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About Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1878)
-1 V a - a :THOEiAL I)- PTJBUSnKD TVER THCRSDAT ... ; --t PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA OFFICE: On Vinae St.. On Block North of Main, Corner of Fifth Street. ' .1 -i ..:- , H E U A LD. .11 I. a 1-ne '; I ..' r 1 - ... ' " r a - ' " ' . i- I ack. i t tv. ! 2 w.J S w. ',' 3 i ' i-J I yr. 1 1 1 I 1 .nir.. . rt j-a in , f.j t, i jsfott.Rn; . $i?f ,is.i"..i I LH.) f :.s f 3irs .i 2 (Of 2 7:.' 4 4 :,',! .... llSc-j Wt ! ' c".1 i I 5'Kl. S (lj J.0 - - U.H.- fai.nl1 S ( O i ?t 1.. Riwf ij.n, l.-.0:l! JftM) !4,.f.,i, OX :j t i 1."' l- ' :'K' I 2H'"'--'l 4Utfi w ooi 1tJ ! JNO. A. MACMURPHY, Editor. V "PEItSEVERAXOE C0X(JUEUS. (TERMS: $2.00 a Year. LittiiFNT -inrr.Tio- ok aw aVAl'iiKI C.J! COI.'XTV. r':v-Tt:ii,sif.nt a Jvfrttsciiitiit-n in o-t W taJ for iii aUviiiH'i;. Terms, in Advanc: one n year One nipv, mx month Oiecnp)'i three months...' S2.00 .. I. 00 . . .50 VOLUME XIV. V PLATTSMOUTH; NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, IS7S. ( number :;o. Extra pla-i or tlio irrim I. for sal.: t y .1. l lOtll). I'aMKitr.l'P iipw.n l('lat, teli 1 t. V. Jiyti s.,!i,t-or:if r f M;du ami i'inli r liad i. 1 t r I 1 J 1 i I I2 ST'" National Bank OF rLATTSMOUTTI. NEBIiASlvA. BUCCEOR TO HAX. aft. TOOTLE, CliAU li. .Tony FinaERAi.D.. k. ruvKv A. W. M;l.lHLIN. JFH O'ltfX'RKF..... . '..President. :.. ....Vice Prcsirtfiit; raslii-r. ....AMaailunt Ca-ihier.. Till Rank U now upen for huiiDs."j M tllr new riMim. ronwr Mam ajiil .Sixth Rtretrts, and prepared to irans&cl general BANKING BUSINESS. 6tock. Bonds, Gold, Gtrnmnt and Local eruritios BOL'UHT AND SOLD. Ptp$iti lieceie'd and Iiitert&t Alluic ed on Time Certificates. Avs4Ub!e in anv p:irt of tli- t'nlTe.l sr;ite iind in nil the I'nu !? I Towni nrni Cities ai riroe. AGCiiTs r:t tsic CELEHK ATEIi Inman Line and Allan Line OF fcTKAHtUH. . Verun v.ishiug to bnug out their frleuds from Europe ran rURCUASK TTK HTH FROM US Through to 1'lattiiaonth. A. Scblegel & Bro., lanufacturrs of CIGARS, Aud duaU'i'H In FANCY" hliOKKIW AUTirLF-'H. SMOKING sn.i CHEWISH T 0 15 A C C 0 ' S . Ppertal 15B ASPS o 1 silzes of ClOA Itrt made to order, unxi satibfacfloii uaranfed. Clar clifi'iiif; o!d for itiuokiiig tobacco. Main St. nuo doot west of Sounder House. Plattsmoi th, Neb. lOIy Excelsior Barber Shop, j. c. BOONE, Main Htrttt, oypositt Hnnndtrs House. TTAIK- CTJ TTI1TG, S II A V I X ; A V D SHAM I O O 1 N O riajiecial ktlentiou Civen to VI TTIMJ Cim.DKES'S AND LA MAS II AIR. VAI T. A TCP SHE KO'JNK. (JKNTs?. And a boonc i'! a IT GIIAVJ3. H. HER.OLD, Jeaier In PRY v.OOW, ElUTS. II ATS. CAPS. t;LoYLS. FLRNISHINU GOODS, G-HOCERIEU, & JEWELRY and 1T0TI01TS. I 'nave . iarare siix I Buck Glove, .f irty .iwn make to l closed ut at cost. AJ KlvJa-Of COUNTRY PRODUCE t iken iu exchange for Main Street, Corutr of Fifth, PL ATTjllOUTH, - Nee Scjt xo xj zsr id i-r aNI MACHINE SHOTS! rumMotTH. NEB.. K'Krer of Uttatn Engines, Boilers, Si in and Grist Millr UAH AM STIl.Vr'I FITTKli!, Wrought Iron Pipe. Force and Lift Pipes. Steam .Jaiisres. Safat v- Yalve ;iva rnors.and all kinds of Hras Ensine Fittuigs. repaired ou short notice. KAttM MAC H INE K" SAGE BROTHERS, IVa! is in S T O "V S S IV3 9 mi'.. I.' One iKKar l of tKe, PUttsuiouth, Nebraska. Practical Workers in SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN, BRA ZIER Y, tfc, dc. I.atire assortment of Hard alio Saft COAL STOVES, Wood aud Coal Stoves for HEATING OK COOKING, Always on Hand. vrv vaastr a.f Ti. Sheet Iron, and Zinc "Work, kept in Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. WEYEHYTMSO WARRAXTED ! prs:cr low dcvx. PROFESSIONAL CARDS kah. h. ciurn.iv ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Solicitor In Ciiiitioery. OfIlcj in Fitzger ald Bl-xk, . 19 1 rLATTSMOL'TH.yEB. I. If. 1VIIF.EI.KR A VO. LW r)FKK'K, KVhI Et:ite. Fire and LifoTn niraiict! Agents. rUttnoiitli, Nt-brMskiu Vol-lav-tor. tax-l r- Have mT!ete ultmrt title. Jtfuy tuid stU real. eKtuie, negotiate loui.s. &c.r ' ' -r' t JAMT.H K. MOKRISOS. ATTOUN EY AT LAW. Will prncf ice In Casi ami wdioiniiig Counties : frlve pe-ntl alteutlon to collections and ahMrael-tof title. OCice with Ceo. S. KniUh. FitzKeralU Blclt. mmuiouth, Nebraska. !'' UEO.N.HMITH, . i-ra-WVV AT T V r and R:ll Kstate ISro- irr s.u'.ri'ii Kiifiitxm utvtMi t tUlleetiotis nd';iU ni:tter affeetin th; title M rei estate. Offlre on 2U floor, over foat omce. riainnioum. Neuraskji. . JOII IV IfAIXF.R .rrTffE OF TIIK TEACK.' ami collector of debts. collections innde. from on- uour iu wie thousHii.l do'.lais. .Mortgages. Deeds, ami til er Instruments drawn, ami all county business usuhIIv trans.u;ted ixfore a .Justice ot the l'eace. IJeH of reference nivcn ir rnjuireu. Office ou ilaiu street. West of J."" ,'"? 4.yl JOHN W. HAINES. V. H. WHERLKB, O. HON. WHEELER & iTONE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, riattamoath .braka. J. CIIAHK, Notakt PritLir. ' Justick or Pback. KEAL E3TATE TAX PAYIKO AND COLLECTING AGENT. Iftfptii'j Water, Cass Co., Stb. Taxes p;iid for non-resident, and collections nmde in anv part of the county. Ueal estate l)ourhr and sold on cotnniisston Have a lint of Kood mipiovcU farms and iiiiiinproved 1.iic!h for sale cheap for cash, or hnr time if desired. Correspondence ami lei ted- All business en trust -el to my care wl'l receive prompt attention, and charges reasoimble. I51y J. L. MrCnilA. DENTIST, and Hnttior-patbtc 1'hysicinn. Of fice conia-r Mam and :th st'a., over HeroM's btor. I'lnttsuiouth. Neb. ; 2'y 11 It LIVI(.ST5i. . PHYSICIAN & SCr.GEON. tenders hl pro fessional sol vices to llie citizens of Cass county. KesHlence southeast comer Sixth and Oak sta. ; OITice on Main street, two doors we-it of Klxtn, I'lattsmouth Ni'branka. UK. J. M. YVATKIIMASi. Physio Medical Practitioner. L)uivi!U. Cma Co., AVb. . t rrAIwas at the office on Saturdays. 4oyl ik. vr. h. h( rin,iHt:cnT. Fit Af.TISINti PHYSICIAN. wiM attend calls .it all hours, nliflit or dav. I'lattKinnntli. Ne braska. )!llce iu Chapman & Smiths Ihii; Stoic. 41y i. ; h. im,ir:iiKAXi. rnACTICIN; PHYSICIAN. Eouisvllle. Neb. Calls promj.ily atteurfeJ V-i. 5l!y Tonsorial Artist. PLATTssMO TTZI NEBRASKA. Place i-f b'i-:nes n Main St.. between 4th and.'tn street. ShatnrH.'iiMij;, Shaving, chil dreu's lialr ciiltlr.;;. etc. etc. 10!y IIUIHiARD 110USK. D. WOOD AUD, - - -. Prop. Wt'opinpr Water, Xct. Good acconiinaJations and reasonable charg es. A point livery kept in councction witli the home. ' Cyl- PL4TTE VALLEY HOUSE, ! JOIIX BOX4, ProprIet3r.' TSIC OLDRLLIAULE ISOlSi:. , (lood ficcomr.ioJations for . Farmers nml the tniveling puLlic. rortrdSl pt-r tlav. Meals 21c. Kntitely refitted and rr-furnisht'd. ar.d farmers are request ed to call and get 3 meals and bed for SI. 00. 5in3 'SAUNDEKS ..HOUSE. J. S. GREGORY, - - - Proprietor. Lccution Centrrl. (fond Sample Ruoni.'.' Every attention paid to guests. 4Jtn3 PLATT8MOUTH. T - ... nkb LEXIWFF & EONNS, 31 o ni ins: Iew 8.) loon ! Oce door east of the Saunders House. We keep the best of - Beer, Wines, Liqiiors & Cigars. 3jiii9 Constantly on Hand. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, LINCOLN. NEli.. J. J. I if II OFF, - - - Proprietor. The bet known and niot popular Landlord mlhetate. Always atop at the Commercial. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. FREMONT. NEBRASKA., FRANK FARCE LJ. - - - Prop. Oood rooms, good board, and every thing in apple pie order. J$ to the Occidental when you visit Fremont. jrj.f j. g- chamTers Manufacturer of and Dealer iu SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS, WHIPS ETC., ETC ETC. REPAIRING Done with Neatnessl Dispatch. Ttf only place In town where 'Turley's nat ewA self adjustable horse collars are eold." 4'itiiG PLaTTSMOUTH TyIILLS. PLATTSMOUTH. NF-E. ' C. IIi:iSi:i. - Proprietor. Flour, Corn ileal d- Feed Always on han-i srd f-rsale at lowest fah i.iiL-es The L:ri.esl i iici-n for "A'r.f.?.r .n .l Lore. PilVei-ular iff n'wa jtrea cciron -or. 1 Plattsiiiouth Tehiperancc Jiilliiird Hall. ;THE MONARCH, HAR0LD& JONES, Props. The alMve having opened a strictly T PfOri' t -ViT7 TTTTT.Tr T f I T 4afXi. ililXAl oxa bxy i.x .1 X J., ' on Main St., in the' - ST A DELUA iV.V liUlLDIXO Invite their friends and patrons of the fame to come in an4 aee tlaciu. Cigars, Lemonade and Temperance drinks for sale aud none oiljers I o.u pool; -j . . and- TWO BILLIARD TABLES, Remember th Place and Call. ' 25tf ac:tii :s 5 c-i - c) N " : as ; -c '. c ; . . 'Id' - Z ' : r. z Z : ' ' S 5 - o. C3h a c. ;- 3 : 5 S a v S .S "I SI CP I a W i . S N k f n 5 C v- ... cs-; - C ? S I 2 5 S ? t ,3 t H - 5r z f- r. . y. 5 :a p C r" i- ri - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PIAKOS Retail price $1000 only 27S. I'url'ir organs, price $341 onlv S:T. !a.oer IiVi. I'an- let Beatty Washington. N.J fm Fsnry C'rt with nryne. 10c., Plain or J-:oU. I'O ftvles. Ajjt's Outfit 10c. Hull & 4 UCo. Hailsou -4. Y. 27t4 20r Chronn Cards (perfect beauties) with name. 10::.. Outfit 10c. Turner Card Co.. Ashland, Mass. .Ear Diseases. Ir. C!. K. Slinfmslie's. Hook on lrif ness ami diaaeaseaof "the car and tiieir piovertn afmeut epceial!y H'-tunrt Ear. How to RC-t ir,i;ni:'!iUe relief from u7i tlie uiipleaaut liusi of t Ins disease, and a jierffctlu liarmb-ss and jii-rmauent cine. A book every family should have. Sent fur to all. Address'Pr. C. K" Suofmak ::it. Aural Suigeon, Kcaditig. Pa. Sn A IAY Ajrent'"Iroflt ran'tir(r.g fttr .Va.-iu lJ.liu!it. sample free. Fred Jones, Nassau. N. Y. S!t4 ICEBLOOD! Parssns' Piireatlve PilW make Nw Rich P.lood. ami will coinpletely change the blood in the entire system In three months. Any person wlio will take 1 pill each tiicht from 1 to 12 weeks may be rct-tored to .sound health, if such a ttiint be uossil'le. Sent bv mail for 8 letter stamp. 1. JOIIXSO.V A .. Banifor, le. - 1 GfiSwinE siiSa ToIjkco! Awr' ke.: pnxt ul On'woi'Si ' ' ' "J1 '' f ' r Ar4;Stii'ti rt'flI: nj fTiriV.T cvi i.tA a- a chv "tu'.tr cf itt.i'UKg mvi llj jriti. Th- bt-"t lo'iadcn Tid. .M ia:r hlni .trip irit-rnrac t. c'.'j.teljr nuaau 1 ou ioiii&r t. " thnt Jr.tkvm' 1-tt la oncrprifl'i". fojl'tallcinl'-a, pnl tor nni p'c, fi-au, to' f. A. Jcki Ji Co., Iv'te-fburg, Vs. Part t. say fimnhuj, but judge for yourself,' Send for free lithograph of 5-Ton 350 Frtight-Paid Sold on Trial Wriffon Srah etc Iron and Str-i, iuas Beam. ' Address, Jones of Bingham ton, BinghiTmtvn, New York. n ITTinDriQ1 Tlteoii'v coinbinatiaait of I lie uh.l 1 U it iili itruo JamaicaOinper w ith choice AromaUcs at.d Vrcuch Branny ' ' ' for Chwlera. Cholera Morbus. jCmmos and laius. Oiarrhoea T 1 U A If A yseiaery, Ivsi p.sia.FU- "J nltiiilUii !tulenev. Wan? or tone and Ao- itivitv In the Stomach and Pow-ja-ls, and avoidim; the danpersof iChanse of Water, Food and PTlTfTD 'Climate. Ak for Ulil ULU -iSANFOKt n Jamaica SPECIAL OFFERS FOR NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS'G We publish a book of 12 rases (no mlver tlsinK) sivinsj Mprcinl offerfs for a.lver tiine all over the country. Price lower than ever offoie.l before. The last editioa sent post-paid on tl'.e receipt of 25 cents bv P A CC11 Y A CO.. Printers' Warehouse and Adve-tiiiiiK AKcncy.lta Fulton St., N. Y. was uivcniea to oveicon-.c iiiesiow aciioi j f-of the a rdinary Porous Plasteis. It rel cveSJ rjpain at tuiee, and euies wnere (.t n-r p:asterv. R vill not even relieve. Sold cven'w here ly; Hdrupgists. Price 2" Cents. " 2ttt uj AGENTS WANTKDlor DS. MAI JUAnlv DAWN NtV BO In this new volume the Popular Author of NniilT Sck vks IN tiik Plut.K portrays with vivid aud, thriUinir force ami eloxueuce the eveats of Sacred Truth, anal adds fresh testimo ny to the l.nuty. pathos and sublimit v of the Storia s of the P.ible. Agents will hnd this Imok with its sparkling thote'hr. glowing style, beau tiful engravings, and iii-!i bindings, the best in the market. Term- Liberal, t irenlar Free. Addre. J( Jlft l ltDYA CO, C hieaeo. III. PARIS. 1878 ! AT EVERY" Th.3 X ;W O RLD'S pimlVi?!, IS; EXFOSITION viknU,,0,!3 FliR 12 YEARS i-auis HIGHEST HONORS I Have been awarled the MASON & HAMLIN CAB1ISTET OE&A1TS At ttie I'aris Kximisii ion tins ear iliev were awarded the UOl.D MEDALS, the bitrhest rec oiiij ease at the disposal of the jui v. They have aio recaiye.1 th UKAMi ;OLI 'MKDAL t)F SWEDEN cV NORWAY, is? s. No other Amer ican 'rgans nave ever ilaineil highest HWard at ANV V.'aarld's Epoit leu. 'd forcash orpav uetits by i:ist.;kauieMts ' atalegues. with ne-veiT sr vcs. i ric-s. t, . Pr- .rfHAGo i 22 i s: -2. 5"7 'C S Z 7. i - r II Id l. a ivi back y WJ i Kft is for or wa uknes M S the buck. Rheumatism mid all local-i h lchca and paias. the best remedy known KET. J. P. LL'DLoiv, irUll J 17, Brookiv.v. N. Y. , . . ; - - jN(vember 14. 1874. H. R. Stevens. Esq. rtr effr. From personal benefit received by Its use, as well as from personal knowleii;e of tiioM whose cures thereby h tve seemed almost mirax-ulou.s. I run most, heaxtily and hincere'y recommend the Yf.;ktixk for the complaints wnicu it is ciaitneo to cut e. ' , JAMES 1. Ll'DLOW. Late Pastor Cavalry ItapMst Chnrrh. .- . ; i . bacraiuento, Cat. VEGETIPIc ' SUE RESTS. WELIa. - South Poland, yin., Oct. 11,1376. Mr. n. R Stkvkns. Dfcir Sir I httTe been sick two years with the liver co.nplaiiit. and during that time have ta ken a meat many different medicines, but none of them did i:ie anvj;ooii. 1 ua restlet'S nights ami naa no app-vite. Mure taking the V k;k rmt. I test well, and relish mv food. Can're commend the Yeiietine for what it bus done lor ine. iours reapectfully. Mks. ALBERT KICKER Witness of the above, Mil GEORGE AI. VAUiillAN', -Medford, Ma3. VEGETINE ' EOIt THE C'lU Li.' KEN. BOTOK irOMK, 14 Tf I. KB STREET, - BoaxuN, April, IsTti. II. K. Stevens. .. .. Dear Sir. We feel that the children in our home have been, ureal iv beiirtitied lav the ku- tinc you have to fciudly Riven ub from time to time, eepeciauy tuose uouuieu witu ine scroi- uia. v u n respect. AlKs. N. WOii-MELL, Matron. VEGETINE RET. 0. T. WALKER, SAYS : rHOVlDF.VCE, R. 1., Id TKANSIT ST II. U. SXKVKNS. E4. '. I L el bound to express wiih my signature the high value I place upon yoL.r ViiutriNE. .My f.iimiy liuve used it lor lue u years. In nervous iteoiiiiy it is n ,a:u n-le. und 1 in:oii itmy need hii luvioiauiig, reuovaiiiijj loiiic. . 1., Formoiiy factor of Bovdoia-tiiiare Liiureii. NOJIIING EQL'AL TO IT. South Salem, Mass. Nov. H. 1S76. Mir. H. It. Stevens : Leariir,l have been trouble i i:h Scrrfu ' 'V -r mpiuliil Jtaid. N'othin,; ever did mc anv- ua d mini i CAimmeue- c ....., t.. a - i am now gel ling a:o.., ana slui ustug me v f:uu.vk. 1 co.ijikiei- iherai is noiuni eqai to it .r such co.npiiiiius. Can heart aay iccouiiiieiid it 10 everybody. Yours truly. Miw. LliZah M. PACKAUD, No. 16 Laurauge Street, Siulu aaieui. Mass. VEGETINI HlXvjJl.'lksXtJ 11 nr.AKi in. South liuaTON. Mr. Sifvrnk : tr Mr. I have seyeral b ittles of your v KtiETiN k, and am convinced ii, is a valu.ble reuieUy tor l)spcp.-i.i. Kidney t oon, an:, siud tieueial i.rbi.iiy of Hie yl-telll. lean u aitiiy recommend it to ail vulfurera from ilu; above cornplaints. xours respecifuiiv. MliS. ML.NiiOli'l'AUKEK. VEGfciTINii Prepared y STI:VE:.S, Sloslon, 3Ias. Yegctiac is Sold liy ail Druggists. Its name stirs like a trumpet and calls to the frav ! That powerful new Temperance bo.k BAT f LING t!,'.1:1 DEMON i .sc:ii!c; by t iiousands. Cheapest, most (com plete and intensely interesting Hatul-BooJc and llilory f Temperance ever produced, contain ing l ioiaihies of its apostles, thrilling ae counts of all tli reat movelucnts, and mighty facts and arguments for t ie cause. Finely il lustrated. S'othimr can compare w ith it. More AK.vrM H AXTKIi. Write to 1-711 - sri:;:is- izzz zo., s:. Lciis, 1:3. IU CijJjLl Lll Vili Jli you need some thing of H-al Vjlue to the people, do vourllot? sueli i" that prand new low priced book; Al!.K-s I hr;K L Alt I'l KM I.IC (IMII'AMO.V ? AViSsalSiTAVT. Valuable receipts by thousand for everything and evrvbndy ! The luost universally useful book ever published, savino mona-y to Olivers. Out a-ells everytliitij:. AKI'ATS W A vl'i:l). Address. aitt) t CO.. St. Leu, Us. BETHANY COLLEGE. TOPRKA. UAA'HAH, For .lrl4 and Von ng l.adii-x exclusive ly I ndci care of Piotc-tant Kpiseopal churcdi. tor Itoardinnr and I.iv fiinilx. School fyrsir nme montlie three nessions Year begins epi'i!iiier lbtii. t rom piir'it 10 ten teachers in the family. All brand--a -. t?rirht, wltn Music, Prav.tnsr. Fren':!).. iicrman. Ac. MH-le anil li av ii h as only i:tras. For Roarciini; Pupils from fi; ' i .c.s per school j-ear, accordiug to grade. ElSliOP Vail. 'ti President. , AGL.TS WASTED. FOR THE ILLUSTRATED BIBLE HISTORY. Over 1W.CH0 roplesi already wold. - AND ON'l.V A fSMAl.t. PART OF TIIK COUNTRY CANVASSKIa. TliK M'.ST AXU EASIEST BOOK TO SEL!.. his work contains an attractive account of th jrreat events inentioned in the Old and New Testament", the lives of the Patri archs. Prophets and Kbifis : of'hrit and His Apo-tlos. Hird of the remarkable w.inicu and children mentioned in the sacra d volume. Ib- Ll MHATK1IWITH Rl.tiilST 6TEKI. ESGRAV-! I'GS. For terms, address Henry Kill PabliiHins: Co, 25ti orwieii.Cunu. . - - HARD WARM STORE, In riattsr.iouth. Neb., on rc.itli St., about the MIDDLE OF THE BLOCK, you will find : Corn Planters, (Siatid & Iiorsej Stirring IIovs, Sulky Plows, Cult i valors, and all kinds of Farm Implements and Shelf Hardware. Tin Ware, &c, &c. ALSO, Hungarian and Millet. Seed for Sale H. A. WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Uetail Dealers in PINK LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES. SASH. DOORS. BLINDS. ETC.. ETC., ETC. Malu street. Corner of Fifth, PLATTSMOUTH, - - - - NEB. Still Better Rates for Lumber. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. ' c ' Supreme Juatje, ... . AMASA COBB, -of Lancaster. j Member of Congros (LonTcrm.) E.K.VALENTINE, of Cumin, Co. Msniber of Congress (Short Term au J Coat.) ' ' THoS. J. MAJOLS, of Nemaha. '' . - ; Governor, , .. . jALlilNUS NANCE, ofPo'.k. ' ' ' i . - e . . Lieutcnant-(.;overnor. E. C. CAHNES, of Reward. Secretary of State, S. J. ALEXANDER. -ef Thayer. .- - - Auditor. F. W. LIEDTKE, of York. Treasurer, G. M. BARTLETT of Lancacter. , Superintendent. - ' ' S. R. THOMPSON. of laucaater. Attorney General, C. J. DILLWORTH.' cf Daweoc. Land Commissioner, Y. M. DAVIS, of Clay. REPUBLIC A' COUNTY TICKET. For State Senator. O UL AN DO TEFFT. For P.epresenlatives, - ' It. P.. WINDHAM. JNO. F. POLK, ISAAC STONE. For Representative lo the totli Dist. A. W. V AN DEM AN. of Saunders. For County Commissioner 2d. Dist. SAMUEL P.ICIIAKDSON. Tor District Attorney 2d Judicial Dist. ' J. V. WATSON, . . . . : . of Otoe County. THE IlLl'UBLICAN l'LATFOKM. Th repiiblieaiis of NfbrasUa. reanii niliis the iinciiiles that carried liie nation succesisfuilv tiiroiih the ciisis of rei.elliou. tlie danirers of reconstruction, ail tile readjiisiment ot 1 he so ciail and business lutereMs of the people, and meeting t lie issues of the hour in tn- raine un- tiieilui: siiirit with winch they coiifrouteil the Slave piobiems that tuei tbeiii upon I tie ihrcsh- loui 01 uicir piukt, uec.'are 1. J-.lect.oiis slmll lie tree in the south as in the north, e'iiial rights of all citizens, as ordaiu- I by the amended constitution, eiiail be iruar- auteeil, nnd it 'hall not be danyerous to the 1 1 1 e (.ir liu.b .)1 a c.l iii'U to iioid and express au opic- n. ami to vote as be pleases. 2. Tlie public service shall be elevated on a basis of a pure, economical and efiioitut admin- Istration a t aRairs. the tenure of an otliee to be sccureci for the lei 111 prec: i! tl in the couiiuis sioii. i',.;. liiji a fail lit ul p-. f jru aiK e 1 t!ic dutu s nui the iiiits aud priv de. e-4 01 an a-1 a overejgu ellizen ot lae repuo'ie, diioulit not De ie ii-iea itii. ho iviur as tuey are exercised w ituocii ueffleel of la? duties. ;i Mucerely .sceki:; iraieriial relations with e -I ates latel v 1:1 lutu-llion. we Biiniiiion tlie I.cojile to viKilaiice anil iiuflinciiii) warfale against t lie demand that the damages sustain ed by the people nf those siai-s. iu consequeiiee I the uii.TovoKi"t war atictl aaiiisi ui-j L moll hall be paid out of the national trcast.rv ; ,-i.ii1 tlie raids of tiie sond soutu in antiri i,ni 1.1 demociatte eoiiir.d of tlie naltoual puo-e, mum be met wii ii the same uuLtltei spirit of re sistance which lolled t..e attempt to lake 1 - esioll ot our public property with aif auoej hand. i. The a-.:ili( rily coufeticd upon congress by the constitution to resuiaii: laier-statc c in; tiieicc. and ine a'.iihoriiy reserved to tlie sever al states in their doii:etic allairs is s.iiipiy uhl cient tt aflord tiie renn dy against tnc fnmhij; opprcM-ious of tiowci lul "mi aooiies ; and the rights of tiie p ople sii.ialii be jealously guarded against extortions and tvranuv iu ti:e part of corporations and thcii coiiiliinations of mass, d coipor;uioii ami iiicii co.nn illations oi mass, u capita), by adeqiaieaatatc aud n.uiouai lctisla- lion. 5. Tlie faith of the nation shall be sacred an its contracts be r 'deemed iu spirit and letter, and the nation's honor shall be hei l as invio late as the nation's Pie. We hail the auspicious cifnis of reviving irade am! industry, and congratulate, the peo ple upon t his practical evi.Vnee lliat tiie de p; essionwuichirew out ot the financial Ulsui der forced upon us by tlie rebehiaiu is uimhk placi' lo returning confidence and: permanent pros f perity. which can rest alone on a lixed moneta ry standard, settled values, and full security ana certainty lor tiie tuLurc. 7 The Krcciib'ic,v bhaii not be dishonored or : pi eciata d ; f liail be made as j;ood as honest m ; the laborers dollai sliail mean a real dd- ! tie com ; the laborei's dollarsliall mean a real dad- ( hti , ine ii ne-i itiiu i y oi us ,iiua.-, viiujit loos tuil and paralyzes trade, th.i l cu.iae, and our cuirt nc ehau u lac I'CSi currency, because. wliet bei-paner or craiu. it sliad be eauivaient. . convertible, secure aud steady. i .,r -. n,iiiii a.a 8. I'he demotiCiiatiou of silver worked a j ul miuiiies. fraud upon tue people by cnapiint; tlie uaiion'a Aviitii, Mt. Pleasant, Centre, Weep roources for pavn;g us indi bicduefs. ll:e' at- reMorlnu its b'-al Icn.ler t-aaracter, :a;d lng aier. 1 ipton, Stove Creek ami providing for t lie c 'iiiaue slaiuiard 8.1 vr did - ' , . , lars was tim. l.v and just : but its coi...aae -iiomd , Llm.ood were not represented by del ta' tree, and the l.-a.iiin.t.twa tr.i-lrt dollars no.v in circulation tdiotild le e aiic legal la-utter, la. Tiie record of tlie laic in nartv in its recent attempt to steal the presidency "by vio lence, intimidation and inurderuur;::g tue cam-p-iffn at the (tolls ; by stiiir.n ballot txixes, tal hiH iiej; ret i.rr.aa. and oust i uc i nig ti;e Can Viis'sin;' ot votes ; by bribery of electors aud preu-iideil returns ftoiu fule and iiauUub:nt elections; followed by the device of an extra eonslh utiou al method ot canvaaa.siiig t lie electoral vote; its repudiation of its own ollrMiraig tlie electoral commisMon -as foon :. it failed to carry out i.s partizan tiesigtis ; i s plot to precipitate anarcny and rev -iu; ion ny fiiioiislering ia ihc house ad' ic-presa-ntalivcs until the expiration of the con stitutional time in which the electoral c.tiua-s could be completed ; and the corrupt bargain which it attempt" to prove it. ma!? .i a condi tion pi cedent to tlie abandonment of the con spiracy, illustrate the spirit ot i so-called de mocray. ;ueing bUUveisive of the constitution, destructive of law aud order, aud in contempt of public liaanor and decen .-y. We arrai-;u Ibis narl v as a I'uiistniil dist urner of mildic I r.ooiuil- ity ; a wanton foe tf public ei-miiy iu its ! !ia i ai 1 1 1 ii fc iss;in:i ii i.ti I i lie iiui iiiai ilj uuo s.a dlity of its established govcrnmetit : as lalse to the nation in crippling i.saniiy in a ol un certainty in (I dancer ; as gui'.iy or false picten ses in claiming for the iei,ueratic house a in p-ib'ie expenditureM. to be ipl accd by drftcieney bills ; as ilependeiit, upon a solid oiilh and thereby subsei vii-ut to itta dciioind" ; a" Joining hands with the miscalled crcenb.d-k-woik-ami labor party to repudiate tne national obligai ioiiK and lo support its wilal schemes af intlath ! with flat money ; and its lu-ther or j greater success would be a natmnal calamity. I in. e e;ii i;estly protest against the propo sition to'the public lands ".ve?f a if tllC tooth meridian from sett la-ment umlerthe home stead, preemption, and timber culture lawF.and we atemand that as soon as nraeticable the In dians now within our borders be removed to the territory aact apart exclusively for their us es. 11. We invife all good cirizens of whatever paditieal ties to unite with the rctaila licaa tiariv.the t ffeeiual bulwark airainst national repudiation and Uisgraa'e. tiie m!y ar- ganization capable ol preserving tlie honor. T..;. P A.: ' . . ... . : i a ill- e.iua .I' J appeals IU .ail eiuoiicitlto j to raise lo its high obligation and join heart j and hand for the triumph af the print-iplea up- in which tiie securitv and welfare of the re- j puuue .icpeim. The latest use or paper appe rs to be I 'or chmmey-pots. They are made i Lheslau, and -are light and durable. Before the paper pulp is moulded ami compressed into the required shape, it is treated with chemicals which render iliioii iiill.iiiimiible. Specimen of pa per and cloth made fro n tlie California ractus w-re recently exhibited before tiie Maryland. Academy of cien es The cactus grows abundantly in many of our Western States and Territories and it is found on arid soil where noth ing can be cultivated. The success that has been met with in making pa per from this plant 13 so marked that the business w -II probably be attempted op a V'.r-r ?fNy. Death of C. H. Winslovr. At the first meeting of the State Board of Agriculture, held during the fcUie Fair the death of Hon. C. II. uislaj a', who for many years was an active member or the Board, was otli- cia iy iiiiiiouiiced, whereupon a commit ... .io 11,'jj'iiuinj ii.. uuin lesuiunoiis in re.. tiou thereto. Th Commictee reported the follow I i'g: in Memory of Hoa. C II. Winsl w. of the P.oard ol .Matiaern ot tae State lioard of Arioalture. Whereas. Tlie sad news has reach ed us thut our esteeme-J friend and worthy co-worker Hon. 0. II. Winslow of Mt. Pleasant, Nebraska, has called by th ct.aat Architect of the Uuiveise to attend the ifair iu the spir-it-land, and Whereas, It is our Grst duty to bow to obedience to the will of our Creator therefore be it resolved 1st, That whilst we shall miss the cheering countenance and kindly greet iu, of our worthy advisor, we hope our loss is his gain. 2d. That in the death of our fellow member tiie Board of Managers of the State Board of Agriculture loses its most active, energetic, and earnest worker, tlie family a loving compan ion, the community and State a great friend to agriculture, and an exem plary citizen. , 3rd, That we extend to his bereaved family our most sincere condolence in this their greatest hour of trouble. 4th, That these resolutions be spread on the records of the society, and a copy tendered to the family. II. D. Perky, Chairman Com. The above resolutions are a just tri bute to the memory of a man univer sally esteemed by his neighbors and friends. It also gives the Herald-a chance to notice more fully the death of Mr. Winslow. Some memoranda we had at the time got mislaid during the con fusion of Fair, Convention ami tax list all at one time. We cheerfully give thorn place now. Mr. W inslow was taken sick on Wed nesday having been as well as usual to that date. On Sunday he was worse having some sort of sinking spell, on Monday again he was supposed to be better, but in the evening, had anoth er bad attack from which ho never rallied and died on Tuesday morning, Oct., lOih at 7 o'clock. He was bur ied on Wednesday, at Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Deceased was 62 years of age, was born in Maine, but came to Nebraska from Missouri 14 years ago. lie was a member of the State Board of Agriculture eight years. The fu neral was largely attended and all felt that a good man had passed away. . Democratic County Convention. The Democrats, real old timers, met iu solemn Convention at Louisville on tlie lOtli. In the absence of Jas. Patterson, chairman of Committee, J. Vallery, Sr., I called the meeting to order in stentori an tones and stated the case in hand with great emphasis. Doctor Wintersteen was elected j ,,,.,1 r p Wliire Secretarv nail ma.l, ailel 1 . L.. Willie SCCieidlJ On irotion of Vallery, Sr. a commit tee on credendentiiils Wits appointed. The Committee were J. Vallery, Sr., Dr. Wallace .and C. II. Pinkham. "Uncle Jake" said he had'nt had any dinner and hec mld'iit decide such im poiiant matters on an empty stomach. j He asked to be excused and hoped the rjimvention would put some youg 1 man OU who h id just had his dinner. man OU who JUSt , , , ,. , , . Diaper (supposed to be lull-fed) was so put tin Convention took a recess gales elected at any primary meeting. On moiion democrats present from those precini.s were allowed a seat and vote in Convention as follows: J. S. Bryant, Weeping Water; W. Schyles, Mt. Pleasant; Wm. Buster, Stove Creek ; Jno. Eriiart, Centre; (Mt. Pleasant was afterwards tilled up by three more delegates.) The tempor ary organization was then made per manent. A discussion arose on the .Adoption of tlie State Platform. Uncle Jake made a speech and B. S. Ramsey sug- gested that it be read so the delegates might know what they were votingon. On motion Mr. llamsey was appoint ed to read the Pla'.form. which he did in a hig'dy creditable manner, (we thought he rather emp'.iazised those parts where they cuss the Republi- can3 for ;lH tJ,at is OUt.but that may be J a mistake of ours.) In fact he did it so well they all concluded to ado t it and did so free trade free moi ey ami all. Dr. Wallace was appointed assistant Secretary just previous to this. Auel now comes in our old acquain- fc.iuu it iiritin .uiluci nur, uuuj the 3th Ward, Plattsmoulh, a. id savs lie has a pro.r By Jove two of ni t. 1 t.,'a aa-ilt-l lie aillo Ltt ul Ciii .iiiia. ur a n going to, thiit's more of it. Tlie facts are " Mick" for once was caught, he had been so busy working up outside noints he had forgotten to hand his proxies to the chairman on Credentials and came neai being left. After some debate and explanation of the facts Mr. Mick- j elwaite was allowed to vote the prox ies and harmony was restored. An informal ballot for Senator was e itered upon and stood. Wise, 29; Daw son, 10; J. Vallery, Sr., 2; Wallace. 12; Ramsey, 1; Draper, 9; Doud. 1; Schra der, 7;.8i votes cast. stoocl: Wise, 56; Dawson, Id; Wal- lace. !4 ; Blt'jV, 2: Wfckbfek, 1; 8) . votes or S7 without the blanks. Mi. Wise was declared the unani motis nominee of the Convention. Nominations for Representatives ! ; be ng in order. 1 . N. Acnlecate of I ih - 1 erty was nominated, T U. Fountain of South Bend; T..T Wilburn. of Green wood; J. F. Do lid. of Plattsmouth Pre cinct. The vote stood: App'.egate. 73 ; Fountain, 71; WilberS-l; Doud, 4;, u ' King, 3; Draper, 2; Clemens. 1; F. Wilburn, 1 ; )1. S. llamsey, 2. On motion Messrs Applegate and tiou. Pending the next ballot Uncle .lake made a speech iu favor of straight Democratic nominations, which cooked Wilbern's goose and the 1st formal ballot stood: .J. F. Doud, 55; T. W. Wilberu, 33. Mr. Doud was declared the nominee and it was made unani mous. An informal ballot was then called fox a Co. Commissioner. Wm. Snyder was nominated, Frank Slimier was nominated, Stander was withdrawn by his friends and the nomination of Snyder was made uy acclamation amid cheers. B. S. Ramsey then offered the follow ing Resolution which was carried. Resolced, By the Democracy of Cass county, Nebraska, in Convention as sembled, that whereas our Road Rev enue and Assessment laws are exceed ingly defective and fail to accompli: h the end for which such laws are made, being so tampered with by our pre vious legislatures as to destroy our Road Revenue entirely, whilst other Revenues have been created by which the f etc are benefitted at the expense of burdensome taxation of the masse.-. Therefore, Resolced, That the nominees of this Convention for the Legislature, if electetl are hereby pledged to use their best euerges to bring about reform in the laws refered to: to provide for a reasonable reduction in our now bur- densome taxation, and for economy iu the eo'Iec'.ion and disbursement therv- of. Five delegates to the Democratic Float Convention at Ashland on the 17th of Oct., were appointed as follows: l It a T T T-:..l.l, U'... I i i, t i. i- ,i ,, ,, Laughliu. .J. K. .tilery, Y m. Busier. A Ceu.ral Committee w;is then elect- e l consisling of Plattsmouth 1st Ward, W. Jones; 2d Ward, F. E Whilo; 3d Hard, M. Schnellbacher ; 4th Ward, Win. Wintersteen; Plattsmouth l're- cinct, J. Vallery, Sr.; Rock Bluffs, II. L. Oldham; Liberty, R. B. Wallace; Louisville, S. Johnson; Fight Mile drove, J. B. Meisiuger; Centre, John Ei hart; Stove Creek, Wm. Buster; So tit :. Bend. C. II. I'inkham: Salt Crecki w w; W(ie,lillg Water Chas. Fowler; Greenwood, Dennis Doud; Mt. Pleasant, C. M. Cherry; Eimwood, J. C. Bend. Tipton and Avoca were not repre sented. F. E. White was made Secretary of j the Central Committee. The Convention listened to a short speech from Mr. Wolfe, Democratic Candidate for District Attorney iu this district arid tlicn adjourned. The Origin of I im -stoar. i'ri-fessor W. C. Williamson has re entiy contributed a paper to the" Man chester Philosophical and I iterary So ciety, in which he describes .'Oine in teresting observations on this subject, it lias long been the opinion of scien usis mat ioe great o isoi u t.esione ai u chalk are made up of the remains of microscopic organisms, chiefly tlie shells of l he foramiuiiera. These for aminifera consist of a gelatinous look ing body, protected by a shelly cover ing, w hich is sometimes very compiica- ed 111 10 in. uheir shells form large as is tne care with the Albinos. Tho deposits now on the sea bottom, and ! fact that people living in the country , are among the most beautiful of micro-j other tilings being crpial. have light seopic objects. When present in chalk j colored ey s inoie fre-jut ntly than tho tliey may be obtained by scr ping with ! living in cities, i.s .-accounted f -r by th -a a knifri and examining the powder with ; infeiim nutrilive value 1 f ti- -Ycrctab'-a microscope. j food ot V e l';i iter :;s comp -led with There are, however, many limestones i the meat and bee r of the peoole c the, in which none of their remains are to ' cities. In the mingling ol 'tne i.'iulc be seen. 1 ro lessor Williamson ex plains this by saying that such lime stones have bee me changed since their deposition by the action of water con taining carbonic acid in solution, w hir h dissolves aud disintegrates the shells. As a proof that such action h;3 taken place, he describes a slab of limestone in which a large chambered shell was J alto singers, ami j art :cn': :!y of ba-pos, found. The greater part of the si -b ' the reverse is trii. The ft.ct th:-t light' contained traces of foraminiferal shells, ! hair .'i!;l eyes .ir. more muneious 1 . fnostly disintegrated and hardly to be ! northern t !.;.:; in sti . 1 rn c.vinLi I -j ', : listinguislied. but within the larger i attributed to tl.e old. -r cln.t. whir.', shell were fotm l in a state of good j consumes the pigments of those fen preservation, as though tlie remains of ) tures. Dr. S'oh iat'.'iauserrs eonelu"i -in the awitual which had inhabited the j were ba ed on atut.a' lea carefn 1 gat!' l-.trger shell had protected them from I ered. the action of the water. ! ,, , ....... . ,;-i .,; - rjl. Miny farmers seem to think there I, A still moie convincing pniof of this ' ,, . , , ... . . , ,. - 1 , . i something- gamed by getting trusted action is tound 111 the inner chambers , fri .,.,, , , , .1.1. T . f 11 1 a i 11 r .. for whatever tl.ey La'. e to buy. Many of the 1 'ige shell, u Inch were found to i f.,r . , , J 7 ,,. - , . J contain clear crystallized limestone..! d-lnsion. This was undoubted! v formed bv the I ! T' ,0 ?'r solution of the carbonate of limo iu the j " f ' ? U'p: J?,' , , , , ... b Us, :ind alwavs owe fo tiieir iiTifin water, which found its wav into these .,.. . , r .. " ,., , , - , i -.- , tural loo's and m-iel'.nery. Never d. i ctiambers in a saturated condition and . , , . . .... there deposited the crystal 4. Prof. W. adds: 'If these explanations are correct, as I believe Ihem to be, we have here the entire history of the origin of a lime rock, from the firs: accumulation of the foraminiferous ooze, as seen in the in terior of tlie first large chamber of the nautilus, to trie deposition in an inor ganic mineral form, of the chrystalized carbonate of lime within the closed ! chamber " of the nautilus, all being il ! lustrateel within the area of a slab of i limestone a litfe nrorethana foot in di- ! ralr.'n Scientific Amena. HOUSEHOLD COLUliN, I"::tr"d'e HeoTnM. - ' t'Jiess -Tlnee foiulha of a n; ol but i ' ' c,,') r '1'-'i". )o1un of thivo - ! a ,IU';,SIK,"' -'f ll-Mir; L:u.e n cuKii!,, a i m k a .,1 1 1 1 'i . j 1 i r ro- 1 n .1 'J o ( "Jen 11 C(ii; 1 r AboitL live ruts i worth of Oa.;!:c :u id m (.:, rm.ii t t,t j water, j.ut a little on ;t i.i;t aiu'. rub I quickly; will i:i:;ke e.-i .ar hk nj.-i. I cent: inv ((,;. i- hoi;, !- twin- a week. Aunty's Tea Cake Three eggs. on tahlespooiifnl of mw'ttd buttt-r, four tablespnoiifiiU of mill:, ope c.ip of sugar nearly l ull, one cup of ilour, three teasp, ion litis ol baking powder. Hickory Nut C'akt Ono and a half cups of .sug.-ir. half a cup ot bultcr. twr cups of Hour, the v. bites of four. eg;;, thr e-foui ths of a cup of hWct t milk; two ti sc-'pnoiit'ul.s of yeast powder, one cup of hickory nut kein. 1 1. Il.trd (lingr rlin.ii l One? cup of bol ter, two ciips of sugar, one-third cap of milk, two eggs, a tablc.-puouful of gin ger: bake on liti.; ju a moderate oven. Corned Beef To lo pounds of beef take 1'.' poiin Is of salt, S o, tarts of wa ter,!! poundi of Migar, Uoz. s.t it peter, put iu a brass or tiu l:vt:k simmer ;tu1 skim. Pour -.n th.; meat w ;,-n cold. Lincoln Cake - Tw. cvs, two cups sugar. o.;e half cup butler, one cup milk, three cups Hour, one teasi'ooiifu; ot extract ol lemon, otic tt aspoonfui of cream taiUr, and one half tea.spoonful of soda. An Odd Scrap l.tiskt-Tako a ; erch basket nnd paint it black ou the out-, side, paste on :-.cimm pi-n tires to suit your t".ste; cover thu handle and line the i::side with ml flannel, pulling a ox plaiUng of il.o same aroun l th ed-e. ilrown I-read -'! l.ree r-.:;,. ..f koui milk, one te tsp ionful of soda, l oir ta- j blei-poonfuls of molass s, one cup of c u n meal, four and one Ii tlf cui s of i Graham Hour, a p';.ch of df ; stoaui I hour :ind a hall find bake oue-hnlf j !: Fritter.! -Take a p':.t of good butter-, , m l.'., o!.o rg. two teai-'.oonful.4of soda,. j ;l :'Ltl'- " Slt5t lhi-,l: --'IWaU with Lour j l'' '.i''i :i in hot hud, fry U'.l'li M i::e Hiii .i yoj can tell by run- ti in a fork llmm :!j the middle. .Then . .f ouhae m n Ie wup to dip tlieai in. yo(1 h:m, Suu,f.t!li;1;, tllJlt will please an erieer.-. i. To O lor Cotton J'.ro v,i-For l'.t: p oinds ol goous, I j '.i:!i5 ei '.eclni, !.' ; uunees of bltK Viti bd, o.;i cc.i :.lum. 3 oun-ts bi-;!ir.:n;it of potj'.s'i. lis- S'uve ii." eaiecuu, u.uo urioi anu si It! ni in water cnoti-h to cover the goods. Wet the g io h i:i soapsad i, then put in the dye for one ho;;,-. Wring out tin.' goods and airtht-iii; put in the bichro-. mate of potash. l'i;t in the goods agii, leave them for lifiecu or twenty miu-. utes, then wring ot-.t and dry. For Scalhrped Oysters -!Ia p'enty of line crushed cr-.cker ; iiitils -eit.'ier soda or butler cr. cL-m; put tt layer in the l.olto .i of a buttered pud ding dish , wet siightlv -.villi oyster - liquor and mil";, mixed; next a iaer ot oysters, aiternaUdy till the dish i.-; full. Let the top layer ho of crumbs. Real, ai. egg and mix it w ilh a u mine to pour itover tli- top, cover the dish nnd bake half an hoar; re. novo the cover. few minutes beforu taking from the-. u to let. it brown. Tln Complexion. At the recent Anthropological Con-. Rress at Jena, Prussia, Privy Councillor. Sch.iafhau::eii read a paper on the color of complexion, (yen, and hair. IIcsaH that blue eyes if .iicatf a lack of color-" ing matter which originally proceeded iroin mienor iioui !.-;!. ment, and v,;;3 evidence cf a wrakor organization than is possessed 1 y p 1:301.3 of daik eye:;. The less coloring mutt' r there is th I ghter the h"C of the eye, until, by rea son of its utter abs nee, th'e blood vcj-SC-ls Income 's.ibla-' and Iho eve is red. and dark L iter usually shows the greater vitality, ami the Inn assume the tbtrkcr tons.Ie:;i.-). Th blonde complexion t:r ualiy carria-.-; v.ita it a hiitr orgauizat'on and a higher and a thinner voice. :f s pianos and tea ors, ;i'y ha-.e iight-coloi ed eye.-. a-:d light couiidr xii. ns, while of most. men iibiKe ;i gn .vier InlSlaKC. 11JCIC ; - probably no one lh;;.g that operates.:: much to keep farmers as a class behiu I and in f,LiHit ci:cnmst ii;ccs as tho habit of getting trusted for what !.h -y buy. It is a good ruls to pay w hen ).u buy, and if you da su then g -without till you cum pay. This r?..."-.-the independentfarmer, while t .e habit of getting trusted luak a the .11 uier li'.- m,,st (I-in-;lld-nJ '"a"TiTlf ! t"',u",n'; a sLiVe 111 fact t0 aiI 0lMr Never ecp 3'aTiu: cattle th"tt. f farmers cat affo-id it. If you cm them they vail starve yn. 1i aaaaaj.-.,. n n