THE HERALD. The Night Blooming: Flowers. Call back your odors, lovely flowers. From the night-wind call I hem back. And fold your leaves till the laughing hours Come forth In the sunbeam's track The lurk lies couched In her grassy nest. And the honey-bee is gone. And all bright things are away to rest, Why watch ye here alone? Js dot your world a mournful one When your sisters close their eyes. And your soft breath meets not a lingering tone Of song In the starry skies? Take ye no joy In the day-spring's birth, When It kludles the sparks of dew, And the thousand strains of the forest's mirth, bhall they gladden all but you? Shnt your sweet bells till the fawn comes out Or the sunny turf to play. And the woodland child, with a fairy shout. Goes dancing on 1U way. Bj ATn. Human. All Sorts. The profession of architecture is run ning over full in Boston and New York. The New York Herald brings up anoth er thing against Chinamen they "do not wear pistol jockcts." Palestine is mortgaged to Baron Roths child as security for loan of 200,000,000 francs to the Turkish government. Shoemakers should be careful of their tools. One of them died in Conneticut the other day from breathing his last. A cartridge is said to have been invent ed which floats on the water, tastes good to ducks, and blows their heads off when they chew it. None of the scientists have explained why it is that a man is always the sleep iest just before the lire is built in the morning The market gardens around Paris have constantly at least two crops growing on their laud at the same time, and not fre quently harvest eight crops of vegetables of various sorts in one year, from tiie same plot. In an old barn in New York State Hor ace Greeley once wrote in pencil on a ljoard: "The whale moves with a velocity through a dense body of water that would carry him around the world in a tort night's time." At a -petroleum factory in Paris it was noticed that workmen who had bronchial or nulmonary diseases soon lost them The chemists began to enclose the oil in crelatine capsules and sell them as a rem- " . - , I ., .a euy lor coiu, aetuma ana innuendo. Parsnips contain about twice as much dry matter or real food as turnips, and this of a suiierior quality. Carrots, again contain about as much dry substance as mangolds, but are richer in sugar and of better feeding quality. Delaware men occasionally have do mostic troubles, like other folks. One was lately observed at the grave of his wife's former husband, weeping and ex claiming to the deceased: "Ah, why did you diet all, why did you die! ' Among the measures passed by the Illi nois Senate is a bill declaring the mar riage of first cousins incestuous and void. Physiology and kindred sciences seem to warrant the enactment of a measure that so closely concerns the prosperity of the race. "Temperance puts wood on tire, meal in the barrel, flower in the tub, money in the purse, credit in the country, vigor in the body, contentment in the house, clothes on the barins, .intelligence in the brain and spirit m the constitution. JJenj, franklin. 'Whcre'vc you been these two or three years tn recently asked a Connecticut man of a jovial old friend whom he met ou the streets. "I ve been in the wliaung uusi ness." was the reply. "You have!" 'Yes out West teaching school," ex plained the returned wanderer. A North Side loy, coming into the par lor where his father cat witii the company recently, somewhat demoralized the con veiation which his paternal was carrying on by a simple little rcmar. about as toi- lows: "Supper'll be ready purty soon, I guess, now ma's got the wood chopped." "Do you really believe that an ass ever spoke to Balaam?' queried a man who - i.. i i.: ir i.: . u i..:.i -.. pnucti uiiiiscu uu ins luicucvi. iuici mt, to whom the question was put, reflected veiy calmly for a few moments and then responded, "My friend, 1 have no doubt that the story is true. I have been spok en to in the same way myself." The Massachusetts House passed a Civ il Damage Liquor law, providing that, if damages to projcrty are done by intoxi cated iersons, damages may be recovered from the owner of the building where the liquor is sold in whole or in part causing intoxication, and the owner ot" the build ing to recover from the tenant, if desired. Rev. Dr. Earp, pastor of Tiinity Epis copal Church, ut Little Washington, 1'a., preached a very fine sermon during a visit to Washington. But some mean and das tardly book-worm made the discovery that the sermon had been written and de livered at Brighton, Eng., in lS53,byRev. Frederick W. Robertson. "Egg-eating matches" have been intro duced in the New England states. At Fall River, Mass., two men eat a dozen eggs each placed before them, and the question to be decided was w hich could break and swallow his dozen in the short er time. The contest resulted in a tie, both men having achieved the feat in forty-two seconds. Artificial flowers called barometers are being now exhibited in a number of Pari sian opticians' shops. They are colored with a material composed of chloride of cobalt When exposed to sun and dry air, the leaves become deep blue; when the air is saturated with moisture they be come pinky. All the intermediate shades are easily observed. "Now, children," said a Sunday-school BUDCiiutendent, w ho had been talking to Jii scholars about good people and bad jKOple, "when Im walking in the street I speak to some persons I meet, and I don't &pcak to others, and what's the reason?" He expected the reply would be, "Because some are good and others are bad ;" but to bis discomfiture, the general shout was, "Because some are rich and others arc po-r." The ingenuity of the slave mother ia getting her little boy to run on the way to freedom by throwing a ball forward for iim to get, has been surpassed by that of a French governess, whose employer, a very proper lady, said to her, "I am shocked to find that my daughter has been receiving letters in French from a young man." Governess ''Pardon, niadame ; it is only my little ruse to cheat mam'sclle into study. When she w ould reply to un unknown lover a Frenchman mon Diea Low quickly she will learn my language !" This is the way in which a Louisville girl disjoscs of a young man, according to the Courier-Journal. SIio says. Too have asked me pointedly if I can marry you, and I have answered you pointedly that I can. I can marry a man whs makes love to a different girl every month. I can marry a man whose mam occupation seems t6 be to join in a gauntlet in front of churches and theaters, and comment audibly upon the people who are com pelled to pass through it. I can marry a man whose only sup()ort is an aged fath er. I can marry a man who boasts that any girl can be won with the help of a good tailor and an expert tongue. I ca inarry such a man but I wont!" A schoolmistress, while taking down the names and ng-es of her pupils, and the names of their parents, at the beginning of the term, asked one little fellow: "What's your father's name?" "Oh, you needn't take down his name; he is too old to go to school to a woman," was the reply. Before marriage "Oh, my darling, your voice is as musical to me as a vesper bell whose tones fall softly on the per fumed evening air! Speak again, ami Bay those words, my beloved, for I could listen to your voice unin me stars arc ex tinguished in everlasting night!" After marriage "I've had just enough of your clapper, old woman, and if you don't let up I'll leave the house." The number of men actually engaged In fishing in the four provinces of No va Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario, is 42,000. It is estimated that alxut 200,000 persons are supported by the various branches of this industry on the shores of those provinces. One tliou sanu decked vessels are employed in this British North Amerif an fishery, and 17, 000 open lxats. When a farmer picks up a home paper and sees every reliable business firm rep resented in its columns by good, healthy advertisements, he says to himself at once, "that is a business place; the mer chants are energetic, wide-awake and up to the times; they are trying to build up their town and enhance, the interests of the surrounding country. They deserve a little patronage and they shall have mine." Brenham county, Texas, is agitated ov er the hog question. A colored orator spoke as follows, a few nights ago, on the proiKsed new hog law : "De law 'quiriu' jiepul tu keep up dar hogs am mos' on jest an' oppressive; raisin' a few hogs am de only way jwre folks kin git dar meat; ef de hog law am kep up how am de wim min an' chilun to git any meat to eat while dar husbands is in de penumten shurry?" Dr. Draper thinks that stupid people may as well stop eating quantities of fish for the purpose of repairing the deficien cies of nature, for it won't make them in tellectual. In brief, fish doesn't contain an excess of phosphorus, and when dead fish Shine as bright As the sun at n'glit, it positively isn't owing to the presence of phosphorus, but to the oxidation of car bon. Mme. C, has a great deal of trouble with her sewing girls. The other day one of them came to her to say, "Madame, I fear that I will not be able to work much longer, I think I am getting blind." "Why, how isihat, you seem to get along Fretty well with your work!" "Yes, but can no longer see any meat on my plate at dinner. Mme. C understood, and the next day the youug ladies were served with very large but very thin pieces of meat. "What happiness!" exclaimed our Miss. My sight has come back. I can see now better .than ever." "How is that, Mademoiselle?" "Why at this moment I can see the plate through the meat." A lawyer, the other day, ugly as sin and famous lor his big nose, was engaged in resisting a decree of divorceon the ground that the husband had been pardoned and been reconciled to his wile. After the manner cf some lawyers he spoke of "I" and "me," instead of "my client." Warm ing up to the occasion, he said: "You have pretended that you never granted me a reconciliation or iiardon. What, then, is the meaning of this letter that you wrote me on the 15th of December, and wliich concludes with these words. 'Id like even to kiss that pretty nose of yours r" Hie loud laugh made him look round, and stopped the flow of his eloquence. Camelia Culture. Camelias are easily grown, and flower abundantly if in good health; but like most hard-wooded plants, if allowed to get into bad health, they require nursing to restore them into a growing and flour ishing condition again. A good turfy loam is the most suitable soil lor them, nnJ when jotting, give plenty of drain age to allow the water to pass freely off, as stagnant water about their roots very soon destroys them. .Sometime after be ing re-potted they should be kept in a close moist atmosphere, which induces them to make fresh roots. Plenty of good, fresh roots are what have to be secured be foie healthy foilago and good growths can be attained. To mature their wood and buds, they may be set out doors in the summer months, in some shady position, plunging the jKts in coal ashes or some loose material, to prevent too rapid evaporation, and to keep the roots in more even temperature than they excrience when fully exposed. When taken into the house in the fall, they should have plenty of air for several weeks, as sudden changes of temperature is liable to make them drop their buds. Care should be taken that plenty of water be supplied them at the roots dur ing their season of growth. In fact, at no period should they be allowed to get very dry. Keep the leaves well sponged, as cleanliness greatly assists in keeping them healthy. GE01IGE EDGEItTON. Wines, Liquors AND OIQ-ARS. AY THE OLD SENATE STAND Main Street, opposite the Court Home. This place Is just opened, new, good goods of all kinds. We want to keep a good houe and please our customer?. REMEMBER THIS. Olv. JOHN SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABIaE, Carriages always on Hand, AN1 HEARSE FUNERALS. TAKE NOTICE! and I sliali do no more credit bUMues. All ohi accounts must le settled up. and no new ones will be made. I'nleM such accounts are settled shortly they will le rwd. 1 wish to uo aswicuy casn uusiness ih huh re. JOHN SHANNON 461 y i'lattsmouth. Neb, LOUISVILLE MILLS, A. H. Jackman & Sons. pnomiETOBS. Manufacturers of Flour, Meal, ETC, AND Shippers of Grain. pySneclal attention Riven to all kinds of Cus tom (riniUiig. LOUISVILLE. CASS COUNTY, NEBBASKA 5t( SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE For CATARRH A purely vegetable distillation entirely unlike all other remedies. I IT th preparation of thla remarkabla remedy evrr? herb, pi nut, and bark Is aoblecled to dls tllUtton, whereby the essential medical principle) U obtained ia Tapor, condensed and bottled. W&at remains In the still Is Inert, valueless, and totally Unlit lor u" tn an organism so delicate as the nasal p.uufEcn. Ttail snufis sre Insoluble compounds of wood fibre ; all line tax as, sataratsd solutions. SAIiFORD'S RADICAL CURE It a local and constitutional remedy, and Is applied to the uaal passages by Insinuation, thus allaying bifiammatlon ana pain and at once correctlnjr, cleansing, and purifying the secretions. Internally administered, it acts upon the organs or circulation, keeps tbo skin moist, and neutralizes the acid poison thst has found Its way Into the stomach and thenco Into the blood. Thus a ear progresses ui both directions, and It doe not teem possible for he man ingenuity to deTlao a mora rational treat menu stntrKisrxa cuke. GtntUmtn. Abont twelre rears ago, white travelling with Father Kemp's Old Folks Concert Troupe as a tenor sinuer, I took serere cold and was laid np at Newark, M.J. Thla cold brought oa severe attack of Catarrh, which I battled wltH very known remedy for four weeks without avail, ud waa finally obliged to glre nn a most desirable position and rolura home, unable to sing note. For three years altcrwarda I was nnable to sing at alL The first attack of Catarrh had left nir nasalor s-ana and throat SO sensitive that tbe slightest cold would brine oa a fr th at'ack, leaving me pros, tratcd. Ia this way I continued loeuCer. The lost attack, the seven. t I ever had, was terrible. I suf fered the most excrm la-lng pain la my bead, was so hoarse aa to be scarcely able to apeak, and coniched Incessantly. I thought I was going Into quick consumption, and I firmly believe that bad tliine eymptoma continued without relief they would have rendered me sn er.ty victim. When In this distressing condition, I commenced the use of SAxroKD'e Radical Cos ma Catabsb. very reluctantly. I coinw., as I had trl. d all the adver tlpidr -inoul s without b neflt. The first dose of this wonderful medicine gave me the greatest relict. It is bard'y possible for one whoe head aches, eye ache, a ho can srarccly anlculate distinctly on ac count Pf the choking accumulations In bis throat, to realize how much relief 1 obtained from the first eppllentlon of Sajifobd's P.adici. Cr. Under ltd Influence, both internal and external, 1 rapidly recovered, and by an occasional oo of tbe remedy since, have been emlrrly fxeo fzvro. Ctilftirh, for the first timo la twelve years. Uc.puctft'ly yours. GKO. W. HOLBROOK. TTalth tx, Mass.. Jan. 8. 1S78. P.P. I pur--hM-t t o i:pioai. eras of GEO. H. JUMiiUS. Liruiig 1st. KmufurU Building. Each package contains Dr. Panford's Improved Inbalua Tube, lib lull directions fur una la all cases. Price, 1.00. For sale by all Wholesale and Ketall Druggists throughout t'.ia United States and Csoadns. VEFKS A l'OTTER. General Agent and Wholesale Druptclst. Boston, Moss. VOLTAIC PLASTER An Electro-Galvanlo Battery combined with highly Medicated Platter con taining the choicest medicinal Gums and Balsam known ta modern Phar macy. These Ttasrers have now been before the publia tor two yuars, and. notwithstanding tbe Immense number of remedies In the form of liniments, lo tlons, pain-cure rs, and ordinary plasters, they heve steadily increased In aale and met with universal approval, as evidenced by over one thousand un solicited testimonials In our possession. Many re n.arkable cases have been certified to by well known citizens In all parts of the United States, copies or which will be sent free of charge to any one ilesirlnK tneiu. Improvements, la many ways, have been made, aa suggested by experience and use, until It Is believed that they are no w perfect In every respect, and (As best plaittr tn lAs world of metlidnt. Ail we ask from every sufferer lathe land la a single trial. Tbe price Is 25 cent, although the cost Is double t lat cf any other plaster. But, notwithstanding the efforts of tbe proprietors to maketbe best plaster In tbe world for the least money, any similar remedy can be bought, num bers of unscrupulous dealers will be found ready to misrepresent them for !. motive and endeavor to substitute other. If you ask fur COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER Have It If you have to send to us for It. Sold by al wholesale and Retail Druggist throughout the United Btatea and Canada, and by ntlit l'OTTEa, Proprietors, Boston, Mass. CO s O 19- U 09 Eh O frl J5 rag a - CO o CD CO ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm and other machinery, as tllere la a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAUEN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wagon shop. He is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Xew Wagous and Ituesien made to Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop on Sixtlistreet opposite Streight's Stable W. D. JONES' Again takes the Brick Livery Stable PLATTSMGUTII, NEBRASKA The old Iionner Stable. In I'lattsmouth. rw now leased by Wm. 1. JON KS. and he has on hand new and handsome accommodations, ia tliw shape of HORDES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and SADDLE HORSES. I am prepared to keep HOUSES FOR SALE g TRADE! And will Train and Break Colts On Reasonable Terms. ALSO REMEMBER, That with plenty of room Cthat everv one knows I have) in my stable. 1 can get Farmers' etocK ana waonx, loaas or nay, ens., under cov er, where they will keep dry. Thanking all my old patrons for their liberal ity. I solicit their trade for the future, satisfied that I can accommodate them better and do better by them than ever before. Syl WM,.P. JONES. P.10F. HARRIS RADICAL CURE r02 SPEEXATTOEHCEA. tai it;- "GEEV33MAL. PASTILLE1" A VhiTt.l Picoto a t Iw lft-pcrtuic in Mr It truce, cm en1irrl 2i-w a tit ritirff1 fte t ire nrnnrty lir rbepcJ atirl prt msirrtit Cur Ol be minii. Fmiion & Impotency hr tbe only tru wry, vie: Ihifct Arr!srat:cm lo the nrtit rSW Trad Mark. Seat of 1-ie lieae. acting b AborpttPia- ai d -r-n; tt p-ii'ic tfflu-nr on the t cminal A ea elea Kjr.o ul .torv Duct, rot- ate b ii.dnil CrrtXna. The wk etihe. Bemetly aitc--ilw wnth no pain c-r icutrrn:cae. it i e,'culy dioNrU anil pHn pliort-ed. pr-r!r tig an l&i medial aoottunff and rcatoratire cUVct upon the -vx-nai mtX Monro u orani&atin reeked I;wiu rH-mUu ad exec", tnop;Mric the drain tram tVe y 1eni. rettr Ir.r''-mi 111 t Uealtli at:d Round n nirry, iv ming Cie UiRincbS of Sight. Kcr?i:- Febi.-.ty, Couftiaicn cfli-n. Avraion toSoc'df. o.E:c.aKil f prematura old rrjft i.tri!y n-'niapai.r inia trtMih-e. and reetitriMC erf. r Pexul ViffOr. where it hr Ivcn flo'maRt tuTTfara, Thi- moie ot treaiateat haa tod Ihef-wtin eery veverd tnw-i. ind I now a pronourarti nirccsa. D"usa aroltH rwh prcrilHl tn tSere truiiea. ami, a many can tyar lo. with hiit irt it am .r mnnetit Cw)'J. t Nonaent ahtt tl.ig rreara" lian, IVjcltcal p!H'w:io e-leu to fiive!y jriiaran tc that It aill fr? aatiafact on. Dv.rirj the aight yarsrhat it h a.-en tn p-n-til ac. r havi t!.uaiitJs vt finaifila a t ita value, end f. it tow cor re sl ed by the Medical Infe t re the tvt rational mean yet dUcoverci ot rra-i-t and et-rin tlii very pr-e. alent trouble, that it well a::ov.nt-bo ;he f aue ,t umoLU vu44rytoao innny, and uri hni Quncka prey whh their neiea no'.rtins and Li for.;.1hr He:i dv i put MB ia a neat b-x, emajU t lnt a t-tor . h. ard Kent it a plain wrpi.r by miU a-aied f--r : 3. T o b-tM. f 4tittt-tt.t tc rflV-ta permanekt fur iml- i ? eeere cave) 5 -Titrre bova Ueting ihr.j tvl amr.tH i I t-a n arc.. re'ora vjor. in tX wo? t eea. 7- Pull DLEECXlOIia for vain ? will aorcipor.y EACA I-03C. S inusTtration, hich wUI euttuiura (he mol m-. ntirnl end rr a leeriptive ramp:ih-t riving AnamiCsr: U tiat th-y caa be renftrr.! tat perfect man:MMd, and 4 n:ted forrte uutiee f V-X t-ct- a' it new nT-cten Seat Scaled for -Urn a to isron. 8o:dO?r T bv tla HARRIS REMEDY CO. Kr'G.CHEMISTS Ijlarfcet and gth. Sis. ST. LOUIS 0 Ifff1 5? A large, new and complete Outdo to a3 other. t:ie tiii.wtiiz eha:trt wfljSis etmpiei:t WoiiianiKid, vieciin a i VaaiawM i ii mm Ti'iii tTideic ot Virginity. Tc ft T?.! lfi I.TM!J peraineiitf.eoiitpat blcan.l incurniMKi- fiW araa VlW-1 b"i Merility iu women, cause and ti-.4i:.t.w.., A.v.. to br:drotiu. Advice to husband-. A'lvi- to wire. lrot:ititi', i:a reaea, Cclebacy ana J r-inony coitipartd, Ccnisfal drttie. Cncrp:inti, Cn-f..t-m:t. L0V9 and CounU:p, ) Mipetliment u Marriaga, iu male and tMn:, Scirnc M IliM'niuelu.a. Stn-le life r Law ol Martia, 1 jiw tjf Dirorce, Icafrighta rf nri.l vr.tiaru. e C. int lu'lJii? Li-3ra peculiar ftr 7am;i. their muvi and tnmliitent. A bok fr orirata -! rrMi.-b'ra:ertaj:n ut 3-0 paif Vita fuii i'iaia iut - inn. i, n-aicj i-r c'J ec;. on Pjrhilie, tionrrhoB.v bii-et, stricture, V ar1oec1, . 3., r vtx portnatorhcra-Sexual IX.bnity.aiid Ira T"tr?iv7. ftMy.- t-abuan aiil h.xcva.. rarttiuc S-iiii:iavl J mih --!, N- rounea. Avrron to Sociry,lnfiiKM of J&. 1 .rum! friiT, Jtnineof ai'it. Ueteehvc iklruvorr. lta t iiOaal I'uw t, axe. maktii? Uiarrtnire taipropcr cr aihei'i;. r:rirz treatment, and a c-rat nukttv va'-uaMe ro-eipft f r V9 cu:e tf all pi irate UvJ ; aauA aa,:r.l A rlv ! a lriro ea ?Tanhoo4 at.U Vcm.-.nhfwt. eentat ae a'l t.ira in rue ricc'r betind Twlttne, $1. 1 Sty e:.ttiu i. h pa-a ana ott iwu llluoTrntioca, atuoracirg mrmry- much that ta i-vt p:ibuS d in another work,. T Lined volume ia poi;:vriy the bt rupular McdUi.1 f. ihi.whra, end 1-tiMtediMat.ificd ar-r gei.swijc it ran hare iinr miitiry rci.;na-n. 'i Autacr is an experienced! l tiyticmn ri many year practice, (At is ano.) and t'e advice rieen. and lines for treatment Utd dnvn. will I ftund of ;rf-t t!ne (a time a!il rit 2 fnm impurities of Uie rt in, ear'y rrorw.'t Tipvr, or ay t the uamer r-a troubite cemii.g under the bead af Privai" or " Chrome" diasaea. Setttln eTHme, or complete in one, for Jiice in &tamp, bi.vcr or Cnrrency. fCon.uU tx:ion euBlsdaiUiaU aud utters r-a p-mp'y mnA trunk :y answeri witfont rnare. Adorvtai Lt, out:' Uip?n 3ry, laN.bih St., ft. Lota, Mo. atblishedl817.J i.. For sale by News Dealers. AGENTS wantod. m i-iv in.. j a mTiira m prrris artTrnr rrrn B K!.iT;iTK !. d a'rn tU.r i.une aud a-Mraa, ) V a.-d ltreby ann ainihiua: to tUte Inrti lha. L.iX advaatao. -tOt a Truaa, 'v vi i ierri Piivaie Hospital. Kt S.CUrk St.,C htca, Private, Lb rente and Female Diaeaaea. Conaaltatioa free. LsMUaa aad Oeatle nva, aead ad deihtr Bnr aaaiplee ef best ri.btr road aad valuable ialiarmatfoa be express. IleJIa bha K saaie Pills. t$ par box. Private borne and nurse for Ladies during cob Sn anient. A aew wrk. price a9 aents dt maiu aivste ties of'Kaiure, Phvsi. olosry of Marriage. Or gan er Garstita. Disease of Yauth aad alanhood; a wealth ot chelce aat valuable In rnrmatiott. of Interest Co bath sesae. Nothing effeastve to good taste aad refinement. Infor mation never before publi-hed. No family noma ne witaoet it, (TA4dreas. Dr. A. O, OL1N. ICS lark St. and MRrnir.h.ii lutrlj and .;4il3f cwea. 1 .10 lrs. No publiritr. ScdJ tlimi tor roll partirulara. Dr Carltoa, aUS 3. Clark bt, Cbicacs, ut. DYKES' BEARD ELIXIR w) IbhbU assSM M frsaruWu, IMS . UwklUsWMwisiftst4wrf.t. H. I ajwrr s.sU a.viid Mliri i . m swtnal.ul saiaw a, ranw atil M-w.Fa ;tm. llaf Sia. L. L. SKITi w V.SsasAj aay rawtia,,. in. tUwiISMlM4 MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, HORSE MIOKINU WAGON' KErAIIUNU AH kinds of FAi:M IMPLEilENTS mended Neutly dr Promptly :0: Horse, 3Iulc& OxSliooinc:, In short, we'll shoe anything that liar lour leet, from ;i Zebra to a UiraiTe Come and see us. JSTETW" SHOP, on Fifth St between Main ar.d Vine Streets. Just aeros? corner from the f.w IIKKAI r OFKICK. toy KEEN AN & GRACE. Eeiail Linnor Dealers. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. PLATTSMOUTII - - XEB aiso jiiiuani nail anil .Saloon on Main street, four doors from Sixth at .Nevilles old place. Store and saloon on Main St. two doors east of the Post office. BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, ALES WINES, d-C AT BOTH PLACES. Remember Tle Xante and 1'Inre. 24Iy Keenan & Grace. Blew .34oi?e FACTORYVILLE! J. V. Anderson, Dealer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NO TIONS, HATS awl CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, Hardware and (ucensware. TIIK UK. II KMT 9Iarkct I'rlce 1'altl Tor BUTTER and EGGS. We Sell Goods At BED ROCK Figures. Come one. Com all, and see for yourselves. 4m3 LANDLAND! BEST FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, FOU SALE BV 3. EHo. 1L. Hu. IX XEBRANKA. Great Advantages to Buyers IN 1S77. Ten Tears Credit at 6 per cent Interest. Six Tears Credit at 6 per cent Interest, and 20 per cent Disc-ount. Ofer Liberal IHaeonnf it For Oash Rtiebatei. on Karen and Frelfflits, - and Frrmlams for Improve rnent. atsiiipiuv maiiu mirr, .-.rjiKxiiiitig mil OlHJ- uiarswillbc! mailed frre t any part ot the WUllU .! Ill 'M ii.u if in i LAND COMMISSIONER, B. & M. R. R. LlXt-OKK NRBUASKA. OPIUM and MorTnlr liatbltiU'TnusfksstiliT bsrtvU avUUIlB) far pavrtrq)sr. J. Csklto-i. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE HISTORYopihbWORLD 0PURI1 m u' 11 M'Wa WIT TfOORNITURE DEALER K Omaha, Nebraska. TFfoe tDIdest Furniture Establishment m They Invite Everybody Visiting Omaha, to Call and Examine their Large Stock. m-187 FAR NAM STREET, IFcdd0 ImsjpecBTJificiDini The Largest and most Complete STOCK of Dry Goods, Millinery and Clothing- ever placed before the luminous orbs of our many Patrons. Izi Bress Goods. AVe introduce all the LATEST FABRICS of the season. Our 10, 12;2 15 18. 20, 23 ami 25 cent Drss Ooods are well wortliv of vour inspection. Also, i fall line of WHITE GOODS. DRESS' LINENS, TWO-TONED RIBBONS, LACES, RUCHES, CASHMERES, ZEPHYR and SPRING SUA WLS, and couutless articles impossible to mention iu detail. Our Millinery Department Embraces all the Latest Novelties in LEGHORN PLATA. FRENCH CHIP and STRA W GOODS. Our SILK TURBANS and PATTERN HATS are the admiration of ever- one. We also show 1,000 trimmed hats from SI up. AND AND FURNISHING GOODS. The only house in the city that carries a clean Fresh Stock of Goods of latest styles and fabrics known of the season. Gentlemen Will find here displayed a fine line of Furnishing goods that cannot fail to command their attention and patronage. Suits from 6.00 up We have tho best assortment of TRUNKS & VALISES, To bo found. :-"Call and compare our Goods and Prices, and vou will receive the benefits derived therefrom. SOLOMON & NATHAN. THE CELEBRATED Dexter, Dexter King and Dexter Queen CARRIAGE SPRINGS, Are Unsurpassed for Easy Many Thousands Now in Use. Send for Circular Giving Price and Full Description to BETTER SPRING GQ . Near Pittsburg. and Saarg Riding, Durability, and Beauty UULTOX, PA. 4 m - .?"' ' Great Reduction in Boots & Shoes I 20 to 25 Per Cent. X,0"WEI TECJIsr LAST "y "F1 A T?, : Mfns' IMnce? Alhort " lasting Buckle " " CniigreMH " Base Ball Sluws " Two-Buckle How Shops Genuine Hand Sewed Ties Haud Sewed Alexis Ladies SUppein. Hi alf Shoes l'ebble Goat, bide Lace " KID. " " " French Button 3.50 ' " ' Goat, Button, (worked button-hole) 2.00 ' " EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. PETEB MERGES: SPRING IS COMING! EssQ 3ES.ISZ ESIFS tS Agricultural Implement, From a Threshing Machine to a Hoe AND WAY DOWN CHEAP. 31 r- real The King of Plow Sellers. Corner 3d and Main Streets, plattsmiotjth:, ilsfzeib. IS READY TO TALK TO TIIE FARMERS OX Seedlea anael Stalk (DnBftca's (Dora Planters, twtow."1 StES'Hiag Plows, Shovels, Hoes, Spades, and Hand-rakes, FARM WaOEIS, Buggle ana SprlnG Wagons. All kinds of HARVESTING Machines, Mo wers, Reapers & Headers, Vibrator Threshers, KmLi SlFSgF&u if. So wain has come home. And he has brought the finest line of Dress Goods, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and N otionsyou ever saw. ie hj tlie acre5Ibt annd lie till yoti caaa9i aest lBiit mid cap till Spring and Summer Goods eyer and ever so cheap Now is your chanco bound to sell and undersell anybody. Hurry up. I want to go Eattt again next month. .Are yon going; to IFalzit? THE BEST I2T THE WORLD IS THE Clhiemical Paint HA.HVrA.CTVKED UT .- Geo. W. Pitkin & Co., 8to3 for Sample Cards aod Price lists. SS & 87 HiTIeI Slrerf, CH2 H . THEBES T SOLD BY S1500.0Q, BEVARE NOTICE our cel.. "SCALERS FOR PARTICULARS WhiteSewing Machine Lwm PETEK MERGES. Q .SI oo . l.r . l.'J.S . 1.25 . 1.00 . 2.50 . 4.50 Last Year. $1.2 ' ' 1.75 v 1.7 " " 1.75 " 1.40 " " 3.50 S .05 1.R5 2.40 6.00 3.7 1.85 1.K5 3Ea003K. 3HE2ELI3 -o- w SO SIMPLE -''In .i.U)' . m " NUMBERS N Li rA L. - SBBr . ar j aho Otffzf. r fA CEPLA T E. HSlf . f '.ir. i-'i- .ii : m (7s T (TllPTiTl fPF 9 W1 1 "TWWjirB5HU"- Mv" ADORES S I Co.'1 Cleveland, ohio.