I I 2 n if H H 7 1 I 1 V .1 THE II ERA LI). LOCAL XEW&. I.' K'AL ADVERTISEMENTS. Tr iiisi.'nt. i". cents a line. i:-aii!.ir advcnls r. im c-nts per line. t advertisement inse rt 1 lor less than 2 cents. luteal notice, at Stiitute rate. At ornevs iintl otiicers of tlie law will be neld fcsi.otisilife f,,r all Ual notices they hand in, anil all parties demanding . proof of publica tion of an v tint ice will be held lor the publica tion fee of such notice. COM M UN1CATIOXS. As our .',e Is limited, all cotiununica'ions must lie brief aii'l to the point, Willi no waste of ord. The p;ier N responsible for tlifl correctness accHTdini! to copy of paid matter and paid Le gals, only. 1. Any person who lakes the paper regularly from the po'-oRlce. whether directed to his name, or u hether lie Is a subscriber or not is responsible for the ;ay. 2. If any person oiileis his paper discontin ued, lie inn-it pay all arrearages, or the publish er niav continue to semi it until payment is liiitile.'and collect the whole amount, whether tli" paper is t.iken from the olliee or not. .1. I lie courts have decided that refusing to ti'.ke m-wsfiapiTs and periodicals from the post o!!ii e, or leniovini? and leaving them uncalled for, is n'ma facie evidence of I.NTK.S'TlO.NAL h:vl i. OM.Y 27 Honrs TO S r. I.OI IS tiv the new I!' ! ' 1 i: ju-t opened vi i M OX Ml II "I I I. I'l l. I. MAN I'AI.At'K SI.KEri.N; l AKS rim from i;ui lingtoii to st. Louis without ehange. I'.V I.KAVINi; n.ATTSMOl-TII AT 3 'At 1'. M., you arrive m St. I.OIIS t he next evening at 8 .'Jo. and leaving St. Louis at :-f a. in., you ar rive in i'latt-moutll 'J the next iiioridng. foiipoii Tii-kets for sale for all points Xortli, South, East and Wert. SAML'KI. POWELL. 1. V. IIITCHi'OrK. Ticket Agent, tieu. Western Pass. Agent. J. M. l;n 11 1 VI.. Agent, l'lattsiiiouth. A l:i:l'AI. AMI DKI'AKTU KE OF 1'I.ATTS v MOUTH MAILS. k srKity, noi'.i likkx & MiuTHF.nv Arilvp at - 0 :.",i a. in. Dt part at - " :.'-l a. in. :i :o p. m. OMAHA V I A V.. ."t M. Arsho at 10 :.! a. in. H-parl at - 2 :15 p. in. WKSI I li.N VIA I'.. & M. Arrive at - 3 :15 p. in. lit part at - S :00 a. in. w Fi l i.v: w ATF.lt. Arrive at l.'iwm. Dopiirt at - 2:00 p.m. l:t.l K lil.l l FS . fNION MILLS. Aniveat li:tmiii. i liepart at - 1 :0O p. ni. .1. W. MAliSIIAI.I.. I. M. FKoM THE W EST. Leaves Keaniev.r, :!n a. in. Leaves Lincoln, 1J :.:."i p. in. Arrives Plaltsliiouth. .' :1(J p. I'l Freight leaves Lincoln 11 a. in. Arrives I'ljtt-.i!iont'i, 4 p. in. ;oix; east. i: .ri-vs. r, :1.r, a. m. l-asseiiger. drain eneli day) 3 :"- p. in., except Saturday. Every third Saturday a train con nects at the u-.ua! time. t:. .&.. n. timi: tahm: w e.stw akd. Express Mail. in 1 ".am in imiiii . 1 L'.",pni I 4..ain ' 4 r.'pm 5 :t. 1 1 1 1 : 7 4 :iii K loam . in r.'jpin 1 1 .vam 1 ram 2 ir.pm A ' ir.pi n . 7 loam S U 'pni ; 9 jo;. in . Le:,. 'l M. icaL'n mh'ta , I'. ;;!esluilg .. aiiineton 4 I', : uiiit a . . . . 1 I I 1.. 1-1: i'i it.tii 'stun 1 O.lli . .. MMaoUtll Air. r.ASTWAIlh. Express Mail. L--ive I'l.itt-.n'.iuth Led Oak flt-.Mi t hai itoii Ottmiiua ll'.n l.n-:ti it ;alesliiil g M. -a. iota Arriv. hi:-.i"o .,npni .' ;;ii.im . . . . K l'"'1!l s .v.nin PI 3." pin 11 I Vim p.' r.:..i m 2 r-p:n ;i Luani r ("'pin i; .mam x -lupin s .V.-i'u 11 nr.;im 1'j l . . ; i 1 1 a loam , J ijopni 7 doam B. & M. Tl. R. Time Table. ffttd Tli a is htii, Jinit'U H), 1ST8 Fin: Oil MIA 1 i:OM l-LATTSMOTTH. Leaves c .1 a. m. Arrives :' a. in. -1 :.) ni. " :o ! '" l iu'M om.mia ror: ri. ttsM( m'tii. j , . ir. a. in. Arrives 10 :'.4 a. m. i. . u p. m. " 1'- " !(:: the. wir. J . ". i s IMattsiii.mtli 'J :in a. in. Anives Lin- ; r .ii. U p. m. ; Anives Ke.iruey. k :ji p. in. l- ii i -ht leaves 10 :JI a. m. A r. Lincoln ." ::l"i p.m. Ci t a b:ith -o::!y 2" cents- the ! S:tu:i'U'i s House. Jo. BuitrryJas gone into the bird business on a large scale. O.ir couciatu'ati.iiis to Mr. and Mis. Bainl upon the hir:h of .1 son. See B. Sit hold's tool gi huh r. Shar pens everything even dull men. Geo. Loving's tcim ran away and hurt the old while Jiorse pretty bad. Mis. Marshall is coining out as an importer of lm3 stock cows, for in stance. Alex. Schlegol's youngest child has been very sick, but we are happy to say, is recovering. Mr, John B.Clark made PlattsmoutL a isit last week, and passed through i;ain on Wednesday on his way to Ohio for a short visit, accompanied by his little daughter. Bev. Mr. Burgos, "St. Luke's," call ed on the IIehalh Tuesday. lie has closed church for the next two Sun days on account ofhe extreme heat. Johny Pottenger fell from a tree as he was picking grapes, and struck on his head and hands; it broke his arms near the wrists, Dr. Livingston set tlu m for him. Ladies Attention. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will moot in the M. E. Church, on the after noon of Tuesday August 15th, at 4 o'clock. The engine dumped in the Platte nver last spring, at the time nine horses were killed was raised last Sun day, and is in the yards now not much the worse for her long ducking. This is what the Watchman thinks about the late change in a newspaper: The democrats who contributed to buy a 8-0 temperance purp are as tonished to see it grow up a rabid re publican canine. Bobert Windham, Es.i., Attorney at Law and Rocky Mountain Tourist returned to the bosom of his f friends last Monday morning safe, sound, browned and educated on Eclip ses and sich. John Simpson, our City Clerk, moved into his new home on the Mill last Tuesday. It was warm moving for John, but once there, they'll have as pleasant a dwelling as there is in Plattsmouth. Some visitor who rode up to Ber- naid Drost's house on horseback Sun day a week thought so much of the family that be carried off a gold watch, a ring and other articles as souvenirs of the family we stipP-se. Henry Kuhl, a son of Capt. Kuhl, formerly of this place died suddenly on Saturday morning last and was bur ied Sunday. He was about thirteen years old and h.td been living v.ithMr. Mania on the Maxwell il.v:e. Ker. Henry Ward Beechcr at Council Bluff. Mr. Beecher will deliver his cele brated lecture "The Wastes and Bur dens of Society" at Dohany's Opera Hall, Council Bluffs, Saturday evening August 10, 1878. Admission one dol lar, no extra charges for reserve seats. Orders for seats either by mail or tele graph will be promptly attended to by addressing Erb & Brackett Bros. Council Bluffs, or by calling on J. P. Young, Post Office, Plattsmoath. An excursion tram will bo run on the B. & M. R. It. from Pacific Junction. Fare for round trip CO cts. Train will return the same night after the lec ture. Excursion tickets for sale at the Post Office, Plattsmouth. 19t2 Mr. Gregory, our enterprising Landlord at the Saunders House has fitted up bath rooms, very neat and good only 2-5 cents a bath ; try them. And now comes an old Agricultur al acquaintance, C. H. Winslow, and announces himself as a candidate for United State Senator. Don't tell any body. Mrs. Julius Pepperburg returned and took possession of her new house bay window and all yesterday. It was a hard fight between Julius and the painter, but Julius won at last. We acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary ticket by the hands of D. II. Wheeler, Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, to the State Pair to be held at Lincoln Sept. 21, 24, 23 and 20. The old Wire ferry down here is doing a good business, despite the hot weather, and taken all in all, as "Bans" says, she is about as good a ferry and as reliable as any on the Missouri riv er. No trouble since the high water. Uncle Thomas seems to enjoy driving those grand high stepping brown horses of his hugely these pleas ant evenings as he takes one friend after the other "out" to see how they work. They are. handsome enough for anybody. The school board have at last de cided upon their entire corps of teach ers for the coming season, and they are as follows: Prof. Simons, Principal; Miss Dennison-, Assistant; Prof. Wool ey. 1st Grammar; Mrs. Holmes, Miss Sutton, Miss (Jass, Miss Shryock, and Miss May Kennedy will all be assign d positions as needed before the school opens. Many of our citizens will remem ber a Dr. Thompson who was here a short time. The following telegram brielly tells his fate. Caiko, 111., August 1. Dr. Thomp son an old gentleman from Iowa, who has for the last year eked out a scanty subsistence by prac'ice as a homeopath, was found dead in his bed last even ing. The cause of the death is sup posed to be the heat and lack of prop er nursing. "Congressman" Thomas, our taih r of the colored persuasion, had a little matinee, last Tuesday. lie came home from Ashland a little high, and pitched into his wife. A crowd gathered, and the language used was not nice. Slier id' Hyers very properly put an end to the indecent exhibition, by taking the beligerent oil to the cooler. A inly Taylor has the nicest, cool est barn, and the biggest, reddest, blackest Lawton blackbeiries Ce ever saw. Great high bushes, just crowded with black jniey berries; they area sight to see. His young fruit orchard too looks nice, and his prospects for peaches are excellent. Andy has a good home and is a Xo. 1 farmer; made it all himself too, and can now sit down under his own blackberry "vine" and laugh at hard times. We are requested by the Mayor to stale that owing to the recent disturb ances on the street and the difficulty of finding the marshal or any other of ficer promptly, the council last Satur day appointsd Three Sjieciul Police, who can be found at any time at their place of business and w ill serve with out pay. They are Harvey Sage, W. L. Wells, and J. G. Chambers, and we hope they will whoop it up lively for the brawlers if called in. We could not help noticing the beautifully improved appearance of the road along by Jno. Cummins' place where he has cut the weeds down. A smooth carpet of grass cov ers the ground and it looks so grateful and pleasant to the eye that we should think every farmer would follow his example. It takes so little time and does help the looks of the country so much, besides the weeds will take the farms soon here if allowed to grow as this year. Win. Stadelmann, long known as a prominent clothing merchant of the town has sold out all his stock at last (positively the last time dead sure) to Gus. Ilerold, and will not enter into business in Plattsmouth again prob ably. AVe are sorry to lose Mr, Stad elmann, he has been a long time citizen, a good free-hearted public man, a good friend to the newspaper men and we regret to be obliged to chronicle his leave-taking from business in this place. He may be found for some time yet at Fred Stadelmann's bakery for the purpose of settling accounts and business. li. Siebold's Tool Grinder. The most wondeiful he'p-saver and practical aid to farmers and others using tools is the new tool-grinder," now sold by B. Siebold of this county. Persons wishing to see sample, or pro cure these excellent articles can call on Robert Donnelly, at his blacksmith shop, in Plattsmouth, or B. Siebold on his farm. Xow we can tell Yov, Dr. RicJiey the eminent Chicago Dentist, who made such a successful visit to Platts mouth last December, and for whom so many are anxiously waiting, wiil again be at the Saunders House from Aug. 14th to Cist. DorL forget the ! dates. 19tf. 1 Wayman's Foundry. During a recent visit to Mr. Way man's Foundry at this place we learned the following facts, which we again put before the people, although we have called attention to some of them before. In the first place Mr. W. has been making many new improvements has agood brick Foundry building now, a good oven to bake the forms in, a young blast Furnace, a brass furnace and various other new means of mak ing and doing every possible kind of work about machinery. "Repairs, ex tras" and all sorts of castings made on the very shortest notice. Now please to remember this to start out with. COST. It costs no more to get castings made, home here, at this Foundry than to send off, and frequently not as much. In but two instances has Mr. Wayman been obliged to charge more than the list prices for extras and such things and in these two cases they were very unusual pieces. An idea prevails that to duplicate parts of bro ken machinery, &c, a pattern must be made, this is not so. Wayman takes the old wheel or plate and by filling up the worn oi broken places with plas ter of paris he has a pattern all ready and for this he does not charge extra. The habit of going to the agencies is so strong it is hard to break it up, but Mr. Wayman can tell you of a dozen instances where farmers have tele graphed and waited and waited and sent for extras for several days and then happen to think that maybe he could make them and got them in a few hours. Xow this is worth remem bering, and trying the experiment to see whether he can make them first be fore you fool around elsewhere. We here saw Frank Morrison work ing on the "insides" (patent of course) of his " Water Witch" Wayman says he is getting to be a first class machin ist, if he isn't a Xo. 1 Marshal. N'ote by Editor. Mr. Wayman need not think he is the only man that suffers from the pro pensity to send off and get poor work at bigger prices often the smart Alecks around town who live and get their living here habitually send off for all their printing and some of them will want to send off for men to vote for them this fall. Our Louisville Letter. Louisville, Aug. 5, 1878. Ed. Herald, Drunkeness and loud talk, resulting in an old fashion ed fist fight between "Fritz" and Mrs. Zade, the woman who truly cares for the town herd, made up the street varieties on Sunday, " Uncle Sam there's an increase of crime." How long are the county authorities going to let this work of selling whisky with out license continue, are the wants of the public schools so well provided for that this source of revenue is no longer needed, if so we have reached the ze nith of prosperity, and we are on the downward road to decay. The pottery looms up. Mr. Rockwell has added a very.large addition to his store and his ample room for doing extensive business. Mr. Young a former resident of Plattsmouth is here doing a cood butchering business. The church interests here are kept up with renewed vigor. The Sunday school numbers between seventy and eighty scholars. The last sociable which was held at Mr. Glovers was a success in every respect and one of the most enjoyable ones .wo have had this season, the next one comes off at the house of mine host, Albee's, on Tuesday evening, August 13th, every body and his lady are invited. The greater part of the harvest has been gathered and the sound of the threshing machine will soon be heard in the land, as of j ore. The necessary repairs on bridges and roads hereabouts are being pushed forward with prompness, and travel has about assumed its former reg ularity. '1 HAXSIT. Personals. Trof. Potter, of Weeping Water who has been in Iowa for the past month, came home on the morning train Sun day, looking healthy, S:c. Geo. Ballance called on the ITekald last week for the first time and we were very much pleased to see him. Rev. Father Linen, called in the Herald office Tuesday. Suprintendent Holdrege, of the B. & M. spent a part of Sunday in Platts mouth. We are pleased to know that Mrs. David Miller is rapidly recovering from her late illness. Captain Wiles has been quite sick, but is fast on the mend. "Os" Johnson looks older and wiser and wider since he became a father-in-law. How is it? Cap. Palmer has leturned from Col orado, barely kisses the wife and little ones, shouts good-b)-e to his friends and is off again for some unknown re gions of the west. John Waterman has returned from his vacation trip and pitches into bus iness with the same vim as usual. Jerry Hartman is building a nice little house ou Washington Avenue. That's good, cover up those waste pla ces, Jerry. Hon. H. E. Dousman, of the firm of Asbel & Dousman Grain Commis sion Merchants, Chicago, an old friend of the Herald visited us over Sun day. Mr. Houseman until last fall was one of the Fish Commissioners of Wisconsin and is now part owner of large Trout Ponds near Oconomowoc i t that State. Five pound of best rio coffee for SI i at Rockwell's lotf Cucumbers for sale at Montgomery's. 3IAltRIEI. At this residence of the bride, Elm wood, Cass Co., Nebraska, August 4th, by Elder C. Alton, Mr. Samuel X. Har dy and Miss Eona M. Greenslate, all of Cass County. IIKI. at Plattsmouth Xeb. Saturday, August 3d, at 10 a. m., of cerebro spinal men engitis Henry Kuhl, Jun., son of Hen ry and Charlotte Kuhl, at the age of 13 years 7 months and 21 days. " Independent" Grand Island please copy. Died at Weeping Water, July 30th of whooping cough, Fannie T daugh ter of Arlington and Julia Ashley, aged 18 mouths. Baths, Baths! at the Saunders House; good this hot weather to keep cool in; try them. Without Pain. Teeth extracted by Dr. Richey, at Saunders House, August 14 to 21. 19tf Settlement Notice. I shall be found at Fred Stadel mann's Bakery for some time to come for the purpose of settling all my bus iness, collecting my debts and accounts and paying my own. I want my busi ness affairs wound up as speedily as possible and would thank my triends and lato patrons to come around and help me to square up by settling an our accounts. Very Respectfully. 20tf Wm. Stadelmanx. RAID ox RATS. Use Centennial Rat Exterminator. 20tf Kool kukumbers, by the hundred or keg for pickling at Montgomery's. Money to Loan. AVe will negotiate loans, in Cass County on improved farms, on five years time of TEX PER CEXT SEMI ANNUAL INTEREST AND 1 AND i PER CENT COMMISSION EACH YEAR. Futids obtained promptly, call on or address Moore & Ocobock, south side Gov't Square, Lincoln, Xeb 20m3. Slippers 3 jc a pair at Merges'. 8tf We Can't Stop 'Em, (nor would we, if we could) for Dr. Richey's work is so favorably known that the people who need Dental work (lock right to him, and keep him busy. He will be at the SaunJers House from August 14th to 21st. 13tf Go to Rockwell's for all kinds of dry goods and groceries at bed rock prices. cons u yi v n on cu r e i. An ulil pliyici;in retired from active practice, having liatl placed in lii hands by an East In Uian missionary the foi inula of a simple vegeta ble remedy for the t-peedy and prnnanent cure of Consumption. I'.roncliitis, Catarrh. Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, alno a posi tive and radical cure fo- General Debility and all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative powers in thous ands of eases, feels it his duty to make it known tc his suftcring fellows. Actuated by this mo tive, and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send, free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, with full directions for preparing and using, in Herman, French, or Knglish. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming tin paper, W. W. Sherar, HO Tower's I'.lock Rochester, New Yory. ITU 8"i Drift worth of Farm runnrcTs ilUtHVlMf alone can be saved by u i ig Centennial Rut Exterminator. 2)1. Go to Rockwell's at Louisville to buy your millinery goods, they have just received a large and well selected stock of ladies hats and trimmings of the latest stvle. lotf Slippers 3.5c a pair at Merges'. Stf White fish at 80 cents a kit at Rock well's. 15tf Prints twenty yards for S100 at Rockwell's. 15tf CHE A P BOOTS AXD SHOES, Ladies Serge Shoes CO cts. " Slippers 50 cts. " " Leather Shoes 73 cts. Shoes and Boots are down to rock prices. Mens Buckle Alexis $ 1 50 " Prince Alberts 1 53 " Whole stock Brogans 1 50 These goods and others including a large stock of all kinds of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, must be sold. Xo trust. Ctf Peter Merges. If vou want some fine dental work done, something that is artistic and yet substantial, then remember Dr. Richey, the popular Chicago Dentist, will be at the Saunders House from Aug. 14th to 21st. 19tf. THIS IS FOU EVERY FAMILY. Xo western family can afford for a day to be without the Celebrated Western Remedy for Diarrhoea Dysen tery, Cholera Morbus and Cholera In fantum, Brown's Extract Blaekbtrry and Ginger. It has been before the public for ten years, and doctors and druggists join in recommending it to their customers and patrons. Ask your druggist adout its merits; pro cure a bottle at once and save sickness, the expense of pbj'sician, and the life of some loved one of the family. De lays are dangerous." Brown's Antibil lioii.i Liter Pills, an I Eureka Ague Pills, are a certain cure for Acue. For sale by. Dr. W. E. Donelan, Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and O.F.Johnson. 15tf Plattsmouth, Xeb. See the LIGHTXIXQ "WASHER. Mutz & Leesley have secured the right to manufacture and sell the above justly celebrated Washer and will give you a call. Husbands want it, Wives ask for it. Babies cry for it. Don't fail to ask for a practical test of its superior qualities. James Pettee, Agent. Plattsmouth, Xeb. Smoke the B. & M. in Xebraska ci gars at Schlegel Bros. Slippers 35c a pair at Merges. 8tf Berkshire Hogs. I would respectfully invito the at tention of Stock fanciers of Platts mouth and vicinitv to my fine Berkshire Boar. SELIM, directly from imported stock. Parties wishing his services can be accommo dated by applying to Charles J. Pettee at Herald Office or the Proprietor James Pettee. Residence one block south of High School building. I have also a line pair of Imported Essex Pigs. tf University of Nebraska. Instruction given in all the branches of a liberal education. Open to both ladies and centlemen. Candidates for admission to the Preparatory Department must pass a fair examination in Orthography, Reading, Arithmetic, Geography, Eng lish Grammar, and the History of the United States. Instruction is given in g her Arithmetic, English Analysis, and Physical Geography, cash for a single term. tuition free to all. Fall Term begins Tuesday, Sep tember 10, 1878, and ends Friday, De cember 20. Wixter Term begins Thursday, January 2, 187D, and ends March 21. Spuing Term begins April 1, and closes on the Second Wednesday of June, the day of the annual commence ment. Catalogue, containing full informa tion, can be had upon application to E. B. Fairfield, Chancellor. Lincoln, July G, 1877. 17m9. The Atlanta Ga., Constitution, Recently published a long account of the destructiveness of the "Sherman Rat" which is 3 to 4 times as large as the XTorthern Rat. On the 17th of September, 1877, the Manager of this celebrated paper having tried Centen nial Rat Exterminator says: Gentle men your "Pizen Stuff" knocks "Sher man Rats," stiff and cold. Osage, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1877. Star Manufacturing Company, Fort Madison, Iowa; Gentlemen: The Cen tennial rat poison, received last Mon day. We have given three doses. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and we verily believe there is not a rat or mouse left. The saw mill, feed, custom and merchant's mills were full of them, as were also our houses, cooper shops, barns and hog pens. Since giving them the poison they have been running round as "crazy as loons" and the river bank is line with dead rats, in fact it has created a terrible commotion among them and they have all left, thanks to the "Centennial Rat Exterminator," each box of which is worth a twenty dollar bill. We will see our druggists and have them send for it. Thanks, thanks. Very respect fully. E. M. Britts, & Co. This great economizer for property holders, farmers, et al., is for sale by druggists and general dealers every where. Price 25 cents, large cans $1,00 20tf. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO THE AFFL1CTRU. Act wisely, and at once procure the following wonderful Family Medicines, Dr. Fitleu's Rheumatic Remedy and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent specific for Xeuralgia, Rheumatism. Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back, Head, Heart, Lungs. Limbs, Xervous, Blood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. Fit lei's Kidney Cordial removes deposits of Gravel. Albumen, Alcali Acids, re tention of urine, high colored water, and strengthens the Bladder and Kid neys. Dr. Filler's Cnlisnya Tonic, for debilitated constitutions, increases vig or, .strengthens the system, tones the stomach, and increases appetite. A pleasant substitute for Iron, which constipates the bowels and destroys the teeth. Dr. Filler's German Pectoral for Lung Diseases; Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, a superior combination which acts quickly and relieves rapid ly. Your druggists, Chapman & Glass are agents for Plattmouth. 20-yl Send your orders for cigars to A. Schlegel cf Bro. they guarantee satis faction in price and quality. 14tf Pension Papers. Those wanting pension papers ac knowledged will please remember that J. R. Toman, Xotary Public, Louisville, ha3 a certificate of the county Clerk filed with the U. S. pension Agent and can attend to all such business. 52tf Good second-hand organs and melo deons for sale or rent low. Leave ad dress at Mr. O. F. Johnson's Drug Store cor Gth and Main Sts. James Pettee, Dtf. Dealer in Musical Instruments. Horses for Sale. Jones & Stroud have 18 or 20 head of good work and carriage horses for sale. lOtf. Go to Jones & Stroud for a good team just now. lOtf. An Undeniable Truth. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this lieautif ul world, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you, your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thous ands. Personal knowledge and com mon sense reasoning will soon show you that Greene's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint or Dys pepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual cos tiveness, dizziness of the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, &c. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell you of its wonderful cures. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will relieve you. 51yalt2w "German Syrup." Xo other medicine in the world has ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Boschee's German Syrup. In two years three million four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of charge by Druggists in this country to those af flicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and other disease of the Throat and Lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that German Syrup will cure them. The result has been that Drug gists m every town and village in the United States are recommending it to their customers. Go to your Druggist, and ask what they know about it. Sam ple bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Three doses will relieve anv case. 3Stf-alt Goto Schlegel Bros, and get the int tag Lorillard smoking Tobacco. For Sale A good Portable Pipe .Organ, manu factured by the celebrated I. Dennett Xutter, entirely remodeled and good for twenty years. This beautiful in strument has 4 stops and 3 registers of pipe, and for quality and power of tone cannot be surpassed by any Portable Pipe Organ. For particulars enquire of S. M. Brown, tuner and repairer of pianos and organs, Creston, Iowa, or to JAMES PETTEE, dealer in musical instruments, Platts mouth, Xeb. 47tf. Another good farm for sale in Cass County 160 acres; good house, six rooms, frame stable, 125 acres broke, fine cottonwood grove ten acres, Apply to Xeb. Herald oflice. 4Gtf. Jno. A. MacMurphy. Eighty acres of Land for sale, near Greenwood, Cass County, Xebraska: all under cultivation, good small house and young orchard and grove Time on two thiid3 of purchase money. Ap ply at Xeb. Herald office. ltf. A Schlegel & Bro. have on hand the best brands of Smoking and Chewing tobaccos. 14tf Don't fail to call and examine the beautiful cottage upright piano at O. F. Johnson's Drug Store. 1 ltf. James Pettee, Agt. You can save a large per cent of 3'our corn crop by reading"Three Blind Mice," and following advice. U4tf Caution to Smokers. From and after the 1st day of May, 1878 all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainly labeled: JULIUS PK PPER P URG, Manufacturer, Plattsmouth, - - Xebra.sk a. LEGAL NOTICES. Legal Notice. To Elijah Smith and Dempsey Summers lion resident defendant!, you and each of you will take notiee that I Xancv Hunter have on this 2Mh day of July 1X7 filed my petition in the of liee of the clerk of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska and commenced an action against you in said District Court, the ohjeet and praver of which U to compel you and each of you ti place a certain conveyance from Eli jah Smith to Dempsey Summers to the e '4 of tliese'4 of section 'la in township 11 north, range 12 east , in Cass County, Nehra-"k;i upon record in said County, and to remove Ilie cloud cast upon Plaintiff's title to said real estate by reason of your failure heretofore to place said conveyance upon record. Plaint ifl further urays for a degree of court conlirinintr her title to said real estate. And you are notilieil that uiilcsn you answer naid petition on or before the 2d day of September. IsTs, a decree will he taken as prayed for in PlainlUl's said petition. Xancv Hcimim:, Sam. M. Chapman-, her Attorney. lmi Cliattle Mortgage Sale. STATE OF NEP.TtASKA I o CASS COt NTV, f03- P.v virtue of a Cliattle Mortgaire given on the IStli day of .June A. D. 17H. by C. 1L P.elknap t J. It. P.arr mortgagee, and duly filed in the ollice of the Countv Clerk of Cass Coitr.ty on June VJ, is;, ot :i :oO o'clock. P. M. and default being made in the conditions of iaid mortgage. Notice is hereby given that t he said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the property therein described, t'o-wit : one dun horse said to be eight years old. one PufTalo Pitts Separa tor, and one 14 inch iron beam stirring plow, on the '.nth day of August, A. D. l7s, at t tie resi dence of tlie subscriber at 1 o'clock P.M. ou n 't n w 4 of section 10 township 11 Range ! e P. M. for c;vsh to the highest bidder to pay off the sum of ssot amount due on said mortgage and accompanying note with interest and expense of sale. J. K. Bahic. August lt, 1R7S. 113 Legal Notice. To Charles II. Sedcrwiek mm resident defen dent, take notice that an order of attachment was issued by A. X. Sullivan. County Jtidgo of Cass County Xebraska on the !th day of July 178. for t he" sum of .f3 -'., in an action in the Count v Court of said County, w herein you are defendant and Lon-iizn V. Morse is Plaint iff and said cause is conl inued until the L'i'.tli day of August lt7i at 1 o'clock P, M. on said day Lokexzo V. Mouse. 1813- Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale. By viitue of an order of execution issued by AVm. II. Ijams Clerk of the District Court with in and for Douglas County, Nebraska, and to me directed, I ill on the 15th day of August A. D. 17, at 10 o'clock, a.m.. of said day, at the South door of the Court House in paid Cogntv, nell at public auction the following Real Estate to-wit : East half of n. e. U Sec. '.'i; Town, eleven (11) Range twelve (12) n. w. onar ter of n. e. Oil of .section twenty-six (2(i) Tow n, eleven (11) Range twelve (12) east of tith P. M. also south half (s. '-J i n. w. t-4) of section () T. (12) Range (12) east, South East quarter of the north .east quarter s. e. (') of n. e. of sec. (7) T. 12 R. 12 east, all in Can County Neb. i he same being levied uim.iii and taken as the prop erty of Emerson II. Eaton defendant : to satis fy a judgment of said Court, recovered by George E. Pritcliett. plaintiff. Plattsmouth, Xeb., July 11, A. IX, 187S. 1715 K. W. J I ve its. Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale issued by Wm. L. Well. Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cas- County. Xebraska, and to me di rected, I will on the loth day of August, A. D. 187. iit one o.clock p. in., of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in the City of Plattsmouth. in said County, sell at public auc tion the following real estate, to-wit : The west half (' ) of the soutli-west quarter O-) of section twenty-six (2i;) and the east half (H) of the south-east quarter t1) of section twenty seven (27) in township eleven (11) north of range ten (Id) east, being one hundred and sixty acres more or less, and all the appurtenances thereto belonging. The came being levied upon and taken as the property of John Xewton and Jan Xewton. defendants ; to satisfy a judg ment of said Court, recovered by Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Maine, plaintiff. Plattsmouth, Xeb., July ii, A. D. 1878. I6t5 K- w. IIvfks, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale Issued by "Wm. L. Vel's, Clerk of the District Court, within and feir Cass Countv, Xebraska, and to me directed, I will on the loth day of August. A. D. 17. at 10 o'clock a. in., of said dav. at the south door of the Court House in the City of Plattsmouth, in said County, sell at public auction the follow ing real estate, to-wit: Lots eleven (11) and twelve (12) in block number one hundred and seventy-three (173), in the City of l'lattsiiiouth, Cass County, Xebraska. together with the ap purtenances. The same being levied upon and taken as the projerty of P. li. Murphy and Mar garet C. Murphv, defendant : to satisfy a judg ment of said Co'urt, recovered by John Fitzger ald, plaintiff. l'lattsiiiouth. Xeb., July 11, A. I). 187R. iota li. W. Hveiw, Sheriff. Probate Notice. In the matter of the Mutate of S. A.. Woodward Deceaxed: On filing the duly verified petition of Lydia Flausburg praying that administration of said Estate may be c ranted George liuel ; Ordered that August 13th. A. !.. IS7 at 1 o'clock, I'. M., on said day. is assigned for hearing said peti tion, when all persons interested in aid matter may appear before the Count) Court of ('as Countv. Xeb.. at the office of the County Judge tin x inn. ihiu inn, iiuu iiiiw ifituc . ii j i tie 1'iaja f said petition shoiUd not lrt granted. I Vuly 5, 187. A. '. SCLLIVAX. Isw3 Co. Judge. ZFOTJIEsnDIRTr aND MACHINE SHOPS! mTTSMOUTH, NEB., Repairer of Steam Engines, Boilers, Sato and Grist MilU UAH AI STEAM FITTlnS, Wronght Iron Pipe. Force and Lift Pipes. Steam Gauges, Safetv-Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fittings, repaired on short notice. FARM MACHINEKT r Repaired on Short Xotlce. My ELI PLUMMER, Dealer iu GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Store opposite Saunders House. Main St, l'lattsmoutli, Xebr, 201y. Chicago Burlington & Qnincy R. R. IS THE- DIRECT ROUTE BETWEEN THE East and West? Running Through Cais CHtQAGO-"- Council Bluffs, CONNECTING WITH THE Union Pacific Railroad FOR AM. t-OINTS IJf XEMtASKA. COLORADO. irroMisa. VTA , MOXTAXA. X EVA DA, ARIZ OX A, 1DA1IO, AXD- T II It O IT 1 II CARS TO KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA.ATCfflSON k St. JOSEPH Through Cars H0UST0 NanU alt 1'oint'!011 SlIKMOl'KI. KAXMAS A. TEXAS, AXD Houston & Texas Central UailKoinls. it is THE DIREC T EOTJTB FROM THE West tQ tli East AND THE EAST TO THUD WEST. All information about rate of fare will be cheerfully given by applvhiK to li. W. HITCHCOCK. Cell. Wes. I'as. As'l., 42ly Ciihaho. P C !. "5 t. c "- ' - - . O cn o fa C i-S i . r - : j ; tiW 5 ? r. i o r. Y. O 5- 5 7 c 9 r 7 a N CQ 2 ? - - " " - HARDWARE STORE, In riattsmouth. Neb., on Fourth St., about the MIDDLE OF THE BLOCK, you will find : Corn l'lantcrs, (liaiitl &, Iiorsc) Stirring Plows, Sulky IMoiv, Cultivators, and all kinds of Farm Implements and Shelf Hardware, Tiu Ware, &c, &c. Hungarian and Millet. Seed for Sale A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage ! A Guide to Wedrcok nd -onfldrntial TrratiM on th dutiefl of marring tDfi tri causes that unfit tor it-, tha creti of Reproduction and tha Diaeaaea of Women. A b(ok for private, rooaid-e-ate readibjr. IM! page, prica gA N D - t A HKIVAlE MfcDICAL ADVISER! m On II disorders ot a Private Nature ar;a.nr from Bel a t eta. Abuae. Exceaaps, or Secret Dieeaaea, with liia beat l&eani of rure, T!4 ;arpppet. price 31 ct- A CLINICAL LKCTTTKE on the a(oTe diaeaaea aad fhoM of the Throat and Lunge, Catarrh. Buptura, Ui Opium Hablt.Ac.. price In et. iiher book trot puatpaidon rreetpt of price: oral! three, containing VU p?',. beeutinj':v tKuitreleil. for 76 eta. diircaaZ&.BUTTB,:io.l2.0Uiat. &t. Louia. Ma. 825Q0 A TEAR. Afrents -wanted. Busi ness lepltlmat. Particulars free . Aedreaa J.WOBTH A CO.. St Louia. Mo. OPIUM turl. Pjunlm; no jmtiik'itjr. mii4 fur portico 1. Cahtt". 1(7 Wahinjtou M, C'.ic.', III. 845 PUFMrrif WATfW Axil f'H4I- tem-wiDilcr.r'rei' withevt-ry Onler. Out fit live J. li. day lord 4. Co- Chicago, lii. 5 Including Chcotlng Outfit. Every Gun Warranted liogferta. Moure Brooke bt. Louie Dr.A.G.OLIN'S krVrat HfpilL "11 fcirt athiuir- klon tl.. Cbk aAf.t f ills, fur tha rum A ail Dtet of Private natura, pMaltin? from early FmlMlona, LMf Mnavrr 1 m p.lr4l Mtcltt, Jofc MankMMi or potency, Nervoa liability, pmnv m-teity ored : dii i W o Blak4W, It IiIm) , l.lvrr. 4rrrflrS Arhmv f'mirrh. Hfn, a! Chftktntc mm, and t ASKSOF rtMALtH,yiJ to Lm tmuimnt. Dr.Oiin km hd ft Hfr-lD xn-no-e, and carat wbere otber fail. H b a icraduale of turn Kei'imtcel SchK-L c UNst-urv. has th Urggx pai tie m tha U. S. LADItN requiring Uvauuvnt nta private bomaarW board, or ante. coifrmmrt for liattCDli. Send fifty renU for lampla of Rubber uad nn1 cir cular of Irnponaat infermatioa bv xprm. 1R. OL.1-V9 rVsale Pit. $b pc !W. Con.'.'tatt.m fe, MAERIAGE GUIDE SS.T;i joan and mUlil aifrd of bUb fVrj ou all duaM of a private nature. Valuable edrire to toe iiuu-KM am) tltme odd tern Fiatin; itiarriar. Hrw to be healthy eai truly nippy In th marrieti rela tion. Ereri body abovld get thi buvk. IvLe 60 oi.t iu auy mJr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. REVOLVER FREEvourr'wnh X ciirtililui'i. A(VrK, .1. ltrwu A Mini, l:W t IM Wood St., riU:bur, Vix. ITU nnn 1 T0i'if '"'"J honor ill a!l H'firM'jc lCrliihl UUUflnUm. I.AIKST f A T A l.( M i 1 K and fl KCL'LA KM. with new hltlm, rrdarnl price and much lufm iniition. "fill frrei. . I A- 5 v V v. II . , I I VI iltt- , V 'II l..bf.... '.,, York or ('Incut". an mi wm si,!oioiiiy.?t--..Su- eL'i.- ' p-i l crand Siii:irt l'l:iiios, price jH.1i ""ly KleKiinl l'irlclit ri;unV price SiO ml Si. V.. New stvle l piiiilit I'lano Sll-'rf orpin O.vuii" 1- stops 72.N). I'hurrh Orv line i6tops price jfj-.o onlv 11. V'leg:nit -7. 3lr ror tup Orjana, only gio."i. I'.uvei emm' anil sec me nl lioine it I hiii nut :n represealed. It. It. Kart p:i!d boili wavs and riimo r Oiuhu civt-ii free I.iiiiiC lll't. Sew;iper with irucli infdi niHtiun jihout i ot of I'iiiiioM A Ore"" went free, l'leaie A'idtt'Mi UatiU-l Item t y, Washington, '. J. SANFORDS JAMAICA GINGER The only coiiiWiiutton of tho true Jamaica (lii'KT wit h cliulrn Armiiatics and FieinJl Hinruly fur t'hvdera. t'lioltin Morhus. t'r:mi" and Taint. I i,u i hne;i and Pysetitery, lvpepMa. I'la tnleiicv. Want of Tone and Ac-. I liv uy in i ne Mioinacii itiui i-ow - ci-i. and avoiiluiK the il inu-cis of Iriia'vre of Water, Food and Climate. Ask for iSAMimn's J amaica CiiNtiKic. 5 T-nta JUL Aw.rtiM hfhrt trijr nt t Vnt'i.nin! 1 nr -J'oo tot Vr of wrt'nin n-i jtanyrm 7. The X " V !. rTr m n'. A our -v mlt ip ti Mh inai k i c '!' I? uiitt-(i on infrr ir thut Jnrkmon'M iit le on ri v J'l":i- HoM l ai 1 'tfc.'ci ft, fr-n-. t..r nin ymm free, to C. A. Jacksoa t Co., lfri"., 1 lttbui;;, V. m 111 mb I'arHonM" I'lirjsntlve. INH 111.1U0 New Kith III I. and will completely change thu Mood in the. entire system ill llirce inii:;ths. Any person lio will l. ike I pill each n ijti t from 1 tii li wick may h'- fi-tored to M-rnil In allh. if such a t fmr,r he posstlile. Sent hv mail fori letter stamps. I. ?. JOIITfMO A: ., Hangor, le. DKAI.I'i: IN MUY (iOOHS, CKOt'ICKIKS. gl' KKNSWA UK. cuti.ki: Y, TINWAKH, I'.OOIS, SllOKS HATS, CATS, AM) NOTIONS OF AM. KIN US'. PI i ICE LIST. Prints 1G to L'O yards for 81.09.' Coll'ee, 5 H-.s for 1.00. Tea, 10c to 81.00 per lb.' lVaclics, 12 lbs for 81.00. Niifjar, 10 to 12 lbs for 81.00.' (Mieese 15 to 20 cts per lb. l'ears, 5 lbs for 81.00. Prunes, 8 lbs for 81.00. Deans, Hi to 20 lbs for 81.00. Greenwood, Neb. loi MIKE SCHNELLBACIIER, HOUSE .-sIIODINt.,' AN I WACOX KKPAI1MNU All kinds of KAKM IMPLEMliNTS mended Neatly if- Promptly -0: Horse, 31ulc& OxSliocinj?,- In slioit, we'll slioc anytliinpf that hu four feet, from a Zelna to a (!i:alle.' Come and see us. IST-ZETSAT SHOP, on I'i.'lli Sl.. lie! wren Main and Vine Street. jiiNt aci oss the corner from the fcv ULltAI- iir'KK'K. 10y B ROTHERS, Dealers In" STO"V"ES, One Door East of the Post-Otllce, nattsinoutl:, Nebraska. I'ractiral Workers in SHEET IRON, ZINC, TIN. BRA ZLERY,&c.,Sc I,arge assortment of ITird ana Hort OOAL STOVES, Wood and Coal Stoves for HEATING Oil COOKING, Always on Hand'. Evry variety of Tin. Sheet Iron, ai d Zinc "Work, k-nt in Stock. MAKING AND REPAIRING, Done on Short Notice. 3TEVERYTHIXO WARRJ XTED ! '.UEt miCKM LOW DOU'X. SAGE BBS. FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES, EVERY MORVIXti -AT- HOUTGOMERY b SON'S, Cue Door East of Dovey A Son's. MAIN STUEET., - - J'LATTS MOUTH, NEI5. We Pay Cash for Produce!' HENRY BCPCK DHAI.Ei: IN S"!! 2? 21 it ure? SAFES, CHAIRS, Lounges, Tables, Bedstead KTC, KTe., ETC., Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES WOODE1T COPFI1TS ' Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for casl.-. With many thanks forpast in.UonaKf. I 'u lnite alJ to call and examine 1117 laim;e stock ov e n