t t i THE HERALD. I.OrAI.AnVKHTHKM KNTS. Transient. 21 rents a line. Kctrular advenls rs. i eeniH t-r line. No adv criisciiiciit insert el for lo-, than i .-!.! . I-eir:il notice at Statute ratc-i. Attorneys and officers of the law will h nehl t T.silfe for iill l. jial notici they hand in, mid all parties dciiiandiiif' a proof of publica tion oi anv notice will he held for the imuliea I .ii lee of such notice. COM.Ml. NICATIONS. As our space is limited, ull communications must lc .rief and to the point, witli no waste of words. '1 he paH-r is rcponsihle for the correctness ;.eeordim; to copy of paid matter and paid Le tal.s, ouly. 1. Any person who takes the paper regularly from the pos'-ottice, whether iuec;-H to lii i.ame. or w hetlier he Is a subscriber or not is responsible for the ;my. J. If any person ordeis his paper discontin ued, he must pay all arreaiacs. or the publish er may continue to send it until payment is lii.'iui . and collect tlie whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the oilice or not. :. 1 lie courts have decided that refusing to t ike newsoap is and periodicals from the post r..i e, or rcino inn and h aving th'-in uncalled t i , is jtuii'I f ricie evidence of i.stk.miu.vai. 1 I: A I I. (iM.YL'7TIOI":STUSt. I.Ot'IS l.v the new I'll! K),-I opened II MONMOI'I II. l'l'I.L M PAI.AI'K M.LKl'IMi t.'AI'.S run from J in iintou to S t. LoiilH wit hoi it change. I'.V I.KAVINIi I'l.mSMlH Til AT 3:V v. t . yoii arrive in S r. I. T IS t he nel evening at y and h-avin SI. Louis at :-') a. in., yon ar i ; w in I'laHs mouth : :jo t lie next ii.ornin.:. t o.ipoii Tickets for sah' for all points NoMh, foul a. Last and w rt. SAMULl. roWKLL. 1. W. HIT! IK'Ol K, Ticket Ageut. lien. Western P.tss. Aent. J. .M. I'.Ki 11 T.W., Auent, I !altsi:ioulh. I:i:lVAI. AND Dr.PAUTUIII" OF rLATTS--v MA 111 MAILS. KASTFRN, NOIITIIFRt & SOUTHERN An he at - 0 :'' a. m. depart at - f : a. in. :'Kl p. in. OMIHA VI X H. .V M. Airtvo lit l:Wa. in. Depart at - 2:13 p.m. WIS! r.HN VIA H. .Sl M. Arrive at - 3 :1" l- m. I Depart at - 8 :00 a. in. VFKPINO WAT IK. Arrive at 12 :"fi m. l-parl at - 2:00 p.m. it'n k m.i FK.s.'i union jni.i.i. Arrive at 11 :"0 in. I Depart at - I :fl p. in. J. YV. MARSHALL. V. M. l-Ko.M THE U L.ST. Leaves Kcaniev. 6 :10 a. in. Leaves Lincoln, 12 :" p. in. Arrives l'lattsuiouth. .'J :lt) p. m rittiL'ht leaves Lincoln U :3" a. m. Arrives ri.i'.liinui'.lh, 4 :St p. in. ('OINU KAST. Ks press. f A a. in. Pa-sender, itiain each day) 3 :M p. in., except ftaturdav. I'.vcry thiid Saturday a train con iiects at the usual tii.ie. t. IB. &. h S- TIME TA 1111: T I WAKD. I'.x press , i III 1 ":l HI l'l . 1 --.1.1.1 I . 4 ;.r.pm .'. ! T 4.4.111 K . IpiViplii 11 I Rim 2 . I I J'.ai!! . 7 Piam. 8 ! 3 J'ain. Mail. (.pm 'alii .'i.'.ain Pain ::.:i III l.'.J-lll I.'.piu W'plii Leav o f Mcairo .b ii. Iota I : .ilevl.lir ... 1 . 1 1 1 1 ; i ; i: ; " 1 1 . I ! ! lilllra h.ti iloii I 'i rsldll i:e.i .ik l'i.dtsmi'.ith . . Air. LA SI ALU. L'xpr".s ; a .vipin ' ! S impni 1.1 :C.I;I 11' "..Viill ;: ii'.ini t; in: Mai!. ;;oain iVllll liain I ' ( .Hi. in 4.'pla l'.".ji!l Main cjaiii l.i.iive IMat t -Tin i:i 1,'e.l Oak.. ! ton .. " ' I : r 1 1 II'.II. . niliiMiivi.. l:t l.;i4l"!! .ale-'.'.ll . Melajola... Arilv. !.ieai;o. . . n ij r-piu 3 ij'.-i D. & M. It. R.Time Table. Cunoi'd Thursihnj, J a una 1 .' 10, 17S rii;: oma:i i i;o t i l.Al l sMof nr. l. av. :i : :1 . a. in. Arrives a. m. J :'-) . in. " :' 1'- "'. I'l.o'.i o'-:ailv r'n plattsmoi" 1 11. Lea cs '.' a. 111. A i ri i' P I a. n'. ( ;L". p. 1.1. " : l." p. m. 1 'A Tin: wi'sr. le:-.vcs Ll.i; ! iif'.Uli 'J : 1' 1. III. Al lives l.ill r . : i-. ; : p. iii. ; Arrive Ke:u i.e . s :i p. .u. I i' Vti' leaves Pj :z a. m. Ar. Litic.lt: 3 :;V. p.m. LOCAL XEWn V;iti r, Wiit.T v. litre ami all Un Hi irk to !i i;.k. C.i;i;i:i r.ilim-r goes to C'olc-ru 'o tlii.s v. ttk anln. Wt rkl :irh's .i.l jrn.-s out :;cxt Wttk j;t:il I utl;ii:a:i"s coincs in. Wl ttlcts last ruiifieii' Joe. C011 lioi ! !:, in; , Seety. of Sta:t. 1-M Kufrncf l.as a call for so many l.ar stti'3 l.e cannot s,iiMly the i!t- llKUi 1. Ur. JlcCrea i-rosents tlie IIkp.ali with a f.iic l.iox i-f honey. Many tliaiiks. It w ill I ay the hoys to limit up r.tlhii Ilajt-'s ltd Linl and rtturn it to liini. A year old hoy of the Ikirhet's Charley Warren, was run over hy a loaded w agon last week and scarcely Lrnised. Fred Kroeler and one of Sam lUikers nan had a set to, on Monday, rtrlice?" Di k Streight runs the mail to "Weeping Water, now, and it leaves at seven a. 111. and returns at seven p. m. Mr. Sampson, who lives on the Jlrown place, sends us specimens of the most delicious apricots. lie has them for sale. The I'Ody of young Abbot, mention of the drowning of whom at Fremont ws made in another column, has been recovered. Everybody and his wife is getting a new buggy it seems. Dick Streight has the hist one and a very handsome vehicle it is. -The State bar Association appointed lion. Sam M. Chapman as one of the committee on resolutions on the death of Judge Gantt. Four Mile creek was seven feet higher than ever before. Many bridg es have gone out, and the roads are al most impassible. Father Oreenbaum.of Freemont, and Father Shaffel President of Criegh ton College, Omaha, w ere in Platts inouth this week. He v. Father Hayes, we learn leaves us soon to be stationed at Chey enne, Wyoming Ter. The llev. Father LJi will succeed him here. Judge Sullivan married Win. IT. Mttz to Miss Sarah J. Petsl. 011 the gloiious fourth of July. What a hap py day to get married on. Jiilly Jones took the most practic al view of the damacredoneby the flood on yesterday morning, of any man we met at least before breakfast. We had an article on the Wauke sha ?Iineral springs, and our trip prepar ed, but the people have cold water enough for this week and we postpone it. Fred Mickelwait says billiaida are wet this morning that is, you needn't wet up to play billiards yet. Lehnhoff's well washed out and was found near the Missouri, all turn key. Fred brought it homo and set it up to dry. The wind on Sunday night was very severe in places, and the rain again Monday night has beat down a good deal of grain. Dr. Schildknecht has moved hi3 of fice into Dr. Chapman's Drug store where lie will be found in the future, or orders left for him. Fred Lenhoff and Mr. Shryock have gone into partnership in the lum ber business, since the storm. Their yard is east of LenhoiFs saloon. Call and select your pieces. Oswald Guthman had a young man lately in his employ, arrested for em bezzlement Monday. The young fel low "laid down on himself, finally set tled the civil action and left. Fi ank White says they ought to have put a stick in the water ami it wouldn't have been so dangerous. Shry ock had a stick in his, several in fact, and it cleaned his pigs all out. Diphtheria is prevalent in some places. One family, the FowIer3, have had a tegular siege every member be ing in turn alllicted. Dr. Scheldnicht has had his hands full in this direction latel. Uncle Denny lias the queerest milking hours. He was hunting his cows at one o'clock yesterday morning, and found them down in Waterman's lumber yard, where they had wa.shed to pasture. - Am infant child of a German family in Patterson's row fell from a window of the upper story to the paved ground in rear of the basement, fracturing its skull. At last accounts the child was doing well. At the first Alumni dinner of Doane College given last week, the toast "Tiie Allumni" was re sponded to by G. W. Mitchell of I'iailsmouth, w ho is one of the three alumni of the College. Mr. Deock in formed us on Monday last that he was 011 his w;:y to pack up Mr. Sohnasse's household good3 for transportation to the Fdaek Hills, which seems like a final departure of Mr. S. and family, which we regret to hear. The "young man, Moran, still in custody here, on account of his horse tntile with Mr. Holmes, turns out to be Theodore Moran llatchelor, and has friends at Council Uluffs. He ha not yet explained his connection with the horse scrape, and is consequently held. The question is finally settled as to the practicability of running Morri son's new boat, at least across the riv er ps a ferrv. IJpIv Jones can tell von how she is to be run across, and IJiily Wells explains the theory of getting her back. For further particulars ask them. The fourth of July was celebrated in I'laMsTiinuth by attending the circus most!- we judge. People say there were .V,:;0 per,jut here. Three perfor mances were given, and they scooped in considerable money. In the even ing the 15. md boys gave a ball which was well a: tended, and they realized something like one hundred dollars. clear of all expenses, to buy new in struments with. Louisville is getting famous, one assault and battery case hist week defendant discharged however; and one square black mailing case against the Itev. Mr. Hunniwal.l. Judge Sul livan dismissed both cases and the prosecuting witness, Zade, in la? tease, much against his will was forced to pay the costs after its being shown that he lived six years w ith his wife before he really married her. We are pained to chronicle the death of Mr. and Mrs. John Waterman's infant daughter, aged two and one half months, w hich took place last Sat urday morning, and the funeral on Sunday afternoon. The disease was cholera infantum which attacked the child on Thursday morning, the 4th, and w ith such violence as to end its life in the short space of two days. This is the third child Mr. and Mrs. Waterman have lost since their resi dence in Plattsmoutli. Our very good friend, the Rev. Mr. Plackburn, thought he would act the good Samaritan and wake Geo. Fick ier up, for fear he might be drowned in the gathering waters. Lighting a Lantern he waded over and knocked and pounded, and thro wed cord wood at the door, but no George waked up. In the morning his aggravation was complete when Mr. Fickler appeared yawning and vouchsafed, "Dot vas put ty pig storm, I guess, but I didn't hear him rain mooch." As our last week's issue was pub lished early to allow the boys to cele brate the 4th, we were too early to give notice of the death of Itev. Thom as Ik-tts w hich oecured on Tuesday the 2d instant, at Kulo. Itev. Mr. lietts is the father of Mrs. Walter White, of this City. His death oecured quite suddenly, his w ife being here in Platts moutli visiting her daughter when the telegraphic summons came which call ed them to the death bed of the dying husband and father, Mr. and Mrs, White went down with Mrs. JJetts on Wednesday morn, returning on Tues day last. Mr. 15etts spent some lime with his family in this place several years ago. residing with his son llev. Geo. C. Uetts, who was at that time rector of St. Lukes, Church ; ho has since taken charge of various parishes in Nebraska, and though advancing years might have lawfully excused him from further active duty, died in in the harness, faithful to the last. Notes, receipts and bills for sale at the Herald Office; also scale book3 for grain and cattle dealers. 4Ctf GHEAT KAISS. THE CHOPS PRO 11 ABLY DAMAGED CONSIDERABLY. A 3I0SI INTEMPERATE USE OF WA TER IN PLATTSMOLTII. The Old Brooks House Innnntlatcd again. A Temperance Billiard Hall Flooded with cold, cold Water. Cows Swept through the .Streets by too many horns of Water, Pigs swilled out by drenching rains. Wagons sent down the Missouri to meet Frank Morrisou's boat and debris ofeverj kind sent down the riv er for Capt. Eads nse In building jellies at New Orleans. We have already recorded that ex ceedingly heavy rains, accompanied by wind and lightning, prevailed in this region during Sunday and Monday nights, but Tuesday night, or rather Wednesday morning capped the climax Between 12 and 1 o'clock it commenc ed puriug down in perfect sheets of water. We never saw such a rain, and began to think that Frank Morrison was the only sensible man in town, for he had a boat most ready to save him self and Squire O'Xeil. Of course the creek which runs me andering through the town rose, rose big; got on its ear at this intemperate display of the elements, and rushed around on a jamboree that has not been equalled since the famous wash-out and deluge of the Brooks House, sev eral years ago. Great sections of side walk were washed out on Washington Avenue, sweeping down by Howland's shop, it was met by the currents down Cth St., and Vine from nth St. west. It broke the doors of Dr. Schildknecht's stable in and rushed through the barn. Outside, in his lot it tore everything to pieces ; took off the sidewalk above and below the house; demolished the fences near the creek; washed out the entire curbing and ruined the hand some yard the Doctor has taken so much pains with. Over on the other corner, Billy Nev ille's handsome trees are all broken, by the debris thrown against them; the yard was Hooded, garden ruined and sweeping on down the water covered the rear of all the lots on Vine between 5ih and 6th. An outbuilding lodged again under the end of the Saunders house in the culvert there, and back watered every thing. . It swept through Fitzgerald3 stable, carried off two cows and it is said tumbled them through the culvert on Main St., where they apparently clim- ed up the bank at Waterinan.s lumber paid. It Hooded the store cellars on Mian St. Sliryocks place, the Hotel basement and in "the Temperance bil liard Hall raised over the tables. JIOUS WASHED AWAY. Mr. Shi jock's hogs were washed away, a wagon of Fitzgeralds carried through the culvert on Main and lost in the Missouri. All the outbuildings on the creek are gone, great stones and chunks of brick wall from the Hotel lay scattered down the creek. IX Tun couxtrv. . Beports say the grain is down bad, and coin broken a good deal. Wheat may come up, but oats and barley are nearly ruined. Such persistent and violent rains were hardly ever known befure. Bad wash outs are reported on the line of the It. B. and at Louis ville and South Bend. Cold water is undoubtedly a good thing as a bever age, but as a lloating medium over what should be dry land it is to say the leas a moist unpleasant body. Later.. The reports from the coun try continue to show the grain badly damaged. The storm has been very extensive. Billy Nevill's cow stood in water up to her neck, just holding her nose out to breathe. Two of Mr. Gregory's hogs are gone for good ; one came back. Mr. Shryock's hogs eventually returned. All the morning was spent in cleaning cellars and drying furniture by those on Vine and rear of Main Sts. Jim Grace lay abed until the furniture be gan to lloat, when, not liking so much cold water, he bounced out. New County Maps. Messrs Bird Sc Mickle, civil engi neers, and publishers of maps, have commenced compiling notes and mak ing preparations for a topographical survey of Cass County. They have al ready made surveys and published maps of a number of counties in North ern Kansas, and south eastern Nebras ka; sample copies of which we have seen and can say they are fine speci mens of work. They go on each tract of land in the county and locate the meandering of the streams, the springs, timber, orchards, groves, roads, bridges, farm-houses, school - houses, mills mines, etc. Show the name of each land owner and number of acres mark ed on the proper piece, also show all town and city plats iu the county on a good scale, and then surround the map by lithographic views of the finest public and private buildings and farm residences in the county. This is some thing that will be of great value to every man in the county, and we are glad to see the work iu progress. My red bird escaped from its cage last Monday, and has not been heard of sine?. Any one finding and return ing him to me will not only place me under lasting obligations, but will be liberally rewarded. FATriER Hayes. Sharpening! B. SuuiOLD has for sale and will soon have on exhibition a Tool-Grinder and Sickle sharpener a new thing and warrented to give satisfaction. Can be seen at his plaee, 16t2 Personal. Mr. Mickle the map man has been in to see us. Mrs. Marsland made Plattsmouth a flying visit on monday last. Mr. Wigton, of the Hastings Journal called Tuesday on the way home from his late trip. We see by the Nebraska City Press, that Miss Lessie Black is visiting Mrs. Covell at that place. Prof. Frank Stadter, of Lincoln is visiting his old home, and is generally welcomed by many old friends hero. We had the pleasure of meeting young Mr. Morton at Chicago during our late trip. He remembers Platts mouth a.s a pleasant station on his pas sage through life. Judge Maxwell and daughter visited Plattsmouth last week. We are glad to learn that the Judge has entirely n -covered from his recent illiress. Mrs. Hayes has been spending a week iu Plattsmouth, and returns to Freemont tomorrow. Mrs. Hayes is always welcomed by her many friends here. D. D. Johnson, of Weeping Water, was in town Monday, and seemed quite comfortable, but still showing some what the effects of the lightning stroke he received some three weeks since. THE MARKETS. HOME MARKETS. REP0KTE1 Ml F. K. WHITE. lit. No. '' .1 rojocteil , tiliflled . . , ear y.'iso.'ii" n Corn Corn O.lts, lS.a-'ii ij.ii.i7 16 3J".""5 liil l'(t 0 Hail. reject fit Kye... Latest .sew yolk markets J New Vokk, July in. H'tuoy, zii'i Gold,... luO! LATEST CHICAGO MARKETS. CmcAoo. July 10. ri.mr 8s Wlicat Corn, Oa' 2J', 4 s 4S .2 rQT,3 Ml a 'a '...t r 3 H) JA 11) live H:;rhv Native C.iitlc IYx:i-s Cattle Ho Ordinance No. SS. An Ordinance to amend section four of Urdiwuire Ao. it, regulatiny the salary of the fit' Marshal. Be it ordained bi the Mayor and Conn- cilmtn of the City of l'lattsmonth. Section' 1. The Marshal shall re ceive for his services a salary of ten dollars per month. Section 2. I he Marshal shall serve all writs and process issued from the Police Judge, and shall collect all judg ments for fines and penal ties recovered by the city before the Police Judge and pay over the same to the City Treasur er promptly when collected, taking the Treasurers receipt for the same and file the necessary receipt with the City Clerk. Section' 3. For serving all w rits or process of any kind and for collecting tines and judgments, the fees allowed bv the laws of the State of Nebraska for similar services shall bo taxed in the bill of costs and said Citv Marshal shall receive the same fees for sai,d services as are aid by law for consta ble for like services. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordi nance are hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance to take effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. Passed and approved July Gth, 18iS. Attest, J. W. Johnson, J. D. Simpsox, Mayor, City Clerk. THIS IS FOB EVERY FAMILY. No western family can afford for n day to be without the Celebrated Western Bemedy for Diarrhoea Dvsen- tery. Cholera Morbus and Cholera In fantum, Browns Extract Blackberry andiiinyfr. It has been before the public for ten years, and doctors and lruggists join in recommending it to their customers and patrons. Ask your druggist adout its merits; pro cure a bottle at once and save sickness. the expense of physician, and the life of some loved one of the family. De- avs are dangerous." Brown's Antibil- lioiis Liccr Pills, an I Eurtka Ayue Pill., are a certain cure for Ague. For sale by, Dr. W. E. Donelan, Chapman & Smith, J. II. Buttery and O. F. Johnson. 15tf Plattsmouth, Neb. Go to Bock well's for all kinds of dry goods and groceries at bed rock prices. Slippers 35c a pair at Merges'. Stf A choice, selected ar.d new stock of clothing just received at Stadelmann's; go and look at them before you buy from any other man. lOtf. White fish at 80 cents a kit at Rock well's, lotf . Prints twenty yards for 100 at lock well's. 15tf Five pound of best rio coffee for SI at llockweH's. 15tf Slippers 35c a pair at Merges'. Stf CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies Serge Shoes GO cts. " Slippers 50 cts. " Leather Shoes .75 cts. Shoes and Boots are down to rock trices. Mens Buckle Alexis S 1 50 " Prince Alberts 1 50 " Whole stock Brogans 1 50 These goods and others including a large stock of ail kindt of Boots, Shoes and Slippers, must be sold. No trust. Ctf Peter Merges. Berkshire Hogs. I would respectfully invite the at tention of Stock fanciers of l'latts inouth and vicinitv to my fine Berkshire Boar, SELIM, directly from imported stock. Parties wishing his services can be accommo dated by applying to Charles J. Pettee at Herald Office or the Proprietor James Pettee. Residence one block south of High School building. I have also a fine pair of Imported Essex Pigs. tf Go to Rockwell's at Louisville to buy your millinery goods, they have just received a large and well selected stock of ladies hats and trimmings of the latest stvle. 15tf To lay friends and Patrons. Owing to my health being so poor I am compelled to go out of my present business, and will dispose of my pres ent stock for the next 30 days at low down prices, and most of them at cost. Verv Respect fully, 12tf " J. V. Wlckiiach. Slippers Coc a pair at Merges. Stf Notice. Wbcrca3 my wife, Julia, has left my bed and bo.trd without any just cause or provocation. This is to warn all persons against harboring or trusting her on my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting alter this date, dated this first day of July 187. lCt2 I'LTLlt BoKLorsz. For sale, cheap, 150 Desirable build ing lots in the city of Plattsmouth, Title perfect. Taxes' all paid up. Terms easy. Appiv to A. W. McLaughlin Cashier 1st National Bank. X:Jtf SPECIAL NOTICES. Geo. II. Shafer & Co., Manufactur ers of True Pharmaceuticals, Fort Madison, Iowa, i34tf. Good second-hand organs and melo deons for sale or rent low. Leave ad dress at Mr. (). F. Johnson's Drugstore cor Oth and Main Sts. James Pettee, Otf. Dealer in Musical Instruments. For Sale A good Tortable Pipe Organ, manu factured by the celebrated I. Dennett Nutter, entirely remodeled and good for twenty years. This beautiful in strument has 4 stops and 3 registers of pipe, and for quality and power of tone cannot be surpassed by any Portable Pipe Organ. For particulars enquire of S. M. Brown, tuner and repairer of pianos and organs, Creston, Iowa, or to JAMES PETTEE, dealer in musical instruments, Platts mouth, Neb. 47tf. An Undeniable Truth. You deserve to suffer, and if you lead a miserable, unsatisfactory life in this beautiful world, it is entirely your own fault and there is only one excuse for you, your unreasonable prejudice and skepticism, which has killed thous ands. Personal knowledge and com mon sense reasoning will soon show you that Greene's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint or Dys pepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache, palpitation of the heart, sour stomach, habitual cos tiveness, dizziness of the head, nervous prostration, low spirits, &c. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Continent and not a Druggist but will tell you of its wonderful cures. You can buy a sample bottle for 10 cents. Three doses will re'teve you. 51yalt2w Horses for Sale. Jones & Stroud have 18 or 20 head of good work and carriage horses for sale. 10tf. Pension Papers. Those wanting pension papers ac knowledged will please remember that J. B. Toman, Notary Public, Louisville, has a certificate of the county Clerk tiled with the lr. S. pension Agent and can attend to all such business. 52tf You can save a large pn- cent of your corn crop by reading "Three Blind Mice," and following advice. 34tf Ai.r. norvom. e-"iausU n. and painful disoas speedily yield to the curative ii.tlucuces of Rul vcrmachiT's Electric Uclti and Hands. They are safe, simple, and effective, and can be easi ly applied liy the patient himself. 15ik, Tvitli full particulars, mailed free. Adiiiew l't Lvmt machkk Galnamc Co., Cincinnati. Ohio. I8yl-alt. "German Syrup." No other medicine in the world has ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Boschee's German Syrup. In two years three million four hundred thousand small bottles of this medicine were distributed free of charge by Druggists in this country to those af llicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia, and other disease of the Throat and Lungs, giving the American people undeniable proof that German Syrup will cure them. The result has been that Drug gists in every town and village in the United States are recommending it to their customers. Go to your Druggist, and ask w hat they know about it. Sam ple bottles 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. Three doses will relieve any case. 3Stf-alt The grandest bargains ever known in this town can be had for the next GO days in clothing. Boots and shoes in cluding a superb stock of ladies and childrens shoes, which w ill be sold clear nown for cash. Such bargains were Cever known before, at Stadelman's clothing emporium. 20tf Another good farm for sale in Cass County 1G0 acres; good house, six rooms, frame stable, 125 acres broke, fine cottonwood grove ten acres, Apply to Neb. Herald office. 4Gtf. Jno. A. MAcMrurnY. Bring in your corn or oats to the Herald office. 41tf. Don't fail to call and examine the beautiful cottage upright piano at O. F. Johnson's Drug Store. lltf. James Pettee, Agt. Oh Say, if you want a square meal for 25 cents go to John Leach's Bestaurant one door east of Fitgerald's Block. 52tf Improved book binders at this of fice, tf Go to Jones & Stroud for a good team just now. lOtf. Billy Stadelmann has got a new stock of clothing, just received, for summer wear, and will be sold as usu al, way down low for cash. lOtf. Just roll your gimlet eyes toward towards those new ten dollar flannel suits at Stadelmann's, lOtf. Send your orders for cigars to A. Sc-hlegcl d- Bro. they guarantee satis faction in price and quality. lltf New Potatoes, raised by Alvers Mo rev, 9 weighing a pnind, for saV at WiX'KItACil'S. May 21st, 1ST8 tf. Eighty acres of Land for sale, near Greenwood, Cass County, Nebraska: all under cultivation, good small hoiise and young orchard and grove Time on two thiids of purchase moneyv Ap ply at Nob. Herald office. ltf. A Schlegel & Bro. have on hand the best brands of Smoking and Chewing tobaccos. lltf TO TIIK AFFIiUTLi. Act wisely, and at once procure the following i'uiideiful Family Medicines, Dr. Fitler's Biiecmatio Bemedy and Liver Pills, a positive, permanent specific for Neuralgia, Bhcumatism. Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, pain in Back, Head, Heart, Lungs. Limbs, Nervous, Blood and Chronic Dieseases. Dr. Fit ler's Kidney Vordiul removes deposits of Gravel. Albumen, Alcali Acids, re tention of urine, high colored water. and strengthens the Bladder and Kid neys. Dr. Filler" Ca!iaya Tonic, for debilitated constitutions, increases vig or, strengthens the system, tones the stomach, and increases appetite. A pleasant substitute for Iron, which constipates the bowels and destroys the teeth. Dr. Fitter's German Pectoral for Lung Diseases, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, n superior combination which acts quickly and relieves raj. id ly. Your drugsrists, Chapman & Glass are agents for Plattmouth. 20-yl Caution to Siaakers. From and after the 1st day of May, 1878 all boxes containing cigars of my manufacture will have my name bold ly printed on the inside of the lid. This is to prevent counterfeiting my brand of cigars, with an inferior quality of cigars, resorted to by some unprinci pled manufacturers. None are genu ine unless plainly labeled: J VIA US PEPPER BURG, Manufactcrer, Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska. Those wishing to borrow money on Real Estate security apply to E. H. Wooley at the office of S. M. Chapman. 12tf LEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. Bv virtue of an order of sale issued ly "Win. L. WH1H, Clcilv of the District Court, within and for CasH County. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I will on the loth day of Auirust, A. D. 1S7S, at one o.cloek p. in., of said day, nt the south door of the Court House, in the. City of riattsinouth. in said County, sell at puhUc auc tion the following real estate, to-wit : The wet half Ci) of the soutli-wei't quialer i or section twenty-six CM) and the east half ('ji of the o;it h-east quarter i1) of section twenty seven (u7i in township eleven (II ) north of raiine ten (101 east, hei.i one hundred and sixty acr s more or lees, and all the appurtenances thereto helyij;iii. The pauie heini; levied upon and t:ikcn as the property of John Newton and James Newlon. defendants ; toa!isty a jud ' incut of said Coi'rt, recovered by I niou .Mutual Life Insurance I '. of Maine, plaiiailf. riattsinouth, Neb., July i I , A. 1. ls7.. lOto R. w. Hykks. Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. r.v virtue of an order of sn'e is'ied l.v Win. L. Wei's, Clerk of the District Court, within and for t'ass County, Nebraska, and to me diieeted. I will on the lot U day of Au-iir-t. A. I). Ists, at 10 o'clock a. in,, of said day. at the south door of the Court House in the City of PlaMsnioutl:, in sa:d County, tell at public anei in the follow in:: real ei-taie. to-wit: Lots eleven (It) and twelve (IJ) in block number one hundred and seventv-thiee (17.n. in the Citv of l'latt-moiitli. Cass County. Nebraska, together w it'.i the ap purtenances. The same belli-.: levied I'p.m and taken as the propeitv of 1". 1!. Murphy ami Mar garet C. Murphy, defendant : to satisfy a judg ment of Kai.l Court, recovered by John t ither ald, plaintitf. I'laitiuouth. Neb., July 11, A. I). 178. ltitj K. W. Hvkks, rhci:T. In Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the t'nited States, for the District of Nebraska. In the matter of Walter Scott, bankrupt. District nf Xt.bral.ii, sx: An alias warrant in r.an';riiptcy has been is sued bv said Court. aaiiil the estate of Wall' r Scott, of tiw County of Lancaster and Stale oi Nebraska, in said District, wlio h is been du'y adjudged a bankrupt, upon petition of his cred itors, and that the payment of any debts, ami the delivery of auy property belonging to s:;id banki upt. to him. or to his i.se. and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by lav . That a second meet ing ot the creditors ol said baukrupt, to prove their debts alul to choose on- or more assignees of his estate, w ill be held at a Court of J'.aiikruptcy to be hidden at Oma ha, in said district on the LMtli day of July. 17S. at 4 o'clock p. in., at the oflice of .1. L. Webster, i-'i).. the register iu bankruptcy of said Court. The assignee heretofore choseu herein havii g departed thW life. William DAit.v. U. S. Marshal for said Dist. Legal Notice. Adlson P. Weston, plaintiff, vs "Win. AltafTer. defendant, lb-fore Amos Te'ft a Justice ol the I'eace in and for Cass Couniy, Nebraska. The defendant will take notice that on June 20th 1S7S, sabl Justice issued an orderof attach ment in the above action for the sum of ninetv seven and seventy-three one hundredths dol lars debt, and also the costs of suit, and your corn iu the crib on the s w 'i of section number thirty-six iu town ten north of iange number twelve, east of the f.th p. in. in Cass County. Neb., has been attached to pay the same. Tlie above cae has been continued to August loth, 1S7S. at 1 o'clock p. m. 1M3 Adiso.v P. Weston. Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale. P.v virtue of an order of sale ipucd by W. L. Wells, Clerk of the District Court, within and for Cass Count v. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will ou the ifTth day of July, A. I). 1K7s, at o'clock p. m., of said day. at the sout h door of the Court House, in the City of Plattsmouth, in said County, sell at public auction the follow ing described real estate, to-wit : The west halfwVi)of the north-east quarter (lie1) of section number twenty-six c;) In township number twelve 2) north ot rangenuniberelev eu (11) east, of the nth p. in., together with the appurtenances. The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Phillip Pcihart and Ce'.rsrc Schocinan. defendants ; to satisfv a judgment of said Court recovered by Edward I lovev. Plaintiff. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 27th. 175. 14t5 K. W. JIyeks. Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. P.v virtue of an execution issued by Wm. L. Wells, Clerk of t lie Dist rict Court, w'ithin and for Cass Ci.untv, Nebraska, and to me directed, I will on the 2'ith day of July, A. I). 17". at In o'clock, a. in., of said day, at tlie south door of the Court House in Plattsmouth, in said Coun ty. oll at public auction the following real es tate to wit : Sixty-five acres of ground off of tlie east side of the south-west (s ) qnarlert 4) of the north-west (n w) quarter t'i) and the north-west in w) quarter ( l4i of the .south-west is w) quarter ( li of section number twenf v-six (Jfii in township number twelve i i j. north, range number thirteen t l.o east of the utii P. M. in Cass County, Nebraska, and more particular! v described as commencing at a point three, chains and seventy-nine links east of iho north west corner of Hie sout li -w est quarter of the north-west quarter of naid seeiiou number twenty-six, and running thence east in the eighth (si section line sixteen chains and twenty-live links, to the north-east corner of the south-west quarter of tlie north-west ouarterof .said section, thence south in the eighth s sec tion line twenty chains to tlie quarter section line east and west through said section, thence running west sixteen chain and twentj-nve links, thence north twenty chains to the place fit beginning said tract oi land thus deseiibed containing 32 .j-lno acres, also coiiimeijeing at a point three chains and eighty -one hoks u.-.t of the rpiarter section corner on west side of said section twenty-six. thence east on the quarter section line sixteen chains and twenty-five links to the north-east corner of tlie south- est quar ter of said section, thence soutii in eighth sec tion line twenty chain to south-east corner of the north- est quarter oi the south-west quar ter of said section twenty-six, thence west ou the eighth section line sixteen chains and twenty-five links, thence north tweutv cliains to the place of beginning, and containing :s2 .vi-im acres, making in all sixtv-flve acres oi land, the same being the sixt v-five acres of ground here tofore, on the 4th day of May, t7'i. advertised for a!e under an execution issued in't his cause, and ll esa!eif which wasenjoinedjby defendant, and which inlunctiori has been bv the Court set aside and Lefd for naught. The same being lev- j lea upon ana taken as the. property ot wm. p. Porter, defendant ; to satisfy a Judgment of said Court, recovered bv First National Lanlr of PlsHsmouth. Nebraska, plaintiir. rinnsmoutn, NeDraski. June zrn. A . L). 1S7S. : Wts J4. w. Iiix.iiS, bherii. 1 -VI, fy. "- -s--... . . . - .iv'.s-j.-r jrs-r ' ' 't-Tg.ygVB.T m . mm " - - "V :. I James Pettee DEALl'lC IN" Musical Instruments, Sole Apoi)tllnj Aycnt fir TUe Iurivnllcd JIfsou A I'uiul'ii CABINET Om.'AXX. Also, tlie Sleek. Henry P. Miller, and H;i'!ct .V Cuuisioii I'i.uios t.r Cass and Sar-y counts. , Neb. C ill and see . SAMI-JJ-: IXSTKUMKXTS at oClce. Sixth. o::e door south -f Main St. 1 ' I. ATTS M O I" T n , Ni:n. Tuning and repairing Pianos ard Orgnns specialty, under I he skillful hands of Mr. S. M r.rown, a tuuerot tiuiiy-liuce earsej i nnec. WILLIAM HEKOLD, dealer iu D11Y GOODS, CLOTHS, I'LAXKKT.s. FLANNELS, UIIN ISII IN( I C, OOI 3 :o: GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Large stock of BOOTS and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST :o: Notions, Qucensware, and In fact everything, you can call for iu the line of General Merchandise. CASH FAl D KOi: HUM'S AND I l KS. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods. Slyl 1 .?. ri ?'i ri r-. . CO CD . , : " ' Tii St - z ? - J. ca 1 IIffill u: - : - r C- . wl S " 6 - . t 7. i r V - V y r 5r s - -i - aq A PHYSIOLOGICAL Wies? c Marriage I -iiihtif nt;al Ira'is oa ti iutitt ot mirrifl.'i ani tna cau bt unri t'ir it -. the crcti rf Kepro.i'-.ction and jy-'.h Dlncnsfj cf Women. f HK!Vlt MEDICAL ADVISER! On m.i d-for.ir.ot Fnvale i. .1 ure urir lrom BflU ibute, txccsf . or Bpcret Diseanca, vitii Lie Uel Oienn. of cTir. 1".'4 ;nrr poi-.y. rf.. A CLINICAL. LECTtTll E on t.'i t-or dt nf mri thutr vi iHr Throatand Lungs, C&iarrii.Hupturo, turn Op-.um Habit. tc. pri lurt. Li.hr biH.k -nt po'poii on ifipt of price: or li time, contaimr.i: .V4I r'Bff., b' ft.itifti'.'y li!urnl-fl. tT 70 rt. AllitrCM DIi.il LTTTb, 2u. Uii. 31. bt. Lou:s, ilo. SJTOf A YEAR. AWnt5W.iilI, liagi- 3 3 1 SI nes lecixiniarc. 1 ariiciniirs ireo . ( AdOren J.WOHTU 4CO..SI Lcuu. 12a. OPIUMS nd Morphlna f abitah:-o!'it''y and ineTMy ula--. In. CiTi. amiei: nop" ifi'.v. rrti4 tLiiup -1 Wki.-i'.Drtou t CitM-mo, IiU $45 rnmirM w4tcit a) rii4i?-- tcm-winiier.T re- u iihev. i voider. O'lt- lit lrtJC J. li. Ui lord 6- Co.. Cultao, lil. 0?3E9P Inelucllni; Fhcotinp Outfit. iaf jEveryGun Wa;'ranted So 3 4 vjf W'llupirUi injur ft lirouka bt. Louis Dr.A.G.OLiN'Sg t Hmp!ult f"T thm t tirmnf ail nwMM or I'rlrar trnttin. rpolilnff from eviy bura r InTt-rtlun f itr-r . ominul W vmL yt-mu. u.c FmlMituiK, Imm ofMrmurr, lmtuirot lirht. lot 3IaiihMd or Imftotrnej, Smuu Ochfl.tj, rrr. Dtiitlv i-uri ; dUearm of ttitr Kindlier. K I'lnf) Uvcr, I.ifi2- A-tli'tift. ':irh. HI, a. t'twTii. I n, , JH FVfclOF rK.MAI.K,)ieM 1 hit r-Mi:.'riit. Dr. Olio b hwl i:fe-l"nif extf-ietjrc, fttt.l rtirtt Lr ot trn full. H b ft ciliaii! of tc If-ii?J S U'!. ut o nicT'-urv. r.ftn trtf luvl practir in the V. S. L. II KH w-iuirirtC Irnfttiftnt Mk private hooie und btmrdf mil writ. trv rocvmirr-n ff l-itirnu. SnH fifty rmU fnr umplv of f.u bcr n'.'l rr- culftr of l-r-p-riftiit li'fi.-rmatioii by exT. 1K. OLLN'H ni mi.i';ie .'-( !ytii Sx-s. on !1 of a p-'rata nature. "a!'iaM ti ihc married ar4 tKM -onimii'ii'inf rnftfLiyr. Mow n IiIi' v n-i Vuy h jiy In th OtmrrA rr'.mr tioo. K'. ttody iiuij fjci tLd buuk. I'ri iAJ ovtiU, lo aay fti sziANNor-rs LIVERY SALE AND FEED OIT ZMT-A-iniT STEEET, p:.-i.st of I'latie Valley H.-use. THE OLDICST LIVERY STABLE In the Town. Gooel Teams Alicays on llansi. Careful Drivers sent with car riage3 if desired. Carriages sent to Depot to ueft a'l train whenever ordered. i J-" 2?v.-w .iij-S"'-J?r.s-j- ; THE ONLY HEARSE IN TOWN. Funerals attended and carrlas furni.ihed to trienrt3. Address, J. W. sHaN(i", 4i-ly PlttsnKuCri, Nb, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fiDP K VC'v'"''' "- it rii ViitlVrrhiH UKuftaii..M. I.V1I..- I i t I AM.l K mhI ii;:ci i.vi.s. uitii iv MtiicM. ri-duril pri ' and m-i.-li ii.f.o iu. t fr-. MA" so I' V I.I.N omiA.N CO., HoMou, New York or C:uc;.o. l . -"i ' r ,,;.::. . , , , i ! -. ..'. -vr . is-;. A , .... r I.; -14. .1 1 ; ' t . I. ! s l ' 1 Mii.tiL .1 mi l ..r ( ...! . ' t' I ' on nwry inn-. s-..i. 1 v n 1 1 !. .1 ... f. '.I e-i h.-i f; r, lo C. A . J ii k. . A. "., J!l.., I tiaulll?, V u. For.CA.St: of CATARRH lh.it S.A N- i'i:is i;.ii. i. cri.-K. tor i a- p tan n w Hi not I'isf antly ri lie e ai. flu -I'd II v eric. Kef el en -es, 11 el IV' Wells, ''.. Wet!, Pari;. i ; o., Aui!-: i. N. Y. : W :n. hoen, I'so., Me. Ilat'op. Cra sit I'mvcn. St. Iuiis. Te.-time'iials and treatNi !.y mail. Pi ice. with Imiuoved S50! mm r iin.;i!.i, 7-1. noi.i fo-ivwnrn-. WLKK-i ,t POl l K!;, Propi ietu. q!:oton Mass, PM W Tm ' F3 tvVIJVIIL. " " rN U7 S r,,,n!!iilcC.L vA 1 ivfr siciMACi. vvsv ADI. ?,; Af AGE?T8! READ THIS ! ! W K ill'pav Agents a sa.; rvof ib.'O prr .Ttont li, , ' .... it ...1. m. . . . . iiOU r fiensl'S o m-u -;ir . 1 1 ' 1 ' l t f i-4'llll iroi-iioi.il.. .10 C11., Maishail. Mich. s. sin.ii.M a I. II PI A NOi.VaillJ'i-Hipw ORG A U ."!: isi-rtl o elilv s 'J... SO- t5SaC.'i "Tl J e: !) 'il.'.l.il S..;iie l e.l.es, nice jfl.leii (,i:!y sj.i. I leiv ;i! 1'p.ilil I iiii.i.s. niee .k.i ielV Nni Mie I .r--. lit I'i:: i ..s s i V2.T Orj-1. US' ':.!-. in ;:.iis t.- s'ljis .-.-..'..'.o. ' : tc - ! Oi-.iii it:!o-s j.n-e ' : i only i ll".. Kie; ;n.l .;r. .tiir ror '" ?f":;i.i-. oily ft'.'.. Itnyers ci.tne a el see lue ;.l l,i Hie if I :.1 lioi :'S ll -. 1 ' l ilted, li. K. Care !...! it Vi :. - ;i I 1.111.1 or Ii k.iii ::icii free I ,ai ;'e I lit . Nei'iter villi leneli illf. ! Ilinl Kill m'.h.iiI c-.ht of I llnM .V Orj-Biii ill fi-o. l'l. use Addli a.s i:iwii-i f. t'i'Mi ty, Washington, N. .1. I.m If II 18! B-.-m-s .s:' I'uitIc I'MlM make New K:eii l:li.l. and ill eoin'l.-lelv chanu'e tln l.lood in the i-iii ire s;,s: i.i In tiiree itnii tlis. Any p.-i-'i.n who v.!l l'l..- I 1 T I e-ieli ni;,-::t from 1 to Ij eei; -. ma V I"- 1 01 . ,1 to so 111 l health, il s:.eh a 1 1 1 1 vT I-'" I'.'-si' !'. s.-othv 111-1I fur letter st;oii.-. I.M Jilll VSO.V '.. Hanu .r, ic. MIKE SCHNELLBACIIER, UL. l CK. HI Til iioitsi? Mo:;i.(f AN 1 V.'ACON lM'.I'AlKINO All lun-ls of KA I! JI I.MI'I.r.MKNT! IU-I1(1'"1 Neatbi Vromptl'l ':0: Horso, 3Iulir& OxSlioc-insTy In slicrt, wo'll .shon iinvtliinc' Hint liai i'tuir li-i-l. f nni :i Znl;iii to ;i (HviiiYu. CollrC iillll SI-! 11!". .XNTZBrVvT SHOP. mi l'i ill St.. l.elv..en Main and N ino Strrel, jest across the loriier froia ll-e MS 1I1.UA1.'" il l il l-.. 10 Jff HENRY BCFCK lU.A I.Ki; IN W 13. aa S s? SAFE1?, CHAIRS, Lounges, Tables, Bedstead KTC, i:ii-., l-.i.-.. Of All D. er ij't ions. METALLIC BUPwIAL CASEJ Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap f.rr oa-.h With many iliank'i 'oi' prist patronage. I invf invite all to call and examine mv LAliliK STdCK !' 40! f. lUltVITI"! K A V l CO l'H H. HEROLD, deah-r iu DRY JOOIS, i;oots. . .si lost:. HATS, CAI'S. gi.ovi:s. GROCERIES, do: JEWELRY and 2T0TI0NS- I have a lar-e Mock of Buck GIg ves, of my o 11 make to be -!oe(l out at cM. Al kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in ei -Iiange fr & O 23i Main Street, Corner of Fifth, I'LATTsMOT'TH, Set GREEK & BLOVERT, jl;o i isvill 1: t i. s ki o i; AND HE PAIRING ROOFING AND SPOUTING. First Class Stock. A i.. .1 ' . 1 1 ... . - ,,i IE- .A.. USTOIEXi, Dn.Li-:i: ix diiy goods. f;i:oci:r.n:s. O I .' K E X S W A UK, t L'TI.H It V. TIN WAKE, LOOTS, KIIOI.H, HATS. CATS, AND NOIIOXS OF ALL KINDS. PKICE LIST. Flints 1C to 20 yards for 81.00, Cofl'ee, j n.s for 1.00. Te.i, 4'Jc to 81.00 per IK l'c-achta,-12 lbs for 81.00. Sugar, 10 to 12 fts for 81.00, Cheese lo to CO cts per fl. I'eius, lT.s for 81.00. Prunes, 8 li.s for 81.00. Beans, 1 to 20 Tus for 8 1.0. Greenwood, Neb. ,,