Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, January 30, 1879, Image 3

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    T HE HERA LI).
.rhtfl at - 3 -V) a. ni.
I Dcp:irt at - 5 : a. rn
S :OU p. in.
Arrat los3oa.ia. 1 Dcrart at
2 :I5 p. rn.
WRsrnur via b. ft m.
Arrlr tt t dfip.m. Depart at - 10 roo a. m.
ArrtT at 13 in. I Lk-part at - 1 0 p, ra.
Arrive li 0 in. I Depart at - 1 .-oo p. m.
Xmultnt, 15 cnU a line. Kefnilar adYertl.i
n, ! oenw per line. No advertisement insect
1 lor leas than 25 cents.
Lecal notice at fitatnte rates.
Attorneys and officers of the law win be neld
rKSpntuitble for all lecal notices they hand in,
and all parti demanding proof of publica
tion of any notice will be held for the publica
tion lee td cuch notice.
As.our space U limited, all coiumunfMiMon
sust be brief aod to the point, with bo waste
Thertperl rei.ponirIe for the correctness
accordlni? to copy of paid matter and paid Le
gale, only.
1 An person who takes the paper refnlarty
from the' pos'-offioe, whether direcied to his
txMme. or whether be Is a subscriber or not Is
responsible for the pay.
2 If any person orders his paper discontin
ued he must pay all arrearoRe. or the publish
er may continue to send it until payment Is
made, and collect the whole amount, whether
the paper is taken from the oflice or not.
3 1 he courts have decided that refusing to
take newspapers and periodicals from the post
office, or removing and leaving them uncalled
for Is prima facie evidence of intkxtiox At,
Bell Ringers and Concert to-uight.
Mr. Austin fell from a crib and
broke two ribs on Monday.
Parade by the Oakes Bros' Cornet
rat is shadowing" around, seek
lug whom he may devour.
w Novelties in the One candy lin
at the P. O. News Depot.
Don't fail to secure your sats for
the Oaks Bros. Bell Ringers.
The De Witt Free Press says a
good word for our Sheriff Ilyers.
Go to the Bell Ringers to-uight at
"Fitzgerald Hall.
Chairman Wolfe, comes up and or
ders Letter Heads for County Superin
tendent. Henry Boeck is having brick haul
ed for the purpose of building a new
Go and see the large display of Val
entines of all Varieties atthe P. O.
News Depot.
To-morrow, the 81st, will be forty
eight minutes longer than the first day
of January.
Doubled "Ads" and doubled Local
matter, makes a very gooJ paper to
kindle fires with, etc.
-The river is considered unsafe,
though several horses and a light wag
ou were crossed n Tuesday.
Charley Bibcock, from Weeping
Water p ys up for the IIkrald two
years, and the Inter-Ocean to boot.
Billy Marble's combination troupe
will t here comet i me in February and
give us an exhibition of their talent.
No one should fail ti see Mr. J. Prin
dlt. the grea: American Dialect artist,
with the Oakcs Bros. He will make
you laugh.
The ice men have succeeded in
towiug away enough of the cooling
nrticle to last us tho coming sum
mer. Ruffner & Black are preparing for
their spring trade, as is evidenced by
that 1,000 first-class Letter Heads from
the Hekai.d office.
The Oakcs Bros' Concert and Bell
Ringers are very highly spoken of by
the Press where ever they play. Don't
fail to hear them to-night.
We call attention to the new Ad.
of Ben nemple, Esir., our old butcher
friend, who proposes to do his best to
fill the inter man with good meat.
Juet see the Display of Valentines,
largest assortment ever brought to
riattsmouth. at the P. O. News De
pot. Don't fail to buy one for your
The remains of a Mrs. Smith, who
lived in the south part of town, were
taken to Burlington for interment on
Tuesday afternoon.
Remember the lecture on 4,Self
Help," at the High School Hall, Friday
evening, by Prof. Kellom, the third of
the High School Course.
When vou coma to Plattsmouth don't
fail to go to the P. O. News Depot if
you want choice Candies. Oranges,
Lemons. School books and choap read
ing matter.
The Woman's Temperance Union,
meets at the residence of Mrs. C. Par
rnele this (Thursday) afternoon, at
three o'clock.
Tickets for sale at J. P. Young's
for the High School Course of lectures,
consisting of five lectures and school
exhibition, only one dollar. Next lec
ture Friday night.
We get the Black Hills Daily Her
ald from Fred Dorrington every now
and then. From perusing its pages
we judge Fred is developing consider
able musical ability out there.
Mrs. Fleming, of Lincoln and, her
brother, Frank Hager, a Machinest
from this place, started for Creston on
Monday, in answer to a telegram an
nouncing the death of an Aunt.
Happy Cal, f visage dark, who
resides upon High School bill, is an un
failing source f amusement to the
school children, with his pranks aad
fun, and Cal. Junior marches them
round at the tap of his drum, in fine
Some of the boy? put tin adver-j
tisements of somebody's patent soap in
the contribution box Sunday night, at
th :?cturr, ir. stead of !.cn?st nickel. .
Th- ;--:r ties w!;c- guarai.ti-f.! Mr. Ballr-y '
1 : s ,jo:r-7 1 1; ; nk E?-o".;C-r vrm: !tl ch.ig"
John Fitzgerald is home again.
Mr. Ed. IIi:rali lias gone to Lin
coln. Sheriff Hycrs and Clerk Wells are
Geo. Smith telegraphed Chief Moiri
slon last night that the prohibition bill
passed the House "hooping." ""
Miss Viola Barnes, returned Tues
day from Lincoln, where she has been
visiting friends for several days.
N. Li. Thatcher, an old-time grain
dealer of this city, came down from
his western home n Wednesday to see
the boys.
G. W. Worley of Three Groves, made
the personal acquaintance of the Edi
tor, during a pleasant call at this office
The first of a series of monthly
concerts will be given Sunday evenine
by the Methodist Episcopal Sunday
School at the Church. Remember the
time and place, and attend the Con
cert. Admi&sion Free.
ten thousand dollars' worth of Winter
Clothing must bo sold by tho 1st of
March. 25 per cent, below cost; now
is your time for cheap Clothing. 45tl
The Sheriff over-hauled one Frank
Wendel, at Omaha, for stealing a 820
gold piece and some jewelry from Mr.
Hicks, of this place. He plead guitly
to the charge of petit larceny, and was
sentenced to 90 days in tho dug-wut.
High School Ball.
That means help yoursell up the hill
and up the stairs, and Prof. Kellom
will teach you to help yjself up the
hilly and stairy path of hie, to health,
happiness and prospei ity.
Settlement Notice.
Every one indebted to the undersign
ed, either by book account or note will
please come forward and settle by the
15th day of i ebruary. as all accounts
will be placed in the hands of a collct-
or after that date.
45t3 J. II. BfTTKRY.
Thpy had a dance last week, which
was not a decided success financially.
One reason boys, can be attributed to
the cheap invitation, which gave the
thing away completely. You might
have paid enough for tho same but it
was piinted in such a way that ld
folks to think "cheap job" "cheap
dance." Greenback job work won't
c ill a crowd in this city.
Prof. J. .. Kellom. of Omaha, will
lecture at the High School Hal!, Fii
day evening, on "Self Help." This lec
ture was prepared for the voting men
of Omaha, to whom it was first deliv
ered and where it met with great suc
cess. Although prepared especially
fcr young men its interest is not con
fined to them, but extend to all. old
and young, and we hope to see all turn
out and welcome; Prof. Kellom, one of
the leaders in educational matters in
A. F. A A. JI.
The members of Plattsmouth Lodge
No. C, will hold a strictly Masonic fes
tival at their Lodge rooms on the
evening of the 22d of February. It is
to be in the nature of a pleasant so
cial re-union of Master Masons, their
wives and daughters, at which plain
refreshments will be served, and ap
propriate and music become
a part of the evening's entertainment,
All entitled to aid and assist in this
endeavor to make th.ngs brighter and
smoother for the fraternity and the
people are cordially invited to attend.
Saturday evening, Feb. 22d.
The two lectures given by Com
pradore G. W. Bailey on Friday and
Saturday evenings of last week were
fairly well attended, and on Sunday
evening his lecture on Religions of
China was delivered to a crowded
house, which spoke well for his ability
to maintaiu an interest in his hearers.
The lecturer labored under the disad
vantage of extreme fatigue on the first
evening, having traveled all the pre
vious night, but nevertheless manfully
filled his part of the contract by en
tertaining his audience the usual time,
and fairly introduced the subject of
China and the Chinese," which he
more fully enlarged upon during the
secondeveningillustrating 1 y his many
Chinese articles, the various parts of
his lecture. He wa3 dressed in full
Chinese costume (minus queue.) the se
cond evening his costume being the ar
mour worn by the soldier of China.
Just here we may remark that many
objected to the severe ephithets he ap
plied to the American Nation and to
the Free Thinkers, but his severity
against many practices of his own
country, as he claims China to be, aud
especially against her soldiery, was
equally severe.
Taken all in all, although very differ
ent from what we expected, Compra
dore Bailey on " China and the Chi
nese" was a happy choice for the open
ing lectures of the High School Course,
and has left the people, we think, with
an interest in and a disposition to at
tend the remainder.
Want a load of oats want some
dry wood want some more corn. Hur
ry up and bring it along. Two cents
a bushel above the market price for
corn brought in on old subscription.
For Sale,
A good Pipe Organ with three regis
ters of Pipes. Churches in want of a
good Organ will do well to examine
this Instrument. Apply to
Jamtts PTTirn,
Go i
Alf 7v.L-i
una ii
at one? -'3 ;
i:03Ei:TSIIAZEIiTINK At the" residence of
the Jlride's father near South Bend. t.';iss Co.,
Nebraska, on the lath of January 1873, by the
Kev. KIdcr White. Mil. John K." Komcisrs to
Mis.t Harah Hazeltixe ; a.l of Chm County,
The tJ room is a brother of our Joe Roberts
and the IIekaeo most sincerely wishes the
newly wedded pair health, Lapplnces aud pros
Another of 'Em.
Good news! Glorious triumph of the
cause! &C, &c. We are creditably in
formed that Sam. Barker, our Sam.
has become a prohibitionist, got con
verted down at Lincoln lost week. He
went to hear Doctor Miller, and be
came a prohibiter from that "minit."
You see, the Doctor's story about the
man who could never pass a saloon
took Sam's eye and tired his imagina
tion. The next day after the lecture
he and Mart. Cutler look the freight
up to Ashland, where Mart, and oth
ers were to deliver a lot of cattle. Af
ter they had fixed up the stock they
strolled up town. It was late at night
and they approached a well-known sa
loon. Grasping Mart's arm with s
firm grip, Sam. says: "Now, Mart., you
don't believe I am converted to tem
perance. I am. Dr. Miller did it
Now, just see me march by that sa
loon mind, now, keep 'long side of
me and see that I don't go in." They
marched way by, head up and with
proud step; ILen reverse. "Now.1
says Sam, "see me go back on her.'
So back they went. As they passed
the doer Sam. peered inside intently
No light was visible no anxious-eyed
bar-keeper, seeking to devour, was
there. "Blast the old thing," contin
ued Sam., "there's no light in her; if
there was we'd stop and have a drink
but, I did go by it once, now, didn't
I, Mart?"
Notice Steamboat Manufacturing Com
pany of Plattsmouth.
All the Stockholders and members
of this company are requested to meet
at Geo. S. Smith's office on Friday
night, February 28, 1879, at 7 p.m., to
make a final settlement of all unset
tled laws, and the transaction of such
other business as may come before the
meeting, also for the purpose of elect
ing fficers of the company for the en
suing year.
Br order of Board of Directors
Improred Lands for Sale.
D. II. Wheeler & Co. have a fine
piece of land to sell, 100 acres of new
breaking replowed, and in the finest
condition for spring wheat. The tract
contains 240 acres 110 acres of break
ing good grass land pasture of V0 acres ;
running water in abundance; dose to
market and good school. This is a
bargain for any person who intends to
buv laud the coming season who in
tends putting a crop in and save the
rent. The opportunity will only be
offered for a short time, as the party
will ga east soon. Call and see Wheeler
& Co., for terms and price. 44t2
A certain mau got mad at the editor
and stepped his paper. The next week
he sold all his corn at four cents below
the market prices; then his property
was sold to pay taxes because he only
heard of the convention three day after
it adjourned ; lie lost ten dollars betting
on Mollie McCarthy ten days after Ten
Broetk won the race; he was arrested
and fined eight dollars for going hunt
ing on Sunday, and he paid three
hundred dollars for a lot of forged
notes that had been advertised two
weeks and the public cautioned not to
negotiate for them. He then paid a
great Lig Irishman, with legs like a
derrick, to kick him all the way to the
newspaper office, where he paid four
yeais subscription in advance, and
made the editor sign and swear to an
agreement to knock him down if ever
he ordered his paper stopped again.
A Card.
The great pr pularity the
" Mason & Hamlin Organ
has deservedly obtained in this County
has induced several unscrupulous ren
ders ofothtr organs to resort to various
tricks to dispose of their organs. The
last that has come to our notice is
informing our friends that they have
secured the agency for sale of the Ma
son & Hamlin Organ, but of course
they assert that they only furnish
them to parties who will have no oili
er. For the information of Friends
of the Mason & Hamlin Organ I will
say these men are Frauds and that
only the gentlemen named below can
furnish the Mason & Hamlin Organ.
If other agents are appointed in the
County due notice will be given in
this paper. James Pettee, Special
Agent. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Office
in Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Store.
Conrad Sciilater, Esq., Louisville,
Neb.; Mr. F. P. Tiiomvsox. Bush
bury, Neb. 4-R4.
The Death Rate or
Our country is getting to be fearfully
alarming, the average of life leing les
sened every year, without any reason
able cause, death resulting generally
from the most insignificant origin. At
this season of the year especially, a
cold is such a common thing that in
the hurry df everyday life we are apt
to overlook the dangers attending it
and often find too late that a Fever or
Lung trouble has already set in.
Thousands loose their lives in this way
every winter, while had Vouchee's Ger
man Syrup been taken, a cure would
have resulted, and a large bill from
a doctor been avoided. For all diseas
es of the Throat and Lungs, Jioschee's
German Syrup has proven itself to be
the greatest discovery of the kind in
medicine. Every Druggist in this
country will tell you of its wonderful
effect. Over 950.000 bottles eold last
year without a single failure known.
HOME markets.
BErOKTiiD lt F. K. WU1TR.
Wheat, No. 2 pvjT,o
" 3 40frt5
" re 1 ecte d unfit xi
Corn 12JiW134
Oats KXTclJ
Barley, o. 2 ... 2nr,ct
" 3 1543
rejected 2f)ivi
New York. Jan. 23.
at par
Chicaoo. Jan. 2a.
500C?t5 25
3V '
co '.; j
Flour, .
C ijiii, . .
' .' r ' ,v
..1 .-5 C- I
Fine Bo'ots Custom made $.5.00 at
44tf Sherwood's.
For Sale or Rent.
Good second hand Organs and Melo-
dtons, apply to James Pettek, Dealer
In Musical Instruments, Plattsmouth,
Neb. 44tf
Made to order
44tf at Suerwood's.
Notice to Teachers.
Examination of persons wishing to
teach in Cass county, will be at the
following times and places:
At Plattsmouth, 1st Friday and Sat
urday in January, February, May, Au
gust. October and November. At
Weeping Water, 1st Friday and Satur
day in March, June and September. At
Louisville 1st Friday and Saturday in
April, July and December. Notice of
other examinations will be given.
D. D. Maktindalk.
41m6 County Superintendent.
Wanted. Corn, oats, or wood, on
subscription, now, at once. You that
have accounts overdue, here is your
best chance. After January these old
accounts will be sued, sure.
At R. Sherwood's, made to order Fine
44tf Calf Boots S5.00.
Yick's Floral Guide.
A beautiful werk of 108 papes. One Colored
Flower Plate, and 3U0 Illustration", with In
scriptions of the best Flower and Vegetables,
and how to crow them. All for a Five Cent
Stamp. In English or German.
The Flower and Vegetable (larden.175 Pages,
Six Colored Plates, and man? hundred Eugrav
inga. For AO cents in paper covers ; $1,00 m el
egant cloth. Ia German or English.
VicWa Illustrated Monthly Magazine. 32 Tapes
a Colored Tlate in every number and many line
Engravings. I'rlce $1.25 a year; Five copies
for S.voo. Specimen Numbers sent for 10 cents.
Vick's Seeds are the best in the world. Send
Fivk Cmst Stamp for a Flokal (iuum,
containing List and Fricei.and plenty ot infor
mation. Address
JAMES VICE., Rochester, '. Y.
The Mason & Hamlin Organ
Instructor is the title of a New
Work arranged expressly for the use
of Scholars by Mr. Trowbridge whose
Musical ability and long connection
with the Company has eminently fitted
him for the work which he has been
so successful in arranging; the studies
are very progressive and complete and
the collection of music throughout is
fine. Our Musicians are a unit in rec
com mending it. Books can be obtain
ed at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drag Store.
Jamcs Pettee, Agent,
44tf Plattsmouth, Neb.
A large and well selected Stock of
Eastern Hoots aud Shoes at Shwrwood's
cheap. 44tf
Special Notice to Farmers.
All enterprising farmer should send to W EEKS,
UEI.L & CO..30'-i North Fifth Street. Philadel
phia, Pa-, for circular concerning their new Ag
ricultural Warehouse, which they have opened
in that city. They otter to ship anything in
tiie ugricltural line, no matter how xiiKtll the
order, at wholesale cost, direct to your homes,
free of freight charges. They also offer to
farmers the Surprise Corn Hheller for the nom
inal sum of two dollars. It 1 the bet liaud
machine In the market, will shell one hundred
busheU of corn por day ; any boy or girl on the
farm can use it ; it i." neatly iind Kiihstaiui:illy
made in fact, it it is the most durable machine
in ue. They also offer their Philadelphia
Broadcast Seed Sower for six ilollars, twelve
hundred of which are now ia use. Every farm
ei should have one.
Special rates given to reliable farmers who
will act HsawiiU. Cah must accomiiany or
Send all money bv post office money order.
regimered letter or expresn.
circular mailed iroe to every iarmer in tne
United states ou application to
44U North Fifth Street, I hila , Ta.
Ladies, Gents and Children's Under
wear. Cotton Flannels, lied Flannels.
Linsey and Jeans, at
E. G. Dovey & Son s.
by buying
31 tf at Merges'.
Itockwell keeps hardware and
queensware. and by Jove he keeps ma
chine oils too.; and I declare, he keeps
patent medicines also, so there is no
use of staying sick. 28tf.
T.-wkwpll ha inst rpopivpd nitin
chests of choice teas, which he sells at
from 25cts to SI per pound. The best
bargain in teas you ever saw. 28tf.
We sets that Merges got the premium
again at tne state l air on his own
work for beauty and durability, lie
really does make fine and good work.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
Never Undersold
in Boots and Shoes at Merges. 31tf
Remember that for boots and shoes
Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He )
t. 1 A, A. ft i A f
has a large assortment
Boots and Shoes Cheap,
call and examine prices at
Sltf Merges'.
See Mr. King's Ad about
Nurseries. 38tf
Rockwell keeps clothing and gent's
underwear. 28tf.
County Orders will be received at
this office in pay for subscriptions, at
their market value, always. Remem
ber that. 41tf.
Don't buv that nasty, dirty, steamed
lard, when you can take your can to
J. W. Marthis and have it tilled
with prime, white, kettle, rendered
lard, at 6 per lb. cash. 4U4
RockwUl has a full line of Grocer
ies. 28tf.
Market Gardeners, send for Root's
Garden Manual for 1879, fall of in
structions on gardening topics, and
price list of Choice seeds, both sent
FREE, Address,
40tl0 J.B. Root, Rock ford, 111.
Just Received
At Rockwell'b, a very full line of Mil
linery goods of the very latest styles,
such as flowers, ribbons, plumes and
tips, silks, velvets, lady's ties, bonnets
and hats, and many other little novel
ties that cannot bo had at any other
place in town. 28tf.
Those 'wishinsr OTsters can obtain
them bv the can or dish, of the. hpst
brands, cheap, at Henrv ThierolFs.two
doors east of the P. O. S4tf
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of Mav.
1878 all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, wib an inferior quality of
ciears, resorted to by some unprinci
pled ir.r.n u :h.u i; re. .o:ie are geuu-1
ine unless pk-ni.Iy libeled: !
TTTT TTTv Ti' ' ""t
A nice assortment of Repellents
Cashmeres, American Dress Goods,
Ties, liuchitig, Silk Handkerchiefs,
Scarfs, Ladips and Children's Hosiery,
Felt Skirts, &c, &c, at
E. G. DovEt & Son's.
Rockwell has th neatest assortment
of lady's dress goods ever brought to
town. Re sure and see them before
the assortment is broke. They are go
ing off fast. 28tf
Thirty f th beat organ makers of the
World are competitors at the Paris Exposition,
a cable dispatch to the Associated Pre saya
two hichest (old medals have beeu awarded to
me American maimers, juason o. uamiin.
C K. AAA Ai n worth of Farm PRomren
QtljVUU.Ul . r alone can be saved by using
uenunniai tun iLnermivouu. zvij
A fine assortment of Blankets at
29 tf E. G. Dovey & Son's,
Frmripuon Free py
S & . wh-u . b.w Krw Ui ot Ur.WkiUM or - -
Itwraon win will cree to da.
to meulf product.
fUmlornon A Co., 1 ft In ton Flao, Sew Zork.
Rockwell, of Louisville, has just fin
ished his new store, 23x35, which he
has full of new goods. Be sure aud
give him a call we know you will
buy if you do, for he sells very cheap
The Attanta Ga., Constitution,
Recently published a long account of
the destructivenes of the "Sherman
Kat wuicu is c to 4 times as large as
the Northern Rat. On the 17th of
Sep'.ember. 1877, the Manager of this
celebrated paper having tried Centen
nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle
men your "Pizen Stuff knockB "Sher
man Rats," stiff and cold.
Osage, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1877.
Star Manufacturing Company, Fort
Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: TheCen
tennial rat poison, received last Mon
day. e have given three doses. On
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, and we verily believe there is
not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill,
feed, custom and merchant's mills were
full of them, as were also our houses.
cooper shops, bartis and hog pens.
Sir.ce giving them the poison they have
been running round as "crazy as loons
and the river bank is line with dead
rats, in fact it has created a terrible
commotion among them and they have
all left, thanks to the "Centennial Rat
Exterminator, each box of which is
worth a twenty dollar bill. We will
see our druggists and have them send
font. Thanks, thanks. Very respect
fulh E. M. Britts, & Co.
This great economizer for property
holders, farmers, tt at., is for sale by
druggists and general dealers every
where. Price 23 cents, large cans 31,00
Of the East are shocking the world by
their ghastly work, in the West the
grave of the coughing consumptive is
cheated of its victim by the timely
use of that never failing remedy.
llrowo's Cough ISalsiim. This
Balsam does not stupefy with opiates.
but produces easy expectoration and
assists nature in her efforts to cure
herself. Do not neglect that cough
until it is too late. Every delay less
ens the chance of recovery. For clear
ing and strengthening the voice use
llrown"8 Tar Troclscs once and
you will use no others.
Physicians who have tried Uron n's
Arnica. Salve for removing inflam
mation and curing old sores, cuts,
burns, bruises, piles .and sore eyes, pro
nounce it the most wonderful dealing
remedy of the age.
All of these Remedies for Diseases of
the West for sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan
Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and
O. F. Johnson.
43tf Plattsmouth, Neb.
You must Cure that Cough.
With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you
can cure yourself. It has established
the fact that Consumption can be
cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis
eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso
lutely without an equal, Two doses
will relieve your child of Croup, it is
pleasant to take and perfectly harmless
to tie youngest child, and no mother
can afford to be without it. You can
use two thirds of a bottle and if what
we say is not true we will refund the
price paid. Price 10 cts. 50 cts, and
81,00 per bottle. If your Lungs are
sore or chest or back lame use Shiloh's
Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman &
Smith, Druggists.
Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti
pated, have you a Yellow skin, Loss
of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail
ZER. It is guaranteed to relieve you,
and will you continue to suffer when
you can be cured on such teims as
these. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts. Sold by
Chapman fe Smith. Druggists.
Well's Persian Perfume "HACKME-
TACK" is rich aud fragrant, try it.
Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists,
Plattsmouth JS eb. 331yeow
Omaha and South-Western
Railroad Company.
The annual meeting of the Stockholders of
the Cinaha and South-Western Railroad Com
pany will be held at the otlu-e of the Company,
in FlattBmoulh. Neb., on Thurda. February
L'Tlli, cnculiiK. at 10 o'clock a. in., for the elec
tion of Directors and any other business which
may legally come before the meeting.
Jons N. DKMSON.Sec'y.
Boston, Jan'y 20lh,i87S. 45U
Burlington and Missouri Riv
er Railroad Company in
The annual meeting of the Stockholders of
the HurliiiKtoi) and Missouri Kiver Railroad
Company in Nebraska will be held at the office
of the Company, in riattsmouth. Neb., on
Thursday. February 27. ensuing, at 10 o'clock
a. m., for the election of Directors and any oth
er business which mav legally come before the
meeting. John N. Dkmjsox, Sec'y.
Boston, Jan'y 20th, 187.
In Attachment.
State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss :
Anna Allison, plaintiff, vs. Thomas Laugharr,
defendant. In Justice s court, before M. 11.
Foote, a Justice of the Peace in and for Cans
County. State of Nebraska. On the sixteenth
day of January. A. V. 1S79. said M. H, Foote. a
Justice of the Peace, of Stove Creek precinct,
Cass County, Nebraska, issued an order of at
tachment in the above entitled action against
the goods and chattels of aid defendant for
the sum of forty-idue (S4'j.0.ri) dollars and five
cents and interest at ten per cent. ; aiid the
cause is continued, and time set for hearing is
the twelfth day of March, A. 1). 1R79. at one
o'clock r M. M. H. FOOTE.
4513 JiiKt ice of the Peace.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of ;u order of sale isued by Wm . L.
Wells, Clerk of the District Court within and
fort ass County, Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will on the first day of .March, A. I). 1879. at
10 o'clock, A. M.. of said dav, at the south door
of the Court Iiouee, ia riattsmouth City in said
county, sell at Public Auction the following
teal estate, to wit :
eventy-fiTe(75 feet of the north end of lots
four U five (5) aad six (0), in block five.
White's addition to thcityof riattsmouth.
together wltn the appurtenance thereto be
longing : tue eaine being levied upon and taken
as the propety of William L. Hobb, Hobbs,
R. Hobbs and The Firt National Bank of
Plattjuiouth. Nebraska, defendants ; to s:-tifv
'." '.V!-e. plaintiff. ' t
I'Jausioutii, Neb., Jar.uarrsM b. A I'. :vt i
x. W. HYE'ri?,
"iiij. ci.' C-.. Neb. i
r?T r. h. HCiOXr. '-;?.ty. I'M,.
Executor's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the
tenor and effect of the last will and teslaincut
of Sarah K. tt:ites. ilec'd, which has been duly
admitted to probate, we. her executors, will of
fer for sale on tlve 2-.M dav f February, A. 1.
is.!, between the hours of one and tt 1. M
on said dav the foUowinir real estate, to wit
Fifty-six ami eighty ouc-himdredtii (:' 60-1 U)
acre of land kituated in Ca-s Co.. Neb., and
described as follows : A portion of the west
half (',) of the southwest (iu:urler (VI. section
No. six 6.v. Town ten (lot, range nine (W, ast of
the 6th P. M. Sale to take ulace on the prem
ises. Terms easli or reasonable time with ap
proved security.
Wm. It AKN'oLD. VExecutors,
In the Second Judicial District Court held in
and for Cass County. Nebraska. Chrixliaua
Somerlad Pi'tf vs. John B, Case, Sarah Case
r w, nievens. aeienuani.
T the above named defendants :
You and each of you are hereby notified tht
. k. .,.1. .1 . - . I - , , A n , 111 .1.
vii iur out way ui rcuiuar , jy i wiuuiovc me
Hon. 8. It. Pound, judge of the above naraod
court. In chambers, at the office of the Clerk of
the District Court of Lancaster County, for an
ordercoutlnning the sale, in the above case by
the Sheriff of CaM County. Nebraska, of the
souiuwest quarter oi section no. tuirty (so;,
township No. eleven (11), north of raice No.
nine (9) east of the Cth p. ni.. and directing the
saiasnerui to make a iwil tosaia premises.
L. C, Bt'RH. Atr'y. 4513
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue or on order f sale i ued bv Wm.
L. Wells. Clerk of the District Court within and
for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed.
1 will on ttie zstn flay ot February, A. D. 1870,
at 10 o'clock. A. M . of sid dav. m! tlie Month
door of the Court House, iu said County, sell at
Public Auction the following real estut J, to it :
The north half Oi) of the northeast quarter (V)
of section twenty-nine t2ai, township No. ten
(10). north of range No. twelve (12), east of the
6th P. M..ln Cass County, Nebraska ; the same
being levied upon and taken as the property of
Sam 1 8. Holverstott. Harah Holverstolt and
Win. Madelmann, defendants : to satibfy a
judgment of f aid court, recovered by Addisou
f. nmuii aim oninuu mill, pimmiiis.
riattsu outh. Neb., January 2ft h. A. D. 1879.
4-ta K. W. HVEKS.
SberlH Cass Co., Neb.
Sheriffs Sale.
Bv virtus of two executions Issued bv Wm I
Wells. Clerk of the District Court within and
for Cass County Nebraska, and to me directed,
I wil on the 4th day of March. A. D. 1S79. at 11
o'clock A. M., of said day, at the south door of
the Court House in said county, sell at Public
Auction the following real entate, to wit : Th
north half (H) of lot No. three (3). sub lot Mo.
twentj-iU 123), in section tlii: ty-lbree (33). in
township No. twelve (12), north of range No.
fourteen (14), east of the eih P. M., containing
twenty acres more or less ; tne same oeing lev
ied upon and taken as the property of Thomas
I. Karry, defendant ; to satisfy a judgment of
said court, recovered by The State of Nebranka,
ana oy j. r. annex ani t.. uattcer, riatntins.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Ji.uuarv 29th. A. I. 1879.
431S K. Kbits,
Sheriff, Caas Co., Neb.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued by Wm. I-.
Wells. Clerk of the DUtrict Court within and
for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me directed,
1 will on the Mil day of March. A. D. 1879. at
one o'clock P.M., of said day, on the premises
below described, in said county, sell at public
auction the following interests and improve
ments to wit : The interests aud improvement
of Thomas I,. Barry in and to tiie northeast
quarter lU) of section thirty-six (38). township
N. eleven (11). north of range twelve (12) east
oftheuthP. M. in Cass County. Nebranka ;
the same being levied upon and taken as the
Dropcrty of Thomas L. Barrv. defendant : to
satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by
J. P. Aunck aud L. Latteer, plaintiffs.
l'lattsmoutn, eu., Januarv 29tn. A. l). 1679.
45t5 K. YV HYHKS,
Sheriff, Cass Co., Neb.
Estray Notice.
Taken up by the subscriber one dark iron-
gray inare two years old. Said mare was taken
up in Weeping Water precinct the 31st of De
cember. 18TS. The owner of the above described
animal can have the same by proving proerty
and paying cost of advertisina and damaees.
441&- vvm. i;aiij1i.i,.
Taken up by the subscriber, one bftv mare
and one sorrel horse, apparently about 10 years
old ; weight, about l.noo pounds each. The ow
ner of the above described horses can have the
same by proving property aud paying cost of
advertising and damage. Said "horses were
takeii up aud are now held at niv residence on
the east of n. w. s of sec. 25, town lo, range
11, Cass Co., Nebraska.
Hlfct'iiEN SilALI.EY.
By J. Chask, Ag't. 4M
In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the United States, for
the District of Nebraska. In the matter of
VVilliaui H.Seymour, Bankrupt.
Omaha, Nkbrahka, January 15th, 1879.
To whom It may concern :
Take notice hereby, that a Petition has been.
to wit, on the 11th day of January A. D. 17,
nict in saia District court ny v imam li. ey
ni our. of L'nadilla. Otoe Co.. in said District.
who has been heretofore duly declared Bank
rupt under the act of Congress entitled "An
Act to Establish a uniform system of Bankrupt
cy throughout the United : States," approved
March 2,"lst;7, and as amended, for a discharge
and Certificate thereof, from all his debts and
other claims provable under said Act, and that
the first dav of February, isrj, at 4 o'clock, P.
M.. at the oflice of J. U Webster. i.tq..the Keg-
ister in Bankruptcy for said Diistiict at Oniaha
in said Ditricr, is the time and place assigued
for the hearing of the same ; when and where
yeu may attend, and vliuw cause, if any you
Lave, why the prayer of the said petition should
not be granted.
4412 T Al.-U- IS. .AI1 111, CierK.
In Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the United States, for
the District of Nebraska. In the matter of
Clinton B. Jacobs and li. Wilson Jacobs,
Bankrupts. .
Omaha Nebraska, January 15th, 1879.
To whom it may concern :
lake notice Hereby, that a petition has neeo.
to wit. on the eleventh day of January, 1879,
filed in said District Court by Clinton B. Ja
cobs and K. Wilson Jacobs, of Lincoln, in said
District, who have been heretofore duly de
clared Bankrupt under the act of Congress en
titled "An Act to Establish a uniform system
of Bankruptcy throughout the United Slates,"
approved ftfarch 2, 167. and a amended, for a
discharge and Certificate thereof, from all their
debts and other claims provable under Haid Act.
and that the first day of February, 179. at 4
o'clock P. M.. at the oflice of J. L. Webster,
Esq., the Begiider in Bankruptcy for said Dis
trict at Omaha in said District, is the time and
place assigned for the hearing of the same ;
when and where you may attend, and show
cause, if any you have, why the prayer of said
-pennon snouiu not oe praiucn
Probate Notice.
In th matter of the extatc of fathiax Johnann,
acccanca; in uouniy court of vas county,-' e
braxUa :
Notice is hereby iriven that J. P. Hansen ad-
Iniftrator of the estate of the said Mathias
Johnson deceased, has made application for
nnai se'liement, ana that raid cause is set for
hearing at niv office at PlaUxmouth. ou the
31st day of January, A. 1). 170. at ne o'clock
p. m. on satu Hay. at which time and place all
persons interested may be present, and exain-
ue sain accounts., A. si llivax,
Plattsinotith. Jau lGth. 1879. Co. Judge.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued lv Wm.
I Wells, clerk of tho district court within and
for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed.
1 will on the 3it day of Janpary, A. D. 1179. at
luoVlock.a. in., of said dav. at the south door
of the Court House, in said county, sell at pub
lic auction the following real estate, to wit :
The north half ('4) of the north-west quarter
(V) of section 2t twentv-Mx. in townshin No.
(12) twelve, north of range (13) thirteen east of
tne ctn i . m., togetner with the appurtenance,
the same being levied iion and taken as the
proicrth of tli.abeth Brown and Elizabeth
Brown, us executrix of the last will and testa
ment of John L. Brown, deceased, and Eliza
beth Brown, as guardian of John Brown and
Ersklne Brown, minor heirs of John B. Brown.
deceased, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of
naid court, recovered by Susan B. iiininan.
x laiuiiu n. w.itir.KK,
Sheriff. Cns Co. Neb.
Plattsmouth, Neb., January 2nd, 1879.
Shop over the Bonner Sta- j
Seatt i11c!Eaok(i3.irS
Ajinouaocs that be is prepared to furnish all kind of
At Wholesale
L ARBat Wholesale and Retail.
Q-PTTinT A T i T?. A HP TT! T
Given to IIOTKLS.
SHOP North side Main.
Shenandoah Nurseries,
Mr. King desires to thank his old pa
trons for their favors the imst season
and to state that he will ho here about
the Holidays with a full supply of
He earnestly solicits your patronage
for the future; relying on the reputa
tion of the past. Th- se nurseries are
near you, the stock i n eel i mated aud
does better. Call and see. Mr. King
will canvass Sarpy County as well as
Cas9. Remember the name and the
placa 34tlS
On Lower Main Slrcot. South Side,
CHE A.3? and Q-OOXX
James Pettee
Musical Instruments,
Sole Appointing Agent for
The I'nrlralled aiaison A Hamlin
Also, the Steek. Henry F. Miller, and Ilallet
& Cumstnn llanos for Cass and Warpy counticr,
eb. cm and see
at office. Sixth, one door south of Main St.
Music Scholars
Will do well to examine our
New Mason & Hamlin
Manufacturer of and Doah-r In
Done with Neatness! Dispatch.
1'. nnlv Blare In town where "Tiirlev'n pat
ent self adjustable horse collars are sold."
Drugs? Medicines
All Paper Trimmed Free of
Stationery, Magazines,
Latest Publications.
Prefteriptlons Carefully Compounded
East of Platte Valley Houae.
In the Town.
Gool Teams Always on Hand.
Careful Drivers sent with car
riagea if desired.
Carriages Bent to Depot to ntct sil tia.ns
whenever ordered.
Fr:-!f :'ec " S .m:: f'H-'-'!- ) j
- 4" i"UtAj.:i;-.:i . i. I
or Ketuil ! f ""
Between 4th and 5'h Streets. 1.
M J'Jf U y J 1 f ' A larr, ntw i comj
V. I J 1' t V i W UoK. cm ilia iiiif K.
A larr, ntw ! wmplat Onld to
inptrt A
NHrrtl-n uf
Wil-, t,ir1rit l irrittitt. Tft
lr si. ..., tv; to riri'lt'cr1" Auvim to fturr-a.
A1 it to irr, fo iliitiun, --, OkehAr-jr
Mirn'ti:T tnu;tt J. CeiiKuflriil tluli, Cuirfptlon, Om
ft mnU liro Kt i 'iinnii, JuttM-iliiuorL to Mrrtf
iniRif K'l'l ft-rriM St-itnoo l Jt priuctiin. 8mji Ki
rnHjtM, l.i r wf yirtinf, 1 nw tr Divert-, Lr ribt
TV ore on, thrr rut ni imUit.rut- A f"r priwm
CrViA,''i. bv ma.,. tr GO cciita.
Th Privato Medical ArvlBr."
ow n!tr, r-1 ""T trtntrut, 4U 4 4 p.t in '
v uft.or rrmpu fr t1" ru f private mc4C j tn,V
lMnw nn Tranhoo l an.t WomnnUrof, 11 frfi rr
ail tt-re in rua i.:cc:.v bmwt vvluiii. $1. 'Ihry cnta)it
6-"0 pre1 ow IJ(J JlliiatrntirDr, mm Warn jr ivvrjr
tiinr n th f nrm'fvft arftcMi t'tat la wwflh kauwinx, tuuA
muca tttt ri bof puhjkhtU in any other uik. J . eoui
l: ir-l vclumt ia poaiiivi-'y l it trat l uiiaUr &tt(J!ral i)u4kt
1 hyirtn t'f many y.-ar practice-, (, ia r
the advtca riv-n. a'jtl KkUi flr trrarmn.t
rf knii(,li mod
i t laid dtimn,
T.wfuuiiu ei STTt Ta!n foVvoMaulirriiia; f.i in tmpuritk-
of tb -nit early Tjjar, or av rf the numv
tM trutttoN ci--.a(C wrlrr Hi a hva4 f PrtratM or
" C'hrcnio" t!"ta. ut li khjc rrtumf.ur ompiara
In !: U t Yncm in tamp, friWvr tr ( arnmry. twiicuU
U'.ion cunCtiautMl anl Uttrra am pr-mpf r and trajikiy
mnuwrri v-itSnut charr.) Adilrwat Pr. BuMa' Dianten
(cry, 12 X. Ch rt-, Ft. Lua, Mo. (atabiUiAOd lt47 )
I f For talo by Newt Doalort. AGENTS wanterf.
jf ru. M ITH iiTitrt all Trm mfWlnc frmrn V
fl KLTlflir; to a-il It ii their auU tj-i Q
t a hrrnhy 'uti liimi th.t i-y t'i if W "
to t-ie.r ftCvujtAt- 2iol aTrufVt V
A m nr.l-'r iilkeCTr r
aI Nw litmiif in MrA
irl tvitntf, an rl:tln If
New ai.ti ,tn.y ifl. t
ip I( ti ti t mtly
tul I'fininnftit Cmt u1
tfctnijiM Itnlaiona to
Impotrrty l Kc trtf
true Wry, t: Lfirvafc
Ari'lit rTifin lo iht itnti-
r!p! A-at of th iMii, aci.wg by Ab ftrpt ion. vrr
I it; tta Bit-S,r iiirtii-n. on t.i frcmiivl cm pica
uUtry DurU.-roU ate d U r tU: a. 'i hvttf
I S ftrtnedy la a'ttihJ v iiafvi ptm t r rtnv( n.fro,
tt is ruicaly di"ltl atil n l.urlccl, proAmnr an
lirKicdiate aot'thir and rwaioratl e rftu- itj on ifi ra
ual'and Mwrvutta oi.ania Jfn -rrkei Inn o:i-i.h(
J rictfffi. ;uj.p4fi4 tlit drain um I U itatfif rir
inp I'm: mind to trltli l i&ll'I ni mr r,v, rp-
hr Din3 ii of biclit- Hr.rV iUi J'c 'l!t.T." Cor fualcii
of Idna, Avrio:i to flG4j.ti y. tio.Vvo. ik l (ht rrar
inM f prom-i'.ura oi l aro ttn..v irrmn.y.M)r i-.ta
Lroul., and rvftwiinft H-' hi a A Vlp;cr( whar it Itaa
been flrniaiit luryov-. 'i Uta n tKt if tr atiiMrut liai at t
Ih-t'-nlln Tf ry n-vrro cr.a-4, i tiur a prrtnrai
lurcit. Orfia;a are t-o mm h ppr4n'd in (Uif trouhlr.
a.!, at r.iw'iy cJ ta naf to, wif'i l.t.t Irt it aiiy .'""d- i i Hnviia abt;i t!t rpar
Wm. rr-rt.t l in t -ld M4 t pr: Int-Jy aua ar-
tta that It will j:ira aatiafaciion. brir (
-rarathat U hjiim rnarMi f, v liave (Muttaaudi
jf t -a! iMfaiftla aa lv i:i vr.lur. Mil It U t-nw ptH-r
cd Ly the .Mfdirl Jrft-- i to V ti iMtt rational
Tiipat wt rtBrTrrrl e-t raK(TS 'tf l H la wrt prr-
aW'fit tr'xibir. laai 14 a .- l knun I 1 In- thr r r na i.('rttud '
jt tarry tw a uianv, ;.d n-" 1 w! .1 qiTfika prrT wnrt
Mifir't" a ttornint r ml l-i f o Itt nn d) I put w
'm a tirnt b i, r nuc t iat a i.;tu' h. r. t m-tt n t n
wrsptt r b m'.i a -ad 1 -r f) 3 lnxr, i uli. rn to
Tr ta prrtiiauit nif ftrjt'n 1.1 rvfr- ri f fl X-r- r
JWlt-a j;tiTi I 'if 1 fli'l tttotith4 I 1 r . ,11 . n
rrt ore ticrt in to arortraf 7 p'tiil T'lKJiClIOlitt
for nair tr wiM wcipary EAC". I CX.
(S mi f r a IrxTtptiva ratnphlit (jivlin A'latomVaTV
Iliuatratioua, whic ci'tit f" -ia iut a iilital T
t1at tiry rta be rrt.r"t t pfrtcvt uiai Hfitl . and m
fl-.ied for l he !utir of I f-, rni )( nrvr RiTotwd. M
Errt Scaled for i'.ukp to i uo. Sold O.VLY by liia'
Market and 6h. S.t. ST. I.OUI3, MO.
Privaic HnapltaJ, VU
8 ( Krk ht.,rhrrArr,
lll.0 7"Pnrciaiiy,atl
frit a la, t b raatc and
Penal lisrra.
Coaulutlua free.
I.ailoa oi Oent tr
mrn. arfl oo dilr
for iimpH hrjd
rubtitr yrMvcin, awl
aaluali'r taformactnu
l cxprtM. llclta
ble f nil Pill.
prr Ix.i. Private
hotni aui nitr for
Lulifai duriLg con
finantrni. A ua erwrk. prira
riita kr mail. Mrai.
rira of Nature, I'bat.
aUht of Marriaaa, Or
ran of Ornrrattaa.
lPtr of Tovtb ao4
klanb'MI ; a waalta
ch-n aiv-t valuabi !, f tuurrat
to tVrib aiea. Hothiac
jtf-naiv to cnod taJla
and r'linrtMaiU Inlar
RiaJlon ntirr brfera
I'Utiit-hr't. N' f unity
houl'l withnfit li.
C 'A'Vt-itm. Ur. A. O
ttl.lS -na Urk H
aad MORPHINE habit .
lufrly attd nrfH.f cwrra. J ia
baa. No ijultlartl. Send atMm0
trtr full aartiruiara lrr (arMWaw
1 StXi tt. CWk at., CUcaa, 10.
.i - try.1 .
isi:i i-ViTiii?
Boston Public Schools,
Mass. State Normal
The New England Conser
vatory of Music Ex
Philadelphia Exhibition 76
No ctlier llano Forte house, with one exp
lon, received more Mian one.
During the Concert Season of 1976, 77,
tlieso Vision were nvd in IV.too and riolnlty
in more than concerts.
TLe waon of l('f?7 and '18 promise a atlll
greater mimbw to be added to the list.
Notices of Concerts.
"Keniarkablc for t purity, rirhncts and ey-
ennets of tune." Hostou Jtvirnal.
"Xo iUfli instruments linve beon liPxri ia li
f.owell nmnert room l)fore." Lowell (ilui.j
Daily Citizen.
'Stirpawn HTivthlnz of the kind preyioualy
heard m our eity." Iell Vox repull.
"UiieqiiaKptl i,y any that have heen tued It
our cuDctsrta." Louisville Uaily Courier.
bat been appointed aent for these clVrat4
Vlattsincuth. Keb.
i ms r-rtrar niouigai nrvmvr-
rn Gyr"iuii,UonoiTrn. Uici,Mrioiun-, rloeT?1t
l-.. ijuvn !vpcrmnlorUaa. Snual Lh btiity, inti Iio
Cowtrwy, i out is i-diiv mmi rHtuic iM Uiitu
ruitist. N rmtrtrti. Avrr'uti it hi-H-tv. L'Mi.fuiitm