TH K IT BRA I) !m:m- Mr. Thompson was followed by II. G. Doom who deplored he had staid FLATTSMOUTII. OuT. 10. 1873. jwith the democratic party so long and i r t that he had now cast his lot witli the The Methodist Festival on Tues-npw I(.,,.lv lo rnart., on ti sure victory, day evening was a very pleasant affaii 5ie ,lkl nut Vi,ntany Lawyers. Doctor's and netted some thirty dollars tor tin-:,,., p......,,!,-,-;, ;M tne;r T.prrislatiires h ROBERT DONNELLY'S benefit of Mr. Hlackburn. wanted men who left the homes of the plow and the an vil ami the work , , , ,, , ,,,,, , , bench, don't want educated men to le city for a book called "Illustrated ; ,. ,. i i r i i 'represent their partv in our L.egishi- ulia. and he informs us that he has 1 1 D. L. Morrow has been canvassing the Tn Inn. .11, ,1 ii. "'..n.rmoo IX ....... .1 .... I...... met with verv good success. The work!1""1 " ' v - . , . , it is about the Politician Davis who is so far as we can judge seems to be an written . . i mhtness ot It. i. himself.) lie went on to speak of Mr. Shrader as being a man without spot or blemish and that he was going to be the next Senator FARMER, LOOK HERE! FRED GORDER IS STILL HERE. excellent one, on the subject by Mrs. Julia P. Stone, wife of the U.j 8. Consul at Singapore, where she hasj had the best of opportunities to obtain; accurate and reliable information on and we recommend him and his book ! to all he may call upon. ' Ifroni Cass county. I i.ey then closed by Handle not nogoi.i or silver or i sup- tlip snhieet. of whicli slip writes .1 . a few signing the pledge to taste not. Weeping Water .Notes. Your correspondent has been mi ihle to learn anything about our sidewalk committee et. As soon as she learns who ti e committee are or what theyj are doing toward getting some side wa'ks she wid re;. or!. Fh pose that, must have been the pledge they then sung the Greenback Doxolo gy and closed without prayer. Yours truly, Spectator. Weeping: Water Notes. Mary Fowler is worse again. Heed Uros. have come out in a four i hundred dollar rig. Mrs. Nelson Sayjes Jias lately, ret urn-. through here daily hound wot and:"1 Ul"" U1L .nnti w:.!Mi!iim. v ...ot .. .Jim Owen has left town. them ask if there is any place in townj where 1 1 1 can biy bread it makes us! realize more tlutn ever iunv much ".ve. need a b ikerv. I At the s- ini-aiiunal meeting of the; Red Ribbon Club the following otTicers .i .1, Mrs. Thonigate is at Tabor, Iowa. Mr. Shank from Lincoln has been visiting at Sol. Heardsleys. Mis. John Chase is very sick. Mary Jinks has returned from bor and will leave for Colorado few days. All of Sevmour Heed's family A-G-OUST AND 11LACKS3UT1I SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, JJ whine ami Plow re pairing, and gentral jobbing. I iiin now iieii:uel to do all kimls of repairing of farm hikI other inacliinerv, as lliere is a K"oil lathe in my shop. PETER It AO EX, The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wagon shop. He is well known as ji NO. 1 WOltKMAN. I Vow WnxoiiM mid Hussion marie to;.. , . order. ( the best ana cheapest wagon in the satisfaction ;uaranteed. jmarket by all odds. Shop on Sixth street, nop.isjfe Sr ri;li t 's Stat) Corn Planters, Cultivators, Sulky Plows4, are now" off" but I still have the Harrison Wagon, Spring Wagons, O. F. JOHNSON, DEALER IX Drugs3 jliuggies, and Three-Seated Wagons; and the world renowned Courtland Medi6ineS?!l,1;tftn Spring Wagon. A-srii r.zrr r -.- - """ : - ' I HAVE EVEHYTHIXO A FAKM i:n WANTS. WALL PAPER, the ague, the ague, the ague. (Jarry Treats family have Mr. Woodford's family have were chosen : ; v ja vj v ii . . o i. c l 1 Fresideur. W Fresideut, Cisarles Thorngate; Seci eta i v. I-' rank Kh'psei ; Ti e.;sm er, Klijah Hat anoiir. Heed Hros. have another new clerk., Frank Wolcott's family have beenH Paper Trimmed Free Of He cm, s from Tabor. II is name is living the ague. Mr. Ingersoll's fam-j nkoma ..... . . . ilv I. .!!. I......1 loviii.T il... i.riw. VUCli!,v. I. .11 II.. . !..,- i. it r.ktlf llll V- 11 llOj 11 ( III 11 U V . V I I 1 II i 1 . Ill 1 IjUll" l I.I it I'Jdtli illll I " f compared with the ot her clerks. There reat many other lam ilies cither have is a donation supper this eveni,,- ;il or l ave been having the ague, th- M. i:. Chinch. The pastor of the Will Coalman and JM1 Malcolm are church. Hev. E. Wiikinst.n, is to preach married. It i Ha' same told story, the his lasi sermon as pastor here next l'ii''ts objected, tne oung folks rat.; Sabbath. I Ie has pi eaelied here three, ava 1 roni home to be spliced. i years and leaves ouiv because he can-, -phe Coiiureirat ional church is with-' not consistent with the regulations of;oul .. 1MSt..r Tlll! ,.hurch Ks salll.what the M. E- hurcii remain ioncrer. I rcil I' in deb. and they propose to pay the I M I..... . i debt before hiring a minister. Your I'olitics. Correspondent has made a mathemati- AI.SO DEAI.EH IX NOW IS THE TIME for all kinds of Aricult iiiiil ImplFiiiciits In every variety, and at lied Slot:!;, P Vices. Mowers Sulky rakes and all kinds of Hakt s. Forks, etc., etc. Now is the time to Buy. Stationery (Ireenwooi). October .'dh. 1S78. cal calculation to ascertain how long Editor Herald: A (Ireenbai k at the present rate it will be before the was he'd at this place on the debt will all be paid. ev-Miing of the 4th. meeting was called Dining the five weeks they have to order by H. (I. Doom and James H. been running without a minister just House, eh eted chairmen. The meet- t wenty-live cents has been raised to ing was addiessed by Mr. Thompson, wards paying the debt, the same old story of the dishonesty. At f hat rate it will be only j"ust 114 of the lb-publican party and th" terri- years. 11 months, i) days, 7 hours, 16 b'.e oppi ession of t he laboring man, and minutes and 1 second before the debt how if they were elected that all men wi!i be p,.id and they are ready to l ire would soon be on the road to wealth, a pastor. that the Hepublican party had created tUERv: How long can a chiircli the greenback and now wanted to cast live without a pastor? off the child but the greenback party! Nothing has been heard from our w re going to nurlute the child until sidewalk committee yet. it had grown to the full stature of aj ErciLi:. Magazines. .iyi . Latest I'alflications. j i Ir'MTitiui? 'arrn!!y 'oiiiiojiinle j r,2tf FH ED flOHDEH. Flat ts mouth, Nebraska Iiy an ".n perieiieei! cart. I:EME.M1!ER TDK PLACE. ! FIFTH & MAIN IS1 IlEETS PLAT! SMOI'TH. NIC It. STilKIGHT & 3ULLEIC, unuss Jfairnfai tnrers, SADDLES RIMDLES, COLLARS. hhI all kinds of harness stock, constantly on F. S. KCKOLS. Dealer in .1EWEEHV. WATCHES. CLOCKS. NOTIONS, CANDIES, CIGARS, ' TOHACCOS. . . T - .,, x, , , Itemenibprthc )lace oiposite E. G. Dovey's At Louisville Neb., C lll ai d exam- .n Lower Main Street. ine the stock. 171y -2-y ST HEIGHT & MILLER. FRUIT, VONFECTIOXEY, AND G Ii O CE Ii Y STOKE, NITS, CANDIES. TEAS SUC. A ICS, lOIULX'OKH, FIX) UK. COFFEES, AC.