THE HERALD. Over the Prairies -These Illinois fellows are ttiiig to know too m Htrli. A ln;y lias got to keep liia evea wide op-ii or he'll get skiuuol. How 'twiis with ine I would not think of buying a steer 'less I eouM make live dollar tn hi in, but you can't tlo it now." ily friend, how long have you been West I askel the speaker, as I uverheard the above remarks to a companion. "Well if you call this West, ! have been here nigh on to 6 years. When I came here 1 never thought it would settle up. I had plenty of range, used to go twenty miles to help a neighbor raise a bain, but the houses began to dot in around uie and afore I knew it I v;is nil shut Up and had to sell part of my stock. If I was a young man I would pull up stakes and go West. The way emigra tion is going on Kansas and Nebraska will all be shut in, Texas'll be eat out, and there'll be no chance. Hut stock raising is about :w satisfactory busi ness as any of them yet. There's my neighbor A., lias 3,000 head of cattle. and three on eui do the hIl work, and wear kid glaves at that. U s a pretty uuary steer that woit bring 4i cents a pound in the Cnicago tuarket. ine auove conversation occurred as we were bounding over the prairies of Northern Illinois, on the i:, J5. At Q train. "This is the nicest road hi the world," continues my friend, "It is Well managed. There ain't none of the stock for sale and it pays good divid ends. We're pretty light this morning ten cars. J,ast time I came over the road we had sixteen cars and two loco motives. It aiu't now as' it was when I first came here. Ciiicago was a small village, and there wasn't no railroad in the .State, and houses were four or live miles apart." "Dinner! Dinner in the dining c ir in uie rear. Dinner a iu tune, umy rents, right in the dining car in the rear. Only 75 cents!" shouted a son of Ham, with white cap and starched irocK. twenty minutes tor dinner uu the "Burlington Itoute." You can step back into the C. li. & Q. 1 la e Dining Car, and tke your time to i - a whole hour if ywu deb ire. The bi 1 o-f fare is a tempting one equal to that of any Chicago hotel. No one who has traveled over the prairies of Illinois, on the line of the C. B. & Q. railroad, can have any con eeption of the kind of farming that prevails there. Tor a stretch of 200 miles from Chicago to Burlington you nee hardly an acre of unimproved land 2ot a broken down fence, not a door r gate oil the hinges, scarcely on uu- painted house or barn. It is one of the grandest sights we ever witnessed. The -'Burlington Boute" is the direct line to Omaha and the Pacific coast Every provision is made for its pa trons, in the wining car the reclining chairs by day and Pullman sleepers bv night. The conductors are models of courtesy and attention to mothers and children on their way to meet husband and father in the .States beyond the Mississippi. The emigrants have no mean accomodations, better than had lirst-class passengers a quarter of a century ago. ah classes and conditions are pro vided for and the chronic grumbler has little material with which to ply Ids vocation. II., in .Springfield (O.) Kepubhcau. SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE For CATARRH A purely vegetable distillation entirely unlike all other remedies. J 5 the preparation of thl remarkabla rrmedx trvrj Iiti, pivot, and baric la aahlecied to dla. tlllatlon. whereby th easential medical principle (obtained In vapor, conJenaed and bottled. What terrain In tha still la Inert, Taloeleaa, and totally onDt lor US' In an organism ao dellcataaa tha naaal piatr-s. Yctall (nulla are Inaolable compound of wood fibre ; all liucturea, aaluraiad aoluUooa. SAHFQRD'S RADICAL CURE la a local and eonatttttttotlaT rrmrdr. and it applied; to the lno-al paaaaifea bf lnautUaUon, thus allaying? Inflammation and pain and at once correcting, elemsintr. and purlfyingtheeecretlona. Internally administered. 1 1 acrs upon the org-anaof circulation keeps ttio akin moist, and neutralise tba aeld rolion that haa found lb way Into the etornacb and hence Into the blood. Thus a cure progresses la both drroctlons. and It does not Hem possible for hinaa InaaMiiy to devlso a mere ration! Usac menu . srKrjiisrKa ccbc GenVrmen. Abnnt twelre years go. travelling with Father Kcnap'a Old Kollti Concert Troupe as a tenor sintrer, I took a aevere cold and Traa op at Newark. N.J. This cold brought on aaeTcre auaclc of Catarrh, which I battled with. every known remedy for four weeks without avail, and wan finally obliged to give up a most desirable position audi return borne, unable to stuff a note, mv rnni ari l I ..roat so i-naiUv time the sllt;htest cold tic or three years alterwnls I wus nnablo to slnv at ail. 1 lie nrt :trtci i.atarrn nan icn my nasal or. vrould br'uif on a fresh atrack. mo pros trated, lu this tray I continued to sulTrr. The lost attack, tlmsercivst I ever bad. was terrible. 1 suf fered the mtvteirrurlit'liit pain In my bead, was ao hoarse oa to be acarc. ly able to apeak, and conrhed lnressnntly. I thought I waa -olntf Into quick co!isuiniiion, and I flruily believe thit had these svmptoins continued without relief they would finre rriidered me an easy vletlru. When In this d istressl'))( condition, I commenced the bso olBxruri-8 Kadicai. Cu to Catabeu. very reluctantly, i couUm, ns 1 had tried all the adver tised remcdl-e without rvnt fit. The Are t dose of this wondi'rml medicine nave me the areatrst relief. It Is hardly p Miblef"r one hone head aches, eyes ache, !;u oa scarcely antculate distinctly on sc conut of the choking accumulations In bis throat, to realize how much relief I obtained from the first application of Saxford's IlAnroai. Ctraa. Under Kb rMlueuce, both Internal and external, I rapidly recovered, and by an occasional use of the remedy since, have been entirely true fxuoi Catarrh, lor the first Uuio in twelve ysrs. ItatpocilWIr yonrs. Oi:. Vv'. HOLBROOK. TTiiTnAM. M us.. Jan. 8. Wl V. P. I pcr-h.ued ti.o livptoat, Cra of GEO. H.KOCi.Io, Lrut;glt, r.'.imford iUUain. Each package contains Dr Panford'a Improved Inhaling Tube, wuu lull dirrctioi:s fur use In all cases. Price, For sale by all Wholesale and Ketail IrUKXlit throughout tno United States and Canada. vKKKS &, General AgenU and Wholesales LtuvkIsU, Boston, Xiasa. gBCOLLiHSBH VOLTAIC PLASTER An Electro-Galvanio Cattery combined with a highly Medicated Plaster con taining the choicest medicinal Gums and Calsams known to modern Phar macy. - These riasrcrs have now neen before the pabllo for two veurs. and. notwithstandlmr the Immense number of remedies In the form cf liniments, lo- tlous, pain-cure rs. ana ordinary piasters, mey nave steadily lncreaopd In sale aud met with universal approval, as evidenced by over one thousand un solicited testimonial in our possession. Many re markable cases have been cerllUed to by well- Known citizens in all parts ot uie mitea otatea, copies of which will be sent free of charge to any one desiring them. Improvements, In many ways, have been made, as auuaiestcd by experience and one. until It is believed that tliev are now perfect In every respect, and tha bH planter in tha world of - .1 1-l . a If . I. t ,n V. Ail wo osiv arum c 1 1: i t iu l ij a land is a finale trial. The price Is 2Scenta, althoUKh the cost la double that erf any other plaster. But. notwithstanding the effort of the proprietors to make the beit plaster in the world for the least bir of unscrupulous dealers will be found ready to misrepresent mem tor t'(n$ motive ana esaeai to suLoitltutd others. IX you ask for COLLINS1 VOLTAIC PLASTER Save It If yon have to send to ns for It. Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Drujrirlst throughout the United (states and Can ad as. and by 11 asas at a urris, rrujjnuiunt, ioairoo. jaasa. O. F. JOHNSON, DEaT.KK IX Druqs? Medicines? AND VfALL PAPER. X Businessman Yllio Uut Succeed. In several of the large cities of th's country there are a few business men who for many reasons, have been kept constantly and lamilliarly before the people; mun whose good names have not always been sufficient to protect them from business adversity, but have repeatedly assisted them to ris.: again from conditions of misfortune. Among these men, Horace Waters, long identified with the music trade, is a conspicuous example. Horace Waters- & Sons, on May 21, m.ide an assign ment " for their creditors, owiuir to losses and heavy expenses. This course was adopted because Mr. Wa ters believed it more honorable to make an assignment while he could pay 1U0 cents on the dollar than to go on and be obliged at a later day to com promise with his creditors. He does not intend to let circumstances keep Jtim dovn, but he has given up all his property to his creditors, and will. while satisfying their demands, seek to retain the custom which he had ac quired by SO years of enterprise and fair dealing. He has made arrange ments to act as agent for a person who lias furnished capital to do a casli bus iness. He will furnish for cash, in struments of precisely the same qual ity hitherto sold by the firm of Horace Waters and Sons, selling them at a great reduction from former prices. To those who send their orders to him. at 40 East 14th fct., P. O. Box 33:rt, he gives assurances that they will be cheerfully and faithfully executed, and that all who desire to make purchases may depend upon securing bargains. Mr. aters has business experience and integrity, and with these and in domitable enercry he will assuredly re tain his old business friends, and speed ily re-establish his affairs on a firm basis. Mr. Waters has also signed over his private property to be held in reserve to meet any deficiencies. Xew Xork Weekly Times, June 4, 1870. Free of All Paper Trimmed Charge. ALSO DEALER IN BOOKS. Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publications. Prescription Carefully Compounded by an Kxperieneed Ilrnseist. cft nr. KKMKMI1EK THE rLACK. , 2 DOORS SOUTH OF MAIN rUTTSMOrTII. NEB. (Jodey's Lady's Book For July is upon our table. This old and valu- be magazine lias now entered upon its 99th volume having been a wel come visitor in thousands of American homes for nearly a half century. It contains a telling 4th of July sketch by Darley, engraved on steel ; a mam moth colored fashion plate, and a lar.e number of illustrated fashions. A CienUe Belle" ad A Rosebud Garden of Girls," two novels by fiast-class writ- era, are continued, and the miscellane ous literary matter is of a high order There nre two pag?3 of Recipes espe eially arranged for Picnic parties. which will be highly appreciated by the ladies. e notice another new feature in Godey. which is the opening chapters of "Biographies of Represen tative Women of our Own and Other Lands;" these papers will doubtless prove very instructive and entertain ing. Subscription price is only $2 per rear, or you can send Stand receive Godey's Lady's Book for 6 months. A. G. HATT JUST OPEXED AGAIX. NeiP, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on -M.-ini Mr-et in hrecl IvroehlPr'n old staiid Everj body on hand tor fresh, tender meat. 5 OLD AND RELIABLE, i Dk 8anfobx's Liveb Ikvigobatob$ ssdlseas?s of the Liver, Stomach S?(f and Bowels. It is Pnrelr "-7 Vegetable. It never j li jDebiljtates It is JCathartio and mi li if ci I II II II II m.- TO'! us l' nl .'ftU'.flOll A 0.0 a -nil1 ' 4 raT- rvU all v i 'ViB" rtl"l.ttl SI' aTVi L A 1 oo h, ins m A 4 t-Mt a . !. F.ST1U.I 0 V t 1 . S rTM r '1 llf t niv. K v -. U Hi KM 11 ft. Tt g -InvigoratorS J has been usedj in my practice; f pJ5? and by tho public.J v for more than 35 years,! with unprecedented results. J SEND FOR CIRCULAR. SS. T. W. SANFORD, M.D., "yShIcitI! J A1 DRl (;(;lsTWIU. TILL VOL ITS UKPl'TaTIOS. J. F, BAUMEISTER Furnislie Frosli, Pure Milk, ii:liverei daii.v. Siieoinl ciillo attended to. and Fresh Milk irom same cow lurm.slied when wanted. 4iy aPaisifisag, P?.0F. HARRIS RADICAL CURE rOH SPEEMATTOEHCEAa "SEiVJ SLAL PASTi LLEr? A VhmlU- Xiecovrr3 N'w lM partt:ie in .Mrt 'fct twirtMc, sMt riitirr3 N--W and oitivr: v rltrt t iv Cvtady far ilir ffHrdj st!il Miii.airvfit Curt o: fctcmfrtnl Emicrionai St 2 m potency l th only true way. vis: Diroct ADDlioatiO tulht-nrln- r!pl Bcftt of Tie Disc, acting lv At-orption. st d rrr it itpof-tiie ir.flunrc on tiic fcrminal eiciea jco ul..tomr lnrtf. 1 ro t ato cltcdniKl Ur ttrt. 'J'h wm Mthe KRHHly t "tmit-l villi uu a;n r jrtiiiv-iisn:vr, it it ::ckly diwiv-rti cnl khui rlorr--il, pivrlar tiu immci!ia'.e .Kt:mjj and rertorative rttm npuit tltr fx utai and rvuiic tr.-raiizauoii4 wrrrkcti ril-aku c a d tjxrrf", jrop;n"4 the rtrnin frut tkc atrm, rrrtor injt'ic rrii?Tl I h-.i.:ii i 1 round in - mr ry, r ovin? heUimaCHiofSiiht. Iirr u, rc-.bilsty, Confuwica otlA?am. Avorsiou to.Stxs tty. l. o.T.-.c. i ttic BHtnr- e tit premal is re old ro u-y. v rrctiupaii my th'u r-.sK., and rt.'iis f- t Pc u-i Vipor, wl.Vrr it ha tr-tfn ! 'iKmit tor ii 't h n --: ot tr ainifiii hum tii thttin rc-y - j n tHl i Miw a priaoitrvl n -r. D' Uk a.v f-r iitrrrilrl it tiir--' trouh't. a I, a itta:iy c n h i - -t tn t, but li t ' i1 my pr-rii: r rt sul. ' i- i i-9 Na nf ivIWkI liim rrpam" tfn, r-r'-t.r rS. -:: !.ll-u f w: Tiaran tce t!iat It i'A ri"l8f,:'o-- Drijr thr ei-ht visual Sat it h . i in ncri wne, t- hat- t:.ouaai tt nt tinnunl ft t v talnrv mi tl U ii row cor.rt ti ed by tU .Mff!it-a! lr -foftr m t k th tin-t r:ina! mv vet divrf -I t rvaa-'nir; r rwl rurin thi rry prrr ani tru:liia- thai i w- I k . t. be ihr mutr ot uitru'U ui.MTvt'ifi m" itt. n nd i p" i qr.-rks fr t i:b th.-ir ii 4c.MTT-ut ami hit ft' .Tin- lipfti d i "put Ju a i:4t It 'X, r I 1 1 InE a i-tim' ti. puA art.. a Ja.t! arjpmr 1 Niad ad f r 3. Two rr. 1 -t tc t-tl'-.-ia p'riniiri-trur- uitlr in rrrrr rai) i 5 T-urrr b- lttl: !. n 'I ni'trtt f f -,a,P(-.. n-H tr or vifor. in t'.c ortfiw. 7- Fwll DIKJSC1 lOJV'ft for ttminc' w!l a"vtpny EACA 1-C3C. 1 Pfnd rr a io-ip?!ve 1'amphlrt ffivine AnwTn!r1 pURNITURE DEALER JT Omaha, Nebraska. Fe Oldest and. 2a5S.iest eizt (imi :ir a lto-ip!ive I'snipnirt firing Aiawm!ra1 lllualratiuns, hi h will im.e tlie moat cpficai that thrraa he iinn-i M prlsvt nutiliixHl, an-1 . fi'.i'l forts f .'t, taut s il nv. ar1-eirl. ff S-a-cd for ntJnp t t nr ot.e. BolU OXIT br the KARRIS REMEDY CO. !r-G.CHEMSTSL fcarktsnrlafK Sts. ST. LOUIS. MO 6GKS&:ifia.LlON FTiVW7TV,SlV1 A lar' new ftn1 complrtc Guide to iS , C i ; Vedlook. roiitainni, mary Ih.iV- -; 4 o h-r. tin ii.wiii(r cltap(iart A xsS.'C.y j.. f' rniipetit!iod, arvvctirn ot t-y ' J yl Wit,. Evident- rt Vitini:T. 1m " D MrlN??!! wHiemaMnipi.h!autl incompati FAL-W-vjir ii ' -, Sterility in ninei., can and i. i.:, AiIvk to t.ridi-rtioiii, Advtre to huil.aruit A Iritt to v:vt, rros':utntn, i: rniiwi, CVtnry and 4i :riiioiiv ronipv d, Connr:l dntir. t'onw ption. Con f. -i- trt tit, 1-t and Cur.i.j. JairHtiinieiu U Marriara, in nie and (lin e, Scirece JtpriHiiHrtion, Sinclr lifte r):i.ti--.i, I.-nr of 'Minw.'o, Ijiw Kit livorct,! r:chtJ 9t mr tni n iia. n.f c, Inriudi-iK Diseases pruknr to V., tl.t-.r miv and rntnutit. A I n It fcr prrvH cud rotiidfrat rt-Ciiu-R 1 1 S-O patt, u:tU full i'laUt aii- "The Privata Medicnl Acv;er,f en Pyph-'IiiisOocrriiaja. t.ii-c t. strict uie. arKw.le, ! on krTTnt' orliocR. faexiiai Debility, and Jm- rtonry. f-um !c t-abutf a-id . raniiK Siniital tn ia - - I. t itsna.'-a, Avrrni ii t. S(-fav,CiifniuN til la. I.yw-a ! d-T, litiitinr -:rht. .Mfinorv, .ual I'll vc. liKiic.i. uiarnarr iiprnpi-r or'i'r, f iy ;n?; trt-rttnwff, ad a n'p rT'.irtt f r t'.? cu-? ut fail p. i vole dis.t.avaca ; ajuiA .J, Cr LJi'int , 4rJ X tJ. M-icr! Advice." ft 1 re frj l"iaitoi end VVomauhoo'I, T crt: rr m i t-irr jit a ni'ylv lyuml vlmn, $1. l nrr ttaiu C 0 zri'l 'rr I'W J Illicit raln-n?. cniHschi fmr- iV.:r.r.intVic r'-'irra I ? a-m-ki that Vwrih knu me. ?"si t:t;ub tlit ia nt p ib:t!if l in myotlirr wurk. Term L'. ifi vrd.unc i joi::r.y h.-t 1-pnIar llciict-l BtKik p ll.Ilir'. land t"l"iint.jftrd sltT prttaijf U can hlTQ I .ir n:utit y t-.I:iiid d- Ti - Author i r 'i 1 .TT-ri-j-Ticed J'.yBiriari of many mrm prart:, ( ta Vt'.T kin urn.) a::d t;.e a'Jricr r ,', iiJ-d Uric f-r tn-ntnuitt laid down, will 1 I fu:id c f -'at ine t( t-H p urt-rn. f: m-i itnpuritirj i fail'- t.r'v r-rr.ujt vicor, or -y f the nnnicr- t in t'. ufti a rrvi,!?. r tli Iwl rf 4 Private" or ' Chrr ic" d Sntl'i urT-cvo'uinf'.orPinpltrtc j .r l'ri in iSt-n-p. Hlvrr -r Crri v. (CousuU t ion C"Lli )tn;l, a:.-l it?-r are p--mpT'r'and tnuik. awcl-ithm)t chr ) Addn3t Or. BuV D:5rr tary, 12 K. UtU St., .l-utia, :.. (rstcblhed 1S47.) r 7 For scl9 by ncwi Doslpr?. AG-NTS wantad r iv -aa .. " ' Tlicy Invito Everybody Visiting Omaha, to Call and Examine their Large Stock. I" 187 FARNAM STREET OMAHA, - nSTEB. IfliisraxBetliBdDini fJZtf rtC&.'i Thc LarS"t and most Complete STOCK of Dry Goods .-' JMilIinerj and Clothing ever placed before 22 1 rt.TVf l"":!"1- I uj i a nc. w..r; pri 6o the liiniiiious orbs of on nr. an v SWN, CARRIAGE and ORNA MENTAL PAINTER, -A- ASHLEY. Shop over the. Jirick Block next to II Boeck s. 3 in. cysperfRiiy. U rnvatc, e bmnic mid Female lleaat.a. Can n .latino, f rc. I.swli; and Gntle mn, anl ne dollar for am,-le of bt-n rubber Cx, atid valnabl infurmatioD rr bo r. IVlvateS home fi1 nunc fir Lad if durios oon- PLATTSMOVTH, 44ly. Fg; I hmne ana nunc IW B si oema br mail. Mritt rtea of'Naiare, oIoct or Mrrire. Or enna of tinrriitlon. Disease of Youth and Manhutxl : a wrnJth of choice an I talriabla ln f"rniation. of fwUtreat t both irxfi. Nothjruy ofTronrs u itHd taata and rrfl nem rot. io r nation nevrr bfor published. Br family should be aitbout it CyAiMrffi, Dr. A. O, OLIN. 701 l .ark St. and M(UrniEhMUtr lutriy attd kperdil cured. Vain 1m. ISo publicity. Send stamp (Vr full particulara. Tr CarlioQ,. 2U3 S. Clark Chicago, 111. DYKES' BEARD ELIXIR AWaasMh, for- k.t, MMaasstartaM rB rrnasi joasstMaaai, TWa tnmi aviasi "t. a1 s n. fMh KsMbafchvfMciatukslBwsrrWita. M sssstli taJiytliiaatr-st.jaM1)asMrU4tasafaaJa . rTsvrt. I'ss; ff pi .J 1 T fa Sua. L.L.fia.'ir V.aasaAj s I aVSMsass. iU, AalatsMntaaalalftat, o sQ ri4 o o CO CO U4 MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH IIORSE II0KIN(J, AND WAGON KKI'AI KING All kiiuld of FA KM IMPLEMENTS 0 o rH o o O luminous orbs of our many r'atrons. AVe fntrclnce JiTf the LATEST FABRICS ot the season. Our 10. 12i-'. 15 18, 20, 22 and 2.1 cent Dress (Jooris are well worthy of vour inspection. Also, a full line of WHITE GOODS, DRESS' LINENS, TWO-TONBD RIIIBONS, LACES, RUCHES, CASHMERES, ZEPHYR and SPRING SHAWLS, and countless articles impossible to mention in detail. Our Millinery Department Embraces all the Latest Novelties in LEGHORN FIjATS. FRENCH CHIP and STRA W GOODS. Our SILK TURBANS and PATTERN HATS are me admiration ot every one. e also show l.OW triimrrc-'I hats from 31 Great Reduction in Boots & Shoes 20 to 25 Per Cent. HLOWIEIR, rjyjE3L3ST LAST "STEAIR, Mi'ilrs' I'rinre Albert l-;it;ng Itiickh' " Congress " r.;is Rail Shoes " Two-llnckle Plow Slint Ccnuino Hand Sewed Tl-s ' liana Sewca Alexis $1 on 1.-". 1.-J.-I l.oo 'l.M 4.50 Ladies' Slii'pers $ ,2." " J 1 :t If Shoes " IVlible Gout, biile Lae l.S." " Kip. " . 1.K-, " Krencli I'.utlon a.M " (.ioat, liutton, vorked button-hole) 2M) Last Year. ?1.2' ' l.7.r. ' " 1.7S " 1.75 - " 1.40 " " 8.00 $ .35 1 ,M 2.40 il.f.0 1!.76 t EYJlllYTlUSa ELS1S IS PJlOPOltTIOX. PETER MEKGES. SPRING IS COMING! --o- Agricultural Imp lc m en tsr Prom a IMircshiiig 3Iachiiii; lo a Hoe AND WAY BOWK CHEAP. up. Mesa's, lToutlt9s, 1 ILJi VLJ3 The King of Plow Sellers. meniled Axr. Neatly & Promts :0: lit X x n 5 rTI tt H M iS. rag d 13 o Horse, 31 uie & OxSIiocins;. In short, we'll slioe nnvthinff that har four feet, from ;i Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. HEW SHOP, on Fifth St between Alain :ird Vine Streets, just across evornrr from the kv liKUAl ' OKKK'K. l(iy KEEN AN Si GK ACE. Retail Lipor Dealers. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. PLATTSMOUTII - - XEIi. 4 T T WrTTl Tk r r V-- S r-v .-v aa- t . ..a .. ... aiiti uuuv.s. i ne oniy uouse in me cit' that carries a clean i resh ."itock of (Joods of latest styles and fabrics known of the season. Corner Gd and Main .Streets, PLATTSMOUTH, IsTEIB. IS HEADY TO TALK TO THE FAKMEKS OX Seeders and Sfellk CMsMers sStirHifig: Plows. v7 y ITLKT alPXjO"W Jlcvn 'o tvSj CizLLL 'citorg, Shovuls, Hoes, Spades, and IIand-rake&, Buggies ana gpi:inQ Wagons, Ail kinds of HARVESTING Machines ill tind here displayed a fine line of Furnishing goods that cannot fail to command their attention and patronage. Mowers, Reapers & Headers, Suits from 86.00 We have, tho best assortment of up Vibrator Threshers, N1 Si CHOIRS & SUEI'I'AltD'.S, THE J J EST MADE CO I IJilliard Hall and Salo n Main street, four doors from Sixth Neville's old place. on at TRUNKS ROBERT DONNELLY'S "WAOOIT AND BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, ALES, WINES, d C. Jtoinciiibrr The Tnuie nnd 1'Ihc-. 2lly Keenan & Grace. & VALISE! To be found. ;-4?t an ami compare 'vr ooods and Prices, and vou will receive the uenehts ueiivid therelrom. SOLOMON & NATHAN. Wffl HTTIH has come home, Mew Sfto2?e AT- BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing repairing mere JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED Carriages always on Hand, AND HEARSE I FUNERALS. I want all of my NOTICE I Ureat Sale of Tlioron?hbrel Short-Horn Cattle at the Fair Grounds. Coun'cil Bluffs, Iowa, Thursday, June 2G, 79. OKEAT SALE OF THE SEASON. 100 head will be offered. Some choice Lulls for the Ureeder or Farmers' usp,. a number of cows in calf, or with calf at side. Ja. grand lot of heifers- The entire herd of William Orr, of Council liluffs, will be offered, liob eri Miller, of West Liberty, Iowa, S. A Knapp, of Vinton, and other leading breeders join in the sale. Everything guaranteed as represent ed. Six months time on approved notes-. Sale to commence at one o'clock p. in., sharp. For particulars address IT. X. "Wjikelek, Denison, la. Agent "Western Stock Journal and Far mer, fedar Hapids, or W-M. Our.. Council Jjluff, Iowa. liccount.s fettled to il.ifp. iiii'l I stiall ! no more creait"huiness. All olil aeroiints must settled np, ami no new ones will le made. I'nless sueh aeeuunts are etrid slinrtlr tliey will le sued. I wish 10 do asinetlycasli business ill future. JOHN SHANNON. 4C!y I'lattsmouth, N6,. LOUISVILLE MILLS, A. H. Jackman & Sons. r HO PR I KTO KS. Manufacturers of Floor. Meal. inc. AND Shippers of Grain. CSSi.ecia.1 u!tntion given to all kiuds of Cu torn Grlndlnj;. LOUISVILLE. CASS COUNTY, ni:hi:aska 5tt I am now prepared to do all kinds of 01 larm and otlier. inaeliiiierv, an is a good lat lie in my siiop. PETER HA U EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker lias taken charge of tlie wagon shop. He is well known as a NO. 1 WOK KM AN. Xew AVasoiis and Itiursrieft ui.kIo to Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop on Sixthstreet opuoite Streiht's Stable W. D. JONES' Again takes the Brick Livery Stable, TLATTSMGUTH, - - NEBRASKA Tlif old Honner StaMes. In riatteinouth, are now leased by Wsi. 1. JONES, and lie has on hand new aul lraudeouie accuiumodations, iu tbtt shape of HORDES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, atid- S ADDLE HORSES. I am prepared to keep HOKSES FOR SALE 8 TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On Reasonable Terms. ALSO ItEMEMBER, That tilth plenty of room (that every one knows I have) i: my etabl 1 can t Farmer' dock ami wnuons. loads of hay, &c, under cov er, where thev will keep dry. Tiiankiim all my old patrons for their liberal ity. I solicit their trade fortlie future. iatist1fd that I can accommodate them better and do better by them than ever before. Jyl WiL I). JOXES. FACTORY VILLE! J. W. Anderson, Dealer in PRY GOODS, GROCERIES. NO TIONS, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, Hardware ami (Jueensware. THE II I ; II F.ST Itlat-kct Iriec Iaid for BUTTER and EGGS. We Sell Goods At BED ROCK Figures. Come one, Come all, and see for yourselves. , 4 in 3 LANM-AND! BEST FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, VOH SALE BV IX XKUKASKA. Great Advantages to Buyers IX 1877. Ten Years Credit at 6 per cent Interest. SLc Years Credit at 6 per cent Interest, and 20 per cent Discount. Oter Liberal l)iioant Var C'nwh ltlietnte on Karri nnd Krelehtu, anil l'remiuinia tor Improve ment, Tamphletsjiad Map. containing full partic ulars will lie mailed free to any part of the world on applieat ion to LAND COilMlSSKlNKK. B. : M. R. K. Lincoln .N khkaska. THE CELEBRATED Dexter, Dexter King and Dexter Queen CARRIAGE SPRINGS, Are Unsurpassed for Easy Riding, Durability, and Beauty. - ' i -a ' ET Many Thousands Now in Use. And ho has brought the finest line erf Dress Go-ods, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and N otionsyou ever saw. ie by the acfe9b4 and laes till you eaeE5dfes4 Imts mnl cap tiiS you mu&z huy. Spring and Summer Goods eyer and ever so cheap Now is your chattco bound to sell and undersell anyhwly. Hurry vp. I want to go Eaat again nrxt month. BEST IS CHEAPEST THOUGH IT MAY COST A LITTLE MOREL utvi. pRiulej uvptwliiitT. lrenait4Utp tat jjawtictila-. Jin 11 V).i7ou Sit. Chk-nyn, nL OPIUM P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE w XGTOSailaU lilSTORYcF the WORLD Send for Circular Giving Price and Full Description to BETTER SPRING CO., HULTOX, PA. K t j ( f ui J LEWIS' CONDENSED Near Pittsburg-. on7nrn 12) LiL!lJJ IP I Me from Befinei' Grans Cream of Tartar. Recommended by tha Brooklyn (N. Y. Board of Health ani by tho first cbetuisu in the Ciuie'i K la tea. We wiU pay $1000.00 for any or otter adulteration found, in this Powder. LEV IS' FLAVORING EXTRACTS. 1 i j THIS BEST A jTP STROyGKSTf IAIK. ji MAHtFACTLRtO BY THK hk CEO. T. LEWIS & IYIENZIES CO, PHILADELPH.A.PA.