The Herald. mh m. .ivkktisi:mi:n r.s. 1 i- iii. 11!. - ' ' n'.-i a li'.i". Kesiu'ar :..!verils-l-s. 1" i n : Hi'". No ad m ii ajm .-iil lusci t- Cl it -S I l-.I.I J ) 'Mils. I ;:.! nolic's at Statu! ' r:.!M. A i ; i.i neys :tn l i -I s .it the la", vt ill bf ni' Id r-.'..n ulili' bit ill! Ii'.tl imln-i-. l!..v li:iin! in, :ii;i! .ill t .11 ! ' i audl'i a pr."l f pnldka tiou )( Ul'V liolict: Will l'c ilvel tul' llivi ieihiiea tum tecof S'.ui: notice. Ct)MMl'M':AVor.i. Asnursi;iiv is 'hii'ted, cir-mi'i.ielie'oTis iu' be bi iff ai I to l:i- i .in, v.ii'.i i.o waste Of Willi's. Tbe pnp"r! I" ; M,-:!" It tf- . .an-ft lif-1 ari-.ipii::', Ik c-.j v ... ; ...a : i .' i .a:.l paid J-'- 1. A try p"r;-.:i " ' t. ' " 1 friuntii'' in .' -u'r.'-i'. v ! ' ' " 1 n;t it it, nr w n.'t lie i it .--''. i ic-.i.:i!.il!i!i: !' r the pay. . r.'-ularlv . -1 i. his i i r iii-1 n If a.v iht-'.ji -r-!'-:H i.,-,i. in- ,:niii pay i.;; aire. a-, j l 1;,- v : il.'-f ' :t tuMilf .'::'! cobecl ' ' " 1 the nan r i t iV-u li'om ' ir.;"-r ii 'if out iu i.r 1 l.f i -. 1 1 1 i 1 1 -ymi-.iii is : imi'H'I . V. iit-tlK.T im. ir i.i it. I t.i-.t lib. -!:i.r t !-lii-i tll.l'l till.' ist .:e: I'mai uncalled ol 1.1.M1U.V.'.L 3. I tie curl 4 ! C! lake l.f wsu.ip- is M. l !: . ! f I! in r- i i : ' '. :: and ! i (nr. is ; .:-er ei.:: li:,ui. LOCAL NEWS. Impairing t'.-jiic go.,d at Merges. 21tf .V few City Orders fur b ofiice. e ill this 2Ctf -Co l-.j Henry Tlitiruft's for a co'l glass of Leor. Sao 15ros., l.avo one of tlic nicest etore3 in town. Best Omaha ami .St. Louis Beer at Ilt-ni y Theirotf's. Tlireo casj-s before J'U'" Vivian Monday mornir.jf. Bv tho k- or l.otllc best Omaha Beer at Tlii-irofTs. Wm. IlfroUl lias pat a -cORlition" on tbo back of his house. Hurra', we've et a now well and throwd away our oH iu:ap. A washing raachine f.i'-t::ry is soon to be staito.l in Pljitts-nouth. -Dr. St'lal-lkneciit is erecting a neat little house on Chicago avenue. Jim. Shera is g'Miv to leave Hock Bluffs and move out of Cass Coanty. Will Wise advertises some very k'siriib!e property in county asd city. The bridge men liave coiunienc-d vork in the water, cool berth, any v.ay. The ITkuald ofTn?1 has.ot -. brand n-.'W well, :i!"iii the v.ater is pure and -iol. Bat Murphy arrested s- jne fellow Monday eve, and put him in the cooler too quick. Send in your orders for .Too work New type constantly a;iivi:i;', of t'u' r.) y I ii- t Irs."3 for our chain "ran;? are 1 '! : . j i n ltss v.uiaei ous t' for a et-k or two h." !;. S:i;'.. (I. V.'.ir.-Mrrer l.iy i'Vi'!:i!';'. lie ti 'i'-c l!.e ;'ste: il.iy, for I,itci.!r.. 'e.l Th:i! train Kans ."or:'.:i Tuf ,d.ty. s i l!i i' !? !.-!:) up N'ei.raS. .1 i- teams, pvpie to aw;iv l i-t rr.e c 1'A I !V, t!:u f.-nt ;it w. to '.v.ii.. d after it. it'.-v' n iclll in J .1 'I . (I'll C 1 ' V, i; fi- b; i i;s a '(.';'..! of wood. IVetl .' v. burn if. but we ca i.-- it "Be. arm to san:.-e. B-ibei t D -iitielly has i': i-l ed up M" pew shop,' ;-ial liis old us 'omi rs '--', bereafttr Hiid at L:s old i ' : -1 1 -t e: a. Thank i 1-- Mr. W. .1. H;'.rser for '". 'fi".. of lovely -dowers. Sunday la-i. The tuberos-.! .-till iiv-paits its vpet i'(-rfa:iie. Bed of Xe.v Yik has suetl I i:i City for .?-22.5:;-:, tnuey, fr the High School bi'iids, declared ille gal .;'- long ago. A communication from Mr. Mar tit., iale. with a synopsis of proceedings of Normal Inst it u'e ea me in last evca- ing. as we wi re going to press, which will appear next week. l.-ttor IB' -. Is tVoB-ted at t hi ofiice that are w:.rra.:;ted to give satisfaction, a:1.'', 'io !!", like some other tablets mad-' in this ci'y. let a doen s'aeels l w'vn one nlv is wanted. -Sign Bros, have lacived a ttnall roiisigntrte-ut of "MO heat Big and cork ing which the freight alcne fo":? up to about 140. Their now room togetht-r with the cellar will be tilled pretty nearly full. Mrs. Shadrak Cole has been ;uite ill this sucnmT, and the youngest boy met with a misfortune by which he has been obliged to go on crutches for Hometime. We are glad to hear that they are in a fair way of recovery. Joseph Lucsly, Es'j.. sent us a mag nificent basket of grapes Saturday. His vines are just loaded and "Joe" says "Oh. I ain't got no grapes, have I?" Ji-o is with the grapr.s like the Ben Davis apples Coon Ili-isel le'ds about. We'll have to ventilate that story on the old man some of these days, -b? L. r.ii' er- ' ''. 1, a C'.:p.te eut.ii oi new icim?-?. sin gle an 1 dviu'd-1, r.i.l bri '-. whips, blankets ami horse ei;'iii:i-.e-its of all kin Is. IB h.s just finished a very h.ln lsom'? double heavy cariaigfj h.-'.r-l.arr.ess, irob:'.b'y for Geo. Leving.that is a perfect beauty; ono of the best Pees of solid jeod work we ever saw. Give him a call and see th" same. Our old friend of the boat, Mr. Darnell, Ins carae bark and there is a prapect that our "I'erry-boat" may yet be brought back here and soon. Mr. D. says tho eastern ewners v.-rnt back on him. but ! o wants to come !,.,..!- :viJ run tbf r Mt until all his d-'::s are pa; 1. ;i:c; uth- citizens and t'.r- er--itors v, ill a' '.- l-.i-n. ) can ! :n : ti i s - i Per.sanal. Stinchcouib arid Thomas still linger- j I eth. K. II. Bartlett, of Omaha, called yes day. (Irandpa Schickel is expected homo on Saturday. K. Xoyep, of Louisville, was in the city yesterday. I'rof. Pmmmond, Deacon and tlieir ladiea, were at the Liederluanz. B. W. I Baser. B. & M. machinist spent a eoui'le of weeks in Lincoln. Dick Claiborn left us some fine Fpeci iiiens of ores from Montana and Ida ho. Mr. Kennedy, of the firm of Kenne dy & Ciilberi, of Oaiah i, called yester day. Mrs. Julias Bepperberg has onc to St. Joe to her nuthor for a few weeks. Herbert II. Hunt, a guest of J. C. Philippi, Council Bluffs, visited us yes terday. Mr. J. C. Bhi'.lippi of the C. B. & Q. will be. down the last of the week to pay ns a visit. An old sehoalniate of Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Smith, Maj. Bullock, Lr. S. Inspec tor of Indian Agenci?, left yesterday alter a few hours visit with his friends. An exceedingly enjoyable evexiug was passed last vreeK by a party of young folks, through the kindness, and at the resilience of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLaughlin. Mis3 Emma Herold returned from Gloiiwoo.l, last week, where she had been visiting friends, in company with Miss Lulu Austin, who is i.till stop ping at that place. W. T. Jacoby and D. L. Sullivan, with messages from friends, called Friday. The Gentlemen will etfty here some weeks on business, canass ing for Hills manuel of business and legal forms, a very interesting and valuable work. Scrap Iron. C3t and wrought iron wanted. JOHX WiYMAN. Liickalisky Si Son, wholesale and retail grocers, will soon occupy the large store rocin in I). H. Wheeler's block. Ths more the better. Who.p 'em up. The following Machine Poetry was ground out at a little social gath ering, a few evekings since, each one writing a line, after first being given the word with which to rhyme: Oh ! !"ar ! vhal t an t'ao matter ! ; Anil fat!i;r touU ln:n :iero-s !r.s km;e. Va: ill lial'l'V wlcn Veil s rt Tiioro's !'. t:i:;:;s li-Jiiei" ilian i ooij tea. ii m ; n e:: 1 J .iif: mi mo. : - i; r'.'-'.'i-'i-'.- v. a -i !( .'. .-...-ftl ::i :r a-,-! " i i. ' 1 i 1 ' '. f- : ' a al Am! H: . . '.i. f... . i i!e.' : i'tiey . I-..!.'.-.-, i.'' 4 t ;!i nM1 1 .:.. ""j i I I'll v il.f .v.-f ! li.-t ia :. l '-: i i:y i 11 :. to . a .-..'.. :.t ' !, ;.i-t::ae. turr. sjur. Taes lay morniag lVtor Bites a. id liis p.-u tiier Ciii is Kohnke u:a;le up th-.-ir minds they were i;ot s.ttisded with their s!:op-ruo:ii dawn town, they want ed morn room and further up town. In U-u minutes after this conclusion the lui'ic-cr was hauled onto a lot on 7th and Main St.. belonging to Dr. Seiiild krif ci.t, which they had rent d, and be fore ciiTht the outskirts of a very re spectable rpenter sh ip wt-re com pleted, and yos'trday tue' liubhed it. That's pretty lively woik. The compliments of the Best Mas ter with a buttle of ink (so th.t we might wiite oar wrappers plainer) reached us last week. We $uc j,Cap., but li-t 'as teli you how .va cot that ink: some: i mo ago a poor cuss came round sailing ink, goid ink, warranted, he- showed seme, it wrote well, llowed well and he a pitiful story of some kind to tell they all do and we bougat the ink. It turned out perfect ly worthless, was et aside but by mistake the boys got a hold of it last week aid filled tho bottles wo use. We have written this long tirade not on account of "Cap" note but to re mark o;i the traveling tramp nuisance, whether they l-eg outright or offer to sell some thing t'aey are almost always unmitigated Bauds, und the whole peddling, subscription, and begging business together ought to bo put down by the strong arm of the law. If they beg we surely p-ty enough to support charitable institutions to take care of and protect all really needy. Instead of giving, their case should be reported to a proper officer and then place them iu proper quarters. If they offer trash to sell, we buy from sym pathy, a fraudulent article and only encourage tho worthless scamps to go on and swindle the public. Any arti cle of merchandise that is worth any thing will bear inspection on the shelves of a regular rr-putable dealer and whenever it has to be hawked round the country it is almost always an inferior thing. We understand that Dr. E. L. Lycn. of Rochester, X. T., a gentleman of considerable repute as a public speak er and lecturer, will soon deliver a dis course in l'lattsmouth upon subjects appertaining to life, health, and the art of living. "We clip the following from his circular: Wo puipose that th:3 Lecture shall merit the attention cf very man and woman every friend ef truth, . mo rality and progress. While endeavor ing to c-ntertain and possibly amuse, we Iiopy to be able to iTer something tireful. that the hour mav prove one of profit as well as pleas-iro. "We shall also strive to enlighten the pub lic upon topics appertaining to the welfare cf society subjects that have hitherto been ignored by public lectur ers, but are nevertheless of a charac ter which no person canr.fiord to ne- "X'C'tliiug will be said w hich will ! lie distasteful to the tnest refined. EXCITEMENT IN EAST 1'LATTS- j r.iocni. The Lite-Blood or Charley Eraus Let uui Miiuaiviii.e. Iluinors were afloat yesterday as to 1 1 : 1 . . 1 1 n East Blattsmuth. Different uaases were mentioned during the day, but frem the. Enterprise we learn that one Charley Evans was quauHng with a man named Blood, and one Columbus Stokesberry took the matter up, and stabbed Evans to the heart, killing him almost instantly. The sheriff of Mills county traced him up to Glenwood, and was confident of capturing the Mur derer. Latkji. Mr. Mainland informs us that a dispatch received yesterday af ternoon, slates that Stokesberry has been arrested at Bed Oak. I'inafore Asaiu. Editor IIkram: Permit me tht us of your valued paper tu reply to Mr. E.G. Dovey's broad remarks in his letter 3 published in the daily En terprise of Aug 2G. Tho chairman claims that th? Hni: ALl did not know how often his Com. met, &.c. "Pinafore" drcs know, some thing about E. G.Dovey's special com milUe and wants the Herald readers ko know it also. Mr. Dovey was once called to the Surveyor General, once to D. H. Wheel er's oCice, and nce he talked trado to a party on lower main street. Did Mr. Dovey as chairman ever take time to make a report to the city Council of the special committee's do ings'? Xo, he did not; very likely be cause Mr. D. didn't know ef what work his eoinaiittee did, but some other gen- tl m?n did report to the Council. I do not intend to keep up a corres pondence with Mr. Dovey after this publication, fr the reason that his letter contained very slangy language, more fit fcr a Police Gazette, than to appear in a home paper. "Binafoia" wi'.l at some future timr tell in public as to what he knows of E. G. Dovey and ld3 little God, the al mighty 810.00. PlNAKOKi:. The Liederkranz. At their Hall on Monday evening, there assembled a very largo crowd, among whom were seen the members of the Omaha Ma-imerchor, consisting id' the following mimed: J. Bolkhcff, P. es., John Baumer. Vice-Bres., Simon Hoffmann, Leader, B.OrkholI. II.Kra's burg.Chas.Krell, W. Mack, Ed. Wirt!;, Wm. Weckbacli, John Lulz. Ths Hail was handsomely decorated with ever greens, and with mottoes (printed in German) encircled with green leaves and sprigs of Cedar. At the rear of the Hall, was tho greeting "Willkom men!" While on either side were three more, as follows: rr nil lit lietit Welti, We'll iu:! Osai.g, Icf Mcibt oia N: i r si in ian;;." "i:iutr:.'at t:a l Ia--tit !'" "I-1 o:! ian taiit tk-'acrz :' "Wo in-.'A .-int. ila !:!.:: la-!i ltil.i;,' inrilor ; r.i:-M ? ,'.,... ;;.!)-i k i.:e Li'.le-'." ' 'fit ni t.-l-.t .-iufli itiiili-a-ht. I'ri'v'f, lVi iiinl t-:an:, bf;;'f :iv li -ii l-:n l.e!if!aux V Tiie Band discoursed sweet music, after which t!ie Blattsntuuth cIjisj; gave- a gla: i av song, ful'owed by the Oma ha class. Mr. Oswald Guthmann de livered a iiitle speech, don't know what about, something aboflt "Gcsang" ad "I.ehehtng," for which he recaived cheers. Then our -'boys" sung another song, which was fidin.ved by a laugh able declamation by Mr. Gabriel Bas goi -shock . and thou ;h we couldn't un derstand it. we laughed, because- all the rest of the Germans did. It was oinethiu about a boot-black, whose master offered him "zwei Thah r" ($) if he would shine Bis boots without drinking a glass of "..vhnaps," which .tood oa the table. After smelling .of it several times, be couldft control his appetite, and down went the "Schnups." Then followed song, mush? and trip ping of the light fantastic, till tl.e "wee Noiice. Schluntz irv Dewey wish to give no tice to their many friends, that they have ja.-.t opened up a largo stock of ef General merchandise, consisting of Dry Go..d, Groci rie. ( ueeiiswara and Iliirdwiire, at Cedar Creek. Come iu everybody. Look out for big adver tisement next wi-.--k. Niirsery Stock. ' Mr. G. W. Turner and John Leesley are now canvassing the County for fruit, forest and evergreen trees, and gerural nursery stock. They agree to repl-iceall stck that dies if taken proper care of. Mr. Turner ha been quite successful in the county. Tako Z'ofke. As I am about to leave Bock Bluffs and war.t to settle up ray business, I will sell all the .stock of goods in the store here at cost, for cash. Also give noiice that there will be a good store room to rent, and a good business open ing fer some one. All accounts due me must bo settled withni SJ days. Please remember. Jos. Sin; p. A. Frcgransaie for tho Tc-iupcranc Celc bratioa to be held on the 3d of Sep1iui)"r !S7', at ait. Vlt aaaui Nc-I). Exercises begin at 10 a. tn. Opening song by Star of Hope Lodge. .Prayer by Chaplain. Stata of order of Gocd Templars in Cass Count v, by M. B. Howard, I). C T. Speech by E. A. Kirk pat rick, Esq. casicpt pinne::. Speech by L. L. Gilaiore, Esq. Short history of Star of Hopo Lodga by G. A. Uobson. Toast, etc. M'usio all the way ll'.vo-jgh by Lodges. 0:"ccrs of Day, S. B. Hobson, Prasi dont ; M. B. Murphy, Marshall ; Samu rl Cannon and Chas. Page, assistants. T.-W. Shryuek, Chaplain. Come one, come 11! . Thieves and Tramps hnd better look a little out: Marshal i Murphy and May tr Johnson will be af- iter you as tney um aesieiuay; was reported that two or turee tramps ! in- ( fLro J 1 ( ' lUirnr'. t , 1 the above named started to investi gate. They run across tha gentlemen on Vine street, near where the sprink ler get3 its supply of water, when they were informed that they were prison ers. One of them remarked that he was not unless the' could catch him, whereupon ho started off on a gallop', Murphy after him. Pat called halt but he wouldn't halt; thea he"pulld" on him which failed to scare him sufli cient to make him put on brake?., and finally dodged into the brush and got out of reach. His partner was gently "persuadc-d" to accompany the Mayor to the "cage," and ho now cooleth off. Xo inducement is offered the Mar shall for arresting vagrants, as he gets nothing for it, nor doss he even g8t pay for their board, when, if arrange ments could be made, all our side and cross-walks could recciva tho much needed attention, and thus those who deserve as much could have 'tho privi lege of paying their own board. .Pat picks them up however, as ho ducsti't care to sae such characters, seme of whom are surely dangerous characters skylarking around loose. Deputy Sheriff Ashley picked up an other who was begging lor his dinner, and cooled him off also. One at the Herald house, before breakfast, who would have kept the ethers company had tho Marshall been in Iks vicinity. There's lots of them ;;nd they require strict attention. Wrought and Cast Iron IionghL I want all the eld cast and wrought iron I can buy at myfoundry. Fetch her along. John Wavman. San-Jay School Asiasialion. At a Sabbath School picnic Leld at Ston's Grove, August Mst, lST'J, the superintendents of some six Sabbath Schools, agreed to issue a tall for the organization of a S.S. Association for the western part of the county. Each school is hereby requested to send three delegates to the meeting for organiza tion, to be held at Barney's school house, at 10 o'clock, Sept. 12th, 1379. B. A. K 1 RKl'ATRIl K. Liielht, Aug. 2'6ih, VilV. I'arrieJ. HOWARD - V, 1 VST.! ',V- Oa .lur" nail. lT:i. at ; !: ;eiiifiii.f uf tii" Rriil'-'b iiu-iiiri, in Ml. l'i-a ili, !.. l.iy Rev. l. A. liolisoii. Ma. JaviisS. il' v. Aim and .Miss,lKjiiii us 1.0 V. All of f'as Oinii.ty, IjC lViit; itiiil J!tipij. If you will stop all your extravagant and wrong notions in doctoring your self and families with cxp'.uijive doc tois or humbug cure-all, that do harm always, and use only nature's simple remedies for all your ailments you will bo wis;', w II and happy, and save great expense. Th?? greatest remedy for this, tiie e;rear. wise and good will tell you, is Hop 'Bitters re iy on it. See another eolunr.i. . . C!.-. !.!-n-iaJ Ni'ii1 :itir, l y tin? enh-p r ian: li r it:::i, f ir s..!o clie:i;, ;it i!it; !ki;vi.d j red ( .uas a wlsolo car-ioad of the Celebrated Giid.len Barbed Fence Wire, wbieh iie is obliged, to dispose of and thereby it wiil be sold cheap. 2'2fJ For Sale or Tratie. A fine hay mure six years old, with colt cheap for'eash or secured note; or to trade for town lots. Inquire at this ofiice. WauUil. A goo.-; girl, who ur.der.-.tands cotk ing. Goo'l wages and steady employ ment. Inquire of 21tf ins. P.. If. Xkwkll Cocnty 0;:oi:i: s will be received at this cilice in pay for subscriptions, at their market value, always. Bemem ber that. 41 tf. Notice to 'teachers. Examination of persons wishing to teach iu Cass county, will be at the following times and" places: At Bhitismou'.h, 1st Friday and Sat. ui'hiy in January, F.-l i u ary, May. Au gust, October and Xovcmber. At Wcepiiiir Water. 1st Friday and Satur day in March, J trie and September. At Louisville 1st Friday and .Saturday in April, July and December. X'otico of other examinations will be given. D. 1). M AriTiNPAi.T-:. 41m ') S i '. p er i u t e n d e n t. 'A escott Boivell hn ve ('hiinre I their iU:;rJers. ami m ill i:ov hv faitad at Nhrveck's edd stand. This rt'sjionsible firm are now per manently qu ii leted, and are busily tn gaged in wailing en their many cus tomers. Thsy liave just received a 10.000 stock t.-f goods from the cede- brated Clothing Bouse of If. A. ICohn, which they are ilis-p.).ii) of fearfully cheap. They also have on the load, another SI 0.000 lot from Philadelphia, and without doubt will make a better d is p. lay of PIP.ST CLASS CLOTH INCr than has ever before been given in Plattsmouth. A finer selection of Piece cloths never was seen, aud so cheap that even tho poorest can lit themselves oat at very small cost. Don't forget the place. North side Main st., between 3th and 0th, next door west of Saunders House. 22tf. S I M CI A L 2 OTICES. " Straycil from Stephen'd Creek, seven miles tast of J-iiiieoIij, one m.tro, Iii;ht soi re, white spot in foreheaJ, strap around neck, nml a light bay horse, two or three liaiiless fpots near tail, ropo aiwl strap on neck. Any information will be paiit for, that will lead to re covery of horses. Aildres, D.v xi nr. A7ood. 22tl Lincoln, Nebraska. Dexter sjprin-; btigy for rough ground " Unit's the tansv." A good glass door and some 1-2 light windows for bale, cheap. A good bC0v.'.i;d-l.and mswer fer sale cheap fer c.iah, or to tiade, by 0tf r. S. AVlllTK. lioola and Shoes made to crd I -A-u-iranied at ilcrge'. Xiitf Schlitz'Milwaukec beer on draught il i always, at B. Boscnbaum's saloon. riattsmoath, Neb.. 1-itf. ic Some Bankrupt Boots and Shoes at j jJergeb' belov.- wholesale prices. 21tf i m Call iu and see Fred Goos new store in basement of Xew City Hotel. 14tf Nebraska Beer, at Antelope Biewery, Lincoln, Xeb., orders received and promptly filled. Agents here, Xeenan & Grace. tf. E. Boscribaum lias on hand fresh Milwaukee beer on draught, daily, cool and nice. 14;f." New Saloon in in e oasement oi me ew t ;iv ilo- i tel, where till the choice brands of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars will be found. Don't forget the place, Fred Goos, Proprietor. 14.ii GUre. Vr ii can m:ik tii uif ly sctgiij oui siei li!'.!; I In- inii-nl it k-i Nf i-r iu f it tniaiiiiiiK No .smoke or saioll !0 ceuts ciii'li. 3 Tor J.". cc ills. Semi sianip f.iicat 1 t;i!e V. ou ilerltsl liii;itii!M. "tai'lf :t;i'l f;nc oi'ds. r.a-s-ons, "-'(Liter & On., l'J5 Clark St.. Ciiic::i;. 1 iti e Annn A MONTH rraarantepd. Pi 2 a day at V J I j j I luime a'.iide liy t tin iiut;!iirimis. l ':ui sf), J j j I itiil ant rf!'iic;i ; ivi will tut yoii. T "' w u.Mi'ii. v. r.'iiin. I my i- yinl pills make f v f:i' tf v ;'t v. nrk for r.s '. liiai lit :iiyiliiii:; c 'i l'i: work i lipiit sia-.l ulcai-ar.t. and mii-.-I: .is aay oaf f:in ir'i ria'iit :it. '1 Iio.-m. v. Im arc nie li.i i-c c t liis n il ic e u ill -fiiii us tliv'ir ;i'l-hris at oniM ami fee for tiie inifiVf-. l'o-i! x:t!it ami t"n:i! Iiff. Now is I lie ti'iM. Tiiono aiifii'iy it wuk iire laviii;r i:j laipe fiirus ef luoiu-y Addict Till I. CO., Auii.-ta, .Maine. 13!.v Tliirty f tSm lMt laaltei-s of the World are coisi'M'titors at tne Pari i".x j'obil ion. a c;ilil(;itf u to i lie As ciiUe..l Pi fss says iwn liiv'lif.-l fold nifiiaN liavp l.fii aw'M'drd lu the Aiiiericaa niukers. Mason .t llauiiiu. Lor.isville White and Tire Brick Works. Capt. J. T. A. Hoover, Prop. Brick of every kind Wall, ornamental ; tire brick especially for Bakers, Bi ewers, Foundry men, ivc. Write to J. T. A Hoover, Louisville, Xeb. ICtf European Hotel. This is a new hotel, opposite tho Academy- of Music, O street, Lincoln, Xehraska. It is first class in every respect. Good sample rooms for com mercial men. Terms. -S- per day. Spencep. & Brocks, -141y - Proprietors. Antelope Brewery, Lincoln, Xeb. Fresh good Beer on baud all the time. Order at once of the Company, or Kecuan & Grace, Plattsmouth. lOtf Lamps New Lamps! The Jones & Sugru portable bracket lamp, convenient, handsome, safe anil cheap. Can be placed anywhere in the room. Come and see them at the IIkuald office, or Dr. Johnson's drug store. Price, 2.00. SOU Jam its Petti'I", Ag't. lo.oeo itf!j X.iMKS of i csi.lcnts waatcd. Tor tV) naint s ain! 'Ji ci'iil.i w e will scml ' von a l,!'o ,k !ia!.oKc:f!:if f. fvii'v l hrfiiit si'k. in iff . l.'iii, !. W. l'ost'U". .1. Co.. u.-j Clark .Street. Ciiii'auo. IU. lniG. Corn, wood and oats wanted right hero, on subscription. Now is Your Time., to purchase a good washing machine "The Parkhui st." Try it and be con vinced. A free trial will be given to all.- W. II. Bickkns, A-'t. 20t-l Plattsmouth, Xeb. Beutemlier that for boots and shoes Boekwell cannot be boat ia price. He has a large t ment. 2'Sif. 'J-1P old To loo, A YICAlf. orS".!' -.-( a 'lay in yoniff-n !ffa'.i!y. Noiis. Wo liifii ilit :n neii as iivn. Ma :v make more tii.-tn tie- aiiiot':'.; sUue-1 al'.-ve. Xo one c .ei fail to inakf : ;oa. y las;. A ay ae I'an ! tlif work. Von c ;ii in.ikf ii"ai ) cents lo 3 j an I n 1 1 r ! y ilfVoii!! i.nir cvcaiiius and l:lle time t tiif luisiiii 'it .-o-tti iioi-iiii): to try the luisiat-ss. Noll' oi,; l;e it for money making ever otiere 1 liffore. I'.'isinf ss pleasant an i r ti ifllv hor.oia' if. IJ-aiUV. if you want to kiii'.v ail 11 1 i a the -t 'i 1 in-mess licinio ! he i.iiiilic sc nil lis our addicss and we will if im you lull ;ia: l i'-nl.ti v and private terms frcn ; i-amples ',vnr' a ?' al-o tiff ; yu can t!in make up i "M' mind !'! voitrs-eif. Adi' CliOUiilt SltSiH'X i CO., I'iiI! iai.d, Maine. lu'y Cauti'm ta Smokers. From aihl alter the 1st day of May, 1 S 7 s all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture wiil have my name bold ly printed on the? inside of the-lid. This is to prevent countei foiling my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci phd manufacturers. Nono are genu ine unless plainlv labeled: JULIUS BBPFKUBUBG, ANCPACTCPliK, riattsmouth. Nebraska. You J'Bdsi (. are luat Cough. With Shiloh's t!onsum;itio!i Cure, you can cure youiself. It has established tho fact that Consumption can be cured, while for ('uuehs, Bronchitis, Whooping Cong!), Asthma, and ail dis eases of Throat mi l Lungs, it is abso lutely without an iiual, Two doses will relie e. your child of in pleasant to take and perfectly harmless to the youngest child, :;nd no mother can afford to bo without it. You can use two thirds of a hot I la and if what we say is not true we will refund the price paid. Price 10 cts. 3.) ' cts, and ?1,0') per bottle. If your Luugs are sore or ( best or back lame use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman & Smith, Dj-iig?ists, Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti pated, have you a Yellow skin, Loss of Apntite, Head Ache, if so don't fail to use S1I ILOII's SYS TBM VITALI ZE JL It is guaranteed to relieve you, an, I w ill on continue lo suffer when you can be cured on such terms as these. Price 10 cts. and 1 cts. Soid by Chapman it Smith. Drucreists. I-- -e" i , '.'.r.'r i i; irw'i'M i' e.l a 1 eisian Perm me "11 AC KAIL j TACK" i i rich and fragrant, try it S;.l..l li.r l'lir,v.nii A'- Si.ail. I l,.n..l I ' .i'i.i i'y viKipiii'iii tv oiiiiLii, Ji iim.T ta Plat tsmouth Xeb. SSIytow I rS O fi A WKKK in ymir own town, jim! nu rap- S. t-i f-j ital risked. Yoa can give th bumess a ! uJlJlj triai without expense. The best . oppor- I tunitv ever otleiml for those w illiuj- to ! work. You should try nothing else until yoa i set; lor youi'sell wnal you can no ;it the imsu.ess , weeiit r. No room to explain here. Yon can devote all your time or only your spare t ime to 1 the Imsiness. and inake urcat pay for every hour you work. Women make as much Hsmen Nentl forspcrbil private terms and particulars, which we mail free. I lilt ill free. 1 mii'l com plain of bar.', times while von hae such a chance. Address II. HaI.lLT i CO., Portland, Maine, laiy This H Why. You l;rrp your house insure;!, be- Lauc iii iiia.i uui lif tin l J uu Uwil b nuun I ttuicn. x on want to be Do you i know iclnrih disease will attack youi- ; self or child V To be pa ft; and save life i n.-v in v I and Doctors' bills, keep on hand lJP.OW.N's EXTRACT lil.ACKCEPnV AND C.ingei:, a safe, picas nr. t and reliable remedy for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Chol era and all the diseases of the stomach and bowels. Physicians aud Drug gists indorse it everywhere. Ask your Druggist about its merits, he keeps it. Why shake, when Epi:i;ka Aiiui: i l lls will cure you f hen taken 111 ; eimiifrtin: with Ib'mrv Vrnifr.rr v riLbs, they never fail to cure, and you -"i v . ' ' y A 1 1 .Villi IJ suHer noae of tho bad effects that re- ! suit from dosing with quinine. All of jjrowas l amity Medicines. For sale by 1 r. Y. K. Donelan, Chap man fc simith, J. IL Buttery and O. F. JohiiSoa. 1 1 1 f - Pi ittsmo uth. Xeb. rTbodv Knows that this Simce BBLOITGS TO THE! CLOTHIERS I Who are too busy week to furnish the material for their New Advertisement. m STILL . CALL JlSTJD , REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. ! Now IS TUB TISK. i - N'otwiiliHtatulin? the rHi'i.'.lv iucreafcinsj oxo- .lus from othor of U, Country tothi. City aim i ouuty, l a:n uou- to oaer ome ot tiie tin- est farms in t!:f Count v ; and loeatiocs and housfs in tlic city) at prices winch ar, n- toutt-hini; to tuose in .oarch of hoa-'tis. A few atHoriir mv list are as follows : ..... . tuvtclasi rasine norn-e and lot oa upper Mam Hi., 43.oi.fl.iiO. Aiiollier Hue location w ith first class Imiluiu', S2,'.; Anotiicr oa lower M'n St. to f J0'".W. V.-ioaM half lot only S.j iO.OO. AVhoIe lot at head ef Stain St., improved only . .... - . j ei IV, d-"M-.f d, lie L'laulf I lo !it lie: widow of v j 'ud acH-eas ai i )i dc; f d 1 lia t n'n i'a-of t l e p.-n- li-.vclliiii,' aad rpsideace iot Improved and uq- , ' '"y of said cause lie piihlisiicil in Hie Nc- improved, from ?., to Sr-O. .o'im of tho finest l'Xil l locations la t'.ie CUV. j count v. for 1 liren consectn i e wcf.ks. an.l Iliat RfSiflciices and il ,vtjliins's fro:n SiOO.OO to?.',- I H"' li".'.; ifu- of said eau-e lie I lor liit- Jd day rnnjou. " ; o;' S' I'.iiiiiifr. A. I'.. I "Ti. nt l'i oVIo.-l.. V. M. I !H- ii.e oaifrf of the l oiiiilv .Ju lca', ai 1'laits- Prtrm of two hundred acres, running wAtor . mnutii. ai v. Iii.-li mm' and ji!. ..-. all pfisom. ;n anJ timber, forty acres fenced, barn, house. ' tt-i- st -d mav appear end rhmv chim; it a iy .rove and fruit tree,, well and other .mprove- j ,1 i.rtlieVu tiipnts at price fiat cannot fail to suit. j liiiglu-rty, ac.'oi-iiiiii; lo the prayer of -.;id pe- Wild land aud improved, la different parte cf j ,,tu'"- A- -.,mIjl;1jm:(.. the County. Plattsmor.tii,'-1 1 Kli, IS.'J. ' ' -It i GOOD TITLE TO ALL PROPERTY, j THE JfOST OF IT OX TEUM J TO j XUIT Till: PUllUUASEJi. Call and see. WILL S. WISE, Attorney at Law and Ileal Estate Ascot Pitz-fr.iM UIcc-:, PlattMriontii, Neb. Notice. i-iOLiay Taken in '.' V Hie sa" seri'acr at h! p'.ac sniaii ea-il of pia-ismouf is, a p. an linrsp colt tn'tw ! tvo a ad ll.rce ye us o'd. Ic'f liaid fo-'t ha '-'oi a mark freia a cut by Wire. Tiie i-wner eanha'.e l!:a snuie iv liiovir,; properly aal j payins i-liai'itfs. l.;:-' . iicr.n Dmn. I Administrator s Sale. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to a !- rretal onler of s;tie made t'y the lion. S IJ. l'oimii. .1 udue of ; he Seeond .Indicial I nsti iet of Nebrask i. oa t iie 2Mb l.y of Aiiii a 173. 1 will. on Ihe l.rh day t.f September. A. 1). 1;, at H o'clock A. M. m said day, at lhf South door of the Court House in thecity of Plattsmouth, soli .ii I'unii-.. i- i. -nc, i i . 1 1 1, H iii 1 1 en .in , in- wi: 'the eaM baif le 4; ol I'.lo. k No. iu !io:ii:.c'i a A-.uuma to mo envoi l latts- i bsh a miiiorm s -t, -m of p.-ti.Ur.iptev f lin-'i-b-::? li- , . ! oi-r the I'Mfd .S'.itcs."' a ; -proved "Ma i eli -j. .-i;.lt' 1.1 ii'l,-..llil I ,:f 11 ill! T'.r..- ,ll I'.VU IiHIII If rins : Cash orca.'.'.t p-iyn-eut. aad baai'ice r,a rcKoraMo tenis, a the latorcst f ttio estate may rO'iirae. Fl.iMiii-rn Sri.c r;:. Aduiini.-iiralrix. 1'i.rat ' of VI-1 3 Or.). I...-'. tfHAfKit. iiwea tl. Mortgage Foreclosure. T.tAH.crt r. Ihihb-triK Yon are hereby noliiied that .Tanc Tickjird I has oisiiitvaee.l a civil action against vu and I Carrie A. Hubbard and Charles A. Hubbard ia j the District Court of Nebraska, wuliiu and for j e ass county, ihe oi jeit and prayer ol tno petition in sai l actum i j u:u ioreciosure ot a riam iiiorttfuiie ov rarne A. ami I isarw A. 1 1 ah! I.-, I'd to t lie Plain: in on t no emit hail ot the south east ot.aiter of section twelve, and lot two of set t.ou twelve (except ten macs oil from the ea'-t end of said bt t wr. und two CJi acre- olf from the west end ef said iol two, and the rilit of way of tiie P.;uli!:j:n Missnuri Pivt r ha Iroad l ompany.a:! in t".vnsiiip t we!e, ina-ni ol ran?;e e!een east, also the west bait of the north yl .piartcr of sc-tiou seven, and tho west Pal ol tho south wes: iiuarter of heelnai sevea (eeett ten acres in the south rtt coiner eft)!.' soi'tlwes.t ..matter of the south w est r oi sau; seeii.' i seven.) r.i.,1 , nit e aci e oil from the west sid" of the north east ipiarter of Hie .small west iiuain r of said seciion seven all in ln'-vrisliiii Iv.i lve norlli ofrano twelve, eat "f the sixth I'rincipai Jleri.iain. ia e'ass ( ouuty and State of Nebraska, tivea to secure Pic. pay ii. en I of nur .romli-ory note to tho PI. liana' for Ss;i0.r)i) and ir.tcnst. ami for the saie ef said property von me repaired to an swer saiii act 1011 ou or before tiie sbth day of October A. D. 1 7 . J.IXF. PlCfvAKO. L'::l 1 Py Keaiiedy Gilbert her Attorneys. Est ray Notice. Taken up by t he subscriber, liviu z. fvo miles noriii of Weeing Water Palls, l a.-s l'o.. Neb., one Texas steer, brand of leltfl' "Ii'' oil Ull side. The owner may call, piovu proptriy. pay cha.rvcs aiol laia: piiperiy iiway. l-'i-i W.M. 1'AXKOX'IX. Attachment Notice. William St.idelniaun, 1 Ueforo vs D. P. tloiua. ) M. e'Doi:ol;oe. .1. P. Oil the ltilh. d.v-' iif Ai:?i: 1S"!I, said le.-ticc issii.-ett an order oi aitacliiiient in the ahuve ac- tion for tiie s.u.vo: mo.;. Piattsmoutii, Amrust lGth, isr.e , T , . JiStTay NOtlCG. Tibea u; by the subscriber one black sow ilh three pis Pol old t iiiua 1 reed two Par lews ami .lie cow, and the sow piy iias a crook ed nose. Tiie owner can have ti;e same hv an 1 p'.yac-c at my p!a( e. and pitying I he char::..'- i.n - i uerrne : stray i-aw. a. ji. .iKlsisi.l-at. i'lattsiiioid;;, A 2tl, ls7:. n;:; S lPriif f fJolo Pv virtue of an order of sale issued by Mn-. P. Wells, clerk t.f tb'' Ditli.t Com t iiai .. ; l-.i--a,.- .'oun'.y. Nebraska, and to me rtir-u-.l. ' 1 on tiie In day of ; sfeptemher, .. D. Ism. at ; l- o'e ioek a. ni. of said ri v. .it tiie .south doi i oi t .te oia't llou-i: in sim cmmiv, fed at I'll : ' . 1. il-.i tl'"l till The not iheast iju iuI.'II.' M'.'.ction the follow i etai'j In v;i : ipiano;'. (;i. e. o .-a N.. nmeiio, lowaiiip j. t-.v;.iv,; n.'i ; also, tiu- ; Sll li.'lil . '.MH f i tl I Mil 11 ' .. fT I"ti i.;ni:ci i. I', 'ii til sfivaiii niui I o, l .i.iiiii o. - .vi' i I.', li ' 1 1 il h i i 111 I a 1 1 ' e i ! i r' ee 'i . i'i;, i:,,t i i.e :r i I' -I i ' r, ,. : li-f plan-'t! : i!..' b.-m- lvi'.-d 'in...ii a.i u tKt-n as the property t If. if. lYu.t. plaint iiT. to J-ai 'si v a,t of said eoii: t.le-co-.el'i'd by John UU'-fX, liefeiebu-t. p. w. iiYi'iis. Shf-tiT ("as Co.. N?b. Pl.itt-nma'.h.N'o'.i. July una, A. I. Ia.j. i ft: a Road Notice. Tn n' .'7i.-iT it mnj concern: I be ( omt.nss u.ner appointed to Ineai"" a ron ! : eoiii:nenci:.a forty lilt rods mat ii ia' tiie east cm - ' IWT of Si-f I 1 . 1 1 . s I V i- II I 1 T 1 -A n.l I liirl i"iiii i1-li tin.. I, ! ten nro ranije twelve ip) m c.i-s county, run- 1 til. nee li'.riil and connecting n lite i.iL-li-'i ru rf. i l c-tween the t u baif and t '( so-.itii lia.'f o! t! . umi a ea-i nuailcr i s-i:;:.'ii ei.-vn ii:i to a tea ()" itii":i. tui !ve ( 1 . and ' i-ri!.i':.".l:-".' ar -.ii.' poii.t. has rep rted in favor of the e. -1 .hii.-'.iiiierit t h.-ieot, and ail ohif . mmi the ret ) or .' 1-iims ! .r ri aiaa.f s be Cb.d n the Coiintj- Cb'i h't- 4.ftxct' ea or leiore iumii of; tin? 7th day of (Vtoh-r. A. D. 1 8 .'!. or Siieii road ! w ill be e.staM'.-iecl varliout :c:cr-n- '.' ibereta. I .f. r. Tl'TT. ! ij . Vi . ui.N.. r:- .h. ( o.ii'.ty t l-r. i Penal y. '.i-.j i this -rf !"- "j' 4 s IN ORB A SIEG? Sheriff's Sale. I P.y i ii 1 nc of an exec u; ion isxinl Iy Wm. I.. i Wells. Cicil; ol llif Di-tMct Coief, uiiliin and ' for i'.-ish ( onn'v. Nelnaskt. and to"inc dneclft. I ill on tiie SI li day of .si-pteiiiliia, A. I'.. lbTa, I ni Hi wVlock. a. ia.. el said day, ia tin' sonl'i ' door of i in Conrt Il.insf. in nn.l i oumy i! at V'oiiT" 'IfVU , s,. wnifen j I7J t ;ilti No. tin h.- i-.-i um-'; No. niiif j ; j m lass I' Netira-ka.. 'Ilr; V-!' .' aI'iI. XVW t's . .sa'i-ly a iminieiit of said Court, reeoveivd Ly John t!!.i;'k. Plaintiff. It. W. II v: i:s, SlmnlT. Cass o . Neli. : J !.;:; oiioatii. Neli. Au;;iisl THi, A. 1. lsTvi. il Probate Notice. In the matter of the I'.statc of John S. Poia'!: t:v 1 ff fuscil, in i at- e'onuly e'omt of f'ass i o.'Nc liraska. t'non reaila..: aad Mliis. ttie duly veiiii 'd pe tition of l-iii.o'f 'It i c;'..L,iif i iy l.rnyii: 1 1 -it ad- ! niin n is! la turn ol 1 lie l-.slaif ot Joini is. ))uti;li- Road Notice. T i -All b it it m '-(,' i'o;t ru: The ( 'm,i niN - i'Hii i' ii in loin tf d to oc a le a ro:td i-otaiai ia in': i-hty i, .--'j rmls soul li ; flic nor: ii i'a.-t corner of section t u . ni y-1 iavi' CMi town t iTflve ( !.". iiieje eleven (II i. ia Cass Counly, re mm z t!: 'lu'c due v.t I on lino tlirouili tiie li' -i 1 'i ea-it (n. o. !... ) of section t'A enl v t hive i town twelve ; J ransn elf Vf n ( ! ! i and t'nroii.-ii 1 1: f as; half ( e. ' jiof::.ri ii we aar I - r i n. v. . ' i ei sa :d -- i-m a in! ; : i ; ! - a t j Ml slr.M-t in lhf to,. n if l.";:!--vi;. j, tias n--! por-ed in favor i i :..- e a a) !isl; mi !i L ! in t of. ! ; i-l all oi'-'-ctioiK :(."''! . or ,.;.! ana : 1 m-i-l i"- ;:: I ia t vii : y I 'ie: k's on ' : i ' f 1 1 1 e in'-'.'! ' ' I i i 7 1 : i i .ay i.f 1 1 i'. . 1 1. j 1-7.'. r :tie!i r.'.-i 1 whl bo. "e-:a:ii-.K-d . a boat i rv iei'f m-e t ai l - to. J. TiTT. Coa;.; v C. i ll. Icp:-tv. '-.;;,. Cy J. V.'. .Tr.. J Iii EankruDtcv. i la !'ni District Cci-d oi";h" I'a I the Ois'nft oi Ne ! a-!;a. Pi Alinvl W. 1 lo'e la.nkin: t iiiat'fi" of I.'.m i ko Statks Distiik r ro. ii r. ( : pea's i ! U i n-ic. O.n.ih i. Ncl , Am,-. 1 1th, '.s, . i To irltnm it inn fn:t;-r:;: I Take notice In r. hv i !ial .1 petition Ins been 1 to-wit. on the 1st da'v of Au-n-t A. I 1.7 ) !i!fd I jt, , aid District Conrt bv Albert. W. Pivi" of I'letti-mouth. iu said Dislni-l who h i- been I,,. iii,.ri. .;aiv o "Cirieii I'.aiiKrupi nn-ier i the act ef oi'';r.-ss entiile.-i Act t. Itsi.-il- i Is--.. a:;o as auif !:o--.I, :-ir a O' -ci.i -z- -io.' c-1 -tit'.f '.If the!-' f f, f'f.m a!! his d.'bis (llo-v el-,Mii- :a'm:b!i? niidnr - aid, and t: .'. Ihe 1 i h da v of St pi "uilu r I s;a. a t 4 j'. m.. ;.( iie o.i'ce ef .1. I.. V.'ebsi.-r. Its. p. the l.'. irti-r in i-.;iikrapi; y I'll-aid Di-Irii lai inn.ilia. i'i s ial I 'istrict, i.i the lime ami place assigned f ,r l he bearimr of the faim- ; when and where y.ei may nttend. and slim1, cause, if any vmi have, wliy the prayer of the said petitiim' sin -i. id m.t be i.-rniiicd. V.i:'.i. P.. Sm? mi. -"JU Clerk. j, ihe limner of ll-.-s K.-late ef V.'ii.': IV I -. i' .: the Count r Cui of i',,,,,. . '., ..a i: :'-,.. ,i , ... ..... : tiii.-ii .,r :,-. .an"i - ke oravinr I I.ji .bibiis- tialion ,f C.e esiai-- ..f Win S p, ti i i , ., , ; ed. be t. re at:d to ('..p. i -. I : ' i'ai eifif ' i - ibat nucfo't i -e pen !en.' ' sid ! cause be ;.i;i;!, di . d i:, i ae'. bra-k i Ckh il . a rd.'i ! t.s; -;-p - - i rui.p, hed b, . p,.-r.'t.l iieii'a! hai in -a;-; coeulv f'urVbrfe : coa--een' iv- w eks. am! t iat I b.-imai'iu- of said e.rise be s-et forth? l'ttl 'av of Soft D ; is: ,. At m-e oVb-. i; p. m at 'the oil'ce' of the Crmn-v .7'.. !.-.. at Plattsmoutii at. winch time ..,,,1 , i . .u ..,,,,, i . ,.r,.-.i ,.,.. .... r I sitmv cause, jfanv thev have, why admin Hi i at ion of said esl ate should nl h trael ; I to tiie f-aid CaiviuJI. Parmeie, afcorrliim to tne p.a;.;.r of said petition. A. N. m i i.ivan, Count v Jiii'ce. Platixmoiitt:, Aa.; "iili, 1 :'. 23t3 CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE". MARK. Th Great EDgiUh TRADEMARK. Kemetly; An f -i OGfalllnff ocrs for yi .J nes, Srrraaur- st f rhea. Impotcncy, tht fulluw a se- Before Taking, isn; h.'.omo Aftrr Tftklny. kemorr, Uuliirial La-itud, Pain in tUo Sick. DinirjCflfi of Vision, Premature Old Ags, and cianr otbr Dweasti that load to Icn.inltj or Cdti&umpUrn. and a Premature (rav. 07 Full particular la our pamphlet, which we A&irm to ond free b7 mail to eTery one. CTbc Specific alcliciaU oM by all druguu at 91 cr package, or ix Faci.1-.40 (or f5, or wiil be rux fre bj mail oa receipt of Ui xnj b addrcaUx.g TIIE CHAT MKDiriXE CO., alacHAHic a BkoCK, Vtianu, Hicm. S-r.-Soid in Pi til iriigvi:-t. Llsiuoiith aad everywhere, by lttly. W. D. JONE'S .",'i'm takes the r"?, ? ! . . . M . . CU!a Dl ICK LlVftPV hlSDlGr 1 WiV Utl f J I j lUWiOi 1 i.Ai l:.' l III, XPi.P. ASM A Tl:e o'.d Pinuer Sbifi (,vv ba.,ed bv Wi;. 1. .Hii in , and ho Lmaaoda ...1 . . 1 . . p, -,;i;ito m I i U uu N-ti' (-L ' ' ' ' -1 '' L '' I'Vii'jlt-S, j ' aa.l '.1 DDL L' IKJH6KS. I aai prepaivd to keep IlilK.ibi I SALE TRADE! j All I v. i.i Train and Break Colt On Pcji'.in.iiiie Tfrni.. a I. so itM.niiMi:?:.:, v. it a pb-aty ef roe in ' i .i'i; c, knewf I have; ia myM.thie, I eaa .-t I :: nm-li a a 1 wr-ton. lo.ttts f bay, ce.. ui.'i r. whi-i they wi'l ke.-p i;iy. i'ii..i...::a- ail mv ti 1 p.u .-uas ier tb- ii irv. I ,obc;t tiicii'tradr lor tiie ff..;::.-.t t d.i? I c.-.n aci ommuij.iie rhn.i t-n: -. . r.f rer by triui taan f-'.f-i fct.fv;:. i')i.. r r C'.y a i LAND.LAND! DEBT FARMING LANDS IK NEBRASKA, ruii s.u: i;y Great Advantages to Buyers- 'I'm Yiws r n-I i I il 0 r it lit Intrrcsf J". ', is t. V .' :tt jOfI"r tiilcfnl f H-if'j -i !.-. a- -i Jlt'lmli t t'liii'v '.-" I '!( I j miii tTn:ii:;iM t-.r I u ii c . c- !! Il!i. I 1":-':- ;: Vai.-'. .!:'.,:.'- '.: .-a'l i i;l:o u : l.f t.. f .. :.i , i .-.l ci t. v. oi id o.i : "i M ifi 1 . i .a n i ' t u.v.MissioN i:::. r. m . v.. n. I i i t s ; !'i: v ; v. 1, "A i ' - ..j ' ' i -. ' i - .-. it-,i- i -,-v - t '' ' 'mi. .'-V - ' -' i ' - ' " '- .-v.l " -.1 :.:rV,c."Ct,. i;..";,-t' - - , - . w , i - - ' l , - A' ':'U ' l . ? v ", V - ' f . . . "V"..'- . -f . - , . - i it,..'' : s ." " ; "' ,;-i:-.?il -,.-'.-- .' i'.--x ' - I - ..' X . n--.-'4:- V!;-l.r.VI , rors. James Pettee di:m.!;i: i Musical Instruments, .S'oiV Appoint in-; A'j' "it t fr Tt.e 5 nl!'l Ii'hmhi 4.V Itamliii I ' A li 1 NET OIHJ. 1 A7 Al.". the Sleek, llrai'v Y. M U r. and Ilallct A- i h.m a on Piaiii.s for C is ; ad Sai py oooiiliei , en. I'll! and sen SAM BLB IXSTBUM BXTS at of.'iee. Sixth, em- d-'or south ef Main fet.. PI.ATTSMOrTII. M:!b 3:i': V !:Bir- Will .lo we'd to c.'.amine our Xt-v ?rason & Nam I in THE Cliicap EnjIiuElo-i & Qnincy R. R. -I.S XI!!:- DIRECT ROUTS !;i;Tv;;i:N Tin: D W I STj irci!;frli Ca.13 jlL,-5lL 1 Aim t.'rv Uiliii A. -it i Couitcil Bluffs, CCNNT.LTINfi V.'iTli Tiit: Union PaLiiic Ruilroad a 1.1. 1 a:, is ir. t ;'. e.vr.t.v.i. Iti.MlO. N D P -V-t. . 'j . 'i. I- - 1 . ' t si ti H r ii 22 c: a ; mZkl CITi. TtirEKAlTUilUGN L St. Jara;:l2 Ami 1 be SIinpT IdNP to all pi, bill on l!n MISsi il iM. KANSIS ,-. TK AS. and IIOL'S'UiN X- TI X s( KN'il.'Al. JlAli.KUAl'S, Pulliiiaii Palace Sleeping Cars. and Tin: ci:i.K!'.ati:: C, B.(J. DIXIMiCAKS. I'.Y THIS llOUTii All information aboi.t oT wiil bo chofiluliy i,iv'ii by 1'1'ly ii; ; io C.W. .S.11IT9J. Trafti Manager. J;i!5ifs It. A''i, Cliarao Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS. Main Street, opposite the Court lb ue. I Tbisilay.'f ii just ':"ni;d, ii-.(", ki"'I h ef all kinds. We w.. ni to beep a .ood hou. i; and please our catou!eis. ri:mij:wi;i: this. ciy. LUKE SCHNELLBACHER, UOiiSK shOKl.M A N wa.'.on i:::pai !::: All kiii'i. i.i' i-.u::i i;!i b':ib:."t 1.1'. n-l. d " ' '-N j ZUaih; it- r-'i.ipt-l; u :- - ,il lilt iv llA i'i.. t lb- Jn bhoit, vm11 ."!:.. .'ti.-ythin' that h'. : fViiir i'i t. from a Zebra In a (iiiaile. ; i'oi;ii' and v. : u:;. i IsJ-JUVT" SHOP. ! i'i a -. :' I.-; v. xl .- i l.'. ' ' - J-n.-l.- .U .1 - i v.'"-.'- A-i.i-ii & r i sc Sjlf LT. jj i- r'.'.vi. K.iJjruu rrc' 1 ct IGV, Ai-bs.'i'iSAj CA)C0Tj