Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 29, 1878, Image 2

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J. A. MACMUIIPIir Editor
Call fur a Republican State Conven
tion The Itepubl lean Elector of the State of Xe
braska are hereby called t rend delegates
from the several counties, to meet in Stat' Con
vention at Lincoln on tlie 1st day of October,
l!7H. at 2 o'clock. . in. for the purpose of idac
iujr in nomination candidates for tlie follow
inj.' named offices, viz ;
One Judge of the Supreme Court.
One Member of Congress.
One Member of Centres, contigent.
Secretary of State.
Superintendent of Tublic Instruction.
Laud Commissioner.
And to transact such other bmdness as may
properly come before the Convention.
The several counties are entitled to represen
tation tc the Stale Convention as follows, bas
ed upon the highest vote received, either by
Silas tiurber for Governor in 17C. or C. A.
Holme' for Becent In JTT, (except Seward,
whose representation is based upon the vote
of George It. Lake for Jude of the Supreme
Court for 1S77.) giving one delegate to each J so
votes, and one for the fraction of 73 votes, also
one delegate at large for each organized county. Tkle
UateH. CouutUt Vote mild.
8 Jefferson... M7 5
3 Johnson ... 261 7
3 Kearney... 2aD 3
C Keith 1
ft Knox 201 3
a Lancaster ..1,77 14
10 Lincoln . 4X1 4
2 Madison ... 370 3
.1 Merrick ." 5
8 Nemaha ... l.oso . 8
4 Nucleoli... 221 3
4 Otoa 1,21 lo
1 jl'awnee... 731 6
3 (Phelps .. 1
2 j Fierce '
3 i'latte 513 4
8 I'olk 518 5
17 Ked Willow Kl 2
8 i Bichardsoii 1,327 10
3 ISaliliU 1,125 9
1 jSarpV 3:11 4
.1 I Saunders ...Lire 8
8 (Seward 1,1; 9
1 Sherman... 1
1 ; Stanton vn 2
6 I Thayer -U4 4
5 1 Valley Is4 2
4 I Washington a77 8
1 I Wayne 1
3 I Webster... r.25 5
1 :York 013 7
Cotmlirs Vutts
Adams ...1.048
Antelope 211
Boone 315
Buffalo tin
Butler r-'2
Ciiss 1,37:1
Cedar 14
Cheyenne... M7
Clay... 1.0KT
Coltax 471
Cumming... 4oj
Dakota S
Jiawson... . 214
Dixon :"i7
Douitlaa 2.33.5
Fillmore 1.047
Franklin lift
Furnas 2-Vt
Hall 773
Hamilton... ti-i
Harlan :ws
Howard ... 304
admitted to the Convention except such as
held by persons residing in the counties from
which the proxies are given.
Second, That no delegate shall represent an
absent member of his delegation, unless he be
clothed with authority from the County Con
vention, oris in posse.sioii of proxies from regu
larly elected delegates thereof.
By or.ler of the Republican State Central
Com in it tee. , . .
JAMKS W". LS, Chairman.
II. M. WF.L1.S, Secretary.
Lincoln, July 24th, ls78.
Call Tor a Keimblican Conntjr Convon
f iun.
Tlie Republican Electors of this
county aie called to meet in conven
tion at Weeping Water on
SATURDAY sj-:r. 14tii 18TS.
at 1 o'clock, r. M., far t!ie purpose of
lrcting 10 delegates to the state con
vention (Jot. 1st 1873; delegates to the
Float, or fiftieth Uepresentativedistrict
and also to the judicial district conven
tion for the nomination of District
It is further called to place in nom
ination one IState Senator and three
Representatives, also one County Com
missioner for the 1M or middle dis
trict ar.d to transact sucli business as
inay legitimately come before it.
It is recommended that tlie pri
maries for this occasion be held on
Saturday, Sep. 7th, 187t. and each ward
and precinct is entitled to delegates to
the Convention as follows:
1st Ward 5
2d Ward
3d Ward 3
4th Ward 4
Plattsmouth Precinct 7
Rock Bluffs 8
liberty 8
tight Mile flrove 6
Mt. Pleasant 5
Avoca 5
Louisville 4
Centre 6
"Weeping Water 8
South Rend 4
Eluiwood 6
Stove Creek G
(Ireenwood 5
Salt Creek 4
100 delegates.
It is further recommended that the
primaries meet in the several wards
and precincts at the times and places
below given.
In Plattsmouth City at 7 o'clock p.
1st Ward Court House.
2d Ward German School House.
yd "Ward Dr. Livingston's office.
4th Ward D. II. Wheeler's Office.
Plattsmouth precinct, at Taylor's
School House, at 2 p. m.
Rock Bluffs, at Berger's School
House, at 5 p. rn.
Liberty, at Folden's School House,
at 2 p. m.
Eight Mile drove, at Shafer's School
House, at 4 p. m.
Mt. Pleasant, at Gilmore's School
House, at 4 p. m.
Avoca, at Ilepner's School House, at
2 p. m.
Louisville, at Ossencopp's, Hall at 7
p. m.
Centre, at Grand Prairie School
House, at 2 p. m
Weeping Water, at School House, at
3 p. m.
South Bend, at usual place, at 5 p.m.
Elmwood, at Mainland School House,
at C :30 p. in.
Stove Creek, at Maxy's School
IIous at 7 p. in.
Tipton, at Win. Wright's house at G
p. m.
Greenwood, at Raniey School House,
at 7 p. m.
Salt Creek, at Abbot's School House,
at 5 p. in.
Also, lecom mended that at each pri
mary meeting some definite action be
taken about proxies, or supplying the
Tlace of absent delegates at a conven
tion. J. A. MacMukimiy, Chairman.
J as. Hall, Secretary.
Open letters i the order of business
in Omaha.
The wheel-barrow man arrived at
Ogden the 27th ult.
Robt. Bonner is talked of for May
or of New York City.
Our Louisville Letter came too late
for this week's issue. Will appear
next week.
Grasshoppers are reported on the
upper Elkhorn.
The Democratic State Convention
does meet at eight (8) o'clock in the
evening on the 25tb of September at
Lincoln. We thought it was a mis
print and meant for three (3) o'clock.
We call attention to the call for the
formation of an Historical Society at
Lincoln on the 25th.
It is estimated that 20,000 or 30,000
head of cattle have been taken into the
2s iobrara region this year.
Rarus trotted three heats in 2:13,
2 :135', 2:13 which is the last aston
ishing thing to be said in the trotting
The Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union will hold theii annual con
vention at Fremont, Tuesday, Septem
ber 3.1.
The Syracuse Journal says: Dan
Rice's show was pretty good down
there as he left the damsel part of it
up the Missouri river.
Notwithstanding the immense
rain fall earlier in the season, it is
now so dry that farmers have almost
entirely ceased plowing.
Officer Ryan, of Omaha, arrested
a negro in this city on Saturday last,
supposed to have been the perpetra
tor of a robbery of Goldsmith, in Oma
ha. A telegram to the Omaha Herald
of yesterday says: Frank 'Welch car
ried the primaries in Madison and
Pierce counties. Madison is his home
Judge Jere. Black, the eminent
jurist passed through Omaha on Sat
urday last, and being interviewed on
the subject of the Schurz railroad land
decision, declared him to be wrong, in
his opinion.
Babcock, of the Fairbury Clipper,
has gone up to Alexandria, the home
of Capt. Alexander, he that is a candi
date for Secretary of State, "you know"
and whether Bab. is going crazy or not
time only can tell.
The two brothers. J. A. & Mortimer
Cox, who were arrested on suspicion
of being implicated in the recent rail
road robbery on the K. C. R. R. were
discharged from custody wholly exon
erated from suspicion.
D. R. Sutton, "wLose brother was
killed above Kearney at the same time
with Luther Holbrook.has returned to
Kearney without finding tlie murder
ers, although he has spent time and all
his inonev in the endeavor.
From Mr. Y. A. Propst, Grenell
Iowa, we receive substantial proof of
regard for the Herald, as well as ex
pressions of kindly good wishes. He
says, oh what heat ! Impossible to do
any plowing so dry. Corn oats and
barley crop immense."
As we passed through Louisville,
the other day. we saw the clear cut
face of Dr. Ilildebrand for just one
moment and the next our old time
friend Truman Hall grasped us by the
hand. They tell us Truman is doing
well there and we are glad, very glad
to hear it.
The Mayor of Memphis and others
have asked President Hayes to appoint
a commission of competent physicians
to investigate the cause and remedy
for yellow fever.
Clear your streets, or send for Dr
Benjamin Butler.
The cries for relief from the yellow
fever ravaged districts are pitiful, but
seem to meet with prompt response in
every way except nurses, and when we
think of the almost impossibility of
northern people going there without
falling victims to the fever, it is a
wonder that so many can be obtained.
The Lincoln Journal has an ac
count of the trouble at Beatrice, head
ed: "Beatrice Boiling The alleged .at
tempt of the Mayor to steal the town,
and convey it to Colby and his friends,
&c, &c."
'Pears to us that something like this
happened on a smaller scale in Platts
mouth, didn't it V The mayor at Beat
rice, however, was compell?d to re-deed
the lots and resign at 12 .o'clock at
Tins is not a personal campaign of
the Herald's or its proprietor, please
bear that in mind. It is one of great
importance to Cass county, because it
will determine whether dictation in
nominations, and the sacrifice of all
principles for the elevation of this man
or the downfall of that one shall con
tinue. That's the key note of the cam
paign, and not whether one manor the
other can get a nomination. If any
man gets a nomination by fair means,
and the will of the people he ought to
be supported, and otherwise be will
not. Please bear these issue in mind.
It is not the greenback element of
the new party that alone constitutes
its danger. As long as it was confined
to the demand for more greenbacks, as
we understand greenbacks, and the
ussertion mado that we need more
money per capita, it was acquiesced in
by many of the west; but when it adds
to itself all ths dangerous and uncer
tain elements in tha commanity, it
must retard prosperity, because it cre
ates distrust. Money, just beginning
to make its appearance in plenty, at
once hides its head. Enterprises of all
kinds that require great outlay cease,
and the end of the hard times is not
Our remarks about the Cass County
Fair a short time since, have been
misunderstood bv some. "We did not
intend to say that the Fair should be
held in this part of the county and sup
ported by Plattsmouth and vicinity at
all. We meant to state with regret
the fact that as long as the feeling ex
ists that does now, and the fairground
remains where it is, a county fair in
its true, broad sense is impossible; nec
essarilv, that Plattsmouth and vicini
ty should aid Mr. Young and others
who have worked hard in the matter
to make it as much of a success as pos
Remember the Republican Prima
ries are hfcld Saturday, September 7th,
one week from the coming Saturday.
This election is a very important one
for Cass county and the party. We
urge upon all good citizens that they
make it a point to attend these prima
ries, and see that none but the right
kind of men are put on for delegates,
This is the beiginning and commence
ment of your campaign for good or evil
A mistake made at the primaries can
seldom be rectified within the party,
and has caused us to be beaten at the
polls. See to it yourselves, citizens,
that tLemen who really represent your
wishes go to these conventions. Let
no political wire-puller, no office seek
ers, and whippers in run these prima
ries. There are three sets of delegates
to elect. The most important is to the
State Convention, Oct. 1st. Then to
the District and Float conventions,
and lastly, but not least, by any means,
a County Representative ticket to be
selected by the delegates whom you
select to go to Weeping Water, at these
primaries. The fellows that want to
run things are abroad. The chaps that
think they carry Cass county in their
pockets, and confidently . tell our big
men at "Washington, and elsewhere
that they can fix this and that, are
itching to control this election for fu
ture use. Farmers, citizens, people,
see to it that your honest wishes are
not overborne by machinations and
Mayor Hale who tried to deed
Beatrice away is a reformed drunkard,
who under some of the late excitements
was elected Mayor and the Express
discourses very truly in this wise:
Andrew J. Hale, the principal in
this attempted jobbery, has been
known as a dead-beat, owning no pro
perty, and heavily in debt worse off
than nothing. He is a reformed
drunkard, yet that is something that
he might congratulate himself upon,
first because no man ought to be a
drunkard, and second because it is
simply owing to that fact that he be
come Mayor of Beatrice; but he repays
our people, who lifted hini out of the
gutter and invested him with the garb
of mayoralty, by betraying every trust
reposed in hini and entering into a
conspiracy to defraud those who
gave him a chance to rise in his pro
fession and in the esteem of tlie people.
He is also proprietor of the Beatrice
Courier, Got a paper to do dirt with
we suppose, and we presume that his
editorial jumping-jack will this week
try to excuse him and make it appear
that he has been a victim of the ma
chinations of his co-partners in this
disreputable transaction.
Colby comes in for a show too:
Leonard W. Colby is an attorney at
law and came to Beatrice about six
years ago, the seediest looking lawyer
that ever struck the town. He was
poorer than a church mouse in this
world's goods, but richer than a Croesus
in his brass and self-esteem, and by
dint of a steady application of these
admirable qualities 1ms become pos
sessed of a pretty fair share of
worldly posessions. He has been in
politics, and any person who knows
anything about him knows that a
more dishonorable politician never
button-holed the voters of this section
of country. Through buying the whis
ky influence and a newspaper, and ap
pealing to the r publicans of the sena
torial district to stand by party lines,
he managed to draw his slimy carcass
into the State Senate two years ago;
but he is in the same boat with Hale
he repays his constituents with the ba
sest ingratitude, and all the whilt grins
a grin which would do credit only to
His Satanic Majesty.
Committee to Revise the Lord's Prayer.
Xow, that Levi G. Todd, is on the
track as the greenback candidate for
Governor, we take it that his political
record and his little eccentricities are
public property. The old settlers who
have not forgotten the legislative do
ings in this State in early days will re
member that Levi represented Cass
county in the lower House in the win
ters of 18G3-G4. At that time Elder T.
B. Lemon, was Chaplain of the House
of Representatives, and every morning
offered up a fervent prayer for the ex
ecutive of the country, the judiciary
etc. Now, the Elder was known as a
southern man by birth, but a strong
union man. It coining to the knowl
edge of Mr. Todd that the Chaplain
was a southern man he made a fiery
speech in which he desired the Chap
lain in making his prayers, to call the
President (Abraham Lincoln) by name.
Mr. Lemon explained that ho prayed
for the executive regularly; but this
would not do, the name of the Presi
dent, the Chief Justice, and the Cabi
nent must be called. The following
morning, Dr. F. Renner, who was a
member of the House from Otoe Coun
ty, offered a resolution reading some
thing like the following:
Revolted, That Levi G. Todd, of the
County of Cass, be, and is hereby, ap
pointed a committee of one to revise
the Lord's Praer, and amend the Ten
Commandments, with leave to report
bill or otherwise.
The resolution was unanimously
adopted and placed on the record, but
afterward expunged. Journal.
Mr. Calhoun, the greenback nom
inee for attorney general, says that he
would not change tlie form of the ex
isting paper currency. This is an in
consistency which would require the
ingenuity of the most ingeuious green
backer to explain away, for the green
back party deinsnd3 the complete abol
ition of the "existing paper currency"
which Mr. C. insists is the very thing.
Verily, fusion doth show up the true
inwardness of these "greenback work
and labor" reformers, who are more in
tent upon defeating the republican
party than in vindicating a professed
principle, and who deliberately take a
hard money adder to their soft money
bosoms in the vain hope that its pow
er to sting has been taken away.
Poob ! Be?.tn?e Express.
"We do not want any office-seekers
in our party. The office should seek
the man."
So a greenbacker said lately, and our
word for it, that man wants an office
He i a representative character. If
you hear a man talking about the office
seeking tlie man, you may be sure that
the man whom he would like to have
the office seek, is himself. The truth
is, the gieenback party is officered by
office-seekers. There is s great array of
them marching down from the lepub
lican ranks to the greenback camp. It
is some loss to lose their votes, but we
envy not the party that gains their in
In 1873 the "Anti-Monopolists'
threatened to sweep everything before
them, and instantly the disaffected re
publican office-seekers took up the cry
of Farmer's rights and every one of
them became a "reformer." The result
was that the new party became odious
in the sight of the people. The same
fate awaits the greenback party. The
political elements that are gravitating
towards it, clearly foreshadow i's very
speedy destruction. Osceola Record.
Nebraska Mate Historical Society.
The undersigned, impressed with
the importance of collecting and pre
serving, in particular, such Historical
material as shall serve to illustrate
the settlement and growth of the state
of Nebraska, and knowing that much
valuable to that end can now be ob
tained from living tongues and pens of
those familiar from organization, and
which may be lost by further procras
tination, adopt this method of securing
the organization of a State Historical
Society. We call on friends of the ob
ject in view throughout the State, to
meet at the Commercial Hotel in the
city of Lincoln, on the evening of Wed
nesday, Septembei twenty-fifth, 1878,
for the purpose herein indicated.
Alvin Saunders, Geo. L. Miller,
A. S. Paddock, J. S. Morton,
Robert Hawke, J. C. Lincoln,
R. R. Livingston, Wm. Adair,
D. II. Wheeler, J. L. Edwards,
E. Lowe. Elam Clark,
John L. Carson, E. B. Fairfield,
Silas Garber, G. C. Barton,
Frank Welch, E. II. Rogers,
Robt. W. Furnas, Tiios. W. Tipton.
This is the way they go for a politi
cian in New York city:
A Cutlery Depository.
Y. Herald.
The late Julius Caesar resembled Mr.
Kelly in many respects. He was per
sonally honest, an able financial man
ager, a good judge of human nature,
and he carried the whole Tammany
Society of his day in his toga pocket.
Yet when it became evident that he
alone was to provide. Rome with its
government he suddenly dwindled into
a mere cutlery depository and retired
from office.
There are some chaps in Cass county
that would like to imitate the "late
Julius Ctesar," in carrying things in
their pockets, Ac.
"Universal" 4 Candidate.
Major Davis, the greenback nominee
for congress, is a brother-in-law of
George Francis Train, and has in turn
been a republican, democrat, independ
ent and greenbacker. He is common
ly known in Nebraska as "Mobilier"
Davis, on account or li is lormer con
nection and close relationship with
that ericrantic fraud, thecredit mobilier.
In short he is iust the man. metaphori
cally speaking, to lead the children of
Israel out of tlie wilderness of their
discontent to a'land flowing with green
backs and honey. Beatrice Express.
After quoting our article of two
weeks ago, about our people runring
tlieir own ticket without machine ai-.l.
the Clay Co. Sentinel savs:
"We are pretty confident t'.iat the peo
ple of Clay County, although they will
stand by tlie partT, mean to ignore any
political trickery, and intend to work
for the sole object of getting the best
material we have to fill the offices left
vacant this fall. The foundation of
this matter lies with the primaries first
and then with the county and state
MacMurthy, " Tip-Top " of the
Plattsmonth Herald, is in the city.
Mac didn't tell us what his business
was, but we presume he wants three-
year old steers, to eat up the grain he
expects to receive on subscription.
"We had one old rooster, and he starv
ed to death on the corn brought in on
subscription. We may buy steers but
we will buy corn too, then.
According to the St. Joe Gazette,
the Nebraska" Greenbackers have on
their ticket one candidate who was in
1803 a member of the State Legislature,
which recognized his peculiar talents
by unanimously electing him a com
mittee of one to revise the Lord s
Prayer and amend the Ten Command
ments. Who is that eminent Nebras
ka!! ? Bee.
His name is Levi G. Todd, and he
lives, Cass county. Don't you know ?
Sherman on the Stnmp.
Associated Tress Association.
Toledo, August 2S. The political
campaign in Northwestern Ohio was
to-night opened on the part of the
Republicans by Secretary Sherman,
who adressed a largely attended met
ing at the Wheeler Opera House. The
Secretary devoted himself mainly to
the consideration of the financial ques
tion. Speaking of the Washing Machine
that Messrs Clark & Pettee are selling
the Fremont Tribune says:
Meesrs MeKinnon and Wightman
have not formed a partnership, but
Mc. is engaged simply to make the
washing-machines, which he is doing
in a highly satisfactory manner. We
have used the machine in our family,
and can cordially indorse it as about
Captain Bogardus the champian
wing-shot, gave an exhibition of glass
ball shooting at the fair grounds in
Dayton, Ohio, breaking 347 balls in 21
minutes, making 26 misses. This the
best shooting in that time on record.
Bogardus left for Chicago this evening
to take part in the tournament.
Dr. John Black, of Cass, Dr. D. II.
O'Linn and Hon. Tobias Castor, were
among the leading members of the
State Central Committee which met at
the Metropolitan hotel yesterday. O.
A Minnesota father, who has five
grown-up daughters, has sued the coun
ty. He claims that his lesidence has
been used as a court bouse for the
past two years.
Or You'll have to pat your Scads up for
At last the patience of our people
and of our worthy Mayor has reached
a culminating point on one "pint" at
Mayor Johnson requested us to no
tify all persons that loose horses must
be put up and especially kept off of
Main Street. ' They reach into far
mer's wagons, destroy every thing they
and can get hold of, cause drubbles and
all the time.
The Herald called attention to this
long ago, after seeing an old screw
douse a package of sugar, a calico dress
and a baby's rattle out on the ground.
We wonder the matter has not been
brought up more emphatically before
this. Now the Mayor says there is an
Ordinance, (whats that Mr. Mayor;
never heard of one here?) and a fine
and a penalty for letting stock run
loose in the streets and that hereafter
it will be enforced. "Do ye moind
that," as MacD. might say.
We will further add that there is,
was, and ought to be, is said to be an
Ordinance against hogs and cows run
ning at large. If we can't fix up our
sidewalks we can prevent loose stock
from breaking up what there is, and
the hogs well its no use to talk
about the hogs.
Further, we desire to say that we
believe Mayor Johnson is trying
to do his duty strictly and purely un
der the law, in this sidewalk business,
with the aid of the Council, and that
when he can see a way clear to improve
them it will be done.
Jlr. IJrovrn, the Mind Reader.
Some of the little folks who had to
go to bed early want to know what
the above means and want the Her
ald to tell them what Mr. Brown did.
Well, he claims that by some means,
instinct, or an abnormal (get out your
dictionary) developement of certain
faculties, he can tell what is passing
in the mind of another person provid
ed said person fixes his own mind on
one thing very intently. To prove
this a knife was hidden in the audi
ence and Mr. Brown blindfolded took
the hider to the very man who had. it.
Captain Marshall thought out a route
over the hall, that is, up the aisles and
across at certain places, and Mr.
Brown unerringly led him over the
route he had mapped out for himself.
Mr. Dovey thought of the initials of
his Father's name " W. D." and Mr.
Brown picked them out from a string
of letters he had on the stage. Just
what this power is no one knows, that
is a subject of dispute, some thinking
it is all humbug, others that he has a
wonderful power to read the thoughts
of others. The Herald does not be
lieve in any superstition, or supernat
ural business at all. Probably, per-
ons of a very delicate organization
and natural mesmeric powers can re
ceive an impression from strong willed
people in such a way as to enable them
to make very shrewed guesses at what
is passing at that moment through the
mind, that in our opinion is all there
is of mind reading at present. A com
mittee of which Hon. S. M. Chapman
was chairman was appointed the oth
er evening, but no two of them would
probably agree exactly as to how these
ests are psif jrui.'J.
isKroRTru i-.v r. r. wiutk.
Wheat. No. 2
;".V. "K
I:'.' IS
Corn, ear
Barl'-v, N. 1
" rejected
Latest new vo::i; iai:?:ets
New okk, August 2s.
MotiPV 1 ' : -
Uold, l'-si'i
CillCAOO. August 8.
Native C:.ttl.'
Texas Cattle
a' i
.. li'';
.".".".".".".'.".' 1 co1.;
4 :: ' - .-.i
ii so
i Wil
On Mnin street nearly opposite the Court
House, I'lattsmoutli, Nel.
HorsEsfoR Sale.
The bavins and selling of good horses made
the specialty of the business.
New Horses & Carriages,
and gentle horse-s, for Ladies to drive are kept
at this Stable.
Also a carry all. which runs to the depot, and
will curry passengers from any plate iu town on
Wagon, Buggy, Machine anl Plow rc
pairiny, and general Jobbing.
I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
of farm and other machinery, as there
is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge of the wagon shop.
He is wtbII known as a
Stw Wasont ant Hassicft made to
9hr on Sixth tret, opposite Strelht's Stable J
First Class Stock.
Boston Public Schools,
Mass. State Normal
The New England Conser
vatory of Music lEx
Philadelphia Exhibition '76
No other I'iano Forte house, with one excep
iou, received more than one.
Din ing the Concert Season of 187ff, '77,
these li:i!u were used iu Lo-ton aad vicinity
in more than 125 concei ts.
The season of ls77 ar.d '? promises a still
greater number to be added to the list.
Notices of Concerts.
"Remarkable for Its purity, richnees and ev
enness of toue." Boston Journal.
"No such instruments have been heard in a
Lowell concert room before." Lowell (Mass.)
Daily Citizen.
"Surpasses anything of the kind previously
faril in our city.-' Lowell Vox l'opuli.
"l"neiii:illed by any that have been ued in
our concerts." Louisville Daily Courier.
has been appointed ajrent for these eelcbratue
I'iauos. Si :;u for catalogue.
oji Plattsmouth, Neb.
llricfc Livery StaJk
The old BOX NEK STAHI.ES in IMattsmouth
Neb., are now leased by Jones & Stroud and
they are keeping a new and handsome livery in
tins well known barn. The linest and best of
horses and carriages always ready to let.
Horses kept for Sale
or to, Trade.
We desire to give notice tl at we have a Tarjre,
handsome brick ham, with plenty of room for
horses and watrotis. 1 can put "farmers stock
an i wairons. loads of frr.iin or anyi hing all un
der cover, ii; the dry. UememluT I his.
Thankinir all old jiatrons for their many fa
vors. e solicit their trade for the future", sat
isfied we can accommodate them better and do
better by them than ever before. 3-yl.
East of IMatte Valley House.
In the Town.
Good Teams Al trays on Hand.
Careful Drivers sent with car
riages if desired.
Carriages sent to Depot to meet all trains
whenever ordered.
Funerals attended and carriages furnished to
triends. Address. J. W. SHANNON.
I'llaitsiiiontii ch
His; 2
a i "i 2 "
- - t-. n
2 CD
- CD
would respectfully announce to their many patrons that they have received n
magnificent selection of Spring and Summer good.s, which they intend to tell
at prices which defy competition. Our facilitiea for purchasing in tho mar
kets of tho East are such that wo are able to offer better inducements to tho
trade than any other firm in the city, regardless of assertions to the contrary.
Accordingly we give you our prico list, which after examination will con
vince you of our low prices and the amount of money you will bo capable of
saving by purchasing from us.
General Dry Goods.
Beautiful sprlnz prints "Standard Brands," Hi yds. for ?i
other " i!0
flood quality sheeting. C te per yard.
Yard wide bleached muslin 2'se"pcr yard.
" ' brown fo " " up.
Cheviot shirtings, 7. n and l-.'c " '
Heninis sSc up. ducking s:ie up
Bed ticking 8Sc up, woisted delaines l.e per yard.
Splendid assortment dies goods at 9 and 10c per yard up.
tiiiighanis 8?jc per yard uu.
Jood quality black alpaca 'joe per yard up.
Table linens 2e up. Napkin- 7."c per yard up.
Crash Towelim; rc per yard up.
Handsome patterns In summer shawls 7'c up.
Cotton Batting tlood 7 lls for .M up.
A full line of Ladies. lienN. and ChiMrcns Hose from no per pair up.
Carpet Chain " Standard Brand " iu 5 lb packages ;l -".
Hemp 20c per yard. Ingrain 37'ie per yard.
Two-plvall wool 7."k! per yard, '1 iireo-ply ?t 'Si per vard.
BrusMclls $1 00 per yard,
loor mats, rugs very low.
One yard wide thior oil ..doth. 27' Jc up.
One and a half yards wide floor oil cloth, C0C up.
All wool cassiineres 75c up. Tweeds 2.1c up. Cottoiiades 12' ac up.
Millinery and Fancy Goods.
We have received direct from "Pari-;" tlie
hibited in this city, which we otlVr from lo to
.i i li... . r i
uieus 1 1 uuiiicu ji.u ii oiii i-c ui. .Tii.ijjv
Plain and Gros Grain Bibbons retailed at
35C per vard.
Kid Cloves 2le per pair up. Lisle Thread Clove tic no, all coNu s.
Trimming Silks, Satins, alouir, Turii:is. at reuiai kably low li.iu. s.
Handsome Black Spani-h I. ace Seal fs from ;hic to .0 each.
Black Lace Scarf goods by the yard lie up.
Ladies handkerchiefs ,1c iiji. Ladles Mik handkerehiefn 2.1c up.
Au extensive variety of Neck Ties a"d Ti-sues from loc up.
Net crepe rueliing pic per yard up. Veiling .eic pcryaiil.
Silk parasols 7.1e up. Cotton pnraols :.e up.
Laces, edgings and embroideries from ; per v.nd up.
Fans from ic to 1..1o each.
Our stock of zephyrs is complete in every particular. We also carry c.nd hoard In all ',. rs
Mottoes, canvas, etc., at exceedingly low figures. ' '
While Goo'!3 in Great Profusion.
Piques nausook plain and nrlped .Jaconet, Li-hop and Vii loria Lawn" in
juice from Hie per aid up. ' "
Buttons of every description. An unusual display of Cotton. Silk, Biilc, p.all ami To l 'v
Fringes. Trimmings of every description.
Corsets from ac up. A unique r.c!eejon of tuek combs from lie to -1 1 each
Cuffs and cellars 2 up. Full line of bailie- Suit-'. Ladies luusi.ii uinii from 21c up.
Gents Clothing and Furnishing Goods.
A complete line. Suits from ...V) up.
Cuffs, collars and neck ties at prices wilhni the reach of all.
Cent underwear from 21c up. Colored overshirls, ln up.
White shirts, 71c up. Calico shirts, Mic tip. Percale 1 him, 7"c up.
An extensive line, noted for durability and cheapness.
Mens boots from 2.U0 per pair up. Boys boots from per pair up.
Mens shoes, f 1.21 up. Ladies siitx s :H)c up. Children- .shoe-. 2.V up.
Hats and Caps.
Latest styles, good hats, from 71c up. Caps from 2.1c up.
We also carry a full line of Jewelry, watches, clocks, silver Vj.o.ins l.uixe-, folks poclet
cutlery, writing materials, market basket, work baskets, etc.
F A C T O It Y IMUC E; .
Call and be convinced
A Full Assortment of
Country Produce Taken in Exchange
for Goods. u,y
in ii i
L.-o'le ;
ill. I. -nl 1
S l.Heh
ever ex -!i.t
( Mi
le lip.
paitci us
uji. .ice now via lee up. Oin
w holesale ju ices. S ii!!.oii
most superb selection of I'.cMe
2." each ; also, a full line of
.... . : ..