ; .. i ,'a;.i 10 fj-m
M- ti i u 1 1 I'oin
( ' ;,r. tM; l.."..:il .":-..":. Till
P i.i- ,.'. .1 7 ;!., i .s P':mii
' i ; a 1-1 -; - T . i 11 .v.ani
. . i , J I - l.-l'lll
l .-. 4 ..: .". 1." flu
J'.. ,: i',t: 7 Ji'A'ii K i. i-ia
E.-.sTW" AM'.
F-.e-KS M-H.
p.-tve ' t 'iti h :. ..ip'ti 5 ;t.-.itii
, i i.i . ii s !" urn
. , . ; .ii h. pi : ! i 1 Villi
C'nai it. .n 12 .":. in - l -l'm
OtHiiiiV.a - i : ." f pin
1' .,; i: l-.ii i: ,:.:t!.ii s ..ii
Ca'f Ni.i:r-4 s..,:.;.i ! 1 i ,pni
Meji-lfta.' 1- l -po: ;i 1 --.: is
Arriv Chicago :5 :;. ; !.! 7 J iani
i l.Y L'7 1 SO'" KS V- st. I ( :t" I hv the nr-.v
P' !;' 1 P. 'list opeii.-.! v:.i M'N.Hli ill. Ft'LP
;a CAI.ACF. !l.l flNti CAES run from
i;.o i,ii':ii 11 to st. L-iuir- w ii'fil clia !.!.
F.Y 1. 1 A I N ' 1 I 'I. A TPS VP t "Ml AT 3 Tie 1".
M.. v,i:i !-.' :i ve 1:1 Sr. !.' ' 1 S t he net eveninir at
s ai'." a in- St. Loios at s r-Tl a. m . you ar
llf iu J'!soi;t n 11 : Ihf next lii-.')tlis.
Co-.'.poa Ticket f.-r sale tor ail j.oii is North.
South, East and Wot.
I). W. HITCHCOCK. Ticket Agent.
Ceil. Western P..-s. A' i.t.
J. M. liKcn t Al.. K"ut. Fiaitsriu,-.;!!.
Ti?!: Fill EM) E-F ALL! !
"I had t.o a'.ietile ; I!o!U. ay 's Pii's i'avc me
a 'lea: t y oi:e "
Your I'iil- are mai el'oti'."
'! send for another Pox and kfi ' them in the
' I )i . Ip.l'ow ay has cure d my hailache tl'.i'.t
wai chronic."
"I jiTtvo one of your Fills to iny Pal. ft for liol
ei ;i iiioihiis. '1 he iilt !e Pa ;n i:oi w oil in a day.
"My iiiiu-ea of a morning is i-mw cured.
"Your Pox of 1 1'illowav 's Oilit ll.eui cured I11C
of :ioi-es in tlie hciid" l" ruPhed fi'inc of your
i;it meat behind the ears, and t!iu noise ha
"Send me two boxes ; I want one for a poor
"I enclose a dollar ; your price is cents but
the medicine to me is ori'u a dollar."
"Send me live boxes of your Pilis."
"Let ice have three boxes of your Fills by re
turn mail. Tor Chilis and Fever. '
1 have over i;oti such test inioiiinls a these
but want of space compels lue to conclude.
For Cutaneous Biscrdcrs,
And all eruptions of the s'.jn. tlii ointment is
moM .invaluable, it P cs not heal externally
alone. Put penetraifs itn die mosl scarcliin;
cllects to tlie very loot of the evil.
Possessed of this EI'MliDY. livery Man may be
h sown Doctor. It may be rubbed into "the
i-ysti'ii:. m Sis to reach miy iutt-rtial omplaint :
bv these it cures Sores or Fleers in the
THKOAT. STOMACH. LlVlilt. Si INK. or oth
er parts. Itisao I nl 1'', ihie Uesneil v for I'.AD
I.FaiS. HAD UPPANlS. Coniraeted or St ll
.loinls. (.ol T, EHEL'.MATESil, and all Skin
iMi-.uiT.ANT C'At l ion.-None are frenuine
unless the signature of J. Ha yoock. lis aeiit
i, a- I I "11 ! I . .1 SiTi-,-; kMi-l-iiilliil. . : 1 1 1 1 t.iv a if
Fibs stnd nut nient. iio.xessit i ei-nls, CJ cents.
and 1 in ii.
;5Thei-eii considerable saving bv takinz
the larger sii es. Jp. Ll.ow.iV & Co.. New Ywrk
i:l- iviCLlcllU,
ii-SLu; over JlOXXETl STA. JlZ.ES.on
Satisfaction Ouar.mtec.'..
Harness JTunufacturt rs,
and a'.l kinds of harness stock, con.-tautly on
fj: uit, cox fectioxe r,
KememJier the jdace opposite E. G. Dovey's
on i.ower Main rsireet.
T:s s.vl ; jt::r.:k afTli'-t'onS stonn
Ilurst o'er tho s.!ii' lh-.vs head ;
'lis 8 -td to see the o;icc-!o'-ed fori it
l.'e col l, 'and p mid dead ;
"T:ssad to her, from lips tin ice dear,
Tile iii 'aii of cm.-1 -sss jiain ;
l'i:L iadii'.'st of al. t j pay a e all
In a ru.-i-aiiy shower cf rain !
Y"e mourn the hnve whom b:ttle9tnote,
Y'ct s :on our ief is o'i r ;
Put who shall wiiil tho slirunken oat,
Tile crinkled vest, deplore?
m fanltle-s tie, wha li low and liili
To rival tol; in vain
Tiit-ir couise isnui-a 1, all undoac,
liy a villaiuous shower of rai ill
Tlie vani.shod Iiojie, the Id ,s.t.d name,
May yet return to men ;
The dead In deathl-'ss senilis of lame
At"is anil live aj:ain ;
Tli leech's art may ca-o the heart
Au l co.i the fevered brain ;
Put who shall if ji iir tho a . a uts fulr
Denied by a shjwt-r of rain?
Hal while 1 s.'culi. upon my chest
The deadly old d.)!h li,! ;
Tlie fieiee .soie-tluoa", in vapors dressed,
Swoops f rom the lowcrinji sky ;
lLheuiiiat .es s!, ari-ly hand.
And how! t his due rt lra'n:
"Tlie Uet thin'; nhve io make us thrive
Is a Jolly y:ood sliovitr of lain!"
Viih ! iiTh ! my threat ! that couch's harsh nota
Do iinj me to draught a:i 1 pill.
An.', ihuinelod skill, and triuel thin,
And a S'.vineiu4 doctor's Pill.
Fj:h ! v; h ! a-tchew ! htteud m , you'
Who would your !; -ulih retain
Willi .stricU"! cave h-.-neclorih 'uewate
Of a trtacliv roui shower i f ra:n !
jApjdcton -i' Journal.
Loo'i no! upon thf aptle
When tt'n red upon thecround,
Eeca.ii-e the liuiiirry liu'l-iTo
Muv b-i oiiiitjwlitre close around.
Tli.; select lsoaulln school of vvhlcli
Miss Misturva ra;:ci:nn was t!te hciil,
-.vas a vjry itittuitio-.s Cotali!is!:infiit in
(!il. Only ilisi-, i.vss jiiijiils were h;1-n.ittc-1;
thoi-tliuti t.-nchersoaly were eni-
ip:VV i.
1 . i i t a
i ". :-P!iy
i. t : ;."
w '.' iov,
.a ',:.e v
. -ir. A.le., ;:i:ts
1, after anxi i'is va;t
.t iiist cent Ik r .JaiPr!i-
l"i i;
.'i - i
:i, a yoif :L 1 cl' 17, whf.s-.; !a-.;
:a wt-ie n::,:.i ki!iy pretty, but
lv no ir.eap.s a iriilof srrtta ir ni.l
,i ii
"it is settle.! at 1'isf, ("i:-.r!'.-.'' Paid
Its. " i 1 1 ! u U '.cf pTic-o lor P-rolii r. ;..s
.: .-.1 i.t !.i:h!i "lE-'en is v. i;h
"li--. i"atu-ri:i, ami I'iil so relieve'.i. fcjiie
A..: 1 in.i" iiii:.. I unci liii.i.iicis an.l
iiii:ke Ii -t tiie sort oi vrirl I shiail i.k-.; t
Pildg .'.:(. A sh.oi't iio too early. I
s 1:1 : i 1 1 i I toys ;!!' 4,t her ae, tuid I
kt.-o-v liial on- if "-, y juili ly ij ill:? i:i
;-oei':!y to 1 ;; :::.;'."
" 1 it i'o i't re.i.iy tip an to sy ti:: t you
have Si-;u llfi.-u away fr-iin li -iii'j tisii ri''
s:ii.; ( !:.iii "A motiier bhoUP.i ncvor
it I.v-r n.i'.i '.ijr live ajiiii t IVoiu her it"
she eta uvm.l it. boaii her to 31 its Ali
!i -jrva all Jay; if ou clousa, hut have lier
hoine tit niolit."
"It is ;;:te tlie thr.i amouj; sonsihlc
peooi'J In ia. ion ;'e Iii:ir.!:ii ?-. !;oo:s,"
..Pi ..II'.-. O liiio, " i:i.1 .',il .b .M.ll :1 ".'il la ;l
:aij 1.1' lout i.iinily an i highly uc-
' loti'v.', .-!!. I Lucie Ciiar.os, 'i'.ipl
t'o aii I'l.oiit l'..r "ills who l.a.'o no li lil.s
r iiioliiois, lust lake t'.ny set ol' 011:14
tan.-,, you l.lay t.-lfct sunt ut them to-fft.ii.-r
lor a oiie, ami tin-y'il hatch out
iii:s. iiief. A.iT !::rii are all iijo lor it
nowaosiys, 1 caa teil you, in any ol our
low 11s.
" sucii iiis-.;ii!iae as Miss MinervaV
Mrs. YYiiite. '-Miss Minerva's 1,111. iis
, . IT 1 I
cuia i not ''ia 111 to miTjCiiies.
Oil sai l diaries, "Well, if you're
sure ot ma;, 1 ini-'iu as wen te .-hvut.
y. v. hi.e. the first o! ty ot Helen's at-
teiiilanoe at -'Iiso Aliiieivas Sv'hol tlsew
to a eiose. isiii't-'cr was over.
Ami at last Aiiss Helen with the four
you.iL? Pt'Iicn v. iio lje: oiioeil to lier 100111,
was lii.ily shut into hur nintly refaltno;
I lien eatne about a nieiamoriinosis
vv'n'.eli astoni-heJ the new-eonier.
One, tlie tallest an.l most stately,
wcilgcil her si iosors into the door in such
a manner as to lorni a temporary iioit,
an.l stopped up tho key-hole with a bit of
Tlie next produced a Irng wax candle
1'ioni her poi-ket. and liswiuir lighted it,
lonuished it aloft with a cry of: 4 Vt .
cares for 'Old RunrodV regulations
And a third rushed to ft coi ner of the
room, turned up the carpet, a:i I with tin
exclamation of, "Here ate two. one- lor
yi-u and one for me," held up two set
lets. Tlie fourth till with a little e?tatitic
tlira-k, caught her prize and tote it o.ieu.
And the younrr lady of the wax cuudte
thus addressed Miss Helen White:
"I don't sttiipose you'll 00 and tell old
Patterson. YYe sh'ill h ive to keep your
s -ereib alter a while, lliddy, the cliam-
bermaid, is our ostin.iu. Slie'll get ail
your love-letters for you and Liing them
tip on t he sly.
"I haven't any love-letters. 1 have no
lover," aid Helen, blushing.
'Your ma is Uriel, I suppose," said the
other. "Well you'll have plenty before
you've been here bix months. It's the
niee.-t seho A 1 ever went to. UUi ilam
rod that's Miss l'sstteisou, you know
can't see an inch be von 1 her nose, and
we flirt splendidly, Mi-s Collin- and till
Tiliss Collins is "asi assistant, when we
promenade. Our first class lias tlie name
oi bein regular witches, sill through the
tow n. We know all the folio vs."
Helen listened with new emotions ris
i:,if io hfi- brciist. fc-he beasi to led de
li luted with the idea of seoooi.
' She listened to the epi.-tles which her
companions d;d not hesitate to read aloud,
bhe even helped one of the girls to an
swer lu is, and she retired by the light of
the long wax candle, to read herseli asierp
over a piece of literature by some French
Guided by hr companions, and tlie
ea-y prey f circumstances, fane bjhavnl
ino't fooli hiy; and foigot ail the old
ideas of piopiicty which had onee been
lr-r guide.
To one of her admirers who bigned
himself "Carlos," she wrote as a girl
ought scarcely to write to her betrothed
lo er.
And she forgot how guilty she would
once have felt had she kept a secret fioni
her mother.
2d is. White xvas delighted with llelca's
ilits Minerva gave Iter a volume, 'The
Gui.le to Young Ladies," as si prize lor
line dcpoitnicut ; s:nd nobody had auy
suspicion that her head was full of n-ui-sesis-c,
asid her pocket full of love-letters
from an utter stnirgcr, to. whom she had
told ail particulars of her life, and
tiie lull extent of her fortune, and to
v. houi she had given vowsot eternal con
stancy. At last the climax arrived, ifonittking
beiVll her ihaEhad not befallen any of
her room-mate:-: y.'t, Carlos oij'ered his
hand and heart and begged her to elope
with him.
t-he read the letter aloud to lioac, Grace,
Emma and, and all in a llutUr
bt-giscd their advice on the muter.
"lie says he's a Prince," said Helen,
with si glow? on her checks, "and, you
l;:iov, of course, I'll be a Princess if 1
marry him; and, of course, he biiail i.iviie
you to our casl.e. Last night 1 tin t him
I coaxed JJid-ly to watch and let me
in sin 1 he-.vas all wrapped t'.) iu a -lo:.k;
but he was splendid. lie has a loiciga
nccuit, and a biack moustache."
'Gh," cried Maria, "I love a foreign
'And I've promised to ra:i away with
him to night," said Helen. "He says ma
will be sure to forgive us; and he's awfully
licli. Are!, oli, Low 1 feci, girls!''
"Of course you do. But it will be so
nice," sai-1 .Mat ia.
"They never have bridesmaids on sin
elopement," said, "or how I'd iike
to go!"
And while Mis. "White, with a desir
friend who had grown uj) daughters,
but who kept them at home, congraiu
l sited herscil on dear Helen beirg safe at
school, this affectionate daughter, from
whom she hsul received si charming
epi.-Ec, con.-.eicd by Miss Minerva, and
touched up by the writing master, was
psieking up her small bundle in prepara
tion for flight, aided and abetted by the
four young Pulics to whose example she
owed so in ueh.
At twelve-of the night she-slipped down
Etairs with her little parcel in her lisiml.
Out into the moonbokt hurried the young
girl. The wime neams snowea ner pret
ty, foolish fae-2 pallid as that cf a gh:st.
l'ci h;iis she would have turned bin k,
but that a figure in a cloak came at the
moment from tlie shadow of a porch and
teized her by the arm.
"Ah. my own Helen!'' said a voice.
It wsis Cailog l'riuce Cailos her own
Ilomsutce came to her siid. She forgot
her iears, and entered the carriage wsiit
nig around the corner with him."
Aw sty they drove, how far Helen did
not know.
Suddenly t'ae arm that encircled her
- ws'.s withdrawn, and a voice said:
"Look here, young woman. Xo noise.
I'll choke you ff you try to scres'tn. You
hsive your" watch find jewelry with you,
I hope, nn. 1 the iaoiu y you promised to
coax from your mother. Hand tkeiil
"Oh, it is not my Carlos!" cried Helen.
"Oh, what .-hall r.ior"'
"It is Carlos at Ic;:st it is the man
you've been ci ncspoudiiig with," sisid
tiie voice ii.'.ilor the hat. "But I'm no
pi'mc", an.l no hus'-siud for you. Hand
over the money and the jewelry, and I'll
not hurt y. .it. 1 haven't much fancy for
a biesid-nnd -butter miss, and an idiot
who would run oli" with a man she didn't
know, to bo-it. Hurry; I'm waiting."'
Poor Helen! she leit as thougn the
sudden end oi the wm ld would be a com
foit. r-he was ready to die of shame sold
mortification. But she gave her purse,
her watch and ail her small possessions
to tlie robber, who, with a loud laugh,
' idiered thcia up and jumped cut of the
csiri iage, c diing to the ci river:
'Take that gal back to the. school, John
will ioui"
The driver did as he wa told.
Mi.-s II. den White stood on the c!nor
slp of Miss Minci vsi's f-j miliary Again,
"nut not a. one; with her stood the driver,
in a furious r ige. He demanded pay.
She had no money. He swore he wou.d
be paid, and r;::iir the bell and batter. el
the door until not only the scrr.-inls, but
.diss .Minerva ami lour una twenty scuoi-
sus appeared iu die hall and on tha stair
way, in all sorts of impromptu drapery,
and having decided that it wsts neither
fire nor murder, opened the door to he
boid Miss White and her angry compan
ion. "Pay me," cried this worthy. "You,
missus, that drives the machine, psty i.i-..
Here's a gent i.iics me to carry oil' ids
;:d, and whtu they falls out and psirts I
io.-cs my fare. Pay med"
But Miss Minerva, recognizing Iter
scholar, darted forward, le.-cued her,
shimmed the door in tiie msm's face, or
dered the servants to guat.-I it, and sisked
for explanations.
The explanations ended in a swoon on
the pat t of Mc-s Minetva. and hysterics
on t lisit of Helen White.
The next morning Charles stood before
his sister with a peculiar expression on
his face.
In h-r lap she held a packet of letters
which she had p lti.-ed.
Can il be that my daughter would
write and receive such things as these: '
she S.tid.
"My dear sister," sard Charles, 'Vll is
as I have slated, anil it is sis well that, on
........... .C ,1... ... .,,. il li-.-j ,!l r
HOT pillt 'l llll. i IHlCIII-lll, 1W , II-s ill. I.
iicce ol acting, lleien was in earnest.
and has no idja that her letters were from
he-r uncle.
"That he, in r. mustache and cloak,
eloped with her, and wound up the atla'u
by robbing her; or th it the driver vsis
his old frioad Winter, who ha : da i-!i titis
of hi-own, and who juoini.scd to wind
up the affair in t!ie most tin aJful mauuer
"You must, however, jroniise me to
send for IKlcn to-morrow, and to ke.-p
the truth of this affair a secret, so that it
may be a lifelong lesson to her."
Mrs. While listi ned. She was angry,
but she had sense enough to do as her
brother desired.
Anil it was not until Helen was mar
ried that she learned that her love nifair,
elopement, au 1 desertion were all cariied
on by her Uncle Charles, w ho k n e w w h si t
the result of board in-.v-hi use flirtatious
might b-, and cured !:is nt2ce, by giving
her a bitter lesson, of all disp.isitiou to
imprudent conduct in foolish sentiment
ality. ATeather lieport
foi: avocst 1'jT9.
Moan temperature
I.i e-t " " on the ST'n
f 7 4
.r : c
. Ai
Hi-I.est " 2.1
lE-y!i-sl "
.No. time over 'M
" 2Tth.
" 1T.1:.
haiufail ':
Two liu'lit tlnauler i-t.irnis. Terj- dry, little
or uo clouils. Very still.
Al'crsT 1S73.
Me-Mi teiili-erature 73 ca
lli-dieft " " !4.e0
Lowest " " . :!
E:.i:i f :.!!. nnc Inch.
liy the aimve r-itii-t will be riftice'il tl:e fTifTer
ent luean temiieiaturi. Aumist a vir Si. is
wsmitrr t iiitn tlsis Anmtst ; u tiit niuie rain
f.-il. The tetn of iny well water is 49
v coldest soiiiis vater is anU t!i.3 waiuic-i-t
is CZ.
CASS corxTv.
Ilesgcr's (Jardecs.
"Gad" writes ii very i3easant letter
about for tha Lincoln
Journal which wo rs-pruduce this
wetk. Except his too flattering no
tice of the IIeuald it is a good state
ment cf our possibilities :ind probabil
ities for the future.
Tlu visitor to the little City which
lit'stles so closely among Cue hills
that surround this pleasant place,
v. ill be obliged t j note the push and
energy maul ff sled by the people doing
businejS in .riattsuioutli.
This teTH has awakened up. A tievr
era seems to have begun. New build
ings sire being projected. The ii. it .' I.
car and rejuiir shops are growing to
large proportions. Every Dian em
ployed in the shops represents an ad
ditional item to tho tradesmen of
A large fice of men and teams are
grading the approaches to th lridg;
the stone work is being pushed along
rapidly by W. II. B. Stout, w ho has the
contract tor the stono piers and abut
ments for thi bridge.
Mr. Stout has a big job on hand, but
with the splendid facilitis he now ha.;
he can complete his contract to the
perfect satisfaction of the company.
Mr. Stout informs us that he has open
ed ne of tlie finest limestone paan ies
in the country at South Bond, thestone.
being of the finest texture and best
quality far building purposes.
Cass County is second to nune in the
State. Bounded n the east by the Mis
souri Ilive-r, on tlie north by the Platte.
The land was takfti here early in the
history of the Territory. It has been
improved by an enterprising cbis.-j of
farnacrs, who sire demonstrating the
possibility of farmers getting rich.
Very little vheat is raised for the
market. Corn, barley and rye, for
feed, are the main products of the field.
Almost all of the farmers have good
orchards growing. Some of them, that
htivo. b'l-n pi tilted frci-ti ten l- l'fttfn
ytars, are a large sou re a oi letnv.e to
their owners.
A man who cultivates a farm in
Cass County and does not set. oul a , -..f",- i,,r"--, he rcc-i vd a recomnien
good oi chsird and fence his plaeo .v u.-'ition fr'i:i the Baptist pastors of Uo3
Osage hfcdgws, is cons.idt.rid improvi- tr,n p(. A'.ieiican Baptist Home
dent. Mis;sioV S'-svty, whose head-iuai !er3
nr.iiwooD. J v.eie ar.ti are in Xv York, .'Mid Kal-
Each farmer plants enough (., v,,,:,t to Kausa:', as the fully acred
trees, generally fa-t grow ing s navies. ! pc.,"i missionai y of that natUnrd soeie
to insure him S!idi:ient lirewocd forjt..-. At 1h;d time bis slandin-.y wsts
all tima to come. Groves can b wu j u':rj!!estinably good in tho B udiit de
in every direction ; on the hi-'he.d ."id.:- - i;riii.r.tic.a. . ,
es, in tiie valleys, cvny w iu-re, tlie '.' bore ii'-ver x?.3 t v.'OMitn in toe
evo can sew limber, orcb.i-.ds jnd Etdg- : riViH" jn Kansas, but rtfler h vs..s Hp-
Triw -wit- o Ti' To-.-s
Hor.iS'liw must be pi.-.-.-vl ( '".npeliine:
A. . . , . A V . . A....-.-...
the owners oT hedg s along the hlgn-
n-!iv to !nnii!illr trim t i;.-i r bud-'e roVS
down to a certai : height, it is gelt in
to be a. serious matter for the people
of some of our counties to travel dur
ing the hot dajs of July or August
-alotu" some of onr country roads. The
. , . , .i.i .... i
neilgi-s are so tien.-Ai ui ine rsirne uuu
left that scarcely a breath of pure air
i i . . . . t
can ue oijeaineei
TIis ilusf soptiis to raise in clouds but
the ceiebn.teil "Nebraska 7,ephyrs" can i3y ,,f tjlW cilizetis j-iucd the church
not perform their functions ami blow I ,S- i',v r.iost nssiduus atteutions wer
it away, the hedjes having formed a j j.; tt, );;,p.,, !,'s case, and be. finally
cinplete wind break. I declared d. termimttiti to inaK
Another reason whv they should e ! Iiew start. He was at one" cstlled to
trimmed is the fact that they obstruct iiveiiwort!:, ami, of course, filled tho
the vision. There are places in Cass j (.j.un b. a vwv large one. as In ever did
Counlv where you m;iy travel miles . $ 0il(.r places. II n next m id-a visit
aral not get a glimpse of any of the j to DetiTfi, and was oo 'f 'd the best
land along the side of the lane you chu,c;, hi the B Mt ist dcr.omiantiou in
no roiwiiiT tlirntorb. "VVhv don't VOW : iv..-.i. If., .loe'iined. 1 ; i ll'j'ii to the sat-
triie dowrT your hedges, Mr. farmer,
making a much bettei fence of ii, be
sides adding a great deal to the beauty
and value of ytur property?
The First National Bank reports bus
itess better tlian ;it any time since the
panic of '7:J. There is more crmfi lence
in the farmers as n cla:s. They ar
getting out of d 'bt, many have good
deposits in the bank aud need no cred
it Imt i-.iv rush for all thev bllY. This
. v, u v j-t.j - - . ' .
bank is one of the solid institutions of
Nebraska, organized many years ago
when Nebraska was an u'itrit-d exper
iment. Tiie merchants of ' latts
mouth have hid a better trade than
for many frars. Fewer bad debts are
contracted by their customers. They
sell iooie goods cheap for cash than
ever before. The busy "boom" :?s
struck them and they rejoice.
Here we also lind a strange commo
ditv, one that wo know will interest
the "bucr.olie: editors ol our country;
t newS,.ipH. nvda who is "w ll beeh-it."
I ' . .... .. .,
Our old friend "Tip-Top" or rather
Mr, J. A. MacMurphy, owner :snd edi
tor of the Herald, as well as a fast
trottiieg horse.. He has a nice resi
dence property and an estimable wife
to assist him iu enjoying life. IL'lme
a gnod brick building bailt especially
for the Hi;r.ALi. Mc has talked
through the telephone, is off from the
Omaha Herald exchange list. What
more couid mortal editor desire?
Six wiles Southwest of Piatts-.r.outh
that well knowu tl-ris
it, W. J. Hesser,
bis greenhouses.
,if I'. .note- I, ns I
vt i.Qi-a.a- ii"i-t-ii,rr o-.:i caii 1,h ffniii.l
in the land, nor one that wcrks iore to : m a j,,er-iti!;tj tubj-rt, W omsii .
p!e;ue his custouieis and keep up v.'i'.h j the usual Kditorial. -le ted: U.n -tire
times, than this s(;lf.3aji.' ilcss. r. j tia5ti and News matter nd Musi.' l V
His plants, bis f.owers, and Lis shrubs, ; wiil S. Hays, II. (1. Anchor and o.h' -can
be found in almost every front vard, i s;i..-,!i per vinr, 2 samplo numbers, I :
from the Missouri river to the North j j). n. Baldwin Co., Cinci'Hiuat;, '
1'Iatle. The ladies will have- llo'.vtts, j m
mid who mb furnish them as ple-nti- " , . . ,
fully as Hesser? Every year h,, dis
nlavs at the State Fair
one ol the m oat.
nleasinir fc.fibitions. His Moral d
play this war will t.e large, aunouguue .--.-" ' . v " . .., K,,.i,i-icite t.
has brought plants this sea.,on by the ; o a-e .a the bu,mc--., :a H-hiaau
csr-load. lias also shipped theru to Ne- I""'""-'-5-brasKa
ity and Omaha by car-load j ..t -
lots. Don't be foolish and send Last, :.,,,.,..-,-? Court th? M
for Mowers and p'utits, when you can
get them at home cheaper.
,..V.. ...r-.i-iH -TV inififtt. b-,r Hudr
nwn T.nt nc(ssitv lia fillilTicl led tilt"
li. iX Al. to add two mcre trams to me t m u ? . " 1 i, - ,
regular tratric of their load. One ,f iv Pectoral ..r Cherry 1 cciot al l. -these
trains is a rreat accohimod.i: ion j ft-, r :ifv t he r t.-c d ; ''' ' -to
travelers desiring to reach Lincoln .h-cei v th.' I 'Hie. 1U 'i' .V. -
. - . ... . . . i
the same night that they arrive in
Tb P.. M. frersjht leaves
Omabu at 6:10 p. m., connects r.t ). -
oj.o'is with thfl Lincoln frcht, and
arrives at Lincoln at 11:15 p. in. (iood
running, ati l much needed accoiuiuo-
'.'itio.i be.-ldes. (iAl).
The fjlhiwing was banded in .by
one of tha "exodus" gentlemen, vlio
having bet-m separated from many of
his friends, li desirous of gathering'
them up, :J tlutt they can all live to
2ft her.
I'LATT.-;;or in, Neh.. Sei'T. S, 'Ty.
M k. Sri'.Nt lii: IIall, Topeka, I'an
sas: I have written to you and can
receive no answer from you. The last.
J heard from you. you wet e iu Topeka .
Kansas, and if you are there now, I
would likn to know how you uro get
ting along. Abo I would like to har
from John Martin and his family. Will
Brown tie smut', and if there is net
good living where you atf, let rr.
know, and if you would like io coma
to Plattsm'outh, :Vb., 1 will prepare a
place far you. I am getting along fine
ly, twenty times ;u we'd ns 1 did ia
Louisiana, and if you would like to
live peaceably, no or." to bother you,
and have a good time, I would advise
yem to come here, if there is any way
possible for ou to g-t here. If a man
owes you a cent lmre. you w ill tsurely
get a penny for it. Write noon, to tide
place. Yours Truly.
llAuuisoN Okiiun.
The N. T. Sun has a (orrespomV-uV
who lakes Kadoek's i art, and as it ha.
b. n nesuly ad the other way, v.e givo
place to a part of the letb r in sheer
To the Lmrob i" The Sen Sir :
I was formerly very intimato with
Kallocli, and, ever since the tniible
trstgodv in California, 1 liave been
amazed to set the number oT tiling'
that can be said about man, withou'.
anv just foundation.
Kalloch's father was one of the mot
esteemed B.tptist ministers in Maine,
and at tlie age of V., Isaac, as he was
alwavH called by bis intimates or Ike
for sshai t occupied bis fathei a pulpit
at Bocklar.el, as pastor; and it ii uon-
i Si-use to sav that bis leputsilion wan
i v.,.t i'i.,.,, i,o lffr. Boston, aftwr the
j i '.'riM rH ba,l been ('died v;itU
I puijited Supet int. nileiit ol li.e i.e.ivwu-
I il, T ..,-.. nr .-ind ( 1 .ll Vt c.i Oil Killl-
H l l. li ll, 1 '
i road.
nd went to iUVtni to mi,
j p, i n ? ; i n the ard goi-i 1.1 ot
' o ., w. -t.i, Ilmnn Journal f I'O til Ot
ty.,.., th-be -t sst.d most siiccessiui m
Li!v f'p- r ever r tiblishe 1 in the Stato.
with Kalloeh as the editor in chief, he
ss.jwii got to diinliiiig so :n to sittract
.-Ulenii.m. l'or a year or two it looked
.-a if he was in a bail way.
Thero .). -nrreel at tbit time a g-ner-.1
, ,;..,. i.o.vr -nient tit LaWlfllCO,
i i ;..i, -n- o; ;il of the s tloor.s, and
!;.., f-t ion of his Kansas chinch, with
which he continued untu ca.ieu cv o..
Up to the time of the Chinese quos
fon, had done nolbing to in
any wav identirv him with the Kear
ney part v. Some of bis most eloquenu
utterances were directed agMt.ot tho
hoodlums and the I-iwlevsnwis of the
citv, and a friend who wenttber from
Kansas (a Unitarian. by th way) wrata
ii. " Vol'ieh was doili'' An lilt-
IU1C Mini, " , . 1 1 i j
j nune .amount of good, and that ins
U K LliaL JV'l""1 " -'
. " .j -r
vast audiences were compoacci s..
cc-l'.ent jieopl". . .
Kal'o-h'.s domestic relations hare al-
wnvs i n f tho rnost happy eharac-
ter" His wife, a charming. :c!f-poi3:v.
ladv. had an 1 has an income from in
her'itwd property which womd
her with her New Kn.;b'ud e.-onouiy.
She has ever had unshaken faith e
her husband. He married her in M:uij
before he went to Boston. 'I heir home
was always a pleasant on", and .
children are of more than uv.ial cva-
Il is wicked for the leaders of tli:
baptists r any of them to atb-mp c I .
, . i . i.. i..A,,i ia e ri '
im lll,.-l . ..,u ,
thev v.fcie glad to share the reputati -
of his gt'eal talents.
Baldias Musical i:eriw.
For Septembsr ith hAudsome f;.""?,
cornes smiling into - ur ollice and pic-.-etits
its ran! with the following C".'i
.. .. .. rin,.i.,-il rnira. A. II- Parson- ;
! KeVi.i'ni.-ceilceof Hie- War, story by M.-.
J i .j. Caaedo; :iu i:ilv-'k5tl!l artic. . .
, ' . L !Vi.i-ii to Tl'itc: sow ft Helectio'.
- 1 I h- expo.i ' liv month o!" t
: -M'V.' .o, ..... . ; . ..
;...i,ioi.ed to -11, M tMiN a ags
.. i ifir. i i '
: v...Vv,,i-'- decided that J.C
j of i,0vei!, have the .'eii;d :- ''
! use tiie Words OiEUin Pectok - ;. e-i
! :i medicine, and e-'-'" " '."
! tioll M'Slinst 1
X. lto.shlon, of
. t - . i - . . ,,v ki- ir" s ndii.1
in it,.. I - - ' i i-,. uit ir.i- inns iio
sell ma smuiai .tic. c..
-Port we
; - j son L. I I.ade'-.