THE HERALD. J. A. MAQMURPfir Editor rLATTSMOUTH. MAY 22, 1979. And Michael went on the excursion at last. The wagon factory at I3rownviIle burned on the 19th inst. Loss 35.000. No insurance. Too bad. The Xemaha Granger comej to hand this week and has been read w ith pleasure. We hope the Herald and Granger can manage to exchange regularly after this. Vk want all the editors to get home and then we will tell what we know about the anti-l'res3 legislation of last winter, and cive the resolutions passed at our late meeting in Lincoln. A Mt. rieasaut letter and Weeping Water letter waa received Wednesday noon too late for thi3 week. Our cor respondents must get their letters in earlier. Do you suppose we set a whole paper up on We'lne3day? During the recent meeting of the Sportsmen's Association, in Omaha, the riattsmouth prize, a silver cup, which was presented in May, 1877, and won by the Lincoln team, and m 1878, by the Fremont team, was won again by the Fremont team, whose score was 30 against Lincoln 27, PlattBinouth 30 and Madison 31. The majority of the house elections' committee is said to be of the opinion that theie was no legal election in Iowa last year. Should this report be adopt ed by the house it would vacate every seat in Iowa, including those held by two greenbackers. A curious circum stance is that Weaver, one of the greenbackers is a member of the elec tions' committee. Dr. Dio Lewis lectured to a full house, in Omaha, on Friday evening of last week and left the next morning for his eastern homo. His second lec ture in Plattsmouth occurring oa Wed nesday evening of last week before we went to press, we were unable to give any notice of it, but his services have been very freely and handsomely given to the temperance cause in riatts mouth. and we have no doubt the peo ple appreciate it. Orlando Cassler was haaged at Seward, on Tuesday, the 20th inst. II is crime was the murder of Geo. L. Mon roe, on the GtU of last July, the body being found in the Blue river, near Seward, with a wound in the head, five days after Cassler and Monroe had camped there. Monroe's team was found in Cassler's possession. Cassler maintained his innocence to the last, but died game, showing not a particle of emotion up to the last moment. The mob repeated the Minden experi ment of tearing down the enclosure, thus making the execution public. An Omaha street-car driver a young man named J. L. Doty had a very close call for his life at the hand.- of a desperate highway robber Monday night. The driver was on his last run for the night, and had on boar-1 only a la dy passenger, who got off near the brewery. While he was stooping over to hitch the horses to the car again, a shot was fired, the bail striking him on the forehead, over the right eye, in flicting a slight scalp wound. He fell to the ground unconscious, but ho re gained his senses almost immediately, and then jumping to his feet, he start ed off on a brisk run, ar.d as he fled a second shot was fired at him without any other effect than to accelerate his speed. Two men immediately accom panied him back to the car, and found that the money box, containing about S15 had disappeared. This of course explained the object. If the Democrats want to settle this "military interference," as they term it, just let them introduce a fair and equitable law, saying no armed man or men shall be at or near any polls in the United States, and especially pro vide against concealed weapons being carried on election day. That covers the ground, we'll all agree to that. It is folly to say there is no national elec tion, no power in the General Govern ment to control. Suppose a lot of the older settlers of Nebraska should say no "new comers" shall vote we pro pose to control this State and we had the numerical strength to enforce it. To whom would the citizen of Illinois, Kentucky or Massachusetts apply for redress, to his native state or to the general government? or would he tamely submit to be disfranchised for ever because he chanced t emigrate to Nebraska? Judge Dundy's decision, as we ex pected, has created a great furore in le gal aid political circles. It is gener ally accepted a3 changing the whole status of Indian affairs, if sustained. We do not see that it follows that In dians can roam where they please or commit depredations as they choose. A man may advertise a minor and for bid his being harbored under certain conditions, a husband his wife, &c, these parties having control to a cer tain extent over the persons of said minor and wife ; but that does not pre vent the friends from issuing a writ of habeas corpus to ascertain the right of control. The Government has control of the Indian to that extent and no more, and when found trespassing he can and should be arrested and pun ished; but not placed in the position that he ha3 no rights which the law i3 bound to respect, and no redress from wrong and fraud and ill-treatment, as has been the case. In this instance it does seem a conundrum what shall be done with the Poncas, but these things will adjust themselves in time, and the great end of substantial justice to the Indian be obtained by this course. Xo right to trespass on the domain of oth ers, no right to break the laws is grant ed by this decision, whether it stands or falls. The Editorial Excursion. A Trip of Interest. DOWN TO ST. LOUIS TO SEE THE END OF THE XISSOUUI. , A Very Tleasant Letter Troai One of the JJueoIfc Editors." In a journey through southeastern Nebraska and along the valley of the Missouri to the Mississippi one pars es through the heart of North Amer ica, counting Lincoln and St. Louis as the terminal points. O ver and through this line of country via the Atchison & Nebraska It. It. and the Missouri Pacific the Nebraska editors betook themselves last week on their annual excursion. Two features alent; the line were noticeable; the lack of rain and poor fruit prospects. But for fine orchards, and apple trees of immense size, east ern Missouri will hold her own with any locality. The Atchison and Nebraska It. It. propose daring the summer to extend their road from Lincoln to Columbus, and there form a. junction with the Union Pacific. The A. & N. under the management of Superintendent Towne is one of the best managed roads in the State and is gaining rapidly ia public favor, Every arrangement for the convenience of the party was made by Passenger Agent Winchell. who was on the train to Atchison. In one instance, two of the editors most in terested in the extension mounted the cowcatcher and the train made the next 10 miles at the rate of 50 miles an hour, we sappose, to show the capa bilities of the road. Atchison, Whatever it may have been in the past, is steadily improving and with the A & N. road is reaching up in Nebraska for the latter' prod ucts, and is surely opening a southern outlet for a large portion of Nebraska t via their city to St. Louis. Ed. Ilewe, of the Globe, and Major Toralinson ex erted themselves to shew the differ ent industries of the place to the com pany. Among the points of interest was the Atchison Packing House, claimed to be the largest in the country, now, with a capacity of using up 3,500 pork ers per day, and the same is to be doubled the present year. No small item that, buying, killing and skipping 7,000 hogs per day; and and the influ ence of this establishment must be felt all along the line of the A. & N. II. K. in this State. Kansas City is the new Chicago ef the West, and the crowd and bus' nes at the Union dep&t would discount Chicago itself. At St. Louis commission men say the river trade is increasing yearly ; and standing on the St. Louis bridge, (a magnificent structure, by the way), and looking at the river trade on the levee is proof positive that the river trade is immense. The number of boats doing bi siness on the Missouri is increasing rapidly. Right here many in town will remember John McClennan who for several years was on the Vice President. Running across him in Missouri he informs us that lid is building a boat for a company at Atchison. The boat is to be used for carrying grain from Atchison to St. Louis. The capacity of the boat will be 700 tons of grain, and so arranged as to load and unload direct from el evators. Mr. McClennan says, from careful estimates, grain can be carried between these points for four cants per bushel, and that leaving a handsome profit for the firm. The lowest rate ever reached by rail between the same points is eight cents per bushel. So one sees at a glance the benefit of wa ter transportation. What is true there would also be between Plattsmouth and St. Louis, and we see no reason why the time is not coming when two thirds of the grain raised in Cass Co. will be shipped by boat. It must come! St. Louis has many places of interest and the excursionists attempted to see them all. The most serious accidents were the total loss of Lot Brown of the Neb. City Press and the temporary separation of the copartners of the Geneva Review. Some developed pecu liarities, reading signs, &c, but person al peculiarity are not of interest to the public and the individuals know how it is themselves. II. M. B. Jay Gould and party are at Omaha looking up R. R. matters in connection with the U. P. The Lincoln Globe has chanced hands, and is now under the control of F. A. Wilson and A. G. Iligginson. Wilson is business manager, and Ilig ginson the editor, while J. 0. Wheeler is the city editor. These parties, for merly of Omaha, are young journalists, and will no doubt infuse new life in to the Globe, and make it revolve with greater vim around its own axis. Ex. Latest from the Capital. A SQUARE back down. Special Dispatch to the Bee : Washington, May 145 a. m. The Democrats do not attempt tc dis guise the face that there are a sufficient number of the majority who favor a square back down from the position the party lias assumed by combining with the Greenbackers and Republi cans to pass the army appropriation bill without any stipulation as to the nse of troops. At. the discussion in the ways and means committee, Mills, of Texas, while not advising his party from their position, admitted it would be very unfortunate for Congress to adjoarn without providing for all the wants of the government, and Felton, of Georgia, came out squarely in favor of the passage of appropriation bills before Congress adjourns. GEN. ROBERT SCUENCK, ex-Minister to England, is lying very ill at his residence in this city. He is suffering from Bright's disease xt the kidneys. ZACII CHANDLER is contemplatiHg a suit for criminal libel against the proprietor of the Washington Post. The paper in ques tion reported him as drunk when he made his speech in the Senate on Fri day ia.-t. Our Temperance Column.. EDITED BY THK WOMAN'S MiniSTIAX TKM 1-EKAXCI! V.VIW. To the Readers of the IIekau) : IJlattsmouth Lotion; No. 2. I. O G. T. Regular meeting at Good Templars' Hall every Wednesday evening. E. H. WOOLEV, VV. C. T. Viola V. Baunk, Sec'y. IHTTSMOCTH TKMPI.E Or HONOR AND Tkmpkkanck, No. 15. lingular meeting Saturday evening iuHall In FitHerald s block. S. S. Hisklk, W. C. T. J. V. Johnsox, Sec'y. 1lattsmuth Kkd Rjkbox Club. Regular meeting on Monday eveuing ol each week. K. G. Dovky, 1'resideiit. U. M. Bcshxkll, Sec'y. rpiiK. Kkadixh Koom. Open on Wednesday -- and Saturday afternoon and evening of eactl weeit. Front room over F. S. White's stoie. The ladies of the Christian Temper ance Union, having through the cour tesy of the editor, secured a column in the Hekald, t be devoted to the in terests of the temperance cause, trust they may be able to render it a profit able medium of communication with the many readers of this journal. They lay no claim to originality in the inception of the idea, as it is strongly urged upon them in their "cod? of laws," by those who are battling in the fore front, recognized leaders in the ranks of reform. Neither do they ex pect to aim at originality in the sub ject matter of their column, but rather at collecting forcible and well attested facts bearing upon the question, and selecting from those writers who from their position and absorbing interest in the cause are qualified to speak au thoritatively ; thus crystallizing to the best of their-ability, in so small a space, facts and opinions from our best tem perance publications for the benefit of those who do not in any other way have access to them. Controversy and unpleasant person alities, it will be their study to avoid. Advocating temperance in all things and total abstinence from all that is wrong and injurious, purity of thought and expression, they trust, willcharac acterize their efforts. Thus they confidently hope to ad vance the cause to which they have pledged a life interest, without "tres passing upon the rights of others," or "endangering their own or the paper's safety. Mothers, as they are, they may, per haps, be pardoned for stepping a little aside from "woman's sphere" with the hope of doing a little towards purify ing the moral atmosphere in which their c iildren must live and breathe. There will be a children's meeting at the Good Templars Hall, Friday evening, May 23d at 7 o'clock for the purpose of initiation. w. c. T. u. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will, for the present, meet ev ery alternato week. Notice of time and place in this column. Next meet ing Thursday, May 20th, in Reading Room. In consequence of the threatening aspect of the weather on last Monday evening, and the small audience in at tendance, the address of Mr. DeLaMa tyr was by request postponed till the next meeting, which will be held in the Presbyterian church, Monday, the 26th. A general invitation is extended. Mrs. Newell, of the Temperance Cof fee House, celebrated her "opening," on Monday, by serving delicious ice cream free to her many friends and customers. Contributed. J A few days since while in the cars two commwrcial men sat behind me ; they were speaking of Plattsmouth and particularly of the increase of hearty temperance santimeuts among the people. And though I judge they were not advocates of total s.bstinence, they could riot but approve the favor able change so manifest even to a cas ual observer. Do we realize, Mr. Edi tor, how much we are indebted for this state of tilings to the persevering la bors of a few elect ladies in our midst? Through evil report and through good report they have toiled on amidst dis couragements that would have dis heartened the stronger (?) sex, until it may be said of them as was said of one of old, ' They havo done what they conld, verily their reward is at nana, it should also be said, that some of our most influential business men have entered into this work hear tily and have enlisted during the war, all honor to them. The clond that has settled down upon our city of the hills is rising and public sentixent is arous ed against the destroying and dishonor able work of whi3ky selling and its concomitant whisky drinking. The friends of temperance have been greatly aided in their work by two lec tures given lately, one by the celebra ted Dr. Dio Lewis, who is a power upon any subject he advocates; the other lecture was by Dr. Fishwr of Omaha, whose eventful history in the struggle of our country with its armed enemies is well known. His effort was one of great power, showing conclusively that "Prohibition doe3 prohibit" and that it was the duty of every good citizen to put forth every effort to secure such laws as would prevent men from deal ing in liquid poison. There is a pro ject now on foot to build a Temperance Hall and secure a larger library and make a pleasant resort for our young men where they may spend their even ings beyond the fumes f the demon alchohol. I understand several of our substantial and public spirited citizens are giving the enterprise such generous aid as will secure such a building be yond a perad venture. In this grand work of suppressing the gigantic evil of intemperance our worthy Mayor should have great cred it, like General Jackson he can stand erect when duty requires it, and all the forces of earth and hell cannot in duce him to do what he claims to be wrong. What a contrast to the course of some Politicians, who rather than offend the whisky ring would stultify themselves and do violence to their most sacred convictions. But a day of reckoning is at hand and the record of these men is known and will be re membered, when properly educated public sentiment shall demand in thunder tones, that our public men shall regard the wishes of those of their constituents wh.1 have been press ed to the earth in their grief, crying day and night "How long, O Lord, how long." Philo. Forty-Sixth Congress. SEN'ATB PROCEEDINGS. Washington, May 20. Mr. McDon ald asked leave to introduce a bill au thorizing the president of the United States to employ militia and land and naval forces of the United States to en force laws whenever their execution is obstructed by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by judicial authority, etc., and preventing the mi litary from being used as a posse com itatu3 except in cases as authorized by the constitution and laws. Mr. Saunders read a short speech against the bill arguing use of the military is necessary to secure fair elections in the south. Mr. Whyte opposed all federal inter ference, civil or military, in state af fair3. He believed there is no such thing as a national election. Elections are either state or municipal. Senators and representatives are agents respon sible to states. CORRESPONDENCE. Pleasant Hill Notes. Ed. Herald: Corn about all plant ed, and is coming up splendid. Small grain has changed to a differ ent color through the shower last Man- day. The summer school has commenced, and is taught by Miss Carrie Adams J. C. Ward has been burning lime again at the old place. Sam Thomas has his churning busi ness running with s'eam this year in place of a sheep. Some young men commenced farm ing this spring in our vicinity one of them is Alex Root who is very busy A large prairie fire here this spring caused some damage in Sam. Thomas young timber. We understand that may be we would have the county fair in the hot torn. Member O. T. E. W. Greenwood Notes. May 20th 1879. In my last I spoke about Mr. May- field building a house for a furniture store, it should have been Mr. Coihu. F. Steadson & Co. are shelling and had about 18,000 bushels, it is sold to a C.ieaco firm. Mr. Johnson has sold about 12,000 to 15,000 bushels to the same firm. Quackinbush Bros, are erecting a two story building near the Depot oOxGO. Maj. Wheeler of Piattsmouth and Dr. Dio Lewis of Boston made us a call on Tuesday last and we dratted the Dr. into service and he gave us one of his finely arranged lectures; subject Tobacco and Temperance. How subject we are to changes in this world, Mrs. nbourn has taken a partner in the hotel business and chang ed her name to May field; such is life We wish them prosperity and happi ness. Mayfield is a lively boy. Mr. Penu of Red Oak is here baying hogs, he ships two car loads to-day. Green and Wilbourn shipped two car loads of hogs last Friday. Thomas accompanied them to Chicago. Mr. Peck commenced his building this morning to be occupied by him as a barber shop. Nub ins. Eight Mile (J rove Notes. Ed. Herald: Some time has claps ed since I dropped you my last line, mostly owing to the harmless gossip of big feet, and now since little feet started in search of big feet, and to dis cover the mystery who is big feet, I will withdraw, though believing that if the discovery is made, little feet will merge into big feet. Nearly all the farmers are done planting corn ; what corn is up looks well, some big enough to cultivate. Wheat, Oats, and in fact everything sowed or planted, looks well notwith standing the dry season, and if only some reports are true, we can dis count most an' of the eastern states in the agriculture line. Geo. Kirkpatrick and others who had their tents stretched for Leadville, re solved to leave Leadvilla alone, and to try farming again. Jim Craig and Ch. Calkia3 started for the Black Hills last week. Thanks to you for publishing the Road Law, wish you would give us our County Commissianers' proceedings in full "for fun" for the County is not able to pay for the same. Thanks to the Co. Commissioners for the erection of a county jail, would say thanks a thousand times for the erection of a goO.OOO cauit heuse. More anon. Sensible man, Eh? Ed. Herald. From Three fc!roTes. May 20th, 187U. Ed. Herald: I have put off writing my letter this week until the very last moment thinking that I could get some more and better items than we usually do for your paper, it being such a busy time, none have appeared of ar.y importance more than usual, although the rain that fell yesterday was quite an item to the growing crops and all vegetation. About 11 o'clock the wind began to blow from the north west, blowing quite a gale, ac companied with thunder and light ning which lasted for sometime, con siderable rain fell giving the ground a general good soaking, so that we may not expect dry weather for a little while at least. The wind did no dam age to amount to anything. The most of the farmers are done planting corn, although there remains a great deal to bto planted yet. Corn that was planted early is up, and some of it is large enough to plow, and is generally a good stand. The fruit crop will not be so large as could have been expected at blossom time, there seems to be a general blight all over this part of the county of the apples and peaches, notwithstanding there will be some fruit of all kinds. Rye is heading out in some fields and is looking well. No chintz bugs iu wheat yet, that we have noticed. Oats are looking fine. Rock Creek is one ahead this week, they had a (well we can't say just now what they did call it, but I guess it was it lecture, show or something of the kind,) one night last week, they say the boys had lots f fun, to see who was the most popularlady, their choice seems to be a lady of Rock Bluffs, any how she came out first best. It was only five cents a vote and we suppose some of the boys spent some of their loose nickels ia voting. We under stand that they will be at Rock Bluffs to-night and at the Brick school house on Wednesday night. Readers of the Herald, I bid you all adieu, as a correspondent, in this week's issue, for the present time as this is my last letter; and as perhaps there are some who would like to know who the Three Groves "Reporter" is, I will now sign my name in full and close. Yours truly, J. M. Yorso. From Factoryville. Ed. Herald: In my last letter which appeared in the columns of your wide awake paper, (which same is do ing more to educate men in true Re publican principles than any other Journal published in the county,) I promised soma further items of inter est. The Post-oflico which supplies our town with mail matter daily, is situa ted about one mile east of us, Union Mills Post Office; Mr. Geo. LaRue is ur Post Master, a very estimable man and efficient P. M. Dr. McCrea intends building an of fice here, which will be quite an addi tion to our town. We were favored with a visit last Thursday from Professor Marti ndaleh ur County School Superintendent, he is making many friends in this part of the county, by his gentlemanly and courteous demeanor. We have had a very bountiful rain this week, are looking for morn, "Com ing events cast their shadows before." We are looking for a visit from our friend Mac, always glad to see him. Weeping Water is supplying an abundance of Fish from tiro-) to time. Farmers are very busy in our neigh, borhood. looking forward to an abun dant harvest. This part of Cass County is well set tled with very substantial citizens; there is room for more, send them along! No richer land to be found in the State of Nebraska than in the southern part of said county. We Republicans are looking forward to a rousing majority this fall. Keep the machine moving Mac, in "eradica tion of justice and right. Yours Truly, O. K. From Avoca. May 16th, 1873. Ed. Herald: The late fine rain has given us much satisfaction. It has been worth hundreds of dollars to us. There seems to be indications of anoth er rain soon. Our people are putting their stock out to grass. Speculators hold some large tracks of prairie near here and these are well grazed. Small grain looks well, a few pieces were hurl by the dry weather. Some of our coin is up and appears quite thrifty. I think there will be a great increase in the acreage this year. There yet remain many acres to be planted, Tromblc has five acres to plant, and Senator TelTt has much to put in. Mr, Shoopman and Mr. Carpet have slopped the suit about that fire. Mi. Carper pays twenty dollars and costs. Perhaps he will save money next time by choosing a calm day for fires. Charley Tromble, Messrs. Cooper, C. D. Butts, Ogden and Gerking have finished planting. The Methodists have started a Sab bath School in McDermid's school house. I understand they propose to meet every week, they have Divine worship every alternate Sabbath. There is not life enough at the stone School House to keep up a S. S. They can run a good, interesting Lyceum and why not a good live Sabbath School. Avoca Ketch um. EI in wood Points. Ed. Hekald: Since your readers have not been favored for the last few weeks with any "points" from the gra phic pen of "Delilah" or any strong and poetical language from Samson, I will in my weak way send you a few chips. In the course of human events the citizens of Elmwood and surrounding neighborhood are respectfully invited to meet at Stove Creek School-house on Saturday evening, May tke 31st. The Band is improving quite rapid ly. Stick to it boys. Dr. Ilobbs has had his buggy repaint ed and varnished, the boys say that he has a good many calls out south late- The hog buyers from Waverly were here last week. Henry Clapp sold 3120.00 worth to them. Many herds of cattle have gone thro' here this spring. A gentleman from Wisconson has bought 80 acres of school land near town and has moved on it; "his name I cannot tell." Croquet has started up again. The M. E. Quarterly meeting was a .good, full house. Eld. Crippen con ducted the services. The blacksmith has more than lie can do. We are pained to record the death of Mrs. Koyer. The Lord called her away after she had served her three sc re years. A man passed threugh Elmwood the other day, going to Council Bluffs with a very sick wife; the Dr. thinks she will not reach her destination alive. He had no cover on his wagon and without any money. All come to make arrangements to celebrate the Ear'e. Roll of IIonr. The following namps are those who were perfect in Deportment, punctual ity and attendance for the months end ing May 10, 1870 in district No. 78. Mnrv Chilson, Kflriv Ellison Bertha C'l)ilon Leiii Krookhart Mary lieed llattie Chi! son Hiidert Brookhart Frank Dean Clnytoii Drake John Murphy. Amy O. Babcook, Teacher. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AKXTN WASITEI) For the Rfat ai.d Fitt est Stlliiitj notorial Books an t Bible. 1'riees reduced .' per vent. National l'ubli.shiim Co., Chicago Ills. 7t4 M NTETnff A ""VOIWIi "31 AX who v J Hll 1 LUi! can control t lie Boot and Shoe Biifiuess in this couutv. Addn s with references. J. II. VAN FASoKN, Dot) Locust Street, l'hiladelpliia, I 'a. CHEAPEST BOOK STORE W?ffir. 53,672 Superb Ent'lisli Books AT OUR PRICE! 75,270 New American Books AT YOUR PRlCE! 112,720 Second-hand Books AT ANY PRICE. Catalogue of C.eneral Literature free. LEGGAT BROTHERS, 3 Beekiuan St.. near New I'ost Office, New V oik Barson's Purgative Bills made New Bich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Any per son who will take 1 pill each lii'ht from 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if fuch a thinjj be possible. Sent bv mail for S letter stamps. I. S. JOHNSON & Co. Bangor Maine. SIGN, CARRIAGE and ORNA MENTAL PAINTER, .A.. ASHLEY. Shop over the Brick Block next to II Boeck's. rLATTSMOUTH, 441y. NEB :z FACTORYVILLEI J. V. Anderson, Dealer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NO TIONS, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, Hardware and Otieenswarc. Mas-Ret Irice iail fur BUTTER and EGGS. We Sell Goods At BED ROCK Figures. Come one, Come all, and nee for yourselves. 4ai3 LOUISVILLE HILLS A. II. Jackman & Sons. I'llOl'itlKTOItS. .Manufacturers of eai, ETC, AND Shipners of Grain. "Special attention iven to toni (iriiidin. til k;:i:s of Cus LOUISVILLE. CASS COL'NTY, Mf NEBRASKA CD o 9 CD E9 trJ f w CD PLATTSMOUTH Clothing House! C. G. HER0LD, - Proprietor. FIBST ESTABLT) IN ta:. Keeps a general large stock of Men's, youth's & I Joy's and has just received the fiuert lot of French and English Silk WORSTED SUITS, THAT EVER CROSSED THE MO. RIVER. His different styles of Hats d Gaps, are surprising, and his stock of Furnishing Goods I FANCY GOODS, AM) Showcase Goods Isjiurge enough to supply any demand. Call and Examine the ILTIKrW STYLES, EEFORE I'CRCIIASIXG ELSEWHERE. VJ C G. IXEK0L1). . . BENSON'S CAFCI N K ) BOUOCS BLASTER. iS f.) See that each plaster has the word ''uLlf-'c-A-B-C-I-N-Ecut through it.nnd in y eit on having no other. Ask your own lMiysician as to its merits over all others. fill I N 1 ASB CLOTHING! We are f US El: ...'a avSa Plenty of New Goods, MlRfm TO SUPPLY" TTIac iiBcreasiaag deoD&s&d of aw fraI9 we Baswe Bought am Unusually Largo Stock aaaaacy5 give im ana poa'taBiafitiy to sSbw yoaa GOODS Am PRICES. lMattsiuoutli, Nebraska. lias onco more FRANK who is, on and after NEW GOODS, ELEG Mr. "Weckbaeh bavin? pone into the Lumber bn-.i'iicss I propose to run t!i3 old EM l'lIU; awhile mi. self. We are in iost DRY AND FANCY GOODS mil CtMI31IH; which we offer our friends and tin: pulitic at 13. al at ii icf-j t LAMES' Cashmeres, Alpacas, Delaines, A;c. Calicos, from 12 to 16 Yards for $1.00. Muslins, from 6 cts. a yard upward The Cuest stock of White ISedspread ever brought to the City. Buell's Cassimeres, Tweeds, full Mats saaad (Daps, aaaal laaa'aaislBfiEagdyoods. aee&es aaad IPavSsitfaak OF ALL KINDS. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. -r i a 11. i . . j. ut-sire 10 see an my uia prisons i,ac& pret-uat ones as I can REMEMBER THE PLACE, 01y BScaiHy JU WLBMMSiIWn AND - MB i OF d - il1 " come back" to GUTHMAN (Lis date proprietor. A N T S T Y L E S '.aK j receipt of aaaeS a on 7i ?i Si fr: suit the times.- Jeans, and Cottonades in Stock. anu want lo ImM .m.h .nanv of thf FHANK GITJIMAX. ONE DOOR WEST OF I O., P r. A TTK M (in Til V : H.i'j 4 MODS jl, in. GOODS