, 1 If I : lit- i j If!: Ii 1 1 ii Ihe Herald, iJnO ylACvlunPHY, - EDITOR. PLATTSMOUTH, SEPT. 4, 187D. J'THIS l'APKK MAT HE KOCXD O.V FILR A T ALL. T1MKH AT C. K. I. & 1". K. R. TICKKT IKKIOK, HO. I CLARK SfKhKT. CIIK'ACO. WKKKK OIK KltlE.VDS AKK AT LICKltTV TO tl-L, ANK KXAMINK IT. (.'all fur Republican State Convention. ! The Republican electors or the State of N lraska are hercbv called to send delegate from the several couiitie, to meet in State Conven tion at Omaha, on Wednesday. October 1. 1879, at 7 o'clock. . in. for the purpose of placing in nomination candidate for the following earned officer, vi. : )!'.e .fudge of the Supreme Court. Two Keg iits of the State Ciiiversity, Ami t transact sucn ot her business as may prnpeilv rotie lie fore the Convention. The several counties are entitled to represen tation in tlie State Onveiition a.i follows. ba-.cd npo't the tote ea-st f.r K. '. 'arns. Lieutcnant i.over f-.rlHTS. (except Madison, whose re presentation is based uiou the vote cast for governor in ISTs.) giving one delegate each VA) votes and one for caeu fraction of 7.1 votes ; al- o one dclegile at !a:ere to each organized couii iy : No. : A . Ciuitll V !' lk-l.rn:tty VoV J), I. Adam 7")7 Kc.irney 3 Anflope. V'yi 2, Keith -2 J liunDi: -'it 3 Knox 'M 3 Ruffalo r'".t f.i Lancaster 1W 1 Kurt '.')! 4 i Lincoln 3 Ihitler 4'J4 4 Madison Xfi 3 ass :7 h Merrick M.1 5 Cedar 1- 2 Nemaha '" Cheseiiiie '! i' Nuckolls 3 Uv M' 7 Nance 1 oifa 4 Otoe 11211 i!.;i.ig 37 4 -r.-iw.iee '' usur. 'SI 1. I'liflj" 1 - lukota r.'J '-' Pieice l 1 ;,v.:i 151 2 I'latte .'ixoii 34: :J Folk 5j:S 4 jj. ,,!-,, ;-n 7 ld Willow o! i !);il.ts .JJ M Richardson 107.J '."i'liii'ire M70 7 Saline !' " v.:iiiLii!i r.'A : Sarnv 3-t7 3 fi-.iltier 4.1 .ii .ij.-4 ir; iae ;12 t'.lee'ey 74 I Josoer ' J full 7.V, Jluaiilton 4": il.irlan lli;c.icick Iloit 71 1 .Srum'.lcr (i j Seward 81K ." f.lK i .i.an W - 1 Stawton 12J 2 1 Thaver..... .416 4 f. alley 1" - 4 WiiKliiiiKt-ja n4 1 4 Wavne -s 1 V. titter 4R!" 4 l.York 7 5 Howard 3 .lefforoa 471 S iutal Jiiiu-.sou "i:t It is rteonimendPtl. , Kirs! i'liat no proxies he admitted to the i'otiention. except such r.s are held bv per roi.! li-sietiiiir in tit o counties Iron which the proxies ale civell. Srcfinl That no le!ei:a(e shall repre-eut an :ili-eut nieini.ei of his rieles:ut ion. unless lie be i !-t lied with authority from t he County Couven t ion. or is in pos'esiou of proxies from reuu.ar lv elected tii-leates thereof. t'.y order ot the Kepubiiean State Central CoiilluileC. .' TAMKS W n.VW Ki, Chaauian. 11. M. Wi:i.l.S, Secretary. Lincoln, July 3:), l .'J. Call for a Republican County Conven tion. The Kcnuliliean Klectors of this county are -i:u! lo "meet in convention at Weepi:i Wa ter on Sate.nUv. Sept. 2'itli. l7:i. at 11 o'clock a. pi , for tiie purpose of electing sdcheatMN to the State Convention. Oct. 1st. Is7:: ami delegate to the judicial i.sirict eoaventi.ui forthe noini nati.m of Histri -t Jude. It is also further called to place in r.oi:iinat:ou candidates f-r f 'liowiiu ofliees : CoiKitv 'lerk. treasurer, r i.-ii;:. eo'.intv jud-e. cl. iv: if th" ilistrh-t court. ri:--ei ir.rendeiit ot M-hooK. eo-oner, and one or j.ioie c-iiiiimi-Monci-s ::s may lif-ieafter he tle . laic I le::al. ar.d to tiansa t sttcU ilisiuess as i.iav . -ilii.iatoly come lefre if. Ii it recommended that tl.e primaries f.irthi occa-io.i i.e heht on Saturday. Sep; U. is7,ttinl -.ic:i and precinct i-; entitled to di ltrales to li e convention .-u fol!..w- : l'laitsinourli City, 1st Ward 2.1 Ward 5. :;.t W;ml 5. 4;ti Ward 4 ; l'iattniiM-.th J'irciitct 7 : Hock. Bluff i 3 ; Liberty : Ki -at M'le drove C . Ml. Hen-air " : A voca :". : Louisville 4 : Centre ti ; V.ecp-us Water : : oulli rend 4 ; Elm wood ii : Stove Creek f. ; Tip ton ? ; ire.-nvioo.i f : Salt Creek 4-im: delegated. It is furtlier recoimiieiidel that the primal ien i.iet t in the several wards and precincts at the t::ncS and places bel.n. given. I riatt.-mouih i it at 7 :.w o'clock f. ni. : lt Wi.rd. court hieire; -id Ward, rienuriii School lioue : r.u Ward, liuttiier & 151acl;' oliice ; 4th . . n! !). II. V. he. irr's d:ice. l'ialtsTnoutli l'recinct, at Taylor' school Louse, at 2 p. Ill" la.-.-U BluiN. at Ilerger's school house, at 3 p. 1:1. I.:'..: it v. nt Fol. leu's school house, at 4 p. in. Kie-.it Miie tJrove, at ShafcrV school house, nt 4 l. 11. u. i'lfar.t, at ;i!t:iorc's school house, at 2 p. :n. Ao:-a. at Hu'-hins' school hoiie. nt'J p. 111. Louisville, at OsmkoppV hall. -17 p. m. Centre. .iKiruiiJ i'rairij -cliul liou-.e, at 2 p. 1:1. . Weepisij Water, at school hus;. ai S i:;ii liciiil.at Soi:;li rend school h ; p. 111. house at 3 p in. Kluiwoo.l, at Maialant! school house, at C :30 p. in. S;ove Creelc. at ?I.'.y's school h:itie at 7 p. in. '1 11 t"ii at V. im. Wright's liouse. nt G p. 111. m ccii wood, at Hume"' school houe, at 7 p In. .-a'.t rte; k, ai Al boii's school uou-e. at 3 p. la. Ai'. reeoiuineinled that at each primary iie"i:i: noine Melinite action he taken about .r.i it--, or Mipply m. the jdace of absent ucle ;.t acoiiventioii. J. A. M.rMi'Ri'iiv. Chairman. .Ji;i!- W. Jii.v.M.xus, Secretary. There is a pile of ncw3 in the Ker.r llt Press, fcr a fact. Br.OADY of BrownvilU is talked of fur democratic candidate for Judge in I'iij district. W. L. Gray, has a young "Jem ocra!,", so he says, down there. We wish tho boys success, old one and 2 cr.ng cr.e. We made a trip up country last wffk, tell about it next is.sue, too much to do this week to catch up on other matters. The 2oth Anniversary ef Neb. City is bing celebrated now, and the Fair there is looming up as one of the big things of tho time. The bridga, our bridge 'n just loom ing up. Everybody asks how, why, what are yen going to do, &c." Lot 'era hui'.d, that's all, wc can stand it. The Fairmont Bulletin, falls into lino for IIvh. M. L. Hay ward to be nominated member of the Supremo Bench. Bro. Calkins is sensible. Press. Di:. Livingston hs Laen mention ed for Rogent from this Couuty and the Hekald thinks it would be a good selection, in point of brains, ability ami sand. Nkbi:asi:a is entitled to two super visors to take the census in 1830. A t,-.od chance for aspiring politicians to wor': u.i their Senatorial "boom " Neb. City Press. Damei II. Whekleii has gon to tit? State Fair at Lincoln and reports say entries arc coming in by the thou sand, and it will be one of the best Fairs wo ever held. ArTEuallit would seem that the Culorcd people left at Neb. City did v.-oL nil find places; and some are wishing to return home. in 1 miM 11 1 tMm iBMmzm Hon. J no. Welch, our minister to j lai;d has returned, and Philadel- i.i. 1'! i i is bannueLLinz htm. He states that he is tiled of diplomatic life and res uo more of it. Ci-N-HooD one of the bravest of the officers of the. 1 label Army died of T( How fever at New Orleain on the t.-JLs:. His wife and one daughter a'so itrc iiubed to the feveiful pe.Hi'.eiice. j Matt II- Garpekter to Senator Conklins: "I always told you,inr boy. that if you want to be happy you must be virtuous." Now Matt, how do you know aVout that? O.N Friday last, Mrs. fcfpraue made preparations to leave Xarragauset Pier, and Saturday slje took her departure accompanied by her children, nurse and baggaje. It was ent'rely without her husband's knowledge. V.'icll now this Hay ward boom is ret ting bizger. Wc thought the old (lonrr nl would liave a walk over, but b gin to think that the next convention will be a lively one if it is "only two Ketjents and a judge to nominate." The Tippublicin tOni cih) ha3 h very sensible article on the ett!eiu?nt of Douglas County outsidt of Omaha. Xo eastern county in th state i3 so sparsely settled and -Vpec'dlators lauds ihould be a thing of t'.is past there, soon. It is funny to see Omaha and Coun cil Bluff hugging and kissing across the river, through the entry of. the Spocn Lake Hotel and the intersticesof the great U. P. Bridge. They'll marry some day and then for a new crop of energy and thrift. Tin-: Chisholni murderers are on tri al in DeKalb, Miss. Mrs. Chisholm has gone from Washington, where she has been given a clerkship in the Treasury department, to testify as a witness, and prominent men have undertaken the prosecution of the caso, regardless of the danger. Come boys, don't be so long about, it. Lrt us know our doom. Are you going to unite or not, which way can you ncoop thu ItepubHcati3 the easiest, or can you do it anyway. Let us know at all events so we can begin to say our prayers. We mean the Democrats and (Jreenbackers in the Count)'. Tiirc "ouuty Commissioners ar in session for September. They propose to move right along just as they have been doing and let the Courts settle the County government's Status under the uew ar-t. Also to wait patiently until tho Court decides whether they are to issue a call for one or three cuwtuissioners. The National View ,flre?nbeck or gan;, f Washington, says: "Grumb ling, but with a precision of movo inent born of long practice, the Demo cratic party slowly Lends forwards and elevates its coat-tail to receive tho national kick which is to send it far up among the mists of Salt Iiiver." If a (ireenbacker said that, he said one good thing, once, anyway. What are the facts about this bill of o000 between the State Journal Co. and State B'd of Agriculture that the Kearney Tress is blowing about. Let's hear something on the other side. The man mixes Wheeler up in it and we know Wheeler would'nt do anything wrong! What the row about any way , who stole ? Owing to the absence of the editor last week, it was not noticed that tho great freight fight between the C. B. & Q. and U. 1. It. II. was amicably set tled, both parties claiming to be satis fied with the result. As rates to ship pers have really been reduced since, and bid fair to be kept lower the public have no reason to regret the short "un pleasantness" of our grwat friends. The liepublican primaries are Sat urday a week, the 13th; this campaign is opening with great vim. This Couu ty wants to maintain its Republican ascendency, both this fall and next; it should not lose its prestige in tho Councils of tho State and Nation. It behooves every true Republican to be on hand, to lay aside private jealousies, personal spites, nominate our very lent men and work and labor for the ticket. Remember this, and a word to the wise is sufficient. Ox the 29th inst, the Republican Central Cosjmitteo of the Second Judi cial District met pursuant to the call of Maj. J. W. Fearman at the parlors of the Baruum House in Nebraska Ci ty. Present, Maj. Pearman, of Otoe County; Georgo S. Smith, of Cass; J. Stull of Nemaha; and J. E. Phillpott, of Lancaster. The Committee decided that the Judicial Convention beholden at Nebraska City. October 3, 1879. at which time a suitable candidate will be nominated for the office of Judge of the said district. The apportionment of delegates w? agreed upon us fol lows: Lancaster, 14; Cass, V; Otoe, 8; Nemaha, 9. Journal: The Commissioners have found an other clause m our laws, which pre vents over fifty per cent of the levy from being nstd until July noxt. Con sequently they cannot draw another order for contracts already entered in to, or work done between now and then, unless they borrow moaey for the same, not even for their own pay. Hurrah! let's have a commission to re vise and simplify (?) the laws. But. really now, don't blame this Legisla ture, we believe the old hardheads, and managers put up this job on tho "young una" to kill 'cm off far nzxt year. There was no V. S. Senator to be elected last winter, you know. .LSJ6 t Temperance Lncampinent. The State Tempeiance Alliance will convene at Bloom ington, Franklin county. Neb., September 1G, 17, IS and 19. First day. Red ribbon; Second day, Temple of Honor. Gen A. II. Kowib; Third day, Good Templars, Mrs. Ada V.:t iMt; Fourth day. Alliance day, M j. ii. B. Skinner. The Encampment will Le held in the grove. Excursion tickets can be obtained at any railroad station in lhi3 Stato at one and one lifth fare for tho round trip. Bloom ington is a beautiful tewn at the ter minus of the B. & M. K. 11. in the Re publican Valley. Every tffort will be made lo accommodate the large num ber of guests expected. By order of ComruiU.ee. i-:. H. Marshall, CI. airman. J. V,'. pL!!:Y.;cret:U v. Delegates to the Republican State Con vention. From Washington County Sam B. Taylor, C. C. Peck, "Willie" C. Walton, KeV. J. B. Maxlield, J. B. Bailey, T. Carter, F. S. Hilton. The central committee of the second judicial district met at Nebraska City, Friday night last, and called tho dis trict convention at that place on the 8th of October. Little indications pointed out the coming campaign as one that will attract some attention in political circles, a portion of the Lin coin bar, it is understood, favored an early convention, for reasons obvious to the political observer, and had their emissary on th ground for that par pose. We, however, are satisfied that the time n.imed for the convention will be more satisfactory to all con cerned, and if Otoe and Lancaster want a tilt, Cass will prove an appreciative observer. Enterprise. Xow what's the "nigger" in tho fence mean? Why don't you sing it out? Is it that Lancaster wauted the district Convention before the State Conven tion ; or that Lancaster will be for Cobb and Found both, ancf you tbink that's one too many, or what is it. Wo are satisfied with the Convention, and hope a good man will bo nominated. "The Nebraska City Sun furthers the boom with the following: The Sun stands by MacMurphy, of PlaUsmouth, for regent. lie is a gentleman of edu cation and eaergy. Enterprise." AVe are 9. thousand times oblid to tho Sun, the Enterprise and other friends who have mentioned Mr. Mac Murphy's name in this connection, and foel complimented that he is thought god for something, but it i3 an office not to be deaired particularly at this juncture, one that no man should "work" fcr, and one that demands the best talent in the State, and one that MacMurphy has no particular desire for; wo will gladly support ' any other good man from Cass County, ! if it is thought we ought to have a Ite i gent, or from any other Ideality so that he is a gentlemau, an honest man, a man of education enough toundestand the wants and demands of this great institution, and of backbone enough to follow hi3 own convictions and the fairly expressed wishes of the people fearlessly, without favor or affection, sect, creed or persons. We deem this much due to friends and the public at this time that there laay be no misun derstanding and no false expectations indulged in on the matter. The County Fair takes place Sept. 17 19. Among other novelties, and many premiums, the following special premiums are offered. We hope there will be competition enough to make the thing lively. M'ECIAL I'KEMIl'MS H)R T.'IK THIKD t; It AN I) r.Aitv SHOW. The exhibition to take place in the afternoon of the third dav of the fair, Friday. September LHh. in the judges' stand. For the prettiest baby over six and under fifteen mouths of ao, the 'following premiums will be awarded : 1st pieniuui, I iK'.mtifu! b iby carriage... S15 00 I'd " 1 baby carriage 7 0 3d " 1 nolo necklace S 00 Above premiums will be ou exhibition duiiu,; the fair. Sr-FXIAL l'KEMIUMS ISV Til E X EBKA8 X A HEK ALD OKKK'K. For the beet essay on Ca-s County, her zier al features, capabilities, and resources. 51 in inoiiev, and the llPlt u.li and Inter-ocean one year. Said essay not to exceed two columns in ihe Herald. For the bet article on Farm Life, by a v.'Uii man not excrediua! 2n years of age. si in money . Ur.liALU 1 yearaiul a copy of American Stable Ctiide. a neat book of 1S4 pages ; article, not to exceed l't columns. For the best article on Hairyins, or Dairy ys sources. bv aoy- fanner's wife or daughter in the county, one di liar in money. Hi:!:ai.i for one vein, and tli.j Home Guide Cook Book" or " Farmers" Talk ;'' article not to exceed 1! columns. All of the ab.ive to be written by hona-fido residents of the county and to be published in tho, Hkkvld alt'-r the lair. IiMi;tere-:cd juies to be chosen on the rounds. In judin the articles, the writing, p-.rictu.i-tiosi, 'anuuar. and construction of sentences to lc taken into account, as welt as the ideas ; also, all articles to be written plainly on ono side of tiie paper. Jno. A. JucMl Ui'Hl'. H'K.CIAL I'KKMIL'M BV M Its. M ACM L I! IH V". For the bet article on Housekeeping, by any viiuncladyot Cass County, not over li) years old. a -rood, practical cook book smd a hand some steel eintraving, large size. Governed by same rules aa above. tWrtRUTH's SI'ECIAL PREMIUMS. For the tiest loaf of wheat bread made of Cass County wheat, by a vounjr ladv uot exeeodin 1G years of aye. oiie fine jrold rinst valued at ?.. For the be-t five-pound roll of butler made by a younji lady not exceeding 16 years of age, one set of jewelry, valued at S3. Tl;e camuiittee to bo appointed by myself on the Fair grounds. The goods can be i-eeii at any time by calling at my jewelry store, ou Main street, Hattsaiouth, Nebraska. F. C'ARRUTII. si-Ecir.i. r Ft km i cm s r.v r. ii. wukelkr. To any boy or girl of American parentage, un der 15 years "of ae, wh. canspea-v and has tin: bei-t knowledge of the German lanjriiae, to be c;i mined oni;rounds by a German appoint ed by Mr. Wheeler, S !. lo any boy or cirl. 15 years of :o-e or undi-r. of American piust-tafre. piodueiii'.; tne best speci men of Gorman writiusr. not les than one r.ae Sermon Bath paper, properly certified as hav lu been executed by the exhibitor, 2. SPECIAL I'KKMIUM rF 10 p.y T n K 1T.ATTS MOUTH SroltTSMF.N'S ASSOCIATION. For the bent score at gkiss ball shooting from mole trap ; 20 balls. 1 yards rise , entrance lee, SI. To be governed by the rules of the Asso ciation. SPECIAL PRKMIl'M OH" 510 I5V W I). .TOXPS. For the best ceutleman eijuetrian, over 35 years of age. Entrance fee, cl. Special premium of .5by.J. L). Ad ims and A. B. Todd, for the best wreidler. Km ranee fee $1. Then, :n Class XV are more nov elties, as: A bovs' plowinsr match for bov between the aifs of'e:e;ht and lilleen years ; the test of mer it being the best work with least labor to him self and team, and exhibiting the greatest skill i:i handling tiie plow and team : FiiM premium $'j f" Second " 5 f-0 Third " 4 on Fourth " 3 00 Fifth " - 2 00 For the mont expert driver of four liore. two and two abreast, exhibiting the greatest skil iu handling tiie lines with one hand ; each contestant to be the owner of the team he drives and to be a resident of the county : Fir-t premium $a on Second " co Third " 4 tti Fourth " 2 00 They are evidently determined in Geor gia to suppress lha practice of tarrying coucealed weajujus. The Savannah News records that Mr. D in ColT-y, of Americus, i3 nceutly indicted for the. olfensa at EUaviile, the county cat of Schley, be cause he was fouud with a screwdriver in his hiiviMieket. where, it seems, he had ! platclit 1'or unto keeping. He had tak ! cn it 11I0112; with li'iu for the purpose of j fccrewiiig iown some plates to a burial case containing the remains ot a lady which had beea brought to EUaviile for interment. The O'llara Glass Company, of Pitt3 burg,are now working on an order from Spain for 1,500 dozen goblets, which they have contracted to deliver in New York at -12 cents per doz. The Vassalboio', Me., woolen mills can boast of a recent production of j 17,000 yards in one week, with twenty- two sets of machinery, and less than GOO names on the pay roll A milkman died the other morning and left his heirs "3, COO. And yet it j is not every day that the truth, in such I proportions, i3 found, at the bottom of a well. Our Temperance Column.' KDITKD BY t:ik woman's chuistiax tkm I-KKANCK Oil OX. 'For God. au-I ! owe. nud Native Land." ijLATTSJIOl Til Loixsk No. 2. I. O G. T. Beguiur meetings at Good lemplars' Hall eveiy Wednesday evening. K. II. VOOLKV, W. C. T. Viola V. Harxjw, Sec'y. 1JHTTSMOUTH TEMPLE OK HONOR AND Tkmi'Kuaxck, No. 15. Kegular ir.eetimr. Saturday evening iu Hall in Fitzgerald' block. 1. 1'. GASS, v. c. r. J. F. Johnson, Sec'y. 1lattsmol'th 1JEH Kibron Clur. llejrular meeting on Moudav evening of each week. K. G. Dovky, I'resideut. H. M. Bt siiXKLL, Sec'y. rnHR ItEAniNii Boom. Open on Wednesday -1 and Saturday afternoon and evening of each week. Front room over F. S. White's store. IJlatlhmoutii W. C. T. V. will meet every alternate Thursday at 3 o'clock, in the Beading Boom, unless other notice is given in this column. Mus. 11. M. Wise, President. Mrs. J. L. Dl'KE, Secretary. TEJLATT8MOUTII LODOK OF JCVKMLK TF..MP- la ks will meet every alternate Friday even ing at S o'clock in Good Templars' Hall. Mrs. A. SciiLnoKL. Superintendent. The programme for the Sixth Annu al Meeting of the Illinois Woman's Christian Temperance Union promises an occasion of the highest interest. It will be held tho first three days' of October'at Docatu,' and three dele gates from each local auxiliary are in vited tobe'present. Other temperance organizations will also be represented, and the gathering will, in many res pects, be the most notable held in Illi nois for years, in the temperance move ment. Among those named to take part in the proceedings are Miss Fran ces E. Willard, President of the Union ; Mrs. M. II. Villars Mrs. S. M. D. Fry, and Mrs. G. II. Keed, of Bloomington ; Mis3 Kimball, of Chicago; Mrs. J. El len Foster, of Clinton, Iowa ; Mrs. M. L. Wells, f Springfield ; Mrs. Wait and Mary Allen West, of Galcsburg. The plan of work for 1870-SO will be deter mined upon, and the tone of this meet ing will give character to the cam paign whick follows. We have great confidence in both the zeal and wisdom of the womea who have this move ment in hand, and bid them again God speed. Hiseellaueoas. A convention of reformed men was held in ludianapolis la?t week at which 122 delegates ef various temperance societies were present. Said the murderer of the Randolph family: "I took two glasses (?f beer that morning, and then the thought of murder came into my mi ad." The National Temperance Society has ' h press a very interesiing and val uable work written bv Mrs. S. M. I. ! Henry, of Illinois, entitled '"Our Fledge Roll." A mfeting w ill bo held at Central M. E. Church, St. Louis, on Thursday evening, the 2tst, with a view to the formation of Bands of IIopw through out the city. Jolm 15. GoHgh. after going through the sluirt3 of London, is compelled to believe that drunkenness"- in England among the lower classes, is far more prevalent titan twenty-five jears ago. Francis Murphy, Hi temperance re former, has returned from l ho Pacific Coast foi a brief visit in Pittsburg. Ho, has Leea vry successful in Califor nia. He will start for a campaign in Kansas an.! Colorado wi:hin a few day. The Woman's St.tt Christian Tem perance Union of Penn.- 1 vania has petition.! the Er cigelicnl Alliance to set apart one whole day in tho Week of Prayer for 18-39 to be devoted to prayer for the pi ogress cf the Temper ance cause. The telegrams report a very large attendance at the Bismarck Grove, Kan.. Temperance camp meeting. Gov. St. John and Francis Murphy were present, and made addresses. The at tendance is said to have ranged from 0,009 to 12.00D, to last reports. Capt. Webb, the great English swim mer, adds hi3 testimony to Ilanlan'aof the usefulness of ardent r-piiits as a mems of greater endurance. IIs rays j "When young men go on a walking tour, a glass of beer, at every inn means failure; and as to spirits, these are simply poison." Government returns show that there is annually expended in intoxicating drinks in Victoria, tho smallest of the Australian provinces, the sum of 3. 8S7.000. or nearly $20,000,000, without including the indirect burdn-ns of taxa tion, since three fesrths of tho crime, poverty, and suffering of the colony are caused by drink. Mrs. A. G. Lewis, of Brooklyn, a wife but 19 years old, has sued two Green poiat (L. I.) liqaor dealers for 825,000, under the civil damage act, claiming that they hare made her husband a drunkard, though he was formerly so ber and industrious, and that he has assaulted her while druus on their liqaor. The late Dr. GRthrie, of Scotland, was a ntrong temperance man. On one occasion he expressed his opinion of whisky in these words: "Whisky is good in its own place. There is noth ing like whisky in this world for pre serving it man when he is dead. But it is one of the worst things in the world for preserving a man wban he is living. If you want to keep a dead man put 'iiiu iu whisky; if you want to kill a living, put whisky into him." Treinont Temple, the headquarters of Baptist publishing interests in New England, and the building in which Rev. Joseph Cook's Monday afternoon lectures were delivered, was destroyed by fire, last week. Our minister at Monrovia. Liberia, reports the secession of a nttmber of tribes heretofore supposed to belong to Liberia, They have issued a formid able manifesto, in which they declare, "We consider our people under the pro tection of England, whose Hag we will fly, and also call upon her in lha pres ent difficulty." The yearly herring cure of Scotland reache-:J,0-i'J.'K'0 barrels. CORRESPONDENCE. From Ilock Creek. September 1st, 1879. The very dry weather is drying up the corn very fast, especially the late planting, some of which will not make more than half a crop. Wo think some of thos3 Threo Groves' farmers that arc expecting one hundred bushels per acre will fall short from forty to fifty bushels when they come to gath ering. Some sickness at present in the Neighborhood. Farmers busily haying at present. There will bo cousiderable many cattle fed in thi3 neighborhood and vicinity this winter. School commenced here last week Miss Knowlton, of Omaha teacher. Mr. Wm. Morrow has built him a new barn. The Greenbackers held a meeting at tho Berger School house not long since. I guess not much done, conld not hear of anything. J. Slimkins. Bock Blafilteas. Ed. Herald: As Philander Doe sticks failed to give the report of our Mustard crop last week, wo suppose some are anxious to know how it is flouishing. It is ripe but not harvest ed yet. Can't the Hkbald get some eheap harvesters to come down and put it up for us? Joe Sacra's carriage lias returned homo after a long visit up tho hollow. We understand we are to loso Joe as a citizen. Going west, we suppose. John Lambert, Jr. returned from Dorchester a short time ago. M. O. Alley started for that place last week. The P. O. has beea moved to Mr. Walstow's store. Prof. Fowler is instructing a music class here. Mr. Logan begins school here this week. Wm. Ellington says he will speak here at 2 o'clock next week. Shered Graves is having quite a seige with his finger, which he will probably lose from poison by a rat bite. "Let 'em alone, Shered." Walt Sanders has quit fishing. Wyett Hutchesou is learning to "fiddle." Samuel Batea' child died last Friday night of liver complaint. "Where is Limber Gim ? Another couple of Rock Bluff's youngsters were married last week, John Churchill and Ida Pocock are the ones this time. If tho Hekald sees fit to publish this letter, we may write soma more another time. Sam Slick, Jr. Avoca Notes. August 30th, 1S79. Ed. Herald: Weather very dry, drier than for many a rear. Corn ii drying cut very rapidly. It will prob ably shrivel somewhat iu the kernels. Wheat seems to be yielding still less and less. Farmers about here are swearing off on barley. Nothing of great importance has cc curcd here except that this School Dis trict, No. 77 has a new blackboard cf alating. If any of your readers meet a man selliag blackboards from Coun cil Bluffs, let them set him down as a fraud. I have not h;s nam?, but h pulled wool ovr the eyes of our school board in a wicked fashon. Only o;e of the Board favored him, the ethers were opposed; but as he said that the other two strongly favored his blaek hoard, each of the two foes finally consented to purchase. The consent of the Treasurer consisted in paying ing the ordsr under protest. The black board man called on a teacher here and after a little talk, reported to the School Board that said Teacher was very enthusiastic for the black board. Tlit teacher being very strongly oppos ed to paying six dollars for said board and agreed to furnish a similar one for two dollars. But I suppose this is not the only place which has been hoaxed by this enterprising young cheat. Oth ers will doubtless be visited by said young peddler and perhaps will do well to watch I-.im. Hadlock has his evaporator up and i3 ready for sorghum making. His pan from Woods cost twenty-three dollars. He has built a good brick furnace and proposes a busy time. The Sabbath School here is still in a flourishing condition. It will have a Concert the first Sunday in September, in the evening. Holye honest apple peddler and "a No. 1 cider vender!" Thy number is legion. The farmers are on a strike, Wut in a lawful way, they use not force but plant orchards, to make them come down in Trice. School will begin the first of Septem ber, in the Stone School house. Miss Upton is to bo tho Teacher. But iu this dry weather it takes too much ink to write because of so rapid evaporation, so until another time good times to all. A voca Katchum. Cost of War. Reviewing the world's history for the Inst twenty five years tho Peace Union, composed of the Society f Friends i this country, shows by official statistics that the loss of lifo by war within that period reached 1.918,000, nearly two millions of people, and the cost in mono , without couiitiiig l5lti destruc tion of property, 51:2,1 W,0ts,ttK. Th greater part of the world's national debts. 523,lo0,(X'O,i''O, giy they, was created by war. The standing armies cost $.j00.0(;0,(MK) per annum. And if industry cannot produce the interest on these 2.'.-l'A,( 00,000, besides the $oOO, 000.0'JO for the nnn ual keep of l he stand ing armies, lepudiation and general State bankruptcy will follow. The of ficial organ of tho Union puts the total expenses cf the ".tc war with the Sioux Indians at 2,312, '1. Before the war these sanm Indians offered to sell the DlacK Hills, about which the war was waged, for $!. 009. President Grstt't offered J2",fl00, and would not advance. Hence the Cetera vy for universal reaca T It possible That a remedy made of such common, simple plants as Hops, Buchu, Man drake, Dandelion, &c, make as many and smell marvelous and wonderful cures as Hop Bitfers do? It must be, for when old and young, rich and poor. Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and Editor, all testify to having been cured by them, wo must believe and doubt no longer, See auother column. THE MARKETS. HOME MAKKETS. RKPORTTll lit F. K. WHITK. Wheat. No. 2 " 3 " rejected Corn, ear " shelled, Oats Larley, No. 2 . " rejected Hye 40.Tt45 lT'UlS 1l1"Ml 20".l 10 30 LATEST NEW YOIIK MARKETS Nkw loitK, Aug. 13. Monev "5- Gold,! LATEST CHICAGO MAKKETS. ClllCAUO Aug. 2?. Hour 4 iVaA 3 Wheat M'l Com 35 J Oats Hve 49l Harlev . Native Cattle 4 OOfot 40 Texas Cattle 3 Vw3 ao Hots 0Xu3 30 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AKCX'TS WAXTF.I) For the Jiett and Fiwfert-KrUiHg Pictorial Bonks and I'.ibles. Friees reduced 33 per cent. National ruhli"h lng Co., Chicago. Ills. 2JI4 $10TO$1000! mouth. Hook sent Invested in Wall Street Stocks makes fortune every nl free explaining everything. Address liAXTEK & CO., liANKElts. 17 Wall St., New York. Q 1 nfh returns in 30 davs on S-oo invested. tplv1 official Reports, and information free. Like profits weekly on Stock options of $10 to $50. Address T. Potter, Wight .t Co. Hankers. 35 Wail St., N. Y. TEACHERS HUt or S SO tn Kimi or soo l'EK JIOXTU during Fall JL Vi:itor. address J. V. Mct'urdy A. C.,Ht. Loais, JAMAICA GINGER. THE REST. F.nlarzed May 1st. 1H79. Price uii- rbnned. The only combination of the true Jamaica Ginger wiiti choice aromatic and French brandy, for correcting intemperate habit-, regulating the stomach and bowels, breaking up colds, chills, and fevers, is San koro's Jamaica Ginger. For relieving gouty and iheumatie pains, preventing malarial fevers ani promoting sleep it is truly wonderful. Ask for Saxkord's. ALVA DREW, LIVERY, SALE & FEED STABLE. (AT THE OLD P ARM ELK liAllN.) XV hero as good rates mav be found as at any stable iu town. Rigs of all kind.', Double and Single, and Saddle "Horses. Horses boarded by the day or week. !;:t i.fi ttATKJi to r. Exsir.ns. A team and man kept for general work, (haul i:u:, moving, a c Horses tutight, sold or trad- several i- 'od houses for sale. Apply to A. Drew at Stable. 20m'f. 3I0XKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS FOR FIXE YEARS TIME. TCi; I2:Ji CfiVT ISrEUEST. NO COMMISSIONS. Enquire of I). II. Plat tsmouth ; or R coin, Nebraska. WHEELER & CO., , E. MOORE. I.in 21tf ADA 31 S WIN 25 J1ILL. 3i. 3i. rn.ix, AG EN r. Weeping Water. Neb. Manufactured by Ma-seil'.es M i'g Co.. t-i Marseilles, ili. 1 have put npever- I in t ass i. o. a::;oii--i :i:is purclrisiiig are .1. M. j F.riirg-'. and S. Vanse:i and ".I. II. V.n iig. of line Co.. all "f whom can testify loitieirsu perior excellence. Those wishing tn purchase en a Jd:ecs pit at W. Wat-r ; sat isfaetio:i guar mf ced. Trices from .5.r-" to -s". Mills n i: bout jmitiiiis :r pumps without milts. IM ni J M i:. Ciirscs. BATES & H0H2TEE. New Carpenter shop on Main Street. Corner of 7th. Bates & Ivohnkc, Builders, Contractors, and g-cncral workman in the Carpenter lino. JOIIX SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages always on Hand, AND HEARSE FUNERALS. TZKZTi: UOTICB ! I want all of my accounts Fettled to dale. ant I shall do no more credit bii"in.ss. All old accounts must be set i led up. and no new ones will be made. I'nless such accounts are settled shutlv thev will be ued. 1 wish to'do a strictly cash business iu future. JOHN SHANNON. 4iily I'lattsnioiith. Neb. James Pettee DEALER IX Musical Instruments, Sole A ppoin tin; Ayen t for The f nrivalled 57aon &, llamliu CABINET ORGANS. i,n the Steele. Ilcnrv" 1". Miller, an.l ILillet .vViinu-toii I'ianos lor Cass and Sarpy counties, ;.e!. C ill raid see .SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at ofllee. Sixth, otic door south of Main St. I'LATTSMOl'TH. NEC. .music Scholars XX" ill do well to examine our :eu- Itfason k Hamlin ,TEUCTCB lit HUlV:V"'cRvi.:-"-::S i-r vl-r-i r.vrJ reAi---"v--i fry :3 l 1 m if I EL2I 3 Plenty of New Goods, A TO STJ Bought am Unusually Xkargo Stock OF 11 EJ? IdSH-S H til ll? JfH l ll 1 3 r 3 ' before yw siDCBBd jmsw .GOODS AWD PEICSS. riililsiiiOI'ill. Ni l) :-a. i has once more " who are, on and after this NFAY GOODS, E L E G We are In almost DRY AND FANCY GOODS which we ofTcrour friends and the public at WBiolesai at prices to Caslnncrcs, Alpacas, Delaines, tVc. Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from 6 cts. a yard upward The finest stock of White lied, p. read? ever broiuhl to the C ity. Buell's Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, and Cottonades li full Stock. 6 i OF ALL Country Produce taken We desire to aee all our old patrons present ones jus we can SEMEMliEIi TEE PLACE. COly imffsiiraira liiij.Il9n3)rS)fi XD HOSIER'S", 9 I-3I M come bauk" to date sole proprietors A i rr 8 T Y L E S . daily re ei t of aiifiB ISctaiB. suit the times. GOODS t Hats aed CanjSt - KINDS. in exchange for Goods. hack and want to hold as ,oau y of tha GUTIIMAN & WIXKUACH. ONE DOOR WEST OF P.O., PLATT&ifGUTir, NEBRASKA X (1