V s fit ly wii 1. mot it ho 1 I M W f V. it fn. is "4 II E HERA L I). A1J Sorts. Irrepressible conflict between women aiiJ ileus. Oroterj fcivc short v.-ciylit to make up night says for louf wait. "Take iu ynr gravt-3 over an llattcru paiicr. "Man over-bored !" lie shouted n hen a lHX)k agent froze to l.iui. Four Hindoo women hare leen grai- i uated from the Madras Medical College reTen wife-leatcrs were recency ar ritiu:d in an Edinburgh police court in one day. A Texan cattle king iTesrnted bin Arh0''daoiiter on ber wedding day with fcO,)00 ed UmT Jieaj of cuttle. cary. . tJ ne immicrration to Texas from v "T Th -' crmany is said to be heavier this year than ever before. Th Dublin death months fivcraged 31 rate has for six in 1,000, against - about 23 in London. Maine gets all of New Hampshire's tramps s:nce the passage of theaiiti-tranip law in the latter btate. "What is the difference between b:rbcr 'and sculptor f One cur's iipuud lyes, tho other makt s faces and Ousts. Albany has an umberella maker by the name of 'Whiskey. Whiskey always keeps folks dry. Lhic-fjo Times. I'liilaUelphia is attempting to retrench by reducing the police force two hundred men, making its number one thousand. Being ahkedwhat made him so dirty, a street a7ub replied, "I whs made so they tell me, of dust, and I suppose it works out." So many murderers about to be hanged oi.nru. tn meet in all in Heaven"' that wo have about concluded to ttart for the oth - er place. Shark's skin novr serves for Pnrisirn purses, and was thought particularly ap propriate lor innkeepers, itc, during the Exposition. 'Mr way of life hat fUIcn iao the sear. the yellow leaf," as the c-biae remurk- .1 r... C, I...1 lm.vi f r i k i t trxl into iU ttllLI It l v wut.H - - choice Havanas. A policeman searched the boys in the "West Chester, 1W-, Schoo's the other day and found several revolvers on the nicck ef4, looking ones. The number of physicians in Prussia in 1878, was 8,2:3; of surgeons m d of dentists S.j1. Tho number of inhabi tants wa 23,724,401. Mile. Sarah Bernhardt, the relebrat d French actress, is diligently fctiuiying . English, with a view to playing in Lon don in that language. -.' "Clcnrvmen'1 remarks an exchange, "iike railway brakemen, do a great deal of coupling." Ah. yes; aad the coupled ones do ad the switching. In nine cases out of ten when a man marries a sensible woman, it is after Imv iug been severely disappointed in an ard ent desire to marry a fool. Exports of Great Britain to' the Uni'cd States have decreased from 07.00 ), 0) in 173 to little over ilSityMO.OOO in 1577, and are still slowly declining. ' 'At what age weie yon married?" ask ed she inp-mitive'y. But the otli:r lady was equal to the emergency, and piietly responded, "At the parsonage." Young men of the middle cinm re get ting so sly and hard to catch, th:it arents will have to begin to offer cinotiios a ong with their inarriaireab'.e daughters. '' The horse which "Wilkes Booth rode -ffxim- 'rf-frOm Washington after his murder of President Lincoln is now owned in fom fret, Conn , aud is eighteen yeura old. A Jesuit mission la ttn.t.d fertile Bivcr Zambe:-i. It con-,is's tf six fathers, and it is piopos:-d to estabiished stations among the M.uei;elc and on Lake Bang wco'.o. There is said to be an old Turk named Payanovic, living ut Bihatz, Croatia, who is i25 years old, and ablo to carry a sack of one hundred pounds of wheat to market. All hair pins look alike to men, but let & wife rro off a visit for a month, and come home an I lind a hair pin near the doer, and she can't wait a minute the face. to ffct red in There are in Moore county, N. C, twenty eight gold mines, six silver mines, eiq;ht ctpp.er mines, nine or ten iron mines, and a general assortment of other mineral "fiu-is." Brandy has leen made from sawdust. Ice is packed in sawdust, and that is why so many water-drinkers become intoxi a: ed. It is the sawdust on the ice that makes a man reel. A cat at Morrisville, Miiw., is endea voring to corner the muse-kiil5i'af mur ket and establish a monopoly by stealing and taking home all the trai she can find. She already has five. A uiHii very much intoxicated was tak- cn to the station house. "Why did you not bail him out?" inquired ft bystander ofa friend. "Bail him out!"' exclaimed the other; "why you could not pump him out." The exnense of -winding ur the affairs of the Frecdman b bank, including sa ar ies to commissioners, and picktTitrs to lawyers, havo atr.o.inted thus far to $31S, 753,(J1, just one-half of tho dividends paid. A clothier has cxciU-d public curiosity ..... i . - - - j by having a large tipple painted on his sicu. "Wh?n n-keil t lor an explanation, ho replied: "If it hadn't ln for an nppl where wou'd the ready-made clothing stores be to day? ' The Galveston News fays that lemons brought to its ofiice, grown by Mr. Deats of I3ick:n-ou, Bayou, weighed 17J2 ounces. It has late y been found that the "tide water" uistrct of Tc.:is is unsur passed for raising oranges and lemons. A little four-year-old, a native and res ident of New Jersey (give the tate her due), while watching the lightning from y his nursery window a few evening's since Uuring a storm, turned to his nurse and remarked that "God was scratching matches agaiust the sky." In Hesse-Darmstadt, where a prc-nup 'tfm ' tial contract ns to the religion of tha off J spring of mixed marriages is ct present legally binding, the Government has in troduccd a bill giving Ihe father the def initive right ot deciding, except in the case of illegitimate children, where-the mother is to dotidc. A tittle Chicago girl with a theo'.ogical firn of mind, nskett her motlKr the oihvr day the meaning of sin. Her mother told her that sin was doing wrong that sin--- ners were people w-lio diil wrong, and in the course of the conversation tlut all peo ple were 6inners. "Why mamma,' she ex claimed, "you never do anything wrong, and as fr papa, he's perfectly lovely." Large deposits of coal are known to exist at Puerto Lir.no, twenty-five miles from Cludad Heal, iSpain, In order to turn them to commercial advantage care ful inquiries have been Instituted by thoc interested in the Madrid, Saragossa and Alicante railroad. The beds are reported to be so valuable that it is contemplated constructing a branch road from the mines to the main line of the railroad. An attorney, in New York has been sentenced to two years' imprisounent for representing to a client that he had in vested 15,000 of hers in excellent securi ties, whereas he used it in kis own disas trous speculations. He was willing to count madam a ereditorof an estatewhich liad no asset9. The court was on his "high moral horse' the day of the trial and the fornev now knows the inside of a jail. Jinny and var'ons are the ways ofob ! taluin:j a 1 iviiiff, nni the icaitirtts of the ! Yankee in seatchin;; them out are almost ! infinite. Tliere is s:tid to le n man down in roitl.unt who supports ft family very I comfortably by the simple prow of ty j inj a cat to tho tloThc.-i Kn in tho back ' yard and in Ihe niorn'.n gathering up the ! Unit jacks, biUihcH, so.iii, etc., barlod into i . i , . t .1. . Hie vara iy enrageu uoarucra in uiu neighboring houses. The grove sacretl to the memory of old Vmnu 1 Am.i!iiie uwl flirt nvmnli Po-Ari I W Vi Lik A m- & iav u I '"I'll v wb the scene of a duel. 1 lie combatants ! were feiicing-mastoiH, one a Si. ilian, the I other a Roman. TVo report says the af fair was worthy of two such able profes sors. There were thiee assaults "execut ed with equ;d courage and skill," and at the nd of the third, the Konmn, severely wounded in the right breast, was carried t.ff the IkhHo a hospital. One of the sthool hoard, going his rr.im.ls sis an amrilcur. iut tho to. lowing micstion to a bcholar iu a country s h oi : '.. ... lT ...,IL-...I tUn How lo you j'i.i-: .'i-iij jmuvtn cow i 1- e lat wt-ri wasuitpoft-u ui im follows: "Cow is a noun, lemiuino gen der singular number, third M-rson, nud stari'ls for Mary." "Stands for Mary !' cxcl'aimed he of the board, "how do you make that out?'1 "Because," added the intelligent pupil, "if the cow didn't stand for Mary, how could Mary miik her'i" "What a charming assembly," remark ed the young i.inn, gaing around on the array of beautiful faces and costumes. "There, is something so captivating, so t theri.iliing iu thee gatherings of cult ure aud reiinement, that 1 am always charmed when I lau mingle with such a joyous throng. I you not pronounce this a fashionable aud inteliigcnt soiree a su erior gathering of Jeauty and gen tility?" It's the boss," replied the gen tle creature in blue, as she arranged the fasicnmgg of a neat little glove. The young m m had to bo carried out. At a meeting or the French commission appointed to report upon the progress o." the phvllor;era and the remedies, te Min ister of Agrieultmc said that the ravages of the insect were lapidly spreading, and that whereas it had made its appearance in only twenty-eight departments at the f !:ist venr. thill v-nine Were now invmicd. Of the 4X00.000 acres of French vines, one-filth has been eutirely destroyed, while 'anoth-r ri.th is rapidly disappearing. The Government has en couraged the formation of vigilance com mittees which keep a close watch over Hk viues in their districts. Thcr Government of Honduras is mak ;n rrrefit eflor.s to develon the airrieul n.-o I resonrees of the country. Coffee r.hintinLr has been viiror us:y carried on n1 tl.a Government make free sc ants ot land to all persons dcsirousot undertak ;n,r tlm cultivation of cofl'ee. of suirir, ' or"cocoa, and give free transport of the necessary material aud labor to the 6it3 of the grant. revues uicse auvan.ugrs planters are exempt from militajy ser L-in nnil all imnlemeuts and matcii.it! necessary for the use or formation of plan tations arc admitted into the country free of duty. Sttargeis are admitted to the Siimo privileges as citizens of the republic. Tho i hrasc of dining with Duke Ilum- phrcy t. c-, going dinuerless eriginated thus: In the old ht. l'aul s tatiiedrai, I m, Ion wan a hutre aud conspicuous monument of tir John Beauchani, buried in BJ.jS. This, bv a vulvar error, came to Ix; tailed the l on ill of lii.nndi:cy, Duke of Gh.m ester, who was, in tact, buried at sir. V 11 i.-.n. where his mi.trmuccnt shrme - - - , - I I may yet be s.c:i. Theumldle aisle ol the r'HiifilrL:. or l'u ill's wall as it was called. was the most frcpiented iibiic haunt in the town, and full of hungry loafers p.im,m- tUa rest, l'lic.r oractice ot louli in' Mjout the tomb s;.ippose.l to be Duke Humphrey's at dinner time led to the cx pressiou. lie ran away in August with f 125,000 rf fctoicu money; he was on his way back in December without a cent, and with m-ison liars staring him in the face. An- treil's is the old storv of the trusted ofii ccr who, becoming involved in losses and debts through companionship with the dissolute, helped himself to his emploj' crs' money and disappeared. Yet, he was quickly overtaken, even in far-off Portu gal, and no longer the secretary of a heavy corporation on a large salary, but in dis grace and a prisoner. The good-sized moral of these rccurrinr defalcations is that the first downward step is in listen ing to tneworusoi cussoiuie men. me path to destruction is easily trod after this Ltart ia made. The Cologne Gazette says that a com mittee of experts having examined the document known n.s "Luther's will," which is iii the po session of the Protest ant church in J cstli, has declared it au thentic. The document found its way, vi;h a number of manuscripts cf the learned ihfoioghin. John Be.icdicc Garji zoino, to Hungary, and came into tlrj hanilsofa private collector, a rich ro--prictor namol Jankovicv, fromwhom the Arclidu -hess Maria Dorothea obtained it for 40'J goiden tr'ddens. She presented it to the l'rotestant church in l'csth, in whoe archives it lias since lain, nolKxiy being positively certain that it was authentic. It is henceforth to be deposited in a special case in the -National 3Iuscum at Pesth. p A St. Louis iournal advises yourtg men to choose a wife by the music she plays i i, i in njt; a nuu mu I nj thc way she plays it. U she mani fcsts a predilection for predilection for Strauss, she is frivolous; for Beethoven, she is unpracti cal; for Liszt, she is ambitious; for Ver di, she is sentimental; for Offenbach, she is giddy; for Gounod, she is lackadaisi cal; for Gottschalk, she is superficial; for Mozart, she is prudish; for Flotow, she is commonplace; for Wagars, she is idiotic. The giil who hammers away at "The Maiden's Prayer," "The Anvil Chorus," aud "Silvery Waves," may be depended upc n as a gitod cook and also as being healthful; and, if she includes "The Bat tle of Pi ague,' and'"Tiie White Cockade'? in her repertory, you ought to know that she has been thoughtfully, religiously, an I strictiy nurtured. But, List of all, pin youi faiih upon thc calico dress of thc girl who can play "Home, Sweet Home.' Hittinar the Mark. Wonder how some lencvo!ent jieople would feel to ut their hands straight in their pockets and give directly to a worthy object, without having the money filtered thro" the medium of a charity ba zaar, ball, oy ter supper, or church fair, and without mention ng the subject after ward. What in the name of dyspep sia any one iH-sidtS tramps and crowing boys, who are well known to b lioi.o.v throughout, want to gorge themselves with two suppers a night, the last usually as indigestible a3 a' section of sidewalk, is a mystery. We should think any one who wanted to give 50c or $1.00 would rather do it outright and have done with the bo'Iier. It" r:it hir ti.n A tlmt n irrwwl . ... c J cause should need to resort to such devices ior screwing money out ot the public. Usu d y the women M ho get these things up are staunch supporters of the cause tor vhich they work. They furnish all kinds of eatables, and make all kinds of fancy work for the entertainment at their own expense, and then theirhusbands, brothers, sons and lathers, come and eat the cakes and buy the articles at fabulous prices. Now, as a business enterprise, wouldn't it be better for the men ami women to save the wear and tear, and w orry and expen diture of strength, by giving in the first place thc aniouut they will certainly have j to plank d.iwn in the end? Ilecvrd. Economical Talne of Solar Heat. In experimentinir with his solar heat ing apparatus, Mouchot has found that tho most satisfactory material for mirrors ia ithf-r Rilrrr or limsii. covered with a thin layer of silver by galvanizing. The variations ol soiar intensity in Algiers, between 8 A. M. and 4 1'. il are gener ally slight. The quantity of heat gath- 1 .. .. .;ntn .....I .a ereu uu a uui lut-ici jici uituiii.u uu,p from 6 to 9.8 calories. A sunplv of seven calories enables a reflector ot" a meter square to boil in less than 12 minutes a litpr nf wntcr at 2fl cierr.. and nroduces hourlv 778 trrama or 1.822 liters of steam at the normal pressure. luese results are only two-thirds as great as he antici pates Iroiu larger receivers. Importance of Airing BeJs. The desire of an energetic housekeeper to have her work completed at an eauv hour iu the moiu'.ug causes her to leave one of the most important Items of neat ness undone, i lie moM eneciuai pun-li'Ml-clothes cannot take place if no time is allowed for the fiee .;-u Ktinn of mire air to remove all hu man i in mirities which have collected du- slumlier. At least two or three hours bhou'.d be allowed for tho removal of atomsof insensible perspiration 1 ,v the bed. Every day this airing should lie done, and occa- iionally ocduing consiauuy useu ba carried into the open air, and, when ,r t.e.ilile. left cxuoscd to the sun and wind for half a day. Mine liules for Young 2Ien. Alw ays pick up a hot poker by the cold end. Never spend your money when you can r.t lliinrra fi r nothilllT. jvfc m...-. - o . Do not despise a twenty ran eiy.o oi u 2 diuncr because another man pays lor it. Unnmher that it costs more to co foa 1 h-priced theatre than is does to take a luu k new in a free church. .Nothing is trouiucsome m you ntl.rMnnli do for VOU XV illilllT-V- that I' ' 1 . , - , . .. . . . . Never pay to-dav me man you ia iui off till to-morrow. i.v(t trouble yourself to do lor anotti- mimi lm ran do iust as well for him- VI .w - F Dull. . anil "Vat 1 111 XT Tell fit too don t want. s;mply l.oKnicn tlii mini shvr he is iustimt of it. Do not imit t.ee vonr owneioow lor wc Inii'. o.i iiitoi'ie' tit-ii no -ti. llaickcyc. The First I ingcr-Rlng. An amusing myth is told of the origin nf tlm tino-er-rincr. "When Jove released pi-nniPtlieiia from the bonds bv which lie rt n . . .... l.n.l t.een confined, he condemned him, as h Kort of lienance perhaps somewhat af ter a modcrn-ticket-of leave to wear up on his finger as a ring, a link of the iron ,.i,0;n thnt lxmn.l him to the Caucasian rock, in which was set a fragment of that rock itself. In tins way, so iaoie goes, the custom of the tinjrcr-rinir originated '1'lw.n. i- svprr reason to believe that the nc of the engraved stone began with the Greeks, and from them w as copied by their servile imitators, the Romans. It is every way a convenient and natural one, and our grandfathers' custom of wearing ttw.ir Ken! nt the tob. as it was called, or iianrrinr from the sicle-nocket was a re rurrencc to old Assyrian usages, which did not long hold its ground. in nis "isotes ot a Tour in America" Mr. Hussey Vivian, M. P., says: So far as I am able to judge, America promises every principal mineral, except tin, in .(rent abundance. Her coal fields are gigantic. The quality appeared to ine to ba excellent, and the price at which it is o.d to the Pittsburgh works proves Unit it is cheaply got. There are, in fact, few parts of Lnlaml where coal ot like qual ity can be produced at this moment at so rlio'in g ritf Tlie inst find nilnlitv of roill is the basis of almost every manufacturing industry, and I cannot see, therefore, what is to prevent America from becom ing not only entirely self-supporting in all iirancnes oi manuiaciurc, out aiso a large lv oxnortinrr eountrv. if onlv trail men 1 tr -- i . - will leave nature's laws to hare their free sway. America pose.ses iron-ores of the fluent steel-making qualities, and in vast abundance. That she will ever again de- Tend on England tor iron or steel seems to nic impossible. Kccltatious. It is said that in Germany teachers de- fiur to hearing the lesson of the day and the other half to ... - . O 1. A exjilaunng that ot the morrow. cucu course mi'ht be lmrsued with profit in tliis country. How long. -will it take my son tr miv hii le sons, is a not Uncommon i - in piiry. "Saying a lessnn bears about t!ie tfin-ip relation to a nvoi.crlv conducted ' ,J - - " - 1 , . r. eitiitinn tlin savilii' a IiraVCT UOCS to - ' j r- i .11- nimninn i.r-iu'nf The IlOllOtl that ft ti..ieh r has notiiincr to do but sit in an arm chair and hear a few children talk to him, is justly fostere I by a lanly con- ducted recitation. The earnest teacher car, without lessening the opportunity for independent thought on the pari ol the pupil, find abundant opportunity to de vplnti the nrincioles of the day s work, and simplify that of the morrow. This Tiitt bn found sneeiidlv true in mathe matical classes, where so much depends up n a clear understanding of thc reasons or eeh Rten. Miinv a bov "hates' algc- i ",i,.o ii'ometrv. lieeause he is searching in a darkness w hich could be readily dispelled, by the light which even an indifferent te icher might throw upon tlic subject if he wouul. An Idea for the Bed Ribbon. Society is gradually gaining ground .on the temperance question. There is less drinking now and it is less reputable than in tiie time of our grandfathers. Then every little New England community had a large percentage of confirmed drunk ards, whose families sunk in degradation and misery, were a biot On the village es cutcheons. Then harvesters had liquor i with their lunch and if a family was un- I happy enough to-be out of rum, on re ceding a pastoral call a boy was lpouut cd, and sent post haste, with a jug to get some, while the faintly prostrated them selves in ajxtlogy befoie the thirsty cler gyman. Then the laws of hospitality re qii red that guests should be served with liquor. Now, respectable tippling is largely de. reased. Fashion decrees that it is vulgar for gentlemen to remain at tiKS table for the purpose of drinking, af ter the ladies have retired. Generally fpcaking public sentiment deprecates thc habitual use of any alcoholic stimulant. What drinking there is and the vicei; "not quite extinct is worse iu character and more rapidly fatal and debasing in its results, because of the universal ihiis onous adulteration of liquor. If this evil comprehended the drinkeralone, it would seem a thing not to be meddled with. It a man cannot and will not control his ap petitcs, he "had best kill himself as soon as possible, and rid the world of his worth lessness. Unfortunately, no man with a family (and most men belong to that class), can be intern; crate, and they not be equal sufferers with him. Society owes to them not him her utmost exer tions toward the mitigation of the evil. On account of that "native cussedness"' which we all inherit with various ances tral amendments trom our common pro genitor, Adam, it is improbable that all the temperance societies on this side of Heaven cotd 1 ever prevent the existence ef a Jarge intemperate class. Since re formers cannot do all they would, let them do what they can. Wouldn't it be a good idea to appoint the most rabid temperance men in the country as liquor inspectors? By mercilessly condemning all impure articles and prosecuting dis honest dealers they could at once large ly reduce the profits of the traffic, and ob viate some of the most pernicious effects of moderate chinking. Toulir clctce. ' j Ilerr Pec lar says that the to'nl coal production of the wo. Id for lH7r, was 315,331,8:1:3 to.-s. G. ;.t Kittain raised 149,170,7G9 ton; Gcrmanv and the Unit ed States, each 5::,eyi,i;t tons; Fiance, 18,60.v"3 tous; glum, l.",7G7,r,91 tons; Austria and Hungary, 1J,S21,.')JC tons; AtisK 4,",37,240 tons, and other pi.rts of the world, 5,"0i,019 t ns. . fimnt Allen endeavors to maintain in a forth. oming work that the u.se of color terms in the Ibm enc poems is strictly nnntocotis to th:.t of Other HICCS CX'Stillg or extinct, at the corresponding stage tif culture, and that ootn uepenu ii)ou ui chromic vision, but on a defect of lan- (fim(! elos-lv connected with the small number ol dyes or pigments Known ionic . z . . . .i various trioes. The Pnnier Zeittin?? savs: "Any ordi nary drawing papermay be preparel by making indelible such pencil marks as nre Tint unon it bv laving me patter care fully cn the surface of a bath consisting ot a warm solution or uicncneo coiopuon ium in alcohol, until the entire surface is moistened. It is then dried bv hot air. After the drawing is made the paper is i again warmer ou u siove. Tr. Norman Lockver has not found the philosopher's stone, for in a letter to the London Daily News, he says: "It would take too much time to refer to all the erroneous. statements now being made ri.neernimr the nature of mv work, but I v a , beg you will allow me space to make a correction as to a matter oi tact, mere va no mcetinc of chemists in mv labo- rat'try, yesterday, and no ditsociation of calcium into strontium. A recent number of Nature contains an article on "Easy Chairs." After uolici.ig the lavorite attitude ot uiuercni races, tiieh n the Hindoti. who sits on the ground with his knees drawn up to his chin; tho 1 urK, w no squats cros--teggeu ; the European, who poses on a cnair; tue American who lolls with Ills foot raised above his head, the writer sums up the modes of getting rc-t fioin muscular fa Hnie ns follow s : For an easy chair to be perfect it ought not only to provide for complete ielaation of the muscles, foi flexion and consequent laxity of the joints but n!so for the ea-v return of blood aud lymph; but merely by the posture ot the limbs themselves, but by equable, support and pressure against as great a surface of the limb3 as os6ible. &ucn are me tne nrtiel demands, and these arc fulfilled in the bamboo easy chairs manufactured , . , -A. in India; made in tno suape oi a siray rriini W. which the laniror consequent nnnn a relaxim? climate has taught the native of India to make, and which the rest ot the world appreciates.' The church at Bex. in Switzerland, in which the Helvetic society neld its mect- iiifrs nst vear. presents, it it saui, a curi ous acoustical phenomenon. "The interior of the building is rectangular in shape, except that one ot the snort suies is re- lH.l bva rounded part. The pulpit is nearly at the middle ol" one of the longer 1l.T .. Bides ot the rectaugie. j.ow, pcinons coHtod nnnosite the nulnit heard a speaker near the bottom of it (a little to the right) tmrw lwidlc. lsut anv o.ie situated iwo oi t!m'. vHrds from the middle of the round ed part, on one side of the door, heard n iiti ji........."...- ;n. ri.iiinri.-n i e i iRiinerriesB ine irnai words pronounced from the bottom ot tlie pulpit. Beciprocally, words spoKeu in a vnrn low voire noiu me uiuuutu were perfectly heard at the point occu rred bv i.ersius auurcssing me buuiciiw, .i tlinf the bitter were thus sometimes unite incommoded. It was a case ot con- fl.rr.iroil acoustic force. The effects in ttiw r inrcn ar nn are itll iu mi - miirkablu than those in bt. Paul s, Lon- ir.n or the Conservatoire des Arrs ei Mcttiera, Paris, often cited in works on physice. Our American Magazines. The marvelous beauty of the illus trated magazines of this country is ..ti .-!.-;. r nttent ton throughout the atiiitvinn . u-sii-lil T im ei ttott Ot &('KI15.::K 111 Ktirrbnd has doubled within ;i few months. The London correspondent of the Xew-Yoik Times says: "ihe whole, lot of magazine annuals (hn- frii put toe-ether, tire not equal in ,i,.t,,i-; il !irt to :i siu-'le number of SeruiiNKR's Monthly." But the price ut which onr magazines are sold is even n irreater marvel. For example, i c nrW n limber ot ftciioner. - ne TUidw intpr Number." iust issued, lias a full-page frontispiece Portrait of J3ui- crson, of rare excellence, aim conwima miu hundred nud sixtv pages of letler- press, w ith more than" seventy ill ustra- t .11KS- oi:mv or wnica are woiks oi nrf- neh :is before the advent of Scrib- ner appeared only in gift-woiks and purelv art magazines, aim yet it is &om for s.i cents. It would be difficult to find an illustrated book to match it at Tim subscribers for tho current year, get, in Schiibncr.nol only four of these f ti 1 paged porirausoi ,miei u;;ur rwtq :iik1 nearly two thousand pages of text (equal to 5.000 book pages) of ftio flu. r-mf current literature, wim more than 1.000 illustrations, includ inwa completed novel. " llawortti s, hv Mrs. Burnett, but shorter stories'. onr-TiTi reviews, descriptions of travel biographical sketches, etc., aim atso th splendid series of papers ami pic tures of exploration in the great South American empire or. irazti, ueuveieo free of postage, and all for four dol lars. In Children's Periodicals, too. Amer ica leads tho world with St. Nicholas. Prof. Proctor, the astronomer, writes from London: "What a wonderful tr .i.r-iinp it is f or the voting f oiks ! Our chifdren are i quite as "much delighted . . 1.-. with it as American children can or. I will not sav thev are more delighted, - 1 1 J A. 94 tint iii.iv not tie possiuie. ot. Nicholas is sold for 2. cents a number. and fourteen numbers (November, 1878 to 1S30) are given for $3. At first glance one would say, litera ture, art, and cheapness can l o furth er go but in this country intelligence is so-widespread and artistic culture is so extended, that there is scarcely any end to the demand for such magazines as Scribner's for grown ups and St. Nicholas for children, and, as the sale of these publications increases their conductors will no doubt continue to add new features of excellence and at traction. Sckibker & Co., 743 Broad wav. New York. Salt for Farm-htoek. The Live-Stock Journal, on this sub ject, says: "alt is required in the for mation of the blood and the various ani mal juices. It increases thc appetite and promotes the jxiwer of digestion. Sheep feeders believe that it often prevents rot, scab, intestinal worms, braxy, an I other diseases. Some French feeders believed that salt had an actual nutrient or fatten ing quality; but Houssingault experi mented to determine this, and did not confirm it. He came to tho conclusion that salt added to food might produce a more rapid increase in the weight of fat tening auimavB by giving them a greater xclisli for food, and thus inducing them to consume a larger quantity. "There can be no doubt that in sec tions of this country situated at a long distance from the sea, all animals are ben efited by the use of salt. Cattle partake of it with a most decided relish in small quantities, and ofteD, daily, and it is no doubt best that they should have free ac cess to it, when they will take it by little and often, and simply satisfy their on appetite. Salt is found to have' a Len-?-cial effect upon crops on many soils, thus indirectly proving the deficiency of salt in the forage crops.' LLS I A NOTED DIVINE SAYS1 THEY ARE WORTH THEIR WEIGHT in GOLD READ WHAT HE SAYS! Tio Tr-T-r T)ir Sir : Far ten vears I haTO been a m.irrrr to IyipeT:f:, L'M.stipaUon and Fiiea. met ispnng your i-iuv wieraumiiKuuiu tr.ii.P- insiHitiiemfbut villi little faith). I wit man. nave'irood oupetite, ditn tion perfect, regular Btoo pUJ goiifs aad iroea iony pouuu? wwu - j JiPir wUiht iu pold. Erv. K. I. SIMl'SON, Louisville, Ky TUTT'S FILLS Tir. Tntt nas been CTf paged in Uie pracuc i .f i nt l! ill. :W vM.arw. Curb sics Head and. for a long time tvufl Tlnmnnvtrfltnr of ache. Anatomy ia the Med TUTT'S FILLS ical college or oorg- ln hunrpni'TWinilllMIll? his Pill have the guar antee that they ara Ccas Dtspepsix. preparea 0 hcicihuk: principl,and are free from all quackery. 11.. hua Miirr.Hlod in TUTT'S PILLS Ccri Constipation. rnmWniiii iii them the heretotore auiagoni- ... il.:... t TUTT'S PILLS UC quinines ui c urgnnihminn.mirftatiM and a purifjing'ttmie. CUBS flU3. ineir nriw n'itueu effect is to increase tha appetite by causing tho r..vl - rtrr.TM.rlv fin TUH'S PILLS similate. Thus theeys- Curb Feveb mno tem is nounsncu, auu Aueer by their toutc acnon on the digestive Or gans, regular ana TUTT'S PILLS are produced. Tt. niridit with Cure Bilious chimc. I , u').w-ri n,r(tni take 01 ie,h, while under tha TUTT'S PILLS intluenrcot ttitse puis, .r .i.ltiutuathiif Cube Kidney Com fHli'.pTarr.uiy io nouruia isa K.rl v. mid hence plaint. their etflcucy in curing I .rvniw l!ibUitV. tilt TUTT'S PILLS wasting of the nmclea of Oie Ut- Curb Torpid .Liter. QQQ UU U1' S hoolth and strength to the system. A DOCTOR SAYS. of Fnltnii Ark., writes 2 "OdO year ago I was taken sick, a friend argued so stronglv in favor of Tutt's Pilla that I was in duced to use thitin. Never did medicino have a happier effect than in my case. Alter a praciico nf.nn.rtgrnf ft PntniTT I DrOClulUl tflCIU thfl best anti-bilious medicine ever used. I hve pr. scribed them in my practice ever since." SUPERIORITY OF TUTT'S PILLS. Thoy are compoundod from medicinal subetan . ...... rn f mm Anv Tirnm'rticfl VCD UMt IUCmu.lij ' J j 1 that can in the least degiwa injur tha most deli cate organization, rnty tseurcn, ueauac, iuruj, and invigorate tho entire system. 13y relieving Vrt .nnnrmut livr. ttlpv ck'.HliM! the b'lOOd frOTtt v 1 ' ' . . poisonous hninors, end thus import renewed health and vitality io me Doay, car.siug uio els to act naturally, without which no one can feel well. A TORPID LIVER 13 the fruitful source of many dineaep , prominent m.n nn TlrKiM-iiHis. Siick-lleadache, Co6tivenpss, Dysuntur'. Bilious Fever, Ague and Fever, Jaundice, Illes, Kneuinajism, iviuniry Complaint, Colic, etc r,.tt' Pitta ftprt n rlircct and nowcrf ul Influ ence on the Liver, and will, with certainty, relievo that important orjrtm Irotn disease, ana rcsiora Its normal functions. BOTTl TTTFH VWHT'HT. iTXTZC, 35 MURRAY ST., HEW YORK.' THIS CticaEO Bnrlinicii & Quincy R. R. is rnK DIHECT ROUTE l'.KTWKKN THK Rmmirg Through Cais '-CHtCAGO-- Couitcil Bluffs, CONNECTlN WITH TUB UnionPacific Railroad VOU ALL FOISTS IN NEBRASKA. CUUJJf.l l irro.in.vw, MUST AX A . . IDA no. AND T II II O I - S5 zt s KANSAS CITiT. TOPEKA.ATCniJiON i S. JOSEPH And Hi- SHOUT 1.1 N i: i all Points " the MISSOI7KI. KAss 1 an-.i liOL'filON .V '1'KXAS CK.NTlal. K.VU.l'.OAl'S, PullmairPalace Sleeping Cars. AND TIIE CELERATED C, I. & Q. DIMXO OAKS. I5Y THIS ROUTE All Information about nite of fare will be cheerfully given by applying io C.W. S2IITBI, Traifl Manager. James K. Wood, Ag't, Chicago est b TarvvK ' mm fiTvvrrn dCTiiBEB 17. IS71. -...if. IL.I V. hnj tV.!s Wiiilior anil ynn inenrr Hnillng Wife. I In the beat Uiiicrve' inv"-iil-l. . , f.r will do the woi-K win r.nse. r ui, - - - . Tt.o. u h.. once ttiin Maotiine wort , tt.ro w i rte the lumorriiiif. BDwti'iar, urn miiid hTegitaiuly trtacccnifliau sbwc-lv-wt tjoauaea in rrotuinKat ncd loud MwinJin wvenwui". ho:uJk.p.r. ond th-r i no article ?.f."",,"n o.-nv whir rep ine " J "r ,T3,riar. kt'aiB aii-i the tr.i i K"t trn;ilr' tl.j Mou- 39 S. L'bbcI st Chicago, IUilfc j - KEEN AN & GIIACE. Ml Lipe? Healers. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. PLATTSMOUTII NE15 Also r.iiliiird Hall and Saloon om Main street, four doors from Sixth nt Neville's old place. Ktnre :mi1 silloon Oil Main St. tVO doors east of the Post office. liEST JlIiANDS OF CIGARS, ALES, WINES, AC, AT BOTH PLACES. RrtiiMuiirr The Xante and IMtee. 2liy Keenan & Grace. HENRY BCFCK DEAI.EK IN SAFES, CHAIRS, ktc, inc., KTC, Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES Of all sizes, ready made suid sold cheap for cash. AVitli many thanks foriast p.itrona,". 1 hivl invite all to call and ex.'imine my LAKOK STOCK Or 5 ImJ 1; O ww .77" 5 - . o rs s ' e-t- & O o B CO CO rs 3 C3 . Him a. c. 2j Wmm W Hi J - w - 5 5 0 CO CD c tr. C2 re III'Kj a 2 5 2. l 4 5 T r. 5; A G HAXX JVST urKN'KI) AGAIN'. Xew, Clean, First Clus Meat Shop, n.i Miin street in Fred Krofltlf I'f old stand i.-.-..r, I....K- liNiut fir fresh, lender mvi'.t. -J -. . a as Only 50 Cents per Bottle. It promotes thc GKOWTH, PRESERVES the t'OLOIi, nud i:c:c:t-e- tho Vigor uoid ECllTl ol laa i.aiu. yTE iEJh ,-t,.ia.:;. .n the mack.t by .UK9 " ' ' .... .... Hair. It is a rirtlitful drew tut- 1 rr.liri: , . : . l.. MM,...,! .nrf th. mou SSl'V'S TZ, E 511 rrvl.r.,,. J kne4p.ibehoP.d7aV.'dvB.,heh try Btom aly k mj vtuio v i Wcman's Glcry is Her Eair. LYON'S BATHAIROK MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, 11 LA CKSJI1 Til HOUSE SHOEING, AND WAGON KKPAIRIXG All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly Promptly :0: Horse, 3Iulc& OxSliocing, In short, we'll shoe anything that hr four feet, from a .enr?. to a oinmr. Come and see us. TT-E'W SHOP. on Fifth St.. hetw.-Pti Main and Vine Streets, just across the corner from the 'kw iifci.Ai. or kick. 10y ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, F.nggg, Machine and Plow re pairing, una general jouoing I am now prepared to do all kinds of rftpairing of far;n ;uid otlt'-r nia-liin rv. .is there is a good lathe in tity shop- PETER RADEN, The old Reliable Was on Maker has taken charge of the w auon shop. He U well-known as n Nil. 1 WORKMAN. Xw VVr.oni anil Ituc-I made to Order. SATIS FACTI O N U A RA NTEfU). 1 hjp si.t.h &UCst opposite S.t.rejLfi Stifle v r&hf. few M jbSi $ - :'7r--i---i??.-' X'of Iritis Cv mm II I B '''' ' " -B ft. 1 mm SEWIHB B9ACHIE3E- in workmanship Is equal to a Crononietor Watch, and as elegantly finiGhetl as a first-class Piano. , It received tno nignesx swuru V".-,", -rrr. tennial Expositions. IT SEWS ONEf OURTH FAST- ER than otner macninos. us A , V ' Vu-I There are more WILSON MACHIHES oold n tho United States than tho comb ncd sa cs of a we r f p.'bi r;yrvi n I? itt is 5 P- r? ? ACiifiAU i lOT doing all kinds of repairing JlVCrl k'lil-ii Willi tJO.11 UlUl-Ulli. ' - wits ach Machine, guarantccins to keep It in repair. free of cnarge, ior Ttvo ycary. ot. ---'- k -i Instructions to learn how to uso it. oatisfaction guaranteed, or no pay. fschincs dciivcred freo of Send for Illustrated Catalogue, and ask for samplo oT pending, and our Circular No. 197 for further Instructions for b-jy.ns machine upon terms stated in tno aiaiorj0 acents isfBB oflts orv'?BSf2 PJflPHiPS P.li WANTED., W I LOU HI OKt'JBtU iUSmUiiiZmt-. WW. 827 & 829 Broadway, New York; New Orleans, 5-a.; Ccr. State and Madison Sts.. ChicAgo, Ills.; anJ Gan S rancirco, Cftl. CLARK'S PATENT POST HOLE AUGER Points of superiority over tho old stylo It will boro faster in eX. condition? of soil, -will boro throuprh Soddy liooty, or Trashy ground -without the Help cf any other tool, can bo -used to enlarpo a hole already bored. Sizes made for Tost Holes, Iledpo Plants. Grape Stakes, aD3 Hop Poles. MANUFACTURED BY SEMPLE, DIR3E & 00,. s40RTC 7t TT'RA T, JifPTK MEAT3 A.SD HAllDWAILt srvciALTikti, t13 S Main St., t I.ouin. Prt BuHwrinit tuis od bt tliietil-:it, ilr.t.i lt5 Ui uW papu tiicy ie .d tt. )i:td Cntllt? IU' lias '"'""o'1' r'."m- . vtH - ."ji'-.':1 mm fvl V;A Ks- I t-r-4 fvl in V Ui. r- ? 11 mo ww iMi mi Dress Go-ods, S(a!o Goods, t attcy Goods ami N otionsyott ever saw. fjr say EsotBsBBg f grcEs ie hj filse acre9foots ami Sprinq and Summer Goods f J7 Now ix lvur c.Jianno hound to sell np. I want to jo Eaxt pill 1 WAm;nEDTCHES (U t3ZACH jvH Tli ri'iii-e :ril. 1 ..' M ie. Hint ol Aftr tliP ,a n r. nr.,.. I.;, .lm? R'jntl rirtf nuiltl mi l r' ail f M1 J sE: hitj 1 II II "V-Vik.- 3sjrS WARRANTED WATCHES ONLY $3 EACM. " 'VJ v - - -- Cii J. Z. rt T DICK STREIGHT'S LI V FRY, FEED AND SALE STA BLES. Corner Cth ar.d Pearl Sts. IlOnSr-S l'.OAKDED K V THK DAY, WEEK, Oli SlO.VTIl. HORSES BOUGHT. SOLD OB TBADED. For a Fair Commission. '.TEAMS AT ALL StOlItS. raiucular attention pld to Driving and Training TROTTIXG STOCK. aHim ft A Vl AIt. AKCr.tK wanted. 1J CV H f 3 1 1 ?3 le-ltir:. P.rtic'jl:.:' f m U J. VO-T a. i CO. . Si 1-.. lit: el ... iiu. i WTUT PATCH!, G, THE "WELCOME" SDLO 7 -if HAY RAKE. It diseharpoa itself, and thus eaves almost tho ontiro labor oi the operator. It is r.n invalua olo implement to every farmer. Description will be Rent to parties applying-, who will please state in what paper thoy read tho advertisement. Semplo, Birgo 8z Co., 13 SOUTH MAW 6T ST. LOllt? Iiollte. il0 !nu! 'nc ol ever and ever so cheap and undersell anybody. Hurry ajain next mouth. V I, IS 1 11 fi B4RKRUPT STOCK OF mZlM Tiorr anted for ()i:e Y n h ; Tti:.s '.iniikrni t k r.iwt ti. r:..o , ! o-it Im K J Ti ii''f l Kii'i. Vnlii'i .1. ..'.!; '..1 . J..' :..lvt-i :sl : M't fill' ll T:. I fiv lit;. j-'l:la. fur, tljf in k r M rlnrr r-f nlo of tMi iniikr'i-t ft'irk of k-l .,-.11 I .A t'j I L.,1 r. 7 I t i n t 1 in lif f s" . a i I. ., ?f-ii l 1 1H77, Z4 I The Waltrr Tn lortlrt i: . .- an ol-J i;t.)!? an t ' O p ximiisU '.'ir fvlj.t mirrfnlro r.. -:! f..r W i j nrpuratr !. VV; nl t ! a.u'I i.'h- .i.,ri.t- f-j - iv i. ii re.-:i i oi s:l.). or v.-'.ll s-i j V.i.. If cn:,t itn.-in M f I.J tuir I'lM r i.i ;it'-. ii iii n .urn w fv , iuir lia r j.t -:i-. li t a -h v .it-h u. A i ln t m. . i i; : ..... ti E or.ttra !' Vuiii.- Fmwirllnj: '.. "J ic 1V1 l-.I.M nTKl.l.T, I i V 1 .. A I I. (. -Z 5 rPTOWATCII W"l.riLTilt " n;i t .it, -inir Ui h ftttentloii to ih'.-se t at Vi s, as tttejr ci leauily tt Iroia fl f to JJ.OU u. U. I mw: STIIE1G1LT k 3L1LLEH, liar nens Ma n ufa t 'trcrs, SADDI.K.S r.KIDI.KS. COM.AK.i. and a'.l liiiiils ol harness stocl:. c.'tistantly on lliLDll. FRUIT, C ON F E C TIONE Y, AND GROCERY STORE, NITS, CANDir.5, TF.AS COFFEE, SVCAUS, toj:cc?i:.s. FI.OCR, Rfinctr.lx'r the p'aee c. polite 11. ti. Doycy's on Lower Main Street. 21-ly STREIGIIT d- MILLER. tj 5 I j -Sr T ut-t. i tuulaaj " r ""v. UA-f 3 EVll! 1:7 VUV. Bt.. t.-.i'S HI ;