Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 14, 1878, Image 1

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l i v i: it t I I u i A ti:h.
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21 (III;
On Vin St.. One Block North of Main,
Corner of Fifth Street.
O'l HO
iii on on' Ji (m. ( O
o fl l
i.'iOo 4(i (hi mi (mi !(: l
i A1I AdvcrtisiiiK liilN duo quiirtcrlr.
Tr:iusicnt advjltiscincnts inasl Ne pal'l
Cm in :idv ftiu c.
(TERMS: $2.00 a Year.
I, vu ;;rsT nttrr'-ATioN ok xy
Terms, i.i Adine:
Oum copy. y"'r: ? M
Dro-oopv, u months l.x
One copy, three months
i:tra co)ici of tlic II Kit AID for :ilo by P.
Youim. I'o-tlolV.i news dciiot, hiuI . I'.Juhn-son.ccrnu-r
ot M.iin unci h'ltlli Streets.
National Bank
riATTsvoUTn. nkp.kaska,
John Fit-.'fisai.i..
K. I ' . Iv . v
A. w. Ml I.AK'.III.IN.
4o II O'Kdl'HUK
X H- President.
As-ista t Cashier.
TIi5 F.atik "n no'.v open for 1 i;;:ic- :it their
new i worn, comer Main and SiMli si t i ts, a;;d
tprepaied to transact a uenei al
Etcxio, Bond, Gd4. Government and Local
jyeoniUs Rtctiml an 4 Tut Test .l '"
iJ on Tiiiie Ceitljii-atfs.
Afcl'"it In anv part of the Failed SMtes nnd
Ul ii tli Ii i n c-i 5 i I I owns ;tiid ClUe
ot ! M.opo.
Inhah Line and Allan Line
or mt:a3i::ht.
Person wishing to brn; out their friends from
Enrope can
C U r o u a U to r ! n It n in o 11 t li .
A. Schlegel & Ero.,
Manufacture: s of
Ali'J (.;' "H ia
Faxct smo:u:i:s a::ti i.i. h, smoking
ft-rotiJ f.2ASnS s of CiwAKS Ti.:i T. ..
ftrder, and s.-.tisfaciiati ;;u ii.mtrci!. C'
dippings i-old for smoking tobacco.
M.llll St. OCU dO0l West ft Sj Under n .u.'v.
Pl.ATTSMOUTH, N'r.R. 101y
Excelsior Harbor Shop.
Ujln Sire-.t, opp-if". Xnw-L-rs II oust.
H E A V I N CJ i II S I! A !! I' O O ! N fi
r:-pf-i?l atreniL't) j:i'.ei: t
CVTTIZ'l ri-lI.'OTlF.irS AND LA-
diaa n ah;.
Ar.,1 C'-'' " boon i.i a
di::'..T ij
r r.v o
it::n::'Hini goo:s,
t7 hoc i:i j:, ;.
I have : l:vrc stork uf
JZizck Glo vesr
t-t T Mil tr.ukt t-J be cl-Hcd nt at fv'-!. Al
Lit.ils il
tafcen In ftx'haux.) for
Main Street. Comer r f Fifth.
. i
n..TTs':"i"i ii. n !".;..
It&pairer nf Simm Engine, Rollers,
Xarc an I irit Milli
cas axu t::ai itttj-5s.
XVrnitht Iron Pip-. Force and Lift Pipes. Steam
V'.ies. Salei - Valve ( lnveniors. and all
kinds i f l'.ia-s Kiine Fittings.
re;ired on shott tiotiv.
lealcrs in
3 T? O "V E S ,
V.rc, l.TC. FTi
UU! I'll' ....-. v .
e:l .1 l ...
Practical Workers in
ZIER Y, tfr., tf-c. r- s .t'.ii'.cnt of Hard ana Soft
Wood ati l Coal Sioves for
Alwavs 0:1 Hand.
try Tactv or Tin. Sheet Iron, and i'inc
"V, dik. kept in Stock.
Lone r"i Shrrt Notice.
MA 31. 31. CHAI'JIAX,
And Solicitor in riiano ry. OfTlce iu Fit;'r
aid IM-iclc,
lliyl ri.ATTSMOUTII. NKP..
it. xi. a ;o.
LA W OIT'IO:. Ki al 1. t it''. Virr .ind I.lfe Tn-iir:in--
V-i-iii-i. l'hit l--uoiil h. NeSnisku. t'ol-l.-ctor.
ta-.:ic;-. M.ivc :. oini.fU.' ah-lract
i f tides. 1 ; 1 1 v "and st-II real ertate, lu-otiaie
loai.s. &.. ' !"!
jA3i::w i:. morkisox.
ATTOKVKY AT I. A XV. Will iract i c in ( ass
ai'd ad joining Conn' n s ; ives s-ircial attenti n
to coi'e. lii.n- ai:d !.!;- of til'.o. U.ileewith
Ceo. S. Smith. Fitzufrald lilock, l'latt-inontli,
Neiov-ka. " 1 1
AITOKNKV AT I.AXV ar.d Kal Ftato
ker Special altenlion (jivcii to ColK-etioiis
iin! :t'l M.ttteiH atTeelin tlie title to real -tate.
( mice on -Jd lloor, ovor 1W Kaice. I'lattsnioutli,
Nebidska. "'
JUSTH'K Ol" Till: IM!( K. aim collector of
del.ti collections i,ialc from one dollar to oihj
tin ii-and dollars. .Moiic'es. Dceus. and ot.i
t insiniiin-nts drawn. :uid all coimly l.iH.ness
Msna'.lv !rai.iact-d l.ef,.r.: a .! uvtlcc of tho I eace.
T.e-t of reference fcivcu if rcijiiired.
:V,c- on Main stu-tt. West of V'.,u'?l,,r'1!-40-yl
S'latf-monJIi liru5iS.
J. 1. "let.' It I". A,
i)!".N I IST. and Homo -oat hie r'.i.vMcian. ff-H.-e
coi ncr "d un and ".lli st'n., over Ileloid !!
More, l'lattsiiionth. Noli.
; jt !,ivix!;kt;jx,
rilVSICIAN i': snniKd.N. teioiers bin pro-fe--..i..i!:'l
.ei v ic to the citizens of nss county.
KiMdence sout he:! ,t corner Sixth and Oak M. ;
;!. on Maui .treei. iwod iors west ol Sixth,
I'lhi t-il iouth . el'l .lk:i.
i:r. v. n. m( nn.:::.XK nr.
fit i T1SINC II! VSHIAN. will r.ttfrd calls
at all hours, niulit or d.iv. Flat !i. N
1'iask.i. Oihco iu (.'iiapr.iati & ni:tli's Dm
stoic. -''
Ml. i It. IU 1M,
I'flACTK INt; I'HVSlf 1 AN, I.ol.Uvillc. Xel
Calls irui::dly attended to. Slly
Tonsoiial Artist.
pl iTT.viioi TH i:la.
I of 1 i-ines-" on Main S!.. h. '! ,: lili
and .'ill s'li-eiv Slir' iiiiiooin;. S;,n'.l :'. ciiil-d.-on's
l;;1!i af.o:, elc. e;r. i.:y
II i ii--fc iii Jjv';.'.31ji
d. yooda;;d, - - - r,P.
W -zvi'-'u'.v: "Wain, .c'j.
Co I a -'eit.iii "i.ilioos and lvisoiial.le cli;:i:-r-es.
A IV'.I '!' I' I-'l't lii c;;iil:ectloil V.iih t l.e
lioll-. Cyl
vim ks:e.3A2i:.e: sscrss:.
(lool fl'-fi"'I: Ii"! O, I;it fT Fniiners
ami V.:(- tnivi liiii; jMjl-li'r. liuai d .l ior
day. Mtnls -.'"Jr. Kutisxly rt-Iittrd an
lv-ftirnL'licil. aii-l f;iri:icrs air- reiiist
'il to c;ill J got o r.ica's ai:d l't'il for
SI. 5:n3
.I.Z.miEGVr.Y, - - - Vrnpri'lor.
Lc.catioii f't'iit;''!. (1do;1 Sa.niplc I.'ii'.in..
i'.vciy oaid tgt;e.ts. 4.t:nr!
Pl.ATT.MOl'TII, ----- Nr.r.
?I(iriMii2: Re.v Sulooii !
O ie door ca.-t of tl; Saimder Iloa""?. XVc
kof !i t lie i-est of
Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars.
3iu3 Const.-.i.tly on Hand.
COM 31 11 UVl A I j 1 1 OT E L,
ltncolx. ni:i;..
.. . IMIIOFF. - - - Propyl, tor.
T!;e iiest known an I niot tiilar I. indlerd
in I in' M.:ie. AI a;, s s!'p at tiic Co!.nio ;ci:.l.
FRANK PA If 'ELL - - - Pmp.
(;,-;. d raoais. -ool hoard, and every thins in
von vi-it Ften.oiil.
Manufacturer of and Hcah r in
mi3i x-2? w j
Done with Neatness Dispatch, s
Th only plaee in town v. ticrc "Tin-ley's nat
cnt ffdl adju.tuhlo horse coilars aie rolil.''
1 i . " L. .,
roxi iclor.
Flour, Com Meal tf- Feed
Always- on band and for sale at lowest cash
prices. Tiie hitrhest r:( es (.aid tor Wneat and
Corn. I'articuhw attention ivi-n custom wojti.
A5;kts Tv.t.T3:n.
fi: Tfin
Over lOO.OiH) raplo nlrrntly K0I1X.
1'iil'K I t SKLL.
'! his work contains iin attractive account cf
th" preat events- mentioned in the Old
and New Testament, the lives of the Patri
archs. Prophets ;,vd Kin-s : of Chri-t and J'is
A pos; les. and of the remarkable women ;w
children tiieiitioned in the sacred volume, Ii.-
li;s. For terms, address
Henry lit II Iublihlns Co.
2t.s orwi(di,Coun.
2t- r'r.nrv Cnrdx witl
loi.l. 10 t 1. s. Ayt
Wl ci. ili'.ds'ui N. V.
I'i.t;c.v 'n r! w ith nam.. 10c., Plain or
Ayt .s Uiit.'lt 10e. IIuil a
Agents Read Tins.
XV.- i;t vy A'-'er.ts Sal.-ry of ifPiO per month
nnd exeiises. nr allo v :t Lira" comoiissiun to
sell ne.v a. id udrf ill imviiii'iii. H'c
mr'i'i irhatirrtf.iy. Address it ho'.it dclav,
SMr.ItMAN .x Co.. Mai shall, Miciiluan. "114
2 tSi2Er2evi?JS3 TZZtt
A ULiUllUVll KJ Will VXilUM
Li Try ATTH T-lT A fS FT1 T"l Ti A
There is no coiniiai ison hotween it ainlrl
t .i n common now a-i or i4i-mi- iii im ei . n
1 " in every way siijm 1 ioi to all oilo r extern-W
pal reiiiedies i n t-1 1 1 . 1 1 1: liiiiiaenls and t e so-j
n ip:lalic
It contain-
l.J iew medicinal cein- nt which in coinliiiia-j
Hi m:i u it Ii ruhher, imst.- the most evtraoi --j-j
fcidinarv nain pain rclievimr. streinithi'iiini.
'uid curative pi open ies. Any I'insiejan infl
vonrown locality will conlhin tl: almvi f j
-tateinrlit. For I.Ami; k, L''M
i'emale Weakness, Stuhliurn and Neulect-fi
M- d Cold.l and Colitis. iliM-ased KldnOVS.j.?
p.Whooiiin; I'onjrli. alfeelioiis of the heart.
Hind all ili for which pormn jilasters uirl'j
vised, it js Kiin ply t he hot know n remedy. H
M Ask for Ileii.son's Capeine Porous l'la-dei'3
n ami take no ot her. Sold hy all lritiifrit(-.p
cl'i ice "JjCts Sent 011 receipt of price hy Sea H
M'eirv it .liiliie-iin. 'M Piatt St . New Voik. M
iJ-w'r.'-rr.-j yiaitti'i 5kJ fx.''.' -n n J i. v-:j ctt
aaUr r.f uci'itf H i. ; r. Tl.c b. - i i-.l-ccn
for nni'lf. s mir Ui! u . 1 1 rvin-n- ri: k u e'.
itiit'.iftu'i :i irj;-nor fr-cl-, x.-. .j'-.v ,'" f w
on y r. i- . i-'niui.Vi1! ; . 1 - F 11 J fi'ir .a:ii t ,
lie, to C. A. Jjlckjo A Mf.M., i'cieiiCLi q, Vh.
Pm'foiit' I'nrsati v I'llisi make New
liicll i'.lood, and will completely e!i iie;e tin?
Mood iii thr i-ntiie system in thrie icoatlis.
Any person who wall lakf 1 pill each nil.t from
1 to 1 2 weekn may !. rtored to sound healih.
if siicii a thinii be possillc. Sent hy mad tors
bitter stamp.-. I. !S. .1 OH !oA' A: t"..
lan.vrer; le.
waT.'d'fm Literature Art & Song.
Ackaowledued the llichrxt. Iirrt and Jlmitl-n'lm-it
It'iii'. ever issued from the American
Prcsr. coiiildiiiiuc Poetry, Iit(rics, Lioiriapl.ies
ii-says, Anexdotes, Mnsicand Knuravmus. M;ia-nilii-e.i!
!y 1 1 1 list 11 ted, with over 4'Hi Literal ms.
A he.- niiinl Steel Kiijsrai ini: pi escnted .oralis to
eaeli miIisci ihcr. i liir work r!i(iiibl he in every
llniiir fin le. A.i: n.- I his iio'. w ill have
a raj :d aial celitinneu "ale. Fxlra indu'-emcnf
to i:i oeiei; t -A lien : s. Write. 'it hum lor terms tei'iiloi v. J. H. CIlAMl.liKS ;i Co., St.
Lord !t4
Its vaitie stirs like a trumpet and ci.Ils to the
fi a ! Thai ; .n ,- i;.-w i .-mpcranee hook
1 . s ;!in t iiiiii-jin Is. ( ileapr-st. coi i
j::f:e and iii'ens. !v inlrrest'r; Maud-P.ool: an.l
Hislory f 1 1a.p1 ii-.::ce c. r pVo-.iuci d. r.;atain-ia-2
I ii L'ian'.li-s of its apostles, tluiilin in'
coin, ts ef al: t!i";:i-t i!:n eiMents. and mi'.'h'y
f ir; .:!:! 1111 .. is I ciinse. Fii.c'V ii
Itisii t.-.l. :n ' e.i'i ci. ::i-:i .-w it li it. -More'.S A .""'; ?. Vv ri'e
IU DiLiJ J. HjlJl yon needs lii:--t
iii'.L; oi Hral Vj.'ue lo ! he p. oplo. do ou liiit?
sll.'il is ti.-.t . ' :;.: liew !.v ) I - I i.i.,.
.'il,!,i:V. P A II J"l I-'KT.Il'N
:S'A -Ui.V 4- ASMlST.lTi .
:.lnah!.. rcc-ipls hy ihcu3nds Ii T
:::! iv -r; fc-oy ! 1 In: m-st ai.:vtT.ii; a ;cfu! book
i'i r pul'ii lin il. sjvin mnw to ;t!i i-i;ves. Out
m IN cvei vthin:'. A V.y' XX A Tf.!).
OlT.SiA. Xi A'.VW S.
For (i -rl and V o r tn it- -xr!ii-i vc-
ly I niler ciire cf l'l -nestant Fpise: ;;d ciiai
For Etc,-: riii.-iif S:i.A' S' 11 pi l. S diotd
year ne in oil I 11 t iil'ee Mv-sii .a.; - Year h.'i!:s
Sep!ea;i r ls:h. From ci.rht to te;-, le;,, h is in
the tan.iiy. .Ail Lr:1. 11 ! i;ii:::Iit. with
M'i'dc. 1 )rav. 1 n-. Flench. (linnin. .c.
"Silvio Ir;ivv"it"i t ! :ily l'.tr:is.
I'o; Ta..i; .i in:; Pi; jels : rom o.'",i to ,s .-, p. r school
vi i'.r. rdirig to j,rade. iilsii- i' X'
'".t Pic idcrt.
. . - ' , . .f, . . . . , . . ..!( .
V- i i.' .'v.;?sv-W f.-:T!.-rrv.j
, 3 1 r'rr,rrrir r. m -i-'js't.ta-s, f. 1
I. ' fC" -s s; -. wrjiAlv'.CLr'.H
4i -i
s ?
r r.
c -
f Z c
y. - - r y. : z : . - i ?
y y y y v y. y y ,
. r.
r: s: s s; . s. s; s:
I'latt ii?onni Toniperance
jSilliurd Hail.
The monarch
The al ove haviir; o;ci:ed a s:ic!ly
i-tr.Maiii St.. ia tin;
invite their friends and patrons of the
g line to come in and fee t hem.
Cigars, Lemoned.- : . : 1 . 1 Temperance! drinks
I r sa!c a::l none other.
oa:: itti
Ran cm ler the Pine cud C 'c:ll. 2ot f
pnTTrmTW)? 3000 r ' rf
Urn; Yals tie C'ljoiin.
FLiy rae once m iro-I care not for the mmo
Tbeuirl loved. "Twas caivlem, Uaint an 1
e i et-t.
Vet wild nn ! passionate ns word? of blame
Spoken by Ubcron in Jealous beat.
X'cs. it bewail in fnpitc-liko fashion, slorr:
It brings to min 1 a bmdsc ipe streteVtinx fair,
Unthcd in the mi'llow lijfbt or t veninyr tthr
l'ark riVcr, terrac. s. and lawns arc there.
Full mrtiiy an cdonrg shrub and climbing
T1 inir round tlie-flights of mnrb'.c steps that
L'p to a castle, praced with keep and tower.
And pain; ed windows rich with storied deed.
l hi-.- ii'h cedar avemifs there comes a breath
Lf uroiimtic f rajriaiK-e, orient li.ilins;
D;iy stored tie 111 up a a. nst her In mi- of death
Xirht, piotvs, scutte s thuin with cool, moist
Vo-.v melancholy i. l 'ly forth and h.Kt:
'J hey hei d not who fiv in dusky boughs
Vhere, in the ilitane:. 6 muds of plaining lluie
And j'.'ctmJ pipe to the. rustic dance.
banks for your nnsie's m 'st melodious eloria
tome, ere tho mists th it uait tho sii' .
Rlnr those fair fields tlirinif-i which the r'-er
fl uvs
C m ; wo will sock eartl 'a fabled ary
I V ti a h A.U 11, O .X
KY JOS. Ii. CADGF.ll, Jit.
llIls ;x slnuiie ;'.n ;i pity, by Jovel"'
; S.'tJi ThoiiKis st;itiijKMl the bult of
his Rim a.:iinst the Riottiul :hp! scowled
down tipoa the iilc.tsatst xMlley that lay
at his feet.
Ju-;t t:hi' v:;.x ti s!i:t::i ;rul a pity, an
uiien!i!i eticl Diisfvtr would have
been soieiy 1 iz.I.'d to sa. TI10
wealiier va.; lovely, the heat of the de
clining Situ was tempered hy hc soft
liaze of t!ie Indian saniMier, the valley
itself wjs u bi-at'lif'iil gem of handi
work; and Selh Thoi.ias had nirL with
fair success in his grouse shooting.
Vet those words car.n; from his very
heart of lieai ts, mid he ready felt that
he had just cause for complaint.
A few minutes "vfoie, the voting
sportsman's altenlii .hail been attract
ed by ;v lithe, graceful figure passing
along tlie bas: of the precipice which
lay sit his feet. Respite the disfiguring
sunbotineC el 'checked cjiighaiii, Selh
recognized the fair causa of his larry
ing so long in that benuhkd region :i
back county of Kai.uis.
In silenee he watched her passage
through t he knee deep grass, xvith a
':";t, springy stride so uiiTeient frein
;iie "society iace' to. whicli he was
ice us.oiiicd. ile saw her approach ;i
shaggy,' impish-looking Indian poey
w hich was staked out at the end of a
;!g trail-iepe; saw stoop and pull
up the ph kt t pi:i, tlieii, ns it s- emed tf
!iiie,draw the prancing animal toward
her by main slienth. He saw her
P'aee one. hand upon the mustang's
withers, then spring lightly upon its
back, maintaining her seat xvith appar
ently the utmost e;uso through all the
side-leaps. 1 .tick-jumps and othe
t ikeus of inutt.iiigi.s;Ii playf u'ness which
AH this was bad enough for one
raised as h'elh Thomas had been, in a
heme the atmosphere of xvhich would
have been as a sweet savor in the nos
trils of the most austere of tlie Pilgrim
Fathers; but worse was to come.
With one svvilt glance, around her,
the young Amazon rapidly change1
her posi-ion ttpou the mustang, foi
anoiher, which is commonly regarded
its sacred to ma -enline bipeds, Indian
squaws and fair Mejicanas. Thus
mounted, with sun bop net hanging over
her shoulders, vv iih hair broken from
as fastenings, with eyes hashing, cheeks
flowing, the young Amazon put her
mustang ; lop speed, one little brown
hand lo 1 er mouth, out of which issued
a xv r musical but otherwise admirable
imitation of the Cherokee war whoop.
lint that music il cry was a discord
ant screech to Scth Thorn as He saw
none of th : ui:slu l;ed ;raee of that
wil l picture, llesawonly a ho'nicnish
aniazou where he had hoped but a
backward glance is a nec -ssily here.
.S;'th Thomas, a young New Kngland
er,v. as making a horseback lour through
the Western States, for the go.-d of his
health. Two weeks pri r to this day,
he paused at a little farmhouse for a
dimk of ua'er. It was hau led him by
a blushing maiden a marvel of uncon
scious grace and beauty. Xot a (been
words passed between them, but before
Selh reached the little viiiage, only two
miles away, he knew thai ne had met
his fate. lut little sleep visited his
eyelids that night. Those few xvords,
so soft, so musical, rung through his
brain like a chime of silver bells, and
that one shy, upward glance of those
large, lustrous black eyes, now beamed
down upon him through the shades of
All of which goe3 t shoxv that Seth
Thomas was very Lard stricken, indeed.
I )i recti j' itfti r an early breakfast, be
shouldered his gun and sallied forth
after grouse, naturally enough follow
ing the only road with which he had
any ac.pi ilntance. . lie had his rewarJ,
such as it was,
A dog barking; aloud bellowing; two
x'oices united in merry laughter. Has
ten lug around the corner of a fence he
beheld Ids new-found angel riding a
phuigkig, kicking, half mad yeailing
That but the beginning, t'eth
and Sam aulha often met, but some ma
licious sprite seemingly had charge' of
'hose meetings, for, save at church..
where she acted, sung and looked just
like an angel, Samaiith.i w;is always
doing something to shock the very re
fined taste of tlie iip'dern I'mitan. As
often did lie Vow to leave the place and
nevermore give thought to such a
Leiden, but still he lingered on, Lis
heart more deeply mttresteJ than lie
dare acknowledge.
As Samautlni inaugurnbed her jm
prvmptu circus down in the valley, Seth
thumped hij gun heavily against the
ground, and uttered tlie petulant ex
(lunation recorded above.
A loud report followed it seemed as
though his right arm was being torn
off. A shrill scream of pain and terror
was wrung fromjiislips-as he staggered
and fell to the ground. Tor one mo
ment his body was balanced up n the
very X'erge of the precipice, then the
loose earth crumbled beneath his weight
and he fell down down!
That report and xvild cry of pain
reached the ears of the young amazon,
and swiftly wheeling, iSamantha Brown
beheld a man fall backward then roll
over tho edge of the cliff. Jler face
grew white as she expected to see him
meet a frightful death upon the jagged
rocks nearly a hundred feet below, but
she was spared this.
The falling body crashed into a mass
of young vines, thirty feet below the
escarpment, and then settled down
upon a slight, narrow projection it
could hardly be called ledge a few feet
below, and there remained stationary.
fclie urged her pony toward the foot
of the cliff, with the xvild piirpose of
breaking the unfortunate man's fail,
but common sense quickly told her that
such an idea was worse than folly, and
she changed her course, lashing the pony
fiercely and taking the shortest practi
cable course by which the top of the
cliff could be gained.
Seth Thomas had not entirely lost his
consciousness, even while falling swift
ly down to what seemed certain death,
and as he struck the clump of wild
grape vines, he instinctively grasped tit
them with his ieft hand; his right was
-omp:etely disabled, hut a sing'-i one
of the tender shoots remained firm and
unbroken; that only held him suspended
above death, for the projection upon
whioh he partially lay, thougn wide
enough for the support of a sure-fouled
per. in iu an upright position, was too
narrow to hold a recumbent body. Even
should that vine hold firm, the end
must soon come. He was bleeding
profusely; lie fell that he was growing
fainter with each pa-sing moment; live
minutes more then death!
As in a dream, he saw the pale, yet
not terrified face of a woman above him
heard an anxious voice calling to
Lim. lie answered what, he never
knew, ihtt it was sullicient. Sam:m
tha saw that lie was alive, and she be
lieved that she couid save hnn.
Ouiekly removing the long and stout
trail rope from the neck of her pony,
me formed a noose and lowered it to
the wounded man. The prospect of
rescue cleared Lis brain, and restored
his cool senses. lie saw that if here
leaded his grasp upon the vine to pass
the noose around Lis body, he would
fall from his slight suppoi t, and so he
told her, begging her to hasten for aid.
Itat Samantha could see that she
could not go and let urn in time. He
would weaken and fall, even if Le did
not bleed to d . at h.
SJie hurriedly di ew up the rope ami
noosed it around the trunk of the
stunted tree beside which :-eth had
stood when he shot himself, then, coil
ing the rest over her arm, she slid over
Ihe escarpment and lowered herself to
the ledge where he was lying.
Seth was in an agony of appn hension
not for himself, but to see her hang
ing to that apparently frail rope and
yet she succeeded, thanks to the free,
wild life that had strengthened her
muscles and trained her brain.
Cautiously stooping, she passed the
rope twice around his chest, then knot
ted it Lrnily. Should the vine give
wav now. Le could only fall a few
Bidding him be of good cheer, the
young amazon carefully picked Lor
way a dozen feet beyond, supported by
the faithful rope, and then began her
ilitiicult ascent, taking advantage of
each little point of rock or crevice,
working with both feet and arms, far
enough from Sel!i t prevent the dis
lodged from disturbing Lim, and
reaching the top in safety.
Barely pausing to take a few breaths,
Samanthu cubed up her pony and fast
ened the trail rope around its neck.
Didding hcth prepare, she gave the
word, and the well trained creature
moved slowly away, inch by inch. fcLe
crouched upon the brink in breathless
susp use, regulating Ihe movements of
the mustang by an occasional word.
SJfth was still able to help himself
slightly, and with his fe et and sound
arm. kept clear f the projecting points
and As he came within reach,
SamTintha bent over nnd grasping the
noose, lifted him over the edge, nor re
leased her grasp until he stuiK sense
less at the foot of the tree.
S-amanlha was faint and trembling
from her terrible exertions, but sue did
not falter until the wounded arm was
rudely but efficiently bound up. Then
.she secured the rope to the tree, so Seth
could not possibly fall over the cliff,
then mounted tlie pony and dashed
away at breakneck speed for assist
ance. A wagon was brought, and Seth xvas
conveyed lo the nearest house which
chanced to be the Brown farm-house.
A doctor was sent for, and Lis aria at
tended to. fortunately no bones were
broken, the charge of shot passing
through the fleshy part of his foreaim,
and after two weeks of bed. St th was
able to move about tlie house.
But that short time was long enough
for him to recognize a true heart of
gold beneath the outward semblance of
a young ainaz u, and as Lo found that
her wild. Loi lenish pranks did notarise
from any lack of true womanly deli
cacy, he faltered himself that he couid
effect a reformation.
That he elid so, I can bear testimony.
It would be hard to find a more gentle,
lady-like wife and mother than that
same Young Aniazor.
Divorce is increasing to a great ex
tent in the New England States, and
there is much discussion among the el
ders to see Low the condition of affairs
may be changed. In Vermont alone,
List year, one divorce was gran ted for
2very sixteen marriages, xvhile in
Maine it xvas still xvorse, the ratio be
ing one to twelve.
Silciieo and Religion.
It Is a common notion that men or
science are, as a class, in li b is in reli
gion. But l'rof. Gladstone, of the
lloyal Institution, London, says this
notion is fott.-.dod in error. After pa
tient inquiry as to the religious attitude
of leading scientists, he believi d that
as large a proportion are believers in
revealed religion as are found in any of
the learned professions, except the
Christian ministry. "And we believe,"
says tlie advance, "that statement is as
true on this side the Atlantic ns on
A Suggestire Thought.
When Beter of Croton was engaged
on a picture for the royal palace of l'et-
tt, 1 erdinand II. particularly admired
the representation of a weeping child.
"Has your Maje-ty," said the painter,
"a mmd to see this child laugh?"
And, suiting the action to the word,
the artist merely depressed the corner
of the lips, and the inner cxtrenr. ' of
the eyebrow, when the little i.
seemed in danger of bursting hi 1 sides
with laughter, who a moment before
seemed breaking Lis Leuit with weep
ing. If this be true in the xvorld of living
men, slight, very slight, are the causes
that make or break the happiness of
life. The touch of a brush can dim
heaven with a cloud, or brighten the
irospects of the fair horizon.
Keseurco s:f Alaska.
An Alas a con espoadent of the San
Francisco hroniele gives a very llat
Lering account ef the resouices of the
Territory. The fisheries are among the
most prolific. As many as 7 ,I0U salmon
have often be n tak 11 at one haul of the
seine, same of then; v pighing from A
to 10 pounds apicc Th sj caught at
Cook's iu'.et are s a: ! be the largest
in the world. The quartz mine eight
miles fr mi Sitka ate highly spoken of.
Already ten well defined ledges of gold
bearing quartz have been di covered
and eight mines loc.iied. Those ledges
have been traced for three miles. A
Unssian engineer give as his opinion
that these v. ill average r? vi per ton
liiiougiiont. l.x-. ern-nced miners con
fidently predict that Al ska will ulti
mately yield more precious met Is than
!mUi California : nd Nevada h ive.
Coal, marble and g iletin abound iu tul
iition to silver and gold.
A Snake Battle.
The black snake is the bitter enemy
of the rattlesnake. When they meet, a
tight takes place, and the black snake
generally conquers. A correspondent
ef the l'orest and Stream thus describes
a combat which he saw between two cf
these snakes:
"In the middle cf the road lay an
ordinary black snake, and quite a large
rattlesnake eyeing one another f.ereely,
bulb ready for an attack. The parly
stood motionless to see the battle take
place; but he waited long, and still tlie
combatants did not move. At length,
tired of watching, Le slightly shook the
bar of the fence, v.hich caused the rat-tle-nake
to look from its opponent to
himself. Instantly, the black snake
sprang on the other, twisted itself tight
ly around its neck, and then Ks body,
and glided olT, and there lay the rattle
snake, dead. The victim, we all know,
was a powerful foe, the victor as harm
less a snake as there is in the LiU'L"
A Frenchman I'lizzlod.
The Knglish language is often a puz
zle to foreigners, and sometimes drive3
even sm American hotel-keeper into a
corner, as, for instance, in the following
experience at the Fifth Ax'enue Hotel,
where a wealthy Trench guest came to
complain at the oihce and was there
met by the gracious Griswold, who rose
to explain:
"What for, snre, your garconnot pre
sent ni' demand?"
"Your demand, monsieur?"
"Yes sare; do I speak lnglis perfait,
sare? Do you comprehend me, sure?"
"Certainly, your English is perfectly
correct, my dear sir. What is it you
"Vy, sare, you tell me lean have at
my private table wis my friens what
ever I desire to manger pardon, to
"Certainly,"' said Griswold, "any
thing; stewed doub'oons and diamond
sauce, if you wish."
"Ah, no, monsieur, zat is too riche.
simply desire some grice."
"Eh, some what?"
"Some grice, Monsieur Griswold,
such us I eat for mydinuyze ozer day."
"Ah, you mean rice, boiled rice!
certainly, all the rice you desire."
"No sare, it is not rice. Zat is what
zat premier garcon Leadwaitare say.
It is a bird I want, sare; I want Lim
roast, not boil."
"Boast grice why, let me see," said
Griswold, in a diiemma, not wishing to
appear ignorant of his guest's meaning.
"1 don't believe there is a single giice
in the market."
"Ah, you make mistake ven you say
sinlle grice!"
"Yes sim. Vafcyou cull a leetle rat,
a a"
"Mouse." suggested the hotel propri
etor. "Yes. Zen two of zem, vat youcah
two mice, eh?"'
"Quite correct," responded the host.
"Zen if one is ze bird you call grouse,
two is vat you cud grice, eh?"
"Why, not exactly," said the hotel
man, struggling to keep countenance;
"we say two grouse, just as we say two
sheep or two tleei ; but for inouoO, mice,
"Yaa3 sare," said monsieur, trium
phantly; "and vy not you say two bice
for two houses, or two louse for two
louses, or" How far lie might Lavo
continued cannot be said, but the
amused host walked away toward the
dining hall xvith his guest to order
'two giice" lor monsieur's private
No I'aj N rrcacli.
The pastor of the Methodist Bpiseo-
I pal Church at San dlake, N. V , instead
of preaching a sermon on Sunday made
this announcement: "Tne Board of
Trustees L ive not paid my salary, have
taken no notice of my demands, circu
lated no subscription paper, nor made
any other effort to fulfill their obliga
tions to me. I am badly involved in
debt, and do not propose to continue
preaching for nothing. I therefore de
clare the pulpit vacant until God iu his
mercy can send you a minister who can
live on air and wear buckskin breeches
cf his own make."
Fashion in ! ij:.
Moralists are prone to talk about the
slavery of fashion to which civilization
subjects men and women. But tho
slavery is due to vanity rather than to
civilization. Savages live in that state
of nature which is said to be one of
easr and freedom. But their vanity is
sroii,and to gratify it, they put them
selves to as many inconveniences as
does a fashionable- woman or a city
dandy. Fashion in tho Fiji Islands
commands that tho women shall be
tattooed at the coiners of tlie mouth
and in other parts of tlie body. It is a
painful and tedious process. The skin
is punctured by an instrument made
of bone, and a vegetable dye injected
into the puncture. The women do not
like lo be tattooed; but it is the fashion,
and they might ns well be out of Fiji
as out of tlie fashion. So they endure
agony in order to be fashionable.
When a festival approaches, all the
natives who belong to fashionable soci
ety have their hair dressed. It is
washed in lime-water to make it friz
zed, and then dyed in several colors,
and urrnngedin various ways. Several
days are required to get the head dress
es in shape. W hen the hair is ". xed
up," the native, for fear of disarrang
ing it, sleeps on a pillow or head rest
made of a length of bamboo, resting on
ihe short cross-legs. A European
would Lave a violent headache if he
rested live minutes on such a pillow.
Fashion may not wear out rn Fiji as
much apparel as it does in l'aris. But
the Fijian is put to quite as much in
convenience to appear stylish as is the
Fifty Years as a He.irsr-Dri ver.
"William Boyle is a man of rooaM
seventy years of age, but who carrii.s
his years well, and whose hair and
whiskers are still dark, says tlie Fhiia
dclphia Times. "1 Lavo been iu Up
country forty-live years," said Mr.
iioyle, who is supposed to have a pen
chant for the ladies, "bat 1 won't tell
you my age. Ever since 1 have been
in this country I have been driving a
heavenly mail wagon, but the letters 1
deliver have only one postoihce the
graveyard. I drive a hearse, and foi
thirty-one years 1 have been in the cm
ploy of one firm, and during that time 1
have attended a funeral at least three
times a day. You can toil from that
how many bodies I have hauled lo the
grave. I am the oldest hearse driver
in America, and I have curried more
people to the gruve than uny living
man. I held the ribbons when John
Quiucy Aelanis' body passed through
Fhiladelphia; I did the same over
Zachary Taylor. 1 drove the ilead cart
at the mock funeral of Andrew Jackson,
in this city, and a great time we had.
I drove the hearses when 1'resident
Lincoln and Vice-l'resi lent Wilson
had their funeral ceremonies in this
city. The greatest funeral 1 was ever
connected w ith wa.sthat of John Frice
Wetherill, and that day 1 headed a pro
cession of three hundred carriages. 11
was a splendid turnout. Talk about
the 'OKI Sexton' gathering them in, it's
.ne that has turned them in. How oi l
am I, and where was I born? My im
pression is that 1 was never born at al),
but that I floated down the Susqueliana
on a log. I am as old as the lulls.
A bent FarroTs.
Deacon Green was talking about en
rols the other day. He said he once
knew a arrot that was not as polite sis
j'Pippity," lle one mentioned in si
story called "Tower-Mountain." The
psurot that he knew would swear when
ever he opened his bill. It Lad Jh:cii
taught by the sailors on board the ship
in which it had come from South
America. When the deacon knew il,
it belonged to the widow of a very
strict minister. It had been brought to
her by her nephew, si midshipman, as a
Christmas present. It was lucky
for him, just then, that the old lady
was stone deaf. She was very cross
with the neighbors when they told her
xvhat wicked words the bird used. It
was a great pet, and she would not be
lieve anything bad about it. But sit
last it swore sit a visitor who v.sis a
bishop, and, soon was no more.
Since tlie Deacon told that story I
have had a parazram about am tie. r
parrot; one tliat lived in Edinburgh,
Scotland, live years ago. Thi? one
could laugh, wee;', sing songs, make a
noise like ''smacking the hps," and
talk. His talking was not merely by
rote; he would speak at the light tinie.s,
and say what was jnsi right to be said
then sun1, theiv. He spoke the w..n!s
p'p.inlv, bowed, nodded. spook his head,
winked, i jiled from sid-; to side, or
made other motions suited to the sense
of xx hat he xvas saj ing. 1 i is voice was
foil and clear, an 1 he t-u!d pitch it
high or low, and make it seem jo fed 01
sad. Many curious ta'.ei are told cf
him, but the most lemarkable thing
about him is that he actually lived and
r.siily did '.he tilings named. j
That's what the paragram says. !
! Stop let me think a mom tit. May j
j be that parrot himself sent P ? But no; I
i Le xvsisji't s'i)art enough for that; I
j remember, now, the signature xvaa
"CLarabera." St. Xictolas.
Domestic Kecljirs.
Bread and Cake. Keep bread and
:ake in a slone jar carefully covered
tip, and it will then retain its freshness
nnd moisture any reasonable length of
Poached Fggs. "When the water has
boiled in the frying pan break tlie eggs
separately in a saucer; remove the pan
from the .-toe, and slip the eggs (one
at a time) on the surface of the water,
w hen all are in place the pan again or
the fire, and boil three minutes; lake
thorn out w ith a skimmer, drain well,
lay them upon pieces of buttered toast,
place on a hot dish, salt to taste; gar
nish with parsley.
To Mend China. Take- a very thick
solution of gum Arabic in water, and
stir it into plaster of l'aris until tho
mixture becomes the proper consisten
cy. Apply it witli a brush to the frac
tured edges of the china, and stick
them together. In three days the arti
cle cannntbe broken iu.the same place.
The whiteness of the cement renders
it doubly valuable.
Cream Tie. For the cake, two cups
of sugar; piece of butter the size of two
eggs, four eggs; two spoonsful cream of
tartar; one of soda; three cups of ihmr.
II;. ke in jelly-cake pans, or in a single
cake, and split as one chooses. For
the cream, one pint of milk; two eggs;
a cup of sugar; half a cup of (lour.
Beat the eggs, sugarand Hour together;
pour in tho milk and put over the lire
until it thickens, stirring all the while;
flavor to taste. When cold, spread be
tween laycu of cake.
A Good Apple Pudding Better thu'j
lard crust pies: Make a stiff batter of
sour mi.'k or buttermilk and graham
Hour, all the better if an egg is used;
grease a deep dish, such as will set in
the steamer; put in batter an inch or an
inch and a half dee), then a layer of
good sour apples cut smaller than quar
ters, spi inkle with sugar according to
the acidity of tho apples, flavor with
cinnamon or nutmeg; some wouldliko
a little butler; cover with the batter
about the same thickness. A two quart
basin needs to steam one and a half or
two hours. This is excellent xvith
cream, and can be cooked with less lire
than to heat, an oven.
Spanish Pudding. To a pint of water
put two ounces of fresh butter and a
little salt; when it boils, add as much
iloiir as v. iii make it the consistency of
hasty pudding; keep it well stirred all
the time After it is taken off the tiro
and stood till quite cold, feat it up with
thiee eggs: grate a little lemon pe el and
nutmeg, add them to the niixtuo; drop
the batte r w ith a spoon into si lryipg.
pan with boiling; fiy them quickly.
When taken up, heap them in the dish
high in the middle, throw some pow
dei' d sugar over them.
A Tailor's Derlcc.
Many are the devices to xvhich crcdi
.ors resort in order to Collect their due.
A gentleman recently called at a sta
tioner's establishment to order somo
note-paper with si heading. Ho wsis
shown numberless designs, monogrsuns,
etc. Finding nothing suited to hi
taste, he said
"I xvant something simpler just si
ilower, such as a lorget-me-not."
"But, sir," said the attendant, "that
Aould surely be more suitable for a
young lady."
"I know what I want," was tho
prompt reply. "I'm a tailor, and the,
paner is for my customers."
The American Flamingo.
TLe American fiarningo, with Lis
gorgeous scarlet feathers, is a superb
fellow. He is very shy, and peculiarly
afraid of man. On account of its fine
apparel, it has been more closely pur
sued than almost any other bird. It
does not go north like some of the her
ons, but Audubon says it has occasion
ally been sen in South Carolina. Its
constant home, however, is in tho
southern part of Florida and along the
Gulf coast. .
Like the herons, the ('amingocs are
sociable, siad live in llocks. They Lavo
webbed feet, which give them an ad
vsmtage o-er the herons in enabling
them to sw im sh xvell sis to wade. I
have never been able to get near
enough to these birds to gain any per
sonul knowledge of their habits.
Tlie nest of the flamingo is a curious
xffair; usually bultt in a marshy, muddy
place, in the form of a mound. It is
made of slicks and grtiss and mud to
the height of two or three feet, with si
hollow in tlie middle to hold the eggs.
The mule is said to assist in the con
struction cf the nest, but this is proba
bly mere conjecture, for I think noon
living at the jut sent time has been able
to get near enough to these birds to
xvatch their habits, and their nests can
be reached only xvith great dilliculty.
The female lays two w hite egg;ilx)ut
the size of those of si goose. It is said
that she sits astride the nest in an un
u'iiinly fashion, and that the young, as
soon as they sue Latched, take to tho
water like young ducks.
If a luxv only could be passed to pro
tect these birds, what a grsind sight tho
wsiters of Florida would soon pn sent!
These greut, brilliant, scarlet birds,
dallying and playing in the water, or
wading near the shore in quest of
game, would be a sight never to be for
gotten. Can it I k possible that Florida
does not care for such glorious crea
tures, and xvill allow, year arter year
these marauders from the North lo kill
them without a single protest? Un'en.A
something is done for the protection of
these sp endid creatures, they must
jyon become extinct; for their range w
quite limited, and 1 fear the boy aud
girl readers of to-day, by the time they
grow to men and women, can only res4
of these as "gorgeous birii of the pa-bU
Si. XidtrlUjii.