T II E II 15 It A L D x X 4 i r THE HERALD. PUBLISHED UTEP.Y THURSDAY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA OFFICE: 01 Vln St.. One Block North of Main, Corner of Fifth Street. blRurnT circcatiov OF AM FAfKIt 1 CAS tOLT. .92.00 . 100 . .50 Otis oopy. months. TIEBT National Bank rtATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SCOCKSSOK TO TUOTLK, II A XX A A CUBE JoHX FlTrnKRALD... E. . IJoVKT A. V.'. McUCBHLlM. r!(lent. " V Vic President. Cashier. .'.Asita t Cashier. JOSS O'COlBk.. . -1- . - i,i,cin t their nswiooni.esrnerMin and Sixth i eets. and p.-spsrsd to traaiact a gsneial BANKING BUSINESS. tola, Bit, Qol4, 0rml sad tool Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD. HemeeiU Received and Interest Allow ed on Time Certificates. EBAFTS JDZR-ATWUST, Arsilabl In any part of th United RUte nd la all tbs Principal Towns and UUs of Kurops. 1GCMS FOR THE CELEBRATED I u man Line and Allan Line Of HTKAMGK. rren wishing to bring out their friends from Turops van rCRCHASE TICKETS rROX CS Thrsnch to PUttimouth. A. Schlegel & Bro., Manufacturers of IHSTE CIGABS, And dealers in rAXCT SMOKERS ACT1CLE3. SMOKING aad CHEW1NO TOBACCO'S. Fral ERANDS and !ie of CIGARS made to order, and tiroiion guaranteed. Cijfar etlrptogs sold for swukicg tobacco. Kili Ht. one dooi woct of Sounders riouse. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. 101y Excelsior Barber Shop. J. O. BOONE, Main Street, oppnsit Saunders House. TTAIK CTJ TTIFG, (BAYING A K D SHAMPOOING F-six tial attrnHon pivn to ccttixo cinr.nnzx's azd la vi ah 11 air. CAT-1. AND HEi: EOON'K. GKXTS. Ar.d cet bome in a GIIAVE. H. HEROLD, (.t-aler In f;-OTS. SHOE. HATS. GLCTr.?.. .i riisisniNG goods, GROCERIES, d. JEWELRY and 1T0TI0NS. I hare n large j'.orX of Buck Gloves, ri try o-ti wake to be c!cd out at eost. Al kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE uaen in eschar? for O O D S . Main Street. Corner of Fifth. rLATTSMOCTIl, Neb 36) 1 aND MACHINE SHOPS ! JOHN W.A-YIMI-A-T rLATTSMOLTII. NEB.. Hrpairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw anl Grixt Mill UAH AM) STEAM FITTl'sWS, Wroncht Irrn Fipc. Force and Lift Hpes.Steain OaU'-es. Safetv-Valve (;veriirs.aiia all kindnof I'ras. Kiifrine Fittings, repaired ou short notice. FARM MACHINEKI SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers In STOVES, m Taj mmr J. m :BBi3 9 ETC., ETC., ETC. Obi mor East of the rost-Oftico, rlatts:nouth Nebraska. -: O :- Practical Workers in SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN, BRA- ZIERY,dc,dc Large assortment of Hard ana Soft COAL STOYES, Wood and Coal Stoves for HEATING OR COOKING, Always on Hand. Ziry Taiiety of Tin. Sheet Iron, and Zinc v oik. Kept in . 'lv"-iv. WAKING AND PvEPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. TEVERTTBIXQ WARRANTED ! PRICES LOW IOWX. SAGE BBS. NEBRASKA JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor.) VOLUME XIV. V PROFESSIONAL CARDS HAM. 51. CIIAP3IAX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Solicitor In Chancery. Office In Fittger ylCK rLATTSMOCTIl, NEB. D.It.H IIEtXEBA C O. T AW OFFICE Real Estate, Fire and Ltfeln suVfnce AgfntSUUS.nouth. Nebraska Col lector; tax-paver.. Have a complete abstract .... " 1 real estate. negotiate or lilies, duj IRvl loans. &c. lft1 . JAM EH K. MOKRWOS. andVdJoin.ng Counties ; Rives spec.al attention tn rollectionw ant aDstrarism nut- -heo 8 Smith. FiUgerald Block. rUtt..nouth. jNeDrasaa. - CiF.O. H. HMITII. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Keal Estate Bro ker. Special attention ptven io "Vt " i and all matters aneciWK ine mi. 'fi'Xmon i Office on 2d floor, over Post Ofbce. flatumuin, etiraKa. JOHN W 1IAIXEH ri.TlrF OF T1iE feaCE. anu collector of thousand dollarj. MortRHges Deeds and otn er Instruments drawn and all c .ounw usr 11 ess usually transacted before a Justice of the Peace. Eeit of reference given r(JulreJ-llrt nnl. Office on Main street. Yfttrt D. H. WriEltLICR. . ITOSK. WHEELER & STONE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, riatOtraoath Xbraka. J. CIIAMK. NotAKT rOKLlC. JCSTICK OF PKACB. REAL ESTATE TAX PATISG AND COLLECTING AGENT. Wttptng Water, Cats Co., A'tb. Taxes paid for non-resident, ana collections mfide In hiiv part of the county. Real estate bought and sold on cohiiiimmh Have a llt or irood unproved farms and unimproved land- for sale cheap for cash, or lonu time if desired. Correspondence PolicMed. All business entrust ed to my care will receive prompt attention, and charges reasonable. 151T J.LMerREA, DENTIST, and Homopathic PhyMcian. Of fice corner Main and .Mb sfs.. over Uerold storw, riattsmouth. Neb. 2,v R K LIVISTO. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, tenders bis pro fessional services to the citizens of Cass county. Resilience southeast corner Sixth nml b t- ; nrv.ee ou Main street, two doors west of bixth. PlHttsiiiouth Nebraska. Il. J. M. WATERMAX, Physio Medical Practitioner. Luuisvillc, Com C.. Neb. 1 5-Alvrsys at the office on Saturdays. 4oyi IIl. V. II. SCIIIEDKSEdlT. PRACTISING mYSICIAN. will attend er.i:.s at all hours, niciit or day. Plattsnit.ntli. Ne braska. Olilce in Chapnmn &. hmith s Diiig sioie. -'y UP.. H.IIH.I)EKRAM. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN. LoliUville. Neb. Calls proaipliy attended to. 511y C CI .1 il I.CS IT A K l EX. Tonsorial Artist. P E ATT 4MOITII X E ft It AH K A. Place of bu-iiiK'K on Main St.. between 4t!i and5tn si reels. Shampooing, shaving, enn dieu'a hair culling, etc. etc. 19 y HUBBARD HOUSE, D. WOODAIiD, --- Prop. Weeping Water, cb. Good accoir.madations and reasonHlc charg es. A good livery Kept in connection wnu me houe. 6vl PL4TTE VALLEY HOUSE, JOIIX ROXH. Proirletor. THE OL ItEEIAIIEE IIOISE. fJnnd nrmmmoilations for Farmers and the traveling public. JJoanI $1 per dav. Meals 25c. Entirely refitted and rp-fnrnislied. and farmers are request ed to call and get 3 meals and bed for S1.00. tu SAUNDERS HOUSE. J.S.GREGORY, - - - Proprietor. Location Central. Good Sample Room.. Every attention paid to guests. 43in3 PLATTSMOCTH, ----- .NEB LENHOFF A BONNS, Morning Dew Saloon ! One door east of the Saunders House. We keep the best ol Beer, Wines, Liquors & Cigars 3.' m 9 Constantly on Hand. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, LINCOLN, NEIJ J.J.IMIIOFF, - - Proprietor. The best known and most popular Landlord in the State. Always stop at the commercial. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. FREMONT, NEBRASKA, FRANK PARC ELL - - - Prop, Good rooms, good board, and every thing in apple pie order. Go to the Occidental when voa visit Fremont. lOtf J. G- CHAMBERS, Manufacturer of and Dealer in SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS, WHIPS ETC., ETC., ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatness! Dispatch. Til; onlv place In town where "Turley's pat eui self adjustable horse collars are eold." " 49in6 PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. rLATTSMOCTIl, NEB. C. IIEISEL, - I'ropiietor. Flour, Corn ileal & Feed Always on band and for sale at lowest cash prices. The highest prices paid for Wheat a.id Corn. PartiouUr Mtetittoa giv?n euatom workr. ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 25 Fancy Card with narne.ioc.. Plain or Gold. l.'0 nyles. Agfa Outfit 10c. Hull Co. Hudson . l. 7t4 Agents Read This. ot- a ,nti a-iartr rtf 41n0 ner month 1TB 11 'J ...... .j . - , . J c -Uur n lnrcA fillll mission tO sell our ne and wonderful inventions. Wc mean what ue mt'j. Address without delay. HANSON'S CAPCINEM jmU POROUS PLASTER, g g A Wosderfcl Remedy.I There is no comparison between it anil ;he common slow acting porous piaster. Il s in every way superior to an omereneru U remedies Incliidinz liniments and t e so- alled electrical anoyances. It contairif- new medicinal elements which In combina tion with rubber, possesthe most extraor Jdiiiarv pain pain relieving, strenst licninf Rand cu.ative proerties. Any Physician in vour own io' a.uy win nraiiun uic m.-.. tatement. For LAme Hack, P.heUniatlsin Female Weakness, stuhhorn ana -egieci- ea t ows ana i ouna, nifeaseu ni"r" Whooping Cough. aheTtions ol tne neau nnd ail in. for which norous plasters art used, it is simplv the best knowD remedy. Ask for Benson's Capclne Porous Plahtei tnd take no other. Sold by all Dni2;il" Price 25ets Sent on receipt of price by Sea- hurv A .Tnhnson 51 PlMtf St.. New York MET IT I TTW (MrbtesiToliaca)! Awmrdd Kigkat jriM ' C.nivn.ial tip 'j"ii for tv'ehnrmj qual&m m.d rxrttlcHx if u.p ekar nrur of wateurung and (tmwiny. Th. b-t lohaci-o n mwlr. At oar blui .trip lrH-mrrk in elonrly Imitatl on i.f.rt.r poodfi, that Jci:m'a Lcmt i. on .T.rT pluir. lold t t al! 11t S.ml for maniple. fr, to C. A. Jackmi & Co., Mfr., l-.ivcshurjs, Viu Iarons' Paratlve HIIIw make New Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system In three months. Any person who Will take 1 pill each ni;;ht from 1 to 11 weeks mav be restored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent bv mail fort letter stamps. I. H. JOIIXSOA' at CO.. Bangor, Me. wHSu'edforLiterature Art & Song. Acknowledged the HicUext. Rarert and llnnd- titMKtt ittwK ever Issued from the American Press, combining Poetrv, Histories, Biogiapliles Ksav.i, Aiiex(lol3. Musicand Kngravings. Mag liifieeiniv Illustrated, with over 4Ki Kngraving. a Iia.ii! fiiil Sli.f I l-iii.r;i viiitr iireseriteil Lr:ttist each subscriber. Thi work should he In every Home circle. A !-:: I his hook will nave a rapid and continued uale. F.xtra inducements to competent Agents. Write :t oncj for terms and territory. J. II. CIIAMUEUS it Co., St. Louis. 31t4 1.3 iidiiir oiiii im t iioo'i" w...s fraw That unut-rfill new Tclilltt'r.tlH' bonk Ti, noiiia t-tirt Ill's o t nirn tt.tr r-i 1 1 a tf til BATrLINd t!h'1 DEMON is se ling iy tnotiHanu.s. . ncapei. iimsi i-.mii- p'eie and Intensely interesting uana-noo anu il'v o. y of Temperance ever produced, contain ing biographies tr lis apostles, tninii:i)f ac ounls of all th great inovcmenis, ami immy facts and aniuments for the cause. Finely il lustrated. Nothing can compare with il. More AVKXTs W'ATKI. Writeto 27tf CXAiCi23 E;0S CC, Si. Laa-j, 113. pts s esisns T T TTTT1T TT il 1U uHiLiiJ JjlViLiJi you need sniiie ining of Hsal V.lue to the people, do you not? such is that grand new low priced book. ALI.F.14 I siKPlb 5 AKTirH'IT. S roill'AMOV if I A!lT.l . Valuable receipts by thounndi for everything and everybody ! The most universally useful booii ever published, uvinq mony to nil buyers. Out eils everything. Ata;TS V A TKH. Address. vTtf) CCilCiiL 2 CO., St. tcii. Us. BETHANY COLLEGE. OPPKA. KAA'.SAS, ;ii-lis and Y.i n l.ndie- exclusi I'nder care of Protestant Episcopal clui'-ch. Hoi-dl ns: and Uy I'npils. .scbool cine niont us three sessions Year begins i' f V l Vl . e ) . ic eniher ISiii. I -oni eight to ten teaeliersin 'aiiil'v. All bi-:n-liet liuiilit, itn i Drawing. Iiuneli. ;erinan. Ac. . r nml lirawiiilliroilr i:tras. .. ti'.ns Pupils from -jki to f jjr. per school r, a. cording to grde. BISHOP Vail. 20.1 P;cs:iient. NOTICE To Holders of rsnn Contractors of B. & M. L:!id who ;urc'.i2sed In the year 1ST7 and la years previous. arc earn estly advised to proceed at once to pay the tax es of 1877. at the office of the County Treasurer of this County. The time for payment expires with t?ie month of October and the Lands are liable to T.iS SIe on the first Monday in November. The non-payment of these Taxes wilt inva'i date the contract and w 111 force this department to cancel them. A. E. TOUZALIN, C0t3 Land Commissioned. o-.'scsyu-ci'rs v c i- o c i.i:i;i:ii;i--!::i-; -: ' ' ' ' ' ' -. . y.r'- . a; o fcJD c H U Si Ss r, 7. ts i - v " a CQ C .2 "n a CQ 2 i - 2 2 2 2 1 2 - lT t. ?: r 3 i riattsmouth Temperance Rillianl Hall. THE MONARCH HAROLD St JONES, Props The above having opened a ti id y TEMPERANCE BILLIARD HALL, on Mala St., in the STADLMAXX DUILDISO invite their Triend' and parons of the game to come in and ee llie.n. Cisars, Lemonade and Temperance drinks for sale and none others. ' OXE POOL and TWO BILLIARD TABLES. i Remember the Place and Call. 25tf 0 II IIBH Z - i'r .-- - - "S z -. W - ''i z a s. " - C c? - r. . z I - - - - TS "PERSEVERANCE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, The Morning Moon. BT ADELINE T. D. WHITNEY. A n old moon with a waning breast Quietly lingers down the .est: An old moon, wore and faint and sad. Over tho E:ust thc.Dawnclimbs, fresh an 1 glai She walks straight on b' fore the S in; Birsof amb'rand cinn iru n Kindle, and fuse, and separate: Then up the Knitf rides throuifh the flamy gate The old moon smiles nb ve the hill: S'.ips toward her setting nl"ek an 1 still; Aero tbe earlli's morn-bitrnIshtl brin. This orici spitco, face to face, she looks on nim Soon the wlie blue Is s ftly polled; The icrfect day moves glory-veiled, A nd beaut y bu rns on t h i n s b -lo w. Just as it comes why muit t!ic sweet bijju g For her lonjr patience of the night O earth. In her lon patience brig-lit. Swing slow, snrl let the mock ttVion stay ! Kuolisbl with Tier it bat. boon always day ! vhnt far-off splendor makes her fair When your small night sems everywhere? b ve the world's low curving rim croes her sky, she al way. looks on Himl PLATTSMOUTH. A PENCIL SKETCH OF THE TOWN. THE PAST AND PRESENT IN CON TRAST. RpTiew of Cosiness Interests. Il.ilf a eehtury at), the spirit of en terprise and speculation was as active as now, but the results were not quite so rapid or abundant, owinp, in the main. .o the lack of Bitpeiior industrial ap pliances and ready modes of inter communication between distant points. Men Were then very much the same a now; and, undoubtedly, the pioneer of thirty years a:?o was animated by neatly the same motives that actuate the speculator in towns and cities of the present day ; that is, the ends to be accomplished are or were the same. Motives prompt to action, and towns, like all things conditioned by human agency, are but embodied ideas. The origin or growth of each takes form according to one or more of the con ditionating expressions of Mature. One is founded where the channels of com merce converge and a metropolis is the result; another is built with refeience to healing springs and bracing atmos pheres, and a Saratoga is the direct oulgrowth. One is the result of ex tensive mining or industrial iuteres'.s, another the direct outgrowth of supe rior agriculuual advantages. A QUABTEli OF A CENTURY AGO, where now stands the enterprising citv of Plattsmouth, was an unim proved waste, inhabited only by the wild beasts and wandering bands of red men. The tall piairie grass, or tangled brushwood, alone occupied the sites of residences and business thor oughfares of to-day, and there was nothing here per se, to create or sus tain a towu. This was t lie primitive condition of the pioneer city of Xebraska ; but step by step the btst vest ice of the primitive has been removed, and where but a brief period ago all was as na ture had formed ir, s free and wild as the time when the stars chanted their melodious anthems at nature's dawn, all, all is changed. The location of a capital or county seat is the signal for the accumulation of people and the augmentation of business enterprise. The settlement of all new countries is attended with a rapid influx of population, and the location and growth of towns and cities become a necessity. This is tho case of our picturesque city, designated but twenty-live years ago as the seat of justice of Cass county. It partakes not of anyone of t he foregoing ele ments, but is rather the outgrowth of a combination of the factors of civilzed promulgation above alluded to. The advancement of Plattsmouth has been constant, and presents noth ing really remarkable in the achieve ments of bygone years. The changes from the primitive to the developed state have been contin ual ; and, where but a few short years ago the dusky sons of the plain roamed in unrestrained freedom, and basked in the sunshine of nature's broad do main, we now behold in the cultivated Geld the teel-bouud pathway of the " Iron Horse," the towering city, harvest-laden meadows and wheatrields, and The blessing of our hardy grain. Our wealth ot golden corn." PLATTSMOrTII OF TO-DAY is an enterprising city, of about three thousand inhabitants; a place whose business transactions readily outweigh any speculative or ephemeral appear ance. It is situated among the bluffs of the Missouri, and commands the trade of one of the finest agricultural regions of Nebraska, and the bracing climate and fertile acres have contrib uted to make Cass county a land of promise. Although the location is such as to obstruct the view of the town in its entirety, yet the pltasant avenues, handsome residences, and above all a generous and kind-hearted people, render the place pleasing and attractive. A stroll throughout the city discloses many beautiful and even costly dwellings, while nearly all are attractive. Upon the business thor oughfares, elegant and substantial brick blocks are taking the place of the primitive wooden structures, and an air of thrift and improvement is manifest. SCHOOLS AND CHVRCHE8 are usually regarded as an index of the character of the people and town. A? regards Plattsmouth, a comparison 99 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER with other towns and cities of the the West is productive of good results. The people are enterprising and in dustrious and encourage those insti tutions that aid in inaintaing a good intellectual and moral status of socie ty. The public schools are in a flour ishing condition, and the interest man ifested in the cause of education re flects great credit upon the city. We find here the largest and most complete set of apparatus in any ef the Nebras ka towns The four-story High School building is an elegant structure, and. in a word abundant facilities have been provided for giving to each child the elements of a good English educa tion. Under the efficient supervision of Prof. J. V. Love there is no reason why the schools of Plattsmouth should not command the respect and confi dence of the entire town and county. The several church edifices are in keeping with our educational interests, affording a seating capacity for the en tire population of the city. AS A GRAIN AND LIVE STOCK MARKET, Plattsmouth ranks among the best in the State. Nebraska is pre-eminently an agri cultural State, and her farm products, both as regards quality and quntity. will compare favorably with those of older States; and as Cas3 county is al ready noted for the extent of its agri cultural products, the great bulk of which are marketed at Plattsmouth, its importance as a grain market will be readly observed. The industrial or manufacturing in terests of a community, are as a rule, of leading importance ; and in the cas. of Plattsmouth, as worthy of foremost mention, we first allude to the foundry; and machine shop of JOHN "WAYMAN. This establishment, one of the best equipped of its class in Nebraska, was inaugurated about a years ago, anu has constantly grown in degree of im portance ever since. It is well provid ed with first class iron lathes, planers, diil!s. and in fact everything that per tains to a first class foundry and ma chine shop. The establishment has been constructed with a viT to the business, having a commodious engine and machine room, foundry room, etc. Mr. W is prepared for all kinds of work from thesimplest piece of repairing, to tho production complete of a s:eam engine. For repairing farm machinery of all kinds his facilities are unexcell ed.' lie charges nothing for models and farmers should always apply to Mr. Wayman for repairs, before going lo other towns, since money will there by be saved to t lie farmer as well as encourage home industries. The pro prietor i-t an experienced, practical man and is entitled to much credit for the energy manifested in seeming to the city so valuable a feature in busi ness interests. Pi. ATTSMOUTII MI LI S C. Helsel, proprietor, is a feature of leading importance as regards the in dustiial interest of Plattsmouth, and is e Uitled to a foremost place in this review of the city. This enterprise was inaugurated 22 years ago, and is not only the oldest in Cass county, but the pioneer mill of Nebraska. It has ever maintained a foremost place in matters of trade, as well as in pubiic esteem, having acheived a reputation at home and abroad, second to no other in this section of the state. Notwith standing the fact that the mill has been in operation so many years, it is to-day as modern in all its appoint ments and equipments, as th newest, and the facilities for doing business equal to any simular concern in the wetern country. The building is a .substantial structure, supplied with two run of burs, and containing a ca pacity for grinding about 400 bushels everv 24 hours. Merchant, custom and exchange business are comprised in the function of the establishment, and its patronage is such as to keep it con stantly running. In the way of ma chinery, everything has been adopted calculated to enhance or improve the process ot flour making . Mr. Heisei the proprietor is a man of large exper ience in the business, and nothing is lacking in either equipment or man-ag-n cnt; and the excellent and in creasing reputation of the enterprise, indicates more fully the above facts, than anything that might le offered. The mill is conveniently located; is an old "land mark" in the business affairs of Cass county, and a most worthy fea ture of Plattsmouth. A PIONEER MECHANIC of the city 's II. Howland, who has been identified with the in dustrial interests of the place for 21 years, and who is a first-class wagon maker, doubtless has no superior in the western country. The establish ment in question is held in high repute for durable and artistic workmanship. The best of material in the hands of one possessed of that true mechanical genius which is necessary to secure beauty and durability, gives a product sought by the best class of patrons, and the public readily accord such abilities to the gentleman in question. This s.:op is fully equipped with the necessary appliances for the successful prosecution of the business. All kinds of repairing and general job work in either iron or wood, here receive prompt attention, and whether in new work or in reparing there is the same manifestation of the adage 'whatever is woith doing is worth doing well." We notice here the newly patented Saladee Triple Spring Road Wagon, which is undoubtedly an article of unusual merit, and worthy of investigation by these desiring a first class buggy or carriage. Location on Corner of Cih and Vine Street. MALDANER & HERRMANN is the style of one of our leading bus iness houses, inaugurated five vears ago, and purchased by the present firm one year since. Here we find a store well filled with goods, embracing a large and select stock of dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes, etc. To no house in the place do the public accord a more encouraging patronage, and the location in Fitzgerald's elegant three' story brick bloc k, is one of the most desirable in the city.' In matters of trade this house has ever occupied a leadins position, and the business' transactions rank among the most ex tensive in the nlace. In all depart ments the stock is very complete, the goods are unexcelled in quality and CONQUERS 7, 1878. the prices below competition. Fair and honorable in business transactions and possessed of a large business ex perience, Maldaner & Ilarrmann have realized a constantly increasing trade: as the reward of their increasing efforts in behalf of patrons and th general public. COFECTIONERY, RESTAURANT, &C. In this line the establishment br John Leach is entitled to a prominent place and due notice of the same will be appropos to this occasion. Mr. L;,' resident of our town for fifteen years; commenced his present business" five years ago, and occupies a worthy arc in the business affairs of Plattsmouth. We find him in a good shape for doing business, supplied with a good stdcl ot confectionery, fruits, baker's goods, etc. In the restaurant department, meals or lunches are served in the most approved manner; nothing is lacking in stock or appointment that may be necessary to character such an enterprise, and to say thst it has become an important feature of the town is but doing justice to a popular enterprise, and one deserving of in creased patronage. THE ART OF PIIOTOQRAritY when properly cultivated, assumes an importance in the business interests of any community of the highest char acter, and should be encouraged and sustained, Mr. V. V. Lenard, who en joys an extended reputatidif itt a pho tographic artist, has been catering to the artistic tasts of the people of Platts mouth for the past nine years, and it is certainly gratifying to note that his offorts are being appreciated. Mr. Leonard is possessed of long practical experience, and his facil ties are excel lent for the prosecution of anything pertaining to the business, and his work in photography, ink, oil or water colors shows evidence of superior skill The work on exhibition heie shows that correct artistic geniusY which is necessary to give expfrss'dn and in dividuality to his productions. Mr. L evidently keeps posted in all the im provements in art matters that are brought out from time to time, the best of which are at once adorned and plac- d in execution. An excellent stock of frames is observed, and to all lovers of the beautiful in art, we cheerfully commend t'us establishment. A LEADING FEA'TCRE in the business interest of Plattsmouth is the 13oot and Shoe establishment of Peter Merges. This house. tiie leading feature of its class, is well and favor abN knoAii, and there are few of the provincial cities of the co-Jntry that can boast of an establishment of this particular class; where a showing so extensive and complete is observed. Here is a salesroom well filled with a stock of boots and shoes that would grace the business circles of our larger cities. The Ptock is not only large but replete with everything that pertains to a u.st class trade. The goods have been selected with the utmost care, from the best manufactories in the country, and whether in coarse or fine goods, the opportunity to the purchas er is exceedingly desirable. Mr. Mer ges is possessed of large experience in the shoe trade and in the inauguration ot his present business has borne in mind the fact that a just appreciation of the rights of patrons is promotive of true self interest. Several skilled workmen are constantly employed in making stock to order. We notice here some stock that has taken the sweepstakes at several State Fairs; and to persons seeking first class goods we heartily commend this establish ment. The sale of the celebrated Singer ami ITowe sewiner machines is also an item of importance. Location d' tT6br west of Saunder's House. CIGARS. In this connection we rtlliide to the establishment of A. Schlegel & Bio., manufacturers of fine cig tis and deal ersin fancy smokers. articles, smoking and chewing tobacco. A. Schlegel & Bro. have been engaged in their pres ent business for about six months, and have already secured a foothold in bu siness matters of the most permanent chaiacter. They carry a large and com plete line of cigars, and, in fact, all that pertains to a first class cigar store is embodied in the establishment. They have inangurated quite an exten sive wholesale trade in cigars, and all dealers in this section will serve their own interests by tendering them their patronage. Special brands and sizes of cigars are made to order, and satisfac tion guaranteed in all cases. Location on Main SU one door west of Saun ders House. HOTELS, a feature in which many of the coun try towns are wanting, Plattsmouth excels. Many of the larger cities can not boast of hotel accommodations of a superior class. First and foremost upon the list, is the Saunders House, J. S. Gregory, proprietor. To the tiav eler or stranger the hotel is the first place of interest on entering a town, and ofiimes becomes an index or re flector of the place Where located that is, a town in many instances is judged by the character and extent of its hotel accom-.odations. As regards Plattsmouth, the comparison is pro ductive of the most gratifying results. The Saunders House the l&ading ho tel in the place is conveniently Ich cated, the rooms large and airy, neatly and comfortably furnished, and from cellar to attic is fhe embodiment of all that is desirable in such an establish ment. The flatly ,; bill of fare " unex celled in character, quality and varie ty "Mine host," Mr. Gregory, is a genial, pleasant gentleman, whose kind and generous attention to guests and patrons ha- served greatly to secure an increased proportion of the public goo3 will.- Plattsmouth is a pleasant place, snd owe of the most commend able' ftnres is the hotel in question, and so ldng as it is under the present management w ill be a favorite resort wfth tire traveling fraternity. CARRIAGE AND' WAGON SHOP. in this connection, the interests rep resented by J. M. Schnellbacher are worthy of note, inasmuch as the indus tial interests of all communities should be accorded prominence in such o rn-vlaw fr C liM!lmi 1 fl f n t 1 fl i'A ' with our town 10 years ago as a day la- TERMS: $2.00 a Yean NUMB Ell 33. It5rbr; and by diligent attention to bu siness we to-day find him at thB head bf a well appointed shop, and ov.pi cal culated to figure prominently as a fac tory, if properly encouraged and sus tained. In this concern are found the room, appliances and above all the skilled workmen of a first class factory. The proprietor studiously labors to produce nothing but work of the best quality; in the construction of wagons and buggies, only the best iron and timber are used, and as proof positive of the superiority of the articles made here, we would state that in spite of "hard times" a growing patronage is realized. People desire to have some thing reliable, and it is to their interest to patronize a reliable workman at home rather than to purchase imported good 8 which were made "to sell" and which are constantly "a sell" when pure based. Mr. S. also gives special attention to the repairing of buggies wagons and carriages, as well as all kinds of agri cultural implements, and in a word, we find here the embodiment of a most ne cessary and commendable interest, and one worthy of increased success. WILLIAM HEROLD, wholesale and retail dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Queens ware, Provisions, &c, is the represen tative of an interest leading in charac ter, ami is entitled to a foremost place in this review of our commercial in terests. Mr. H. commenced business in our midst 22 years aco, and from the start has been well and favorably known, not only in the estimation of the public but in business transactions as well, the stock is complete in all the various departments, and the goods represented, equal in style ami quality to any house in Cass County, the appointments and arrangements of the store indicate taste as well as ex perience upon the part of th mana gers. The location near the corner of Main and 5th Streets is very desirable, and the establishment offers facilities in matters of trade equal to similar concerns of large cities. Good goods, low prices, and fair and honorable deal ings are elements lri the transaction of business bound to win in pnslin fa vour, and the system in the present in stance has been no departure from the general rule. The Hry Goods interests of Plattsmouth are unusually well rep resented, and as one of the most pop ular establishments we allude to the house in question. TlIE CLOTHING IIOCSK of C. G. Herold, our next place of ob servation, occupies a position of lead ing importance as regards the mer cantile interests of Plattsmouth. Mr. II. commenced business here 20 years ago, and is one. of the pioneer mer chants of the town. He has ever maintained a worthy place in matters of trade, and the establishment is one of the largest and best Stocked cloth ing houses in western Nebraska. The salesroom is commodious and is liter ally packed with new and stylish goods for the fall and winter trade. There are five general features of stock, cloth ing, hats and caps, furnishing goods, boots and saoes trunks and valises each department complete within its self, and the style and character of goods are unexcelled, being in almost every case equal to custom made. There is nothing to be found in the clothing store of our large cities that is not contained in the stock ot tins lioiisp- and then the exceedinc low pri ces form one of the chief and principal attractions, iur. ueroiu is posscsseu of large experience in the business, is an honorable fair-dealing man, ami lias built up an establishment heie. a credit tr birruelf and one that would do hon or to the business circles of the largest citv iu the State. L. O'NEILL is the representative of an interest in its wv us imnortant as the largest establishment in the place, and al though established but, tnree years ago, has become an almost indispensa ble institution with the public. As proprietor of a first class meat market. Mr. O Neill stands at the head, and the establishment is in every way equal to the similar concerns of our large cities. .The stock embraces fresh meats of all kind's, sausage, lard, tallow, etCj, Mr. O'Neill is possessed of good facil ities for prosecuting the business, and has evidently learned how to make the business a success. This is an enter prise worthy of effort, and we cheer fully commend it to the Plattsmouth public. SADDLES, HARNESS, ETC. Under this head we are pleased to allude to the Sadlery establishment of J. G. Chambers, and a leading feature in the line represented Mr. C. has been identified with this particular in terest in Plattsmouth for the past two years, and under his management the business has attained an importance, leading in character; and what in most towns of this size is really of no more than minor magnitude, has in this case assumed s position, as regards the importance of business transac tions at least, atfiong the best and larg est in the place. A full and complete stock of goods Made from the lest of leather and at reasonable prices, has rendered the establishment reputable in public esteem. Every thing neces sary to characterize a first class retail trade can be found her, both as re gards quality and quantity. The sale of Turley's celebrated Patent Rope Rim Collar is also an item of import ance, and a speciality of the trade. Lo cation on Main Street, opposite Platte Valley House. NEXT IN ORDER is the Jewelry store of J. Sihlatcr, and among the noteworthy features of our business interests.- This house was rn augurated about eighteen years r-o, rs the oldest of its class in the place, and so far as the style and chaiacter of the goods are concerned, is not infer ior to the best similar concerns in this section of the state. The stock is com plete, embracing every novelty, fn the line of tine jewelry, wtftflies, cloek3. silver-ware, toys,"mnsical instruments, etc.. Mr. Schlater is a practical jew eler of large experience, and gives special attention to all kinds of fine re paring. He is well and favorably known to the Plattsmouth Dublic, and guarantees satisfaction on all work at the most reasonable rates. Location opposite Platte Valley House. ....... I 1 A V I'. It T I N I . i It AT K H ppArr. W. 2 W Jw, I ni. 3w.! 6 t yr. 1 sqr... 2 s(f . . 3 sqrs . S ro I . . el.. 1 col . .. $1 n 1 r)0 a mi f (XI ft o 15 00 UV$ifMi S.too Mo tW4 voj! .-. iV "iiono iste 2 7ft i 0 4 7.S; fcu. I I30.ll 00' 10 00 12 00 W00i'0i! 12 00' loiMji lA(o 2-so" ofK) M3 1 8 no ;i0MsOit 40 00' i 0LK' CO tS'-All Advertising bills due quarter!. t fcPTransient ndvertUnr.ri.U mail be paid for la advnuce. Frlr ri.titeft of the TllTBAI.n for alo bv J. P. Younif . rcVoflVe news ueimi ,hiki w. r.J ((iii.corncr of Mum and HUH miuii. tnE LIVERY SALE AND FEED STABf.ri of W. I). Jones figures prominently in the business affairs of IMattrmouth. and is deserving of extended consider ation. The barn is a substantia! brick structure, 140 feet in length bv 30 in, width, and is abundantly supplied w ith an excellent class of horses, and all classes of vehicles, embracing bug gies, carriages and spring wagons, and the proprietor is well and fully pre pared to serve all c lasses of patrons id . a manner substantial ami in style equal to the best similar concerns in our large cities. Tho barn contains a sta bling capacity lor about forty head of horsea, is arranged with a view to con venience, provided with a comforta ble ollice, harness room, paint room," appointment for carriages, robes, &c, good stalls and good ventilation. Mr: Jones works from fourteen lo eign teen head of horses, and possossL-i. superior class of tolling stcck with which to carry travelers to different paasof the country. lie is a man well known throughout the county, ar.d tho fact that he is an experienced Veteri nary Surgeon, tenda greatly to enhance tho Interests of patrons. Rrieily, this is one of the l est constructed, best stocked livery establishments in east ern Nebraska, and would do credit to the largest city iu tho state.' THE BAKERY AND GROCERY of O. Guthman comes next in otder, and is a place of trade well known to Plattsmouth people. We find here a well appointed bakery as well as a good though soinew hal limited, stork of gro ceries and provisions. In the former depaitmeiit the facilities for produc ing all kinds of baker's goods are excel lent, and other business transactions are growing in degren of importance. In all lines represented the purchasing public find advantages ol ib-sirablo character, and the tnterpriso merits a growing patronage. Location near corner of ad and Main Sis. FURNlTL'Rtf KM POP. I CM. This department of tfade is unusual ly Well represent! in Plattsmouth; and as the hading feature, we will al lude to the well slocked establishment of Henry Uoi-ck. This enterprise, in augurated fourteen years ago, at onco assumed and has ever maintained a worthy place in matters of trade. Tho indications of experience are clearly reveale 1 upon everv feature of the en terprise, ami the stuck is of superior quality. The stock in all departments is a vei v complete one, embracing be sides the ordinary list of chains tables,, bedsteads, lounges, bureaus, chamber tfnd parlor suits, many articles of uso and ornament found only in tho stores of our largest cities. Mr. Boeck owns and occupies a substantial two story, building, 101x20 feet, aud all available, space occupied with goods, and com prising one of the most complete as well as ot:e of the la gest stocks of furniture in this section of the State.' Iu the unde rtaking department the facilities are unexcelled; all the var ious classes of burial cases and caskets are laiiiVly represented. Mr. Boeck is a practical straightfor ward man. and has rendered the es t ii.iwi.inent ti..ted in iiublic est ecm as in matters of trade by the dilligent rending of reliable goods at reason able prices. This, to say the least; is Mn ininortant arc in business ciclesand deserves a continuance of its growing patronage. f?TR EIGHT & MILLER, manufacturers and dealers in harness; saddles, blankets, whips, brushes. Un cle Sam's Harness Oil, etc., comes next on the list, and there is no establish ment in the p'ace more worthy or no tice in this connect ion. Mr. Strcight of this firm has been connected with this line of buvmoss for the past fifteen years, Mr. Miller, about seven years; The establishment is well known throughout Cas3 county, and the pro prietors an? possessed of the most ex cellent facilities for the prosecution o ttie business. The stock is full and complete in all departments, the goods are made from the best material, and what has done much to enhance tho popularity of the establishment is the liberal prices for which all goods are sold. This house offers the most desirable facilities to the purchasers; and as flu? result an txtensive busi ness n transacted, a fact which indi cate.! more clearly the character of tho enterprise than anything we might offer. THE DltCO TRADE. In sreaVing of this department of the iVusiness interests of liattsmouth; it is but tilting that the drug store of Dr. Donelan. ad door cast of the Post Office, should be accorded a foremost place in this review. This house was inaugurated trt enty-two years ago, and like oid wine, improves with age, and stands to-d.-ty nt only a leading fea ture in the line represented, but the pioneer drug store of the cou.ity. The stock is full ani complete, embracing all that pertain3 to the drug trade. There is also a well appointed pre scription department; and with nearly a quarter of a century's experience as a medical practitioner, Dr. Donelan possesses that knowledge of Drugs and medicines which is necessary to secure the confidence of patrons. Briefly, tho enterprise in quo3tfor presses merit, and deserves a continuance, of patron age commensurate With its ample appointments.- SAGE BROS.. of the stove and tin w are trade, trans-' act a leading business m this line. During three years of their business career in our midst, they have won hosts of friends throngh the honorab.o vending of standard goods at reasona ble prices. 'I he business i.s growing m degree of importance, and the stock of stoves, tin ware and bouse furnishing goods, was never larger than at present.; As specialties in trade we would men tion tho celebrated "Crown Jewel," and Argand ' heating sCove3, articles of un surpassed merit, and the very embodi ment of beauty, utility, comfort and economv. . . . , II W'. Srtge. of this firRTis a practical tinner o'f many j ears experience, ant minh of the tin, fheet iron and cop per ware, in stock Is of home manufac ture. Job word of all kinds, such as roofing, spouting, etc., is an item of no little importance, ttnd in which their facilities are uusurpassed. Fair attrf CONCLUDED ON 4TII PAGE. J