Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 03, 1879, Image 3

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    The Herald.
TraiiM-nf. '' cetil a line. Itcvular advertis
er, to ci-iiK prr Hue- No dveriiseiiiiit iusert-
I for lew than "Jj cents.
t.rgal notices at Statute rates.
.iinii'V4 sui'l ollii-er .f the law will be ncld
r.-Mnxilfe for all legal notices tlicy hand in,
ftnu ll pai lies ilcmatMliiig rNi( of publica
tion ofaiiv notice w ill be UclU lor the implica
tion fee of such notice.
As nrtr rinre In limited, nit eoinmiinica'ons
ii'Mt te Itni-f aud to the point, with no waste
Of wonts.
The paper n responsible for the correctness
according to copy of aid matter and put J
gals, only.
1. Any person who take the paper regularly
from the mh -office, whether lirec;ed to his
name, or w lift her Hr W subcrioer or not Js
responsible for the pay.
2 If any person orders his paper discontin
ued lie must pav all arrearages, or the publish
er may continue to send it until payment is
made and collect the whole amount, whether
the paper Is taken from the office or not.
3. i tie courts have decided that refusing to
take newspapers and periodicals froiu the post
oflice. or removing and leaving them uncalled
for. Is prima facu evidence of intkntional
Dance everybody,
To-morrow night.
The first Furth of July Ball this
For ice cold Soda Water go to
Smith & Black's. 13t3
Don't forget your Fire Works for
the 4th at the P. O. News Depot.
The City Council had a special
meeting on bonds and things last nigbt.
Try the lied Cross five cent cigar
at Smith & Black's. 13tf
For choice candies and Ice cold
Soda Water in the P. O. News Depot.
See programme of Plattsmouth
4th of July Celebration in another col
umn. Every brand of cigars in the mar
ket at Smith & Black's. 13tf
A description of the Neb. coal mine
nt Jones landing must wait for next
Call in and see Fred Goos' new store
in basement of New City Hotel. 14tf
Thomas Thomas, Jr., is building
a vary eat farmhouse out near the
old place.
Eleven cars of " Booshans" went
through Saturday for York and Sew
ard counties.
E. Koscnbaum has on hand fresh
Milwaukee beer on draught, daily,
cool and nice. 14tf.
Flattsmouth seems to be left out
in the cold on circuses, and the small
boy uiourneth.
Look out for the Procession to
morrow morning, ye few who don't
take part in it.
KleutchV, on 11th St., Lincoln, bids
fair to become the report for strangers
visiting Lincoln.
Schlitz'Milwaukee brer on draught
nlways. at E. Kosenbauiu's saltiou.
PUttsinouth, N't-b. 14tf.
The 1. O. News Depot is tUe Bis
place for firo works, flags, and other
4th of July goods.
Your attention is called to the
card of W. C. Beriuger & Co., in anoth
er column f this paper.
The Sunday School of the MetlioJ
dist church of Omaha will have an ex
cursion to Flattsmouth on the 4th.
The steamer "Joe Kinney" will
land at our levee to-night, and proceed
to take on a load of hogs and corn.
- Fred ilickelwait, like all bad Pen
nies, has again turned up iu PlatU
mouth. He hails from Kansas City.
Will Chambers returned from
Hastings, Iowa, on .Saturday, where
he has been visiting for a week or two
Mike Schnellbacker's new mare
looks as slick as grease and twice as
tdjirey. Mike's a kind of a slick one
Frank Cuthinan had a birthday
party last eveiiu; for himself and
William both born sama day. Ain't
twia3 either.
1,600 hoga were stowed away about
town in various ens, last week await
ing the sailing of the bat. No won
der we grunt.
Judging by the Hat lan Standard
there is some music about bonds out
ou the Prairie Dog, Sappa and in the
great beywud.
Mr. Pollock has commenced the
erection of a house on his lots just
west of his present place of abode.
Tally one more.
And we wonder where the "Yeo
manry" are to come from; or what the
distinction between "Yeomanry" and
"citizens" comes in?
My, My! how fine the corn and
oats do look out south of here and
what a crop Nebraska is going to have
this year no bad luck.
The B. & M. will sell excursion
tickets from the 31 to the oth inclusive
for one fare the round trip butween
any points on their road.
Who the is this " Long" they
ara talking s much about and what
chance has he fer Governor? Is his
"boom" vtry big or loud.
We peeped through the bar3tosee
how a ' kettle-drum" looked last night
Oh my! we never want to see another;
they look so lonesome like.
What Pete Bates don't know about
Axing up a housp, ain't worth know
ing, and he can make more noise than
any forty men in Flattsmouth.
Captain Sliday will soon have the
- ferry in running order again, and then
the "white cap" will roll westward be
fore the eastern breeze, as usual.
Talk about there being lazy men
in Plattsmouth why they are nothing
to the man we read about; his name
was Jim Hole, and when he would
sign his name, he'd make a J. and
stick his pen through the paper to save
the trouble of tfriting-any more.-
T.B.Wilson of Ashland paid our
city a flying visit. .
Herman Smith, Esq'r remembers
tho Herald once more.
Mr. and Mrs. Windham returned
from their trip Thursday evening.
The South Bend bridge across the
Platte is being rushed to a conclusion.
Mrs. Lee Oldham has gone to Ohio
to spend the summer and regain her
L. W. Patterson bids the Herald
success a little longer and helps us to
assure it.
Dr. A. Root of Eight Mile Grove
(shall we say "Kingsville"?) was in
Frank Kendall, Esq'r., had a word
of greeting for the Herald, Monday,
in the county.
Johannes McBoone, the barber Las a
new handsomely colored fly-trap, go
and get shaved.
The Rev. H. D. Fisher will deliver
the oration to-morrow. He is a most
eloquent speaker.
Milton Polk, the effective secretary
of the Louisville Stoneware Co., was
in town Tuesday.
Mr. Edmund Davis left for Arapa
hoe last Saturday for a trip in hopes
to better his health.
Mrs. French returned to Plattsmouth
Tuesday evening to spend a part of her
summer vacation here.
Prof. Love was down Monday, sent
his Love around through the IIkuald
hadn't time to see the folks.
Master John Patterson, a nephew of
Mr. James Patterson, arrived here last
week from Pittsburgh Penn.
Samuel Burns, Esq., of Omaha, the
Crockery man was down Tuesday to
see about the Fourth of July.
Miss Lillie Simpson traveled off on
Saturday ou the big steamboat "Dur
fee" to stay two or three weeks.
Daniel II. Wheeler, Jr., returned
home from the University last week
and will spend the vacation in Platts
mouth. Miss Lott. Austin is spending a
few weeks at Eight Mile Grove with
Miss Florence Richardson and Miss
May Kennedy.
E. R. Todd gave the Herald a little
chat and some pleasant words of rec
ommendation last week, which are du
ly appreciated.
Frank E. White and lady left for
Atchison on the steamer along with
the other sacks and things, pleasant
voyage and happy return.
Mr. Marslatid and family have mov
ed into the Fitzgerald house, and al
ready l ok as much at home as if they
had never left Plattsmouth.
Hon. S. M. Kirkpatrick made the
1 1 kuali a call on Saturday afternoon
last, and ye editor regrets his absence
at the time, inasmuch as it was Mr.
K"s first visit to town this year.
Cap. O'Rourke has been having a
little "lay off"; got the cholera infant
um for grown up big folks and it bal
lanced the captain up and posted him
out of the Bank fur a day or two.
Mr. J. Vance Lewis returned from
his trip to the Black Hills and the
Red River country Tuesday evening.
having taken in a pretty big section of
that country during his absence.
Mrs. Hendrickson arrived from the
Black Hills last Saturday eveniug with
her baby, who after being introduced
to Grandpa and Grandma Johnson con
cluded it liked them well enougk to
stay with them awhile.
From our old Wiconsin home we re
ceived last week the wedding cards of
Mr. Arthur Rice and Miss Kate Ward,
the latter a relative of ye Editor. The
Herald wishes the happy couple hap
piness and prosperity in their new
him and as pleasant a parting as may
be with the old.
Miss M. L. Ruby, who lias been
teaching in Georgetown for the past
year returned last week to spend her
vacation with her parents and friends.
Miss Ruby is one of Cass County's chil
dren who has shown the good result
of energy and determination, in ob
taining an excellent education which
she has applied in her vocation a3 a
teacher so successfully that she has
advanced from teacher of a district
school to a responsible position in the
High Schools of Georgetown, with a
correspondingly good salary. A good
example for more of our Cass Co. boys
and girls to follow.
The Herald spent a very pleas
ant afternoon at thu hospitable home
of Samuel Thomas, Esqr., Saturday.
We had a fine Archery practice, ate an
immense supper of wholesome farm
er's viands, visited the cheese house,
aw the Devons, watched Doc. Win
tersteen eat cheese, saw Mrs. Jones
shoot arrows plumb to the centre, heard
Mrs. Barnes laugh, kept tally, kissed
baby Hayes, got our ears boxed by the
wife for flirting and came home by
moonlight not alone. How's that
for one short summer afternoon.
Saloons are on the increase here ;
almost every Council meeting creates
a new License. Judge Post has just
decided that Councils and Co. Com
missioners may refuse license whenev
er for any good cause they deem it best.
Slop shop temperance people here ar
gue that if you grant license to one
you must to all If there is any rea
son, any law or any justice in police
regulations about selling Liquor the
authorities can stop it just when and
where they choose. Either we have
r.o right to restrict its sale at all or we
can restrain and regulate the number
and kind of houses which shall sell it
and' the conditions under which it may
be sold at all.- Its either as free as
dried apples or can bo curtailed and
modified as the good sense and wish
of the people demand;
Fred Kroehler got a butt from an
old sheep the. other day that curled
his nose up and made him think the
4th" had come a week too soon.
Remember the "Pinafore Cigar"
Phil Young's own brand, it is no doubt
the best 5c cigar in the city, on sale
July 4th at the P. O. News Depot.
Major Kleutsch at Lincoln Las
opened a famous place of resort on 11th
Street near his old quarters and keeps
a strictly temperate and quiet Ranche.
Attention Violinists! You can buy
the Silver and patent steel wire Vio
lin strings at the P. O. News Depot,
for less money than a common Gut
string, each string warranted.
Our friend McElwain came near
getting a ducking last week. Unfor
tunately he had the roof of his bouse
off in the great rain' of Wednesday
night and the walls got a good soaking.
Soma of the very small and impu
dent (that is I suppose they thought
so) boys "chivaried" Mr. Windham and
bride after their return Saturday even
ing. Boys will be boys until a certain
Kind o' hard of Bro. Jas. Patter
son, he lost his daughter and his horses
within a week Both came home about
the same time though none the worse
for the trip and James looks happy
Gen. and Mrs. Geo. S. Smith enter
tained their friends very pleasantly
last Friday evening and those who
were going home early found it very
difficult to get away from so much
Dr. Schildknecht has a very new
nobby Phaeton for comfort and ease in
visiting his numerous patients. With
that handsome sorrel team he really
seems to be, in a traveling sense, pret
ty " well healed."
Frank White truthfully speak3
when he says that he has the coldest
ice in town, and he also speaks truth
fully when he says he has four good
mules delivering it. They are well
matched, too. except Mike's ears are
longer than George's.
From Wm. Stadelmann we learn
that an Ice storm as you may call it,
fell about twenty miles from Bloom
ington last week some of the pieces of
which measured twenty-two inches in
circumference; no such storm was ev
er known in the country before.
- -The fine grey English and Norman
horse of the Holmes brothers, shows
up beautifully as Mr. A. Holmesdrives
him back and forth. He is well brok
en and drives single or double. That's
"our kind" as Doty says and we know
of no horse that pleases the farmers so
A certain party in this town once
got sick and sent for the Doctor. Doc
tor says " you must be more regular in
your habits," man says " that's just it
Doctor. I'm too regular, entirely, never
miss a chanop, or take a shingle off a
friend's roof." Cinchouia I ark six
The Band Boys are making good
music All lovers of Dancing will
bear in mind the fact of there being a
Ball, at Fitzgerald Hall! Come one,
come all! Great ami Small! Short and
Tall! and hear the bawl! of the man
who will call! to-morrow night at
Fitz's Hall.
George and "Sister" Palmer had a
party last Saturday afternoon, and the
little folks enjoyed themselves finely,
in the plasant grounds. A handsome
little tent and a hammock had been
provided for their amusement, which
they enjoyed to the utmost. Our chil
dren participated.
The question of high or low li
cense is being debated in the commun
ity again. Saloons are on the increase
and wishy wash people see no way to
control it. One spasm of good sense
in the legislature last winter would
have fixed this whole matter and done
more for true temperance than all the
froth and wind the big temperance
lights gave us.
" The Durfee" made . its appearance
at our wharf last Thursday, where a
long line of sacks had been awaiting
it for days. It lay here until late Sat
urday night when after taking on grain
even to the upper deck, some COO hogs
were driven aboard and she steamed
away for Rock Bluffs and St. Louis.
Our vharf was a busy placo during
Friday and Saturday. Another beat
is promised up this week and another
cargo we understand is ready for her.
The commencement exercises at
Brownell Hall which took place last
Thursday evening were of a very in
teresting character, and, with the ex
aminations which preceded them
showed the standard of excellence in
the school to be high. One of Platts
mouth's young ladies, Miss Carrie Ben
nett, was so fortunate or rather so
well behaved as to carry off the high
est prize given in the school, the Bish
op's medal for deportment, and so ln
dustrous in her studies as to stand
only three-tenths less than the young
lady who took the prize for scholar
ship. This is a remarkably high stand
ing for a scholar and is only obtained
ed by hard and persevering work, as
the writer happens to know by a simi
lar attempt in the same school some
thirteen years ago. We congratulate
Miss Carrie with great pleasure, and
wish her like fuccess in all her efforts
through life. This church school for
young ladies has been highly successs
ful for the past year, and some means
will have to be taken to enlarge the
capacity of the building. For the ensu
ing year they have engaged as music
teacher Miss Butterfield, who has been
several years in Germany perfecting
herself in music, and who will be a
most valuable acquisition to .the fac
ulty. Altogether the present outlook
for Brownell Hall seems doubly cheer
ing after a struggle of years during
the infancy of -the state and of the
church in this diocese for existence.
Billy Hassler's
new house begins to loom up and we
think he has a very sightly place indeed.
As Ed. Gerrans says: the Dutch
railroad Conductor said to his Engi
neer "yust slack ahead a little," so
with the news this week we wish it
would slack ahead a week, what with
4th of July notices, horse thieves, gal
thieves and house building we've more
than our hands full.
And now McDonagh has come to
the conclusion that Council Bluffs is
as lively as a graveyard after Decor
tion Day and has moved the Watch
man to Omaha in the interests of immi
gration. We wish him success but
fear he will have to grab pretty hard
for a share which is divided among so
The Omaha Herald, the Editor at
least, who can't bear to hear of a mur
derer being hung after due process of
law, advises, " bloodletting" cold lead,
and batcher knife poultices as a reme
dy for burglars. The Republican
thinks he has a "spasm of sense," and
we say oh, inconsistency, thy name
is Miller!
Notwithstanding the Herald dia
tribes the ladies wifl persist in hold
ing their Kettledrums and enjoying
ing themselves without the gentle
men. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. La
tham entertained her lady friends at a
five o'clock tea, which was eqaally as
pleasant as the previous entertain
ments have been.
By the way that Doctor is a "bad
un." Ho has tried to poison himself
and hang himself and moan himself to
death, and "Pat" thinks he'll try star
vation next. Whether it is for effect,
or not, no one knows. To try him a
doze of innocent stuff was given him
for poison and he swallowed it, sure
enough, and then tried to hang him
self with a towel.
Horace Waters, 40 East 14th St.,
New York, is on his legs again, said a
wag to a piano man the other day.
How is that said the piano man ? The
wag answered, why, a few weeks ago
Waters used to ride.but now he walks;
is he not on his legs again? The piano
man stared at the wag for a moment,
and said "I see the pint," and ske
daddled. The wag was right in more
senses than one, for Waters is on his
legs again with his "Great Offer. Suc
cess to him.
Dr. Warren as he calls himself had
a preliminary trial Friday morning.
The result of which was ho was held
to bail in the sum of 9300 to appear
before the District Court.
The girl Almira Jane Glaze and her
father and brother were tho principal
witnesess. We shall not enter into a
detail of tho evidence here, it is not
necessary. Suffice to say it justified
the judge in holding him: but we do
mean. to say this:
The community of Plattsmouth haB
been entirely too lenient to impostors,
to frauds of every description, to fool
ish business enterprises and false pre
tensions of wealth and standing iu
mere adventurers.
Mr. Glaze said only too truly; "we
are poor folks, I tried to bring the girl
up well, and my children well, this
girl has had no mother siuca she was
nine years old."
It is not the "poor folks" who are to
blame for these pitiable exhibitions
of human weakness. It is the rich, the
educated, the "well to do," who encour
age this thing by giving credence to
every adventurer who comet along and
says he is a doctor, a lawyer, a printer,
a preacher, a boss mechanic and so on,
and welcome them to their homes and
their families. We have heard a doz
en men who ought to have known bet
ter, say of this doctor, (?) "Oh, he's
nrnart. he's educated, he's a gentleman,
evidently a man of education, Ac,
when the facts prove him to be a low,
uneducated, unprincipled scoundrel,
without any recommendations to de
cent society, whatever.
No man who wrote such a misspelled,
ungrammatical letter as he was prov
en to have written could ever have got
a diploma in any decent Medical Col
lege, and if he did from any institution
calling itself a College it ought to be
burned to the ground.
It is our own fault that such tramps
survive and perambulate the conntry
to gull and dupe poor innocent hard
working people.
31 A Kit I ED
THOMAS CHILD -June 2Sth. by ..fudge Sulli
van, at hU oflice Plattemouth. Nebraska, Mr.
James W. Thomas and .Miss Julia Childd,
tUl of flattsmouth.
Butn parties belong to families of the oldest
Settlers in the County and the Herald wishes
them long life, health aud prosperity In this
the best part of creation.
EYFORTH JACKMAV-At the residence of
the bride's parents, in louiM ille. June 2Cth,
by Rev. 1!. K. DilTenl.acher. Mr. Bituxo Kv-
. forth, of Blair, .Neb., aud Mias Ida Jack
man. A select company of friends from 151 air, Lou
isville and I'lattsmouth witnessed the solemn
ceremony which UDited the twn as one.
A bountiful and sumptuous dinner was thor
oughly discussed, after which tlie happy couple
started on the afternoon train fur Mair, their
future home.
The bride and groom were the recipients of a
number of valuable presents from appreciative
friends and relatives ; the list including silver
knives and forks, silver spoons, castor, pickle
stand, music bracket, pictures, lamp, mottoes,
bed and table furnishing paraphernalia, and
among those not mentioned, a beautiful pocket
book, well filled with the equally important and
useful greenbacks.
The occasion was one of the most enjoyable ;
and while regretting the loss of one of Louis
ville's most estimable young ladies, we trust
that it may not only be Blair's gain, but that
the young couple may have many years of un
alloyed happiness, attended with prosperity
And success ia their new relations in life.
I Hospital Keeded.
No palatial hospital needed for Hop
Bitters patients, nor large-salaried puff
ers to tell what Hop Bitters will do or
cure, as they tell their own story by
their certain and absolute cures at
Henry Boeck has developed a new
branch of business, viz ; Ageut for Geo.
Woods & Co's organs, of which Mr.
Boeck expects a large lot of different
styles and varieties soon. Call and ex
amine.' ou:
JULY 4T11.
Grand Social Ball by the Silrer Ileli
con Band, at Fitzgerald Ball,
Friday, July 4th, 1879.
The proceeds to be applied for tho
purchass of Uniforms.
Music by the Xew Plattsmouth
String Band of ilx pieces.
A good time guaranteed to every
Come one, come all. and help the
boys, you will be amply repaid in tho
Tickets only one dollar. 13t3
KulTner & Black.
Two car-loads of Reapers now in,
u Buck Eye" and 44 Wheeler No. C,"
which we aro selling at the very low
est rates and the shorter the time the
lower the rates, remember that. 14t3
For Sale.
All my houshold furniture, compris
ing parlor set, bedroom sets, carpets,
stoves, &c. 1 will offer them at pri
vate sale until Saturday, the 12th of
July, when what may be left will be
sold at public auction. The furniture
may be seen at my house.
1413 Wm. Stadelmann.
To Celebrate the Fourth with pure
patriotic joy it will be necessary for
every man woman and child to buy a
pair of nice, light, comfortable and
cool boots and shoes at Merges. 13t3
Good second hand Organs and Melo
deons, apply to James Fettee, Dealer
in Musical Instruments, Flattsmouth,
Neb. 44tf
ltcmember that for boots and shoes
ltockwell cannot be beat in price. lie
has a large assortment. 28tf.
A large and well selected Stock of
Eastern Boots and Shoes at Sherwood's
cheap. 44tf
Fruit Trees for Fall Delivery.
Ilaviny taken the agency for the
Western Nurseries, near Clifton, Iawa,
we will soon call upon those interested
in fruit culture, and solicit your orders.
Our trees having been raised in the
Northwest will be better adapted to
the condition of our soil and climate
than those raised further east or south.
Their Nurseries comprise 200 acres,
with seventeen Greenhouses, and they
carry the largest and best assorted
stock in the West. Do not purchase
until you see us and get our prices and
terms. G. W. Turner &
14ml John E. L.eesley.
The Boston Bnckboani.
An entirely rew style of road-wagon.
Invented and patented by the
Itev. W. II. II. Murray. No deadweight
on axle; all the weight being suspend
ed in mid air from the points of four
flexible steel-springs. Xo jar, no noise,
the best, lightest and strongest road
wagon ever made. For weight it will
carry moro than any buggy, carriage
or wagon made. Call and see at Her
ald othce.
Jno. A. MacMcrphy,
9tf Ag't for South riatte Country, Neb.
Don't be Deceived.
Many persons say "I haven't got the
Consumption" when asked to cure their
Cough with Shilohs Consumption
Cure. Do they not know tnat Coughs
leal to Consumption and a remedy
that will cure Consumption will cer
tainly and surely cute u cough or any
lung or throat trouble. We know it
will cure when all others fail and our
faith in it is so positive that we will
refund the price paid if you receive
no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi
tion. Price 10 cts. .r0 cts. and S1.00
per bottle. For lame chest, Back or
side, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price
23 cents. For sale by Chapman &
Smith, Druggists.
Why will you stiller with Dyspepsia
and liver complaint, constipation, and
general debility when you can get at
our store Shiloh's System Vitalizer
which we sell on a positive guarantee
to cure you. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts.
For sale by Chapman & Smith, Drug
ists. HACKMATACK" a popular and
fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman
& (Smith, Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb.
341y sow.
All persons indebted to the estate of
W. E. Donelan, deceased, by note or
account, are hereby requested to call
at the Drug Store and settle the same
with Mr. Itoberts, who has charge of
the business. It is expected every one
will be prompt in attending this call.
Persons holding accounts against the
estate will please present them imme
diately. Tlie store will bo under the charge
of Mr. Roberts, in future, who will be
glad to see all the old customers, and
hopes by fair dealing to receive a
share of the public patronage.
13t3 Mrs. A. V. Donelan, Adm'x.
A WEEK in vour own town, and no cap
ital risked. You can give the business a
trial without expense. The best oppor
tunity ever oftered tor those willing to
Ynn Klinnlii trv nothiuir elso until YOU
see for yourself what you can do at the business
we offer. No room to explain here. You can
devote all your time or ouly your spare time to
the business, and make threat pay for every
hour vou work. Women ni:ike as much as men.
Send for spec-ial private terms and particulars,
which we mail free. S3 Outfit free. Don't com
plain of hard times while you have such a
chance. Address H. HaLLET & CO., Portland,
Maine. 13ly
The Old Settler and Xcw
COmcr are deciding that eastern
medicines are not adapted to western
diseases, and that Brown'8 Vege
table Liver IMIls are the only reli
able remedy for relieving Constipation,
Biliousness, Sick Headache and Tor
pid Liver. And that Eureca Ague
11 lis never fail to cure the chills
when taken as directed.
For sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan, Chap
man & Smith, J. II. Buttery and O. F.
lltf Plattsmouth. Neb.
Why mil Ton
Allow a cold to advance in your sys
tem and thus encourage more serious
maladies, sucli as Pneumonia, Hem
orrhages aud Lung troubles when an
immediate relief can be so readily at
tained. lioscJtee"8 German Syrup has
gained the largest sale in the world for
the cure of Coughs, Colds, and the se
verest Lung Diseases. It is Dr. Bos
chee's famous German prescription,
and is prepared with the greatest care,
and no fear need be entertained in ad
ministering it to the youngest child,
as per directions. The sale of this
medicine is unprecedented. Since first
introduced there has been a constant
increasing demand and without a
single report of a failure to do its work
in any case. Ask.your Druggist as to
the truth of these remarks. Large
size 75 cents. Try it and be convinced.
w escou ana roweir
6 6
xZ3D you iev-ieir;
See Such a Stock o Goods ?
Mo! Never!
Well, Hardly Ever I -I-
We arc the leaders of the style, as you may plainly see;
We buy our clothing all the tehile, of W ESCOTT & P.;
'Tis there We get our Shirts, our Coats, Vests, and Pants,
"And so do our Siiters and our Cousins and our Aunts."
Xobbiest and Latest Styles of Suits Awful Cheap.
riVill sell von ready made suits, or take your order aud make vnu a suit, or sell vou
Tlie piece ponI. The well known cutter and titter, Mlt. F. M. COX. will execute their work in
that line and guarantee Hutisluetion. viy
Great strength and solidity; Beauti
ful quality of tone, excellence of ac
tion finish of workmanship in Geo.
Woods & Co's Organs. For sale by
Henry Boeck, Plattsmouth, Neb. Otf.
Henry Boeck, agent for Geo. AVood
& Co.'s organs and pianos. Sold cheap
for cash or ou gooel approved securi
ty. 9tf.
Wanted to sell. A good sound 5
year old bay mare, good traveller and
kind e'very way. Apply to IIekald
oflice. tf.
Xo Western Family can afford at
this season to be without Itrown'x
Ulacliberry and Ginsrcr, a safe,
reliable and pleasant remedy for Diar
rhea, Dysentery, Summer Complaint
and Cholera Morbus. It has been tried
for ten years, and i endorsed by phy
sicians and druggists. Procure a bet
tie at once. Delays are dangeroas. For
sale everywhere.
County Orders will be received at
this office in pay for subscriptions, at
their market value, always. Remem
ber that. 41tf.
. We will pay Agonwa aaiury ol Kpt-riLioiUU
n4 xpna, or uliow larv commission, to sell our
nw aftd wonderful inflations. H mean what mov
Made to order
44tf at Sherwood's.
Y lUUUmre tlinth
To i G000 A YEA Ii, or $5 to S20 a day
a locality. ronsK. vo
well as men. Many make
he amount stated above.
N one can fail to make money fast. Any one
can do tlie work. You can make from 50 cents
to S2 an hour ly devoting your evenings and
pare time to the business. It costs nothing to
try th bunint-ss. Nothing like it for money
making ever offered before. Business pleasant
and etrictlv honorable. Header, if you want to
know all about the best paying business before
the nublie send us your address and we will
sena you full particulars and private terms free ;
camples worth ?5 also free ; you can then make
up your miad for yourself. Address GKOKGE
ST1NSON & t'O., l'ortiand, Maine. 131y
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1878 all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainly labeled:
Plattsmouth. - - - Nebraska.
Fine Boots Custom made $5.00 at
44tf . Sherwood's.
C Here. Yen can make money by selling
our Sterling Chemical Wicks Never needs
triimnluK No smoke r sinell-'io cents each. 3
for 25 cents. Send stamp for catalogue of Won
derful Inventions, vlanlcand fancy goods, l'ar
f oils, Foster & Co., 125 Clark St.. Chicago. Ini6
All sorts and styles of organs and
piano's, Geo. Woods & Co's make, at
Henry Boeck's, Plattsmouth, Xeb. 9tf.
Thirty of the bt organ m niters of the
World are competitors at the I'arii Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Associated Tress says
two highest gold medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
1fl PiOfl UfES of residents wanted. For 2"
IUiUUU names and 25 cents we will send
' vou a fine silk handkerchief, everv
thread silk. lU-guUr price, l.uo, G. V. Foster.
& Co.. l'J5 Clark Street. Chicago, III. lmc.
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will bo at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
D. D. Martindale.
41ni6 Superintendent.
At It. Sherwood's, made to order Fine
44tf Calf Hoots 5.00.
Teacher's Institute.
Louisville, Neb., June 2d, 1879.
Our Normal Institute will begin in
Plattsmouth July 21st. and continue in
session live weeks. The Plattsmouth
High School building will afford us
ample room, good facilities in the way
of apparatus. Two classes will be
maintained, a first aud a second grade
Most teachers and directors are de
manding that the standard of qualifi
cations of teachers in our county ba
raised. In view of this fact a thorough
and practical knowledge of the branch
es will be siimed at, as well a3 best
methods of teaching. Teachers will
please bring their text-booka with
Boarding will be furnished at reduc
ed rates.
Particulars will be given in circu
lars. . D. D. Martindale.
11 tr
County Superintendent."
Don't Fail
To call at KulTner & Black's and
look at the New Buckeye table-rake
and Wheeler No. 6 before purchas
ing. 14t2
New Saloon
in the basement of the New City Ho
tel, where all the choice brands of
Wines, Liquors, and Cigars will be
found. Don't forget the place, Fred
Goos, Proprietor. 14tt
European Hotel.
This is a new hotel, apposite the
Academy of Music, O street, Lincoln,
Nebraska.- It is first class in every
respect. Good sample rooms for com
mercial men. Terms, 92 per day.
Spencer & Brooks,
441y Proprietors.
For Sale.
A good farm, 160 acres, 10 miles s.e.
from Lincoln, n Neb. railway, on
same section as first station from Lin
coln. About 80 acres under cultiva
tion; good stona bouse, 7 or 8 acres
forest trees, 200 fruit trees, good wsll,
good land, good location and all very
desirable. T. D. Williams,
1412 Plattsmouth.
$fl n n A MONTH guaranteed. tl2 a dar at
l II I ''ome made br the industrious. Cap
ill 111 italnot required; we will etart you.
w ".Men. women, bov aud girls make mon
ey faster at work for us than at anything else.
The wwk is light and pleasant, and such as any
'one can no right at. Those who are wise who
see tbl notice will send us their addresses at
once and see for themselves. Costly outfit and
terms free. Now in the time. Those already
at work are Iaviha tip lane sum of money
Address IHVb. & CO., Augusta, Maine. 13ly
Legal Notice.
Notice IsVereby given that all tjersons are
warned against purchasiug a certaiti note given
by me lO Wm. MetZ. dated Mxrch 1st. 1S7 due
eight months after date, for the sum of 162, a
I have an offset acaiust snid note, of Jrto.
Signed at Weeping Water. Nehraska, .Tune
25th. l7a. l',U JOHN 11. IA IS.
Legal Notice.
All T"ifreAn s intnnictA f ttiA An n
Sharer, deceased, are hereby notified to be and
the 2d Judicial Dist., Nebraska, at the flice of
. ii i iv ui me tn.n. uiiun lor coun
ty, in the city of Lincoln, at one o'clock p. m.
on the 2Mb dav of August. A. IX 1879, 10 show, ii wij iiair uc. ny license snouia not
be granted to the undersigned. Administratrix
of said e.itate. to sell and couvey the following
real estate bI inging to said estate, for the pur
pose of paying the uf standing indebtedness of
said estate, to wit : The east naif (e' j) of block
Km finir ts in Thum r.An ...l ,l ; ... ..i .
of Plattsmouth. In the said county of Cass, Ne-
iiii avvurumg io me recorded plat thereof.
1514 Administratrix.
Probate Notice.
Tn the matter of the estate of Wm. E. Donelan
deceased. .
Notice is hereby given to all persons having
claims against the estate of Win. K. Donelan,
deceased, to file the same on or before the 31st
day of December, A. D. 1879, iH tlie office of the
County Judge, at riattsmouth. Cass Co., Ne
braska. A. N. 817LLI VAN,
. Co. Judge.
riattsmouth, Jane 25th, 1879. 14U
Notice for Publication.
June I'd, 1379.
Notice is hereby given that the following
naiued settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
secure final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of tiiis notice, viz:
July 12th, 1879. Charles F. Lau. for the north
half (n'4) of northwest nnarter(nw) of Section
two 00. town eleven ll. north of range ten (10)
east, and names the following as his witnesses,
viz : David Thimian. of Cuss Co.. Neb., aud
Michael Thimian, of Cass Co., Neb.
ut5 j. b. McDowell,
Notice for Publication.
Lincoln. Neb.,
June S, 1879.
Notice Is hereby given that the followitig
uamed settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, aud
secure final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this notice, viz. :
July 12. 1879. at Lincoln. Neb., Otto Jahne, for
the east half (e!i. soul liea-st quarter (s e see.
eighteen (18). township ten (loi, range ten
east, and names tlie following as his witnesses,
viz: Edmund .Scliirl. of Otoe Co., Neb., and
Carl Scliirl, of Otoe Co., Neb.
J. 1!. McDOWEL.
12t5 Register,
Legal Notice.
Geo. H. Woods vs. S. Morton Eankin. In Co.
Com t of Cass Co., Nebraska.
Tlie said S. Morton Rankin, non-resident de
fendant, will take notice that he has been sued
in the county court of Cas eouiitv, Nebraska,
by the 9aid Geo. H. Woods, plaintiff, who nravs
judgment against defendant for stock sola and
delivered and money advanced bv said plaint
iff to said defendant at his special instance and
request, in the sum of 12D. with interest there
on from the 23d day of February 1878, at the
rate of 12 per cent, per annum, anil that the
goods and chattels of said defendant have been
attached to satisfy the judgment prayed for in
said suit, and unless be answer by the 7th day
ot juiy, A. D. 1879. at one o'clock p. in. on said
day, the petiifon of the said plaintiff filed
against him in the oflice of said county court,
such pctitiou will be taken as true and judg
ment rendered according, v.
By Geo. S. Smith, Att'y for ITU.
riattsmouth, Juue 10th, 1879. I2t4
PENSIONS Every wound or in jury, even
X kJXwll U-ty accident or ny disease en
titles a soldier of the late war to a pension. All
pensions by the law of Jan.. t79, begin back at
date of discharge or death of a soldier. All en
titled should apply at rmce. Thousands wh4
are now drawing pensions are entitled to an in
crease. Soldiers and widows of the war of 181 a
and war. entitled to pensions. Fees In
all eases, only SIO.OO. Send two stamps for new
laws, blanks aad instructions to Nat. Ward
Fktzgkrai.d. U. S. tfuu Att'y, Hox 688. Wash
ington. D. C. J.'.ml
41 DRILL ! B4 tmiioiy. HIGHEST
o ... . ....
"Sold icm wounded tit Injured can now oMali,"
pensions fn'.leM lie hew td datc frm dis-
chaige. Adi'ress at onc, w:th sturnp.for blank!
and new soldiers' circulars,
13ml W. C. BERRINGER & CO ,
.. ' t ' PitUburgh, P
Oldest ClJim A genry in the folate. '
. Platte Valley Herd of . x
5i J
' 'L CPXbj'-A-JbTd, , .
WEEVING W'ATfclV . , - . ..- - i NEB,
fcynesistcre-l ?toCk for rale. , !3mo
First class Lodging Rooms. .-.
First Class Boarding,
. . Cood Sample Roorr.i.
Evcrjthliig aud every comfort .
A Good .Hotel can Furnisli
Also, Good ines, Good- Bt er, Good Liquors,
i Good Lemonade, Good Cigars,
Kept at the City Hotel. ...
14Iy FRED. GOOS, Proprietor.
James Petteet
Musical Instruments
Sole Ajipointin JjctU for
Tho Unrivalled Masou.A . Hamlin
Also, the Stock; Henry F. Miller, and Hallet'
("umston iviauos for Cass aud ,Sai jy uouuties,
Neb. Cill and see :
at office. Sixth, one door south of Main ht.
Music Scholar
Will do well to examine our
Ncjv Mason Si Hamlin ,
Wines, Liquors'
Main Street, opposite the Court Home; '
This place Is Just opened,- new, good good oil
all kinds. AVe want to keep a good houc and
pleaoe our customers. ,
M, McElwain.
12 Shop over HOXXEB ST.iliLES, on
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Manufacturer of and Dealer In -
F T4.T a f9 T .Alt J
uone wim neatness inspatca..
H e only place in town where "Tarlej's pat
ent self adjustable horse collarsare sold."
Clothing House!
C. G. HER0LD, - Proprietor
Keeps a ceneral large stock of
Men's, Youth's & Boy's"
and has just received the fluent lot of
French and English .. Silk
His different styles of ....
EEats c& Caps,-
are surprising, .md hi stock of . f
Furnishing Goods I
fancy goods,
Shaw Case Goods'
Is'large enough to supply any demand.
Call and Examine the'
few styles;
nr C. G. HEKOLP. .
S O s
V &i- - tfAs1. . J
Catalogues tn W. GLB, u iyxuJ,