THE HERALD. B. & M. R. R. Time Table. Corrected Friday, OituUr 1$, l'OK OMAHA KUOM I'l.ATTSMOl'TII. leaves 7 :00 :l. in. Arrives 8 . in. " Z r. m. " 3 u'M p. "I. FKOM OMAHA FOIi I'I.aTTSMOUTH. Leuvos :.") u. in. A rrives 11 :"0 a. in. C :txi p. in. ' ' lK Ul- FOIi Tin: west. Leaves I'laitHiuoiifli 10 :i-" Arrive Lin coln, 1 .'.' ji. in. ; Arrives Kearney, a: 05 J. in. Freight leaves 9 :oo a. in. Ar. Unjoin 2 :00 p.m. FKOM THE WEST. leaves Kearney. 6 :22 a. in. Leaves Lincoln, 12 :15 l. i- Arrives rinttsniout li. 3 :() p. in ITeijrlit leaves Lincoln U : a. m. Arrives iMaltMii'JUtli, 5 :0t p. in. ClOINt; EAST. Fpres. 6 :1 j a. in. l'assener, (train each clay) 3 :r0 p. in., except SatunUy. Every tliinl .Saturday a train con nect at the usual time. li. V. K. K. Time Tabic. TuMna Effect Monday, Aoc 4, 1878. fcOLTHVVAKM. Arrivm "1 Avr S :2l p. in. Leaves Hastings, 7 5 p. in. lue Hi!!, . . H ::,H p. in. f 'owlf s, 9 -.47 p. III. J l:el Cloud. 10 p. in. OUTlIVAICl. L-ves Arrives Cov.itu 4 51 H. in. liiue Hl!l,....r a. in. A vr fi :. a. in. lied Clou J, 4 :00 a. in J llasiuiirs 7 : a. in. KIMVAL AND IiEI'AUTL'UE OF l'LATTS- MOUTH MAI US. EASTERN, JCOKTHKRIf & SOUTH K UN Arrivf at - D :".( a. in. Depart at - 5 :20 a. in. - 3 :O0 p. in. OMAHA VIA II. . !. Arrive at 10 :.o a. m. I Hepart at - 2 :13 p. in. WKSTKIi.N VIA H. A M. Anrire at - 3 :15 i. ! Hepart at - 10 :00 a. m. n KiiSi; vva rut. Aslve at 12 :n in. 1 ep;irt at - 1:00 p.m. i:. k r.i.t r ri . inmn' sui.i.ti. Autvei.l 1:! :ii in. I p.'.it at - 1 :"0 p. in. .J. W. MAKSHAI.L. V. M. n n : a l a i v 1 1 : r i s i : m i: N ts. Trn'isi. rit. tents a line. Keular adven'.s n. Ii r.jnts per line. No advertisement iyseK ol fur less tlian 2i ivlils. l-eirnl notion t Stntvte r:U-. AlHlint -y ami nll.eers the liw will be Held rei.f! lor all lejral lu.tiees Iliey hand in, nu't All paitles demandiu;' .:i proof of pnhliea tmn i( ;.!iv noliee will he held toi t'uC tul)iica Uun fto vl such notiee. COMMUNICATIONS. A our "pa'-e is limited, all eorninuniea'ions jiust be brief and to the (x. int. with no rvaslu f words. Th paper is repiis!:!e for the corrrefiievs Kciniliiif In copy id paid matter and pnid l.e f als, oi.'.y. 1. Anv person v. lu t:kes the puper if;ul:irly from tin? piii.'-nn'i ''. ulietluT'-Ved to his urine, or w IK-Iiiei-h i !s a subi-: ioer or not-i.s I espuiisii-'.e for til'- 1. li any person unleis his p:i;T i!i-.-onti!i-tie J. he mutt pav a!i ai if.unes. nr the puldish "ernav eor.Mii'ie to mini :t rm.i pa.ii.ent is maoe. ami e'lii-el I ile liol- ami'iint. wiletller tlie is fi'.-n Uoiii the ohlfe or out. 3. i lie e.mrls have ilei-ldi'd that K-fiis!ii to IaKo iiewsiiMpers and iieiiu.P.eals ln!si tile po-t .fTe. or removing and Itavlmi tliem iinea.led lor, is priini u ic evlvU'iiee of lMKN J IoNAl. rr.Ain. LOCAL KWS .So "WYrkl :iehs Vtt!(?:aent notice on ul! old istofc j'.ccounts. Nov.- si lewnlks are to be built on J'p:co;;il hiil. wc umlei stninJ. Ilurrnh ! ('wo. Hiililrry, of Vac V. S-z M. sjiraiiicil hU ankle while uut hunting Just week. T. 1). Williams u the A front for IM.lparu'ii 1 1 i-sU-n y of tin? I'tiili-il -State.-'. ;i work hiT lv l tC'.lilileliueil, nlsu a I'.i.'Ie . Y. V. Morrison intently having boat .1 nc by Satunhiy or Sunday at least ami all tiiose v. isbinfr to take a li'Iu up the liver mnst be on hand. The winds rimse on Tuesday and Mowed tlifi dust on Main Street all down in tl;o river. Maybe that'j what inakra t!;e water so muddy. Presbyterian eako and coffeo So cial at Mrs. J. X. Wise's. Thursday evening, Peeeiaber l'2ih, an invitation is txtended to all. 3Tt2 -Wo are sorry to learn that Mis. Geo. .Shu'ei's little K'rl fell front a trei on Tuesday morning last aa I injiired her self so severely that fears are enter tained of her recovery. Harry Hon land our enlerprisinfr waou and carriage niakt r several handsome new wagons and buggies on the stocks. Howiaud is a No. 1 work man when he goes at it. Mr. Chirk Newton his bought a lot opposite th3 Catholic church and is building a neat little hoiue, and not so very littlo cither. (loo.l idea, Clark. A home of own is a fust rate thing to have. There will be a Temperance re-union at Fitzgerald Hall to-morrow night where there will be some music, more tlk and promenading, and all the cof fee, cake &c, that everybody can eat. FHEi: TO ALL FP.IK.DS OF TIIK OfiDEIt. Mr. Morrison's boat has a handsome cabin and Pilot house on h?r now and they expect to move her out in the Stream o.s soon as Wayman sets the nerv boiler in. Where they may go is uncertain, but the lys are bound to have a ride in the new boat somewhere. Remember New Year's day, young men, and old men, and celebrate by calling oil all your lady friends. The Heuald will soon have somo new card "Script" and J. P. Young will havo numerous samples of cards for you to choose from. He will take your orders for the same, and have them ready on time, in the latest styles at reasonable rates. -The P. &. M. folks have another En gine almost doue and have refitted and repaired coach No. G till she looks like a Director's Car. Wo feel almost afraid to sit on the handsome, puffed up, new cushions as we journey to the Junction and back. We hate to tell it but they knocked her hind sights off Monday night, since we wrote the above. The Regular communication of Plattsmouth Lodge No. 6. A. F. and A. M. will be held at their Hall on Monday evening December ICth, 1S78, at which time the annual Election of officers will take place, a full attend ance of the members is requested. Transient brethren are fraternally in vited to visit the Lodge. Ty order of the W. M. J5, IT. Vwir; r.' ir. Secretary. Personal E. B. Lewi3 has been spending Thanksgiving week in Plattsmouth. Charley Pinkham's Ball at South Bend turned out a success. Forty tickets were sold. Eddie Cagney, of the State National Bank at Lincoln, visited our city and his friends last weeu. Judge O'Donahue sees the TIi:kali and goes one six months better on us, and the Judge has lots of business too, these days. Miss Martin, of Bellevue, who came down to spend Thanksgiving with her friends in Plattsmouth, returned home on Monday last. Hon Moses Stocking was in town last week, ho wanU us to come up and get a wagon load of (Ireenbacks in Saunders County. Doctor M. M. Butler, of Weeping Water called at the Heuald oilk-e Friday last, trimmed up so nice Ave hardly knew him. T. D. Dudley, miller, at Weeping Wa ter, was in town Tuesday, looking as floury not (llowery) as any other man ufacturer of the staff of life. Misses Dakin. Bennett and Dur.dy, from Brownell Hall, returned on Sat urday afternoon, accompanied by sev eral friends as far as the Junction. Ceo. Smith couldn't get a Turkey for Thanksgiving and so ruined a butcher shop down town on chickens alle same he ought to be thankful for that. Isaac Tolland of Greenwood and Mr. Thornton of the same place were in town Friday and Saturday of last week. Both gentlemen are looking well and feeling happy we opino. Mr. John Edmonds, of Three Groves, returned yesterday morning from Schoolcraft, Michigan, where has been settling up the estate and accounts left by the sudden death of his Father. He reports business a. rather dull in Michigan. Daniel Wheeler, Jr., Cadet and Cor poral (so says the Itepublican) came home to spend Thanksgiving we were going to hay with the old folks, but from what the IIkkald saw with one eye, we will change that and say the younj L no people. Col. Messmore, a brcther-in-Iaw of Mr. Vivian, and Editor of the Daily Democrat, at Grand Kapids, Michigan, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vivian, this wee!.'. The Col. thinks he has one of the best papers in Michigan and makes it red hot for all that oppose him. Personally ho is a fine looking gentleman of the old school and al though he crossed the Missouri on a raft forty years ago, he can dis count the boys at hard work, fun or business to this dav. HALF A CEML'KV. And as Young a Ever. i:itn:t:A v tahty. The Heualm was tin pleased recip ient of a hug" s'ics of birthday cke from the hands of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Parmele on Tuesday. It sjonu that Monday was the 50th birth lay of Mr. C. II. Parnuda on which he had the pleasure of seeing ail his family, ex cept his daughter Myrtle. g-iLhered about his board. Such reunions must i e very pleasant and when a m:i looking as young as brother Parmele can say I have just celebrated my fiftieth birth day and say it with the laugh anil spar kle and vigor of thirty it is still more encouraging, fr his friends may well hopa that ho will see the other half of the century, or if not, como so near it that I he rest of us who are younger but not so good looking may well des pair of catching up witli a man like that even in fifty years more. A span of horses btdonging to somo farmer became frightened about I o'clock Monday, and started some where on Gil Street, ran around Shan non's house and across 4th Street bridge, then up Main Street. Will Viv ian, on seeing the team coming, turned his mules down into Waterman's lum ber yard, to get out of the way. The " runners" turned also, and catching up with the mules, sin ashed the rear end of Will's wagon box with the tongue. No other damage was done. The horses were caught by Doc. Jones and driven out on Main Street where the owner once more took possession. Lost, a fine White Setter Dog with brown spots, about one third brown. Knows his name Fido any information that will lead to recovery of said Dog w ill be suitably rewarded. Wavekly, at Tewksbury mill, Weeping Water. 37t3 ' Marshal Murphy captured four professional thieves at Bock Point on Sunday last. They borrowed a Gov ernment boat at Omaha and when tak en seemed to be well fixed for a long voyage. On searching them a full set of burglar's tools were found and each one of them had a long knife. the only arms in their possession. Deputy Sheriff Grebe came down from Omaha Monday and took 'em home. As they rode up handcuffed, two and two, they were objects of great curiosity to all the women and children, besides several grown men, who supposed they weie desperadoes from Afghan. First find time take Notice. It is now nearly aix months since I went out of the Store- and general mer chandise business. Many of those ac counts me not paid yet. 1 must have these accounts Settled and the books of that concern closed by th 1st of January next. Friends please come up and settle this month; for all old ac counts unpaid on January 1st, 1S79 will sorely be placed in Collector's hand-i :nd collected at th debtor's ex pense. .;:t3 V, Wr.fKnACii. IllNKLK'S riUC ESCAPE. Huiple, Cheap and Effective. Every man with a two story or more house can afford to secure his family from being caught tip stairs with the stairway oh fire. Can be put in oper ation in live minutes aud on emptying one room can be changed to another side of the house in five minutes or less. Teritory for sale on liberal terms. Apply to James Pettee, Plattsmouth, Neb. The above Fire Escape has been ex amined by many of our business men and pronounced in every way perfect, and adapted to the saving of life in case of sudden fires. It should meet with ready sale aud in fact no large buildings should be without one of these lire escapes. Prof. Cooic's Entertainment. Prof. Cooke, the world renowned ex poser of all Spiritualistic Shams, gave an entertainment at Fitzgerald Hall on Friday and Saturday evenings last. The IIehald attended on Saturday and was much interested in the exhi bition. Prof. C. uses no clap-trap, makes no elaborate motions, neither sighs nor groans, but tells what ho is about to do in a straight forward man ner that wius respect. Of course we have all seen the exposa of untying the ropes, and the cabinet tricks are so old that no one believes now that spir its ever had anything to do with the manifestations, yet it is always inter esting to the younger ones and to all who have never seen them explained or who do not remember the furore of spiritualism that swept over the coun try twelve or fifteen years ago when the Davenports were in their glory. Aside from this however Prof. Cooko has with him a Yery wonderful person, Miss Crawford, a Clairvoyant of great power. A dozen to twenty questions were written on paper and shown to no one but kept in the writer's pocket and she answered every one correctly. A Lady asked if she should remain in Plattsmouth and was answered: "No she would leave permanently." A man asked" If his job would last all win ter" and was answered, " yes." This Editor wrote the following question: " What will you taka for the House? Mr. Young, the only person who saw it beside ourself, suggested that it was a rough question, (owing to the Ball Thanksgiving and two other performances the same n eck, the Ik. use was not a good as it should h tve been.) We crossed this quetioi. out and wrote this "Where do you play to morrow ?" without ever thinking of "to-m irrow's" being Sunday. Miss Crawford answer ed both questions, the ilrsi. which you may say we did not intend to ask, by saying they would " take expoine. for the house," which they well might; and the second by saying: " 1 ee ourselves." " What are we doiug'r" said tin Pro fef soi1. " Nothing, w e do'.t play on Sunday go to chi rcV Sunday evei rig." How she does this Mr. Cook does not tell in and we can all guess a3 wo please, call it Psychology, Mesmerism, uxtremu sensibility, what you like, it is very wonderful and well worth go ing to see. Eve::y once in a while it clouds up in the afternoon and every body says: 'Well, it's going to snow to-morrow, our nice weather is at an end at last." But to-morrow looms up a3 bright and cheerful ;is ever,. Just think of such a Thanksgiving elay, and here we are the 5ih of Dec. 1S7S, and no frost, sun shining, overcoats at a discount, and the chickens all thinking it i3 spring and they must begin to lay. Some wag started the story that dur ing the planetary disturbances of the past year the earth was 'thrown 300 miles farther south," (?) (if any one can tell where south is after we leave this little ball) and that accounts for our warm weather, aud that we are not going to have any more hard winters. Lots of folks believe this. The Heu ald is skeptical, however. We will have plenty of snow before spring, so get your sleighs ready. In Chicago and on the lakes, we seo the inspectors and light-house keepers have declared " navigation closed" two or three timc3, but she won't stay closed, and cargoes of grain and other stuff are being shipped daily, much to their disgust, as they want to lay up for the winter. They used to try and make us believe when wo were young that almost everything that was nice was naughty, in fact they got up a proverb, "It's naughty but it's nice." Now, such weather as this is just nice not "splendid" but nice, and. the sourest old bigot can't say there is any thing naughty about it, for it is not even " lingering in the lap of ispiing," but stands erect on its own merits and shakes its chubby fist at old winter, daring the old Intidcl to come on Mac duff. The email boy who bade good-by to Sunday school just after the picnic is now making a desperate effort to re gain standing in time for the com ing Christmas tree.-New Haven lleg ister. Old Santa Clam has made his ap pearance and established his headquar ters at Chapman & Smith's, and went on his way rejoicing, to return again and appear on the streets on Christmas day for C. & S. Come one, come all and see what he has left atC.&S. The largest and finest line of Holiday pres ents for old and young. 3Ct4tf Those wishing Oysters can obtain them by the can or disli. of the best brands, cheap, at Henry Thierolfs.two doors cast of the P. O. 34tf A CHEAT 0FFR FOR HOLIDAYS ! ! will tturlns the TToi-ioAyg dUpnst of loo PIAMOS ! OKilANS. at Kxtraonlinary low pri ces for r:th. SPLENDID OUT! A N3 2 3-5 set t of ree.l $&. 3 sett with Kuti Bass and Coupler Sw. t pts H. s fifct 50. 1 set $3.'. T Octavo all UOSEWOOP riANO$S130. 71-.tio $U0. war ranted tor six years. AUKNTS WANTED. II Icstrate'l Oafnloeno Mailed. Music at half vric. UORACK WATEKS & RS. Man frs. & 1 balers, lv i- I ith., M.. N. V, 3714 A. CRU1CKSIIANK & CO., Importers and retailers of DRY GOODS AND MILLINEUY, 031 All A, NEB. Offer the most attractive Fall and Win ter stock ever shown in Nebraska. Guiuets Black Silks of our ow n impor tation, 1.00 to $:J.OO. Silk and Wool Dress Goods. Black and colored Cash meres 50c to 1.50. LADIES CLOAKS AND CIKCULAKS. We have largely increased this de partment and will duplicate eastern prices. Beaver Cloaks from $2.30 to 40.00. Matelasse Cloaks from 5.00 to $50.00. Cloaks or Circulars will be sent on approval to responsible parties. Ladies in tlit habit of send inj East for Goods are jmrticularly requested to yice tis a trial. 83tf. A. Ckuicksiiank & Co. SPECIAL NOTICES. For Sale or Trade. A Bargain. Eighty acres of choice farming laud, partly under cultivation. Inquire at this office A rare chance. oGt3 For Sale. A part Clay mare, 5 years old. Is kind every way. For sale cheap or to trade for smaller horse to mate another. Inquire at IIehald office. To Kent. Forty acres of Land within three miles of town, and a pair of horses to sell with the same -on time if desired. Inquire at the Heuald otlice. 3tit4 Our new Dentist, Dr. Clutter, is meeting with well merited success. Having a thorough knowledge of his profession, backed by an active expe rience of over ten years, lie can guar antee perfect satisfaction in all opera tions. Those wishing dental work should call on him. SGt2 The undersigned respectfully an nounces to the people of Plattsmouth and Cass County that he is now receiv ing the finest and best selected stock of goods for the Holidays that ever has been displayed in this city, consisting of gold and silver watches, fine jewelry, clocks, silverware, spectacles, pocket knives and razors, fancy goods, music al instruments and toys; wliieli will be sold ery cheap. Thanking my friends and customers for past favors, I Hatter myself that the old standby will not be forgotten. Come one, come nil, no trouble to shoiv goods. Respectfully, oCtl Jos. SciiLATLK, Jeweler. Apples for Sale. flood apples can be had at the Lx press Oiiii-c for S- 2 per barrel, apply at to Capt. L. D. 15i-:xxETT.33t2 Cheaper than the Cheapest, Ntc?r Undersold in Hoots and Siioes at Mkuges. 31tf Horse for Sale. One bav mare four years old for sale. Time will bo triven. Apply to Mal daucr & Herrmann. 3Uf Uemembcr that for boots and shoes Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He has a large assortment. 2tf. See E. O. Dovey Jfc Son s assortment of Lady's cloaks before purchasing elsewhere. a ... F.S.White is looking for another car load of those fine. Michigan apple's. Don't fail to be on hand. 34tf Notice. Beljioxt. Cass Co. Neb- Nov. 18, "78. Ed. Heuald: Dear Sir I hereby notify the public against purchasing any paper or papers against me held by the Iowa Central Iron fence Co., of Marshalltow n, Iowa, or any person or persons claiming to represent said com pany ; said paper or paperjj bear date Nov. 13th, 1ST8. C5U O. W. Swaktz. A nice assortment Cs.shmcres, American of RepeU?-nts Dress (loods, Ties. 11 nebing, Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs. Ladies and Children's Hosiery, Feit Skirts, &c, &c, at E. G. Dovey & Sox's IANO CO, K.3 5'l I'.KI KEl! ST..X. Y Mannfift ur m of strict - lr first-class i'i;inns. sell direct to lainilios from our own Factory at lowest w holesale pi I cf. Ht':iiit if ul new 7l3 Octave. Koecwomt Pi ano. Sent on trial. Thousand" in ii"e. Heavy discount t' c.ih liuvers. DON'T buy until you read our Catalogue. It will iuUreat you Mad ed free. 3-V.8 Rockwell has a full lino of Grocer ies. 2Stf. A fine 29tf assortment of Blankets at E. G. Dovey & Sox's. Rockwell, of Louisville, has just fin ished his new store, 23x3.1, which he has full of new goods. Re sure and give him a call we know you will buy if vou do, for he sells very cheap. 2Stf. Fort Sale. A wire plant stand with trellis, at a bargain. Inquire at the Herald cflice. Boots and Siioes Cheap, call and examine prices at 31tf Mekgcs'. Ladies, Gents and Children's Under wear, Cotton Flannels, Red Flannels, Linsey and Jeans, at E. G. Dovey & Son's. MONEY SAVED by buying EOOTS AXD SIIOKS. Sltf at Merges'. Rockwell keeps hardware and queensware. and by Jove he keeps ma chine oils too.; and I declare, he. keeps patent medicines also, so there is no use of staying sick. 28tf. Good second-hand ohoaxs and melo deoxs for sale or rent low. Leave ad dress at Mr.O. F. Johnson's Drugstore cor Cth and Main Sts. James Pettee, 9tf. Dealer in Musical Instruments. Rockwell has just received nine chests of clioice teas, which he sells at from 25cts to SI per pound. The best bargain in teas you ever saw. 23tf. We see that Merges got the premium again at the .State Fair on his own work for beauty and durability. He really does make fine and good work. Yon mast Cure that Congh. With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you can cure yourself. It has established the fact that Consumption can be cured, while for Coughs, Eronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all dis eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso lutely without an equal, Two doses will relieve your child of Croup, it is pleasant to take and perfectly harmless to the youngest child, and no mother can afford to be without it. You can use two thirds of a bottle and if what we say is not true we will refund the price paid. J rice 10 cis. i; c;s, ana $1,00 per bottle. If your Lungs are sore or chest or back laine use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman & mith, Druggists. Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti pated, have vou a Yellow skin, Loss of Apptite, Ilead Ache, if so don't fail to use SHILOHs SYSTEM VU'ALI ZER. It is guaranteed to relieve you, and will you continue to suffer when you can be cured on such terms as these. Price 10 cts. aud 75 cts. Sold by Chapman fc Smith. Druggists. Well's Persian Pert time "11 ACKME- TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it. Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists, Plattsmouth Neb. '31yeow Caution to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May, 1878 all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterleiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. ona are genu ine unless plainly labeled: J ULIl S PE PEE 1 : 15 U KG, M AX V FACT I'KKR, Plattsmouth. - - - Nebraska. A Remarkable Kestilt. Tf. makes no difference how manv Physicians, or how much medicine you have tried, it is now an estauiisneu fact that German Syrup is the only remedy which has given complete sat isfaction in severe cases of Lung Di seases. It is true there are yet inous ands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and Lung Affections, ton- sumption. Hemorrhages, Asthma, Se vere Colds settled on the breast, rneu monia, Whooping Cough, &c, who have no personal knowledge of lioschee? ernian Svrtin. To such we would say that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaint. Consumptives trvjust one bottle. Regular size 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists in Amer ica. 2'Jlyeow Rockwell has the neatest assortment of ladv's dress Roods ever brought to town. 13e sure and see them before the assortment is broke. They are go ing off fast. 28tf. T'lli-ty or the 1!st or.r:m mailers or tl;n World arc co.'inicl iioid :;t the Paris I :x;o.-,itiou. a cable dispatch to tin; Ass iciuled Press s:iys two highest t'old mcitals h.ivc been awarded to the Aiiieiicaii makers, .Mason & Hamlin. The Atlanta fja., Constitution, Recently published a long account, of the destructiveness of the "bherman Rat" which is ? to -1 times as large as the Northern Rat. On the 17th of Sep. ember. 1877. the Manager of this celebrated paper having tried Centen nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle men your "Pien Stuff'! knocks "Sher man Rats, stilt and cold. OsAdE, Io wa, Dec. 20, 1377. Star Manufacturing Company, Fort Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen tennial rat poison, received last Mon day. We have given three doses. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and we verily believe there is not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill, feed, custom and merchant's mills were full of thrni. as were also our houses, cooper shops, barns and hog pens. Sir.ce giving them the poison they have been running round as "crazy as loons" and the river bank is line with dead rats, in fact it has created a terrible commotion among them and they have all left, thanks to the '-Centennial Rat Exterminator." each box of which is worth a twenty dollar bill. We will see our druggists and have them send for it. Thanks, thanks. Very respect fully. E. M. Rkitts, & Co. This great economizer for property holders, farmers, et cl., is for sale by druggists and general dealers every where. Price 25 cents, large cans $1,00 20tf. Pension Papers. Those wanting pension papers ac knowledged will please remember that J. R. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville, ha3 a certificate of the county Clerk filed with the IT. S. pension Agent and can attend to all such business. 52tf Jnst Received At Rockwell's, a very lull line of Mil linery goods of the very latest styles, such as llowers, ribbons, plumes and tips, silks, velvets, lady's ties, bonnets and hats, and many other little novel ties that cannot be had at any other place in town. 28tf. "German Syrup." No other medicine in the world has ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Eoschee's German Syrup. In tw o years three million four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of charye by Druggists in this country to theise af flicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and other disease of the Throat and Lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that German Syrup will cure them. The result lias been that Drug gists in every town and village in tho United States are recommending it to their customers. Go to your Druggist, and ask what thev know about it. Sam ple bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Three doses will relieve any case. 38tf-alt tTTTTTTi'T rEYFDYFOS BALDSES3 rJ 1 ferS. P"j l're;rii "" Free i P ttlE7 i fci W. w i wno will ,g.rd to pa; 1 1. w1i.ii ft new rrowuiul ilslr.WMsker or lualftcbea rtuHT priMncd. r ,.iflor-oa a Co., 3 CT 171 too. Flaoo, Hew York. Mt4 AGENTS W ANTED FOR DR. MARCH'S NEW liUOK From Dark to Dawn. In this new volume the pouular Author of Siuht S k.vfs in the P.n.i.K jiorlrayn with vivid and thrilling force the events of Sacred Truth, and add troll testimony to the beauty, pathos and sublimity of the Stories of the Ilible. Agents will lind this Hook with Its spnrklin thought, beautiful engraving-, and rich blud-iny"-, the l.Bt In tho market. ncuiniifndd by leading thinker and writer SclUutSioht. Mukes:i inaguiticent Holiday I'resont. Steady work and ood inr lor Atientc teacher. Student. Minister., ioun Men or Women, For Circulars, terms, &e., ad dress. .1. C.Mo(TKIV A CO.. Inlliliers. Piiihulelphia j Cincinnati. O. ; Chicja, lib ; St, Iaiuis, Mo. 35U Q nOfk fi fi worth of Faum Prodivk l5).UUO,tn "alone can be saved by using Centennial Hat Erterini&uui. 2it Rockwell keeps clothing and gent's underwear. 2stf. Wanted: "Work in a printing of fice in this State. Have yorked two years at the trade. Address E. May field, Plattsmouth, Neb. 31U " The New Party." Just arrived from the East and the "old settler" in the west, find that the old Eastern medicines do not relieve the diseases incident to this new West ern climate. The verdict of every family using Ilrown'n Vegetable Liver INIls, is that they have no equal fur relieving constipation, sick headache aud biliousness, aud that Ciireka .iRue- IMMs nicer fail lo cure the chills when taken as directed. IlrownN Catigli Jialsnm, for coughs, colds, and lung affections, con tains no stupefying opiates, but re lieves by soothing the irritated parts, and producing easy, gentle expectora tion. Hi-own's Tar Troc hes, arc val uable to public speakers and singers, and all adlicted with sore throat and hoarseness. I S row 11 N A rill en. Salve stands without a rival for removing iullama t ion and l ealing old sores, ulcers and frost-bite. Saisaparllla. Ea miction and Iodine of'Eo.assf the kingof reme'dies for blooil, liver, and skin dis eases. For sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan, Chapman & Smith, J. II. Euttery and O.F.Johnson. 15tf Piattsmouth, Neb. LEGAL XOTICKS. Sheriff's Sale. . P.v virtue of a det ive roi.dcred at the St'idem hcr adjonrncil n-nii of the PNtiiet 1 01 lit within and fri'.is bounty, Nebraska, and to i:ie di rected. I vi ill on the f.lh dav of January. A. i. 1HH. at 10 o'clock. A. M. of iald day. at the smith door of t lie Court ll.uise in said e'oui.ty. m-11 at i.iil-.litt .iMi'imi til. fnllitivii' if l't'-.t ilitlp to Wit The cuual undivided one-third V, juit of the out h-west quarter Ci) ol sectinu fit teen tIM. town twelve il'Ji, north of r:mt;e twelve (l'i. ea;-t of the 6th 1. M. : the same being levied upon and taken as llie property of Henry Mie singcr, defendant ; to sati-dy judgment of ..aid Court, recovered ly Wiiliani 1 ltt. plaiulitT. PUttsiuuuth. Neb.. Dec. A. I. 178. 3.-15 It. W. 11 VERS. Sheriff C'.v-s Co., Neb. Probate Notioe. In tho matter of the est.ite of Hiram Hogan. dee'd. In Co. Court ot Co., Neb. Upon reading and filing the duly verified tiliou of Harvey Hujjaii praying that adminis tration of t!ie estate of Ilirain Hogan may be granted to him : Ordered, that notice of t lie "pendency ot aid cause lie published in the Ne bruska Hk.iw l.i. :i weekly newspaper piinted and published and in gi;iienil circulation in said county, and that the hearing of raid taiue, be t for the 2-"rd day of December A. J. IS7S. at 3 o'clock P. iM. on said dav, at the ofllcc of the Co. Judge, at Plat turnout 1. In said county, at w hich time and place all person" Interested may appear and id low cause, if any they have, why miiiiintKtratlou of said estate should not be granted to the unid Harvey Ilouu acvordiiii; lo the prayer of said petition. V A. N. SULLIVAN, Co. Judge. ' L- -13 Probate Notice. In the matlerof the Estate of James II. Tucker, lev:'u. lit Co. Court ul Cass County, Ncbrw ku. Upon reading mid filing the duly verified pe tition ot A. C. fucker, praying that ad nni Mira tion of the eilateof James H. Tucker, deceased. nuiv bo grunted to Saiah K. lucker aim pe titioner : Ordered tha' notice of the pendency 0: said cr.ue be published in the Nebraska II krai.I). a wce.V.iv licwsnaner. printed anil published, and In general circulation in said countv. and that the hearing of aid caue bo set lor the 201I1 day of December, A. D. 1".8, at ono o eiocK r. yi. on said nay, ai uie unic m the Countv Jtidga in Plattsmouth ; at which time and place all persona interested may ap pear and show caue. if any they have, why adriiinbtration of aid estate should not be granted to the mid Sarah H. Tucker and A. C. luekor, according to the prayer of said peti tion. A. N. SULLIVAN. Cuuuty Ju iso. L. I 37tJ Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice in Lerrby given that default having been made in the pavmcut of a certain note and chattel mortgage made and duly executed by S. W. 'West to Robert T. Maxwell, bearing date .ugust V, 1S77. and filed in the oflica ol the County Clerk of Cass County. Nebraska, on the Hit h day ct August. 1ST7. and in said mortgage tUe said S. V . West did sell and mortgage to said Holiert T. Maxwell one marc, gray color, eleven veais old. blind in right eye. 'Iliat af terwards, and before faid note and mortgage became duo and pavable, to wit., about the 1st day of October. l."77. said R. T. Maxwell, for a full and valuable comdderuttoii; sold nd trans ferred faid note nnd mortgage to J. M. Patter son, and mere is now duu 011 tcitd note and mortgage the Mini of SM.L'i. Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgiige. 1 will proceed to e!l said maro at public a.iction to the highett bidder for cash, at ti-.e hour of It o'clock a. m. on tliepsih day of December. 17S. at the front door of Keed Pro's store in the tow u of Wecpi'ig U'atcr. Cans Coun ty. Nebraska, to s::t;siv said debt and interest and cobts. JA.Mh.SM. l A 1 i i- K-o., 3711 Assignee of Robert T. Maxwc! Sheriffs Sale. Vv virtue of an order if sale issued by V;.i. L. Ve;i.s, Clerk 01 the District Court, wimin and tor Ca:-s Count v Nebraska, und to luo directed, 1 will on the -'sib dav of December. A." D. ls7S, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south door of the Court lloae. in uid county, scil ai pub lie am tion the following rual est.ite lo-wit : The north-east iptirter ( W of section thirty (') township twelve 1 1J) range thirteen (13) ca-t ;th P. M. in Cass County, Nebraska. The same be ing levied upon and"taken as the property of Henry Snyder aud Nancy C. Snyder, defend ants : to satlsfv a judgment of said Com t recov ered bv O. II. iteighard, plaintiff. Plattmouth, Neb., Nov. istli. A. D. 178. 11. V. HYKU8, Sheriff. Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Charles II. Wins low, deecasei". In County Court of Casa County, Nebraska. Upon reading and filing the duly verified pe tition of Sarah M. W'inslow. praying that ad ministration of the estate of her deceased bus band, Charles H. Vinlov, may be granted to her: Ordered that notice of the pendency of said tuii ic be published in the Nebraska IlKtt ai.k. a weekly newspaper printed and publish ed and iu general circulation in said county, for three consecutive w eeks. and that aid cause be set for he.irim;::t the oilice of County Judge at Plattsmouth. In said County, at at one o'clock p. in. on the 4th day of December. A, U. 17;. i:t which time and place all persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why administration of said estate should not be granted to the said Sarah M. Winslow accord ing to the prayer of said petition. .J A. N. Sl'l.I.I VAX r t County JitJge. Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby given that I E. 1. Dovey, in pursuance of an order f the District Court of Cat-s County. Nebraska, will sell at Public vendue at the "front door of the Court House at Plattsmouth. Cass County. Nebraska, ontliTl.'th dav of December. A. 1). p'78. at t o'clock. P. M.. l he following described real es tate to-wit: Kast half of lot one I in Plock tliirt v-three CXM one Prick store ana tv.enty t wo ('-Til feet front, on Main street. :;iijdniug Jlenrv Itoeck's store, laying across iots , 0 and 10 in block (31;. lis feet on -Slain Street, laying across lots K, 9 and lo in block (.11), one house and twenty-two (jj) feet f 101 t on Main street laving across lots aod 7 in block (31 ) north half of" let 5 in block (3! ). lots 7, K. !'. 10. It and 12 in bloc! CJCr.i. all in the city r.f Plattsmouth a shown by the recorded pla't.'of said City. AIs lots k. -j and 10 in block m, in Thompson's Addi tion to the city of Plattsmouth. Also the. tuit half of North e;ist quarter tf section No. St township 13 north range 12 cast f u 1'. M.. ail in Cass County, Nebraska. The terms ol said sale will be as follows: The purchaser shall pay one fourth cash in hand, one fourth In six mouths, one fourth in twelve months, aud oi;e fourth in eighteen months from dale of sue, t lie purchaser shall iriva bis uotii drawing 12 pr cent ii-.terest from tin; dates thereof, secured by a mortgage upon the real estate so sold for the deferred pavment. Said sal w ill be held open for one hour, from two o'c-Ioti until three, o'clock p. m., of the same dav. K. (I. Oovkv. Adm'r. of theestatof H. Aiiiiji, dee'd. H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Uetail Dealers ia PINE LTJMliEK. LATH. - SHINGLES. iSASH, DOOliS, BONDS, ETC.. ETC.. ETC. Man. street. Coiner of Fifih, l'LATTSMOUTJI, - - - - NEB. Still Better Rates for Lumber. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Matt Si &MIkci3tl ? that they are prepared, to fundsii all kinds .f FRESH iVT.:ECA-T Ai Wholesale or Ketnil I Hoqs Killed and Packed v o.v com 3il as la .v. HARBat WliQlesalQ and Retail SPECIAL RATES! Iiv:M to HOTELS. CALL AT ONCE AND EA'AMINE OUR 11 EA TS, ANV THY THE Ji SIIOI Xoitli sitlc Main, Hctwocn 4th ami ."Vih Stiix-is. O'lTeill & Marthis, You Want I PRICE I Your Wife J I Wants It. I" S Thi. I REDUCED. JJJ Better Uinn tver. Suit o llain, JYactieal, lUituiblr, gj Spaying information t for Wert, Kt. South. North. For every Ownrr C of C'stile, Horse, btivi-p. f-winc, or Kahm, K Oaiilcu,or Vtlli' Let: iureT-ry llousvktn-pcr ; Mr lor all lluj uud Girl; OVER 700FINE ENCRAVINCS, S J both PlfMlnv iin't lrmtrucllve. LjJ . All luu Uove, ud xuurv, Ul Ihu y sAmericanAgriculturisti WVol. S3. From A'otc up to 1S?0, pott free, VS7i Only $1 Each, iijj to Clubs of fen or wore. kJ 5 ronton. tJM eeh ; 4 cop(. f t .75 enrh. Plnirlo JS gBUlwciiiition. tlVl. t-incli' iiiiiiiImts la cut. Wm One 6ic.iuin, put-fre, luc SPt-EJtDID PHKMH'MS GIVES Jj Jj to tboso ecnillng Club of Subscriber. JjJ S Issued ia English & Ccnnin nt same Price. g Trylt-You'H 1.1k It-It Will PAY. S OBANGK JtTDD 1 Children I company. (Everybody, en I t.l VV .Want It Fublttker; H BronrtwsT. N. . . SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED OU 2vEUnT STREET, East ot I'lattc Valloy House. TIIK OLDEST LIvERY STABLE In the Town. Good Ti-atns Aluutys on Hand. Careful Drivers sent with car riages if desired. I'liniai si-tit to Demt to lnri't kll tiuiini w!u'ii-vcr :rilficil. T.iZ ONLY HEARSE IN TOWN. I'mifi .is att'inliil and can-ini-s fnrnl-ilu'd to tlit ii'ls. AiliiK-ss, J. VV. MIAN NON. 42 -iy rilatt.M:i.)!itli. !rb O. F. JOHNSON, ItK.Vl.tU IX Drugsi Medicines? AND All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALEIt IN Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest rublirations. Prescription CareAillj' C oiupoinnletl by an Uxnerienrrd UmscUt. I'EMEMBEB THE PLAl'H. dth 1ST., 2 DOORS SOUTH OF 3IA1N, rLATTSMOUTH. N li. STltElGUT & MILIKi:, Harness 'Manufacturers, SADDLES LIUDLES, I'OM.AKS. and all kinds of harness stork, constantly mi llHlld. FRUIT, CONFECTIONE Y, AND GROCERY STORE, NUTS, CANDIES, TEA.-i corrKi:.s. SL'GAlSS, TOBACCO.S, FLOUK. if. IJf'innilr tk. i:ice oi'iwsite K. J. Duvfj's on Lowe r Mhin street. STREW HT d- MILLER. Shsnandcali lTurseries, IOWA, KING, AGENT. Mr. Kin: desires to thank his old ta trons for their favors the past season and to state that he will Le hi-ie about tho Holidays with a full supply of SHRUBS, TREES, AXD STOCK OF ALL KINDS. lie earnestly solicits your patronage for the future; relying on the reputa tion of the past. These nurseries are near you, the stock is acclimated J'.nd does better, ('all and see. Mr. Kiiig will canvass Sarpy County a.s well a Cass. Ueiiierxiber tho naiiie and the place. ZitVi ffflGOI.n PLATED WATCHES. s c lu iti-.uuuo "!. MirLlH.TiHlmlir'laVni jj J tJtuiam, A. COLLI tU &, CO, luuw, A P- PRESII'M WATMI A TI rrTUT ! 5"X!L",t"i wiri'Jfir.Fre wiih-vcryoriler. Cl'tt- j i VTViitute. J.i.&ftjlor4&,tx,.4.- -sUl. 4 WALL, PAPER. mm l'roprit-t'rs. F ARIYIER, LOOK HERE! FRED GORDER IS STM.L HKltK. Corn Planters, Cultivators, Sulky Plows, are now " oil" but I still Lave tho Harrison Wagon, the best auil cheapest wagon In tho market by all cxlds. Spring Wagons, HtiLjgirs. and Throe-Seated Wagons; and the world renowned Courtlauil I'latforni Spilng "ago0 1 HAVE EVE!.YTIIIN(i A 1'AKM Elt WANTS. NOW IS THE TIME for all kind.H of Agricultural Implements In every variety, and at I led Hock Prices. Mowers Sulky rake.s and allkinda of U:ikt?, Eoik.i, etc., etc. Now is the time to Buy FEED GOitDEK. 52tf I'latlsinouth, Nebraska TUU HENRY F. MILLER PIANO FORTE 8 zeosoisr, mass. am i Tin: Boston PublicSchools, Mass. State Normal Schools. The New England Conser vatory of Music Ex clusively, TW!0 AWARDS DECREEfl THIS ESTABLISHMENT KY Tin: Philadolphia Exhibition 76 No utlier l'uno Kurtf liouso, witli oiia excop io:i, received itiere tlian one. Dm iHy tit. C(n;irt SV.o of 1S10, '77 tliesi- I'iatiOM wero me il in ISoHtun and vicinity in limn? tli.ii A inwrt?. The .iiwii f 1S77 ami 'n itoiiiIsc a stllli treul:r nimber to be aUd'-d to tbe lit. Notices ol on certs. "Keinarkalile (or It. partly, rie!ine and ev-. euiiestf o( tone." I'stoii .Id'uriuil. "No fjcli kiiKtruuirnli liitr t-u h-ar(I in Iiwell eoiicrrt room iK-toic." Lowell (.la.), L;nly t'itiieu. "SurrmsM's aiivthiii of th kind pfevtwuslx Ueurd iu our oily." l-ow4l Vox ropuli. "liiP(ii.t!l-il l-y tiny tliat liave been ukh1 ur eoacc-rts." Liubvi!lc luily Courier. JAMES PETTEE lir. lirea :t-ooiuteit af-'ei.t lor Ihrss cetcbratol Piauo, heuil foe catalogue' Plattsmouth Neb. IP-