. X f I- The Herald. 1 . )' 'A a : V C ICTI KM K XT. I i.ueieiil. 'i. cents- !i lino. le'-nlar advertls t .. I ii i-lils per line. N .IvtTvl U.selllt.i.1 ili.-.vit-i I f ir li'.v than li-edits. f.""al notices a! Statute rale.i. A . i rn. y anil ! i i . .if t !:o law will he nt'M t i oasibfo fur ail !. il limit.-, they h.ttel in, ; I. I ..II p;u ties ilciirti.uiu: a proof of p-.U-licu-t.-.n of auv notice vv.il L; ,M.id for llio iiiiblieu Uoii !; ul such police. C'OMM UN ICAYION3. our !;' is limited, ciniinuiitea,'on mi.-t be buttl aud to the i juit, with no vta-sie c-f vv.jnls. The paper M responsible f..r the correctness F.cv tiling to copy oi paid I. utter and paid Pe Eiiis, only. 1. Any person who takes ll.e paper re-uiarly fr.irti tin- pus'-nibce. wucimr ii:i'-;eil to lin r:nn.'. or w m-ther he Is a subscribi . or not is fLio:ks:!!c for the y;:y. 1 If any person order hi paper disenntfn i.i ! he must p.v all ai.ear.ie-. or tin; publi-h-cr m -y continue to send il until :in:i'nt is an.J -.i: t tt-.e win.!..- ainnui.l. v. lii't.'ier the papi r ia taken from the obiec or not. X J n.' couits have, decided tiiat nfu-Iii;; to t ke new .-impels ami 1 ei io.l a-als f mm th post line, or r. movim? ami lc.uvit.a; th'-in uncalled for, is' in mm Jacu. tvlilii.ee of l.MtJ.'ilu.NAL ir.Ain. LOCAL NEWS. Repairing done good at Mores'. 21 If The Lest Eleur in tho city at F. S. White's. 1 Consult Dr. ForJen at the Saun ders House. ,Ve hoar Mr. F. B. Lewi3 is put ting some repairs on his house. Boots anil Shoes made to order ami warran ted at Merge'. 21lf Consult Dr. Borden at tho Saun ders House. Revolvers cf every description at J. S. Duke's. 2012 Seine Bankrupt Boots and Shoes at Merges' below wholesale prices. tMtf Consult Dr. Forden at the Saan- der House. The choicest lot of can goods in town .it F. .S. .Vbite's. 1 Alex Campbell has tho cutest lit tle lailrcad Bycyclt. Co and see it. Consult Dr. Eordan at the Saun ders House. Winter Wheat Flour at F. S. White's. 1 Consult Dr. Forden .it tho Saun ders i f onss. Evaporated Apples, for cooking, in 2 I1, boxes at F. S. While's. 1 ' I'io.'. WilLor had lh rys ent gu fll..g!.;uj Tuii.iv, down on tlio "land aii'ie." Dry L'oods and nations sold at cost f n- the next ) days, at ;i;thiuann iSt Veckhach's. -20L-2. Tin Conr.ty Kcpublican Central Committee meets S iturd ty, Aug. 23, at 8 miie tove, or Kmiviilo. An inc. ease in the leiup rance forces of the town is eaid to have a: lived t':;is ii-tr::inj. -Cap't. II iover has a fine specimen of iiis 1 i ick in t!.o Post OrTiee. It at tracts co jiidi't'.il.'.e altfution. !r. S. hi'.dknci'ht is hwildin :i now l.cis.-! out ou Chic:sj."j av-!:uo, which wiM Le for r-ut v. han cj:n; letei. J. S. Duke has on h:u. 1 a largo stock of p-.w ler, shell o:tps, shells, rods, :nd will ooti 1! prepared to P'.id the ;tl ' n o:c. t-OfJ D-nt'i, fa;! to tr.kc ailvantage of Wrs 'tt .V I 'obeli's offer, 1 ;it go ;:n.i C t U Mlit Of clotliCS beldW COS4.. 1 n;indsomj new tle Mason A MMitiin Organ, le -1, 'Mirror Top" I'riee low, ol (). I. .Iciinson's T;rug Store. V.'e.sley i? uutomary, formerly a : ir.tiJ' in this c :l:c". h "n into partnership with Mr. Bushuell iu '.is ; ; the) Luterpris-', Don't fail to5tnoke tli"-'Pit: rtfore," "Standard A." and "Druggist's Sau di its" l,c cigars at the P. O. News Depot siri yon will smoke no other. 1 "Aj.ix" Celluloid Collars, that never run down at the heel, r back vf the n ik, or never t ike a trip to the washerwoman, at AVeseoltl Powell's. 1 Every bo ly i-i buying the "Japau-r-e Paper Xapktns." at the P. . Xov.s ln.'pi) Just tho thing for hotels, par ties, Sec, only S Jc p-r do.. 1 We hear authonticated rumors that another cf our prcminent young men will "step off," is soo:i as the re pairs on the house, now in progress, a:e f.ni.shod. All kinds of dry g- .!s and m tions sold ;.t Guthmann A. Veeko.ch'a at prime cyst, iu order to make room for a la: go stock of Fall and Winter goods. --Kum-.-is of a r.ew lumir.rry on the hoii.on of I'lattsmouth journalism reach us, but no rays having Lue.i i-hed upon this odice, we can't speak posi tively of it. Fred Kroehlcr's horse bucked and threw throe of his boys at one clip. They all picked themselves up at the same time, an I chased their hats in stead of the horse. Headquarters for School Books, Slates, Pencils and Writing Papers uso l in the school room, will bo at the P. O. News Depot, Phil is going to make this lino of goods a specialty, "and don't you forget it." 1 U. P. & 15. & M. It. It. now don't quarrel children, be goad and stop all this fu.--3 and you shall have lots, of taffy" this fall; good big crops to haul. Wear ssrry to learn freui Mr. David McCaig, that Dr. J. A. Kenas toti. of Elmwood, has been very sick vrilh brain ferer, and is still consider ed iti a critical condition. Last Thursday evening a son of Mr. Jay Gibson, about sixteen yais old, had tho misfortune to break Lis arm while practicing gymnastics of the circus variety, with some other loys. We are srry for him. but hope he will put hi., arms in a fit:'' r pi nee nt-it Iti is 1 li: we. IVrsonal. It. ClaiborBC is bade again. ITeBry Mcrtins called Monday. Capt. Palmer just returned from a 5.000 mile trip and started Tuesday for Milwaukee. Ed Howe had a very readable, laugh able letter on Lincoln in his 'dittlo Globe" last wtek. Wm. Lau, of Centre Taller, was in town yesterday, and the IIf.rald was very much pleased to see him. Mr. Asa Coleman of lit. Pleasant re membered the IIizuald, last week. He believes in paying up "after harvest." Mr. Cutler, tho father of 21. B. Cut ler, was in town last week, from the farm, and we never saw the old gentle man looking any better. Mrs. Chas. Hamilton, of Galesburg, 111., is visiting her sister-in-law Mt3. Jno. Duke. Mr. Hamilton will join her hero in a week or two. Capt. 11. 15. Howell, for a number cf years contractor and foreman in T. Ac II. Smith & Co'b. wagon shop, Ftkin, III. , has located nt Louisville. Profs. Piper and Dininy made the HnnALK a call last Thursday morning, during the absence of the editor, we regret that we were not pit-seat. M. 33. Cutler was down here Tues day. We don't care whether Le comes again or not. Ha and Ceo. Smith are too smart for one poor little editor. Miss Mellio Dutterlield, formerly a teacher in the Philtsmouth schools, now at Grand Island, is in the city vis iting, a guest at the Hf.tiat.d house. David and Joseph McCaig, from Elm wood, were in town last week. Dave and Joe are live boy?, and always make some musie iu the air when around. Mr. Hiram Dubois, of "Union Mills, one of the old staunch and prompt pay ing subscribers of the IIi-uai.u call led last week and put hiu:self ahead on the books for two or three subscrip tions. We neglected last week to iBention tho fact that Miss Strausr of St. Joe was visiting her sifter Mrs. Pepper- beig. he was obliged to it-turn home suddenly this ueek on acco-unl of the il!i:ess of a sister ind Mrs. P. follows her in a few days. Mr. W. S. TTiso returned from Denver, having rsnel wiled that Platts mouth is the Ir.'.-t place after all to settle down, and will therefore be come a limb of the PlaUsmouth. law tree. During his absence he took in tho Black Hills, part of the tima with an ox team, iiud looks the better for his trip. Mr. V. V. Leonard has returned from his trip to Chicago and other points, and Io.d;s renm; kaliy well arid reju venated 1 y his temporary rele.v.e from business. We could not g t time this week to run up into his gallery, but have n duiibt io has profited by his sight .--ciing and returned with a com plete stock of materials and ideas. Mr. II. X. Doiisnnw:, of Chicago spent la-!. Sunday with tint Hkham, and left mi Man-lay to visit Mr. Uo mi:!P at South Bend on fish business. Mr. 1). being a for. tier fish Commission er of W iscor.t::!, ru.d proprietor of one of the lt:g.st trout ponds in the. co in try. While hero h and Dr. Living ston, our fuh Coiu'r, had a pleasant and pui.'ltai lo chat. Schnasse's com-j home they s:y, wo havn't st e:i him but he's In le. for sure; ilh: Mica mine :u one iii.nl coat pocket, a chunk cf Ar.ro Smith's gar den in the other ami both breeches pock ts before, and tho behind revolver ,.R.iit.t loaded with precious stor.es, ores and things. Come up and divide, old boy; wo're just as poor as ever here. " Since wilting this Mr. S. paid his respee's to the IIi.uai.d and now we .io.v" he is here for sur?. Notice to Teachers. Examination for certificates at the close of the Institute will be held at the Hi'h School building m Platts mouth, Thursday and Friday, August Jlst. and 22.1. D. I). Maktixoalk. Co. Superintendent. Wanted. A good girl, who understands cook ing. Good wages and sttady employ ment. Inquire of 21tf M us. It. IL XEV.T.LL. Lar;;ps N ?w L::;'.i p. ! The Jones & Sugru portabio bra-Tkt i lamp, convenient, handsome, safe and cheap. Can be placed anywhere in tbe ros:n. Come and sc them at the II ki:a i.d o.liee or Dr. Johnson's drug store. Price, eJ.m. 20' Jamks Putt::::, Ag't. We Ilavt Itecoived the Following: DkailSiii: We have progressed so far with the work of publishing tho Map of Cass county that we expect to have them completed in about thirty dys, and will deliver yours as soon af ter as we can. Yours Truly, Tin: Umr & Mickxe Map Co. From the Ssutiael. If any man attempts to sell out tho Greenback party, shoot him on the sprt. Williarusport, Ta., National Standard. If that was carried out, literally, and reports are true, there would be a dead Editor or two in Nebraska, too sooa. Free Until Thursday, Aug. 21st Inst. Consultations will be freo until Thursday, August 21st, at the Saun ders House, Plattsmonth. All persons suffering with chronic diseases should call upon Dr. Forden, who has had a large expeiience in diseases peculiar til wnr.imi :-,!:,. Il.o cvo n.ol i-.-tr r,' to women, also the eye and car, and diseases of the iidney3 and urinary organs a specialty. Tells you your dis ease without asking a question. Cull ( upon the doctor litfcrc the 221 ir.st. I'oubtj lair. It is currently supposed that Dick Straight's well known horse "Bronco Jim" and MacMurphy's mare "Lady Mac'' will trot in the county rac iu September and no doubt a great many will desire to see thw race. Being both bona Jlde county horses, owned and kept lu re, the race will be exciting. Daily Enterprise. Wo don't know about "Lady Mac" trotting any this fall ; we have never said she could trot yet, but it strikes us that nobody's horse wants to trot at our county fair, if some place to ex ercise on, and get ready is not prepar ed. There is literally no place to drive a horse about this town now, and re don't propose to trot nor shoot half-cockfed, that is not prepared. We Lave received "comps" to State Fair, Otoe County Fair.Xoo. City blow out and lots of others. We can't di vide and conquer them all, but are just as much obliged. Wc-scott So Powell are about to move into Mr. Shryock'a building, next to the Saunders House, and ta save the trouble of moving so many goods, they intend Sdllincr Eilits below cost. 1 The Dacotah entertained Platts mouth -people very pleasantly last week Wednesday evening, although owing to its not being generally known there was but a small assembly present. The Enterprise don't seem to have much of aa opinion of the G. B. meet ing Saturday evening. G easy, Dea con, they might got te makinj green backs some day, aad then we'd want some. We saw pome horizontal bars in process of making at Hairy Howlands shop, and our young gymnasts, several of them, superintending the job. The gymnasium mut bo getting under way. We have received the Premium List of the fair of the Hamilton Coun ty Agricultural Society, which takes place September IS, 10 and 20th at Au rora. The Premium list is printed by tho Aurota News. "Limber Giui" sends the boys in tho Herald a Watermelon, a great big bastin' watermelon, for. which we are much obliged, and hope he will try to pell better next time, though we can stand it if the readers can. Mr. Xevi'.lo's houso is beginning to loom up with all sorts of.novv gitu erjii'ks nn it ; ilute.l window cu"iiices, an open worked pattern ui the roof, and 111 agree at the lop, K'ides the more substantial items of now roof, siiliag, eve. W d.:ft believe in the Dj.u en's water w-.-i ks system. It's too compli cated. I a the first place tho B. & M. task won't hold out ; next you cau'i, grab a hydrant quick enough; lastly it ain't our plan and we're '"agin" it. Al a Omaha papers. Everybody sh i-d remember that Phil Yon:ig v;:l receive subscriptions on any paper or in igazine published, b-ilow the pul lisl:et'ssubsc;owwj: ioo P;i;l has taken over o'j.) suT?n4fns si. ice last fall for different papers, giu him i our subscriptions and savu mon ey. ' 1 The hoys that haunt the Bayou want an amendment to the g.;me and rish law. They say tho old "smart Aleck?)" have got t!ii law so you can't himt and catch fish nii of season; but they w;i::t a law that will insure you to catch fiVi in s-jvtson if you are hunt ing ftr 'cm. If the You'ig Hoodlum who past ed "Jackson's b-st" Chewing Tobatoo over every on' clean fences, bains and even on their doorsteps will come round to this othce we will givo him Cve cents and tell him something aboi;t the lights of property. And if caught at it again we'll hand him over to Mar shal Murphy The llrna of Wescott A Powell, who has been in our midst scarce thiee months, have built up a trade equal to soiU'i of thosj wii have been iioio for years and in order to better show their fas', increasing stock of frj'Kls have de- ! cided io m jvo Into a larger and more desirable room. They t ill be found after next waea" i i Mr.Shryoek'a room, next Io r to Saunders IIo.' ne. Call iu and see them before purchasing else where. Tho Enterprise says an engine run off the track, but their reporter didn't get the joke of the tiling. One of the brakenaan was signaled ti throw the upper switch, who in turn signaled another switchman to do the work. Some country gentlemen heard the or-d-er and as lie supposed, was standing near tho switch which was wrong, and "jasi for an accommodation'' he threw it over j;iat in time to rua the tngiue off the end of the rail. A lot cf Texas cow boys camoto town seme days ago, with some regular mustang pomes for They rau 'em up and clown the street and show ed 'em round, and last Saturday tried to auction them off ou Main St. Frank White did tho gas business and the ponies "went" like kt cakes. After the sale the owners wore to ride all that they sold and they corralled thcui in Drew & Holmes yard and then scoot ed out on Main St. from time to time with a pony; some bucked, some kick ed and some were only sullen; but all wro ridden in some shape, and before sendown every pony with a rope, hal ter or lariat was led, coaxed or hauled away iu tlu country or around tawn to the premises of the owner. The small boy was iu his element and had a good time watching tho frantic at tempts of the four legged critters to battle constituted authority. For fine clothing, good clothing, rift! liiii tlii4 ij tiil i.oiljk .!-.!.;,..- that wiil give general satisfaction, g3 to C. G. Ilerolds clothing house, lie I keeps the only first class ctothinlr house i In Phi:: -mv.1 cn.- te it I I iVZn, v'iT"" :r-ut" ;,-,7ra :rr:: ., " Z:. S i.inuuiii- i,i.i vi, iiiiu juat iCOl tU 1 500 of the finest French and English i .worsted suits- Betnember the place - ami siic money. ON A BENDlJK. ONLY A SOUTH UEXDEK THOUGH. A Live Toffa -Two Bridges at cacc Big Moue Quarries -a Happy Pea pie. Mcroday ia company with Mr. Dous man of Chicago, we visited one of the live towns of Cas3 county, South Bend. We. shall not attempt to tell all we saw in one sLort letter and as to de tails our correspondents there gives us the weekly changes and improvements. The first thing that strikes a man when he lauds at South Bend now is that there is something gsing on. Everybody seems alive and full of bus iness. If you look across the river you will discover the cause of part of this industry. Iu old Sarpy ou the north bank of the Platte, shining iu the morning sun lay the stone quarries just opened by Mr. Stout, and from which the stone to build the It. It. bridge at 1'lattsmouth is to come. IN THESE tUAHl:liuJ Thoy are working sixty men and ex pect to strip a piece about loOxoJJ ft., for this work alone. The ledge, tLough seems inexaustible and is pronounced by experts to ba tho best yet found in the State for heavy work. It is White Limestone similar to the stone the LT. S. P. O. at Lincoln is built of, four ft. and two inches of it sticks riht out iu tho face of the eager workmen and they face the music evory day. Twtlve teams and scrapers aie at work aud a boarding house 14x9J ha been erected at the quarry. A number cf the men still board on this side however. Mr. Constable who has charge of the work informs us that two scows will be built 13x10, ou which the stone, will bo loaded and run across the Main channel of the Piatto until met by tho temporary It. It. bridge now being put in and there loaded cn tho cars for Plattsioouth. When the icijju bi ilje is completed the stone will be loaded on wagons at the quarry and hauled over the bridge to the cars thus sav ing one handling. The work is done by derricks which s wing the stone into wagons and off and ou cars again, all tho stone being cut and dressed iu the quarry. Ti.e first stone is expected to bo shipped t-j dy. two nuiLc.j;s "to onct." Pushing our way dowu over the sar.d bar we saw a sober t.te!y old horse walking gravely iwouml. He was a nice old "hha" lookc 1 as if he leiongvrd to a Deacon or Elder cr some thing he moved so circunispeatly i: his walk, lie locked like an hf.nest man's horse and sort of familiar. -Just ' then we he..rd a thud that made us I jump and locking up in soirts tressle work vye saw the well known face of Walter White driving piles and tha "old Loss" was accounted for. Mr Pircu was thi.re too. 72i-iE PILES aiofortke icvr w::g;n brilg across tho Platte here and Mr White has al ready got several bents done, though they have not reached the water yet. Bight along side cf this Tom Mur phy is building tho Sni'J Cunfy Jiranch of the B. oc M. in Xc-b., to-wit: living a track to meet the wagon bridge so that stono can b 3 .rung from wagons oa bridge to cars on track, when complete J, and far the present will lay a temporary track out in tho river on brush or cribs to reach the scows in the main channel. It's quite a little railroad is the Sarpy Co. Branch and when the cars switch out and go shrieking down to tha river the aver age South Binder swings his hat. and says "sej oar Junc'.iaa, new road hero ! mister, got two railroad now. ix Tii :: town and about there are many improve ments. A Mr. Phiyps has built a new livery stable and is doing well, with thre? teams in constant use. Mr. Dill is putting up a new hardware store. Charley Pinkham mid Am Lazeuby are in a new building and doiug well. Mr. II ly t is ealarg::: r Ins restaurant, and the "American House" anil "Grand Central" ai o both d -ing a good busi- i aess. We met .ur. KirK ot tne laltLT, but did not see Mr. McCain. Sam Broodoii, a blacksmith, aiid a countryman of oar friend Dover, wo judge, has a ni;at u?w shop. T. J. Fountain, the old iland-hy in blackoUiithing, wagon making, &c., ii still n hand nnl busy. T. W. Fountain, tho lumber man. has a big yard full, and of couse feels tho hiiljx of new-comers and increas ed business. Mr. Fountain has been here in business Ave years, and is a res ident of tho county since '55 old set tler you sue. :-"i:w or.Airr cojipant. It is almost seedless to say that ur old Plaltsmouth friend, 11. J. Straight, is doing a go-d business, and is thw J same jolly old boy a ever; only don't hunt much. In addition to his store business they hare just formed a new grain company, Housine, Decker, Streight and McFarlaud form the part nership. The pos'.otrice is also moved over to Straight's store by Mr. M.c Far land, the postmaster. ltomine t Packer, druggists and Gsh culturists are driving both branches, and making, we should judge, a suc cess of the fish portion; we shall write mora when we can have time to visit the Sarpy county springs. DOWX AT THE DEPOT, the nw grain company are buildiag and enlarging a handsome elevator, with a new fashioned rotary "pony" power to "histe" it up with. It is 70 feet long and can handla 20 cara of grain if needed. 8TILL MOIlf. Xot to be behind hand Charley Pink ham has overhauled and enlarged his elevator too, put in new horse power and about doubled it3 capacity. It hold3 ' to 10000 baih! of Stain. Among the personal frier: Is that we remember to have met :n adcHtion-'to ! . - ih abovc "cntloaeJ and in business j tonrl Hatteson, who kiudlv . lavlteJ U3 to house, but for lack of time we were obliged to decline; Mr. Crawford, our Co. Com'r. ; Mr. MjCar- ty, of Luella; O. A. Boode the B. & M. ag't and J. M. Ellington. UOMF.WAKL) EUUSD. Accept ID'S r. Tom Murphy's kind invite, we found ourselves about 5 p. m. seated ia the snug caboose of the construction train, bowling away for home at tho late, well faster than a horse can trot anyway; Alex Campbell had the ether seat, a little table was turned down for us to write on, cigaia appeared from somew here and we had a cezy chat till we struck the U. & M. (JUAUKIES. Thiiteen miles from Plattsmouth, between Cedar Creek and Concord the B. & M. have some very good quarries f their own. For all building pur posos, ordinary bridges, rip-rapping, these stone cannot bo beat in the state. The It. It. C. own 100 ft. from the road, for about a mile aloug heio, aud it is almost solid roak; averaging about 10 ft. of stripping to first-laytr. Tom keeps- about "0 men on this train, aud they soon heaved up reck enough to load the cur3. "All aboard shouted Tom, and "quicker nor scat," every man was ou a car somewhere and off we went. These men receive 01.23 per day and good men can get work the year round at that. It looks like pietty hard work but take the rests running back and forth and the wages in cor.shleration and it is a pretty good workingman's job if tilled for S00 days each year. From a cubby hole in his cur, Toin produced soma very fine specimens of "Nodules" and other carious stones he had found in quarry ing. Like all prac tical men working in the earth, he is a rough geologist himself and has a the ory of his own for many of the forma tions. A little after G we arrived home to see these men and the other hands from below, march up the street four abreast to the number of a hundred or more, aud a line si;ht it war.. So ends our day at South Bend. Mac. We spent- a pleasant evening at Mr. and Mrs. Simpson's hist week and listened to some One music; we were surprised to lind that our young neigh bor Miss Anna Livingston, i really becoming quite a musician. She play ed several pieces with skill, expression and an ease which showed the result of constant practice. To see the young pooplj cf .the tow n becoming really good musicians is to predict much for the ftiiuie society, and Mrs. Simpson and Miss Lillie have had a large share iu moulding the tastes of young musi cians in the ntht wav. A blosdo friend of ours was la.ik- t i:nr a couple of lanibre.jui.-j for fniue bracket she' ves, the material of which was seal l3t ilannel, black velvet and 4 white cloth embroidered in bright col ored silks. A cousin, a boy about twelve years old, who was net tut'i tiently ver.su 1 iu new f.ishioueu arti cles to havo- a very-clear idea what a lambrequin wits, watched her at work for some time and finally exclaimed, "Well, 1 do hope you aiat going to wear that to church next Sunday." His idea of the htne.ss of thiiiks was good if he didn't know w hat a lambrequin was. Prof. Wiiber's lecturo last evening was not so well attended as it ought to have been although thero was a fair audience out". His subject, Gene sis and Geology showed the agreement of geological indications witli the his tory of tfce formation' of the world as yiven in Genesis, and was a subject in which all believers in the Bibld should be interested. He hantlltd it well iu his peculiar style; and convinced a believ ing mind, if he could not an unbeliev ing one, that science and roligioii go hand in hand and that the fuller in vt st igation we make of nature, the more we reveie nature's God, the deep er we go into her mysteries, th nioro we are impressed with the glory of the Creator. Ono of Plattsmouth' five year olds made a speech the eiherday which was good enough to send to Harper's Drawer. Her father sent her away from the table for some offense, and going into the next room she slammed the door. Her father followed and wanted to know why slis did so, to which she made rather an im pertinent reply, in response to which he picked up a switch and made as if to v.hin her, saying as he did sc, "You must speak to me more respectfully." Having a morbid fear of a Whipping she began to cry "O, papa, don't whip me, please don't," and finally, "Oh, Mr. Blank," -calling his name "please, please don't whip me and I won't do bo any more." Her idea of being re- j bpectftti was to call people Mr. How little children's ideas of things are un- aerstooj is orougut name occasional' by some such occurrence. Cenimeii ial Noie paper, by tiiO euiro er e,e..-M ler ;e:;;:i, for sate cheap, ut i'.e lit. it -.).; ohlovj. 17!f iio V5 i-sc it:nl I2a::y. If you will stoi) all vour extravagant and wro-ng notions in i'.oetorivg your- I self an J families v. it. i expeusive oc tors or humbug cure-all, that do harm always, and use only nature's simple rtmediesfor all your ailments you will bo wise, well and happy, and save great expense. The greatest remedy for this, the great, wi.-a and good will tell you, is Hop Bitters rely oa it. See another column. This is Wnj. You ketp your house insured, be cause it miy burn, aud you don't know t,,,.. You want to bo Do yon ' know trh-n disease will attack vour self or child ? To be safe and save life and Doctors' bills, keep ou hand Buown's Ext:; act Blackkeruy and GiNGEit. a safo, pleasant ami reliable remedy for Diarrhsa, Dysentery, Choi era and all the diseases of the stomach i ana povveis. imysiciaus and Drug- ! tj iri:.j iniliir.w it. rv..i-i-u.-lmi-n A . I- I Pruygist about its meritJ, lie keeps it. Why siial;e, when Lpp.pka Agvk ; ' "' .I E , ; ire ou . u hen taken in j itll BUOWJS'S VEt.ETACLE 1 o-ri- r :i r. ! evel to Cure, and you will cure connection with anTmnft bl rCn' - 3'U SUJSf UODe Or 1..0 til !ied3 that 1C- Pinns, they never suit from dosing with quinine. All of i - own's Pamily .Medicines Por sale l)V Pr. V. E. Ponelail Cll-P- r,jin Sr WmSti. I t 7,lf . ' , j t i O'-Ulin, . I.. .U.tCy aUvi U. P . I Johnson. lit! riattsntGuth, Xeb. WHISTLE DOWll BRAKES ! AND SIOE-TKACIC IX FBOXT OF fTFvT SV IHH t -ti t 'A o j t '' 7 t i- x-v -r---r-. ft BSCOTT 66 ffi GGtrZTT CPS 2 v7.T? V V'$7 ZDIID -5TOTT IE "VIET?, Such a Stock o Goods "W ZE3I A T I IST ZEl! "V" IE IR, ? Well, Hardly Ever I ! Wf are tin- laI-rs of the stale, as yon may pi if inly see; Wi- bun air ii"t'itj iiU tit', whih, of SCOTT it- P.; TAv t hre inn ytt our Shirt, our Coats, Vests, an:! 1'ait's, "Aud so d uvr Sisters and nr Cousins and our Aunts" Nobbiest id LaUsl Styles of Suits Awful Ciieaii. ENGLISH WORSTED SUITS, FRENCH DIAGONAL SUITS, SCOTCH SUITS, CHEVIOT SUITS, CASSIJfEEE SUITS. STRAW HATS, FELT HATS, FILES OF HATS. HOYS' AND CHILDREN!? CLOTHING, TRUNKS AND VALISES. m ( . ;v;V,'i'l i-i-l! vou raily tiiaili-suits, or (,:.( yoar .iiilor . -tail niuke voti a suit, or si ll von rlio pieee yious. Tiie well known cutter a:ul lliiil line ami guaninl'-i- s:iTsi;ii:i:ou. fiioi'HAi.vi van o.vtn. Ilea-ln's Io;it. of flic l'litfe. t'lii.-f .. Vsoftn-e, 1-ilKT OMAHA. .N Kit., A t ; I S I' l7i II. 1sT:i. SEAl.Kl lilOit'SAl.S. ill tnplica'e. sill'jeet to i t 111! US'! ll "-s!lllil ioiiS, Will Lll- Vli'fiV I'll ill liiis I oMiif . iiMiil 12 oYl.irk. pooh, rn We.laevltiy. An- j f.H-it ItTt.l. I7!. a!- wliieli pl.:i' :ui. tune ti.ey i will be opi-iied in t lie pr 'r-eiice of Iji.Pli-i s. Im-; t he fiiru i--li inr Mn.1 ilt-Ii i-i'V, in ip.Mrit:! if :is ; re-iiiaed. up to Dc-i-im' . -. ; I -1 . 1-7:.. :n O-niilai leMt., Ntli';i-ka. "I "it -l.itio'is ou the Liii'iii ! ltacilic Kaliroiol. 11m-i fr -id Ki-urm-v Juaciiou j I .D.vD.d.Jll unn.i Oa'n. I T'roiiosuls for ; u Hit it ii-s ls Ihai t';o !:o.'ei wi.l I-e it-c-iv i-.l Il I m ree-ive.l. .:'iv-rv ..f tiie at- will, if iuiretl. i-oiiiui.-n.e iSi-pU'iii ber l'-t :i, IrT'i. I'l'- 1VI n-reni-i- w ill I e :iv en l art :.'! s t.i tut s; ;e prooiK'tii'ii. Tiie C. in tracts "ill ln let willi tin- pn.visi, t liat t be ijuani il ni. i-oi:tl ;u ". -.;! tor n ay lif i;i-eri-a.si-d or rednei-il (.nu-lliii'il by the t'tiii-f ( 'iiarternuisi rr of t bo liej.ai t Mi nt. ;.t t w b bin i-l xl il iys at ler il.i' of eonira.-i. sbmib.1 -late t b raie pir poll:. its-, iimii pi 1 lm.l.-i an. I til-- M'ar til v l-.iili tlif. ).its .-..pos- I'll Iu l 'I I 1 1 r 11 1 . 1 1 ' I V 1: 1 I '-!'' '. ! I . I-I'.O S' n'.l I... (.ll.loisutl oa el.Tfl. .,.. -I.i 1 .1 l.:.:s. Pii.lilors ar- i.iii-stctl to submit prop.w-tK for v.' '-"' ' , ' , 1 .U-iiv-tv . i t-.e . -,s in 11, -w r.si-.v.Mi i ; cigars, i . sorted to by some iinpruici .i -.-ks of :r..i ...1 r !-'ia ; .sa -N .-.i-i). or f-o- pm i iiicd "manufacturers. None are iccnu- t n.. inr... i- sacks : I") i ". in-1 at OmihIiii Uo.- jiiil . by t!le i..o ..-rala-i-ei ".- 1 ep:n ! ni.-nt. ( i.; i i.l J i: - s aovi 11 isi-iu.-ni ii.i.l m llu cir- lilar nt ill I i Mi's ! hiibl i i'.i.) be otii.iiri- 1 1 on a '. .ii:-.i . ion t-1 I a is oiii'-L. aail ol '..,y m'-Ii ;-:! i a ivi-ni-'-iiieiit aii-1 eir'-niar ilj-I ' t ': . i .r . .'o ..; '.iiy i-Jieii t i'.l-i -.-..e ol oij- -: i aim fi . I.. n ilT it.-r.-ol. 'I I vi -'ii I.i r.-ii" i -mv ii:- :ii! bi.is I- rescr I I. l.t MNino.v. cu'ef I'-iari-iuui-!'.-!-. SPECIAL NOTICES. 'iOXKY TO LOAN ON I JI PROVED FARMS FOR FIXE YEARS TIME. NO COMMISSIONS. Enquire of D. II. WIIEELEIl & CO., Plattsmouth; or It. E. MOOltE, Lin coln, Xebraska. 21tf Dexter Sprius ;-?,if-r In, tit,- f tor rough Tound " that s tne tansv. " 'i i .- t ' . A good glass door and some 12 light windows for sale, cheap. A good second-hand mower for sale cheap for cash, or to tiade, by 20tf F. S. White. Take Nc-tice. Just received, a large stock of horse shoes, nails, iron aud steel, and a com plete line of wagon and buggy stock, at J. S. Puke's new hardware store, cheaper than the cheapest. 20t2 Louisville V,'hiteani Fire Brick Works. Capt. J. T. A. Hocver, Prop. Brick of every kind Wall, ornamental; lire brick especially for Bakers, Brewers, Foundry men, &c. Write lo J. T. A Hoover, Louisville, Xeb. ICtf Old our lfer. Y. n c i i make moin-y by Hell i ol; sii'i lma t'h inieal icks Ni'vern.-oiis t rt tumiitir No smoke or smell in cents each. for - i cel. Is. Semi stamp fori atal'V-Mie ot Vam llel ill I n V ihl'.iolis, r-L;..p!e ill el fancy Jimxi.s. I'ill- fons, FoAtul- .Si Co., iii Ci;trk Si.. Cliic.o. li.iu AnftAAj:ilMiU-ii;ini.ti'f:l. .-!2artay at v 'J f jj j home m ule by I lie iiniusi i ions. Cap l,iji Si j ital tint rei.iiiie.l ; n v. ill s l :irL you. yUWOji,. won en, be . ;al -ii 1 - iiiiiko nioii ,'V f:oter at work, to r us t nail at ;:n t iiin ,-ln-. The work is li-iiT i . i : I pie.i-anl. aa I such a-s any o.:e c.Mii l ilit at. Tlnr e Who .'.re wise wiio t-ee this not;ee w ill ml us tlieir r.. 1,1 reuses at one,, roe lor I bemsel ,-i'h. folly uuo.t ami term" tree. Now i tin; timu.-- 1 liosc a.aeaay at work .-'.re l.ivin- Ui hone Mil a.; of inon.-v Ailiires- TPl'tfiSi CO., Augusta. .Maine. Jjly Tliii-ty oi Hie l'?t or,a;i iiia'M of tl.e W. a lii i.r- pomp.'! ilors at the Paris Kv.p-ii:ioii. a e;il 1." ii ispai i ll t o t lie Assn ialeii l'; u.-- : av s two I' i-iie-i -o'ul ine.lais have be- ii a'. .Oil. 1 lo the Aiiicritiiia niiiker.s. M-isms it Hamlin. Schlitz Milwaukee beer on draught alwavs, at E. lioseubium's saloon. Plattsmoutli, Xeb. 14tf. Call in ami see Fred Goo.-,' new store in basement of Xow City Hotel. 14 tf Nchras-k.i Ceer, ut Antelope Brewerv, Lincoln, Xeb., t ... ,n.PJ .....i ,M..-,.,..,i i.. c,i!..,' '.i.i iuinei r. ii i (-iu.1,1.1.. iiiiun. Agents here, Keeiian 't, Grace. tf. F.. Itoscnbauni has on hand fresh iwanae-.j boor ou o.rau:iit, oanv. CCyl and nice. l-ur. cw Saloon in the basement of the Xew City Ho tel, where .1S the choice brands of Wiiits, Liquors, and Cigars will be fwuud. Don't forget the' place, Fred Goos, Propnetor. 1 Iti European Hotel. This is a new hotel, opposite the Academy of Music, O street, Lincoln. Xehra-ka. P. is first class in every I respect. Good sample rooms for com- ,acl-ciai men. TermsirV per dav rtFUXCEi: fc Buooks, Picqiiietors. 41!y AnU-lopc Brewery, L'.ucoln. Xeb. Eresli .'i-orl Ttier on hand all the time. Cirih-r at nmp of ie Company, or Iveenan & Grace, lattsmouth. 10tf 1 lattsmou.h. lOtf fr, p A V l-ltlC i your awn ti.wn. iin.I m c:ip- V hh ital riskiMi. v..u ra iv th imnnp's a UtFJ ui-'! Sipei.-e. lue I,.-. si ,,,.,-- tiiiiily ever otteieil for tho-,.- wilbn to work. You slioat.l try not ii ins so until vo.i I see for yourself vv h;u von can. b. at Miebusine.- ! we oti.-r. No room in explain here. Vou can . .;, :; a'.i Vniir titne or only your sii.aie tiaic in i i:e ou.-i:ie-s. anil make Heat ti.av lor -verv -!"", -v,,u W,"U-, u""'en ini.Ke as much as men'. -'!.d lor -spe.-ei; pia ..iu- ten,.- ai.,l p oi ic.iliu s, ; whi.-li wc mail trt-e. (ut!it free. Don i com- j iji.1,.1 01 li -.1 n li on s win in oii nave sueu a i cii.ii.ct-. Address IP UxLLLT CO. I.r:.:u.d. I Mu.i.i.. and P AN D POWELI & POWELL m 9 9 fFZ -o- fitier, Mr. M ()-!:om!.e, vi.i cxerute tlnir work in 71 V nni To - ti i-vi A K VK. or S". to a ilav in j oiirow n loenlit j-. Nori.sk. Vn lneii iio ;is v. i i ;is men. Mniiy nnike liioii' tli;i n tin- uMniiiit slaitil i-.ln -.i-. No one e.iu fat! I.) I'lak iiioiH-v f;ist. Anv .ni' an ito I lit- v. oi k. Vou can ni.ike froiii f.O nails to .-.-J all li .ill' by lievotin- your cliiu js i-pare i inn- to t ht business, "it co-Is uolliniic o try lln: biisin.-ss. .Noibii-i; like it for ninii- iii:ik;:i:4' ever oiii-re.l bcteri-. iiusiin-'.?! piia-Mia jtiiil eliii-lly Iioiioi-.iIiIk. KeailHr. ll you want ; kuo-.i ;iU idiout the brsf paviuj; bu-im-ss In f Iki- piiiilif- semi us your aiblii-ss anil vvi- vill i-:nl vou lull pari ii- lull part ii-ulars an J irivati ti-ruis n - ; i i-i t:- s vvi.rtli .. a so I ri-c : voll i-ali 1 lu-p l.ia,- j oi.i iiiimi f-.r vonrsi-lf. A ilil resi V. I i; i ).' I hi 1 t U tV).. Port I.l nil, Maine. l.Vy t Caution to Snudiers. From and after the 1st dav of M av. ; ;tll boxes containing cigars of my i n;anifaclurc wiil have mv name 'hold- 1 1 : . . 1 . 1 1 ... o- 1 1 .. 1 : .1 'r - : - y 1" on i .10- iioiuc 111 menu. i...r i t.i iirpv-Hiii i', t 1 1 f in-f. i t i ; i '- mv l.r:l-f! i.i,f:iisi wifli nit i 11 t'e.-i, .r iii-i.1ii v i.f mo uine- n,.in. -" J FLICS PFPPMBIILltCf, .Manuf At,rri:i-:i:, Plattsmouth, - - Xeb.a.sk:i. You j.i ut ( are tii.il ( oikS. With Siiiloh's Consumption (.'are, you i c..ii ciiie vourself. It Las e-stnLiisncti the fact that Consumption mi be cured, while for Coughs, Er;p.ehi. i-, V. hooping Coiod:, Asthma, a ..I a'l !:.--t-ase-i of 'I'hroat iin-1 Lungs, it is a' '.--lul- ly without an equal. Two d.'.vs wili relieve your child of Group, it is plearant to take and perfectly l.ai lule.s-; to tin youngest child, and no luoiher can ittfoid to be without it. Vou ran use two thirds of a bottle and if v. bat we say is not true we will refund the price paid. Price 10 cts. ;V1 e's, and 73 1,'" per bottle. If your Lungs a:v sore or chest or back lame iistt shiiuh's Porous I'lasti-r. Sold b- Chapman 'v. Smith, 1 UniLTirists. Hitve sou D3 1 1 1 j -s : ; i . are i n Co-nsli-p.i: ed, -have you a Yellow skin, Los.; of Apptite. ileiid Aelie. if so don't fail to use SIIILOII's SYSTFM VI TA LI ZEII. It is guaranteed to relieve you, and will you continue to suffer when you can be cured on such teims as 'these. Price 10 cts. and To cts. S..-M by Chapman iv Smith. Dnt,.,',ri-sts. Well's Peisnin Perfume "iiACiv.Mil TACK" is rid. and fragrant, try it Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists Plattsmouth Xeb. tlolw ow in nr.l X.IMI.S ..f i-esiiif lU.llfU tanm-s :u.-l e. iilettts wtii-teil I-'rr -J'i cents .i- w al .a! ' von Inn- si.:: lianO ei .-il iet , c-ViTS thi-ea.t sj;,c. pe . u! r p, j,-.-. i.ii.'i. ;. V. !'..si.-r. & Co.. i.j t 1 ii k .i ,. l. lo.-ao. III. n.c.i. 'ovr H Your Tirao to purchase a good washing machine "The P;u khurst." Tiy it and be con vinced. A free trial will be given to all. W. H. PictiKNs, Au't. 20U Plattsmouth, Xeb. f Ileinembcr thr.t for boots m: i shoes itockwell cannot be beat in pric. lie h;is ;i large assortment. 2 iii'. J.IXiAI, NOTICES. Probate Notice. In tiie matter of the Itstato of John S. Ioi:j;h--iiy 1 .-c -aseit, iu tin: Coiiuly lOiit ol"fa3 Co. Nebraska. Ppon ivii'liu,' .tnil filing the iliiiy veiiiiei! pe fition of Kii.:iiietli Uou'beriy pi-.v.n l.iat a.l-inii-.istralioii r.f tin- Kst;iie ot .loiin S. Ii ir-.-h-ori V. ili-c.-ase 1, b,( ;.rauieil to liar t Me v. t.bo.v of Fiiiil lit-ci-.useil (ii uVic.l t n;it n : i-c of ; I e pi-n-l''-l.cy el s.in! i';iii5,: be pubiisa.'.l m i be .--to a.-ka ! I UK Ala., a ivofk ly uevvsp ip. r. pr.al -.1. iublihed. antl ia general Cli eiiia t mil in m--hi county, lor t bree cousecui ivi- m oks. aa I Ii::!! t be eeiii ni ni s.iid causn be wet b r I ae i of Se leniicr. A. 1 ., 1STJ, at In o'cMj-k, A. M . nttbeoil.--' of tiie County .IuiIl":. al plaits- I i:ioiu:. v Inch lime ami place, ail peisaas ia- i t-re.s! ii.ay apj-cnr a:nl s.iovv u:.- o a-.y they have, vv liy aiiminislrulioii ot vibi i'-i;i houlil not I.e cranio I to ihe sail li.iibiih Ioii ;l:crty, aeeorilitig to the pi ;.;, .-r of -a.-.l pe titiou. A. N. seta. iv AN, County Jtiiiu'e. I'lattsiii;..:ii. August lltii. Is79. 21I.J Estray Notice. Takea tip by ti.e so1;,Tjhci- 01, e 1 'i-ck sow. with 1 l.ree pi 4- i'l'lamt China In eei i--i ,m tal lows itini ime -o-.v, iin-i 1 1 e miv p; u hi' s a . im k- eilliO.se. '1 iiO ov. 1 Li l.ill: liMV 1- i s an- b v ;i;i- inyii! a' my I'Iih'i'. t.a.l j.-iyin' t be i-liai ui,- ib-r 1 !..- ii-o ay I .a .-. . .i. i l. M hi -i 1, e Plati-tmaiiti, Aiit-.u-t ail. 1 -7.:. ii..:, P r- o ( Xrfst-( T o u.v 2'o nil 11 hunt it iiinxi cuuci i n: The Ciine.niisiotier appninird fo I-i-a!- a r- at ci.tii.iii-iicii.y: loi i 1 10 ro-l- ii'irth of 1 it- cm-; ei 1 -iter ol sections Pleven 1 1 1 ) ami lout t. . -a 1 1 1 , t . 1 .. 11 len (Id) laii-e t welve 1 1L' iu Cass County, rim iiiii thence noil li ami conuec; me; w it a ii,e 1 -,-1 ..bli.-bcil mail bt-lvvei:n liie nol i n ba l .aiel ine .-out ii hail' ol the non i i-a-t 'i-iai ier tl -i-c : -ti eleven ill i low 11 ten i I'D rilti 'e I v civ e : 1 j -. aa j leriniiial imt at said point, ha- leeoi i. ii lit 1 or of t ue i'i-taiilisliineiit t nei eo: , a-ei a il okj -is thereto or hums lor ilamaiies nt';-; be bb .i i the County Clerk's ofiice on or beiore m on ot lie; Ttlnlay of ctobcr, A. I). 1 s-;:i, or such 1...0I will be established wilhoilt n-fei c-ic- tiiei t-to, j. ;. 1 1 rr, Py J. Vi". Jt.v.sisii-i, Coi.iti- cb-t'u. Pepiily. -01 , Road Notice. jfo a,' tit n i" n It i.i :f r i ' 1-1: The I'oni-u; -;iiiii i iinpaba, ,1 in i-4,.;i raa-i foitinieiiciiia t-iirb! y 1 ;.!. rmS -muli ol the u- 11a e;i--t coin. -r..t rctll.Q I wen t y- b 1 -o 1 Ja . tawu i elv e 1IJ1 lai:;:e i-'i-fi-tl illl, in '..,- ( .ait.tv. . ..llll.i.- ,11, ...... ,n.v nrroin ..11(1 I I 1 1 1 " I 1 1 I I i 'J i 1 tiie n. Hill est (n. o. '4i of t-e-t i ii tweiilv- ! three (-Uitown twelve (I.-iriin-ec.-v, , ; iiiioiit.ii l ie ,,-! iian (e. -ji,, i in,;,,, vv,:.-; . a., -:. t-riQ. w . l,i i c-) sai.i section ami .e!-u.l.ia! ;a-at . i ain i.ei-i in i.n- niv.il oi i...ii.m:::i'. I,..- 1-nili ii in i..ai i-i li.e c I.ll-ii :'l.:ei,l -i.i I. ,,1. a ml ill! object Ions t i.ei et.i or i-lann - i r .l.oiia-, -. must he Sled iu the -oiilli y Clei k- i. iii .- on . r udore noon of the Till day ol iiei.n-r. K. i. 1 , or such ri'.-nl wiil he t-stabli-iied vvitboat rclvaence tlicli.ln. J. X. ft: IT. I!y J. W. J i; s; I.N i ik. C'.l.iii i a put y. Eclr; Notice. Taken no i-v the -nbscriber. living -.v,. noiiii f V,i.iu- ;,ter Kails. Ca-- .... N--:., one Texas si.-cr. In;un! m' li'iti i- "ii" un i, U huc. i no owner iu;iv call. pi-ve pn.iu a: v . tn..r.es and tke uiliieitv i.-iv. " ' o A ilminjp t,vat or' s Sale. Ni'ii-T i- I-, i. l y '.-hi-n tla i-i :m-i nun wail l.( .v ar-l iii-l.-i t-1 :(.-J t- i'.i. ( -, ,. ,, t In 'J 1 .hi i .i-i.ii 1 i - ni-i n i to si .,! oi" ka. i uili i Ii.' :-I li -i.i - i-l A !;..!, I. A. I. .a I l-f 1 1 1 1 1 r i ' f .- '( Iiii-k p. in. i I s.ii.i , ,. I,, y l-fviaclii-i- ;,l Ml. l'i.-:i-Mnt. . '.'.i-l at .ii..ic vit I i .-..I i t! ai- l-i i- .1-. e. ; t -i I i.c i--i.ii . n ' oh H. II. ii.sli vv. .Ii-rc ;-.-,!. K .'.--. i ! i. i ,,.,,- ),,.,) ,,a I . .11- s ; I l.o -. i , ' . ' l A i --1 . , 1 1 , i , ! . J i s - i 'Oil it- iii. i ! Ii :mi . i-l oi w , i,.i -.i-i ii..;.. , s i .i . is'.: ,i n. i t -1 1 1 - - ( :!:-- - . 1 1. i i , ():-.,. i-.i t i I liit i . Il I . . ! r': ... . . 1. 1 (j ,. .i-i iii il le p.- i'.k-i.I i-f i,-l.t s. i;.mi x. w I vsi.c.w, U"- ..: -t Siicri js Sale. I'.V ',, I !.' I f CM-.-ll! ii.'l ixslli-.l llV Will. I.. .:!.':! ! I !i - I , i. I f..:!it mi Mi- for ( 'm-.- '.. v. Ni- i .1-. ;i, --i.l I .( in.- (i ii r.-i ,-,1, I ' I1' "i I '.- '. I i;t ol S.-ii,,. i. ,:-r, A.ii. i.i. II n' k. A. M.. 1. 1 s.i.a u.iy. al iin- .south il--..r ! t In,- i m-ii , i I. oi i-. :u ,.i i o. Hi-it-.. i-il al piilil.e ..ii : ..i I !;o lull i.-. in -. t.. i vol : ii'.m- :i j s; -ii-k-ol v, I m. .j i-,,. (-, (, ,..il,iv, s;ii-i liai i- r .-.ni v. Ii"at is . i -.....- n t ' uoil'li .1st I .i i jll. ... 1 ; ! iii .-. .-: i.HI i 1 M-l! 1 l I I . M ! i-1 1 vi n : I i i I .. : t -.. ,-: v c ' . I r.- m- in.- i.riii J ll-'.H-il liiO!l -II -i t llx-SI as t I ; . . I 11 V of , 1 1 - i'.-.-- hi' ii, i. o .i u 1 ; t) t-.i! .iy a Jtie -l t ol si... I ... j ; . iiroveii.l 1 V i.n 1 1 v- i ...illy, I'! oiilli'.. . v.. w. m i i.-s, Slu-r-i., i'.i -s Cu.. N'-li. Pl.ltt:0.noitf!l, Nc'i. Al ;ri:-I 7: Ii, A. 1 . J. J.ii'J Slieriirs Sale. r.yviitiie if ;,:i -M-ciSi mo u: iicl by A. N. Su!iiv;i!i. Oi-uiity J ii.lae. willim aial t'.-r (Vi t '. ll III . Ni 1 i.i k a. aim to pie lei lei I, I -v ill oil tin- i lb 'I iu A i -..-i, .V. I . 1-. .. .a 1 ..'l iui-k, 1. i.i. , ol -ai.l o. iy. il I,..- -'lori.iii'.iii i f It. ('. Ni ei'ialr. IJiae lo.Vji i-l V.'i r; Hi ; v . ler. 111 fiu-t ee-.'.-. . ll -! p, Ii.-f Ii.n'ftil. Ii IbiW il'i: : i-' - V- : I 1 I -i'.i--, i .... I.IH..U i-.-ll!eil pin i-'i'l." tab:.- . . ;. T-i- -:i . e i'l-ne' l.-v n-i ipi'li ii'i'l 'i.l-1 ii :e lb. ; et v in. II nubl. Ii I.'.k! .I't : t o -.1 i-l a i a! Allien I "I --a i-l '.illlt , l-i 'cowiv.i I Alev.ii.-b i S. i.a-.. I, ri.ar.li'l. H. V. Il i-Uis. ""1 .1 S"aeri:i'. t'ass I n.. Neb. PhiP.Ki.ionlti, Neb., Aiu.isi a. It. is.j. Slier ills die. '.v i:f-i ol ;i i . 1 1 i--.tn.-i i by n. I.. W oils, t'leik o I be J Ijtiu-t Collll. v I ( 1. ; o aial for -:is ( 'i mi, I . Nel-li.ska. .nil to !:it- i( 1 1 1 ctoil, 1 .mi i In - Mil nay ol ."-i-ii: i-i-iliei-. A. 1 .. li;-.i, ;M 1 M n i. . :.. in., ol sa.it i!av, a! tbe scuilli ilo.'i- ot I In- t nail lioi,,f. in s,i ,,j ( ' m ii y m-II at p i''!i.- iiii' !!.-i il:- .:: ii. : leal -sl:iii'i,-Mit 'la" Ii. ilb wet i l- 1 ; -I l ;i. . , ots'i'Iion si-vclit':!-!. .171 1iii.iiiii Ni.. I m-l v e j I ' I a u ml No. eiiH- ;-.( oi a .s i .'i: . ;,, . i i-ra-k a. 'lbo ,:.l!,l.' i'l i i.L' b-V le I lijliia .11. i! I lalfl .Us llle pi Op- er: v o! I". A. .-mil A . It . t i.n;M. I leii i:i!a: - s ; I j sil ,-ly :: i u-e.-eie.il of a i.l n el. I. cover. i y !oini J.!..' PiaUiiitt. i.. V . 11 i t: fiii.-r ;: . fa-- ( o . .vl. Plait -i:.i '.::. Ii, Neb. .n -i..i Vt... A. 1. .s.j. -.at'i J - 1U-J V A-I ii'JUl No: ice N li st i a, .ion .1 '! a;. I oa-- t ! y "i -i: teat ! b's for tin- cou .' i,:.!.:i!i!'i-in I.l bi;:es. one t o: . : 1 l.M I .. I'll,' l -i al-l -. -.- i. yi. i'l. 1'". :... ami .'C leet I. p. i l i i I) . Ml I ! lie. it i .1 i-l ' i , i le: I loll'v v iii I.l' li'l-i'lVeil Ml tin fl'llutV I ll'li. lib,.'!- Up to -a. ion ol - p. . in ;., r -.,. ,;- ui-o Iit-Ih for i ..i : -i I ia ; :. mi of --i iii-ai uo i.i s for i rnlo a. i i.-.s Wi's.ai i.i i en s.. oil -1. 1- of ftt-i-lioti l'i, iowii , i. ran :e I.i. vvi.i be ri-ei iv.al up to s.iini' liale. Sai.i to an. I a ' ml ii.eui .-. In In- bull" in aei-i-l -laln-i' wilil pi Li.s n 1 1 1 1 sj,,-ei i', c-tl I.ius le..-. o i lib' In t'oimlj- f b-rk'.s oilic-e. Tin-, fmiu 1 I ..In ,li--! mo-is l -i iVi- Hie nuat to leiuct i a al : , b. t - : a so t be pi i v ile a' lo a.i.i to : i an -. r i bi , i;. s : o P.. 1 a i ! t ,.t colli I act pi ii"! I o: i.t , , .. - i 1 i.i- - . a. -. 1 . i b ' i vv t i 1 ;-et:..iu-j -.!: I. i.l v.tlb I'laiis :. .el spe 'ila'ai iol: --. P.y I'iuel- of C oiiiiiy Luiiuais' loiu-i .1. I. 1 I IT. fo fa: Ii, fa. . -o. Nell. , N 1 (i'i, I i;:l v. 171, Ilv J. miei'iJi s bale. Pv ill ii - of an a i;:s ei . ill ion i--vi:-il by Win. I,. Wells, t ii-rk I t :n- 1 '.-t. ict i i a t. a t, ii ami tor fa - s p.i.ouv , N.-br.ihii. iael lo me l,ri-cici1,-1 v. i:l on t ..ia a !ay ot Vnn-i.-l. a. I. 1-7L'. at. in oi i . -k. a. in. of .in i i.i . at t in- s.u.i 1 1 1 1 our olli.- (ni, it iloiisi- in i aiii-,n!o,a,i, im s.inl c.i-:iy. s..i : i iiii.ie a :ei;.u, ine iol . jw no; lea! est aie, i.i ;vii.f.-i o b.-a-il upon, to wit: SiiV l.ve o.o ;-.i-.. . s of IMolill.l nir if Hie "..i -i ' ..- sab- i i !il .-. i.i lov -.-1 'ill. liter is w i.,) .-i tin- m f.l...c-a '..i.irter ::i vv , ai. I the a- i i lo-. i e ., .;.:i ;. : 'i a vv V, i of I be sou; divest i'mi it ' . '. i oi si:. -i. ii. ia. no- r i vv en! y -.six ;.' i , I!. I.i-.vi. .iiip 1 in-lvf i I -J ) iioilll ralio 1 1 1 ., I . ..a i ej i lie i-i ii p. M.. in t as- emu -Iv, N. i aa. ;::-ii be'i - I I Men i.i: i y iI-m i ibcil . I'.iiii.. :a a.;- a: a poiat I I.i re i :: i i-!i.,nn ami -e v -a , v - a , i ' : ii i s ca.-l ol 1b." nol i ll vv est i -.. ; eon i-i- . be i--ttliw-.l iii'.i.li'i i i vv tt ..f i ':e in.) 1 1; .' .- eiiarler mvv i of -ai-1 m i: l ion i. 'i a. . 1 ve! -. -r-i 2 i . ami 1 in ii i ii,; t licui'n a-t. la I Im . -.bi.i i si In M;i-tim line M armi I b' i 1: i i . a i b-.ri.lv five ( .:al laik", to tiie inn lb. ;-t . n e . cm ::ol of t lie soul !l wc-t f MHIl oi i i vv j , ( I 'c lion n v. si oil, ll! en li w i I ut fliilU -..-.:-". 1 1 la -oa, il. in the ci .-bill (stlu hi-C-li. n i'.n-. t .-iiic i.'o cii.-iias lo ihe ipiaitcr si-.-IP-.i i:a- e.isl a I'.I v. e : t a ion ;i -a nl si-i lion : t :.,..- : ... i. v. ---i . .,,iiiii ibo cli.in.v ami i v. i i.iy-i ' . in-' - . f . -ti-e i lib. I .venly iio i a .ii.s, ;.i Ce pla--e of li-i aiia.i- ; saul Illit ia i: . .' 'o::s .le-- ill il colli 'il'le- linny I -.a ,11 I i.ilV . e - li ..;.,: .J - i- 1 ") a.'les'j i:!s. i-. n.ii.ei.ciri.- . ' a ,-'nt ll.te (. . chanm :iM I - i ' . - one i -' i , i ' i.s v. -' ot 1 a- . ; uai I i-r i ' ... ,- ei . -a e- i ii . : on i ; b: . .1 ! i m-cI ii 'ii iv. i i 1 ' - i v ..... ; 1 1 1 -i-.'-e i . ! ou ti - . pi mi i. r i i ) si . . i..,-i hoc. so le, ii . bain-, ia-.; Ivm-ii! v-li vi; i ... : ai -, . i .. . ie i'l bias, oi e i oi-iht if the s a.i a . . r . i ; ei i v. ' , i of -a l-t st i-( mn ; tin i.ei- : .mill in i i li : b e-l b i m-i-1 ion lii.n t wu fcy ii i !: a is. I o -..at in-. i. .1 i i e; coi ner of IhW 1,'oiiiiv i.-r oi v. i . I lie so.iUiwcst, 1 1 1 - a 1 1 1 r - vv m,..s-1 -e.-i am t cut y-sl x : i inM.e vv e 1 . on in- ei-i.ib i-Ji) Si.-cl.iini line, f l i ci Ml 1 1. 1 cu.ll as ioe 1 I vv cat V -Ii V u (-) 1 1 uk s ; t le ll-e 1 ... a t'.-.eu -. .- e; abis, to till' place of bei - innii, i. aiol cunt a i a int.- 1 1: i 1 1 y -I u urn I lifty one. Ii m. iii .-ii l lis ::j ...i-1 aa ) ei i--, in iik i ni; in ail :.r,:y !..- , : .: :: -:e.- i f l.ilul. the siii.l" li-ll Iti" ".; : Ii vi ..en of ..'i-oniel 1. .ret i 'f.n e. ou the ."to' ia i I .Imy. l-.s. al v ri I mil follali: o e i ' ei a M I - . - a a: . i - a il : il I a I- e.i use, illlll tbe - I . ii.-b w:- '1 job,:'. I by i 1 e i e ml ii n t , a ii i a 1, a il ii, j am-! mil has b( e 1 1 b v lh- eel i rt s a-i.te a..i ! . al ler nam. lit . '1 In- sanm beiii( I i.t i .ii l.a i I aken as I be property of Win. P. Pi a ii r. iti l.'i.i..i't ; to - : i-l a j.iiii:itiiit of i. i i , ; , i , eovi i -ii iiv ii-l National P.inlt of !'! :iOi. i, i'i.ra-ka, piaii'tbl. i'u-' - -m o.-i a , .( l'i-.i-:.;i. .tia v -Pb. A. I. 1?'J. it. W. liVl.U.-.. l-i". Kill i i l Cass ii. 'eb. L stray Notice. T.u'K"!! Up by t be SaoSl-iit). T 1 1 illi; In l ljlt- ln-!i ii. pi - : " i . f a- s cntpity, ,) el v . I 7'i. onrf t'i i.-In i.e., la a ". . '1 v. tntP hi till lev. t, anil is vrhut i t. ia a ii .1 .i.n n s.i'-l- bin wm. ir. Mir:pin:i:i). Probate Notice. IU t'.P lI'.tliT of lit lNlt-teof .S!:.lhi.!-iTIOIl, .! .:. 1 t hv. . .::,!'. v fieii i ii (iij Co., . I ia- :.i: N'oiie.- .s In-i-. 1-y ;Jen, I'.i it P. Vv'. Paniuin, i-'M'i'iiiui ! ii" I..-I -.vol a a 1 1 ti. -ti.iaoiit of tho ; :,l . a : I. .- ;. -i '. ' ' e.l. I. . - n.a.le D 'Ilea1.-,,, l;: -i I leii'i'.ii. ami in.il sjtnl causo I -i s- i for I .-.-iriii" ai n.y i-:.':.-.' nt l'i ..t 1 stoout Ii, on to.- 1 iailayol A it-n-t A. ll.. 1 7". . at turn o'.ao,;k I. y,.. oa -..ii.: l. j : at wiinh time ant .'lie-i . a. I p.-i -oi; ,.. r: bteil l::-iv be prusont and i x.-' aitt i-"i ti- i'.!it. A. N. Spi.i.i V N. l'.a , 1i;.m...i, .July :Z l, Co. Jude- io.4 1 1 . c ; J "i . rv 111 o OUl'J, Py vil t't''' of : "i eto-ci't ion is. ui il by Win. I,. M ells. ! -1 'rv iii tiie 1 1 1 -1 .' I -1 Collll. w. and j f -r '..-.- e ,i :. . - i a-kit. am! to me uiri,-et-I eil 1 .via on tin- .Villi day ,.f Ail'-oi-t. A. 1 ). I 1 - .'.'. a l in o'eiee;; a. m. ol ra, i iitiy. ill the Mill til ; '1 i a,- i I 1 'a- o'i: t I f ia- in -.a. if coiir.ty. soil at ! Oil.:.- a. a lii-'i i ae I .i.o-.' 114 l eal I -I lie to Wll : Lot tei, . la. la"- freiitein (in iu tin' citT of I'! . It-iii', :C h. ( .i ...s co.t .ly. Ncra-ka: The Lev. .- :. v a -1 in ",11 a. oi n-i- -u ,eto: prop 11 1.1. Ai'im-O'.'i'vraial Ki..a A 1 -isiiontr. i . ; b il lianis. t'l s..tis' ;i lu-lmiic-at Ol ,.illl COUrt. R'l'jfi'i. u 1 v J... oj Vi.'.l jr . .i ., pia.i.l ill. It. V. II Vl-.iiS, .-li.i. l i'lis- Co., jteli. 1 i;.;u;i.Mii:!i, Nh., ju.j I, A. D. Hii .l-.-i T't; nlo Olj-.IlX O lu.Uui .'f :r.i or-h-r of tu'u insiipil by Win.--1 k of 1 hf 1 it 1 ict t 01 u t wit bin and a-' v. Nivaask.i, ami to inc ilir-eted, ; -1 ib'.y of si jii cm ber. A. 1). IsTti. at ni. of s it:; r.:. v . al i br- hunt" loor' 1.. V- Iol- c I w ;: .... ii: 1 - -..'k ;: ! hi t n- C !!!( I"i:-.r in s n-1 countv, mil at I'l.l lie ; 1,1- i..! lb.- fwl am I i.l real i-state to wit I a- 1 i-l lie a 1 'j a.u .: r. 1 ti. c. ',n. -eel I ,11 .-no. i.i:.--s-'. lo'V.'-ai-i No. t-.i.-'.'.e ."i; til ho, thO' so'.; li iiii 1 1 2 1 of " be sou; Ii ball' 1. 't 1 of tilt) :- nt f.-a f I i':e I 1 -. 1 . 1 1 ' i f ec 1 ton tour (4 1. ! 1 --v !. b . t- ! u t i .- , i . no: 1 ii ill: in I a!i.:e t i, irti"u iM. el Pie :: ii f. .si., mill il: piopurtv ! ol iio- pi :'!.!..: : lie. c .line lii-lii!-' lcvieil Upon I j." .'I I:-- a i.s the pliipeily i. li. II. IVltlt ! piaio' in', to -:ii;slv a j-.'i;.-uier!t of said court, ID- I i-oveiiU iiy J0..I1 P.:i' , .Icfena u.t. i P. W. JIVKPS. j " .Sln io'l t a- Co., Neb- 1 Pi;.l'- imo!: Hi, Neb. July m Ji, A. Li. loTj. 9 3 Sheriff's Sale. I..' S ('.'is. V 1, ik . f ifl 'al I'l'lii.lV. ier i-f :,- i-';elI by Wm. e I bsli n-t (null it i'iu ami r:..-rva. alej to lie- utiecteil 1 V. i . ... be iii.. C..y of A ,'u-l A. 1 . !; 1. 1. 1., "I -. ,,J l: ;y, at tile SiiUlb ( o . ; iio : .e i ;: i . eoe nl v, sell a . lloT pa:.! si'ii; 1 -1 : 1.' ! : J t: ' :. ia i i-u I imiou Oi - 1 : :u r'tiit - to wit -w. 1 "' i ti l'-- 'S. vv. i 4 , oi -' - ei urn No. t !l tr ee i . i'l tow i. ,!i , n .so. eb en ill. mil t b -'I- No. lb.il. .-a i i.i . i- i-l of I. ill p. 111..,' .- iii-1 a-t . ;i . i i in!'.ii of section 1 ' it: 1 1 - .v a-in :i ,'mi. Ii-ii in ; noi l Ii of range mi i i ;. i i i oi t'.ii- - i ii pi im.uple no lidiaii. i at i .11-' o! 1 l.e !"-! i n Hest . ilia I t'T (II. W. iF l ie:; to. ;r .4 a l,i..i:-bip ten i P.o, north (if tiiii'ieii 1 !-i i'M-i etli P. M.. coin in eneing v io-tvil : C'liuiim uciii at tin- iiortb nll. i'l oi Mtlll -eelloll ; thfllCil eaI to tin?' li.t. ' a i'.f 's I' ll 1S 1 v t.. ,,,-. ia a-t c.,ii,.-r ol s.u.i ijuactcr section . .,.., -,. -,.:;i oa.; Ii.ii.iie.l and tvv.-nt V-Ioti; i,--;,ijj, , . e vi'-'. v -iiitte (4:i. roiU ; ie .. ; b - i I -1 n i a , ; t . t oils I en and lnv '-Ni.'.-: ilieii",; vv est one hundred and b 1 a ei'.e 111-' I I a 1 1 i live : .0 ; liuki. to the west pvil.T section : Ibeiiei. north sixtv i.iiei a and o lie half iil-,i links to ' e "i r the 1' i I Ili v .!. l'i ; l'i iii ' ll-.v: .1. o-i Is a,.... , f . .. ., j.j .. c. aj'niai ii 4i " acres more s. tii:---t her -mi li the nppurl mim-es ; The I eu: - 1 1 a led !;:,iM: i.n,i i ak en a 1 lir prop ' s. r .sooi -I. Mai y II. I iii iiai.i. Susai. e-aai'l. !i. I'lichan!. Hkvi'o A Ml. I 'l.'.I V :,l-,e A. 1 I l.'llillll. Mailiij- i a i a chain to a '.b-iT .vi.aon Pncbari I I i 1 1 -, p. -: : 1 1 -i -,' a. i.al.'.i-.ciii ..f s.itil corrrt. 1 v co vi nai by it. ii v .Vi. 1..11111 II. fia. utift. 1 k. w. iiVKi..-.. I Shell.! Cass Co.. 'cfe 1 it i.-.noai... , tvei... Jtii)' 'ti.., A- Lt. !7vJ . llj' W" Vfii. i'A.--ij-VV. !