Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, June 05, 1879, Image 3

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    TH E 11 R HAL I).
"Wide Awake!
Keep WMe Awake!
--At Fitzgerald Hall to-night.
Be sure ami see Wide Awake! -
Kerf.ember the dance to-night.
)ancel after the theatre, to-night.
Better you dance a leedle, don't id ?
-Californiaand prekd peaches at
Did we hear Hying rumors of a
wedding soon ?
Thoso Ladies fine Opera Shawls
at Gutluoan & Weekbach's. 1
Those dogs with the Wide Awakes
are a marvel. Co and see them.
White (loods and Embroideries of
eil kinds at llaldaner & Ilerrcaanu's. 1
The prospects are that we shall
hTe a regular boat line this summer.
Straw huts from 10 cents apiece
upwards at (Juth:ii:m & Weckhath's. 1
Are jou going to "trip the light
fantastic" to-night V
Vermont Maple Syrup, warranted
pure, at Guthman Si Wtckbach's. lltl
Fred Kroehler is fixing up Tailor
Thomas' old place for a lutch?r shop.
Ten dozen Iron Clad Overalls, at
Wescott & Powell's, beats all how they
sell. 1
Greenwood Notes unavoidably
crowded out this week.
Large assortment of Ladies' Linen
Suits, Parasols and Fans at Mald iner
fc Herrmann's. It
We call attention to Sup't Martin
dale's notice of a Teachers Institute in
another column.
A full line of Dry Goods and No
tions at prices to suit the times at
Guthman & Weckbach'n. lltl
Flying clouds of Pinafore still
abound ; the storm will either gather
to a focus or scatter soon.
Wescott & Powell sell Sterling
Shirts because they lit " shvist like der
baper on der vail." 1
Mr. Peterson, of Louisville, was
taken to the insane asylum by Sheriff
11 ei s I.u-t week.
Christol.the Graeco-Uoman Wrest
ler, has got to Kansas City ai.d been
vanquished there.
Terrible racket down at Wescolt
& Powell's, they sell Clothing cheaper
than anybody's Son. It
Mrs. Wittenmyer will hold a chil
dren's Mass meeting Sabbath afternoon
in the M. F. Church.
Mr. Mathews is finishing a very
neat new dwelling house on the foun
dation of the old sti re.
Walter White, Fsqr., and our old
friend Mr. Picu-e have been putting
up some good bridges near Weeping
Pleasant llidge Notes came too
late, the paper was already running
fiNer :isd they had to be put aside for
next week.
Mr. Wheeler had two of the large
tret..- in his van! removed week before
last Jt was a difficult task, but a
great improvement.
The Silver Helicon Dir.d will
give a grand Ball on July 4th, the pro
ceeds to be used for purchasing uni
forms All aie iuvited. 1U3
Plattsmouth has at last got the
Pinafore fever, got it bad. How it
may affect the price of wheat- and gov't
bonds we are not yet informed.
Mr. Stone is building .i neat little
residence ou Ui-zh School Hill. It goes
up so rapidly not many days will elapse
before it is ready for occupancy.
Fred Goos has purchased the "City
Hotel" and is putting an addition
thereto for a a regular "jam up" good
Hotel. Oar Gaosie) hangs high.
We hear that Mr. Woaley is build
ing a residence in town somewhere,
but wa can't tind where it is, nor who
it is going to hold w'uea its done.
Where's Thompson of the Sentin
el We saw a mustache and some
clothes the other day and John Boone
was selling hair lively last week.
Phil Harrison tells us he had new
potatoes from his own garden on Sun
day last, June 1st, ten days earlier
than last year. That's rushing things.
The Juvenile Templars will meet
at the hall of the Good Templars and
Temple of Honor, Saturday, June 7th,
at 3 p. m. A full attendance is re
quested. A fine and large selection of new
Millinery Goods received at Miss Sage's
Store this day, for the next few
weeks will sell at reduced prices.
M. A. Saok, Ashland.
Gov. Nance has appointed W. L.
May, of Dodge Co., Dr. II. II. Livingston,
of Cass county, and H. K. Kaley, of
Webster county. Fish Commissioners
for Nebraska. Mr. May is apiointed
Chairman. Journal.
A small boy was looking for the
Editor of the " Sentinel" the other day
with a prodigious bouquet of flaming
Peonies and native grasses: another
presentation notice is in order, from
some "maiden fair to see."
Tom Grey, horse driving man at
Omaha, is about the happiest man in
America since the races. He was en
abled to drive Moilie Mac and make
her trot, she even won a race. When
Tom brought her on the track at Lin
coln every one said he ought to bo
ruled off, the mare was unmanageable,
&.C.; but Tom made her trot and trot
for money, too. She always had feet
enough if she would u-se them straight
E. B. Lewis went to Chicago last
week on " Mall" business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barnes started
for Chicago the first of the week.
the Canfield House at Omaha is
looming up. All the boys stop there '
We saw Prof. Love, smiling we
mean laagbing and growing fat at
Omaha, last week.
Col. Tuxbury, of Neb. City, lately
married a Mrs. Duffield and is spending
the honeymoon at Hamburg, Iowa.
Messrs. Willie Hull, and Chas. Mess
more, from Grand Rapids, Mich., neph
ews of Mrs. It. Vivian, are visiting
their relatives here.
Mr. Geo. Mitchell and Master Char
ley Parmele took passage on the steam
boat E. II. Durfee, one for Sedalia, the
other for Kansas City.
Timothy Clark, Esq., former County
Commissioner called yesterday. Mr
Clark is extensively engaged iu breed
ing pure swine these days
Ebon C. Ingersoll, a brother of Col.
" Bob" Ingersoll died very suddenly at
Washington, D. C, of heart disease.
May 31st. He was a lawyer of promi
nence with a very large following of
personal friends.
'" Gerrans Boy" has a letter in the
Jourmal about Plattsmout i pretty
good boy, too. Little red-headed and
freckled (as Billy Arlington says) but
a good boy is Ed.
Cap't Palmer and his son George
left for Baraboo, Wis., on TuesJay to
attend the funeral of his father, of
whose sudden death he that day re
ceived a telegram.
Dr. Butler called on Monday last
and paid his respects to the IIeralp.
Leaving orders to have a copy sent to
Mrs. Butler in Painesville, Ohio, where
she has gone to spend the summer. Dr.
Butler will spend the summer in Grand
Mr. Drummond, having completed
his school term at Fremont has come
down to Plattsmouth to spend a part
of his vacation among his friends here.
The Hekald bids him welcome al
though he has not called to greet it
yet. but then its old, and younger fa
ces have greater charms.
Mr. J. Vanco Lewis of Washington,
D. C, a brother-in-law of Wes. Mont
gomery, and who resided in Platts
mouth some ten years ag arrived on
Friday morning last with his wife
and children for a visit of some weeks
here, and then contemplaxes a trip to
D?adwood. Leadville, and the great
mining cities of the west.
Rev. II. St. George Young, formerly
rector of St. Luke's parish, this city,
slopped here for a few days last week
and the fust of this, ou his return fiom
New Ysrk state where he has been to
take unto himself wife, w ho accom
panied him. We extend congratula
tions to Mr. Young on the happy event.
He will take his little girl who has been
resi ling with Mr. an I Mrs. (). F. John
son, with him to his home at the San
Lee Sioux Agency.
Dr. Clutter has removed his Den
tist's office u the front rooms over Sol
oinan & Nathan's Store. He is arrang
ing a suite of rooms in style, and the
same will be appreciated by his many
palien s. Call an I see lha Dr. anyway
Mrs. Fitzgerald, an old lady resi
dent of PlattMQouth, was at ths Cap
itol yesterday, asking Gov. Nancj to
pardon her sou who has recently been
convicted of manslaughter, and sent
to the penitentiary for ten years
Journal. Ashley, the painter, has finished
painting the Wheeler fence that Tuck
er built, and it is acknowledged to be
the best fence in the country. If any
body wants a handsome picket fence
now, just see Tucker to build it and
Ashley to paint it.
Several parties are making up a
sort of rag-mutlia procession, headed
by the Plattsmouth S'lver Band, to
meet and escort the excursionists from
Omaha on the 4th to the " 49." Come
out boys with your old clothes, and a
ridin' on a mule or something.
Rattle away, Philander Doesticks,
we'll give place for your rattling when
ever we have room, with pleasure, but
our correspondents are getting so nu
merous they will have to begin to
study conciseness or we shall not have
room for all, and we don't want to lose
You can buy carpets just as cheap
(freight only added), of Orchard &
Bean, Omaha's leading carpet house,
as if you lived in Omaha. Largest
stock in tho West. Perfect satisfac
tion guaranteed. In ordering by mail,
state color, quality, material and price,
and free samples will bo furnished. 1U2
-The Employees of the B. & M.
shops cannot be blamed for complain
ing of bad ventilation in tho black
smith department. The same being so
poor that the building is almost con
tinually filled with gas and smoke
from the forges. It makes some of
the boys look somewhat thiu and pale.
Eight Mammoth Show Cases are
down to the Depot for Dr. G. B. Chap
man, waiting to be shipped farther
west, as soon as the Dr. is ready to go.
There are four long counter cases, and
four top cases that are to be placed on
top ef the others. We will probably
know where he has located by next
We received a communication
from our Leadville correspondent bui,
having to reserve some f our space
for home news we shall be obliged to
lay it over for next week, no also
sends an illustration of a miner with
his pack uiules hunting a spot to
sink a shaft, but as our engraver has
not yet arrived we shall have to defer
giving it to our readers until we
isstie our illustrated edition.
Fourth of July.
The Emmett Monument Associa
tion of Omaha, kave, through P. B.
Murphy, secured the use of Fitzgerald's
40," to hold a grand celebration on
the 4th of July. There will be six car
loads of people here, five cars of mem
bers of the Association and one 'car
load of citizens. A grand time is an
ticipated and Plattsmouth will un
doubtedly be full of people.
The George France "Wide Awake"
troupe played here last evening, to a
good house. The company is entirely
iliiknown here and perhaps on that .ac
count did not draw so largely as they
might, but their rendition of the play
A Block Game," was such as to
make all eager to hear them again this
evening and we doubt not the house
will be crowded. We copy the follow
ing from the Council Biuffs Nonpa
reil. Owing to the fact that the George
France "Wide Awake" troupe came lo
Council Blulfs as total strangers and
on very briet notice, but a moderate
sized audience greeted them in "A
Block Game" at Dohany Hall last eve
nirg. However, all who were present
were perfectly delighted with the per
formance, and the acting of the dog3,
Ca sar and Skid proved a marvel of ca
nine sagacity, and the universal opin
ion of the audience was that the dogi
possess as much histrionic talent as
the average stage mortal. They take
regular parts in the thrilling drama
and act them out to perfection. In tho
fire scene where one of them rushes in
to the burning building and rescues a
little child, the applause the animal
received was perfectly deafening, and
when one of them saves his master
from a horrible death in the realistic
saw mill scene, nothing short of the
shaggy actor's appearance before the
curtain suffices the enthusiastic audi
ence. The company throughout Is compos
ed of splendid talent, and the acting
of Mr. Geo. France. Frank Willie, the
darkie, Eugene B. Fickes, Will O'Keefe,
and several others i3 first class in eve
ry particular. Mrs. Emma Frark, who
played Laura Burley last night, has ap
peared on several occasions in Council
Bluffs, once as a support to Charlotte
Thompson. Her acting is natural, ea
sy and graceful.
Elder R. C. Barrow is holding a se
ries of meetings at the Christian
Church. Subjections evening: "Joshua
commanding the sun to stand still."
Meetings begin promptly at 8 o'clock
each evening. All are invited.
Mr. Herman Schmidt laid out a
lot and the foundation for anew house
for Mike Schnellbacker, on the corner
of 5th and Oak Streets, just above the
Hekald office. Mike's undoubtedly
going to do something. An eld bache
lor needs no new house, you know, and
whether he is going to throw himself
away or not, remains to be seen.
Our friend of the " Plattsmouth
Clothing Emporium" (such is the name
that he has always claimed) seems to
have take;i possession of the name of
the " Boss" which belongs to the new
firm of Wewott tC- Poic 11. No advan
tage to either of the firms to get the
names of their houses congb mprated.
It perhaps was not intentional, but
looks a little that way. Keep 'em
s'.iaight, gents.
Last week about half our paper
announced that Mr. Jay Northrup mar
ried Miss McCall of Ohio, t'other half
that Mr. Howard Smith married the
same lady. We want to quit, change,
apologise, fix this up It ain't our fault,
the Omaha Republican did it with its
ly little hatchet, and we copied the
mistake. The facts are that both Mr.
Smith and Mr. Northrup are married
and both married Ohio ladies, Mr.
Smith married a Miss McCall of Chilli
cotlie and Mr. Northrup a Miss Mc
Shane of Steubenville, O. Selah:
The healthy condition of tho Tem
perance Reform in Plattsmouth is indi
cated by the wide spread and growing
interest shown in the proposed build
ing; this being the present jft7i of the
movement. This was plainly mani
fested at the Red Ribbon Club Monday
night, when after forcible remarks
from Dr. Chapman and Mr. Bushnell, a
spirited business meeting resulted in
the nomination of a committee which,
with like committees from the other
organizations, will be empowered to
control the interests of tho enteprise
for the present.
Last week the river at the foot of
Main Street presented a busy scene,
with the steamboat E. II. Durfee busi
ly loading the long line of sacks of
corn which had been piled there await
ing her arrival, and which amounted
to some 20,000 bushels. After the
corn was safely stowed away, seventy
five hogs took passage, and the boat
loaded almost to the waters' edge start
ed on Saturday for St. Louis. Pre
vious to taking on her load, however,
an invitation was given to the citizens
of Plattsmouth to spend Thursday
evening aboard the boat, which was
accepted by a large number and a veiy
pleasant evening was the result, enli
vened by dancing and fun generally,
reminding the old settlers of the days
when a river steamer's arrival was
the event of the week, and merriment
abounded, daring its stay. Our mail
agents, Messrs. Murphy and Lewis,
wete, we believe, the getters-up of the
pleasant entertainment.
Teacher's Institute.
Louisville, Neb., June 2d, 1879.
Our Normal Institute will" begin in
Plattsmouth July 21st. and continue in
session five weeks. The Plattsmouth
High School building will afford us
ample room, good facilities in the way
of apparatus. Two classts will bo
maintained, a first and a second grade
Most teachers and directors are de
manding that the standard of qualifi
cations of teachers in our county be
raised. In view of this fact a thorough
and practical knowledge of the branch
es will be nimed at, as well as best
methods of teaching. Teachers will
please bring their text-books with
Boarding will be furnished at reduc
ed rates.
Particulars will be given in circu
lars. I). D. Martixdale.
1U4 County Superintendent.
Call at the Grcen-honse
and get a nice specimen Fuchsia or
Pelargonium, or a nicely filled Hang
ing UabLet. L. A. Moore. 1012
To Trade.
A good open buggy for a good horse,
also for sale cheap a Knabe Piano,
lltl Dr. G. B. Chapman.
Farmer Hall James Hall, was in
town yesterday and says he never saw
the young corn up so regular, look any
better color, and as free from weeds as
this year and he has put in fourteen
crops of corn.
' Beware."
Its very bold, to say the least, for
our Clothing Competitor to filch the
title we have adopted for our store,
which is the " Boss." Look a .leedle
out, mine friends.
1 "Wescott & Powell.
Lost ! !
Strayed from the undersigned, at
Lincoln, Sunday, June 1st, one bay
mare four yeais old, one sorrel horse
eleven years old, with white in face.
Any person finding and delivering
them to me at Lincoln or notifying
me of their whereabouts will be paid
for his trouble. James A. Wilson.
Lincoln, Neb.
The citizens of Tleasant Ridge, Glen-
dale, Eight Mile Grove, Plattsmouth,
or anywhere else are requested to meet
June 13th at 2 p. in., at the Pleasant
Ridge school house in Eight Mile
Grove precinct, for the purpose of or
ganizing a programme, and to appoint
parties to select and prepare a ground
for a celebration near Eight Mile
Grove. Captain.
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He
has a large assortment. 2Stf.
Henry Boeck, agent for Geo. Wood
a Co.'s organs and pianos. Sold cheap
for cash or on good approved securi
ty. 9tf.
Wanted to sell. A good sound 5
year old bay mare, good traveller and
kind every way. Apply to Herald
office. tf.
Boarders Wanted.
Wanted. A few day-boarders. In
quire Corner 8th and Pearl Sts. 10t2
A large and well selected Stock of
Eastern Boots and Shoes at Sherwood's
cheap. 44 tf
We wiil tav Aki-.iiLs a salary ol luu per month
and exp.u", or oiiow a 1ar eomrai..nn. to el I our
&ttr Ami Yvuii'lrrful invemu.i.s. h' mean that tcr rv.
fcaauila free AtlilruSuHA Co. Marshall. HicA.
Every Family in the West
ays llroun's IIlacKberry and
Ginger is a safe, pleasant and relia
ble remedy for Diurrluea, Dysentery,
Cholera Morbus, and Summer Com
plaint. Procure a bottle of this cele
brated Family safeguard at once. De
lay are dangerous. Price fifty cents
per bottle.
ISi-ovYia'3 Ve?r?1ilIe L.ivr
BIIIs are the standard remedy for the
Liver and Billious diseases of this cli
mate, A trial establishes them in ev
ery Western Family.
ISroiTti'M Ariiira Salve has no
equal for lemoving inflammation and
for healing old soies and ulcers. All of
11 raven' h Popular Fimily Medicines
for sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan, Chap
man & Smith, J. II. Buttery and O. F.
lltf Plattsmouth, Neb.
For Sale.
The N. E. 4 section 21, town 11,
range 12, situated in Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, Cass county, Neb., at Ten dollars
per acre on the following easy term.-,
to wit; one fourth cash, one fourth in
one year, one fourth iu two years, and
one fourth in three years;' with only
eight per cent interest on deferred pay
ments. For further particulars enquire of
J. M. Patterson,
8t4 Plattsmouth, Neb."
Why Will You
Allow a cold to advance in your sys
tem and thus encourage more serious
maladies, such as Pneumonia, Hem
orrhages and Lung troubles when an
immediate relief can be so readily at
tained. Boschee's German Syrup has
gained the largest sale in the world for
the cure of Coughs, Colds, and the se
verest Lung Diseases. It is Dr. Bos
chee's famous German prescription,
and is prepared with the greatest care,
and no fear need be entertained in ad
ministering it to the youngest child,
as per directions. The sale of this
medicine is unprecedented. Since first
introduced there has been a constant
increasing demand and without a
single report of a failure to do its work
in any case. Ask your Druggist as to
the truth of these remarks. Large
size 75 cents. Try it and be convinced.
Fine Boots Custom made S-VOO at
44tf SriERWOOD'St
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1878"all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainly labeled:
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska.
Don't be Deceived.
Many persons say "I haven't got the
Consumption" when asked to cure their
Cough with Shiloh's Consumption
Cure. Do they not know tnat Coughs
lead to Consumption and a remedy
that will cure Consumption will cer
tainly and surely cure a cough or any
lung or throat trouble. We know it
will cure when all others fail and our
faith in it is so positive that we will
refuud the price paid if you receive
no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi
tion. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00
per bottle. For lame chest, Back or
side, use Shiloh's Torous Plaster. Price
25 cents. For sale by Chapman &
Smith, Druggists.
Why will you sutler with Dyspepsia
and liver complaint, constipation, and
general debility when you can get at
our store Shiloh's System Vitalizer
which we sell on a positive guarantee
to cure jou. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts.
For sale by Chapman & Smith, Drug
ists. "IIAcKJUKl'ACK" a popular and
fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman
& Smith, Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb.
oily cow.
escolt and Powell9
6 6
See Such a Stock o Goods?
No I Neven-!
Well, Hardly Ever I !
We are the leaders of the style, as yon may plainly se
We buy our clothing all the irhite pf WESCOTT & iK;
'Tis there we get our Shirt si oiir Coats, Vest?, and Pants,
"And so do our Sisters and our Cousins and our Aunts."
Nobbiest and Latest Styles of Suits Awful Cheap.
EW'ill selt vou read v made suits, or
the piuce (rood. The well known cutler and
that line and guarantee satisfaction.
" r
Male fin Befiiel Grais Cra ef Tartar.
Recommended by the Brooklyn (N. Y. Board of Health, and by the first
chemists lii the United States.
We tvia pay $1000.00 for any ATXTSI or ither
adulteration, found in this lotVd(r
For Sale.
The Ilodapp, or oM Joe Brown
House on Gospel Hill. Apply to Tlios.
Pollock. Wtf
To Kent.
Rooms in the Holbrook House, ap
ply to Thos. Pollock. 9tf
All sorts and styles of organs ami
piano's, Geo. Woods & Go's make, at
Henry JJueckV, riattsmoutli, Xeb. 9tf.
Henry Boeck lias developed a new
branch of business, viz; Agent for Geo.
Woods & Go's organs, of which Mr.
Boeck expects a large lot of different
styles and varieties soon. Call and ex
amine. 9tf.
Tor Sale.
A la re One black mare, eight years
old, kind every way, good worker.
Cheap for cash tr good note, good se
curity. Apply at Heisai.d office or to
Jamks Pkttee.
Great strength and soliditv; Beauti
ful quality of tone, excellence of ac
tion finish of workmanship in Geo.
Woods & Go's Organs. Tor sale by
Henrv Boeck. riattsmoutli, Xeb. 9tf.
Made to order
44tf at S 11 i:u wood's.
O Here. Yen can make money by selling
our Sterling (hemic il Wick. X"ver neeil
trimtnin No smoke or smell 1 rents wli. 3
for 'J" cent. Semi Mump for catalogue of Won
derful Inviuititins, htap'o fniicy iTiuxIs. Par
eons, r'ostor & To., 12." Clark Si.. Chicago, lintf
Thlrtj-of S!ie fcowt email makers of Mio
World are eomju'titoiv ;it Die ParN Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Associated says
two hihet K"'d medals have been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
m P.nn XAMES f residents wanted. For
iU.UUU names and i5 cents we will send i
' vou a line silk handkerchief, every
thread silk, l'.euiar irice., (i. W. Foster.
& Co., 125 Clark Street, Chicago, 111. lmo.
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At riattsmoutli, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October ami Xovember. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Xotice of
other examinations will be given.
D. D. Martixdale,
41ru6 Superintendent.
Legal Notice.
Notice Is hereby t:iven that whreas on or
about the month of September. I pav in?
promissory note to Henry Ktrkham. for Slso.ob
with Interest at ten per cent, per annum from
date, due April 1st, ti79. all persons are here
by unfilled not to purchase said note. If they
do thev do it at their hazard.
Notice for Publication.
IjAXII okkice at
Lincoln, Nkrimi.ka,
June 2d, is'O.
Notice is hereby given that the followinir
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of li! claim, and
secure liual entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this notice, viz:
July 12th, 1879. Charles F. Lau. for the north
half (nsj) of northwest quartercnw) of Section
two (2), town eleven (11), north of ranue teu (10)
east, and names the following as hia witnesses,
viz: David Thimian. of Cass Co.. "eb., and
Michael Thimtan.of Cass Co.. Neb.
ut5 j. b. Mcdowell,
Legal Notice.
Burlincton & Missouri Kiver Railroad Company
in Nebraska :
Theere will be a special meeting of the stock
holders of this Company at the office of the
Company, In riattsmoutli, Nebraska, Thursday.
Juna 2t;th. 1 879. fit 10 o'clock, a. in., to consider
and act upon the ipiestion of leasing certain
proposed extensions of the Republican Valley
KHilroad, and any other business which may le
Kally come before the meeting.
By order of the Board of Director.
i Secretary.
Boton, May 28, 1379.
9 9
take your order arl makp vou a suit, or sell you
fitter, MIS. F. M. COX, will execute their woik i
In Bankruptcy. .
In the District Court of the L'uitcd StPtes for
the District of .Nebraska, lu the matter of
August Meyer.
Distkicx of Xkbuaska, m.
To the creditors of August Meyer, bankrupt,
and all oihei t- w iiomil may concern :
In iirsua::cj m' an order of .)uo. J.. Weli-.ier,
KeKister in bankruptcy of the said diMiici
court, dated May '-'(ith. lsTrt, tlieie will he a sec
ond general meeting of the creditor of AutruM
Meyer, bankrupt, at the city of Omaha, county
of Douglass and State of Nebraska, in said dis
trict, o'u the 12:h day vt June. A. I). 187H. at 4
o'clock p. in. of said' day, at the ollice vt .Ino. L.
Webster, the Konister lu Banrkiiptey in said
district, for the purpose named in section
of the Revised statuies of tho L'niied .States.
'l'itlel.Xl. Ilankmptcy.
Assignee of tbe Estate of August Meyer, liank
rupt. Iit2.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by Win. L.
Wells. Clerk of itie District Court within and
for (.'ass County, Nebraska, and to lne direclet',
1 will on the 7th day of July. A. I), l.-7: at
2 o'clock 1'. M., of said day, at the south do i
of the court house in said county, sell at public
auction the following real estate, to wit : Com
mencing at the soutn west corner of lot No. one
(1 ). of sect ion seventeen (17), township twelve
(12). uorth of range fourteen (141. east of the
Cth I. M. : nunmi iheuce east twenty-four
(24 rods ; '.hence north six and sixty six hun
dredths (6 Wi-100) rods; thence west, twenty
four (24) rods ; thence south, six and sixty-fix
hundredths fill-100) rods, to the place of be
ginning, containing one acre more or less ; also
a tract commencing at a point twenty-three
(23.) rods east of the noitlrvet-t corner of section
No. twenty (2)i. iu township No. twelve (:2),
north of range No. fourti en (14). east of the otli
1. M. , thence running south forty (40) rods ;
thence east, nineteen (ID) rods; tfience north,
forty (40) rods ; thence west. niiu,toen d:i; rods,
to tho placa of beginning, containing four and
tlireu-fourlhs acres : Tne same being levied
uiMin and taken as the property of lllisiaua
Mickelwait, Wheatley Mickehvait and Fred.
Mickelwait. defendants, to satisfy a judgment
of sa'd court, recovered by Mary Wolcott,
plaint iff.
I'latt.-inoutb, June 4, 1S79.
llto Sheriff Cass Co.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber, on Turkey creek,
near Win. Snyder's farm in Cass Co., Neb.,
about the 1Mb of March. Is70, a brindie yearling
bull ; white hcart-nhaped mark iu forehead.
The owner must call for same, prove properly
and pay charges or tiie animal will be sold ac
cording to law. Joux Bauer.
Attachment Notice.
Samuel Richardson xr. S. I). Madden and Farm
ers' Co-operative Manuf'g Co., of Lynden,
Illinois. Before A. N. Sullivan, Co. Judge,
Cass county, Nebraska.
The above-named defendants will take no
tlve that the said A. N. Sullivan, Co. Judge of
said county issued an order of attachment in
the r.bovc action, for the sum of $."o.on. and that
said cauje is continued until the lot li day of
July, at one o'clock p. ic, on said day.
Flai r tiff.
May 2Sth, 1873. iota
Probate Notice.
In the matter of the estate of Wm. T. EtheridgCi
deceased.- In the county court of Cass Co.,
Nebraska :
Notice is hereby Riven, that Eliza J. Ether
idge.adniin str.'.tr x of the estate of the said Wm.
T. Etlieridge, deceased, has made application
for final fettlement. and that said cause is set
for hearing sit my at Hattsmoulh, on the
3d day of July. A. D. is7y. at one o'clock, p. ni.
of said day : at which time and place, all per
Fons interested may bu. present and examine
said accounts. A. N. SULLIVAN, .
, Co. Judge.
riattsmoutli. May 28, 1870.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale ii-sr.ed bv Wm. L.
Wells. Clerk of tbe District Court within and
for Cass Count v Nebraska, anil to me directed.
I will on the 14th day of June, A. D. lsiil. at 10
o'clock A. M., of said day, at the enuth door of
the Conn House in raid countv. sell at Public
Auction the following real e-tate. to wit : The
northeast quarter iV,) of section nine (9) town
ship No. twelve (12: also the south half of
the couth -half ('i of the south
east qua) tcr (!4 of section four 4V tow -shiptwelve12,
north : all in range thirteen (13)
east of the fth P. M. bring the property of the
plaint iff. The same being levied upon a'nd tak
en as the property of II. H. l'ettit. defend ant,
to satisfy a judgment of said court, recovered
by John Black, plaintiff.
riattsmoutli, Neb., Mav Hth. A. T. 1879.
t5 "R. W. HYEKS.
Sheriff. Cas Co., Neb.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the firm of Ed
gerton & Ball is herebv dissolved bv mutual
consent this2th day of April, ls7U.and the said
Jeorge Edgcno'l is to pay all debts of tUe old
firm and receive all account-" due the firm of
Edgerton and Ball. i;ko. Kphkhtos,
Wm. s. Bali..
nattsinotth, April 28, 1?79.
If you want any
Fire or Ornamental Brick,
Call oa
Furnishes Fresh, Pure Milk,
ii:$.it rur.i daily.
Special call nttPtiilh1. o. and Freh Milk
from same cow furnished when wanted.
41 y
Shop over the Ihick Block
next to II Uoeck's.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Done with Neatness! Dispatch.
e onlv place In town where "Tnrley's pat
ent self adjustable horse collars are told "
IYI, McEIwain.
fST-Shop over TlOXXEIi STAHLKS, on
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Druqs? Medicines
Ail Paper Trimmed Free of
Stationery, Magazines,
Latest Publications.
I'reMeiiptions Carefully Oomponnded
by an FAjierlenced Ornsrgint.
KEMErvifiEii the ri.Acr.
Clothing House!
C. G. HER0LD, - Proprietor.
Keeps n general lan;e stock of
Men's, Youth's & Hoy's
and has just received the finest lot of
French and English Silk
His different styles of
ESais Gaps,
arc surprising, and his stock of
Furnishing Goods !
IsTlarge enough to supply any demand.
Call and Examine the
ay C. G. HEUOLl).
fcjr -i-r-ii -1 -- , '. :.r H7 . . t.-
w O
1 LiiluilLiliU uiuo or io- rr.U'
TH iIim'uk VAt!ATIO. For full.
pHi lirnbus address J. :. 31 M' I IC I V A. Co.,
mcajEO. 1 1. iitl
On Chroino. Snow flake, l,:nv. CAh5S. fim7
01h(M'. b e. 2i!LI2 4 C3. CcVlici wirn.JT. 7.
The nly eomhtnati " of Hie true J;m.aif:
Cinder with, choice Ai'o'oaUrs and French
Itrandy for all Mnmnirr 'oiMplaiiin.
tnd K nnr.l '"'I'cioilsly !iivelcd l:i Vh11
6j IU iJJd.UUul t.. lays the foundation fos foilune.- every wreU. and pays an
immense pcirentace of profit hy 11m 'ii Cap-'
imlization System of oierHlin; in Nlo k i. Full
explanation on application (i Adaini, Iliovvii i.
Co., Iaukerv.'6 llro.vl St., N. Y.
nPD C I D Fleas.- rite fr inrtje II
UCHn D I 11 . Iut ruled cituloue of
lireat Wot'Mii (inn Work, Fittsliin, 1 a.
j vsr (ifkxkh aoain.
' i t.'.
JVc i", Clean, 1 irst Class Meat Shop,
on Main Street in Fred Kroehler'n oM stand
Lverybody on hand for fresh, tender meat. i
ETC., ETC., l'Ti; ,
Of All Descriptions.
Of all, ready made and sold cheap for cash.
With many thanks for past patronage. I invl
invite all to call and examine my
lakc:: STOCK OF
40tf. Fl ltTI"i: AM) 'OK I '
James Pettee in
Musical Inslrumenls;
Sole Appointing Agent fnr
The I'nrivalled Munoii A. IlanilOi
Also, the Steck, Hrnry F. Miller, and llallct.
A: Cnnistoii Pianos for Cass and harpy count lew,
Neb. Cill and see
s a m riA-: i xsti: um kxts
at office. Sixth, one door south of Main St.
FLATTSMorrn, xi-:r...
9Iuiic Scholars
Will do well to examine our
New Mason & Hamlin
JDr. Sanfobd's Liter IitvigoratobJ
"' -TJ
jVrgetable. It never H
JDebilitates-It isffj f ti
StoMtifrMky-has been lined
Hi',' in my practice
V," and by the public.J
- Ill Uftlblini HIWII.WI iv iioittriiAiiv,,
In it nion'hlr. lli-r-ura Scran J w.fe nt t!i cream cf
ihm Won.! Lit,-rnt an. m-d" wpy. orjhi T
rear. An jil ( :bromo 'Wx'Ji mcli"!i it " Yotniti
Vallej,' Jric, H; " ltck Mi'h;i. " 1.80 buun, irv
pavvr bindmtt: '"CtiriBtian Oakk'a Mintaki-." a ml
hiok. in pappr biDdioi;, an J a sAnipki oopy of ocmI
liou-liold Masaxiau all iKt-iaid, for ouljf 3i)wiit.
in uoniqr, or in ona-rfiit i(Ht& Khmin. Airenlj
Most hbcralua m.Jot utii' i.ant In t.
A3lre?S. S.WoeJ '''iibau.t Bud'tin, ?w Ywrk ( A
a Standard Family Remedy for
disoascs of the Liver, Stomach v3f5
'try j P; H U Kx.z 5
- . -rv U . V '1 n w ' u M li ii
- A vra w 13 il fi e. r 'VheZ,
tUs for more than 3o yenra.J
jip4 "witti unprecedrnte 1 rcBuIta.J
lOi I i It I drift I UrtUi HI i il i NW YOHJt CITY