r V i i ' M - -: fc.. 1 1 I s hT; ! ) i THE HERALD CONCLUDED FROM 1ST PAGE. honorable in their dealings with the public. Sage Bros, have secured a large share of the public patronage, and built up an enterprise, of credit to themselves and the town. THE POST OFFICE NEWS DEPOT of J. P. Younj? is not only a place of popular resort, but a feature of the greatest usefulness and is constantly growing in degree of importance. Mr. Young commenced business here with a very small capital in May, 1876, and so well has he been rewarded for judi cious economy and diligent attention to business, that we now And him in possession of a stock of goods, which in its entirety ranks among the lead ing financial interests of the place. The news department is very com plete, all the leading daily and weekly papers, periodicals, magazines, etc, published in the country are U.rgely represented. A full line of school supplies is also observed, while the display of fine confectionary is the arzest in the place. The above in connection with a large stock of cigars, tobacco, fruits, stationery, musical in ternments and sheet music, however, do not include the thousand and one articles of use and ornament, such as albums, pocket books, toys, notions, etc Wrf find here the embodiment of a most commendable enterprise, and the future success of which should be a matter of interest to the entire com munity. Since writing me aoove a v., . received from the leadi Mr, ng hnniA in New ork the 1 ireest stock of toys and hol'day goods ever urougm. iu f'v JJJIP1P.E DRY GOODS AND GROCERY IIOU8E. Under this caption we desire to sneak of the large ana wen siuukcu f v. R. Guthman. This house was inaugurated about eight years ag i : unlink fo.iturB in the line o trade represented. Mr. Guthman is the A. . n niilcf ontl'll owner and occupant, ui . D,.UOi...t.. three story brick block 80x23. There is an unusual completeness in the var ious details of scock seldom seen in the stoies of our provincial towns, and the facilities in. matters of trade are unexcelled. The general feature of the stock are dry goods, fancy goods, notions, hats, caps, groceries and pro visions. In all departments the line is complete, embracing goods of the most seasonable and stylish character. The appointment and arrangements of the store are admirable, and indicate taste and experience. Low prices and the best quality of standard goods is a prominent feature here, and the estab lishment is the embodiment of all that is desiiable to the purchasing public, offering inducements unsurpassed by any house in the country, and equally as good as the similar concerns of our large cities. NEXT IN LINE fcj the livery, sale and teed stable of J. W, Shannon. This department of trade is liberally represented in I latts mouth.and, as a feature leading in character, allusion is made to the es tablishment in question. The barn is a commodious structure, on the corner of Main and 4th streets, and is held m high repute for the superior character of its accommodations. It is the con stant aim of the Proprietor to conduct business so as to serve all classes of patrons in a substantial manner, and in style equal to the best similar con cerns of our larger cities. We hnd here a good supply of horses, aud the rioV for conveying travelers and pleasure seekers to different parts of the county, are first class. In fact the entire appointments and arrangements of the enterprise, have reference to convenience and satisfactory accom modations, and fully merits a growing patronage. THE MEAT MARKET, of A. G. Hatt is another of our worthy and necessary interests, and a just claimant of our attention in this con nection, Mr. H. occupies his old and well known stand on Main fecreet just east of the lumber yard, lie has been a representative in this line in our midst for the past nine years, and en jovs a fair share of the public good will and patronage, lie cuts only first class meatB which are sold at prices In accordance with the adage "live and let live," and the system has been produc tive of the most gratifying results. The advantages offered to purchasers here are equal to the best, and, to nay the least the enterprise deserves to be lib erally sustained. THE LUMBER INTKESTS of the countv comprise one of the most important features of the nations in dustry, and its growth and develop ment is Synonymous with the various improvements that are constantly in progress. And as regards I'lattsmouth and vicinity, this particular interest is well represented in the establishment and yards of II. A. Waterman & Son. and through whose energy the busi ness, has been brought up to a point which in importance is not inferior to any industry or enterprise in the place. The business was inaugurated about nine years ago. and we find here the most completely stocked yards in Cass county. It has ever been the aim of the proprietors to secure to the pub lic the best possible advantages in the purchase of lumber; and the good ef fects of the above system have ever been realized in a constantly increas ing rate. The vards are conveniently located on Main St.. opposite the Saun ders House, and well suppled with all kinds of pine lumber, building and fencing material, sash, blinds, doors, laths, shingles, mouldings, etc.,ince the establishment of this enterprise the lumber interests here have greatly improved, and while the proprietors expect to derive a profit themselves, whice is perfectly right and legitimate, they will ever bear in mind the adage "live and let live" Waterman & Son al so have a well stocked yard at Louis ville, in charge of C. W, King, and at either place facilities are unexcelled. THE ESTABLISHMENT of Frank Carruth, located on Main Street opposite the Saunders' bouse, is an important feature of our mercan tile interests, and a consideration of the sane will be appropos to this oc casion. The general features of bus iness he;e are Jewelrv, Notions, Pho tography and Sewing Machines. Mr. Carruth, the leading representative of the jewelry interests here, commenced business in 1871, and we find him to day at the head of the best stocked, best equipped jewelry establishment in this section of the State, the stock which embraces gold and silver watch es, cloaks, jewelry and silverware is full and replete with goods new and unique in style and showing off to good advantage. The character and quality of the goods are fully equal to, and offer as good opportunities to the purchaser as the best similar concerns of our larger cities. We also find here a well appointed Art Gallery, and the f acuities for the production of good work in photogo raphy, copying or enlarging, are un surpassed. A view of cite numeroi's fine specimens of art here displayed is positive proof of the excellent charac ter of the work. All kinds of standard sewing ma chines can be obtained here and at pri ces much lower then heretofore rea lized. No house in Nebraska can offer better inducements in this line, and all persons neediug such an article will find it to their interest to verify this statement for themselves. Toys, notions, fancy goods, musical instruments, itc, are a feature of im portance here, and, briefly, we would say that the enterprise in its entirety occupies an important arc in our com mercial circles and merits a continu ance of the confidence and patronage it now enjoys. CITAPMAIf A 8MITII, of the drug trade, are next on the list, and not only as one of the most impor tant representatives of the drug inter ests of the place, but also as a leading feature in Plattsmouth's commercial enterprises, do we allude to this estab lishment. This firm commenced the sale of drugs and medicines hereabout six years ago and its constantly increas ing trade not only bespeaks the pros perity of the establishment, but indi cates more conclusively than anything else that could be offered the excellent character of the stock. There seems to be a place for everything in its place, business is conducted on syste matic principles, with a stock of goods equal in styles quality and complet ness. The facilities in matters of trade are equally good. The stock is the largest in the place, and replete with drugs, medicines, paints, oil, prefum ery, toilet, articles, ret., comprising goods of the best quality and prices below competition. The stock of school, blank and miscellaneous books, is the largest in the city. The pre scription department is very complete, and when its known that it Is under the supervision of a man versed in medical scienca, the advantages over many similar concerns is readily conceded. The Proprietors occupy a two story brick building, 90x23 feet with base ment. The selves, cases and counters are literally packed with goods, while the basement is well stocked with oils, paints, the various kinds of salts, &c. Briefly, the quality, quantity, and va riety of goods in this establishment, are such as to render it the model of its class in Plattsmouth. TIIE FEED AND SALE STABLE OF O. H STREIGUT. on 6th Street, south of Main, is a fea ture well calculated to supply a long felt want in this community. Until quite recently, Mr. Streight also gave attention to livery business, but the omission of this feature by no means diminishes the value of business trai s actions. We find the Proprietor in shape for doing good business, possess ing the best of facilities for boarding horses, while his experience and i rac tical judgment, specially tits him to train trotting stock. Horses are sold or traded on a liberal commission, and the establishment in its entirety is worthy the confidence and patronage of a generous public. " ' . LOCATED ON 6TH STREET SOUTH OF MAIN STREET, is the wagon and blacksmith shop of Hubert Donnelly, which is deserving of encouragement and support. In the smithing department, we find the room, appliances and skilled workmen neces sary to nerve all p;itrons faithfully and well. First class workmen are found here, and in ironing wagons and car riages, horse shoeing, general job wcrk, or in repairing agricultural imple mens, satisfaction is guaranteed at liberal charges. In either department all work, in iron or wood, is character ized by neatness and utility. These gentlemen have been laboring in our midst for more than a decade, are well and favorably known to the Platts mouth public, and deserve to be liber ally sustained There is no depart ment of labor in the western country that need encouragement and protec tion more than the industrial and man ufacturing interests, and that commun ity in general the most prosperous in which production and consumption most nearly blend; and the sooner all classes recognize this fundamental ele ment of social and political economy, will the interdependence of the differ ent departments of labor at lume be mutually beneficial to all. BoslneM For Ladies. Our attention has been called to a new article for the use of ladies, the invention of which has conferred an everlasting blessing upon every lady. Wo rpfcr tn tin OiiBpn C.itv skirt sus penders for supporting ladies skirts, the most aesirauie nv.u oenenciai arti cle ever invented for the relief of wo men, many who have suffered years of miserable health causea uy carrying me iviirht. nf a. nnmW nf hVV skirts. completely dragging them down. Some thing to support ladies clothing is ab solutely necessarv. These suspenders are recommended by our leading phy sicians to all ladies and young girls. Every lady should have them. They are sold only through lady agents. A artlpnrltil nnrwirtnnitv is offered to BOme relnble lady c invasser of this county tr anpn r ft, a air'llfU nf A nlpiiSCnt and profitable business. For term and ter ritory write at once to i.ne ijueen uuy Suspender Companv, 278 Clark Street, Cincinnati, O. Under the present regime the Iudian is fooled and plundered under the interior department as long as he will stand it. and when he rebells he is turned over to the war department to be licked. For our part we believe the power that does the plunderingshould do the licking. Adam was the only ma that never suffered from an intiiction of mother-in-law. Did you ever think of that".' A writer in a Dublin paper doesn't see any earthly reason why women who desire it should not bo permitted to be come medical men. It Is a queer item to record, but a fact nevertheless, that a bicycle, ridden by a c;ireless man, run down an old lady in the streets of London, the other day. and k lied her outright. A priest said to a peasent, whom tie thought rude, "You are better fed than taught." "Should think 1 was," re plied the clod-hopper, "as I feeds my self and you teaches me." As a corn-ro-.inj state Tennessee ranks sixth, though in 1S40 it stood first. The average annual production of this great cereal is from forty-live million to fifty-five million bushels. A few weeks since a New YorX drummer saw a young lady plowing in a Held in Macoupin county. 111. lie stopped to ask: "When do you begin cradling?" "Not till heads are better till d than yours," was the sententious reply. T'' young man passed in using ly 00. HOUSEHOLD COLUMN. Domestic Ueclpes. Plain Corncake Three cups sour milk, oi buttermilk, three cups Indian meal, three tablespoonsfuls molasses, one egg, a pinch of salt, one teaspoon ful soda, and a heaping spoonful flour Bake in a quick oven. Eggs a la Creme Six eggs boiled and chopped line, and stale bread. Put in a disli alternate layers of chopped fgg and grated bread. When the dish Is full, pour on one pint boiling milk seasoned with salt, pepper and one ta blespoonful butter. Lake to a light brown. liaised Dough Cake Two cups of dough, "one of sugar, one of sweet cream, one half cup of butter, the same of washed and drained currants, two eggs, half a teaspoonful f soda, spice to tiiSte. Mix well together and set in a warin place to rise. When light bake n a moderate oven. Top Corn Halls -For six quarts of pop corn boil one pint of mo asses fif teen minutes, then put the corn into a larger pan and pour the molasses over it, stirring briskly until thoroughly mixed; then with clean hands, make into balls of the desired size. Lady Cake The whites of eight eggs, beaten to a froth, three cups flour, two cups sugar, one cup butter, creamed with the sugar, one teaspoonful cream of tartar in the flour, one half tea spoonful of sod- in one half cup of sweet milk. Lout all together, and bako in a mould or small pans. Sea son to taste. Corn 1'read One pint sour or but termilk, two tablespoonfuls of butter or cream, two tablespoonsf ul syrup, two eggs, one teaspoonful of soda, one-third cupful of wheat flour; add corn meal to make a heavy batter (not too thick); beat well, butter a two quart basin and pour in; steam two hours aud bake one hour not to brown. Polenta Boil one pound of yellow Indian meal, for half an hour, in two quarts of pot liquor or boiling water, Sid ted to taste, with one ounce of fat, stirring it occasionally to prevent burn ing; then bake it for half an hour in a greased baking dish, aud serve it either hot, or, when cold, slice it and fry it in smoking hot fat. This favorite Italian dish is closely allied to the hasty pud ding of New England, and the mush of the South. Potato Salad This Is an excellent recipe. Take eight large Irish pota toes when cold and slice them in a flat dish with one or two raw onions, and a sprinkling of celery and salt. Over each laying of potato and onion pour the following dressing: beat two eggs with a tablespoon ful of sweet oil. add a small teaspoonful each of sugar, pep per, mustard stv.d salt, when well mixed pour on two cupsf ul of boiling vinegar; put back on the lire and stir it till it is as thick as custard. Let it cool before "putting it on the potatoes. Sprinkle a little cayenne pepper on the top. Make this in the dish in which it is to come to the table, and if possible, twenty-foui hours before it is used Dreaming. That volition is not suspended dur ing sleep says Moor's Wonderland, is proved by many facts; and prob;ibly the experience of every person who remembers his dream affords evidence that the will is as busy during sleep as when awake. But the fact is striking ly illustrated by examples of remark able exertion of will in the employ ment of intellect and genius during sleep. Tartini, a ceh-brated violin player, comiosed his famous "Devil's -onta," which he dreamed that the devil challenged him to a trial of skill on his own violin. Cuban is often, dur ing his dreams, saw clearly into the bearing of political events which baffled him when awake. Condoreet frequent y left his deep and complicated calcu lations unfinished when obliged tore tire to rest, and found thei' results unfolded in his dreams. Coleridge's :iccountof his wild composition, "Kubla Khan,'' is very curious. He had been reading "Purcha's Pilgrimage," and fell asleep the moment he was reading this sentence, "Then the Khan Khubla commanded a palace to be built and a stately garden thereunto." lie contin ued in profound sleep about three hours, during which he had a vivid confidence that he composed from two to three hundred lines; if, as he says, that can be called composition in tvhich all the images rose up before him as things in a parallel production f correspondent expression. On awaking, he appeared to have a distinct recollection of the whole, and proceed ed to write down the wonderful lines that are preserved, when he was inter rupted, and could never afterwards re j .11 the rest. Aerial Sarigattuii near at Hand. The Scientific America informs us the time when aerial navigation will be within the reach of man is near at hand. Mr. Breary. the Secretary of the liritish Aeronautical Society, delivered an interesting lecture on the subject at the Grimsby Mechanics' Institute, a short time ago. Having explained the rudiments of the science, and shown the progress it had made, he noted the singular fact that, although air is so much lighter than water is, it possesses the power of supporting bod es much heavier than itself, while water only supports bodies of about its equal weight. "If man could get sufficient sin face," he says, "je could surely get sufficient machine power for propul sion." Steam was at first thought out of the question, on account of the cum brous method of generation; but now that it can bo applied with but slight weight, it is hoped the question is very near solution. "Many," Mr. Brearey states, "are now woi king at the problem in secret, partly fiom fear of ridicule, partly from want of protection by pat ent.'" lie illustrated the different methods for flight by models. His bats "swooped down" upon the heads of the audience in qidte a natural manner. The birds, too, rose and fell in graceful motion as they traversed the air from the platform to the end of the room, or, swerving to the right or left, bob bed their beaks upon the side walls. One large model of an alabatross came to grief upon a gas pendant, just as it was bending its flight into the regious of the upper air. Gilpfn county, Colorado, exported $347, 000 worth of bullion in one month, the largest monthy product ever reported. Of this, $ 120,600 represents mill gold, and the Boston and Colorado smelting works sent away $115,000 in gold bars, and most of the 1112,000 of the silver exported. THE EYE, EAR and THROAT Sueoesefully Treated wKti SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE, SUCCESS Is tb trt r t nvrtt. nJ tnr.rtri It t!t treatment of Ctrrb..l AUcctionn. afu-r do nan? miserable failure, means uudonm. d apectfla euntlva properties In tlio remedy uml. Does S&XFOBD'S IiAOICAli ( li t! for Catarrh oicru. h properties Tho evlJence. 1 tlio shape ot i:nsull elted testimonials froiulUo uiostrepcclalilnpcooln la all stations of llfo.murt bi omelurlvc on this point, fc'erer, w heliov.-.li tiihUtory cfp pulnr tried letnes has such vMuaM i tesiinjony b n of fered, freely oflrcl. 111 favorof snyremnly thiia tQst lo the pos.S8loa of Ilia proprl'tcrs .f Fax kolD'i IUniCALCtr.s. Anil vafu.iblcasltl. It does Dot represent athons:ntlth part oftho recommend ations which nre. to-Ur fiTerert by frl-Tn! t friends In lis faror. P.-opIiorwcnlth anilreflnrmentlnnll purls of t leeoantry drill jr admit Itssapcrlority over ay method of earn tmn to the r itlnr irie'ienl profession, hut stian til publicity Ineldenttil to ft published statement, lleuro tUd tottlrnonUls In oar posseMli 'represent bot emnll psrt c-f those wlthlfld fr the reaon ratal ioned. Thi following unsollrlted testimonial from IfTTfiiY Vtiu, r"j.. of Wells. Far-o Tos Kxrrc. Is an ti kpoksa ialorociueut of wuicU vo axo Justly proud. INVALUABLE. IfeTTSj Wxxr St PrrTT, Wholesale PrrrrTlts, Huston, Mm.: deutUmrn, t hvo forvonio Months f It It a duty that I owo to tuUtT'iiif humanity t rlte too, sf .iti.'ff t::j;re3t benefit th:.l I Uvo de rived from the u'o tfEArois's Kidicii. cms FBC.TAnwn. 'orr.or.ith.-ii20 ycurs I l iivobctn afflicted with tMs very troubl"Sii:io " rnplr.lnt. I bT8 tried rll t i rcmedi- s that I cor. Id Cid, bnt without ma- -rl.il T tTltia-e;it bn-elit. La: t fail the discata lud arilTd r.t t!:at stats thru I trust bsT r-llef or 0!. T 'ocrjira membranous svstem bad hec mo so I . "arjcd.a id the etomuch Uiear dcred. thnt It is a doubtful m tter wh' thT I could ffo to t ie l'acl:ln const, or If I d 1 1 fro whether I "hoald llro t r co no h.ickor ti"t. I sriwnn adver tisement of this me,dJ"lno. ami nuh"iu:h hcins: very incredulous about s clilcs or no-trr.r:s of any kind, yet In 'i-er desecration I tried th's, and was at once ben-flted hr It- The cli imfs of cuttf. chronic disease of the llver.nnd mynire t.ver'O insy prevent my entire restoration, but th bene fit 1 derive from Its l illy nso Is t- me inrahirrbr, id I an hoplna; to be completely ciuxd, awl at Ut arrive at a r-sp-ct.ihle rid rc If I his s'.atement f my caso cn:t be ofsnr service to those afflicted as I h .ve been. iM t ;ai.d you lo brlns; this reme-ly into more irenernl tte. crncc hilly O'l the Pactnc const ( ir'irra It H mneh needcu;, uiy cUtfCt In writing this nolo will b-? ohtnlned. Very truly Tonrs, Err"T V EU., AraOtA, M. I"., Juue, 1173. of WUU.l'arf J w Co. Ssrh pacyua cnttM ;s J"r. Fnf"r1'a Im-rored InhiliiiH- 'lub'-. c.iJ full direction. for n-o la nil ruses. VrtcoSljTO. For solo hv all V.'liol. b!" sud T'etail Druggists and Dealers throughout tht L'nltcd Ftstes and Csnsrtss. 'WEEKS tt POTT Fit, General A.ientraad Wholesale Drucslsts, Uoston. Mass. GolluiS VOLTASG PLASTER ALWAYG CURE3. Enlarged Spleen. This is Xt ceu fy that I tiav ben rslna; yorcr Collixb' Yoi.taio Pustbks for Kni.renieut of the Spleen and Depression In tht) Stomach, and they huve frivtn mo tnoro relief than any other remedy I have ever nsed. I would iiiuhly recom-Ci-rt them to all su3crlu Iru;u uo ticcu cf pala aod inflammation. . J. 1 1 L i I i. TlcrKlsa, ITo., Jane n, 177. Sevsr9 Pain. nvlnir occasion tot-.s a rn'y f -r e. rf'r pilnln my sldo 1 tried mo . f J -a- t Tvii Ft.rri-. and la twouty-f,.ur hour ihupam j o-urclr ttmor rt. J. I'. S j'Mi ;. A""t r.iV" r;.-i l.ut. VrvOTTi, ?!rx- Ja w I n. Weaknesses. Colons V'i:talc Plaster f'v Ci- r-'t ft!f-io-t'"n h-r of s vt'.Kiir tit li lec.i tn.- I I -r tamen-ss en ' Voaini:ss of lac. Tv-ic. ri-e e-nd Bi-e right -tr. jtJuZ5 i-i-V. ii, i-TA t, June 1". 1. rrlco, j Ccntn. T9 ctrefnl t- rht.il-i foixiMi' V 'T-i? rT.s T , a comoinf io;i of "lec'nc and V.iil.in: ri.ues, with a liiK.ilr Medicated Planter, n sen In tho abov cnt. Sold bv ell ""holeeale .mil Pet ll Pmp. piets thronphout tb" Vr.ir-tX ft r a and Canadxs. end by Wlwj 1'O.lx.n. I"ri..,ii.:tur, iiusioo. TUTTP r.i.-ncwspssisas PI1ILIL 7 A NOTED DIVINE SAYS THEY ARE WORTH THEIR WEIGHT in COLD READ WHAT HE SAYS: Da. TrTT : Dear Sir: Fortra years I have bet'U a martyr to Dyepepf in. Constipation aud li!e. 1 t'Srng your Fi!N won; recommended to ine; I uwcl mem ( but with little faith). I c:n now a well laau, Lt:ve eoxl npix'tite, diges tion perfect, r-irular stools', pil'-s rjou anil I h?rVe imiiK-d forty pound eolid fl.-eh. They era worth th-;r weight in ro!l. Rev. 1L L. SI.Ml'SOX, LooJsviflc, Ky. TUTT'S PILLS Dr. Tutt nr.s Wn cn-pa.-d i;i tlie t)ractice of r.iiiliciuo 30 year, nn 1 for a loug time waa Demonstrator of Anatomy iu the Med ical College of Georp i s,hence persons usimj his Pills have the guar antee that they arc prepared on pcicntiuc priucipU-s.aud arelree from all quackery. lie has Bucceeded In combining in them the heretofore antagonis tic qualities of a ttrength etiing.ptcrriatire awl a purifying Umie. Their first apparent effect is to increase the aprx-tite by causing the food to jiroperly as "imilnte. Thus the sys tem i nourished, and by their tonic action on the digestive or gans, regular and uealthy evacuations ure produced. The rapidity with Cuns bick IIeai- ACUE. TUTT'S FILLS Cube Dtspepsia. TUTT'S PILLS Cubs Constipation. TUTT'S PILLS Curb Piles. TUTT'S PILLS Cube Fever axd AuiEr TUTT'S PILLS Ccre Bilious Colic. i which prr-om take on rteth, while under the influence of these pills, of itself indicates their adaptability to nourish the body, aud hence Uieir efllcacv in curing nervous debility, met ancholy, dyspepsia, waxl inL' of the muscles f lugiriHhue of the liv er, chronic constipa tion and importing TUTT'S PILLS Cube Kidney Cox. plaint. TUTTSPILLS Cure Torpid Liver. health and strength to the system. A DOCTOR SAYS. Dr. I. Guy Lewis, of Fulton Ark., writes ; "One ycar ago I waa taken sick, a friend argued so strongly in favor of Tutt's Tills that 1 was In duced to ne them. Never did medicine have a happier effect than In my case. After a practice of a quarter of a century I proclaim them the best anti-bilioua medicine ever used. I have pre scribed them In my practice ever since." SUPERIORITY OF TUTT'S PILLS. They ar coiiipoundod from medicinal substun ccs tlut are pcti.lvely free from any properties that can In the lea-t degn-e insure the mott deli cate organization. They search, cleanse, purify, and Invigorate the entire system. By relieving the engorged liver, they cleanse tlie hiood f.trai poisonous humors, aud thus impnrt r'ier.ed health and vitality to the bociy, ciiKiii? ;.o bow els to act naturally, without which no oue ctn feel well. A TORPID LIVER Is the fruitful source of many diseases, prominent among which arc Dysjs psia. Sitk-lleadache, Costiven -ss, Dysentery, Bilious l'ever, Ague and Fever, Jaundice, Piles, Kheumatism, Kiilncy Coaiplaii.t, Colic, etc Tutt's Pills exert a direct and powerful Influ ence on the Liver, cud will, with certainty, relieve that important organ from disease, and restore Its normal functions. BOLD EVESYWHEHE, OFFICE, ZS UUEBAY ST., NEW T0S& ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing. I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing oi larm ana nmer maciiinerv, as mere is a good listhe In niy shop. PETER RAO EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wagon shop. He is well known as a KO. I WORKMAN. Srw ITaarcms and Bncsles sm4e t , wrarr. SATISFACTION GCARANTKED. Shop oa Sixth stmt rppot 8 freight's SteM 111 THE CMcap Bnrlintoii & Qniicy R. H. IS TIIK DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN THE East and West, RnnniDg Througli Cars CHiGAOO FRtM -TO- Council Bluffs, CONNECTING WITO THE Union Pacific Railroad FOB ALL POIIfTS IX NEBRASKA. COLORADO. WTOMIZQ, MONTANA. NEVADA, ARIZONA, IDAHO, AND T II R O I' O II CARS TO KANSAS CITT, TOPEKA.ATCHISON k St. Josepl And the SHORT LINE to all points on the MISSOfRl. KANSAS Si TKXAS, and HOUSTON & TFXA8 CENTRAL RAILROADS, Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. -AND THE CELEB ATED C, B. & Q. DIXIXG CARS. BY THIS ROUTE. All Information about rater of fare will be cheerfully given by applying to C. W. SJflTII, Traffic Manager. JAMES It. wOOII, Ass't GenT fass. Ag't. Chicago IB. .A.. ISTOZEjXj. DEALER IN DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. QUEENSWARE. CUTLERY. TINWARE, BOOTS, S OES nATS, CAPS. AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. PRICE LIST. Prints 16 to 20 yards for 81.00. Coffee. 5 lbs for SI. 00. Te;i, 40c to 1.00 per lb. Peaclies, 12 lbs for SI. 00. Snpar, 10 to 12 lbs for S1.00. Chcose 15 to 20 cts per lb. Pears. 5 lbs for SI. 00. Prunes. 8 lbs for 81.00. lieans, 18 to 20 lbs fur 31. 00. Greenwood, Neb. lsty id James Pettee DEALKlt IX Musical Instruments, Sole Appointing Agent for The Unrl Tailed Manon A Hamlin CABINET ORGANS. Also, the Sleek, Henry F. Miller, and H.i!!et Cuiiiston ri:iiui.-t for Cass and Saruv cnunties. Neb. Cdll and see SAMPLE INSTRUMENTS at office. Sixth, one door south of Main St. PL ATTS M OCTH. NEB. Tnninr and renairine Tianos and Oreans a specialty, under the skillful hands of Mr. S. M Brown, a iuneri luiriy-iuree years expei ince . BOOT A'D SHOE ST0IIE Weeping Water. AVe have just receiyed a full stock of Boots and Shoes which we are selling at BED ROCK PRICES for cash. With our small expenses we can com pete with anyone in price and quality. We also manufacture' Boots and Shoes in all the latent st vies, and insure a lit aud satisfection. Give us a trial. Kemeinber Hi- name and place. 25i Marshall & Son. REPAIRING DONE NEAT AND CHEAP. CM Z. L rt T DICK STREIGHT'S LI VERY, FEED AND SALE STA BLES. Corner 6th and Tearl Stt. BOBSS.8 BOARDED BT THE DAY, WEEK, OR 5IO.TII. HORSES BOUGHT. SOLD TEADBD. For a Fair Commission. TEAMS AT 4LL IIOIRS. Paiucular attention paid to Driving and Training TUOTTIXG STOCK. SStear W " " ' AfTy v m X1 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, MOHTGOIIERY & SON'S, One Door East ef Doyey A Son's. MAIN STREET., - - PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. We Pay Cash for Produce! KEENAN & GRACE. Retail Lipor Dealers. CIGARS AND TOBACCOS. PLATTSMOUTH - - NEB. Also Billiard Hall and Saloon on Main street, four doors from Sixth at Neville's old place. Store and saloon on Main St. two doors east of the Post office. BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS, ALES, WINES, AT BOTH PLACES. Remember The Xante and PI are. , au' Keenan & Grace. HENRY BCFCK DEALER IN Furniture, SAFES, CHAIRS. itc, are., ktc.. Of All Description. METALLIC BURIAL CASES WOODB3ST COFFIITS Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for easli With many thanks for past patronage. I iavi iiiTits all to call and examine ray LARGE STOCK OF 4otf. rcnxTi'HK a.u con I 8 r-o hi I ft 9 S (V "b cz fa CD O o B CQ o QG re a 3 o 3 n' c p f- I S.g. o cr. o it- cc o Z O -5 f ce C a: to - C 5 -1 3 CO i CO or. 2 -"ST 5 f5 A. G HATT JCST OPENED AGAIN, New, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, on Main Street in Fred Kroehler's old stand Everybody ou hand for fresh, tender meat. 28T1.C6 ELI PLUMHER, Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Store opposite Saunders House. Main St, Plattimoutb, Ifebr. 201y. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLJ1CKSMITU HORSE SHOEING, AND WAGON REPAIRING All kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS mended Neatly & Promptly :0: Horse, Mule& OxSlioeing, In short, well shoe anything that liar four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. IMJhLi W SHOP. rm Fifth St.. between Mahi nt Vlns' ttret. Jast acn; the comer from the new HEKAL orncr.. loy0 ME rn StlDn ANNUAL ANNOUNCEM'T! "We are pleased to inform otir many ratrons that we have opened r0 "inspection," the largest, cheapest, and mot complete line of DHT GOOD.1! Notions, Millinery and Fancy articles ever shown in this city. Special Attention Called To onr magnificent assortment of The embrace twelve grades, ranging in prloe from c5ctt tt 2. per yard Black & Colored Alpacas, Boureltes, Barpors, Lustres, Kensington Plaids, &c., in Great Variety. REPELLANTS, WATERPROOFS, LADIES' CLOTHS, in the very Latest Styles. 66 A very nne and large selection. In Beaver, Diagonal, Basket and Corded jualiilis. from 6 1 up. Shawls, Flannels, Blankets, Comfortables, at Reduced Figures. DOMESTIC, ot all kinds. NEW LACE SCARFS ! Ties, Bows, Crepe, Ruches. Elc., Etc. AN ENDLESS VARIETY CF Ladies' Misses' and Children's all Wool and Fleeco Lined Hose. Anything you fail to see, ask for it, for we have it, at BED ROCK PRICES I A Much Weeded Want Supplied t El Blew Enterprise f CLOTHING, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. We have added to our stork a complete line of MF.NS', Yoistlis' and Children's Chtthlny, unequalled lu extent, Quality and Trice, by any other house In the C ity. "No Discarded, Isankrupt, or Second Hand Clothing Here!" All new Fresh Goods direct from the Manufactory at irioe that Jefy Cofrir"i!tir.. A handsome selection of White and Colored Shirt, over shirts, I'undi-y wear, Hosiery, Ties, Bows, and etc., Hats and Caps, Iioi ts and Fhoc. T-RCTItTIKIS J2riD VALISES An inspection is respectively solicited which we trust will irifiit yonr j ttt- rouage. Wc are Determined to Undersell all ComjictitorH. SOLOMON gunning 1 m Awn and more, by buying a machine that will tatest improTementft. VICTOK BEmNO tLfbral Tenni to AfooU. 0C dNtUtt. i if. So wmmriB has come And lie has brough the finest liie of Dress Goods, Staple Goods, Fancy Goods and i otionsyou ever saw. ro say wotliiaBg of grocer ies by tlie acre5!ioot and slioes f 111 yon caia5t rest laafs asad caps till you minist 1uy Spring and Summer Goods Now is ytntf chanco bound to sell up. want to go East Fopest Tap, For Throat. LnEgs, Asthma, trad Eldaeys. Forest Tar Solution, or Inhslstion for Catsrrh. Consumption, lirouclntls.snd Asibma. rorest Tar Troches- y or Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Ticklics Couga and Corest Tar Salve. IT or Hesltne Indolent Sores. Ulcers, Cats, Bcros. uu ivi a i i : JTorest Tar Soap, tae Toilet sndliaui. Corest Tar Inhalers. j or Inhaling for Catarrh, ConsuDiption. Asthma & NATHAN. wMLDMiMm last yoa a life time, and that has ail tl MACHINE CO., IS AJRD 201 Wabash Avh Cor. A isms fL, CUoss It P. HEROES, Agent. home. eyer and ever so cheap ami undersell anybody. Hurry again next month. LYC?J'S 'tent Meiatrc mrrra PHEVENTS BOOTS St SHOES IAiA14J Willi CcstrvxCr3 1 o ... i