Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 28, 1879, Image 2
4 i f t I'-he Herald. "A- AAc,Munr HY, - citor. I'LATTSMOUTH, AUGUST 23, 187!). Jf"7!rIIS I'At'F.It MAV I'.K IOt Xl ON III. P. Al Al l. TIMM AT C. H. I. & P. H. B. TICKET .IflH'l!, NO. Mi IUIU .VIKKKT. Illl-A;o. MUrHK oi:k rCIKXUS AKK at i.ikukty to CALL AM KXA.MINK IT. Call fu;- Republican State Convention. Tle hi-publican electors of the State of Xe a are hereby called to send delegates from t lie several counties, to meet in Stale Conven tion al Omaha on Wednesday. October 1. IsT'i, at 7 o'clock, . in. for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates fur the following named officer, viz. : ono .) mice of the Supreme Court. Two Urgent of the Slate University. Anl to transact sucii otiivr hiisiuos as may propel Iv come before thu Convention. The several counties arc entitle. t to represen tation ta the State Convention as follow, based upon t tie vote cast for E. C. c.-o ns, Licutcnant i.overnor. for Is:, (except Madison, whose re presentation is based upon the vo!c east for Governor in lsrs.i ivin one delegate each l'-O votes ami one for e.teh traction of votes ; ! ro one delegate at lure to tach organized t uuu- ty : A . ! Voir 1 I. ' Cfujn.'j; '., hc;iriii'V 2 Heitll..'. 3 i no 0 i Lancaster. 4 ' l.ineoin . Madison . .. s Merrick 2 Nemaha 2 N uckolls . 't N'.mce 4 Otoe 4 Pawnee 1 I'tielps 2' Fierce U Matte 3. folk Bed Willow. . . ! ..1'.J ..'-HI ..n .. r.n . .Is7 ..Ji ..!( ..M!l ..IV I ..J7rt .V-. lr, Ih l. 3 1 . '' ."..'. 24 0 . . .l.ssO -i-.v ....'. .!." MLS . ... . ..12! ... iA ,...17ri ...21 .....Via ... r.21 f' 1 Richardson 1073 7 3 Sarpy 1 S;umI:iB . 2 Seward .', Sherman. 1 Stanton I Tliaver 6. Vailcv 4 Wanliington. 4; Waviie I , ebster. ... I I York 4! TotI ...,2l . ..SI t'J ...122 . .41'! . . .17t . . .;'! !. . . . ...f.07 County Adams Antelope Bort" Kuflalo Burt Jlutler '. Cass Cedar die veiine. . . Clav Colfax Cuming lister sz li.ikot 102 Jawon .1"1 Ihxorc 31!) lHidj;t i" louj; 222-J Fillmore Ki.inkliii 3!l Frontier 4'i Kurn;u 1T' (d2 (Ireeley VI Josper : Hal!....: 7.V, !!amillo:i.. 4 Harlan 400 Ililehcoek 20 Molt 71 Howard 2:2 leffrr.sua 471 Johnson "J 5- It is roianir:!.;.'.!. t irrt -1 lial no prixies ! ft ailmitt'd t. tl:.j mvf -iitioti. cxeopt u. h sis rr livid yt-r-kocs re?!d.;i in t:..: tointie.s lr in vhi' h the l'i o;-s ai" t i . en. Siro;:.t T!::t. 10 dd:itc s'laM rcprr-Ctlt ail fllent l.n nilM.-roI his ih.-i.-at mil, u:di-ss l.f tie ciothvs i' a at:! !".o: 11 v from 1 Ci ::! 'ot,v n Itoti.or Is in poss, iu of itroxic's fru:ii ic,u'a: ly elected dei ira;e , ii:ere4jf. T.y order of tli'j i:ej.ul.-::eaii Ktatc Central Committee. JAM V.A V PAWLS, Cha!i'i!aii. II. M. WKLLS, Sei i. tary. Lincoln, July :i-, '. -.9. Tlepublifait Contra! CohttniUcff. Tlif r.epaldican Con-mitt. f Cass County U called to meet at Li'ht M i.; Unue oil Satiud.iv. Aunnsl 2 '. :.-7:. at I. M.. : harp, to desiunate Ihe time at place i f hold in the Count V eonvriti"!' and traas:ict seeh oiiierliusiiie-sas may 1'-1: v come heiore them. The eominittee are: . U xand.r Sehlei I. ,M. MeK'wain. 1. I i.i's. J. W. .Ieniii:ps. A. C. l.ikentnirv, V. II. Newell. S. M. Kii k pa! ril:, .1. F 1'uik.J. C. V. i-eweil. .!. W. Cox. H. J. Hoover. .. M. Houci -. M. M. Ltit'.er. C. Cas ewell, 1". I. Cook.. I. Herder, V. liliani r!y:it, I W. Tolan, !M-.m:i .); ! v. J. A. MaiMi urn v. Chairman. District Ctntral t'ouimittec. And now comes t ho rumor tbatour city will be without .Tdty go-vei nnient after Si-jt. 1st, until next spring the wise Legislature having tibolisiied the t)ll governments of cities of the 2d cIas;uuJ pruviueJ i:: new o.e. The County Coruiuisiouer muddle wi'l he settled this week lj' the .Su preme Court, Judge I'ouikI thinks the law requires three commissioners, hut no onii really knows, nor knows any thing else about our laws just now. O::o more revisory Committee and one more Legislature like th last and i e I a as a a would have to apply to the (leneral (JoVKtuinent for 11 guardian. A learned man at our elbow sugges!s that the .Supreme Court issue a taaii daiuus to Dr. Mathcwson to gather the suryiring members of the last Legis lature together a!, the Insane Hospital and keep them there until cured, meanwhile declare all their acts in operative. Severe medicine t iat, but at the present rata we shall soon have neither State, County nor City (lov ernment, capable of acting without a cloud or doubt being thrown on their powers. Since writing tho above Mr. Chap man has given his opinion that there is a saving clause in the laiv about cities and ours can continue to act. A i-ocL murder transpired in Francisco last week. The Rev. I. S. Kallock a baptist minister, formerly of Kansas, was nominated on the work ingmen's ticket for Mayor. The De Voung brothers run and own the Chronicle newspaper which is m the Interest of the party which Dcninis Kearny has dubbed "The Honorable bilks." DeYoung boasted that he would diive Kallock from the cam paign and hi order to do s-, the chro:ji-tl-j published K-illo.-ks so called career A Card. Mr. L G. Dovey prints or has print a letter in the Enterprise which opens as fwllows: "A LETTtK TO JOHN A". STACilUKrilV. ik: 1 consider it very cowaruiy ior charge J Ka:io-.-k 1 : leca-jry, uis- torted by call ' a prostitute." ICCP.HASKA ClTV. N'Kf... I .July :w, 1 7:;. Tne reiMildican rentr;.! eoinniittc? of the Second .Judicial district of Nehra-lia, uiil meet ;it the Court House at Nebraska City. Septem ber::;! at s o'ciock p. m.. for the purpose of transact in ir hU''!! business ;is may properly come before it. " J- W. l'l AIlMAN, Ch'u. li. S. SMITH. See. Call for a llepuMJcan C'jaaty Conrea- tlOil. The KepuMics-n Kloctors of this county ars stalled to meet in convention at Weeping Wa ter on Saturday. Sept. 20th. IS7:, at 11 o'clock a. til, for the p.ui pose i.J elcctii.t 8 delegates to the State Convention. Oct. lit. 17. ; and dclriratea to the judicial dislri'-i eoiivcrtion for Hie isonn uatiou of Distri. t JmUe. It is also further called to place in nomination candidates for the fo'lovs in otTiceH : County clerk, treasurer. KherilT. count v r.:d,-e. ciei k i f the district court, r-upi-rintendeht of schools, coroner, and one or more commissioners as may hereafter be de-elan-il l.'i;;il, and to tiansact .such business as m.v leil iniHte'.y come t.t-fre it. It is recoiiinieuded ttiat the primaries for thin occasion tie lu-!d on Saturday. Sept. U, and aidi ward and Mcciiicl is emitted to delegates to the conventi'.u a follows : Mattsmou; h City, 1st Ward ... 2d Ward .'. Waid 5. 4th Ward 4 ; Mattsmcuth I'recinet 7 : Koek ItlufTs R ; Liberty s : Eilit Mile Grove 1! . Mi. Measant 5: Avoca i: Louisville 4: Centre t; ; V. eepinR Water s ; Soush Lend 4 ; KImwood d : Stove ( reek r, ; Ti r tor;.i ; Greeawoiid T, : Salt Cteek 4-mo delegate. It is further recommended that the pimaiies meet 111 the several wards and preeuic-'s at the limes and places belo.v 'riven. In Mattstuouth Cit at 7 :Z'J o'clock p. 111. : ld A ard, court home ; 2 1 Ward, German School ):oii..e : jd Ward. Ilutlner & Liack's otVice ; 4:U '.v'aid 1). n. Wheeler oiHce. Matlsmouih ITecinel, ;.t Taylor's school house, at 2 p. w Lock HU:.1a, at r.erscr's school house, at 3 p. ui- I'oldcti's school house, at 4 p. m. fcisht Mile Grove, at Shitless i-chool house, at 4 p. 111. tt. Measant, at Gihnore s school House, at 2 p. in. aoch. at Hiitehins' school house, at 2 p. m. Lwtiisviile. at Oi-senkopi'i haU. at 7 p. in. Centre, at Graud l imine scaaol house, at " p. in. We crinc Vater. at school liouw, at 5 p. in. -South Lend, at Craw ford's sehool house at 3 p. 111. Ehnwood, at Mainland school houye. at C :30 p. in. Stove Creek, at May's school house at 7 p. ni. Tiptau at W m. Wniilit's house, M Cp. m. Greenwood, at Lauiey's school house, at T l m. Sa!t Cretk, at Abbott's school houce, at 5 p. M. Also, recommended that at each primr.ty jueetL!K f.mie !' fniite action l'e lakeu ?wo;t l.roxie". orsupidyin tliu place of r. j.-. -ai Ueic j;aies at ct.nv -t; : 1.1:1. .). A. M icJh iii'iiv, Cli.iirraan. Jonx Vv".'Js. Secretary. and honesty, &.:. iiig t!te Venn On .Saturday Charles 3)eYonug drove to K ilbK-k's rooms and sfnt a boy to toil hir.i a 1:: ly wanted to eo him. As Kallock approached the carriage Young shot hi:u in tho breast near the heart, Kallock turned and ha i-Lot him again in tho hip. A crowd overturned DeYour.g's car riage and bruised him and a police man considerably, but Jinially DtY. was taken to the City Jail where he was 300:1 joiue I by his brother. Tho an gry crowd threatened to mob the jail and bang both brothels and if Kallock had died probably they would. Al though Kallock was .supposed to be mortally wounded he is :;;ive yet. Ira i::ensp throngs of workingmen crowd ed the streets around his hotel and gathered r.t the "Laud Lots" wk-ore in flauiatory speeches were mad?. It looked at one time as if the mob would control the City, Kearney was sent for and for a wonder counselled moderation and peace until it could bo known whether Kallock would die or not, when if ho died nothing should save the De Youngs. All is quiet now, the police and state troops are kept in readiness and Kallock is reported better. The California Press blame the Chronicle and state what is tha fact that it was a brutal murder on De Young's part. lie commenced tha fight, opened the ball of abuse and when Kallock made it too hot for him, shot him. For the time it will help the workingmeu party, or, may let the straight Republicans in as they have had cothing to do with the mu?s eith er way. Tha election for city officers takes place next Tuesday. I)!t. Xexastos is somewhat better, we are glad to hear. Did ycu ever see such a trouble as the Omaha folks have with their "wa ter works." Seceetaijy Schuhz is swinging round the circle now. He wa3 at Yankton the 25lh. Going to sco the Injuns" ho is. Luvk out for your -liar" Carl. Ii is about decided we understand, that we have to elect three cornmis sionners this fall. The Attorney Gen eral and fwo members f the Supreme Court, say so, any wny. To avoid many a long journey we are requested to publish the following: DicrAETraENT of the Interior. " Pension ofeict, "Washington, D. C, July 1, l-i0, ) ly virtue of an Act of Congress, ap proved June 21, 1S79, the biennial ex amination of invalid pensioners is abolished from that date. The follow ing is the provision, to-wit: "That Sctiojis forty-seven hundred and vtnly-oue, forty-seven hundred and sevntv-two, ar.d forty-seven bun dled a:..! s.n'y-thrfe, of th-z Kcvised Statutes of the United stat.-s, provid ing for biennial exumiuat ion of rt n siui!ciL;, hcitby repealed." (Signed,) J. A Lkntley, Coir, mi ;oner. MacDonagh is taking a hand in the Omaha Water "Works muddle. Mac couldn't pa(r)ss it no bow. Of late years Mac ought to know some thing about water, having astonished his stomach with that beverage and wild tea for some seasons. The Republican Central Committee this County met at Light Mile Grove cm Saturday, and fixed the date of the County Convention, on Saturday, Sept. "Olh, at Weeping Water. The meet ing was a satisfactory one in every way and passed off with great pleas antness, and good feeling all round. We mention this because some people very foolishly prophesyed that we would have a row. Let's hunt up a man soiaewhere for next Unite.! States Senator fioni Xo braska. Fluttsmouth Herald. If a better mm can be found than Hon. A. S. Paddock, will the Herald please trot him out? He suits Repub lican Yalley Republicans. We would like to examine the pints of your "dark horse," i ' y v u. have one. - Hat bin Stand ard. We didn't say anything about Pad dofk.f did we or dark horse either. Senator 1. may bo the only Senator wo haye at present, we've heard that too, but he isn't the only man in the state that might want to go to Washington in 18v i. You'll give us a little choice, won't you V a. man to attack another through tho the columns of a newspaper over an assumed name, and you profess not to receive communications of that kind and I know you don't unless the arti cle suits yeu. Uut you not only allow Mr. Pinafore, as he pleases to call him self m his communication to the Heu ali of the 21st; but you assisted him in his attack on me." If you were not an old man, too old for me to quarrel with Mr. Dovey and I would put myselt on the same level you have, I should simply say you lie aud drop it there, far every word of the above is an untruth and I could prove it by men, gentlemen and officers of this town, in so unmistakable a manner that you would not dare to dispute it or distort what they say. I did not write one letter of PinafoiVs article. I did not assist him at all. He came here very indignant about the matter which until then 1 had heard nothing of. His original article was very severe on you and I insisted on eliminating some of it before I would publish it and suggested that the only member of the Committee mentioned was Mr. Dovey and I thought that was hardly fair. Like yourself when you used to write for the Herald he was headstrong and wanted his article to go in just as he wrote it, saying you was chairman of that committee. I also suggested that you were an old man and 1 knew had been sick lately and that might account for your not serving. The auswer was: "He should not have put iu a bill then." For trying to do vou this kindness, you blackguard and abuse ma. Xow Mr. Dovey it in my business and every tax payers biuinvss to see that j?jO is not taken out of the treas ury; and it is my business aud other poople'3 business to show up a man who is constantly grumbling about high taxes, w hen he endeavours to add to our burdens under the guise of re lieving them ; aud I don't care wheth er you met one day or ten or what you did individually, I say it was no part of a citizen's duty that had any public spirit to charge for that work. Y'ou can settle with "Pinafore" about how much yon served and light it out, but I propose to tell you that after the article was handed me, to satisfy myself I made inquiry of Cottn cilmen, Mayor and others and verified every statement made by Pinafore, and Sir, the comments and remarks on your case was far from complimentary to you, I assure you, as you will tir.d if you present that bill to the Council. I then wrote my own views, si-jned "Ld." (I uever skulk behind anybody Mr. Dovey) commencing "We .-.grce with most of the above, Sec," and e:ie of the things we did not agree on vas mentioning your name and nut gtvii the rest ul tne Committee. I begin to think you deserve all though, because I believed that the chargo lor this work was put in unthinkingly by the other me. libers and would be with drawn when their attention was call ed to it, Uil you it seems mean to light it out and grab your .510. Go it old boy, get it if you can. The last part of your kilter Mr. Dovey is so silly and boyish that, as I have S3en you write some terse Eng lish, I judge you must be now getting into your second childhood aud I look over your petulance. Very Respectfully, Jno. A. MAcMcRniY. Our Temperance Column.' KlJlTED I5V1IIE WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN IKM I'EKANCK I'XIOX. 1 For Ga.!; and I nine, ami Native I.:uid." llLvri sjiiiri ii l.uiiiiK A Kctmlar me No. 2. I. G. T. ihi '- at Good Teaiolars' lial! cveryAVcdiicsday cveuimr. i:. H. Wooi.i-v, V. C. T. Viola V. Baknes, Sec'y. A TK5 TKJirt.K OK HON'Olt AND MPi;j:ANt i". No. ir. Kc'ruiar meetiuir. Saturday evening in Hall in FitGerald's block. S. O. JHNKLK, W. C. i . J. V. Johnson, Scc'y. 1 i.attsmoctu 1Jf.i Kir.f.oN A- meeting on Monday evening of each week. K. G. hovr.v, l"re:,ident. II. M. Resit XFl.l., Sec.'y. 'jhtE llKAiitxd Koo:.-Opfii ou Wediiei-drtV and Saturday afternoon and evening of each v.eeU. Front roota over F. S. White's stoic. T. U. will meet every at a o'clock, in tin: Read in;; Room, unless other notice is jriven in this column. ,51ns. 11. M. V. isk, IVcridcnt. Mrs. R. 1 Dckk, Secretary. IJl.ATTSMOUTII LOIXJK OK JCVKNII V. TKMP- A l.Atts will meet every alternate Friday even ing at S o'ciock ia Good Templars' Hall. ilics. A. Sciu.EoKL. Superintendent. IJl.ATI.SMOUTH W. C. lilii-rnitH Thursda v The Local Option Law has closed saloons in nearly 400 towns in Ken tucky. John ii. Gough will prolong his stay in Great Britain till October, and will deliver twelve temperance lectures in Lnglandand six in Scotland. The Iowa State Prohibition Commit tee have nominated the Rev. Dr. Dun gan, of Eldora, for Governor, in place of Carpenter, declined. Dr. Dungan accepts, and will make an active can vass. On a recent Sunday evening, 1,200 persons in St. John's Roman Catholic Church, Rochester, Minnesota stood up and repeated, after Father Turner, a solemn pledge of abstinence from all intoxicating drinks for one year. The Maine Tempeiauca Journal gives the following government statis tics respecting the yeai ly expenditures of the nation. Salaries of all the mini. tors of the Gospel Cost of doys Support ol criminals Feet r l lit elation Cot ol Tobacco and cigars Importation ol in Support of jinc.; shops Vmole cost of li inor P.O'O.f.OO To.'.Mi.c.'U 2,i00,0! 10 Sci'0.n:-o C!'.',e:i,f.) Ttj.0 -O.'-v'j l.'iin.or.n.iii: ) 2.2;Kt.''iyu;j Tclephoae to Flattsaiou th. As a Republican man was making the rounds yesterday he dropped into Manager Touzaiin's office iu tho 13. .v M. headquarters, where he found Mr. Korty, of the telephone exchange, Mr. Hargraves, private secretary of Mr. Touzalin.and Al. Sorenson, of the IJee, engaged in talking with A. G. Drake, manager of the Omaha Telephone ex change who was in Plattsmouth ad justing iastruments in various offices of the Ii. & -. company in that city. Mr. Drake was at the depot in Platts mouth when the Republican man put the receiver to his ear and spoko out, "Where are you V" "In Plattsmouth depot," came back eltar aud destinct. "Who are you." "Drake." "What are you doing so far from home?-' "Putting in tek-nhone apparatus for the R. tc M. "When will you be back?" "On the afternoon tiaiu." "Is there anybody there that knows me." "MacMurphy will be here in a few minutes. Wait for him and talk to him. . "1 have not time. If MacMurphy gets his mouth en your transmitter, I won't get a chance to say a blessed word. No. sir, I can't afford to wait a half day for a chance to bore that editorial car. Good bv." "Ta ta." , Every answer came back with as much distinctness as if the speaker had been in an adjoining room with The Quarterly Journal of Inebriety advocates quarantine for intimites. It say.: "A small-pox patientgoingabout the street is looked upon with horror, but an inebriate, who is a terror to his i family and a constant menace to good order and society, is hardly noticed. It is a sanitary measure of the highest importance to quarantine the inebriate and protect society, and until we re cognize this fact all our efforts at san itary reform will be defective." The Christian World speaks encour aging of the prospects ( temperance. in England. It says : "I hat total a- I siiueuce is gradually taking hold of the i upper classes can be longer doubted. ! Teetotalers are now to be found in 'in- ! ciety' where they are not ashamed to ! acknowledge Ihrmselves as such. With I bishops arid queen's chaplains, judges : and members of Parliament, physici- : tins .and scientist h trf enitig to sin the pledge, the declared enemies of a'eohal feel that thev can lake a bo!dtM' social stand." A great movement has just been in augurated against intemperance in Great Rrittun. It is the formation (.f a jotiit-stock company with a million of capital in shares of one pound each, to piovida temperance coffee louses and temperance places till over the The Mississippi murderers are again ahead. As usual in such cases, tho bulldozing outrage in Yazoo County ends in a tragedy. A few weeks ago H. M. Dixon, independent candidate for Sheriff, was compelled to withdraw. A demand was made that he leave the county, but this he declined to do. As many persecuted Republicans in the South have done, he asserted his rights as an American citizen, and detied the mob. The filial result in his case is the same as has been frequently re corded in wther cases. He has been shot and killed by James II. Parks dale, onn of the candidats on the Dem ocratic ticket. The object of the mob which surrounded Dixon ou the 23th of July waste end his caret r as an independent candidate. They were only partially successful, as Dixon, on surrendering, exacted conditions. Mr. llarksdales lias finished the work of the mob, and the Yazoo Democracy will applaud. I. O. Programme of the Cass Co. S. S. Insti tute lo be held at Stove Creek School House, Sent. 2 and ., ISTtl. Tuesday, 1:30 p. m. Devotion, Rev. Mr. Root. Song Service. Address cf welcome, by Rev. J. A. Kenaston. Re sponse by Rev. Mr. Gallagher. Promise Meeting, conducted by Rev. W. M. Worley, Tho value of Lesson Leaves. Dis. opened by Rev. Cyrus Alton. Hymn, Adjourn. Tuesday evening, 7:30 r. m. De votion by Rev. D. B. Hotchiss. Rible Reading: Subject, Temperance, F. W. Scott. Opening ofjquestion drawer, and questions answered by some one pelect d by the President. Hymn, Adjourn. Wednesday, 8 a. m. Devotion by Rev. W. K. Loofbourrow. Difficulties of Superintendents. Dis. opened by a Superintendent. 5. S. Programme. Dis. by Rev.- W. M. Worley and others. Hymn. S. S. History by Key. J. A. Ken aston. Hymn, Adjourn. 1:00 r. ii. Devotion by Rev. W. M. Worley. Rible class, taught ny a teach er, selected by the Freoident. Difficul ties of teachers. Di. Rev. Mr. Gallag her. How the S. S. may be kept alive, F. W. Scott. Culture and care cf con verted children, Rev. Mr. Root and others. How to secure good attend ance in the S. S., by a teacher. Hymn, Adjourn. 7:C0 a. m. Devotion by Rev. C. Al ton. The Model S. S. by Rev. W. K. Loofbourrow. Should S. S. adjourn during winter. Dis. by Superintendent. ! Primary Teaching, Mrs. W. K. Loof j bourrow. Hymn, Adjourn. Please bring Ribles and Gospel Hymns, ii umbers 1, and 2. The place of meeting is the School House, east cf EI in wood Post Office. F. W. Scott, W. M. Worley, W. K. LOOI'.T.H'RKHW. Committee. kingdom. The Arc Imp of Canter bury is at the top of the li.-d of clergy and as many names followed in the prospectus, as advertised in the Times, as nearly till a colamti. Tho coffee houses already established havi dune well, and it is quite expected that this new scheme will n.iv. Che-' th- ko; "Watch the toilers st a tire, who:) the fiend is 1 aging in his maddened frenzy, threatening death and destruc tion upon every hand. See how they work ; some carry water, others wield the ax:4, the hooks, the pipes; some s?aie tho ladders to dash the water up on the scorching casings; others rush into the burning i.u;i incs to lescue tho unfortunate ones, who may be im piisoned by the Hames. Some ply the hose, others man the tire-escapes. Some are wholly occupied in suppressing the flames; others in preventing their spread by tearing down intermediate structures, while the efforts are whol- Tinlia pays annually to England fifteen million sovereigns for interest on debt, pensions, salaries. n:;d other charges. Hut she has no sovereigns. The coin she pos-fcs-scs, provided by her government, is in rilvcr rupees. To pay these sovereigns tic nm.rt buy them ia London with her silver rupees. She docs this at aa annual loss of three million sovereigns. COKk-ESPOXDEXCE. Weeping Water Notes. Prof. Goer of Tabor, Iowa, has been spending a few days here. Mr. Burnett arrived on Friday, and returns this week with his wife. Chase oc Co., Tinners, have come, an 1 we presume there will bs a lively op position iu the tin-ware business. A match game of Basj Ball was played on Thursday last, between the Ashland club, and W. W., aud result ed iu a victory by the former. Mrs. Colter is building an audition to her house. Mrs. Dr. Gibbon is away visiting friends, and tha Dr. seems to feel very bugs, and some who have been gather ing to feed, find that the stalks are large but the cars are small. Mr. Joseph Sans thinks a part of his corn will not make much over half a crop, and many others find upon examination, that it is mostly stalks and not so much corn. Late corn and' potatoes are needing rain very much. By Dr. Schiidknecht's ordoi s one of our dwelling houses was taken down last week, loaded ou to wagons and hauled to Plattsmouth, to bo again erected and improved fijr renting. Must bo the Doctor is getting some surplus cash, hope he is, for he works hard enough, and at reasonable rates. On "Wednesday the 20th day of this month two of our young people concluded that single blessedness was a humbug. So Mark White, took Ad die Lacy to Judge Sullivan's office, procured a marriage license, and was then and there tied to the ualiimanial ship, after the knot was tied, Mark re turned to his own home, taking his bride with him. S. L. Furlong is charged with being the prime lover in removing tho post office, and just now he is like most of persons who do the public a favor, he is getting his full, share of fashion able "cus3ing" by those opposed to tho removal. Just tell Limber Jim to come down with one of those largs melons and we will help him eat it, and give him a few lessons in spelling, that is if there aint any "tartar emetic" in the melon. By the way Limber Jim has been call ed to an accoant, and he has owned up, so in the future I suppose we shall loose the pleasure of rea.ling the or- thogoraphy from his sarcastic pen. I would just like to see the writer of "Roving Items," what a pair of ears and heap of hair ho must have to be able to loose a scythe, whet siotie about them and have to get his hair cut in order ta Sad it. It is really amusing what an interest he and live other cor respondents have taken in our weeds, oven Miss E it a nor of Threo Groves can't let them grow ia peace. Our school commences about tho lit of September, it is to be t uht by Mr. Logan, who has recently arrived from Ohio, said to be a teacher of. some experience. Politics begin to loom up a little but the talk is mostly confined to the old democratic and republican parties, where, oh whore is the forty member greenback club, that used to meet every Saturday night, we never hear of their meetiug now. Yours, 1' HI LANDER D O E ? TIC K S. Pretty good chin music Philander, lid. IVo -loo! Preachin?.- Xo man can do a good job of wcrk, preach a good sermon, try a law tiiit well, doctor a patient, or write a g.;o I article when he feu-Is miserable ar.d dull, with sluggish brain and unsteady nerves, and none should make the at tempt in such a condition when it can be s.) easily an 1 cheaply removed l y a little Hop Bitters. -See ;tn-dher -column. TJTs w 77 " KTll k til t M $1 PUS n n if R SI Bs n An " s 1 ki 3 Plenty of New Goods, AND TO SUPPLY" JIi3 Sfiicre&SBBBg deissasid of mr trml3 we luswc Bought an Tin us nrdlyL urge Sto $1 OF m r4 i $ M U W m r. s f .". Mil A lea r ( HhiS 9 ejia&ia V q tekv ijfttJ tati W . r Z: it' - iX U 11 -mom Am f (M7't c . , RKi'i Wheat. No. 2. i. THE MAIIKET3. HOME MARKETS. !fi-K5 V. V. i:. Will IK. m&tmmn & umm l ! n i i s ! n o i 1 1 1 3 . X vh rn s 1: ;i . TTt v' r 4, Co: " reje.-t n, Mle.lcd, O.-sfS Lai n y. No. 2 -1:1 1 1' ly given to the rescuing f lives and I lonesome now-a-days. the saving of personal property. All j T)ilve Woodard has come back tigain, are in earnest, till labor unremitting an,l ..nfirinlv. till the w.-fc r-o,,,- I he sa3s theies no place like keeping iilichp.'l T.'k tliot' trai t r rnrti-rol 1 rk t ltt?r ther wait for one another': The world is on fire! Set on fire of Ilfcl'! Alcohol is burning, searing, de vouring the souls and bodies of men, and bringing disaster aud ruin upon families ami upon society. The tem perance toilers are hard at worn to suppress this awful conlhtgra'.ion and t r iv Cj r.-ri v.-o"'.- :1 cr tv.-irh- In-r rrianfullv nr.,1 P-rii.',st!v to siav auip.e loon; 101 o'...,iiie.-v. Dudly has sold his farm to Mr. Lynd?, who will move on it in the spring.' The County convention ;s to be held hero next month. Mr. Thorngate has built a large ad dition to his house, which affords him Eye, re d JEL 1- vJ M M il It Jbid & Jl Vl-ijm Goid.T. . LATEST .NEW YOEIC MARKETS New ojiic, Aiil;. M. LATEST CHICAGO MAIM' ETS. Cil I-.'AOO Air.'. 2". Fh.'ir i rr, Wheat - Cirn, :ort Mais -"i's Kve iJi l; o lev N.-.tive Cattle 4 O.T4 .;.) Texss Cattle a K :: :. Hol'S " (KV'iC SO has olcs moro " m;ho back" to- a uihman D -ft 1 1 who arc, on and after t!;is date .sole proprietors. ( ass Couuty iardeuer. i the door ajar. Mr. Drake upon his ar- I l'M"ll 1 1 ttlftl ut'tlu.l lll-jf 1t ITWll.- 111 "Mr. Azvo Smith, one of the promi- . B1..iill!tr nt- vnip vhnS...'ik-er : at this end was compelled to use moro i volume, becauso the battery used here is less powerful than that in tho tele- graph (ifiice in Plattsmouth. The mes- sages were transmitted over the. B. it I M. wire. Dr. R. R. Livingston, and i Mr. Morrison, chief engineer of the j bridge, of Plattsmouth, and others im proved the occasion to visit with Oma ha acquaintances. Mr. McCord of Nave. McCord & Brady, conversed nt some length with friends in Platts mouth. Verily the telephone is a won derful "machine." O. Republican. Got hung on a jury, or else wo should have responded. Where's Bob Doom? Here's a Campaign coming on, and nobody lias . r;ii.;, . ' nent ranchmen ou the Redwaler, was ia town Sunday with some of the lin est specimen. f vegetables that buvo ever been brought in; among ethers were a cluster of tomatoes, one of which was left at ur tiffie?. The clus ter has thirteen large, ripe tomatoes, as fine ones as ever raised in any coun try. Mr. Smith was a former rest dmt of Nebraska, and aiwajs made ii a point to take an active interest ia the agricultural displays which are madj there annually. He intends lo go to the State Fair, which will be hdd at Lincoln, Xeb , for one week, beginning on the tLh of September, and he will take with him specimens wf ail the agricultural productions raised here, and confidently expects to make the finest display to be seen at the exhibi tion. I-uis cesiious of taking with iiii.i : . eimeii ia c;e. viiici seen "Bob" for ages, not since tha last time. The Greenbackers are ram pant and threaten a huge true bine blood and thunder. G. 13. Newspa per next week, as big as a potato patch and filled with the woes of the impe cunius; and the Democrats have call :i mcctin' and won't lay down and let the G. B's walk ever them, and yet no Robert. This Is ft:ghtfuL ;s un-".e; the notice of many The Parisians are amusing themselves with plans for a thip caual from the Eng lish channel to Paris, by which the great 1 would 1 city might again bring foreign commerce w'.ioi.i u miprht induco to come here t settle. We hope that Mr. Smith will have no trouble ii securing spe cimens, as he isathcrougly responsible man who would be sure to return any thing placed in his care. Those who may have tuch specimens would con fer a favor by leaving labeled speci mens at this office, or the Overland Hotel, and they can rest assured that they will be perfectly safe." IL II. Pioneer. directly to her quays. Nutmegs and mace possess narcotic properties. They should be used with caution, especially by persons of an apo plectic tendency. An exchange says that Dr. Mary Walker prefers a tniokiiig car to a Pullman car. She says she will never cuter a bleeping car uutil the railroads put on Pull wo men palace cars and give the Lur tex a t hail. a. the local tralhc in rum; some are wholly engrossed upon tho souS-cheer- g work of personally rescuing the un fortunates now under the power of t he fatal drink-habit; while others are put ting forth their efforts to do away the vli'tle trnjji' and erect barriers against it that shall make these alarming out breaks of vice and passion, aud drink engendered crimes hereafter impossi ble. All are or should be deeply, ter ribly in earnest; each doing .what he can to help along the cause of reform and stay tho ravages of the fell destroy er. In this heroic work, who can be so thoughtless as lo stop and contend with, and perhaps discouraga and de feat the well meant endeavors of a fel low worker? Palsied be the hand that will in this great warfare with the powers of darkness this irrepressible conflict with the demon of damnation turn upon and strike down another, who may be. m a diiierent way, as earnestly, and quite as effectively, aid ing in bringing the great conflict to a successful issue. Palsied be the tongue that will heap repreach, or contumely, or even speak disparagingly of the hon est efforts of any to rescue and save his fellow ma;j from the curse of rum. Rather let tha hearty cheer, and the good word of encouragement, pass along the line of toilers, that each may thereby be neived to greatest earnest ness and zea'ousness, and still ijreaUr deeds of valor. Noble workers in tho cause of temperance, of whatever name or class er creed, toil on!. On to the lescue of the drunkards on, to tho overthrow of every still-Jiouse and rum shop; on. lo the complete, total and nn ictrsal overthrow of the manufacture and traffic in strong drink! Onward! and success shall crown all your ef forts, snd God will give you finally a glorious victory. May the God of bat tles be ever near to assist and aid tho honest, earnest, temperance workers. Pennsylvania has a law compelling all unused lands held by speculators, corpor ations aud others ta Le brought into cul tivation, or the same will be taxed more heavily, or be told by the State. A little strong lye or soda put into hard water will render it fcoft tit once. A few drops of ammonia ia a pailful has tho earns elite L, Large quaa-iities of grapes are being brought into town and s-j1 1 readily. Inter Nik. Rock r.IuS' i:$:n.s. August 23d, 187. Mr. Editor: Little did I thin, the first time that I wrote you, in regard to oar town, that you would nearly be deluged with correspondents from here. But from the number who have written to you from this point, you certainly know by this time that there is such a place as Rock Bluffs. And a your other correspondents seem to b3 taking u rest, 1 will endeavor to post you again in regard to our town and how our jimsons are flourishiug, tho present outlook is, that wo shall have an average crop, Sam Slick to the contrary however. There is considerable sickness in this vicinity at present. Mr. Walstow our newly appointed postmaster, has been wrestling with tho ague tor some time, but thinks he's got the better Of it now, and will soon be able to attend to his business again. One day last week glad tidings came to the ears of ond of our citizens who has been very sick for sometime and whose family were receiving aid from the count', the tidings were that he was to get one thousand dollars from the government, as bounty and back pension, for services lie rendered dur ing our late war. Some fellow whose time and reputa tion are not worth much stle one of the wheels off of Joseph Shera's new carriage, and at last account it had not been found. By th-3 way Mr. Shera has been gone the most of the past week, and rumor says that he is going to leave us not long hence. Many of the farmers think that the big corn crop in this locality will end iu disappointment, for it is firing bad ly, caused by dry weather at;d chinch 3I0XEY TO LOAX OX IMPROVED FAIImJ FOll FlE YEARS TIME. te:.v i'i:u ce:vt nrsiunvr. NO COMMISSIONS. Enquire of D. II. WIIEELEU CO., Plattsmouth; or R. E. MOORE. Lin coln, Nebraska. 21 tf ft Fu Y GOODS, ELEGANT STYLES. ADAMS UIXD HILL. V w At: EXT. Weep:;- 'AY.tor. Ne'. M;..!:::..-'; ivd l y Ma;-.i-i,!es .! 'i':r Co.. ol Mnr-eiih'S. HI. 1 have put :p several ( i-s ( o. A iu; t In -i-'i'vch:isi!. are J. M . lieard.-iey. II. V . Uriaps. I'.iut S. Vai sc'i and .1. H. loam;, ol Otoe l 'o.. nli of w hom can test ify to t lo ir mi perior eo.-!!ence. Those wis!iiii' 1 1 pur '!i:'s, can address iu at V. W.-.t-r : sat isfaction .en a ranted. I'rhvs from S - j toss.".. M i:N u ii boat primps cr puic.ns without mills. 21 m:;' Jl I.'. Ciipsia. tf. We are In almost daily receipt of AND FANCY 7 7i 0 h:ch v..- our friends a.nI ! NEW AD VERTI Si) MI5N TS. AOT WAMF.I) For th.e 11: 'I and ."-'.! .-,'. fi's; rietorial Eo.'ks ami I'iMi's. Prices reduced "3 per cent. ;uioria! T'lbjih- inorth. Look s"nt free exidaaiiu everything. Address BAXTEit CO., li.lXKKliS. 1, Wall St., New York. QI OflO ret urns in Uavs on .j; . v, invested. QIiVJk u,T!":al Eimwh and information free. Like pr.dits weekly on Stoc't option of 10 to S".n. Address T." I'ottcr, V.'i.'iit ."i Co. H:inkei.3r. Wall St.. NV. TF f H R Wanted Vl SIOXTIl durin,' - Viiitor. nddrcsi J. SlrCurdy & C':.. tit. IiOui, 51 o. SANFORD'S JAMAICA GINGER. THE BEST. r:iitaruerl la.r 1t. 1 '. MV Price ii n -rbanzril. The on:y com M nation f the tr io .Jamaica Linger wiui c:ioi'e aiaiics anu French ln.nidv. for correct in;; inii-iuperate liabit". reidriiin? the st'ma?li and bowels, lirt'akim; ur colds, chills, and fv-r-. is Sus kohk's Jamaica ;i;m:. For r-jheviu '.-oiity and i hen rii a tic pains. prc er iii-; malutiitl fever and promoting slep it is tri:!j- wonderful, ask for s.cvrosi'N. BATES a K0H1TKE. New Carpenter shop on Main Street, Coiner of 7th. I5atcs & Ivohnkc, Bnildcrss, Con tract orp, and "-en eral workman in the at prices to suit the times. 444 V p Cnsliiiicres, Alpacas, Delaines, &c. Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from G cts. a yard upward The fiiic-d stock of White Ite.i pica ! ev.-r hroirjltt to the fit Bu ell's Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, and Cottonades in full Stock. Cnrpcntwr line i 4 sill i; if! O f ti w ra f)l ALL TCIN'HS. Country Prodiiec taken in exchange for Goods. We desire to see all our old patrons back ami want to hold as many of tho present ones as we can OCT II MAN Jc WLCK15ACH. RE I EMBER THE PLACE, OX E DOOR WEST OF I'. O., i if n s f