Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 21, 1878, Image 3

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; i: il M R A 1, 1).
c LI. R. R. Time Table.
MW-,,. :-.v.
-- .
V.AIIA I'l.OM ri.ATT-M'.'fi...
:,..a.... A r,;v.- .....
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.maha r..i: mn.i.'i m.
.V-U- V. ::!.....
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SOL I H V. A J! Ii.
ik A nr. I-
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; Vi it;simitll :( ri. i .iiii
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t.i -r.i mi il l ".-!? .
t Imp t'XI 1- ". :aii 2 I- pin
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I.V . " 1 li O'KS 'I I Sr. till" IS !.v t!v ln-'.v ',
lis .-1 tipi-nfii ii Mi .:' ' a " ; i i. ii i.i.- i
. i. I. sl.l ia'IM; r.u:s run finiii
-iaav; ai:s rua j.-.m.i
a- v. Hlim-t t aan.riM
jTTsMi.rrn yr v !
:.'t, i.-i 1--! i-w a : . at
i,....s . . a. ,,1 ? v...: nr-
7;i! a-":,: .UortX
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:i A ;. -.a i'aa
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;:i'i li! A I A i I .v.
i- a - KUX. Nf-nTiii'.i;.- ... sor ri:ri:x
' Iicpait at - : r. ia.
.! :f r.t - : a. ai.
a 0 ii
f ;.! ai: via :. . M.
ii:v i't I 1 a. -ai. ; 1 .-;;. 1 1 r.t - - A- la.
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at ir v pi so v.-a iia:.
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. I'J :o0 m. I : i.-.i.a ! at - I : . PI.
.1. v.. M.i:si!Ai.'.. 1: r.t.
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"--. :kiit. a" i-iria-. : Vim-'. "ii.'.i' ;tt:vt-r::-
. 1 .'.'! -...! ia:.-. Nil .a'.-.. . ..-..:: at ,:.. I I
: ir m 1-; '.i.ria ia oimiUi.
I i --i': ii. 1 :it -a.-aait" rati.
:-. v, ia: r .a ti - !. u will 1 if ii.m.'i
... : f.ii-.iii a-L' -i 1 1 1 1 t-.--i iiii'.v ii.'in! iii.
: . p i . i M's 1 1 1 1 I : . a : i r" ;i pi.-m i I I !-;-.
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a v. :. a .1 ' i
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- v p. r-'.-.i u an taUf-; a- Jo--r i i ...
,.. ;..s.-..'i...-. . 'i i ! 1 1 -1 ..ii.-.-.! tyr ' U
i,i tV. r ' h .ib-.'r. i i I' "I' i'l - i"
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'. ; .I'.v pi-ii hi ni-iii'i prun-i- ili-f.'.''. mi
.,' ri .:.v re.i :.i r- .: ... -'-. -. Ci- J-ui a-'i-
1'.'M- ! - -.-I'.1 :: iimim t m i i-.:i i-
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. j ....-I- . l.i v-ii ifiii. ........... ... .. -. ,
:. i Mi- t-oM-ii Iia. . i- a. -a r .:. i -t -:--:-x -. j
: !;,. la-wsaapi-r. ai-a p.-rii-.a--i- f. i i ,!' i I
a' :r. ir ! t iia-viie; :i'!'l ' a m ' t h-mii ' ie:',.i-a
:.i . i-i ei i-.i i i i.ia. via. a.. . i s i .'M.
.-. -w v. --1-'. -a ' -- ;
LOCAL xirvs
Cap. O'Kukekin ehoot Quad for,
a fact.
C-itho'h Festival We-'.msdav r.nd I
Thursd.y nights. ' I
.Mih'.i Jhume the II 11 br has drop
ped into p 'dry htlcley.
Domestic Paper Fa.-hions for fad" !
it Mrs. Tut. 's. Call an. 1 see them. I
i.-i v n rai f...,n . 1,-iin he iv.s '
!:ek l.erc fed. ti-an a i-ain li" ,
'Oltl .!.- -i'" J I
Flam Parmelc has a handsome pair j
cf irrav Ijorses for sale. Call and se
-The butcher in Halt's ?hop was
thrown out of a taurv I iu-s lay and
hrok l';s'..-
'" "
-Phi! Young sells cigar car es con-
ta: iii-rt
ri cigar bold-
or for the M-aal! sa:u of 1.1 cents. New
h:au'! 'tf tobri -co cheap.
aC.i-v ouai! at '
i.e. Ai!iv.-.- ! Ilids. iatr; y rhctrd cr.uaty ! ' , , 1 - d:lai . a--;ao...;!a-. j rVi.!!y.',..i-'i'i.-'M'.'.'.':y :":!. p-Mv'.!i:'.ia.V.' a-.'i t.'V ; y lJ !
: . i i i i i t
r.iii.-nai" . ' -:' i.i' loii-r l.iorr, is i: town. '1 a.s is in.t i ' ;
"'' ' 1 ;'v. L-vl'"- !" I the McC.uire that liad a litt'.o familv The houae of Ilc.-.ry Jicic wa- r:i-: rTt-3 prvr vmBMOrs1! ' ' aaa v. : . i :,a ; AtiLlililSUTitOr S bltlO. 1 " -- -
j nnuItMsautncss witli the (ira.nd Jurv ! terrd last evening and a pocket hook i vV? Vi-JW;--...-.- r a f .' -a-. a ;n f. .'-.-ai..! . i G.; .c u . ,.;,y , -iVi ., rl.;.t j j- ,-. r 3 ri AI' i0 h
I ' ... ( 1 . w. ,n i., cn. -ul.1 hui, .3ur r j.uu..j ,.-si I f .It ,. . t .. it ..i,uil fur . - ' '-' V ..... i.. . ... I.J u.i. . . J. 1 J- - !
3? ?" II MTin3r T lEi 5,5: 1' 1 K" ?-" 11 ... ...v.... --i u cc, a C: j;ica Place, ITcw Xoik. ia -ma; i in : paio; s. ..i ...a .1 i-y .a i, . ; (.,,,;,.;' t ,)mh!v. Nr:.::.-.'..a. v.a.1 c! ;a i I'l'TOV C I t' Kjn TI
' " ''' .. . Viihuice Coinnditce and a doe of j ,;,:4 hV; -
; .at. J. 1. A. Hoover, iVcssdfiit of: n .... ... . .. I s ,,! '.' 1 VV ' " - ' " . ! Hoasfai I'iattM.tniifi. ("as Onnty. N-'-r a.;l. . -. -
- , :- mtve a ie..-nv ca.irtg qxvui :i ; " ' ,
t :,, , .... ,. ' ,o Thir-v of 'nil ip vour supper, L'arepean sa la, iiooe.t 11.
a ' r- -lo.iA oi tm it... i. . - i
tidiiv . lie's in the 2''.th now, , r-
r.:n! thinks he'll make the thirty. j
-The "Nellie Peck," Piwr steam-
1 oaLtram!ed on a bar below OmaUt
, . . , ...
list T.'ursday but got laose in the i
niglit arc! passed here Frith.y noau. j
akii. I of a backhai.dcd counundrum,
at.v way.
a oU'i'v;' 'inwntM i. 1 Mnr- l
i ill' t il.l.l'.ii ii.l J.1UI.U l . W. ..Illl
, . . . ,4 ,. , !
v, Marsh::! of tins vere lurg on i
Satur lav last. We -needed it badly
SvUi-.e one wants to look afttr the
thieves and prowlers o' nights.
'Twas a p. easing to :u. lovers
.f tht; " wee.!," tt see that threo l.un-
- l -.', i . ; -litv ill Imvnf nit hr-Thf
lieil Hud cigiiiv io. oox oi nit.-, ni.,,.".
.T . ., . c. ,
select Connecticut Leaf, that Schfe-ci i
'Twas a pleasing sight to ai! lovers
Pros, received the other day, to wrap
around their prime cigars."
On Thursday last a man by the
name of Howard v.-as arrested and
tried before Judge Sullivan for beat
ing his child. The child was removed
from the custody of tho father. How
ard is a son-in-law of Elder Meutze.
Horse for Sale.
'.i.'.i i. Vn " 'vV't to M-tl-'
r.'i" " "f'f I
,u. a-. .... (l "j i.. overa big bird cage and got Joe's P. G. Dovi:y Son's. The Mason A: Hamlin Organ Com- giving them the poison they Have
. en I : I '. I- .. V t sop 1-1 ' i ( 1' Al . .1- I '. 1 I " t. .1,1 a. ... . ... a: I lll'im V::nttltrr tvillll I t l-VirV :l I.nil5 ' I iiicii t.. ll'tixs T.T-'.v - 1 - 1 i
."'v '-,.-;r lnn'.-p.l ,: -i-l '. t',,. ! panj ua-. e ice nouor 10 announce in;ii - - , , . -lA--" -" .v.n a v CAM-IKS,
d.-hnson's this. Thursday evening. A j -yr1 'U'i it'i - Loo Hit I Those wishing Ovsters can obtain bc-en awarde.l the ,!rst prie j the river bank is line with ee jad .;1 ex TltAS
cordial invitation is extended to ail. J"-rt " ;l"'1 ,,c'ul- nt ppo,.d) it , n f ! p,M medal at the Paris Exhibition of ni net t lrns me. ad a te, .bm , c:j:m,e Iol ,,0lls. svoaIIS.
" Pot" has a cnnundrum-It is j b? , enough for two. Pe that a it j aLors e t of ihe P O " lilrf ! their Cabinet an.l Parlor Organs. I V11 1,'lt. to the "Centennial Pat j ' n Dr"- r 1
...i -i . i..v t .i . , . . ... ooois c... t t l nit i . "Ul i ti. i..,ir... i l-.xtcrmimitor." each box of which is K. HA K ii .!..
nt.iS l.:e ti.i'.p.iu- ly-on-.i a.o...- j n:;:y Je IS Cllt alKl(-l---.(Xt. I --. .mil) ui.uiui.ii.iuii-i.. ui k.'U i - i u 1 ;u it- ".:i, I , H.-p, e,:.!..
b-ic'-s ar-' rrv.ither kind of backs. Its' . . : , ..,,. organs from till nations were among I ' i Uoli.u mil. ; c win , . j t; veED & LIVERY STABLE I eu Lower .M
Gem Jr.o. It. Clark-' v a.-s hre Tees-
' 'I vvimsvt.m, gm-r n. t!:, f,,t of !lullU.r,,a, r,tiy i
-li's.C.ushuig. thieve. aad th a P' evab'nce of trumps
,.., , , , .
! Mrs. orig got I'.i'ak last Wrfck and , it I. a 1 :!utely pe'-'S-r-ay ti;.'.
Tii i i . . , i - i . .
;J "u looks happy again. . some Ct.n -' u:it!i'jri:y r ?jj ;ut- ,
, ,f (.!lloice ;;l..vs a!la (,:, ,l-u l!U as
I5 T(lf.S),.lv ,.,.t " 1 -f tha city; un-tcr tl;r :.itr.Jy jtatK-a
j . --r: :r I.-:--:!!,. ; n.slll!IlI, t.,f,e t,in, no of
-Irs. M il iarty of Iowa is v .-! in l.-r
last v.a-L-k
i.-i-il I.: a:f ! li;c h. 'A :-''
tiif; roiiaty. t ;t -a4. :,.s I.;ud ca.Ms haaiiiu' o: i
Hu.hX.OrrufCl.rycnr.o caHr.l 1 our .itaatw:, U--rx U li,,!: in l-'-.
( 'Hi J o-i !,;; way to("at.a . , .;....-:f .... - w '
liiisa .-M t- ir-rcha-x f'rjrai'i-lard for j f ai..::--rr. nl.ark town, t!io (a.itn-;
l.i. - , Ka.IlCl.t
1'iof. Lovm inforuj.-; us that a nvini- ;
U r of Scliol iiM from oat,.:.; ;ir ruin-
to our sch,.,I a,,l that it i, -ctlii; ;
. ' :
finite a rrli'itatloll ahroal. I
'fki.r Siuu-h!.'r calird Ta-sday.
fr i i .. :... . ii r.i.
, , - i
tv.a; hrrakfast ii l day. vV e lro;. ,sa
lit'-)) i i r f hi i ' i ' ' i : i i . ; it' i i.i'
1 to L 1 1 Mr.-:. v.-hat he s-av.s and ;'.:.; I
j auinc of th-'.i'j -lays. ;
Miko yi'-tln, f the IJlach !
-jtv .,;,... 5 ,.th.-rs an' la.Liaia the I
- - I
a. s county 1'ottn v r.--.ta!,!:...ina !It
h:i:i this time
.,,,. . .
1. It. MlU ph", OC.r Old M:li shall, i
or;f.p molc Waiks our strrcls. wrarin-
' i
th Marshall's l,.id-e. It is hoped Pat
will ilo honor to the boys, and Keep the
coo, i-i iiii'.u null ih'imi; ., ii'j .lit; i-pi
trying to kick up a row.
, . t .-it. i ...:i, i... . . .. 1.. .... 1
If you want a g iod iar for li'.tle
money, l'hii Young ha.a got tla ui.
Vr have offrred to take wool, corn,
oats, ggs, potatoes, or anyilii'g reason
able on accounts, if they are brought
along now, or when v( (; need them.
Wr want corn and wood at cure and
ought to have them.
i: rr i:oo:
of ;dl kinds at cheap.
'Vr heard a good vain fiom : o:;;(!
. the Loui.svilU-stonr-w.ire Manilla. -tnr- 1 a: EN'TH V.ANTI.I VOTi UU.ilAKCl!-.'. M-v. u.!.ii.ii.;n!,.l...iavii. rt.n-i.:i, ;a t-y , r M !llt. IC..; t.., : ' tiv A WJL3LS'
. ,n ;.Vl I :. . ,. . i .. i i ! i '-"kV iV.!,!'.': l"'-;;:''..'-','.va:;'-',Vi:;' aa.- i, i:-i-t i...a a i.a ..i.v in ia i.a.- ! '
W'lUU-iu-a a jar of dair .numfacturcj For f.e.h and d Jicio.t., caramel, i; i Froili IhU'lt to ihtvVli. : a. Nc, v,:k. cat :: OX ,5"' I
. . ! ....... x - . i - . . . . . .1 t 1 1 . -1 . v a . i.r L .':'. i : . i m i iiri' i i . ii a ii .i t
Cm. Van AVwk cdk-d at th,se j P'' snu,,,n.
Xr A.papcr Head quart,,-" lu,l wtrk j 1 Ul w i Z,; ilyiu.krr.nn,,,, ; !y printrd on the inside of the lid. This 6W'aIs o Wnnl.
tl. , a . r.., ; ,),. ,-., when one of oar -treat boys. p,t oat : ' "'. a. u -.,..--.:. .i. y . . :.-J-.r , ;., l( prevent caiitcrfia! in- my brand j lf .,.,;., tn- a .s..:i.m N-. at
OU .U-. W.! to hi.-. ..II 111 111 UtOC tulili- , . , t . i l-rca:il. t., .! v...k .v.i.l .;i. . ' c ! ,u , ..,: n ..,a, ,mi -M.isl nO; I'. M.. s.11 n r i Ti. .x
tv TI.o CcMcra' ii .,, S,.-,:,tor from "ls lj,)n('S :UI'1 r:ulUM aw:l liie luu" A-ni-.a.-.... ht:iant- Aiii,,,:-, w ,u.i,' u .nn, mi ..i i.-n v-'o j- ;.;, -Il;Vv; v,,., t(.,.llls ,.r ;.t;,, UarBlUl JJIiVCIS fJlE, Willi Ctir
I fir-Hit fold lun to " drv ll')" bl't IIUV "'"' r... i.... r.y.w.s, ironi.u it i-wim." in. pi im.i- :., ... ,m .. s : T..t ...: -'r-.-i-r iia!! . . . .
lour lifi-ldoor County and a v ry j rAUl loiU ;;m lo l7, , V "-'"V-ivitm A ro PaWNhrM pie.! manufacturer.. Nona are enu- iny,n,-t.,.ii-ti.-:ii!.i.1iii,n.t..i, fourth i:. siv VliVii if deSUXU.
i ! n liv up and he was cettin the host of y- f' .l ..ft,.; , y ria.-l-A ; St , -. m.-c ,,i-,ilv Im'.icIpi! " i....i.t!;s-. : f...atii u. tv.-.v i-..!.ti!. :unl ..n
p!ea.-.ant CMitloman to talk to we ns- . - . . " hiaut.-ii.h.-i ; cia.ati.iat!, o. . cuu aao. . . pl.nnlj i.''5V.V fmu-t:-. in ; tit..iit!isff..Mt:u.-...f a!.-.tir.- cam-'.-s si-nt i D.-pot t tn.-.'t nil trains
M lU MH. .-.11.1. 1 illl Ii 1 l.a ill.'.uiiliM:iicil . . , , , , , , -, . , . . a.,. ,. . , l,.., .. . ,. ,.li,. i iirni:.n iPi;ii-u-ii,
J .1 ... T.i .... .t. I. .. .1 1 I I '. T- 1 1 l -T 1 ' . - l.-l 1 t t I , I I'ltM -.ll 1 I .!: il I .1 I' Il I i ' It I Oi . i I M I I II 1 . .
. T .... .. , . 11 I-,.!- ..1 v -v v.." ......v,. ...... . ..... . .. I . . V 1 ... A l.llllljll.ii Ml. Il.-.-fi -.';.-1 i.'l 1... lli ii .il.l ii in.. i- I'll i I I
o!d fiiemis lately. .V party that fcl- i mei i a ,i)- to s! .00.
dom went to church was induced to! i.A!ii:- 1.0 vks ano t iiaulai:-.
attend lap: :c-ipai worship in t iieirtown. j We have largely iieieast-d this de
Wheii a-kt-i how he liked it he leplied: part meat and will duplicate eastern
Ik-city we!!, only of I was the minis- prices, lhaiver Cloaks from i?0."o to
ter I wouldn't allow the folks to J-.i'.c j .bi.C0. Matehiase Cloaks trom ?...-,.;
ti!cA-s much." . I to ;?-VMv). Cloaks . r i ircuhus will bo
Ik S. White ha jast revived a new s"nt l"1 -l-ia'oval to iasp.ea.ikla parties,
stork id Dress (ioods. Woolen Ooul-. J Lull in (.'. J.u',it f m it'll t. H-a'. f.r
Or.i' eries. r. Kvcis thing in his line j aA m- "i li uhirly rojn, .sttd
e..e;ip; v. an.
T!-. ...i.i.f nf tl.n !, !!.. liiriiii it'e i
. ' ...I I T 11 1 ' . 1.1.1
! o., ica'L' l apaa a .i. l . l or.:;.:. h
t!i -m tor the 7.1, ins-..ou which d..te !
th. v will give us 'Ti.cb 'f,-:a', (';.; :a." !
. o
e.-i sion and vc " t i i,- r '
'iion, .t i. e a u,.
ho use.
does cheap repairing.
t, , ... 1... . ., ,!., w.r i
,,'dv sixteen vrars old who has hitch'
- - , . . ' '
- , cone- , roni over ua1 wacr ani is going
i,,.t:,v with n,,,:..,! ,,,.'.. ;,!
J -
I-ng'es' ..uairaeu yet, but will soon j
learn that an I is a hi iht, eai ne.-1 look-
:I1? llk t
(Jo,h1 ri;;:,..s o fov f.,r 10c and o !
for I";. also a new brand of smokin,-
toh:iec 'Tuek." far ahead of Durham
l "St1.1?, .? "J.l
. ..:i im 1 1 ..i i i. r i . '. - e v, -5 ; vi.
j Spi eial policemen Wells, and Mar
1 sha.l Murphy were on the track of
:l missing watcli chain last Tuesday
ni - ht, which some "huh" claimed to
li:v' taken from h-r. It ii thought
... .. : ;
that two or throe Omaha" gents" had ;
, , . , . ,
a hand in the matter. ISo arrests have
i - ' - - ' -
I G!ov;s and Mittens at Pob Sherwood's.
i:ivit;Uions for the grand Pal!
t . , ,,
.g:en. - - m.Hun .s.acr Helicon
Pan.! on Thanksgiviri.g nijght have
pLon thcn.ughlv distributed. This
j,,. wi:i .;!. !u;ibtedlv be
a success as
the mamuueneiil so far is a sutueivnt i
( r ., t- r i '
irua.ra.nlej for th.,. same. Don t forget .
b call on Mr. Fred. stade!m:,nn, for
Another supply of fresh chestnuts j
- t the I . U. - ews t,cpoi. I
The house cf Hon. Jos. Puttery
, , . . , ... , ' I
was burglan?".: Tuesday r.igat ami n .
g old watch a1 straCc d. Thev cut the .;
Apples Par Sale.
Good apples can be had at the Ex- j
1'rt-ss Oiiiee for 0 -.--" p, r brtrivh apnlv j
at once to'T. L. D. Pcnniit. liji'J
j y-,i.c". ' j
! tkt Mriv-r rt.-cn v.... v.v is !
Li. IlKKAi.r: D.av titr I hereby .
notify tp.e ruidic against purchasing i
:.MV paper or pTers :"-iin-t me he-Id
r .-i Y T t r
,,- tin Iowa Centra' If. .. ft-ocfl Co.. of I
' L -v v ' 1
Mars!ial!town. Iowa, or ay itrrson or
persons claiming io repri-sent said com
.,,.. e-,;.! n-i-ief or ieii--'i be ir date !
..m , s.i u I a e. or i .,.a tt. - - ,
Nov. ICth, 1ST 3.
oil 1
G. W.
on or it'ldrcss witli'sl.-tmn, S. S. More- :
houst. Ncbra-ka City. ;C.f3 P
i was in u.-a ioi one an i not (;u:;e : i .. ,,....,.. .,f it ri,;- it-- ...... ls.-s. tor lie suitermr exc- ence o '""" ' ""'.,; ".t...'..i.o. '." . i ToitACCOns
o r.i-i"'"-ll ins just received nine 1 yfu", vi.: at I kins. is.-;. ; and ienna, JiJ.i;, i Aa ;y ce.t ui . Ten Ymrs Crclit atS ier rent Interest.
I-'or Sale, C'ac? Farms. j iS'm' L KINDS. QEEEK & BLO VEET ! Yi ,r, t;rUt al ,r t Interest,
xAvSnV1 V' f.WVV i b rra i saw. St I Messrs Mason Sc Hamlin will be hap- Tf 'ouy l,atronf e LOI.'ISVILLK TIS S El O I, j ' fi""W"( Dl'"lt
IS. W . ?4 1'-. V). 11. m ar A eepmg - ' iw to send descrii.t:ve circidars n ar v : for tlu' futun'; lel-V!!!" on tlu; r"1,lt;l- orr la'.ra! riisconnts r-r CnMe,
tor and W. N. E. i Z. 10, 11; S. i ,f, it . rr: l, S1!!fc tirCU'irs fc tXni ! Hon of the past. These nurseries are ANi ivUuu n Fa,-.- .-,. Frr;a;,t,, j
,, 0, .. , I ,-;oa .pi : U t' sctl I ;l jiir?s L lit LO'J iieiuiuni ..;i'........-. ...m.ii, . ,i.. l..,...t- ; . .,r. .1 :,.... -1 ... 1 iiu.i i .iiaiuiiu ir in jiru
S. L. L '2, 1.', 11, net. Loui.Mioe, , ) : i ,,. : .. t. ex iou, tlies.Ou, l, acclim.t-d and , niH'ATXTXO ROOFIXU AND weun,.
ner acre. 10 years time and 8 per cent ; , . -.t.i v ,doesb'.-cr. Call and see. Mr. King I T-tm.M-t- .var-. .oiuaini:. full i.rt
;im.,t. cm .'1 it.vii.diit. down. ' I WOlKIol e-eauty .tuu u..ij.ju. u. TlUfOXT ST to Boston: 2- TTXlOV ! will ninvms Sarnv Count v- fi wH i SEOUIINC. r.- :sv.ia lie. i.iail-.i iiv iu a:.v part of Hie.
At the Ivt Council !.,--elin.T thy
I very .'. ;:-. ttc t-ilijli i omte-d uCty
Mais!:.!'. In view of the long winter !
v t , w. . ''. , w.. i ' : .r. v:.-a. .!:; if vi:...l- .
. . ' i - - 1
ri! think t!; v k iv- ro !U;a:av to i:y a
1 . - . . .... . .ii.
! v ., ,.,., ,, ..,.. ,,... !
. . 4 . ... . t .
' 'li',l'S ',!-"t"Cl,',i '7.'! ' '
I i iuY tka a.-as. .a 1.1 a j
, ...... . .i . . : ....
lv -a- l! a: , : k-- ? :f:at
: i..,.. , ..!. x
'.i . t
.rv k-
1 i. . ,
m:iud a f.d : .a; s:o -a- d .a ai
ii. i' .'-. ! - -:.j i 'jr-.' i,--
o - ,w :prvi f. i' C'a' !f-r ::). :!': ;u citv or-
oars. P. V.. Marpky wrj ate
ai. lfcd such ;
:.:..:.d:.d, a:id is wrx actiii;.
s!iut up on those lones I'll call a police- j
man and have vuu arrested in two
;'lillllt' or Fia :l ll:ir' 1 m 10 a
ti.,,. !! -is T-itt'r rattle ratti - '
I"a ( as I;lt,KUU' ' I
!,! l")l!Ca ";U- j
Cue pl.iae for line sewed JJoo.d is Ik
Impttriers and retailors of
I.IIV o:iIiS AND :iii.!.ini."V,
Offer the i.;o,L attractive r.t'.l a.nd Win
ter stork ever shown in Xr l ra.ska.
Ouiucts i'.laek Silks of our o wn irnp.rr
tafion, sl.oo to r?:jo ). Silk aial Voil
Dress floods. J51ack and colored Ca.h-
A. (ka !-;;s!!ANa i.'i Co.
r 5J;;i!i t rtnva, byllev-
--i'-i Mairh, D. D. Ihihlishad i-y J.
., 1 1 t .. i. , , lit,!' ,. i, a,,!.: li .
; v ' : ' ,'. ' , .'
(;ii:(a. (!.: Chicago, III.; aad tt.
i l.a ::s. Mo. Agents wauled. See ad-
j vei tiieua a.t.
I -sr IS iIC 5' 15. i
- - - - - -
i - :iiKt!I('l - : - Ml'i'. ilKi.I. v. ai s p. in.
i i i !.(-.; m. ;':. .'inn ti'. 'a v Ia- . l'.U ie.-r I.v l.fii. i
. en pi is iajniu.-i to Mrs A aoo: i. i
;.i;V,;aK:a.,a:i.atl.isi,!a,ia. ;
.. !
;-ir.'v. iM."a..;.rv t.' Jin.-.A::.ii.u !!.-o :u. I
:, : ; I . a t a., - c a.
V - t.i,! f ' I .i i!H- is "ft iin--- ki i:".:. Vo'i
1 -l! 'n !'iV;irUt rs f"r "':u-ryl::-Mks.
Cheaper than th.e Cheapest,
A't ' Uuut rs'utl
in liooti and .shoes at Mi-:i:.ii 31if
A Sehlegel & Pro. have on hand the
i i-wo ,,f sum'.-in" mid Chew ne-
Pemember that for bods and shoes .
T . a- 1 1 . 4-i.. Hi. I
j'J.,,t..v...-....y.- ---.--.-.i--
: has a large assortment. tf. ,
! .. . T.''"" t
; See P. G. Dovev -k: son s assortment I
of .lv'3 ciaks before purchasing j
i ehscwhere. j
i i c:urr.ou i,.- in in .u-. i.e
U.S. White is looking for another j
car load of those fine Michigan apple's.
Don I fail to be on hand. J-lf
Wanti:d:- oik in a printing of-
. . ,, . TT , ,
ficc - in thus Slate. Have worked, two
tho ti-i.t. !' I iv- !
c:L.pi, plattsmouth. Neb.
. A nice assortment of PepeilMits
( :.dime;es, American Dress Goods,
Ti( ; jj,.. phltr iLunlki rchiefs,
s.atrfs, and Children's Hosiery,
A fine ass.ntment of Plai.kets at ;
, .if I" i 1..-. . - ,-i- t.
hi L. G. Do ia son s.
p ickwelhof Louisville, has jus fin- I
ished his i.ew store, :ix;v, Which lie i
imi i' new g.-ds. Pe sure and j
,rivi, , . ., ,. .., ' i-no-.e v,,n v.-i'i !
buv if you do, for lie selis very ehean. !
-2it. " '
, ,. . .
P. kwell keeps clothing an.! gent's
Co to jiehlegel Pro?, and get the tin :
J tag Lolilhii'd smoking Tobacco.
reallv dws irahe rh;;- and good work. ;
iSlti J
. ..iir A t l:st t lio tun I. I'fr nnr or it it inrcf! '.on .id. ' . I i i i i i i i i i. I ' ; I i ! : i .. .. m . ... i :.......,',...:,,-..
n . 1 1 i : . I . i iiiii li ii villi il il lull ii'ni u i I - - " , .
Proposals for Grain.
nnAr,.c. T,K-r.or tjik platt::. )
Chief nuurtermaster's Onioe, -
Qm'-.'ha .V.';-., AV,.,.', ;r. is;;?. )
to 1 u ,m.l -on. ntimi-. will ' .. rc-.-ei v- .
,t i',u(;'';- until I -j oY'oek. r.M.n. .
1 v I,,- e' I )..! i an' ' a ;
t ; 1 t . . ' I : A -e ..,. t et t 1 1 1 -i i . , . - , .i :.
.j,!,.', , - ... .,; ' t:!!n t ! wi" "-
......Via' '"th ' Vn-:u-' of '.i(,..V.-!x l'.r !
funsshnijiTi'i d-iivo.!.-. n. i:n
rs;,: .
.... t - i i:..,. .... . ;n:....t :
1 1 u ;i i t .1 i 1 1 v .i 1 1 u i i ii , vi. ; " ( 1 1 i , ;
fiM'to-M!, jj.i; ''!': 'tn'l ln ,:iiVi'-nH
. t,M !
t! who!.- n-uirai, viil l.-.- l'-r.-iv..?.
j.,.,..! ,;t... v..;;i y, a ar liclas I
,,f (;,n;i ..lie i; mkift !ai
ii . .... . ... 1 1 1 .. . 1 . f . . ' . I
it. isiou tht the tjaaut iti- s rontiact- ;
i or ?n,iv bo lnicasi or i-uuroa n
t;lh'J h' tl- Ch: f tM:i -o, nist-r of (
tf.t. 1 ." .ai t nun t . ;it anv t:iaa v. ithi:i ;
, a '.,...!.. .1 .... ..r -., !
it v d I .-. ;tft-rla;c .(' con tract.
ua ir ' '
; iiaa.'s, :: ,t p. a- la;.-'a i : should sta'r
- .
rliVm w-!.::k la -i on: proj-.M-d to ;
,,. fin n i-;.a- 'r. ar.d 1
.. t u.'.ur-s'.al on ciivri,o,..s, "iiid.s tor ;
I'he riht to r'-irrt anv or ad 1 .!.;, is j
.n-v- i M. i. Id '!! Xt ITOy. j
.... . . . !
- . i
In t it:-- iw.v volu.:!1 ttia ponu'.ar Author of
?,'.,nv f PVF IS TH V litllii piir.r:' .IU1
' :ii: 1. 1 Si.i'ii:::! fitrcc tt j .-v.-iL-- ttf S-i'ti-.l
' Ti.a n. 1 fi-0 -"a.:,.'!-,- to v.
m HMii s!.'...-.:...-.y t.i t:a ; n ! i.i l
J-, w,,i,;,i,' ,.n!; L-eVavt-a '"y i.sai-
w a-v tfi j X ...,,. ti .if 1." I'l'ii'i. .'!
t .:aa .ia.,u ..a -a-.-r.u.
. 7,.lt.a T, ,
smd vour oni:r3 for ciais to .1
S.-hh-.-i d- Iho. thrv -n;.rantee sati,
Vaati; in price Li ..uality. 14 tf
C'i-.'. .-i.afid i:-.:t t . !rr.ui l-'-.mi
( loud s. on i-hand or.:.VNs and mi-:l -!;;.
in--, for sale or rent low. J.eave ad
dies.s at Mr. O. Ik doliiisou's Drie; Store
cor t'lth a.'p. Main Sis.
klf. Dt-alerin Musical Instruments.
. .
I'tn: Sai.i:. -A wire plant, stand
wi; ii trellis, at a bargain, hniuire at
the IICilALi) rtiiea.
.7.' .t c.u I slt'KH .'hi-:p,
call and examine juices a.t
UUf MiiiioK'.
Ladies, (b n:s and Children's Under
wear, Cotton rial. lie!:-, lied Flannels, -ry and Jean-;, at.
K. C. DavF.V vc J-Jo.n's.
- ---
by baying
vjy ts a::: m'!o1-S.
tlltf at Mi:u.:::s'.
llofkwoll keeps hard wx re and
lUia nsw;;re. and by .love he l-a-eps ma
chine oiks too.; and I declare, he keeps
patent moiiirines also, so there is no
use of staving sick. "iif.
I'anshm Ikiucrs.
Those wanting pen.-i n papers ac
knowledged will jdeas remember that
..;. Tom in, X.darv I'uhlic, Louisville,
naa a a-i t iii r-at e of the county Cierk
hied with the U. S. pan.Nion Agent ;md
cm attend to all such business, j'-tf
Jtw. Scdilater
. . . , . TT ... -., ,
1, !U.W geUmg 1.1S Holiday Stock 01).
loiins. i.uitais. ami i-rencii Hari'S lor
vari-ty. Jewelry in all
grade s. Clacks, Watches and orna-
ments of various kinds. Co to Schla
tcr.s a::d see for yourselves, (load
goods, fair pi ices.
You can save n huge y.oy cent of
your corn crop by readiug"Three Plind
Mice," ami following a I vice. tlltf
Use Centennial Pat Pxterminator. 20;f
''..erinua .Syrap.'-
No other medicine in the world has
ever given such a test of its curative
nuali'-ies as PoscheeV. Gel man Svrun.
in two vears three million four hundred
. 1 I'l
ua.a'.s.tnu small Hollies et I a is '.ecu ;ci no
i ii'.uouiiu Lilian I'wiit;? vi i.ii.i iitviiit 11.1; i
Were distributed free of f ha rye by
f'VP "IZi'
.heed Mdi (,on3umpti0ii. Asthma,
Croup, severe Coughs. Pneumonia, am!
othe-i utsease of the Throat and Lungs,
giving the American people undeniable
r:c -1 " a'- .-j : up v. ... cuie
i i.1 ..i d i . a. . )
uiciii. i ne result mis i.eeu unu irug
gists m every town and village in the
i.'i.ited .states are lecouimeiiiliug it to
their customers. Go to yeuir Druggist,
and ask what they know a'-out it. Sam
ple bottles 10 cents. Pegular size 7-
cen.s. iuree noses win. reiice an
I.alest JZomraris 1-1 h Put ion f 1 -tTS
I'M .It'Ull, '"I iii l l,lil'l iilil l.i lt
-1 wo iiul.e..t G-old .llcdab; Awar.Ied
j Mason i Hamlin Organ Coaipaay. I
' I
the competitors, and the various juries
who have made and ratified the award
wr re composed of the most eminent
professionals an.l expert.- uf their re
.- .
spective countries,
' ..... t .
In audition tt) the above tl:o .a:osi
& "ni:ilin Orpran C'KiS'ny re-
"'I the distinguished honor of the
'vard of a separate Gold Medal to the
superintendent of their factorv, Mr.
- Trowbridge, in testimony of the
excellence of th.eir work in its detail"
and of th.e completeness of their svs-
. i .t i c r
tern and thoroughness of factory ap-
This is in accordance with the uni-
loim expenence oi ine Aiason oc nam-
lln Company who have been awarded !
First Medals or other highest honors
at all World's Expositions for eleven !
T.vic is;:?. "" , .
S-.., Ni:w York. -,'V) an ;. 2Z2 Wauasii
Ave., Chicago. Jajius 1T:ttei:, Agt.
:-.y. r:::t Ik: re th?.! Crtrlu
ran ear-' y.-.'.:i -if. Phis '..ia'disifd
I Hi.'' fart" that Y. ;!:,;; li .;) f.M ' a
: cured, wliilt1 tar Coil-.,! . Fr m' h.ii-..
i ;VY
" i J : ' J ' ";-'S ;-
lately without an I " doses : .,-' ;
a all 1 rla- r . ,.-r eh: . ! .d Cr-m-. it m'. -,:-.
- ., -
l'a a i tala-at' i ; : ! . ; iy i i.i . v"
i' !:f 1 " ' !::'!'' : --
. ; i' ,, '
li- .' " : :
S!.')' .rr !,: I; v..t.;r
"-!- ' 's -- ' 1 -A 'l ,: '
Have v.-u i ,...!':;!. :u r Co:
pa't-.!, ha va mi a Vr!' .-k.:-:. J';!, air r:-:ti- j
of A'a'alila. Ileal Aria- ' ' -.. ! ! al
t lift W Illl Mil.' -.l i . - i I 1 i
I' ! ,:aa: u;t-a I to r-'iicre yn.i,
uii't win v-u roi.t iiiiif! to ;:ut-r when
yn ran W ,,.,1 oa ah trnns as
thr-. Ik :.,-r l't "ts. ami . rt. Sohl !.
Ci.ininm .V Smith l)n:-ia:
Ciai'inat'i Smith. 1 . av-'d-t
d!'s !' a sai a 1 aa .. i.:o " ! i At k M ' :-
TACK" i ; rich aial fia-raa', try it.
Si);,i i.v ;-;.M.,na:. Jv : MiUh, Di
I'i:ik;r:. X.o.
Caa-nai-diau (.'u:v.!.
Vl i.v,t..: ,,, .... .-..,.. ,.,..... i,-v- !
i. h.... , ;., ; .m a.i .'s 1 v ;.m i . i-r u a..,
' ' ' ' ' -' ' 1 ' ' .' I ' " i ' . 1 1 . i a . i l't .1 V.M .mm'.!-'
l . : . ! . l.i.- i p ; v a 1- : ,.M , t . i: 1. r ,
m i m .mi : a i. Im . im !. : ' I -. i' ' r:'i. . ;;-.!: ir. ;i ;:i. :
Cntitiaa to Si'.iokt -rs.
laan and aft..-r tlaa 1st dav of Mav.
A nemarkut-Ie Kesult.
It makes no ditTer.-nce how many
Pi.'vsiciaus, r how much mediriue you
have trietl, il is now an csfaltMshed
fact that German yrn; is tho only
ivm t'ly which has given complete sat
isfaction in severe cases of Lang Di
... , , i . ,i ,,
seases. It is true there arc yet thous-
l!it!S til lit TSoi;.S W ii X if I'l tMi.Sl'UM'ii
to Throat and Lung AlTeetions, Con
sumption, ilemorrhag-'-!, Atlnna. Se
vere Colds settled on. the brcusi, Pneu
monia. Whooping C iu-a.h, vkc, who have
no pvir-oiial knowledge of Poschee's
fierm.m Svrup. 1 o ranch we wou.dsav
that .VV.V, doxen were soil last year
without one complaint. Consumptives
trv nist one bottle, i.erailar size (.
i..l.i 1.,. !.... ....... i
C' . i... ,'Ul.l im a.i i-i1.:.:,..-. 1,1 ai.iii- ;
It. I.
a! veow
' T!i? New ihtrtv.
Lest arrived from the Past and the
"old settler" ia the we.-t, lind that the
old la.isteru medicines do not ia lieve
the diseases iiKident to this new West
ern climate. The verdict of every
family using giro-, is.i Te":e!a!dc
iAviiy 5J1!, is that they have no
equal for relieving constipation, sick
headache) and biiioa.uu -ss, and that
StiJl rTk-.J iCiiO 7 (- fail I
fiirt- ih -k ill when taken as directed.
!rotvs4s C'C'S'.",": i!a!sSEii. for
coughs, cohls, and lung afa cti'ins. con
tains no etupei'y iug opia'es, but relieve.-;
by soothing the irritated parts,
and produ ana; easy, gentle expectora
tion. iZiuv.v:-.-; TiirTratlics, are val
uable It public speakers and singers,
and all aillictc I with sore throat and
irovns !'siiv .stands
without a rival for removing inihtma
lioii aii'l I ealing t!d sores, tih. irs and
lodiKt of 3',.;::,.ium.i.sthe kingef
remedies for blood, liver, and thin dis
eases. For by Dr. W. P. Done-Ian.
Chapman .; Smith, J. II. Puttery and
( . F. Johnson.
lotf Plattsmouth, Neb.
Poekwell lais the neatest assortment
of lady's dress goods ever" brought to
town. Pe sure and see them before
th.e assortment is broke. They an go
ing off fast. " 2;tf.
Thii ty orilii' I-i-'.i' ii-t,:il Piai r; c.f l'.;o
Weriil .Mo? i-.iiujiel itn: - at the lairi- I'v pntii li ai.
a ca'tl -liMiitcri to t1-.'' As fi:iti"l l'ri'-s says
I w.i Iii.'.h.'M -thl ini'iaii- hiive ht't-ii ;r..aitii.'U m
liio Aiiiera-aii ni.-'aai'-, M.'..--Ma iiamiiii.
Smoke the P. & M. in Nebraska ci
gars at 5ehlegel Pros.
Th-i At.ania (h.., Caiistitutlon,
iitui.i vohhii.j
n.ntlv published a long account of
th(! "" tl,e "f''1'"
jp,t" which is f b 1 times as large as
lll0 x,,rtiH.,.n 1;:lt. , the 17th of
Sep ember, r;77, the Manager of this
C(.r.!,r,,ted paper li iving tried Ceuten-
d paper l; Pat Lxterminalor says: Gentle
men your "Pi zen Muli'"' knocks Sher
man Pats," stiif and cold.
OiAG'j, Iowa, Dec. 2 P "7.
Star Manufacturing Company, Fort
Madison, Iowa i Gentlemen i 'i he Cen
tennial rat poison, received last Mon
day. We have given three doses. On
Aloiauiv, j uesuav aim u e '.m suav
nightsand we verily believe there is
imt a rat or mouse left. The saw mill, t
f . . . . . , ... .
V''1' :lvA nv 10111111 's Ui:I s u('le
1,111 ,)f th''ln- ,ere also our h u.,.-,
cooper t hojis, bai ns and hog pens.
for it. Thanks, thanks. Very respect-
fully. E. M. PlIITTS, t'c Co.
This great economizer for property
holders, farmers, rf ul., is for sale by
druggists and general dialers every
where. Price 2 cents, large cans .1,00
20 tf.
Shsnandcah ITurssries,
Mr. King desires to thank his old pa-
irons lor their lavors the past season
and to slate that be will be here about,
the Holidays with a full sm-nlv of
UllliU JJ. Ijr:i.. a a n si ui;ji UL
Cass. Pemembci; the and the
place. Uitia
i M'u on. i:i u 'LTisi.-) au'i nae ineiu .-.en.i ;
L;;al notices.
i , t i
xiu'iiio notice.
!:-. i-.-.m , r f t:i 1 ..t tu ! l.i i -lit. i.T
i. a :. ;.r . ,i. J:i !,. t .ai.iry t.i!t
: . : ... ' A . ' i-: : : !--,!
.lu-'.-i .; ..;-. a
i -1 v, i . a-. I I - i ..I a !' .. v r. i 1 '-..-;. I". -
i .! : : 1 i-.,;:., x . i I'mli ifn
:; .: .i - .i. .
a i. ii ; . ... i T ,' . . . : .
' . . ;'. s ' ' .'- ... ,
i : , i I ! : i i '.' . -a v; :;i h ,'il!.. it:.ii I . , i i .- ; -
t.-l 1.;;::. . ; i i i a ft.;.'. i-.t.M'. t
. . '. . i i i ;: -: i ... i.'ia : v. ; ; : :
. Mi : ' . ! ; l-! !:! '. 1 I . M
1 .
w a a 1 1 i 1 1
I a; -is-
i ;;., ,, a. i-
A. -N. I I I.l AS, C.i. J; -;,.'.
Piolatc Notice.
. t., . rrt JI.
! a -. .i...'. i.i loiintv C!iii .
...... . . . . u . i .i- .i
; ',;;";,
: :n;il
: -;
ii r'Mn-a 'it.
t .-: IV .f I:.;-".;- .im '
: mi;.- ii. a :-. ' w. !. iv In' ui;oa
J.t.mI i iv.: . ilic i . .i.i-. ;: v n
I Ii ii. .1 ill (:.- ".' .!. ,!( 1 1 !t- I
: v : v.iv tn w n ; i a a !'. -1 - i
. i ...... : . . .... . r '
t .; . ; ... ,-.-.,m.,- v.-K.r.!..i i'm a .:.:.! -
i s ; t..r ;
I . .Li.-'..' at !
A. ;. I-'-. :.t !
..I ...a 1 : i a II .km ! : ,-v . 1 ' iu; y .
.p- ;a- aa '. .-h-.-w .;..-;. a ;.i:y a. y t :. .-,-.. :.y j
.vli.i.M -l".:;! ).i tif t-t.u' inii! 1 r.. I i '
--..;,! m ;. V. .: :...
io ; .. i.. i r i.f s.aa i-t 'iin. I
' A. .. .-: '. :a s !
i i.. f:
(. I'.wa Ja!.-. j
I l-:i: a i " n - ii ;:'' a a
.) in UUx-'.i o.l i. i-s on Ala ta Mrrrt. lay li-ii
tl.TtlVS itltS ! Jlll.1 lt i'l I'ttH'K (31. . K!!!" I.IM1-I-l.l.ii
t wt'Tl! V-t .T.l . J ! fri-t f 1 i::t I'll M.-lOl MH'l I
i..-. , 1 1 ; a ! -! 7 i.) l-itici. CO I Pm ti: I :;.:!'
I i..t .' a. 1 ; '-Ii ."1 . aa- T. 'J. in. 1 1 l in
li iipirtn-'O iM.i'.m laeroal i-sfate ; nlti f"i' I lie
(! -f-"l l l-;l paviiiei:! . :-;ii i . .! v. ill In' li".-l n:., u
far tint' liuiir. final two n';-!u.-V i.ntil tai.-o
oViiti'ii p. pa., of tin; sraac dav.
.i ,t-l ft. iHiVKV,
A.Ia:':. eC tin1 f; nt II. Alai.-iai, lU't-'J.
Estray Notice.
. Taken ujt on t he '-'till i-ay of Sceletan-r. A. I.
!-'.-, a.i a -;i:'.y ia Wcepii:.:.- Water, in n'v,i-aa,i
la '.'ii 1 1: . v. '.1 . in ';i-s ('.may. Ne'ii .
1, a. i. . ; In- .saUi.'i im r, .;mi iin-re i . '-t
. pt.'iaa -r. A. n.
i-a.- i ,M - nr. li - !-". v i' a vl. lie r-1: 'i I.. .; .
; fn',a ,.,..;,,, iS hia.i f,...t uian-. :i !
ii-mi ..a.:: el nalit ;it...'.a.-!a l-.ii ;i -.::. or.
ii-u lint fiM.;.-.(ii,it!..'! ! ! ::"iii-.! mi-s iiia.
s.U.l '.nil -.- hail el) i-.n iiia uiilie aii'l htiiid hi i -
, i . . . i . : . 1 1 ... i i. 1 1 . i . . ; i a i mi iin. 'iii i 1 1 w in -: i a"
.-au'i piMPi IP i-.e. iiave the -aiaio ry i-.a',.i.;
p . a., i - , mii.; ..,vi-,i; rei';ii"-a
! It tl t lli i 1 l ti..V .f ( l:-i.lil..M-. A. I. 'ST.S.
(-, ' A. .1. Mt il. '
. w '' . . .
"y TT liX NQ CO .
r u V. ::! r.-i cn-K kis st..N.Y
I :iim; tact ni 's i ! M !
iv li.--; - :: I
I niie.-t Iti f.ti.iiii--
... i t t I , . I
.-.. P.. ii.a 111, I in-v.- T! i li'-!ae. I M-e v. tni'l II-uti.'-..
Seat !! 1 1 ia'. 'i li"-.i-.,i ml-a. .fi'. )!e..v
in - .-it,: i, i i.i i-a mi It.ivi-.x. I it I.N ' I' I'll V 1 Mil II v. II
l-ei.i! "i.r!.' It 'A i.i P:t:-!-eiI ve is-
.-a n-.-f. :-t--
v:;c,:i':-.!i.' and W.-lai! !aa!ers in
M.O.. ttveet. Curlier cf l'ift'a,
I'LATTSJIUUTir, - - - - NEP.
Still Batter Rates for Lumber.
Nr a V. mk -af xTt
iiAPDWAPE stopi:,
In rtr-.ttiin r,'.:!i. Xeh.. oil I'mu'di St., :,Ni!it t'r-
miiili: or Tin: i:lock,
you t itl find :
tl;r?:i'g I'lons,
and all kinds of Farm Implements and
Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, &., tkc.
Hungarian and Millet.
Seed for Sale
dtaik-r ia
I.:;rc stoek cf
to lie
:i i -
, T . .
iCtlOIlS, QUGGIlSWare,
nit. I ia fact y n; :;au cauforin
liie liae of
on .vr.iin strc. t neartr opposite the c-art
Hoa.-e. riattitaoiita. Aeh.
HorsEsrbR Sale.!
Thf lni in?r w. setllnir ef su-nl U.n'-es ni.ele
the si e. ia'ay ei the has; u-.-.s.
New Horses & Carriages, j
an.l pro title horse, for Ladies to ihiu ;a.; io-;.? '
at this Stable.
Aeo a carry a!', v.hi-ii rai: to tie il'-pet. a P. 1
will carry iiasst-pers from any piaa-t' iu lawn on
First Class Stock.
lienerai nercnanaise.
r- - T - 1
i .
-t- a- . 'rf-
At Wl!()!osaU
c ;y I ' )'
Jj J! J " " tl t l- J ? ( J.
i ' j
) X -A. Zl
CatMi to i. 'd'id-s.
ALL AT OXCJ-: AXI .V.M.V.Vr of: ,V :. 7 -V, d.V," 77.T '".' ;.?.
S.IOl' North side Main, Ihtwnai -t 1 T i and .:!; !! s.
V rL
r iri-.Ta' n! ! i-ni'.i.'i! aiut eai riiva"-1 fnriii-ilicit ti
at. -l. l-i. A alrns .1. W. SHANNON.
ii - y l'il--.'.i..t)iit!t. .N'cb
im:ai.i:ii ix
1 1 f-9 t
i x I IIUJ;
"J"?"7"' A T"' 71
?V &M.JL41 r JUf&JLXr
( ' ' i ' r d V'el?w
All r.iwer Trimmed Free of
Stationery, Magazines,
Latest Publicn lions.
I'rcrriptions 'arefi:ll y 'ti pou-eleO
ty ati I-tirieiH''d Irns'i'isJ.
ih:mi:?.ti.i-:i: Tint it.ack.
g.'a ar.,i noons .south of main,
Uriek Livery Stable,
to r-u: ' .: c: l : staui.ks in riattsimnwh
Nt. !., arc im -v li-iiie ! liy .lepes tv Strum! and
tip-y arc kt t'l.liar ;i new a'nl liaielsnMic !i ci v i.i
; a; - . ell i.iii.-.N n li.ti n. 'J l:c run-tit and best (if
l.i'iMes aial carri..iM'S alwas rea-ly to ict.
SADi-l.t: llOItSI-tS CMKAP.
Horses kept for Sale
or toTrade.
YVc ('.esiic to civc iioiiet' ll :tt tve have a lai';.-',
I.-a.i Nmiiic la i. k l.aiai, itli ilei:ty 1 ruein
imr."S and vat:lis. 1 can put farmers ''e.'-k
;'.u 1 a auni'iS, loads of ci iin o: -an vi li i'lL; all i.n-
i t'a r r. ii. the drv. la-iiiciiil.i r t;,is.
i iiiitnkiu!.- all eld p;i,nin for t'.Hi- pun y f-i-
i voi -s. c Miiicit t iicir I nidi' for tin- f .mire. .u -
. is!ii d v. c ciiii ;iei m .1 n 1 u!;! 1 1' t hcin ttlter ate! tin
Let ter t-y tic an t!.;ai ever beloit.'. a-J 1.
Ha rn t ss Ma n t. if 'act u rc rs,
aod all kinds of Iv.nie .-; stock, ron-.taiitly en
r I !i fistt'c ojiMtt;;te K. G. Dovi;,'
tin Street.
l-l.V .S THE I GUT tf- MIL L E R.
I nrCT 17 X DMITJ I A WflC
! ULJi 1 l ilia 1 1 1 VI wJtniJJ
rou sale j:y
Great Advantages to Buyers
IN 1877.
ee to anv part of li
j ' 'lx:t-
.....Ml.... i r. nt i.i-. t i.ii. f,.
i i iii-.
r --' -:-a . - -w&
Ui r ?r V
.-.4 ii i- ,'i w r,
1 K..,' : . f
or llv.Unl !
l 1 s". t.i V,
.'1 d - tilt, J;. L ' . 1 1
GUI X'kH l.Ly
r k i r 7 r -
is sn..t. 111:1:1:.
Corn Planters, Cultivators.
Sulky Plows',
are now " off" but I k t i 1 1 liave the
Harrison Wagon,
the best and cheapest wagon in the
maiket by all odtls.
Spring agons,
Puggics, :uid Thrcf-seadei! Wagons;
and the world renowned Courtland
IM;llfrm 4ri;T Wagon.
for all kinds of
AricHii urai Implements
In every variety, and at
11 cd la:k Prices.
Mowers Sulky rakes and al! hinds
of Pakes, Forks, etc., etc.
How is the time to Buy
o-Uf l'latlsmouth, Nebraska
K- :!-'. i.Ji f.;tBu Tr .r.wir.'.i.,ii
A Jf..'' ; .- it:
tltlf''- -- V1
1 II i
P I A A7 O F O R T E li
Boston Public Schools,
Mass. State Normal
The New England Conser
vatory of Music rEx
Philadelphia Exhihition '76
. o vt :.': ia: rai
I". 0 te Innrse, Willi mnr cxcej
ion, I'm.-', ivet! put! than one.
Duvhi'j th': C'ni'trt St-ason rf l.t?TC, '77,
tin-so I'i.-tini!- Vic-ie iiM-d in l;-toa and icini:y
in tiua-'.' thai ,-" f.'iicerts.
Til.- !.'-ai!i i-f 1x77 and 7? 1'nitiiist's a stil'
Kie.'it'rr iitanbei- to b" adi'.ed to the list.
Notices ol' oncer Is.
"IteniaitaiMt' f'ir its ;e.;:ity. rii hacs s and ev-'lllie.-s
nt tone." Huston Joi.l li.'t!.
'No iK-h Intruiiieats hav been heard in a
Lowell t-uiifit looiii 1'"- Lost!: (Mass.)
Siiritasi- ai' vthinrr of the Kind tnaviousty
heard la our eity." t-ll ox l op::!:. .
"L'iic.i.i!ipd l y any that have bei n nt-od In
curci,;:. ail-." Iouisviilt; laiiy Courier. ,
I tcis li.'cn iii'fiotatetl a at for these e-l-.-t-rat t
ifl ! I'iaiiOti. fiavl for catalogue.
Plattsmouth, Neb.