Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 21, 1879, Image 2

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The Herald.
AT AI.I. TIMKS AIT. It. I. A. I'. It. it. TICKKT
."IFMCK. . JH't 1'I.AKK MKKKT. "ll it i ,
whfhk ntu miKMis ai:k at i.ii;kkiv to
Call for Kepiibliciiii Stale Convention.
The ItepuMican flcetor of the State of Ne
braska are herehv called tost-nd k-ie;:atei from
the several counties, to meet in State Conven
tion at Omah:i on Wednesday. -toher 1. ls.;..
at 7 otclock. p. in. for the purpose of lacing in
nomination candidates for the follow ins named
officer, viz :
One .Indite of t iip Supreme Court.
Two l: -ent.s of til.' Mate I'niversity,
And t transact Mich other Inisiiic-s as may
properly come In-fore the Convent ion.
Th several counties are entitleil to represen
tation ia the Stale Coin -ention a- follow , liasod
upon the vote .a-t for K. C. Carns. Lieut-nact-;overnor.
for 1 -T-t. i. ve.-pt Madison, whose re
presentation is based upon llie vote cits, lor
Governor in 17.) z in one dee-ate cacti 1 )
vote and one for e.i-ti traction of ' voles : al
fo one delegate, at lar0-e to each cotni-
ty :
.Vo.l .
Antelope. -
Clieyeune. .
D.i son
Fillmore. . .
Hamilton.. .
Harlan. ..
Jefferson. . .
aV J hi. Cunt if o'''
. . .
.. .MM
. . . 501
. .. I U
. . .!e7
.. . !!
. . .;;:s
o 1
. .";:
. . 7:
.. 400
. ...VU
i! Kcitil.
3 K no-i
5; Lancaster. . .
4 ! Lincoln
4 Madison . ..
x Mernek
2 Nemaha
J Nu'-koilS . .
7 Nance
4 ( Itoi;
4 I'awln'C
1 Phelps
j Pierce
i Pia'te
n Polk
. .-:
. . :;".'
. . 1".
..121 i
.. u
. ...: !
.. ;.:';!
Led illow.
K, KieharUsoii It'. J
7 S.i.ine
:: S.irpv
1 SaiHidor-
f. S!ieru:an
. .4i;
I haver
Wat-hill 4ton..
V ehster
Jt isreeoinmeni'.el.
Kirxf That no proxies he .idimttPd to the
Ciliveiition. exeept sneli as art! he'.d 1V per
soim residinjr in the counties from uhieli the
proxies are iriven.
Stroif That no delegate s'.iall ropresent an
a'.-ent memherof his del. -'jat ion. unless he lie
eiotlied with authoiit front the County Com en
tion. or is in possession of proxies front regular
ly eleeteJ delegates thereof.
P,y .ler of the Kepablican State Central
Coiiiniittee. , , .
.TAMKS V DAWLS, Cliainnrin.
II. M. WKI.I.S. Keeretary.
l.lNi cii.:, July jo, 1S79.
nepulilicati Central Committee.
Tlie KepuMiean Central Coirmittefi of Cass
Count v i-. called to meet at l.i'ht Mile ;rove
.n Saturilay. August i!d. 17 , nt l:3n P. M.,
sharp, to desiiTuate the time and place of hold
ini: tiie l ouiitv convention and transact such
oilier lmiins' as inav l-'' illy c'-ine hefoi e them.
The committee are : .V'.evindcr Schleuel. M.
McF.Iw ;iin. P. P ;.i-s. .1. W. .Ii l-.Tiin-. .1. C.
KiKenhm v, V. H. New!!. S. SI. K n kpati i. k,
.1 F Polk", .t. C. Wi-ewell. .1. W. Co-;. 1!.
Hoover. i. M. Flovi". M. M. P.utler, Cas
sewell. I". I. t ook..l. I; r;,er. Wiliiam Ui!0'lit,I
W. ToUn, Kdwi:i Je:.i v.
J. A. M Ac Mv n fit v. Chairman.
District Central Committee.
NeiiiiA.sKA City. Nkr.. i,
July , P 7J.
Trio repul!ic:in central committee of the
Second Judicial District of Nehra-ka. i!l meet
at the Court House at Nebraska City. Si pu ui-l.f-r:td.t
H oViock p. in., tor the pun-ose of
Iratisactins such Unities- as may properly conio
before it. J. W. 1'kakm AS , Ch u.
G. S. fc.viITH, Sec.
Mr. Munr.AY's power for good is not
gone by any means. He may yet turn
many anxious souls to his buc'iboanl
wagon. Chicago Times.
"What's all this in the Journal about
"the Gerrans boy." Does tha Journal
run the 'flerran's boy", or the "fler
ran's boy" run the Journal, Eh?
A fire in I,ou:aviIle last Sunday
afternoon burned the Depot and some
other building for stora'O. Damage,
about $ ,OC0-
T nREE things were shown by the
late Kentucky election. A democratic
loss, a republican gain and almost an
entire disappearance of the greenback
A telephone, with microphone at
tachment between and here Omaha yes
terday, and the compliments of the
Omaha Press Bent down to this paper.
Owing to oilier engagements we could
not be theie ta "Jaw back."
A daily' says: "One of Uncle Sam's
engineers says the water of the. 15ig
Muddy is excellent for drinking pur
poses, after a little settling." We hunt
ed him up and asked how he'd settle it,
and he replied: "I usually settle one
part of water with two parts of old
rye." Watchman.
The Pawnee Republican hones to be
"spared such an intliction" as (lere and
Drooks for regents. Ho do we. O.
That's real good Dro. Brooks, you do
say some first rate things when you get
real mad.
Rememufk the Republican Central
Committee meeting at Eight Mile
Grove, Saturday (23d) at 1:30 Sharp.
A full attendance ii necessary as the
time and place of holding Convention
will be determined, and other matters
of importance. A list of the commit
tee is given in call.
Mrs. SpRAorn is out with a state
ment of her side of the late difficulty
at Xaragansett Pier, which puts a dif
ferent face on the matter from what
the first telegraphic reports would lead
one ta infer.
The New York Sua on the other
hand, alludes to Got. Sprague's war
record when ayonngmao -democratic
governor of Rhode-Island, rich, and
depended on by the disaffected for aid,
ha rushed to the front in the Union
army, served faithfully, was wounded,
Ac, but what has that to do with his
getting jealous of his wife.and threat
ening to shoot Conkling.
Just as a specimen we give the fol
lowing. It is worth preserving.
The Okolona States is in the pay of
the Republican leadvrs. It writes reb
el utterances for their papers to repro
duce. Portsmouth (O.) Times.
Whenever a man makes this infam
ous accusation, he lies in his poison
ous teeth, he lie3 in his slimr throat,
he lies in the recking core of his rctten
heart, and further he know. that l.e
lies. No honarable man has ever
doubted the Democracy of the Status
and its editors; and none save unprin
cipled knaves and irresponsible feuds
have ever questioned the purity of our
motives. Okolona States.
The Democrat man having made the
arnc statement we wua'.d respectfully
refer him to the above ehoire extract.
L. Globe.
The UniTensity Muddle.
The following is rather profane but
so ajipropos we take the liberty tu re
publish :
for the State Journal.
A Jaoka. apt ani kaujia-oo.
Not having anytniiijf to tlo,
4 lace met each other in a kiJ,
P Ilell-bcui on doitis some great ol.
And that was they must furnish helps.
And show a lioness '.he Deed
Of rightly hringins up her whelp.
The ape contended loiij; anJ loud
Willi D irwiaV lo;;k'. dire and grim.
That only those should teach thw crow d
Who traced their pedigree to hiiu.
But modifying tbis, he. said :
"I. like t'ie tailless anthropoid.
Who ha heea schooled and riiilly bred :
I move that five be now employed,"
The jack at once was on bis ear.
And lifted hixu I119 plaintive waii,
"I ciy to one and all right hers
That none should teach without a tail.
And more than that, my baMioon friwud,
My mora! seiue your motion rhock.3 :
Therefore. I move that we amtud.
Let esses teach who're oithodox I"
On his bind lets, (of which lit-d two)
From rock to rock, the kangaroo
Leaped hig'a in air, and will; a vir.awk
Keplied, "marsupials are the ftooiC
To teach a lion how to raise
Heruly brood in righteous ways.
Tell me if thistles beur uagraper,
Or lion come from juckaiiapeV.'"
At tins the ape clinched kangaroo.
And chatted his ear almost in two,
Wiiile rushing in, tae. jack, he sorter
Caught ":u boiii 'tween wind and water.
And yet they kicked, and hopped, and bit,
AlJ chawed, and jiiMpvd, and auuck,
and fit,
Till ail were heartily tired of it,
But nary one woul 1 cry out ";uit."
A lion pa?sa: by the way
T )u!v in the situation,
"Ah ! here's a meal for many a day
F'ur me and my relation."
And calling t i his wife and cubs,
"See beie 1 this scene aaisin I
I think we'd better eat them up,
'Twill help me in your rufstn."
So then and there they ail fei! to
And ent ass, ape, and kangaroo.
Nn Klder Miller take a hint.
And l-i lliii.slcy had better fall,
Aad thro' his specs old Brooks can squint.
And read the writing on the wall,
'lis this : "The people want a epcll
Or they will eat you, enre as b 1."
This paper, small as it is, contains
more original reading matter, than any
paper issued in the County, and reach
es all our readers, as usual. Sentinel.
Now don't tell this any more or we
shall be obliged to tell how many of
"your readers" are left as shown by
your own books. We doa't mind a lit
tle bombast now smiu then, but don't
pile it on too heavy.
It is thought that western leaJers
of the democracy have intimated to
Tilden that he must patch up the
Tammany fight at home and carry
New York at all hazards, or they will
nominate Thurman or some other
weBtern man. Again they tell Sw
ing's friends that he must carry Ohio,
r Tilde will be the nominee. In this
way they hope to force eacli ono to his
utmost endeavors to carry his own
state. When done a new man might
still be nominated-for all that, amd
then a Republican President may be
A ilile in 2.11 3-1.
It was thought when sleepy Tom re
cently paced a mile in 2:l'2l., that the
climax of speed had at least been reach
ed. IJut there comes a report lroin New
l oik which says that the well known
horse, Edwin Forrest, driven by John
M .Murphy, has just made the fasU it
mile that ever was made in the world,
on a three-quarter mil track, on if r.
IJonnei's farm near Tarrytown. The
first quarter was marie in b-1, the half
in 1:5', the three quarters i iS1, and
the full miie iu 2:11 nf . Thrru watches
were held on him. The fastest made
the mile in 2:1 1 aHd the slowest in
:1C. Consequently the time, accord
ing to ruin, is 2:11 1. Forrest has long
been knows privately as the fastest
trotting horse now living, and it is
not unlikely that the report is correct.
. J he Cascade.'
"While down the County lately, we
visited the Cascade Mills on the "W. W.,
run by "Wave" Allen. First rate Hour
is made here, and the mill has must of
the modern" improvments. Allen
knows how to make fl-jur that will
bring greenbacks, if ho can't issue them
direct. The mill takes its name after
a very beautiful little stream callec
"Cascade" and which has a pebbly
"eastern" bottom quite unusual in Neb.
The scenery about tlio mill" is very
pleasant indeed, after a long ride over
the open prairies.
Ret ween Two Fires.
The editor of a country paper lives
in a house between the Methodist
church and a dance house. One night
recently there was a meeting in the
church and a dance in the hall, and
the editor sat n the veranda and took
in the situation, jotting down the fol
lowing, which lie heard:
Let us prav. Cheese vour partners.
Oh Lsid All salute
We beseech thee to join hands and
draw near and circle to the left,
l:ten to First four forward,
us as we All promenade,
kneel before Thee and Balance all.
present our petition, etc.,
Grand right and left.
For Christ's sake Seat your partneis.
The editor was more than saddened
at the degeneracy of the village, and
ha went and joined a base ball club in
order to be neutral.
Net HcmIj Yet To Die.
From Srnator Z. Chandler's speech at Machine,
It is said that the Republican party
has fyllulled it mission, and ought t
die. No party is better prepared to
die. On its monument can be written
that it has fulfilled every pledge it liai
made to the American yeoplo. Ought
t die! Thank you gentlemen, we have
made other arrangements. It took the
country from the lowest of humilia
tion, ar-d railed it to the highest pin
nacle of rrosperty. It found the 5 per
cents worth ;s. and now the four per
cents are wortli 102. It has built the
railroads which the country needed,
and it ? - improvfed tlio rivers and
harbc: . ' f these works labor has re
ceived'!. ! ?::clit. The party saved
the National life by redeeming its
pledge, aca it ledeemed another on th
1st of January, and saved the National
honor. The panic of lf37 wa worse
than that through which we have
passed, bat w? gut down ta .hard pan
in 1S-J2. awd sn era of prosperity ea
eh 1. Now go over the country, and
there is work for all who wactit. The
wheel is turning, and nothincrran step
it unless the people deliberately decide
to taniMT with an hwrifst dollar.
i ;,
riMII? 1MTI in tit W I I?
iilJJ iUVllJlU.lJ II ilJH
freight Hates, &c. &c.
Editor of Courier. My attention has
been called to the articles in your pa
per of the last two issues. I think
they aro unfair, and trust you will
give me the opportunity to say a word
or two to the people of Gage county
and particularly to the people of Bea
trice. Neither directly nor indirectly
has any threat against the interest of
Gage county, nor Beatrice, been intend
ed or made by me or any other agent
of this company. On the contrary our
plans for railroad construction have
been of such a character as would most
largely tend to the best interests of
both the county and town.
In the execution of these plans this
company has considered the question
of bond subsidies only as a secondary
matter. If the counties through which
we may build were in a position to
contract with this company that the
road which we build would not be
taxed for additional lines in the future
no bonded aid would ha asked. As aa
earnest proof of this fact I have been
authorized as the agent of tins com
pany to give security for the construc
tion of our road through Gage county
aud Beatrice without a dollar of bouds,
providing the other line which now
has its proposition befwro the county
will also construct without bonds.
We appreciate that when competing
lines are built on fair terms that they
benefit the general interests of the
country. "We appreciate, too, that it is
unwise and useless to oppose their con
struction. Our policy lias been to make
no contest, for if it be the will of the
people to vote bends, they will vole
them if it requires a half dozen elec
tions. But were such an attempt is made
as the proposition for 8100,000 now be
fore the Gage county people, I have
the right as the representative of one
of the largest property-owners in the
county to state, as I did to the Beatrice
people two weeks ago, that they were
in danger of throwing away the sub
stance fbr the shadow, and that if they
placed so heavy a burthen upon their
county and town, they would necessa
rily drive away enterprise which was
striving to rea?h thorn.
This is no threat, nor is it intended
as a threat. Yours truly,
A. F. Touzalix.
In regard to freight matters be
tween the U. P. & B. & M. the follow
ing appears in the Daily papers.
to Noi:THWi:sTi:nK Nebraska stock
men. You are hereby advised that the
rate of August 14th, 1370, on North
western Nebraska stock from Kearney
to the east .side of the -Missouri river,
per car, is nothing; from tlie oast
side ef the Missouri river to Chicago,
$i0 per car making the through rate
from Kearney to Chicago, ) per car.
with strong probabilities of lower rates
The attention of stock shippers i3
called to the fact that the farther east
they drive the more profitable will it
be to them, as the nearer they come to
the B. & M. the lwer per mile are the
rate?, even if t hey are unable to ship
over that road.
Pekcevae I.owele.
General Freight Agent B. & i:. R. R.
The County Fair takes place t'opt.
17 1:. Among other novelties, ;!;d
many premiums, the following special
premiums are offered. We hope there
will be competition enough to make
the tiling lively.
r. i-.v snow.
Tiie exhibition to t;ike pia-'c iii the afternoon
of 1 ! I h irci iiay of t lie fair, Friday. Sen !!' -cr
I' the ju'lu--' M in-I. For tin- pret'i.'st
le.hy o r si . and under t!i- i".i iii.mi nf ae,
tli..- luilnwu.jj p;--!.-iiu!:.!-- wi'.l 1'P awarded :
1-t premuia. I iteaiiiiful l ily oam.tse'. . . 00
I'd " 1 ha 'V cu ria 7 ()
od " 1 colli ui-clilace 5 00
AIh -vp pi einiuai will ho on exhibition du: iug
the fair.
, i.i oi I II i;.
Far the best o-ciy on f; County, herjrr-ner-al
feature. cap:ililine, and rc-ourr-i's. .? 1 in
money, and tht- 1 1 i.i: A l.i and lnter-m-can one
year. Said es-av not to exceed two columns in
tlie Herald.
For the hf-d article on Farm Iife, hv a
yiain man not cxce.--ini -0 years oi .me, 1 1 ni
inomy. Hr.iiAi.n 1 ye. , rand aropv of Amei n-an
htahle. iui.te. a neat hnok of l paues ; article
net to exceed 1 1 j columns.
For the best article on liairyinu:. or Dairy re
sources, by any farmer's wife or tlauj;hte" in
the county, cue dollar in nimiev. Hi.i:ai.i for
one veai .and the 'Home (luiiie Cook Book"
or "Farmers' fallc ;" article not to exceed 1!
All of t lie above to be v.iitten bv buna-tile
residents of the comity and to be imbli-lied iu
the llr r. vi.o atier tlie fair. 1 i-intt-r'ted
judges to lie chosen on the c round.
Iu jud-iu the articles, the wruiuir, punctua
tion, .rrimmar. and construction of sentences
to be taken into account, as well as the ideas ;
also, all articles to be written plainly on one
side of the paper. .J.-So. A. -M AeMi Ill-it V.
sr;; riiKMini bv mks. macjicki-ii v.
F'orthe bet article en Hou-ekecpinff, by any
yomii; lady of Cass County, not over in years
old. a oitd. practical co k book jiiid a
Mme steel tn.s ravins, larsja size. Oo. ci lied by
same I ill r s a- above.
r.xniurTir.s special rnr.Mirv.
For the best loaf of wheat bread ma 1? of Cass
Coua ; y w heat , by a n.,g lad v cot excrwaiii
1G years of :i-j. one hue jrohl riiii; valued at
For the bct live-pound roll of butler made
by a youiiu lady not exeeedini; It years i.f ae,
oiie set of jewelry, valued at
The committee t be appointed hv myself on
the Fair iro aid. The L'oods can he t-eeu at
any time by catling at my jewelry store, on
Main .street, riatt.smoath, "Ncbrad;:i.
F. Cakkcth.
To any boy orirl of American partntae, un
der 1" year "of aye, wjio cm speaK and has the
best k now led .e of the heejuai-, to be
examined on grounds bv a tlernian appoint
ed by Mr. Wheel, r, :. "
In any boy or 'irl. I " ycrs of aire or under, of
American jiarcrtave, pi odin in the best speci
men of Civuiau v.Tiiim;. not Ic.i than n pae
(sermon l;-:t h paper. piop.-r!y certiiied :u hav
mi; been executed by tlie exhibitor.
M-inni. riiKvitfM of s;o r.v Tin-: i-:.ArTs-
H1 Til .sl-ol;TSM F..N '. AssOi lAIT'l.V.
l"or the b. st s -ore at cl-s 1 all shoe ins f'"cni
mole trap ; balls. ;s anis rise , cni;a-.i -e !-,
M. In bis jo-.vined bv ll.e rules f the As;o
c;.t ion.
S1-IVH1, PKF.MIl'M t-.v w. n. jon:-s.
For i he b. -t cetitietuan C')iii -t: i.m, owr 2
years of aire, lailraoce lee, i.
Special jireiniiim of r ly J. i), Adain and A.
15. i odil, tiie test res-iler. Katranc.' lee M.
Then, in Clas3 XV are more hov
cities, as:
A boys' plowiier niatcli for ttovs l.ef.vern thf
:i'.-s i f r iat and fittcii y a.;s ;-'t'l" test of mer
it l-eiiiv: the le si ioik " it !i lea -1 labor to him
self ailtl learn, an I etiiiiiini; I ne j;rittc-t Sklil
i.i liandiiu-i tiie ; lew and teal i :
1 list 00
eeo:ut " 5 CO
lliird " 4 oi
I'oanU " ;; ii
I iflli " J oo
For the ni'i-t expeit driver of four hor-os,
to: nd tvo a'lrt.e-t. e'iil:!in the ie.Ue-t
skii in handling the lines t:t!i hand ; i-.-u-li
( - "lit :-1 :ie t l' he liie o,!:i.r o the t-aiil he
i'i I ws and to he a resident of tlie county :
r il'si pieinliim ;M irt " i; on
I iiir.l ' 4 ,hi
I'our.a :m
'You have played the deitco with my
heat t,' said a gentleman to a lady partner
Milling a g:iin! of ''Wei;,'' j-i.-.;ivd
tiio i oty, with nr. nreh s;u!!e, "it wis
ply bceaii-.e yoa piaed tliu knave.''
Our Temperance Column.
F"or C.od, aud I ome. ami Native Land."
1. O Cr
JCeiriilar meetini:!' at iood Templars
every Wednesday evenmir.
K. 11. Wooi.kv, V. C. T.
Viola V. r.AitNK. Sec'y.
TKM i-f.u N
St K. Is.o. i.. Keriilar meeiin.
Saturday evening in Hall in Fitzei aid's block.
S. S.. ilLXKLK, W. C. T.
.f. F. JOHNSON", Sec'y.
ii.ATTMot in Ki'.o Kihi'.on Ci.cit. Ih-su'.ar
lut-etiliK on Monilav evening of each week.
K. (i. lov KY, 1'iesideiit.
H. SI. liusitXKl.L, Sec'y.
'jtilK l!K.unNi Kihiji. Open on Wednesday
- and Saturday afiernoon and evening of each
week. Front room over F. S. White's stoie.
iJi.ATi.s.Mi.iTii V. '. T. V. will meet every
al'ernite Thursday at 3 o'clock, in the
Ihvtdim; Kootn, unless ot lier hot ice is i;iven in
this coiuiitn. Mks. h. m. isi:, l'rc-idcnt.
Mrs. It. It. iU'KK, Secretary.
Ill.ATTSMOflll l.OIMiK OF .ll VI'N 1 I.K Tl.Mf
i.aks will meet every alternate Friday even ut n o'clock in C.ood Templars" Hall.
Mils. A. Sen 1. 1. oki., Superiiitciii'ent.
In the address of Dr. Peck from
which we mads an extract last week,
wo find the following array of facts,
these stubborn things," in answer to
tlie oft repeated assertion, that the
the tendency of the free uso of wine
and beer is to diminish intemperance.
Beer Drinking.
Beer drinkers who congratulate
themselves that they aro not whisky
drinkers, and who expect to escape
the penalty of intemperance, may as
well understand that the facti are all
against them. Dr. Crothers, an able
editor, says: "In appearance the betr
drinker may be the picture of health,
but in reality he is the most incapable
of resisting disease. A slight injury,
severe cold, or shock to the body or
mind will commonly provoke acute
disease, ending fatally. Compared
with the inebriates who use different
forms of alchohol, he is more generally
diseased. The constant use of beer
every day gives the system no time
for recuperation, but steadily lowers
the vital forces; it is our observation
that beer drinking in this country pro
duces the yery lowest forms ef inebri
ety, closely allied to criminal insaaity.
The most dangorous clas of tramps
and ruffians in large cities are beer
drinkers. It is asserted by more com
petent authority that the evils of he
redity are more positive in this class
than from alcoholics. If these facts
are well founded, the recourse to bear
as a substitute for alcohol merely in
creases the danger and fatality follow-
It is asserted if wine and beer
drinking were encouraged it would
decrease intemperance. Did it ever
occur to you that every beer sa'o.m is
a temperanco society and every beer
garden is a reform club? Yet the
Brewers Congress in Baltimore last
June declared their object was to pro
mote temperance! Now for a fact. In
lsiJ8 there were made l.oJJOU;) barrels
of malt liquors, which in 1371 had in
creased to 7,030,000 barrels. By their
logic drunkenness must have decreased
in pro'.ioi tioii. But daring those eight
years the number of drunkards increas-
elfru'a 400,020 to 7)i,000. At that1
ratio, in 2.1 years the diunkards would
number two or t!:re millions.
Fngland tried the experiment iti
by Parliament posing the"B.?er Ar," j
which opened U 3,0 JO beer-shops. Di 1 j
it decrease the use of strong i i j tgoij V ;
Sydr-iey S.i.ith wro.e: -Th" new i
l-ii! has bfgun its M'e"ati.:-s. J'c- ;- i
h !; i'.v drtiuh: Those wiio are not
singing are scrawling. The .--overeigji
peop.a ara iu a b.-.tstly st itc.'' '1 he
Jjndoa Times U-.viarcd: "flu; s-.'e of
beer was increased, bat th-i s ;'.e of spi
rituous liq-.mrs was n ,t di'ni!-i.s';ed."
A coiiiiiiiitee of the 11 of Lords
reported, after a t; ill wf t w t :ity years,
"The t.bsohite cotjsump'.ini of (ardent)
spirits ha. ;;. diminished." Tliat
v;ir b th iioiises of Parliament form
ally declared, "The beer shcci sv.-tem
has proved a failure." Thtj London
GIo bo wi ote :."Tlie injury done by lh;
Beer Act. . . .exceeded tho evil of any
single act. of internal administration
passed within the memory of ma::,"
.hall America repeal that experiment
set sail for p'rditiop. ia a ".schooner"
of lager-bcerV i Laughter and applause.)
Turn to wine countries. Look at
Italy. Cardinal Acton, then .s-.tprenn
Judge in Kome, deelared that nen ly all
the crime "originated in the use of
Take France, the wino country of the
The Paris Constitutionnel said in
lST'J: "The habit of drunkenness lia3
increased in France year by year since
th? beginning of this centurv. The
French we is rfetvrioratiit'j il-iily. In
forty years the consumption of alcVaol
has tnph'rl in Framcp." A F reach ma
gazine writes: "Drunkenness is the be
ginning and en 1 of life in the great
French industrial centres, among wo
men as well as men. T wenty-fire out
of every one hundred men and twelve
out of evey one hundred women in
Lisle aie confirmed drunkards."
France consumes mure strong drink,
in addition ts wine, than America pr
Dr. Albert Day, f Boston, who had
more inebriates under his treatment
than any man in the world, stated:
"A hirje iwijority of the four thousand
cases of inebriety which I have treated
commenced their course of drunken
ness by tlie use of what is termed light
drinks, such as wine, beer, etc. I am
fully satisfied that tho use of these
light beverages is the initiatory step
to a life of inebriety." His successor,
Mr. Lawrence, says: "The appetite for
strong drink is formed ia early life by
drinking the light drinks, such as lager-beer,
ale, wine, etc."
Shall we hang our colors at half
mast and encourage or sanction this
insidious moderate drinking which
leads many into the depths of inebria
tion? N! we will nail oar flag to the
forepeak of total abstinence, shouting
gladly, '-No su r render, no com promise !"
Whiskey is the lion, wine or beer but
the sneaking jackal that hunts down
the game which tha lion finally devours!
And the Sabbath saloan and beer-garden
is the hunting ground of this
prowling jackal. Interior.
The temperance me:t of Philadelphia
have gathered some curious and start
ling fact3 in this connection. They
give the nationality of those engaged
in the liquor tratVic in that city. Chi
namen, 2; Jews. 2; Italians, 13; Span
ish, 140; Welsh, 1); American, -loo;
African C1; French CHo; Scotch -137;
English WJ; .fcrraa.i, 2,173; Irish., 3.
011; nationality not known, 072; mak
ing a total of i,034. Of this number
3,0'.iG are females. American, 1; Afri
can. 3 ; Spanish, 3 ; Weish, 4 ; English,
10; Scotch. 10; French, 13; German,
1,101; Irish. 2.4C0. Of tiie 8.031 liquor
stiler, 2 .00 1 have been in dirferent
State's prisons for longer or shorter
terms; 1.1-lfJ in the rour.ty prison; 1,
7C3 in different station-houses; making
only 1J1G who have been exempt from
A western c lifor speaks of Ids rival aa
1 ine-i.i eao!ig:i to Ms il tiio bwill liom a
'.; ' ' ii Tie; 1 t-.-t'tl"ts iiy saying
'Ji. ..!;) S li lies.". 1 li, .jl suic 1.1S
The Nebraska Kail road Menagerie Unlocked-
J he Cases all Open and
the Animals All Out.
Oakland I'cn and now.
They are all out, not to hurt each
other or anybody. Oh, no! They ara
only in quest of bread and meat, milk
aud hwaey, blood and bones. Especially
bones with meat on, commonly spelled
b-o n d s.
The U. P. Hippopotamus has waded
botk hi big rivers the Platte and
Loup and splashed across all such lit
tle streams as the Blue and the Blk
horn. The B. & M. Lion is bounding over
the plain in every direction through
the (South Platte country and has leap
ed the Piatte iu one place and ventur
ed into Mesopotamia, the sacred realm
or Hippopotamus.
The A. X. Tiger is actually beat
ing a patli from tlie old capital to tho
new, and he and the B. cV: M. Lion are
rubbing if not scratching plunks, in
haste to feast in the. now abandoned
pjt resort of the hippopotamus.
Tho U. ?c X. Bull-dog walks quickly
over to Oakland and takes a square
meal served up by the sons and daugh
ters of Legan.
Tlie L V. Mastiff, having first risen
up from his long repose to prosecute
with calm dignity his search for food,
but now animated by the heavy tread
of Hippopotamus across his path, is
bounding aloRg the vales of the Elk
horn. He proposes to switch his tail
in the eyes of Hippopotamus all the
way from Norfolk to X'iobrarn, and
after the brisk race get tho first lap of
the panting tongue at the brink of tlie
Missouri. Also, to get first bone with
meat on, at the cattle pens of Aqua
Pura, Antelope and little Cedar.
Last of all conies leaping across our
north border from Covington toward
Cheyenne the B.'ack Hills Leopard,
and from his narrow and crooked path
the C. C. & B. II. Wild Cat glides away
into the brush bc-fora the Leopard's
fiery eye.
The Pen and Plow enjoys the sight
of the whole arena thus enlivened by
tho uncaged and perambulating mena
gerie, but with special pleasure whistles
to the MastilT to come up here right
away, and get a small bone with meat
on a mere expression of good will and
a slight foretaste of the bread and flesh
in store for the Mastiff, at the Termi
nus, where tiie Big Cow Path meets
the Big Hay ."stack and Corn Crib.
Just give us a Carrier Pigeon to Xeb.
City, and a Percherou pony to "W. W.,
and w'il let tlie menagerie go.
Lueila items.
Quite a nutnb3r arc atten ling Camp
mee'in g this week.
Dr. Thorn is of Weeping Water visi
ted (pra-fessionally) Luella the 10th,
and under his care his patient, II. W.
Zink is doing well.
George Copple and lady have gone to
Lincoln to spend a few weeks.
Farmers have stopped plowing, it
b ,-ing too dry.
Mrs. M :C.trty is expected homo from
the east soo:i.
S juire Zink lies built a:i al lit ion to
his house.
C ilonel McCarty is going la in ve
and relit hi.s h u3 before his wife re
tuir.s. T. i a.vijl pjlals.
Wherv! Oi, wh.;re are th.3 Kim woo I
corrusp m lnts. w gu th'H have
drie 1 up aa 1 Id j w.i away, S un with
tho ro;t.
The parson igo looks lonel y nowa
tl tys.
El.nwoj I 1 loksi forsk-n Sanda y,
all gi:ie i c i .ip m.vti'ig.
Tae City is spreading.
T'i3 Dr.'s iio . i so is I . ming.
T'n a r; tckstuith
tins l;l r,
to th
We u:idrsta-i 1 Mr. D. L. Clapp from
Kansas has bought ten acre of land
of Mr. Hart, intends putting up a house,
tho lumber alrca ly is oa the ground.
Miss Flora Htobs aaa been visiting
on tiie Hill for tiia past two week-i,
we understand she leaves for I'iatts
nioath, the last of tho week.
A load of negroes pa?scd through
E'.mwood last week, bound for Lin
coln. The band meets twica a week, J. A.
Muthetsb uigh tlie lea.ler is living '.n
the City.
Mr. Givenslate has a new clerk bu-
! siness must be rushing.
C. D. Clapp and wife look smiling as
they p. us in thedr new Ciucinnali bug-
A loal of fresh p?aehe3 passed
througli town last week.
II. M. Bushnei!, editor of the Piatts
mouth Daily male Elmwuol a call
Sunday night, glad to sea -him, call
Haying just commenced.
Tha Blacksmith shop is thronged
with mowers for repairs.
Mr. Long of Plattsmouth was out
with hi3 son to consult Dr. Ilobbs.
Eli as.
Three Groves Notes.
August 19th, 1373.
E. Herald: As we haven't writ
ten for some little time aud that "Lim
ber Jim" has given us a rest 01 spell
ing and jimsous we will write a few
scattering notes for this week's issue.
Small grain is all stacked, the dry
weather being favorable for stacking,
all the grain has been put up in good
order, although a good portion of it
ha? been threshed out of the shock
threshers say tlie yield will be about
ten to twelve bushels par acre, and as
a general thing is good in quality.
The corn crop is very heaVy, some
arc couating oa one hundred bushels,
per acre, but this will be confined to
only a few fields, the average will be
mere than in previous years.
Mr. Lewis Young lias been improv
ing his dwelling bv putting on a new
roof, tho present ro-if being p;it on
twenty-four years ago, when Nebras
ka w;i3 first settled, the shingles or
boards were made by himself and oth
ers. Mr. Geo. ShraJcr's new Louse is ap-
proachiug completion quite rap'ivll y J c,i
will finish it shortly.
James Wiley and Ivly have been
making a short visit to some friends
Ulil III l.,9 VI IUC li-lieill I tlUllLlL'3 lui I j;,
the last three or four weeks. j
A few grasshoppers were noticed
o: the ground or.e day last week, prob-
ably came from the north east a.s the
wiud was blowing from that direction
However they did not stop very long,
seme thought that they were the fore
runners of a large army of them but
they haven't come as yet.
Two young gentlemen from Penn
sylvania have been stopping at Mr. S.
C. Patterson's. They are beund for
A number think of attending the
State Fair from this vicinity.
Mrs. Chalfant after passing through
a severe speli of sickness of two
months and a half, died on .Sunday a
week ago. She was one among thfc
first settlers ef Nebraska. The re
mains were buried at the Three Groves
grave yard ou Monday. Her funeral
was attended by a large concourse of
friends and relatives.
Considerable sicknes3 prevails in
I Rock Bluffs at present, Miss Laura Ll-
lington has been lying vety ill of the
chillu and fever.
Shaied Graves has been very sick
from the effect of a rat bite, was bit
ten on tlie hand, some six weeks ago.
School commences at Hock Creek on
Monday morning, Miss Kao niton litis
been employed ta teach the same.
Routs for Dairy Cows.
However it may ptnve with oilier farm
rtock, li.e ci'iiv.i tioti s- eii.s c.-t i: il-(,i.-il ad .i.r l,-st o'airy nun t.iut it
pays well to gro.v rout- lor j,-. .din-; to
cows in millt. It is i;. t iikel.y our
farmers will cv-.-r ;nw ruot- extensive
ly as tlo the English. A:ni yet e.;.jii
ence lias dcvelup.-ti tiie tact that uy h.e'l,
no matter how mil ia ali dements oi nu
trition, docs not a one proino.esiieh a iioe
MCI et oa of in i: our eo . -. as w Oeli
a lii cial ration or" jnt.s isadlc.l.
It may be thru iu mihil- eas.-s .-oak;,- i aatl
steamed leed v. 1.1 jivc as food re-a.ut ior
a time; but there is s-aneti'iiig about t.:c
tiesh l'oo;-s .seeins ln.t oluy giate.'U!
to the appetite, but equ u.y pi oil."! . ve oi"
a i.euit'iy neiion of t iio tl ues.ive oiaiis,
Hi. on wlneii i.i tiiy tli 1 in, 1st t.ui i ilii.
lower of piohtalile piuiitiction in -u.
iLsiry iieasts.
"AVhy don't you kill otf more old hens?"'
inquired a friend to a New Jeiscy farm
er. The latter leaned over tlie fence, and
eyeing his interrogator for a while, sol
emnly replied: 4"suniiner boarders.''
2Vo Good I'rcac'his.'pr.
No man can do a good job of work,
preach a good sermon, try a law suit
well, doctor :t path-nt, or write a good
article when lie feels miserable and
dull, with sluggish brain and unsteady
nerves, and none should make tlie at
teinrt in such a condition when it can
be so easily and cheaply removed by a
little Hop Bitters. See another col
kfi-oj:tki r.v k. f.. wnrri:.
Wlioat. No. 2
' rejected
Coin, ear
"" sa. lied
!,a:l -v. No. -j
rcr it ;
!0,' I.",
: i
i. v'l'.VST M'W
i: ,
;i m ::'; s.
C;!i.-..;- Ai ..
4 -
i i
l!v i
-a.; (' ;;le...
? oe
.". H'
TO iii) AX
LY i:-r'::-jvi-:n FAnsri ran
fixjj rj;.n:-; time.
te." Pi: ji c j:t . r:::n:sT.
Enquire of D. II. WII FCLLI. CO.,
P'.attsmouth; or 11. E. MOOllB, Lin
coln, Xebra.ska. 21tf
At it: Nr.
Weeping AVater, .'cl.
Ma-iiifaetureii l y
J!:ii-seiiles .'i'f'' Co..
ol Marseilles. 1 i. I
have put i p sever . ia
C.i s ( o. Ane in.' ; hose
jmri-h-isi irr are J. M .
ia-aid-hv. 1! V.
l;ri..v--. root S. Vai-sea
ainl .1. 11. Voa..-. of
( it'ii' Co.. rill of whom
can te- i ,y to tia-ir -u-peri'ir
Those ishie.,' to
pii! eh a sc ea'i avidre-.s
- 1ae.11 ti. ".nil ; .sai -
f.sf t ""Vx isfaction iruaranteed.
. ..l y'kr1' Triees from s-.-t to ss.,.
.; ". .f M ills w ii l'.o!,t pumps :r
nieaps witl'.out Mills.
i.-i" at . ater : sat
I I "V S ozti; tvt..' .-si.
r. i;. i,t.'i -ft'i. '.Ill's "111 V tl'i i. HO : '-i?Q
I irliiii-s oaiy 'Hz .:;.t Onxaus I'liiysr.l.-
J.". Ti-oiiioiiiloii-s Iti'iliictimi fiurui-; the
yi ill Hit 111 UK i' tnoti Ii . Having heen
lililTI'F.H MAVOit ef 1 iy ci'V and m
trilsted with its lunula should he sehieiclit proof
of my rspoiisiliiiit y. Latest cir,'i. at s and II-lu-ti'ated
New-ietper in r. tld rw l.W
IltlK. Itr. ITT V. V. :iM5:iii2to.j. X. .1.
.(ir.M4 1IV.VTI.I For the IU -t '.A
Fastr.t-S-!;;HI i'ielori.ll Looks aie.l rihles.
I'riees reduced 3:5 per cent. National I'iihiish
iniiCo.. liicaeo, I lis. 1 :'r 4
Q 1 OAfl returns in "o ii; on --i-'' invested.
vlJsU on'icial i.V pons and iiiiormatioii
free. Like pioli :s w eekiv on stock,oj:s uf
!0 to ... Aihli-ess T." Totter, Wiilit Co.
Lauker-. :-VVal hh. N. V.
WC A O CIO. Tlease write for lurtrt il
U t, A II Jill. In-st i-Hietl c;italrne of
(ireat. Westetn (inn Works. 1'itlslutrif. l'a.
rGreatOtfer! WfJi
not used a vear. frood as new ; warranted. New
l'ianos and r;aiis at et raordio irv hev prices
for cash. Cataloirues mailed. H'U.'ACK WA
I Llt.S, A't, 40 K:t-t Hill St., N. V., V. O. L.ix
0 H iTPO OTl'iCI The only eoiiiliinatnni ef the
uAiirUIllJ tlrw .ianiai.-i li-.n-r with
teiinlee Ar-iina" ies ;nd l'r-ccli
Ir.rtn.'y f"r I'lu.'.-i-i '-tur'n'is.
'ra'Tijis and p iii:-. I 'ia i ra-e i
T AT-T A TP A t1'"1 '''. Ivs,.epsia.
diliiillbil Want of t-nie an.l
. VetivO y in th- i,c,iai-!i mul
I I'.owels. and avohii-ii; the lnn
PT'JiTnT'D .-.s of ('iriii.-e of Water, l'noil
III Ml lilt land Climate. Ask for
Ha tifortl" Jh jnaia (diisi'i-.
' :i rs rrr 7 iwa rf-s
" .1 '.'4 5 ?.ej - A"J
U K? vim r
A".- srsiil.l TS'J.V i't Jti: AltTltiii
WiT".!-'.-.l i fcft t !:'.' a'"1 fcr yt-ori.
1 '.-itrTv-t "i j-i-ir-t ia Ci-Kit..
C'on-:ia v -:oi.M intoa scclss oor Iirsatl
on in h irrf" :3 u r.en hrin
n;i in vi
ever fie!
that sf
lltl-lt I o 111 e eol:l.- tilt' tlV .if ..lectio
i-i l U'e old style of parous piastrr- j
: .v acti.ia iti i-ri:i,-ii:-i .!:'. f. f:e.:-o:r. i
I'l.-tster ivljet i s l.:;iii nt a.'d I
lilies . Oi; v . it lis' ):: 1
and i-t liiiiiial in;; .u nit h
it Sl lis,.
ami hriiis n-st iind
oiie t
fort to 1 li
on's 1 iipeine pofoiis i'la.ster n; the
i ji.ii" ienlar iiavin a sim.hir :
. i ',-..r i
ihidiie ;
1.11:11-. e1Mit.11.: -i lend poi--oi: ;. i-.a.-.i
lien -oo's 1 '..pri ;ie I'lasfcr li:e r :: wo; -1 (. .-ip.-i
cut I hi on h i he pltif lei take inioilirr.
ii.i r.v . i i. 't;i't.' .i-si-.
We are
801V 0
iw Turn's
f I
mw trmie9
Bought an Uiinszially Large Stock
ii tow
Uiri f
A S -r s.' v" -. f
MRhf Ut m V H 6
-stsy-ss. -ss - -,-r- - T i "-3
---V-:,'- tr
has ci!'.-t- i:
suihman ii
who are, ou and after tlii.
IB J- C31 -
Vi'e are in almost
which vt e olTcr owr frii-nda and the puh'ilc at
at prices to
Ciisliinercs, Alpacas, Delaines, &c.
Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00.
Muslins, from 0 cts. a yard upward
The lii. est s;,.ek of White re.ispr-ads ev; r !;t t t , the Citv.
Luell's Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, and CoLtonadcs in
full Stock.
15 mS(!H
1 fsr
Ja VaJ i .11 M ' f k.
Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
e desire to si c all our old patrons back and want to hold as m any of th(
present ones as we can
A' JTJIF.V 1! Ell Til E
si n
73 "s?t7i A
w -
-a f j
giTe ws am
A WT) vnmps
Is. V-'S-J--', ,.-.. ,V f -
-: r -
K. 1
t a ... . i i i, :
4 w n im m :
- v-- , v v v
A " . A T . T
collie back"' to
- s date sole propi ictois.
itaily n t"!;t .f
"-sJ. s fii ii j rt
suit the tiinr.
id : J -stX H 4j,-Iiak3
VLA1 T.n 11 0 U ill, XEV LI I S KA.
i I
I i
It '