Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 12, 1879, Image 3

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    H'hy of
Phil Young
sells the IJoss
Mr. Stone has gone to Wisconsin on
business. .
Violins and Accordeons at the P. O
News Depot.
Just read the 4tli of July notices
in thii paper.
Thomas,'' Die tailor ha3 opened
6hop in Omaha.
Buy the Excelsior Bird food at
the P. O. Xews Depot. 1
The Board of Regents met at Lin
coln Tuesday,
Croquet Sets four and eight Balls,
cheap at the P. O. News Depot. 1
Gen. McBride has gone to the Hot
fcpriugsrArkansas, for his health.
Besteat Best's Bottled Beer, now
. i Land at Keenan & Grace's.
Feter Merges talks of building on
me lot just ea-st ot the bcimasse prop
--Croquet Sots, cheaper than ever at
the P. O. Xews Depot. 1
Dick Streight is going to Weeping
water to help the boys Lrertk in that
new track.
Buy your Soda Water tickets at
the I. O. News Depot, 24 for SI. 00. 1
Uou. J. Ii. Clark, Lincoln, has
bought the "Crabb house," and was
moving hi last Tuesday.
Another invoice of violins and
accordeons at t be P. O. News Depot. 1
Mr. J. L. Philips of Greenwood
crilled yesterday and made the Hi:k
ald two times glad.
Fifty Cases of Best's best Milwau
kee Beer at Keenan & Graces's, (for
family use.)
We tried some of Jack man & Sous
flour last week and found it all it is
claimed to be.
The largest and finest stock of
randies in tho city at the P. O. Xews
Depot. 1
Our South Bond friend Streight
and his friends are going to have a 4th
of July up to their place.
You can buy a cigar that will
"light itself" fur oc, at the P. O. Xews
Depot. 1
Miss Cora A. Wells came in from
t!i farm Monday, for a week's visit.
She will return Saturday.
J. P. Young sells 10 different kinds
of Plug Tobacco if you want some
thing gi-cl don't fail to call on I'hil. 1
A severo storm of wind i. report
ed at Ked Cloud Tuesday night, which
demolished half the towr..
I'hil Young seiis the "Blazer"' :
'self-lighting" 3 cent cigar, go and try
it. 1
Mrs. Dr. McCrea is b;ii!d:ng a fine
residence on High School Iiil! oppo
site the Stone Mansion.
I'hil Young has tht! largest stock
of Plug and Fine Cut Chewing Tobac
co, and the best cigars in theciiy. I
Mrs. Lawyer Stone has pl her
bouse almost finished and a beautiful
silely place it is Luilt en, too.
- The Boss Soda Water is sold hy J
P. Young, he has :;old about 200 gal-
or.s or over 4 J hi
hisses inside f
The new patent iron rail " protect.
i" on the bank corner worries tho
boys now and then o' nights.
If the county isn't represented in
the IIluald, :t never can Jje by any
newspaper. Correspondents in nearly
every precinct.
Keen;n &. Giace have just receiv
ed fifty cases of bottled ber (."Bests
Lporl"j nnd will lay it down for
warm weather for family use.
We learn from Bev. Mr
that be will not return to the Sioux
Agtncy as was his intention but has
accepted a call to Crete, this state.
The IIkuald is full to overflow
ing with Job Work, but with the as
sistance of an additional "printer,'
will come out at the top of the heap
as usual.
Our Elm wood correspondent gives
notice of the marriage of Dr. X. Ilobbs
to Miss Annie James. The Herald
congratulates the Doctor and wishes
him prosperity and happiness.
Donald Southerlaud an employee
of the H. It. and a brother-in-law of
Wm. Agnew got injured quite severely
Saturday by the falling of a car-door.
He is gaining rapidly however.
Somebody's got a howling dog,
which will some moonlight night howl
a different kind of a howl, if anybody
has "sand" enough to use a "six pistol"
careless like, and some say they have.
With the terrible havoc by thun
derstorms and wind recently in mind
in this state and Kansas, our people
were perhaps excusable in leaving the
church Sunday evening, when Mrs.
Wittenmeyer was speaking.
Sheriff-Ilyers received last
a letter from a brother of J. K.
whose death by suicide we chronicled
iu our last issue. He i a resident of
Spring Uill, 111., and desired to learn
the particulars of his brother's death.
- Book work, Law Briefs, plain asd Letter heads, Bill Heads, Xote
Heads, Envelopes and all kinds of
dank woik is now being turned out
at the Herald office ii the latest
styles and the lowest possibU figures.
The side-walk around Fitzgerald
Block has been all fixed up and now all
that is necessary to make the corner
passable is to remove the barbed wire
from the railing, thus saving many a
ladys' dres3 from being torn, and stran
ds' bauds from rein.r:streri ur -
Hon. J. C. Watson, Disfy Att'y
for this district called yesterday.
Sam M. Chapman went to Blooming
tea Monday to attend court there.
We noticed Arthur White's face on
the street Tuesday. Glad to see you,
Prof. Aughey called last week, and
we regret very much, did not find us
at home. Come again.
Joahua Gapen called last week, after
selling some fat steers which made
him feel good and when he left, the
Herald felt good, too.
Messrs. Jackman & San, or at least
the younger man representative of the
flouring interest at Louisville, called
Friday last and made the Hsralis
Mr. D. C. Fleming, of Weeping Wa
ter, called aud notified us of the mis
take in the date of the S. S. Conven
tion at Weeping Water, notice of
wi-ich appears in another colum.
Hon. Geo. S. Smith has moved his
law office over to the room next the
Surveyor General's office, and has re
ceived his commission as Surveyor
General. The orhce will be in his
charge from this time forward.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzgerald and
family left for Lincoln to day on
the afternoon train. It is with great
regret we part with our neighbors
across the way and fear we shall not
supply their place in some time.
- Mistake in Date.
In tho programme of the Cass Co
S. S. Convention ttiven in the Derate
last week,- a mistake was made in the
date, which should have been June
17th and lth? instead of 18th and 10th
as was given. Bemember this, and al
so that all are invited to be present.
The programme of exercises is a very
interesting one, and all who attend will
doubtless be repaid well.
- Our Leadville correspondent gives
us some interesting items again, this
week. If we bad a nine column daily,
he would give us a very good history
of Leadville and surroundings, but as
we are restricted to an eight column
weekly, we have to condense his items
As we take up onr exchanges we
I una traces Here, there and every where
of Ilesser and his plants and flowers.
How he manages to get round to so
many places in so short a time is more
than we can understand, but every
where he goes, he leaves traces of beau
ty and fragrance.
We havo received a lot of new in
vitation and wedding goods that is
very fine. Somebody ought to get
married, several somebodies in
fact, or have a big party so wo could
get Uu?m up some nobby invitations
with monograms and all sorts of new
and s'ylish quirks.
Louisville is to have a grand ce'e
bratioH on the "Fourth," everybody is
invited. The Louisville Cornet Band
w ill furnish the music. Good speak
ers v ill be had from a distance, and
no pains will be spared to make every
body have a good time. I'rojframme
aud full particulars next week.
Last evening about 5 o'clock,
Frank Morrison steamed up his boat
for a trial. By some means the boiler
exploded and blew the pipes overboard,
injuring Mr. W. Mickelwait and Mor
rison himself severely. The boat lies
on her side near the foot of Main st.
She can easily be righted however.
The Manhattan B Bobbery bus
been explained at lasf. It was effect
ed by several professionals Jerry
Hope, George Mason, Wm. Kelly, Pat
rick Shevelau, Henry Glenn and oth
ers, aided by an employe of the bank.
The last three have been arrested and
the whole matter will now be sifted.
The Annual Convention of the
Slate Medical Association, met at Ne
braska City last week. Dr. Jos. Hall
of this city and Dr. Hobbs of Elm
wood were admitted as members. Dr.
Livingston was appointed to prepare a
memorial of the life and services of
the lato Dr. W. E. Donelan of this city.
DiJa't we feast yesterday! And
all because Leasley remembered us and
left at the Herald mansion a gener
ous supply of new potatoes and green
peas. If he can't raise vegetables bo
one else had better try. But he gives
us one piece of information we are
sorry to hear, that the locusts are
making sad havoc among the fruit
tree3. Too bad I
Several couples of our young peo
ple got up a farewell picnic for Mr. It.
B. Windham and Miss Jennie Patter
son on Friday last and spent a pleas
ant afternoon down at Mr. Ilesser's
picnic gardens, so pleasant that our
young friends who have deserted tne
ranks of single blessedness, almost
hesitated to leave such pleasant com
panionship for the untried sea of mat
- Mr. Moore, whose advertisement
of fuchsias and pelargoniums for sale
appears in ur paper, gives his custom
ers the full worth of tbeir money in
the pelargoniums which he offers them.
They are very large, healthy thrifty
plants covered with buds of this love
ly flower and if our readers wish an
object of delight for the mouths of
May and June they should buy a pel
argonium. Beware,"
and look a little out. I claim no
friendship of yours aDd think it is
very bold for Strangers to come in
lifire and clip the name of their House
from some old worn out locals of an
old pioneer Merchant, that years ago
adopted the name of the Boss Clothier,
long before the Parties claiming that
name without a patent to it, smelt Ne
braska soil or got the bad taste of
Missouri Biver water in their mug.
Look a little out and attend to yeur
business, if you havo any, and not to
inbie. Yours, C. G. IlLUioLD.
A Pleasant Social Evcat.
Merrily chimed the bells and hast
ening crowds gathered to . witness the
marriage at high noon to-day of two
of Plattsmouth's young people, who
have held prominent positions in the
young society of our city. The con
tracting parties were the Hon. It. B.
Windham, a prominent Attorney of
our city and member of our State Leg
islature and Mls3 Jennie C. Patterson,
daughter of Hon. Jas. M. Patterson,
County Treasurer.
The ceremony took place at the M.
E. Church Bev. G. W. DeLamatyr and
Bev. J. T. Baird officiating. The
church was very handsomely decora
ted with flowers, the work being su
pervised by our Florist, Mr. Moore
which insured iis tastefulness and
beauty, A number of friends showed
their good will and friendship by as
sisting him. Prominent amoag the
decorations was a horse shoe, emble
matic of prosperity and good fortune
to the happy pair.
Precisely at 13:30 the strains of
Mendelssohn's Wedding March pealed
from the organ drawn forth by the
skillful fingers of Miss Flora Wise, and
announced the approach of the wed
ding party, which comprised Messrs,
W. S. Wise and H. M. Bushnell, ushus,
Mr. E. H. Woolev and Miss I.illie
Wood, Mr. J. C. Watson and Miss Ollie
Jones, aud lastly the cynosure of all
eyee, Mr. It. B. Windham and Miss
Jennie Patterson, whom a few magic
words were soon to make one.
The bride's dress was a gros rain of
a pale shade of ashes of roses, made
princess, en train and trimmed with
satin and lace, a hat to match her
dress, natural flowers at her throat aud
white lace mitts. Miss Wood Wore a
pearl gray and Miss Jones a cream col
ored bunting trimmed with cream col
or and crimson ribbon ; natural flow
ers at theft throat and in their hair
So long as gentlemen will wear wed
ding suits made off the same piece it is
useless to describe them, but Miss Pat
terson looked so charming no one had
eyes for Mr. Windham's attire and
coujd only note the happiness beaming
from his face: The ceremony which
made them man and wife was quickly
over, the symbolic ring wa3 placed up
on her finger, and as the wedding
march again sounded and they retrac
ed their footstepslow n the aisle, which
but a moment before they had trod
with relations toward each other so en
tirely changed one could but think
how simple an I quickly wrought
are the Incidents which work such
wonderful alterations in our lives.
If the company assembled were any
criterion of the n umber of their friends
Mr. and Mrs. Windham will find theits
hard to count, and all, we know, unite
with the Herald in congratulations
and the best of wishes for their future
After a sumptuous dinner at the res
idence of the bride's parents, "at which
were assembled the relatives only, the
happy couple took the afternoon train
for Omaha, from whence they go via
the U. I'. to Colorado, for a few weeks
swjonrn among her delightful summer
Upon their roturn they will immedi
ately begin housekeeping, in the
home which Mr. Windham has been
for some weeks preparing for his bride.
A number of friends and relatives
of the bride and trrooin from a distance
were present, among which were Mr.
and Mrs. B. Windham, of Glen wood.
Iowa, father and mother of groom, Mrs.
O'Xeal of Bed Oak, Iowa, s'ster, with
her daughter, Birdie, and II. A. Sturges,
of Oaiaha.
The School Board have re-elected
Prof. Love as piincipal of our schools
next year, at an increased Salary of
SI, 000. We believe this to havo been
a good move, as the Professor has cer
tainly linproveu me condition or our
schools decidedly. We understand
that Mr. Love has bought tho Dr.
Chapman house and will move his
family down here far a permanent
Miss Dennison and Prof. Wooley
have also been re-elected as teachers
a very good choice if they accept.
Peter Bates is fixing up the side
walk around the bank, and way along
in front of Keenan & Grace on Main
st. For a long while yesterday there
was a great gap in front of the Saloon
and a witty and Wise man suggested
that it be left open ; as it would make
it somewhat more difficult for the boys
to get their nips. Peter said that some
one would have to inaugurate Beck's
new hearse and he left it open In
hopes to get a wicti m.
The suicide epidemic" is raging ve
ry strong in this vicinity. Omaha re
counts two attempts which were how
ever frustrated by timely help. Coun
cil Bluffs is one ahead of Omaha, as
one of her victims was successful, Miss
Margaret Wykoff by name. At Glen
wood, on Monday of last week, Jaaon
M. Powell, Examiner of Titles and Re
corder of Deeds, a soldier in the Union
army where he lost a leg, deliberately
shot himself in the head, and was
four.d dead by his wife.
The editors of our Temperance
column have given a full account of
Mrs. Wittenray ers' lectures here, so we
need not add to their already good de
scription. We would only suggest
that our temperance people should
supplement the preaching of Mrs. W.
and other temperance lecturers with a
little better practice than that ef last
Sunday evening, when they deserted
her en mass right in the midst of her
lecture, for fear of a little cold water
in the shape of a storm which after all
never came. Don't be so scared, at a
little cold Water, good friends, even if
a dose of thunder and lightning is
added. Those arertL trials, the wilh
Btinding of which, shows your dtvo
tlaa to your rrlncff't.
Weeping Water Notes.
By the Editor.
Fleming & Race, Weeping Water,
have also found that they need moro
room, and have enlarged their store by
a big addition, aud will pile in the
goods as soon as it is completed
Dan Johnson has sold all his right,
title and interest in the mill property
to Judge Clinton, and Feed once more
takes charge of the mill.
Jno. Chase is putting up a new hard
ware store next door to Fleming &
The W. W. Fair ground and track is
getting in good shape, and Joe Berry is
working two of Dan Johnson's horses,
" Black Bess," Jones' and Holmes mare
and some others. Zeke Kennedy has
a runner and trotter down there walk,
ing 'round too.
Haying enlarged our store room, we
are now prepared to carry a much lar
ger and more extensive line of goods
than ever before, and hope to please
our patrons better and gain new ones
day by day.. Among our specialties
i. large use or cioiuing rormenauu
A . . M 1
Ladies' dress goods in great variety,
and of newest and best styles.
Boots and shoes, a bigger stock than
ever before, whicu must be sold now
to make room for new fall goods.
Summer, straw, chip and other hats
for mea aud boys' wear. Now is the
time to buy.
Call and examine our new Style
256, six stops. Mason & Hamlin Organ
James Pkttek, Agent.
: You can buy carpets just as cheap
(freight only added), -of Orchard &
Bean, Omaha's leading carpet house,
at if you lived in Omaha. Largest
stock in the West. Perfect satisfac
tion guaranteed. Iu ordering by mail,
state color, quality, material and price,
and free samples will be furnished.lH2
John Curry the Marble man at Lin
coln seems to ba getting pretty well
set up about now; or else is having a
lot of free advertising done.
John Curry, tho marble-cutler, ex
pressed the wish a few evenings since
that we should pitch into him the first
opportunity and give him hail Colum
bia. We have been watching John
close since that tune.but couldn't hear
of any rascality upon his part. But
Nancy Simpson, of the town of Ben
net, has been more fortunate, and in
a "notice" published in this morning's
Journal, virtually denounces him aa a
great, big fraud.
Notice is hereby given that John
Curry procured an order for a marble
head stone of me through misrepresen
tation and fraud, for the amount of
All persons are hereby warned
against purchasing the same, as 1 will
not pay it or accept f the work.
Mix Beuecoa Betzkr.
Ben-net, May so. I67y.
Notice is hereby given that a certain
order, signed by me, iu favor of John
Vv. Curry for making a tombstone of
the value of SSSO, was obtained by
fraud and misrepresentations. All
persons are warned against purchasing
the same, as 1 will not pay it or accept
the woik. Nancy Simpson.
Ben-net, Xeii., May 28, '71.
Lincoln Journal.
C. B. Parker & Cs., are the pioneer
marble men ol j.iucolu, have been six
years in the business there and have
been awarded all piincipal premiums
it State Fairs; have never had a job
rejected. The Yallery Monument is
erected iu the place of one put up last
year by Heater & Smith of Lincoln
and rejected by the Yalkrys of Elm
wood. Mr. James Hawks is the tray
eling agent for this county and else
We are indebted to YV. J. Ilesser,
of Plattsmouth, the James Vick of Ne
braska, for a collection of very fine
bedding and house plants. We wish
Mr. Hester would set up a branch es
tablishnient in Hastings, or at least
establish an agency here, for he fur
nishes the hardiest, surest-to-srow
plants -that is. plants that are iu the
best condition for vigorous growth
that we have found anywhere. Be
sides, he is one of the most genial and
companionable fellows one will meet
with in going a long distance. II.
A Fine HouuiueuU
The well known Marble Dealers of
Lincoln, C. B. Parker &c, recently
erecieu at jt'iattsmoutti 'jemetery, a
tine Monument to the memory of The-
obold and Wilhelniina Vallery, decei s
ed ; it stands over thirteen feet high and
weighs over four thousand pounds, is
elaborately finfslied in panel and
drapery work. Our townsman Peter
Merges, for many years a Marble work
man inspected this job as a referee
and pronounced it in every particular
a first class job. Messrs. Parker & Co.
may justly feel proud of the many
compliments passed upon it, and great
credit is due the Heirs of the Estate.
viz.: Jacob II. Vallery, II. W. Vallery,
C. P. Vallery, C. II. Vallery, Theobold
Vallery, Mrs. A. M. Wright and Mrs.
Christina Sigler, as they have jointly
united in this work of respect to their
A New Hearse.
Mr. He nry lioeck had lately pur
chased a very handsome new hearse
for this place. It is a platform spring
running-gear, best make, and a very
handsome body with plate glass sides.
It is trimmed with gold bullion fiinge
and silver-plated mountings. There
are two curtains, one black, for grown
persons, ad the other white, for chil
dren. Besides plumes, ui n for flowers,
boquets, &c, Mr. Boeck has emblems
suitable for Catholic, Masonic or Odd
Fellows' funeral. Altogether it is a
very creditable affair and something
much needed here.
Ihe hears was built by Geo. L.
Brownell, Xew Bedford, Mass., and Mr
Boec desires to say that he is fully
satisfied and pleased with the same, it
being ery way up to the mark, and
aa tec afiieuseui--
8TCCKER At "Weeping WateivMay 27tti, irfa
at 8 o'clock a. in. Mils. Kosann Htiickkr
wife of Jacob Stacker, aged 37 years, i mouths
auu za uaya.
Deceased was born A. D.,' 1841 In
Stark County, Ohio, where she embrac
ed Christ in the pardofi of SinJ and be
came A member of the Baptist Church
in 1803. Married her present husband
in 1860 emigrated to Nebraska in 1871,
where she has since resided until her
decease, in the midst of her deeply af
flicted family, which consists of hus
band and seven children, with other
dear relatives. Sister Stucker has suf
fered long, but with Christian forti
tude and resignation, and in her last
hours expressed a hope that is as an
anchor to the soul, sure and steadfast,
earnestly exhorted her friends to meet
her in that " Rest that remains for the
people of God. . .
Dr. J. A. Kenast-on.
The Silver Helicon Band will
give a grand Ball on'"July 4th, the pro
ceeds to be used for purchasing uni
forms. All are invited. HtS
Good second hand Organs and Melo
deons, apply to Jamks Pettee,' Dealer
in Musical Instruments, Plattsmouth,
Xeb. 44tf
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. lie
has a large assortment. 23tf.
Henry Boeck, agent for Geo,
& Co.'s organs aud pianos. Sold cheap
for cash or on good approved securi
ty. 9tf.
Wanted to sell.. A good sound 5
year old bay mare, good traveller and
kind every way. Apply to IIekald
otiice. tf.
A large and well selected Stock of
Eastern Boots aud Shoes at Sherwood's
cheap. 44tf
We will ny Acrenlaaiary of SUiO oer monLh
Mil .zpaoft.., or allow larg. commiMion, to Mil our
n.w and woodrftil invvnliui.. Wt m Bam what tny.
tMUBBl fr.. ddrM. bjui A Cb. iUnkiU, Mick.
Every Family in the VTest
Says Drown'i lllackberry find
Clnprer is a safe, pleasant and relia
ble remcdv for Diarrhvea, Dysentery,
Cholera Morbus, and Summer Com
plaint. Procure a bottle of this cele
brated ! ainily safeguard at once. De
lay are dangerous. Price fifty cents
per bottle.
ifrown7 resrciauie Liver
11114 are the standard retried y for the
Liver and Iiillious disease.? of this cli
mate. i iruu esrnuiisnes tiem m ev
ery western family.
urown's Arnica. &aivc has no
equal for removing inflammation and
for healing old sores and ulcers. All of
Brown's Popular Family Medicines
for sale bv Dr. W. J,. Donelan, Chap
man !c Smith, J. II. Uutterv and 0. 1.
lltf riattsmouth, Xeb.
Teacher's Institute.
Louisville, Xlt.., June 2d, 1879.
uur isormai iiHtute will oegin in
Plattsmouth July 21st. and continue in
session live weeks. The Plattsmouth
High School building will afford us
nupie room, good facilities in the way
of apparatus. Two classts will be
maintained, a first and a second grade
Most teachers and directors are de
manding that the standard of qualifi
cations of teachers in our county be
aised. In view of this fact a thorough
and practical knowledge of the branch
es will be aimed at, as well as best
methods of teaching. Teachers will
please bring their text-books with
Boardiug will be furnished at reduc
ed rates.
Particulars win te given in circu
lars. 1). I). MAKTINDALE.
11U County Superintendent.
Die Death Rate of
Our country is petting to be fearfully
alarming, tbe average of life being les
sened every year, without any reason
able cause, death resulting generally
from the most insignificant origin. At
this season of tbe year especially, a
cold is such n common thing that in
the hurry of everyday life we are apt
to overlook the dangers attending it
and often find too late that a Fever or
L.ung trouble has already set in.
Thousands loose their lives in thi3 way
every winter, while had Bosrhee's Ger
man Syrup been taken, a cure would
have resulted, and a large bill from
a doctor been avoided. For all diseas
es of the Throat and Lungs, Boschee's
German Syrup has proven itself to be
the greatest discovery of the kind in
medicine. Every Druggist in this
country will tell von of its wonderful
effect. Over 950,000 bottles sold last
j-ear without a single failure known.
Fine Boots Custom made $5.00 at
44 tf Sheuwoou's.
Caution to Smokera.
From and after the 1st day of May,
187y all boxes containing cigars of mv
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine uhIpss plainly labeled:
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska.
You Must Cure that Couh.
With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you
can cure yourself. It has established
the fact that Consumption can be
cured, while for Coughs, Ilronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis
eases of Throat and Lungs, it i3 abso
lutely without an equal, Two doses
will relieve your child of Croup, it is
pleasant to take and perfectly harmless
to the youngest child, and no mother
can afford to be without it. You can
use two thirds of a bottle and if what
we say i3 not true we will refund the
price paid. Price 10 cts. DO cts, and
S1.00 per bottle. If yonr Lung3 are
sore or chest or back lame use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman &
Smith, Drutrcists.
Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti
pated, have you a Yellow skin. L,ow
of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail
ZEH. It is guaranteed to relieve you,
and will you continue to suffer when
you can be cured on such terms as
these. Price 10 cts. atid 75 cts. Sold' by
Chapman & Smith. Drusrsists.
Well's l'ersiau Perluine "HACKME
TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it
Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists
iUHUimoiitn jxea." oolveow
Af?57escolt and Powell
6 6 IB CUX . rf ' ' .
' -- - o-
Such a Stock Goods ?
I Never I
Well, Hardly Ever ! !
Tt'c are the leaders of the style, as yon may plainly se"',
We buy our clothiny all the while, of WfiSCOTT it- P.;
'Tis there we get. our Shirts, our Coats, Vests, ami Pants,
"And so do our Sisters' and our Cousins and our Aunts."
Nobbiest and Latest Styles of Suits Awful Cheap.
r r. -
37Will sell you ready made suits, or fak-? your order aud make vou a suit, or soil you
the piece jroodn. The well known cutter aud titter, MR. 1'. M. COX, will execute their work in
that line and guarantee satisfaction. 7ly
rOA 98 Per Cent Pure.
rm T 1111 t Til 1TT1 tlATmT1
MB lkjs is a mi ruwiM
Any portion cf contents of can may be used without cpoillnp balance.
14 pound of Perforated Hard oap made in twenty minutes with
out boiling, and your wash will be sweet and clean to the senses, without
that nasty smell produced whea using ready-mado Soap or Soap made
from other Lye.
One teaspoonfol -Will soften lire gallons of hard crater.'
LEWIS' LYE Is as per Cent stronger than any other Lye Or
so-called Kock or Ball Potashes.
Tor Sale.
. The Ilodapp, or old Joe Brown
House on Gospel Hill. Apply to Thos.
Pollock. JJtf
To Kent.
Ilooms in the Holbrook House, ap
ply to Thos. Pollock. S)tf strength and solidity; Beauti
ful quality of tone, excellence of ac
tion finish of workmanship in Geo.
Woods & Co's Organs. For sale by
Henry Boeck, Plattsmouth. Xeb. 9tf.
Made to order
44tf at Sherwood's.
Henry Boeck has developed a new
branch of business, viz; Agent for Geo.
Woods & Co's organs, of which Mr.
Boeck expects a large lot cf different
styles and varieties soon. Call and ex
amine. 9tf.
Gllere. lcu c;n iiiake money by seulnq;
our Sterling Chemical Wicks Never needs
tnmminir-No smoke or smell 10 eents eaeli. 3
lot -Jo cent . Send stamp for catalogue of Won
derful Inventions, stanle and fancy goods. Par
sons, Foster & Co., 12j Clark bt.. UMcatfo. line
All sorts and styles of organs and
piano s. ueo. oods cc Cos make, at
Henry Uoeck's, Plattsmouth, Xeb. 9tf.
Thirty of the leMt orstan makers of the
World are competitors at the I'ari Exposition.
a cable dispatch to t lie Associated Press say
two highest K)ld medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
XAMrS of residents wanted. Tor 2:.
names ami 25 cfnts Hp will send
ou a fine silk handkerchief, everv
thread silk. Ketnilar price, l.oo, ;. W. Koste.r,
& Co.. 1&5 Clark Street, Chicago, 111. lmG.
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
fwllowing times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day iu March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, Jul v and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
D. I). Martindalk.
41m6 Superintendent.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue cf anexecntion Issued bT M. O'Dono-
hce. Justice of tbe l'eace. within and for Can.
county, Nebraska, and to mo directed. I will on
the 23d day of June. A. D. 1379, at 2 o'clock p. m.
of said dy, at the Feed stable of O. M.Streiftht.
in riattsmouth. in said county, veil at public
Ruction tho following personaljproperty, to wit ;
thirty head of hogs, the same being levied upon
and taken as the property of Thomas L. Berrv.
defendant, to satisfy a judgment of s;tld court,
recovered by tdar J. Ward, plaintiff.
It. W. 11 VERS,
Sheriff Cass Co.. Neb.
Plattsmouth, Neb., June lHh, A. D. 1S76.
Notice for Publication.
Lincoln. Neb..
June 3, 1.479.
Nottce is hereby rrven that the olloMig
tiamed ret tier has filed notice ef Ills intention
to make fiaal proof in support of hia ckitm, and
secure final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days frota the data of thW notice, viz. ; ;
July 12. Is79. at Lincoln. Neb., Otto Jahne. for
the east half (eS. southeast quarter e sec.
eighteen (!. town. hip ten lo, range ten (lot,
cast, and names the following as hia witnesses,
viz : Edmund Schiil. of Otoe Co.. Neb., and
Carl Schlrl, of Otoe Co., Neb.
J. li. McDOWEL.
12t5 KeuUter,
Legal Notice.
Geo. FI. Woods vs. S. Morton Kankin. In Co.
Com t of Cfs Co., Nebraska.
The said S. Morton Itankin, non-resideet de
fendant, vill take notice that he has been sued
in the county court of Cas countr, Nebraska,
by the said (en. H. Woods, plaintiff, who pravs
vrdsmeut against defendant for stock sold and
delivered and money advanced by said plaint
iff to said defendant at his special lustance and
request, In the sum of ?42. with interest there
on from the 23d day of February 178. at the
rate of 12 per eeut. per annum, and that the
goods and chattels of said defendant have been
attached to satisfy the judgment prayed for lo
ld suit, and unless he answer by the 7th d;y
of jidy. A. I. J7t. at one o'clock p. m. on said
day, tho petition of the said plaintiff -filed
against him in th9 office of eaid countv curt,
such petition will be taken aa true and judg
ment rendered aocurdirr-'y.
ti-KO. n. woods.
HvGfo. S. Smith. Att'y for P''ff.
rUttsmouUi, June inU, 187?. iltl
UEi uu u
Notice for Publication.
up office at
Llncoln, Kebralka,
June 2d, 1ST9.
Notice is hereby given that the following
liamed settler lias filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
secure final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from tie date of this notice, viz:
.Inly 12th. IST'J. Charles K. for the north
half (nit) of northwest quartertnwft) of Section
two i?), town eleven (11), north of nice tea (1")
eat. and names the following as his wit nesses,
viz: lvid Ttilinlan. of Cuss Co.. Xeb., and
Michael Thimian, of Cass Co., Neb.
ins j. U. McDowell,
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby given that whereas on or
about the month of September. 17:', 1 pavwiny
promissory note to Henry Kirkliam. for $iso.ilo
u ith interest at ten per cent, per annum from
date, due April 1st, 1H7?. all (n rsons an- here
by notilied not to purchase said note. If they
do thev do it at their hazard.
iit3 asa coin:.
Legal Notic(
Cuilincton & Missouri Kiver Kaiiroad Company
in Nebraska :
Theere will lie a special meeting of the stock
hoHen of thi Company at the ofiice of the
Company, in I'l.ittsir.oiiiii, Nenaka, Thursday.
June iicili. 1S7;i. at Id o'clock, a. in., to consider
and act upon the iesti,n f Ta,"'nn certain
iiropred extensions of i lie Kf publican Valley
Uiiilioad. and any other business which may le
gally (Mine before the meetint;.
Hy order ol the llorird of Directorn.
I?ostn. May 2S, 1879.
In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the I nited States for
the District of .Nebraska. Iu the matter of
August Meyer.
DisTKic-T of Nebraska, bs.
To the creditors of August Meyer, bankrupt,
and all others whom it may concern :
In pursuance of an order of Juo. L. Webster,
Kej?ister iu liankruptcy of the paid district
court. ldtert May zutli. 1S79. there will he a sec
ond general meeting of the creditors of August
iieei, uHiiKi '.ipi, at uie cuy oi miaiia, county
ol Douglass and .State of Nebraska, in said diy-
tnct, on the ivjni tiny ot June, A. I). Jk7', at 4
o'ciock p. in. tti sum nay, at the ofnee ft Juo. I.
Webster, the Krister in Banrkuptcy in said
oistiicr, lorti.e purpose naim-il in section O.O'j'i
or me reevisea Maiuu-s ot the culled States.
iuiei.A.1. isatiKi'upicy.
Assignee of the Estate of August Meyer, iiank-
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of ale issued by Wm. L.
ens, cici k. oi me iMsmci uoui l wiiniii ana
for Cass Couuty. Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will on the 7th day of July, A. 1. Is79, at
2 o chick it. ai., oi saiu aay, at tne south uoor
oi tne court house id said county, sell at public
auction the following real estate, to wit : Cotn
menciii; at the soutnwest corner of lot No. one
(I), of section seventeen (17), township twelve
(12, north of range fourteen (14). east of tho
6tli P. Jf. : running thence east twenty-four
i-i nms ; ineiice nonii i nnu sixty-six nun
dredths (6 66i rods ; thence west, twentv
f(.nir(24 rods ; thence south, six and sfxty-ix
ii unu return to t-iuo.) rous. to the place ot be
ginning, containing one acre more or less ; alo
a tract commencing at a point twenty-three
rous east ot ine nonnweei corner I section
No. twenty (20). in township NX twelve (12).
north of range No. fourteen (ID. east of the c.tli
I. M. ; thence running south forty (40) rods ;
thence east, nineteen (lyj rods: thence north,
forty (40) r.nls ; thence west, nineteen (19) rods,
to the jlac of beginning, containing four and
three-fourths acres : The same being levied
upon and taken as the property of Illisiana
Mickelwait, Wlieatley .Mickelwait and Fred.
Mickelwait, defendants, to satisfy a judgment
of sa'd court, recovered by Mary Wolcott,
rialte mouth, June 4, 1870.
Ht5 t-herift Cass Co.
Estray Notice. '
Taken up by the subscriber, on Turkey creek,
near Wm. Snyder's farm in Cass Co., Neb.,
about the 15th of March. Is7'j, a brindle yearling
lull I ; white heart-shaped mark in forehead.
Th" owner must call for km tne. prove property
and pay chaiges or the animal will b- soid ac
cording to law. JOHX UAL KB.
Attachment Notice.
Samuel Kichardson v. S. 1. Madden anil Farm
ers Co-operative M inuf'g Co,v of Lyinlen,
Illinois, before A. N. Sullivac, Co. Judge,
Cass county, Nebraska.
The above-named defendant will take no
tice that the said A. N. Sullivan, Co. Judge of
said county Issued an order of attachment in
the above action, for the sum of Sio.oo, and that
paid cause is continued until the loth day of
July, at oue o'clock p. m., on said day.
May 28th, 1873. 1i13
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Wm.T. Etherldge,
deceased. In the couuty court of Cass Co..
Nebraska :
Notice is hereby given, that Kbza J. Kther
idge .administratrix of-the estate cf thesaid Wm.
T. Ktheridge, deceased, has made application
for final settlement, and that said cam-e is pet
forhcariuu rt my Office, at I'luttsniotUh, on tho
3d day of July. A. D. is"i. at one o'clock, p. m.
of said day : at which time and place, all per
sons int-ercsted may be present ami examine
said accouute. A. N. SL'LLIVAN.
Co. Judge.
Hattsnjouth, May 2S, l7i.
Sheriffs Sale.
'. Tty virtue of Xn order of sale Issued by Win. M
Wells. Clerk rif the listrtrt Court within aiui
Xir C;ws Couuty NbraKn, nnrt to nte directed
I will on tlte lftli d.iy of June. A. D. IH79. at lo
o'clock A. M., of s.ild ty, M the ontli door of
ttl Court House til alU- count y. nei fit fudllO'
Auction the follow lug real etulH. to wit: Hit
northeast quarter '4)of nertion nine ) 1'iwn
1ip No. twelve (T2: also the .snutu half of
th south h:iif (4 of - the south
er,t qdprtcr JH' of section four l, twn-
ship tweivc '17i, north : ah'in rane thirteen) l.T
cunt of the (itn P. M..'hlnB the property of thn
Vl;iititi(T. The same hclne levied upon hhd tak-.
en lis the (iropertrof 11. !.. I'ettit. dffeii.l ant,
to etisfy a judfcuieut of Hald Court, recovered
by .lohn lilaek, Plaintiff.
riaUMuoum. isei.i juar lttii. a. i.
It. Vf .1IYKKK.
Sheriff. Cn Co.. Neb.
8311 to
fllort or 00
ftiO.VIIl dtiruiji VA('tTIO. Kor full lii-uiars address J. .'. MrCI UUV t '.,
'MC;r, 111. 1114
Chroinn. Snow Make, I. nee. etc.. CARDS, rid me
in vohl. joe. J.1LIX3 i CO. Cchiixk Cor.ti. If. 7.
1 lie only eotuhination ot the true Jamaica;er Willi choice Anunatics and Kreucll
I'.iaudyjtor all Miiinmer Complaints.
tn tfi ftP.OI '"Jh iouslv invened lii-YVftli
$6 J IU CJ.UUOI (.. Us tfio Ionization (or.
substantial fortune every v cell, und pay an
iuunene percentage of pro II t. hy the New Cap-'
italiation Ny-teni of otterai ini; in Slocks. Kull
explanation on application to Adams, lirowu a
C(v, flankers, V'6 ISinad St., N. Y.
nrflD CIQ. riease write rtirlMi-giHM
UCHIl Jin. Iut rated rotalorxe of
threat Western (Jun Works, 1'lttshuig, f'.i.
A Alxni.lTKLY M Altll
"i.rru .ted n hi ; pickl.'s for )ir.
Tliirty-o: o - ta i:T-Ui t.
Coniix iVi ' uuirt l:if-st u;ou teelns our t-
on th-i turrr: 'ic bu Win.
Of All Dt'sm'iptions.
Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap f mx cash.
,Vith many thanks for past r atronae. 1 Invl
Invite all to call and examine my
40tf. I t'K.M'I'RK Ax'l COI't I
Standard Singer.
$20 Buys thin St lie.
ITew aecnts wanted H every town. Samplo
nfaclilie furnished on Mfipltcatinn. 2 t nf;
forwarJ.d wit It order, as a niiarant( e of good
faith the balance, i1. to be paid afler five
dav.' trial. Kvery machine warranted, and a
written guarantee piven with each machine to.
keep in order for two-year.. Two machines. ;
one addrcsH, ?3s ; thrvo mi chines. ; fouri
machines j70 ; live machines, special
prices on la i'e orders.
fiiii3 1-5 & 127 Clnrk M., Chicago, III.
If you want any
Fire or Ornamental Brick;'
Call on
Clothing House!
C. G. HER0LD, - Proprietor
Keeps a general large stock of
Men's, Youth's &J)oy's
and has just received the finest lot of
French and English Silk
His different styles of
Ulais 2: Gaps
are surprising, and his stock of f
Furnishing Goods I
tSIiQ wCaso Qqq&&
Isflarne enough to supply any demand.
Call and Examine the
Btb'OhE PUllCilAMXit K 1jSE I S'H l'UE.
1Iy c. o. HEKOLD.
P 2 r i G
fcxd Eli
CD 4