Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 27, 1879, Image 3

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Til E 11 E II A L I).
mouth MAILS.
asi-fiitc, soirrnm & socTtiErtx
Arrive Kt - 9 v n. m i I"1 Al - a- M-
Cr AHA VIA B. gc M.
Arrive at lOrf-Oa. In. Iepart at - 2 :13 p.
Arrive :it - e :15 p. m. rf-pnrt at - 10 .-co a. m.
Arrive at K' -am in. LvJ:irt at - 1 :00 p. rn.
i;ock ruTFs &. rxmx miilk.
Arrive at 12 0 in. 1 DefKiit nt - 1 :00 p. in.
Transient. 20 cents a line. Regular ndvenls
rs. to cent per line. No advertisement tnserl
i fur 1-sls than 23 cents.
Iijial notiee at Statute rj.te.
Aitonier and ollicers of the law will be neltl for nil leirnl notices they hand In,
mill ail p;irtl'8 leiiiiiiutln;: ,a prKi of puhlica
tm of laiv notice will be held tor in a publica
tion fee or Mich notice.
A imr .ee I limited, all coiiiiiuiniea'lons
muMt be brief aa-1 to tin point, wiili no waste
af words.
The paper is responsible for the correctness
'u eopliriK to cpy ol paid matter and p.-ud Le-fj-.ils.
1 iny pennn who taUes the paper regularly
fi-'i'i the po-'-olfiee.v iirtlit r iiiieoleil to Uis
reiw.iifible for tli" pay.
j. If anv pciio:i or.l.-r.-i tiis paper discontin
ued, lie must pay all arrcarajji-s, or I lie publKli
v.r tnav continue to semi it until payment Is
made.'and eolit-rt the whole stiiioiiiit. whether
the paper is tik-;ii from the ofliee or not.
3. i ne courts have decided that refu-'Iiij to
lake r.- sanprrs ami periodieals from the pot
ntliee. or reiini ini: ami li-aviin; th-m tincalled
for, t firinui jncie evidence of intkn nojf al
Election Tuesday.
Who will bo our next mayor?
Plattsrnouth is daily improving.
Spring has surely arrived this
Fi tiling tackle at the P. O. News
-J no. .Shannon i3 "bossee" of the
chain gaiiy.
-Croft. r.i';riil;ery has hu n out we.L
to buy cattle.
Where is ' the other half of Fred
jviorhler.s vest.
Iiase balls and bata elieai at tho
P. O. Ncn-3 IWr-ot.
Robin Pel jlreuat was singing
Joenily yesterday morning about 6:?0.
The old Missouri raised ten iches
Jvl this point yesterday and last niglit.
Mrs M. E. Woods, of Weening
Water, went east Wednesday for a
'lh'ialt;st thing i:i the il.i'-hon
line will l;t seen in .S.i..
Show case.
J.ros. Xca-
An Mlh- r ! r of elmic j sweet
oranges and so'ir lemor:3 at the P. O.
Xewd Depot.
- Phil Young ha"? a lot of the cutest
little account books, that lie is giving
to his customers
X fresh supply of choice Candies
and those delicious caramels at the P.
t ). News Perot.
r . !.. T.. - IV. .1 V. Tr...l
ItClTlf'lIi OC'l lll.ll IUU. 1111 IliiHl"
warts .Store will be opened on, at
StadeniaKti's tld sta::.
The biuid played ssver.d selections
i n Monday evening last, previous to
Ihe th jt of Mr. Finch's lectures.
VTho Irish boys all celebrated .St
Pat lick's Iay. and all wore the green
ribbon. Pob Donovon included.
'Lection conns oil All Foc-l's day,
and we know that some of the over
fiiixious ones will be greatly tooled.
Fickle r Pros, sell a 1 eef every Jay,
besides pork and other meats. "thep
u Peedle" and see them. HI
W. II. Paker & Co.. have on hand
; very 1 arjre sstock of Dress Goods of
the finest quality. Don't fail to see
thorn. !tl
Filserald Hall was packed jam
full Tuesday night, to hear Mr Finch
many new red ribbon giguers were
Coming down from Lincoln yester
day the Platte river sand-La -s were just
lined with gaese. We haven't seen so
many in years.
Alex Schlegel drives a fine hcrse
nowadays. He bought it of George
Minicl;. Geo. has gone west to grow
vi with the country.
Pot" had a cane before Judge Sul
livan Saturday when he "bate thecoort"
again. This thing is getting monoto
nous, as Mark Twain says.
There is a "fellar" in thi3 town
who boasts of being the only "short
horn" writer in the city, give us a note
or two and we'll translate it for you.
Fred Millard, son of Ezra Millard
of Omaha, was awarded the Woodford
jtri.e fr Oratory at Cornell College.
It is a SI00 gold medal or the money.
Tliistin' big pnper as usual when
ever the Editor is st home. 7ul read
tho Il!:fi.VM and rejoice that you Lave
bo gqod a County paper full of news.
The Social held at good Templar's
Lodge room, Friday night, nette
thing over S-IO.OO&e-inriTwas crowd
VffHrffeTraed to enjoy themselves
Soaie of oar sportsmen went over
to Waboiisoy lake the Qr3t of the week
and as a result ye editor and family
enjoyed duck for dinner, and returned
Frank Maldaner nf IIia firm f
Maldauer & Herrmann has gone to
i to :uy in a very large ana com
plete stocVf-sprhig and summer
goods. Watch for his rVurn.
The assessors and ?nsus takers
have just concluded the labors and
Mr. Barnes tells us tha we have 595
fatnilfes and about 20t inhabitents,
there are a few to come yet.
A livery stable belonjng toG. P.
Thomas, at Tekamali, lined down
Friday night and destroy! 21 horses
It was either st a fire irliciously or
front a cigar care If s&ly driVed. Peo
ple uairnot ki too careful jjout srao
kJ2"in a public barn. - '
D. II. Wheeler lias teen, quite sick
lately, but is better now.
Geo. A. Cramer Esq., of Concord
calleil Monday and corned us for some
more Herald.
j Dan Wheeler Jr. w;u In the city a
day or two last week, and '.vent from
here to Omaha.
Mrs. A. Van Pelt, G. W. C. T. was in
llattsmouth last Thursday and Friday,
attending the District Lodge of I. O.
J. N. Handle father of the Randale
boys visited our town on Monday. The
old gentleman looks quite well, im
proved, really.
Billy Wells started for his farm
Tuesday. Going to build a bars for
his team and go to plowing. Who
wouldn't laugh to see him following a
plow. But he'll do it just the same.
The parties named Smith, who
were arrested for stealing goods on the
other side of the river from box cars,
were finally found guilty and sentenced
to two years and a half iu the peniten
tiary. Some numbers of this issue of the
Herald were run off with a wrong
date on the outside, the 20th instead
of the 27th, so if the outside and in
side date don't agres, take the inside as
the correct one.
Boys come up and settle; you are
all known t the Marshal and he needs
some help to get those crosswalks and
railings fixed up. Preparations for a
chain gang is being made. Come up
to the captain's otTice.
H. X. Gilder, a cheese manufactur
er who had been slopping with Sam.
Thomas for some time, was severely
injured at Chariton, by falling from a
car as he was about to enter. The arm
was amputated above the wrist.
Some fellows having too much
benzine aboard last night, could find
nothing better to da than tearing up
cross walks and knocking down rail
ings around stair ways and on bridges.
Pat ought to employ them to replace
Prouly & Marshall at Weeping
Water, have dissolved partnership by
mutual consent A. L. Marshall takes
the business, and assumes all liabili
ties. He can be found at the old place
at all times ready aud willing for bus
iness. Give the new outfit a call.
Mr. John Fitgerald has bought
the Touzaliu property in Lincoln and
it is currently reported that he will
move there in a few weeks, perman
entiy. We shall be very sorry to lose
Mr. F. from our town, but we suppose
the demands of business must be obey
ed. Anyone in need of a first-class
suit of clothes, or any article ot Gents'
wearing apparel, need look no farther
than C. (J. He hold's Clothing Enipo
ium. He has just received an unlim
ited stock, and will sell them en an
exccedit g'.y small margin. Call in and
examine goods and prices.
The Woman's Temperance Union
met cn last Thursday. The meeting
was called to order by t'.:' president,
after a season of devotional exercises,
the business of the soeiety was trans
acted. Adjourned to meet again on
the afternoon of the 27lh at the resi of Mrs. Dr. Schildkuecht.
A correspondent of the Omaha
Bee writing from Plltsmouth gets
o.T the following:
The spelling machine of one of our
city papers is out of gear, or has a
Josh Billings attachment. The apolo
gy claims that Webster was lost
through the drunkenness of an em
ploye. Look out for the new Chicago
Lumber Yard, of Cummins Sc Itichey.
Their advertisement will appear in the
next weeks issue, and their Stock will
be full and complete in a short time.
Just as fast aa it can be unloaded from
tho cars. Any one wanting lumber at
low down prices will do well to wait a
few days and get the worth of their
Th-5 Golden (Col.,) Globe says that
a pocket telephone has been stretched
across one of the streets in that town
from the house of a young man train
ing a mustache, and contemplating
matrimony, to the window of his
sweet heart just opposite. They are
to be married soon, and it is a touch
ing sight to watch the little sparrows
perch on the string and peck at the
taffy as it glides along.
Mr. Jno. B. Finch arrived iu
Plattsrnouth on Monday last, and has
held meetings every evening since, the
first meeting at the Methodist church,
and afterwards at Fitzgerald Hall.
The meetings have been very fully at
tended, and some have been added to
i thf red ribbon band. Mr. Vinch en-
I 1 -i I'r.-.rt iii'At. f lift n il nl t mm 4 ! F 1 i n .
and their poisonous effect upon the
human system. IIewUIry m?n tha
e week and perhaps longer.
He was accompanied by Mrs. Finch. '
New Hardware Store.
We learn that John Duke has leased
the old Stadelrcann building, now oc
cupied as the Temperance Billiard
Hall, and will put in a bran new and
well selected stock of hardware. W
think the stand is a good one, and
hope Mr. Duke will have a good mea5
ure of success. Our town is constant
ly improving in every direction. ' j .
Benton's Speed Accelerators.
Horsemen and humanitarians havu
been for years seeking attachments for
horses mSuths to aid their speed, car
riage and at the same time avoid the
cruelty or inconvenience of the pres
ent bearing rein. The Benton Accel
erators accomplish this, for they re-;
move the rermanent strain of checks
and tit from the mouth of the horse;
and improve his-tyle and speed at
once. For further particulars, address'
W. C. Benton,
H2 Brownstown, Iudv"
.... - ,
Call for Public Meeting.
We the undersigned Citizens of
Plattsrnouth believing it to be for the
! best interests of our City and its Citi
zens do hereby recsommend and re
quest the Citizens of the various wards
without regard to political parties to
assemble together in their respective
wards on Friday evening March 2Sth,
1879, at 7 o'clock sharpi to put in nom
ination Councilmen in each ward and
to elect fourteen delegates in each
ward to meet in Convention at tha
Court House on Saturday evening,
March 29th, at 7 o'clock sharp, to nom
inate City Ticket at large.
P. E. Kuffuer E. G. Dovey
D. H. Wheeler J. 11. Buttery
W. E. Donelan Chas. E. Black
J. M. Roberts Thos. Pollock
J. W. Marshall Wm. Winterstcin
J. P. Young P. P. Gass
F. It. Guthman C. II. Tarmele
J. V. Weckbach A. W. McLaughlin
Will Guthman F. D. LehnhotI
Ben Hemplo Peter Merges
G. W. Fairfield B. Spurlock
AlvaDrew O.F.Johnson
J. W. Barnes J- H. Hall
G. II. Black Willett Pottenger
J. W. Jennings Jas. Keeuan
Sam'l Long J. M.Schnellbacker
John Waterman Wm. Hassler
J.X.Wise Jacob Keppel
J. A. MacMurphy William Herold
M. McElwain S. M. Chapman
YVm. Stadelmann It. C. Cushing
J. S. Mathews J. W. Johnson
C. G. Herold Jonh E. Barnes
Julius Pepperburg T. W. Short
Ed. Stamm G. I?. Chapman .
A. W. White Geo. II. Thompson
Joseph A. Connor C. Heisel
John Way man P. L. Wise
James Grace A. II. Baker
E. llosenbaum L. D. Bennett
A.Sc;hlegel W. I). Jones
Frank Carruth Fred II rrmann
P. F. Hansen A. C. Fry
O. M. Streight J. W. Shannon
II. W. Hyers C. II. Howard
Jno. Black B. K. Livingston
J. E. Morrison John OTtourko
John Hwlschuh.
The ward conventions will be held
at the following places:
1st Ward. Probate Judges office.
2d Ward. Brick School House.
ad Ward. Bulluer & Black's office.
4th Ward. Council Chamber.
Jnst Received.
Birdcages of every description, at
Joseph Schlater's, which will be sold
cheap. It3
From a letter vre learn that M. II.
Hathaway, formerly foreman of the
Herald, has gone pioneering again
out to Precept, Furnas Co. The Hek
ald wishes him good luck in his new
Capt. Solidity's ferry boat begins
to look as though shs would soon be
ready to launch. He has eight or nine
men engaged at the work, putting on
the sides and bottom and calking her
Cummins & Kiehey's new lumber
yard is beginnirg to 01. Twelve or
fifteen cars have been billed to them
and two or lkiv3 have arrived. In a
very short time you cn 'get anything
in their line that can be obtained in
any yard in the State. Call around.
Medjrkranz Ball.
Thf great German ball of the season
the Lisderkranz com.'S Muii'"av tl e
Hth of April.' liemember th day
Easter Mowday and be sure and at
tend. It will be the gayest ball of
the season and the first after Lat.
Week before hut we stepped over
in Illinois and saw some very fine
thoroughbred horses at the farm of
Hon. S. W. Whcelock, near Moline.llis
famous Stallion Romulus was sold tn
ly a few days before, but his colts
were there in great numbers. Mr. W.
had just -eHt two fint young horses to
Kansas, and is selling off others as
fast as he can, being determined to go
out of the business. He has the finest
Hambletonians we have seen. All his
horses are large size, good bone and
splendid horses.
The gentleman i3 President of the
Moline Plow works, the Molii.e bank,
connected with the Mollne Water pow
er Company, and a perfect gentleman
every way. We have seldom enjoyed
a bhort visit more. On leaving he
sent us by buggy over to Rock Island
through the grounds, which mu3t be
beautiful in Summer) and to view the
Arsenal and Government works, the
largest of the kind in the U. S. It is a
singular fact that we are indebted to
Jeff Davis for the location of these ar
mories at this point.
Closing Out at Low Prices.
I am offeriag my complete line of
nursery stock this spring at prices
from 2i to 4.0 percent less than usual,
3 year apple 10 cts cherry, plum, and
pear 33 cts., peacli from 5 to 15 cts.,
concord grapes, currants, blackberries
raspberries &c. 73 cts. per dozen, and
only $4 per hundred. The choicest of
crab, bearinj size 25 cts. Evergreens
at 15 cts. per foot in large supply.
Roses, peonies, honeysuckle., snow
balls, and various shrubs at corres
ponding low rates. Wholesale rates
given on application, address.
A. L. Williams,
Cnion XurseriCd one mile X. E. of
Glenwood, Iowa. It4
for sale:.
Hambletonian Stallion
COLOR blood bay. star and whlre heel. 15'4
hands high, foaled lf ; weight lGtinlhs- sired
by P.illy Denton, first dam by Dekay's Bellf.uu
ler, second dam by Dekav's Elipse. Ilil'.v Den
ton by KysdyK's Hambletonian. first dam by
Ex ton Eclipse, second dam by Duroc. Record
2 :2S in seventh heat. For jirire and particulars
Inquire of K A. COOK,
i Cambridge. Henry Count v. III.
W S. W. VTHEELOCK, Moline, III. lii
lfl ndfl 3AiIES of residents wanted. For 25
IUiUUU names and 25 cents we will Rend
you a Cue silk handkerchief, every
thread silk. Regular price. 1.00, . YV. Foster.
Co.. l2.- Clark Street, Chicago, III. lniu.
J Two Teams fdf Sale.
ne Xo. 1 horse team, good for anv
kind of work, and a good mule team,
cheap for cash, or oh time with good
Security. Also a lot of fence posts
and wood for sale. Apply to '. '
A J. V. Weckbach,
oltf " Plattemouth, XeV
Ordinance No. 01.
An Ordinance for the purpose of regu
lating and deiining the duties of per
tsous owning or erecting buildings
between Fifth Street, East on Main
Street, to what is called the Levee
on the Missouri River in the City of
he it ordained by the Mayor and City
Couiuilmen of the City of 1'latts
mouth cs follows :
Section X. That it may be lawful
for the owner of lots or persons having
permission from the owner to erect any
building fronting on Main 6treet, on
either side of said street, on any desig
nated lot fronting thereon, between
5th street, east to the levee on the Mis
souri river; the same being construct
ed and built according to the following
sections: -
Section 2. That any person or per
sons may construct any building or
buildings within the foregoing limits of
Stone, Brick or frame made of Wood,
for any legitimate purpose, said build
ing to be not les3 than twenty feet,
fronting on Main street and not less
than thirty feet deep, running back
from Main street: and the person or
persons so erecting the same, shall
cause to be put into the said building
or buildings so erected, flues built of
brick, the walls of which shall be four
inches thick for any purposes of heat
ing or tire, Raid Hues to rest and be
built from the ground up, or to rest
upon some permanent foundation and
proper support, erected in the said
building or buildings and shall be
built of brick for at least three feet
below the ceiling or first floor af said
building or buildings apd it shall be so
constructed that the stoye pipe may
enter the flue at least two feet below
the ceiling or first floor of the room or
apartment in which the stove or heat
ing aparatus may be used or placed.
Section 3. All such buildings shall
be constructed in a substantial manner
and covered with shingles, tin or other
approved Roofing and shall be sutject
to the Inspection f Mayor and City
Council and if deemed by the said
Mayor and City Council unsafe as to
fire, tho said parties so erecting said
buildings ehall be compelled to make
the same safe, according to the orders
of the said Mayor and City Council.
Section 4. If any building hereaf
ter erected under the provisions of this
Ordinance, shall upon biiug duly ex
amined and inspected by the Mayor
and City Council, be deemed or consid
ered unsafe as to tire, and if the own
ers or the persons in charge of the
name, shall neglect or refuse, after ten
days notice that the building is consid
ered unsafe by the said Mayor and
City Council to put the said premises
or buildiug into approved condition
under the direction of the said Mayor
and City Council, then the said Mayor
and City Council have the authority to
causa the said premises, building or
buildings to be put in a gaod and safe
condition and the expense shall be
taxed to the owner or occupant
or person in charge of said property
whioh may be recovered by proper ac
tion at law.
Section 5. That any person or per
sons who are the owners or occupants
of any buildings, hereafter erected
shall violate any of the provisions of
this Ordinance or shall at any time re
fuse or neglect to put any such premi
ses iu a saf condition after being duly
notified for ten days, the party so of
fending shall be subject to pay to the
City of Plattsrnouth the sum of not
less than twenty-five dollars; and for
each subsequent offense, after notifica
tion, far 10 days thereafter, if the said
party fails to comply therewith, then
he shall be subject to pay a fur. her
sum of not less than fifty nor more
than one hundred dollars, which above
sums shall be recovered in a proper ac
tion before the police jitdje of the said
City of Plattsrnouth, and if said party
or parlies so offending, fail to pay said
sum. so adjudged against them under
said Ordinance, they bliall be commit
ted to jail until su.'li !i:i?s and cosffi
shall- be paid.
Section 0". Any person or persons
shall not erect a barn, building or build
ings under this Ordinance, on any lot
adjoining a lot on which a brick or
stone bui'.ding is built, unless they
shall first obtain permission of said
owner or owners of said lot on which
such brick or stiiie buildings are erect
ed. Section 7. All that part of Ordi
nal ce Xo. ?, defined as an Ordinance
defining the firo limits of the city of
Plattsuiouth, that is inconsistent, with
this Ordinance is hereby repeal d. Ai:d
all that part of Ordinance Xo. 3 afore
said that is not inconsistent with this
Ordiance shall still remain and be in
Section 8. This Ordinance to take
effect and be in force from and after
its passage and publication according
to law.
Approved March 22d, 1819.
J. W. Johnson,
J. D. SiiirsoN, . Mayor.
City Clerk.
Social Ball !
Given by the
Plattsrnouth Liederkranz,
In Fitzgerald Sail,
Easter Monday, April 11,
The finest Music by an A Xo. 1 band
of five pieces.
The proceeds to be applied towards
furnishing the new Liederkranz Hall,
and the purchase of an Organ.
A general good time guaranteed to
every one attending.
C He-re. Ycu can make money by selling
our Sterling Chemical Wicks Never needs
trimming No smoke r smell 10 cents each. 3
for cents. Send Manip for catalogue of Won
derful Inventions, taile and fancv goods. I'ar
eoni, Foster & Co., 125 Clark St.. Chicago. lm
Common Sense.
It L3 simply in keeping with common
sense to say that a specialist who
gives his undivided attention to the
treatment of a certain class of diseases
ought to succeed, where practitioners
in general practice may fail. Dr. E. B.
Fote, of 120 Lexington Avenue, Xew
York city, has given hi3 exclusive at
tention to the treatment ef chronic
diseases for twenty-five years, during
which time he has cured thousands
whose faces he had never seen. If you
will send to him for his searchiug list
of questions you will see how this has
been done in part Consultations in
person or by mail free. Dr. Foote's
works, Plain Home Talk embracing
Medical Common Sense, Science in Sto
ry, etc., are publications well known
to the reading publics Taking all of
the Doctor's publications together it is
not too much to say that millions of
copies have been sold.
MULLEN On Friday. March 22.1, at .Marshall
town, Iowa. Mrs Z. E. Mcllkn ; ai;ed 38 rears.
5 months aud 13 days:
Deceased was a sHSf of H. C, aud Win. Hau
die, of this city; iiie retn.iins l.r.,;,,
tieic for interment, the funeral taking placo
rrem hit i. t nure is Smj lay ..
Solid two buckle Plow !ioes at Mer
ges for $1.00. . 51tf
A large and jvell scjefted Stock of
Eastern Boots and SUsec f-;t Shurwood's
cheap. . 41tf
Remember that for boots auvi shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price, no
has a large assortment. ' 28tf.
Large new Stock of Boots and Shoes
AT MERGES, AT - . ..
greatly reduced raUs over last year. 5 Itf
Repairing cheap and good at Merges.
Three good farms, five miles from
Plattsrnouth, apply to R. B. Windham.
Larger Stock of .Bocts and Shoes
than ever came to town
and cheaper than ever at Merges.-
Misses Slippers for 25 cents and two
Buckle Plow Shoes for S1.00 at Mer
cs. 85.00
Fine Boot3 Custom made $.".G at
44tf Sherwood's.
Parties wanting information in -regard
to Styles, Terms, &c. of mason, a
hamlin organs will please notice
that I shall be at Plattsrnouth most of
the time for three or four weeks and
ready to reply promptly to any calls
by postal or otherwise. As my opera
tions extend through several Counties
and take me away much of the time it
will be to the advantage of persons in
terested to communicate with me at
once. James Pettee.
Special Agent Mason & Hamlin Or
gan Company.
Plattsrnouth, Xeb., March 19, 1379
.Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Ca3s county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsrnouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and Xovember. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Xotice of
other examinations will bo given.
D; D. Martin dale.
41m(J County Superintendent.
Our country is getting to be fearfully
alarming, the average of life being les
sened every year, without any reason
able cause," death resulting generally
from the most insignificant origin. At
this season of the year especially, a
cold is such a common thing that in
the hurry of everyday life we are apt
to overlook the dangers attending it
and often find too late that a Fever or
Lung trouble has already set in.
Thousands loose their lives in this way
every winter, while had Ifovchee's Ger
man Syrup been taken, a euro would
have resulted, and a large bill from
a doctor been avoided. For all diseas
es of the Throat and Lungs, Bosdtce's
German Synip has proven itself to be
the greatest discovery of tire kind in
medicine. Every Druggist in this
country will tell vou of its wonderful
effect. Over 950,000 bottles aold last
year without a single failure known.
Boots made to order at Merges for
Thirty or th let orz.-m makers of the
World are competitor at the Pari F.xjiosltion.
a cable dispatch to the Ass jciated Pre says
two highest gold medals have, been awarded to
the American makers. Mason & Hamlin.
At It. Sherwood's, made to order Fine
44tf Calf Boots .".00.
County Orders will be received at
this ofiice in pay for subscriptions, at
their market value, always. Remem
ber that. 41 tf.
With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you
can cure yourself. It has established
the fact that Consumption can be
cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis
eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso
lutely without an equal, Two doses
will relieve your child of Croup; It is
pleasant to take and perfectly harmless
to the youngest child, and no mother
can afford to be without it. You can
use two thirds of a bottle and if what
we say is not true we will refund the
price paid. Price 10 cts. 50 cts, and
S1.00 per bottle. If your Lungs arc
sore or chest or back lame use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman &
Smith, Druggists,
Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti
pated, have you a Yellow skin. Loss
of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail
ZER. It is guaranteed to relieve you,
and will you continue to suftVr when
you can be cured on such teims as
these. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts. Sold by
Chapman & Smith, Druggists.
Well's Persian Perl u rue "I1ACKME
TACK" is rich and
Sold bv Chapman &
Plattsrnouth Xeb.
fragrant, try it
Smith, Druggists
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1S78 all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of thfelid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainlv labeled:
Plattsrnouth, - - Nebraska.
It is a Fact ! !
ISroivn'S Liver IHIs cure head
ache, billiousness and liver complaint.
llrovrn's Cough ESalsam. and
Tar Troclies cure coughs, colds, and
throat and lung affections That
Cough snocxD be checked at once.
"iohu's Hair Tonic prevents
dandruff and loss of hair, and secures a
beautiful gloss.
Brown's Arnica Liniment
and Salve cure sprains, swellings,
sores, ulcers and frost bites.
Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, and Iodide
of Potassium invigorates the liver and
purities the blood. The great remedy
for Chronic Rheumatism.
For sale by Dr. W. E: Dohelan, Chap
man & Smith, J. II. Buttery and O. F.
49tf Plattsrnouth, Xeb.
Made to order
4 It? at Sherwood's.
Good second hand Organs and Melo
deons, apply to James Pettee, Dealer
in Musical Instruments, Plattsrnouth,
iN'eb;' 44tf"
The partnership liereK.fore o-lsting between
liie undersigned under the name of Trouty
Matsiiall is this day dissolved bv mutual eon-
i sent. A. L. Marshal! assuming ire ItauM'ties
and coatmtiiMe! I lie li uc liu-ines.
Weepiajj Water, Neb"., March s. trr?
S. N. PROl TY,
U3 A. 1.. MA KS II ALU
Estray Notice.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the undersigned
Justice o the Pe.iee will Rf-li at public auctiou
to thehiijhest bidder for cash in band on tha
25th wy of April, 1ST'.), all o'clock, p. in.. at thu
residence of A..1. McDouald, in Weeping Water,
Cass County. Nebraska, oue ID Borrel borse
eight years old, taken up as an estray on the
zui day or September, A. u. 1S78, Dy A. J. Ne
a. caumiciiael. j . r.
March 24th. 187a
Notice to Contractors.
Bids will be received up to 12 o'clock M.. ot
Tuesday, the first da of April, 1879. for the
Construction of county Jail, over new cells) in
accordance with the plans and specification
now on tile in the ottice of the County Clerk of
Cas County, Nebraska.
Itid6 should specify for cah or warrants.
The Board of County Commissioner reserves
the right to reject any or ail bid.
IJy order of the County Commissioners.
In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my
. hand and official seal this 14tli day of
r March. 1S79. J. I. TU1T, -
"V County Cierk.
. :2t2
Itaciel E. Fin'.ey, non-resident defendant,
will take notice that Ceoige E. Finlev did on
the mh i2y of Maicii. A. D. lain, file his !ei
tion : tie office of the Clerk of the Dimrtot
Court within aud for the county of Cas nnd
Slate ol Nebraska, charging said Rachel E. Fin
ley with wilful desertion of plainlilt, George E.
Klnley. without ji'st cause or provocation for
tnore than tv years last past, asking that he
George E. Ei'leA-, p'aintitl he divorced from the
said Rachel E. Finley ; and the said Rachel E.
Eiiiley is hercbr-ttb'ufied that uhe inrequlrcd to
appearand answer said petition on or before
the 2;;th day of April, ls7:, or Judgment will be
rendered agFfnst nerand decree rendered ac
cording to the praveref stif petition.
Gf ORv'E 1-:. EINLEY.
By Sam. M. Chafman,
Att'y for l'laiutitf. 5?t5
Legal Notice.
In IMctrict Court of Cas Couclr.
To Selden N. Merriam. non-reVldoEt defend
ant, you are hereby notified that on the lull
Jay of February l7. I filed my petition in the
office of the Clerk of the JJitrlct Court of Cas
countv. Nebraska, against you, and commenced
an action against you in said District. Court,
the object aud praver of which is to oMaiu a
decree of tke said "iJislrict Court setting aside
and wholly c ncelliKj taree (3) certain pretend
ed tax, or treasurer's pretended tax deeds. The
first of said pretended tax deed being made
and executed bv William E. Hobbs then county
treasurer of Cas county to Seidell N. Merriam.
on or about the 5th day of September, Is73. The
second of said pretended tax deed being made
and executed bv John C. Cummins, then coun
ty treasurer of Cas? countv. to the said Keldeu
N. Merriam on or about tlie 8th day of May.
1874. The third of said pretended tax deeds
being made and executed by James M. Patter
son, then county treasurer of Cass county, to
the said Selden N, Merriam on orabout the loth
day of July, ls7.s. All of said deeds prelerding
to convey t you the north (n) halfii) of the
southeast e; iiarter (,). and south s half
1'4 i of northeast (u e) quarter Hi 1 of suction No.
twenlv-eUut 2-l. in township No. ten 10.
north 'of range No. nine i, east of the uth P. M.
King and belini in said Cass county and State
of Nebraska. You are required to answer said
petition on or before the aih day of Ma , 1S7P,
or a decree will be taken airain-t you hi accord -with
the prayer of said petition.
Chapmait & Bkoadv.
Attorneys for Flaiaiitif. 5J15
Sheriff's Sale.
15v virtue of an order of sale issued by Wrn
L. Wells, clerk of the Iiisliict Court within nnd
for Cass countv. Nebraska, and to me directed.
I will, on the 61 ii day of April. A. 1). 1879, at 10
o'clock, a. ni., of said day. at the south door of
the Court House in said county, sell at public,
auction the following real estate, to wit; the
west half ('-,) of the noilheast ouarter of
section twenty-six (i0. in township No. twelve
(12), north of range No eleven (11), east of the
(i!h P. M.. together with tho appurtenances;
the sains being levied upon and taken as the
property tf l'liilip Kiiiart and George Schoe
man. defendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said
court, recovered by Ed ward G. Dovev, plaintiff.
flatuinouth, Neb , Maich 5th, A. l is;.
5015 Sheriff, Cass Co.. Neb.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by Wm. I..
Wells. Clt-rk of the District Court within and
for Cass Countv Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will on the 5t'l day of April, A. I). 1879, at 11
o'clock A. M.. of said day. at the south door of
the Court Jlouse in said' county, sell at Public
Auction the lollowiug real estate, to wit : Lot
No. one id, in block No. two hundred and
twenty-three 'n Plattsrnouth city, Cass
countv, Nebraska : 'J ue same being levied up
on and, taken as the property of J. N. Handle
and Aitiary Handle, defendants; to satisfy a
jadgment ot said court recovered by Thomas B.
Gordon, pluinuti'.
Plat tsmouth, N'eb., March Sth. A. I. 1879.
0013 R. W. HYERS.
Sheriff. Cass Co., Neb.
Sheriff's Sa'e.
Bv virt ue of an cider of a!e insued by Wm . B.
Wells. Clerk of t he DN1 rict Court within and
fort a..s viii! v. Nebraska, and to me directed,
1 will on tiie'jthdav of April, A. D. 1073. at
1 o'clock. P. M., of n.u:t day, at the smith door
of the Court House, in said county, sell at Pub
lic Auction the following teal estate, to wit :
The norlueast quarter and the southwest
epiarter of section So. threes, in township No.
twelve (12), north of range No. thirteen (I3.east
of the fith 1. M. ; also lot three (3), and the
southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of
section tliinv-t'our(3l). in township No. thir-t-en
('.'ti north of range thirteen (13). east of the P.M.. Iu Cass county. Nebraska, together
with the appurtenance. Tne same being levied
upon and taVien as the property of Jason G. Mil
ler and Mary P. Miller, defendants; to satisfy a
judgment ol said court, recovered toy Jacob
Lerevcr. plaintiff.
FlaUsn:cv.t! Neb., March Mb. A. I. 1879.
30t5 Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by Win. L.
Wells. Clerk of the District Cmu t within and
for Cass Countv. Nebraska; and to me directed,
1 will on the rtli day ot April, A. D. 1879. at
2 o'clock P. M., of said ;?f,y, at the south door
of the court bouse ia said rimty, seil at public
auction the following real Estate, to wit: The
south half of the northwest quarter -of section
No. eight (8), and the south east quarter of the
northeast quarter of sectiori No. seven (7), and
the southeast quarter of section No. twenty
four (21 , and a part of the northeast quarter
of section No. twenty-five (25). described a
follows : Commencing at the northeast corner
of said northeast quarter, and running thence
south, one hundred rods : thence yest, one
hundred ami sixty rods ; thence north fine hun
dred roils ; thence fast, one hundred and sixty
rods to the place ef beginning, containing one
hundred acres Ml the above described lacd
beiu- in townsSrp No. twelve 12 north of
range No. twelve il2.i. east of the 0th P. M. :
also the north half and the southeast quarter
of the northeast quarter of secttn twenty-six
(2C, town eleven ill), north of range No. twelve
1 12). east of the uth P. M. in Cass county. Ne
braska, containing in ;:li TOO acres, more or Uss :
the same being levied upon and taken as ti e
property of Emerson II. Eaton and S. M. Eaton,
deiendants ; to satisfy a judgment of said court,
recovered by Jacob Lefcver. plaintiff.
Plattsmoiult.Neb., March ruli. A. D. IS79.
5Ct5 R. W. HYERS,
Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Elizabeth M. alias Johanna Foltz, non resi
dent defendant is hereby notified that David
Foltz dill on the 6t hday of Fehruary, A. I) 179.
tile his petition in the office of the Clerk of the
District Court, within and for the Co. of Cass
and State of Nebraska, charging Elizabeth M.,
alias Johanna Foltz with adultery with one
Lewis Copplc and asking that he, David Foltz.
piaintiff, lie divorced from the said Elizabeth M.,
alias Johanna Foltz. and the said Elizabeth M.,
alias Johanna Foltz is heiehy notified that she
ia required to appear ant answer said petit'on
on or befwrc the Hth day of April 1S7D. or judg
ment will be rci-den-d ppa'nst her and decree
rendered according to the prayer of said peti
tion. "David Foltz.
4jIj By W'llctt Pottencer; Attorney for FPU
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of the 2d Judicial District
in and for Cass Counfv. Nebraska. Clara A.
Jones, plaintiff, vs. VVilMain Jones, defendant.-
Ta Williarti Jones :
Vou are hereby notified that Clara A. Jones
has filed her petition against yon in the Dis
trict Court of Cass County Nebraska, prayiog
that she may be divorced from you. She avers
as cause of action against you. neglect and de
sertion, and a failure to provide t he necessaries
of life for her. You are hereby notified to ap
pear and answer the aaid petitiou. according to
law. or judgment will be rendered against vou
by default and the prayer of said petition' be
granted. CLARA A. JON ES,
By R. B. Wisdham, tier Att'y. 51t5
To George Parker, non-resident defendant :
You are hereby notified that there was on
the 4th day of February, 1?7H. a petition filed in
the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, by
Mary M. Parker, praying that she may be dt
vorced from you ; and alleging In said petitson,
a. her grounds for so doing, wilfull desertion on
your part, and that unless you answer said pe
tition on or before the 10th day of April. 1-73
liie allegat ion in said petitiou -will be taken as
true and judgment rendered accordiugl v.
By her Attorneys.
G. S. Smith and J. E. Momtiso:
oOt4 .
. Sheriff's Sale.
t Bv virtue f mi order ,sa! i sued bv Wm. L.
t Wells, Clerk tf tho Divtiet. t:urt wUhlo and
j for Cass, oouiiiv. Nebraska, !' to me directed.
! I will ou lie 2:dli dn of M..i'.b. .. tV .l--7f. at
i in o'clock a. m., ol sai4 d ty.-at tta? ho"-" -door
i of the Court house ia said County, soli at p'tMio
! am-tinn tha fnllnwh'ir rejil estate, to v it : Ct t:'!-
ftiencitig at the south wert coiner of lot No. oub
(1. ol section seventeen iT). towns-Lip twelve
(12). north or range fourteen 1 14: east of the lli
P. M. ; running thence cast twenty-four CM)
rods; theuc north, sir and sixty-six hun
dredth irt0-10e) roda ) thence west, twenty
four (24) rods ; thence south, six and .sixty-six
hundredths 5 6fl-lj) rtKls to the place of Peri
lling, contalulng one acrcr more or le ; also a
tract commencing at n iwint twenty-three (28)
rods east of tne northwest comer of section No.
twenty (SJn), In township Wo. twelve (12), north
of range No. lourteeu (14). eaat of the 6th T. M. :
thence running south loi ty (iO) rod : thence
east, nineteen tl) rods ; thence north, forty (4()
rods ; thence wesUnineteen (19)rtds, to the be
ginning, contaiuii'g tour and lunM-fourth
acres; The same being letfed upon an J rnken
aa the property of fllrsiana Mlckelwnlt, Whejt
lev Mickeiwaitand Fred. Vickelwait. defend
ants ; to satisfy a Judgment of said court, recov
ered by Marv Woleoit, plahiMiI. .
Plattsuiouih. Nebraska, Fcbrt' 1873.
4314 R. YT. JIYKKS.
Sheriff, Cuos C.v, Neb.
Administrator's Sale. .
ftoCee Is hereby eiven that pursuant to deerr
tftl order made by the Hon. S. B. Pound. Judge
of the 2d Judicial Dist. ot peorak.a, at Lincoln
on tbfr loth dxv of March. A. D. IK7 : I w ill on
llth 'lav of Ao'ril. ls?:i, at the south dr of the
court house iu the Citv of PlMttsmoutb In Cass
eouniv. Nebraska, oiler for sale all the right
and title of Patrick P. Fitzgerald, deceased.
in and to the following described premises sit
uated in said couuty, to wit : The west half l't
of the northwest (n w quarter and the
southeast Is el Quarter I 'ii of the northwest fn.
w quarter 'J and southwest (s wj quarter
Slot the northeast n e quarter . all of
section :o. iweniy-nme i-.'j, town o. iweiva
12, range No. nine !l. east of the 6th P.M..
containing VjOaeres.. Sale to remain open for
digs irom tne nour oi one o ciock unui j o hock
p. M. on said day. Terms cash, or reasonable
time ou mortgage security, ,
5213 Administrator.
Coiner Main t 3d Strecw.
llattinoutu, - XcbritKkn.
And only first-class Whin" and Liquors. Mil
waukee Beer on Draught and bottled.
53FnmHles supplied with Malt and Spirltu
ous Liquors, bottled, at I)w Rates. 4tly
Parson's Purgative Pills made . New Rich
Blood, and will completely liange the blood In
tbe entire svitem in three months. Ay. per
son who will take 1 pill each nlnht froiir 1 to
12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if
such a thing be possible. Scut by mall for 8
letter stamps. I S. JOHNSON & Co.
MU Bangor Maine.
rasasa tassaaza ggast'gassa assail
0T7 Lame Back 11
Br? son's Caitink Poroi's Pi-as-H
TKRisfor lameness or weakness offi
he back, luieumatism and all local aches &
alns, the best remedy known. It was m-M
vented to overcome the slow action of lhcH
jj irdinary oorous plasters. It relieves paiiifcj
n It once, nun cuius wutriuoiiirr Jtirtaifi!. nniK
i lot even relieve Sold everywhere bv Dm" t
.jists. Price 25 cents. H
128 Bushels to the Acre.
791 Pjnnd CHAMPLAIN 528 Pound DEFIANCE
Grown from a Single round of Seed,
neads 5 to 7 In. loug. 75 to 100 kernels a head.
CHAMPLAIN. a red, bearded variety cross
between the Black Sea and Golden Drop.
DEFANCE. a white bald variety cross be
tween the Club and a white California wheat.
Prices of each variety : 75 cts. per lb. : 3 lbs.,
2. by mail prepaid : $5 per peck : $13 per bushel.
Our Wheat circular, giving cultivation where
by the above yields were produced, reports of
successful competitors for our ?2?o premium
offered in 1S7S. and full of valuable imormation
to all wheat growers, mailed free to all appli
cants. Ii. K. Miss tl- Sons' Hami Hi-i'k for the Farm
A Garden. i"W pp., beautifully illustrated. Inval
uable v- ;UI Interested in gardening, mailed to
all applicants. B. K. BLISS & sons.
32 Barclay St. New York City.
aruittiraisojilc i e
Throat and Lungs
Permanently C'l're!.
taken in conjunction with his
a and hyposulphites of
A TDTT RflTTT r of eMh preparation
lilLlD jjUllLll sent by express to
jeacli sufiering applicant sending their name
r. U. and express auuress to JJr. I
A. Slocutu. 1S1 Pearl St., XewR
lYork. 47U
The Mason & Hamlin Organ
Instructor is the title of :i Xew
Work arranged expressly for the use
of Scholars by Mr. Trowbridge whose
Musical ability ar.d long connection
with the Company has eminently fitted
him for the work which ho has been
so successful in arranging; the studies
are very progressive and complete and
the collection of music throughout is
fine. Our Musicians are a unit in rec
commending it. Hooks can be obtain
ed at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Stere.
James Pettee, Agent,
44tf Plattsrnouth, Xeb.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Mai., street. Corner of Fifth,
Still Better Rates for Lumber
navtng purchased the
Stock of Goods
Formerly owned by
Will continue the business at the old stand and
will be pleased to see all the former pat
rons of the bouse and hope by
keejdng a
First Glass Stock
In Every Dcprtrtrnf rant,' aid .elllp? on .close
margins to merit ai"l sect'iea large siiarr of the
Trade of Cass County
Giro us a trial auU be convinced.
South Side Main Street.
(Bet. 5th znd Clh;
Clothing House!
0. G.'HEROLP, - Proprietor.'
. riKST KST.rjL'n IN 16.
Kt-.t-ps ner.ii large stock of
Youth's and Ken's,
and bus Just received the Daeet lot of
French and English Sillc
Ills diSelct.t st)ks of
are aurji;.sin;r, and lua stock of
Furnishing Goods I
Is laifie enough, to supply auy demand.
Call'. and Examine .the. .
1Iy V. ti. ilOLD.
A TiL'm arsh aTLm
rJ Successor to
5IEIH( IXl'.s& cni:ni'AL,s,
l'ure Vt'iiioK and Uqufrf,
For Mcdicinatt i'trisr.
TfTTrescrlptlons Can-fully Coinoundcd d:iy or
night. Remember Ihe place. Marshall
'Boot iS; Mine" & iJiug .Stoe.
Werpins Water, - Xeliraska. My
iE.u;n in
Ail Paper Trimmed Free of
Stationery, Magazines
.1 XD
La test I'libliea t ions.
PresorlptlonH Cnrefully 'ompoufuleif
by an Kspfrlenceil I)rus't.
ro:; spefi'iat ror.noi'A.
"rl -iiitc, &n nii. sir
w ttjl .ij'ijr rf t
l niiil rut (JiKf of
- ji iJijt-niidn inr piiti
rUz Pfst f 1 'iwraw, iictli by Ab oriitioii- nd i-r-
t n it tJ :f 4i Jl'lit- ti;c feon.l'.fll .cim EjiC-
ul .torv JJurt. 1 r i luairt t.ul t'n lhrt. 'j h
fttie iirutl ic fTtr;ll i;ri nt imiitf i''.,
it if tf-,ct.r "Silvi-1 i. tut Luilfdt Tbf!tirig nn
itnrnolir.te f,o:'.l.t'Z mil r'.o;iii riU-ci hmhi tUt
ual &ud HTr wru kctl rTn Pf-nUu
ft tl tircf4, f't, f X i:. 'ii" i'i 1 M t h ftA tfhi, frttf
inptii? iniTKi t t"-alt'i n-'rt HOt.i.rt n, tnr.iy. rr ovim .
Ihe Lrimnes of b.: 1-t rYci; J-ft.iI .ty, COT.ftmin
of Idfs.s, Arora.ou tnt c-c.'..t. c.Lie. t: rhr
i:ii'l proin.VLrjoJ ire t.t-l v f t i.rii pan Ua
t' Htb.r, i.i r t-,1: 1:.uj V n'or, wi'm it U,
b-rnJ t Ur a 'I it! m. e tihimut .
tliftfit l:i vcv vt -i crt oii'i now pnii.oun'-ttl
tu.-'-e. 25. ura arc I ui.-h irc-rr fn xvr frunfal,
nlt a r.n.'v c-.n V-t m t',' . ith lut irl. it
H-!r.rcnTul. i- - m ffr.wnic :ib-H thif Pji r
li:, I'n'cfc.1 r b-'" : in'i uii ttl m t f tis y uai n
tee ihut If will pivrsruipfart.on. -Durirs l.c eiM .
T. rrilhat it nat .vm ?ii ' r.uiki c luve tl .
ot I'-ariitiouial rn t.' ulu( t,t l i' U Row con ret
d by the Wfiliml Vif-- Kc t'.i mutt riionJ
l;iraui rrt Ht i) i i -. 1 . i ci1-' it Z mr rHr t h t try prl-
srii trotibic. fist ii wull kwoft ' t t TNr an l ttN'l
!ti:MTyttt tn:.Tv, (,,-d :tta: v u P'.rcki prey rrh
f hir uc,i ifin. rf f: C'-.I'ltr l;rint-Jj'i pwt vf
in k neat h it. m'i;j- i li !r. ti ,'.' K. urt'l tit i tUfrn
vrrpticr hv tvn'.l e f-r C 0 'I'wt r'ttiat4t to
rffo. t wriTiS'icu! CLfni'l i i-virr- rnrc f $ 0 '1 ttrm ,
Hoir ht.v l!r i fj'l ia'n;! wi 1 mihioiic Hurl
rrt or iior. t:c nt"iM 7. Ft. 11 T;,LECTlG-8
Xcr usjTir v i'l mprry Ir ' JC3C.
(Sen 1 f r h.;.h t (f"Mnf Anfttfmiiral'V
I IT u it ry flop, wli Vh m'ti roi.t:ic the iiut r ptlrJ
ttt they at he rt-i'r -I t i -iic t matiMHl, nd tf
t'.ted tori. te f!utif4 .f I t , Mnir n i i fT. ctrJ. a
tent S.-ticd fori: en p t- f t cnc. PciiiOY ty (o,
t -'II
m -t ( . -"iiLf! .ii 1, ti( of
If, i.v -i. i ,' i t V irjlrniy. 1 r
ait' n!. rriii.h',- ftu i incompvtl-
7, lit vuir,tl., CtUMf -V
f-ut -, rouft1, Cibapv ana
r.i!, ; !ritirv V.rr. p; ,u, CHl-
i )'ir .-it.;-. I -. ?ui'.r;ir: t Mr.rf.ffM
'f . -.-iic'.n. S:tiz i.fa -
c; t!:rt!t I.jx . t .-: i.-. .u", -9 ;1 I .t:", Im. rinht
c( n-s-T'tnl v.- '-f..- i.i.--'ij-. i;;t.-n-fl priiiiar Ui
Wo?, tNeif c"''t cr 1 rr:n ';ir. A bt-k for pnwt
:1 -i.:-t: 'le-fc'.fr'.r.'.li'if: t .0 i-tt,.; fuli Jf )sm i-iA-
rn3rrU:,Oc'i rt an .. io;,t tncture.Virii,'1w
.y t' . t :.: -.-a o.-icr uf-ortial J-t;bi:i? y, at. 4 Inw
r.'V"i:rr. F i-n .i I-j ' n a. i i. runt.
l.lfTr- f.' L '.'! .'.V T-c tt PvVirtj,f)fti1tt ttt
I.a i..-:t'.ti . rv. i, it Tny, wJ:, Hr (ii- ArmTV,
l.vf 'it i li -v, ic. ur.rriiK" U-i"ir
i,r "'.ej'i-v, ri 'n tnMtni'nu wt .t r-rr
'-jmr-- rc" " l. r t's c i c cf p:i . att
Lt car Li k ) -u. ....
Mciisr-! Advice."
:.'t ttirt ir wie i.i.r t Mni v.jltine, (1. 'ry rvtilaln
WTO ii -v. r 10J JMiiitrticns. einbrat ir.jr rvry
o.i tl e j: x-ra I v.;. i titct i wunW ka inf, u J
piuoii tit-;! im i. .4 p i!m1.-V -J ii ;y'!lnr work, 'i n rrv
bni: 4 vt.'itn . f r y fn ft ; u:r tc(Ic.l 1UU
paS'i'it-.l( ninl i u t,ii'..:r'i vi ftv.iiiir t raw nan
t'!f wn'y T.Hnr!.. TiiC A ath nr . rpcrt rjMKf
I'hy-ii-inn of ttwi.y -ir prvjt.'., (. i yrrlt knowi.)
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In f ud ef ,:,- t Tilt.e a sutVrinjc impuru'
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toffT of M.rrire, Or..
.it. f,
of Yowl. f
Uuboo): a w.lta of
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fnrvalwHi, of l.u-f
to l) NoUvlox
u4 r-fl itfiwui. tutnr
maiD mtr hc'-.ri
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I monthly. 100-plt i:rp Bi k. L,t f b rream t4
ihm Worlil it Literature, h.nle copy. 'Sir... or ti I"T
yar. An Kil Cbruino (lax-o uk-Liim of fmiMi
VIjr." pnw, 3. . " JCUck 8he.-p." a fl.SO UkJc, iij
aper biudipi "Chriprian Oajtley'a Miatakn, a rl.
Kxk. in pant-.- buxliiu:, and a lut1 oopr vt "W octI a, ,
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lewd. 31. liboral m. btit.iiOth.r;a-nt fra.
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n.'n z. m - m- ;i w ' m m m w
I kiP-
.n, ... .
Vairr-v 7 c T '.:.
i 'I it;.- 1c tt i -i t -in
. c" Fop r y I .'v. U&:rr. nErTi whna,
rf'lt. r.'VTi ir-v'un :i r"ror pCTl-p ft ..n V
T.VVT'.-ir1 M . t k i i -i:n- ai4 i if 9
-w.vt!.irit' t" t---:r r-rtsc Tsrx.