THE II E It A L i). LOCAL XEWS. 1AH!ALAIVERT1SEMEXTS. Transient. 2.1 cents a line. lingular advertls ert, m rents per line. No advertisement Insert- I for less than 23 cents. I-etral notices at Statute rate. Att'rnejs and oflleers of the law will ncld resiK)iisil)le fi.r all letral notice they hand in, ami all parties ileinamttnK .a proof of publica tion of any notice will he held lor the publica tion fee of such notice. COM M V NIC ATI O X S. As our space Is limited, all communications must .! brief and to thermit, with no waste of words. The paper is responsible for the correctness accord in to copy of paid matter and paid l.e jjals. only. 1. Any person who takes the paper regularly from the xs-ofViee. whether directed to his name, or whether he is a subscriber or not is responsible for the. ;av. J. if any person unlets his paper discontin ued, be inut pav ail arrearages, or the publish er tnav continue to send it until payment is made." and collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. 3 i lie courts have decided that refusing to t;ike newspapers and periodicals from the o-.t ftilice, or removing ant leaving them uncalled for, is i-rima facie evidence of intention ai, HIAIK. ONLY 27 HOtTKis TO St. I.OfIS bv the new KOI' IK just opened via MONMOl'Tll. I'ULI, MAN FAI.Al'K SI.FKl'INO CAKS run from l'.ui lintou tost. Iuin without change. I'.Y LEAVING FLATTSMOFTH AT 3:50 I. M.. you arrive in ST. I.Ol'lS the next evening at x :2). and leaving St. Iouis at s -;m a. in., you ar rive in I'laMsmoiith 9 :'J the next morning. Coupon Tickets for sale for all points North, Soutii, Kast and West. SAMUEL VOW ELL, P. W. HITCHCOCK, Ticket Agent. en. Western Pass. Agent. J. M. Hkhital, Agent, riattsiuouth. A KHIVA I. AND DEPARTURE OF l'LATTS v MOUTH MAILS. KASTF.KX, NOBTUKK.X & HOlTHF.ny . , o . I Depart at - 5 a. ni. Arrive at -3 -Via.iii. '.. .. . 3 :(K) p. m. OMAHA VIA B. & M. Arrive at 10 :3n a. m. Depart at - 2 :15 p. m. WKSTKRN VIA . A M. Arrive at - 3 :15 p. m. I Depart at - 3 0 a. ni. WKKfl.Vfi WATKIt. Arrive at 12 :00 in. I IH-part at - 1 :00 p. in. IUM-H IU l Kl-8 & UNION MILLS. Arrive at l :oo m. I Depart at - I :00 p. in. J. W. MARSHALL. Y. M. FROM THE WEST, l eaves Kearney. 6 : 10 a. in. Leaves Lincoln, 12 :--r p. m. Arrives riattsiuouth. 3 -.10 p. m l'r.'igiit leaves Lincoln 11 :3f a. m. Arrives l'laltsiiioiitli, 4 p. m. GOING EAST. Express. 6 :1." a. in. rasMMiger, (train each day) .1 p. in., except Saturdav. Every third Saturday a train con nect at "the usual time. C 13. & $. Si. l. Tl.llt: TAIBL.C WESTWARD. Express 10 l.iain 10 1 1 2.rpm 1 : 4 rrpiu' ." ' 7 4(plil 8 , 10 SOpIll 11 j I 4.-am ' 2 4 IT-Hiii r, ! 7 H, tin 8 Mail. INIplll -l."aiii :cam Mam .Vain I "pin l .' I 1 1 i OOjini Leave 'l'lCJIL'O Mellduta alc-hnrg .. 1 . 1 1 1'-n i ittmiiwa 'liaritii re.till I;eil i;ik I'lattsnioiith . An. 11 Wain, EASTWARD. Fx pr Mail, .('am ;V nil l.aln l.'.piil 0Ollll -H'l'in ITiplll in.itn ouani I-ave riaJtsmoutli. lletl Oak I'm-Moii ' Ciiariton Oltmnna litll llllitoll. . . i.-ileslilir! -. Mellilol.t Arriv. Chicago :t x in l i :t r r.' .rop OOp: :i-.p 5-ra K 1 I 5 m III : X III II III S in, 7 :Va l.-.p :nip B. & M. R. R. Time Table. 4'i,ii" tl Thnrsil:y, Januaiy 10, 1ST3 Koi: OMAHA FROM I LATTSMOUTII. I.eaxes : :1i a. m. Arrives R : a. in. " -' :.' p. in. " 3 :a I- '" i :;ti o.MAH.V Koi; rL.TTSMOUTH. ! , v.-s - a. in. Arrives 10 :1 a. m. ,, , ,, i. 7 :4i p. in. hill; 1 II K WEST. I e-v" riattMiioiilh 9 :!' a. iii. Arrives Lin- ';!. U ; i.i. : Arrives Ke:uiu y, s :'." p. m. Tug. in le.ivi s 10 It a. m. Ar. Lincoln 3 :.t p.m. Mind tl:e l!rown re;uUr batur.'ay I'rown the MinJ-ieiidtr here S;it urtlay. Co to FitzgeraM Hall Saluiilay cni!i Auguat i4th. V,. Sitloltl lias just cut liis third i op of tlover this year. licnif m er the Entertainment Sat urday night August 24th. Jerry Ilartman lias a very pretty little house up on the Avenue. It is reported that Dr. Hump ran away with some- one else's frow. The old woman at the "foot of the lot" was warned to leave last Tuesday. Our old friend Doty helped us over the river not long since most manful ly. The Kev. Mr. Steinhart preached In the M. E. Church during Mr. Black burn's absenee. Read tho proposition Trof. Brown makes in another column in regard to refunding money. Elam Parmale went and sold our Ureters" before we could splurge at the Fair with -em. Brown the Mind Reader, is no hum bug but does just what he advertises to do, or money refunded. We learn by the Lincoln Journal that Mrs. Cattle, assisted by Miss Mag gie Dawson, will start a Kindergarten at Lincoln some time next month. Mr. "William Snyder brought in a dozen of apples that forsize.'smooth ness of appearance and flavor are un excelled this year. Contrary to the general results, Nebraska apples are not as smooth as usual this year but these are just beauties. Two or three young ladies got up a very pleasant lawn party last Thurs day evening on the hill west of Mr. (leo. Smith's, and hail music and danc ing, ice-cieam, cake and fun generally in abundance. Those moonlight lawn paities are adeligheful way of passing these warm evenings. Mr. Levi Churchill brings us in sme Transcendent crabs on a branch which beat thoso of which we were bragging last week, there being nine teen on a branch seven Inches long, the largest of which measures six inch es in circumference. He also brings us some splendid Lowell apples that surpass most anything we have seen this year, and for which we return thanks. Mr. Schlimlz informs us that he has his mill in running urdtr again, und that he lias a j-hne dam now, which he thinks is going to be a per manent one. We are glad to hear lU.v) Mr. Schlunt.'s energy and entcr h.ivo surmounted his losses, and wish hi in letter luck in the future, arid a long life to the stone dam. We stated last week, among notic es of changes going on in our midst, that Mr. "White would remove his store to Fitzgerald block and his old building would be sold. Mr. White having changed his plans, we now an nounce that he has moved temporarily to Stadelmann's old stand while his own is undergoing repairs, when he will take up his quarters there again. Last Friday an ugly customer got full of benzine down town and becom ing uproarous, policeman Harvey Sage, undertook to arrest him. Just as he was about to cross the bridge to the jail the fellow bucked, and of all the kicking striking, cussing and bit ing for a little while, that took the lead. When finally placed in the cool er he had not the sign of a shirt left on his back. We received last week by the hands of Mr. McDonagh, a very hand some boquet of flowers raised by Mrs. McDonagh, mostly from seeds sent by Vick. It may not be known to the general public that Jas. Vick, the gen erous florist and seedsman of Roches ter, X. Y., remembers all poor editors throughout the U. S., with a box of seeds, once a year, flower or vegetable, or both, as they may choose, and Mrs. McD. knowing us to be a sharer in those bounties, sends us a boquet to show her success in changing the little brown seeds into objects of beauty and joy. The showing is a most excellent ene, and proves the good results of constant care and attention. We re turn thanks. The Circus. If you want to really know just about how many people there are in and about Pldttsnrouth. just start a first class Circus. Yesterday the town was f ullof people, of course they are excusable, we know how it is ourself. Now we would never go to the circus in the world, if it wasn't for our chil dren, they want to see the animals and we must go, you know, we wouldn't deprive the poor children of this pleas ure for the world. Church Meeting. The yearly meeting of the Chris tian Churches of Cass count'. Neb., will be held at the Union Church sev en miles soutii of Plattsmouth, com mencing Friday evcningSeptember 1st. Two discourses Saturday and 0113 at night. It is earnestly hoped that all of the churches in the county will be represented. All are invited. Tries. Wiles. Mrayed or Stolen. Between the first and middle of July, from the pasture of Joseph Finaigle, about four miles south of West Point, one yearling horse colt, colored dun with a shade of brown on back and shoulders, black mane and tail, three white feet, and white spot oa forehead. A fair reward will be paid for any information leading to the recovery of the same. Address, Ueokke Wilkev. West Point, Neb. IS J. RANDALL BU0WN, THE MIND READER A FRAUD! If so, Should lie he Allowed to Carry off Our Money! Mr J. Randall Brown is not a spirit ualist, nor does he have anything to do with spiritualism. His power is pure ly a natural one and its manifestations are ten-fpld more wonderful than any thing that has ever been claimed by any spirit medium, and that he does what he advertises is undeniable. In proof of this assertion, the manage ment of J. Randall Brown makes the following special proposition, viz: All the money taken at the door, or for tickets on sale elsewhere, shall be held on deposit by J. W. Marshall until the audience are satisfied that the perfor mance is a genuine success. If the audience vote in the negative J. W. Marshall will refund the money to those buying tickets. J. W. Marshall has no interest what ever in the entertainment, but has for the sake of truth and justice consented to preside at the ticket box on the evening of the entertainment and see that the audience get their moiey back if not the equivalent. Any person who cries humbug after having read the above proposition, cannot be termed any thing else but a fit subject for an insane asylum. For full particulars of entertainment, see further announcenents. Notice. Owing to a press of work, Dr. Richey will be obliged to remain until the first of the week. Lost. A large brass office key. Please re turn the same to the Sheriffs office and get a suitable reward. Bngjy Tops. Streight & Miller have secured the patent Buggy Top now being sold so much. They finish them up in every style to suit customers and they are the most convenient and useful thing lately brought before the public. Notice This. All persons owing me must pay up before September 1st, or their accounts will be placed in the hands of a collec tor. 22t2 Wm. Stadelmaxx. Notice. PLATTSMorTir, August, 20th, 1S7S. There will be a meeting of tho Dem ocratic County Central Cominitteo :it the Couit House, iu Plat tsinoutli on Tuesday Sept. Sd, 1378, at 1 o'clock, P. M., to provide for hoUing a County I Convention to select seven delegates j to represent Cass county in State Cor- vention to be held at Lincoln the 23th day of Septem!er, 1878. A f u'.l attend ance of said Committee is desired. J. M. Pattekdx, Chairman. i Billiard Hall. Keenan & Grace having re-fitted the billiard Hall formerly known as Nev ille's are now prepared with new tables, new fixtures and new stock to make the place one of the best in the State. The New Crown Jewell. Sage Bros., are already getting on their new base-burner stoves. The latest and handsomest one we have seen is the Crown Jewell for 1878, which i3 a decided improvement on all others. They have also a new pat tern of Jewell cooking-stove, which eclipses all others. These stoves will be on exhibition at our County Fair. Greenback Convention. The National Labor Greenback Par ty will hold a Delegate Convention of the citizens of Cass county, at Weep ing Water, on Friday, Sept. 13, at 11 a. rn. to put in nomination candidates for county offices. Plattsmouth will have 12 delegates; the precincts 5 each. Primaries will be held at the usual place at 1 p. m. on Saturday, Sept. 7th, to select delegates. Geo. W. Shbader. Ch'n Cent. Com. Cass County Institute. The Teacher's Institute, which con vened at Weeping "Water. Neb., July 22d, in accordance with Supt. Martin- Gale's call, closed its labors on the 15th of this month. The work of the Institute, as stated in a previous article, was a review of the branches of study required for a second grade certificate. The Superintendent conducted the Institute as a Normal School, requir ing the teachers, (now pupils) not only to recite a lesson, but to show how they would teach it, after which he would explain what he thought to be the best method of teaching that sub ject. The only aid the Superintendent received was from Mr. Loufborrow, who had charge of the History class, and who gave a few lessons on Pen manship and Drawing; and Prof, Snodgrass, from Lincoln, who arrived on Friday of the third week, and was placed iu charge of the composition class during the rest of the Institute. His method of instruction on this sub ject is different from the old one, which was so distasteful to the com mon students and of little practical use to anyone. He precedes theory with practice, and in such a manner as to cause the pupil to write correct ly, although he may not be able to tell why he does so. During the institute, there werethir ty seven teachers enrolled, who closed the Institute with a Sociable in the evening, in the school building, when music, reading of essays, and declaim ing was in order. Previous to adjournment, the teach ers passed the following resolutions: ll-isola-l. That we will go to our labor with new vigor, showing that we have been greatly profited by at tending this Institute. Itesolced, That we thank Mr. Louf borrow for the instruction he gave, and the interest he took in securing homes for tho teachers, during their stay at the Institute. Jiesolced, That we appreciate the in struction given by Prof. Snodgrass, and as a token of rememberance we will carry some suggestions he gave us to our schools. JhS')Iced, That the Superintendent is our friend, and for his kindness, pa tience, and the efficient manner in which he conducted the Institute, he will gratefully be remembered by us. Jiesolced, That we are grateful to the citizens of Weeping Water, for their kindness to us during our stay among them, and that we wish their village a prosperous future. Mathiab Seahl, Secretary. Mt. Pleasant. Neb, Aug. 19th, 1878, Personal. James Wiley paid his respects to the Herald, last week Thanks, James. Wm. Gramberg returned from the Black Hills yesterday, and goes east to-day. Dr. Dio Lewis, wife and mother, ar rived in town last evening, and are visiting relatives here for a short time. Gen. Van "Wyck came down from Omaha yesterday, and drove to his farm from here. The General is a very pleasant companion, anyway. C. S. Ilaaley, of the Farragut News Fremont county, Iowa, called on us Tuesday. He goes down to Weeping Water to visit some friends there and take a vacation. Lew. Myers is home (?) foi a visit. He lives in Chicago most of the time and came to Plattsmouth to see his parents, sister, and get some city air, that is new and fresh. Mr. George Vetter, Sr., and Nicko las Volk from Pekin, Illinois, are out here viewing the county, and visiting friends, they are well pleased with the country, and the former will leave for Pekin to-day. Mrs. John Lysaght, of St. Joe, sister of Mrs. F. M. McDonagh, and four children ; and Miss Colligan, daughter of Hon. Thomas Colligan of St. Joe, are visiting at Mr. Editor MacDon agh's of this place. We are sorry to chronicle the death of a little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seeley at West Point where they are now residing. Mr. Mitchell, Mrs. Feeley's father, visited them last week, called there by the child's sickness and also hy Mrs. Seeley's. Miss LaMar, a cousin of Mrs. Hinkle who has been visiting her relatives here for some time returned home last week, and this wc-ck Miss Emma Hinkle goes to 21: LaMar's home in Marysville, Mo., lj spend some time with Iter. Mrs. E. S. Alpaugh, formerly Miss Murfin of Factoryville, has been visi ting friends in Plattsmouth for some weeks. The Herald finds that Mrs. A's husband belongs to the old Alpaugh family of New Jersey, well known there as one of the oldest and largest families in the state. THE MARKETS. HOME MAUKETS. RKrORTKU K r. K. WHITK. Wheat. Xo. 2 " 3 , ' rejected Corn, ear Oats .... Uarley, No. 2 . "3 . 40 15 ll 30&-15 rejected 20 Rye,.... 2530 latest new york markets New York, August 21. Money 143.2 Gold LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. Ciiicaoo. August 21. JWH , a1 2S:S 48 8a 3 1?3 'JO 2 10 4 01114 10 Flour Wheat Corn Oa'.s Rye Barlev Native Cattle. Texas Cattle.. Hoith SPECIAL NOTICES. You can save a large per eent of your corn crop by reading "Three Blind Mice," and following advice. 34tf Go to Schlegel Bros, and get the int tag Lorillard smoking Tobacco. Settlement Notice. I shall be found at Fred Stadel mann's Bakery for some time to come for the purpose of settling all my bus iness, collecting ray debts and accounts and paying my own. I want my busi ness affairs wound up as speedily as possible and would thank my friends and late patrons to come around and help me to square up by settling all our accounts. Very Respectfully 20tf Wm. Stadelmanj?. Money to Loan. We will negotiate loans, in Cass County on improved farms, on five years time of TEN FEU CENT SEMI ANNUAL INTEREST AND 1 AND J2 PEIt CENT COMMISSION EACH YEAR. Funds obtained promptly, call on or address Moore & Ocobock, south side Gov't Square, Lincoln, Neb. 20 m 3. State Normal School, Peru, Nebraska. The FALL Term begins Wednes day, Sept, 4. 1877. TWO FULL NORMAL COURSES the Elementary and Higher. TUITION and LIBRARY free to all the Students. NO INCIDENTAL EXPENSES, except Matriculation Fee. STUDENTS CAN ENTER ANY GKADE for which they are qualified. SPECIAL REVIEW CLASSES for Students qualified to graduate in Ele mentary Course in one year. 22U Robert Curry, Principal. A Rare Chance. For sale A "rood fresh stock of Hard ware. Stoves and Tinware, and good store building, good location and good trade. Address L. l. clark, 2lt2 Kearnev Nebraska. Lard for sale by B. Siebold. Leave orders at the Post Office. 2U2 Now we can tell, you. Dr. Richey t Chicago Dentist, who made such a successful visit to Platts mouth last December, and for whom so many are anxiously waiting, will again be at the Saunders House from Aug. 14th to 21st. Don't forget the dates. 19tf. Caution to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May, 1878 all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainly labeled: JULIUS PEPPERBURG, Manufacturer, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. For Sale A good Portable Pipe Organ, manu factured by the celebrated I. Dennett Nutter, entirely remodeled and good for twenty years. This beautiful in strument has 4 stops and 3 registers of pipe, and for quality and power of tone cannot be surpassed by any Portable Pipe Organ. For particulars enquire of S. M. Brown, tuner and repairer of pianos and organs, Creston, Iow3, or to JAMES FETTEE, dealer in musical instruments, Platts mouth, Neb. 47tf. Without Pain. Teeth extracted by Dr. Richey, at Saunders House, August 14 to 21. 19tf RAID on RATS. U;e Centennial Rat Exterminator. 20tf We Can't Stop 'Em, (nor would we, if we could) for Dr. Richey's work is so favorably known that the people who need Dental work rlock right to him, and keep him busy. lie will be .at the Saunders House from ugust 14th to 21st. 19tf Go to Rockwell's for all kinds of dry goods and groceries at bed rock prices. ftrW) OOft worth of Farm 1roicce tUiVUUtVUU alone can be saved by usinz Centennial Hat Exterminator. 20tf Go to Rockwell's at Louisville to buy your millinery goods, they have just received a large and well selected stock of ladies hats and trimmings of the latest stvle. 15tf Slippers 35c a pair at Merges. 8tf "White fish at 80 cents a kit at Rock well's. I5tf A Schlecrel & Bro. have on hanrl tha best brands of Smoking and Chewing tobaccos. I4tf Slippers 35c a pair at Merges. 8tf CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Serge Shoes 60 cts. Slippers 50 cts. " u Leather Shoes 75 cts. Shoes and Boots are down to rock prices. Mens Buckle Alexis 3 1 50 Prince Alberts 1 5J 44 Whole stock Brogans 1 50 These goods and others including a large stock of all kinds of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, must be sold. No trust. 6tf Peter Merges. If you want some fine dental work done, something that is artistic and yet substantial, then remember Dr. Richey, the popular Chicago Dentist, will be at the Saunders House from Aug. 14th to 21st. 19tf. Smoke the B. & M. in Nebraska ci gars at Schlegel Bros. Prints twenty yards for 8100 at Rockwell's. 15tf Five pound of best rio coffee for $1 at Rockwell's 15tf Slippers 33c a pair at Merges. 8tf Berkshire Hogs. I would respectfully invite the at tention of Stock fanciers of Platts mouth and vicmitv to my fine Berkshire Boar, SELIM, directly from imported stock. Parties wishing his services can be accommo dated by applying to Charles J. Pettee at Herald Office or the Proprietor James Pettee. Residence one block south of High School building. I have also a fine pair of Imported Essex Pigs. tf Another good farm for sale in Cass County 100 acres; good house, six rooms, frame stable, 125 acres broke, fine cotton wood grove ten acres, Apply to Neb. Herald ofEee, 4GtL Jno. A. MacMurfhy. Fighty acres of Land for sale, near Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska; all under cultivation, good small house and young orchard and grove Time on two tliiids of purchase money. Ap ply at Neb. Herald oflice. ltf. Send vour orders for cigars to A Schlegel d Bro. they guarantee sat is- faction in price and quality. I4tr Pension Papers. Those wanting pension papers ac knowledged will please remember that J. R. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville, has a certificate of the county Clerk filed with the U. S. pension Agent and can attend to all such business. 52tf Good second-hand organs and melo- deoxs for sale or rent low. Leave ad dress at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drugstore cor (5th and Main Sts. James Pettee, 9tf. Dealer in Musical Instruments Horses for Sale. Jones & Stroud have 18 or 20 head of good work and carriage horses for sale. 10tf. Go to Jones & Stroud for a good team just now. lOtf. UiviTrodty of Nebraska. Instruction given in all the branches of a liberal education. Open to both ladies and centlemen. Candidates for admission to the Preparatory Department must pass a fair examination in Orthography, Reading, Arithmetic, Geography, Eng lish Grammar, and the History of the United States. Instruction is given in X her Arithmetic, English Analysis, and Physical Geography, cash for a single term. tuition free to all. Fall Term begins Tuesday, Sep tember 10, 1878, and ends Friday, De cember 20. Winter Term begins Thursday, January 2, 1879, and ends March 21. Sfring Term begins April 1, and closes on the Second Wednesday of June, the day of the annual commence ment. Catalogue, containing full informa tion, can be had upon application to E. B. Fairfield, Chancellor. Lincoln, July 6, 1877. 17m9. "German Syrup.' No other medicine in the world has ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Boschee's German Syrup. In two years three million four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of charge by Druggists in this country to those af flicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and other disease of the Throat and Lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that" German Syrup will cure them. - The result has been that Drug gists in every town and village in the United States are recommending it to their customers. Go to your Druggist, and ask what they know about it. Sam ple bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Three doses will relieve any case. ystf-alt Liver is King. The Liver is the imperial organ of the whole human system, as it controls the life health and happiness of man. hen it is disturbed in its proper ac tion, all kinds of ailments are the nat ural result. The digestion ot food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, are all immediately connected with the workings of the Liver. It has been successfully proved that Greene's Au gust Flower is unequalled in curing all persons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liv er Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhealthy thy condition of the Liver and Stom ach. Sample bottles to try 10 cents. Positively sold in all towns on the Western Continent. Three doses will prove that it is just what you want. 5Iy-alt.2w THIS IS FOR EYERY FAMILY. No western family can afford for a day to be without the Celebrated Western Remedy for Diarrhoea Dysen tery, Cholera Morbus and Cholera In fantum, Brown's Extract Blackberry and Qinger. It has been before the public for ten years, and doctors and druggists join in recommending it to their customers and patrons. Ask your druggist adout its merits ; pro cure a bottle at once and save sickness, the expense of physician, and the life of some loved one of the family. De lays are dangerous." Brown's JJitibil lions Liter Pills, an 1 Eureka Ague Pills, are a certain cure for Ague. For sale by. Dr. W. E. Donelan, Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and O. F. Johnson. 15tf Plattsmouth, Neb. The Atlanta Ua., Constitution, Recently published a long account of the destructiveness of the "Sherman Rat" which is 2 to 4 times as large as the Northern Rat. On the 17th of September. 1877, the Manager of this celebrated paper having tried Centen nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle men your "Pizen Stuff" knocks "Sher man Rats," stiff and cold. Osage, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1877. Star Manufacturing Company, Fort Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen tennial rat poison, received last Mon day. We have given three doses. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and we verily believe there is not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill, feed, custom and merchant's mills were full of them, as were also our houses, cooper shops, barns and hog pens. Since giving them the poison they have been running round as "crazy as loons" and the river bank is line with dead rats, in fact it has created a terrible commotion among them and they have all left, thanks to the "Centennial Rat Exterminator," each box of which is worth a twenty dollar bill. We will see our druggists and have them send for it. Thanks, thanks. Very respect fully. E. M. Britts, & Co. This great economizer for property holders, farmers, et al is for sale by druggists and general dealers every where. Price 25 cents, large cans $1,00 20 tf. LEGAL NOTICES. In Bankruptcy. In the District Curt of the United StvJ--, far the District of Nebraska. In the Matter of Jamer It. MtSlurtm Bankrupt. IHMru-t of yebranlsa. : This is to give notice, that on the 10th day of a " t A. 1. 188. a Warran-t iu Bankruptcy was opened out of the District Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska aeaiust the estate and effects of James H. Mc Murtry of Lincoln in the County of Lanca.ster iu said District, who has bueu adjudged a Bank rupt on Ins own petition : That the payment of any debts, and the delivery of any property bclDiiinn to said I.aukrupt, to him. or to his uce, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law. That a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts aud to choose one or more Assignees of Iris Eetate, will be held at a Com t of Bankruptcy to be holden in Omaha, iu aid Iltrk-ts on the 2d day of September, 1S78, at o'clock P. M., at ?s'o, -M llotiL-las street, at the ollice of J. L. Wkkmtkk, Esq., the Kegiter in Bankrutcy ot said Court. William IUim, 5Cit2 U. S. Marshal for Said listriet. In Bankruptcy. Inthe DMrict Court of the United State, for the Itintriet of A'tbrtuha. In the matter of Ikt vid It. Creayan Hanhrupt. District of Nebraska, : This is to Rive notice, that on the 13th day of August A. 1. 1878 a Warrant in Bankruptcy was opened out of the District Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska againnt the fcstale and effects of David R. Creaau of Fair 1110.1t in the County of Fillmore in said District who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition: That the payment of any debt, and the delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him. or to hie use. and the traus fer of any property by him are forbidden by law. That a meeting of tiie t'reflitors of tiie said Bankrupt, to prove their debts anil to choose one or more Assignees of his Kstate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be i.olden at Omaha, in eaid District on tiie 4th dav of September, 1S78, lit 4 o'clock 1'. M., at No. 244 Douglas street, the oflice of .1. I.. Wu htfr, Li., the Register in Bankruptcy of said. Court. William S. Daily". 21.' 1 2 V. S. Marshal for said District. Probate Notice, Notice l hereby given that Daniel Smith Administrator of tiie Kstate of I. J. Smith. De ceased, has made application for final settle ment, as such administrator, aud the hearing of said settlement is set for the 3tli dav of August A. D. 1878, at 1 o clock p. m. on said.uay at County Judges olllee, l'lattHinouth, Cass Co. Nebraska, at which time and place all persons interested may a tipear and show objections if any to said settlement and discharge prayed for. A. Sl'LLIVAX. 2it3 County Judge. Legal Notice. To Elijah Smith and Deinpsey Summer non resident defendant", you and each of you will take notice that I Nancy Burger have on this '.'tn day of .luly 1S7 tiled my petition in the of fice of the clerk of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska and commenced an action against you in said District Court, the object and prayer of which iii to compel you and each of you to place a certain conveyance from Eli jah Smith l Deinpsey Summers to the e H of these?i of section 12 in township 11 north, range 12 east. in ('ass County, Nebraska; upon record in said County, and to remove the cloud east upon I'laintiff's "title to real estate by reason of your failure heretofore to place said conveyance upon record. Plaintiff further prays for a degree of court confirming her title to said real estate. And you are notitled that unless you answer said petition on or before the 2d day of September, I87s. a decree will be taken as prayed for in Plaintiff's said petition. Nancy Bukufr. Sam. M. Chapman, her Attorney. iyt4 DICK STREIGHT'S LI V FRY, FEED AND SALE STA BLES. Comer 6th and Pearl Sts. HORSM BOARDED BV THE DAY, WEEK, Oil MOXTI1. HORSES BOUGHT. SOLD OE TRADED. For a Fair Commission. TEAMS AT ALL HOURS. Particular attention paid to Driving and Training TltOTTIXC STOCK. Also A hearse furnished when called FRESH FRUITS -AND- VEGETABLES, EVERY MORXIXG -AT- MONTGOMERY & SON'S, One Door East of Dovey Son's. MAIN STP.EET., - - PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. We Pay Cash for Produce! AND MACHINE SHOPS ! JOH1T "W-A.-5TCAJN- rLATTSMOUTH, NEB., Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw and GrUt MilU A AM) STEAM KITTti, Wrought Iron Pipe. Force and Lift Pipes. Steam Gauges, Safety-Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Killings, repaired on bhort notice. FARM MACHINEKt Kepaid oa Short Notice C03I3IEIICIAL HOTEL, LINCOLN, NEB, J.J.IJfHOFF, --- Proprietor. The best known and most popular Landlord st popu at the C in the State. Always stop Commercial. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. FREMONT, NEBRASKA., FRANK PARCELL - - - Prop. Good rooms, good board, and every thing In apple pie order. Go to tie Occidental when yon visit Fremont. lOtf ELI PLUMMER, Dealer iu GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Store opposite Siiumlers House. .Tlaln sr, Fla If anion tli, .lr. 201 r. CMcap BnrliDEtcn'S Quiccy R. R. IS THK- DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN THK East and West, RumiiEg Through Cars "-CHtOAOO-- Council Bluffs, CONNECTING "WITH TIIE Union Pacific Railroad FOR ALL l-OIT IX NEBRASKA. COLOltA I)(K WYOMING. UTAH, MONTANA. NEVADA. ARIZONA, IDAHO, AND California, THROUGH CAKS KANSAS CITY, T0PEKA;ATCHI1S0N k St. Jcseplt Through Cars tJ0UST0Na"l v,jiuU OIi ailSMOUKI, KASHAS A. TEXAN, AM Houston X Texas Central KaillJoi;;!. IT IS THE DIBSCT ROUTE n:ri.M Tin-: West to tlw Bast AND TilE EAST TO TjEIIEU WEST. ATI iiifrtimiitritTv ali! r:'t of faro Ik-cheowul.-y given by a'.plyii. )i J i. VV. 11:11 IK IU IV. (Jen. Wi-.ft. l';is. At I., 4.My IM'A'.'I. 0. " CO ..... . : : : : tli'lZ w - :?. r : : ; :?: z, o to P CD c N Ui v. r V f. r. ir. f- V. V. 7. 5 i" r X r" ". ? s - " n s .s :S U.IT KSafilxews HARDWARE STORE, In I'laLt.imouth, Neb., on Fourth St., about the MIDDLE OF TIIE BLOCK, you will And : Corn IManters, (Iiand & hore) Stirring Plows, Sulky Pious, Cultivators, and all kinds of Farm Implements and Shelf Hardware, Tin "Ware, &c, &c. ALSO, Hungarian and Millet. Seed for Sale S3 GOLD PLATED WATCnES. in tbo known worirf. SiMni Watch Fkk to Aeuin, Admum, A. COl'LTtU A CO. tuitio, lu. WILLIAM HEROLD, dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHS. BLANKETS. FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOOD3. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Largo stock of BOOTS and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST Notions, Queensware, and in fact everything you cac lU for in the line of General Merchandise. cash paid roi; HIDES and fces. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for soods. 3!yl .j- op 3 ,H3;Jiv O . T. i ? - i ?' rr T. i r: z ' Z - Z- 5- r , - ?.-.-r r s r '-- r1 - I H -is Z. . z. i n -v 1 5: iii fI S 5ciJ.2!:5s. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ! REVOLVER FREES? wtti! ' .. .i m a as i i.-,-u--i .t. 4.n i-'i:. r:rt Vood St.rittsbiU-K.'ra. 'till finn A JCSlf:si!."t honors r it all World' F.jrhioi' Uilllft lUVioin. I.A ll.ST CATAUMil'K Hid CIUCI'I.AKS. with nrw nt.tleM. rrilufi-il nriro and miiHi iiifoiuiatl.ui. xrnl frc. M v SON & II A M I.I N OKCAN CO., lioflou. .. .v York or ('liteao. PIANO (iVand'rlunn-'r.'i'. e ORGAN cMsraa ni. onJv :-.. Mi- ' peril 'iiand Si'iiiv I'iam.s. i i onlv -V.. l-.irtiinl I Ti ilit Pijilio.s. priee ? oi.iy Slfw. New Mie lri)Hit riuno MI'i.rm Oik ii.-. .;Wi. Ortan ii stops ?7-'..v. Churrli Oi'.iii iiiftoiw piiee $;. only ll.'i. Kle:tut 375 Silr rorTop (Irsnn, only -SI !.". Buyer ruin and sec me at lionie if I am nol a. rrpit-fenlfd, K. IJ. Fare psiid t r 1 1 wu;nnl I'muo or oij;;iii Kitenlree I.alK"' 11!-!. fvsp;i-r with n-iirll iulnriDHt uiii :il.:.i.t cit ot I'ianow A Orsan hen? tree, l'lrn.-e Addivss Hauiol K. lieu'. ty, WaViliicloii. N. .1. SAM'OIUI'S. JAMAICA GINGER. s Tln only'iinat Ion of tin true Jamaica t iiinrer it !i rln'i. i Aloniiil irn ainl Fi'fiirli Brandy ifur I h..le r.-i, Clinlfi.i Mori. us. i Cramp.' and Bain. I iari !i'iea T 1 M A TP A ll,t veii!rry. I Hprpsta. Kta JrililXlluii Inlriu v. Want of Tom; and Ar- ;tivitv 111 l!ir MoiiiHcn ami im.w iris, and avoiiltin; the dauaerso '('limine of Water, Food am PTMPD iCliii!:.le. Ak lor UlU ULU :s.M()i;ii'3.UM.lilACl'it:il m-r i tT T Pli tlrei'T rr t t art,T ,.t' :' ""i? " ;!d'Vf.'i. lit Iw-t l-'-'af vef nirt-ie. A-our Mi.t min ltn-1 -rmik u cU I lUllUtfti !! llilrrior i,--is. tliu! .,.. iV '.'? u Ir DTtTT l. Hit. I' l - 't4ll-' tM-IJ-i !' hH.ll U , Ui-e, uc. X. Jack.:. & Co., i!u.i., lcic;-uia VM lnroii' I'ureaMvr I'llI make New Birli Blood, and will completely change llie Moo. I in t lie cm ire xystcin in three mom h. Any person v ho will take I pill each nii:lit f mi,i 1 to 11 week iiiiiv he leMoicd to koiiii.I health. If sueh a tiling he possible. Sent hv mail for H letter stamp. I. H. JO!l!0- A. CO., Bangor, Me. pnMtinTTMn nwfitr,'M Ti.o new cure for t Vm.fiiiiliii7ifl. A'tllllHt, Catarrh, linmchiti. Heartache, Dii.ih nxia. ami all Litnmte a ca.r. by a rerttaliiino jruowt. har made which arc attraetiii'j fi u idtxt iitUntlon. STRONGLY ENDORSED Jt'trcK Kkli."V,T, S. Aitriiru. Hon. Mo.vr ;.m Kit v Bi.aiic, and other.-; who l.ave used tills treatiueiit. QTTtJTi TTIJL'GM Brochure I'-tu) pp.1 v.ltli OHill 1 ritHiCji ii:ny; l. moat reinarkrhle rurrn. I'rs. Si aukkv & I'A lkn, 111J (iirard St., I'hiiaiiclphia. ZE3. A.. NOEL. PEALKtt IN pkV coops. ckockhiks. tj I K i: N'S V A 1 1 K. Cl'TI.KK V, TINWAKF, BOOTS, SliOK.'i HATS. CATS. AND NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. I'll ICE LIST. Tiints 10 to 20 yards fur 1.0';. Co fTcc. 5 11.3 for 1.00. Tta, 40i; to $1.00 per tt. IVaelics, 1 lf s for .'31.00. Sugar, 10 to 10 l's for $1.00. Chi ese 1" to ','0 rts ier lb. IVurs, 5 IPs for $1.00. Prunes. 8 lfs for t?l.o. lJcans, IS to 20 l!o for .51.00. Greenwood, Neb. 13Iy MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, 11 LA CKS3I1 Til HOUSE H0LING, AND WACOX REPAIRING All kinds of FAR 21 IJirLE3IFNT3 mended Neatly if- Promptly :0: Horse, 3Inle& OxSlioeins, In short, we'll shoe anything that hay four feet, from a Zebra to a Girallc. Come and see us. JCsnETW SHOP, on Fifth St.. between Main and Vine Strreti. just across the comer Uum the sr.W JJUIiAh' OKKICK. id;; SAGE BROTHERS, Dealers in S T O "V" IE S , ktc, r.TC, tr ;. One Poor Fast of the, nattsmouth, Nebraska. -: O :- ri:tienl Workers iu SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN, BRA ZIERY,d:,&:. Iirge assortment of Hard ana 5ot COAL STOYE3, Wood and Coal Stoves for HEATING OH C00KIXG, Always on Hand. ivry variety of Tin, Sheet Iron, and Zinc Work, kept iu Slocl.. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Pone on Short Notice. 'rEVEnYTHisa waruanted: :&jx ruicKs i.ow iow.. SAGE BRS. HENRY BCECK PEA1.FK IN Furniture, SAFES, CHAIRS, Lounges, Tables, Bedstead ETC., FTC, ETC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES Of all sizes, ready niade an 3old chea for casli. With many thanks forpait pa.tron;e. I ia Invite all to call and examine my LARGE STCCK O? orrrirrr p. ireiffli! If '