Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 13, 1879, Image 3

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Attire at -9 J a. m. j -Vyt at -
6 30 a. m.
8 .-oo p. m.
Arrt re at 10 -JO a. m. Depart at - 2 :15 p. m.
ArrtT at - S -.16 p. m. I Depart at - w e a. m.
Ajrhre at 12 o ni. J Depart at - 1 .-0 p. m
ArrKe at 12 o m. Depart at - 1 KK) p. m
TraBxient. 25 cents a line. lieul&r adveriLs
10 cnt er line. No advertisement lBHovt-
1 tot less than 25 cento.
Legal notices at Statute rated.
.Attorneys and officers of the Law will 1 neld
renporusihle for all leeal notices they band In,
vnd all paxtksi demanding . proof of publica
tion of ant notice will be Lcid for the publica
tion lee m such notice.
Aaourspaoe Is limited, all communication
snust be brief and to the point, with no waste
af words.
Toe paper is responsible for the correctness
aocordlns to copy of paid matter and paid Le
81. odIv.
1. Any person who takes the paper regularly
front the powt-offlce, whether dlrec;ed to his
name, or whether he Is a subscriber or not is
responsible for the pay.
J. If any person order Ms paper discontin
ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish
er may continue to send it until payment Is
made, and collect the whole amount, "whether
the paper Is taken from the oftico or not.
3. 1 hn courts hare decided that refusing to
take newspapers and periodicals from the post
office, or removing and leavine tliern uncalled
tor. Is prima facie evidence of intktional
Friday Eye!
-High School Hall!
Subject "Th Ice Age."
Trot". Aughey, of State University.
See W. H. Baker & Co.'s "T next
More of the bea-horriblesnow j-es-terday.
See Eli Rummer's card in another
Hon. Geo. S. Smith went west
Chaa. II. Pinkhatn was in tho city
over Sunday.
Only a round dozen In the county
cells at present.
Valentine's day to-morrow. See
Chapman & Smith's stock.
A "disappointed blonde," is the
latest witticism from Bob" Donayon.
Sociable at Mrs. F. S. White's this
(Thursdays evening. All are invited.
The Court-room was crowded yes
terday at the larceny case of the three
Chapman & Smith have a large as
sortment of Valentines. Call around
rnl see them.
A string of a dozen horses went
west ou Monday morning led by two
men in a baggy.
Tfce Fuirbury Gazette acknowledges
to six cases of small-pox in their town
with three deaths.
Will Shryock started for Ashland
yesterday, and will probably go furth
er west in a few days.
Remember Prof. Aughey'a lecture
itt High School Hall, Friday evening.
J; L" eject. The Ice Age.
Billy Baker, Deputy Sheriff of
Mills Co., Iowa, was in town attend
ing the Smith larceny case.
Don't forget Valentine's day (to
morrow) and see those beautiful offer
ings of Love, etc, at Phil's.
Look out for a large supply of
choice sweet oranges by the Box or
Dozen at the P. O. News Depot.
Three prairie schooners crossed
the river on the ice, here, Sunday last,
and wended their way westward.
Wastkd. A girl to do general
housework. Wages $3.00 pex week.
Imiuir at Dr. It. R. Livingstons.
Phil. Young has sold nearly 1,000
Valentines already, and still they go.
Xw is your time, and the last chance.
W II. Baker & Co. have bought
out Eli Plummer's stock of goods. The
Co. is C. H. Parmele. Oiv them a
Mr. J. M. Patteisou has been call
ed to the bedside of his Mother, in
Pennsylvania who is lying dangerous
ly 111.
Remember to-morrow Is Valen
tine's day and Phil Young has a fine
assortment of Valentines at the P. O.
News Depot.
Elder James Caffal, Latter Day
Saint, will preach on Sunday, Feb. 16th,
at 11 o'clock, a. ru., and 7 o'clock, p. m.,
at the Court House.
There will bo preaching at the
Christian Church next Sunday the 16th
inst., at 11 o'clock a. m. A good at
tendance is expected.
Choice sweet oranges by the Box
or Dozen, lower than they have ever
been sold in Plattsmouth for cash at
the P. O. News Depot.
We notice that a glass has been
broken out of the door of the Temper
ance Billiard nail door. The boys
better be a little careful.
Billy Wells is suffering from a
slight attack of Rheumatism. With
the aid of a cane he can manage to get
home to dinner, however.
-rllr. Fritcher and family have re
cently iocated in Plattsmouth, Mr. F.
having a position in the B. & M., in
Mr. Hawksworth's department.
If thieving and disorderly conduct
generally in our city continues much
longer our commissioners will have to
furnish us with a new" Jail, sure.
Mr. T. P. Hogan, from Buffalo. N.
Y, gave us a call Monday moraing,
and left "wherewith" for the continu
ation ef his subscription. Any man
that appreciates the worth of the Her
ald to such an extent r.a to coma from
Buffalo to renew, we admire. Come
pgain, Mr. Hogan.
J. Chase, of Weeping Water, called
on Friday.
J. Q. Adams orders the Herald nnd
Inter-Ocean for another year.
Peter Mumra can't get along with
Tt . m.
uv umutKALu. inanKs tor specie.
.cx-juage JNewell called and paid
for the Herald and Inter-Ocean for
another year.
Mr. Rob't Metteer brings 81 bushels
of corn on subscription. Who's the
next lucky man.
Ben. Drost came up to the Herald
and paid for the Inter-Ocean and
American Agriculturist, in connection,
witk the Herald.
Mr. nigginson, -who has been in the
employ of the B. &. M. Company here,
has given up his position and will re
turn U Chicago temporarially.
Wo are indebted to Conductor
Wingate, for numerous favors.
m a. mi s . .
Piaster ineao J-dvingston naa a
birth-day on the Gth of Feb., his 15th,
and about forty mt his young friends
were gathered together to help him
pass along his teens.
Small pox is reported In the south
ern part of the State. Our authorities
will do well to make airangementa to
guard against it, as this is the season
that it usually spreads like wild-fire.
Dr. Livingston has purchased the
brick house adjacent to his, with the
two lots on which it stands, and even
tually will build a substantial resi
dence there, the three lots affording a
tine location.
The readers of th Herald will
be pleased to learu that "Lucile" and
"Francis" will probably(?) favor the
audience with a duett, at the Apollo
Club Concert, at Weeping Water, Feb.
19th. By Order of Com.
"Pa, has time irot legs?" "Yes,
Tommy, and mighty long ones too.
Why do you ask ? "Because the pa
pers speak about the lapse of time,
folks as have laps must have legs to
make 'em of, you knew." " Yrj good.
Mr, Herrman Smith was adjudged
insane by the Commissioners of Insan
ity cn Monday last, and taken to the
Insane Asylum Tuesdav. His trouble
is believed to have been brought on by
over work and worry, and it la hoped
It will be only temporary.
Some Neb. farmer who appeared
to be tired of this country, wanted to
cross the river with his team, and as the
ice was reported dangerous, he hitched
on to tne end or lue tongue or
his wagon and by trottiag his horses
he reached the other side in safety.
Mr. W. C. Callow has rented Har
ry Ilowland's blacksmith shop and will
hereafter run the same. All persons
wishing any smithing dona had better
call on Mr. Gallow, as he understands
hi business and can do you a first-class
jeb or he will charge you nothing for it.
We shall feel greatly disapointod
if we do not receive, on the 14th Inst.,
the customary crossed-eyed, bow-leg
ged, aud hump-backed printer, sottiuj
type left-handed en a one-le;gcd stool.
ne may not le as handsome as we are,
but as a time honored custom, we hope
it will not bo neglected. Hastings
Same here.
A good deal of anxiety was felt for
Lawyer Morrison on Saturday after
noon, after the trial, as Frye came out
of the court room with "tears i his
fist and his eyes doubled up, vowing
vengeance, but at the same time he
was maneuvering to keep eleven or
eight men in front of him, and crying
because there wasn't more between
them. No-harm-dene.
A lively little runaway occurred
Saturday afternoon. A team came
down from Washington Ave., on Vine
to 5th, then down to and up Main, to
top of the hill by Mr. Pronger's house,
and just as they were about to jump
off the bank somebody caught them.
No damage was done, apparently, as
they were at once driven up the avenue
at full speed.
By consulting the celumna of the
Jeurnal you can discover at a glance
who tho live business men of this lo
cality are. Men that advertise liber
ally are not cIobo fisted men to deal
with by any means, but generally give
a customer a fair, square deal. Black
Hills Journal.
If the shoe plaches anyone wear
it or advertise.
The next in the series of High
School Lectures will be delivered by
Prof. Aughey at the High School Hall,
Friday eveninjr next. As Prof. Ad-
hey's last lecture here was very thin
ly attended owing to the bad weather,
we hope onr citizens will turn out in
large numbers to this one and show
that we do appreciate something that
will instruct as well as amuse us.
The following officers were duly
installes at the last regular meeting of
the I. O. G. T., for the ensuing quarter:
TV. C. T., Jas. E. Morrison ; VT. 11. II.
Mrs. J. P. Young; TP. L. H. S., Mrs. E.
D. Stone ; W. V. T., Miss Ursula Wiles ;
W. Chap., Miss Jennie Sutton; W.
Treas., E. II. Wooley ; W. Sec'y, W. M.
Thomas; V7. A. SecV Miss Kate
Hobhs ; W. F. Sec'y, P. P. Gass ; TV. M.,
E!am Parmele; VT. I. M Miss Emma
Despain ; W. I. GM Miss Belle Cox ; TV.
O. G., TV. II. Gould.
Sold Oat.
I have this day sold my stock of gen
eral merchandise to TV. II. Baker & Co.,
and have no further interest in the
business; and will here offer my
thanks to the citizens of Plattsmouth
and Cass county for their liberal pat
ronage in the past, and will recom
mend TV. II. Baker & Co. to the trade.
Mr. Baker having been with me for a
number of years, I would be very glad
to see my former customers continue
at the old stand.
Eli Plummkr.
PlatttsmoI'TTI, Ftb'y 10, 1879,
The Woman's Temperance Union
met pursuant to adjournment. In the
absence of the president the vice pres
ident, Mrs. Wheeler, occupying the
chair. After devotional exercises the
business meeting was the
reading of the minutes of the preced
ing meeting, by the secretary ; the same
were approved. The different commit
tees were called on to report; after
which an interesting letter from ex
Gov. Furnas was read before the soci
ety, in regard to the temperance work,
now in progress at Brownville. With
words of cheer from some of the ladies
present, the association adjourned, to
meet again on the afternoon of the
13th, at tho residence of Mrs. J. N.
Attention Farmers.
J. G. Chambers, Harness Maker, has
on hand now and ready for sale the
most complete Trace Buckle in the
market; no holes used in the trace and
no breaking of trace any more caused
by punching holes. Go everybody and
see it before purchasing elsewhere.
A young man named Bed well tried
to raise a little rumpus with Mr. Lehn
hoff, Friday night, and insisted on hav
ing a drink. On being refused the
same be became very abusive, when
Fred ordered him out of the house;
and not complying with the request,
but making a request in return, he re
ceived a tap on the head with a lemon
ade puncher. The next morning Mr.
F. had him arrested for drunkenness
and for disturbing the peace, which
cost the young man about $12. He
then returned the compliment by hav
ing Mr. F. arrested for assault and
battery. But the judge thought
Fred, was justifial le in keeping
order in his own house, making an
additional cost of about $30, which
drained Mr. B.'s 'once fat pooket-book'
to such an extent, that he was satisfied
to go and "sin no more."
Three Groves, Cass Co., Neb.
February lltb, 1879.
Ed. Herald: We have been hold
ing a week of religious meetings at
Pleasant Hill U. P. Church, conducted
by Rev. Thomas McCayne of Omaha,
and is intending te continue the meet
ings luring the present week, and to
assist itev. snauKiand at ina commun
ion on next Sabbath.
G. F. Surtdkr.
Masonic H&ll Co. certificates. In ac
cordance with the direction of Platts
mouth Lodge No. 6, A.-. F.. & A.. M..
we will purchase two hundred and six
ty-seven and 34-100 dollars worth of
certificates issued to aid in tho erection
of the Masonic and Odd Fellows' build
ing in Plattsmouth.
ISO certificates will be pur
TERNITY. Bids will bo received for
the money until March 8th, 1379, and
those certificates from which the own
ers will make the largest per cent, dis
count from the par valae thereof.
will receive the preference. The
bids should be sealed and addressed to
John W. Marshall, Treasurer, Platts
mouth, Nebraska, and the envelope en
dorsed "Bids for sale of certificates in
the Masonie and I. O. O. F. Hall Co."
Bids must specify the No.'s of the cer
tificates, and be on file on or before -12
o'clock, neon, March 8th, 1879, and the
awards on tho same will be announcod
on Monday, March 10th, 1879.
Francis E. White, W. M.
John W. Marshall, Treasurer.
Daniel II. Wheeler, Secretary.
Plattsmeutb Neb., Feby 8tb,1879.
Weather Report for January, 1879.
Mean temperature, Is". 12
Lowet mean tcmDoratare. on the 3d 16W b
uieuesi - 2Gth 48
lowest tenmerature. on the 3d 24 b
nighest " " 2f,th 58
No. ef times below zero, mornings, 8
at z p. in a
Four clear days, one snow storm : Remark
ably still ; only two light windy days during
the month.
Mean temperature
Lowest, ' on the eth,.
'Hiehest. " " th...
.. 0
. .64
Three light rains.
Melted snow,
G. Trbat.
tight Mile Grove Post Office.
Report of School for the month end
ing Feb. 7th, 1879.
During the last month, 51 pupils
were enrolled, and the average daily
attendance was 41.
On examination at the close of tke
month, Cth and 7th, the following pu
pils answered correctly 75 per cent, or
more, of the questions asked:
Sumner Hall
ton Root,
William Mlnford,.
Charles Cawklus,
Walter Perry 90
Willi Richardson... fcs
John Hall
Kddle Oreenrleld...
Homer Calkins. ...
Kmma rail
Charles iikiles
Nettie Greenfield M
Joseph bkiles 82
77 Ceorge Mlnford,...
George Hall
Matthias Skarl
Warren McConkey,.
From Three Grove.
February 10th, 1879.
Ed. Herald: The following school
report was kindly furnished us for
your paper by J. A. Gibson, teacher of
the Lewiston School in District No. 7,
Cass Co, ending Feb. 5th, 1873. Whole
Xo. of pupils enrolled, 30; average dai
ly atttendance for the month, 23. The
following is the per cent of attendance
and deportment of each pupil. 100 be
ing perfect, 90 good and 80 indifferent'
a v nt - no-
Females, tend'ee nort't.
Lueiia A. young.
El ma Worley....,
Eftie Worlev
13 100
M Vi
100 1(10
10O 100
7 100
98 100
09 10O
84 9fl
H9 100
W ion
M 1(0
fa 96
100 )00
loO 4
90 100
1O0 87
) 100
KM 100
sa loo
6S 100
W 100
100 100
lixl pj
f8 (A
100 100 ;
Amanda Wiley...
Joanna Youne...
Mary A. Wiley...
Sarah McCune
Kutha Cleminons.
Uuanna Nickels..
Lizzie Y Hey
Fannv Nickels...
Moelta Nickels...
liortlia Nickels ...
Eunua Wiley
Willie Chandler .
James Nickels
Oscar Glaze
Ermine Crosser
Frauk Moore
Joseuh Cleruou.i. ...
James McCune ...
Ceorge E. McCune..
Charley Moore
Marion Wiley
Leioy Miokels
Albert Amlson
A!frd Nickels
Kddie Youcit
Bob, Shrader
J. i. Hhr.ider ......
NEWTON At Plattsmouth, Neb.. Wednesday.
Kebrnarr mh. 1K79. Gkack, daughter of C'laik
-and llattio 'ewion ; mgo4 seven years aud
ten months.
Little Gbacie, after many months of suffer
inff. rests, freed from all pain and-sorrow.
This, comfort can the poor sorrowing hearts
left behind ' feel amid the anguish of their
The funeral will take place Friday. Services at
th house at 1 o'clock P. m.. by Rev. Mr. Bur
CALDEE Friday, February 1th, ls79, Cionc
K. Caldek ; aged 6o years.
The funeral was from the Presbyterian
Church, and was followed to the crave by
large concourse of friends and brother Masons
The deceased was born in Scotland and belong
ed to a Scotch Lodge of Masons ; the society
here as a body attended the funeral. Mr. Cal
der was the father of George. Christopher and
Jessie Calder, and Of Mrs. Perle.
Fine Boots Custom made $5.00 at
44tf Sherwood's,
Want a load of oats want some
dry wood want some more corn. Hur
ry up and bring it along. Two cents
a bushel above the market price for
corn brought in ou old subscription.
i" tfi Al t worth of Faru rKODt'c
)J.UWwul -vf alone can be saved by using
.entennial tittf Extermivoatii.
For Hale.
Concord and Delaware grapvines two
years old, also Kittatinny Blackbeiry
canes, one ana two years old, very
fine. 46t3 A. Wright.
Settlement Notice.
Every one indebted to the undersign
ed, either by book account or note will
please come forward and settle by the
15th day of February, as all accounts
will be placed in the hands of a. COllCt
or after that date,
43W J. H. Buttery.
Notice Steamboat. Manufacturing Com
pany of Plattsmouth.
All the Stockholders and members
of this company are requested to meet
at Geo. S. Smiths office on Inday
night. February 23, 1879, at 7 p. m to
make a final settlement of all unset
tied laws, and the transaction of such
other business as may come before the
meeting, also for the purpose of elect
ing officers of the company for the en
suing year.
By order of Board of Directors,
Charge of the Bat Brigade.
Half a rod half a rod half a rod onward,
(tight through the holes thsy made
Stole the six hundred.
Too shrewd for trap or eat.
Boldly the? came and sat.
Eating "Centennial Kat-
Ex-tenn-inator l"
Kow for fresh air they run,
Aud as thev wrtthe and burn.
Each asks his mate In turn.
Is this the equator?
Then falling still and flat.
Men cry, approvinp,'That
Was the Centenniitl Ual-
Ex-term-inator !''
When will its triumphs wane?
'ot while the rats remain ;
Not while it proves their bane ;
Sound, then, its praise so high.
Nations abroad may cry
We. too. entreat to buy
"Centennial" Bat-and-try
x-tenn-inatiun I
(Star Manufacturing Co.. Fort Madison. Iowa.
For sale by all Druggists. 4715
See Mr. King's Ad aboat Shenandos.h
Nurseries. 38tf
For Sale or Rent.
Good second hand Organs and Melo-
deons, apply to Jamkh Pettee, Dealer
in Musical Instruments, Plattsmouth,
Neb. 44 tf
Made to order
44tf at Sherwood's.
keeps clothing and gent's
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
Neter Undersold
in Boots aud Shoes at Merges. Sltf
County Orders will be received at
this office in pay for subscriptions, at
their market value, always. Remem
ber that. 41tf.
Rockwell has the neatest assortment
of lady'n dress goods ever brought to
town. Be sure and see them before
the assortment is broke. They are go
ing off fast. 28tf.
Thirty of the) brut ontan makers of the
World are competitors at the Paris Exposition.
a cable dispatch to the Associated l"ren says
two highest gold medals have been awarded U
tne American makers. Mason Hamlin.
Ilockwtll has a full line of Grocer
ies. 28 tf.
A Handsome Income for an Euergetie
Lady or (Gentleman.
The Ohio Scale Works of Cincinnati
have just completed and are now
introducing to the pubP.c a Handsome
ly nnished Family Scale, an article
that hag always been needed in every
household, and in a communication
addressed to the publishers of this
paper the proprietors ask us to refer
them to some reliable party, to intro
duce it for them to the people of this
County. It is very seldom that a new
article steps so suddenly into universal
favor. Housekeepers are loud in its is always ready, there are
no weights to get lost or to be huated
up, is reliable, and will not get out of
order. lue description of them is a
handsome base surmounted by a col
umn in which works a spiral spring so
scieniincany adjusted as to weigh any
imng up to twelve pounas with per-
lect accuracy, on the top of the column
is the platform on which the articles
to be weighed are placed, and they
have an adjustable indicator so that
you can tank the tare of any vessel
you may use in weighing giving you
the exact net weight. Housekeepers
at once see their value in weighing
fruits, sugars and other ingredients
used in preserving, cooking etc., or in
testing the weights of purchases from
The scales are made of all brass, are
highly polished and are finished in a
skillful manner. They are very at
tractive and take the eye of every one
who sees them.
It seems to ug that nearly every
family iu this county will want one.
and is certainly a rare opportunity for
some smart and energetic party to pick
up quite a nice little income during
the next few months, the Company has
agents in other counties who are easily
making from 85.00 to S6.00 per day
selling them, and- we would recom
mend parties in need of employment
to drop the 01110 scale works. No.
134 and 197 Central Avenue. Cincinna
ti. O., a Postal Card, and all informa-
tion etc.. will be cheerfully given them
j uy mentioning our paper. 46t4 j
Boots and Shoes C7teap,
call and examine prices at
31tf Merges.
Rockwell keeps hardware and
queensware. and by Jove he keeps ma
chine oils too.; and I declare, he keeps
patent medicines also, so there is no
use of staying sick.
by buying
31tf at Merges.
Rockwell has just received nine
chests of choice teas, which he sells at
from 25cts to 81 per pound. The best
bargain in teas you ever saw. 28tf.
We see that Merges got the premium
again at the State Fair on his own
work for beauty and durability. He
really does make fine and good work.
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He
has a large assortment. 2Stf.
The Mason & Hamlin Organ
Instructor is the title of a New
Work arranged expressly for the use
of Scholars by Mr. Trowbridge whose
Musical ability and long connection
with the Company has eminently fitted
him for the work which he has been
so successful in arranging; the studies
are very progressive -and complete and
the collection of music throughout is
fine. Our Musicians are a unit in rec-
commending it. Books can be obtain
ed at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Store.
James Pettee, Agent,
44tf Plattsmouth, Neb.
A large and well selected Stock of
Eastern Boots and Shoes at Sherwood's
cheap. 44tf
Those wishing Oysters can obtain
them by the can or dish, of the best
brands, cheap, at Henry Thierolfs.two
doora east of the r, O, S4tf
Cantion to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May, !
18S all boxes containing cigars of mv
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manuiacturers. ione are genu
ine unless plainly labeled:
Plattsmouth. - - Nebraska.
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will bo at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust, October and November. At
eeping Water, 1st r riday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
D. D. Martindalk.
41ni8 County Superintendent.
At R. Sherwood's, made to order Fine
41tf Calf Boots $5.00.
Special Notice to Farmers.
All enterprlsin; farmer should send to WEEKS,
bEl.LS C)..30'-4 rorth riflli Street. I'hlladel-
phia, I'a for circular concerninir their new Ag
ricultural Warehouse, which they have opened
in that city. They offer to ship anything in
the agricltural line, no matter how small the
order, at wholesale cost, direct lo yonr homes.
free of freight charges. They also offer to
farmers the Surprise Com Sheller for the nom
inal Mini of two dollars. It i the best hand
machine in the market, will shell one hundred
bushel of corn per day ; any boy or girl ou the
farm can use tt ; it i." neatly and tubstaulially
made in fact. It It is the most durable machine
In ne. They also offer tiieir Philadelphia
Rro..lcnst Meed Sower for six dollars, twelve
hundred of which are now la use. Every farm-
ei suoiiki nave one.
Special rates el veil to reliable farmers who
will act as agents. Cash must accompany or
Send all money by post office money order.
registered letter or express.
Circulars mailed free to every farmer in the
i niieu stales on sppiicniion m
44U SO'l North fifth Street, i'hila , Fa.
The Death Rate of
Our country is getting to be fearfully
iiarming, the average of life being les
sened every year, without any reason
able cause, death resulting generally
from the most insignificant origin. At
this season of the year especially, a
cold is such a common thing that in
the hurry of everyday life we are apt
to overlook the dangers attending it
and often find too late that a Fever or
ung trouble has already set in.
Thousands loose their lives in this way
every winter, while had Boschee's Ger
man Syrup been taken, a cure would
have resulted, and a large bill from
a doctor been avoided. For all diseas
es of the Throat and Lungs, Boschee's
German Syrup has proven itself to be
the greatest discovery of the kind in
medicine. Every Druggist in this
country will tell you of its wonderful
effect. Over 930,000 bottles eold last
year without a Bingle failure known.
rrmrlplloa Fr to n
non wha will . - . . ,A
1. WhtQ B D.W rruwlA Of Hlr-Wkl.kar ar ll.iu.k
Is actnally produe!.
6udaro jt Co.. 3 CUnton Flao. yew Turk.
Rockwell, of Louisville, has jnst fin
ished bis new store, 23x3-1, which he
has full of new goods. Be sure and
give him a call we know you will
buy if you do, for he sells very cheap.
The Atlanta Ua., Constitution.
Recently published a long account of
the destructiveness of the "Sherman
Rat" which is 3 to 4 times as large as
the Northern Rat. On the I7th of
September. 1877. the Manager of this
celebrated paper having tried Centen
nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle
men your Tizen Stuff" knocks "Sher
man Rats, stiff and cold.
Osage, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1877.
Star Manufacturing Comnanv. Fort
Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen
tennial rat poison, received last Mon
day. We have given three doses. On
Monday, Tuesday and "Wednesday
nights, and we verily believe there is
not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill,
feed, custom and merchant's mills were
full of them, as were also our houses.
cooper shops, bams and hog pens.
Since giving them the poison they have
been running round as "crazv as loons"
and the river bank is line with dead
rats, in fact it has created a terrible
commotion among them and they have
au leir, thanks to the "Centennial Rat
Exterminator," each box of which ia
worth a twenty dollar bill. We will
see our druggists and have them, send
ior ic. 1 hanks, thanks. erv roarw.r.-
fully. E. M. Britts. & Co.
This great economizer for property
lolders, fanners, et al.. is for sale hv
druggists and general dealers every
where. Frice 25 cents. lanrecana ft t oo
20tf. .
$5,000,000 farFproddcts
' Can be saved by uting
GoDtennial RAT Exterminator
Sold by Dmelstsand l'T,.ir.l rlsitar nrr.
pie box mailed for eieht 3-ceni stamns.
fitt STaR M'F'Q CO Ft. .tfadieon, Ioi-aA J.
Market Gardeners, send for Root's
uarden manual lor le. a, mil of in
structions on gardening topics, jtnd
puce list of Choice seeds, both sent
FREE. Address,
40U0 J. B. Root, Rock ford, 111.
Jast Received
At Rockwell'b.a very full line of Mil
linery goods of the very latest styles.
such as flowers, ribbons, plumes and
upa, aua.9, vriveia, ituv a tics, uonnets
and hats, and many other little novel
ties that cannot be had at any other
place In town. 2atf.
Of the East are shocking the world by
their ghastly work, in the West the
grave of the coughing consumptive is
cheated of its victim by the timely
use of that never failing iemedy,
Ilrown'x C'ou?b Italsaiu. This
Balsam does not stupefy with opiates,
but produces easy expectoration and
assists nature in her efforts to cure
herself. Do not neglect that cough
until it is too late. Every delay less
ens the chance of recovery. For clear
ing and strengthening the voice use
Hrown's Tar Troches once and
you will use no others.
Physicians who have tried Brown's
Arnica .Salve for removing indara
mation and curiug old sores, cuts,
burns, bruises, piles and sore eyes, pro
nounce it the most wonderful healing
remedy of the age.
All of these Remedies for Diseases of
the West for sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan
Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and
O. F. Johnson.
43tf Plattsmouth, Neb.
You must Cnre that Congh.
With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you
can cure yourself. It has established
the fact that Consumption can be
cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis
eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso
lutely without an cqu.ti, Two doses
will relieve your chiid of Croup, it is
pleasant to take and perfectly harmless
to the youngest child, and no mother
can afford to be without it. You can
use two thirds of a bottle and if what
we say is not true we will refund the
price paid. Price 10 cts. 50 cts, and
31,00 per bottle. If your Lungs are
sore or chest or back lame uso Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman &
Smith, Druggists.
Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti
pated, have you a Yellow skin, Loss
of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail
ZE It. It is guaranteed to relieve you,
and will you continue to suffer when
you can be cured on sueh terms as
these. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts. Sold by
Chapman & Smith. Druggists.
Well's Persian Perfume "IlACKM E
TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it
Sold by Chapman & Smith, Dm
Plattsmouth Neb. 331veow
Came to my place about tho 18th of January.
one litht roan cow, about 5 years old. still Riv
ing miiK. l nave taKen tne same up and hold
her under the estray law. Any person claim
lnff the same and paying charges and proving
property can have the same. My place is four
miles east of Weeping Water.
tiEO. u. ADAMS.
Sheriff's Sale.
Fv virtue of an order of sale issued bv Wm.
Tu. Wells, clerk of the district fnurt within and
for Cass Couutv, Nebraska, and to me directed.
I will on the 7lh day of March. A. 1). 1ST!, at
liilo'cloek. a. in., of said dav. at the south door
of the Court House, in said county, sell at pub
lic auction tne ioiiowiii real estate, to wit:
Lots (410) four hundred and ten. (43) four hun
dred and forty-nine. (4j0) four hundred and
Bfty. (451) four hundred aud fifty-one, in 1 1. e
towu of Louisville-. Cam Count v. Nebraska : the
same beiup levied upon and taken an the prop
erty of J. N. CleRhorn. defendant, to satify a
iudgment of said court, recovered by J. J.
ioos, plaintiH.
k. w. ii una.
Sheriff. Caas Co. Neb.
Pi.attpmouth, Neb., Keb, cth,iT9.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ry virtue of an order of sale lsued bv Wm.
L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court within and
for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will on the 8th dav of March. A. 1). 1879.
at 10 o'clock. A. M., of raid dav, at the sonth
door of the Court House, in said County, sell at
I'uulie Auction tne following real estate, to wit :
The north half ('4) of the niuthoast ouarter
of section tweuty-nine 29i. township No. ten
(101. north of ranse No. twelve 12. east. Also.
the west part, sixty acres of the southwest
quarter ib. W . of section twenty-eight (2k)
in tow nship ten i ioi. nortn or rauce No. twelve
12); all in Cass County, Nebraska ; the same
being levied upon and taken a the property of
Sam 1 L. Uolverxtott. Sarah Holverstott and
tn. Stadelniann. defendants : to satisfy a
iudcinent of raid court, recovered bv Addisou
Weston and Orlando Tefft. plaintiffs.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb'y 4th. A. 1. 179.
4616 R. W. IIYEKS.
Sheriff Cass Co., Neb.
Sheriff's Sale.
Sullivan, Count)
:v .
Judge, within aud for Cass
County, Nebranka,
nun to me directed. I will
on the lath day of February, A. I. 1879. at one
o'clock I. M.,of said dav. on tuo premises now
occupied by J. M. Carter, in Mt. J'leanant pre
cinct, Cass County Nebraska, sell at public
auction the following personal property, to wit :
five steers, three and four vears old. undone.
two years old, all marked 'F. O." on the inside
ef the riht horn, one-half interest in one pair
of scales, one five-year-old horse, and twelve
hundred bushel of corn ; the same belnc levied
upon and taken as tho property of John M.
Carter, defendant ; to satisfy a judgment of
saia court, recovered by Johu Ullmore, plaint
Iff. 4
I'lattsmouth, 3el.,Fob'y 4th. A. I. l7!.
4612 R. V. IIYKHK.
Sheriff, Casa Co.. Neb.
Omaha and South-Western
Railroad Company.
A N Jf V Al, ME F.TI X G.
The annual mcetinir of the fitnckhdMpr r
the ('nialia and Soutli-Western Kailroad Com
pany will be held at the office of the Company,
in Plattsmouth. Neb., on Thur.dxv. Kebrnarv
27th. ensuing, at 10 o'clock a. in., for the elec
tion of Directors and any other business which
may legally come before the meeting.
.tH- . UKSisox, sec y.
BoTOJan'y 2ulh.l373. 45t4
Burlington and Missouri Riv
er Railroad Company in
The annual meetinc of the Stork hn'r!r nf
the tturlingtmi and Missouri Iiiver Railroad
Company iu Nebraska will be held Mt th nin
of the Company, in I'lattsmouth. Neb., on
Thursday. February 27. ensuimr. at to nVWfc
a. m., for the election of Directors and any oth
er business which may lepally come before thn
meeting. John N. Desisox, Sec'y.
itosTox. jan'y 20th, luTd.
In Attachment,
State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss :
Anna Allison, rnaintlfr v- Thr Hl'JG T uturh o -sl-
defendant. In Justice' court, before M. 1L
roote. a Justice of the IVa in ami fi
ouniy. state oi .Mftraoka. On the sixteenth
dav of January. A. I. inrt satii i it
Justice of tho Fface. of Stove Creek precinct,
Cass County, Nebraska, issued an order of at
tachment in I the above entitled action against
the goods aud chattels of said defendant for
the sum of forty-nine (S43.fir.) dollars aud Bvo
cents and interest at ten ner cent - :.n.) ths
cau-e Is continued, and time set tor hearing iu
the twelfth day of March, A. I. Is?-.. :-t one
o'clock V. M. M. II. FOOTE.
45t3 Justice of the feaee.
Sheriff's Sae.
By virtue of an order of sale lsnd hy Wm . L.
Wells. Clerk of the District Conn within and.
ion ass county, jei)raHka. and to me directed.
I will on the first day of March, A. 1). isra. at
10 O'clock. A. M.. of said dav. at the. uuith ilonr.
of the Court House, in Platt-mouth Cftv in said
county, sell at Public Auction tlte following
real estate, to wit
sseventy-ftve',75 feet of the north end of lots
four (4. five (5) aud six 6. in bloc five.
White's addition to the pity of I'lattsmouth,
together w ith tlto appurtenances thereto 1-3-
longing j the ame bt'ing levied upon and taken
a the property of William L. ilobbs, Hobbs.
o k. noiii.s ann j ne trs .national Bank of
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. defondaoU
to natirfy
by Uriah
a Judgment ofsaidoourt, recovered
VV. Wise, plaintiff. .
Plattsmouth, b , Jamiarv 2t'i. A. l.
Sheriff, Caw Co., b,
Tcr P. B. MrRFHY. Deruty. 4.
lo Wo
Announces that be to prepared to furnish all kinds of
At Wholesale or ltetail !
Hoqs Killed and Packed
LARBat Wholesale and RotalL
Givvn to.HOTELS.
SHOP North side Main, Between 4th and 3th Streets.
Ct. W. O'Neill,
34 Froprietor.
Administrator's Sale.
Notice Is hereby siven that pursuant to a de
cretal order of sale made by Hon. S. II. 1'oiind
Judge of the 2nd Judicial District of Ne a.
at his chambers In the citvof Lincoln, on the Sd
day of February, A. 1. 179, I will on the Mb
day of March. A. D. l?7l, at the town of Weep-
mg water, in county of t nss arid Mate ol the door of the Mtore of Uced Bros.,
offer for sale all the light and title of J.
Quiutun, deceased, in and to the fnllowii: de
scribed property, to-wlt : the west half (w of
the lout h-east cjuartcr (St'1 ) of section No, 31.
town o. lo, rmige 12 Mat of the tit li principal
meridian, in Cas County, Nebraska. Sale to
remain open from the hour of one o'clock p. 111.
till 1 wo o clock p. m.. of said dav. Teri'l. cash :
f)F Pivl'.H on reasonable time wit ii approved se
curity. XlAZ IS. Jl INTO.
47t3 Administratrix.
Elizabeth M. alias Johanna rvitz, non resi
dent defendant is hereby notified that David
Koltzdid on the cthday of Februay, A.I). 1879.
tile his petition tn the oftlce of the Clerk of the
District Court, within and for the Co. of Ca-ss
and Wtatc (A (jihio. chftrKimr L'liaiieth M., all. is
Johanna Foltz with sduUvry with one Lewis
Copple and aktug that he may be divorcd
from thesaid Kli.aiiclh M.. aliax .Inhftnua Knit;,
whirl petit'ou will stand for heal lug at the
next term of the District Court. Dated this
6tb day of February, A. i. 1879
David Foltz.
4ct5 By AVillett Pottenk-er. Attorney for ITff
Legal Notice.
All persons interested In the estate of Patrick
P. Fitzgerald, dee'd, are hereby not itied lo ap- before the Hon. S. IJ. Pound, Judjje of the
list. Court, in the office of the Cierk of the Dis
trict Court of Lancaster County. In the city of
Lincoln. 011 MtMulay, the loth day of March, A.
D. IS 79. at 2 o'cloek. P. M., ou said day, to siiow
cause if any there be why a license eliotild not
be man ted to Stephen Payne, administrator of
sulci estate, to well and convey the following de
scribed real estate belonging to said deceased,
for the purpoeo of paying the oiilMtanding in
debtedness of aahi estate, to wit : The west
half w ii of the northwest (u. w.) ouartei t4).
and the southeast (s. ej quarter of the north -went
(11. w.) quarter (.), and the southwest
(s. w.) U;irier ti) of the northeast (n. e.) quar
ter, all section No. 'ii, town o. li. range No. 9
cast of the Otli P, M iu Cass Co., Nebraska.
atF.vuKH Paine,
Administrator of tho Kslate of Patrick P.
FitAierald. 4Ctt
Executor's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that puimtaut to the
tenor and effect of the last wiil and testament
of.Sarali H. Slates, dee'd, which lias been duly
admillrd to probate, we. her executors, will :f
ler for sale ou the 22d dav of February, A. D.
17;. bet ween the hours if one and two P. M,
on nid dav the following real estate, to wit:
Fifty-six and eighty one-hundredth (rw. MO-lOO)
acres of land (-ituated in Caxs Co., Neb., and
described as follows : A portion of the west
half (i.) of the southwest quarter Ol. section
No. six (i). Town ten (lo), range nine iU, east of
the 6th 1'. M. Sale to take place ou the prein
isy. Terms cash or reasonable time with ap
proved security.
Wm.B AhNoI.n. VKxecutTf,
Sheriff's Sale.
ttv virtue of two executions Usuvd bv Wm. L.
Wells, Clerk of the District Court within and
for Cass County .Nebraska, and to ine directed.
I wil on the 4th day of March. A. 1. 1X7!. at 11
o'clock A. M., of said day, at the south door of
the Court House in said county, sell at I'ublic
Auction the following real estate, to wit : The
north half (S) of lot No. tliree ;). sub lot No.
twenty-six in section thirty-three CK!). In
township No. twelve (12), nortn of ran'e No.
fourteen (14), east of the 5th 1'. M., eoutaluiiif;
twenty acres more or less ; the fame beinu lev
ied upon and taken as the property of Thomas
L. Barry, defendant ; to satisfy a judgment of
saij court, recovered by The Mate of Nt-biask",
and bv .1. 1. Amick and L. Latteer, riaintilTs.
riattsmouth, Neb., Januarv 29th. A. I). 1S7D.
4&t5 - K. W. HYKUS.
Hhpriff.l'ass Co., Neb.
Sheriff's Sale.
ny virtue of an execution issued by Wm. L.
Well".. Clerk of the litrict Court within and
for Cass Countv, Nebraska, ard to me directed.
I will on the Mil day of March, A. 1. l7u. at
one o'clock I. M., of said d'iy. on the premises
below described, in said county, sill al public
auction the follow-in;; interests and improve
ments to wit : The interests and improvement"
of Thomas I,, liarry in and to the northeast
quarter ) of section thirty-six (:;). township
N. eleven Ml), north of ranne twelve (121 east
of the 6th P. M. in Cass County. Nebraska :
the same bcinj; levied upon and taken as the
property of Thomas L. Harry, defendant : to
satisfy a Judgment of said court recovered by
J. I. Auiick and L. Latteer, plaintiffs.
i'lattsmouth. Neb.,
Januarv 2'.th. A. I). l.79.
Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber one dark Iron
gray marc two years old. Said marc was taken
up in Weeping Water precinct the 31st of lie
ceinher. 1878. Theownerof the above described
animal can have the sanm by proving property
and paving cost of advertisina and dAiiiarn.
J alt Mi up by tl
the BiiliscTibor. one bav mam
and one sorrel horse, apparently alkont !o yeais
old; weight, about l.oou pounds each. The ow
ner oi tile above decrlbd horcs c;i! have the
same by proving property and paying cost of
advertising ami damage. Said horses were
taken up and arc now held at my residence on
the east 'i of n. w. 4 of sec. W, town 10, range
11, Cass Co., Nebraska.
f!y J. Ciiask. Ag't. 4ta
Corner Main & 3d Streets.
FlattHrnoutb, ... Xebranka.
Aud only flrst-clas Wines and Li'iuors. Mil
waukee Ueer on Draught and bo,tled,
t-Familles supplied with Mali and Slrltn
uus IJquors, bottled, at Love liatcs. 4Gly
Evfore deciding what Meat Market you are go
ing to patronize duriug i87y, call Sn and sec
Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb.,
Who are on deck with niee lloasts and Steaks,
rresn nan, iseei. I'ork. Veal. .Mutton.
Poultry, A everything in their line.
rricen as LJW a the Jjurt; JfinUtsl Price jaUi
for FUftrCiruiH Stock.
i ic km: u imos.
inly Proprietors.
Carriages always on Hand,
1 want all of my account? settled to dare.
an t I idiall do no more credit bnsine. All old .
accounts must be settled up. and no new ones I
will be made. Unless such accounts are sfttlrif j
shortly they will be med. j
I w.u to Co a s:iiet;vc;i&i tuiinoss ia f,:turo.
4?y riattsmouth J eb.
Shop over the Bonner Sta
441 y.
On Lower Main Street. South Sidn,
P-EKF. POttK.niid VEAL,
CHE A.!I? u J G OOD.
Manufacturer of and Dealer In
Dono with Neatness Dispatch.
; e only place in town where "Turley's pat--cut
self adjustable horse collars are sold."
Wholesale and Uetail I valcis In
Man. street. Corner of Fifth,
Still Better Rates for Lumber
is::i i.vtiii:
Boston Public Schools.
Mass. State Normal
The New England Conser
valorv of Music Ex
clusively. TW!0 AWARDS DECREED
Philadelphia Exhibition 76
No other Piano Forte hoiwe. with one xcep
ion, received more than oue.
Tt..:..,. f's.nt St,,cf. 1 ( 7 ft "77
AS U I illy t 111 ( b ciio'i iy . -J,
these Piaiioii were used in Bontou and vloinity
in move than 125 roiuicrts.
Tl:e season of 177 and ",i promises a stilV
greater number to be added to iho list.
Notices of Concerts.
Remarkable fur l?i t-nrlty. richness and ev
eniiess (ft tou'j.-'--Kostoii Journal.
"No such instruments have tven hear4 In iv
Iwell concert rttoin bafore."- Ioell (Mas.
Uaily Citu'.-u.
"SnrpaKsc anytbissr .f th l'iJ previously
lizard Lrf ai)j city." Ixjwcll Vox Pojiuil.
"Unenna'Ied by any that have been used it.
cur concerts." Louisville Daily t-ouriur.
has ben appomtcd agent for tliMe celebrate,
Pianos. Head for catalogue.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
'aooo f