Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, November 07, 1878, Image 3

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Aniv. Cliicaf;o
B. & M. R. R,Time Table.
directed Friday, October 1, 1S78.
Fou on aha r7ro:7ri.ATTsMorTii.
Jnves 7 :v. in. Arrives q a. in.
- 2 ::'. p. in. " 3 ' 1'-
Leaves :--0 a. in. Arrives 1 1 :S) a. in.
6 :io li. in. " 1 p. in.
I,ckvc I'latlMiinuth in in. ArriTH Lin
coln. 1 ! p. in. ; Arrives Kearney, v- o; . in.
Freight leaves j a. in. Ar. Lincoln :.V) p.m.
ri:n.M t;ii:
Leaves Keaini v. a. in. Leaves Lincoln,
M :!." i. in. Ariivt-s rutltno':tii. i :) "'
I'r. it;iit leave Lincoln 11 :J a. m. Arrives
riatt-iinoiitli. 5 1. l.
;oim; hast.
Fx press, r, a. in.
l"a.eti-cr. (train each day) 3 p. m., except
Saturday. I'.vi ry third Saturday a train con
nect at the usual r;.iu".
ol.Y "7 Ho"KSTO r. l.fU'IS l.v the new
riiil K just oim ihmI vlaMiNMM "I li. I'l'LL
M.N l"AI.A I" ;.r.KI'IN; '.i:s run I rum
I'an iiii'-t(i:i t-i-st. l-oui uilho'it change.
ivy i.kavin:; rLArrsMoirru at a :.'.. r.
.!.. you .utivi' in St. i.ol'is tin- nct viiunat
K :i:it. ami Icavim; St. Louis at s :".nn. m . ii: ar
1 1 in I 'la' -ii i in I' : :"jn tin- nt" t iiitri:i .'S.
t i.;i..Mi 1 it kt l for slf It'i' ail pt.inis Nurtli,
S: i:i;i. Last ami -.t. .
s.vmui:i. rowici.i..
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:i. : Pass. Au'fui.
J. M. III.! ll I U . Afiit. l lat!s'!!".".:t!l.
MOUTH MA li s.
Arrive at -
Hcnart at - r a. m.
; v' a. in.
: ;iki p. in.
2 :13 p. in.
r :0t a. la.
Arrive r.t 10:.ja. in. I Dt pait at
w 1 1 UN via is. .s M.
Arrive r.t - :15 i. in. ! Pepart at
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Arrive at I.' :i n 11. In pari at - 2 too ji. 111.
K.'K i ii ! rs & rvtt.s- vii i s.
Anivt-at. 1J : lit. IJ'.paiiat - I :fiO p. 111.
.1. NY. MAKslIALI.. 1'. M.
i ..(' a i.a uv i. i is;:m i-'.nts.
Transient. 2" ct-nts
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No a.tvt-i iisfiiiuut iiisi-rt-
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1 -"rul nolires at S!atnt.- ra!e-.
Mltniii'Vs ami t.ll i-fi-t ,)f tin" law will le nrlil
ri-s.p. iisiln'e ft.r all leual nt.ia-.-s Uiey ii.tml in,
hail :tJl p;;"iii s i..-iiia.'i.'!iif a proof of publica
tion of ah no: ': v i'i l-i" I. fi'l for li-' 'n')li"-a-
t loll li-f til s;.i ii l:o;li f.
A tnr p;'.''t' is Ilii.'t. tl, 1 in- li:i;-f awl In tio' ooiiil
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11 ut.r'.s.
1 iie p.ip'T w r--sfo!!s!i.'' f ir tl'f enrreetiifss
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"..t-f. oi 1 1- i;' iii"-; an I i. a niif-t
ft-r. is j'$-ini Uici evi l -f - o; iTrSii:
! :;.vi i". -jtt-
Mike Mulligan will run that hand
some new Pngine "Tlie Pioomington."
The Tii ;!i party on Mon-lay even
ing didn't agree with the G. P's. very
Pen. Hemple has l!;e bufc'ier shop
alone now and Pen will keep good j
loea: s you know.
Jin'ire Cobb h d liio ticket hen
fun. I'.iii n r thinks lie did some
that with his little hatchet.
Frank Moniso-i his got his boat
all ready to sail. We understand the
passengers will le Democratic and
Commissioners Pamsey, "Wolfe and
Crawford ha-e been in session thin
week, but went home
Tuesdav long
enough to vote.
What weather, for November, and
our democratic friends seem to enjoy
it just as much as if t'aeie had never
been an election.
We acknowedje the receipt of
some; California pip.'is from Mrs.
O'Uourko from which we have glean
ed several interesting items.
The boy's fun was " nipped i i the
bud" when Mayor John.-m ordered
them to put out the bonfire they had
st;irt".l o:i lower Main Street.
Oli! those beauLi ful summer days
when the sun of Pepubiican prosperity
shines for all, and tlie hours of green
back lunacy pass onward into night.
Tie Ladies' of St. Lukes Guild
will Isold their next s.n i.tble at the
hous-o of Mrs. R. It. Livingston, this.
Thursday evening. Ail are cordially
We have before us a time table of
tho Republican Valley ll. 11. from
Hastings to Red Cloud; think of that
only a little while ami on to Denver
or Mexico.
A fellow bv the r.ame of Babcock.
gently put the toe of his l vjt tbrougo
one of t!ios3 large lights of glass m
I'hil Young's window, to the nine cf
seven or eight dollars.
A poor ilmr.he:i man was sur-
rounded by about 75 boys, who kept
pulling, hauling, and shoutina hurrah !
in response to which he would occa
sionally shout - "Rah ! for Dan Some
body : "
-A portion of the sidewalk up on
Sixth St. lays in a beautiful mass of
ruins, and the pedestrians climb the
bank above it, and survey the ruins be
low. Another section is in a tottering
The latest novelty of the season,
is the new Glass and Silver ulated show
case containing every variety of per
fumery and hair oil of the celebrated
Dr. Price's make, to be seen at J. V.
Young's P. O. News Depot. The la-
dies will do well to take particular no-
tice of the same on their first opportunity.
1'ci -onal.
Vi'e learned lv tlie Lincoln Journal
tliat our Mrs. Cvo. .Smith was visiting
IIictc a.sL week.
Mr. and Mrs. IT. J. Streiglit of South
Iiend. pave our city a short visit the
first of the wi-clc. Hank went home
in time to vote, however.
"Jim" Merrymaii. chief clerk of the
house of II. J. stlellif, of South Bend
was down taking in" the town from
Saturday till Monday, a week ago.
r. (1. Dyer, representing SI.iloh'3
e.tmsumniion rure gave us a call Tues
day. He is pushing their medicines in
this State and they are very highly
spoken of.
Caj.t. and Mr3. Ta!nc came down to
l'lattsmouth on Saturday last. The
Capt. returned Monday and Mrs. l'al::e
Thursday after a too short visit with
her many fri nd here.
llev. Mr. Doncsthorpo. of the M. K.
Church called on Wednesday, and we
were very much interested in his con-
versation. e will vrarrant him a
good preacher, and our sympathy is
extended to him on behalf of bin great
hiss and aillctiona thep ist few months.
Mr. Hardy of Victoria, this county,
made the IIlhald a call last week, on
his return from a trip to Ohio. He in
formed us that our dry roads and pleas
ant weather struck him very favorably
after the mud and rain back there.
This was his first trip to his old home
for seventeen years, and he comes back
well satisfied with Xebraska.
Mr. J. li!oomer of Westv'lle, Indiana,
called u;ion the IIki:vld previous to
starting for home and informs U3 that
ne intends to return hcie in the spring
and open up a merchant tailoring es
tablishment. This is a good step for
the- town, and, we think for Mr. Uloom
er, ami we hope to see him succeed in
Phil. Young sends the handsomest
perfumed cauls with Dr. Price's ele
gant perfumeries. Phil, knows what
is what and how to gain thn ear, eye,
and shall we say nora of the public.
Mr. Thomas, of (I reel i wood, writes
us that he has been fo'.lowing in the
wake of the iletl men i;i Kansas, but
far enough behind tl.em to save his
scalp. He reports gowl chances to in
vest in ho:c: i'.esh down there.
The eve of elect ion was productive
of in my rows and misers. One man
got pretty well pounded up at the
foot of .11 h St... Another was struek
down on Si-cotid Stri t.a-.d stiii anoth
er about 2 o'clock next morning.
Dr. Livingston went unto Lincoln
on Monday las?, ea'icd to atter.d Mrs.
Mmq'.irt: who, we regret to learn, is
verv ill. On Tui--d.iv morning he was
. ........ .1 . :
s'ini pi,."), . iii i.a i n. iiH iti ant ii i t i ujsc i
of lro!-'i back whit-h occurred in the
tii:irr- there.
A fuapy coiiici Lence. The last ef
fort ( l!;e e impaign wound up with a
general old fashioncd'Hca,4 patty. Tefft j
ami Tleanto.i x To'li and Thompson j
wua iMMiKieu ' -
the s:io!!ges,L. there, lhompson tea
was weak (Jretn.
The worna-i's Chrisan Temper-
. . ... . t .... 'i-1 ...... ,i .. ..
since i 1:10:1 w:;i n ei, e.i i u i: s".a ,
Nov. 14, at 3 o'clock p. m., in the M. E.
Church. A cm dial iuvitr.tion Is extend
ed to the ladies of Plattsmonth ami
vicinity to be present at. this meeting.
Let there be a good attendance.
We call attention to t!
article I
about Plattsmomh, on tb? outside, of v.'righl. As th'u particular anuiversa
t he paper. It is a well written article. J ry js j-nown a3 the Crystal Wedding
The IlEr.An pu'ilishes tha same f"" j Paeh party invitetl carried something
Mr. Mosier for the extra copies, he j j;1 form of cryStaI to the happy
making his own arrangeuieuts with j rolIjdot ;;nd the result was a beautiful
the business men whom he thus adver- j coioction embracing fruit dishes, vas
tiscs. -.s. gob'ets, celery glasses, pickle dishes.
One of the delists attendant up- sets comprising cream pitcher, sugar
on any pei f,.rmance in Fitzgerahl Hall, bowl. &c, salt cellars, toilet sets, mk
f. i!. l.-r.lies at least, is that of ascend-
j jug mid descending those delightfu ly
clean stairs leading to it, where dust
is a thing unknown and tobacco spit,
quids and old stumps of cigars never
VN'ew Show Case filled with Dr. Pri
ce's Unique Perfumeries and Toilet
Mr. Bernard La;ig- of the Ne
braska Coal Company called at this
office on Monday. He and Mr. Sut
phen of Omaha have been down to
visit their coal mines near Jones'
Landing, and the specimens they left
here an; the best we have yet seen.
We hope for ;.ll our sakes tho mine
will prove a success.
"Ladies' Gloves and overshoes at F.
P. G tubman's.
If you want a live newspaper you
must help it along. Half the returns
brought in had no figures of their pre
cinct, and yet you'll all want the news
of election this week. Even here the
Clerks and Jo Jges closed the pi lis be
fore our reporter could get the vote
and but for Geo. W. Fairfield we
would not have even the imperfect
synopsis we have-
If there is anything under the shin-
' or Won fli t' li n j. . ii-t. i, r . !n ilia
, Christmas l.'vs. for children
or grow n people, just call at Oswald
G tubman's.
Such looking tickets as came cut
of that box Tuesday. There were 11
; i-fferf j.t tickets hea led Democratic,
three Greenback and two Republican. lovely display of carpet can be seen
Some all Democratic but one name or j and admired by calling at our castle in
all Republican but one Democrat. The j Spain, after w hich the gazer tan go to
same on Greenback, each individuals j Orchard tS: Bean's and select a hand
whims were printed out it seemed. ! some collection for his castle in the
An: ng this motley mess we are happy
to say there were over 100 straight
Republican tickets.
The second new Engine from the i
PLittsmouth Machine Shops, called
the Blocmington mate lier appear
ance on the track last week. Very
soon the B. & M. will build all her
cars and Engines here, west of the Mis
souri on the bottom that was lc-ss than
j a quarter of u century ago set dow u as
the great Wilderness. A Wilderness
of wonders and machinery and im
provements soon to come.
Mr. Mosier, of Iowa, who spent
a lew days in riaJismoum a wee
or two ago. has bought tin; "Spirit ol
the Hour" the temperance p i er puh-
lished at Lincoln, and will elii it iiere- j
after; the former Editor, Mrs. Mai tin- .
dale retiring. -
flo to C. C Ilerold. the King of !
Clothing for your Over Coats this win- j
ter. He undersells them all, ana Keeps
the best etMxls. Xo shoddy allowed in
his Eotiii'Iishnu rt, and no goods mis
represented. Py postal card from Ludlla we
learned too late for last week's Issue
that a son of Mr. Colbert's about ten
years-of age was accidentally shot by
his brother, the rifle ball striking the
ground and glancing up striking the
boy in the side, breaking his collar bone
and lodging near the backbone, the
accident occurred a week ng last
Moivd.iy. The boy is doing well, and
will soon ! e nou the. worsu for his
liltle efc.-.pade.
f, Fresh Chestnuts. Coconnuts
I Xvot
Coeonnuts, Figs ,
"W. W. Scott, night-watch at the 1$.
&M. depot had a little fracas with
some of the boys, on Tuesday morning
about 1 o'clock. Hearing one of the
doors rattled below. he went
down, when three men rushed at him,
one of them strikit,? him in th-3 face.
Mr. Scott discreetly withdrew, found
Sheriff Hyers, and oa complaint and a
demand f r their arrest, the Sheriff
walked two of the gentleman up to the
Saunders' House where they were plac
ed under lock and key. The third par
ty was not found.-
VToys j Toys ! at low down prices at
Oswald Guth man's.
Last Thursday evening was Hal
loween ami the boys around town had
a high time playing the usual pranks.
We also heard of several attempts on
the part of the young folks to dis
cover their future husbands or wives
by going down cellar backward with
a candle or eating an apple before a
looking glass in an unoccupied room
while the clock was striking twelve,
during which harrowing occupation,
if properly performed one is supposed
to see the face of the said person over
the shoulder or in tbo looki.ig glass.
How many of our you-ig friends saw
Entire new stock of me:. 'a Hals
arid C-hives ui F. It. Guthmaa's.
Dr. Davis of L::iCo'.: who, cur
rer,"'.t".s will remember, wesst south
soino time ngo to volapleer his services
to tli : yelhnv fever sufuvis, par sed
through Plattsmout!) ci .Sum'ay hist,
returning home. Dr. Ltn'.se who ac-compa-ied
him having Flopped for a
jshoit visit s-.mong jr.;e!..:s east. nr.
j Davis wo.e a pin inscribed
"Presented to J. O. Davis a volunteci
IT. .... i1 1 Insii:i!l l.V (i:'7.ll
iiu.'.-'i ..,..-.
Water Valley, for his nob' untiring
and profit e:it services among oar yellow
fev. r sufT.rers. Wattr Valley, Miss.. 19-
TS. ' O i ti;ec:o.-s-oar is th; w m .1 llow
j ard.Tb.s will be a p'.ca; nt n minder to
!::m of a duty nobly performed, and in
j the pei fo: mance of w liieh be ba:s been
In.dflypserved from death..
i.T. V. Younir at the P. O. News
pot, has jnst received a litil line, oi
Dr. Price's Celebrated Unique Perfiun-
0i ies.
Colovnes ami To. let Waters,
Toothene and Hair Oils.
A very pleasant little company as
sembled at Chaplain Wright's on Thurs
day evening hist, to celebrate ihn tif-
! teenth anniversary of the marriage- of
Mr. Jonathan Wise and Miss Prankie
i stands, sets oi periu.nei;, .w.i.o.n.
pitchers, candle sticks, and many oth
ers, which we do not now recall. In
the course of the evening. Chaplain
Wright with a few fitting words, re
united them to travel together another
section of life's journey, and as we
looked upon the smiling couple we
thought if another fifteen years could
pass over their heads as lightly as these
had tlonr, there would be many pleas
ant stopping places for them yet on the
matrimonial journey, and all present
wished that it might be so.
We called in at the carpet sto-e r.f
Orchard & Bean, Parnam St., Omaha,
not long ago, and were delighted at the
' stV'ck of carpets, oil cloths, rugs, mat
ting, &c, displayed. Their store is
i handsomely arranged and affords a fine
opportunity for showing the many el
egant carpets which line each side,
and range in quality from the hand
somest Brussels down to the cheapest
ingrain. With the utmost courcesy
they unrolled one elegant carpet after
another to our admiring view, and we
finally decided on a lovely fern leaf
pattern in finest Axminster for our
drawing rooms, a Brussels in shaded
autumn leaves on a. black ground for
library, a handsome three ply in sha h's
of drab for our chambers, and a most
intricate and unexplainable pattern
with an equally unmentionable name
for our dining room. Then a Persian
rug for the pedished floor of our own
special sanctum was adJed to the list
; and our stock was complete. All this
same country. All joking aside, if you
want a handsome carpet and must go
away from home for it, don't fail to
call upon Orchard & Bean of Omaha,
the hircest establishment of the kind
i; f. t..f
" j gists in every town and village in the
Card of Thanks. j United States are recommending it to
I hereby desire to return my heart- their customers. Go to your Druggist,
felt thanks to all the friends "who so j and ask what they know about it. Sam
kindly assisted me ard mine during pie bottles 10 cents. Regular size 73
my late wife's sickness; this being Ihe j cents. Three doses will relieve any
only payment that cau be made forecast..'". iJStf-alt
sach services. Thev will be reinem- ! .
bered and appreciated as long as life
'lasts. J. F. B.vrMrtsTr.;:.
Proposals for Grain.
. ,
" chief 2u:u-tennaster's tiheo, J
Omaha Mi., b., Nor. 4, ) ,
sea,i pi-nposals in triplicate, suhject j
to the usual conditions, will be receiv- j
cd at this otjice, until 12 o'clock noon ,
on Wednesday, December 4. 18. S, at
viiieh place and time they will be op-
ened in the presence of bidders, for
furnishing and delivering, in quaiiti
ties as required up tC June I! ). 179, at
Omaha Depot, Nebraska, or at stations
on the Union Pacific Itaihcad east
from Kearney Junction, one milfion (1,
000.000) jmn ilds Oat, and tWo Millions
(2,000.0001 pott iris Corn.
Proposals for quantities less than
the whole required, will be received.
Preference wilt bo given to articles
of domestic production.
The contracts will be let with the
provision that the quantities contract
ed for may be increased or reduced one
third bv the Chief Quartermaster of
the Department, at any timu within
sixty davs after date of contract.
ISids should state the rate per 100
pounds, not per bushel ; should state
the year in which the Corn proposed to
he furnished was grown, smd should
be endorsed on envelopes, "Dids for
The right to reject anv or all bids, is
reserved . M. I. LUDIXGTOX.
S3-lt Chief Quartermaster.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
Ntver Undersold
in Uoots and Shoes at Mi;i:oi:s'. 31tf
Ilockwt.ll has a full line of Grocer-
A Schlegel sS: Pro. have on hand tho
best brands of Smoking and Chewing
tobaccos. l-tf
Pemember that for boots and shoes
lioekwell cannot be beat in price. lie
has a large assortment. 23tf.
A fine assortment of Ulankets at
2Utf P. G. Dovky & Son's.
lb.ckwell keeps clothing and gent's
underwear. 28tf.
Go to Schlegel Pros, and get the tin
tag Lorillard smoking Tobacco.
Rockwell has just received nine
chests of choice teas, which he sells at
from 2-lets to 1 per pound. The best
bargain in teas you ever saw. 28. f.
mo, it t worth of K.visM rif tiM fK
W. iMM.'.'.f ' alone ran le savt-tl ly nsinj,'
( : 1.7. iiitir.l .'.-'it E.r!' I ."Ti!i".ii.
We see that Merge" got the premium
again at the S;ate Pair on his own
work for beauty and durability. He
real! v does make Jine and good work.
Send your orders for cigars to A.
Schlegei d- Pro. they guarantee satis
faction in price and quality. 1-ltf
T'jJ rty of tfiO Ui's.t oman inn!:fr of t'.ie
WorWl are eoiniielitoiv lit tin; Paris imposition,
a ea'ole tiispalt li to Hit Ass ici.itetl I "r says
;i liiv-lest 'ilrt metlals liave horn awarded lo
the America. i ina'..ers. Mason & Han. '.in.
Good second-hand ouoaxs and mkt.o
pi:oxs for sale or rent low. Leave ad
dress at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drugstore
cor Oth and Main Sts.
Jamks Pkttkk,
9tf. Dealer in Musical Instruments.
I'm: S.xi.h. A wire -plant stand
wi.h trellis, at a bargain. Inquire at
tho IIkkald oiibie.
Hoots and Sliocs Cheap,
call and examine prices at
31tf Mekgi-s.
Ladies, Gents and Children's Under
wear, Cotton Flannels, Red Flannels,
Linsey and Jeans, at
E. G. Dovrv & Son's.
A nice assortment of Repellents
Cadimeres. American Dress Goods,
Tie--,. Ruchii.g, Silk Handkerchiefs,
Scarfs, Ladies ami Children's Hosiery,
Pelt Skirts,
P. G. Dovky & Son's.
Rockwell, of Louisville, has just fin
ished his new store, 2:i:J1. which he
has full of new goods. Be sure and
give him a call we know you will
buv if you do, for he seils very cheap.
by buying
rinoTs and s:ioi:s.
31 tf at Mekces',
Rockwell keeps hardware and
q-ieensware. and by Jove he keeps ma
chine oils too.; and I declare, he keeps
patent medicines also, so there is no
use of staying sick. 2Sif.
Peasiun Papers.
Those wanting pension papers ac
knowledged will please remember that
J. ii. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville,
has a certificate of the county Clerk
filed with the U. S. pension Agent and
can attend to ail such business. 5slf
.Inst Received
At Rockwell's, a very full line of Mil
linery goods of the very latest styles,
such as dowers, ribbons, plumes and
tips, silks, velvets, hitly's ties, bonnets
and hats, and many other little novel
ties that cannot be had at any other
place in town. 2Stf.
You can save a large per cent of
your corn crop by read ins "Three Blind
Mice," and following advice. 3ttf
Smoke the B. & M. in Nebraska ci
gars at Schlegel Bros.
L'se Centennial Rat Exterminator. 20tf
"German Syrup.'
No other medicine in the world has
ever given such a test of its curative
qualities as Botchee's Geiman Syrup.
In two years three million four-hundred
thousand small bottled of this medicine
were distributed frte of chary by
Druggists in this country to those af
flicted with Consumption, Asthma,
Croup, severe Coughs. Pneumonia, and
; other disease of the Throat and Lungs,
! giving the American iveople undeniable
proof that German Syrup will cure
them. The result lias been that Drug-
a Jl" PT
tt'in-win'lt-r.J- rei" u .ihe.TVord.;r. Out-.
ttt inss. J. 1. eatlonl
Yon uiust Cure that Cough.
With Shiloh's Consumption Cure, you
can cure yourself. It has established
the fact that Consumption can be
cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis,
Whooping Cough, Asthma, ami all dis
eases of Throat and Lungs, it is abso
lutely without an equal, Two doses
will relieve your child of Croup, it is
pleasant to take and perfectly harmless
to the youngest child, and no mother
can affoid to be without it. Yoj can
use two thirds of a liottle and if what
we say is not true we will refund tho
price pai l. Price 10 cts. ZO ets, arid
81.00 ner bottle. It vour I.ungs are
sore or chest or back lame use Shiloh
Porous Plaster. Sold by Chapman t.f:
Smith, Prmrgists.
Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti
pated, have you a Yellow skin. Loss
of Apptite, Head Ache, if so don't fail
ZE I?. It is guaranteed to relieve you,
and will you continue to suffer when
you can be cured on such terms as
these. Price 10 cts. and 73 cts. Sold by
Chapman Smith. Dru?aists.
Wei l'sTpe r.sian Perfume "II ACKM E
TACK" is ricl. and fragrant, tr-y it.
Sold by Chapman & Smith, Druggists,
Piattsinouth XVo. 3'Jiyeow
ConsitmjjtiGii Cured.
An olil liliysieian. retired from praeliee. lmv
!!; liatl plat eti in liis hantls l-y p.n Ka-t India
inissonary the formulae! a i-imple veetaitle
remetlv. fur tlx siee.iv and ierniaiit'iit cure for
eoiisinuiiiinn. Iironelii: ;s. eatairh. astlona ami
all throat and limn afieetious, also a pnsiiivr
and radical cure fur nervous ilebiliiy :.i!!l alt
nervous eoiiiihiints. nfier iiiur le-ted ils
wonderful onialive power In t lion-amts of
eases, lias felt it Ids duty to make it Known for
Ids suffering fallows. Ael natetl by tins molive.
aetl a tlesiie In relieve luiiiian suffering. 1 r.ill
send free of ehinre. to all who d-ssre it. this
recipe, with full directions for prcparinir ami
usin. iu (icrtnan. l-'reneli. or Knulisli. Scat by
1:1 : : i I bv addressi!i;i with stamp, naming 1 1 lis pa-
ii.t. v. w . S herar. 1 1J rowers i;;oc.v.
ter, iew York.
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1S7S all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, willi an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu-,
ine unless plainlv labeled:
Plattsmonth, - - Nebraska.
A Remarkable Result.
It makes no difference how many
Physicians, or how much medicine you
have tried, it Is now an established
fact that German Syrup is the only
remedy which has given complete
isfaction in severe cases of Lung Di
seases. It is true there are yet thous
ands of persons who are pre disposed
to Throat and Lung Affections, Con
sumption, Hemorrhages, Asthma, Se
vere Colds settled oa the breast, Pneu
monia, Whooping Cough, Ac, who have
no personal knowledge of Boschee's
German Syrup. To such we would say
that 10,000 dozen were sold hist year
without one complaint. Consumptives
try just one bottle. Regular size 7.1
cents. Sold by all Druggists in Amer
ica. 2t:lyeow
See P. G. Dovey oi Son 3 assortment
of Lady's cloaks before purchasing
elscw here.
" The licw Parly."
Just arrived from the East and the
"old settler" in the west, find that tbe
old Pastern medicines do not relieve
the diseases incident to this new West
ern climate. The verdict of every
family using E5iwij.' igfJaSiEc
Liver Il!tS, is that they have no
equal for relieving constipation, sick
headache ami biliousness, and that
t ka Afswe fi'i!; ntn-r fail lo
tit re the hills when taken directed.
Urown's CoHrria "Jalsani, for
coughs, colds, and lung affections, con
tains no stupefying opiates, but re
lieves by soothing the irritated parts,
and producing easy, gentle expectora
tion. Ilroirn's Tar Trot lies, are val
uable to public speakers ami singers,
and all atllicted with sore throat and
I'rowu's Arnica Salve stands
without a rival for removing inilama
tion and healing old sores, ulcers and
ScirsaiKiriila, SlamlcHor) asil
Soellise ri' the kingof
remedies for blood, liver, and skin dis
eases. For sale by Dr. YV. E. Donelan,
Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and
O. P. Johnson.
1-ltf Plattsmouth. Neb.
JO.OOO SOI.I, Kevised, Eiilareil, Improved.
Most YalsaMc and Elegant Extant.
iaes oil el.itli liimlin si. 511 post-;aid.
f,Ofo rrae'ieal Uceipes. all from ladies of
ft te.':. lion as liotiseUeei't is. ami well kaowa
as w.'.ven of inllaeiiee am! jielaieiit in ( liiea
jio a , i 1 I ln-r eit ies anil tou lis ; l.ame to eae'.i ;
1 her-"!'.' e. it slant's to reason that the l N
the 1' for mi latly woahl jmliliely eiithusc a
reeiee unless it was the very best. i'rolia!,y no
eook boos: i a 111. t w.tli a -reatt rs :et"e--. A,ra:
liimk iiKleetl. Mis. Ileeeller says : Willi il a
eon'; of any tlejaveof skill, or 'coi'ireon seii"-e.
ean lie safely tnisteil to caler for the family, in
tlie ah-eiiep of the mistress." t'hic.iuo Ti iii iae
says: Should l.e the iitloptetl eeiiiiianinn tl
every hons'"keeeper." Hon km Hers say: "It's
the liest selling hook." Has articles from ful
filled writers 011 Houst kfepinsr, Tahle Talk.
DiimiT i:; i'l'.it-t te. S.ti ial oli-erv:'.nees, lait!'
Ilttnsekefiieis-, Ma'ketin. ami Servants, A
1'orivKT KniTlt ix fiee for stamp. o2-'it
Practical Hints to Clsris aal Yw Bnsmsss Men
15-mntl in hest and most elegant style. P.laek aiitl
Oold ( ions. .. I'liee imstpaitl.
Contrnts. Leavim; I ionic e'ity or Country,
w liii-li? i he fir-t step. Inking Ho1,!. The
Ketail Clerk. A Terni-vcul Siiua'ion. IViwiu
a' K peases. Lessening Com pet it ion. lt-llli'.
Tales out of S' lso"!. Aneht.i"'. A step higher.
At tin I'f-k. Cash. sit-lliii" Oioils.T!:t.
Tiavelia" Man. I.e:iVt. from a llnainrter's Kx-
pelienee. eiiatinuetl. ehi the K'lati, Selling. 1
(u the Knail e'o:ie:-t ins;. On the Hoatl f,!t .-t-I!e:.
rout iniie'l. W5!l J o!l l"e a I'.il I liel V Sl.trt
ini in r.Ksiiie-s. I'liiyinu'lliiodt. Mor; Assist
anls. Al l a iik-in. Stot k, 1 11 -11; .tin e, ete. A il . er
tis:a. .se.liu itwi'Is. I mini 11 A t tt-ui ion to
lielails. SpeeulaTi'iii. Letting W eil-eniuuh
alone. r.ushirss l,.isst-s. M:iil your of. u lPisi-lu-ss.
Uusiiitss Mail's Kfi-reatiti.ts. lirowiM
Opinion of I.fa;li:is I."iper.
Iiuffaltie' Advocate ; - It is Invania
l;e to yoting ni-ii.-'
From the N'asli v-la', Teua., Christiuu Advo
cate : " Tltis is a "'.i't" Miook."
" Worth tell ti.nes ihe .niiouiit ilske 1 for It."
I'ostou Eveuiiijc Transcript. -
'Should he in the hands of evrfiy yoans man
e eeuncneiii,; life." Cleveland Jlci ahl.
The Anitriea:i Oroeer fiys : It oul-.t to le
in the Siaiulsof jtl! our readers. o!t and yoiai,
wlio visa to iH-eointi lieiier an ri h.iiits."
e'hie;t!;r Time s : "Ttlis'sa volume crammed
full of )").!. se!is;N. ami mu. li m-odetl suit ice
to yuui men viio desire ;o male; a ucce.-.s of
Cliicao Triliune : -'This is the work i f a men
1 vrlm bewail liilsine-vs a.s a sli.ip-lioy. and w ho, ill
serviui; as clerk, ilmtiener, book-keeper, junior
j.artuer. an.1 liu;il!y a.4 mauimiii partner in a
' larue eslHiilishnienr. nmsteieii all tlie d;-t:lils of
I an extensive and iuti ieate liiMtie,auti retired,
wiii'e still a J 01111 man, with a. iiamlsome eo:n
! pcteaco."
I'ubli.siUpr, C'lilraco.
Rockwell has the neatest assortment
of lady's dress goods ever brought to
town." Be sure and see them before
the assortment is broke. They are go
ing oil fait. -If.
CniTcritr of isX'rr.ska.
Instruction given iu all the branches
of a liberal education. Open to both
hidies and centleinen.
Candidates for admission to the
Pr-raratury D:oartinent must pass a
fair examination in Orthography. 1
Reading, Arithmetic. Geogr;qhy, Eng
lish Grammar, and the History of the
United States. Instruction is given 111
her Arithmetic, English Analysis.
ami Physical Geography, cash for a
single term.
FALL Ti:i:m begins Ti'ksday. Sejv
tember 10, l1r, and ends Fkiday, De
cember SO.
WinTkh Tkum begins Tnrnsn.vY,
January 2. Id7t, and ends March 21.
Si niNo Teiim begin.-. April 1, aiht
closes on the SKroNU Wi-:bSi ir-hAT of
Juilo, the day of Ihe annual Conimi Mee
ment. Catalogue, crntairiiv g full informa
tion, ran be had upon application to
P. B. Fii:rn-:i.i, Chancellor.
Lincoln, July fi, 1S77. I7m9.
The At.anta (hi., Coiistilutiou,
Recently published a long account of
the destructiveness of tlie "Slieriuan
Rat" which is f to 4 times as large as
the Northern Rat. On the 17th ef
Sep ember. 1877. the Manager of this
celebrated paper having tried Centen
nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle
men your " Stuff" knocks -Sherman
Rats," still and cold.
Osaok, Iowa. Dec. 20, 1877.
Star Manufacturing Company, Fort
Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen
tennial rat poison, received last Mon
day. We have given three doses. On
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, arid we verily believe there is
not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill,
feed, custom and merchant's mills were
lull of them, as were also our houses,
cooper shops, barns and hog pens.
Sirce giving them the poison I hey have
been running round as 'vrazy as loons"
and the river bank is line with
rats, in fact it has credited a terrible
commotion among them ami they have
all left, thanks to tho Centennial Pat
Exterminator," each box of which is
worth a twenty dollar bill. We will
see our druggists and have them send
for it. Thanks, thanks. Y'crv respect
fully, E. M. Bkitts, .'1 Co.
This great ecoiioinh'cr for property
he'lders, farmers, tt al.. is for sale by
druggists and genera! dealers every
where. Price 21 cents, large cans i?:,00
oil! r
Latest Honor Paris KxliPdthwi ttflSTs
...' wo liisrhest Gold .Medals Awarded
to Mason i- Hamlin Organ Company.
The Mason & Hamlin Organ Com
pany have the honor to announce that
they have been awarded the first prize
'."old modal at the Paris Exhibition of
1S7S, for the superior excellence of
their Cabinet and Parlor Organs.
Thirty leading manufacturers of reed
organs from all nations were among
tbe competitors, ami the various juries
who have made ami ratified tbe award
were composed of the most eminent
professionals and expert.-, of their re
spective countries.
In n.Vi'ti'-n to the above the 5ason
&. 5H:i ft? Ii si rsg:n 4 'oiupHny re
ceived the distinguished honor of the
award of a separate Gobi Medal to tlie
superintendent of their factory, Mr.
W. O. Trowbridge, in testimony of the
excellence of their work in its detail1
and of the completeness of their sys
tem and thoroughness of factory ap
pointment. This is in accordance with the Uni
form experience of the Mason & Ham
lin Company who have been awarded
First Medals or other highest honors
al all World's Expositions for eleven
years, viz: at Paris, 1S07 ; and Y'ienua,
1873; Santiago, 1871; Philadelphia,
137.1; and Paris 1878.
Messrs Mason & Hamlin will be hap
py to send descriptive circulars to any
applicants. Address,
Ulason Tfiiiailiu Organ Co.,
Mi Tkmoxt St t Boston; 2-1 Union
Si., Nr.w Yoiik. 210 axi 212 Wabash
Avk, Chicago. Jam us Pkttef., Agt.
Assignees' Notice of Appoint
ment In Bankruptcy.
District -f Xebra-ka. f :
At riattsnioiirli In sid Pistriet on tho 2rlli
tlav of Oet.. A. 1. IsTS : Tin; iiiitlt rsUii. il Iici e-
ivVives iitit"" of Ms ui! .iati:inf as Assignee
of .lames It. 1'oiter of Omalia. liont'las t'otinty
in saitl liisiriet, wlio lias heeii atljuilieatetl a
liarUr!i;t on I'.is own j tiiio:i.
3-.'tJ Ansklmo 15. Smith, Atti'nee.
Administrators Sale.
Notice is lieichr g'ven t'.iat I K. !. H'-vov.
In pursimnee of an order of the I)i"triet
Court of Cass Couniv. Nebraska, will m 11 at
I'ulilic vein lot" at tli "fi-oat tlonr of the lYiut
House at l'latt ininiitli. Cass Comity. Nehraska.
on Hie ninth dav of Novemher. A. O. ITS. at :
o'clock. P. -M-. tin" l't!!ov.ii.-: ilc-ciil.ed real es
tate to-wit : Kaftt Iiiilf of lot one (! ia Hioek
thiriv three i'f-'.' em' Pii' s store :ual tweiily
twoi'i feet fr.Tit. t n Main stieet. a'lj i.i.niK
Men v 15oee!:s laving at rtss loi -., :i a ml
in in block "! 1. '." ft et on Main Street. lHin
across 'o:-, 3. 'J and lo in hhick (31). one htni-e
and tweni v-twte."Ji fe"t flout on Main si ret t
1 ivims across lots 1; and T in Mock (31 1 1101th half
tf' ItiiVi in block CM 1. lots 7, s. ;i. In. 11 and 1 in
block 1 all la the e:;y ol I ':.t'. : - i:i"i:t h as
shown bv tl.e reeoitled piaij-if saitl City. Als.t
hits s. ii and 111 in block K in 1 Imiiipsou'.s Atldi-
tioii to the cil v of liattsuiiiulh. Also tin- est
liotl id ine eii 01 1 iititsiui.ui 11. iis.f in. ......i
half of North" east tpuuter ( section No. ."4
township 1." noilli ra;i.;e 12 o;tst of G P. M.. ail
111 Cass County. Nebraska. The terms of saitl
sale will be as follows : .The purchaser shall
paV one fourth imsIi in hand, one fourth in six
months, one fourth in twelve uionlhs, sn.d one
fourth in eighteen noul lis from date of sale, 1 he
purchaser shall eive liis note rtrawin-r VI per
cent i"."terest from tlie tlates thereof, secured by
a mortae upon the real estate si stihl fur Ihe
tleferred payments. Said sale will be held open
for one hour, from two p'clock until three
o'clock p. ni., of the same dav.
30t4 P.. ;. OovF.r.
AUm'r. of the estate of II. Amison, tice'd.
Estray Notice.
Taken up on the 24th day of September. A. 1.
1S7S. as a stiay in Weeping WaP-r, in tf-nspip
in iio:ih.l;ini;e 11 "ist.'ln Cass Com ty. Nebiiis
ka. bv til subseril.-er. who there lesitles, one
chestnut sorrel horse, with while spot in the
forehead, will! near hind font w hile. H small
sc.'i-011 point of rii;ht siioul.ler. i-Noa s-"ar m
left f're foot, supposed to be abc-tt f years old.
Said horse iiatl 011 an old satlti'e ;um1 b'iud bri
dle, ami a lialu-r w hen taken up. The owner of
? aid T'lf -perty can h ive tl. same l y jtrovi'ii!
property ant'l p;iyi: a expenses.
H..teJ tlits 1st (lav t)i October. A. D. 7S.
i:2to " A. J. Mt i)..v Al.n.
1 1 ATI P WA ll E .STO U E,
Id l'lattsmouth. Neb., on Fourth St., about the
you will find :
Corn Planters, (lim:3 &. 2iors;
Sulky Flows,
Coif 1 vatoris,
and all kinds of l" arm Impleme-nts and
Shelf Hardware. Tin Ware, &c, &.c.
Hungarian and Millet,
Seed for Sale
Kant of riittie Yallt
In the Town. -
Good Teams AlN'ity on lf::'nf.
Careful Drivers sent with car
riages if desired.
Carriages sent to lpot to meet nil Mains
wherever ordered.
Funerals attended and fnrrta?1 furnished to
ti iernls. Address. J . W . S I A N N ' N .
ii -ly l'lialtsmuutli. Xrb
iEALr.u in
Drugs? Medicines?
All Paper Trimmed Free of
Stationery, Magazines,
Latest I'liblir;? lions.
iro isfilplloni Carefully "oinpoun(tf -
hy nn Kipr rif-iif f (1 lrusci.
KF.MF.MI5i:i: tiik TL vrn.
Brick Livery Stable,
The old r.ONNFK STAI'.I.IIS in Platlsmouili
Neb., art" now leasetl by Jones iS; Slroitti anil
I hi y are keeping ii new ami Iiamlsome livery in
this well known barn. The linest ami best of
heists ;ii:tl carriages always rt'iidy to let.
kepi for Sale
r 1
or to Trade.
We desire to give notice tl at p liave a lare,
'lani'soii'.e brick harn, w ith identy 1 I reom b-i
horses ami wagons. I ej.ii put farmers stock
an 1 Wi'ons. loads of jrraiu or aii 1 !iiiiK ail un
dercover, ii. 1 he dry. Ke member t Ins.
Tliankitijr air iHd patrol's for their many fa
vors, ne solicit their trade fur the f ul in e. s;,t -Isiieii
we can at'commotlale theni heller ami tlo
belter by them than ever before. 3-yl.
Harness 3fa n vfa't n rtrs,
ami all kinds of l-.arness stock, constantly on
rnuiT, coSfectiozey,
Kemember the jilnce opposite E. (I. Dovey 's
on Lower Main Street.
Great Advantages to Buyers
IX 1S77.
Ten Years Credit at 6 per rent Intercut.
Six Years I, red it at C, per rent Interest,
and 20 per cent Di fount.
et"i" I.ilirrnl IU"uiif m Vnr 'a.h-ilbeliate-
011 l arrs nd Krctlit,
and I'remiii jus tnr litijp rov;
iiient.H. rni'ili'ets iintl .Vaps. coaf ilnins full partlcl
wvrsuiil be mailed !ri-e lo any part of the,
uoabl'.n iipplicat ion to
L V.l)i OMMISSiONUr, P.. M. It. K.
f.OI.O Pl.ATKD WATCH E". fn-.p
IU tif kuuttu M ,.r! I. .sum-. K .! .1 V ..sit Tt Ai.fcJ.1..
Auuuia, A. ( otl.TI 1: CO- laocAou, ItJ-
View of rvlarriag
rrTZ "-T'W' A O 'Ace t 3 V7fl .'cA Slid
k'.Ti f ViV
i'r. -; V cf.V, rf.-onf. isitt ai Irt.i.M on ti'
'Mfiv1! E :u:i. ol msree r.d ib
-TiTs"?.-a;ciiUv., ui b: lur it-, the Mt-
a .
crti cf Kepro-I'iction ud
'tie Uiseaacm oi yvomm.
A rfMj t"T - v! cont'd-
Oi d or (t r -i arirat m- T Jre br..tu from 8l
.bJ8. ixct-t-es. 01 hpcrtt :eHtc, wi:h U tivt
Ck ti rf -ti rr, 1T'4 .y . " r-pri
A CLf N IPAL LCrJR2 cn h ft disBt od
Otow of U Throfttm:.d Lun?, Ca'.arru.Huptur, U
Op'tim Hab;tAs., fiMj" 10 cj.
Li hrl-xv-k wnt po'po:den rr pt of pr? rTi thre.
cuniair-m' j n h-aui.r.i' v i..ui:i.e1. tor 7.1 ct.
AudreDa,BCTXS, o. US. ckA oi. Lcuia, ZlO
th nut of
!nf-Tl -t'.-r -x. Refill rtu! ffikmM'tJ"ftf
KntMitiK, Lt arMi'Mun, Jnntril Mrnl, Lei
lnhMd I mtMit tuu l'il!itjr. f-Tr-w
r.-ntw cur,--l : dL--.-- uf Hi- ltlttdtVr. K!Imc. I.lvfr.
I ;!'?. A.M-itt. v-vrh. HI --, a i i,",'u tn-e.i-, id llt-
t-.TJ i.: 1 i f- ' I r-A-it-.U- a u.l ,-.n l Lff -'.- tf fl.V.. f l
i ir-.faW! of t-e lif -T 'l -!, th-h t:.ri-fv. t t
I.JVe-t w-v .ii ti; L". I A Mtni.n irrtfn--Pt vr :
fH viitr ' Wvf i. cti.i of r i. t.i rv -Ou rii-' v itw
ptiu-itu. n l b. l .-"U f.r fT-:- of I.Jtir-f '"ci' i.l
-.,r f rtl uii'm-t!'m f -s. AiL, OLlfi4
marri'age WwEtizzj-zK
y-mnc uid wi.wr & w, on all d .. of a p-
a.ttur. Valu:if.i alvi Pi tit murinl and tlx rntoi"lll'n
Mun.wr. Mow to l V-iihy anj tfnly U j-py tn tnr mr-i rt
tn. Kver. bo!y loaI-i ft lit bvoa, i rtv Si edit. M muj
ATtA.t ArcDtfiwlnrcMl. BasU
nos Ietrltiniatc. r-tlru!arsfreo.
ddrtua J.WOHTil A CO.. tit LouU. Mow
for Mrtfticular. I Ctt,
17 w r-Htffli Si. Chtca.- HI."
1 a wo i hum
IS :sT. .L lii'iu:.
Corn Philters, Cultivators)
Sulky Plovs, now " olT" Ltit I still linvo tlifl
Harrison Wagon,
Ihe lost ami c'ifri'0it w:ip:on in tho
market ly nil i nil's.
Spring Wagons,
Uusics, :;:i 1 Tlirce-Scaled Wagons
and the world renowned ConrtlaiHi
I'ldtforni Sjirlntj Whjjoii.
for all kinds of
Agricultural Iinplrmeiiitf
In every variety, and nt
lied Hack Pricts.
Mowers Sulky rakes and all kinds
of Ilakrs, Forks, etc., etc.
Now is the time to Buy.
32; f Flattsnionth, Nebraska
VfV,;'.'?'- 'fi -s.---t ,
Mmt ':Br
Til E
.i a o f o r. t e x
i s!: ix Tiau
Boston Public? Schools,
lass. State Noi mal
Tho New England Consei"
vatorv of frliisic LEx
clusively, in AWARDS DECREED "
uv tiii:
Philadelphia Exhibition 76
No other rinnn Forte house, w ith one excep
ion, received more than one.
During tlie Crave rt Season of 1870, '77
tlies; 1'i.iuo- were usetl in Hot-ton and vicinity
in more than VI' concerts.
'Hit; Kfusoii of 1S77 and '71 promise a xtil'
KiealtT n; to Le added lo tlie lis!.
Notices of Concerts.
""emiirkiible for It" purity, richness find ev
(iii".". tif tone." ilostoii Journal.
"No mich Instruments liuve 1een lif:inl Iii A ,
f.o'.vcl) einiei it l.o;ii heft-re."- IoweII (Miiss."'
Ii.ii.y Cilien.
"Snriiass' s nnythli' of the lltnl previously
heiiril in our city." Iiwcll Vox I'tipuli.
"I'lietpinHcd l.v ii'iv t li it t liiive l.cen Used In
our concei t." lVoi:;svilli; IHitiy (.'ourier.
h:is been rrptiiii''"' ?ent for these ctlebrito4'
I'iaiic.s. S( : 1 I f. -r c;.talo(;iie.
Plaits mouth. Neb.
On M.-iin street tic.irly op'toite tho Court
Hour-':, 1'latLii.e.uth, .'.
HorsEsfoR Sale.
Tl,e l-uviii'r nii'l s' ll'ii'r of (Too.I Imrscn nuulc
ihe .-pvt.1 i'-ly fl the liu -ieess.
New Horses & Carriages,
and pt-ntle horses, for J.a'lfes to drive aru kept
at thv Stable.
.,ls : can y all, Oii'"Ti rum to the depot, and'
ui'! c.i:y pii-i.-t le.-fi-; lioin ;iny ,!ai-e in t"n 01
L O V I S V i Ia I. i; T 1 S II O IV
First C!sss Stock.
I re .1 it Cve!y Gijn Warranted,