0 V 1 . L THE HERA LI). All Sorts. Paris eats a thousand horses every month, and hiiioihsKy is Raiii'iip ground iu the huge towns of 1 ranee. J Jew res s upoi he ui-p-r Bin faces ol It aves because t'io under mu I tes re- ve the ia .dated wauut i ol t e t a Hi. The Louisiana whiskey dealers say that the lloffet bell punr h is unconsti tutional, and have formed an associa tion to fight it. One who is ordinarily very fastidious about his food, nii-ht be very much puzzled to tell just what he is eating if lie were fed in the dark. The most remarKabie or recent Amer ican humbugs was probably the "con gress ol beautiful women" which baa just closed in New York. Corporal punishment has been abol ished in the State prisons of l'russia for several years, and the policy it found to work as well to d:sciiliii. The cl mate of I'eiu is changing. The heat of the summers has greatly increas d, and artifi ial ir .Ration be comes more necessaiy annually. Mother 'Kow, Gerty.be a good girl and give Julia a kiss, and say good night." Gerty "Xo, no! If I kiss her, she'll box my ears like she did papa's last night." Over 2,f)K1) f.-t-1 ling) caplt-l is inve-ted in the J.ondou cab b' Biness. and the enrr.in. s of the cabmen, of whom there ar-i more than 10.00J, ar twice as much. The canvas-back duck is not to be found in Europe, but steamers from this country frequently carry them there, packed in ice, and supply the London and Paris restaurants and clubs Alexander Dumhs, the younger, has a cast of his father's hand always be fore him when he composes, and attrib utes his good fortune largely to that talM-nii. Every man lias his pet su perstition. A little girl who was spending frw days with a farmer uncle, visited the barnyard, and while looking at the wtdl fed cows, remarked, "Why, unci", just tsee! all tho cow3 are chewing guai, arM't thev?"' The Empress of Austria Li a very bold rider when out with tho hounds. Nothing stops her. She takes fences, gates and brooks as they come, and fairly beats tle English ladies on their own ground. Boston dealers in kitchen ware adver tise utensils "approved by Miss Par'oa,' the lady who gives cooking lessons. 8Le now uses a bread-mixer, instead of putting her hands into the dough, in the old fashion, which never looks neat. The fanners of Trig.; county, Ken tucky, fear that the day ot judgment is coming immediate'', and many of them have abandoned their business, turned the.ir slock lorsi and are going from house to hou-e s'ngin and pray- A new industry is said to be extend ing rapidly in France. It consists in the manufacture of a cloth Jive times lighter and three limes wannei than wool, from the feathers of domestic and other birds. The material is water proof and takes dye rtmiiiy. A Carnde:i,N. J., clergyman and his wife appeared befora justice and made oath lh t they had lived 4 a year and a day in pure love and ra;; i:ies3.' They did lh s ii order to g;'t I went -five yards of carpeting, offe e ! to any cou ple who would take tho n th. In the animal kingdom are found myriads of forms so minute that their bulk is reckoned by less than the mil lionth part of a ubic inch; yet each one Is endowed with organs of sense or as similation HtiHicient to serve the pur pose in their sphere of life. The utmost strength of a good hemp rope is (5, 100 pounds to t lie sniar inch, in practice it should not be subjected to more than half that strain. Itstretches from one-fifth to c ue-seventh, while its diameter is diminished from one-quar ter to one-seventh before breaking. The cost of transportation is an im portant factor in estimating the value of agricultural products. Who can cal culate the bi-neflt of the Erie Canal when statistics show that since its open ing, in 1S25, 170,r0,000 tons of property have been brought through it to New York city! Virginia and Tennessee last yai went far ahead of North Carolina, which has long headed the list, as pro ducers of peanuts. The estimated fall ing off this year iu the three states ia five hundred and Cfty-two thousand bushels, or more than one-third of good crop. The Castle of Sylivria is a remarkable fortification on the borders of the Sea Of ilarmora. Nature has here piled up the rocks in such a manner as to render the fort almost inaccessible, and here Vie heaviest cannon have been mount ed, so that a tew nan could hold the spot agaiust an army. The Lancaster New Era, in speaking of that mineral wealth of Pennsylvania, declares that the product of her petro leum well, an article iu which she ap pears to enjoy a practical monopoly, i more valuable than the immense yield of gold and silver found in Nev ia, Arizona, Colorado and California. A clergyman was seen by a neighbor trudging home on Monday morning' with a stout cod he had just bought' and was accosted with: "Mr. Milton' did you know that fish was caught on Sunday?" The minister, in his charac teristic, blunt manner, replied: "Weel, weel, the fish is n t to blame for that, my man." The other day a man walked into a Skowhegan (Maine) drug store and asked for tooth brushes. A basket containing several dozen w..s passed to him, and after examining them some time, he selected one of them, took out his false teeth, and after cleaning them with the brush, threw it back into the basket and walked out. During the sermon in tho Baptist Church at Grand Eapids, Mich., a few Sundays ago, a live-year old child left its seat, walked up to the pulpit, and stood beside Dr. Graves, the pastor, who inquired, "What do you want, my little man?" "A glass of water," the child replied. The minister poured out a glass a water, and the child drank it and left the platform. The incident created much amusement among the congregation, whieh the child, in re turning to his neat, noticed, and think ing the people .were laughing at some mistake of his, he made a bow to the pastor, and said., "Thank you, sir," and took uia seat A IJoj's Lark. A thrilling occurrence is reported from Evanston, 111., and is probobly the first instance on record in which the bustle of lovely woman became the implement of crime, the cose is thus imortalized by the Cleveland Leader: There was a boy in that town named Daley. The boy had a dog that he was accustomed to .take with him on his daily excursions to certain suburb an pasture fields to diive home the cows. On the Clh instant young Daley found on his way to the pasture, some thing white and ruffled and mysterious. He did not know what it was, but it wa3 too beautiful to throw away, and the happy thought struck him that it might be intended as an ornamental portable awning for a dog. So he called his dog and tied the gay ' device around its body just, behind the fore legs. This held the wavy frills of the tournure aloft like a canopy. Thus caparisoned the dog pranced along in front of his master to where the cows were quietly grazing in the field; im mediately there was a wild commotion. The cows knew in a general way some thing about dogs, but an animal half dog and half bird, with a towering banner of whalebone and wire and muslin floating in the summer wind, was to them a new and terrifying spectacle. They eyed the approaching terror a moment, then tosaed their heads, turned tail and broke in a wild stampede for town. The frantic herd burst from tho end of the lake into the main road just as a grave and serious ex-minister cf the gospel whose sands of life ha J nearly run, etc. came driveng along. Him the cows heeded not. The dog, with his phenomenal attachment waving up and down, was behind, and they cat ed for nothing in front, One jumped acros3 between the horse and the vehicle, two others dashed against the wheels, capsized the minister into a ditch of muddy water and left the buggy standing on its beam ends with, two wheels in the air. Then tho horse caught sight of the dog and ran after tho cows, smashing the vehicle to atoms and distributing it along about two miles of the public highway. The cows, reinforced by the flying steed, carried the village like an invading army, ard such was the ter ror and surprise of the people that they have since done little elso but talk about it. The minister crawled out of the ditch and began legal proceedings aSaiust the boy, who came into town by a sido street, and slipped up the back stairs supperless to bed. The dog saw that ho had overdono the thing, and crept under a barn. The problem that absorbs Evanston is whero to classsfy the crime of that boy under the statutes of Illinois. It was near the depot yesterday. He was loading a. very heavy box into a w agon. He wore only one suspender and his pants were vary loose about the waist. When tho box was about half way up, hissuspender button came off. There was a moment of anxiety If he let go of the box it would fall back and smash him; if he did not ht go of the box his pants would come down and there were ladies on the sidewalk. For a moment he was un decided ; it was a fatal moment. He let go of the box but it was too late. Ilox and pants fell at the same moment - Press. How .1Iein:;:s Furnaces arc JIade. The Russian people known as Men nonites, who have colonized themselves as largely in portions of the West, warm their dwellings by a peculiarly constructed stove or oven, in which they burn principally a fuel made of a mixture of manure and straw, which in a wet slate is cut into blocks of suit able sizes and exposed to the air until thoroughly dried, when it is said to have no odor and to be cleanly to handle; wood, straw, coarse prairie hay and rushes can be burnt in them, also, says the writer of a letter in the Winnipeg Free Press, as given below, descriptive of the manner in which these stoves are constructed. He says: The stove is built of air-dried brick (4x1 and S inches in length) is 6 feet in length, 2 feet in width, and 0 feet in height, built on a foundation of logs or stone, the top of which ia even with the floor of the house, and on which a bed of solid brick is laid one foot in thick ness, constituting the floor of the stove. The walls are four inches thick, the top being arched or supported by iron bars. This stove is divided into three chambers, the lower of which has a height of 22 inches, the middle 20 inch es, and the upper 18 inches. The mid die chamber has an iron door opening out in one side. 'I ho upper and lower chambers are connected by a flue, at one end having a sectional area of ninety-six inches. Tho division between the lower and middle chambers con sists of a floor of iron plates supported by being set into the sides of the stove. That between the middle and upper maybe also iron plates on a floor formed of brick supported by iron bars. In the other end of the lower chamber from that in which tho flue is situated an iron door set in a frame of the same material is placed, and which opens out into a hall, which hall is used as a store room. In the end of the upper cham ber immediately above the iron door a pipe i3 placed connecting it with the chimney. The heat is generated in the lower chamber, and passing through the flue to the upper, then along it to this pipe, so that the middle chamber, whieh is used for cooking purposes, has a stream of hot air passing below and above it. The stove is plastered on the outside, and painted or white washed. The stoves are so placed in tlie houses that from two to three rooms are heated, while tho fireplace opens in the hall. Apart from economy, these stoves are highly recommended in a sanitary point of view, as the tempera ture i3 very uniform, and not of so dry ing a nature as the heat from ordinary iron stoves. Tha fire is replenished twice in twenty-four hours, and the stove never becomes cool from autumn till spring. The chimneys built by the Mennonites are also of the same kind of brick, and were exposed to the weathei ire cased iu with, boards. Harper's Magazine. XIiItTS'TIR.'X HUD. I Notices of the Press. The Weekly remains easily at the head of illu.-itr.ated pa peri? by its fine literary quality, the beauty of its type and woodcut?. Springfield Republican. Its pictorial attractions are superb, and embrace every variety of subject and of artistic tieatment. Zion's Her ald, Boston. The Weekly is a potent agency for the dissemination of correct political principles, and a powerful opponent of shams, fiauds and false pretenses. Evening Express, Rochester. The volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mention ed, it will be understood that the sub scriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the leceipt of his order. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. IIARrKK'SMAOAZINi:, One Year l CO IIAK1 'KK'S WEEKLY, " " 4fl HAKI'EII S IJAZAK, " " 4 CO The TIIKEE, one year 1) w Any TWO. one ye.tr.. " on SIX subscription, one year 20 ( Terms for large clubs furnished on application. Post-aye Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. Tho Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense (pro vided the freight does not ex coed one dollar per volume), for $7.00 each. A complete set, comprising twenty-two volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of !?5.2o per volume, freight at ex pense of purchaser. Cloth Cases for each volume.suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, post paid, on reoeipt of S1.00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-office Money Order or draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this ad vertisement -without the express order of HAurEii & Ukotiikk-. Address IIaiumui & Uhotiiers, New York. Hie Sun For lSTD. Tm: Stn will be printed every day during the year to come. Its purpose and method will be the same as in the past: To present all the news in a rea dable shape, and to tell tlie truth though the heavens fall. The Sun has been, is, and wil con tinue to be independent of every body and everything save the Truth and its own convections of duty. That is the only policy which an honest newspaper nee 1 have. That is the policy which has won for this newspaper tho confi dence and friendship of a wider consti tuency than was ever enjoyed by any other American Journal. Tin: Sun is the newspaper for the people. It is not for the rich man against the poor man, or for the pool man against tho rich man, but it seeks to do equal justice to all interests in the community. It is not the organ of any person, class, sect or party. Theie need be no mystery about its loves and hates. It is for the honc-s-t man against the rogues every time. It is for the honest Democrat as against the dis honest Republican, and for the honest Republican against the dishonest Dem ocrat. It does not take its cue from the uterance of any politician or polit ical organization. It gives its support unreservedly when men or measures are in agreement with the Constitution and with the principles upon which this Republic was founded for the peo ple. Whenever the Constitution and constitutional principles are violated as in the outragious conspiracy of 1370, by w hich a man not elected was placed in the President's CMIiee, whero he still remains it speaks out for the right. This is The Sun's idea of inde pendence. In this respect there will be no change in its progrpmme for 1S7J. The Sun has fairly earned the hear ty hatred of rascals, fraud.-1, and hum bugs of all sorts and sizes. It hopes to derive that hatred not less in the yoar 1879, than in 1878. 1S77, or any year gone by. The Sun will continue to shine on the wicked with unmigrat ed brightness. While the lessons of the past should be constantly kept before the people. The Sun does not propose to make it self in 1S79 a magazine of .ancient his tory. It is printed for the men and women of to-day, whose concern is chiefly wiih the affairs of to-day. It has both the disposition and the abil ity to afford its readers with prompt, st. fullest, and most accurate intelligence of whatever in the wide world is worth attention. To thi: end tho resources belong to well-ostabli-.hrd prosperity will be liberally employed. The present disjointed condition of parties in this country, and the uncer tainty of the future, lend an extraor dinary significance to t lie events of the coming year. The discussion of the press, the debates and act of Congress, and the movements of tlie leaders in every section of the Republic will have a direct bearing on the Presidential election of 180. an event that must be regarded with the most anxious in terest by every patriotic American, whatever his political ideas or alle giance. To these elements of interest may be added the probability that the Democrats will control both houses of Congress, the increasing feebleness of the fraundulent Administration, and tho spread and strengthening everywhere of a healthy abhorence of fraud in any form. To presence with accuracy and clearness the exact situa tion in each of its varying phases, and to expound, according to its well known methods, the principles that should guide us through the labyrinth, will bejan important part of The Sun's work for 1879. We have the means of making The Sun, as a political, a literary and a gen eral newspaper, more entertaining and more useful than ever before; and we mean to apply them f reely. Our rates of subscription remain un changed. For the Daily Sun, a fourf page sheet of twenty-eight columns the price by mail, postpaid, is 55 cents a month, cr $Q.Z0 a year; or, including the Sunday paper, an eight-pnga sheet of fifty-six columns, the price is 65 cts. a month, or .57.70 a year postage paid. The Sunday edition of The Sun is also furnished seperatly at $1.20 a year, postage paid. The price of the Weekly Sun, eight pages. lift--six columns, is SI a year, postage paid. For clubs of ten sending 810 we will send an extra copv free. Address I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher of The Scn, N. Y. Citv. 34-Ct. At the trial of a criminal case in the Maine Supreme Court, recently, the prisoner entered a plea of 4-r.ot guilty,"' when one of the jurymen put on his hat and started for the door. The judge called him back and informed him that lie could not leave until the case was uiel. 'Tr.edV" queried tlie juror, why he acknowledge-! it at he i3 not ;.!i!ty.n THE EYE, EAR and THROAT Successfully Treated wiih SAHFORD'S RADICAL CURE. SUCCESS I' tlie t?rt of merit, -.i "-ic-cs It tha treatmii-.t of Intarrtiii! A'.rcrt'.nps, cficr 83 many mUcraO!'! fnilurej, i::can undoubiu i eoc'fia ciirtiv pr. ip'.rtk'B li tha r r.icilr um.(1. D"e9 f AKFOEn's K.MMCAL CiTX for I'niai rh possess such j ropenlcs? Tho vS.'.i;.co.l3 tbo Fl.j.e of ua-.-jll cited testimonial frviii V,n i.-idt. respect aMo jn'Oi l5 la all station of lif?,I?iurt l-o en-li:sivo on l.iis point. ivcr,n-o Voliovo.ln thchlstcry cf -.pKiiir tnelh!nes has f .u ii valuaia tc.iiminy l..-n of. f-r!d, Ircrly ofT-.T - l, In fr.vort f uny rt-mcdr ;haa that !n tiio poss-'siion cr l!io proprietors of fiA3. ToKD'altAmcALCVRi:. And vnlu.iM: cs i: 1?, It docs not represent athousandtli p.irt of the recoirmenJ. stlons which nreto-'lar oiiered by friends to fr!cnU lu Its favor, l'eo'ilj of wealth :n rc:lnrn:C!it In till parts of t'!eco:intry dail v. a iniit Itepr.peri' r:tr orer eny method of c iro knoVn ti the rirulrr medical profusion, o'.it htir.n tne publicity inclder.i -I to a "published statement, ll-aeo tha testhiioniitU In car posielon r.;prt?"iit bt a snr.lt pr.rt of thoo withhf i 1 fir the reafn irxv-tlonc-l. Till foliiw!:iir i:a:: tted tir.i:.inl frotn ilWKT V ells, Ti., of V.t.1!, KarL' 'n."6 ETprctf. ia en mi'Epofcttn la-orjei;:or.i Oi" Waioii WO uc juatlj E H VALUABLE JTem. TVEirm t Fottet. Whclernin TrrsTrtB. Poston, Ma.-.: J'!ieif-n, t liavo Ku-t-umc iTifint!d f dt It a duty that I owa to suUVrl'.ijf hi.maaity tJ vrlte J'om, Ftaiii.if I'.ie t:reflt benefit th:.t I liuvi de rived from the i; n ci mm oiiii'rf 1:adi.".l Cm;: JfoBCtTAUitt. 1 r-.-.i -,r.:lh-.n-Jjycur. I hsvebecn ft;l!ctoi with tW very trouleso::"i cc.r.tj Ir.lr.c I bare tried ill t ia rnfilfa thut 1 ci:tii liutlnt vithout taat rial r r ."r:ri -ei.t ber-eilt. Lct f.vil the disease l.a 1 arriv.-d ut t'.at Et::ti tiint i nit:it lav-! reliefer Ui". Ti'o entii.i inir:iranni;j sytt-a lia 1 hecoine pu l'i 'a i; i, '".;! lie tr :n(.h f Jlsor c.tred, t'f.t it v .-.h n '.nltfvil ni t; t whether I could uo to t.ia Iic!UiC3nV.tor il l sa l zo whether I ulionhl live to co"'- bachi riiot. lf..i.'e.iia J'i r t foment of this l i':iii'-ln' r.'id i. iih-'.u'h Ix.:;: z Yery Incredulous r.')r.t e: ciP.es or no-tr tr.is f any kind, yet in y'leer d"Sn;ratien I ; ;..d tl:, nt'.d wu ftt once bemfit '1 bv It. Ihxs ch-.nires of eii:i"t ft chronic cii.T.s eft:-. ; r.:.d i.y over 7 J mav iirve-.t l iyea' ire rotor :.T -.n, lint t tie bene fit 1 derive -,: .a its d .i'V lte I t i u e i ),:, find I an 1.' ;-!ti-j to I -. ct-i'di-ti 1 luk.i1, oud at le". nrrivo ut a rpect.iM.) Id x:k'--. H this 6'atei'i-:.r. cfnyrs-c can he of nny-crv'eo to thote ailiiete I ft 1 1. ive recti, i. i 1 1 U.V y-:t to trltiRtbts reme '.v into rtoro ;-'"icr..l v, e. cfpcelaily ci tic foci lie ec .it (rvhi r-. ii t ine! needed;, uy OUicct in writl-. this nolo v''t !: oMuh-ed. Very trtilv vonr, lirV'JT V Ki.I AUEOBA, i. V., Ju:io,WG. of V. e'.Ij, Fi.r j Co. V.? fneltifja i?i!r.j Vr. Ffmford'a Improved luhahi.g 'liii.,:, t.i.d i.i.l ;lr-ct f.-r hi ull rises. Price !.ej. Tor r .1 by til VLaicvi' - a:il l'etall Ijrujjeiat tin JJinlcrii hioiiih'-nt i idled Hates and CVmd.a. WKKKH & l'O r TKli. Uer.crtl Agents u.d Wlc Icsela 1 nic?Ui!i, l'oton, Mus. mm ALWAYS GUESES. Cr.largod Splscn. This to re-tifr that I hr.Ti ee nsin,7 your roLLixs' VcLTini 1 LA3Ti:r.s for llnlariueiit of Iho Fi leen s:id Jepresdon li tho btoi-.mch, and llicy l-.avo (riven iti j more reiltf than any other ramedy I h:-o evr n-eil, T voidd hihiy recora ml them t-i sU uac;iiilfL'U this cicsu or paia sad i-----"-'- J ELL3 ricrziN-c, Mc., Juno 73, 1CT?. Svero Peir?. HaTlnf oce-l ;- trrf n rT- fr r r.-ryi'J flirt In my sido 1 tried u-.o i f iir i 'cilij.' Vt TAie J-lasthi ;, end lu tfe:iiv-im:r tto.irs the piUll v i cu.viy rwiu. v .. .1. i'.. s,a -.'.Mi An l Ca-hlr First i.t. Lank. VlN-OSA. ?.TTN-t., JL.1"- iJ. i rr. Weaknesses. Col'lns' V-'.taic Pla.teri p!v the T.rt fitlcfRO t!nn hvro ef R'yiiMnif t i t h w l i. t: :ei f.T 1 imenM an ! cukners cf tae live', rtewjeud Hior rlht awnv. 3 Li-VIS. iii-TA-M, Juun 5. 1"-.". r.o rarefttl to rhi.-iln Colt it.-r' v.tI'! ri is. Ta, a comblnati in nt Fle"r;e n V iit..r Thiti v ith n hiijiiiv Mcd'cmed I i ii'er, a". :m In tha above cut. Sold I vnd "'fcnhuh- nd lie:!! i're. ; plets throughout tr. t'n.t-a Maw anil Conauus, and by V-Ht. .j w I OTIEl'., rri:;jriv.tvra, iu-lca, ilais. "ITS nTFTr1? a r ; rTr-n nnirir aiuai A HUILU UlUlftt AIO1 TiiEY ARE VORTH THEIJl' WEIGHT in HEAD WHAT HE SAYS Vn. TrTT : Bear Sir: For ton years I havo iioen a martyr to Dy-ipepi-i, C'ous-tipatioa and Piles. I.ut S; .-;:iir; your Puis were ri'cotnniendt'd tome; I r.scd' im ui ( but with lit t Its faith). I oin how a well laun, have irocul npi'Iite, diees t:on perfect, roirulnr fitoo:-, tijies troti". aiid I havo fnined forty ponnd- rS.ia Mtli. They nro wortii tii-ir v.eu'ht in iruld. Eev. lCh. SIMl'SON. LouisvCIe, Ky. TUTT'S FILLS! Ir. Tutt rns heen cn ra:;al iu tlie i tHCUeo iiiediciue SO ye.-.rs, an. I for a lour;" timo was Uenioiihirutor cf Anatomy Jsi the J!ed ical College of Georjr i:i,fienee perfonn iieiiisj hi. Pills iiavc tliCKiliir aiiteo thut they hro prepared os FciJntif.c i '-iuciides,iiiK! arc lreo l'roui ull (juat-kt-ry. liohas ettecetd'ed iri co:nhiiiii': in thttn thij herutoiore antagonis tic rrtiaiitios of a ftrrrgttniiiio.puryative an I a fiiTil ying Umic. Their tlift npparert eifevt lo increayo t!ie appetite by causing tho fo-Hi to Jiroperly u-f-i m i isit t. Tlitis tlie sys tem is lionrif-hiil, y.v.X by their tonic uctiou on tlie digestive or ars, regular and iiealihy t'v.ieiiatioiis are inbdueed. Tho rapidity with which j'cTsuns take un rlrrh. while nnder tha influence of these pills, of it.K'lf indicates their tirlaptahliity toiiotirih the body, and henco their oHi a-v in ctirii:ii Cuke sick IIkah acue. TUTT'S PILLS Ccr.E DrsrEriA. TUTT'S FILLS Cure CoxsTirATio:;. TUTT'S PiLLS Clue Piles. TUTT'S PILLS Cuus Fkver amj AutEr TUTT'S PILLS! C'citE Bilious Colic. TUTT'Sf iLLS CCUE ElUNET C'OM-l-LALNT. m.-rvous debility, mel ancholy, dysjiepf-ia, wattiii'rof tho musclea slujrjrishiiossof the liv er, chronic coiiftipa tioa and iaiparuug TUTT'S PiLLS Cuke Torpiij Li Villi. heallh r.nd etrer.crth to the system. A DOCTOR SAYS. Dr. I. Guy Lewis, of Fulton Ark., writes ; "Ono year ajro I was taken eiek, a friend argued so stronglv in favor of Tun's Pills that I was in duced to use them. Never did medicine have a happier t-fl'ict tl:an in my c;w. After a practice of a quarter of a century I proclaim them the bet anti-bilious medicine ever used. I have pre- Bcribcd them ia mv practice ever since." SUPERIORITY OF TUTT'S PILLS. They a:; conipoundol from medicinal substan ces that arj positively freo from any properties that can in the leat degree injure the mot deli cate organization. They search, e'eanse, purify, and invigorate the entire system. By relieving the engorged liver, they cleanse the blood from poisonous humors, and thus impart renewed health and vitality to the body, causing the bow els to act naturally, without which uo one can feel well. A TORPID LIVER Is the fruitful source of many diseases, prominent atneng which are Ifyst psia, Pick-LIudjche, Costivciiess, Dyswutory, ISiiioiis Fever, Ague an.d Fever, Jatuidice, riles. Rheumatism, iiidney Coniiilauit, Colic, etc. Tutt's Pills exert a direct r.nd powerful influ ence on the Liver, and will, with certainty, relievo that important crgiin lroia disease, aad restore Its norrnal functions. SOLD ,CCT1CE, 35 MXTRKA? ST., KW ROBERT DONNELLY'S t 1 A ' - VV-T.-T fjj y AND I5LACKS3IITII SHOP. Yt'ajov, Iii'jyy, jrarhir.c and Plow re pairing, and yeneral. jobbing. I am now prepared to do :!! kinds of rep itiing of farm and oil. r id '..hii.ciy. as there is n sOod lathe in my ilioj. PETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Wascn Maker has taken charge of the wagon tsliop. He is w ell known as a XO, 1 YVOF.XMAN. TCew AVaoui and Uuugiea mado to Order. SATISFACTION GUAKANTEEH. Sbor. on Sixth stret opyoit Streislu's Eiabl n: ? t ? ? i , .t nit m sl3 v us t i ? ? : 3 B Lh i l3 PIP P S i A ( I T; Ilcosicrs in Nebraska. I t'id ii:' !- ivsidi n; (f 1 1) d i:.t'. i:i ii'iw llvltitr ill Tin' it. ilesii iii- io d. iaiii me iio-vs ir!ii tiieiroi'u Jl. .si. r il l. lie. slioilld lit I'nee sub- s -rih-' ft r t!u- itt f all the wet kly papciN, Tho rortiiern Iiiuianiiui. (JEN.r.i:i'r:. Vi ILLI.VMS, F..!:tor and l'rup. AVitbotit. a i'..tl'T The N'oisth n InhiAmax is the fiirit -veeklv p.i-r p::tiliiu-d witliin the lH.rders of Indiana. It is a large forty-coiiitiui fiilm-the lai-r.'-t i t the county and eaelijiuin ber is lit li'd l repletion with Indiana ews, !-; i t orals on evcrv Mibject. Choice Pianu'Ms of lii-toiy, Sch ct'Skt -Ji-ltfs. and letters froi:i i:s own i'"nvi'i'i!enls in the K.tst and v'e:. l.ie HlVtitsiZet.f '1I1K XlllflliMtS IM'IAMAN HI" aides it to furnish It readers with a splendid Continued Storv. in addition lo Us lai -:e ani nint of Miseelaiieoiis Ile.olint; mat ter. and it N con eo'led by evcrv one to be the best paper pi. blish ed in li:e old Iooier s-tate. In the tif-t nnin lu r i f the vera-Iis7:, will be commenced a tew storv entitled. KOXiK, A TALE OP TilC IIARIilSON CAMPAIGN, P.v the Pev. Kd'.vard !;'.;:-ton. anther of "T!i Iioc":er Sc!n)i.!ni:h!i r." "The Circuit Kider," etc., tlie plot (if which is laid in lmli:uia. ttiid wiiieh will far surpass any tale pnlt'.islietl in a el-ra doanial. At the betriniiitr of tlte new year Til K In'HAV i an v.iil j . i i : 1 1 ;i nianiot ii i ulle k:!.eot Holiday Ntlhil er. . llich iviil be I'm' I :.Kr l-Ai'i i: kvi:k ritiNTK.n in ami kica. Thi-i double t.itinber v. i!I lie sent to r.'j;ui:ir tiii-rt-r.wbfl-s the .sumo as its UMml issue, but .-in-Vie e.ipi.-s of i:. is special Ki;e will bo 5t;;t on iverip; of tell cent-. Till-: 1 r-:K.i.s niE indiantan aki: : Ti.li i' :o:,iisiou t!!;i!l .r'-'l S::c iii'inths 1 '' ;..' year V'J Addies ;kn. !:s:ri5. vi i.i.iams. iNtiiANtAN' I'.l ii.i t.Ni:, V,'ai;.sAv, In.). CMoap EnrlinstGii St Quincy R, P. i.-; 'mi:- DIRSQT ROUTE East and VVest0 Rnnniflg Thrcugh Qais Council Bluffs, CONNKCTIN'O WITH TI1K Union Pacific Railroad i-OK ALi. POINTS IN XEiWASKA. COLORADO. irro.irrAG', jiO.vr.t.Y.i. X EVA PA. AulZOXA, IDAHO, AND T E5 li ii v a :j C A ?i s TO KANSAS CUT. TOPLKAATGIIIoCa !l St. Jo?cpH And llif S!:i;:T I.fNK i points n the y. l ss; H 1 : ! . KANS A S 1 K X A S. . a d HursToN a- ti x.s ci:x n;Ai, 1.AI I.IIOAH.S, Pullman Palace Sleeping Gars. a:;d T:r:: ci:!.i:r.A'j;:i) C, B. T: 0. DINIXO CARS. dy Tins PtorxE. All in'oriii-i io;i ;i !;.-!,; rr.?' of f.trfs vrl'.l be eheerliiHy ;;ivcii by ;i dyi nsr to Ti-ifli M.mi'ner. S?. I A -s'i '.len'l . .vr , Chica-.ro James Pettee D!-:a r.in: r; Masicai Inslrumenls, Sole Appointiny Ay- nt for The finiv::i;'l tlason A Zlnsiliu CABINET ORGANS. Also, tlifi St'.-:, Hc-iry V. .Vi'lr. ar.tl H.illct tz riimstoii Pi. inns for t'ass and Sarpy cour.ties, Nel. (.' ill and nuet SAM I'LE IXSTnUM EXT.'? nt office, ixtli. one d ior suntli of Main St. ri.ATTSMon rr. neu. " Ttinirs n:?d riviiriM I'i.-t'ins nnd Organs a s;n i.-.lty, hnili-r the sU;::fn! !i.r:i's of Mr. S. M Ti-jw ri. a tu:u'i f l): ir:y-t lirt e yi'. us exi ei ii.ee. ICT AND f;iI0 STOIt Veeping Water. Y have ju.Ht received a full toc!t of Moats and, film eg Avliicli we are telling at for h. V j 1 1 1 oi.r sir.all fXT-r-'-fs cr:-, ron pete with :r.i ;if in jiv.ee and (Ti -i : : : y . V.'v also inaiKifai-tni" '...c.ts aua .lioos iii ;.:! il c !:-.''-t sdyios, sind i..siire ii;. and s.V: ." ' tii-i;. (.'V.'c us a trial. ' l iat inbi-r i.'i'i name ;;ud piaci'. 231 Marshall & Son. REPAIRING DOE NEAT AXI CHEAP. c.-i z z. H T DICK STREIGHT'S LI V FRY, FEED AND SALE STA PLES. C'-oiiifrCth anil I'earl Sts. HOIlSf. iniAEPED l:Y Till-: 1VCE:K, Gil HORSES BOUGHT. SOIiD OS 'ZTJZuiJDlZlTD. i'or a 'Lf.it Cor.itui.ssion. TE.ir.i.s at"all tiorns. Pii ncuisr atttntion pal J to Driving and Training If. FBBSH FRUITS -AN!)- ! w , I t? F T E? V n P t? C I V i U Ju 1 ii U L U O j 1IOlITGOItlERY & SON'S, One Dw Hast of lurey f'-'T.'.. MAIN STKEKT., - - I"LATTSM'L'TII. NLU. We Pay Cash for Produce! KEEN AN & (ill ACE. Retail Lipor Dealers. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. PLATTSMOUTII - - NE13. Also liilli.ird Hall ami Saloon on Mnin street, four doors from Sixth :il Neville's old place. Store iuid saloon on Main St. two doors cast of the I'ust office. JiEST JiRANDS OF CI CARS, ALES, WINES, dC, AT BOTH PLACES. ItesiJcnibcr The ?:irae antT I'lttce. 24iy Keenan & Graco. HENRY ECECK DKAI.KK IN E,,-,il2?E3LitlBI.a?, SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., ETC., ETC., Of All Description?. METALLIC BUFJAL CASES Of all sizes, ready mado .uid s;ld clu';;j for cswh With many thanks for past patron tit t . Ilai invite all to fall and c-n;iii:f my LAIICK .STtX'K OK 4otf. Fi':i"rs ;i: .?.i ton I : s I r i 1 c- 2 CD :: o C3 t O" - 'j v. c - ' r-. r 0 rf. - V . i w-erm w t -w; s 6-- W i3 k; 5 A. G. HATT jrsT oieni:: at.ain, New, Chan, Fin I Cl-tss 2feat Sliop, on Mail Street in Tied Kri" IiIt' edd Maud fcvei vliyily cii Uaiid for li iii, u udi.;- meat. J;-yl.f ELI PLUfflfflER, Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Store opposite Saunders House. 201y. Hil-IE SCIINELLBACIISR, BLjicKSJirm house Mfor.i:t(j, : Allkimlsof FAKM IMPIXMEKT! J mended . . I '.-1 v :-'J Neatly f- Promptly :0: Ilorso, Mnlc& OxSIiocin?, In sliort, we'll shoe anytliin that ha? four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. SHOP, on Tifth St.. hef.ven Main and Vin? Street, j-.ist a-k.'ss the tonurr fruiii the sew HEitAl- Citriric. wy" i.i m-jLl.lHlil.i J).fW(.. "! .' U-.J ANNUAL ANNOUNCEM'TI "W'e are ple.Tsed lo inform our inuny I'.itiotis tl'.nt v.c have m om: I f. 4 "inspection," t!i largi-st, chcaiiost. and mo-t, cotnplete lino i f DiiV (Joor. ;, Notions, Millinery and Fancy articles i vcr shown in tlii- city. Special Attention Galled To our ir.acniCoett a ....ttn.ei.t rt Thu cmbn'.ce twelVi? nradc?, ra;'-i;..;"::. pii,-e f ".n Back & Cq1qaCZ Apc:::, Boureltes, Barpors, Lustres, Ksnnington Plaids, fee, in Great Variety. ItEPELLANTS, WATKIlPHOOrs, LADItS' CLOIIIS, iu t!.i- very Lr.teM S:Ics. A very f i!' and lar:;i .-j'.iviina, in iU-avi r, Hiv-joital, r.,i-.l.ct :n I t'-'t h-.l ;!: ':'' . U .ia -. u;. hawl.s, riaiuirls, I:!.iu;,i;ls, Cuii foi Ml.a-s, at KodiK'ir;! I'i.. ;u '-. lt - ,M: TI:, d aTi kinds. NEW LACE SCARFS ! Ties, Bows, Crepe, Jluqhes, Ite., iitij. ax exdless va::ilty of Ladies' Misses' and Children's ail Wco! and Fleeoa Lined Hcsc. Ar.ytliit! yoi: fail to :-tv, a-l; fur ;i, for liavi- it, i t BEID BOCIC IPJFirLCJJZiEl I A Muck Ifeedcd WniiX. Ziipjjis-d ? r- .-cT jj CLOTHING, AND GENTS' FURNIIIIia; GOODS. We have adde d to otir slock a rt.ni(h-if Yr d M i'.N.V, V;,l ! ;' ;r;,' i. '(.., . C'hdt.ttp, l. ii t- 1 ! : i : . r cl ill i -xtciit, (.juaiiiy and i'! ', y a:: y i I t ; 1; r v- i -. i . (,;;.. All r.xy Fresh Coeds direct from i-.r? T-'.itnifat' ry ;t ; : it '. ti: i? . I v (' :-.. .-i . : i, :i. A liandsojiie -It'cdion of V'I.ito .md Colored slorfj. over .-'-. f " i::.r!t-r-w ar, Hosiery, Tus, lJov.y, anil tdc, Ilat.s and tv; .:, I; . 1 . . . ! y, An iusi'orlion j-j rehj rt vivt ly .solicilr-.I which ro ti r.-i ii! i; . rit v.; i j :t- roii.t'-v. YVv are Deicnninrtl to UimUt ,U ('(: noiseless :U - - H and more, by buying u macliiae tiiat will lait you a lifo tirnt1, t.ul '. latest improvements. VICTOIt EEXG IIACIIIInE CO., (Liberal Terms to Agentg. IWandSOI Wazi:?-' Av. fiend for Clwuiw. Cor- AU i:'"! u v "" ' T3 "? " " 5 i : t V ! ll.TS C":.'IC- Jr.'l if. And he has hrouh the iiim- !i;e of Dress Goods, Staple Go(h!s, Faney. Goods and N otionsyou ever saw. sM iM yu zcizH rest hupj caps tliill j on must hzzy Spring and Summer Goods Note is your chanco bound, to s'.ll tip. tcant to yo Ea - I t F ' tk T'O dm ' li ' er -rya For Throat, Lt-rr. ;Lrr.n, rail KMarya. cr ialrtlon for itcrrh. ' 'cc-.JiiiMi jrj, " forest Tnr trzehez 6 or Fir? 'i hrost, V nrr-wt3, TicUiS Ccu! aat l'kr.fyiijg till l;.-uu;ti. ? 5 O fa C&I V.5iJ? or lie'diri; InJo'ett fcores, t'lcei;, Cuir, Utira, and tor !'..'(?. t.'i'- funtt hud l'.aLh. forest ar Inhalers, J or Lr -baling to;-Cits.; rt, Consiiii.pt;on, A. '.lurjx or Srtlc I tf all Vruyisl i m GltS rr;.-? -" r,P '' Wni - ' ' - ever and ever so cheep and un-b r.s'll unyhudy. Il'try t ay;in. w.rt month. 0 1 j '' i .; ; ! ' A it X r 1 r ! 1