I- Ir 1i i J 3 I s V j t3 .- ! i T li E 11 E R A L b. LOCAL I2WS Look out for lightning. Mot time we had a circus. I-nst class Cultivators at Fred (border's. Cabinet Cards 61.00 per doz. at Carruth's. -From 2 to 7. teams crossed daily per Capt. Sol id ay. Everbody can set ei:;ht Pictures at Carruth's fur 81.00. Those Iron Clad overalls at Wes- ket & ro well's. 1 Cultivators! Cultivator ! ! Tit Fred C order's. Shingles $2.21 to 63.00 per M, at "Watei Loan & Soa's. Smoke the boss cigar standard "A", for sale by J. P. Young. It liost Cultivator in the Market at Fred II order's. Cap. Palmer hns fonrFralrie Dogs and Mrs. P. says " dogonit.' Common lumber 617 per LI, at "Waterman Son's. Those Cultivators at Fred G order's must be sold. Just received, those children's nob by suits at Wescott & Powell's. 1 Geo M.itti.vm of Sauth J.jnl was in town the other da-. Photographs never so low, 62.50 a dozen at Fkaxk Cakucth'.s. We will tiy and give the com'rs proceedings next month for more fun. A complete line of While Vests just received at Wescott Powell's. 1 C.'.n furnish Hoard 'for three or four gentlemen. Enquire at this otlice.. bl2 When you want good Pictures cal 1 at Carruth's and see his 62.50 per doz. cards. "Waterman has just laid in a big new stock of lumber. Now is the time to buy. Charlie Black deals Put the Boss Soda Water, at Smith & B'ack's Drug Store. 8tf. (Jo to Schlegel's for cigars and to 1 aeco new pi, ice two door west of old stand. Mrs. Shera of Hock Bluffs is build ing a residence on tha earner of 7th and Oak streets. Call early and examine that fine linjuf piece goods at Wescott & Pow ell's. 1 The best fine cut chewing tobacco i i the city, go to the P. O. News I)o pot for the same. 1 1 New Styles, Elegant crises. Mason A: Hamlin Organs at Dr. Johnsons' Drug Side. Sl2 John Leach has fixed up his little stoic on Main Street, and repaired the hidewulk at his own expense. If yen w;mt i'-o-ci'M Soda Water, fiesh from the fountain, go to Smith iv PiaekV. Slf All sorts and stjles of organs and piano's, (iro. Woods & Co's make, at Henry 1 ;eck's, I'lattsmouth, Xeb. inf. Ice Cream! lee-Cream! At Mrs Zncv ell's, on Main Street, next door to John Duke's hardware store. Chambers, the hunes maker, has peme of the nobbiest harness ia town, now made up. Just take a look at em 1 on can find the largest stock of "Wall Paper in this market at Smith & Black's. tf A ndy Taylor shipped -IS head cf the finest kind of steers o:i Tuesday. An dy is the boy can do it and no mistake. It is curious that the Street Com missioner dots nut undertake to have the sidewalks and street crossing fixed. Xew Styles Mason & Hamlin Oigans constantly coming in at Di:. Johnson's Drug Store, St:J 0th, South of Main St. Tim rains of Monday were very thankfully received by the farmers and others who have garden "sass" about coming up. Henry Boeck, agnt for Geo. Woods A Co.8 organs and pianos. Sold cheap for cash or on goou" approved security- Otf. Eureka (I have found it) the boss Ice cold soda water, Phil Young at the 1'. O. News Depot sells it, only 5c a glass. lt Personal. Levi Churchill, of Rock Bluffs called Saturday. Dr. Thomas and P. S. Barnes of Weeping water called last week. " Our Leadville correspondent last week gives us a very good idea of that wonderful country. Mr. Wm. Case of Centre Valley, call ed Monday to see the Herald and tell us how lightning feels. Mr. Hawks of Elm wood called on the IIekald this week and had a very pleasant chat with us. Billy Edwards, Cor. Omaha Herald, stopped over(?) at this city on his way borne from the Cassler swinging party. II. M. Bushnell, Esq., has just re turned from the Editorial Excursion to St. Louis, where he represented two Nebraska papers. Miss Emma Herold started for Bloomington last week, where she will spend a month with Mrs. Bodine. "We hope you will have a pleasant visit Miss Emma. Mr. Maurice O'Rourke, tailor, from Malvern, Iowa, has taken up his resi dence in Plattsmouth, and i3 working for Mr. Cox. .t. O'Rourke was for merly from Ann Arbor, Midi. Wantkd to sell. A good sound 5 year old bay mare, good traveller and kind every way. Apply to IIlkald office. ifm Montgomery (not Wes.) has gotau express wagon, the seat of which is so tall, the boys ask him how the weather is up there. "Happy Thought," Jackson's Best" and "Golden Rule" chewing tobaccos, Lest in the market for sale bv J. p. Fencing 616 to 617 per M, at Wa terman & Son's. The Jackman & Sons' "Bona and Sinew Flour" that's the brand, Louis ville, Xeb. Geo. Dovey has returned from the East looking much improved and in excellent health and ppirits for new work and more of it. We call attention to the r.ew Ad. of Jackman & Sons' Louisville. Their "Bone and Sinew" Hour is just the thing. Try it and see. John Bons, proprietoi of the Platte Valley House, left here last Thursday for Leadville. Pretty long trip for an old mau to take all aloue. Messrs. Henry Boeck and Woodson had a slight difference of opinion last week one day. lt was finally adjusted before his honor Judge Sullivan. Mrs. Newell opened her ice-cream room this week. All desiring nice de licious cream should visit her pleasant cosey little, place and try the I.-C. Wes Montgomery has a hen that "stole" her nest and laid twenty eggs, and after setting on thorn suffi ciently, hatched out eighteen chickens. Wm. L. Wells, w ife and children returned to their country residence near South Bond on Tuesday of last week, after a visit of several weeks to this city. Schlegel Bro's Cigar Store moved -new stand new cigars good tobac co always. In Jo'.ia Leach's forn:-r building, next the brick bluck on Main Street. School Examinations are the or der of the day this week, and many poor scholars are trembling in tiieir boots, only buoyed up by the pr sp ct of vacation in the near future. Mr. C. E. Wescott of the firm of Wr.-;cott & Powell, went to Oaiioa Tuesday, to seen re the services of two or three first class coat makers, to as 3iil in their fast increasing trade. C. II. Parmele is fixing up the old Atnison Store and making anew build ing of it this will be a great improve ment on Main Street. Oar painter fiieu'd, Ashley will be better fixed too, when it is done. By an oversight or misinformation we neglected to notice that Miss Mav Richardson took her Sunday school clr.ss out o tne Jiome grove lor u pic nic dinner last Saturday a week as well as Mr. Parmele. The Cass County premium list will be in press soon and will be out sometime next month. Mr. J. X" Wis Secretary, will bs happy to fur nish anyone with a copy as soon as they are completed. The strawberry festival given by the ladies of the M. E. church last eve ning netted over 627 for the benefit of the pastor. We acknowledge an invi tation and regret that absence pre vented our attending. Lightning. After the shower Monday when the rain had almost ceased falling, out of an apparently clear sky, came a clap of thunder that shook the town accom panied by a. bolt of fire that struck the n. w. corner of Geo. Weidman's place on Main street and passing down the west side of the door, entered the ground and waseeu no more. Weidman, himself, and another par ty were severely shocked, John Shan non who was sitting just inside the door, waiting for the shower to pass over, was knocked down and consider ably shaken. Mr. Oldham on the street forty feet away felt the shock and Mr. William Case, of Centre Valley, who was pass Ing nearly in front of the saloon was knocked down and had to be led to Donelan's drug store, where he soon recovered without serious injury. It melted the bo!t3 in the hinges of the door and kicked the green screen off its hinges and upset the mustard cru et, breaking glass in tho middle door to the dining room. The Editor of thi3 paper across the street, opposite the County Clerk's office saw a ball of fire before his eyes, a tremendous ex plosion and felt a little shaky for some time. Just as close as we want to get to that kind of lightning. Younjr. It Mayor Johuson has been making a nice picket fence around las residence, which. add greatly to his already beau tiful yard. Great strength and solidity; Beauti ful quality of tone, excellence of ac tion finish of workmanship in Geo. Woods & Cos Organs. For sale by Henry Boeck, Plattsmouth, Xtb. Otf. Schlegel Bros, have moved their elegant cigar store into John Leach's buildiag, next to Fitzgerald Hall, which they now own and where they expect to do business hereafter. A little diffickulty" occurred be tween two of our citizens on Saturday p. m., for which JuJge Sullivan taxed one of the parties Sio and costs, 614 23 total. Thomas, formerly of the Chronicle and boss Gregory had a law suit last week, over the old Chronicle Subs, tXc. -Verdict for Thomas, M. L. Thomas, Editor of the Red Cloud Chief, formerly editor of the Cass County Chronicle, was here to collect a balance coming to him from the latter paper, which six Jurors con cluded was his just due. Our Cerrespondeuts will confer a favor if they will write on one side of the paper, only. Several have been re ceived lately written on both sides, but bv mere accident thev have been notic ed in time to be " set up." Henry'Boeck has developed a new branch of business, viz ; Agent for Geo. Woods & Co's organs, of which Mr. Boeck expects a large lot of different styles and varieties soon. Call and ex amine. Otf. Our correspondent from Green wood says lie is glad we have added our Temperance column. The ladies who edit and the IIehald are both pleased with the result of common sense and christian charity. John Leach is fixing up the old stand, fsot of 3th street and enlarging, for summer trade. John always keeps a nice place, clean, fresh gods where ever he is. Doa't pas3 his modest stand without droppiig a nickel. Some of our most prominent men have left their measure at Wescott & Powell's for the latest style suit of clothes, which is a sufficient guarantee of their reliability as to quality and price of work. Lewis Follz of Weeping Water, is launching forth in a good direction. Ho is about to start a Hennery, on a large scale. He will keep every de scription of Poultry, and will be pre pared in the future to furnish the county vflth anything in that line. The busiest place we have seen is Wescott & Powell's, with their new tailoring establishment they just mer.'i to make things hum. Mr. Cox, their tailor, is a good workman, and they keep a large and varied assortment of cloths. The sudden death of little Daily Sentinel caused no small amount of happiness to the community. It was the youngest, oldest and only child of ThoniPson, and no one will miss its non-appearance, for " Brief, bravo, and glorious was its young career."' It lived without a friend, and died without a tour. --At the recent meeting of tho Sportsmens' Association. Dr. Living ston was requested to prepare an es say on The Sporting D jg," for the next annual meeting. If the Dr. will en gage the rest of his family to help him, a very exhaustive article would doubt less be the result. Dr. Livingston's famous Irish set ter family, father, mother, and seven children took their departure on Tues day last to enter a canine High School at Kearney, from whence they will doubtless graduate with high honors, but that corner in the meantime is de solate and the flowers occupy undis puted ground. In answer to a " querry," we state that manuscript for publication must be prepaid at Ictttrpustaye rates. Will our Correspondents remember this, please. Oaly printed proof sheets or sheets accompanied by manuscript to denote the corrections can nass at anv less rates than the regular letter (three cent) rate. Mr. Chambers showed us the oth- tr day several sets of light double har ness that were very excellently mad;?, and in exceed i ugly good taste. Also, a light single harness or two that would be hard to beat anywhere He has now a Xo. 1 track harness made np for some oik, which will be sold cheap. Fred Gor.Ier is slid under ths wea ther; we are real Sorry for p '. Fred, he is a haul wording, industrious man and to be laid up right in the busy sea son is a groat loss to him. By the way he has a fine lot ot corn cultivators which hois anxious to sell arid as he cannot give Ii'm personal attention to the business the Herald bespeaks the attention of his facials, now. A little daughter of Mr. C. W. Green who is living in the Methodist parsonage, was playing at the residence of Mrs. Miles Morgan during the rain storm on Monday last, and endeavour ing to go home during the storm she was swept into the gutter by the wind and rain, and only saved from drown ing by the timely aid of Mrs. Morgan, who barely kept out of the sweep of the water herself by the greatest exertion. Mr. and Mrs. Green desire herewith to express anew to her their thanks for her active efforts to save their child. The Dickens. The Dickens Entertainment was a yery great success and seemed to please all our people as much as any thing we have had lately. The house was crowded and all the parties per formed exceptionably well. Mr. Wool ey, as old Wellor, surprised everyone, also his plea as Serg't Snubbins was excellently well dwne. Mis. Squeers just beat anything Pickwick was immense; but kfamive Veller remored the dilapidated linen from the juvenile tree as a pure Hen glish character. They were all good and we should like to mention each one by name, but time and space for bid at present. The proceeds, after all expenses were paid, were SDG.50 which was applied on the Rector's Salary. F. S. White has a big ice house full of ice whicli he is selling to his customers at low rates, and no one need suffer this summer for a cooling medium no matter how hot the wea ther may be . Mr. Hunter's ability as a perform er on the concevtina was amply de monstrated by hi3 recent performance at the Dickens entertainment, and he informs U3 that with his own instru ment he could have done much better although that hardly secm3 possible. A. G. Barnes, well known here, and now living at Lincoln, is having a great deal of family trouble. Monday Mrs. Barnes shot twice at Dr. DeXayer, a brother-in-law, accusing him of se ducing hor daughter, and mal-practices toward herself. The case is attracting considerable attention in Lincoln. though no details have been obtained aa yet. Both Mrs. Barnes and DeXay er are under arrest, DeXayer having fired two shots in return at Mrs Barnes. Chambers! Chamber's! The har ness maker, has a large lot of spring goods on hand which must be sold at once and cheap. Farmers, give him a call. Saddles. Bridles. Harness. Whins. Lap Robes, Dusters, Summer Robes, Fly Xets, Light and Heavy Harness, all aching to be sold. Trot in at once and show your grit, for at this pace the shop will soon win the heat and be out first. it One of our advertisers will, we hope, not be offended at. the non-appearance of part of his locals, that were sent in last week; though wholly unintentional, it was partly the care lessness of our foreman and partly the carelessness of the writer, by writing on both sides of the paper. Composi tors become so accustomed to hanging up " copy" as soon as one side is " set up," that unless the article is not Un shed u the first page, they never look it the other side for more. -Mike Schntllbacker has just built and is showing up a new Dexter Spring Buggy. Theau springs are far saporior to any other now in use, and do ride most superbly. Tl.o Editor and Mr. Pettee took ;i twelve mile ride ia this one th otlur d iv. before it went to the painters, and wc pronounce it the n2'fti nltr-c of spring?. It is a neat, t?'.t y mada wagon beside the pa culiarity of Spring anJ f.flLi wheel which is also a new patent. The wag on can be seen at Mr. Ashley's paint shop and is for sale -cluap for cash. WHISTLE DOWN BRAKES ! AND SIDE-TRACK IX FRONT OF escott and PowelP AND POWELL & POWELL TP ESCOTT I 6 6 -o- W 1TOW 'EJIDlzr m T A "&k C? "(Ft T.l rr-s to See jDIjD EYEB uch a Stock o Goods ? ! Never ! "W li AT ! ITE YER? Well, Hardly Ever I ! -o- TTe are the leaders of the style, as you may pithily .sw; B'e buy our clothing all the while, of WESCOTT cf- P.; 'Tis there we g:t our Shirts, our Coats, Vests, and I'ants, "And so do our Sisters and our Cousins and our Aunts." -o- Nobbicst and Latest Styles of Suits Awful Cheap. ENGLISH WORSTED SUITS, FRENCH DIAGONAL SUITS, SCOTCH SUITS, CHEVIOT SUITS, CASSUIERE SUITS. STRAW HATS, FELT HATS, FILES OF HATS. BOYS' AND CHILDRENS' CLOTHING, TRUNKS AND VALISES. o I5?Will sell vou rpadv m:ulp suits, or t.ikp vniirnrlr Th piece good". The woll known cutter and fitter. Ml:. F. M. COX, will exeeute'thuii work xu mat nut- dim j; utii aitirtr uiiMacuuu. The Largest and mot Complete STOCK of Dry Goods Millinery and Clothing ever placed before ' the luminous orbs of our many Patrons. lis EB2?Sis oods, A e introduce all the LATEST FAltHICS of the season. Our 10, 131; 13 IS, CO, 22 and -' cent Press (loods are well worthy tf your inspection ' Also, a fulllineof WHITE GOODS. 1 HKS. 'i' LIXi YS TWO TO V ' RIBBONS, LACES, RUCHES, CASHMERES, Zf'J'HVR aud SPRING SHAWLS, and countless articles impossible to mention in detail Our Millinery Department Embraces all tho Latest Novelties in LEGHOllN FL TS FRFXCH C7J andSTEAIV GOODS. Our SILK TURUANS and PATTERN HATS CHIP the admiration of every one. We also show 1,000 trimmed hats from 31 up. SPECIAL XOTICES. For Sale. The Ilodapp, or old Joe Brown House on Gospel Hill. Apply to Thos. Pollock. Otf To Kent. llooms in the llolbrook House, ap ply to Thos. Pollock. Otf Don't forget to call at Dr. Johnson's and examine our beautiful Xtw SXYLKS Or OliUAXS. 8t3 Jamks Picttee, Asent. Tho IJaston IJ tick board. An entirely i:ew style of road-wa gon. Invented and patented by the Rev. W. II. H.Murray. No deadweight on axle; all the weight being suspend ed in mid air from the points of four flexible steel-springs. Xo jar, no noise, the best, lightest and strongest road wagon ever made. For weight it will carry more than any buggy, carriage or wagon made. Call and see at Her ald ofliee. Jno. A. MAcMunriiY, OtI Ajj't for South I'latto Couutry. Xeb. 'k - o . c - w i Ct . - . , . -r - ' rr : . , r . .-. 5T 2 5s -SIZ 1-2 H S 2 - g - j. r -- -'i rt ZJ -n ? .?' c r; 4 T , - - o ' ZZ ' 9 ---7. '.. - 0 t.XCi - s ? t . as'S- n - x 2 3 e o . c -r . ; : '".US' - -' . r T. rj -7 J c2 " " " r c tt tc'C E. Ei 2 ;3 ,i Tor Sale. A large fine black mare, eight years old, kind every way, good worker. Cheap for cash or good note, good se curity. Apply at Herald efiiee or ta James Pettee. Streiyht fc Miller. Lap Roles, Summer Dusters, Xew RSSy Tops, and a heap of new and stylish goods in their line. Xew light harness and horsa equipments always oji hand. Call at once for bargains. This being the last week of school we had intended to fhid out in person what was being done, and report, but press of other duties h;is prevented our doing so. Wo hear oh all sides howev er good reports of the progress of the school, and the beneficial results of good discipline and mutual co-operation on the part of the teachers. Wo have not learned that tho board have done anything in regard to next year, bu tins'- they have had enough of the bad effects resulting from constant change to incline thern in the opposite direc tion. The present corps of teachers seem to work well together and to have had good success, and we hope they may all come back to us another year. The Ladies of St. Luke's Guild de sire to thank those ladies and gentle men outside of their organization and. the church who so ably and cheerfully assisted them in the late Dickens' En tsrlainment, giving much valuable time and talent; also Mr. Young for his liberality in the sale of tickets, Mrs. Stadelmann for the use of rooms, &c; and Mrs. Marshall and Mr. Hun ter for the music so kindly given and which filled most effectually an other wise lamentable void; to Prof. Love for his services as stage manager, which made all go off smoothly, and to many others who aided them in va rious ways. They hope some day to be able to return the many kindnesses shown them. A very important trial to the de fendants and laughable to others came off last week over our old city tax cases. Sometime ago several. Gentlemen in town, it seems, agreed to pay a pro rata share of tho expense of a suit to test the validity of certain taxes here. As usually happens in such cas es some paid and some didn't, and by and by Lawyer Webster, of Omaha, who conducted the suit, in time sued for his fees. Chapman appeared for Webster, Windham for Stadelmann, Smith for Vallery and others included in the suit. Pottenger for C. II. Par mele and L II. Euttery, Stone for J. u. buttery and Wheeler. Marrison looked on and laughed and Col. Phil pot of Lincoln dropped iu to see the fun and learn some Plattsmouth law. The case was finally adjourned until next week. I)tut be lieceived. Many persons say "I haven't got the Consumption" when asked to cure their Cough with Shiloh's Consumption Cure. Do thev not know that Coughs lead to Consumption and a remedy that will cure Consumption will cer- tainiy ami surely cure a cough or any lung or throat trouble. We know it will cure when all others fail and our faith in it is so positive that we will refund the price paid if you receive no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi tion. Price 10 cts. :0 cts. and si.00 per bottle. Por lame chest, IJack or side, use Shiloh's Porous i'laster. Price 2 cents. For sale by Chapman & Smith. I)ruJTurists. Why will you suiter with Dyspepsia and liver complaint, constipation, and general debility when you can gt at our store shiloh's System Yitalizer which we sell on a positive guarantee tocurejou. Price 10 cts. and To cts. For sale by Chapman & .Smith, Drug ist s. 'IIaTkMI-I i ACiv' 'a popular and fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman cV Smith, Druggisls, Plattsmouth, Xeb. tH'.y eow. LEGAL NOTICES. Estray Notice. Taken up by t!ie sulisei il.or. living on t lie past ,i ill 11. w. 'i of c-fction L's, town 11. ratr.'c ;i, cast in Cits pnimty, Neln-aska, t!it -jiitti "l;iv of Man-li. ls.y, one day in:uv. sin.iil sie, w ith a very latin whit in the f'rHie:ul. and a whilf spot 011 Hie riaht s-uie of the lni.ly. she also li:i a h.'.ulstall of a halter on (.newish, with white liiic.'kh'.s). She is supposed to he al-ont live years old. The uwner i requested to come and pay eharges and take her av-av. sij j. k. Nichols. Dissolution. 0,1 May m. 173. the firm of Chapman .t Smith was dissolved hy mutual consent, lr. Chapman retiring. bills iialnst the firm will he settled by Mr. Smith, and ail ae:'eii;its ilue the firms of Chapman Smith. Ompinan & (lias, or lr. (i. i'. Chapman must be settled before the lirst of .Tune. Is7: ; and after that date all account v. ill he placed in the hands of a collector and sued, ricasc call at their old stand and set lie at once and ohlir. JK. L li. ClIAI'MAX, 2 C.J I. Smith. AND AND FURNISHING GOODS. The only houso in the city that carries a clean Fresh block of CJoods of latest styles and fabrics known of the season. Will find here displayed a Cue line of Furnishing goods that cannot fail to command their attention and patronage. Sheriff's' Sale. A largo and well selected Stock of Eastern Dools aud Shoes at Sherwood's cheap. -iiti 85.00 At It. Sherwood's, made to order Fine 41tf Calf Boots $3.00. For Sale. The X. E. i section 21, town 11, range 12, situated in Mt. Pleasant pre cinct, Cass county, Xeb., at Ten dollais per acre on the following easy terms, to wit ; one fourth cash, one fourth in one year, one fourth in two years, and one fourth in three years; with only eight per cent interest on deferred pay ments. For further particulars enquire of J. M. Pattkiison, 8U Plattsmouth, Xeb. T.y virtue of an or ler of sale i-iu d bv Wm. I.. ells. Cierk of the Iistriet Cniat within and for Cass County .Nebraska, and to me directed, I will the i;.h ,i;iv ..f Jttri.-. A. I. W.. at in o . lock A. M., of said day, at the south door of the Court House in said count v, sell at I'ublie Auction the followi.i real estate, to wit : Tlie northeast quarter (lii ol section nine :) town ship Mo. twelve (l.'i; also the south half of south half ,.f the south east quarter C.i) of section four H tow shi; twelve tU.i, north : ailiin raaire thirteen (13) east ot the f'lh I'. M.. brim: the proper; v of the p'.amtiU. 'the same beii levied upon and tak en as the piov:erty of !I. li. ivttit. defendant, to satisiy a judgment of said court, recovered by John lil.u k, plaintiff. riattsmoiith, Neb.. Jlav 14lh. A. n. 1879. 5 i:. r. iivi:i:s. Sheriff, fas. Co., Neb. Dissolution Notice. Xot ice hereby given that the firm of Kd nertoii A; f.all is hereby dissolved by iniitual consent this iNtli day of April. l7:.am'l the said t ;eoiKc Kdnei I r-n i ;o pay iill debts of t ie old t rm and receive :l accounts due the firm ol Kderton ami liail. i;ko. Khokisto-v. Wm. S. Hall. I'latt-mottli, April 23, 179. :;" Why Will You Allow a cold to advance in your sys tem and thus encouiage more serious maladies, such as Pneumonia, Hem orrhages and Lung troubles when an immediate, relief can be so readily at tained. 7io.scW.v German Syruj) has gained the largest sale inthu world for the cure of Coughs, Colds, and the se verest Lung Diseases. It is Dr. Bos- Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Wm. K. ronel,tn, deceaied. In the county court of Cass Co..' Nebraska : Cpon readinj and filing the d:i!y verified pe tition of Allie V. Donehui. pr.-ivMo; thai admin istration of the estate of v m. "K. loni ;m, de ceased, be granted to her : Oid. red that notice of the pendency of said raiivi be .published in thee Nebra.-l-.a 1Ikhai.ii. a weekly newspaper. I'rilitod. publi-hed. and ia uencral circiilaiion in said e, -unt v. for three colisevi:i e weeks, an. I that thi hearing of said c:iue l.e i-ei for the'jsth liav of Mav. A. I . lsT.i at mi,, i.vioei.- m., at the otlice of the Comity Judge, at laitsmoiuli. at which time and pi.ice. all ner- son.s Intel es'.ed may ope;ir and show cause, if .any they have, hy a!miuist rai ion of said es tate should nut he granted toll.esii.l Alii.. - I loucl.i;), accoi iiliig to tile praverei" said peti tion. A. N. SL1 L1VAV, riattsmouth.Maylst. IS79. 7t3. up. Suits from S6.00 We havo tho best assortment of KS & VALISE To be found. u-tCall and compare our Goods and Prices, and you will receive the benefits derived therefrom. TRUN ; L) 1 P7fi TT in w a r - a. I III. .i If 11 vi..i7. jr v. 5 . 're j-v . '' b;U::-':'; 1 1 In Bankruptcy. In tiie District Court of the Tinted Stales for the District (lf N.-braska. in the matter of Jtihu i. I. yon, IiaiikMipt. CMXilD STATES KISTKK-T COCKT CLEEK's OKKK'K. Omaha, N't b., May 2, 1S79. To whom it may coi-cern : Tale notice hereby that :i. petition has been to n it, on the LNtli d.av of April. A. I) ls7' liled" in said District Court bv .loini 1". Lytin ofKal's Citv. in said 1itri-t. who h:is been heretofore iluly declare.l bankrupt under theact of Con nie i entitiei "An Act to establish a uniform system ol bankruptcy throughout the L'nitrd Stales." atiproved Mareh- TiT. and as mm.n,i. an I .. Cliees iauiOUS derilian presci'lptlcn, I or ft di.chari;e ami certilicate thereof from and is prepared with the greatest care, act andTt'Ttilt'.', .in.Vr' and no fear need be entertained m ad- 4 o'ciock, i. m,. at the oihee (".f j. ' A. WehVier ministering it to the youngest child. as per directions. The sale of thi med'eine is unprecedented. Since first introduced there has been a constant increasing demand and without a single report of a failure to do its work in any case. Ask yoar Druggist as to the truth of these remarks. Large size 75 cents. Try it and be convinced. 44eowlv. u wnl pity At;":;Uiu:xi.u.yof ti'tj jt-r mouth ant exfMiiiiev or ni iow a lai conmi?-f ii'ii, to 1 our nw ai wpikU i ful invutiriiii. Wt mean rhit trtvm 85.00 Fine Hoots Custom made 5.00 at 44tf fcjiiJin wood's. $5.00 Made to order FINE CALF BOOTS $5.00, 41tf at SiiEiiwooD's. I.'bo Ilie ... ... . . ''' oj ii,:iim np:cv ior said ois trict. at .hnaha in said district is the time and place assiL'iied for the hearing of the s;n.ie w hen and where you inav :tteud. and show cause, i! any you have, witv the piayer of the said peliuuu should not be irraiacd wat.son h. .sinrii, l- Clerk. Sheriff's Sale. OO'O D D'H0 t'KTKii 3ii:r(it;s7:1 j; .-' Great Reduction in Boots & Shoes I 20 to 25 Per Cent. LOWEB TXIAJNJ- LAST : Slens' rrinrp Albert " I-asiing liuekle ' " Conirresff " Thisr? Hail Shoes " Two-lhK-klc flow Shoes ' Genuine Hand Sewed Ties " Hand Sewed Alexis Ladies' Slippers Half Shoes " l'ehhle Coat, bide I.ace ' Kip. ' " Flench Iiutton " Cioat, iiutlon, (woiketl button-hole) ...SI f" I-.ist Year. tl.2". ... l -" " - 1.7. ... !..'- " " 17.'. ... 1 " " 1.7.1 ... l.M " 14- i;.v) " ' a.oo ... 4.. J $ .r,r, .. i.-i " " l.KS ... i.s-, " " 2 40 -, " 2..r.U . . . .'.' " " f,.iii ... 1MW " " 2.7S EVERYTHING ELSE IN PROPORTION. PETER MEBG-ES. Smith & lilack Iiaving purchased the stock of Drugs, IJooks, aud Stationery of Chapman & Smith can now be found at their old stand, with a full stock of Pure Drus and solicit the patronage of the people of riattsmouth and Cass county, and thanking our customers for past favors we hope by fair dealing to receive the same in the future and invite all to give us a trial. stf T.y virtue of an order of sale issued by Wm I Wells. Clerk of the Ji-trict Court within and' for Cass County, Nebraska, aad to me directed I will on the L'd day of June, A. J. ls;;i, at 10 o'clock A . M., of aid tlav, ;it the south door of the court house in s aid county, sell at public auction tli following real estate, to nit : 1 lie east half i '4) of Mock numlier t wo hundred an 1 twenty Cijoi. in the city of Mattsmouth. Nob. ; also, the undivided two-thirds of the fol low in;j described tract of hand, tu wit : Com mencing at the southeast corner of the South west quartern) ;f o. . quarter (.jof section twelve iiJK town twelve 12. nouh of ranire tiiirteeii (is). ea.t of the ij;h r. JI. ; thence north M'Vi'ii (7) cluiiii.s juni twenty-eiht (l!s) links ; thence west, four (4i chainsaiid forty (4i) linkH ; thoncr north. ; an- west, liftv-three (50 links, tot' e place of be-mninc ; llience west t.-ii (10) chains and seventy-four (741 links thence iiorih,. seventeen (17) ch;tius and ninety one r'l) links ; thence east, six h) chains arid six () links; thence south 11 ly east, nine teen (l;o chidiis and four t links ; hence Kouth f east, sixty-live ova links, to the place of beginning, containing fifteen acres; Also, two (2 acres, described as follows: Commencii: titty-two (j.l'j rods and fourteen (14) feet lioitii of the s w coiner td the s e quarter. (.j of the s e quarter i'i of section tweive (121, town twelve (li'i north of ranjiu thirteen (13) east tiienci; north, twenty 2i rods: thence ea-t' sixteen Pi) rods; thence south, twenty ciii rods ; thence west, sixteen (lu) rods to place "of beL;inniiin, Cf utaii.iui; two acre- : Also eom-meie-:n ten (lot chains and si.rtv ()) links north ot s w corner of the s e quarter (',) of the e quarter (Vi) of section twehe (tji town twelve U- north of r;inte thirteen ( l.i')' e;ts thence west four 4) chains and eihty-i-even (7) links, thence north 14' :u' wet live t.ji chains and tifty-seven (.17) links ; thence east six ii) chniiM and twentv-si (jr,i links ; thence south, five t.lj chains anii thirty-nine :):i links to place of beiiiniii. coiuainiiii: three (.: a res ; Also commencimr seven (71 cI.-ofw ,m,i ly printed on the inside of the lid. This . twenty-eijjht links north of tiie foutheat . fr..i'M.. f, r i.i.i l.ii'..f . ........ ...rii..-,. v . ............... Uli r-, .jin. ifi oj lMo SOiltii- rafti .5,i'"'t1rr -f i"i twelve I2, town . ..f i t ooii ii oi liMie inii teen east o re. Yen can make money by selling Slerlim; Chemical Wicks 'Never ii"('d triniiiiin No smoke or smeli 10 cents each. 3 for 2.1 cents. Send Mamp foreataloue of Won derful Inventions, Maple and fancy jioods. I 'ar sons, Foster & Co., 1.1 Clark St.. Chicago. l;nt Thirty of tlie Ie.t ornan makers of the World :re competitor at the Paris Imposition, a cable dispatch to the Aiiciated l'lers s;iys two highest jold medals have been awarded to the American makers. Mason & Ilamlin. Cauticu to Smokers. From and after the 1st day cf May, 1S73 all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold- is to prevent counterfeiting mv brand of cigars, w ith an inferior r;uality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainlv labeled: JUL. I US rEPPERDUnG, Maxcfactuher, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. in P.nn yAllES of residents wanted. For 2.1 iU.l'tU names and 25 r ents we will send you a lice m!k handkerchief, every thread silk. Kecilar price, l.oo, U. V. Fosfr. i CV., 12 j Clark Street, ChicUpO, 111, Jmu, thence west four !) chains and forty 40 i links thence north i; :,) west, one II chain and ciehteen jj links ; thence norlh 14- m' west two (2( cha:n.s ami thirteen 113 links; thence east ur 4' ehai'is anl eila v-deven 17 links ; tin nee so;;lh three (M chains and l!iirtv-t Ao !-t2l link, to the place of be-innin-. coutainiii" one am, a oa'.f (l',j acres, together vt itli all the privileges Siud appiirtenain-es. The ."ame beti" levied upon ami t;ikeU as the properly of II 'iT Montgomery and .M.-.raret .Xloutoiiiery. de fendants ; to Ht!sfya j i lrmt nt of s iif court recovered by Tootle Hani, & Clark, plaiiinit.s. 01 j K. W. II YKKS. tilQllll Co. CD CO -a a 7D O O Q 0 H 43s M REVOLUTION! Tin; Standard Singer. t'20 Im.is this Sljle. - EH r3 as Hq J A ai CO pi a 0 Nev i ncuts wiit, ted in every town, Sampli marliine lui iii-.hed on appliiai' i".n. i to let forwitid -d With :! r, as a uaiaef e it K'xl faiit, -the balance, .-w. to be pi.l.l iifier livo lav- dial. Kvery laacl.iiie w;iri .i:. !,!, and written ",i:u autee f.ive;i with cie ii iu;e lib e tt keep in order for lo veal ' Two machines, one aildn ss, i:t ; three riiichme. ; four machines r;t; live machiiies, .--5. Special prices on larne orders. I'aksmns. ;ystki: & i .. Cma iz'j u l-i Ciiii k St., Chicago, III. GEORGE EDGEUTOX. Wines, Liquors AND CIQARS. IN TIIE OLD SENATE STAND Main Street, opposite the f'ouit lloukc. This place is Jird opened, nem, yood gooM or r.'l kiads. We w iit,t to keep a g'io I lioue ani i-'cii' e oiir customers. o to - w 0 - CO r REMEMBER THIS. fly. DEWEY BROS., DEWEY BROS., FUKN I T L'Jli: J) EA L E J W, Louisville, Neb., REMEMBER The name of Iho Place ! -i-Y call at o.vc: ft! i73 A DAY CUAKAWTrFO J P ti y ;j,vi. A. J. VV.sas AMI DAKOTA.