Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 05, 1878, Image 3

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THE II Ell A L I).
Transient. !5 cents a line. llepulur lvenls
!. jt routs per line. No advert isemtiit Insert
ed for less than 23 cent.
LfL'iU notices at Statute rates.
Attorneys and otticers of the law will be Meld
mid all parties cleiiiaiulitu'
i prooi oi iiunuca-
lion ! any notice win
lion foe ol such notice
tion ..f any notice will be held lor the yublica-
As i-ir iswe Is limited, all coTiinnmica"ons
must be brief and to the point, with no waste
0'nier-iper is rcpoiisiMe for the correctness
accorumK to copy of paid matter and paid 1
gal. "!'
1 Any person v.ho takes the paper resTilarly
fp.'m the post-otnee. whether directed to his
name, or whether he Is a subscriber or not is
responsible lor the pay.
2. If any person ordets his paper discontin
ued, he must pay all arrearages, or the publish
er may continue to send it until payment is
made. and collect tlie whole amount, whether
the paper is taken from the otiice or not.
1 me courts have decided that refusing to
taVe newspapers and periodicals from tlie post
c. or removing a..A 1-avii.K Vvkvt.on ltt
for. Is prima Jaeia evidence ol irhTio.L
! At U.
OX'. V27lI()fTi:STOST. I.n'i'IS 1.7 the new
Vi H ' I K lust opened via M N ML1 H. 1'ULL
M VN I'Al.ACE SI.EKIMM; t'AKS run from
itiirfin"toi to.nt. l-ouis without change.
SI you arrive in St. I.Ol'lS thencxt eveniiijrat
-Jit and leaving St. Louis at :-0 a. in., you ar
r e In Pln'tMiii.tiTIi 9 :- the neTt morning.
fKiipou Ti.k'-ts for sale for all points orth.
South. Last and -t. .
D V HlTCIIOOrK. Ticket Aeut.
(icn. Western Press. Asent.
J. I'.KCiir.vL, Aont, riattsmoiith.
Depart at - r :: a. m.
Anient -0:Soa. m- ' - -.w p. m.
ftllAHA VIA P. & M.
1.) ;i. m. Jiopart at - 2:15 p.m.
- 3 -.15 P. m. I Impart at - S :00 o. m.
1 J :(ii m. I I-p:'l t at - 2 0 p. in.
Ani- at
A rrlvc at
Arrive at
Anive at
1" -J in. i i'p:.i i ai -
rr.oM Tin: wlst.
i ..-..-..a K..:,rMov.r, -:il ::. :. Leaves Lincoln
11: :.;0 p. III. Arrives riat'.i.ui;!li
rreitrht leaves Lin'-'ln 11 ::'' a
J :10 P. ni
m. Arrives 4 :
p. i..
I'm. .oss. C, :ir. a. in. ,
Pai-,,-i,Ser. Uiahi each day) 2 p. Hi., except
-.,i'iii'.nv. I'.veiy third Saturday a train con-
ii .. :--t the usual tiiue.
'. IX. &J.5t. K. TIME
E press Mail.
M 1 am 1 (mpm
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riattsmonui .
I. x press Ma. I.
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1 :-.".iin 11 loam
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P'l.itt - mouth. .
K.-.l i.MK
ott'iiiiwa. ... .
I'.in ;;:rj:toii
Aniv. Chltv.o
13. & M. R. Il.T:mc Table.
4-o,rtvitd Tfiur.s'! t'j, Jcnnny 10, 1ST8
t 4 ne-t 1 :'." a. m.
2 :.! p. m.
Arrives S :5 a. m.
:t : 15 in.
A:t: es 1 -.21 a. m
! . cs ii :!!." a. m.
li :eo p. in.
it'll nil'
7 :ii I
I i'ivi' l'l:.tNii.-Mi!i !J :! a. in. .Arrives
cr'.;i,U . in. ; Arrives s :-4 p. m.
1 i-i'aht leaves 10 4 a. la. Ar. Lincoln 3 p.m.
UemeuiLi-r the concert to-night.
Herublic.iii Piimr.rics c i Satur-
I. umbel.
Watei man's piice-list
Pi inter's ink kee ps the hinges
store doors loos?.
--Vt t kbath's new Lumber yard can't
supply the demand.
"We've got ju;'t the best correpond
rnl at Louisville out.
Waterman's have nut down Lum
ber to bed-rock prices.
"We shall have pome lively notes
fri'Ui "Weeping Water soon.
-Weckbach is renivingLumber fresh
from the mills every day.
Phil Young will not be undersold
o'i Xoisless or common slates.
Weckbach says when l.e get.T ready
he will have the boss Lumber Yard.
"Weckbach says ho wouldn't give a
cent for a town where he could not
have opposition.
Bemcmbcr the present Phil Young
-:Tcrs to every one buying school
Books, Slates .lie.
Don't ail to attend the concert
to-night, and help the boys pay for
their instruments.
It is tlie duty of t-very man woman
and child in l'lattsmouth to attend
the concert to-night.
--Drs. Davis and Leslie, of Lincoln,
passed through Plattsmouth yesterday
on their way south.
"We believe there are Ghosts in
Plattsmouth, the IIi:r.Ai.: heard one
Tuesday night, anyway.
Weckbach will have all his lum
ber in by the last of this week and be
ready for business all over.
Frank White has returned to the
ld store all fixed up new ;.nd expects
a bran new stock of goods.
Cass County Fair IT to COth of
S-p. For full particulars see; or write,
J. P. Yorxo, Secretary.
Xo more faithful boys ever tooted
a horn than our band-boys and they
want a good turn out, to-night.
How was that about Cap. Marshall
being " a little off' last Monday even
ing? John Jennings can explain.
Republican Primaries on Satur
day evening at 7 o'clock in this town.
Every true citizen ought to turn out.
Grand Concert by our Baud to
night, at Fitzgerald Hall. Remember
the date and turn out, the band de
sire it.
Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Young gave a
very ploa -ant reception-last evening in
honor of the brothers and sisters who
are visiting them.
Sam Thomas lias made quite a j
success of his creamery this year, with
very imperfect appliances. Xext year
ho hopes to have things in hotter order ;
and to increase tlie business greatly. 1
The Band Boys have practised
hard for the Concert to night, and as
this is another endeavor to clear off
the debt on the instruments, everybody
should give them a lift by attending.
The Concert this evening is for
the purpose of paying for Horns for
the Band and they deserve it. There
will be a Farce after the regular con
cert and then a quiet little social dance.
Tlie Saunders Co. Eepublican Cent
ral Committee met Saturday Aug. 31st.
By resolution last year the chairmen
of the two committees were to fix the
date of the float convention, and we
have written Mr. Cook.
There will be a Grand Concert at
Fitzgerald Hall Thursday eve, Sept. 5th.
This entertainment consists of vocal
and instrumental music, songs quar
tetts, violin solos, duetts, piano solos,
itc. A sociul dance afterwards.
Kev. Mr. Burgess desires us to an
nounce that owing to Mis absence at
Bellevue next Sunday morning, spec
ial service for the yellow fever suffer
ers will bo held at St. laike's Church,
in the evening at 8 o'clock p. in,, and a
collection taken up.
"We understand from the people of
that section that Mr. Ilogeboom of
Sarpy county has bought the mill-site
on II. Pet tit's farm and will move his
anil :;nd erect a good first class Grist
mill on the creek there. T li i is good
news for the farmers.
Tlie band feel quite ton(e)y now,
with their new horns. That band is
a good institution too; quite a temper
ance organization, for it keeps the
boys away from temptation, one horn
you see cures the liking for the other
horns. Hi in ilia, Si mil Hits, carautur.
That is, I'lay her out bovs.
"We neglected to make mention
last week of the accident occmringto
Mrs. Schiluknecht, who owing to the
falling of one of the horses while rid
ing, attempted to jump from 'the bug
gy and was thrown violently upon one
of the wheels, injuring her back so as
to confine her to her bed for some
The committees who were solicit
ing contributions for the vellow fever
sufferers yesterday,
at tli
Judge's cflice last evening, and report
ed S ? 10, CO as the amount raised. The
soliciting will be continued to-day un
til 3 o'clock, p. m. when they will meet
at the. Co. Treasurer's otiice to mako a
final report.
There's quite a vow now about
taxes, city taxes; Billy Shryock is out,
he seized Cal Parmole's only cow Tues
day, a nice little heifer, that give the
only milk the baby could get; besides
this all the neighbors who get milk of
"Cal" are out, an 1 then his horse and
buggy to, oh dear this lav paying is
awful Next tiling he will be after us.
Don't lie to a man w hen he ask
you what you are going to do about
Election or whom you are g"ing to
vote for. Tell him the truth. There
(.night to be a pf;nal servitude for lying
in politics. No ma:i can force you to
tell what is none of Lis business but
don't lie about it. All the hard feel
ir.j and nearly all th charge of fraud
and corruption in politics come from
We are vo; y sorry to le irn by a
letter from Mr. Thos. D. Williams
written at Nebraska City, of the death
by croup of their little boy on the :lst
of August. Tiio remains w ere taken
to Nebraska city where Mrs. William's
mother was buri"d, and there interred
on Thursday lat. The little one
would have befon four years old the
1 th of November next, and was air
only child. His death is an over
whelming grief to his parents. Mr.
V.'. says, " Wc shall never forget the
generoiis, large-heai ted, kind friends at
Plattsmouth, and wo desire to thank
thcr.i heartily."
The other day llatt and his assist
ants undertook to capture a calf they
had bought to slaughter, and which
wa& in a field with a number of. other
cattle. The calf was lively and the
weather warm and after
pursuing it
for awhile they got it in a comer
undertook to hold it by the tail which
one of them confidently asserted he
could do. First one got hold and then
two cot hold, and then they danced a
lively jig and hollered some and then
two men were 11 Hindering half way
over a fence, and the calf w as the oth
er side, carrying its tail behind it.
But they got it finally only they
didn't try to hold it by the tail next
time, and the veal cutlets we ate the
next day were extra. Did anybody
have ealfstaii soup, we wonder.
- The notorious house on Second St.
was the scene of a robbery, on Mon
day. The woman who keeps it, was
about to leave for Den seems, and
had packed her available in a carpet
sack, which s t near her bed. It con
tained ;?103 iu money, some jewelry
and their traps. The carpet sack was
foun 1 next morning out in tha "Jimp
sen" weeds broken open and plunder
ed. She had two strangers arrested,'
but not having proof the Judge dis- j
missed them. One candid admission '
and a shameful one for those who are j
guilty was made during tho examina
tion. When asked who was at her
! house besides these men she said: "Oh,
a lot of the boys around town as there
is every night." Pity her ill gotten
gains were taken, for otherwise we !
might have got nd of the outfit which
is literally damaging the boys of the
town. -
What is the Herald" Good fori
Three months ago this question was
asked Avith a sneer by some parties in
this town. We rather think it has
been answered fc. -.t is f actor ily in the
past few days to the friends of the
lioiALD at least.
A desperate row occurred in Oma
ha on Sunday nicht at a Bohemian
beer garden, in which a young fellow
named Anton Kotiza had his throat
cut and died almost instantly, and sev
eral others were badly injured. . This
garden is said to be the scene of a row
every Sunday night and great indigna
tion is expressed at its being allowed.
Yellow Fever Belief Fund.
At last Plattsmouth has moved.
A meeting was held Tuesday evening
at the Court House of which Mayor
Johnson was chairman and J. A. Mac
Murphy, Secretary. Dr. Livingston
suggested committees in each ward
and at the It. B. shops. Dr. John
Black favored the committees and on
motion the following persons were
appointed In each ward to collect
1st Ward, Messrs Pepperberg and
2d Ward, Messrs F. E. White and
3d Ward, Messrs Sarn. Chapman and
P. P. Gass.
4th Ward, Dr. Winterstein and F.
On motion A. W. McLaughlin was
appointed Treasurer. A central com
mittee of three Avas also appointed to
whom the "Ward committees are to re
port. This committee is J. W.John
son, chairman, Hon. S. M. Chapman
and Dr. John Black.
A special committee for the railroad
Employees was then appointed as fol
lows: Messrs Bechtel, llawksworth.
Greisel and Chas. Dawson. The mon
ey collected by them to be forwarded
aj they may desire.
The Secretary was asked to notify
the absent of their appointment on
committees, and the sense of the meet
ing being taken it was deemed appro
priate to suggest that the Churches
and Clergy of the town take united ac
tion with the committees in procuring
funds for this suffering.
The Chairman suggested that great
care be taken that the amounts collect
ed are all properly marked down am!
The ward committees and :11 others
to report to the central committer at
eight o'clock Wednesday evening.
83 was collected on the spot.
Mac ?drnpi!V, Chairman.
There is a family living down near
the ferryboat landing by tlie name of
McGuiro the male representative of
which considers it a portion of hr, du
ty to beat and threaten to kill his w ife
semi-occasiunally, for which offense he
was arrested some time ago, and fail
ing to get bail he was safely out of the
way until Court set. She, with the aid
of a son, had partially earned money
to buy them a couple of acres of land,
but the father had drawn s-une of the
son's wages ju3t previous to his arrest,
and with a portion of them bought the
liquor which raised his spirits to the
necessary pitch to beat his wife. lie
succeeded, however under promise of
belter behavior in inducing his wife
to sign a mortgage on the land to par
ties for going his hail, and a hort time
after his lelease got drank again, and
beat her with a club so ba lly that she
was found senseless by men passing
on their way to tlie boat and cared for;
the man waj 1. 1st seen on a moving Hat
car and although diligently inquired
for is not forthcoming.
There are the or .six children, and.
so far as we can learn, the woman has
labored faithfully to maintain them,
and buy the place. Such a wretch as
tho man seems to have been deserves
t lie severest penalty of the law.
Miss Carrio 'Bennett returned
Brow nell Hall on Monday last.
Mr. Linch of Mt. Pleasant, had a se
vere fall from a buggy last week.
Anderson Boot, one of o;:r good farT
mers in Cass county was in town Mor
iiay. m..
Prof. Simons returned to Platts
mouth yesterday looking hearty and
Mr. Eli Piummer has been very sick,
but at "last accounts was somewhat
M. L. "White Esq, is home from the
Ebony sand piles again. Reports things
lively out there. :
A brother of Mr. James Patterson,
our Treasurer, from New York has
b en visiting him.
Jno. Shannon was sick last week,
and parties were rushing around for
tho Doctor lively.
J cshr.a Murray, Esq., is finishing off
as handsome and convenient new farm
house as any body has got.
Wiley Black, of 'Weeping Water, has
been doing a fine trade this season.
The firm has done well out there.
M. D. Polk a son of P. IVk of this
I county returned from Indiana on
V.'r laesday and called at tho Herald
oil ice.
Prof. T. C. Campbell principal of the
Motilton, Iowa, Normal school, an9
brother-in-law oi our J. I'. Young, is
vLdtmg Plattsmouth for the first time.
A brother of Mr. Campbells. J. W.
Campbell is also of the party and with
Prof. C's. family has been taking a
wagon jaunt through our state.
Wm. Stadolmar.p., one of our old
friends and an old standby is rapidly
settling up his business about town
and may leave one of these davs.
Mr. Jas. 'McLaughlin, a brother of
A. W. McLaughlin .came down from
Lincoln last week iiu'te -sick anel has
since been lying ill at the residence of
his brother.
Mr. FloAvers of this county and the
Herald met the other day for the
first time in some years. We Avero
i glad to see Mr. Flowers and hope he
j Avill call ofteuer ia the future.
Mrs. Miesner, mother of Mr. James
Miesner of this rlace is visiting her
son and family for a few days, from
what used to be tmt a short time ago
the far west ; viz, Arapahoe.
Mrs. Dawson with her daughter
Maggie Dawson and Mis. Cattle, left
for Lincoln on Tuesday morning last
where Mrs. D. Avill remain with her
daughter and Mrs. Cattle for the pres
ent. Our esteemed neighbor and brother
Granger Mr. Nelson Jeans is putting
up a new handsome board fence all
around his house grounds. He said
we should not tell, but Ave could'nt
help it.
Mr. Maldaner of the firm of Malda"
ner & Herrmann started east on Tues
day last, to purchase goods, a stock of
Avhich Avill be rushing in soon. Mr.
M. will make a short visit to his old
home in Wisconsin.
Mr. Schrider called in at the Heu
ald office, accompanied by Mr. James
Parr of Peoria, 111., who is here look
ing up Nebraska. Mr. P. informs U3
that he was here some eighteen years
ago, and finds it somewhat different
now. .He thinks Nebraska has gone
ahead fast.
Mrs. Stono of Topeka, Kansas, has
been visiting her cousin Mrs. U. W.
Wise. Mrs. Stone is connected Avith
the Sisters of Bethany school for young
ladies under the auspices of the Epis
copal church, and which is a thriving
institution. Mrs. Stone and Mrs. "Wise
had not met for nearly thirty years.
Dance at Louisville.
There w ill be a dance at Louisville
011 Friday Evening, Sept. Gth, 1S?S, at
the Louse of John Ossenkopp.
out ye lovers of Terpsichore.
Democratic Convention.
In pursuance of the action of the
Democratic County Central Commit
tee held on the a,i day of September,
A. 1). 1S7S, tho .democracy of Cass Co.
are requested to meet in their respec
tive piccincts on Saturday the 14th
iiiat. at 1 o'clock, p. m., to elect dele
gates to attend the County Convention
lo be held at Eight Mile Grove at 1
o'clock, p. m., on Saturday the 21st day
of September, for the purpose of choos
ing seven (7) delegates lo attend tlie
State Convention to be held at Lincoln
on the 23th day of September, lo nomi
nate a State ticket.
The apportionment of delegates is
based upon the last vote for Bepresen
ativo in Congress and is as follows:
riatUmouth ci! v 22 Centre
Precincl 1-2 Wet ping Water
Itock Bluffs l'J Stove Creek
Liberty is) Elm wood
Avoca South Bend
Mt. Pleasant 4 Salt Ciewk o
Mile Grove 7 Greenwood 2
Louisville 5 Tipton 2
A full attendance from each precinct
is earnestly requested by the Central
Committee. J. M pATT;:nsov.
C. II. Pixkham, Chairman,
l adies Io;k Ot;l
for new goods at Mrs. Johnson's and
Miss Sweeney's about tho 151 !i of
September. 2H2.
Watt ri'ian's Lumber Price.
Frame lumber 12 to IS feet, .-?l8per M.
Fencing 18 " VJ " " " "
Common b'd's IS " 2:) " . " " "
Siding 18 " 20 " " " "
Star A shingles 3:10 " "
Shaded A" 2:10
Lath . 3:23 " " "
And other lumber in proportion. 24t2
Buffner & Black, Weeping Water
are selling immense quantities of Ag
tural Implements very low, and want
to sell more. Plows, Bakes, fall In
plements of all kinds cheap. Come ;it
once. - " 2112
Settlement Notice.
. 'I shall be found at Fred Stadel
mann's Bakery for some time to come
for the purpose of settling all my bus
iness, collecting my debts and accounts
and paying my own. I want my busi
ness affairs Avound up as speedily as
possible and would thank my friends
and !ati patrtm.1 l' eome around and
help me to .squ ire up by settling all
our accounts.
Very Be.-pectfully.
20lf V.'ri. Stauelmaxn'. to Loan.
We will negotiate loans, in Cass
County on improved farm?, on five
years time of
tlx n:n cent si:mi annual intep.est
Funds obtained promptly, call on or
address Moor.E & Ocouock,
south side Gov't Square, Lincoln. Neb.
20 m 3.
State Normal School, Peru Nebraska.
The FALL Tei::,i begins
dav. Sept. I, IS 77;
the Elementary and Iliuher.
TUITION and LIBB AKY free to
all the Students.
except Matriculation Fee. ; f
GUADE for which thev are qualified.
Students qualified to graduato in Ele
mentary Course in one year.
22tl BonEUT Cehuy, Principal.
Caution to Snickers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1878 all boxes containing cicrars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cigars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by. some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainlv labeled:
Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska.
White fish at 80 cents a kit at Bock
well's, lotf
Go to Rockwell's for all kinds of dry
goods and groceries at bed rock prices.
000 worlh of Farm 1rodi-e
f enlenmal Hot Kxhrminatr, frttf
Slippers 35c a pair at Merges'. Stf
Ladies Serge Shoes GOcts.
" " Slippers 50 cts.
" " Leather Shoes 75 cts.
Shoes and Boots are down tokock
trices.. .
Mens Buckle Alexis S 1 50
" Prince Alberts 1 5:)
" Whole stock Brogans 1 50
These goods and others including
a la rye stock nf aU kinds
of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, must be
sold. No trust.
Gtf Peter Merges.
Smoke the B. & M. in Nebraska ci
gars at Schlegel Bros.
Prints twenty yards for 8100 at
Rockwell's. lotf
Five pound of best rio coffee for SI
at Bock well's 15tf
Slippers 33e a pair -at Merges'. 8tf
Send your orders for cigars to A.
Schlegel if- Bro. they guarantee satis
faction in price and quality. 14tf
Pension Papers.
Those wanting pension papers ac
knowledged will please remember that
J. It. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville,
iins a certificate of the county Clerk
riled with the U. S. pension Agent and
can attend to all such business. 52tf
Good second-hand okoans and melo
deons for sale or rent low. Leave ad
dress at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drugstore
cor Gth and Main Sts.
James Petti: e,
9tf. Dealer in Musical Instruments.
Go to Jones & Stroud for a good
team just now. lOtf.
Potato digger for trade or sale at
Buffner & Black's, cheap for cash if
applied for at once. 21t2
University of Nebraska.
Instruction given in all the branches
of a liberal education. Open to both
ladies and gentlemen.
Candidates for admission to the
Preparatory Department must pass a
fair examination in Orthography,
Heading, Arithmetic. Geography, Eng
lish Grammar, and l lie History of the
United States. Instruction is given in
; her Arithmetic, English Analysis,
and Physical Geography, cash for a
single term.
tuition free to all.
Fall Term begins Tuesday, Sep
tember 10, and ends Friday, De
cember 2i.
Winter Term begins Thursday,
January 2. 1879, and ends March 21.
Spring Term begins April 1, and
closes on tlie Second Wednesday of
June, the day of the annual commence
ment. Catalogue, containing full informa
tion, can be had upon application to
E. B. Fairi if.t.d, Chancellor.
Lincoln, July C, 1877. 17m9.
A a Undeniable Truth.
You deserve to suffer, anc! if you
lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life iu
this beautiful world, it is entirely your
own fault and there is only one excuse
for you, your unreasonable prejudice
and skepticism, which has killed thous
ands. Personal knowledge and com
mon senso reasoning will soon ehow
you that Greene's August Flower will
cure you of Liver Complaint or Dys
pepsia, with all its miserable effects,
such as sick headache, palpitation of
the heart, sour stomach, habitual cos
tiveness, dizziness of the head, nervous
prostration, low spirits, &c. Its sales
now reach every town on the Western
Continent and not a Druggist but will
tell you of its wonderful cures. Ym
can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents.
Three doses will relieve you.
A GeHle Hint.
In our style of climate, Avilh its sud
den changes of temperature, rain,
Avind and sunshine often intermingled
in using!.1! day, it is no wonder that
our children, friends and relatives are
so frequently taken from us by .neglect
ed colds, half tlie deaths resulting di
rectly from this cause. A bottle of
Boschce's German Syrup kept about
your home for immediate use will pre
vent serious sickness, a large doctor's
bill, and perhaps death, by the use of
three or four doses. For curing Con
sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia
Severe Coughs, Croup or any other tli,
sease of the Throat or Lungs, its suc
cess is simply w onderful, as your drug
gist will tell you. German Syrup is
now sold in eA ery town and A iilage on
this continent. Sample bottles for tri
al, 10c.; regularsize, 75c. 38tf-alt
Proposals for Oats.
11. ri i-., 1. 1:1. . i;iiii-(eriii:ti er s i n:ee
tiiiiuiia KnrraeKS, eb.. August 22, ISTS. )
8e:i1eil iro;.-su!s in triplie;tfe. subiect to tlie
i!si::;t cor.ilitioii. Will be reveiyil at Ibis ofliee
until 1 o'el.iek. iHxiii. on Wednesday. Htqit em
ber ill h. Ists. at -.vhicli j!aee anil tiiiie tliev w ill
beo'-iUMl in tile presence of ladders, for fiir
iiisliini; and dcliveiini;, in quantities sis requlr
ed up to December;!. IsTs. at Om.ilni Depot.
Nebmsfcn, or at Muttons on tlie Union Racine
Railroad, east from Kearnev Junction, out tnil-
li"i I I.ISO.IH"'" ..,...;,.., .
I'roposais for q.intitics less than the wliolo
required, will be received.
Preference v. ill be -uven to article of domes
tic production.
'i lie conl racls will be let with the r !n that
the qn uititirs ei;tr;ifte!. f;trii-!V be increased
1 r reduced me-liiird by tli Chief (Miaitennns-'
tci-of the Intent. : t anv lime w ithin six
ty davs siftM- of coii'iacf.
Rid- should t:Mte the rate per 101 pounds, not
Tier bushel : should state the vear In which l.e
Oal.s propo!-ed to be furiasiied were grown, .-.nd
shouM he endorsed on envelopes, " liids lor
The r:i;ht to reject am oral! bid is reserved.
23t3 Chief Quartermaster.
A Schlegel & Bro. have on hand the
best brands of Smoking and Chewing
tobaccos. litf
(io to ItockwelTs at Louisville to
buy your millinery goods, they have
just received it large and well selected
stock of ladies hats and trimmings of
the latest stvle. lotf
Slippers 35c a pair at Merges. Stf
Collection Notice.
Parties owing me for the services of
my Horse, will please call and settle
on or before Sept. 1st, lyT?, or I Khali
have to leave the aceo.unts for collec
tion, liespectfullr, izh.
22 w2. O. M. Steeioht.
Use Centennial Kat Exterminator. 20tf
Berkshire Hogs.
I would respectfully invite the at
tention of Stock fanciers of Platts
mouth and vicinitv to my fine
Berkshire Boar,
directly from imported stock. Parties
wishing his services can be accommo
dated by applying to Charles J. Pettee
at Herald Office or
tlie Proprittor
James Pettee.
Residence one block south of High
School building. I have also a line
pair of Imported Esex Pigs. tf
Says Crown's IlZac-hbcrry and
Ginsror is a safe, pleasant and rtliallc
remedy for Viarrhara, Dyseiittrif. Chol
era Morbus, and Hummer Complaint.
Procure a bottle of this Celebrated
Family safeguard at once. Delays are
Danytiotts. Price, fifty cents per bot
tle. IJowns VsrcJaI! Livfr
IMlIs are tle standard remetly for the
Liver tind Bilious diseases of this cli
mate. A trial establishes them in every
Western Fain ily.
!roV(i'N .(rnit-ii Salve has no
equal for removing inflammation and
for healing old sores anil ulcers. All
of j:roicn's Popirfar Family Medi
cines For sale by Dr. W. E. Donelan.
Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and
O. F. Johnson.
15tf Plattsmouth, Neb.
The Atlanta Ga., Constitution,
Beceqtly published a long account of
the destructiveness of the "Sherman
Rat" which is i.' to 4 times as large as
the Northern Bat. On the 17tli of
Sep. ember, 1877. tlie Manager of this
celebrated paper having tried Centen
nial Bat Exterminator says: Gentle
men your "Pizen Stuff" knocks "Sher
man Bats," stiff and cold.
O.sao e, Iowa, Dec. CO, 1877.
Star Manufacturing' Company, Port
Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen
tennial rat poison, received last Mon
day. We have given three doses. On
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
nights, and we verily believe there is
mit a rat or mouse left. The saw mill,
feed, custom and merchant's mills were
full of them, as were also our houses,
cooper shops, barns and hog pens.
Sirce giving them the poison they have
been running round as "crazy as loons"
and the river bank is line with dead
rats, in fact it has created a terrible
commotion among Miem and they have
all left, thanks to the "Centennial Eat
Exterminator," each box of which is
worth a twenty dollar bill. We will
see our druggists and have them send
for it. Thanks, thanks. Wry respect
fully. E. M. liRITTS, & Co.
This great economizer for property
holders, fanners, et ah, is for sale by
druggists and general dealers every
where. Price 25 cents, large cans 61,00
Sheriff Sale.
r.v virtue of an order of sale Issued by Wi'.
lian'i H. Hoover. Clerk of tlio District Court
within and tor Nemai.a County. Xebr..s!;a, ami
to me directed. I w ill on the 7lh day of October
A. D. ls;s, at lo o'eioc'ii, a. m.. of said day. at
tlie south door of the Court House in IMatts li. in said County, sell at public auction : 1 f
follow imr Real l!ate to- wit : The south l.alf
is. (a ) ot t he sunt ii w est quarter (s. w. 1 ti.of t-cc
tion" number twenty-ei?;bt CSO in Township
number ten iK) north of rane number nine i:o
easr contiMiiiiii; eibt v acres tiie same bciiis
levied upon and taken as flu: property of Jo-.h-ua
I. Hui dick and DePoi a Jiurdick. defendants :
to s;ili'fy a bid vii'-Mt i.f said Court, 1 veivd
bvtleoie V. Ree.l & Comnanv I'laintitf".
'I'l.tllMiiULlth, Neb., August '-"'th. A. I). !RTX.
li. V Hvi.ns. Slieiiil.
23t.j Cass Co. Nebra-ka.
C.-4 Z. . rt T
JiLES. Corner Cth .1;.' I Tea:! Sis.
For a Fair Commission.
tli.uis at ma. s:nss.
l':u itcular attention paid to
Driving and Training
ALS3 A hearse furnished when ci
One Door East of Dovey ,t Bon's.
Wo Pay Cash for Produce!
Dealer In
At Louisville Xeb., call aiul exam
ine the stock. ITlv
Retail Lianor Coalers.
Also Billiard Hall an.! Saloon on
Main street, four doors from Sixth at
Neville's old place.
Stuie and saloon on .Main St. two
doors cast of tlie Post Ouice.
Ileiucmbcr The Xante and P!a.
21!y Keenari & Grace.
Dealer in
1,1 1 1
Store opposite Saunders House.
3:aS SI, PIntfmontli, clir.
301 v.
CMcaia EnrliiiEtcn & Quinsy R. R.
r.r.TWKHN th:-:
East and West,,
Runnirg Through Cais
. . . . l k. '4 Li 9
Couitcil Bluffs,
Union Pacific Railroad
11 1 (JJl f A li.
31 OX TAX A.
T ll si o r i II V A K s
Tluo;-'!i Cars f 'H Q U ST 0 N1511 aH V"wU "
Houston & Texas Cenlral i:;.ill.c;vs.
mow thk
W&t lo tllQ Sast
and Tin:
All Information n'eor.t rate- of f.ire Vi'l le
eliceilnlly driven l.y ajMilyitez o
1). W. Ill i( "IK 0 1.
ilea. We-,. I';i. Aa't.,
42! y
1 1 1 ' .;.
"J t.
; ' . 7 - J
? 5
N t; g
ii .'' s :
- f- -
r. - v. r ' 5- v ' y - - '
- . .7
-1. "2-. :-
: - a:
In riall.-caoutli, Neb., on Tomth St.. n!o'it tlie
middli: of tiu; hlo::c,
you v. Ill Hii'I :
f em E"!anlcrs, iSiantl Iiorsc)
And fill kinds of Fnrm Implfiiioiits ami
Shelf Hardware, Tin Ware, Ac., c.
Hungarian and Millet.
treed for baie
r rr-m.n pTiATEd watched n-Spr.t
iu oio .iican "t 'I. WirHhi". .)A.i4Hi
'Jauuii.., A. tOLLTKH L CO, C4tcw, lix.
VieTU- of Marriafs I
A. Guide to vjwioek a.J
caun-i that U'tfi: r ft : t.t
the xjinratza ci wotupn.
i iAMtK lor pr, roni'd
On a'l ci:5)r:i?ri t ir: me Jp:uro L.ris:n l.-m Eel
Abuse. Exec"e, or becret Xi&ai:ost Um
Ci. n rf rur, 1'1!4 .HtP? 2 s. price iS.t
A C1-I12CAI LiCTD"H; uv. the ut;ovt! & true tm
fhwv vi the Tliroat ari Ln7, CatjrrJa.Hupture, 'u
Or um habr.,ic ;ru t .uci.
Li' her bo4k ev-nt Kjpa:d n r-:pt of p. -ice: or a" 'hrar,
C')ta'.niriir rs r n. b 't'Jt n; "y iotnfrH. tor t lm.
Adi.t 2j T-Tr X w. i i. cu- z:. LU JL&ua, IfK
UiiAibillLlrJ d
Kit D: r.( I'rtvatt n'nre, rru'.M ' f'.-:n t-vly fbu-t
FnUions Lm of Mi-morv, IiMpHtr--J IichL, f.ot
Munhootl or lntp4ilen, Ntvou Uf Miii, !-'"
i..i t.v ; cia f U Hll1-r. kl!Rf)N I-l-r.
I uwif- A 'V.'iii. itJWTt. I'ii ( i.l.r. r.1 t't.d'-. i-1 11-
tjt ;.:V-t"r, nri!u-e, ari l iir win-r orh-.-n fajJ. IU
b a ara'iai of ti litf-TTtteJ S-" !. nsi r.' iLr-urv. i.m- t 4
lart er i--e to Ihe U. S. I;; r. fr1Mii.-n.l treat iiit
ji )u(e home iMittrl, rA i r m. l.".rv t..'ii.t4f f.
jrlh-liU- Srti.i tiliy crtitt fr ta4:r.T.t uf n rt "r-
iv cf tTTjiTt,nt InforaiAt'.'m i.v ipj. ii- Ol-l-N'S
r" -fra'e V'W. j jwt h r. on i i it-o.
ou,!(t i.ii r.'u.iltf uf li-;i. S-r-t. ,r. r. I c: ci. or., ,
nat'-rv. s!tirlc ibWke t' th mrrvii' ccl fi.uft!-iMttg
mwif lirm U I blt'.y ''i tn-Ty hl'J'i 'n tte iLafit-i
U.-H. i'.vr i kbcaid gvt L.- b-k- 1'lu.m fcO OSUim, t'J kiy aJ"
A TEAR. Aerate wan tr.l.J'.i; 1-
nets Iefi!in;ate. Imlei.!.r.
ft ftl Mirjir., l!V:.:t ..M.!y.- rr K r
i.nre.i. rain::.; ujpii.-w.-y.
, , lit v..j.iucm v
I ti SI fit f F Includlr-g Shooting: Outfit,
sl 1 1 H Every Gun Warranted
A iJ U 4il-rtfe. !ur Ilrook.. t JLou i
rartrUlif-'S. Al're"i. .1. l!ion hon, 1J! t '
Wood .M., I'Htsl'UiKt, l'a. ni
flD (1 I 1TC''??', hnnnmtl ftt It'ocfiO Ffhihi-Uuulrlfc'i-ii--"
l..Vii:.vr ( AT.VUMil 1; oik
t lia tl.AUs, witu now )(-. r-lii-l
lrirH a'lil nun h lhf..i ina ion. hii i Irre. ',''
SON & IIAMI.IN OU'lAN CU., Ifistvn, New
York or rnie;iRo.
P I A W 0 ; M?.:r,,;;;;,1 e 0 R OA N
tr-'. j.'.r.i .i(,on only at mi- cfenwCJ"
)--rli ;r:mil Square I'lamx, price iLlin only
f-Z'si. Mecant l'irUlit I'lanc.s. tr"- -cn oniv
':,.). New si!c. I fli.'ht I'uniM s.l.VMiiK.m.s
re..".. Oipuot il mIojis f V'.'. -o. Vliuei-I nrvan"'
lit toot ice s ! oti! (ll.i. i;ii-.n:t '."V
rorTiMi .tihi. only ii.y 1 ly. 11 come:
ami hip ill home if I :.m ret as l prcser toil ,
il. K. l aic . l.. Mi viis cikI 1'i.itioi r i irx:
riven free ln i 1 1M . . ew r iner wlili letnl
information !.. it eo.t of l i;uiu A OrirMM
ient l"r'. I'lci-e Aiiitns lfunti t K. Mrnt
ly, k 'iiNliiulon, N. J.
C T r fi r. C ; Tlie only eomlviiiHtlon of Mir
CiirU UrilltJ tnii! Janiai.- r.jnu-i rwitlielio
Aroinutic4 aMl 1 i'-neh lli-unly
I r.!, iiolcra MorlMM.
t';-I'--!.-. l'a!'' . liari liov
Tit: A I ii t. Uv'-'Hi '. v-t-c "l-
JAiliiitii ' ;.-'V. 'Xillit of l.cea... Ae-
i il v In tlie I'.uiiacli niel l.o v
, N, ;:voiinta i .e tH-e: rs
Icimi'c of Water, l oeil a!.'!
GINGER ttA ,1 AM A If A (ilOt.l.
- nrt'l f -r.'. Ti.'f en t; iht.
ti tt.)vn. U. Tin iu ml t. t'HC 't
,-.r lit:.: t n't I 't n
, : . . i : i f"r ,
a - rl ft."
on eft : t j !ii
It'., to I.
m hi: h Wi' ".ti ifio TIM IniKe y.i-Y
l.Me": I ImihI. :,:;.t .:i cou ple!. ! rl.aup' llio
lc.,.,1 iii th- .iitlr- .-tcni l i l'ir:T liii.
Any j Ts-.n w! .. v. ,!l t .1 . 1 (!;! tiirla from
t lo I w e.-t. k it-: v ii. ic ton .1 to em '. iiealtli.
il h( !i a tiling l.e j-iiv, j. ;,-. ,: lv le i'.l for t
liilt-r M:ihi;.'. I. M. .(OMN -iO.'i Jt '.r
Dagger, .Me.
C(.ir.-rac V.n. AA. ...'i. l'.i eliitl",
l. intf-W. ! .'"!'. !.! i'" (.'uoa.c tlfVu ,
liy a nrHnli . I'l ),)''.
REMARKA'BH-i CURES wltlclt (ire atruis'in" I'f. irl nil i l'-m.
,!r K "i !:!.!.' v, 1. S. Ainin 'i. Ifon. Muse
i ki I'.i Ait:, j:nd otiicrs wlio linve ummI
I hit tieitniti.l.
oFii i Lr.Vslii ..,!! test in i.. Is to
Ij.-oW uni'iyl.' i'U !. n. Ins. -TM;KV c. 1 -
I.l.N, 111-' :i";t:V. .' I'l. !::.'! Ijilila.
jv.y t;orii-'. ":;:. if !::.:;.,
i i.k vs'.va i:i:. rni.i;i:v.
TiNW uk. i .:. r:-, M:oi'
II.-.T.-. f'AI'S.
1'KlCi: list.
lV'nils If. to C.) yar:'..? for SIX"'.
Coffee, " l.s for Ui.
Toil, -10c to fl .) per
lV;n "lien. 1 for !."'.
Sii- tr, lit to 12 V,a for ft.OJ..
Ciiecs l." to 0 ut.H per
1V:m-s, 5 ll.H for il.'MK
rrurep, H t''S for 1.00.
1 Jeans. 1 to 2') l for :.f-1.0a.
Grccnv70ocl, Neb. ir;y
VA 1 i O N' -HI'.I'AIltlNiJ
All kinds of
j kai:M nil'U :!i.:;n
i '4 lr.L'in'o I
n '7 .
V. ' i
Neatly d- Promjdlyr
Horse, Jl'.ilctc Ox Shoe in '4,
Iu slioi t, vo'll sIk.o ru twins tliut kzr
four ftet, from a Z-Wra to a (iiraffj.
Come ami sue; lirf.
jTjE"W" s:e:o:rP.
. u l iliii SI., l.ciween Main :inl itK Stif
-M a-;i(-s t!it ti.:iicr fi'i'iii the kkw 1IK1:.
Ol l-'JL K. ,l '
DKAI.l-l: IN
Lounges, Tables, Bods toad
r i"., nc, nr.,
Of All D-a.ripl'cns.
- ' -T I r '
or all sues, ready inale :ir.i'.s.:.Uhe".pf':rc;.
V.'Uh n;pny tii:uikslori:si .atronaA". 1 f' f
Invite all to ea.'l ;u,l e-..u,a-. iry
l.Al;li hl'M'K ov '
4o;f. Fi;itn axu ofj i t-:
clc.lcr i::
di:y goods,
i'l. ax: .'ELS,
i'UJi :;i si : i :a g o o .v.
E00T3 and SHOES
Notions, Qucenswar'j,
' jicl fu fa'.t o-.eritl.ii,:, j.-.- e-.'i culltrii
! General Mei-ciiandlse.
f - CA?n T.rrn ron mr;i:s a:,i rr
I A'.l Ji'tnl.t of country v.T0c" taVen in f
ch nee for sroods. 1