Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 12, 1878, Image 3

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I-OC A 1. A 1 ) V E ItT I s i: v. l n ts.
It I'lsbnt. 2.-, ce-.:ts a line. t:c:ru!.ir t.dvcrtls
cri. , b cents .-r liu-. No ail vetisc.uu-iil iuseit,
ei lot less than cents.
l.-i; il notices ut Statute r..te,.
At l imeys ;ind of'ieei-H of t he l:iw will L neM
r jn'iisiif-for :iMi-e;il ttiitieos they h.iiul in,
Hint a;.! I n.titics (lc!:i::niim;; :i innf of inblic.i
li.ut cf :.ny n.tiee will be livid tor Ihe iublica
tion let: of Mich nutice.
A onr n:ii ' is limited, sill C'enuiiiiejons
hum b.- V.iKl ami to t!i- i-oint, uitti liu waste
The iuier H i-dbv Lir the cun.-etiiess
acec-rdiiu; to copy of paid matter ami aul Le
gal. u:i!y.
1. Any jH i-son who 1;iUi-. tin jiapfr rovularly
iiii tin- i.i.s' whether t;ie"'-Ml to hi-
n:uiic. nr wm tlKT he Is a subscriijer or not i
rt'i(iiisiiile for the ;:iy.
It any iiersn;i itrm'H his jiajx r discontin
ued, he must pay all arreara'-'cs, or the publish
er l:iav continue In vi-d if until p:i ini-nt is
made "and ollect the whoh ::ti:iimt. whether
the ii;.:er is t ik-n from the olliec or :-."t.
3 1 lie cutis b.1' ..-deeded til. it refit.siliX to
V.V.- liesi,:i,,eis :'! .ciio.!i. ;.lH In. in the po:-t
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ONLY JT MOrilSTi) St. LOCiS by the ; n'-w
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MAN PA LACK KIIM; f.Mi.S run fioin
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i in-cu Tickets f or t;i!e tor all points Noith,
Silli, Has-1 ai '. Vest.
samcli. ruv. r.Li..
1. V.'. HIT! iiOti.K, Ticket Afc-ciil.
Cell. Western !'.s. .-'cnt.
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klit ' '. -.-0 a. iii. Ar. l.::ii-o:n J : 0 p.m.
LOCAL x i:vs
litr.v.' at the l";iir i -xt wick.
T.te Ki' rirnoy D.tily Prt-ss id ac::un
lu l'uic us. (il.p.l ti sve it.
T I'oii't .u '.vant tlie i:xtron:ifj'i f
the county, right now. lK ;.co:i V
K. K. K. at 1'ilzeiaUl Hall, every
cvt-ni'! during 1'air wc(k.
Co an l sc.- tho Ken-hill Kunredy
Mai!i:.r.iy at I'ltz-cn-al Hall.
IK uI! you fcw.ip a vote, Deacon, for
the j.mlUs on the tax libt.
The 1) ind cleared $i0:2-) at the
(.'op.cert and D.mee last, Thursday even-
YVl-r.t a i-icttue for Harper's the
fcene iu the coal-shed would have
!r. llesHer left Tue.vlay with sev
eral loads of his i-lants for the Nebras
ka City Fair.
Tanners Keimanher the. Fair next
wtilc and et your articles for Exhibi
1. it ion ready.
Joe, you divil, what's tickets worth
to-.l ay. How nnich did you get for
your intlonce."
Joe. Ye palp-'en, how'd ye feel
a:n'n,; a few decent men once at a Re
publican primary.
Y. u may pack a primary, Deacon,
but you cai 't take the tax list of Cass
county just yet. the Hj-.uald, boys! bust her
uo if vo'.i want to. That suits us.
When will you be'in.
Mr. Fitzgerald has been repairing
the sidewalk around his place; a good
example for all to follow.
1. ". Dovey is on the U. S. Grant!
Jury at Omaha; likewise Geo. May
Jkld and Geo. Fairfield.
Itc-membtr the F.aby show" at
the Fair next week, and bring all the
pretty babies iu Cas county.
Dr. Geo. Dhuk ought to have had
liis men ryis'i red Saturday night;
They would have voted cleaner.
All the Superintendents of the
different classes will remember their
duty and be present at the Fair next
Cap. Palmer had a rattling old
fight in the third Ward, and only got
beat by two votes. 2" to 27 the bal
lots stood.
For beggars of an office at the
bands of the people of this county, the
chaps that are going to crush the Heu
ali talk big.
Good music will be furnished dur
ing the Fair by the ITattsmouth Sil
ver Helicon Band, and the Kendall
company Bund.
Mr. YVm. Snyder leaves U3 some
r;st excellent and beautiful eating
apples phieh he wants named. Come
j!j raid, set: thena. ye fruit men.
Sam. Barker, 1). p. Johnson, Dr.
Black and others have brought 332
head of fine native cattle into the
county to bo wintered.
Elder S. Armstrong, (Latter Day
aint) will preach next feuuday, Sept.
13, at 10 o'clock A. m and at T i m.,
at the Court House. All are invited.
The Band deserve great praise for j
affordins us a real i!easur in their
concert and tho comicalities after wards
which were funny without being
Mr. II. A. Kendall, supported by
a company of 18 Ladies and Ontlemen
will play at the Fitzgerald Hall in the
city during Fair week, commencing on
Monday night.
It is said Dr. Livingston will sue
the Republican party for damages to
his ofiice at the primary meeting and
Ed ItufTncr wants to collect rent for
use of tl e coal shed.
And they left poor Thomas out
in the cold too; Thomas ought to have
gone to the Convention if any member
of the firm. Don't you wish you were
back at lied Cloud, dear T.?
L. Golding, one of the oldest mei
chauts. is still there, the same man as
ever, not so big a building as some,
not s great h stock, but enough for
his business and he always sells cheap.
bee the ad. of Temperance Billiard
Hall in this paper. They seern to be
vety line young men, and will no doubt
conduct a No. 1 establishment, for
those who are fond of the game.
The schools opened on Monday last,
with ProT. Sim-ms at the helm, and
efficient teachers in the various de
partments, and children may be seen
on every street wealing th-iir - way
towards the hill of learning.
A. B. Smith says that the reason
the negroes are catching the Yellow
Tever now, when they never were be
fore i s all owing to the loth amend
ment. When made equal to white
men they get white men's diseases.
We came down from Omaha last
week with Mrs. Spurlock and Mrs.
Henderson, who were returning from
the rr.miont Temperance meeting and
had a very interesting conversation
with both ladies.
Captain Marshall who has just re
turned from the east and stopped over
in Omaha to attend the funeral of Hon.
Frank Weh-h says it was mot elabor
ate and elegant the Knights Templar
having charge.
Thus d
honor her noble dead.
See the new time table of the B. iS:
M. 11. R. The western train leaves
here now at lOtfO, instead of 9:20. and
there are three freight trains running
now, daily. . The passenger train from
Omaha leaves at J.rJ A, :!.. instead of
'J as heretofore.
Bo::x, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. O'G ra
lly, at the house of her parents, a
daughter, Saturday Sept. 7th, lS7i,
and Cap!. Donovan, the happy grand
father is planning an inlui I cradle of
somniferous woods that will render
baby O'G lady's infant days a continu
ous beatitude.
Chaplain Wright, brings us in a
basket of Coneoid grapos which are
as large and plump and juicy as heart
could wish He informs us that bis
vines are full, and that the wet weath
er did not injure them. The Chap
lain's grounds are very handsome and
Mr. t. P. IL.gan, of Buffalo, X. Y.,
has bought the lot on the corner of oth
and Main streets, and will put up a
bri.k building in the spring. Mr. H.
is a man of means and will make this
city his home in theiutuie. The town
is growing all over, and better times
a t coming for us.
Ed. IIi:i:ai.i: Will you do my:e!f
and many other citizens of Cass coun
ty, the favor to bring to the notice of
the farmers of thebtatc the remedy for
Hog Cholera" patented by Prof. A.J.
Rainey. I have used it, and believe
there is nothing tiual to it.
II. Brsioi:.
Dick Reigel, of the Freie Presse
Council Bluffs, called to see the IIei:-,
aid on Monday accompanied by Mr.
Geo. Weidiuann. Wo were very glad
to fee the gentleman, Mr, Reig. 1 hav
ing made a gaMai.t record at the tire
lately in Omaha, and is now sulTeiii g
from an injured shoulder and broken
lingers in consequence.
While thcro are "thousands of
hands that want acres," and thousands
of achers that want hands," the instru
ments and hands of skill of Dr. Kiek
ev to restore lad achers to comfort.
soundness and beauty, or rtpUn.- the
same with those which will never be
achers, are now at the Saunders house
and will remain until the 13th. 2A2
Mr. McDoiiagh has been chairman
cf the Republican caucuses in the od
ward for the last two seasons. We do
not know bow Mac reconciles his news
paper course and his chairmanships, or
what kind of ideas they have of Re
publicanism iu tli.' od ward, but it i
not an unusual thing nor for this occa- j
sion, that Mr. MacDonagh lias reigned
as chairman of their primaries.
We found on our table the other
day some of just the nicest peaches
we have seen this year, tuny ripe,
large and juicy, and beautiful to be
hold. "The compliments of Mrs. Ed.
Buttery " came in very agreeable shape
and we enjoyed them returningth nil !s
for the same as we ate. Those peaches
are from the same tree the fruit form
which took the premium at the Centen
nial. The Grecnbackers held a meeting
in the Court House Saturday evening,
and elected the following delegates to
their County Convention on the 13th
at Weeping Water: Frank Carruth,
J. P. Tutt, Win. Five, Jno. Waymar,
C. Nichols, W. Bryant, J. S. Gregory.
I G. Kinser, Alex. Carnes, Wm. Ball
Peter Merges and Levi Golding. Of
these Mr. Merges and Mr. Golding will
not sc-i vc, v t ujtlcrstrpd.
Our Irish friend, Brig. Gen. Joseph
O'Connor, w ho lias become a success
ful political iuanipu'.ator, and Deacon
Bushnell, aided slightly by our Teu
tonic neighbor, Alex Schlegel. and
backed by Dr. Geo. Black, packed a Re
publican primary in this ward Satur
day for the first time since wo have
lived here. Packed it against the edi-
tor Gf this paper, a citizen of this state
twenty-one years, of this county six,
editor of a Republican newspaper of
fourteen years standing, and a life long
Republican himself. If will help
Wheeler's cause lec 'em pack.
Mr. Hi s.-;cr brings the Hkkald a
couple of (igs raised on the fig tre
which for some years has been a curi
osity in his greenhouses. The figs in
shape bear a strong resemblance to a
pear, and are very sweet without much
flavor, due somewhat to their hothouse
origin, probably. We expect next to
hear of Mr. Ilesser with a pair of rub
bers made from the products of his
caoutchouc or India rubber tree, ami
he'll finally crown his exploits with a
blossom on that century plant. Then
we shall have a sensation.
From Omaha papers we learn that
Mr. Willis A. .sharp, a Plattsmouth
boy, but who has been in Omaha for a
year or two past, was married a week
ago last Saturday to Miss Etta Pay. on
and that he will come to Plattsmouth
to reside, and take charge of the tele
graph department here. Will has
proved himself a young man of ability
and good sense; we wish more of our
Plattsmouth boys would do equally
well, and not bo content to spend all
as they go and never rise any higher.
We-nnd'-rstand that he intends build
ing a house on the south side of town
iti which to install bis bride. His
friends will welcome them to Platts
mouth. Plattsjiovtm, Neb., Sept. 7.
The attention of the public is called
to the celebrated Aktists' Gem Draw
ing Machine now at Dr. pjnelun's
Drug Store. The Doctor has just been
appointed sole agent for this valuable
little machine for Plattsmoath and vi
cinity. With this wonderful instru
ment any one who can hold a pen can
easily enlarge a small photograph to
Ii f size, and bring in every color and
tint without the possibility of error.
The price of this ingenious invention
has been but recently reduc-d to meet
the wants of the times and enable chil
dren attending school to acquire thor
ough knowledge of MAP dkawino for
which it is invaluable. Call in and see
it and try its wonderful simplicity. It
will cjst you nothing to convince your
self. Sale or
reserved se;Us for Kendall's" Theatre
will commence on Saturday morning
at the P.O. News Depot, procure them
in time.
Sadden De.-.tli.
We are just informed that Mr. C. IT.
Winslow, one of the oldest and most
respected citizens of this county, died
Tuesday night, very suddenly, of a con
gestive chill.
Back jigdiu
and busy as ever is Dr. Riehcy the
Chicago Dentist who will remain tint i!
the l'Jtli; " a word to the wise is sulh
cicnt." 2-t2
Fire Alarm.
Members of the Piattsmouth Fire,
and Hook & Ladder Companies, and
all citizens interested are requested to
meet at the Court Ibmse on Friday
evening, Sept. 1.1, to take action for the
relief of the suffering Firemen at the
burning of the Grand Central Hotel iu
Wm. L. Wells, chief Eng.
Fine work Appreciated
in Piattsmouth ; j ou would think so
from the number of our nst citizens
who visit Dr. RichrV, the Chicago
Dentist who remains at the Saunders
House until the 19th. 23t2
Plattsniottth Library AssecinGon.
The Library connected with the
Reading Room will be open for the
circulation of books on Friday after
noon, Sept. -13, 1S7S. Terms for the
use of books will be made known at
the Reading Room. By order of the
The Baby Show!
Hear ye.' Hear ye! Hear ye!
Next week the Fair commences, on
Tuesday the 17th, and there is to be a
big baby show. Remember that, and
in the fullness of their hearts, they
have made, this Editor the Superin
tendent thereof. We suppose they
thought that was a joke, but the babies
won't think so, we are afraid. How-
i ever we have been looking at babies
and buying pictures of babies ever
since, ami getting posted on babies, so
bring along your pretty babies and
we'll see what can be done for future
Great Outrage.
On Thursday night a week ago as
Dr. George Chapman was going from
his place of business home some one
attacked him and most brutally mash
el up his head and eye, kicking him
in the mouth and in fact putting the
worst face on him we evei saw short
of outright mashing. He caused Fred
Kra-hler to be arrested for the same
and a preliminary trial was had on
Friday. Krechler plead not guilty and
denies any knowledge of the transac
tion but was bound over to the dis
trict Court in the sum of $1,000; with
out passing any judgment as to the
guilt or innocence of any party at this
time, it was an unmitigated outrage
and the perpetrator thereof must be
Stoves put up and blacked. Pipe
cleaned and all fixed up in apple-pie
order by Chas. Brown. Leave orders
at Bob. Sherwood's store. 23-tf
Goto Schlegel Bros, and get the int
tag Lorillard smoking Tobacco.
To Let.
Two or three rooms to let near the
radroad. Inquire at this offic
Says ISi-own' EIIaciilxTry anil
&iiitcr is a safe, pleasant and reliable
remedy for Vian f PU, D'st'itttry. Chol
era Morbus; and Hummer Complaint.
Procure a bottle of this Celebrated
Family mifeynard at once. Delays are
Danyeious. Price, fiftv cents ner bot
tle. Croun'K Vcs?o1a!!o Liver
I'ills are the standard remedy for the
Liver and Bilious diseases of this cli
mate. 1 trial tsi-jJAUltLS thtm in. tctry
Western Family.
SSroiva'f .iriilc-ti Salvo has no
equal for removing inflamm ition and
fur healing old sores and ulcers. All
of lirotcu's Popular Family 2cdi
eiiiJi For sale by Dr. W E. Donelan.
Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and
O. F. Johnson.
lotf . Plattsmouth, Neb.
Slippers o c a pair at Merges. Stf
Ladies Serge Shoes OOcts.
" Slippers 50 cts.
" " Leather Shoes 73 cts.
Shoes and Boots ake dov.-n to kock
Mens Buckle Alexis... Q 1 o0
" Prince Alberts 15)
Whole stock Brogans 1 50
These goo 's and others including
a I'J rye stork of all l;imU
of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, must be
sold. No trust.
Ctf Peter
Smoke the B. & M. in Nebraska ci
gars at Schlegel Bros.
Prints twenty varJs for 8100 at
Rockwell's. 15tf
Five pound of best rio coffee for .31
at Rockwell's lotf
Slippers S3c a pair at Merged. Stf
Send your orders for cigars to A.
Schlegel ct- Bro. they guarantee satis
faction iu price and quality. 1-ltf
Pension Papers.
Those wanting pern-ion papers ac
knowledged will please remember that
J. R. Toman. Notary Public, Louisville,
lias :i cerliiicate of the county Clerk
tiled with the lT. S. pension Agent and
can attend to all such business. 52tf .
Go to Jones & Stroud for a good
team just now. lOtf.
l audcs Look Out
for new goods at Mrs. Johnson's and
Miss Sweeney's about the bnli of
September. 2-1 1 2.
Waterman's Lumber Prices.
Frame lumber 12 to IS feet, :?18p,n- M.
Fencing 13 " 19
Common b'd's IS " 20 " " " "
iding IS " 20 " " " "
Star A shingles 3:10 " " "
Miadcd A " -2:10 " " "
Lath ii:25 " " "
And other lumber in proportion. 24t2
RuiTner c Black, Weeping Water
are selling immense quantities of Ag
tural Implements very low, and want
to sell more. Plows, Rakes, fall In
plcmeuts of all kinds cheap. Come at
once. 21t2
Setilemeut Notice.
I shall be found at Fred Stadel
manu's Bakery for some time to come
for the purpose of settling all my bus
iness, cilecting my debts and accounts
and paying my own. I want my busi
ness affairs wound up its speedily as
possible and w.ui'. l thank my friends
and late patrons to come around and
help me to squire up by settling all
our accounts.
Very Respectfully'.
20tf Wm. Stadelmann.
'loncj to Loan.
We will negotiate loans, in Cass
County on improved farms, on live
ye sirs time of
Fundi obtained promptly, call on or
address Moo i:e. & Ocorock.
south side Gov't Square, Lincoln, Neb.
State Normal School, Peru, Nebraska.
The FALL Term becins Wednes
day. S. pt, 4. 1S77.
the Elementary and Higher.
TUITION and" LIBRARY' free to
all the Students.
except Matriculation Fee.
GRADF for which thev are quali'ie.l.
Students qualified to graduate in Elemental-
Course in one year.
22t4 Roisekt Cerry, Principal.
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1ST all boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my mime bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainly labeled:
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska.
"White fish at SO cents a kit at Rock
well's, lotf
Go to Rockwell's for all kinds of dry
goods and groceries at bed rock prices.
Q fifth ftift woithof Earm ritniitc-E
0ulMrUlfw alone rn be saved bv usin-' LxUriaU alor. ' ;vtf
An Undeniable Truth.
You deserve to suffer, and if you
lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in
this beautiful is entirely your
own fault and there is only one excuse
for you, your unreasonable prejudice
and skepticism, which lias killed thous
ands. Personal knowledge and com
mon sense reasoning will soon show
you that Greene's August Flower will
cure you of Liver Complaint or Dys
pepsia, with ail its miserable effects,
such as sick headache, palpitation of
the heart, sour stomach, habitual cos
tiveness. .dizziness of the head, nervous
prostration, low spirits. :e. Its sales
now reach every town on the Western
Continent and not a Druirgit but will
tell you of its wonderful cures. You
can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents.
Three doses will relieve vou.
"German Syrup."
No other medicine in the world has
ever given such a test of its curative
qualities its Botchee's German Syrup.
In two years three million four hundred
thousand small bottles of this medicine
were distributed fne of vita rye by
Druggists in this country to those af
flicted with Consumption, Asthma,
Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and
other disease of the Throat and Lungs,
giving the American people undeniable
proof that German Syrup will cure
them. The result has been that Drug
gists in every town and village in the
United States are recommending it to
their customers. G to your Druggist,
and ask what they know about dt. Sam
ple bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75
cents. Three doses will relieve any
case. oStf-alt
Liver is King.
Proposals f-jr Oats.
l!F-KrAl:Tri!S ma-AKTMFNT OK T.'IF. 1
l'l.AT l K. Ollirf Q;i.ii-ti-'!llatl er's OiTH- V
Onialia r.arrac.s. Neb., August '."J. ISTS. )
Sealf.l p:v) s:i!s ia t: iplirn'e. MiV'rt to the
IIS'.mI rniaillliMl.t. Wiil In- ivi-ei veil at tli'4 oI.-'V
until !J o'rl'iclc, iiiiiiii.ini W ! iie-iiay . Septem
ber 1 1 1 ii. 17s. at wl-icii place and t line they w ill
In' opi-ii.'o in t !i'.' presence oi Iii l.iers. far fnr
nishii!'; ami ilc.livci in. ia qu im Hies as r.-i.ii. -el
up to Decembers. lSTs. at omalia Depot.
Ncl-rvka, or at stations 0:1 the I'uioii 1'acitic
Itailroail. east from Kearney Janctiou, tmc mil-
liiiH ( ! .UKVlif. I I 1..';.N 'oN.
Proposals for ijaiitith-i less tliau the whole
rci,iiii' l- "i'l receive. I.
rrei'ereitee will he ivc-ti to articles of tlonics
tie production.
The contracts wiil he let w ith the proviso Hint
the .mailt iti'S coi. traeted formav be increased
or reduced one-third by tli" Chief ( i:::-teniias-terofthe
I ep:n t inent. at any time within six
tv .lavs alter .late of contract.
"r.ids .l;o;;'.(l state the rate ier 101 pounds, not
per bushel : should state the rear ia v liich the
Oats propo-ed to lie furi.isheil were grown, and
should be endorsed on envelopes, " Lids for
The riuht to reject any or all hid". It reserved.
M. I. Ll oi mu'dn.
Chief jnarteri!iater.
A Schh'trel & Bro. have on hand the
best brands of Smoking and Chewing
tobaccos. lllf
Go to Rockwell's at Louisville to
buy your millinery goods, they have
just received a large and well selected
stock of belies hats and trimmings of
the latest stvle. lotf
Slippers o5c a pair at Merges. Stf
Fse Centennial Rat Exterminator. 20tf
Master's Sale.
District of Nebraska : In the Circuit Couri of
the Oi.i'.e.l States, for toe Dl.ttnet oi Nebraska
Jr.tiKMiAW Wat kh .max )
v. '-In CIi: ni-e:y
Wlt.l.IAM I". llA!:KOi a ct ul. I
I'ul.'ic notice is hereby itiven that in pursu
ance "f a decree cn'eicd in the above cause, en
the 17th day of May. lsTs. 1 Walton P.. smell.
Masler In ( Iiaie cry'of said Court u id.oii Mon
day . t lie 1 !! h day of ( letohcr ls;s, at (lie hour i f
.- o'ehiiv in l lie afternoon of the s,,id day at the
from door of the Court l!oii'e in tin
City of Seward. Seward county Nebr:i-ka, sell
:.t public auction, the fuliow in do.tcnbed prop
erty to-vi it: The east half of t lie north east
e,iiarter of tcciio.i twelve tlj) iii tow ntbip num
ber twelve iC'i iu ran four, east of the ;;th P.
M., Iein eighty acre: of land in Sew a r. I r-ouu-ty
NebMs!;a. " Wa i tO.N ii. Smith.
Oiaaha. cpt. 10. lsrs. Matter ia CUuiicery.
II.!CV,.i..i) t AJitS. U'"U
Master's Sale.
District of Ni-!-:-asl;a,. : In the Circuit Court
of tlie tiiitc.l StaKs for ihe District of ebra.s
i.a. Jr.KF.MIAH WATI'.IO! AX i
vs. v in Chaneerv.
John .Masoi-lsx
eoi;i:closl i;e oe moiitc.ace,
Public iioth-e is hereby gi en that in puiii
atice of a decree entered in the above cause, on
! be 17th day of May isTs. I Watson p,. M.iitb,
Masi.-r iu Chancery of said Court, will on
'I net-day tlie lotli day of October, Is7s at
I lie hour ot J o'cIol-'.; in the afternoon of said
day. at the front door of the District Court iu tlie City ot Lincoln, Lancaster county,
Nebraska tell at l'libia- Auction, the P dlnwiii
descliiied propel ty to-v. i: : The north half oi
tlie IioH.ll east ;ua".er of Section lilllaher
twei.ty-sir. in Towii!.i ip n iuiber seven in Uaiiue
number seven, east oi toe t-lxth Principal .Me
ridian , accord :n to tlie Ooverunieiii Survey, of
the -slate of NeiiicsXa, iu Lancaster coaiitv.
Ncbrasii.".. V. atsi.s it. smith.
O.u.iha. .-'ept loth. 1st. Mas cr ia Caai.ce . y,
llAliWool) & Amks, Soiii iters tor Pitt. ;.,I4
Notice of Assignee of his ap
pointment in Bankruptcy.
DitrUt of X t.r.i-hii ss:
At Lincoln I lie day ef September. A. D.,
Ists,. '1 be undersigned hereby ulves notice ol
Ins appointment as assignee of James 11. Mi -Murtryoi
Lincoln In tlie County of Inicastcr.
and State ot Nebraska, wiihiu said Di.tlncl, vi ho
has been adjudged ;i JlaiiKrupt upon his own
petition, by .1.1.., Ueis:er in Lank
ruptc; loi "said District, J. M. Kxux.
n.'.ta Assignee.
In Bankruptcy.
In the, IHitrii-x Court of the United Stitm. for
the DLtrut of Xcbraka. Intiic matter of C'.i'J-Uit
& jir.iihrvol.
J'Wtrict of A. Ijrns.ha, ss.-
A Warrant in l!.inkrujtcy lias been issued by
said Coi:i t ajauist tlie Estate of I'liarles stceie
of Falls t ity"lu the County of IiicTiardsoti and
state ol Nebraska tit said District, adjudeil a
l;.;n.'.iii)it Hpi.n )etition of liis creditors and
the payment of any .h-bts. ami the delivery of
any proper. y b.-loiijtinj; lo said i;.uikrut, to
him. or to h;s n-e ami the traiisft'-r of any prop-t-rty
by him are forbidden ty law A n'leeimg
of the'Creditois of the said llanknipt. to prove
their debts and to choose one or more As.sin
ees of Ins Estau. v. lit be held at a Court' of
I'. ink i u ptcy to be holden at Omaha, in said
District on "the ttntii day of September. lx;s, at 2
o'clock P. M.. at the o:nce of .1. L Wkcstki:,
Es;., the Ih'i;ister in Uaukruptt-y of said Court.
William Daily.
212 I". S. Marshal for said District.
In Bankruptcy.
Jn the District Court of the United SMtrs, for
tin: instrict of Xebrtit-k-A. In the matUr of
n.sf Mr tier UnnhrnfJ.
Iitri. t of Xeliri'iah'i.g.:
This Is tii u-ive notice, that on the tl.n day of
August. A. D.. 187s a Warrant in Il.iikrifptcy
was issued out of tlie Iitriet Court of the
I' nited States for the District of Nebraska
aaiu.-t the r.state of Aiyii-.! -Meyer of Lincoln
iu the County of Lancaster in said District. ho
lias b;-en adjudged a Jiaiikrii)it on his win peti
tion : Tuat tli- i:-.y;a(-iit of any .lebts. and the
delivery of any property beloiimtosaid llauk
rupt, to him, or to bis u-e. and the transfer ot
any property bv hiiu are torbidden bv law.
I hat a uieetiim of tue Creditors of the said
Laiikrupt, to nrove their debts and to ehooe
one or more Assignees of bis Estate, will l e
held at a Court of llankruiitey to be holden iu
Omaha, iu said District on tlie 2ad dav of Sep
tember, ists. at a o'clock. 1. M., at No. 244
Douglas Street, the oIV.ce of .1. L. Wkkstkr,
lisi., the Ecjjister iu I'.ankruptcv of said Cour.
William Daily,
2"t2 L. S. Marshal for said District.
In Bankruptcy.
In the Dinru t Court of the United -Sf;f. , for
the Ii.tru-t of Xetirahri. In the matUr of Xfi
rcnid.! M. Htnle Ikinkruot.
Ditrii-t of XLlirilek. jm:
A V.'arralit in P.aiikruptey has been issued
by said Court against th- estate of MiranJa M.
Steele of Falls City in tlie County of Liehar-i-ron
and Slate of Nebraska in said District, ad
judged .1 liaiikrupt iiieu petition of her ci edi
tors and the payment cf any debts, the de
livery of any piopcrty belonging to said Bank
rupt, to her. or to her use, ami the trausfer of
any property by her are forbidden bv law. h
meeting of the Creditors ol the kaid liaiikrupt.
lo prove their uebt and to choose one or moie
A;si-'.K-es of her Estate, w ill Le hL:a - t a court
of P.ankruptey to he lioldea at Omaha. In said
District nu the:ieth llav of September. 1S7S, ut 2
.. clock P. in., at the otiiee of J, L. Wkostkk,
Esip, the Ke.isler in U.ui! ruptcv of said Court.
V 1 1. 1.1 AM 1H1I.Y.
25t2 L". S. M: rthal for -said District.
In Bankruptcy.
In the IfsfnVf C rt of the. ffif.VJ .vftlfc. for
the Litri t of XttmisUa. In f.'it matU r of
jih. n l:r k Itunhruot.
District or A'trd.n.i. s:
1 ins is to uive I ti it on the 31st day of
ilust A. 1 ISTs. a Warrant in P.ankruptey
v.a-Tioued out of the District Court of tl.- da
ted smtes for tiie Di-tr.ct of Nebraska
the Ksta;e of Stephen P. rock of Lincoln in Ihe
County of L:iac;i!er. in said District, who has
been ailha'iu-'d a .'. tukrup! i::on hoi owil peti
tion : Tlial the payment of debt, and the de
uvrrv of anv propcviy belot;::iU't to s.od b?u:k
rup:. to ti i in. or i. los use, and I u- transfer of
any property bv him is fo- biddn by law. 'lhat
a incciinu ' be Creditors of the saal Bankrupt
to prove taeir d.-'is and to choose one or moie
As-i- rices of hN Ilate. ill be held at a Com t
of UanUruptcv to he holdeii at Omaha, in said
District op. the 2'ih dav of September. Is:, at
o'cloc.i A. M.. at No. J41 Douglas street, at Hie
othce of J. L. Webster. Ks.j.. Hie Register 111
Bankruptcy of said Court. William Daily.
:t2 C. S, .Marsha'., for said District.
In Bankruptcy.
In thrTUtrirt Court of the 1'iiitct State, for
t:,- liittrivt of Xelo iului. lnthematUr uf Jsa
Emeiroa n nhriti't.
J 'i'trit i of AV. r.isia. .
'1 his i to uive notice, lhat on the "list day of
August. A. D., ls?s a Warrant in Ranknudcy
was issued out of the District Comt of the. t'i.1
ted States for the Ditr':et of Nebraska against
t!i" Estate of Asa Emerson C Ihe county of
.lohnsoi. ill i-aid District who has b.en adjudg
ed a P.aukiiipt up-hi his own petition : 'lhat the
pavtnclit of ..liv debts, and the delivery of any
pro! ei tv lelonini: to said Uankrupl, to linn, or
to his live, and the tran-ler of any property by
him is forbidden hv law. That a ineclin:; ot
tiie creditors of the said Eanlviupt, to prove
their debts and to choose one or more Assignees
of hi- K-t.ite. will 1-e held at a Court ot l.aiiK
rnptcv to be hidden at Omaha, in said district
on the -JTih dav of September. ISTs. at 4 clock
T M . at No. 2tl Doiila- street, at then!. ice of
J. L. V.Ki-.siKti. E,,i.; ihe l:ei-terin liai.knipt
cv of sa:d Court. William Haii-y,
"5PJ L". S. Marshal lor said District.
In Bankruptcy.
I;, the. flMrii t Curt of the Cnit' d Stutr. for
the I'iftriet of At-hr.ixl.-ti. In o'lt inatler uf John
uthan liiiiii' !'ar.kruit.
lUxtrirt of .V. hfi.-fVd. w.
This is to utve notice, that ou -lie 31st day or
ucust . D.. ISTs. a W arrant in P. ankruot cy
was'issiiPii out or the District Court efthe
I nitcd States for the District of Nebra-k i.
"I'nst the Estate of Johnatka.i IIiu
iis of lio-Ard in the eoni-ty of Nemaha in
said Di-ni -t who has been adiudjed a bank
rupt upon his own petition : 'lhat tlie payment
of hiiv .'olds and the delivery of any property.
brloiVint-to said Hank nipt. t hnn. or to his
i: ;e and the transfer of any property by him
are forbidden bv law. That a tneetnis of Ihe
Crc. '.iters of the' said Bankrupt, to prove their
b-ijis and to choose one or more Avljrnees ef
his Ksti te will beheld at a Cv.t of P.aukiupt
evto he holdeii at Omaha, iu said Distri. t on
the LMth rtav of Sepfinher. IsTs at 2 j).
to at No. -.'Jl Dom'!as Street, the oiilceof.I. L.
Wt- KSTKB, Esq., Ihe Ke':i-ter i" anlruitev of
said Court. Wim iam Umi v.
0p U. S. for said District.
In Bankruptcy.
Tn th' Diytrirt Court of the VniU: SMf. for
thr rntrh-t of Xhra-'1:o. In Vie vmiUr of Ann
uel L. .-ini.Vrsnn !.Tii.nit.
Jis!rict of Xi liriiil.'i. .
This is to uive notice, that oil the "1st day of
Auirnst. A. D., I STj. a Warrant in Uaukruptcy
was issued out of the I i-t riet Court of the
I'niied States for tlie District of Nebraska
a-j-ain-t the Estate of Samuel L. Amicus of
Crete Pi the eountv of Saline in said District
who has been adiuiiired a P.aiikrupt on his own
petition : That t he payment of any debts, and
the delivery- of any property hr lOii-'in to said
iiaiikiiipt. to him. or to his use. and the trans
fer of anv projiert v !v hitn are forbidden by
law. That a met tiui of the Creditors ot the
said E.i'.ikrunt. to prove their debt and to
choose one ormnre .A s-i.-nees of his K-tate.v.iil
be held at a Court of Bankruptcy- to be holden
at Omaha, in -aid District on the 21lh day of
September. ISTs. at 9 o'clock A. M.. at No. I'll
Douirlas S'reet. the office of J. L. Wf.I.STKiS
Es:.. the Register iu Ilaiikrutitcy of said Court.
W 1 LI I AM D 1 IA .
"."12 I. S. Marshal of said Distriet.
Sheriff Sale.
E.v virtue of an order of sale issued by W'il
liau'i U. Hoover. Cl-rk of tin- District Co-.irl
within ami tor Nemaha County, Nebraska, and
to me directed. 1 v. ill on the 7th day of October
A. D. 1 7S. at in o'clock, a. in., of said day. at
the south door ol the Court Mouse in I'lalts
liioulh, in said County, sell at public unction '.lie
l'olhovius Real Estate to w it : The south half
is. i ji ol the south west .piarter (s. w. , i of See
lion number tw cut v-ci-ht (JS) in Township
number ten tlm north of ran:;o number nine t'J)
cast containing ci;:titv acres the same beinu
levied upon and taken as I he tu-operty of
ua P. P.iirdick and Debora P,urdick.defeiHlauIs :
lo s-u i-:fv :i iud .liM-nt of s lid Court, recovere:l
bvt.eoiie W. R-ed & Compauv Plamtia.
'riattsmouth, Neh., Au.rn-t -'aili. A. D. ISTs.
U. V Mvi-KS. Shcriir.
23t5 Cass Co. Nebra.-ka.
C?l Z L i-1 T
PLES. Corner Ctii au-l IVailSts.
I'or a Eair Coininission.
TK.t.32S AT AS.,3. B20J iS.
I'auicu'.ar atteation paid to
Driving and Training
TIKHT1XG STOCK. A hearse furnished when ca
One Door East of Dovey & Son's.
Wo Pay Cash for Produce!
Dealer in
At Louisville Xeb., call and exam
ine the stock. lTly
Hetall Manor Dealers.
Also I5ilIia:I Hall auJ Saloon on
Main street, four doors from .Sixth at
Neville's old :iacc.
Stoie ;md saloon on Main bt. two
doors east of the Post oliice.
Beweutbrr The imeand I'lace.
-MIy Keenan & Grace.
Dealer in
Store opposite Saunders House.
!.aiii Si, I!ut!::oat!i, .cJn-.
Ciiicap EarliiiEten & Quinsy R. R.
East and West,
RunniEg Through Cais
Couitcil Bluffs,
Union Pacific Railroad
II 1 I'Ji I A Or.
T E3 It O t' ii IZ V A 51 S
KANSAS Cilt, TOPEIAATuHIi-Oli i si. im
Throus'.i Cars tH QUSTO 1 :init M Vi'iuU "
niNsorni. 5iAx:.;Aa s. T.t.
Houston & Texas featral RAilUwd..
-IT IS Tilt
rr.oji the
West to tlio East
Ml iuTori rition ahoi.l rat." of tare v ill be
Oen. V.'ca. i'ii-s. Ait t..
ill 1 ' (e .
Jti ; ; ij victim
' f-
; .
- l. i - c - ; ' - ' -.
i c i s i : E 1"".
y. - - s s. y. r- y. v y -f. 7. ' ' :
s. .V
i---:. '
tJ.Tj mat Sssvs
Iu I-iatlsaiauth, Neh., on Eourth t-'t., about the
you will find :
C'orsi IIanlts-s, (Jsand U horse)
Miri-i!5 Plows,
Sulky I'Jows,
and all kimlsof Farm Implements and
Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, &c, ,vc.
Eungarian and Millst.
Seed far Sale
nnoi.o pi.ATF.n watches, rs-.r-.t
V ,:iti,,:.IIHb.r,r!ii. Sim. II MI J ... I" A.'!
JjUauku., A. COLI-TKIl 0O Crlvioj. lia-
2et 1
AGideto Wtd;oic anl
! 'Mtitiait 1 on t!.
! iiitic ol nur end th
3 A boo J tor ir:tr, cn'i
jc nie rt-Oii. !: LiAj Li:ci. nnjfe
On alt d tnrorrioi n r'nvaTfc Lit.uro ar.i. iiom Ffti .
Abuse. Exreie-a, r Secret, wua Uio ttt
Birarm of ci l'4 in- pii'-. pru-eiw rt.
A CLINICAL LtCTUaE on th ljo difen tf--i
thnr ot t?i I'lioalaoU Lmigs, Cj.Liriu,Kuturc, uid
Op.nm Habit. r.. price 10cl-
i.jiher bk fc'-nt porpi0 on receipt of pr;e : or ftl. t'arte.
ct'D'amini: ." tS'-i, biititui:y i..ti;ratel. lor li t ..
AJ-LxIi,BLTX1, .o. U " buit. tit. Lou.1, LIO.
pkiuhii-' Mfn cAL ADVISLH!
Lie (..,
- i.-- Irfvttf4 UM:ire. ivii'ti- trn-n rrir abcM4
n- Insertion f( it..-r Kmtnul vtlU n- i"--!- -t (
KmlM.iii, of Minion, Impuir ) iMLL, l.ot
Manhood or lui(Mtltne, Nrfuun li U . f-ni.r
neiillv i-urr-i ; Jl--r ,J liu- ItludtJc-r, kifn, I.IT,
1 UIr. A-t'iM:. l'.i:vr?i. ri. M.i 1I -vu I 1 IU'
roKn:.niKjui to u 1:1. .t. i.o u
has ha.1 fc ln-i-"i-a -i!. t mrii rurt Wicre iti- fa'L I'
k a i"-i.lia;? of ii;e T av S. t i.-.tri un-. l i V4
J;ir'-t w-4- lio lit tli L. J. til V ttuumuyi lnriiuit,t !!
prl Ute i o'we v.J board, ruil rii. rv r uiriiiriji r
ir-tll. V-fl.1 bfiV il U f Jk:nti'. ot LuL-iycT i WI-m! .-
Amr of linpfliit lnfunriJilioa trvxn. k)sL OL.I2i
..'it.k' nit.t.ii. jtri n( b. tit st-. ou all t.'i-t-e .f a
tslure. aJu i.t( t.i tli nnrnl and t." ro,ttnti Vm
ritAmae. Hn Ui I kmi.y a i.l truly h -ny in ihv' j rr.-r
tt'-o. fcveryKiy i,iita efc issuk.. I C-i-U, W u u-
A Hill. Aeentii wanlcl. Ons'.
I in slc-?lt!inatc. I'ai-ticulursfrec.
! J. WOHTU t OO . tl Loui!. Mo.
mrsf! Morphine f laoit aW.i-.l-dy ir- wee-My
wd. i'ai!Li; uo j ' n f" i. -
fuC Dartiotiir- Jj:. Ckti-'.
l-v7 V a.hBt4. rt C a.-X J'U
i Including Ghootlns Outfit.
4 i
H s.
2 ii
to g ?
a3 1
. 13 1? I U -y.rtL k Utv.-.
REVOLVES, FHEiv't'i-'u1
csttihK'. a. AU.'ies. .1. Llow II J; .Sou, 1J0 t Ui
Wood St., I d t-omr,;, 1'a. -Il
OQ n T C ' V.-o.v? v'.l World' a C.ihihl-
il'.T . It I- f ...- I. i 1' O A l .l.'i:.l l-: Htid
.' llll'l l.AilS. wit. I lit-v.- .lyje-. rMliirl
ppleen mid iinnli ii.f.ii n. i! n. mciiI free. MA
SON & HAMLIN Ol.SA.S C., Let in, Niv.
York or Coici. i.
pci !i and S.M-are I i-io., prt-e sl.b n only
'.'.. I'.l. t''t ptiht 1'i.J!!'., (n ice .-sen only
'.v.. Neu mvIi- t'pritbt I'ii .-s s-'-il J Oik'an i
s "r; ;.as I stni i j r.'i. 4'liwrii Or-.-an-i
iii.t..Hpi'-e :. -a i tdy - 1 1 '.. I lejta'.t .Tiir
riir'l.iii Oi't.i.i-. :.'. i'i-'t. Buyers ':i i
a-.d sc.- no ..: h.. me ,f 1 a'.i not :i I epi i e," .
IL 1!. I'.iie p,.i i I,..: a wa s a -id 1 ia1... or (Iivm
j;iveii In-e laijeli'-t. Ne.t p,.pei- with li-m il
ii:toi niat am : bout c t el 1 !-ni : rit.
eul fre. Bb-ase it.!i.-.s-i I!uirl 8-'. ilrtlt
t', Wasiiii.utoii, N. ,J.
s iv: or.i)'?i,
The only coi. ibin:. t ion r.f tho
U 1 1 i'e .l:ii-i 'b a l . I turer w il h cho-.-o
. i (.1....I i.-s loul 1 li-iieb
for 'li..!ei.i. Ol oleia Mortn.s,
Ci and I'aa.-. Dial i ii'.e.,
ami Dns.ipIi rv, I ivseps.i. 1. i
liileiic'v. Wani .1 'D-iie and Ac-
a I lie Mema'-a linn i .o . -is,
and avoi ' ai-; tlie dant-.'-fs of
Malice .rf Water, l'oo.i ;.:i.t
Tin -Clunaie. Ask UT
dfja. , S V N F-l:l:4 .1 M MC A C I NO IK.
e,..T, -r i , 1, .Hi,-1
.ii evrr 5 S" 'I ''V
lii-t, to' C. A. .'i. :
.' I -I it
r.- .i 1 I. I' - a 1 . 1 1 ,
t .'.i i. I'Li, y..
I'ili'HnnV Siiisai: f I'ill make New
l.'ich Hloo.1. and v. i l c-iiuph lelv ol.aeia- I In)
blood ia the enlire systt-Mi bi t Inee moi.t lis,
A n v person . bo w -11 lake I pill each liiuht front
1 t-i I.' weeks iii-iv be I -Mile, I 11 Miiai.i In alth.
If miicIi ii thinu he possible. Sent b iiail fern
lelier slamp. 1. .! O li .0 X 1 CO ,.
Banit'-r Me.
Ciiii:it)-ti.jii, A'iluitti. ( at-irrh. J.r.i ntn,.
ItituUo-ir. ii; -,,..) i. o i lcll Chronic if-i ,
mioU v.hiili an i Urartira I nr. v-t-U a.Vi:'e.
.It in : v. K ! l.l-V. T. S.;, Hon. MoN T
.;...MHv:y Bt.Mit, oil:. is v. ho lis. d
tiiis tii-at;::. !.:.
yL'TJI1 V'lTf?! lb- hure l.'.-O pp ! with
O Lli I UJXHj'UI i-, oiv i. soinoni ns to-lil'l.-t
n 1,1:11 '.. hU ni- --. In-..' MiirKtl I'A
l.l , 1UJ tiuaid StM Bhihiilcipiiia.
D. Jl.. UTOBL.
D':v ;io:s, o:;oci'.;:ii s.
iii Lj.Ns'..'A'.:::. cm r.r.v,
rin'E LIST.
Piiiita D to CJ ards for j?1 .0'.
Coffee, r, lbs for 1.00.
Tea, mo to :?1.')0 per U.
lVai-lu s, r: 'bis fu' S1.00.
Sujrar, l to 1- 51--S lor SI. 00.
Clo-ese 1". to 2.) cts per lb.
Pears, lbs lor --1.U0.
Prunes. 8 lbs for
Loans, 1M to L'O lbs for iJl.OJ.
Grecnvoud, Neb. Uj.
i- .- . .....
V ,(.ll.1 l.l - .lll-l.ei
-'il All lvihds of
I, l)
7 Bicnded
r-f Neatly if- Promptly,
Horse, Milled OxSIioeini;,
In short, we'll shoe anything that l'.a.
four feet, from ;i Z-hra to a (Jirafle.
Come and see us.
on riflh St.. bct.-.ecn Main and lue i -ct ...
jiistiic-i-yvi the cuiiicr fioiu tLe iLW HhllA--
DEAi.r.i: i
1 L
Lounges. Tables, Bedsteai
0 All Descriptions.
Of nil sizes, ready i.iitc .".ti'l3ol.l cl't aidoi-tiui..
Willi iu:uiy t .Ji'i-Ls r..r i-:-.--!. ; :C. rt.n a iii I
invite ill', to c;.!l ;-.nd cx:i-,i:inc t:,y
4'tf rri:T:'UJ: am com-
tidier Li
DltV Gl)01S,
l't'IlNISlIIXG 000 13,
Lii:;;o si ;.:'.; i.l
Notions, Queens war ot
:.ud iu Xitit everytldus j.-ul-ju tii. tr ii
the libf o,'
General Merchandise.
Ill -y-
All kinds of country vr-
A I.vl , I - j .' ..e. i.:...: ; .!.! r
,.i ...... . .,- i ' i '
.. r : , : i o - ' i .
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