Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 25, 1878, Image 3

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.Sochi Water is still the go at l'liil.
Peter Hates caught it slightly last
week, sun-stroke. Wan', to be careful,
A full meeting of tho Central
Committee is very desirable next Sat
urday. Something new buy the devolv
ing I'ercli bird cage at the 1. O. News
I'. II. Cox is opening a Merchant-.
Tailoring establish men t over olonion
Sc Nathan's store.
AVe saw Dic k Streight in Omaha
Monday, sailing along UUh street, be
binl those handsome greys.
"We understar;d that Mr. Drum
mond has accepted a situation aa prin
cipal of the Fremont Schools.
AYe want to what the State
Central Committee propose to do, be
fore we open out on County politics.
Win. I.emke the tailor, our hon
est Cci nian friend, still keeps the ball
rolling opposite Mathew's hard-ware
store on Itli street.
l'liil- Young is still ahead on se
pars; he is selling two nickel segars
for only 5 cts, and live lOct segars for
only 1-1 els. Try them.
Monday inornir.g broke in cool and
quiet at last. The great hot wave has
passed over, and we may hope for
some livable weather.
The livery men offer to furnish a
team apiece to put our streets in re
pair, if the Council will only set them
to work and fix the crossings.
Mr. Harrison had a new jacket
put on him Monday, lie bore it like a
major, and Dr. Livingston says he can
walk round all over very soon now.
A stroke of lightning struck the
burn of uncle Thomas Jefferson Todd
la.-t week Mrs. Todd, who was trying
in put down the window at the time,
it It the shock severely.
Clnirley Warren's family are off
v i. iting fiiends during this hot weath
er, but Charley is on hand to snave,
t-hampoo, trim and brush you up in the
most approved and comfortable style,
ii usual.
Frank Morrison's new propcllor
" The City Marshal" is launched, at
hid, and lying at the foot of Main St.
Frank says as soon as :-!.e gets hti
- woihs" in he will leave for New Or
leans and freight her up with sugar,
lor the boys.
Fre.- h Lemons and Oranges at the
1'. O. News Depot.
The band boys accepted the IIf.i:
Al.D's invitation to call and get that
lemonade on J;:y evenir
and treated us to several pieces of mu
hic, which was very good na'.nred on
their parts, paying the second time for
what l!:cy had earned the first.
Th Tea- heis eng,:g. d by the board
f..r tl. -ou,i::g je.r, arc. Prof. K. T.
in:oiis, princ ipal ; Miss 1. M. D-Musi-m
!. asi-i.-tant ; Mr. Foiunau in the de
railment feimciiy O'cupiid by Mr.
Mn o!;s, and in the remaining depart
mcn.s the old teachers will be retain
ed. Fred Krochler was at rested for sell
ir.g hisky to a minor, Charles Cu.-di-ing.
and aftei a tedious trial was lined
Siu'J and costs, by Judge Cass. Of
course the case w;is appeah d to the
District Court. For some reason cr
other Cass refused him a Jury and
Fred's ra ing hot.
The following officers were install
ed last Thursday evening by Platte
Lodge No. 7 ; I. O. O. F.: W. B. Shry--ck,
N. (i.; Charles Marshall, V. (J.;
Wm. Herold, Bee. Sec'y; (J. F. Cyger.
Warden; John Way man. Conductor;
Win. Stadelniann, I. O.; (Jeo. l'ronger,
o. C; M. McLVr.vain, it. S.N. (I.; Jos.
."'chl iter, I,. S. N. (I.; John Marthis, It.
S. V. (!; Ld. Stahm, L. S. V. d.
IMc-'ic Warden.
Joseph Hraskev has opened a pic
nic garden over by the machine shops-
Ilr.NMin'KSov Johnson. Mr. B.
H lnlrickson and Miss Nettie Johnson
were married on Saturday evening, Ju
ly 20th, rty the Bev. Mr. Burgess. No
cards, and the happy pair, or part of
the pair, at least, leaves for Deadwood
in a few days. The IIirriALD wishes
them much happiness.
Fatal Case of Sunstroke.
John Henry, a German, who had
been clerking in the Platte Valley
House, an.l otherwise employed about
town, was fatally sun struck on Satur
day last. At noon he was in town; at
night he w as dead. Deceased boarded,
or lived with Mr. Coos, and had been
making hay the day before. The fu
neral took place on Sunday.
Thoe Washing Jlacliines.
Our folks have tried the new Wash
ing Machine which Messrs Clark
and Pet tee are introducing to l'latts
mouth people, and they are very much
pleased with it, It has the advantage
over any other machine wo have ever
seen tried, of rubbing any portion of
the garment as long as may be necessa
ry to insure cleanliness, and of moving
the garment lack and forth over the
rollers without use of the hands. The
poap too can simply be dropicd into a
little box over the rollers, where it is
deposited upon the clothes by the ac
tion of the machine, and if desirous of
using soft soap a tin box fits into the
wooden one and holds t' e soap, allow
ing just enough to escaj e. It is really a
labor saving invention and more than
worth the money, and we advise every
woman who does her own washing to
have one forthwith.
Miss L. Jacobs goes east to-day.
Sam At wood Ls expected here in a
few days.
Wo are very sorry to learn that
our kind friend and well known citizen
Mr. I lesser, of the l'ic-Nic Gardens,
was thrown from his wagon last night
and severely injured about the head
and neck.
Near l'lattsmouth, Neb., July 16th,
1ST8, of diptheria, Fditha E.f daughtr
of Nelson and Sarah Fowell, in the
fourth year of her age.
Ker. Henry Ward Iloecher at Council
Mr. Ueccher will deliver his cele
brated lecture "The Wastes and Bur
dens of Society" at Dohany's Opera
Hall, Council Bluffs, Saturday evening
August 10, H1S. Admission one dol
lar, no extra charges for reserved seats.
Orders for seats either by mail or tel
egraph will bo promptly attended to
by addressing Krb & Drackett Bros
Council Bluffs, or by calling on J. 1'
Young, Dost Oilice, Flattsmouth. An
excursion tarin will be run on the B.
& M. II. It. from Pacific Junction.
Fare for round trip CO cts. Txain will
return tho same night after the lec
ture. Excursion tickets for sale at
the Post Oilice, Plattsuiouth. 15t3
To 3Ir. and Mrs. John. Waterman.
Please accept the following aa
testimonial of respect.
Mother, close the baby eye?.
Safe at last in I'aradi.-e.
Christ hasope'd the soft fringed lasheo.
In those eye? his radiance flashes
And those eyes his f;ice can see,
J'liss denied as yet to thee.
Mother, kiss the rosy mouth
Sweet as odors of the .south :
rast is painful hurried panlin.
Now in heaven II, s praises chanting,
May U ,sic (fa; welcome thec
Gladly to Eternity.
Mother, bil thy babe good bye.
That ilit-i7t)i in earth may lie :
Sweet is life and death is bitter,
Lut thy heart for Heaven is fitter
Christ hath taken thy b;ibe io be
Sweetest, .surest pledge for thee.
Respectf ally submitted.
K. T.!.
A Citizen's Opinion.
Kditok IIkkald: I must say I am
suriu ised at your course in paying any
attention to the capers of Joe. Connor,
and thus giving him a notoiiety, whih
is all that he desires, and which he
Iocs not in the least deserve. I for
one?, object to your virtually crediting
him as the mouth-piece of the temper
ance organization of this city. He
was, unfoi tunately for the Lodge, elect
ed to fill one of the highest ol'ices, but
if the Lord will forgive us, we will do
so no more. In all his utterances, he
has oi ly spoken for himself, or rather,
for a few political tiieksters and would
be leaders, who pull the str'mgatid then
tit back and laugh a'- his idiotic gyra
tions, and never once for the temper
ance people of this place.
I think instead of noticing and ans
wering his vile and senseless brayinjjs
in your paper, and thus opening up a
discussion in w hich you have nothing
to gain, and everything to lose, consid
ering the character of the individual,
you should tieat him as a noted divine
of Boston did the railing of some back
biters and slaudeieis. In answer to
some over-zealous friends, who were
anxious that he should make some re
ply to these remarks, he illustrated his
j position by a short story. He said that
he was walking down the street on his
way to church one Sunday morning in
suiirmer, dressed in an immaculate suit
of white linen, w hen he passed a dog
w ho was cooling himself in a puddle
of mud and water. Just as he went to
pass the dog it jumped out of the pud
dle and shook a little of the mud onto
his clothes; not enough to spoil them,
but still enough to make him f.el vex
ed. The dog only ran a few steps and
stopped on the tidewalk, right in front
of him. It was too good an opportu
nity to be missed, and he raised the
dog olf the walk with the toe of his
boot; but what nas the result? his
clothes were utterly ruined for that
day. And that experience taught him
not to kick at every dirty dog that
happened to cross his path.
Yours, &c.,
T i : m r E k a xc K.
Mr. and Mrs. Sabin left us for a vis
it in York state last week.
S. N. Douge, of Liberty was up to
see the IIlkald Saturday.
Mr Wolf, of Lincoln, a democratic
politician of that place, was in town
last week.
Dr. Kenaston, of Elm wood, this
county, is now in town, canvassing
for Hitchcock's new and complete An
alysis of the Holy Bible.
Mr. A. Barker, from Nemaha is the
general agent for Hitchcock's Analy
sis of the Bible, and if he can't talk
no one can. We nominate him for
Attorney General at once, he makes
out such a good case.
Mr. John Waterman started on Mon
day last for a shoit trip to Minnesota,
the first holiday he has taken for six
years. We think he ought to enjoy it
to the uttermost, and hope he may.
Mr. Willard N. Buell, of Blue Bapids
Kansas, with his family is visiting
Chaplain Wright. Mr. B. i3 a son-in-
j law of the Chaplain and is one of the
firm of the Buell Manufacturing Co.
so well known through the country.
They own a large steam woolen mill
in St. Joseph Mo. where Mr. Buell
formerly lived, but the popularity of
their goods required greater faculties
for m:nafacturj- and they bought a
large water mill at Blue Rapids.
They have purchased already this sea
son 500,0oo pounds of wool, all of
which they will wr.ik up. They have
thirteen looms at work on blankets
alone for the mountain trade and their
fine cassiineres and stocking yarn are
now sold from San Francisco to New
York. Mr. Buell will remain i;
two or three wt
3Ior e about Hotv to Make a good School
To the Patrons of Schools in Cass
county; In our last article under
this head we said, first, get a good
teacher, but some one asks, " how are
we to get good teachers, when so many
enter the profession simply because
there is more money and less phvsical
labor in it than in other kinds of work V"
In answer to this question we would
say to our friends, you hold this matter
in your own hands. What! you exclaim.
What grounds have you for making
such an assertion? But wait till we
get through, and then see if we have
not good grounds. In the first place,
to prevent such persons getting into a
school, we have so to speak, two bul
warks erected, viz., the Co. Superin
tendent and the district School Board,
and w hether these shall be strong or
weak depends entirely upon yourselves.
If you wisli the first to be strong, be
sure that t he man whom you support
for Co. Supt., possesses firmness enough
to refuse a certificate to an unworthy
applicant, be he friend or relation, not
withstanding the persecution he will
have to bear from the friends of the
applicant who think he ought to have
a certificate.
But you say suppose we don't know
the man who is running for the Su
perintendent's office? All we have to
say is that it is your duty to know
him and there is no excuse for the
man who neglects his duty.
If you wish the second to bo strong
be sure that a majority of the men
whom you put upon your school board
are interested in the school; right here
let us remark, this is one of the grav
est mistakes made by oar school dis
tricts, viz., electing men to positions on
the school board who either have no
children or whose children are all
grown up. We have had such direc
tors say to us when asking for advice
or direction in regard to some import
ant point relating to the school, " I
don't care, I'm not interested in the
school. Thus you see a teacher void
of honor, under such a director can do
as lie pleases, and if he pleases to do
nothing he can draw his pay just the
same and that is all he cares for.
And now, friends, have we not es
tablished our assertion ? Do you not
hold the making of your schools? and
have you any right to grumble, if they
prove a failure? Now don't throw
this aside as idle talk, but think, reflect,
act in hearty co-operation with your
Supt. and teacher and you will not fail
to raise the standard of education in
our schools. More anon.
Yours respecifullv,
A Teach eh.
The Wah oo valley cheese factory has
made about 200 cheeses weighing
about fifty pounds each.
nr.i'unri.ii i;v f. k. white.
Win at. N. '-
" reject!-. I
Col li, flu-lied,
i in, ear
Iluii. v, .
,vi .'v
1 1
latest new
New Yoiik. July 2".
J '.'2 2
Chicaoo, July 21.
Flour .-
Wn.v.t !:';,
Colli 'i
0;C, . 2"
live 4:i
li.'irlev T
N.itive C:lt!e 2 " " :
Te;is Cattle,
; l,y...i 4d
4 OCM',4 10
l'ridare Notice.
Notice Is lierebv given that l'ld' will lie re
eeived up to 4 o'efoel; p. M., ol AusiW ol U 1ST,
lor ihe eon-lrlction of i: woodrn lridi;e.. in
neeordanee with plans and peeitieat ion on lile
in the clerk's oll!ee. Said hridms are from M
to :in leei lonir. AI"o or removing and rebuild
ing two bridges on Koek ereek.
niiU intit speeily priee per foot hori
zontal measurement, m cash, ur in warrants
on hi idj:e fund.
The eoniiuissioncrs reserve the rijjht to reject
anv and all bids.
l'iy order ot the Countv Conmiiss joiirrs .
.1. 1. TL IT, Co. Clerk.
riatt.sinouth, Julv '!. l-7. Cass Co. Nb
ISw 1.
New I'otatoes, raised by Alvers M
rey, ! weighing a pound, for sale at
May 21st, 1878 tf.
V. ?l. COX,
Tailor has opened a tailoring estab
lishment over Solomon & Nathan's
store. He comes here from Iowa, and
is recommended as a good workman,
and deserves tho patronage of our citi
zens. low3.
An old physician retired from active practice ,
having placed in his hands by an E:ist In
dian missionary the formula of a simple vegeta
ble remedy for the ppeedy and perinaur nt cure
of Consumption, Ilronehiiis, Catarrh, Asthma,
and all Throat and Eun;; affections, also a posi
tive and radical cure for Ceneral Kehility and
a'.l iii-rvous complaints, after having thoroughly
tested its wonderful curative poweis in thous
ands of cases, feels it his duty to make it known
tc his stifteriii; fellows. Actuated by this mo
tive, and a desire to relieve human sulTeriii;, I
w ill send, free of charge, to all who desire it,
this recipe, with full directions for preparing
and using, iu Cerman, French, or Knslish.
Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming
this p:.per. W. W. Sherar, 149 rower's Klock
Koch c s 1 c r, N e w Y ory . 1 7 1 4
University of Nebraska.
Instruction given in all the branches
of a liberal education. Open to both
ladies and centlemen.
Candidates for admission to the
Preparatory Department must pass a
fair examination in Orthography,
Reading, Arithmetic, Geography, Eng
lish Grammar, and the History of the
United States. Instruction is given in
higher Arithmetic, English Analysis,
and Physical Geography, cash for a
single term.
Fall Term begins Tuesday, Sep
tember to, 17??, and ends Fkiday, De
cember 20.
WiNTEii Term begins TnrnsDAY,
January 2, 1879, and ends March 21.
Srnixa Tekm begins April .1, and
closes on the Second Wednesday of
.1 Tine, the day of the annual commence
Catalogue, containing full informa
tion, can be had upon application to
E. B. Faikfield, Chancellor.
Lincoln, July C, 1877. 17uiU.
Go to ltockwell's for all kinds of dry
goods and groceries at bed rock prices.
Slippers 33c a pair at Merges'. 8tf
A choice, selected .and new stock of
clothing just received at Stadelmann's;
go and look at tlieni before you buy
from any other man. lOtf.
White fish at 80 cent3 a kit at Itock
well's. 15tf
Prints twenty yards for $100 at
Rockwell's. 13tf
Slippers C5c a pair at Merges'. Stf
Ladies Serge Shoes CO cts.
" " Slippers . .50 cts.
" " Leather Shoes 73 cts.
Shoes and Boots ake down to kock
Mens Buckle Alexis S 1 50
" Prince- Alberts 1 50
" Whole stock Brogans 1 50
These goods and others including
a Inrije stork of all hinds
of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, must be
sold. No trust.
Ctf Peteii Merges.
Just roll your gimlet eyes toward
towards those new ten dollar llannel
suits at Stadelmann's. lOtf.
Notes, receipts and bills for sale at
the Heuald Office; also scale book3
for grain and cattle dealers. 46tf
Go to Rockwell's at Louisville to
buy your millinery goods, they have
just received a large and well selected
stock of ladies hats and trimmings of
the latest stvle. 15tf
To my friends and Patrons.
Owing to my health being so poor I
am compelled to go out of my present
business, and will dispose of my pres
ent stock for the next 30 days at low
down prices, and most of them at cost.
Very Respect fully,
12tf J. V. N'eckbacii.
Slippers 35c a pair at Merges'. Stf
Geo. II. Shafer & Co., Manufactur
ers of True Pharmaceuticals, Fort
Madison, Iowa. 34tf.
Good second-hand ot:oans and mklo
i m-:oxs for sale or rent low. Leave ad
dress :it Mr. (). V. Johnson's Drugstore
cor Gth and Main Sts.
James Pettee,
Otf. Dealer in Musical Instruments.
Pur Sale
A good Portable; Pipe Organ, manu
factured by the celebrated I. Dennett
Nutter, entirely remodeled and good
for twenty years. This 1 ten ut i f ul in
strument lias 4 stops and 3 registers of
pipe, and for quality and powered" tone
cannot be surpassed by any Portable
Pipe Organ. For particulars enquire
of S. M. Brown, tuner and repairer of
pianos and organs, Creston, Iowa, or to
deaV-r in musical instruments, Platts
mouth, Neb. 47tf.
Horses for Sale.
Jones & Stroud have 18 or 20 head
f good work and carriage horses for
sale. 10lf.
Goto Schlegel Bros, and gt the tin
tag Lorillard smoking Tobacco.
Go to Jones & Stroud for a good
team just now. lOtf.
Billy Stadelniann lias got a new
stock of clothing, just received, for
summer wear, and will be sold as usu
al, way down low for cash. lOtf.
Pension Papers.
Those wanting pension papers .ac
knowledged will please remember that
I. It. Tonian.Notarv Public, Louisville,
lias a certificate of the county Clerk
fded with the U. S. pension Agent and
can attend to all such business. 52tf
A pocket bock with $10 on the
road to Weeping Water. Any one re
turning the money to the undersigned
will be suitably rewarded.
Joshua Stroud.
Berkshire Hoirs.
I would respectfully invite the at
tention of Stock fanciers of Platts-
mouth and vicmitv to my fine
Berkshire Boar,
directly from imported stock. Parties
wishing his services can be accommo
dated by applying to Charles J. Pettee
at Herald Office or
the Proprietor
James Pettee.
Residence one block south of High
School building. I have also a line
pair of Imported Essex TitiS. tf
For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build
ing lots in the city of l'lattsmouth,
Title perfect. Taxes all paid up. Terms
easy. Apply to A. W. McLaughlin
Cashier 1st National Bank. 23tf
.No western tamily can allord lor a
day to be without the Celebrated
Western Remedy for Diarrhoea Dysen
tery, Cholera Morbus and Cholera In
fantum. Promts Extract Plaeklerry
and (linger. It has been before the
public for ten years, and doctors and
druggists join in recommending it to
their customers and patrons. Ask
your druggist adout its merits; pro
cure a bottle at once and save sickness.
the expense of physician, and the life
of some loved one of the family. De
lays are dangerous." Promt's Antibil-
lious Licer Pills, an I Eureka Ague
Pills, are a certain cure for Ague.
For sale by, Dr. W. E. Donelan,
Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and
it. t . Johnson.
15tf Plattsmouth, Neb.
Fruit and Produce Sta,nil.
IL K. Montgomery has opened
Fruit and Vegetable stand on Main
St, East of Dovey's store. Give the
old man a chance. 17t2
Smoke the B. & M. in Nebraska ci
gars at Schlegel Bros.
Five pound of best rio coffee for SI
at Rockwell s 15lf
All nervous, exhaust I ns.and painTuldiseas
upeedily yield to the curative uences of Pul
vermacher's Electric Belu and liands. They
are sale, simple, and effective, and can be easi
ly applied by the patient himself. Rook, with
full particulars, mailed free. Addrees I'l'LVER
macheb Gal amc Co., Cincinnati. Ohio.
"German Syrup."
No other medicine in the world has
ever given such a test of its curative
qualities as Boschee's German Syrup.
In two years three million four hundred
thousand small bottles of this medicine
were distributed free of charge by
Druggists in this country to those af
flicted with Consumption, Asthma,
Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and
other disease of the Throat and Lungs,
giving the American people undeniable
proof that German Syrup will cure
them. The result has been that Drug
gists in every town and village in the
United States are recommending it to
their customers. Go to your Druggist,
and ask what they know about it. Sam
ple bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75
cents. Three doses will relieve any
case. 3titf-alt
Liver is King.
The Liver is the imperial organ of
the whole human system, as it controls
the life health and happiness of man.
When it is disturbed in its proper ac
tion, all kinds of ailments are the nat
ural result. The digestion ot food, the
movements of the heart and blood, the
action of the brain and nervous system,
are all immediately connected with the
workings of the Liver. It has been
successfully proved that Greene's Au
gust Flower is unequalled in curing all
persons atllicted with Dyspepsia or Liv
er Complaint, and all the numerous
symptoms that result from an unhealthy
thy condition of the Liver and Stom
ach. Sample bottles to try 10 cents.
Positively sold iu all towns on the
Western Continent. Three doses will
prove that it is just what you want.
The grandest bargains ever known
in this town can be had for the next 00
days in clothing. Boots and shoes in
cluding a superb stock of ladies and
childrens shoes, which will be sold clear
nown for cash. Such bargains were
Cever known before, at fetadelman's
clothing emporium. 20tf
Another good farm for sale in
Cass County 100 acres; good house,
six rooms, frame stable, 12 acres
broke, fine cottonwood grove ten acres,
Apply to Neb. Herald oilice.
4Gtf. Jno. A. MAcMuRrnv.
Eighty acres of Land for sale, near
Greenwood. Cass County, Nebraska:
all under cultivation, good small house
and young orchard and grove Time
on two tiiiids of purchase money. Ap
ply at Neb. Herald oilice. 1 tf.
Send your orders for cigars to A.
Schlegel d- Bro. they guarantee satis
faction in price and quality. 14tf
A Schlegel Bro. have on hand the
best brands of Smoking and Chewing
tobaccos. 14 tf
Act ipisely, and at once procure the
following inoiuh rfulYim Medicines,
and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent
specific for Neuralgia, Rheumatism.
Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back,
Head, Heart. Lungs. Limbs, Nervous,
lMood and Chronic Dieseases. Ir. Fit
hr'i Kidney Cordixl removes deposits
of Gravel. "Albumen, Aleali Acids, re
tention of urine, high colored water,
and strengthens the Bladder and Kid
neys. Dr. Fithr"s Calisayu Tonic, for
debilitated constitutions, increases vig
or, strengthens the system, tones the
stomach, and increases appetite. A
lleasant substitute for Iron, which
constipates the bowels and destroys the
teeth. Dr. Fillers Uerman rei-torui
I'or Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs
ind Colds, a superior combination
which acts quickly and relieves rapid-
Your druggists, Chapman iv (.lass
ue agents for Plattmouth. 20-yl
Caution to Smokers.
From and after the 1st day of May,
1878 till boxes containing cigars of my
manufacture will have my name bold
ly printed on the inside of the lid. This
is to prevent counterfeiting my brand
of cisrars, with an inferior quality of
cigars, resorted to by some unprinci
pled manufacturers. None are genu
ine unless plainly labeled:
Plattsmouth. - - Nebraska.
Legal Notice.
Ti Charles II. Sedgwick non resident depen
dent, take notice that an order of attachment
was issued lv A. N. Suliivan. Countv .ludna of
Cass Couniv Nebraska on the yth day of July
l.-TS. tor me sum 01 -5:1. in an action 111 me
Cnuiitv Court of saiii Countv. wherein von are
defendant and ITeno V. Morse in l'laintiff and
said cause is continued until the day of
Aiigut-t lb'O at 1 o ciocK r, i. on sam nay.
lMHt.xzo . jiiuiim-;.
1313 l'laintiff.
Sheriffs Sale.
By viitue of an order of execution issued by
Win. 11. I.iams Clerk of the Histriet Court w ith
in and for Douglas County. Nebraska, and to
me directed, I will on the l."th day of August
A. I. 178, at 10 o'clock, a.m., of said day, at
the South door of the Court House in said
Cogntv. sell at public auction the following
Ileal Estate to-nif : East half of n. e. U Sec. M
Town, eleven (11) Kange twelve (12) n. w. quar
ter of n. e. of section twentv-six ('20) Town,
eleven ill) Kamje twelve (12) east of (th I. M.
ilso south half s. 'i u. r. U) of section (S) I.
Ml!) U-ange (121 east. South East quarter of the
north ea.-t quarter s. e. (V) of n. e. ('4 of sec. (7)
1. 12 K. 12 east, all 111 Cass county ct. .lie
same being levied upon and taken as the prop
erty of Emerson H. Eaton defendant : to satis
fy a judgment of said Court, recovered by
George E. l'ritchelt, plaintiff.
I'lattsnioulli, Neb., July 11, A. I).. Is78.
17tj It. VV. IlYKits, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
T!v virtue of an order of sale issued by Win.
E. Wells, Clerk of the District Court, within
and for Cass County. Nebraska, and to me di
rected. I will on the loth day of August, A. 1.
1878, at one o.clock p. m.. of said day, at the
south door of the Court House, in the City of
l'lattsmouth. in said County, sell at public auc
tion the following real estate, to-wit : Tiie
west half (') of the south-west quarter (U of
section twenty-six (2;i and the e:ist half i',l of
the south-east quarter ( of section twenty
seven (27) in township eleven (11) north of ranie
ten (in) e:tst, bei.ig one hundred and sixty acres
more or less, aud all the appurtenances t hereto
belonging. The came being levied upon ami
taken as the property of John Newton and
Jan" Newton, defendants; to satisfy a iudn
nient of said Court, recovered by I nion Jfutual
Lite Insurance Co. ot .Maine, planum,
l'lattsmouth, Neb., July it. A. I. 1878.
Kit.! l:. VV. II v- K8, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
T!y virtne of an order of sale issued by 'Win.
E. Wei's. Clerk of the District Court, wit hin and
for Cass County, Nebraska, and to me directed,
1 will on the loth day of August. A. D. 1878. at
10 o'clock a. ni of said day. at the south door
ot the Court House ia the City of riattsniouth,
in said County, sell at public auction the follow
in it real estafe. to-wit : Its eleven (11) and
twelve (121 in block number one hundred and
seventy-three (17."li, in the City of l'lattsmouth,
Cass countv. JNenrasKa. louetner witti the at-
purtenances. The same beini: levied unon and
taken a-s the property of P. K. Murphy and Mar
garet C. Murphy, aeleridaiit : to satisfy a judu
ineut of said Court, recovered by John Fitzger-
tuu, planum.
Ilattsmouth. Neb., July 11. A. D. 1878.
Probate Notice.
In the mnlter of Vie .latc tf S. A.. irVwfietird
On filinj; the duly verified petition of I.ydia
FluiiHltiirg praving that administration of said
K-tate may lie planted George l'.uel ; Ordered
that August l.'Jtll. A. I).. 1878 at 1 o'clock, r. M.,
on said day, i-t asMue-.l for hearing said peti
tion, when all persons interested in said matter
may appear before the Count Court of I 'as
County. Neb., at the oilice of the County Jud'e
in 1'lai futuioutli, and show cause why the prayer
of xaid petition should not he granted.
July ii, 1878. A. N. iSCLt.I VAX,
1Sv3' Co. Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ry virtue of an order of sale Issued by W. I,.
Wells, Clerk of the lMstrict Court, within and
for Cass Countv. Nebraska, and to me directed,
I will 011 the Tth day of July. A. I). Is78, at
o'clock p. 111., of said day. at the south door of
the Court House, in the City of riattsniouth, in
said County, sell at public auction the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit: The west
half wVi) of the north-east ijuarter (uel of
cection number twentv-six (a;) in township
number twelve 1 12 north of raiiKe nuniberelev
etull) east of the '.tli i. in., together with the
appurtenances. The same bein levied upon
and taken as the property of 1'nillip Reihnrt
and le.rjre Selioeinaii, defendants: to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered by Edward
Ci. Iiovev, l'laintiff.
riattsiuouth, Nebraska. June irTtli. Ih78.
14t5 R. W. llVKKS. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Ry virtue of an execution issued by Win. I..
Wells, Clerk of the lMstrict Court, w'ithin and
for Cass Countv, Nebraska, and to me directed.
I will on the uoth day of July, A. 1). 1S7. at 10
o'clock, a. 111., of said day. at tile south door of
the Court House in l'lattsinoutli, in said Coun
ty, sell at public auction the following real es
tate to wit : Sixty-live a-res of ground off of
the oast side of the south-west (s w) fpinrterC )
of the north-west (n w) iuarter and the
north-west tn w) oiiarter of the south-west
(s w quarter (' of section number twenty-six
!) in township 11 11 111 her twelve ( 12 north, ratine
number thirteen ( l.l) east of the Cih I. .M. in
Cast" County, Nebraska, and more part iculaily
described as coiuniencinM at a point three
chains and seventy-nine links vast of the north
west corner of the south-west quarter of the
north-west quarter of Kaid section number
twenty-six, and riiniiiiejr thence east in the
eighth (8) section line sixteen chains and twenty-live
links, to the north-east corner of the
south-west quarter of the north-west quartern!
said section, thence south in the eighth (h) sec
tion line twenty chains to the quarter section
line east and west through faid sect ion, thence
runniuir west Kixteen chains and twenty-live
links, thence north twenty chains to the place
of befiiiiuiiin said tract olf land t lit:- described
contaiuiui; 3- 5n-In acres, also commenciim ;-t a
point three ch;:iii. and eilil y-olic links west of
the quarter section corner oii west side of said
section twenty-six. thence east on the quarter
section line sixteen chains and twenty-live links
to the 1101 th -east corner of t he sout h-w est quar
ter of said section, thence south in eighth sec
tion line twenty chains to south-east corner of
the north-west quarter of the south-west quar
ter of said section twenty-six, thence west on
t he eighth section line sixteen chains and twen-ty-tive
links, thence north twenty chains to the
place of beiuninir, and containing :t2 rxi-ion
acres, making in all sixty-five acres 01 land, the
same bi.-inj; the sixty-live acres of irroiind here
tofore, on 1 he 4th day of May, lsrii, advertised
for-.ile under an execution issued in't his cause,
and I he . sale of which was ciijoined'bv defendant,
and which injunction has been by the Court set
aside and held lor naught. The same being lev
ied upon and taken as the property of W:n. K.
I'orter, defendant ; to sat isfy a judgment of said
Court, recovered bv First National Hank of
riaitsmouth. Nebraska, pk.intill.
l'latlbinouth, Nebraska, June with. A. I. 1S78.
Uto R. W., Sheriil.
Drugs? Medicines:
All Paper Trimmed Free of
Stationery, Magazines,
Latest Publications.
I'rewcrlptionn Carefully Compounded
by nn Kxperieitceil Irusslst.
Chicago BnriiiiEton & Qnincy R. R.
East and West,
RunniDg Through Cars
Couitcil Bluffs,
Union Pacific Railroad
H 1 O-liA (J.
T II K o u i II C A It s
Through Cunt tnU USTU Nanda11 IoiutfiOU
Houston & Texas Central RailKoads.
West to tlm East
All information ahout rate ol fare will be
cheerlully fcivcu by anpl vin
Gen. Ves. l'ass. Au't.,
In riattsniouth. Neb., oa Fourth St., about the
you will find :
Corn IManters, (liantl & Iiorse)
Sliri-in? IMows,
Sulky Plows,
and all kinds of Farm Implements and
Shelf Hardware, Tin "Ware, &c, &c.
Hungarian and Millet.
Seed for Sale
dealer Id
ri:uxisii!X(j (ioona.
Iirge stock of
to ho
Notions, Queeiisware,
und in fact everything you can eatl for in
the line of
General Merchandise.
All kinds of country produee taken in ex
change for goods. 3!yl
J l . r 1 ': i Vi t'j t i z fi
c; i; -J v v u y
CO v
4 t A
O w -
I ?
.2 " B
2 " ?
' r
- z . . 7 f- - :i ? :
James Pettee
Fflusical Instruments,
Sole Appointing A gen t for
The I iirivalled la-ton &. Ilnmliii
Also, the Steek. Henrv F. Miller, and llallct
,t C'limslon I'ianos lor Cass ;iad bariiy countiec,
Neb. C All and see
at office. Sixth, one door south of Main St.
Tnninirand renairinir I'ianos ami Orcans a
specialty, under t he skillful hands of Mr. S. M.
liiown, a tuuiTui 11111 1 -1111 ee eais e.u 1 nu i.
View of Irlarriago !
Guide to Wedl ock enl
luliift ot Itmrnatfe anil tbe
caucatl-at mihttor H: lite
crcla of Bpproauctinu and
tlie uiaenaes 01 women.
A bfttik lor jr!viil, ronvtd-
-ate reading. l'AI pages, piw
i.,i.-nicAi AnviSTR'
On all d'ffordf-ra ot a
nv&te Katuie ariaiit from Sell
Abute. xceanea, or Secret Uiaeaaea,
in Uie !
mean of rur., iurp pn pucr&o rl.
A CLINICAIj LECTtTHB on lh abore diieaaet aad
thoae olU.f Throat and Luuaa, ChUirili.Eupture, Uia
Opium Habit, kc, price 10 rim.
triher hook nt postpaid on ri ceipt ot price; or a!) tkrea,
containing .'.ti rf'-i. b-autilijlly ii.mtratc-d. lor 76 eta.
Addiesa Z)B. BUTX'U, .Nu. ii M. fcai at. 6t- Louie, Jlo.
! A TEAR. Accnta wantrt. KiifI
ncsa legitimate. Particulars free .
Addrea J.WUKTU CO.. Bl Luaia. Ma,
nrt-.i. rwiilr.; uu ifh. 'ty. S-rni iuif
for iartir? art. J'R. Cahii.
Ia7 V 'ashLntou, III
PRF.MirW WATril axt rntiN-
tl-w.ndtrr.r"re' w iihevi-ryotdtT. tmu
lit troc J. li. Gay lord & Co.. CUlcatiO, 111.
1 Including Shooting Outfit.
I Every Can Warranted
rilwgoxUi. More & iiciHjka 6u Jouia
1-1 hast w ariiiiif
'ton ht. Chirtt,,
' ilU. t thm rurr of
fne of 1'rivmte nature, rwultlpL f.--ii rarly aliuM-v
rr lnfiTtlon f fx. Kftnlnal ihL nnu ifl'.ur
F'nialoif. l.nuufMimirv, impir-l -licht Iont
Mmthood t I iit.Irnc-. Srrvoun ltffilllt,
nntiy ctireil ; n( tn Iiludd r, Kdnt i.iwr,
I.unp. A -rhtiiv 'lr'h, I'il-,. a. I Ct."r.i lu. .v. iin-i IMH-
r"i;,) tiJ h uui-nt. irr.,;in
y.M hvi a lifr-lone xr-Ti(i-, . i.rr-- irre otr,-n fnA. t
k ft eraaluau: Of tb fCef'riMrd S I irwn un,, l l. tf
larmt pra-tir 10 tli U.S. I. A IMF.' reuuifV.g tr.-itti.ent win
prlviite icirn mi borH, cAlltf wril". Kvry cru -f.i-n f.-r
ptiDU. Stfii.i ti(ty cnti fir nmple of ;ubtr od n-l 1 if
ruiar of lm rln lnf4mntto t v i)it 41.1S'&
F-tU Pi!-, fi MC K-5. V,mi:tV:-wi fl.
Jitorsz afnl luil'ile of b'tl rri, OD all dl-w of 1 ,I
nature. Valimtde al-i-e u the mmd and thfiw fontiii('ist:n
liiamiufw. How to h henllny ttTtd truly h .ypy n tlir fiiar.iit rrla
tion. t:vr-'ud- buouiti gel lliia buok. l'rii M c?uu, W muy ar
East of l'latte Valley House.
In the Town.
Oaod Teams Always on Hand.
Careful Drivers sent with car
riages if desired.
Carriages sent tf Depot to meet all train
whenever ordered.
Z 5 5 -1 c 'f- n 1 f: $
7 c S z L 5
Wif ivfflttrtl :
"V ....1 -r . -' . P
Funerals attended aud carriage furnished to
friends. Address. J. W. SHANNON,
i-ly i'lUttsiouutti Seb.
cart rid .;. Ad'les-i. .1. fbowll i Su, i-iH
Wood M., l'ltt-duirtf, I'.i. 17t
UUU A WiV .. lli:.Sl lATAMHilH nn-l
i 11:1 i f.viis. mtfv Mttlrt. rrtiuvrA
lrir- ami nmeli iiiforuiatioii.'ni'iit frre. MA
N & HAMLIN UUtiAN CO., liostlou, Bf
i ol k or 1 lileano.
tMXZJtSSCMa (.Illy St. U- lllrrT1talamml
'i l "irand Stpiaie 1'i.uioh, iirh'P j1.iini on y
J-'.i. Meftant I I'llirm I'ianos, iini r"""1
IV.. New Stvle I .rt-hl I'iatfis 1 1 -'.fM H italic
.C. Oruantt 1'.' toiis ,l.r. I hurt-h ()ru':i
It; fit"" pi i e .;! only .! l". M-(ra.t ir-
ror Tuii Ori;itiiM, only ihi-. i.uyers f""'"
ami see me at home If I am not as iciiresenieo,
K. K. I' are iciitl hoi h wavs and l lano or i
piveu free, l.arce Illft. New tater It h liMiell
lliforuiat loll iiliout eot of l'iiia A Oririi
went free, l'lease Adtliess Itauiel K. it-Ht-
I y, MshiiiKtoii, N. J.
The only eonililnatlun of tha
true .laiiiait'a Uinuer u it li clioleo
Aitnnalii s and I'n iit h llrandy
for I'h.-lera. 'ln!tra Morlms,
i'r;tuits tintl Tains. Diarihoe;
ami liysentery, I )v'tsla. l'la
tiilene'v. Want ol lone and Ac
tivity in the Sti. mat h ami How-
ets, at. ii HVttntitiK hiit i ,ti,t.-i .-. v .
('hature of Walet, I'ood ami
'Innate. Ak (of
SANrt'ltl) .S J AM AlOA liINGF.Iw
11 it l i
rtnr VuTijt (,uu.'i.'.- r.l. i ti.-!!.n.'m rul I, t I rhnr
nr'rr o tiu't I, m-7 rrl 1l,'ixnn , The l-1 l"l'acco
er it'taile. Aa "ttr t, I - ..trip IrmlM-ii rtk If r!. on ti.lni. r !.o.. l-, f Hint J.i'i''t 1 '
on vr pliiij. Kiild I'V 1 1 '" '' r Hi-id iTaln'l,
Itte, to C. A. JaCKt .11 Co., Mlta., l iltntoliUIi, Va.
l.r.l..,! a,i...l r t ,'iitftilllfll r I" "''ton H'r
I'nrwtiiiV I'urrxlivr 11114 make Newr"
liit'h Uliioil, tilnl will eoiuph'tely chaiiuo tht
Idootl ill tlie entire system ill three months.
Vnv it is, in who Will take 1 mil eat h nh'.ht froiii
I to I-' week mav he ivftorod to Mtuhtl health.
II sut ll a thlni; he I'O'sil'lf. Sent hy mall fr rt
letter M:o:i. 1. W. JOU.IMl.'t aV. .'..
I!;iliir r, le.
i s. j:ckols.
Dealer i:.
At LciiMville Nel., call aid ox am
ino tlie stock. niy
Prints 10 to 20 yards for 81.00.
ColietS 5 l.'S lor
Tea, 10.; to :? !.' ' r lh.
l't .s. 12 l'..S for :?1.(0.
Su'ar, 10 to Vi 1Im for !?1.00.
Ciit est 1.1 to -0 cts jier
Peat's, r, llis for 81.00.
Prunes. 8 l')S for 1.00-.
Eeah.s, It! to 20 ll.. lor 81.00,
Greenwood, Neb. VAy
U I. A C.KSJI1 Til
WAOON' Ki'.rAinixa
All Kinds of
Neatly tf- Promj)tlif
Horse, Mulc& OxShocinir,
In short, we'll slioe anything that ha
four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe.
Come ami see lis.
isris-w SHOP,
on Fifth St.. helween M;iitr ami Vim- Street.
ii t H'i oss the corner from 1 lie ew liliUAI,i'
oi-FIt.'K. 10)
Lounges, Tables, Bedstead
Of All Dcscript'ujns,
Of all ready made and sold cheap forca-sli-
AVith many thanks for past patronage. 1 InvS
invite all to call aud examine my
lotf. Fir.'tvi rr 4i: .vvi cor K i
dealer ia
T have a Iare htoek of
BllCk GlQ
of my own make to be cloe'I ut at eost, Al
kinds of
token In exchange lot
G O O Hi S ,
Main Street, Corner of Fifth,
Flattsmouth, -
l;oi isvilli: tix siiur,
First Class Stock.