li ERA LI. B. & H. R. R.Time Table. Corrti.Ud Friday, October 18, ISIS. KOK OMAHA I UOxTtLATTSMOI TH. l-fflvcs 7 .-no a. ni. Arrive 8 :tr. a. m. 2 -.35 p. in. " 3 -'" ! FROM OMAHA FOR PLATTSMOUTH. LtatM 9 -J-0 :i. in. Arrives 1 1 :'J0 a. in. " 6 :oo p. in. " 7 : p. in. FOE THE WEST. Leave Flattsraouth io :2 a. in. Arrives Lin m. 1 -25 i. m. : Arrives ivewiiiey, y. o p.m. freight leaves a : a. m. Ar. Lincoln 2 :) p.m. FROM THE WEST. leaves Kearney. 6 :22 a. in. leaves Lincoln II :I5 p. m. Arrives Plattsmouth. 3 :00 p. m Freight leaves Lincoln U a. m. Arrives i'latlamuiitu, 5 :0u p. in. GOING EAST. Espress. 6 :15 a. in. Paaseuger, (train each day) 3 :.V p. m.t except Saturday. Every third Saturday a train con ii ecu at the usual time.. II. V. II. II. Time Tabic. Takina Kffcct Monday, AVr. 4, 1379. mjlIBWiKII. Leave Arrive Ayr 8 :21 p. m. Hasting. ' :i p. ui. I Blue Hill. ..8 :M p. in. f Cow I cm 9 :47 p. in. J Red Cloud, 10 :M p. HI. OIlTII Waltl. Leaves Arrive "1 C'tiwle 4 :41 a. in. iiod ciud. 4 :w a.m. I ",.I.'::;;S : J Hasting. ...7 a. in, A KRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF PLATTS A MOUTH MAILS. a , ,,. I Depart at - 6 :."M) a. m, Arrive at m. j '.. .. 3 :00 p. ,u OH AHA VIA B. M. AjtIvo at 10 uK) a. m. Depart at - J :15 p. Hi WEHTEUS YH B. Jt H. Arrive ar S :15 p. m. Depart at - 10 :00 a. m, WKXI'INO WAT Kit. Awlta at 12 :OU in. Depart at - 1:00 p. Di. KU K CI.ITFSA I SKI.1 MII.I.M. AlfKe at 12 :o in. I J lepai tat - 1:00 p.m. J. W. MARSHALL. 1'. M. LOC A L A D V E K T I S E 11 K N TS. Transient. 2j cents a line. Regular advertis ers, is cer.u per line. No advoruaumaut luseit- J for Ik tli ah 25 renin. I-evnl noticet at Statuto rate. aiOriify and ofhrers of Hie law will be neld rt-snonnlbte for all leual uotiees tht-y hand in and all partira rieinamllui; , a proof ( publica Hun of any uotire will be held lor the publica Uua fo of such notice. COM M L' NIC ATI ONS. Aa our apace Is limited, all conimnnlcaMon ainst be brief anl to tli Mjiot. with no waste f words. The paper I responsible for tho correctness arroru'p io copy ii paiu matter nnu iui j.c g&l. only. 1. Anv nerson who takes the paper regularly frum tbo post-office, whether ilire:td to his name, or w ln-th'-r lie Is a subscriber or not Is r-ipoi!!lil lor the pa v. j. If any i-crtoii oril-rs hU paper tliscontin ned. lie rims' nay all arrearages, or Hie publish er may continue to send it until payment is inade.'and roller! the whole amount. Whether the par-er is t.iWi-ii from the oflli-e or not. S. 1 lie courts have derided that refusing to laki ne wspapf rs and periodicals from the post o3ee. or reinoviiiie and leaving ilit-m inn-.illi-tl lor. Is pt-imti facie evidt-m-e of ixtf.xtio.nal I-KAL D. I.OCAI. NEWS Th Streets wore crowded Satur day as usu.i!. Prof. Love is fund of eiucstrl;in nhip to judj?. JuhnsoH of Weeping Water wiva In town Ttifsday. Remember John Dillon In "My Awful Dad" is coming. If Undines isn't picking up in lhi town It can't Le anywhere else. St. T-nko's Churcli in Retting a winter ovsrco.nt of new shingles. - Weckbach is bniitliiijf two more new houses up o:i Episcopal hill. Srvcral sections of hiick sidewalk are Loin on Mnin street. r Lawyer Morrison aporta a hand tuinfl giey horse and new veh'.cle. The IJ. & M. folks Rie building a new section house out t the "Y." I'liil Young Buys he sells " Toolh lue."' That's too thin, Thil, or else w'd Lave a tooth in. The Episcopal church is getting a new roof, and calciinining the inside is next in order. The sound of tho hammer mid the whiz of the rip-snw lire heard in the land all day now. The two now houses on the hill near the Kpiscopal church, build that 6treet up considerably. Treasurer Patterson lias bought a handsome team of carriage- horses to drira in that new buggy. A reward is hereby offered to any man that will get the better of John Shannon on a knife trade. Dr. Schildkneeht is bound to etop the ravages of that creek, and is doing tome effectual work on it this time. Late as the fall has been, lovely as the weather has behaved itself there j nre yet some folks that are not through huaking. Dr. Clutter, our new dentist, seems to have plenty of work and we believe Is a real addition to our society and business. At last Phil Young has procured the people's favorite, "John Dillon," in "My Awful Dad." Phil has him book ed for Dec. 17th. All the way from Omaha we learn that Mr. Joyner, our Rock Bluffs mail driver was attacked by a road agent, vulgarly called a robber. "We heard the other day that there were to be twelve weddings in Platts mouth between now and New Years. Do tell ! Hurry up so we can Ond put who are the twenty four parties. We rather think the Council ought to raise that street peddler license. One dollar a day does not pay for the money they take away, and many of them are nuisances anyway. The buggy fellow did manage to sell all out here. We never thought lV could; but gas, cheek and good lungs work wonders and almost every body is happy now with a new buggy, ehluey, black and varnishey. Mr. D. Soliday, a cousin of Mr. John Wayman's from Ind., will be here soon accompan ied by a Mr. Haas, and the firm may put in a large stock of clothing aud furnishing goods, a jobbing stock. We hope the gentlemen will be pleased with our town and its business pros pects and stay with us permanently. T II Personal. Miss Martin, of liellevue, is giving thanks to-day with friends in this citr. Willie Gj'ger came down to eat Thanksgiving turkey at home and take in the dance. Mis3 Carrie Bennett accompanied by Miss May Dundy, a daughter of Judge Dundy, and Miss Mamie Dakin, came down from Brownell Hall last evening to spend thanksgiving. Mrs. W. L. Wells and children came in from the farm on Monday,- for a short stay in the city. The change is very acceptable, after their sojourn of loncsomeness in the country. Be Happy. Old Santa Claus has mada hi3 ap pearance and established his headquar ters at Chapman & Smith's, and went on his way rejoicing, to return again and appear on the streets on Christmas day for C. & S. Come one, come all and see what he has left atC.&S. The largest and finest line of Holiday pres ents for old and young. 30t4tf It is astonishing to see how many Ema!l but nice looking houses are be ing tucked into the hills back of the machine shops. You have to go on an investigating tour occasionally, to find out how much there is of Plattsmouth, Subscribe for your papers and maga zines with J. P. Young, and save rnon- Last Sunday a week was the best, livery day Mr. Jones ever had at his barn. Everything wont, doable, two times and single. Secure seats for Prof. Cook's enter tainment, at P. O. News Depot. Don't fail to see Mis3 Crawford in her wonderful second-sight mind read ing and carivoyant tests Friday even ing. The onlv fresh lemons in the city at the P. O. News Depot. A lazy fellow down street thinks Ellison will be of some use yet. He may invent an electric spark in a cigar, so that when you nip the end off the cigar will light itself, thus saving the trouble of striking a matcln The undersigned respectfully an nounces to the people of Plattsmouth and ('ass County that he is now receiv ing the finest and best selected stock of goods for the Holidays that ever has been displayed in this city, consisting of gold and silver watches, fine jewelry, clocks, silverware, vpcclaclcs, pocket knives and razors, fancy goods, music al instruments ami toys; which will be sold very cheap. Thanking my fr'unds and customers for past favors, I flatter myself that the old standby will not be forgotten. Come one, come all. no trouble to shoa- goods. Kespectfully, 3!t4 Jos. Sen later, Jeweler. Spiritualism exposed at Fitzgerald Hall, Friday evening. The funniest thing in the newspa per business is to watch a patent out- sido editor trying to explain why he can't insert an article on the first page. Camden Post. Prof. Cook, th pioneer cxpoger of Spiritualism, at Fitzgerald Hall, Fri day etening. Our new Dentist, Dr. Clutter, is meeting with well merited success. Having a thorough knowledge of his profession, backed by an active expe rience of over ten years, he can guar antee perfect satisfaction in all opera tions. Those wishing dental work should call on him. 36t2 The w ind rushed down the street and took Billv Stadelmanu's hat along. He ran, and the hat ran. It's curious how a hat without legs can beat a short man with two le;S. The largest assortment of dolls, doll heads and bodies in the city at the P. ). News Depot. Opposition is the life of trade. The two gentleman down on Main St. in foreign costume ran each other lively oaturdav. Medicine vs trinkets. Celery. I will try hereafter to have celery and oysters here regularly if I can get i regular set of customers for the same. 1j. It. JJennett. At the Express office. Judge Maxwell is about publishing a legal work on the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs and Constables in Nebraska. Photograph Albnms from 25c up to 810.00, also autograph and pocket al bums at the P. O. News Depot. We should like to know who W. X. Davis, of Plattsmouth, is. He writes the Sidney Telegraph that he has a trotting colt " Maud," four years old that can wax those fellows at and the Telegraph says: 44 We are ready." Turn out everybody and see Prof. Cooue Friday nignt. For good and cheap sheet music go to the P. O. News Depot. Itev. DeLaMatyr has removed his family to Plattsmouth, where that ex cellent gentleman will labor for this year. No man ever made more devot ed friends during a two years' resid ence in Fremont than Mr. DeLaMatyr. He is an honorable, accommodating gentleman, besides being a good preacher and a most exemplary chris tian. He is heartily commended to tho people of his new home. -Fremont Tribune. For Sale or Trade. A Bargain. Eighty acres of choice farming land, partly under cultivation. Inquire at this offlce A rare chance. 86t3 For Sale. A large, good bay mare, 7 years old. Works single or double. Is kind every way. For sale cheap or to trade for smaller horse to mate another. In quire at Herald office. 36t2 To Bent. Forty acres of Land within three miles of town, and a pair of horses to sell with the same on time if desired. Inquire at the Herald office. 36t4 The press throughout the eastern cit ies are loud in their praise of Prof. Cook's entertainment. An Old Lady's Trick. Sheriff R. W. Hyer's, of Cass county, was in this city this morning looking after an old lady, some fifty years old by the name of Elizabeth Hickman who is charged with having fleeced some of the Plattsmouth people to the tune of S190.00. Mrs. Hickman has been runing a farm for the past year about 2V miles from the county seat. One day last week it is charged that she unlawfully did get S100 from one Fred Gorder, a grain merchant of Plattsmouth, as an advance en some corn she said she had. It is also said that she played the same game on another party to the tune of S90. It now seems that the old lady with her children, and household effects left Plattsmouth last Sunday morning, taking her horses and worldly effects with her, and leaving behind no show ing of the corn she said she had. The sheriff ha3 tracked her thus far, but here he is at present unable to find any further tracks of her. She is said to be a cripple. Neb. City News. Best brands of cigars, fine cut, plug and smoking tobaccos, at the I . O News Depot. Information that Pays. With its reduction in price and its great amount of useful information, the American Agriculturist can hardly fail to pay well, all who invest the small sum required to get it. Bead the advertisement. Miss Bertha Norris who met and ex posed Miss Miller, the Memphis, Tenn Medium in her Spirit Bride Seances, at Fitzgerald Hall, Friday evening. A little girl, resident in Platts mouth, aged between two and three years went to church for the first time with her grandmother not long since. A short time previous she had been much interested in the pranks of a mon key which was exhibited on the streets by a man with a hand organ. She sat very quietly in church until the organ sounded forth its strains, when she leaned over to Grandma and inquired, "Grandma, where's the monkey?" We didn't hear whether she was answered or not. Notice. There will be no school to-day (Thanksgiving), but parents will please see that their children are in attend ance on Friday aud Saturday, us the monthly examination will be in pro gress and it is desired that the schol ars should all be present. J. W. Love, Principal. Notice. There will be a pound festival at the M. E. Church at Weeping Water, on Thursday eve Doc. 12, 1S73. A gener al good time is anticipated. Every body is invited. By order of Com. Ben Hempel runs the lower butcher shop on Main St., and don't you forget t. lie keeps good meat, is willing and obliging to customers and wants all the tnu'e he can get. Let it coma. An exchange says : "In the good tune coming, beggars will ride in carriages, lawyers will have to saw wood for a livelihood, and news paper men will swing on the gate and eat molasses candy." Now, where is Frye? Lawyers saw wood, hey! John Fitzgerald has sued the City for his warrants 3,000 worth. It seems some time ago Fitzgerald had received and gathered about $3,000 worth of ordinary city warrants. In one of the spasms of virtue and econ omy which visits this town semi-occa sionally the Council thought they could save money (and do justice, we suppose,) by funding all the outstand ing indebtedness of the city, warrants and all. Fitzgerald handed over, at the city's request, $3,000 of warrants and received the equivalent in "fund ing bonds." The other day the Su preme Court said the funding bonds were illegal, being issued in excess of the 20 per cent, valuation of property allowed by law. So Fitz. is out unless he can make the city return his war rants, for which he now prays, &c. Sam. M. Chapman i3 his attorney and has prepared a brief that's full of fund ed wisdom about this matter. Prof. Cooke. On Friday evening next, Prof. Cooke, the renowned exposer of Spiritualism, will appear at Fitzgerald Hall, ably as sisted by Miss Selome Crawford in her wonderful mind reading, second sight and clarivoyant tests, in which ques tions secretly written by any in the audience, instantly destroyed or con cealed, will receive intelligent answers. Also Miss Bertha Norris who met and exposed Mrs. Miller, the (Memphis Tenn.) medium in her Spiiit Bride Se ance. The Press throughout tho coun try are loud in their praise of his per formances. He appeared at Lincoln Nov. 20 and 21, and the Lincoln Jour nal in a column notice each day pro nounced his entertainment the best of the kind ever given in Lincoln. We clip the following from the St. Louis Republican of recent date: The Olympic theatre this week is the scene of one of the most enjoyable en tertainments the season has produced. Mr. Cooke comes out with the some what novel title of an exposer of spir itualistic trick?, and backs up the asser tion with as complete and astonishing an exhibition as lias ever been shown to the public. The second-sight busi ness, the clarivoyant test and spirit bride levee, by Miss Crawford and Miss Cooke, are quite as wonderful and could be described in columns. The Professor has a quiet and irresistably droll way upon the stage, and luckless he who provokes the current of his fun ; for the entertainment is as condu cive to humor as it is creative of won der. It is worthy all that can be said in its praise. U. S.P IANO CO. IB3BTEKCKER ST..X.Y Manufacture of strict ly first-class ri.inos. We sell direct to families from our own Factory at- lowest wholesale pri ces. Beautiful new 7H Octave. Rosewood I"i utios. Sent on trial. Thousand m ue. Heavy discount to c:vh buyers. IKl.N'T buy until you read our Catalogue. It will interest you Mail ed free. 33t3 A. CRU1CKSHANK & CO., Importers and retailers of DRY GOODS AXD MILLINERY, OMAHA. NEIi. Offer the most attractive Fall and Win ter stock ever shown in Nebraska. Guiuets Black Silks of our own impor tation, $1.00 to S3.00. Silk and Wool Dress Goods. Black and colored Cash meres 50c to $1.50. LADIES CLOAKS AND CIRCULARS. We have largely increased this de partment and will duplicate eastern prices. Beaver Cloaks from $3.50 to $40.00. Matelasse Cloaks from S5.00 to $50.00. Cloaks or Circulars will be sent on approval to responsible parties. Ladies in th. habit of sending East for Goods are particularly requested to give us a trial. 33tf. A. Crvickshank & Co. Proposals for Grain. HEADQRS. DEPT. OF THE PLATTE. ) Chief Quartermaster's Office, Omaha Bks Neb., Nov. 4,1878. ) Sealed proposals in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be receiv ed at this office, until 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, December 4, 1878, at which place and time they will be op ened in the presence of bidders, for furnishing and delivering, in quanti ties as required up to June 30, 1879, at Omaha Depot, Nebraska, or at stations on the Union Pacific Ilaihoad east from Kearney Junction, one million (1, 000,000) jov wis Oats; and two millions (2,000,000) poiuids Corn. Proposals for quantities less than the whole required, will be received. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production. The contracts will be let with the provision that the quantities contract ed for may be increased or reduced one third by the Chief Quartermaster of the Department, at any time within sixty days after date of contract. Bids should state the rate per 100 pounds, not per bushel; should state the year in which the Corn proposed to be furnished was grown, and should bo endorsed on envelopes, "Bids for Grain." The right to reject any or all bids, is reserved. M. I. LUDINCTON. 33-4t Chief Quartermaster. SPECIAL NOTICES. Apples for Sale. Good apples can be had at the Ex press Office for $2.25 per barrel, apply at once to Capt. L. D. Bennett. 35t2 Cheaper than the Cheapest, Ncrer Undersold in Boots and Shoes at Merges'. 31tf Horse for Sale. Ono bav mare four years old for sale. Time will lie given. Apply to Mai- dauer & Herrmann. 34tf Remember that for boots and shoes Rockwell cannot be beat in price. He has a large assortment. 2Stf. See E. G. Dovev & Son 8 assortment of Lady's cloaks before purchasing elsewhere. F. S. White is looking for another car load of those fine Michigan apple s. Don t fail to bo on hand. 34tf For Sale, Cheap Farms. S. E. i 14, 10, 12; S. E. 15, 10, 12; N. W. U 12. 10. 11. near Weeping Wa ter ami W. hi N. E. A 28, 12, 11 ; S. J S. E. 'i 21, 12, 11, near louisville, $10 per acre. 10 years lime and o per cent interest, small payment down. Call on or address with stamp, S. b. More house, Nebraska City. Jot2 Notice. Belmont, Cass Co. Neb., Nov. 18, '78. Ed. Herald: Dear Sir I hereby notify the public against purchasing any paper or papers against me held by the Iowa Central Iron fence Co., of Marshalltown, Iowa, or any person or persons claiming to represent said com pany ; said paper or papers bear date Nov. 13th, 1878. 35t4 G. W. Swartz. A nice assortment of Repellents Cashmeres, American Dress Goods, lies, Ruching, Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Ladies and Children's Hosiery, Felt Skirts, Sec. &c, at E. G. Dovey & Son s. Those wishing Oysters can obtain them by the can or dish, of the best )iauds, cheap, at Henry Thierolf s, two doors east of the l'JO. 34tf Rockwell has a full line of Grocer ies, asti. A fine assortment of Blankets at 29tf E. G. Dovey & Son's. Rockwell, of Louisville, has just fin ished his new store, 23x35, which he has full of new goods. Be sure and give him a call we know you will buy if you do, for he sells very cheap. Stf. For Sale. A wire plant stand with trellis, at a bargain. Inquire at the Herald office. Boots and Shoes Cheap. call and examine prices at 31 tf Merges. Ladies, Gents and Children's Under wear, Cotton Flannels, Red Flannels, Linsey and Jeans, at E. G. Dovey & Son s. MONEY SAVED by buying boots and shoes. 31tf at Merges'. Rockwell keeps hardware and queensware. and by Jove he keeps ma chine oils too.; and I declare, he keeps patent medicines also, so there is no use of staying sick. 28tf. Good second-hand organs and melo- Deons for sale or rent low. Leave ad dress at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Store cor Cth and Main Sts. James Pettee, 9tf. Dealer in Musical Instruments. Rockwell ha3 just received nine chests of choice teas, which be sells at from 25cts to $1 per pound. The best bargain in teas you ever saw. 28tf. We see that Merges got the premium again at the State Fair on his own work for beauty and durability. He ! really does make fine and good work, j Don't be Deceived. Many persons say "I haven't got the Consumption" when asked to cure their Cough with Shiloh's Consumption Cure. Do they not know that Coughs lead to Consumption and a remedy that will cure Consumption will cer tainly and surely cure a cough or any lung or throat trouble. We know it will cure when all others fail and our faith in it is so positive that we will refund the price paid if you receive no benefit. Is not this a fair proposi tion. Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle. For lame chest, Back or side, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale by Chapman & Smith, Druggists. Why will you sutler with Dyspepsia and liver complaint, constipation, and general debility when you can get at our store Shilohs System Vitalizer which we sell on a positive guarantee tocurevou. Price 10 cts. and 75 cts For sale by Chapman & Smith, Drug ists. "HACKMEfACK" a popular and fragrant perfume. Sold by Chapman & Smith, Iruggists, Plattsmouth, Neb. 341y eow. Caution to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May, 18.8 all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. one are genu ine unless plainly labeled: JULIUS PEPPERBURG, 31 A N UFA CTURER, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. An Astonishiug Fact. A large proportion of the American people are to-day dying from the ef fects of Dyspepsia or disordered liver. The result of these diseases upon the masses of intelligent and valuable peo ple is most alarming, making life ac tually a burden instead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought to be. There is no good reason for this, if vou will only throwr aside prejudice and skepticism, take the advice of Druggists and your friends, and try one bottle of Greens August Flower, lour speedy relief is certain. Millions of bottles of this medicine have been given away to try its virtues, with satisfactory results in every case, lou can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents to try. Three doses will relieve the worst case. Positively sold by all Druggists on the western continent. 281y-eow Rockwell has the neatest assortment of lady's dress goods ever brought to town. Be sure and see them before the assortment is broke. They are go ing off fast. 23tf. Thirty of the best orsan makers of the Worbl uii- eonmetitorrt Ht the 1'itris Exnosition. a cable dispatch t. the Associated Prces says two highest irold metlals have been awarded to the American makers, .Mason & Hamlin. The Atlanta (a., Constitution, Recently published a long account of the destructiveness of the "Sherman Rat" which is 2 to 4 times as large as the Northern Rat. On the 17th of September, 1877, the Manager of this celebrated paper having tried Centen nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle men vour "Pizen Stuff" knocks "Sher man Rats," stilt and cold. Osaoe, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1877. Star Manufacturing Company, Fort Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen tennial rat poison, received last Mon day. We have given three doses. On Monday, Tuesday and Hednesday nights, and we verily believe there is not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill, feed, custom and merchant's mills were full of them, as were also our houses. cooper shops, barns and hog pens. SiLce giving them the poison they have been running round as "crazy as loons and the river bank is line with dead rats, in fact it has created a terrible commotion among them and they have all left, thanks to tho "Centennial Rat Exterminator, each box of which is worth a twenty dollar bill. We will see our druggists and have them send font. Thanks, thanks. ery respect fully, E. M. Britts, & Co. This great economizer for property holders, farmers, et al., is for sale by druggists and general dealers every where. Price 25 cents, large cans $1 ,00 20tf. Pension Papers. Those wanting pension papers ac knowledged will please remember that J. R. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville, nas a certificate of the county Clerk filed with the U. S. pension Agent and can attend to all such business. 53tf Just Received At Rockwell's, a verv full line of Mil linery goods of the verjrlatest styles, such as flowers, ribbons, plumes and tips, silks, velvets, lady's ties, bonnets and hats, and many other little novel ties that cannot be had at any other place in town. 2Stf. A (j! en tic Hint. In our style of climate, with its sud den changes of temperature, rain. wind and sunshine often intermingled in a single day, it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neglect ed colds, half the deaths resulting di rectly from this cause. A bottle of Boschee's German Syrup kept about your home for immediate use will pre vent serious sickness, a largo doctor s bill, and perhaps death, by the use of three or four doses. For curing Con sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia Severe Coughs, Croup or any other di, sease of the Throat or Lungs, its suc cess is simply wonderful, as your drug gist will tell you. German" Syrup is now sold in every town and village on thi b continent. Sample bottles for tri al, 10c; regularsize, 75c. 33tf-alt SrrTTrz "sri remedy ron baldhess RJ JrVV. J? rrweriptton CTree K "T -fi I rfthrfr " will agrM to paf I. wtieo . a.w rrowui ul Ualr.WtiUkars or Mow senna la artaatlr prndneed. csmdenon ft Co S Clinton Flaoe, New Tork. 35U AGENTS WANTED FOR DR. MARCH'S NEW BOOK From Dark to Dawn. In this new volume the popular Author of Nioht Scenks i-the Hiui.K portray with vivid and tlinllinu force the events of Sacred Truth, and adds freh testimony to the beauty. puino ami sumunity ot the stories of tne iiibie. Agents will find this Book with it sparkling thoughts, beautiful ensraviugs, and rich bind ings, tbe best in the market. Recommended bv leading thinkers and writer Sells at Siyht. Makes a magnificent Holiday I'resant. Steady work and txood Day lor- Agent.-". teachers. Students. Ministers. Young Men or Women, For Circulars, terms, &c, ad dress. J. CVfCl'llllV A CO., rabllshens. rniiaueipnia ; Cincinnati, o. ; ciiicage, in. ; M, Louts, Mu. Xili $r fAA fit A worth of Farm Produce '""''""'' '"alone can be saved by using Centennial Rat ExUrmiwjuu. Mtf Rockwell keeps clothinc and cent's underwear. 28tf. Wanted: Work in a printing of fice in this State. Have worked two years at the trade. Address E. May field, Plattsmouth, Neb. 3iU " The New Party." Just arrived from the East and the "old settler" in the west, find that the old E;tstern medicines do not relieve the diseases incident to this new West ern climate. The verdict of every family using Hrown's Vegetable Liver 1'lllM, is that they have no equal for relieving constipation, sick headache aud biliousness, and that Lurcka Acue IMIls never fail lo cure the chills when taken as directed Ilrowii'N Cough Italsam, for coughs, colds, and lung affections, con tains no stupefying opiates, but re lieves bv soothing the irritated parts, ami producing easy, gentle expectora tion. llrovf-ii's TarTrodies, are val uable to public speakers and singers, and all atllicted with sore throat and hoarseness. ISroivii's Arnica Salve stands without a rival for removing inclina tion and Lealing old sores, ulcers and frost-bite. Sarsiaparllla, Dandelion and Iodine of Potassium. is the kingof remedies for blood, liver, and skin dis eases. For sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan, Chapman & Smith, J. H. Buttery and O. F. Johnson. 15tf Plattsmouth. Neb. LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by Wni. L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cays County Nebraska, aud to me directed. 1 will on the 28th day of December. A. D. 1S78. at lo o'clock a. m. of said day, at the south door of the Court Mouse. 10 aaiu county, sen al pub lic auction the following real estate to-wit : The north-east quarter (Ht) of aection thirty (30) township twelve ili range thirteen (13) eat Gtli P. M. iu Cass County. Nebraska. The same be ing levied upon and taken as the property of Henry Snyder aud Nancy C. Snyder, defend ants ; to satisfy a Judgment of snid Court recov ered by O. 11. Reighard, plaint ill. I'lattbinouth, Neb., ov. 2sth, A. D. 1K78. 3Ct4 K. W. Hvkks, Sheriff. Probate Notice. In the matter of the last will and testament of Mar-h n. states dec d. In tne County court of Cass Co., Neb. Notice is hereby given that A A. Lavarty lias tiled in tile ollice of the County Judge of said Countv. an iiiHtrunit-nt ill writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Sarah Instates dt-e'd, and the hearing of the Probate of said instrument is st-i xor nie ziuii iay 01 -oveiiiuer. A. 1. 1x78. at one o'clock i. m. of aaid dav. at the office of the County Juiltie. at I'lattsuiouth, in said Couutv, at which time and place all per sons interested may appear and show cause, .f any tliev have, why said in.-tiument in writing should not be admitted to Probate and taken as the last will and testament of said deceased. Itiuvs inv hand at- PIatt!moutli this 12tu day of November, A. D. 1S7S. 3413 A. J. hCI.l.IVAX, CO. JUflfce. Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Charles H. Wins- low, deceasef. In County Court of Cass County, Nebraska. I'pon reading and filing the duly verified pe tition of Sarah M. Wimslow, prayins that ad ministration of the .-state of her deeeaeed hus band, Charles H. Wintdow, may be granted to her: Ordered that notice of the pendency of caid cause be published in the Nebraska IlKit- ai.i. a weekly newspaper printed and puniisiii- cd and in general circulation in said county, for three consecutive weeks, aud that said caue ho set for hearing at the office of County Judge at I lattsmoutli, in said County, at at one o ciock p. m. on the 4th day ot December, a. u. is.s. at which time and place all persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, wliy administratton of eaid estate should not be granted to the said Sarah M. Winslow accord ing to tne prayer oi saw petition. A. . M L1.1V.1S i L.S- t County Judge. Administrator's Sale. Notice Is hereby given that I E. O. Dovey, in pursuance of an order of the District Court of Cas County. NehrasXa, w ill sell at I'ubiic vendue at tne trout noor oi me court House at riattsmouth. Cass Connty. Nebraska. on the 12th day of December. A. D. 1S7S. at o'clock. I. M.. the following described real es tate to-wit : East half of lot one (1) iu Block tliirl v-threo (33) oue Brick store and twenty- twn2i) feet front, tin Main street, adjoining llenrv Hoeck s store, laying across lots b, 9 ana 10 in block (31), 2s feet on Main Street, laying icross lots 8. 9 and 10 in block (31). one house and twentv-two (22) feet front on Main street laving across lots 6 and 7 in block (3D north half of lot 5 in block (31 ). lots 7, S. J. lo, 11 and 12 in block (223). all In the city of Plaltsmoiith as shown by the recorded platjof saiil City. Als lots 8. 9 aud 10 in blocK s, in I liompson s Addi tion to the city of Plattsmouth. ANo the east half of North east quarter cf section No. 34 township 13 north range 12 oast of 6 P. M., all in Cass County, Nebraska. The terms of said sale will be as follows : The purchaser shall pav one fourth cash in hand, one fourth in six months, one fourth in twelve months, and one foul th in eighteen months from date of sale, the purchaser shall L'ive his note drawing 12 per cent interest from the dates thereof, secured by a mortgage upon the real estate so sold lor the deferred payments. Said sale will be held open for one hour, from two o'clock until three o'clock p. m., of the same day. 3f)t4 r,.u. iiovr.r, Adm'r. of the estate of II. Ainison, dee'd. Estray Notice. Taken up on the 24th day of September. A. D. 1S78, as a stray in Weeping Water, in township 10 north, ransre 11 east, in Cass County. Nehras kn, bythe subscriber, who there resides, one chestnut sorrel orse. witn wane spot in tne forehead, with near hind foot white, a small scar on point of right shoulder, also a scar on left fore foot, supposed to be about 8 years old. Said horse had on an old saddle and blind bri dle, and a halter when taken up. Tho owner of said property can have the same by proving property and paying expenses. jiareu mis lsi tiay oi tjcioocr, a. i. is.s. 32t5 A. J. McDonald. H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Retail Dealers In PINE LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES. SASn, DOORS," BLINDS, ETC ETC.. ETC. Mala street. Corner ot Fifth. PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. Still Better Rates for Lumber. Shenandoah Nurseries, IOWA, MING, AGENT. Mr. King desires to thank his old pa trons for their favors the past season and to state that he will be here about the Holidays with a full supply of SHRUBS, TREES, AND STOCK OF ALL KINDS. He earnestly solicits your patronage for the future; relying on the reputa tion of the past. These nurseries are near you, the stock is acclimated and does better. Call and see. Mr. King will canvass Sarpy County as well as Cass. Remember the name and the place. 34tl3 E. PARMELE, SALE, FEED & LIVERY STABLE On Blaln street nearly opposite the Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb. HorsEsfoR Sale. The buying and selling of good horses made ne specialty of the business. New Horses & Carriages, and gentle horses, for Ladiea to drive are kept at this Stable. Also a carry all. which runs to the depot, and will carry passengers from any place u town on call. FARMERS CALL AND ET AMINE MY STOCK FOR SALE. 8yl E. PARMELE. $3 GOLD PLATEH WATCHES. r-hpr In th. Known worM. 5.M.LB H tch F kbb ti Aun Annua, A. rol'LTRR tX lnCA... lu 045; PREirir wATcn xxn run- tem-winrier.Frer with every order. Out- lit Uee. J. B. Gi lord & Co.. Chlcuw. IU. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Announce that they are prepared to furnish alt kinds of At Wholesale or Retail ! Hoqs Killed and Packed ON COMMISSION. &&BJ-a Wwlesale and Retail. SPECIAL JRj .A. T 33 S ! Given to HOTELS. CALL AT ONCE AND E A' AMINE OUR MEATS, AND TRY THEM. SHOP North side Main, Betwreu 4th and 5th Streets. O'Neill & Marthis, 31M SHANNON'S LIVERY SALE AND FEED East of Platte Valley House. THE OLDEST LIvERY STABLE Iu the Town. Oootl Teams Always on Hand. Careful Drivers sent with car riages if desired. Carriages sent to Depot to meet all train whenever ordered. THE ONLY HEARSE IN TOWN. Funerals attended and carriages furnished to iriends. Address. J. W. SHANNON. 42 -ly Pllaltsmouth, Neb O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IN Drugs Medicines '--fJ.Tfl - --L All Paper Trimmed Free of Charge. ALSO DEALER IN Stationery, Magazines, AND Latest Publica lions. Presirriptlona) C'arenilly Compounded by an Kxperienced Dracsiat. It EM EM BEIt THE PLACE. Gth ST 2 DOORS SOUTH OF MA IN, PLATTSMOUTH. N B. W. D. JONES. Brick Livery Stable, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. The old BONNEK STABLES In Plattsmotith Neb., are now leased by Jones ; Stroud and they ar keeping a new and handsome livery in this well known barn. The finest and best ol horses and carriages always ready to let. SADDLE HOUSES CHEAP. Horses kept for Sale or to Trade, IIORSES TRAINED AND BROKE. ALSO W desire to give notice that we have a large, handsome brick barn, w ith plenty of room for horses and wagons. I can put 'fanners stock an 1 wjigons. loads of grain or anything all un der cover, in the dry. ICemember this. Thanking all old patrons for their many fa vors, we solicit their trade for the future, sat isfied we can accommodate them better and do better by them than eve r before. 3-yl. STItElGHT & MILLER, Harness Manufacturers, SADDLES BRIDLES, COLLARS. and all kinds of harness stock, constantly on baud. FRUIT, CON FECTIONE Y, AND GROCERY STOIIE, NUTS, CANDIES, TEAS COFFEES, SUGARS, TOBACCOES. FLOUR, AC. Remember the place opposite E. G. Dovey' on Lower Main Street. 21-ly STREIOHT & MILLER. LANDJ-AND! BEST FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, FOE SALE BY I.V XKBftAKKA. Great Advantages to Buyers IN 1S77. Teu Years Credit at C per cent, Interest. Six Years Credit at C pr cent Interest, awl 20p-r cent Discount. Oter Liberal frHM-onntsi Vmr ftnh-lthr-batrn mi Kfvre ami KrtlitM, and Preminms tor Improve- rats. Trmphlets 'and ap. containing ftH jsrticl wars will be mailed free to any part of the, uoaldon application to LANDCOMMISSIONER, B. M. R. R. II .X C O lS .N KJs B. A 6 KA a-v r-r- tl'V rtvA. rroprU tors. FARMER, LOOK HERE! FRED GORDER IS STN.L HERE. Corn Planters, Cultivators, Sulky Plows. are now " off" but I still have tho Harrison Wagon, the best and cheapest wagon in the market by all odds. Spring Wagons, Buggies, and Three-Seated Wagons; and the world renowned Courtland Platform Spring Wagon. I HAVE EVERYTHING A FARM ER WANTS. NOW IS THE TIME for all kinds of Agricultural Implement's In every variety, and at Bed Hock Prices. Mowers Sulky rakes and all kinds of Rakes, Forks, etc., etc. Now is the time to Buy FRED GORDER. 52tf Plattsmouth, Nebraska THE HENRY F. MILLER PIANO FORTES BOSm02ST, MASS, i. teu: Boston Public Schools, Mass. State Normal Schools. The New England Conser vatory of Music LEx- Vat clusively, TW!0 'AWARDS DECREED THIS ESTABLISHMENT BY THE Philadelphia Exhibition '76 No other Piano Forte bouse, with one excop ion, received more than one. During the Concert Season of 187G, 7T these Pianos were used in Bonton and vicinity in more than 125 concert. The season of 1S77 aad 7 premises a Still greater number to Le aJJed to the list. Notices of onccrls- "Remarkable for Its purity, richnc.s and ev enness of tone." Boston Journal. "No such instruments have be'-n l eard in a. Lowell concert room before." Lowell (Mass. Daily Citizen. "Surpasses anything of the kind preAously heard in our city-" Lowril Vox 1'opuli. Cneiallea oy any inai nave oeri useu in our concerts." Louisville Daily Courier. JAMES PETTEE lias been appointed azent for these cI?brai4 Piano. Scud for catalogue. i Plattsmouth, Neb.