Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 10, 1879, Image 3

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If I
THE ii KRa LD.
An ire ut. : a. m. i,-,a,t at - Sa-jn.
Arrive tt 10 .ad .1. in. 1 Depart at - 2 -.15 p. ni.
Arrite .'.t - S :15 p. m. Depart at - 13 :TOa. m.
WKKVIST, avati:r.
Arrive at 12 :.. ;.i. !.. rt ;-t - J :00 p. ni-.
!:f K :l.l'Kr& T M'N MIJ.I.S.
Arrive M 12 :f) 1:1. lOipaitat- 1 :.K p. in.
,J " MAKsIIALL. 1. M.
Trnu-ient " a bio. Uevular advenli
f.. 10 ei.u:VT !ui". '-' uii vtriiaeiiuui inai-
i iur less than -j cviit.s.
I r":.l r.ot'.rrs :it Statute Tvif -.
At7'Mieys and ol'iicers of tii- Jaw wilt bos field
,..p..isibb for :til i'ual iiotiees 0cy hand in,
jtii'i "'I pat "'s deimindin ..1 moot f jitib'jca
11011 of nnv notice will It- Lulu lor toe vmbiica
tion Ie osucli uoiiee.
co vi m r nicatto n s.
As nvr sj'iicc is limited, alt communit-a'toiis
hunt he brief at.d lo Lin' i'oiut. with no waste
a! words.
'J In paper is re-poif!!.; for the ci,:Toi"tm'.s
aosidiii to copy oT paid mato r and paid Le
giits, only.
1. Av.y person ttio take tit ;pT rejrnh.ily
from the pos -.:'.ei, v. ii. '.li- r ail ; I to !;
iiii::if, it w ..ether !: is a. sai.Ki-.iofr or not is
lMi:i:.-ibio I t ti.e p.iv.
Il :n;v pi-rs n -de-, s his paper d-seotttm-
iicd. it 1 1 p.iy ai re .!::-!"-. r ' he piddi-h-ir
niiiv c- .: it 1 1. 1 ; t s-tid i t-.'.tit p.ij i:iut 11
li:-.-u!i-." iii'.il fi!!f.'-t the v I'.nl- : nr nt'i t . v.ln-tli'-r
tilt I i - r IS t ll'llll tl " I'l tli't.
1 i-.t en'!, i s 1 1 . i v - 1 i t ii;t 1 tj r i i ; ! t
t . i.i--.v-ti:t: i "-! ir-: tli "
fi'iii-t. or tiii-vui'.' : -1 1 1 it M'. i:i-' tln-ni ni'-:il!t'it
fur. H 1 .'-H 't b v
t l: L i.
ix 01 H- 1IO.N.U.
Tj uinriov.- is go.j-1 l'l'My.
T'.iistf r M011 lay":-i:r,i:iz Ball.
Fur IItl!ovAT3 i'i'li to'i.
r.anM fishiti ' Polr-fi, nt the I'. O.Nows
-Holioways famous Bills at Doue
lan'a. .
Mr. I'ariaolc's ne.r white fence
look.? nobl y.
-Mrs. Ilayos fivm rreraont was in
the city ia:t w ec-k.
Bcin.-t::i' or the L;?.ls rkranr. Ball
011 Mo:. day tvenisg.
Dick Sf.tight has got a l.aivlsorae
r.w specdii-j bt:y.
Ten ar.d twtdvc c, i kid at Mrs.
Jti'.iT.F.oii'r. kki! Mi1?? 7. eerisy'''. I'i3
A nic. 1 1 -w hr.ti : -johiz up on Cth
t. and a:iLhir on Wii-d.iiton Ave.
the Bvxt ttn day? lk-eil Bro.s.,
wi.i ho constantiv rccc
ivi r.'-.; ner goo:;j.
.'JLS so
Lar s nt M.-:-.I B:o.-., Vec-pi' g
1 f rv'.i a ?c
!;: till jo-.: so I
Weep!:: AVa'.er.
3',ic!..n I. J. ?, V.:
lohino. 'hn'i
Ikv-d Bio-,..
v'v'r f.,r ;.! f;.ti;i ,
Wtv!.'.- V '
i '
'.hnS'.'il'j ZVA
f':n:H:;(J !: the
('0 n' .ni::. e
.f the l.l-.s.':
'.he ilall
!-:ai:Z P.a
t ! .
;c is ( :.
';-! 1:1 co'i
r,. .Iv!.ns''3
lil Will gi't
'i'oo ruuch
i he .
1 . i S t 1 ir t '
b-: -S
Zew it
lih'vr?. l il
Mrs. John
c;a pi'ttry :
s:i i--t Wi;'.;
of L 'c !:
ons. v:i;;:i . .c. e
at !
01'j and Mi .,; .fn'-v'i
Ti;c rivt-r
oil tii" g'lag;1
ao ic ; ;.l 1
f.- ,'tn:H
ai.d C; t.
I'idav is ;
. " !
v . . . .4 I.
i.siu cstsb- i
(:-r, .!i!v I
A re-.v 1
r-. 1
bshe l at
k:M Kr.
P. M.
i.e. ;
Dr. .'!.ap:.,an .V
assort m. :.t t f c-'-oc
:t:i r.av
, j
of 1
rw. In
'. j -m full
! c to Dr.
! work, ti
oJc-i hou
i from week l.-Ing Pulton We k. the
last v. fckt'f Lent, the J"ipi-copal and i
r.omnn Catho'
1.5,1 !
iaily serviots.
Th ladies of th
tor'al church .
are making p:-parati-ma for a Dick
pn'd Ent'-rtaintr-jr.t to be givtm
ehort- j
T'liil Yo:;:;g has a voiy liands6me
rew s:
-Jast read it an 1 pay atten-
tion to what 1'
a- a.wuvs
has good goods.
The church will be
b. ar.dseme! v do". 'rated with flowers
n.t SiiTidav, btir.g Easter, ar.d
services will ! held.
"rT a 1
Mis. .Tobncn sr. i M'.n Swee.-.ev st '
their new stand, corner of Main "and !
Sixth SiV,., are receiving new goods al-
.ost every cay. Call and sec them. C;3
Col. Doaue has been appointed to
thc:r sb.-re is a.w j
Th-y all do it.
Birhcy for fine d
tar v. i.i ' st the
A ro il bi to
the jH sitiiT. of consulting Engineer of j (lte come up 10 Lowell, Uiass.) but
the Northern Pacific, on his way out j makes a very fair showing for a west
be will s'o-p ;it Crete. j "i town.
Fred Haves is not lnarrictl asstat- !
rd in last w cell's issue, but is still in j
the ii-arkct, ar. l is 1 .opt tig that leap- j
year will bring him jo v.
Mr. Graves js building a new house
over on Pearl street in full view of the
town. We shyll be glad to see Mr.
Graves in his own home again.
V.". C. Iloldon. an experienced
fiew.--p.iper man has purchased the
'Eearne-y l'ress and we hope may press
and squeeze great success out of it.
Dr. Bicker, tha favorite Chicago
dentist, will be at the Saundor's house
from April 1G to If, to do the work
cfin d him as he passed through last
The t'.vn or City Elections all
over this Spiii"!g show decided Itepub-
lican gains. counted as a fa-
vorable omen by th-O.-c-publican press
John Shannon says he fee-la good
It is the first Elect';. 11 he has voted a
straight ticket of any kind, and the j The large sale of cigars by J. P.
first that anybody he voted for got j Young since iu business is a gnaran
rlected. Think' now he'll do Ittter in j tee that he keeps only the best in the
the fu'.' ie. rrauktt. " 10
S. Tori ence of Wet'iin-j Water call
ed MouJ.iy.
Tom Marshall of "Weeping Water
was iu town Monday.
G. (J. ITull called on Monday and
made us a most satisfactory little vis
it. '
Win. Neville, Es., Bridge builder
from the West, id home far a few
John Kitchhart of the Ashland llc
liorter puosed through town Tuesday
The Sentinel is to have anew Local
Editor from Indiana, a Mr. W. J.
Ward ; so vre hear.
Mrs. Itichard Burt, o! Deadrood, an
old friend of the IIiikald, is visitiag
riattsmouth previous to lier return t
the Hills.
Dr. Itoofof Greenwood, called y3
terday. The Doctor has been rather
poorly of late, but ia getting stout
a.ain slowly.
Hon. Jos. M. Beardsley visited our
town Tuesday. The Herald was ve
ry glad to bpp Joe, tiiongh he had to
give us the left hand.
P. II. Sullivan, soliciting agent for
Omaha B-.-c? Lithographing LsUMish
rnent, called Tuesday with as neat a lot
of samples of work as can be seen any
where. Mr. T. J. Todd and wife will sUrt
next vrc-i k on a long visit e.-.t, for the
iii?t time in over liflfon years. TIipt
will visit relaUves in Oiiioan I western
Xt v,- York, and renew their youth.
We wish them a vt-i y pleasant trip and
a s ife return with renewed health and
I Elrongth.
A postal from McDonagu says he is
'burning to be in business again" and
hci cs to have everything ready thii
II. A. Waterwnn ft San sell com
won lumber ;it .?I.O0 per M., and oth
er lumfcvT in proportion. Ct2
The Lest fire and ten ct-t cigars
in the city, always on hand at the P.O.
News Depot. 3tl
It docs seem as if there were some
oth?r pussiuus our Lefjipcrance friendi
might control hsi.hs Iha appetite for y, now and then.
Fifty cents will buy a two-bulton
kid clove at ilaldaner ft Hermann's,
try them. 0:1
J. P. Yonng has sr.'d t retail over
0.00 cigars and boxes oranges and
I'-mon.s since he b tar tod ia liuineij in
May 1ST.;.
V"c made th acqn'-dutatirp r.( ?.lv.
V.. Realty, I'd; tor of the Brpsbliea;:
Kogi-tr at (ialesberg. !lh, not long
-in.-. He 13 an ard-:.! 5i-n Isman &i.d
an Ohio g"i' ' f in 1 n , of c-j .,-::;. All the
nice uitn. 1-tti.iy. are.
.:;!!; , ren-..'P.iher, onr dry gijds
derartMont can't b-j beat and none can
ow tr pi a t-.s.
Ma we
ft Ilr-M:
The n-1 I'iL-t si-n in riattsrr.iur.h
is that j'ist pat up last week by J. P.
Young. The nk-cign is fir-t clas ;;;:d
the painting by Mi. At-.!. ley, is A No.
1. Lvervone read it and profit theie-
Ask o sr-L t hi 10. 12'... 15. IS. and 20
cent die.-? good :t
S'.'i5 nimv "V T!rAv'!
An f xhil ition will be given at
Fitzgkrald Hull by the "feholars anl
n next Fii'Hy. The exercises wiil
i cor.s;.-
login:, lucitatious and music.
! J Ah, PATTEit N" AND PltK'E.
j nil Maldank:: ft IIi:n:-iANN.
I -Mhif. Yah rio.ha? arrivt.l i:i Plat's-
liJonth and 13 ay it? at the l'latte
Valley ILoise. She remains for a wet k,
and wiil acquaint any who may visit I
her with their fortunes past present
i and future. Call and see her. J. lie al-
s-o heals diseases. 311
-Dr. E'chey the doatist whom our
j citizens appreciate so well, has coa-
Hcntc l to stop at the Sauntters fcousu
from April Hdh to PUh, to jicronimo
date thosa who desire his services.
FIVE HUN DEED pairs genuine
imported Li-de Thread, Net, Silk, and
Chicked Gloves. Bare Novelties. The
i lad
attention is called to these
I special novelties.
Solomon ft Nathan.
- ;t i Setting to be quite a sight to
reo the workmen coming home from!
their work in the shops ' nights, with
, . ,. .. . T ,
dinner pans in hand. It doesn t
We have a full line of the Trefousse
and other brands of Kid Gloves, Lisla
and Berlin Gloves in all qualities, Fan-
cy goods, Notions and Hosiery coa
plete. Maldanf.u ft IIkcmann.
31 1
C. II. Parmele is fixing up the
front of his yard so pretty that we
didn't know the place, when" we came
home, and s?nt a man to the next
house for rarmele's.
A fine lino of Hats and Caps in straw.
felt, sailor and stiff crowns. The finest
selection w est of Chicago.
Solomon ft Nathan.
U. V. Matthews has bought the
corr.f r lot e n Main street, where Schla
ter's iewtirj storo stands, and will
move his hardware store down there.
Mr. Schlater moves his stoic west 22
. feet and stops there. This will be a
j great improvement cn Main street, and
give us a new building &n Mr. Mat-
thews' old site besides.
rLATTSMOUTir, April 0, 1S70.
The holders of police orders issued
by the city of Plattsmoath, Nth., will
hand same to thecierk of the city so
that provision can bo made for the
pay ment of the same.
By order of the (,'ouncil.
J. 1). Simtson, City Clerk.
They are kalsomining and fixing
St. Luke's church very handsomely. It
needed it badly, but whether the pray
ers that ascend will be answered any
better through the beautiful walls, his
tory leaves 110 record.
'Hosiery, Hosiery! Go and see the
display ot Ladies' and Children's Hos
iery in the dry goods' window at
Solomon ft Nathan's.
From every town in Nebraska
comes cheering reports of progress,
new buildings, new settlers, more land
taken, better times, renewed hope and
cheer and confidence.
Cummins ft Bichcy have now an as
sortment of Lumber ready for sale.
Come and see them; they mean busi-nc-ss.
liig'a School Exhibition.
The High School Exhibition will
take place at Fitzgerald Hall on Fri
day evening, April lStli. Everything
has been arranged to make it a grand
success, and it is hoped that it will be
well attended by parents, and all oth
ers interested in our publis schools.
Novelties r the Season
Are being received daily at Solomon
ft Nathan's, among which we intro
duce io dreis goods a full lino of bro
caded patterns, Pongee and Jap. Silks,
Deluge, Lustres, CygneL, Mohair, to
which attention is particularly called.
Mrs. J. L'den Foster gave two tem
peiance lectures in tho M. F. ch; ich
on Saturday and Sunday evenings last,
uul also
oko on Sunday morn in;
Her ability as a lecturer was gocJ, and
the crowds who went to hear her wore
enthusiastic in her praises. She is a
lawyer by profession, and if she prac
tises law as well as she preaches tem
perance she. ui-ist b? that unusual cha
racter in this world, a suoccl-3 in two
Stsr A. Shingles at 3.00 per M.
Lath 03.00 per M., ut
212 II. A. Wathrman ft Son's.
L. F. Johnson, one if our oldest
citizens returned from tho Black Hills
last week. Mr. JoIiiisom is now the
agent for th "Golden Eagle" Mining
and Milling Co., at Dead wood. His
company have corso!i da;ed several
very valuable mints, and Mr." Johnson
is thi transfer agent to dispose of the
stock. Their prospectus seems very
a:'ui ing. and everybody knows tht the
De.vlwo;d belt is the lifhoit mining
country in the vuld. Next week we
shall Ki'-'e pom description of the
miiit-rf and the country there, which
Mr. Johnson has kindly furbished us.
A goovl Ball for ssle bv B. Siibold.
We have received a notice of and
invitation to -tho Spring Opening of
Chas. Mel .r.aid, accessor to W-W ft
McB.ou Id, iir (f .Tier r.n 1 maiiufactar
er of l.olii :;' il'.e svbs, ch.i':s and ni'in
l!s. Co; aha, which took place V.'ed-n-sday.
April ?lh. See their adver
tisement in auolhv-r coluum. This
arm is the l-..-au:ng estao.-rsiiment 111
that branch of b isiiu ss in Omaha and
i,:l3i,..)nt ithhl a f.. vcarsa has.
iiiess which Lids fair to t::c:l older es
tablished houses.
Oar slock wiil be complete next
week. An iuspectioa h -solicited.
Sol"mon ft Nathan. Zion Co:u;naa;Iery.
Attention Sir Eniglits. Agreeably
1 to the iaar.dat ef the Mo-d E.nmcnt
Grand Cc:r.m;;ndory of N:'bra-ka you
are ordered to assern'ole in Asy
lum ou Good Friday morning at 10:00
A. M., he 11th inst, in full divss uni
form. Masons in good standing and
their wives and sisters will be admit
ted at 10:45 A. M. R. B. Liyi.vcston.
Eminent Commander.
Mr. E. L. lliti i) of Ititr.i) Br.os.,
who went enst for goods in March is
not expected home for several days.
This fit m carry an iii!t:i"2?( stock of
goods and their popularity is attested
by th fact that fuiiy one eighth of the
population of this ouuty may he set
, row" s their regular customers. Their
immense trade has been built up bv
i;Hrd work aad close at tention to bn?i-
ijpss, and not tlio least elempnt in tl eir
success has been the ability to buy
goods at bottom prices, thus enabling
them to off.n- a better article, nr as good
an article for loss money, than most
I r ,,"lcS are llble U d)- WeV,s
Water, Neb.
Clydesdalft Horses.
Charles Holmes is a good judge of
horses and has three about as nice
j trr'3s as you often see now; among
i wl:kh are a l)au' of tl,e Gncst young
I le.r:f3 of their kind we have ever seen
j v,'est of tho MissTuri. They are a pair
of two and three year old Clydesdale
i mares, soirtd in color and just a3 near-
ly perfect, for farmers use, as you can
i make horsss. W !i-ivr iilrav l,n
partial to this breed of horses, and think
Mr. Holmes has dene a very wise
thing in in.roducing them into the
From the Worthington, (Iud.)
ThrP vfb'"iti t)hf fi,llAwni n lO..-.
j V;VA hQ U) ou Q ,e. '
, Wij ,,:mi thp llPiV sle.nn feirv-boat
j ut Plattsmouth, Neb., will be ready for
i launching ou the Missouri about the
j oth of April. It is owned by I. M.
Darnei', L. P. MuIIimx, Mrs. B. L.
Wilcox, and cue or two othfr parties
at Plattsmouth. We wish them suc
cess in their enterprise. Mullinnix
and Dai nell are going out to witness
the launching of the boat.
Card of TLanks to the Ladies of riatls
inouth. Having bought out tho eutiro inter
est of my late partner, Win. B. Welf.
and continuing the business at the eld
stand 250 Farnham St., I beg leave to
express my gratitude fr the patronage
heretofore so generously accorded to
I hope by the strictest attention to the
wants and wishes of my customers by
providing a line of god3 unsurpassed
throughout the west and by fair deal
ings witli all, to merit a continuance
to myself individually of the favours
enjoyed by the late firm.
very respectfully,
8t2 Charles McDonald.
Notice is hereby gi ven that the Board
of County Commissioners w ill meet on
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the
aist, 2:2nd and 2Crd days of April as a
Board of equilization under the law.
At which time all persons feeling
agrieved at the assessment will pit
sent their complaints in writing t the
By order of the County Commission
ers. J. D. Tutt,
Gt2 County Clerk.
A very pertinent paragraph this
frsoi a well informed gentleman:
"The moment an Eastern man steps
up5n Nebraska soil and calls the State
his home, he has reduced the general
cost of sabsi tence for himself and fa
mily, at least 40 per cent. He has re
duced the cost of bread, fresh and salt
meats, butter, eggs, and everything the
fai m or range produces, by the groat
measure of difference between first
cost here, and third cost at the east.
Fairmont Bulletin.
Our assessor friends, Geo. Fair
field and John Barnes have had some
funny experiences. Barnes tells tins
ou George One day George, w ho car
ries a little bag, you know; came to
A liouse and knocked he was all alone
that day A woman came to the door,
says she: "Get out, you traii. this i
the. third vagabond that has called here
this morning and t lie rest only asked
for enough to eat ; you've, got a bag I
sea to carry off cold vittels' in. Get
out, I say, or I'll get the broom stick."
George, completely abashed in a sub
dued voice says:" Why ma'am, I'm the
Assessor of this Ward and came to get
your enumeration, etc." " Aess 110th
in,' enumerate yourself to Halifax, or
I'll s?!:d for Pat Murphy and have you
arrested; that's what they a'.l say. All
got s..m- ht'.rcbi'g story to tell, get
out!'' iiad.Iy but slowly George
on his heel concluding that wasn't a
good day for assessing raid proceeded to
hunt up Barm s. All next day, Barnes
says, he would shove B u acs ahaad,
saying "You go first John, and op-n
the. door, and the vision of that broom
stick lias P.auntc 1 him evtr iucc.
Vv'e c py the following from the
Co.iuon City lieeord, Colorado. Mr.
Howard was at one time station agent
here and Mis. Howard during her res-
idence here found many friends to ap
! preeiate her exc ilent qualities; who
j will nui'-.h regret to hoar that she has
bi called away from huabaud and
children so early in life:
This week we have the sad duty of
ar.niuueing ssveial deaths among
whiv-li is that oi' the wile of our station
agent Mr. M. W. Howard. She was in
the prime of health and life, being 30
years of age and her death was a se
rious shock to her husband ; he has the
sympathy of ike whole community
who knew him as a genial friend and
piompt business maa. Mrs. Howard
left two little children, the yromgest
but a few days old. They will remain
in Cannon C ty in charge of Mrs. How
ard's sister Mi3s Ad-lie Ilolyoke who
came here in response to a telegram
announcing her sister's sickness, but,
before reaching here her sister was
dead. Mrs. Howard was not consider
ed d ingei'o'isly sick until Saturday
morning when her husband and friends
became ahu med and frieuJs were tele
graphed. Saturday evening she grad
ually grew worso and Sunday morning
at 9 a, m.. quietly breathed her last.
Tho remains were s-nt east to Wato
ga. 111., the former home of Mrs. How
ard. Vi'eaUier Peport.
MA KCH !o7'.
M..i!i leinT'r.-.ttft
I.ov.i'-t ti'inj riO'iti; 'ni tin l'.ta
1 ! u'ii. si teiapuratura i I ae JTlh . . . .
S -' 1 .v
7 MB
. 2
.I1-.; jit.
Two raia stomrs. 4 s ; tornn. Heaviest hhow
st., t in o'i '.'. Jil. T ; tlniui'.i-r stornis : i rli'.ir
tl.iyH '1 lie !r.,t wi'pk was remarkably ar:a with
ii:il trcia tl:e lioltll.
lIAUCli, 1S73.
Mfaa toiii'icriituit 4."'.ia
l." ti'ii.per.itaio !"
L.uiit'.ili 1: iu
Ordinance No. D:2.
An Ortlinance entitled an Ordinance
regulating the opening and clos-ing of
public billiard halls, bowling alleys
and saloons in the city of Plattsmouth.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and
Couucilmen of the City of PkuUrnouth.
Suction 1. That it shall be unlaw
ful for any person or persons keeping
a public billiard hall or bowling al
ley, or a saloon or piace where intoxi
cating drinks are t,old, in the city of
Piati smooth, to open their place of
business before 0 o'clock a. in., of each
day, and it shall be unlawful for any
person or persons to continue their
business, or keep open their public
billiard hall, bo a ling alley or dace of
business where spirituous, vinous or
malt liquors are sold, after 10 o'clock
p. in., of each elav; from October 1st to
April 1st and after 11 o'clock p. m. of
each day from April 1st to October
1st of each year.
Sf.ction 2. It shall be the duty of
the City Marshal to see that all bil
liard halls, bowl'iig alleys and all pla
ces w here such intoxicating liquors are
sold, shall b closed in pursuance to
the provisions of this Ordinance.
Si:cTieN 3. Any person or persons
violating any of the provisions of the
first Section of this Ordinance shall
upon conviction thereof be lined for
the first offense the sum of (5.0)) five
dollars and for e ich subsequent offense
upon conviction thereof shall be lined
not less than i'6 10.00) ten dollars, nor
more than (825.00) twenty-five dollars,
and shall be committed to jail until
such fines and costs shall be paid.
Section 4. All Ordinances or parts
of Ordinances inconsistent with this
ordinance are hereby repealed.
Sfotion 5. This Oidinance shall take
effect and be in force 011 aud after its
passage and publication according to
Approved April 5th. 1S70. Attest,
J. D. Simpson. Mavor.
City Clerk.
Accident on the Transfer Boat.
Yesterday about one o'clock the
transfer boat "Vice-President" of the
B. ft M. pulled out from the landing
above the Dyke with fivo freight cars
Laboard. The wind blew from the N.
W. and the current being very strong
there, at this stage of the river, tho
boat was thrown up on the new dyke,
one wheel becoming fast and useless.
The men rigged out a spar and attach
ed a rope to the track of the dyke and
to the capstan by means of a snatch
block, to throw her stern off in deeper
water. At the moment of greatest
pressure the hook of the snatch block
broke and like lightning (quicker than
sight) the rope with the heavy block
attached spun over the deck and struck
the Filot, John P. Mcpherson, break
ing his right leg above the ankle and
his left above the knee.
Chailey Brown who was standing at
the. capstan, pushing ou the bar, caught
the pilot on one leg and got a severe
sprain of the knee joint. Dr. Living
ston was sent for, and Mr. McPherson
last evening was restir-g easy. Brown's
hurt is slight. The boat is still on the
bar, the wind is blowing a gale and
the prospects for getting her oh look
dubious.;it we want oats and wood
at once, on subscription; and all mon
ey sent us placed in the letter in pres
ence of the postmaster will be taken
at our risk.
About Ourselves.
We have received many letters from
our subscribers saying, "hold on; we'll
pay by-and-by," ftc. Now, we do not
want to force any one or do an injus
tice to a single person, anil where there
is a reasonable excuse, and an arrange
ment made for sure payment (in the
future") at the time st we will of
course "hold on;" but this thing has
run so long and so many never answer
a dun or pay any attention to letters
that we must have such fixed up with
out delay. As before stated, we need
money first and foremost, and secondly,
it is no kindness to our subscribers to
let these accounts ran any m i :. It is
easier to pay. S3 than SIO, and $2.50
than either, and the sooiiir they are
paid and interest slopped the better
for both parties.
Upper Jaw Bit.
Stratford, Conn., Feb. 2 , Pi?.).
D. C. Caui.ton, Co:t. 121st St.
AND I'lilF.D A v :., N. Y. S
Mr Exc'ellf.nt FaiKND. Your
p.iteut Uppe r Jaw Bit is an tnigma,
and though I am unable to txplain the
source oi its great energy, the fact is
evident that it gives jou control of
your horse aud enables you to call out
all there is in him in a cheerful spirit,
acid without, leslrainiiig his ca.e ami
ihxi ; ity in every joint and move
ment, just as if h-d were playing in a
pa.-tur lie-Id.
That dreadful lug which we se
every where, even among professional
drivers, is as distressing to the beaat
as it is wasteful of Lis energy. It, cal
louses his mouth thiough which we
communicate with him, douohs his
draught and restrains the natural free
dom and elasticity of his action. With
vour Bit there is no nccss.ty for ali
I this. It seems easy and delightful lo
the horse, keeps his head and Attention
to his woi k, and his mouth com- s to
tie as sensitive as one of Edison's Mi-
' erop'iones, so that the lines become the
j electric telegraph through which wo
i communicate with his brain. With an
j animal of great spirit, power and in
telligence and as lull ol explosive play
as if he were fed on dynamite, the
mere wish to go on errant ways, de
tracts f 10:11 the driver's pleasure and
jeopardizes his life; but with this Bit
your ceaseless and perfect commuuior
with his undi'rstandintj makes your
own brain t he""aetuating and restrain
ing spirit in his wonelcrful locomotive
mechanism, and thus makes you rea
lize tho Myth of the Centaur.
I am now driving a resolute son of
Beck man's Messenger Durac out of a
thoroughbred m ire. by Jack Malonc.
Before I got your Lit he was an incor
rigible one, ajugger. Now I, ?IY STL-
NlCr.I.r AD.If STKD M ACMINF.F.V illl 1 lilV
thoughts are as instictively absolute as
the birds that, gaml ul in the air.
Don't ask any stranger who has not
triedit Ho can tell no
more of its action by an inspection
than he could of a voltaic battery by
viewir-g the zinc and acid from which
it derives its power. Conceited aio:i
and who are more so than old drivers?
all exclaim, "Oh fie! I don't see
what there is in that." Neither could
they, by looking all day at a Ley den
jarsea what nothing but trying and
feeling can make you acquainted "with.
For this reason your graphic illustra
tion deters thousands from proving it.
Hastily and faithfully,
O. S. HunBKL.
i-i A uul i.l'.
jjoKRIsoN' SI TTON-iiy ,7ii.li5!!i.ivat.rn
Moti'lav Kveniiii:. Apii! 7tli. m. Jamk.s
Then lei tlte witte world wniy as it wit),
Ytiunji folks a it! get married still. ni pi la :i Cu red.
An old phys: oian. retiird fioi jiiaet ci liav
la.ij had oliii ed in bis 1 y an Imiia
mi- Oonary tiie fornoita of ;i very simph v
talde reniedy, for the i-peedy and pefiiia nen
fiire for fonsiiiiip'ioii. broae!.;; i-iitan !i. tisl ii
ma. and all tlii'iiit and Ititia ati'ee: ions. ;:io ;,
posit ive mid radical c.,re for ii-rviii d !)ilitv
roid all nt-rviiiM eomplaint. :ifir li;tyin tested
its won.lei f n! cniatix powers tn ttiotisandi of
ease-, has felt it lit duty to make it known to
hi-siilViii! f:!low. Actuated hythis motive,
an ' a desire to relievo snfTeiiir. I will
sfii !."e of eiia'-e. to all vlic iiet,!if it. this
I i-i i it ll f nil iliieeiioie" for eparn'X and
II i 1:1 Herman. Fienett. or Kiir;!:-.'i. Sent by
in'.', a 'Idrci'-iii r. itli -;;p, 11 am in- li.i p;iptr,
V. V. Slicrur, IU Powers' lUoeU, l;oie.-lr,
Nct York. st 4
U- . r 1 - - -V J , r -fr
We u in jmy ii'iiu - o,:.ury ol : 'J p-r i:jiiiri
n1 ex 1 r n i it. w h In; cnuttr i tu .; i nr
now wiii-r!'l i:i vmrhim. U t rem icKm viit,
bMiupls fr.. A X-ix tia c a am Lo., Maiaiwui, ilicii.
Social Ball !
Given by the
Plattsmouth Lieclerkranz,
In Fitzjerahl Hall,
Easter jloinlay, April 11.
The finest Music by an ANo. 1 band
of live pieces.
The proceeds to be applied towards
furnishing the new Liederkranz Hail,
and the purchase of an Organ.
A general good timo guaranteed to
every one attending.
lt3 ADtUSSUA, til.OO.
tT5T3 rr?.jrr.yrci EM.cnK3
f? J 1''",-"'".'ii Fr to "y
i -- - wl.u -jrlll . . . -, i.i
iiii m ifw -rowivl ilir,WliUkrk ci ustacl.e
X t-tnuilir prrWucuii.
iv-.v- ii Co., 2 Ciitcs r-ic, ZT.'.tT rsrk.
JtiKt KtclveJ. '.
Bird cages of every description :it
.Toseph Schlater's, which will be s.ld
cheap. lto
Closing Oat at Low Prices.
I am offering my complete line of
Nii:s:;r.Y stool: this spring at prices
from 23 to -10 percent less than usual,
G year apple 10 cts., cherry, plum, and
pear 35 cts., peach from 5 to 15 cts.,
concord grapes, currants, blackberries
raspberries ftc. 75 cts. per dozen, and
only SI per hundred. The choicest of
crab, btariuy size 23 cts. Evergreens
at 15 cts. per foot iu large supply,
lioses, peonies, honeysuckles, snow
balls, and various shrubs at corres
ponding low rates. Wholesale rates
given ou application, address.
L. A. Williams.
Union Nurseries one mile N. E. of
Glenwood, Iowa. It4
j in r.f.n
.V.-l a.'E.S- ;-fMi!u!:is watop.!. For 25
litui'rw ..!',. I ' i t uts we will send
vim ii lii.i' ri'.; liaii'.U-.eiiiliiff. every
thivail .silk. Keciiiiii' iirifc. l.Ou, i. V. Fi st:;-.
I & 'i.. !.'" Cl ' . k vii'i'I, "!i ::.;.. 111.
i Solid two buckle Plow Shoes at Mer
ges for 31. GU - 51tt
A large and well selected Stock of
Eastern Boots and shoes at Sherwood's
cheap. 41tf
Herat-mbcr that for boots and shots
Hoc!; well cannot be beat in price, lie
has a large assoi tment. 2otf.
Large ne w Stock of Boots and Shoes
yrr7.y reduce J rutts oo-rlast year, oltf
Kepairing cheap and good at Merges.
Larger Stock of Boots and Shoes
and cheaper than ever at Merges.
Misu.s Slippers for 25 cruts and two
Buckle Plow Shoes for ?l.o0 at Mer
Fine Boobs Custom made t.Qt2 at
4 it f She:: wood's.
Parties wanting informat on in re
gard to S;ylcs, Terms, ftc, of mason
hamlin" (ir.oAtvS will please notice
that I sh ill be at Plattsmouth most of
the time tor three or four weeks and
ready lo reply promptly to any calls
by p jstal or otherwise;. As my opera
tions txifiul through several Count ie-s
and take ine away much ;f the time it
will be to the advantage of persons in
terested to communicate with me at Jamfs Pf.ttlf..
Special Agent Mason ft Hamlin Or
gan Company.
PLitNmouti!, Neb., March 10, 1S79
.No-Ice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth. 1st Friday and Sat
unlay in .L.uuaiy, February, May, au
gust, October and November. At
Wetpiog Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville lsi Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinat inns will be given.
D. D. M A RT1XDA Li t.
County Superintendent.
!:. 'i be received.
Many poisons ear "I haven't got the
Consumption" when asked to cure their
Cough with Shiloh's Consumption
Cure. Do they not know t Hat -Coughs
lead to Consumption ami a remedy
that w ill cure Consumption will cer
tainly and sorely cure a cough or any
lung or throat rouble We know it
will cure when ail o.t hers fail and our
faith in it is so positive that we will
refund the pi ice piid if you receive
no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi
tion. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and 81.00
per bottle. For lame chest, Back or
side, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster. Price
25 cents. For sale by Chapman ft
Smith, Druggist.
Why wiil ou suiter with Dyspepsia
ami liver complaint, constipation, and
general debility when you can get at
our store .shiloh's System Vitalizer
which we sell on a positive guarantee
to cure you. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts.
For sale bv Chapman ft smith, Drug
ists. ' II At KM K I'Al'ifa popular and
fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman
ft Smith, Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb.
34 !y tow.
Boots made to order at Merges for
t ;.:!).
Tl irtyof tin lirsti'".: in ni:i:;rs oft'ie
Wri id ;;i'e ooinpei ;ior at the l-iii ! A po-iMi n.
a -;i iOf itispateli to tile A S.)ei;,;ed 1'i-e.-- says
two i'i.'i.ei m-.i.t li.eila's l,ae l'erii awaiiied io
ttie Aiiieiiian makers, .Ma-,o;i Iiaintia.
Covnty Oitwats w ill be received at
this oihee in pay for subscriptions, at
their market value, always, llemem
ber that. 41tf.
Wiij Will Yon
Allow a cold to advance in your sys
t m and thus encouiitge more serious
maladies, such as Pneumonia, Hem
orrhages and Lung troubles when an
immediate n-lief can be so readily at
tained. Jjsrh'x U' rini n liyrnp has
gained the largest sale in tho wornl for
the cure of Coughs Colds, and the se
verest Bung Diseases. It is Dr. . Bos
ch ee's famous German prescripts n,
and is prepared with the preateit care,
and no fear need lie entertained in ad
ministering it to th" youngest child,
as per directions. The sale of this
medicine is unprecedented. Since first
introduced there has been a constant
increasing demand and without a
single report of a failure, to elo its work
in any case. Ash year Druggist as to
the truth eif tiiwse re-marl. s. Barge
si:ce 5 cents. Try it and be convinced.
Caution lo Smokers.
om and after the 1st day ef May,
all boxes containing cigars of my
ufacture will have my name bo'd
inted on the inside of the lid. This
ly F'1'
is to
of ci;
ine ti
prevent counterfeiting my brand
jars, with an inferior ipjality of
.-, lesortf'd to by some unprinci
manufaeturers. None are genu
uIpss pl.iinlv labiht:
1 A X V i A CT V KitR,
smouth, - - Xebraaka.
Made to order
4ttf at hui:r.ArooDs.
i Good second hand Organs and Melo-
'; tboii5, apply to James PrTTcrt, Di-aler
7 in Musical Instruments, Plattsmouth,
i--i. 1 1 1 j-
tl t PA
3 n n
WMii m
MS. ii
Rambletonian Stallion
C'OL lt MooJ l.;-.y. si ...r v, too liel.
hr.lfi 'c'i, foiiiisl 1 ; ni.iiih! hxVi I1.5 ;
i'V liiitv Di't.'.oli, tli't iirt!il ly 1 VkiiyV i'..-i,t
ili-r. x-i'vi'.it iheii liy Dcknv '. Jtli pf. I ; : : ! y
toil liy LysilyK's iliinii'Ii-tiini.iii. lilM il.u
i:-.l"i. la-lijis., bcninil '.:iiu liy Diiioi:. la
2 :JS in M'Vfiitii heat, l'or tuiei' jui.i imrti.
iii iuneot t A. t'OOit-v.
Can ttu iit.'i. lii'in v touiiiv(
or S. '.V. W HULi.Oe it, .Mi.liue, 111. Kt
.1 i.y
l'l)l ll
Two Teams for Sale.
One Ne. 1 horse team, p'od for any
Liiid of work, and a good mule team,
cheap for ea-di, or on time with good
oi eurity. Also a Jot of fence j I -
and wood for sale. Apply to
oltf Plattsmouth, Neb.
At It. Sherwood's, made to order Fiac
4 U f Calf P.ooU XZ.&U.
OIIi'it.-Yoi f in tm'rii tr.-ui-.".- bv ;..!!!: i:
fj'ii S. .-i t i Mti t :o mii-il '.:.;; Ni-v.i -,i -fit
1 1 i :n ::i in .No Miiiikt uf siiifll lil et-iilM .nil, o
for ci-iiis. Semi .t:i 11151 lor Ciitiitouiii' ot N.'oii-tt-i
f is I 1 1:'. nit io:i-i. .-: i. ; !i iitiil I iiiii-y 'ooils. r;.!"-fon.-i,
Foster. v Co.. i-jr. l'l:u k SI.. I '"I: ir;;n'. laiJ
Sheriffs Sale.
l-lv rl ii.T of anonli'r of s;ile Hs.iM liy '.'in. L.
V. t "lis, I li-l k 1 a" t Iu- Oi-itiicl Court willim .iii-i
for e :iss t tiii.o v Ni'l';.:. ami lo tuf '. i i. . . e 1,
1 will oti tin litliliiy of Ainy, A. I. -7: . ;il -An
o'rioi k A. .'!.. (-1 .s.iiil i'ay, t I In; i-'-il iloor of
Illi-Coiiit iion-so in fiihl tin ni v , sri 1 a', l'ubiie
Ai.( t;'i!i th'- iollouiiii: n-;il i. w;i : ii.u
-.o.'.-'i hall (O) of tie. mil l Iieri-t o;i:ii-tiT o,i o.
ei-i.loi! t iiil'i y-lolir ( 31 1. ill t'l-vn-lilo No. II. li
te e a. il.'O, tier! 1 1 !' noi-je No. I we! .. tll'l. east ;f
.ill 1. M. : also, tlir iollov.ia.; "li-sc; it I re:-l
fM.ilc i-au.Ut'il in I'iat isnioiil ii -.iy, riini
iv, N eli . t.) i it : l.o; one in. 1 v-t tin . ;; .
fourt 1 1. Co .-i O-i. i.; i.: i ;: :vo la
Yoiiri2 a ml I lay s' i'.iiilil ion id f.iUl ci; . !:! ti
er v. '.Ill tin; 1 iv il 'i-'e - iiinl ilpj itrl-li:o.-..o t'a rc
to boloiiiO'i;; : ti" smut b. l::t; e-:c,l .
t iketl as i lie p. ,.pfl! y of 1'eief 1'. Liiiver ud
Maty L. lii-.iver, acfriei-i::;! ; 1" sati-ii'y a jn i,;
nii'ii I of s:ij. I uuri t eet. ei ru i' V Luliii' -t. lvii -l.
.11, piairilia.
PiaitsnK'tita, Nob., A!u-;i T;lt. A. '. l?T3.
10 1:. f.iivr.'.s.
t't"-!i3, l .us C'.. Ne'o.
Sheriffs ?:?J
r.y virtue of an or ".:.r of sa.te I -sat-.j by Win. L.
Weils. I'lerii of i;ie idsiiu t Couit wul.i.i ad
for i ass C'tjnnty. .N.-brarkii. lo nut uire.-usi,
I v.iii on t le-';-i: a d iy ot :.iay. A. 1). lsTa.
II ii'eloei:, A. M . of -aid day, a! south door
of t In t'oui l I ton-.;, in said eoaiit '. . sell at I 'u'j-li..-
Ai.Clion ;i...- 1, iio. inii i t'al e- tale, to wil :
1 l.e liot t east iu o t r I ! i ' '.' .-ei-.tion No. on.-
I i ) in tow n-!iiu No. I . ( ! i i ; J . no. tn i f ranu
No. t welvt 1 12", easl , ltr) aei - Irtol i or les. m
sai isly a claim ol plaintiff. J. '. ( owan ; m:r
I'ln if anv to i;; ;il j' on elaiia 1 (ie,ii-j llnli
Ourd, d"I-"i:d!i! : .-.; tins '' liatt'.Wi ot
so. i tie -as I 1 1 Hal o r i. . of 1 ii.; s ..ilheal ; iai ler
(.lii ot Hi II t V - MX ( .it) ', tuwiidil t in I 1 een
t i.o. not t ti ol rails' twelve i l east oi tin i! Ii 1J.
Al.. i'oa'...i:;:.i;: .'ii aeres ; alio tl;; trael of land
ilejCMlieil its lollo.v. lo .'.'it ; ii,';;in::0i at tut
iioitneast corner ot tin eoit hw 1 iinailer , I
of t in u-.:t;n-ii.-t ii tin i O r ( : i of sect Ion ix (t) in
low ip tivelve (1) no. in r.t ttif tiimeen,
tio fi-.-L : riinniii vr;,t ;.: vu.) rod -x ilieiie'
s .ii !i , ii.ty iso. roils; t ,mi:c ''u a, ihirty i.'.C)
P'l.s ; tin nee north eiiriiiy isij.i roils, to Hie
pi?:.-. of lu-iiiiiiug. I'oiit'iiiiiir.j I'i ii'Tti icori' or
irn ; i'l ail .:" a'-re". 1 lit; l.t in,- ip-.ied
upon and taken as t lie pi operiy of V . W. on
i;..r. Niiaey ' uiiii'ir, John ' a; ;'. Oti re IIol
l ;ti . i. John r,ia k and John i!ai I .-.;-:. iitli.i i
niits to satisfy a jiulnieut of sai l ejuit, re
.""Vfiv.l bv I". Cow: a. plan. tut".
riattsmouMt, Neb., April vib, A. I. 18T9.
it. W. Ii VltUS,
G!5 Siierilf, !i3 Co., Neb.
Tiie paitner-hip hen U fore e?is;.nr br tweeii
tin imdersiL'tied under tiiu imim o rp'tily .
Marshall tstbi-dny dlv-olvtd by mutual eon---tit,
A. 1.. Miiv-iiii'l ass'imii! ttie ,i:a'ii!;iii
;.i;d eoiitinuii'.i; the dru" bu iiu-.-.
Weeping Water, Neb., March s. l7'.
.-. N. I'i. H 'I'V,
It3 A. b. MA Itsi! ALT..
It.icliel It. rintcy, r.r!i-r-s!'.I"nt defend.-ni.
wiil titKe liotii-e th.'i: l.or;re K. Pi ,i. v did o:i
the 1-iii day of M nch. A. i. l.-7'j. I.o- lii- pe'i
liim in l!iio.:i;i i uf tin Cielk i the Oi-uiet
otirt it Inn ill. I lor tl.e eujriy it l':i-is and
State ol NeO!'as'..a.-b:L) in s-tiil it: lo-l i'.li,
iey villi lllii d"-ertioa ot .!, la;:.'!. C'iTu-f it.
l'ln'ey , it' out j u-t cause or provo'-at .'ii for
nioie ! It in tv.o years bi-f p;t-t. i:i that he
l.'ore 1-;. 1- iniev. plaiiitid In- ditoreeil from the
-:ld i'aeii'd K. l-inl'-y ; and tin- -aid iliie'm-l K.
I'iiiley i j hereby nut Hied fd.e. is eipii'v I to
a ppeiir ami :ns i r said peiuiun ti or i.-ioie
tin ZM U day f April. 1S7., or j ui;u:ei.t vr,!I be
rendered .-.u'ain-t liei and deeuc ri iidi-l ed no
eordmi.' lo il. iiiavt-rof ni'd i.- tition.
CLOit.jh It. 1 IN'I.ItV.
liy Sam. M. Chapman,
Alt'y for I'laicl.iT.
SheriiTs Sale.
Kv virtue of an order of cate issued by Win. I..
Writs. Clerk of tut litriet ourt within :.ud
fur(';ei County. Neiint-lva. and to no diiee,-(i.
1 tvi'l on tl' Mil day of Apul. A. I). Is7j, a:
2 o'eloek I'. M., of "said day. at I !; 'oi . !: i'oo;
of tile court bon-i in enmity, .-ell :.t piil iit
iltiei ion I he toiiow in,; re;d e-t ate, to vst: T he
soui 11 l.aif ot the l.oi 111 e-t ii uarier ol n'. i:n
No. t iir'u is -, and t'o so.ali ea-t '.ic.rter ot the
noi'theii-t ipiaro r of isiel on No. veu .7', a i l
the Minthea -t (jiiailei f i-e.-lion No ts.u!y
ioiir (24 1, an 1 a jiait of toe i: m tl.i .' t ii!:t-r
of -i-C'iion No. t well! y-!ive t.."', deserilifd lis
loiiows : Coiniucneiii'at tiie i:o:'!i'c-t i- uin-r
of said iioiihea-t r.ta:. r. am! rta. -uiiiif them-e
s Hitll, iine hutidn d lvos ; liiei i-e west, one
hundred ami sixty nets ; t no.iti m.c 'ui;;
dred rods ; taeie. rasi. om !i at. tire 1 ami siity
i'lj-, to the plate of bii. ;::, (oi:t;ini;i'X ii
hiimtred aires. Aii the above ilr-ejitiod land
ie-inj: iu township N"i. twi-lvi il-j.. r.cith i f
r.nm.' No. twelve i!ui. ea-t of li.e . : h i M. :
;d-o t tie no' I li half ;.!.! luo on; h. ,. -1 .,-inl:r
( f I tie imi I ln-ik-f tpi ,i ii r I i tioti t '-litj - -! v
i .'', town fn-viii v'l 1 1. no! t ii of tiiim No. t r.t !ve
' 121. east of I lo- Hi h 1". M in Cass comay. Ne-I'lra-ka.Ci
i'taiiiiii-.' in all ." ns, more m' 1--- :
ti e rtime beiu lev.ed upon am! V O e a- tt.o
propi i t v el l'tii!(ioii H. K.ito.i ;Li.d s. M. Is.iroTi,
of ieni',nts ; t satisfy a j'ldim in of i-aai toil;,
lel'OVi'ied I'V .laeoli "fetor, p! II! Tig.
I'iat : iiimu'.h, N'cb., Mareh th. A. 1). 1-7.
3'it3 If- W- !j V I. US,
Sheriff. Co.. h.
Tlii-;.! is postnotcd until April ji'lh. If"-.
at 2 o'clock p. in., by reipie-t of L. il. lttcm, and
eon -ented to b .1 :.! l.t fever,
l'lattiuoull:, Aprtl i, 137.1.
K. W. IIVEr:S.
SIS- tlitriti C'a CO.
I nw! tin
D till FMSlll
J ffli p
a a i a
Estray Notice.
?.'o;ioi i. In ii tiy that 1 1 muk-ifintied
,1 list ii i- of t U: I'.Mi-e i ill st'l i ;it 1 iil 1 Iti liiii l mu
t Hit- l.i ;ho..t'i lor i-.i-i'.i in li.i.uil on ilia
i" i li iliiy of A 1 ii ii, tsi'. at 1 o'l-hi. ic. . hi., -a I liw
ic-i.l.iid of A.J. M-l, ill Wirjiiiii! V. :iti-r,
e'.r-. t.ontity, i.-i'i iis!- 1, om; (ii wrvtl l.oiv
iht y-:xi s i. lit. ii uji ;:m 1 1 . cMmy oil tile
Jo ll il'.iv 1 f September, A. I . T-t. 1 1 v A. J. Mo
lo:i 'Ii A. t AUOtlC HA lil.. J. V.
.Mun-h 2t!i. IS73. ill
Leiral Notice.
In lil-triet Ciiiiit of C;i.s Comay.
loS.Mt ii N. Mei i i.iin. non -i e silent defi nd
ilal , you are lui e! y i.i lirted that on the lllfl
l . ol re!ii'ii.ii l-i',':. I tiled lay pel iooa in tiio
oeii ? of i l e l ii i ol I lie J list ih i e oi.rl of Cam
l ooiity, Nel.:;isiv.i, ,(;;a;a. yon. and commeneod
.an nei io.i i'.u.iln-t yon iii saiil I i .-. 1 1 1 i-t Court,
liieot jei t and iili r of v.loi h i.-i to olc.alii it
tic. '.-:; of tte Uistnet t'omt M-Itiiift ald
and v io.iiy e. tevlii'i l Ui . o:i eerliiin pietend
eii t I . ie:u-i:i er's pieti-n ! d l.i deed i. i'lie
f; 1st ot f-aid pi etend.'d l;: --i1h buiii;; m:;di
an i i vermeil 1 y Wi.liiiin L. lloohs I l:4ii enicily
ti i ;i - iii i. r of Cn"- eo i in! y lo Semen N . Men lam.
on or ni, i. ni tin fill diirol .Sepl'iiilier, ts73. Tin
Si em id ol f-.tld pi lieidtii I..X deeds beim; lil l.i u
and I'X.'Ciiied by .lolin C. Cummins Uipii eoim
t t i ea iiii-r of l''iisy eoiinlv, ! t h" r a id .Srltien
S. Mr" 'iitni on or about the Mil day ol -Mjy,
J-M. '1 lie tliild f l fill'! tin tf-mieil 'lii Olei.S
l.e.ii! la. oit' aii.i cm i uti-il I.y .l.oiii ' M. I'atti r
.i). ;.'iea i- .nniy t i'.-.". .arer of ( a e.aiiilv, to
I lie s: id .set, p.,: . , .Mel I i ii or a I .on t tat I ;,l it
day ii .In'.v, l-'T". All ul :tiil di e.!- jn ! end :uv:
Inn i.vry Ii j.'""-' I'ortn on half I',) o t..o
--. lo a-i ( - ' i tpao ier i ), and M-tiln ' liiiil'
I '.'. ot l.i I . ! f ii-l m V) 'piai ti-f 1 1 1 1 ( t ' ti"l; No.
t'.venl -: -".it I-), ol louiidiip No. tell bil.
no i ', ii '..; f. -e No. tiim j, i il of t he tit h I'. 7.1.
! ii.;; aim iieim: in said Cas- i-onnty and Sia'.'t
of Nebra-Ua. ou ;ire i e.pii n-. to answer naid
pel i em on or bonne the Li ii day i f May, l?7'.i.
or a d -cii e w ill be taken aipiia-t you i.l aceont
wii': t'.t ii;: i r of said petition.
ClIAI'.MAN & liitOAHV.
Atturnty-ffor I'laia'itlT. 6tt!
Legal Notice
In the Di driet Com t of tlu ild Judicial Itsll let
in and for Ca-s Cmmiv. Nr! iu',l:,i. -':ir- A.
Joins, pl.i;i.;i!l, v. WH'laisi Jom-s, tltt.Viitl
tiit. To Vi :' il'.inm Jotii -i :
Von are hereliv i.o lined thr.t Ciara A.
1.:: - Ice 1 lier pe; 1; ioii a.ii.ii -t yuii in tile Jtis
t ra t Com l of I a: oiu.ty Nebraska. pra.MMK
thai she limy be div -ovd from ton. :-'lie iivem
:i e;ni, i, iletioii aii.iiiist you. iioelert iind i!o
sei lion. and a f-.iMnir . provide tin liere.ssai it
I i'.le lor Let. You are heir by notiflftt to ftp-l.i-i.t'
an t an-wrr 1 In said peiii ion, areordiiiH U
i iv. . ! jma-ii.ent mil Ii - reioli-liMl aiilnst yon
bv tl-faiiit i'.nd lUu pi.ijfrof -aid i.u;io'i bo
firiiti'e.l. CI.A IIX A. JoNlta,
' J'y i:. 1'.. am, lit - Ati'j . ill
Sheriif 's Sale.
l:y v'i ;-;e vf an ord. r tf sat" i.-e,rl bv Win. I..
V, .;:.( ii i k ol I iio I l-Uii; Court v-unio jel
f.-C.,sf. .:. to. b.i.SA i. a 1 to 11. 0 1. 1 root ml.
I will on tin: - I ii.iV of May. A. i. 17:1. i,t
j o'i !r, k p. hi., of sitld day. a I t he soi.ih iloor
of Hie Ci,o,! b-ui-e in .-;!,! roi.nly. .-tll at puhih;
ai.i tloil ll.e foho-.vii. Ii. vi i:--tate, to .- It : 'oin
liu m il'.; at t i.f Mia 1 1 1 wo ! oi ;.or of lot N o. oou
II i. ol st'l'tiou StM titeeii (17), town.-hip tw;lve
1 1 ji. am l h or ram. 1 no '.'. a HI1 east of the tt ii
I'. M. ; l uniiili: them e i a; t tweniy-four Uf
loiis ; taoii') IiOi'th. sil and sixty-IH lillii
il.e.iihs (ij f.r,-li,'-) roil-; ihrm-o -it. twenty
li.i.r i.'li rod- ; t'n-i,ei' l oiith. six and sixty -fl.
iii.n.liidl li- o, t'.ii-ln -1 loos to tin. pi nee of bi'i;i li
tem;, tontaiiiii! oils aero mom or b?ni ; n
tint .mi nulling al H puint twentv- throo V2Zt
to is l ,H. of t lie not i hw i-t i.nniti- ol Hei lion No.
;. ei.i v i .'. in tow nsiiip No. luiivi. ilj'. north
f t'iil.'g No. toi.n. fii ll !i. e:i-t of Hie Gib V. i. i
theni-i- i uniiiii -mull forty '4io i.nN : liiPin
l.i;ieteen t pn rods ; t iieiiee mu lil . ort ' )''
to.ts : 1 1., nee v. e-t . Ill neteeii ( pi) I nds, lo Hie b
lOiininv;, oi.tiiiiiiui; four ana tlue-fourth-i
ai !' ; 'i he same beiii.' luVii d upoii ami tiikiMi
i tli" pi "pei ty ot' I Cisiann V W -kelw ait, W -
ley MieUl Iv li ill d I'll i. .'.liebfti A.ld.jb.leill!-
iiiii. - : to s ai iy a liiil.'men! i.i -.tid ooi..i3. rotxiv
med bv Maiv V.'ofi--)lt. pL'.."ort.
l'iatis,ii.,ut!i. Nei.rxska, April Is! 17.
Hlj It. W. U YLUS,
ttaial. Coo t o., el.
ii. ii. V niiLiliiiiiii uu iw'Jlt
Wbole lc iitej Htl.'tti Dctiterb lu
IT N B LUMi'.Eli.
Mam street. Corner of 1'iflli,
i 'L ATTSM U UT J I, - - - - XBB.
Still Better Hates for Lumber
u: a i.i:;; is
Drugs? Medicines?
it i.X- A
Ail Paper Trimmed Free of
Stationery, IVTagazincr
Latest Publications.
! by ku Krtjrrionrd Ui-wtfsrl-
ittMi:Mj:i:u the.'Lacf.
ttu sr., 2 noons south of 21 a 1
j I . a : J 1 Lil: Ml-
f - -r "rf i-f -iv, v'v XCjf