-. . u r i i ) J A i - I 1 Til HE II A LI) 1 J!j'Kitrs. Tho trv.t h'a ivorjit fi e la fie wlio claim To m I lis H'-U's arnrx t. And elreinns, lieyond ti is sentry beat, '1 Im crj .stal uulis Indang-er. Who f-M for liorr-?ty his traps Of vertvil quirk una i t ttjlo. ili l weeds the sinieu of the: Ixrl With f-'utiin's b irrnwoi! dibMo. -Jljl,H IJ'LO'.p.Ttl All Sorts. He was agent fourteen and wa3 In tlie wooelihetl with his father. The worda he utteretl v.ero substantially: "Darn the returning board." Stai.Iey should get out a book, an J tell how it is done. A good title would be: "Every man his own Columbus." How will that answer? A colored brother in Ilil'sboro, IN. C, was turned out of the church for "toiling on" two other b:oi!u-is uln h.ii bet ;: s,lealiiia hog. A i'iltsljf.rg Fahc'ii keeper bus taken all his girls iiil) p:u tin rs!i j, to evale the new law which f-o.-biei.-i their em rdeiyment ii selling li;it"r The find steamer that ever left l'.os ton for Fiance, with a load of gr.fr.!. was the I.am cslina, which rviiL-d Much 10 with 87)!'." buf.ei of con:. 1'oriiieiiy iiii-n iv;;ia:i.:ng iiuiiiarrii-u In Kug'.and at the s;ge I u e;;ty-!; e Were called old bach'-Ie rs, ami wvp- by n, law lined :u-c.irlir.g to tla.ir hl.-tioi.-In life. An Irishman who lived in an attic" being asked what part of the house he cccunieil, answered: 'Ml tlie house were turiK'd topsy-turvy, I'd be livin'on the lirst flurel" Criticus says tuat t!ie uillerence ie twe n a sjcc .ssTul lover and his rival is, that one kisses his miss, and the other misses his kiss. A distinction and a difference. Mercy Consolation Smith is the name r.f the han:lso;.itst girl in Tort Wayne, and happy will the young man be who can one day exclaim, Oh, Mercy, thou ait my Consolation." In China girls are co r'.Mcre.l of so lit tle consequence that their j arenls do not name them, but d sitrn te them by a ni iii!cr. 'J bus: First daughter, -oud l.u'.:;hti r. and s. e n. Sir Wi:ii;:m A rmsl rong employs -l.CPO woiLiiH-n. ! it is his boa.t that he can stipp' ci: !.L t b-n licld bat. erics per moi:i!., an ! tloce or four guns of fifteen tons each per v.-ek- Jy ihcir indulgei'CP in strong tfrliiTi the Swedes have deteriorated in stature ami in jihysical s!i(i!?t!i; new diseases Ling induced, and ! I ou.'s sorely Mg gravaled by intemperance. At th9 Cape of Good llona ihe 03 trich is retlaced to a barn-yard fowl. In his domestic stile he yields two lluck:ngs per annum, and each bird's product si lls lor ii-i t, -. King lumljert l.a3 i::si:cd an order that in future full dress and uhite choker rill not be nece-sary at his re ceptions. The simple civi.ian costume with a b'.i'.ck via vat will sul1 ce. Jecmr.seli va not killed !y Col'.r.r-l Johnson, but by i).;v;d lending, w!io took I lie chiefs scalp. The trophy was linaliy eaten by a dog, jn'-t c.s a rat ra.'i S'.vay wilh the iuart nT 2sapoieon. An Iri.ii gci.ll-'i;n:i, bea-.iug 1.1" a friciid haing a stfi'ic .;:!'. n tiiadi; t'"i himself, exclaimed. 'J'yi::e .,..!.::: tiiat's a g-'o t idee! Snre, an" a ton" cotliu 'ud last a :-:;ai: l:'.s l.letime.'' Tn d i.l chm-i m a c t- ,-v: 1 i n: y . m .t '.. : p: lie. 1 . ill b u , 1 I,.,, p- r d ; i - s ; a in n r .i ' w r : ..- oi i '"i". -.' i- : l e. d r i s d ie, Will. ..i i i nl. t'lans for a steel bvldga a-:ross t'n lliames in the vicinity of tho Tower have been approved by the Lou. Ion iletropoiitou i oard. Tho plans p.o ide for one bold spa:i o'' s:o fc.t. Virginia professes to be uname to pay the interest on her debt, bul the statistics of the Moff-t bell punch there show that herci'.i.ens spend 1V CtO.WO a jear for spirituous drinks. The Supreme Court of the 1'i.ite i States has decided that a man, lid.'mg upon a free pass, c:n recover damages of a railway co.i.pauy for iujurhs le Ceived in consee;m nee of a collision. Mark Twain rays that nothing seems to p'ea -e a My so much as to bo mis taken for a huckleberry, and if it can be baked in a c ike and palmed off on the unwary as a currant, it dies happy. He ran thr?? squares after what be thought was a str cl ear, and, after he got out of breath, belaid down on the doorstep, di-.-gustcd to bud out that it was only a lightning bug on his jpecla cle. The po'.iey IioTvters in a TerTin insu rance company lind that their fundi: have been stolen, and in another com pany it was found that of IS'.SstJ marks received, lo1),.'? v. ere itstdup in ex penses. To make watcrprciT oiled paper, for tying over p.ti ami jars, brush she. t of paper ovt r with boded oil, in w'lie!, dissolve a little sl.el'ao ca;e!u!iy. over a slow tire', and supe;id them on a line .iiitil Iry. Ladies who wish to be a little eco nomical about the-ir lace trimmings should make them with alternate plain spaces and clusters of knife-plaiting, and set a tmy bo7 cf ril,ica in each plain spaca. It was a hind of grim, barbarous hu mor that prCri'pted the Indians who killed and scalped ib.am Fayne, In Wyoming last week, to stick up tht placard by bis t ody, "L'se l'ayne killer lcr the hair." Julia Five King, the pian tt, never plays with mu-ie before her. She learns a piece by looking at it until she has a mental picture el it, ami then practices it. The weight of her touch is twelve pounds. Germany Is setting sn example to ether nations in the establishment of dairy schools, with the assisLinco of government, and placing the o under the competent scientific men as well :is practical managers. Wet ropes, f sin 11. are a lb l'.e more flexible than dry; if large, .t little less flexible. Tarred ropes are stiller by about o e sixth than thejsw not so treat ed, while in cold weather the difference is somewhat grealer. vueen Victoria insists that all per sons presented to her shall wear trains and plumes according lo regulation, that is, with the plume so placed that they can be clearly seen as their Year ets approach the Cancell ST. NICHOLAS, ."3 ILLUSTRATED Mi i ismim illustrated magazine Tor (iirls am! Kojs. .iti I1r:iS 1 2)illro!s Iagazne. ilessir. Sc::ir..KIi Co.. 1S7.1. be- r:ln f'i I 1 1 K! i i i , .11 nf -r Vicunl an Illustrated Magazine for ( i iris and Uoys, with Mrs. Mary Ma pes Dodge as editor. Five years have passed since the first number was issued, ami the magazine has won the highest position. It has a monthly circulation of It is published simultaneously in London and Xf.v York, and the trans lantic recognition is almost as general and hearty as the American. Although the progress of the magazine has been a steady advance, it has not reached its editor's ideas of best, because her ideal continually out runs it. and tie magazine as swiftlv follows afttr. To day .t. N icholas stands AIoiM in ilia "VrI! of Slot) lis: The New York Tribune has sai 1 of J it: "Sr. Nicholas has reached a high- J er platform, and commands for its ser vice wider resources in art and letters I' a.' any ef its pre deeesse; s or con tempnrare s." The London Literary Wnilil s:ux- "There i- i magazine t for the young that can be said to equal this e-hoicj production of Scribncr's press. Good Tliinscs for 1S7S-:). The arrangements for literary and art contributions for tho new volume the sixth are complete, drawing from already faverite sources, as well aV..lt .w.v,.., ... , i;iierns,.v (.,,dK,(ivirg a full account of m.sn.g new one-s. yii. j ino.-.t remarkabh? missionarv suc aonsnew se.ial Etcry I hi , , ! ,ot,st;lllt church has as lioin nroi Fronk 11. Stotl for bo- Will run through the twelve month ly part--. beginning with the number fi- November, IsiTS, the first of tlie volume. and will be illustrated by James F. Kt Hey. The story is one of travel and adventure in Florida and the Ffihamas. For the; girls, a contin ued t.de, E3;i:l';j tlcr.cEi 5ZisseHrojiers," Uy Katharine I. Smith, with illustra tions by Frederick Dielman, begins in tin; same number ; and, a fresh serial by Susan Coli'lgf. e-ntitle I 'Fyebright," Willi jdeiity of pictures, will be com menced early in the volume. There, will also be a continued fairy-la'B e ailed 'Umnpfy DudgetN Yoiver," Written by Julian Ilav. tborno, and il lustrated by Al fred Fredericks. About the other familiar features of Sr. N'n n olah, the editor preserves a good-humored silence, e-entent, perhaps, to let her live volumes already issued, proph esy concerning the sixth, in respect to short stories, pictures, poems, humor, instructive sketches, aud the lure and lore of " .'aek-in-tho-l'ulpit." the "Very Lililv Folks" department, and the "Letter-box," and Iliddle-box." Terms, $ l0 a vear; 21 cents a num ber. Subscriptions received by the Pub lisher of this Taper, and by all P.ook stllcrs and Tostmasliis. Per.-.ems wishing to subscribe direct with the publi.-ditrs should write nam( Post otiice, County, and State, in fid', and send wilh remittance in check, P. O. mone'V order or registered letter to NCHI HF.H A 71.1 Illt(l.i:iiVAY. XKW VOitli. H;e Sun For I 7". Tin: srx will bt: printed every day during the year to come. Its purpose and method will be the s.i-ue as in the past: To present a'l tht; news in a rea dable shape, and to ttil the truth thot g'i the heavens fall. Tin: Srx has been, is, and wil con tinue to be independent of every body and every thing' save the Truth and its ow n. conve-ciioiis or e.uiv. l nat is in only policy w hich an honest new spaper j nee i nave, j nat is me policy w men has won for this newspaper the confi dence and friendship of a wider const i t nency than was ever enjoyed by any other Ameiican Journal. Tin: rx is the iiewpaie.' for the people-. It is not for the rich man agains.t the poor man, or for the poor nr. i.i ; giinst the rich man, but it seeks to do equal justice to all interests in the community. It is not the oriraned at y person, class, sect or party. Tiieie need be no mystery about its loves and hates. It is for the honest man against the rtigues every time-. It is for the he. nest Democrat as against tho elis Iiouest Kepublican. ami for the honest Republican against the dishone st Dem-tM-rat. It docs not take its cue from the uterance of an politician er polit ical oiganiz i( ion. It gives its support triresei vi dly win n men er measures are in agreement with the Constitution and with the principles upon which this 1'epublic w as founded for trie peo ple. Whenever the Constitution and ct istitutionai principles are violated as in the outragious conspiracy of lSTil. by which a man not elected was placed in the Piesident's Office, where) he still remains it speaks out for the right. This is Tin: Svn's idea of indt; penderce. In this respect there will be no change in its ; rogrpmme for l-sTs). Tin: SrN has fairly earned the hear ty hatred of rascals, frauds, and hum bugs of all sorts and sizes. It hopes to deserve that hatred not less in the yoar 18T:, titan in lSTS. lsTT, or any year gone by. Tni:trx will continue to shine on the wicked with unmigrat e 1 brigh; nes. While the lessons of the past should be constantly. kept before the people, Tin: Si'N" does not propose to make it s If in I'.-'Ti' a magazine ot ancient his tory. It is printed for the nun and women of to-day, whose; concern is c'.i f-lly wiih the affairs of to-day. It In 3 beth the disposition and the; abil ity to afford its readeis with promptest, fulb st, and most accurate intelligence of wha eer in the w ide world is worth attention. To this end the lesouues belong to w cll-estab'.ii.ed prosperity will be liberally employed. The present disjointed condition of parties in this countiy, and the unee-r-te.inty of the future, lend an extraor dinary significance to trie events of th j coming jear. The discussion of the press, the debates and act of Congress, and the move mi nts of the leaders in every section of the Ilepublic will have a direct heating on the Presidential election of lSsO. an event that must b; regarded w.th the most anxious in terest by every patriotic American, whatever his political ideas or alle giance. To these elements of interest may be added the piobability that the Democrats will control both br uses of CVitgiess, the ineieasing feebhness of the fraundulent Administration, and the spread and strengthening every where of a healthy abhorence of fraud in any form. To prcfence with accuracy and clearness the exact situa tion in each of its varying phases, and to expound, according to its well- know U irethods. the principles that should guide us through tlie labyrinth, j will be'jan important part of The Sex's j work ftr lt7;. ... . i e have the moans of making J iik 1 Si x, as a political, a literarv aulafir oral i;ap.cr, more entertaining and more useful than ever before; and we mean to apply them freely. Our rates of subscription remain un changed. For the Daily Srx, a four j page sheet of twenty-eight columns, the price by inai', po.c tpai.l, is ."j ce-:i.s a month, or 0 .Vi :i year; or, inclmlinix tin' tr.U.iv ', ot" fifty-MX coluiiins, thp price is ('j els. a month, or .7( a year postage paid. The Sunday tdition of Tub St'.v is also furnished seperatly at &1.0 a Vf-A I" l)(lSt:!"f tiahl. 1 he price of tho Vi:i:klt Si:k, r ight pages, lifty-six cdun.ns, is SI a jear, jiostage paid. For cluis of ten sending 310 we will send an extra copv free. Address I. W. KXChAXi). I'ublish?r of The Sun, X. V. Citv. ai-Gt. Frank Lpslifs SUNDAY 3!A0AZ1'E. The December number cf this admir able periodical is one f the most in teresting that has been issued, and brilliantly cl'..-:cs its fourth semi-annal j volume. Its career, lor the two years of its existance, has been one of a!- mo "npi't-cedcnted success; a result Jut!' dw o. l.,,u 0lIU't,s ?f t,,u ana enicrpriising puunsner, ana uie tulanted and discriminating editor. It is undoubtedly the cheapest and best Sunday magazine published in tho world, and eminently fitted to be an inmate of every Christian home. The tililor, Itev.;I)r. Deems, promises to e-oiitinue to strive to make this tho best lcligious monthly in America, and we would remind our leaders that this isjust the time topubsciile for the e-oming year. Tne opening paper of the December number is en "Christi anity in Madagascar,'' by Alfre-d II. achieved within the last three centur ieswith ten engravings. A sort of companion-picture to this is an article by David A. Curtis, "The Martin Lu ther of In.-'ia," "Swami Dya Nand Sar aswali. who promise; to take, in rela tion to Prahminism. a position simi lar to that borne by Martin Luther to the Iloman Catholic Church; both arti cles are worthy careful pursual. The charming juvenile serial. "In Mischief Again,"' is continued, and ''Michael Alrdree's Free hold' is concluded. A new serial of great merit will be com menced in the January number. "The Ye'low F ve r Ilemiiucnce s." by John P. Sc e'.ck, refer to a previous visita tion of the pestilence, ami is peeuliariv interesting. Among the poems is one of singular merit by Margare t J. Pres ton, entitled "Comforted." There is a vast amount of miscellaneous matter excediiigly interesting and instructive, I a; ticular attention have been given t the illustration of curiom manners and custcmes which prevail in various parts of the world. In the "Home Pulpit" the editor discourses on the sinoilcat ion of the scriptural term j "I.e be-also centimes Ids Popular! Kxe-gesis. There arc- 12S iniarto p;fges and i early .0 handsome illustrations, i The annual subse-i ipti'-n i-j only 0'-'. and a sj ccimen cope,- w ill be 5 ent on rceei;.t of 2', e cns. 'Peautifnl and sub- j stantia! Piinling Cases are ready for j sale at the close of each volume, pi ice T." penis. Ad.lrc ; Frank Les'ie's Pub- ' lis'iing House, oj, 5.1, Sc 57 Pari; Plac, ! New Yeirk. Co:i:a:ir.;s:a Aiaong Capitalists. "We had occasion, some montl:s ago, to al.u.le to the examples of immoral ity furnished by men of money or i icn ed' labor, in endcvri;i;r to ""account, in nome measure, for the brutal excesses of the latter. It was a plain case, that hardly need arguing. The notorious facts, in connection with tlie moneyed classes for the iast ten year.-?, are those whic h i elate to the betrayal of trusts, the watering of slot i:s. gambling in grain and other l.icessaries of life, the w.e king cf insurance companies, the bursting eif savings-banks through stealing and reckless management, the railroads runin the interest of directors rathe r than in that of st ockin.ldei a and the public, etc., etc. Poor people have looked on, and felt till the powe r of this degrading example. The way in which capital has been managed and Uiis m;ti:Kgt:d in ibis country has been utterly cie -moralizing. The poor has sec:, capitalisls stealing from one another in a thousand ways, and even st; a ing theii hard-earned savings. The gambling in .stocks, the gambling in grain; the defalcations among men who have been universally trusted, the malversation of persons high in the ciiiiicli, the great "gtme of grab," played so general among those suppos ed to have; money ami among the throat corporations, all those' hare tended to break down the public mor ality; and if the poor btve been apt to learn the lessons of life from "the su- peror classes. i'V have simply learu- eo to steal. W hat w oude-r t hat trade unions thrive? W'uat wvn'er that we have a "commune" j" What won eler that we have unreasonable mobs? If stealing is to be the orde r of the el iv, the poor want the ir chance with the rest! Dr. Holland; Sciibner for October. I t i ct yaiir I-.;v!.i ami ;-..??. Manv a fancier has laid cause te) shrh sertous: v clepiore I he los 3 me fine bird or i-hehs which have d.s nppeared during the night rather mys teriously. In most cases it is folly lo attempt to discover the last resting place of the missing birds, or to find : cine to aid in tracing tht m, and .lie most that can be done is either to set a trap, sian.l guarel yourself some; night until the thief be found, or have a guard in your chicken yaids every night whose watchfulness and ' itegrily cannot be doubted. The lat.er is, by far, the be t plan, and the best guard is the ever faiihfnl shephc-r 1 dog. Xet only will he give warning of the ap pr ;'c h of st; aogeis who have a tttste lor chickens, but he wtil g.-r.erally drive them off quickly himself, often .living the intru-.b-is convincing assur ance liittt it is best to try other fields ' f ia'oor. W ben it once b't'cotiics known that you have a faithful, teat less dog, no capable ami wil. big to do his duty - which the she pherd dag has ever proven binis- If lo be running in your ..ardent n ght lo gu.irtl and protect .'ur fo-.'.Is. there ne-.elbeno fear ed' .taii.psor others b.i rowing the-? fowls tfb-r business boc.rs. The shep.'icrd 1 ig is also a good rat-catcher, for many i line, fat rat have we seen suffer the ; cua'ty between the jr.ws f the active iaeeiierds. Moatiily Weather Kt-;rt, Gcttdier '78. Moan trinpot ntnre 47 22 l.ot st i.n-nu loaipci jtuio on tltc 2.;;ti z-.i.'i Holiest " - " ;nh vis. " ' " " I.Mli fix Iiwp-t ' " " " 27lii 10. Num'...),- of times e.ver fO :it 2 p. m. 4 ?r'M oh:i!,'' '.'.f '':'nttarc a. r.i. is, Firi-t ki-liitg f.-..r. V--i;vf1 ' 1 a ,: s- U.. 1- urt heavy fiv-e. k. i.oit fur ex t. itt. .1 ver.r r.-o 4 5 .Meuli leiat-i i-.iii'.l 4 S 5 I.ee.vesS cn-an tt'ar.'er.tfare oa t'ae ." t ::x liiti est " " " - ijiti es " " " l.'tll s t Liwet " " " " :ust . 22 Number of thr.es over SO at 2 p, ii!. l Feuu f ill 5 in. o. tf I tiiuv ;ivs. 6 l.'atnt:.!! for Oct. 137.. U 1 itr.y eiay. - .1 n -- THE EYE, EAFi end TCFIOAT Cuejcosoftilfy Treated wTtfl SAHFOHD'S ROIOAL GUOE. SVC r1 it tii t'-1-'. rfnelf, n-! Pirei -i thi tret(i:c..t f e atari U.. 1 At., rv. . r.ft-rr lnr- y rr.i-.orair.i I iltutc.i, ! i- il'i-a-.t. -': rpcriiS cirailv i-r.:porl;" tti tli-i r (::' .!. lj.,-3 F AKForrs Ua'.ia ' rr. ': T .-1 .ir .i:-rS ..'n .-t'h f rt.p'Tttc-r. ? 'jlir; cv!-i,.-I''-,.. Ui Ci i.r.;-o oi i:i:mi!i cit-il t-r' i-.nir.lw I ion l.i.- i.j .u .i ! v.-l 1 In nil Et.iUoiu ef if, riu-t Si . r u., v o: t!::3 .oi."t. Kcvr.wi lt.le.v,l - :n I e'.-r r- puli.r nrdtolnts has t;i-'i valn-.t.! s t.-.orn -..n jf t r d, frrrly oJto I, in t-.v ret r.:y X: rv.e.!v ttita timt in ttio pc.-tr, -n iloa of Ci ; ym; vlcu of f yfiPD'TtAPT'-ATCvr'-i:. A n-l v.'-f;: -.: I ci:( t-.lt U-kS r.'t r?prr"C'it p. tii't':'1 nii'1; p-irt of C-.- rf-ci:.Tncn t cMor.g -.vl.lcu r.ro t !-. tf-ri-l S 1: ! -n-.!it fr:'-a(' lu lis favor. 1" -or 1 ? fv.Vf,ia--tlr :"e. ni-ni i:ta'.l rr's. f t rv t itty ('Tn:t it j v.p i itvnrr an' mr-th ! i f n, i 1. :--T.-a t th- r-t;:i'rr i.to.nr:, Ir-"r-fM'.n, Ic.t i ':"i tt .:iVir?y !:' -inl to i r.ut!lsli'fl ft'tt -r. K -ni-T l.io t 'so,.:ort:il3 l;i car poi wi I urp""..:x. In; a i.-y.:t!l itr c f t'loso -B lthtu l.l 1 r V.n rra -..n ir.c: ! or.t l. Tt o j-l!'fr!-e :i-l:' itl t'"t.!.io, l -l iri -.a ilrxr.Y V EI.1 s, !"'., vf ' i., 1 srn & i'i.'s E.-rrn- . Is V.f vrs. TTrtTrs & Fottt, tVhoV' r! rrp-sis, r-iM.i, M o-.: ; . t h..v.j t r:--t-i" i.ir.utiiD f It It a itutv fir.t I 070 t sa'crvif ln:'::c.i:ey to vrko y.jjj, b:nU. t'. . l-i it l.ea fltttts.tl l:avi) ! mod ir im l.io i: j r S.e.-'.Ei.'n K.o i. t. e rus y .f Cat Air: a. ) r n -r- tte -i yur I eivbeca r.T.I.-t"d wift t'i ' tv t' . k-i ::o - r ;.l..!r.t. I fc.'.r tr'M i.ll I :n.:i ?: s I citK loi-l, bn v !Cio';; r1 .1 ' r i riia ---.:t ! ..t. Iu-tfi.il tit!i:ao .inc. d :.t t!t ft t.i ttnt I n;i;l lnv.i r :ll?f rr :!. V .". c.rir ! i:o: i' r-.n. im?;tyni l.Rd t'cc r.io rot. "i-..io I, r.'i'l t:ie f- r -i::.c!i tlior 3or'd, t!i it It V . :t i: -r.-tiiau n- itrr wii :!;' r I ci'iM m to t:in l'.:rl!cnfr., or It I eii 1 ro v. art her I h-)-.il ! Uv t v r -rs hrckor r.-r. If :.- :.n r.'lver tl3fri!. nt rf t j!l rl jUl-ln.?, fli;l i.uS"'i:'li b .n? very Ir.crcd-.il.v.ia rCj-j-it &p riil'-a r it j tr : .a of Rny kiml, yet in '-. :-r l".-';rctl.n I tr: cl tl.o, n- , ft nnco b.'n f t - J hv iu Ttic c!i t:ii--' .f c:i..iit-, ft chr -,i!r! .::?o.i-o r 1 1';.-. "ilvcr, n.. I :t;y .. r J r.i ay .rv;r.t ivy en: iro rf r-toi it tu t t h4 ti'Vio Ct I diTlve irorn I'.a : illr r.-.- !" t" i:-.- i T.e! '.' r.it? I Bti hol:i t- I -3 ot:ii li-r.-l y cur.d, ual at l..t arri-ro r.t n r ;.Tt iNj' !d :': if i!.l:i F'f-Miv.t i f'-.'ra; run l of ary-nrr'.rn t i t ir.-.n r.fCli to I t li tvt i-ern .It :.! ! y..;itJ 1 r iii Citj ri.i'- ty t-.:f ;rj.o; Kr nv;:t u c: -la'ty c i i -;e l'a irt-. e.-.-est tviiTc 1 1 it.i'-'; i.-t-itcJ, :uy c-..-ot It wrlti'.jc t;.! njli v "i 1 : '. ;-,;: '.. Very tmtv v.;i.r. arrtvv V- i::.:."!. Arr-OKi, li. Y.,J ui', 1 cf V, j j C;Co. ynnh pt'-Vif'S 'r-it?'-!3 rr fn-f'-r'Vi Trvp-l I -.'i.i!.;;- 'lub.-, r. .id I el ':n (-Tiv i f r lu all r.iirs I'rjo -tJ. 1' t f:il-l-vs!l t.'l.o; nml l.t-thil Dru.-jibts :.r.d I ?;:! t!:roi:i;'..-".l ' In -1 'ritr-d Hah- 3iil l-nntdn . WI'KKSft 1 : VTKil. e netal A teat al V licdcarlo J.-r::!.-. ;s, i;o :ton, M.wa. ut h a a a ALWAYS CUKE3. Er:!sro?tJ p!ecn. This U ti rrrt fV X'.:r. I r-.r.ri V-n vrlnrr yonr Collin-s; Vtu'ii'i LA.iT-.-r.. f )r TJ:il ir:rv!-'cut cf t:ia Si.lveri pnd icp: toil l:i t'i-: Stomcti, and tlivy r..v. ;r:v-a l:e! ii-.uij relief thru any otiicr rrmci'.v 1 h'.r '. rrr r r-od. I v.-ould I. recon nevrl t li!- t p!l iuc2iiij louia l-o el:i.cl oi puia td lzZ.U.i. -".111X3. Scvsro Rein, TlaTln or'--L-!o:i t.-vr- !r-r-i ';' f -r r. rrr-rra ..r CLt-IN-i' Vol. riJi In try eld') 1 trie.! c 1 AIO I'l TI " 1 1.1 tv. o..e f.-vr ln.i.r tlie Liiia f, c-v-ri. r :i: v- t. J. 1 ' . sMi-'. t r.-.-'e-r r.;-t :."-t. llaai. , J.i:v J.'. 1 V33knesscs. Ci::r- V .U.il: riis'-r-. r!v- V V -rt rntlEfic tfoa h-rs r 11 ytht.iif 11 t If. 1- c;t tri .1 t .r l-.-1-ir-n..s r.ii 1 rrakliLa? cf t'i: l'T as.- :'ui a''- richt r.-r. J.".i:S Li-V.'Ij. iivut r, i.., Juuc 1. lr:7. Ho crcf!)l f M.-.tt O-M iys' V -i.Tttc PT.A9. Txa. !t r'liii'.iii.-.M'-.i f i:t -ef-!'- in'l V-liai 4 rti.irf lti a 1.!:.'-.- M.-l!rat.-?d il: -. rs n i 1 tt.o 8jotc nil. :-oHhy-li 'Vii.-i! e-1 n.l I-.-t e,l It-v.- ?!t throTi(7iinut ift- P;-t.j.t- s r,n.l C..n-i(i Mil by W tillS & l'OTTi::, rru;i:ioturr, lu6i.out UTTSS; A NOTED DIUIHE SAYS; THEY ARE WORTH TKtiR VSaCHT isi COLD READ WHAT HE SAYS: Dr. Tctt : Dev.rSir: Tor ten rr.trs I liav.? V.een a ns-irtyr . I)y;-i:n, Constipation ool I'i'.i'S. L-a.-t S;--ip:r your Piil- v.oro rii-o;nwnlo.d to Hi;:; I 11:4 : tin in ( but v:th little faith ). I .".in now r. well nan, have L-cxxl ti.'v, ilis-tV- titia rfit t, r !.".:I.-.r (n .N. pit. sonv. 1 ;l I have irv.im-d frrty TMiund- soiiu llo.sli. They are worth Uevr wci.!: i'.i fold. Kbv. l:. L. SI.MtOX. Lonisvtllo, Kr. Ti jT' C D'Mn l'r. Tin: p3-.Ik-.-ii en I'Jll O riLLOI-'tliii . Pructlre Cuke hck IIcai acue. j ..l linvlicii.v.- hJ ye:ir?, ::n 1 f.r a loner tlnu ! v.as le!iionMrater cf ' Ant'fomy in the led- TMTfl? Pl I ical College ct t.eorp- U O 8 . LLv ja.l..;tcc-tH-t.r.sut.i2; ; d !ns Piils linve tin' f;n.n Crr.E lyV.-rn-uA. j .mtee t'.iat tiny uro I fircjvired im t-ei:-itt i l:o TIJTT'55 P ! ! Q 3 .-o-.a a oWker.-. w IlehiiS surxeeded In Cciie C'O.NJTIPATIO:,- roml. initio in them the liei-utotore ontatrotils tic rjnitlities ot a 5.' rcr7 rioiiTi;,Toyf ttu-e and rt I 'lrify'ivrjir.iir. Their lirt-t apparent eft ret is t i inm-i:-' the riyip; tile by r,:iiii!;tl.e fool to in-oji'T! v ,n--i:a:!-!'e. 1 has tht-tv.- TUTT'3 PILLS Ct -us I'lits. TU7PS PILLS Cciin Feveh anii Aun:r E torn im nourislied. Mid y tae:r tmne net. on n tliu eliu'estiv..- cr- :.uif, regu;i'r n 11 d t-vc.cn atioua Wil J 1 i-.y 1 e- piuiir.rrn. Cutta ItiLiors Colic. TU" r,!l,ifiir' tl nvl!!c!ir.'T:M t.-ke oh S .'.. A. while under tho TtT7 r.H 3 C gimluen. eoftiiis. i.iils, Uli J I liw got its-lf ine.lcat.stli.-ir CCHE Kii.net Com- 5 :'d''''h,'!l,-v r;"'ll J LAINT. t ?'"' '"'''' CI"' helices S the ir i l'icacy in curing I neno'.s tlebiUtv, nul TIlTT'f; Oil ! Qjanrhply. eh-p.p-m, j t liLu i vsMiicoiilieuiiifdoii Ctr.EToiii'iD Livsit. ur-'i--t'Ve;ftlioliv-I er, chronic cotit-t.jm- I ticn nnd iaipaitiuj health nnd Ftrnnth to tho f vt-tcu.. A DOCTCli SAYS. Dr. I. G'iy Li-v. Is, oi Fulton Ark., writes ; "Oiw year t-.'O I v -as tal.ca f-ick, n fri--i:d rrgn-tl t-o htictilv in favcr of Tutt'3 Tills that I va.s iu duoeel to uw ti.enu H.rvcr t'.i J medicine, have a hjppier t ffoct t!:au in my c::?e. Aft. r a prr-.ctlco of aqaarteroC u c- nf.uy 1 proclaim tlicm tho best n.iti-hillotu im tliciae ever iwed. I have prt ecrilx'd thota ia n.r pr.irtico ever tince." SL'PEnSCRJTY OF TUTr'S FILLS. T.jey ar ; comjiOiiiHiotl from ir.niicinui eubstau ccs tli.it in o pi ..-iti-. jly fr'-e? f.o'.i c::y projwrties that cm in tlie le;si eli-e-.- iman; the ino.-t tleli cate orj'.-mizjitionr' Tie y s aitli, cl.-anse, purify, mid inii.-or:de the entire system. liy relieving tho eiiorj,t-'.I liver, V.:: y rb-ziuv tlio hloo l from poifcaons hmne,!-!, nnd thr.s jmpot renewed li"!th and vlt.ility to t ie Potty, c-.uiriiii-j th.e how el to oct naturally, without which iio 0110 c&u cfl well. A TCRPSD LIVER is the f raitf i:I eonroc of many di--.-aes. prominent among w !;;. h j.ro J)v.-;h pia. M k-lleadaciie, Coiveii"?-, P.-iiit.-ry, lliliot-.s Fet er, Aeie and Fever, Jjuudice, Files, KliCuUiatism, Kitluey Complaint, Colic, etc. TuttV Filln exert a direct au.-l powerful inlla ence on the Liver, tml will, wilh ce-rtaiuty, relieve that iinpcrtaiit organ from dieeuec, and restore Its norma! f nnct ion?. ECLD EVZaYWHEEi:, .CCTICi:, 35 1IUEEAY ST., KEW ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND "ni t riy.'iT'Tti rjfit iU-U;iid.'llill Wayon, Lnjy, 2Iat:ltiiie aiul Plow re pairin'j, ami ytntral joLbing. 1 am now prepared to t'o r.U kinds of repairing of fai in :-!id ot lo r machine! y, a.s there i- a good lathe in my iiop. PETER nAUEy, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wacon shop. He is well known as a "C. 1 WORKMAN. ' X'fw IV&sods an.1 Itassiea male to Order. j SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. j rhtp cu fiifr utreet ope.''!'. Strejijlifs Stabl m or f 1 -v PILLS I fi j T,rIoosicrs in Nebraska. r.' -.MiT r .i.rt 'it Ii;-P.ini:i m..v Pvln. i.l r!i. V. rsi. desirun to ct;ur t:-e itevn from ; the, :-,.! 1 :tco. e- litee. hr.!:; at ottee Mttl- : -i ::e l..r .tlt- -t I ult ti.e v.ei ;.;;i..eis. Th ISoriiici'ii liidiiiiiiaii. ;EN.ni:L'K. V.'lLMAMS.Euitoracil Prop, j Vit!tout a Pi!lt Tun Noi.tiiax lxtt Arts t is tit- l u-.m kty papr r :tib:i'.!-;l witlini ttie j fotie-tbc largest t-ilh ctuuiy-ttiel t-ae-h iitct:- l-itt.J lo n t.letien with liMliana Xe-.ts. Hdlti r.:!s 011 everv Mthieet. t lioiei- L;taeids t of liii-tory, S-leet SUeteiies. and letters Irotn Us o t u con e-i opdent s in t lie l-.st and :. The ; . .-.... v.. ............ r.-t(.t.v' aide- it. to himi!i its readerx wlilitt spieti.iid t .I'H.uiied !sti-y. m addilion to lis lai-o Hiiiounl 1 ( f Mv c -lane, us Keidini: niatter. and it W eon- i rede. I hv every eue lo he tlie l:e-t :tper ejliih- j ed 11 t!:i oM ii .oner tl:tt-. In tae iilt l.em ler i t l lie yenr l -7;i, will he eoi!Utie;:ci d a new story e itai !, KOXIK, A TALK OF Til K 11AKKIS0N CAMIMKJN, P.y tli4' Kev. Kd at d lu'.c-toii, itiitlior of "Tlie lloosier Sehooliiiaster." "Tlie Ciieuit llider." etr .. t l.e plot f u hi.-ii ij laid ii Indiana, ami whien will far surpasi liny tali? iuth!i!i'-d in a western Jont tt;d. At tl:.- he R'niuT of Itie lie ,v ye.irTlt F. t mhax I.VN will punt a iii-rtnndli liouhie toiiee-l Holiday Xiiiiiher. whiel: will he liie 1 A K lt:sT I'AI'KI! KVlat rltlXlKD IX AMKItleV. Tins i ! t : I 1 1- niiiiil er w ill he sent to ivjuiar ul s -rsihers the same :is its usual isme, hut mh Kle eopies of III is special issue ill he srnr oa reeeipr of ten et ntJ. TI1K TKK.MS eif Til E INDIAXIAX APil : Tiuve kto'jths (on trial) r.? Siv t ii 'ili 1 11.1 o.!o 'yi.:ir..V.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..v.'..'.'.".".'.".'.".'. no A.Ki:"S t.KN. l.l.L 1,. N I !.1.1..M. 23-u. THE Ciiiceii) Earliotoa & Cosy R. R. -is t:ik DIRECT ROUTE IIETWKKN TiiK East and Vkst, Runnir Through Cais Council Bluffs, CONMX'TIl! AVITH Tift: Union Pacifio Railroad FOR Aid. T'OIXTS IX .V f : I S vM. e )!. :i. 11 -o. M"rO.U.Vt7, .Vfir.iat. Anizux.i. lit A HO. -A X I - P 4 ll - --"o- -5 v - 7 T-i Jr ,t . a. si.atJiS.lvi 1. Alt 2 A3 CITt TCrrKA.ATCH'i i V,hw& And 1 '-e ;rr i.iyr t :"'. wii N oh tit Ji:' !'!!. KA'.S s & 'I I'V s. .-n I itot .-Ti.N .-v tia . t:: rt: v. t. !t.!e.v Pi-.ri -p-;1 to-, q'oi.ivipv en-. AND Til I" ('lit. itp.A rru V. Vi -v (i UdV?'j rMT?q I3V T1II ItOlTTE. A!! i-'f.'-entioti p'end nt of f :ic v;:l he ctteerltill.v ivi a I.y a. j lyiii', ; Tames Pettee Dii vL.!::: in Musical Inslrumenls, Hula Appni rttinj Ay nt for T;ic I nri v:Slr;l ason A IIn:ijlin CA III NET ORGANS. Also, the ;'- f) , Tic n- v F. ViPer. : :;d Il.i'Pd .t ( uni-don Pi.o.i.s fiir t'.iss a;:.l Sal ; y count ie-i, N el. C ill and see S AMPLE I XSTi: I'M KN'TS Jit eif.ice. 4itli. on? eSoor .sontli -.' M;-:!r, :.t. r;.ATTS.i(-J Til. NUM. Te.tiiii and repairing i'inncis a:id Orj-ans a spceially, h-k!t the skiiifii! hands of Mr. S. M llrav. ti, a t ui.vr .f tlili ty-three ye.irs expe i iace. K00T AX'i) S I ) ; T 0:1 Weeping Water. V,- liave Just :t eiyed a full si tick of wliich we aro Milin at IsKI) ROCK PiK0s:S for cS'-h. Wit i) 1 t.r smr:" cx;w v. eeeoi com pere with nu..';,i In jn-l.-c a::d ;u dity. f aisj mauulai i an- ;!: aa-1 .shoe s ;n a;l " the l.iu-st styles, and iiisiite a tit and sai isiect i .u. tiie tt.s a trial, lleiiieiiil-er lie: inline au-l place?. Marshall & Son. PvEPAHtlXG IUi NEAT AND CHEAP. C.-l Z Z, 14 T dice: streight's LIY FRY, FEED AND SALE STA PLES. Cor:;;rCtli and I'e.-.ilSts. IK as...s jieAKIr.l J:v TIIK d.'.v, wci:k, tm rrio.vrss. HORSES BOUGHT. SOXjZD 02. TEADED. For -.i Ftiir Commission. TLIAJJS AT CZOI'RS. r!t!?'.tar atlettllon p iid to Driving ana Training! A't Cet.'l r.iH. A'l, C hicago S 2 - ? t-J J I o If I p mmwmmi wost FRESH FRUITS A XI j f V C V T Fi t2 X IT C H 3 iL 1 il D L L J j AT J&fJJV lUU iVi titi 1 & uUlS : W W ttiJi i, 4 W wvil w One Poor Tas. ' levt-y .i Son's. I MA IX 7,1 i.ul. 1., - - I I.A i I . ..dO L I J t. M-Ij. We Pay Cash for Produce! KEEN AN & til! ACE. !i! HPS. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. I'LATTSMOUTH - - NEC. Also Billiard Hall and Saloon on Xf.,in cti-.mt ,1. a-k f rnm Wtvtli !it aNeviite s otu place. Storp and saloon on Main St. two doors e;ist of the Post oftice. I! EST Jill AX PS OF CIGARS, ALES, WIXS,d-C., A7' HOT II PLACES. S5ei lember Tlie Xante and ll:.co. 34iy Keenan & Grace. HENRY BCFCK DKAI.KIC IN SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC., ETC., KTC, Of All Descriptions. HETALLIC BURIAL CASES J VOOEEU COFFI1T3 e;r ati si.r-., read- made and sold cheap for casli. V.'ith many thanks for past patronage I inri iuvita all to call and ex:;n.:e- mr IiAHCir. -STOCK OI" lot f. Fl'It"T?";r. AXI t'OFJ 2 A. G HATT .ILiST 1 1 TEN ED AGAIN, Ncrc, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on M;e;n Street in l'red KroehlerV old stand Even hotly on hand lul ftoli, ten Jer meat. ELI PLUMMER Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Store opposite Saunders House. 35a in S, riattsmoulli, Xchi: 20iy. MIKE SCHNELLBACEER, BLACKS .12 'ST ' iKJiisr ?uva:ui, A.MI - s V H WACOX IIEPAI!1IN V 'A All kimls of 7 t---bf fak.'i i?rn.i::rnNT.s in .. -1 V'- rni:u.'il Neatly tf- Prvinj-iiy :0: Horse, Milled OxSliooin:;, In sliort, we'll shoo anything that hr lour feet, from a Zohra to :i (JiraiTc'. t'fTlie tllitl se e; US. 1TEW SHOP. on Fifth St.. between 7Tain and A'ine Streets. :ist aeii-vs the corner frotn the M.w IlIlh.M.1 OKKiev. ii;y SfVH Retail Liouor Deal s Uh I hi jl a: -j: - ITT I - - 'C c ? o 2 1 1 f 1 V3 t m.1m I uAH-ifi ... 3m ANNUAL ANNOUNCEM'T! "We are pleaded lo inform our many Iatrons that v.e liave eipenoel for "inspection," the? larcrost, cheapest, and mo-t con.pU te lino of ) V (JOOlKS, Notion?, Millinery and Fancy articles ever shown in tla:s city. Special Attention Called To our n-.ar.incent assortment of The embrace t.vclve grades, ransitij in price- from Bouretles, Barpors, Lustres, Kensinglor Plaids, &c., in. Great Variety. REPELLANTS, WATERPROOFS, LADIES' CLOTHS, in the very Latest Stylos. 3 A very fine and large selection, in Pe.iver, Hiaponul. Tasked ami Corded ipi iii: ics. from f&.n) up. Shaw's, Flannels, UlanKets, f'oinfoitahU s, at llcduced Ki,M ue i. IM P.STP K td :it Uiuds. NEW LACE SCARFS ! Ties, Bows, Crepe, Ruches, l(e., Etc. .i.v K.nLK:i vam::ty or Ladies' IVlisses' and Children's all Wool and Fleece Lined Hose. Atijtliinj: you fuil to se, ak for it, for - Pave it. ;.t BED JEZjOOZ PHICES ! A Mucli Needed: Want Supplied ! CLOTHING, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. V.'e have added to our stock a eompleie line e f MP"', "nut 1 . and Hd'dret;' C lotldm uiie.niallid iti citent, tjualily ami liiee, hv any ot her hotte- i:i t lie ( ay. fii2o Discarded. Itankrupt, or Sccaiid Jlziid Clolliiiitv Ilcrc!" All new Tieh Goods elirect from fto? M.-eiuftii't ty : t pi u- liial .ir fy ('-ei;tl.i.i. A handsome selection of While niel Co'onvl Sldrts. ove r sldrts. rtiTnl -i wear, Hosiery, Ties, iJ.ws, and etc., Hats and ".ips, ' ts aa ' hli.n-s, a?"ETJISTK:S JLIiD VALISES An insp(ction is rcspf-c lively solicited which vc trust will meiit yonr pat ronrt-o. Wo are Determined in Uiniersell ,M Cofiiprincrs. SOLOFSOW & NATHAN. --.-1 mm ".'-'ifflrJt noiseless "n r ' 1 p v ! I .11 r I -1 V, " m mm wmMtMms aad more, by buying a machine that will List you a life time, euid th-t hue ail U" latest improvements. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., CLiberal Terms to Agent. I'M asd 2)l U'abasii An;., Bend fur Cirvnlftr. tor- Adnii, bt, .'lilco, IT, has come lu.itie, And lie lias brouli (In? finest line of Dress Go(m6, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and i otionsvou ever saw. 7Ei Say EflBfiS8g gBCC 2es by th& &erc0hm$is mwl Eae till ycs eviz&H rest laat asfid casts UM YIS 2 esse ffcsaye Spring and Summer Goods oyer and ever so cheap No o ivyonr chawo hnnwl t? s-U and nii'l rs' ll anyl;dy. IIrut y up. iruni to yo East again w.xt month. I m V "V,""3 ForTl.ro?t.Lnn--. Asthma, .-.t--! KMrcts. forest Tar tlclv.ilon, Tor Ii-a;lat!on fr.r Man!. Coq cC;-:io:i, li UroLcMUs. f.nil AU'.j.a. crFerr- Ttirect, JlnatM-ccss, il; Cough aai I nr;fj-ins tb! Ilre-atl-. 4 or Ilea :.ic .Irdoleit fcorts, L'trs, OJ'.a, Prran. anil lor i ; . . STorcst Tar So& d or Charpt'tS IIair. S:t I.lieuit., siiij Eif.'.-is.-.i, ttie 'i oil:; i.i.C i'.u. forest Tas Inhalers J or lial!i: fo-. e-r.tarir.. Co:;e";' rt!o, Atlena. Z'or Aa l-n ftil 7 ;-Vj'"! -Jf (Lvi 5P . . --. 8 Asf-i;,v-tiA;.-s4 Extra l ir : i ... V. -' X V- r7 j 1 V 1 0 t i I N