THE HER A L D. All Sorts, at labt A contcbttt trirx?- m XcT. An Orated railroad station is, of ccnrao station airy. Is the fellow who teniU an ojster saloon an ojstor supe? Thomas a'Bccket a the suhject of Tennjton new dramatic poem. All tho fcouthprn cities viaitcti by yellow fever arc now plniui.iiig rapid ij. Thoughts that burn Amateur poetry when the editor's wasle-baskct is ovcrilow- Tramps are forbidden to sleep in Cin cinnati parka. There's arrest for tho Veiiry. The goM mines of Georgia are ea'ul to produce not lets than $1,OUO,000 bullion per annum. An English company is eaid to have bought tlie Brunswick and Albany, Ua.. railroad and made the first payment or 200,000. Several mill girls :n Birmingham, Conn, were made very ill, by eaiing motto lozenges." A physician prouounced it a case of arsenical poisoning. Temperance societies have lately been formed at Hanover and Gottingen with a view of reducing the consumption, of beer to moderate proportions. No man, for any considerable period, tan wear one lace to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true. The compositor who substituted an "m ' lor a "w, in speaking 01 a taay with "swelling of the feet," accomplished tho worst typographical feat on record. "People won't patronize art nowadays," said a disgusted artist as he left the pic ture sale up town yettsrday, "they throw away their money on bread and butter." We have long known what is meant by the centre of gravity; but we confess to having just discovered that a handsome and fragrant bouquet is the sccnter of at traction . Mark Twain writes: "French duels are not such harmless affairs as they have beu icacii'oed. They take place. in the open J ' air, and the contestants are extremely lia : ble to take cold." A new Itoman play by Anna Dickinson is called "Aurelian," and it is projiogetl to Jut it on the stage next spring, with John IcCullough as the hero and the author ess as the heroine. "What the tyranny's coming to: (The mistress, having heard three rings at the etrei t door, crocs to open it.) Housemaid "Oh. i-lease m'ni. it" that's anybody for mi I'm not at home.' " of A vounrr man in Boston recently re reived abcouestof $25,00!). lie had been a poor youth, but he has a' ready exhaust ed his fortune in rioting, which proves Lim to be a toor fool as well. Diphtheria has for two years raged in some districts ot Hungary, in one iowu 2.125 nersons out of 20.000 have lately been attacked, and 927 have died. The malady also prevails in Vienna. The pew rentals of Mr. Beecher's church bave airjrregatod in the neighborhood of 1,000,000 during his sojourn in Brook lyn, and he has earned a million by preaching, lecturing and writing. Tho monument to the American, Cap tain Ward, who became Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese army, is very costly, &nd has on in top an evcr-giowi:ig lily, which is watered by Chinese attvidants verv dav. "What? Twenty-five cents a pound for tausages? Whv, I can get 'cm down at KchinkJt's for 20 cents!" "Veil, den, vy d.dn't yer?" "'Cauie Schmidt was owit oi" cm!" "Veil, uf I was out of 'em I'd fccll'em for 20 cents, too." The Thames embankment, from West minster to Waterloo (about a mile and a half), is now lighted with twenty Jabloch koff (electric light) candles, worked from an engine at Charing Cross Bridge, which stands between Waterloo and Westminster Bridges. Customer How long has this wine been bottledj-'Vaiter? Waiter Fourteen years, sir. Customer Very" remarkable, that; I didn't know flies were so long livod. Waiter Flies, sir? Customer Undoubtedly; here is one swimming around just under tho cork. The Boston authorities recently forbad a Sunday concert, although it was adver tised as sacred, and all attempts to give entertainments on Sunday are quickly re pressed. Tho Mayor of Philadelphia is now rigidly enforcing the Sunday law in tho cases cf variety buow managers. Sympathetic old lady (giving money to solemn-lookiDg tramp;: "Is it your ina bility to procure work, my govd man, that causes your dejected air;'' S. 1. 1. (pre Tarinir to linht out) : "Xo, mom ; it's my liability to get suthin' to do that keeps me all the time pensive and cast down." There are ten young ladies belonging to Cabinet families. Serretary Evarts has three daughters, Secretary Schurz lias two, the Secretary of the Navy two, the Secretary of War and Postmaater Gener al one each, and tho Attorney Ueneral, who is a bachelor, is represented by his niece. Tho fibre of the jute plant is capable of very minute subdivision, and by a lately improved process by Julius Sachs, a German, it is reduced to exceedingly fine filaments of a silky quality, which take dye in a remarkable manner. A firm in Manchester, England, is availing itself of the process. The milling industry of this country is - said to rank next to that of iron. The numler of mills is over 25,000, affording employment for over 60,000 men, whose annual wages are alxut $20,000,000, and turning out yearly about 50,000,000 bbls. of flour, of which. 4,000,000 are export ed to foreign countries. Frank Beard, the artist, while at din ner recent! . was told of a man iu 2aaau ttret with three hands. "How is that!" asked Beard, "lie's got a little behind hand." was the reply. " i ou are a more extraordinary man," was the response, "for you have two ucaus; you nave one oi your own, and you've got aheaa oi me. Tttr fnrmino- heaps or lcds of iron, and moistening the same with a saline solu tion, an Englishman proposes to make a hvdrated reroxido of iron, which, upon lured to a fine powder, by autli- tional action of a galvanic battery, will be employed in the manufacture of steel, by smelting me ingois imu wunu mv. i- I . .. WV. e'nel rr iron wrar- UX1UC 1 tub niu " 4 - Dr. Bchliemann has discovered four more buried hoards of treasure under nl.t Trov'a ruins. In one place he found m nliantitv Of cold ear-nuira. bracelets -.i iq.U. Mrhilc another by far the .wKt urecious of all consisted of bronze vessel full of gold ear-rings, brace lets and beads witu a spiral pattern on m Ur.r round piece aud sixteen v,o,. Xr iifi miM acveral silver orna- ments and some bronze axet. Literary tasks are appalling to some folks, as several attempted suicides within . fo wmIi illustrate. A school girl in Palatine, 111., tried to drown herself be smo oi. Vi.t ln ordered to write a composition. A politician in iAnsing, Mirh- barame exccedioclv nervous be fore sitting down to write a speech, and before the work was done ho was insane He stabbed himself with the paper cutter that he had been using. A Baltimore medical student, depretsed by the pros pect cf preparing a thesis, swallowed lau- The solid bMvtt spoon given by the Dutch Governor cf the province f l Xew Netherlands, to the first white chiid lra ' TL (fc in tho province, in 1025, is in the posses- j 'lliwt,', slonof Sara Itapatje Cat daU, of Monti- f wh ,w cello, iNerv ork, auiren uwuuau ui Sara Kapaljn, tho oiiginal recipient of tho gift Sira liapalje was born oa the iMh of June, 1625. As recorded by docu ments in possession of the Is'ew York Historical Society, J oris Jan-sen do Itupal je, a fugitive Huguenot from Kochelle, France, lamie.l witli ins w;ie in me pr ince from the thip I'niiy in 1025. He purchased from the Indians 335 acres ot land "opposite Manhattan, on Long I- land, in tho bend ot jicrecKKawii a. mc site is now occupieu ly a pari oi uie cny of Brooklyn. On the j oint of bind form ed by the cove in Brooklyn, men known as the Waalabogt (Waliabout), liapalje erected a log house, the first in that vi cinity. In that house Sara liapalje was born, to commemorate which event the Governor of ihs province ordered the sil ver spoon presented to the child. The spoon is marsive and elaborately carved. The name of Sara liapalje is engraved upon it. The exhibition oi models for the statue to Babe a:, w hich is to be er.tted in me town of'iouis, is now open. As many as uin-jty-two models have been sent in for competition: but most of these, accord ing to a French ci itic, are eitoer absurdly funtasticor hopelessly commonplace, on ly a few among the competitors having contrived to gi'e a dignilk-d aspect to the great French satirist. Uniy one ponran of lUbelais that is certaiuiy authentic is known to exist; but this has not been tol- lowcd to any great accuracy in any ot me models, tho "sculptors apparently, all fol lowing thir own notions, and represent ing him as a saint or a devil, according to their peculiar conception of his charac ter. The expenditures at the Institution for the Education of the Blind, in Wisconsin, tho past year, have been $20,000. I ho average number of pupils in attendance was seventy-seven, and the total during the year ninetv. The Trustee ask an ap propriation ot'"$13,500 to enable them to meet the expenses oi" the present year. At the Wisconsin Institute for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb ISO pupils were enrolled, and the avers ge number jn at tendance 140. The cxpenditurcc we-e $20,522.43, and the Trustees ak aii appropriation of $ 0,00'J for the current year. The expenditures at tho Institution for the Education of the Blind, in Wisconsin, the past year, have been $20,000. The average n'imbcr of pupils in attendance was frcventy-scven, and tl.c .total during the ear ninety. The Trustees ask an ap propriation of"$ 18,500 to enable them to meet the expenses of the present year. At tli!j Wisconsin Liotitute for the Education Whales Forcing tli Sortlm est Passage. ales have found for tV-mselves passu", is proven by tUn fnct es linvo been cupturcd in tho North Pacific having harpoons that were tin own into them on the other 6idc of the continent, sava thcSati Francisco Bulletin. Captain Bauldry, of the Helen Mar, took aright whale having in it a large flint harpoon, supposed to have been put in by natives of Cape Batherst, or tho regions beyond the mouth of the Mackenzie river, because the natives on this side never use such weapons, but always lone or iron. Ten years ago the Adeline Gibbs took a whale in the Aictic with an iron in it which had been thrown the same season in Hudson Bay; this was known to be so because the iron lorc tho mark of a ship at that time whaling in Hudson Bay. American Sleel Tens. After the days of the quill pen, Europe supplied the world with steel K.-ns, until American enterprise came to tlu front. Xow the Esterbrook Steel Pen Factory, at Camden. N. J., makes pens for the world, sending them to every civilized country, and at home they re. as every home man ufacture should be and s their superior excellence entitles them to be, the favor ites of American writers, especially in business olllcs. These works were established in 1840, making an annual product of between 400,000 and 500,000 gross of pens em ploying about 250 hands Using a ton of steel a week, are the largest manufactur ers in this country. Th.-y manufacture a great vaiiety of pens for all purposes. The Esterbrook Falcon Pen io. 013 is the most popular pcu in America, nearly a quarter of a million gro-s of them arc sold annually. Their school pens o:J:J aud 444 are better and arc mo;c universally used than any other pe:i, and for business pens the Esterbrook Factory shows their great est ingenuity and superior workmanship in their 11 Bank, 013 Falcon, and 10 Easv Writer. This is a home manufactory for Ameri cans to be proud of, another instance of American skill, i:ig uuity, enterprise, and cap-.tal superceding the manufactories of tho old world. Winter Caro of Stock. Fanners, don't neglect the stock, now that the cold winter is upon them, but see to it that they have shelter from the pelting storms, ami protection from tho shivering winds, not only for the sake of dollars and cents, but for the sake of hu man it v. Here in the West, says a writer in the Western Age, farmers are so used to do ing things on a largo scale, tliey always have plenty of feed, and feed it lavishly, while if they would build larger barns i Environs of Algiers. The hnmediat environs ot Algiers Fays Trtv. II W. Ii. iavicN are beau: if ui be y d desciiplio St. Ei'.g- :ie on one "uic, , a id Mustapha Superior ou the other flank the city with villa aud garden scenery ' such as wo read of in fairy talcs, but sel dom see in rea ity. The surroundinghills oa either side slops gradually to the blue water s edge; and on every available plat eau stands a Moorish house, white and simple in itself, but adorned by the most exquisite verdure. Bed geraniums in full bloom and beauty, pomegranates and myr tles, orange and citron trees, bearing at once the tru't and the flower, remind one of Aladdin's garden, in which jewels de liendcd from the bowcre, and perfume : filled the air. Tho very rocks are trellised with creepers in Nature's wildest tonu; while the vine, the ng aau me orange uec attest the cultivating care of man. Deep ravines, the work of earthquakes of fosm cr ages, descend from the mountain top to its blise; 1h so are snangled by the star of Bethlehem, the asphodel and classic acan- front. I thus, a beautiful genista, r.nd other flow ering shrubs in vvtneii ine uiacKcop uuu nightingale tind a happy retreat, and sing alternately from morning to night, and ni"ht to morning unmnt alterno r.imience. Nor is the purling brook and busy mill wonting to complete the scere. Domestic Chicken Soup. One chicken, four quarts of water, one tablespoon of rice, one onion, one potato, one tuinip, one haif cup of tomatoes, two stalks of celery; pepper and salt to taste. Put on the chicken in cold water, and boil to shreds. Strain the broth, return to the kett e and add rice, and in a! out half an hour add potato, onion and tuinip chopped fine. About twenty minutes before Bcrving add the celery cut into small pieces, tho toma to. a:d pepper and salt. Boil well, and I seive very hot, and you will have a deli- cious soup. I Beefsteak Pudding Half pound of j suet, one pound of flour, haif saltspoonful ; of salt, two teaspoonsiul baking powder, : cold water to make a stiff paste, two pounds of beef, two kidneys, oue table siioonful of chopped parsley, one table- tpoonful of butter, a few drops of Worces tershire sauce, one teacupful of water, half a saltspoonful of salt, and half a sa!t poonl'ul ot pepper. To make the paste, ' tir the baking powder well into tho flour, J have the suet choppc I flue, with the salt, and mix well together with cold water, ; cut one-thiid of the paste for the cover of the pu-.ding basin in which the pudding ! is to be boded; roll the rest of the paste I to the ti.e required to line the pudding basin; grease with butter the pu ld;ng ba I sin, aud lay the paste in neatly ; cut the i beef in slices, dip each slice in flour and ! lav it in the basin with the two kidneys, parsley, butter and other ingredients; roll enrolled, and the average number in at tendance was 140. The expenditures were $20,522.45, and the Trustees aik an appropriation of $30,000 for the current fear. A woman has solved the problem which battled the wit of Edison, of deadening the noise of the New York elevated rail ways. She clpied a handful of sand between two shingles brought tho outfit to the managers of the road, and asked them how much that idea seemed to be worth. They took time for reflection and experiments and said it seemed to them worth alout f 1",000, and gave her $1,000 down. But, of course, woman is nothing and nolxniy, hasn't got tho constructive convolut.on in her biain, and ought to stay at home and mind the baby. Officer Andrew J. Stewart, bought a goose, intending to have it cooked. It was accordingly slaughtered, and in pre paring it for the stove, Mrs. Stewart found in the gizzard among the sand and dirt, a nugget of gold weighing a Unit a quarter OI an ounce. ine go hi was inniiguur 111 shape and exceedingly bright, having done its work grinding and crushing tho food of the goose. Officer Stewart had the metal tested, and it was pronounced as pure as the Usual quality of unrefined gold. The orangp-growers of Florida are turning their attention to the making of wine liom oranges, and several experi ments have indicated a possibility of suc cess in that direction. Tho first wine made from oranges in Spain has lately made its appearance in Madrid. Thero aro four kinds, one sparkiing, and all said to be of an attractive co'or, perfectly elenr. of an agreeable, sweet, slightly acid flavor, and ot an aiconouc sirvugiu of about 15 per cent. Wilhelmj had been engaged some years ago to play at a private party, given by a Jewish banker, in Vienna. He was to play from 7 to 10 o'clock. The host had no knowledge of music whatever. Wil helmi Itgan to play tho andanto of a Mendelssohn concerto. The banker was dumbfounded, and, turning to his guests, said in a semi-whisper: "Excuse me, you see how these musicians arc. 1 engaged him to play by the hour, and no plays slow." The report that great quantities of floating pumice stone had been met with by a ve.-sel in the Pucitic Ocean, near the Ellico Islands, is confirmed by Australian and Samoan papers. The captain of a missionary bark which visited those islands, says not only was me sea covereu with pumice, but hundreds of tons of it had been thrown up on the shores of every isl.-.nd of the group. It is supposea to havo come from some yolcauo further west. The Tope s Piscatorial King is so called from its containing a stone engraven witu fio-uri of St. Peter drawing m Ins net. The'earliest record of its use is according to a high Italian authority, 12t.. origi nally it was nothing moro than the Pope s private signet lor ma own correspoimcucc . f - . --lit C .1. ntl. nan. but Irom me nnuuie oi mis museum . tury its use became reserved to the Ponti fical utterances called Briefs and has re mained so ever since. Tho Future or America. Ttalnh Waldo Emerson has written a omize greatly in the quantity of feed re quired. But you fay it is easier to raise grain and grass than it is to build bams. Yes, we know that raising grain is the mania here in the West, but things aro changing. Grain is a drug on the mar ket, and the farmers who get fixed for raising stock will be the successful farm ers, aud to be suitably fixed for raising stock profitably, a farmer wants a good warm barn or stable for tho horses, with good dry beds in their stalls, aud with plenty of good hay, and with just enough grain to keep them sleek and in good or der to commence the spring work with. Tho horses are not usually so much neg lected as tho other stock. The young cat tle and the milk cows, the hogs and sheep, too often have to shift for them selves after having received an aimful of corn fodder or what is next convenient, cipccially if the weather be cold, and that is tho time they most need the best atten tion. Young growing cattle and milk cows need shelter in cold weather, and they thrive best on feed ground or steamed, and it takes so much less feed when prop erly prepared in this way; with a little roughness, fodder or straw, young cattle are kept growing all winter, aud the milk cows will give pienty of good milk. The question is just here, labor is too high to raise grain to feed out in the broadcast, wasteful way; and the hogs, too. about which there is such a sensation this season, want constant care ami goou feeding from tho time they can crack corn until they are ready for market, but more especially during tho winter; givo them warm, dry pens; let thorn sleep on plank floors; feed them ground or cooked feed, or both. See what a marked change has come over the hogs iu the past ten years. Compare the hogs marketed this season with hogs in 1855 and 100. Then they averaged ibout 150 to 200 pound', now they average from 250 to COO iHiunds. Improved breeds have brought this about, assisted by the improved feeding and at tention given to tho hogs of the past few years. Don't neglect to salt your stock once every week, and let them have plen ty of good water. of the basin, wet the edges of the paste i which lines the basin, then lay the cover i ou and press the e-lges together; dip a I nice clean pudding cloth in boiling water, i flour it and tie it over the top of the ba ! sin; placo the basin iu a saucepan of boil i intr water and boil four hours. For serv ing take off the cloth, turn the pudding ! out on a nice warm plate. I Potato Puff. Two cups of cold ma-hed notatoes. three tablesnoon-dul of melted I butter, two well-bentju eggs, one cup of cream, add ths eggs well beaten, menme milk, pour in a deep pudding d:sh wen greased, and balte in a on ck ovcu twenty minutes; serve immediate y Bukcr's Indian Pudding. One quart of milk, one cup of Indian meal, one tea sooon of milk, one taxpoon of cinnamon or ginger, one cup of, one cup of rniKins. one tab.cspoon ot Lour. aiu the milk, stir in the meal with other predients, and pour into buttered baking dish. Pour a large cup of cold milk over tlm nuddiny and bake very slowly for three hours. Sauce One p.nt of sugnr. one tablespoon of butter, two tabic-poons of corn staich, three-q".a. teis of a pint of boiling water, four tablespoons ol wine. Stir sii"ar. buttor and corn st;rch together. Then add boiling water and boil wed f-r ten minutes. Add the v. ine just Leioro serving. Dou- l.nuls. Take one cup of pow dered an car. four t e's. one cup ot sweet milk, one fourth cup of butter, one nutmeg, four cups of prepared flour; mix as oft as tea biscuit; make them half the size you wish when fried; fry in lard; about live min utes will cook them. Thi9 receipt will make fur dozen. ATA lecture on tho future of our country in which be says: -Happily we are under better guidance than of statesmen. Penn- sylvania coal mines, ana isew iun im ping, and free labor, though not idealists, irravitate in the ideal of direction. Noth- . .. i. ....... i. ... 10 less large than justice can keep ukui in rood temper. Justice satisfies every body, and justice alone. No monopiy must be foisted in, no weak party or na tionality sacrificed, no coward comprom ise conceded to a strong partner. Every one of these is the seed of vice, war, and national disorganization. It is our part to carry out to the last the cnus oi uoerij and justice. We shall stand, then, for vast interests; North and South, East and West, will bo present to our minds, ana our vote will be as if they voted, and we shall know that our vote secures the foun dations of tho State, good will, liberty and secuirty of traffic and production, aud mutual increaso of good will in the great interests." Mr. Emerson prophecies oi mc oi i- unes of the Republic are based on his convictions of the permanence, the supre- niacv, and the benignity or universal law?. "Our helm is given up to a better guidance than our own; the courso of events is quite too strong for any helins mau, aiid our own little wherry is taken in tow by the ship ot me-great, Aumirai which knows the way, and has the force to draw men and States and planets to their good." He thus sees in all direc tions the light breaking. In his cheerful faith, lie fiuds that trade and government will not alone be the favored aim of mankind. Every useful, every elegant art, the height of reason, tho noblest at fection, the purest religion will make their homo in our inbtitutions and write o ir Iss for the benefit of man. The (Guernsey. The Guernsey breed of cattle is now ro ceiving considerable notice from our breeders, says the American Agricultur ist. In this country tho Jerseys havo heretofore monopolize! most of the atten tion bestowed upon Channel Island cattle though the number of Guernseys export ed is large. The aversge yearly number of cattle sent from the Island of Jcrs"y is about 2,000, and from Guernsey half that number. Of the many thousauds thus ex jorted, comparatively few have come to this country. The Guernseys are similar in build to the Jerseys though larger and inclined to flesh, and not so stylish. Their color is usually a rich tawn, with much white; the muzzle and eyelids are buff; in fact all the "points" are light, offering a Btrong contrast to the black points of a fashiou-ablv-marked Jersey. The Guernsey is a deep milker, producing the yellowest or luiiter of Minerior oualitv- Some good judges, familiar with both breeds, piace tho Guernseys ahead of the Jerseys as butter makers; while their size and ca pability of taking on fat when they cease to be useful for the dairy, render them a desirable breed. One farmer of our ac quaintance, who has an excellent herd of both of theso breeds says the admixture of tho cream froju Guernsey milk with that from Jerseys gives the butter a deep er, richer color, and makes it bring a higher price than that from the Jerseys alone. The Guernseys being, as a ruie, larger milkers consequently yield more butter, but the quality of that made ex clusively from their milk is not quite equal, as it lacks something of its delicate flavor, to the best Jersey buiter. This ex periment indicates that one or two good Guernsey cows in any herd kept for but ter would probably improve its product as a marketable article. Some Guernsey cows that we have seen, are nearer tho ideal cow than any other we have met; their rich color, large, fine bodies hand some proportions fully developed udders aud oiher "ui'uk signs" together witli their docility, and their rich and generous butter vield. make tliem a distinct and characteristic breed of dairy cattle. The Jerseys hold a justly deserved prominenco as butter producers, and it is safe to pre dict that iheir numbers will greatly in crease. The recent numerous sales indi cate an increase in'the importations, not withstanding the fact that some of our breeders are now breeding just as good Jerseys as can be found anywhere in the world. The rapid depletion of the herds I of the "mother country ' under the annual culling out ot s.uou animais iu l tion, renders this state of affairs inevita ble. It is a fact, that the best Jersey cow s, both on the Island and in this coun try, closely resemble the Guernseys in size aud geueral appearance a fact which speaks strongly of the Guernsey typo, as one to be regaided by breeder of dairy stock of any kind. NEVER-FAILING RELIEF AFFORDED BY SArlFGRD'S RADSOAL CURE. ITU A fvt that til bn f nbstantlat'M by the nfost rtit-ciable vmnnoi.Ui ev. r oflertxi In fitvor rt ny prwrVTiiry imdii-ine, that the RadioaI. Cum roiiCiTiEtu loe la oTery cute ullora id n i.t nud permanent ri icf. Ho matter ol Uow loaj eraixllnw, or how &eere the discom. tlie first dore elves such cvlilcnco of itsv .luo in the treatment of CVsrrhM sffoctioi sthntrouideTic Is at once felt lu its ability o do !1 Hint Is claimed for it. 1 lie Ustiin- ny of phvslr an. cruffrUls, and pitient 1 c-.n uioi or. ih'.i pr. r.t, and the Hccnmulnttnv i la point I rt-sp- ctat illty upenor to r.i.w ever b"fro oljraina m favor of & popm' rcir.etiy. 1 he proprietor, therefore, may jiwtly fpipioad oi th p-ittln isisr-mody nasiUtilueU, c.-.d btiiev It worth j cf i:s rvpntAtioa. 10 YEAP.3 A SUFFERER. Frcr.i l!or..Theo. P. Cogert, Crictol, R.I. Vest-m. Weitic" ft Pottf: Crnt'.rmm. Fo'-Mnff t"rrojfrulv i o. ttia ctUi-Mcyof Sisroro a lUDia'i.Cra port Cat a Run, I urn induced to drop y.iu a line to ay that e!thou;j;i l UuV becu ci-p-1i-al cf nil lhs . otrm-.a advertised a "radical care," I l ave nver found anyihii' that p-ominti sa-li reUef andu tivrivto i-rnn a that of Sanfoed 8. I havo been afXiCtiMt -v.',th th.s dreadful diswriv f r moro than ic-i yam, and not until recent! coa!d I be in-luc d t pornevcrw with aay until 1 rvAtl thn W rr cf Vr. Kr.xRY Wills, :ird can t uth'a:1!- mt th-l et-r-r niif five or alx bottles I im thcroncMy .onv-r.ce-l or lis cnrrttlve propcr- h n niii- aimil!irlv alBlctJ-d 1'Sr.e mvseir wi.l be Indue 1 1 j make i the rial. lam, TUiy. PTC- 1 UXA. A L. July 81.1371. t!-mon. very rrni 11X.KTOU, 1 CATARRHAL AFFEGTiOr.3 Sr-rh S3 for-. Wia-. l-itNmod. r.ed. and Wntcry ryt: l lcxrutlon aud li.Uanitnati-n of the Est; Ki'ia-'nt; Note s la tin Hr I : Ttiroat; tlonga tiu'n ol the fvnli and Swelli d Tonsils: Nervous -'e ulAch", 'Neurali. Dizziru s. Clondod Memory, l.o.- of N itvogs I on r, lepn - loo of Spirit, r-s al c;'r-'ul:y nod B-icntinrr.;!y itvifirt with V.n r-niedv utronil.-p to '.r"r:o- s whtoh accompany c-.x.-h iif.tlc, or vll bu jai-ulU to aay audreaa oa riV.ar11 ps'.'se'ror.tsnns Tr. Frnrnrd' Tnrprovr-t I- haar." Tub.-, villi I3'l d:r-cO"in for ue In ll cis s lc t JO. Pold bv a l Wholcaalfi and J.c tmf Jr- M 't t ronvh' t'-'e t-'nf.ed States and Cj-;.'. -T wnE'-.S roTTKTt, O-mral Aeui3 ud Vi .io'.Cfv.e lr.;KiT,-. ii'-Moa. lin. - r VOLTAIC PLASTER A.B'jrd tho most grateful reUcf In KUca- . txiUm, IVeJut 6iiao, Local Pains, Ner vous Afffccttons. Local lUxonmatlsm, TIo Douloureux, Kervoul Fain, AIFecUons o the Kidneys, Fractured Kibs, Affections of tho CUoi. Colaa and Couhs, Injorlea cf tho I!ac!c, Strain and BrnUoa, CTealc Back, Nervous Pain of the Bowels, Cramp In tho SttKnach and Uikdb, Heart Affec tions, Enlarged Spleen, urrusca cna nine ture, llbcnmatlsm of tho VTrlsta and Arcii., Asthma, Goat, X.ocnl nd Deep cated Fains, ra:a in tho Chest, til chin the UaciL, Tain in tho 1X1 p. Varicose or Kularsed Veins, Crick In tho Back and ITeck, rain urul VTeafcneia In Side and Back. Iloaweneas, Sore Ttiront, lnibaRO, Whooping OuitsA.. Biarp Palna in tho Breast, Heart Daeasc, Q jln7, IMaDetea, arid for Luwnt'M in ncy prt oi tho Bod v. 3rtc, 2-"5 Cent!. El $a9 U U LL MB .ai I j I aJA A 3l U l i -i a. V-1 - ? A NOTED DIVINE SAYS THEY ARE WORTH THEIR WEIGHT in COLD READ WHAT HE SAYS: D.Tctt: Dear Sir: For ten Tears I hava beta a martyr to Dy6peria, Cot.:pation and Piles. Lant"8pr;ns your Piiis wei e recommemlsd tome; I nectl tiicra but with little faith). I am now a well man, have good apprtite, diges tion perfect, regular ftooG, piles goue, and I have pained forty pounds solid flask. Tliey aro worth their weight In gold. . Bet. It. L. SIMPSON, LoulsriUe, Ky. Ask for COLLINS VOLTAIC PLASTER. Eold tr u wholesale acd Betafl Drorslstf Uiroui'hout tl.e l nltd States and Canadas, end by W&CK.S FOTTEn. Proprlulora. Boston. Ma. TUTT'S PILLS CtTBJB SICK UXAJD ACUE. TUTT'SPILLS CVBB DTSPZP9JA. TUTT'SPILLS Ccax Constipation. TUTTPILLS Cvrb Files. TUTT'SPILLS Curs Fkvib akd Aourr TUTT'SPILLS Cubs Bii-iocs Colic. TUTT'S PILLS CCKI KlDKIT COM PLAINT. TUTT'SPILLS Crns Tobpio Lives. Dr. Tutt nas been en gaged in the practice of medicine 30 years, and for a long time was Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Med ic! College of Georg ia,hence persons nsiug his Pill have the guar antee that they are prepared oa scientific iriuciples,and are free from all quackery. He has succeeded In combining in them the heretofore antagonis tic qualities of a strengtnening,prirgaiii and a purifying tonie Their first apparent effect is to increase the appetite bv causing tho food to properly as similate. Thus the sys tem is nourished, and by their tonic action ou the digestive or gans, regular and wealthy evacuations are produced. The raniditv with which person take on Hah, while under the influence of these pills, of itself indicates their adaptability to nourif a the body, and hence their efficacy in curing nervous debility, mel ancholy, dyspepsia, wasting of the musclea sluggishness of the liv er, chronic constipa tion and imparting health and strength to the system. A DOCTOR SAYS. Dr. I. Guy Lewis, of Fulton Ark., writes ; "One year ago I was taken sick, a friend argued so stronglv in favor of Tutt's Pilla that I was in duced to use them. Never did medicine have a happier effect than in my case. After a practice of a quarter of a century I proclaim them tho best auti-bilious medicine ever used. I have pr- scribed them ia mv practice ever since." SUPERIORITY OF TUTT'S PSLLS. They are compoundod from medicinal substan ces that are positively free from- any properties that can ia the least degree injure the most deli cate organization. They search, cleanse, purify, and invigorate the entire system. Ey relieving the engorged liver, they cleonue the blood from poisonous humors, nd thus impart renewed health and vitality to the body, causing the bow els to act naturally, without which 110 oue can fed wel. A TORPID LIVER is tlie fruitful source of many diseases, prominent amng which are Dynpcpsia, Kick-IIeadnchc, Costiven'.'ss, Dysentery, Bilious Fever, Ague and Fever, Jaundice, Piles, Kheumatism, Kidney Complaint, Colic, etc. Tutt's Pills exert a direct and powerful influ ence on the Liver, and will, with certainty, relieve thut important organ from disease, and restore its normal functions. SOLD EVERY W H KhV OFFICE, 33 MUaBAY ST., NEW Y0Kj Mail Linnor Dealers. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. PLATTSMOUTII - - NK1J. A!o Billiard Hall and Saloon o Miiin street, four duors from bixth at Neville's old place. Store mid saloon on Main St. two doors east of the Post ollice. BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, ALES, WINES, cf-C., AT BOTH PLACES. Itcuiember Th anic aud IMat-r. iily Keenan & Grace. HENRY BCFCK DEALER IN SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., ETC., ETC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES .fx VVOOiDIEILNr COFFIUS Of all sires, ready made and sold cheap for cash. With many thanks for past patrona.1 1 IiivL invite all to call and examine my . LAK(JE STOCK OF WtfilFinXTI 'tE AMt COFft I X -s S3 rrj m C& T t w e-t-CD 3 P ? C o o 3 GO -TO- CMcago BnrliiiEicn & Quincy R. R. is TnE DIUECT ROUTE BETWEEN THE East and West, Running Through Ca:s -CHIC & Council Bluffs, CONNECTINt; WITH THE UnionlPaoific Railroad Foil ALL rolXTS IX XEHltASKA. CULOIIA.DO. irroMixa. MOXTAXA. X EVA DA. AV.IZOXA, IDAHO, AND California- T C5 II O f ii 53 ' A K S TO KANSAS CITY. TOFEKUTCHISOh i S - Josent And the SHOKT LINE to all points oa tlie Jlissontl. KANSAS S.TKXAM. tud 1 K) i: Si O N & T KX ASCKN T II A L KAlLKOAltS. Pullman'Palace Sleeping Cars. AND THE C'ELEBATED C, B.&Q. DINING CARS. 13 y tiiis;koute All information about ratc of fare will be cliCL-rtully given by applying io v. lv.ssasTii, Trafll Manager. James R. Wood, g't, Chicago MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH II0KSE atlOKINU, AND WAGON KErAIKINC, All binds of FAIIM IMPLEVENTS mended Ntatly & Promptly :o: llorse. Mulc& OxSliocins, In short, we'll shoe anything that liar four feet, from a z-ma to a uuauc Come and see us. "NT-RTW" SHOP, l.oi,. ,n Mail! :illil VillP StTpetS just across the corner iroin ine t orriny.. " ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wtinnn. Jtiinrtjt. liftu-hiiic and Plow re pairing, ami general jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of rcpairiD of farm and othrr niactiirierj'. as tueie is a good iatne io my shop. PETER RAO EN t The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the w asoa shop. He is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Xew IVasons and ltnssi made to Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop on Sixth street opposita Streishfs StabH 2 3. o 1 H d "6 5 3 2 v 9! CO CO s oa St6 c1 c 2 o - I- Ci ft eg ft A. G. HATT JUST OPENEI Ad.VIN, Neic, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street in Fred KroelilerV old stand Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meal. 2avi.t THE OLD RELIABLE. 1 u Is-.?-: .i mmmm tONTlNLUUS ALIi-HAlL KOL IK! NO CHANGE OF CARS! ONE UOAD,ONE MANAGEMENT! From maH:ct3-k-ti: to Pittslrali, Harrislmrs, PlilaidBliia & New Tort. Grrat Short lAnc VIA NEW YORK CITY. Reaches all Points in Pennsylvania and Neic Jersey. Pullman Palace Cars ON ALL EXPRESS TRAINS 1 31 A O N I F I C E NT CARS EQUirrED with ran cklebratkd WESTIKGHOUSE AIRBRAKES -AJfD Jannej' New Patent SSafctj Platforiu and Conpler. Elegant Eating Houses WITH AMPLE TIME FOR MEALS. THREE EXPRE3 TRAINS LEAVE CHICAGO AS FOLLOWS H.OO A. M. Sl'ECTAL FAST EXPRESS EX- CEPT SUNDAY. Withthe popular Vestibule Sleeping Car Reaches l'ittbnrpli. 2 :30 a. ni. : Harrif-bnrjr. 11 :45 a. m. ; Philadelphia. 4 MO p.m. : New York 6 -45 p. m. ; Host on, 6 :15 a. m. ; Baltimore 6 :3u p. m. ; Washington, 9 :00 p. ni., next day. 5:15 1. 31. Atlantic Exp. (Dally) With Drawing-Room and Hotel Car. mzb fek3 im br rgq :n Iffifu li Oil TSE WOS.XJ3-S.E1TOWITED mm $m mmm n 1 in workmanship Is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received the highest awards at the Vienna and Cen tennial Expositions. IT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FAST ER than other machines. Its capacity is unlimited. Thero are moro WILSON MACHINES sold In tho United States than the combined salea of all tho others. THE WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT, for doing all kinds of repairing, WITHOUT PATCHING, given FREE with each machine. A Certificate is given with each Machine, guaranteeing to keep it In repair, freo of charge, for five years. It requires no special Instructions to learn how to uco it. Satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. Machines delivered freo oT charge anywhere In tho United States. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, and ask for sample of end!n: and our Circular Ho. 197 for further Instructions for buying machines upon terms stated In the Catalogue. 5?JS. WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. B27 & 829 Broadway, New York; New Orleans, La.; Cor. Stato and Madison Sts., Chicago. Ills.; and San Francisco, cai. ea CLARK'S PATENT POST HOLE AUGER Points of superiority over the old style It will bore faster in all condition!? of soil, will bore through Soddy Booty, or Trashy ground "without the help of any other tool, can bo used to enlarge a hole already bored. Sizes made for Post Holes, Hedge Plants. Grape Stakes, aDd Hop Poles. MA1TDTA0TTJEED BY S EM RLE, DIR3E & 00,- SOniCVLTrTML TMPTF- i SrjiCl.fLTJLJ, il3 S Main St., St LonU w rnrtl aii'Tftrmj tnis caver TflE "WELCOME" SULO HAY RAKE. It diseharere itself, and thus saves almost the entire labor oi the operator. It is an invalua Di3 implement to every farmer. Description will be sent to parties a pplyingr, who "will pi east, state in what paper they read the advertisement. Sample, Birgo & Co., COUTH MAIN 6T ST. L0UI? 0 WIIITM Iuis come home. And he has brought the finest line of Dress Go-ods, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and N otionsyou ever saw. ro say nofhiBBg of gpocca ies by the acs'9feoots aeaal li0es till jmi rest Baals awd caps till Spring and Summer Goods eyer and ever so cheap Now is your chanco -bound to sell awl undersell anybody. Hurry up. I want to go East again next month. I WARRANTED WATCHES ONLY S3 EACH. in i . .. i r - - i $22 Foe5 wm S3 Til H ilMlll f 1 Each. A BANKRUPT STOCK OF WATCHES, Warranted for One Year, This bankrupt stock mnst h rkiwvl out In 90 1ay. Th furmrr prlo of WwIIm-v wm 0l.H aeli. Tliey are ilvTel ch! e. h1 fiiHUi fn-. All one Blyle. nrt of Yrenrlx niHHUfiirtim-, tlie m'vfnent of wnicn htlniw-ll inownllirwuna over lor ineir nne finish. Thev ar nse1 on rnl I rtnl and ateatmfeoavla. Tvlifre anriiratr tlrar 1 reiimri-tl. and giv i?mh1 t. iffuctlon. -l hink of It, li( Wutch for only &3.H, and warranted om year far time. Cixcinxati, O.. .YtvS!,1877. The Walters Tmpnrtlnz Co. id an old eKtaliilMied an1 very reliable bouse, aud wo cheerfully roc-oinmeud Uicin. Cincinnati four. After th elrwnre of sale of thi bankrupt Rtork of Watches, which will continue 1KJ darn from lat of thi paier, no orrlr will re nnea ai ies- man w-." eacn ; nn hlpaw neiid vnnr order at once. With ear-h Watcli we furnish our special varranlee Tnr one) ,fr fur arrarate lime. We will forward the Walcli proinpt Iv on receipt of -t.0, or will dend C'.O.l). If customer urn n ami rrn i i.(i uu nn-iMim. Address aii ordnrs to Waltrn lmMrtln( 1 HO Km MKKM.UXCI.HiTI.O, ItH-TO TTATt ll PETCLTORMi We call purticiilar attention to theat! V. btches, as tliey bvll readily at Iruiu li.00 to fixi.uu each. S3 1 WARRANTED WATCHES ONLY 3 EACH, C.-J X Z. H T loaches nttuburgh. 12 :15 p. in. ; Ilarrisburs, 10-55 p. m. , Philadelphia. 3 A3 a. in. ;Xrw York b V a. m. ; Special rhiUdelphia Nlepiii)t Car on this Train, which remains m depot until 7 :3i a. in.. aiTonitng FU'IadelpUia passnjjprs a Xull "O - 0:10 P.M.Night Exp. Except Saturd'y. With Drawing-Room Sleeping Car. U aches Pittsbcreh 7 :30 p. ni. ; Harrisburj:. 3 iTi a. m. ; Baltimore. 7 :45 a. m. ; Washington l :5 a. m. ; Philadelphia 8 M a. in. ; .New York. 10 in. ; Boston, 8 :40 p. m. Through Baltt iDorf and Washington Sleeping Car on ttis f ARK ALWAYS AB CW AS AT OTHER L1 E. rer-Through Tickets for Sale at all Principal Points In the Vt. Ask for them via the FoJUT Y. VVXES PENNSYLVANIA LINE. F. H. MYERS, t 43iy Uta. Pus. Ticket Ait..ctJicA. DICK STREIGHT'S LI VERY, PEED AND SALE STA BLES. Corner 6th and Pearl Sts. HOK.SEA BOARDED KY THJ? DAY, WEEK, OR 3IO.VTII. HORSES BOUOHT. SOIiD OB TRADED. For Fair CommLssion. TEAMS AT"aLi HOI US. Particular attention paid to Driving and Training TROTTIAG STOCK. STJU:iGHT & 3ULLEU, Ha rni-ss Ma n it fact u rers, 3A1DLES i;i:ii)Li:s, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly oa hand. , FRUIT, CON FECTIONE F, , GROCEKY STOKE, S20G0 A TEAR. Agents wanted. Uusl-m-as legitimate. Particulars free. AOre. WOE T tl A; CO.. S l Leuli.lla. CANDIES, TEAS SUGAKS, COFFEE3, TOBACCOE3. FLOUR, -c. Eemember the place eppofiite E. O. Dorey's on Lower Main Street. 21-1 y STREIQHT & MILLER. npa m r4toirtiT:,lil"1ydP':7 uriui?.6 I - 1 1 ... Tla, ICM. ;"-r.-v u.;. ri" - iu